November 5, 2013

THE INDEPENDENT STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF SYRACUSE , NEW YORK TUESDAY november 5, 2013 FREE HI 55° | LO 43° By Dylan Segelbaum ASST. COPY EDITOR More than a month after police arrested a former student living in Alpha Chi Rho on felony and misdemeanor drug charges, Syracuse University’s director of fraternity and sorority affairs said in an interview the chapter has been exonerated and will not face sanctions. “They genuinely were trying to help someone that they thought needed help,” Eddie Banks-Crosson said. “And it appears to us that young man took advantage of them.” On Sept. 26, Syracuse Police fraternity and sorority affairs Director: AXP ‘exonerated’; chapter will not face sanctions By Maggie Cregan ASST. NEWS EDITOR The School of Education has a new interim dean-designate: Joanna Mas- ingila, a professor in both the School of Education and College of Arts and Sciences and chair of the Teaching and Leadership department. She will assume the position of interim dean-designate on Feb. 1. Interim Chancellor Eric Spina said school of education Spina names professor interim dean-designate KEVIN BOTT By Maddy Berner MANAGING EDITOR Photo by Emma Fierberg STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER K evin Bott lives a double life. In one life, he’s Ebenezer Abernathy — a ficti- tious character Bott uses to provoke political discussion. In the other, he’s a candidate for mayor of Syracuse. And as Bott sees it, Ebenezer has actu- ally helped him develop his candidacy. “If I hadn’t done Ebenezer, I wouldn’t be prepared for this mayor’s thing,” Bott said. “I needed the character because as a person, I didn’t feel confident in articulat- ing a political vision. “It was easy to use Ebenezer as a cloak that would allow me the space in finding my voice.” IAN HUNTER By John Tummino CONTRIBUTING WRITER Photo by Emma Fierberg STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER T hink of him as a Republican. That’s how Syracuse mayoral candidate Ian Hunter is pitching himself to voters. Never mind him being on the ballot as the Conservative Party candidate. Never mind him being thrown off the Republican line by a court order. And never mind the fact the head of the Republican Party in Onondaga County doesn’t take him seriously. “I’m the only Republican on the ballot in this fall’s election,” Hunter said. But Hunter said he’s not necessarily running to promote Republican values. “I want people to STEPHANIE MINER By Marwa Eltagouri STAFF WRITER Photo by Chase Gaewski PHOTO EDITOR W hen freshly elected Mayor Stephanie Miner wanted to change the split between city and county taxes, representatives of anti-urban coalitions told her she wouldn’t get her way. But the opposition was no match for her, said Thomas Buckel, a former Democratic county legisla- tor and long-time friend of Miner who sat in on a meet- ing between the mayor and the coalitions. “Without raising her voice, Miner dominated,” recalled Buckel. “Not only did they say ‘Fine,’ but they adopted her plan.” It was a classic example of Miner’s style and INSIDE NEWS Making the cut The Graduate Student Orga- nization made changes to its budget, result- ing in cuts to the use of the Drumlins facili- ties. Page 3 INSIDE OPINION Miner detail The Daily Orange Editorial Board endorses Stephanie Miner for mayor of Syracuse. Page 5 INSIDE PULP Signs of change A documentary about the decline of hand- painted signs was screened at the Red House Arts Center. Page 11 INSIDE SPORTS Wheels on the bus Freshman Syracuse guard Ron Patterson comes to Cen- tral New York with an unusual nickname. Page 20 SEE AXP PAGE 8 SEE MASINGILA PAGE 8 THREE DIMENSIONAL - Candidates offer 3 distinct options for Syracuse mayoral race Editor’s note: These stories originally appeared on Democracywise, an SU-based website with stories from political reporting students. 2013 MAYORAL ELECTIONS SEE BOTT PAGE 6 SEE HUNTER PAGE 6 SEE MINER PAGE 6


November 5, 2013

Transcript of November 5, 2013

Page 1: November 5, 2013

t h e i n d e p e n d e n t s t u d e n t n e w s p a p e r o f s y r a c u s e , n e w y o r k

tuesdaynovember 5, 2013

free hi 55° | lo 43°

By Dylan SegelbaumAsst. Copy Editor

More than a month after police arrested a former student living in Alpha Chi Rho on felony and misdemeanor drug charges, Syracuse University’s director of fraternity and sorority affairs said in an interview the chapter has been

exonerated and will not face sanctions.“They genuinely were trying to

help someone that they thought needed help,” Eddie Banks-Crosson said. “And it appears to us that young man took advantage of them.”

On Sept. 26, Syracuse Police

f r a t e r n i t y a n d s o r o r i t y a f fa i r s

Director: AXP ‘exonerated’; chapter will not face sanctions

By Maggie Cregan Asst. NEws Editor

The School of Education has a new interim dean-designate: Joanna Mas-ingila, a professor in both the School of Education and College of Arts and

Sciences and chair of the Teaching and Leadership department.

She will assume the position of interim dean-designate on Feb. 1.

Interim Chancellor Eric Spina said

s c h o o l o f e d u c a t i o n

Spina names professor interim dean-designate

KEVIN BOTTBy Maddy Berner

MANAgiNg Editor

Photo by Emma FierbergstAff photogrAphEr

K evin Bott lives a double life.In one life, he’s Ebenezer Abernathy — a ficti-

tious character Bott uses to provoke political discussion. In the other, he’s a candidate for mayor of Syracuse. And as Bott sees it, Ebenezer has actu-ally helped him develop his candidacy.

“If I hadn’t done Ebenezer, I wouldn’t be prepared for this mayor’s thing,” Bott said. “I needed the character because as a person, I didn’t feel confident in articulat-ing a political vision.

“It was easy to use Ebenezer as a cloak that would allow me the space in finding my voice.”

IAN HUNTERBy John Tummino

CoNtributiNg writEr

Photo by Emma FierbergstAff photogrAphEr

T hink of him as a Republican.That’s how Syracuse mayoral candidate Ian

Hunter is pitching himself to voters. Never mind him being on the ballot as the Conservative Party candidate. Never mind him being thrown off the Republican line by a court order. And never mind the fact the head of the Republican Party in Onondaga County doesn’t take him seriously.

“I’m the only Republican on the ballot in this fall’s election,” Hunter said.

But Hunter said he’s not necessarily running to promote Republican values. “I want people to

STEPHANIE mINERBy Marwa Eltagouri

stAff writEr

Photo by Chase Gaewskiphoto Editor

W hen freshly elected Mayor Stephanie Miner wanted to change the split between city and county taxes, representatives of anti-urban

coalitions told her she wouldn’t get her way.But the opposition was no match for her, said

Thomas Buckel, a former Democratic county legisla-tor and long-time friend of Miner who sat in on a meet-ing between the mayor and the coalitions.

“Without raising her voice, Miner dominated,” recalled Buckel. “Not only did they say ‘Fine,’ but they adopted her plan.”

It was a classic example of Miner’s style and


making the cutthe graduate student orga-nization made changes to its budget, result-ing in cuts to the use of the drumlins facili-ties. Page 3


miner detailthe daily orange Editorial board endorses stephanie Miner for mayor of syracuse. Page 5

I N S I D EP u l P

Signs of changeA documentary about the decline of hand-painted signs was screened at the red house Arts Center.Page 11

I N S I D ES P O r t S

Wheels on the busfreshman syracuse guard ron patterson comes to Cen-tral New york with an unusual nickname.Page 20

see axp page 8 see masingila page 8

THREE DIMENSIONAL- Candidates offer 3 distinct options for Syracuse mayoral race

Editor’s note: These stories originally appeared on Democracywise, an SU-based website with stories from political reporting students.


see bott page 6 see hunter page 6 see miner page 6

Page 2: November 5, 2013

n e w s @ d a i l y o r a n g e . c o m2 nov e m be r 5 , 2 0 13

a bit of history from the daily orange archives

On Wednesday night, Syracuse University officials attempted to convey an important message to the campus community: Armed and dangerous don’t always go together.

Nearly 100 members of the SU commu-nity attended a question-and-answer forum at Hendricks Chapel to learn more about the potential public safety officer upgrade to peace officer status.

“I’m impressed that students took their time to come here and ask questions,” said Beth Rougeux, executive director of government and community relations. “I do feel that the majority of students here were supportive.”

Before audience members could ask questions, panel leaders explained the ben-efits of an upgrade to peace officer status and how students would benefit from such a change.

Gov. George E. Pataki signed a bill Oct. 7 enabling Public Safety officers to become peace officers, allowing them extended duties such as carrying a gun. If Chancellor Kenneth A. Shaw and the Board of Trustees approve, this change would not occur until July 2004, after the chosen officers are trained and the procedures established.

Unlike public safety officers, peace offi-cers will be better able to respond to per-

sons under emotional distress who might be a threat to themselves or those around them, said Marlene Hall, director of the Department of Public Safety. They will also be able to better enforce orders of protec-tion against domestic violence offenders so that they do not cause more harm.

“We’re not foolish enough to say that if we had peace officers it would solve every-thing, but it would help,” Hall said. “We care, and that’s why we’re pushing it.”

The public safety cars would be outfitted with lights and sirens so that in times of emergency, other drivers will know to pull over, Hall said. Screens for the backseat would also allow officers to drive offenders to the police station downtown.

Officer Grant Williams of the Department of Public Safety said that most officers within the department worked or currently work part-time as police officers, and they have had experience carrying guns.

“The risk is increased, but you have to look at the trade-off,” Hall, after a question regarding possible drawbacks to the change. “Officers really want to do all they can to help people, but that has been the frustrating part, that they can’t do all they can.”

—Compiled by Dylan Segelbaum, asst. copy editor, [email protected]

NOV. 5, 2003Students discuss possible change to peace officers

And the winner is...The people of Syracuse choose the city’s mayor for the next four years.

8-bit art“The Art of Video Games,” an exhibit at the Everson Museum of Art, features 80 video games, 20 consoles and five play-able games.

Polar oppositesSyracuse reserve B.J. Johnson brings a shooting touch off the bench as a freshman.

The Daily Orange is published weekdays during the Syr-acuse University academic year by The Daily Orange Corp., 744 Ostrom Ave., Syracuse, NY 13210. All con-tents Copyright 2013 by The Daily Orange Corp. and may not be reprinted without the expressed written permission of the editor in chief. The Daily Orange is distributed on and around campus with the first two copies complimentary. Each additional copy costs $1. The Daily Orange is in no way a subsidy or associated with Syracuse University.

All contents © 2013 The Daily Orange Corporation

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Page 3: November 5, 2013

n e w st u e s d aynovember 5, 2013

pa g e 3the daily orange

taylor barker | staff photographer

Pulling the strings(FROM LeFt) eRic and anthOny McGRiFF perform during “All Black Everything,” a cultural exhibition celebrating Black Solidarity Day, which is dedicated to empowering Syracuse University’s black community. The Theta Xi chapter of the Phi Beta Sigma fraternity and the Student African American Society hosted the event in the Schine Student Center on Monday night. Students who attended the event were encouraged to wear black to support all-black solidarity and mark the beginning of Student African American Society week on campus.

g r a d u a t e s t u d e n t o r g a n i z a t i o n

Change in budget affects Drumlins discounts

BE Wise wins $60,000 for campaign

By Anna MerodSTAff WriTEr

Syracuse University’s alcohol poison-ing awareness campaign has won $60,000 after placing first in a nation-al challenge, beating 29 other college programs in the process.

The program, BE Wise, won a competition created by the Sub-stance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAM-HSA), which challenges schools to use technology to prevent high-risk drinking on campuses. SAMHSA is an agency within the U.S. Depart-ment of Health and Human Services.

The University of Central Flori-da and the University of Tennessee placed second and third, respective-ly, said Richard Lucey, special assis-tant to the director of SAMHSA.

He said this was the administra-tion’s first time holding the chal-lenge, which began in May. He said SAMHSA officials wanted entries to model a comprehensive approach for students across campus, some-thing he believes SU’s BE Wise pro-gram accomplished.

Lucey said BE Wise’s website was “interactive, designed not only to

reduce drinking, but the outcomes of it.” He also described the cam-paign overall as engaging, dynamic and interesting.

SAMHSA, Lucey said, recognized that the usual approach of simply telling underage students not to drink is ineffective, and believed BE Wise’s non-judgmental yet informa-tive approach is effective.

BE Wise has successfully engaged students, faculty and staff because the campaign has also worked closely with the Hill Com-munications public relations firm at the S.I. Newhouse School of Pub-lic Communications, said Katelyn Cowen, health and wellness promo-tions specialist at SU.

Cowen said the campaign team is still deciding on what to do with the award, but it is possible that the money could go toward other initiatives that

By Alfred NgASST. NEWS EDiTor

One small miscalculation will cost the Graduate Student Organization more than $85,000 in budget cuts dur-ing the next two years.

After the GSO comptroller in 2011 overestimated the amount of money the organization would

receive, the group has had to cut funding for graduate student ben-efits, including graduate student discounts at the Inn Complete on South Campus and various day-care centers, said Patrick Neary, GSO president.

One of the graduate student recre-ational programs being cut by GSO

is discounted access to the Drumlins Country Club, Neary said. He added that GSO used to pay the country club $40,000 a year to use its golf and tennis facilities, which added up to about 10-12 percent of the organiza-tion’s yearly budget.

But after finding out only about

By Annie PalmerASST. NEWS EDiTor

Electronic DJ and producer Hud-son Mohawke will perform in the Schine Underground on Dec. 4 as a part of the Bandersnatch Music Series. Norwegian producer Cash-mere Cat will open.

Doors will open at 7:30 p.m. and the show is scheduled to begin at 8 p.m.

Mohawke, who hails from Scot-

land, received widespread acclaim after releasing his first full-length album, “Butter,” in 2009.

Mohawke has signed with Kanye West’s label, G.O.O.D.

Music, and produced “Con-nect,” a single off of Drake’s 2013 album “Nothing Was the Same.” Mohawke and Canadian DJ Lunice also make up the electronic group TNGHT, which is known for its song “Higher Ground.”

Cashmere Cat, known for his edits of singer Jeremih and rapper 2 Chainz, will open the show. The DJ released his first EP, “Mirror

Maru,” in 2012, which featured a mix of colorful pop, electronic and R&B sounds.

Tickets go on sale at the Schine Box Office on Tuesday at 10 a.m. All Syracuse University and State University of New York College of Environmental Science and For-estry students and faculty can pur-chase tickets there for $5.

[email protected]

“I am really proud of the fact that high-risk drinking has come into the forefront of campus conversation.”

Rebecca Dayton ASSoCiATE viCE PrESiDENT of ThE hEAlTh AND WEllNESS PorTfolio

u n i v e r s i t y u n i o n

Hudson Mohawke to play at Bandersnatch show

What is gso?The Graduate Student organiza-tion is made up of representatives from academic plans and gradu-ate students in the University Senate. it offers programming such as travel and research grant funding and subsidizes student legal services.see GSO page 8

see be wiSe page 8

hudson Mohawke Where: Schine UndergroundWhen: Dec. 4, 8 p.m.How much: $5 for all SU/SUNY-ESf students and faculty

Page 4: November 5, 2013


4 nov e m be r 5 , 2 0 13 o p i n i o n @ d a i l y o r a n g e . c o m

N on-defense research and develop-ment spending has become a classic case of rhetoric versus reality in

Washington, D.C. Politicians pay lip service to the importance of investments in research and development all the time. Yet when push comes to shove, they’ve largely abandoned such investments, replacing them with unsustain-able entitlement programs.

Back in 1967, only 25.9 percent of the federal budget was allocated to mandatory entitlement spending programs such as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, according to the White House Office of Management and Budget. The budget office now estimates that 56.5 percent of the federal budget will go toward mandatory entitlement spending in 2013.

This leaves a far smaller slice of the budgetary pie for discretionary spending. Non-defense research and development spending has been reduced from 3.5 percent in 1970 to 1.6 percent of the budget today, according to Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas), chairman of the House Science, Space and Technology Committee.

Getting our debt crisis in order and increas-ing research and development spending are not

mutually exclusive goals. Research and devel-opment spending currently makes up such a small portion of the overall federal budget that cutting it as a means toward deficit reduction is misguided.

To put it simply, it’s not the reason the United States has reached $17 trillion in debt.

Cutting back on entitlements, however, is an absolutely critical measure for the United States to take to get the debt under control.

Unless fundamental changes are made, entitlement spending will continue to grow at an alarming rate in the coming years due to the rising cost of health care and the aging population. Not only is this irreversible fact problematic for debt reduction, but it’s also likely to further squeeze our research and

development spending. The United States has long maintained a sta-

tus as a world leader in science and innovation. This is partly thanks to government invest-ment, which can lead to economic growth benefitting the lives of all Americans.

Aside from information technology and robotics, the U.S. economy has been relatively less innovative since the latter half of the 20th century than it was in the first half.

Federal research and development invest-ments in renewable energy since the oil supply crisis of the 1970s can be described as nothing more than an abject failure. Climate change is a market externality that the government needs to play an active role in fixing.

During the Nixon administration, the Can-cer Act of 1971 was signed, starting the govern-ment’s war on cancer. President Richard Nixon envisioned a cure being discovered by 1974 at the latest.

To say the Nixon administration failed in this endeavor would be unfair — we are still in search of a cure 42 years later. Yet despite increases in technology, the Obama adminis-tration has either lacked the confidence or the

ambition to declare a war on any single crip-pling disease.

This is not President Barack Obama’s fault in particular, but it reflects the general crisis of confidence that has largely gripped American society dating back to when we first landed on the moon. Since then, there have been increas-ing levels of uncertainty regarding whether we still are the premier innovators of the world.

We don’t seem to set our sights as high as a result.

If nothing else, the United States must begin investing more federal dollars into green energy sources. This will help more envi-ronmentally conscience corporations reach economies of scale, and eventually compete in the free market without government subsidies.

The United States has a serious debt prob-lem, but the entire world faces energy issues related to climate change. If we want to get seri-ous about the debt in a moral way, entitlements – not research and development spending on green energy – need to be slashed.

Ethan Demers is a senior political science and history major. His column appears weekly.

He can be reached at [email protected].

c o n s e r va t i v e

Government should cut entitlements, refocus investments on research effortsE T H A N D E M E R S

monkey see, monkey do

Impact Week accomplishes goals, strengthens student connection to cityImpact Week was a success and remains the only campus-wide initiative coordinating student volunteerism with the local community.

The arguments raised by The Daily Orange in yesterday’s editorial were unfounded, as the Student Association’s scheduling of Impact Week in late October was strategic.

The sites where students volunteered, such as the Samaritan Center and the Rescue Mission, were highly appreciative that Impact Week was held during the last week in October because many people in the community who make use of these nonprofit organizations rely on government assistance and they run out of that assistance at the end of the month. Nonprofit organizations traditionally garner fewer vol-

unteers at this time of year, as most people wait until Thanksgiving or Christmas to volunteer. Thus, the timing of Impact Week at the end of the month, at a time when those aforementioned nonprofits and those that they serve most need assistance, was coordinated so that Syracuse University students could maximize the contri-bution being made to the greater community.

Suggesting that Impact Week be held at the beginning of the semester demonstrates The Daily Orange’s lack of understanding of Impact Week’s primary goal: to strengthen the ties between SU students and the greater community

through volunteer work. Several events are planned at the beginning of the semester in attempt to expose students to the greater com-munity, and it would belittle the cause of Impact Week to hold a series of events simultaneously to those social events.

Impact Week’s primary purpose is not to provide “fun events” for student enjoyment, but rather it exists to benefit the local community and prompt students to realize the importance of giving back.

The Daily Orange should concern itself less with student entertainment and “fun” and focus more on the context in which we live, learn and study during our time as SU students.

While the Student Association is looking to

promote volunteerism and student engagement with the greater community, it seems as though the Daily Orange is looking to deter it.

The Daily Orange’s claim that the Student Association did little to promote Impact Week was blatantly false. Student Association Presi-dent Alexandra Curtis spoke about it during her campus address every week on Citrus TV’s “SA Today”.

The Impact Week Gala exists as a testament to the Student Association’s success in promoting the event and garnering student volunteerism, as well as parental attendance.




R ecent student protests at Brown Univer-sity have proven that millennials are anything but “slacktivists.”

New York City Police Commissioner Ray-mond Kelly was scheduled to speak at Brown in Providence, R.I., on Oct. 29. University officials expected some protest from students, as Kelly is one of the figures standing behind New York City’s highly controversial stop-and-frisk policies, which disproportionately and routinely target minorities.

Kelly was going to deliver a speech titled “Proactive Policing in America’s Biggest City,” followed by a Q-and-A portion. However, Kelly was not able to proceed: University officials canceled the appearance after student protests prevented him from continuing.

A part of me wonders how the conversation would have gone if Kelly had been able to continue. Then again, I already know what the exchange would have been like: Kelly would have taken the stage and answered a few ques-tions about the stop-and-frisk policies in the city. A few people would supportively cheer and snap for the students opposing the policies.

Then Kelly would leave.And everything would stay the same.I understand, appreciate and cherish the

value of free speech in our nation. It’s essential to our society.

But imagine if the students at Brown had done nothing and allowed last Tuesday’s events to occur as planned – notions about members of Generation Y being lazy, self-centered and without passion or commitment would have only been reinforced.

The stand made by Brown students rejects misconceptions that millennials are a bunch of “slacktivists,” or a group of passive, feel-good protestors.

Justice Gaines, a sophomore at Brown, was

a part of the group at the lecture Tuesday that took a stand. He said that when students were first made aware of the decision to host Kelly at the university, there was a great deal of out-rage, which led to the student protests.

Gaines explained that Brown students and members of the Providence community were very clear on the goals of their protest and that their actions were necessary. He added that 500 students signed a petition to keep Kelly away.

“It’s not that we didn’t want to debate him,” Gaines said when he described the cancella-tion of the lecture. “This was a protest against systematic racism. It’s not about free speech. It’s about fighting very dangerous policies. It’s about allowing the voices who are often silenced to be heard.”

The protest was more than just a moment for Brown students. Gaines declared that Tues-day’s events were also about joining in solidar-ity with the Providence community since the event was also open to the public. Gaines said students “wanted to stand with them.”

Similar to the culture and scenario in other college towns – including here in Syracuse at

one point, and arguably still – a wedge has been driven between students and residents.

With last Tuesday’s protest, the gap in Providence was finally bridged.

As students of Syracuse University, we have to begin questioning what effects we can make on our campus. Whether it’s ensuring student voices are heard amid the chancellor’s transition, being intertwined with the city of Syracuse or creating equality on campus for all students, there is always something to lobby for.

On the SU campus, and within all of Genera-tion Y, there is no room for “slacktivists.”

When it comes to the message the protest at Brown sent to other students, Gaines said he believes more college students should take action on their own campuses and “get out and do something.”

“We’re known as the generation that’s online and does nothing,” he said. “Take back your university.”

Nina Rodgers is a sophomore sociol-ogy major. Her column appears weekly. She

can be reached at [email protected].

g e n e r a t i o n y

Brown University student protests prove millennial ‘slacktivist’ label incorrectN I N A R O D G E R S

a chain reaction

Page 5: November 5, 2013


T U E S D AYnovember 5, 2013

PA G E 5the daily orange

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The Daily Orange Editorial Board endorses Democrat Stephanie Miner for mayor of Syracuse.

Miner was elected to become the first female mayor of Syra-cuse in 2009. Since then, she has proven herself the proper leader for this city and the university within in it.

Students should support Miner in today’s election because of her involvement with Syracuse University.

Miner has helped further initiatives closely tied to SU, including Say Yes to Education and the Connective Corridor. To accomplish these efforts, Miner worked closely with Chancellor Nancy Cantor.

If re-elected, the plans she could fulfill with Chancellor-des-ignate Kent Syverud to improve the university and its connection to the city are promising.

Miner has also played a major role in bettering the city. She has produced tangible improve-ments, rather than merely a presentation of ideas to pursue.

Under Miner, the city has witnessed an expansion of community-friendly areas, including parks, restaurants and business chains.

This has only enhanced the city’s image and brought its resi-dents closer together.

Syracuse is in the thick of a fiscal crisis, and Miner is the best candidate to combat the problems that accompany it.

Conservative candidate Ian Hunter and Green Party can-didate Kevin Bott do not have as much political experience

or support within the city com-pared to Miner.

Unlike Miner, both candidates struggled to raise campaign money. Between Jan.1-Oct. 21, Bott raised $2,691, according to the New York State Board of Elections campaign finance reports.

Hunter had not yet filed any campaign finance reports as of Oct. 31. Between Jan. 1-Oct. 25, Miner raised $472,328 in her re-election bid, according to campaign finance reports.

Based on the above numbers and familiarity among her con-stituents, Miner is the favorite for this election, and reasonably so.

Out of the three candidates, she is a suitable representative for the future of the university and city.

Voters should keep this in mind when they cast their ballots.

Miner should be re-elected as Syracuse mayorE D I T O R I A L

by the daily orange editorial board


I n the popular television comedy show “The Big Bang Theory,” a language barrier exists between

the blonde aspiring actress and her nerdy neighbors, creating a multi-tude of laughs that speak volumes to a common crisis.

There is a reason for this show’s popularity – it pretty accurately displays the scientists-versus-average Joes world we live in. The show says science is for nerds and that its knowl-edge is unattainable. This conundrum is far too common in our society.

While positions are starting to be filled by professionals who bridge the gap in relaying informa-tion to the public, scientists need to distribute their findings with a more digestible and approachable communication method.

This is even more important in the environmental field, where active public input and compliance is necessary for a holistic approach to the issues.

However, because environmental science and forestry is so diverse,

jargon is often specific to only one part of the field.

One would only need to walk across campus to the State University of New York College of Environmen-tal Science and Forestry to discover the broad range of departments, majors and minors at the tiny college that often times seem more different than similar.

And there are many more niches and positions within the field than there are majors.

There are specializations in man-agement of resources, their usage and waste disposal, as well as manage-ment of ecosystems and systems that are defined by their complexity. Some people are specialists on specific kinds of issues, animals or diseases. Others work to create policies to man-age our world.

Even politicians have their own jargon, specific wording or terms among colleagues.

While communication within scientific fields can be very specific, those who communicate to the out-

side world need to develop serious interpretational skills.

To actively communicate to the public, there are two points that will guide scientists to share his or her information through digest-ible packets.

It’s important to use as little jar-gon as possible. Rattling off of terms that go over people’s heads causes them to become confused, or worse, lose interest.

This goes for acronyms, as well. Letters may not hold meaning for all people. Even if your work is made pos-sible by a new law, people might not know the abbreviation for it. It might just seem like common sense to you because of your level of familiarity in

the field. Sometimes jargon and acronyms

can help your communication efforts. If speaking to members of a group, try to use their terminology and skill sets to deliver information and receive input. It will make your job a whole lot easier.

The second point might be even more vital to remember, though many scoff it off. Whether it is a result of inferiority complexes after continu-ally being picked last in sixth-grade gym class, it is pervasive, even in com-edies such as “The Big Bang Theory.”

Just because you’re good at science and have a degree does not mean that other people are stupid.

It is important to remember this because others do not have the same knowledge as you do, but have their own skill sets. Generalizing the pub-lic as stupid or ignorant only hampers scientists’ communication efforts.

Meg Callaghan is a senior environ-mental studies major at SUNY-ESF.

Her column appears weekly. She can be reached at [email protected].

e n v i r o n m e n t

Jargon limits public understanding of environmental issuesM E G C A L L A G H A N

21st-century tree hugger

Omega Psi Phi endorses Ford, Boles

It is our pleasure to inform you that the Kappa Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. will be fully endorsing Duane Ford and Nia Boles’ campaign for the office of Student Association president and vice president. After carefully reviewing Mr. Ford’s platform, we feel that his vision and what he plans to do is a necessity for the future of the Student Association’s success. His strategic plan has convinced our organization to put our trust in him.

We wish them the very best of luck on their campaign.Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc.



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successes, say Buckel and others who know her well.

For the Tuesday election, Miner is seeking her second term as mayor. She faces Green Party candidate Kevin Bott and Ian Hunter, a Republican businessman running on the Con-servative Party line.

Miner has has high name recognition as the incumbent. Voter enrollment heavily favors her. Of the city’s 71,014 voters, 38, 813 registered voters — 54 percent — are Democrats. Fif-teen percent, or 11,256 voters, are Republicans; Twenty-two percent, or 16,278, are unaffiliated with a political party.

She has a reputation as a formidable fighter for her goals. She has built coalitions across party lines and challenged her own party’s leaders. For example, she’s developed a close relationship with County Executive Joanie Mahoney, a Republican, but regularly clashes with other Democrats on the Common Council. Earlier this year, she publicly criticized her party’s statewide leader, Gov. Andrew Cuomo, for what she called too little help from the state

to struggling cities and towns.Miner was unavailable for interviews for

this story, said her campaign manager, Kyle Madden. Madden characterizes her as tough and effective. “She’s a fighter for the city. She asks the tough questions dealing with the prob-lems Syracuse faces,” he said. “The voters rec-ognize that. She’s looking forward to another four years and to making the tough decisions.”

In her first term, Miner gained praise for promoting Say Yes to Education, a nonprofit organization that provides free college tuition to any Syracuse City School District graduate at a participating school.

As she seeks re-election, Miner is calling for the expansion of Say Yes further and bring-ing more universities into the program. Her other goals, according to her campaign web-site, include: the renovation of city schools; the revitalization of downtown neighborhoods such as along the Syracuse Inner Harbor and adding more surveillance cameras to combat crime.

She graduated from Syracuse Universi-ty with degrees in newspaper journalism and political science. In 1994, she earned her law degree from the University of Buffalo, and in the early 1990s, began working for then-Gov. Mario Cuomo. In 1999, she joined labor law firm

Blitman and King.“She fights for the city,” said Richard

Ravitch, a former lieutenant governor and men-tor of Miner. “She expressed her unhappiness for the governor not sitting down. She was look-ing for a dialogue.”

In her re-election bid, Miner highlights these issues:Education

Miner hopes to expand the Say Yes to Educa-tion program. She wants to ensure free tuition and increase the services available to students, such as counseling and tutoring, said Madden, her campaign manager.

Miner also wants to begin the second phase of the Joint Schools Construction Board project to renovate the city’s schools. During Miner’s first term, the project reno-vated four city schools. The project’s second phase, which awaits the governor’s signature,

would renovate several additional schools. Economic development

During her first term, Miner streamlined the business development process at City Hall, Madden said. Previously, new businesses had to jump from one office or department to another. Too many eventually become bogged down by the complicated process, he said.

Miner also targeted the redevelopment of downtown neighborhoods such as the Inner Harbor, Madden said. Another goal is the refur-bishing of The Hotel Syracuse into a usable property. Miner is now looking for a developer who can give the hotel a modern twist, he said. Crime and violence

Miner supported the installation of crime cameras in some city neighborhoods. Those have helped reduce crime by 25 percent, Mad-den said.

In late September, she worked with Assem-blyman William Magnarelli (D-Syracuse) to secure $100,000 from the state to install seven more cameras in the Butternut Street corri-dor. The cameras were criticized as intrusive at first, Madden said, but their success as deter-rents has inspired Miner to continue expanding the surveillance cameras.

[email protected]

understand that Conservative thought turned into good public policy will enrich their lives,” he said.

Hunter faces incumbent Democratic Mayor Stephanie Miner and Green Party nominee Kevin Bott in the Tuesday election. The win-ner will serve for a four-year term and be paid a salary of $115,000.

County Grand Old Party chair Tom Dadey announced in September that the Republican Party would forego running a candidate. He dismissed Hunter as the party’s nominee.

“I never considered Ian Hunter a serious candidate,” Dadey said in September. “And I think as things progress in the coming weeks, I think you’ll understand why that is.”

Grant Reeher, a political scientist and direc-tor of the Campbell Public Affairs Institute at Syracuse University, said Hunter faces an uphill battle. “I do not think there is much enthusiasm around the Republican Party for his candidacy,” Reeher said. “I don’t think he’s got a very good chance of being successful.”

Hunter said he hopes to tap into the Repub-lican voter pool, but the numbers are still against him. Of the 71,014 registered voters in the city of Syracuse, registered Democrats outnumber registered Republicans by a total of 38,813 to 11,256. A mere 665 are registered with the Conservative Party.

In his campaign, Hunter points to his lifelong Syracuse residency, local political involvement and promises to tackle key issues as qualifications for his candidacy. Those who know him well — family members and politi-cal colleagues — describe him as energetic, dedicated to conservative principles and deep-ly rooted in Syracuse politics.

Conservative Party member Paul Bertan has known Hunter since 1964. “Ian Hunter is extremely capable,” Bertan said. “People don’t seem to realize this. He’s a very conservative, money-saving alternative to the current Demo-cratic administration.”

Hunter, 71, grew up on Westcott Street and has lived in the same Candee Avenue resi-dence for the past 44 years. There, Hunter and his wife of 30 years raised eight children.

Hunter joined the local Conservative Party in 1966. He remained with the Conservative Party until 1979, he said, when he joined the Republican Party to help support Ronald Rea-

gan’s candidacy for the Oval Office.“I haven’t changed my conservative views

at all,” he said. He describes that ideology as supporting a free market system, the right to life and the right to bear arms.

If elected, he said, three of his major initia-tives would be to privatize the pickup of gar-bage and yard waste, persuade Time Warner Inc. to offer a-la-carte cable television and fix up or knock down vacant buildings.

On privatizing waste removal, Hunter said he aims to shoot down the flow control laws in Syracuse. Now, the city’s waste is processed through the Onondaga County Resource Recov-ery Agency (OCCRA). But Hunter said his cal-culations show Syracuse would save $18,000 per day if private company Seneca Meadows in Waterloo, N.Y., were to handle the city’s waste.

Time Warner is another service provider Hunter seeks to change. Hunter argues that Time Warner charges its viewers for channels they don’t watch or agree with. He’ll fight to con-vince the Common Council not to renew Time Warner’s contract next year, he said, unless the company provides a-la-carte cable TV.

“It’s a matter of choice,” Hunter said. “When people have dollars to spend, shouldn’t they spend it on the things they want?”

Hunter expressed concern about vacant homes in the city. “You can’t have a build-ing that doesn’t pay for itself,” Hunter said. “And every time the city builds subsidized or public housing, you end up with another vacant building.”

Hunter pledged to pursue a moratorium on public and subsidized housing. He will demol-ish vacant homes that are beyond repair and pose a danger to the community, he said.

For now, Hunter said, he has a victory in simply being on the ballot.

“Someone has to speak out for Conserva-tive-Republican positions,” he said. “I con-sider it a duty to carry on this message when no one else is willing to stand up and do so. Conservative-Republican voters in this city deserve a voice, and I am here to be that voice.”

[email protected]

In Tuesday’s election, Bott is running on the Green Party ticket to become mayor of Syr-acuse. He faces incumbent Mayor Stephanie Miner, a Democrat, and Conservative Party candidate Ian Hunter.

Bott faced an uphill battle in this race. Green Party voters are a distinct minority in the city of Syracuse. Of 71,014 registered voters in the city, the Green Party has 381 supporters or 0.53 percent. By comparison, the Demo-cratic Party has 38,813 registered voters — or 55 percent — and the Conservative Party has 665 — or 0.9 percent.

In his campaign for mayor, Bott’s platform includes five issues: creating collaborative leadership, decreasing poverty, improving education, making the justice system equi-table and providing birth options for women.

The Syracuse mayor’s race is Bott’s first run for elected office. He casts this as a strength, though, saying it has allowed him to observe and understand the issues plaguing Syracuse from an outside perspective. This, he said, allows him

to bring a new type of leadership to the city. His life’s work has been creating a vision, he said, and then bringing people together to help define and achieve that vision.

“We’re trying to imagine a future for Syra-cuse that is kind of unimaginable,” he said. “Here we are in 2013 and we have no vision of how to move beyond that idea of the past, of what Syracuse is and what it could be. I’m someone who knows how to bring people together. I know how to work across all sorts of difference.”

Bott also uses what he describes as passion for democracy within higher education. He is the associate director of Imagining America, a collection of colleges and universities that cre-ate programs to engage artists and students to take action within their communities. Imagin-ing America is based at Syracuse University.

In addition, Bott and his alter ego, Ebene-

zer Abernathy, lead the D.R.E.A.M. Freedom Revival, a theater company Bott created in 2011. The performance group writes and per-forms songs and shows that highlight issues such as education. After the show, audience members stay and discuss the performance.

Bott was born in New Jersey and grew up around musical theater. But, he said, he always had an interest in politics and democ-racy. At about the age of 31, Bott went back to school to combine these passions. He got his master’s degree in educational theater from New York University.

Michael Messina-Yauchzy is a chorus mem-ber in Bott’s political theater group. As a Green Party member himself, Messina-Yauchzy said, he was approached about Bott becoming a candidate. He easily endorsed him.

“He’s an intelligent man with the right pri-orities,” he said. “What has really impressed me was the way he responds to people,” Messina-Yauchzy said. “He’s willing to let go of his own view and listen to other people and make changes.”

Bott’s wife, Aimee Brill, is a childbirth educator and fellow activist. She has helped him unearth statistics showing that infant mortality in Onondaga County is higher than almost any other county in the state, Bott said. Providing birth options for women has become of his political platform.

Brill describes Bott as “someone who truly cares about people.” He is, she said, “very generous when it comes to working with people, respecting the different ideas that people have.”

For example, she said, this past summer, Bott hosted a two-week theater workshop at Wagner College that involved primarily black and Latino communities. He helped the two racial groups create a theater piece that generated dialogue between the members about race relations.

“It was amazing to see the end result,” Brill said. “It was beautiful, it was bilingual, it was translated and it was a celebration, really, of their own community.”

When the Green Party asked him to run for mayor, Bott said, it created a great oppor-tunity for his family and dual passion for theater and politics.

Said Bott: “This is our responsibility as human beings to use the platforms that are given to us to speak about the issues that matter.”

[email protected]


minerf r o m p a g e 1

hunterf r o m p a g e 1

bottf r o m p a g e 1

Bott’s platform: • Creating collaborative leadership • Decreasing poverty • Improving education • Making the justice system equitable • Providing birth options for women

miner’s platform: • Bringing more universities into the Say Yes to Education program • Renovating city schools • Revitalizing downtown neighborhoods • Adding more surveillance cameras to combat crime in the city

hunter’s platform: • Privatizing the pickup of garbage and yard waste • Persuading Time Warner to offer a-la- carte cable TV • Fixing up or knocking down vacant buildings

Page 7: November 5, 2013

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STUDENT ASSOCIATIONevery tuesday in news

By Brett SamuelsStaff Writer

Syracuse University students will now have the opportunity to decide whether the increase in the student activity fee should be frozen.

At the Student Association’s Monday night meeting, the student assembly passed a bill allowing students to vote for the referendum during SA elections from Nov. 11-14.

The current student activity fee is $203, and increases each year by either 4 percent or an amount proportional to the rise in tuition — whichever is lower. President Allie Curtis and Comptroller Stephen DeSalvo co-authored this bill.

DeSalvo said money has carried over throughout the last three years to the point where it wasn’t necessary to continue increas-ing the fee. He said the money SA has been spending came from the most recent funds paid by current students, not money that had been accumulated from previous years.

If the referendum is voted on by students, the budget office and SA would look at the bal-ance again near the end of the 2015-16 school year to determine if the fee should remain frozen or not.

DeSalvo said if students approve the pro-posal, each individual won’t save a large amount of money, but the total savings overall would be much larger.

“The main idea was that it’s not necessar-ily a huge savings, but anything is better than what we currently have,” he said.

In total, DeSalvo said the fee savings would amount to almost $100,000.

DeSalvo also introduced a bill to the assembly to reform the way groups give out complimentary tickets for events that use SA

money or the student activity fee for funding.Currently, there is no limit on the number

of complimentary tickets an organization can give away to a specific group of people for an event. The bill would only allow organiza-tions to give out five complimentary tickets, or up to 2 percent of the venue capacity, whichever is greater, to one particular group.

The bill will be formally presented to the assembly during next week’s meeting.

The assembly also elected Ben Jones and Phil Porter to be representatives in the Uni-versity Senate.

Jones, the current parliamentarian for SA, said having student voices in the Senate is important.

Dan Hernandez, chair of the Board of Elec-tions and Membership, said Jones brought a lot to the table.

“Ben has experience, is committed and I know he can do great work,” Hernandez said.

Porter, a freshman political science major, said he felt it was his obligation to be a voice on the Senate so he could represent his constituents.

Hernandez said Porter has done well in his time in SA to represent the student body.

The assembly also elected Amanda DeNar-do, a junior international relations major, to the Board of Elections and Membership.

DeNardo said she wanted to work toward getting full representation on the SA assem-bly from each of the different colleges, as well as the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry.

“We need voices from everyone and need voices from every different type of student,” she said.

[email protected]

euclid trash updateat the Student association’s cabinet meeting on friday, two people involved with the euclid trash initiative spoke about the progress they’ve made with the project.

Kate Hammer, community relations associate at SU’s Office of Government and Com-munity relations, and local artist Brendan rose talked about the process of making the trash cans for the initiative, as well as rose’s role in the project.

the euclid trash initiative is an ongoing project that attempts to get trash cans on euclid avenue and in the surrounding neighborhood. it involves students in the College of Visu-al and Performing arts designing prototypes for the trash cans. rose would then work with those students to design the outside of the trash cans, giving the project a public art aspect.

Hammer said rose was researching material to find out which student mock-up designs can actually be made into trash cans for the initiative.

rose said the final products should be able to last 15-20 years on the street once they are implemented. He said he’s also been working with Hammer on locations to place the first trash cans.

all final trash cans are expected to be implemented by the start of the fall 2014 semes-ter, Hammer said.

assembly passes bill for students to vote on fee freeze

connor martin | contributing photographer(left) stephen desalvo, Sa comptroller, explains the bill he and President allie Curtis co-authored to the assembly. (right) Sa members vote on the bill for the stu-dent activity bill, which will have the students vote during the Sa elections from Nov. 11-14 on whether to freeze the student activity fee. the bill passed 22-5.

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address abuse of other substances. “The award allows us to have more resourc-

es, but it also allows us to get recognized nationally,” said Rebecca Dayton, associate vice president for the health and wellness portfolio of the Division of Student Affairs.

Dayton said that on top of the $60,000 award, SAMHSA will pay for representatives of BE Wise to present the campaign’s model at the national 2014 NASPA Mental Health Conference in San Diego from Jan. 16-18.

Dayton said the award will not only ben-efit continuing research into the BE Wise campaign, but will also help make this tool accessible to other campuses by sharing their

model at the conference. “I am really proud of the fact that high-

risk drinking has come into the forefront of campus conversation,” Dayton said about the campaign’s recognition.

Dayton also attributed the success of BE Wise to the students on campus who were involved with the conception and creation of a comprehensive, understanding and acces-sible message for other students.

For the future, Dayton said, she would like to expand BE Wise’s focus on abuse of other substances, in addition to alcohol.

Cowen, the health and wellness promo-tions specialist, said she would like to see the program use some of the award money to gauge how effective the campaign has been.

Said Cowen: “We want to do a solid evalua-tion of the campaign and make sure we have been enhancing the campus in a better way.”

[email protected]

20-25 students were actually using the tennis courts at the country club, Neary and the GSO Finance Committee determined they were spending $800-$1,000 per student to use the country club’s tennis facilities with a subsidized day pass — a cost he said was more expensive than buying an actual mem-bership. After getting together a committee and putting the decision to a senate vote, GSO decided to cut funding for the Drumlins Country Club.

“We discovered it was not fiscally responsi-ble to continue supporting Drumlins in order to maintain that kind of staffing,” Neary said. “The costs did not match the benefits.”

Ajay Pawar, a graduate student who’s

played tennis at Syracuse University for the last couple of years, said the situation is “very unfair” and unfortunate for tennis enthusiasts.

“We have indoor facilities for all the other sports, but we don’t have one for tennis,” said Pawar, who is studying public administra-tion. “The GSO should’ve considered that.”

Neary said GSO attempted to negotiate with the Drumlins Country Club manage-ment to lower the costs, but could not reach an agreement. But Douglas Freeman, managing director of the Drumlins Country Club, said he was notified of GSO’s budget cuts without a request for renegotiation. He said graduate students were a steady percentage of the population at the country club, and hopes a deal can be reached in the future.

To replace the loss of the Drumlins golf course, GSO has made a deal for subsidized

$10 passes to New York state parks for gradu-ate students, which he said was met with positive responses: more than 300 have been given out so far.

Neary said while the number of graduate students who played golf was high, there was a low turnout of tennis players — which has made it difficult to find a replacement venue for tennis facilities.

He said GSO reached out to almost all of the indoor tennis facilities around Syra-cuse, but said he does not see a solution in the near future.

“I’m very sorry we have not been able to find a replacement for the tennis facility at Drumlins,” Neary said. “Because of the usage numbers from Drumlins, we don’t really rep-resent much business.”

[email protected]


be wisef r o m p a g e 3

axpf r o m p a g e 1

gsof r o m p a g e 3

the selection process began last spring after Dean Douglas Biklen announced he would retire on Jan. 31. Staff and faculty in the School of Education nominated faculty mem-bers, Spina said, but he took charge of the selection without a formal search committee because the search was for an interim – rather than permanent – dean.

“There were some very, very good candi-dates. These things are always close,” Spina said. But, he said, Masingila “gave us the best opportunity to move the school forward during a time of transition” due to her good relationships with the faculty and staff across the institution.

Biklen, who was not involved in the search process, said he was “thrilled” to hear Masin-gila had been selected as interim dean-desig-nate, adding that her appointment reflects the input Spina gathered from faculty members in the School of Education.

“She has a great reputation as a teacher, as an educator. She’s had federally funded research projects, so she’s done that. She’s a terrific manager, she chairs our largest academic department in the school which is teaching and leadership,” he said.

He added that her work researching and training teachers for work in urban schools will help her with one of her jobs as interim dean-designate: addressing the university’s participa-tion in the Say Yes to Education program.

Masingila is a professor of mathematics education and mathematics with an interest in teacher development.

She said she found out she had been select-ed as interim dean-designate two weeks ago,

after having been one of three finalists for the position.

“I’m excited. I was pleased to be asked. I’m honored to be asked to serve the school,” she said.

She said beginning on Tuesday, she will meet with Biklen to transition into her role as interim dean-designate, in addition to meet-ing with Biklen and others about the school’s budget, involvement with the Say Yes and other issues.

Biklen said the transition process will involve introducing Masingila to the dean’s roles in developing new programs, manage-ment and fundraising, as well as familiar-izing her with the details of office operations.

Masingila first began working with Biklen in 1992, when she arrived at Syracuse Univer-sity as an assistant professor and Biklen was a professor. Since he became dean in 2005, Masingila has worked closely with him in her role as coordinator for the teacher educa-tion accreditation program at SU, she said. Masingila said she hopes to continue Biklen’s legacies of work with urban and inclusive education and faculty diversity.

When Chancellor-designate Kent Syverud becomes chancellor of SU in January, Spina will work with him and a search committee to find a permanent dean. Spina said it’s “way too early” to know whether Masingila will be a likely candidate for that position.

Masingila said she has the option to apply, but she doesn’t know yet if she will. First, she said, she’d like to see what the job entails and whether she feels she is a good fit for the position.

Spina said the School of Education has “made a lot of progress over the last decade in terms of the quality of the faculty and the quality of the programs” and that he’d like to see the school continue to progress in those areas. In what he called a time of upheaval in education — with issues like teacher require-ments and accountability gaining national attention — he said the School of Education needs to ensure it is working to solve some of the issues facing educators.

“It’s an opportunity for educators under some stress,” he said, “and the School of Edu-cation, I think, needs to continue to be aware of those stresses and strengths and ensure that we are providing high-quality academic programs and high-impact research.”

Masingila already has some ideas of how she’d like to help the School of Education move forward. She said she’d like to create a more coherent framework for deciding what technology will be most useful for students and faculty, and for buying and replacing that equipment. She said she’s also interested in the possibility of having an online master’s degree or certificate of advanced study pro-gram and more online classes, in addition to continuing Biklen’s work with urban and inclusive education.

“I thank Doug Biklen for his service, his excellent service,” Masingila said. “I’m look-ing forward to working with my outstanding colleagues in the School of Education as we move forward in serving the education com-munity in our scholarship and teaching.”

[email protected]

masingilaf r o m p a g e 1

“She has a great reputation as a teacher, as an educator.”

Douglas Biklendean of school of education

Department detectives executed a search warrant at AXP as the result of a “narcotics investigation.” Police said they found and seized 15.6 grams of marijuana, 4.23 ounces of cocaine and $5,560 in Patrick Jackson’s room at the fraternity. They then arrested and charged Jackson, 23, with two felonies, three misdemeanors and a violation.

The felony complaint against Jackson alleges that the two digital scales; clear zip-close bags and three cellphones recovered “clearly indicate the defendant was involved in the distribution of illegal narcotics in and around the Syracuse University campus.” The amount of cocaine recovered equals more than 1,000 individual doses, according to the complaint.

At Jackson’s arraignment the next day, he pled not guilty.

Banks-Crosson said that the current broth-ers of the fraternity felt indebted to their older members, who were friends with Jackson.

Whenever there’s an allegation of conduct violations, he said, the chapter is referred to the Office of Student Rights and Responsibili-ties. The decision was made about a week after the arrest, he said.

“The facts were laid out on the table and they were found not responsible,” Banks-Crosson said.

[email protected]


Items seized by police from the Alpha Chi Rho house:

• 4.23 ounces of cocaine • 15.6 grams of marijuana • $5,560 in cash

Page 9: November 5, 2013

t u e s d aynovember 5, 2013

pa g e 9the daily orange

the sweet stuff in the middle


By Joe InfantinoAsst. FeAture editor

W hether it was painted yester-day or been left lingering on a brick wall, slightly faded from

60 years of exposure, a hand-painted sign tends to last and brings a sense of endurance to local communities.

“The most important thing is an idea of permanence,” said Faythe Levine, director of the documentary, “Sign Painters.” “There is an invest-ment that people are going to be there and that we’re not all just opening businesses that are going to disappear in two years. People are investing time and energy into their local space.”

Levine, born in Seattle and now living in Minneapolis, is a painter, pioneer of the do-it-yourself art movement and filmmaker. Her cred-its include “Handmade Nation: The Rise of D.I.Y, Art, Craft and Design” and “Sign Painters,” a film about the “death and rebirth” of sign painting as an American art form.

Levine was at the Red House Arts Center on Monday to screen “Sign Painters,” her most recent documen-tary, which was co-directed by Sam Macon. The event was co-hosted by Echo, a local collective that provides studio space for artists in Syracuse, and the Near Westside Initiative, whose goal is to use art and technol-ogy to revitalize the Near Westside neighborhood.

The film features more than 20 artists from across the country reminiscing about the sign-painting “glory days,” which began when companies started branding them-selves and needed to create logos. Brand-name replacements soon took the place of general stores, and sign makers thrived.

Without any third-person narra-tive, Levine uses only the painters’ voices to express what it was and

— to a lesser extent — still is like to paint signs for a living. Virtually no one was in the business to get rich, Levine said after the event. But any-one who tried it ended up loving it for the freedom it offered. Sign painting even garnered its own group of fol-lowers called Letterheads, or people heavily invested in the art form.

“You know the motto, don’t you?” said the late Keith Knecht, a sign maker from Toledo, Ohio, in an interview during the film. “IOAFS: It’s only a f*cking sign.”

That nonchalant attitude was present in every interview show-cased in the film. Sign painting was about having fun, each artist said. But as new technologies were intro-duced and signs swayed toward the cheaper vinyl prints, painters lost a lot of business.

Only recently have artistic hubs like Seattle, New York City, San Francisco and even Syracuse begun to reintroduce hand-painted signs back into the market. The Red House itself sits flanked by Steve Powers’ “Love Letters to Syracuse,” a graffiti mural painted on the train trestles over West Fayette and West streets. The signs express what Syracuse residents love and hate about their neighborhood.

“The whole idea was, ‘How do we use art to disrupt this terrible rusty barrier?’” said Maarten Jacobs, director of the Near Westside Initia-tive. “And at the same time, we want-ed to use Syracuse voices to dictate what messages go on the bridges.”

The mural is an example of creative space-making, Jacobs said, a philoso-phy that attracts new people to a com-munity through a sense of activity and vibrancy. And the more Syracuse can infuse art into its neighborhoods, “the better chance it has of coming alive again,” Jacobs said.

In addition to the initiatives on the see sign painters page 10

‘Sign Painters’ director discusses documentary, effect of art in cities

spencer bodian | asst. photo editor

Page 10: November 5, 2013

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Near Westside, the art studio Echo, located on the Northside, has been contributing to urban development. The collective is used to attract artists and new residents to Syracuse, said Brendan Rose, one of the founders of Echo.

The studio has only been around for about a year and a half, but it has already built things like bike racks and benches, which are placed throughout the city.

“When you have people working on things with a certain degree of craft and integrity, then things tend to last,” Rose said. “So then

you have a more sustainable urban environ-ment where the history is there, and there are things for people to hold onto and under-stand about their place. When that craft isn’t there, things fall apart.”

Just like the attitudes of the artists in the documentary, Levine, Jacobs and Rose each have optimistic outlooks for the cities like Syracuse that are taking steps to infuse a new energy into the area.

“Implementing permanence for residents in a community literally is as easy as invest-ing in a storefront or a wall and creating good signage,” Levine said. “That art and creativity keeps people.”

[email protected]

sign paintersf r o m p a g e 9

luke rafferty | video editor

faythe levine, co-director of “Sign Painters,” answers questions following a select screening of her documentary. The film is about the art of sign making in America.

Page 11: November 5, 2013

p u l p @ d a i l y o r a n g e . c o m

By Elaina CrockettStaff Writer

W ith Haitian “rara” music, Brazilian carnival masks, “Sgt. Pepper”-inspired outfits and 1960s psyche-

delia, Arcade Fire released its newest album, “Reflektor,” as a two-piece disc set that goes beyond the norm.

The psychedelia and costumes give the album a Beatles feel, and the recordings are reminiscent of the Fab Four’s work. At times, the first disc feels like a live album with moments of theatrical themes, but the second disc has a more traditional Arcade Fire sound.

The Canadian band’s fourth studio album is experimentally different from its previous music. Front man Win Butler attests this new style to the insights gained from their travels in the Caribbean.

“Here Comes the Night Time,” for example, was written and recorded in a Jamaican castle. The song, divided into two segments on the album, was inspired by the band’s time in Haiti — the home country of front woman Régine

Chassagne’s parents.In an interview with Rolling Stone maga-

zine, Butler inferred both versions of “Here Comes the Night Time” have ties to the islands.

“Both of them are very much influenced by when the sun is just starting to go down in Port-au-Prince, and it’s really intense because most of the city doesn’t have electricity, so everyone is just racing to get home before dark,” he said.

It’s obvious this song isn’t the only one where Arcade Fire borrows Haitian elements. For most of the music video for its lead song, “Refle-ktor,” the band wears oversized head masks, not unlike those worn in Haitian festivals.

“Reflektor” is a brilliant song — all seven minutes of it. Chassagne sings part of the song in French in that feather-like voice of hers, and the song sounds like a cross between a disco track and a B-side from Cold War Kids.

The album echoes Butler and Chassagne’s marriage — the “reflection” is inspired by their deep emotional investment in each other. “Afterlife,” on the other hand, is more about fighting to save their relationship. Butler and

Chassagne sugarcoat nothing, admitting in their lyrics, “Can we just work it out? Scream and shout till we work it out? But you say, when love is gone, where does it go?”

Butler does most of the singing and Chas-sagne’s voice is less frequent, mostly a backing vocal. It almost seems one-sided, as we don’t hear enough of Chassagne.

The strongest songs on the albums are “We Exist” and “Normal Person.” “We Exist” should be the next single off the album. The groove line sounds a bit like Michael Jackson’s “Billie Jean.” Intentional tribute? Probably not. But with such a retro-sounding album, who knows? “Normal Person” is a great track because of the guitar solo. The lyrics are interesting, too, and sound like the musings of an introvert.

Arcade Fire is obviously having fun with this release. And they’re fun to listen to. “Reflektor” is a great concept album. The band is discovering a new sound while still keeping the same elements that made them likable in the first place.

[email protected]

nov e m be r 5 , 2 0 13 1 1

every tuesday in pulpdecibel

arcade fire“Reflektor”Arcade Fire Music, LLC

Release date: Oct. 28Top track: “We exist”

“Normal Per-son”



in syncif you like this album, check out these tracks:

1. “Unbelievers” by Vampire Weekend

2. “Cool Song No. 2” by MGMt

3. “Yulia” by Wolf Parade

4. “angels” by the xx

5. “the rip tide” by Beirut

CATCHING FIR EIndie-rock duo releases 2-disc, experimental 4th album

illustration by andy casadonte | art director

Page 12: November 5, 2013

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Houston Ballet II to perform in GoldsteinBy Becca Milliron

Contributing Writer

The Houston Ballet II, part of the Houston Bal-let’s Ben Stevenson Academy, acts as the first ballet’s second company. And while the Hous-ton Ballet is the fourth largest company in the

country, the Hous-ton Ballet II can perform in areas where the larger academy typically does not tour — such as Syracuse University.

The Houston Ballet II will per-form at 8 p.m. on Wednesday in the Goldstein Audito-

rium as a part of the Pulse Performing Arts Series, which is sponsored by the Division of Student Affairs and Syracuse University Arts Engage. Tickets for the show are available at the Schine Box Office for $5 for students with an SU ID, $16 for faculty, staff and alumni, and $20 for general admission.

“The Houston Ballet II provides beautiful entertainment from professional and well-crafted dancers and [an] experience that many college students may not get to experience while on a college campus,” said Andrew Mar-tini, a Pulse Advisory Board member, in an event press release.

The company is composed of ballet students whose classes are taught by skilled faculty members from across the world, giving danc-ers the opportunity to develop their skills on a smaller scale. The dancers are trained to perform a diverse range of dance styles, from

classical to contemporary ballet.“They will be doing a selection of dances

with a variety of ballet styles,” said Courtney Jones, the assistant director of the Office of Student Activities, a unit within the Divi-sion of Student Affairs. “There will be some very traditional ballet, along with some more updated pieces, as well. It’s an opportunity to see highly trained, technically proficient danc-ers in a classical style who bring a love of dance and a joy of performing to the stage.”

The artistic director of the Houston Ballet, Stanton Welch, is an acclaimed choreogra-pher who has worked with several compa-nies in many different countries. The high quality of the company’s dance techniques was something that appealed to members on last year’s Pulse Student Advisory Board members when they put together this year’s performing arts lineup.

“The selection of Houston Ballet II was a col-lective effort between the students and staff,” Jones said in an email. “We were able to watch some of their pieces online and decided they looked perfect to bring to campus.”

From there, the board contacted the Hous-ton Ballet II’s agent to work out details. The ultimate goal of Pulse Performing Arts Series is to present performance and visual art programs to SU students and the Syracuse community. In the past, Jones said the series has showcased dance companies with a more modern or contemporary dance style, but this upcoming performance will showcase more traditional ballet.

Jones said she hopes the performance will appeal to many students and Syra-cuse residents.

“We have many diverse student dance

organizations on campus who all perform on a regular basis and draw big crowds, so we know the interest in dance is high,” Jones said. “There are also many dance centers in the Central New York area, several of whom focus primarily on ballet, and we invited all of them to the show. We hope to see many SU students, as well as many young balleri-

nas and ballet enthusiasts, in the audience Wednesday evening.”

The Pulse Performing Arts Series has brought in several artists and other perform-ing arts exhibitions throughout the semester, such as Broadway star Sutton Foster. The Houston Ballet II will be the last segment of the series for this semester. The Diavolo Dance Theater, a modern acrobatic dance company, will perform in April next semester.

Said Martini, the Pulse Advisory Board member: “The Houston Ballet II fits right into Pulse’s mission to bring high quality, engag-ing performing arts pieces to the campus and Syracuse community.”

[email protected]

a b r o a d

Fall Break travels leave columnist homesick for ItalyA fter exploring what Eastern Europe

has to offer during the 10 adventur-ous, study-free days of Fall Break,

I’ve finally returned to Florence. And I’m relieved.

Through all the tours, post-communist history, stunning views and cheap alcohol, I felt like not all of me was really present. There were moments throughout the trip when I felt a huge desire for everything to end. Even if these were supposed to be the days I should cherish the most, part of me was rejecting them.

Eventually, I realized what was hap-pening: I was finally feeling homesick, sort of, at least. It was a different kind of homesickness. It wasn’t for my home back in the United States, but for my newfound home in Italy.

I’m surprised I even had time to feel this way, considering everything I was doing during the break.

First we visited Slovenia and explored the breathtaking Lake Bled. Afterward, we went to Hungary, where we spent three days in Budapest and spent time learning about its communist history. One night was exceptionally memorable, when we took a scenic cruise down the central river and dined on the city’s traditional meals and desserts.

Our third stop was Krakow in Poland, where we saw a dragon statue that actu-ally breathed fire. We then spent a somber day touring the Auschwitz concentration

camp and visiting a museum that show-cased the camp’s dark history.

The last three days were spent in Prague, one of the most popular stops for our group. This might have been because of the well-known delicious food, spirited culture or enormous shopping district. My best guess, however, is it was because of the incredibly cheap beer and intense bar scene. The trip certainly ended with a bang, even if some parts are a little fuzzy to remember.

Yet through all the exhilarating insan-ity of the trip, I had random pangs of desire for what was waiting for me back in Florence.

In the different hostels, I missed my simple bed at my host family’s apartment. After trying kebabs in Budapest, gourmet cupcakes in Krakow and stuffed duck paired with red and white cabbage in Prague, all I wanted was some homemade pasta. I tried lots of different drinks at the pubs, but none really measured up to Italy’s wine.

In Prague, I bumped into a man who

spoke Italian and felt a surprising surge of relief, rather than the normal apprehen-sion from talking with anyone who doesn’t speak English. After more than a week in cities where every single word was com-pletely foreign, there was finally someone who spoke “my language.”

I never thought I would start to view Italian as one of my languages. And that wasn’t all. Whenever I spent money, I instinctively calculated the exchange rate for euros, not dollars. I was looking at all the new cities and thinking of how they compared to Florence, not Syracuse. It seems like I just needed to get far away from Italy to realize how much I’d really adjusted to life there.

I’ll never forget those 10 days in Eastern Europe. They were, and always will be, some of the most amazing days of my life. But it feels good to be back home in Italy. Even with all of the amazing experiences I had, I realized I’ll always have a natural yearning for the experiences I’ve gotten used to in Florence. No matter how far away I am, through distance or time, they’ve carved out a permanent space in my heart.

That’s why, now, after more than a week without it, I can truly call Florence one of my many homes.

Max Antonucci is a junior newspaper and online journalism major. His column appears every

Tuesday in Pulp. Visit his website at, find him on Twitter at @Digi-talMaxToday or email him at [email protected].

“It’s an opportunity to see highly trained, technically proficient dancers in a classical style who bring a love of dance and a joy of performing to the stage.”

Courtney Jonesassistant direCtor of student aCtivities

Houston Ballet IIPart of Houston ballet academy, america’s fourth-largest ballet companyWhere: goldstein auditoriumWhen: Wed. at 8 p.m.How much: $5 stu-dents; $16 faculty, staff and alumni; $20 general admission

m a x a n t o n u c c I

lost and found in florence

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saturday morning breakfast cereal by zach weiner |

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once upon a saturday by carlos raus |

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Savor the daylight

while it laStS

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Pulse Performing Arts Series Presents

A Dance in the Garden of Mirth | Choreographer: Stanton WelchDancer(s): Artist of Houston Ballet | Photo: Amitava Sarkar

SU rebounds to earn No. 2 seed in conference tourney

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By Tyler PiccottiStaff Writer

Sunday’s 1-0 victory over No. 3 North Carolina could be considered a happy ending to No. 2 Syracuse’s (15-2, 4-2 Atlantic Coast) first ACC season. After all, the Orange beat one of its biggest rivals and basically confirmed itself a top seed in the NCAA tournament, serving as a successful last stand for the senior class, which remained undefeated at J.S. Coyne Stadium.

“Yeah, it was our last home game, which is really exciting,” said midfielder Leonie Geyer. “After that, though, you have to win each game to the end, and that’s always the more fun part.”

At the beginning of the season, the Orange was an undeveloped team. Although it returned a number of key upperclassmen, the addition of nine freshmen meant the entire season would involve a learning curve. After 15 victories, including eight against ranked opponents, SU has reasserted itself as a major contender for the national championship.

“They’ve come so far and grown so much,” head coach Ange Bradley said. “They just keep continuing to surprise me.”

From a chemistry perspective, Geyer said the first ACC game, a 6-3 shellacking at the hands of Boston College, was the jump-start the Orange needed.

“The loss against BC was a defining

moment for our team,” she said. “That opened it up for us, that we really have to go for it and work on things to get better.”

They did. Manley said the team’s com-munication greatly improved and it began to capitalize on more opportunities. SU put together a second six-game winning streak and outscored its opponents 24-5 during that stretch.

It didn’t matter that Syracuse lost the lead against No. 1 Maryland with only 49 seconds left in the game. The Orange had the best team in the country on the ropes, and knows it could do the same with any future opponent.

Although the Orange responded with two victories the following weekend, every-thing finally came together against UNC. The offense maintained a constant attack and the defense thrived under the pressure of a tight game.

Back in early September, the final result might have been different, but the daily grind of playing in the ACC has put Syracuse in posi-tion to write whatever ending it desires.

“Our schedule was definitely stronger than last year,” Geyer said. “Consistently playing against really good teams and top-ranked teams the whole year really made us much stronger.”

[email protected]

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f o o t b a l l

Dixon transforms from walk-on to star punter for SyracuseBy Trevor HassAsst. sports Editor

Riley Dixon used to kick so much that his kicking coach in high school would take his cleats, tie them together and throw them in the garbage so Dixon’s right leg could get some rest.

“He’d always pull a joke and somehow get me to take my shoe off,” Dixon said. “He’d say, ‘Oh, those are nice cleats. Let me see those.’”

Dixon didn’t start punting until his junior year of high school at the nearby Christian Brothers Academy. After walking on to the Syracuse team in 2011, the 6-foot-5 Dixon was simply a reserve and barely saw the field. This year, though, thanks to a relentless routine and a newly adopted Australian-type punt, Dixon is SU’s starting punter.

He’s racked up more than 2,000 yards, averages more than 43 yards per punt and even unleashed a school-record 75-yarder against Clemson.

“Riley Dixon,” Syracuse head coach Scott Shafer said. “Couldn’t be prouder of him.”

Dixon always practiced punting casu-ally on the side. When he was 9 years old, he entered a kick-pass-punt competition, so he knew he had natural ability. He and his dad Tom always used to train in the driveway of their Blossvale, N.Y., home.

But at the start of Dixon’s high school career, he was a quarterback.

Then he bruised his ribs and sat out for a game. He stood on the sideline, itching to get back on the field. To try something new.

“I’ve got to do something,” he recalled think-ing. “I’m kind of bored.”

So Dixon started kicking field goals in prac-tice. He drilled 10-of-10 from 35-40 yards and became the team’s placekicker.

Eventually, starter Yosh Karbowniczak hurt his finger and couldn’t punt. The long snapper got hurt, too. The only other player on the team that could long snap was the other punter, so Dixon stepped in.

He emerged as a reliable punter, but never thought he would get a call from Syracuse. St. John Fisher University, University of Rochester and Saint Anselm College were his main options at the time. He wasn’t even sure how to go about the recruiting process. No one really told him what to do.

He didn’t have a recruiting page. There was no Riley Dixon highlight reel on YouTube. No phone calls came his way.

Finally, in December 2010, Dixon got that call. He didn’t have any contact with Syracuse beforehand, but the coaches encouraged him to apply.

Dixon walked on to Syracuse before the 2011 season.

Long snapper Sam Rodgers said it’s diffi-cult to come in as a walk-on. Jonathan Fisher started all 13 games last season when Dixon was still a reserve.

“He hit good balls and felt like he was at the level that he could play,” Rodgers said, “but maybe got looked over a little bit.”

During the offseason, Dixon decided to adopt an Australian-type punt. Unlike a traditional

punt that spins in a spiral, this punt flies back-ward, almost like a kickoff. It hits flat on your foot, Dixon said, and the follow-through makes the ball go further.

“It’s unique,” Dixon said. “I wouldn’t say it’s like anything else.”

Dixon watched NFL punters, including the New Orleans Saints’ Thomas Morstead, implement the Australian-type punt as it made its way into college football.

Now, just like in high school, Dixon’s coaches have to tell him to stop kicking. His teammates tease him that he has a rub-ber leg. Sometimes he racks up more than 70 punts per practice, which is actually frowned upon. The results have been bounti-ful, though.

“I’ve seen him hit some bombs,” Rodgers said.After averaging just 36.3 yards per punt

last year in limited action, Dixon is up to 43.1 yards per punt this year. Fisher averaged 38.4 yards last year and 39.1 this year before Dixon replaced him against Northwestern.

His highlight-reel punt finally came against Clemson. The ball hit the ground at the 30-yard line before taking a fortuitous bounce all the way down to the Tigers’ 8.

“I definitely caught hold of that one,” Dixon said.

He punted nine times that day and 11 against Wake Forest on Saturday. Twelve of his kicks have traveled more than 50 yards and 15 have entered the red zone.

After picking up the trade just a few years prior and standing on the sideline, Dixon has

emerged as a steady punter for a team that punts more than it would like to.

“Some of these guys are punters their whole life and they kind of stay with it,” Dixon said. “It was definitely a strange journey.”

[email protected]


KicKing and screamingriley dixon has emerged as a steady punter for syracuse. He’s bested Jona-than Fisher’s numbers from a year ago to this point, thanks, in part, to his newly adopted Australian-type punt.

Riley Dixon 2013:

Games: 8Punts: 47Average: 43.1Long: 75Percent inside 20-yard line: 32

Jonathan Fisher 2012:

Games: 13Punts: 53Average: 38.4Long: 58Percent inside 20-yard line: 34

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school, Patterson could shoot the ball, pen-etrate a man-to-man or zone defense and defend any player on the court. What he didn’t know was that he also had a player with a rare gene.

Patterson would avoid losing at all costs. “You often say that guys care and that guys

will do anything to win, but that doesn’t tell the whole story with Ron,” Pryor said. “He just hated to lose and was upset and took it personally when we did. Made him a dream to coach.”

Pryor said he remembered when the team traveled to a showcase tournament in Wilm-ington, Del., and lost a close game. Afterward, Patterson was quiet, introspective and stayed seated on the bench while the rest of the team shook the opposition’s hands.

When Pryor asked what was on Patterson’s mind, he told his coach “that he had to be bet-ter and that there was absolutely no excuse for losing the game.”

For two weeks, Patterson only left the gym to eat and sleep. Pryor didn’t know it, but he was watching “Buss” in his rawest form. Instead, Pryor created his own story behind the name.

“You know he’s a big guard, and although a lot of the guys would always joke about the different reasons for the name, I made my own,” Pryor said. “Sometimes he looked like a big yellow bus coming down the court or driving into the lane.”

And that was before the peak of Patter-son’s physical development. Now the shoot-ing guard is 6 feet 2 inches and 200 pounds, which makes him the heaviest guard in the Orange’s rotation. Patterson is working to crack the guard rotation, and could provide depth behind Tyler Ennis, Trevor Cooney and Michael Gbinije.

Although he hit three 3-pointers in five attempts in Syracuse’s scrimmage against Holy Family on Friday, his wide frame makes him more than a spot-up shooter. Patterson

uses his size to protect the ball when drib-bling and, most importantly, to complement his quickness on the defensive end.

“I try to move my feet quicker,” Patterson said, “and when taller guys try to body me, I can use my frame to get in front.”

His physical makeup and unquestionable will led both Pryor and Hawkins to call Pat-terson’s defense his biggest strength on the court. Hawkins said it allows him to “really get up in people.” Pryor added that he’s just “bigger and faster than most guards.”

But whether “Buss” is a big-bodied guard, fierce competitor or whining baby doesn’t matter. The name is a part of Patterson and accentuates his distinctive versatility.

Where does “Buss” come from? Syracuse will most likely figure that out for itself.

“I always said that wherever he went would be a very lucky place,” Hawkins said. “So get ready Syracuse, because Buss is going to do some great things.”

[email protected]


“I hope (‘Buss’) catches on in Syracuse and I’m sure it will, because the name really describes him.”

Chris HawkinsIndIana ElItE OnE cOach

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Page 18: November 5, 2013

18 nov e m be r 5 , 2 0 13 s p o r t s @ d a i l y o r a n g e . c o m

ryan maccammon | staff photographerc.j. fair has improved his ball-handling ability. Now that SU needs to adjust to the ACC’s faster style of play, Fair will have to help the guards move the ball upcourt.

ryersonf r o m p a g e 2 0

to be more dynamic with his playmaking,“Just play all the games from start to fin-

ish,” Fair said. “Just making plays. We weren’t really making that many plays at times (against Holy Family). We got going a little bit in the first half, a little bit in the second half. We’ve got to keep our rhythm throughout the game.”

Fair was slow to start against the Tigers, scoring just two points in the first half. But he came alive in the second with his most impressive plays coming on assists.

After an emphatic two-handed slam ear-lier in the stanza, Fair made an acrobatic reach-around pass to Christmas on one possession.

Then he drove and dished to freshman Tyler Ennis for an open 3-pointer on the next.

“C.J. is going to make a lot of plays for us, not only scoring, but creating plays for others,” Ennis said. “I think getting him comfortable dribbling the ball more this year is going to be important.”

SU head coach Jim Boeheim said he sees a visible improvement in Fair’s dribbling ability. He’s more comfortable with the ball on the perimeter, and that showed against Holy Family when he helped the SU guards

break presses.“I think he’s worked hard in the offseason.

I think he’s gotten better,” Boeheim said. “He’s improved his playmaking, as well.”

The Atlantic Coast Conference’s faster-paced tempo necessitates deeper back-courts and more capable ball handlers. The Orange’s biggest question mark is that backcourt depth. Michael Gbinije struggled in his role as backup point guard against Holy Family. Freshmen Ron Patterson and B.J. Johnson are unproven.

In a league with talented all-around wings like P.J. Hairston, Dez Wells and Jabari Parker, it’s an expectation – not an additional perk – to have a small forward who can bring the ball up and create offense.

For all the great things Fair did as a junior — rebounding, finishing alley-oops or knocking down corner 3s — he seldom attacked the rim off the dribble.

Fair is a proven leader. He’s the team’s most decorated player and the conference’s preseason player of the year.

But with a target on his back as SU’s like-ly leading scorer, the Orange will need him to be a more complete player this season.

“I know teams are going to focus in on me,” Fair said, “but we have other guys on the team that can lead when they are show-ing me too much attention.”

[email protected]

r e c r u i t i n g

PF Lydon achieves lifelong dream of committing to Syracuse

florida statef r o m p a g e 2 0

this weekend in College Park, Md., before traveling to face the Seminoles. FSU, which is coming off a 41-14 win over then-No. 7 Miami (Fla.), plays Wake Forest this week-end. The Orange beat the Demon Deacons 13-0 in the Carrier Dome on Saturday.

If SU beats the Terrapins this weekend, Nov. 16 in Tallahassee would present Syra-cuse not only with a chance for a stunning upset, but also a chance to become bowl eligible. The Orange needs to win two of its

last four games to clinch a 6-6 record and bowl eligibility. SU closes the season with a pair of home games against Pittsburgh and Boston College.

SU has played Florida State six times, with the most recent meeting coming in 2005. The Seminoles won that game, as well as four of the other five all-time matchups. Syracuse’s only victory came in the first-ever meeting in 1966.

The television network for the Syracuse-Flor-ida State game will be announced after the both the Orange and Seminoles play on Saturday.

[email protected]


By Jesse DoughertyASSt. Copy Editor

Tyler Lydon was a Syracuse basketball fan long before he was a Division I basketball prospect.

A Pine Plains, N.Y., native, Lydon’s father Tim always had SU on television. He raised Lydon and his two brothers to support, as Tim put it, “the best college team New York has to offer.”

By the time he was 12 years old, Lydon was wearing a blue Syracuse beanie and hooded sweatshirt with regularity. He didn’t just watch SU play, he started to fall in love with its 2-3 zone, fast-break offense and winning ways.

At the same time, he was excelling on the basketball court. He was always a standout, but when an unforeseen growth spurt met his natu-ral skill at the beginning of high school, colleges started to take notice.

Florida. Boston College. Maryland. Vander-

bilt. Iowa. Virginia. There was one problem — it wasn’t Syracuse. Then the phone rang in late July before

Lydon’s sophomore season. It was Syracuse assistant coach Mike Hopkins. The Orange wanted him to come to the Carrier Dome for its home game against West Virginia.

Tim Lydon was home early from work and in the backyard. When his son told him who was on the phone, he thought he was “messing around.”

“I’ll never forget my dad’s face,” Lydon said. “He was convinced I was lying.”

On Oct. 17, more than two years after Hop-kins called, Lydon became the first player to verbally commit to Syracuse for the Class of 2015. Lydon attracted many high-caliber schools with an all-around skill set stuffed into his 6-foot-8, 185-pound frame. But now that his life-long dream of playing at Syracuse is tangible,

he’s working harder than he ever has. “Our family, top to bottom, always hoped

Tyler would play at Syracuse,” Tim Lydon said. “We were very grateful that a lot of schools contacted him, but when the Orange started talking, well, we really started to listen.”

After playing for three years at Pine Plains High School, Lydon decided he needed to take another step. He said the players he was playing against were focusing on other sports like foot-ball and baseball, and that a more competitive environment would better prepare him for the collegiate level.

That decision led him to the New Hampton (N.H.) School, where he is currently prepping for his first season with the Huskies as a reclas-sified junior. With the extra year of eligibil-ity, Lydon, a hybrid forward, is working to find his strengths and build his basketball identity

around them.“I was always in favor of him reclassifying,

we knew even before he committed that he was going to,” Tim Lydon said. “It’s just another year to develop which he can use.”

It is likely that in the coming year and half, Lydon will be joined by some of the nation’s top talent in Syracuse’s Class of 2015.

But for now, he stands as the lone representa-tion of the Orange’s distant future. Being the first to pledge to a top-tier school is both daunt-ing and commendable, but it’s something that has hardly crossed Lydon’s mind.

“I’m not really thinking too much of it right now,” Lydon said. “I’m just focusing on this season and getting better so that when I get to Syracuse, I’ll be ready to play.”

[email protected]


Page 19: November 5, 2013

nov e m be r 5 , 2 0 13 19s p o r t s @ d a i l y o r a n g e . c o m

Battering RamsSyracuSe 86, ryerSon 48Ryerson lost to McMaster. That’s all you need to know.


Syracuse guard Tyler ennis played for Ryerson University head coach roy rana this past summer on the Canadian U19 national team.

Ennis and Ryerson forward Kenneth asante are both from Brampton, Ontario.

A matchup of two national team coaches. Boeheim is an assistant for the U.S. team and Rana coaches the U19 Canadian team.

Green finished with 14 points and nine boards on Friday, offering Coleman and the interior of SU’s zone a tougher challenge than Holy Family.

Syracuse’s power forward was an efficient 3-of-4 from the field on Friday and has a 3-inch advan-tage over Ogunnaike-Grannum.

Rakeem ChRistmas6-9 250 JR.

Juwon ogunnaike-

gRannum6-6 213 SO.

DaJuan Coleman

6-9 280 SO.

kaDeem gReen

6-9 210 JR.

Jim Boeheim920-314


Roy Rana55-40


In Ryerson University’s loss to McMaster Univer-sity on Saturday, Jones led the Rams with 18 points, but also turned the ball over seven times. Syr-acuse’s length will feast.

Gauthier grabbed eight rebounds for the Rams on Saturday, but will need to stick tight to Cooney around the perimeter to counter the SU guard’s quick trigger from downtown.

Fair’s 13 points in Friday’s exhibition tied for the Orange’s team lead, but the senior fell one rebound short of a double-double. Fair has the obvious edge in this matchup.

C.J. FaiR6-8 215 SR.

aaRon Best6-4 180 JR.

tRevoR Cooney

6-4 195 SO.

JoRDon gauthieR

6-3 215 SR.

tyleR ennis6-2 180 FR.

Jahmal Jones6-0 165 SR.











Slice of Rye SyracuSe 82, ryerSon 40Syracuse toasts the Rams to coast into regular-season play.


Catcher in the Rye

point guard shooting guard small forward

power forward center coaches

42.9 peRCentSyracuse’s 3-point percentage against Holy Family on Friday, and McMaster’s 3-point shooting clip against Ryerson on Saturday.

18Turnovers by Syracuse in the exhibi-tion Friday night against Holy Family, including five by Michael Gbinije, who is adapting to being SU’s back-up point guard.



STAT To KnoWOh, CanadaSyracuSe 82, ryerSon 53Tyler Ennis feasts against a team from his home country, and a coach he’s played for before.




Page 20: November 5, 2013

SP ORT St u e s d aynovember 5, 2013

pa g e 2 0the daily orange

m e n ’s b a s k e t b a l l

Fair, syracuse prepare for Ryerson


by the numbers Cleveland Cavaliers rookie forward Anthony Bennett has failed to make a shot in his first four games — 15 attempts — this season.

twitter-sphere@chadfordinsiderMichael Carter-Williams named Eastern Conference Player of the Week. First rookie to win the award in opening week since Shaq.

At A glAnceRiley Dixon has thrived since taking over as Syracuse’s punter this year.see page 15

they sAid it“We’re on a mission. We’re on a mission to carry on, to continue what Coach (John) Fox has going with this football team.”

Jack Del RioDEnvEr BronCoS intEriM hEAD CoACh

up neX tWho: RyersonWhere: Carrier DomeWhen: Today, 7 p.m.Channel: TWCS

f o o t b a l l

su-Florida state to kick off at 3:30 p.m. on Nov. 16By Stephen Bailey

ASSt. SPortS EDitor

C.J. Fair will be an NBA small for-ward. He knows it. Fans know it. General managers know it.

That’s why he spent this summer honing his ball-handling and passing skills. Skills he showed in flashes last season, but will need to gain consis-

tency in to succeed at the next level.Fair debuted his sharpened

talents in Syracuse’s scrimmage against Divi-sion II Holy Family (Pa.) University on Friday, and it showed in

his stat line. Thirteen points. Nine rebounds. Five assists. On Tuesday, he’ll look to follow up with another strong performance in the Orange’s preseason finale against the Canadi-an Ryerson University in the Carrier Dome at 7 p.m.

Fair said one goal this season is

the hoodEditor’s note: The Daily Orange takes a look at Syracuse’s four freshmen leading up and into Thursday’s Basketball Season Preview.

By Jesse DoughertyASSt. CoPy EDitor

B uss. It’s rare for a freshman to have a

noteworthy nickname before stepping on a college court, but Ron “Buss” Patterson is an exception. Yet when those close to Patterson were

asked about the origins of the moniker, an answer was elusive.

Criss Beyers, founder of Patterson’s for-mer AAU program, Indiana Elite One: “I really don’t know much about ‘Buss.’”

Bob Pryor, Patterson’s coach with Indi-ana Elite One: “I never really got to the bottom of ‘Buss.’ I know he spells it funny, not like a bus, but I don’t know where it came from.”

When Patterson, now a freshman guard at Syracuse, was asked about the name, he smiled and cleared the air. He said he cried a lot as a baby, so his grandmother started

calling him Buster, because that’s how Snoop Dogg identified babies and cowards.

Then he shortened the name to Buss, “just to be different,” he said.

Patterson’s nickname yields more about his basketball persona than its origin indicates. Throughout his ascension to a top-notch Division I program, Patterson has exuded characteristics that have seen “Buss” almost completely replace “Ron.”

“In Indiana, you never hear anyone call him Ron,” said Chris Hawkins, another coach who worked with Patterson with Indiana Elite One. “I hope it catches on in

Syracuse and I’m sure it will, because the name really describes him.”

Though Patterson is years removed from crying on his grandmother’s lap, he turned that emotion into competitive drive and carried it throughout his basketball career.

When Patterson walked into the gym for his first practice with Indiana Elite One, Pryor asked some of his players if “that was Ron Patterson.”

They answered, “No, Coach, that’s Buss.”Right away, Pryor knew he had a very

skilled player. As a sophomore in high

Patterson’s childhood moniker ‘Buss’ follows freshman guard to Syracuse

part 1 of 4



spencer bodian | asst. photo editor

see patterson page 16

By David WilsonSPortS EDitor

Syracuse’s Nov. 16 meeting with No. 3 Florida State will kick off at 3:30 p.m. in Tallahassee, Fla., and will be shown on either ABC, ESPN2 or ESPNU. The matchup

will be the Orange’s third with a ranked team this season. SU lost to then-No. 19 Northwestern on Sept. 7 and then-No. 3 Clemson on Oct. 5.

Syracuse will face Maryland see florida state page 18see ryerson page 18