November 2014 Tidings

Many words in the English language can be used as either a noun or a verb. Here are some examples that will appear if you search the internet: FALL Noun - I love everything about "fall!" Verb - I watched the apple "fall" off the tree. HOPE Noun - Her pep talk gave me "hope." Verb - I "hope" we win! HELP Noun - It looks like she needs some "help." Verb - Can I "help" you? One word I DIDN'T see was "thanksgiving." For many of us, when we hear the word Thanksgiving: we capitalize it and picture a Thanksgiving As A Verb By Nyla Anderson, Council President November 2014 | Volume 17, Number 10 TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH is a welcoming faith community living together in God’s love to share the joy of Jesus Christ. Tidings In This Issue From the Pastors’ Desk…………….….…...3 Council Meeting Minutes……………..........4 Budgeted Finances……………...…….……5 Calendar of Events………………………8-9 Faith Family Hospitality....………..……...10 Photo Gallery………………………….…..15 Thanksgiving Service 2014 Tuesday, November 25, 7:00 p.m. Shepherd of the Hills, 1200 S. Taft Hill Rd. Preacher: Pastor Leta Behrens Joint choir rehearses at 6:00p.m. Offering for Homelessness Prevention Initiative Each holiday season, Trinity anticipates and relies on a seasonal increase in contributions. It is through your donations that we are able to carry on our work now and throughout the year. If you need a convenient way to make recurring contributions or plan to make an additional gift before the end of the year, we encourage you to check out online giving! Giving online is easy and allows you to set up automatic recurring contributions and Cont. on Pg. 10 Online Giving @ Trinity beautiful turkey, family, football, etc. But really, maybe the first thought that should cross our minds when we hear the word "thanksgiving" should be the act of giving thanks, not the event that we celebrate. Shouldn't we think of the word as a verb instead of a noun? At Trinity, we know that we are richly blessed as individuals and as a community Cont. on Pg. 10 Members in service at Trinity’s JOY Lunch.


Tidings is the monthly newsletter of Trinity Lutheran Church, Fort Collins, CO.

Transcript of November 2014 Tidings

Page 1: November 2014 Tidings

Many words in the English language can be used as either a noun or a verb. Here are some examples that will appear if you search the internet:

FALL Noun - I love everything about "fall!" Verb - I watched the apple "fall" off the tree.

HOPE Noun - Her pep talk gave me "hope." Verb - I "hope" we win!

HELP Noun - It looks like she needs some "help." Verb - Can I "help" you?

One word I DIDN'T see was "thanksgiving." For many of us, when we hear the word Thanksgiving: we capitalize it and picture a

Thanksgiving As A Verb

By Nyla Anderson, Council President

November 2014 | Volume 17, Number 10




is a welcoming

faith community

living together

in God’s love

to share the joy

of Jesus Christ.


In This Issue From the Pastors’ Desk…………….….…...3 Council Meeting Minutes……………..........4 Budgeted Finances……………...…….……5

Calendar of Events………………………8-9 Faith Family Hospitality....………..……...10 Photo Gallery………………………….…..15

Thanksgiving Service 2014

Tuesday, November 25, 7:00 p.m. Shepherd of the Hills, 1200 S. Taft Hill Rd.

Preacher: Pastor Leta Behrens

Joint choir rehearses at 6:00p.m.

Offering for Homelessness Prevention Initiative

Each holiday season, Trinity anticipates and relies on a seasonal increase in contributions. It is through your donations that we are able to carry on our work now and throughout the year.

If you need a convenient way to make recurring contributions or plan to make an additional gift before the end of the year, we encourage you to check out online giving!

Giving online is easy and allows you to set up automatic recurring contributions and

Cont. on Pg. 10

Online Giving @ Trinity

beautiful turkey, family, football, etc. But really, maybe the first thought that should cross our minds when we hear the word "thanksgiving" should be the act of giving thanks, not the event that we celebrate. Shouldn't we think of the word as a verb instead of a noun?

At Trinity, we know that we are richly blessed as individuals and as a community

Cont. on Pg. 10

Members in service at Trinity’s JOY Lunch.

Page 2: November 2014 Tidings


Interfaith Council (IFC) Blood Drive

November 6th 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Link to our SignUp Genius Page through

Common Blood Uses

� Premature Babies

� Cancer Patients

� Heart Surgery

� Trauma Patients

Remember, 30

minutes saves 3 lives!


Tim Dolan


New Youth Ministry Team Rep

Megan Sawyer, far left, will lead Trinity youth ministry activities in cooperation with Fort Collins Lutherans.

Trinity has a new Youth Ministry Team working together through Fort Collins Lutherans (FoCoLu), the co-operative effort of the ELCA churches in Fort Collins to partner together. Trinity's Youth Ministry Team Rep is Megan Sawyer (far left in glasses). Megan will serve as the point of contact to engage in the many events and programs offered through FoCoLu for Trinity families and youth. Learn more at!

Interim Church Musician

We’re pleased to introduce Dr. Tamara Schmiege as our Interim Church Musician!

Tamara has served as a church musician for more than twenty years, primarily in Lutheran and Episcopal parishes.

Tamara is a graduate of the Eastman School of Music, Indiana University, and the University of Michigan.

She has a long history of directing adults, children, and handbell choirs. Most recently Tamara was Director of Music and Organist at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Fort Collins where she ran St. Luke’s Annual Bach Festival and St. Luke’s Music Camp.

Currently, she works at Interweave in Fort Collins. Her interests include sewing and website design. Tamara is delighted to be serving as Interim Organist and Handbell Choir Director at Trinity.

Please join us in welcoming Tamara to Trinity beginning Wed., Oct. 29 for choir/bells rehearsal and Sun., Nov. 2.

Dr. Tamara Schmiege

Page 3: November 2014 Tidings


Receive. React. Respond.

A spiritual adventure for the saints at Trinity

At the children’s sermon, the pastor asked, “How do you get into heaven?” Some kids suggested “being really good” or “asking God nicely.” One boy shot his hand up: “I know the answer!” “Okay, John,” the pastor prompted. “How do you get into heaven?” Triumphantly, he answered: “You gotta be dead!”

Sometimes we think this is what it means to be a saint: you gotta be perfect, or at least better than most; or at the very least, you gotta be dead. It’s true that each All Saints’

Day (Nov. 1/2) we remember our beloved dead, those who have joined the communion of saints. But it’s also true that while we live, our life in Christ makes all of us saints.

The Apostle Paul regularly addressed fellow Christians as “saints.” Even Martin Luther called us simul justus et peccator, loosely translated as “simultaneously saint and sinner.” The name “saint” isn’t a status we earn through a lifetime of good deeds—it’s a name God gives us in baptism, along with gifts and a purpose, so that our sainted-ness will shape our lifetime.

This November, in addition to remembering the saints past, we’re inviting all of our current saints to join us in a three-week spiritual adventure we’re calling “Receive. React. Respond.” The adventure will begin in our worship services the weekend of Nov. 8/9. To say too much would give away the fun: but join us in worship that weekend, as well as the following weeks (Nov. 15/16 and Nov. 22/23), and you’ll be part of a faith experience you—and Trinity—will never forget. Friends and family are welcome! Want to know more? Then, as Jesus said, “Come and see!”

Speaking of faith experiences, we also invite and encourage you to attend Trinity’s first

Cont. on Pg. 7


Fort Collins, CO 80525


SUNDAY: 8 & 10 AM (FELLOWSHIP: 8:45 & 11:30 AM)


Pastor Gabi Aelabouni [email protected]

Pastor Meghan Aelabouni [email protected]

Visitation Pastor Reverend Paul Schairer

Interim Church Musician Tamara Schmiege

Chancel Choir Director Murray Oliver

TLC Preschool Director Brenda Harju

[email protected]

Financial Secretary Debbie Schwartz

[email protected]

Office Administrator Deana Andrist

[email protected]

Director of Communications Tricia Howley

[email protected]

Church phone: (970) 482-1226 Church fax: (970) 482-0817

Email: [email protected] TLC Preschool: (970) 221-9852


9 AM - 1 PM FRI.

November Issue Deadline: October 15, 2014

From the Pastors’ Desk

Thank you, Trinity Lutheran

In October Trinity members raised more than $3500 for McBackpack, an agency partner program of Food Bank for Larimer County. Bruce Wallace, Programs Director at the Food Bank writes, “Thanks again to Trinity Lutheran for raising funds to support this important program.

“The food bank serves the county, and McBackpack focuses on Poudre Schools. We act as financial supporter, nutrition advisor, storage/delivery and food procurement...McBackpack packs and delivers the food to the schools for kids and families to eat over the weekend.

“Larimer County provides a grant to the Food Bank...this year it was $40,000, down $10,000 from the previous year. We split the money evenly between Thompson and Poudre School Districts. Annual expenses for our partners like McBackpack are typically $40,000 - $60,000. After our $20,000, that organization needs to raise funds to cover the rest of the cost.

“So Trinity Lutheran can earmark the $3500 specifically to the McBackpack program with a donation to the Food Bank, or give the $3500 directly to McBackpack. The need is so high this year that the funds will be used to provide food for the program if you send it our way.”

Did you know about 400 people come to

the food bank in Fort Collins every day?

All ages and backgrounds. Even though

the jobs are coming back they are lower

paying jobs, so the demand for food has

gone up. There are also many older adults

visi�ng the food bank. The Social and Eco

Jus�ce Ministry will con�nue to collect

money and food for Food Bank for

Larimer County. We are suppor�ng the

Mcbackpack program for the children in

schools that need food for the weekend.

Thank you to those who have already

been so generous to this cause. If you can

help now, please put “Food Bank” in the

memo line of your check or drop pantry

items at Trinity in our collec�on barrels.

Page 4: November 2014 Tidings


Trinity Lutheran Church

Council Minutes Summary

September 9, 2014

Following is a summary of the Congregation Council minutes which provides the highlights of discussions and actions

taken by the Council. Full copies of the minutes are available in the church office.

New Business/Action Items: Boy Scout Troop #195 had a Charter Agreement with Trinity which expired on March 31, however the Troop did not actually dissolve. A new troop has been organized and Terry Everett and Dave Burgoon requested Trinity’s support by signing a new Charter Agreement. Dave Burgoon will be Trinity’s representative. Council approved signing a new Charter Agreement with Troup #195 Annual Congregation Meeting The annual Congregation Meeting will be held on Nov. 23.

Old Business/Updates: Faith Formation Update/Change to Approach The first Orientation meeting for FoCoLu is scheduled for the end of October. About 55 youth have signed up from oth-er congregations, plus 6 students from other congregations have signed to attend our confirmation classes. The first Middle School event will be this Sunday afternoon; Pastor Meghan and Pastor Jason will be helping with it. Pastor Me-

ghan is talking to a potential chair person who will be supervising this group. Each of the Pastors will have some re-sponsibilities. This model involves a Lutheran Youth Ministry, but not with any particular congregation. Capital Campaign Proposal – Pastor Gabi Council appointed Steve Backsen to lead a Capital Campaign Task Force. Ministry Budget Forms to be submitted by mid-Sept. The final proposed budget will be presented to Council in October for approval to be presented at the Congregational Meeting on November 23. Parking Lot Cooperative Agreement The Agreement has been signed. We will continue to have $1500 go to building use in the General Fund. Rally Day – Pastor Meghan Not as many people attended as expected; however it was enjoyed by those present. Three adults were caught enjoying

the bouncy castle—guess who! Meghan thanked all the ministries for putting this event together in short order. Visioning Team Update – Implementing Mission/Vision Dave is looking forward to getting some of the Ministries strategic visioning plans incorporated into TLCs Mission and Vision. Audio Visual Team Update The first draft is now complete and will be presented to Council for review to be presented at the annual Congregational Meeting. Acoustic Panels Follow Up Dick and Nyla will follow up on getting panels installed in Fellowship Hall. Sound System Adjustments –It is recommended to check out the sound system every 2-3 years for maintenance, but we will wait to see if the Audio Visual proposal is approved.


President – Nyla Anderson: If you know of any good candidates, please give their name to the Nominating Committee--Rick Walberg, Esther Johnson, Karolyn Kufeld, John Stark, and Dick Anderson.

Treasurer – Jay Garcia: The financial report was presented for the period ending August 31. Pastors Report:

Pastor Meghan will speak at the Rocky Mountain Synod Senior High Gathering in Estes Park. Pastors developed an insert for the Tidings to address adult education in the community to learn and grow in faith,

and they will continue to build on the education. A second time and location has been scheduled for Bible study to accommodate those who are unable to attend dur-

ing the day hours. It has grown to about 40 adults. They will meet at Mulligans in the future. A tentative date for a Women’s Retreat is being planned for January 23-25; however location has not been decided. Pastor Gabi will speak at St. Paul's Episcopal Church on Sept. 17 about Christians in the Holy Land. Pastor Gabi will be meeting in Chicago this weekend. Pastor Gabi reserved a cabin in Estes Park for the Men’s Retreat.

Respectfully submitted, Jean Ferrin, Council Secretary

Page 5: November 2014 Tidings


September Year-to-Date


Building use/Interest 1,947 7,050

Offerings 31,533 285,415

Total Receipts 33,480 292,465


Operating and Support 24,275 205,973

Ministries 759 57,716

Mortgage 2,592 23,328

Benevolence/Gifts (Synod, Sky Ranch, etc.)

653 14,021

Turning Mortgage into Ministry

1,325 8,346

Overage (Shortage) for the month/year

5,201 (8,572)

Total Disbursements 28,279 301,038

Budgeted Finances September 2014 and YTD as of September 30, 2014

Audio-Visual Proposal Update

Dear Members of Trinity:

Our Audio-Visual Task Force that was put together by council about a year ago has completed their research and developed a proposal for bringing a new audio-visual sys-tem to Trinity Lutheran Church.

They presented their recommendations to Council on Tues., Oct. 14. After discussion and learning more about the proposal, Council unanimously recommended to bring the proposal to the congregation for a vote.

In addition, Council recommended three different times for members to come learn about the proposal and ask questions. We invite you to attend one of the following information sessions:

• Sat., Nov. 15 @ 6 p.m.

• Sun, Nov. 16 @ 9 a.m.

• Wed., Nov 19 @ 7 p.m.


Christmas is just around the corner, and that means it is �me to order poinse*as to decorate the

sanctuary for the season. With five or more blooms per plant, these gorgeous red poinse*as stand

15” - 19” tall with lush foliage, and are wrapped in red foil. A check MUST accompany your order!

Orders must be received by Mon., Dec. 15, 2014. Please print legibly!





QUANTITY ORDERED___________ X $13.00 EACH = TOTAL ________________

Mail or bring your order to the church office, along with a check made

payable to Trinity Lutheran Church, by Monday, December 15, 2014.

Trinity Cards Now Available Have you ever wanted to invite a friend to worship or

to a special event at Trinity? Pick up a church “business card” at the welcome desk! It’s an easy way to share our address, website/social media info, and phone number.

Page 6: November 2014 Tidings


Most of us are acquainted with Mary Stevenson’s tender poem about the footprints in the sand, in which she looks back on her path through life and sees only one set of footprints, and wonders what that is all about. It is then explained the power of God picked her up and carried her when she was down and out, and could not stand by herself…a great poem. But I want to share with you some thoughts about “Footprints in the Cement.”

A few weeks ago my son Greg and I went back to Michigan to see my brother, sisters-in-law, and my nephew, his wife, and their new baby. I hadn’t been to where I grew up in 17 years. I saw the houses of my grandparents and the house where I lived and the land that we farmed, and the one-room schoolhouse with the outdoor toilets.

Much was changed almost beyond recognition. Some things remained the same, among them…my footprints in the cement! It had to be seventy years ago and they a concrete slab around the water tank where the cows used to come and drink.

In conjunction with thoughts about them were thoughts about most of my family nestled under the green grass of

two cemeteries.

Some things change and some don’t. Some things are like we remember them, and some we hardly remember at all! Hard to remember the good soil we farmed…now covered with houses. My childhood home is there with a new skin on the outside and I assume much different on the inside. How did that tree get so big? Hey, those rose trees were never there before!

Our lives are like Ms. Stevenson’s poem and my reflection on times past…times when we walked on our two feet…times when God has to pick us up…times when we leave marks in the cement and someone will wonder whose foot-prints those are…and times when we even get stuck in the cement…but thanks be to God who gives us the victory.

Blessings to Viola Kuehl as Norman has left his mark and the Lord has picked him up from the cement of his long illness. After more than 70 years of marriage and countless daily visits to sit with Norm, may Viola walk in the companionship of God’s grace.

The Prayer Shawl Ministry does not meet regularly;

instead, we ask those who are knitting or crocheting prayer shawls, lap robes, and/or baby blankets to please leave the finished product in the church library.

There is a white binder on the book shelf where the yarn and finished items are

stored. If you could indicate in it that you have left an item for the ministry, it would be greatly appreciated! If you would like to support the ministry but do not knit or crochet, we are in need of gift bags and yarn.

Please leave those donations in the church library on the ministry book shelf! Thanks to everyone who has contributed and continues to contribute to the ministry. If you would like to knit or crochet for the ministry, please contact Vicki Volbrecht 206-4684.

Prayer Shawl Ministry is Back!

By Vicki Volbrecht

Footprints in the Cement

By Pastor Paul Schairer

TRINITY WOMEN’S RETREAT Fri.-Sun., Jan. 23-25, 2015

YMCA of the Rockies, Estes Park, CO “Parables: God’s Story and Your Story”

Guest presenter: Dr. Audrey West Cost: $145* (incl. lodging, meals and retreat expenses)

Join women from Trinity for this weekend cabin retreat in breathtaking Estes Park as we welcome Dr. Audrey West

to explore how the parables of Jesus help us to understand God’s story and our own. Enjoy home-

cooked meals prepared by member Nancy Harrison, devotions led by Pastor Meghan, and plenty of time for conversation, friendship and relaxation. Don’t miss this

chance to be renewed and refreshed by the Spirit for the new year! RSVP to Pastor Meghan at

[email protected] or 482-1226.

BONUS EVENT: Thursday, Jan. 22, all-ages workshop and chili/cornbread supper with Dr. Audrey West, 6-8 PM. Whether you’re attending the retreat or not, men,

women, and youth of all ages are invited to meet Dr. West and enjoy a community meal and workshop

about the parables, God’s story, and our stories.

Please join us for these special events in January!

*If financial assistance would make it possible for you to attend the retreat, please tell Pastor Meghan when you RSVP.

Page 7: November 2014 Tidings


Pastors’ Letter, Cont. from Pg. 3

annual Peace by Piece Symposium on “The Essence of Peace,” Friday and Saturday, Nov. 7 - 8. Our guest speakers and panelists come from Fort Collins Christian, Jewish, and Muslim faith communities, as well as community organizations. You’ll be treated to rich conversation, insight, and the opportunity to build new friendships in the community for the sake of peace. Especially these days, the need for peace is great; and Jesus said, “Blessed be the peacemakers.” ALL are

welcome to attend and be peacemakers with us!

An additional word of welcome: in this month’s issue of the Tidings we welcome two new staff members: our Youth Ministry Team Rep, Megan Sawyer, who will be working with our middle and high school youth alongside youth and adults from the other three local ELCA congregations; and our interim organist, choir accompanist and Bells of Trinity

director, Tamara Schmiege. Please read their introductions in this issue and help us show them why Trinity is a “welcoming faith community.”

As the month wraps up, we’ll be giving thanks for all God’s gifts in this year (don’t forget to join us for the community Thanksgiving service and pie social on Tuesday, Nov. 25 at 7pm at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, 1200 S. Taft Hill Rd.) And we’ll be giving thanks for YOU, saints of Trinity, for the ways God is blessing us and the community through your love, joy, and generosity.

In Christ,

Pastors Gabi and Meghan Aelabouni

Two autobiographies have been chosen for the last two 2014 meetings of the TLC Book Group. In November get in the mood for holiday cooking by reading about the life of Julia Child in My Life in France.

In December we will read Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s story in the book Infidel. Raised in a strict Muslim family, Hirsi Ali of Somalia survived civil war, female mutilation, brutal beatings, and life in countries ruled by despots. She escaped from a forced marriage and sought asylum in the Netherlands, where she earned a college degree, fought for the rights of Muslim women, and served in Parliament.

Join the group in the library at 9:30 a.m. on the first Mondays of the month, Nov. 3 and Dec. 1.

All are welcome! Questions? Call Nadine Hunt at 568-8579 or Lois Olsen at 206-0764.

Trinity Book Group By Nadine Hunt

Bees and Our Food

By Wally Jacobson, Social and Eco Justice Ministry

It has been widely reported that honey bees and other insect pollinators have been in serious decline for about eight years. Anyone who has enjoyed watching bees busily flying from flower to flower can appreciate their energy and purpose. These essential

pollinators are responsible for one out of every three bites of food we eat and produce the honey that so many of us enjoy.

Scientists of the U.S. EPA and elsewhere have now identified a class of toxic pesticides known as "neonicotinoids" as a significant factor in bee popula-tion decline. This decline has been widespread and has brought about catastrophic colony collapses in some areas. It has also caused many farmers to take drastic measures to pollinate their crops through the trucking of bee hives from other parts of the country. This situation has resulted in President Obama directing the EPA to expedite its review of these pesticides. Some countries have already imposed restrictions on those thought to cause the decline in bees.

As we think about our food supply, and especially during the month of November when thoughts turn to bountiful harvests and Thanksgiving, we must keep the bees in mind. There are many organizations advocating to carefully evaluate the impact of pesticides on these tiny yet indispensable creatures.

If you wish to learn more visit May God help us to find the answers to this challenge and take effective action to save the bees.

Page 8: November 2014 Tidings


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu


8 & 10 a.m. Worship

9a Sunday School

9:15a Pray and Play

11:30a Mille’s 100th B-Party

WA N. Hunt / L needed

S J. Frye

H R. Knutson


9a TLC Preschool

9:30a Trinity Book Group

6p Property


7:30a Men’s Breakfast @

The Egg & I, 2809 S. College

9a TLC Preschool

4:30 p FISH

5:15 p Social & Eco Justice

7p Worship & Music


9a TLC Preschool

5:30p Executive Council

6p Bells of Trinity

7:15p Chancel Choir


9a TLC Preschool

9a Interfaith Council

10a Bible Study

10a IFC Small Group

6:30p Bible Study @

Mulligan’s, 2439 S. College


8 & 10 a.m. Worship

9a Sunday School

9:15a Pray and Play

11:30a Lila’s 85th B-Party

WA D. Wisner / L J. Garcia

S S. Dugger

H D. Karst, S. Jorgensen, 2



9a TLC Preschool

930a Sarah Circle


9a TLC Preschool

2p Finance/Stewardship

7p Council


9a TLC Preschool

6p Bells of Trinity

7:15p Chancel Choir


9a TLC Preschool

10a Bible Study

6:30p Bible Study @

Mulligan’s, 2439 S. College

16 8 & 10 a.m. Worship

9 Sun. Sch. / 9:15 Pray & Play

9a A/V Info Session

11:30 Confirmation Workshop

4:30p FFH Appreciation

S D. LoRash-Neuenschwander

WA R. Aust / L D. Andrist

H K. Teumer, T. Dolan, B.

Dugger, B. Nosal, H. Knowles


9a TLC Preschool

7p Men’s Group @

Mulligan’s, 2439 S. College


9a TLC Preschool

7p TLC Preschool Board


9a TLC Preschool

6p Bells of Trinity

7p A/V Info Session

7:15p Chancel Choir


9a TLC Preschool

10a Bible Study

6:30p Bible Study @

Mulligan’s, 2439 S. College


8 & 10 a.m. Worship

9a Sunday School

9:15a Pray & Play

11:30 Congregational Meeting

WA T. Borkowski

S B. Waltermire / L M. Hartig

H S. Schilling, 3 needed


9a TLC Preschool

9:30a Sarah Circle


9a TLC Preschool

7p Thanksgiving Service

@ Shepherd of the Hills


6p Bells of Trinity

7:15p Chancel Choir



8 & 10 a.m. Worship

WA M. A. Miller / L M. Oliver

S S. Moore / H 4 needed

November 2014 - Trinity Lutheran Church Calendar


Interested in assisting at the

Saturday evening worship service?

Contact Gaye Lundgren

Phone: 224-9379 E-mail: [email protected].

Church Office Closed

Page 9: November 2014 Tidings


Louise Dalke 11/2 Lisa Benson 11/3 Robert Schmidt 11/3 Charles Foster 11/4 Garth Rogers 11/4 Jessica Teal 11/4 Ceily Geppert 11/5 Marge Pratt 11/5 Mille Souders 11/5 Tracey Wenborg 11/5 Teresa Simske 11/6 Charlene Fuglestad 11/7 Joanne Sunset 11/8 Teddy Aristoff 11/9 Charlotte Dorsey 11/9 Lance Nelson 11/9 Becki Oscarson 11/9 Lila Schilling 11/9 Dick Kling 11/11 Bev Bainer 11/12 Marcia Yernberg 11/12

Justice Jackson 11/13 Sylvie Supinski 11/13 Maddy Haller 11/14 Cheryl Backsen 11/16 Ken Clark 11/16 Kate Dorsey 11/17 Ben Drews 11/17 Margaret Frye 11/17 Jon Remmers 11/18 Lana Schueler 11/19 Macee Dugger 11/19 Megan Brissey 11/22 Sherry Clark 11/22 Marge Koester 11/23 Lucille Weigand 11/26 Isla Zuniga 11/26 Emma Eachus 11/28 Jennifer Anderson 11/29 Gaye Lundgren 11/30 Dallen Simske 11/29

November Birthday Blessings

November Anniversary Blessings

Bethany Bailey 11/1 Jim & Barbara Montague 11/23 Larry & Sharyn Salmen 11/25

Dean & Heidi LoRash- Neuenschwander 11/28 Jon & Brenda Fosse 11/29

Fri Sat

Mulligan’s, 2439 S. College


9a TLC Preschool


5p Saturday Praise

WA E. Fadness


4p Prayer Shawl Ministry

5p Saturday Praise

WA V. Volbrecht

Mulligan’s, 2439 S. College


9a TLC Preschool

630p TGIF @

John & Susie Stark’s


5p Saturday Praise

WA T. Simske

6p A/V Info Session

Mulligan’s, 2439 S. College


9a TLC Preschool


8:30-10:30a / 11:30-1:30p

Trinity @ The Mission

5p Saturday Praise

WA R. Walberg


10:30a Trinity

@ Golden Peaks


5p Saturday Praise w/

Baptism of Haylee Buscho

WA J. Makinen

Trinity Lutheran Church Calendar

Worship & Music Schedule Abbreviation Guide:

WA - Worship Assistant

L - Lector C - Communion Prep & Serve

S - Sound System H - Hospitality Team

Nov. Altar Guild: Donna Dauner & Marilyn Morrisey

Fall Cleanup Day Sat., Nov. 15, 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Includes lunch. Come for all or part of the day.

No RSVP needed...just show up! Questions? Mark Markley 223-9551

High School Youth Synod Gathering

Church Office Closed

Beginning in November, the Trinity Men’s Group will kick off an

evening mee<ng <me on the third Monday of each month (in

addi<on to the Men’s Breakfast) at Mulligan’s, 2439 S. College, for

congrega<on members to share comradery. No RSVP needed. Come

join us in the Dublin Room at Mulligan’s on Mon., Nov. 17, at 7 p.m.

to help us kick off this ministry and decide important issues like our

purpose, focus, and whether or not we will drink beer.

Page 10: November 2014 Tidings


As we wrapped up our sixth host week last month, I was reminded of Trinity’s mission as a “welcoming faith com-munity living together in God’s love to share the joy of Jesus Christ,” and I am once again deeply appreciative of the 45 plus volunteers who willingly and graciously step up each rotation to serve those in need. FFH provides a unique opportunity to work together as people of faith caring for one another, and we cannot do it without each of you!

In recognition of our volunteers, we invite anyone who has participated in one or more host weeks to join us for a “Food for Thought” evening, Sunday, November 16, from 4:30 to 6:30 at Trinity. A light meal will be served;

afterwards we’ll invite you to share your host week experiences and ideas to enhance future host weeks for guest families and volunteers alike. Please RSVP to the church office by November 12. We look forward to hearing from you!

During host weeks we often hear from guests about their

journeys on the road to independence. We also feel their heartfelt emotion as they thank volunteers for their hospitality and acceptance. These small acts of kindness do make a difference and provide renewed hope for families, as reflected in the inspiring FFH success story that appeared in the Coloradoan this summer, and is reprinted here:

One Fort Collins Family’s Journey Out of

Homelessness (By Sarah Jane Kyle, Coloradoan reporter)

Jen Salazar never realized how much she would appreciate having a shower. She spent months washing her hair in a sink and trying to stay as clean as possible, moving from host site to host site in the Faith Family Hospitality program for homeless families.

“Sinks became our best friends,” she said. Those months are now becoming a memory. She and her husband, Nathan, their three daughters and two dogs started this school year as a success story. They’ve been living in Bull Run Town Homes for around a month and have stability for the first time since moving to Fort Collins. “We’ve had a long journey,” she said.

The Salazars thought it would take a couple of months to find a place when they moved to Fort Collins. Nathan had a full-time job as a mechanic and, though their credit scores

Cont. on Pg. 13

Faith Family Hospitality By Susan Lamb

Thanksgiving, Cont. from Pg. 1

by the abundant love God showers upon us. Our response to that love is lived out in the sharing of "the joy of Jesus Christ" at all times and in all places. Thoughtful steward-ship of those blessings reflects our thanksgiving for the love and generosity that flows from God’s grace. We give in thanksgiving for the special, wonderful ways Trinity improves and enriches people’s lives - not only Trinity members, but the community.

Thanksgiving as a verb is the act of giving thanks, which means we need to do something, RIGHT? W. Clement Stone was quoted, “If you are really thankful, what do you do? You Share.” It is the purposeful, active, daily living out of our thanks that leads us to the second half of the word thanksgiving—giving.

I pray that we all keep this in mind as we gather this month to consider our budget for 2015 outlining how we plan to be "a welcoming faith community living together in God's love to share the joy of Jesus Christ." Keep in's not what the budget says, but what the Bible says. Thanksgiving should be a word of action - a VERB!

Online Giving, Cont. from Pg. 1

view your complete online giving history from any-where you have access to the Internet. Simply follow these easy steps:

1. Visit

2. Click the “Give” button (top bar)

3. Click the “Give Monthly” button for recurring contributions, or click the “Donate Now” button for a one time contribution. For your convenience, your contribution can come from your checking or savings account, or your from your debit or credit card. Follow the onscreen instructions to create an online profile and to schedule your recurring contributions.

4. If you currently take advantage of Simply Giving (automatic deductions from your account) you can now manage your account online and see your giving history.

Please feel free to call Debbie Schwartz, Financial Secretary, in the church office at 482-1226 or email [email protected] if you have any questions about this program, or need help getting started. As the pace of life speeds up around the holidays, you may find electronic giving a most welcome way to make contributions.

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Purchase giBs that make a difference:

• Jewelry and Accessories

• CraBs

• Fair Trade Coffee GiB Baskets

• World Hunger Support

• Food and Beverage GiBs

Page 12: November 2014 Tidings



In our society, today, we are accustomed to and honored by the many forms of “art” performance in our churches and communities. Just as our communities are made up of many talented persons, so are our churches. So what about our CHURCH community? What about Trinity Lutheran Church, Fort Collins? Are there OTHER talents by which we can interpret God’s story and word? Talents we haven’t thought of, but are also powerful messengers? In our endeavors to touch the hearts and souls of our community, we would like to expand our congregation’s full possibilities by using all the arts available. We don’t want to substitute what we already have, but broaden Trinity’s base of available talent. To start, we hope you will fill out this survey and turn it in to the office by Sunday, Nov. 9. If you have any questions, you may call Worship & Music chair, Kate Kling, at 663-6028 or slip a note in her Kiosk #189. Thank you!


HAND ART: Painting___________________________________________________ _______ Sketching_________________________________________________________ Photography_______________________________________________________ Crocheting, knitting__________________________________________________ Sewing skills_______________________________________________________ Design/Decor_______________________________________________________ Sculpting__________________________________________________________ Carpentry/building__________________________________________________ (Woodworking)_____________________________________________________

THEATER ARTS: Acting____________________________________________________________ Mime_____________________________________________________________ Clowning__________________________________________________________ Interpretive Reading_________________________________________________ Speaking__________________________________________________________ Sign Language______________________________________________________

DANCE: Lyrical____________________________________________________ Ballet_____________________________________________________________ Contemporary_____________________________________________________ Folklore (Celtic or other)_____________________________________________ Tap______________________________________________________________

VOCAL & INSTRUMENTAL: Vocal____________________________________________________________ Choir_____________________________________________________________ Vocal Ensemble_____________________________________________________ Instrument you play__________________________________________________ Percussion_________________________________________________________ Musical Chanting___________________________________________________ Choral Speech______________________________________________________ (Choral speech is done with a group speaking together without music such as a scripture or telling a story.) COMMENTS, QUESTIONS OR IDEAS: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ THANK YOU FOR COMPLETING THE SPIRITUAL ARTS PERFORMANCE SURVEY!



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Faith Family Hospitality, Cont. from Pg. 10

were “lacking,” their rental history was stable. They stayed with family at first, then friends. Eventually they moved to spending night after night in hotels so they wouldn’t overstay their welcome and “ruin friendships.” They were denied housing too many times to remember.

By April, the family was at a breaking point, tired of insta-bility and wondering if they would ever find a place to call home in the Choice City. A staff member at the Communi-ty Life Center recommended they apply for Faith Family Hospitality, a collection of 27 religious groups that can accommodate four families at one time. Chilli, Jen’s ser-vice dog, joined the program with them. Koda, the couple’s older dog, stayed with friends until they found housing.

Around a third of FFH’s 51 total families to date have found permanent housing, including the Salazars. There is a wait list of 10 to 12 families, according to Program Director Sue Peterson. Due to an immediate opening, the Salazars were ushered into the program within days.

Their oldest daughters, Ariana, 9, and Kylie, 6, are students at O’Dea Elementary School. To keep them enrolled in school, the family had to be separated for a couple of weeks while the girls stayed with family to complete school. Their story isn’t uncommon in Poudre School District. Nearly 1,000 students are without stable housing each year, according to the district’s website.

“We were sad,” Jen said. “We were almost at a breaking point.” The host sites of FFH quickly became a source of

support and stability, she said, even with moving from location to location to location every week.

“You get that weight of being homeless off your shoulders,” she said. “You know you have a roof over your head. You know you have food in your stomach. You know you have a ton of people you can count on.”

Peterson and FFH staff and volunteers helped the couple come up with a plan for success. Fellow homeless families became their best friends. Housing applications continued to get denied, but the family was encouraged to wait and keep trying.

When they were finally approved at Bull Run and moved into stable housing this fall, the program sought donations to fill their new home with furniture. “It’s awesome to know there are still people out there who want to help out,” Nathan said.

Standing in their new living room, the couple look out over their three daughters playing together and dogs rolling around, fighting over toys. It’s a scene many take for granted, but Jen and Nathan are “so grateful.”

“We have stability,” Nathan said. “It’s nice not having to move around every week. It’s nice not having to pack my stuff up. It’s nice to just have a place to go and sit with just my family.”

“We have a place to call home,” Jen added.


Next host week: January 11-18, 2015

Dear People of Trinity:

I want to thank you all so very much for my 14 years with you at Trinity Lutheran Church. It has meant so much to me to be part of the music ministry, and I leave with wonderful memories.

We are moving to Northfield, MN, so that we can be closer to our family. After 15 years in Colorado we will return to our Minnesota roots! I will always treasure hearing you sing your faith through liturgy and hymns in worship.

I loved working with the great group of people in Bells of Trinity, and accompanying the dedicated singers in the Chancel Choir, and working with Pastors Meghan and Gabi, and with Murray Oliver and the rest of the Trinity staff was indeed a pleasure.

Blessings to all of you—I will miss you!

-Marcia Yernberg

Page 14: November 2014 Tidings


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Congratulations to Trinity member Reuben Jackson for his amazing results in the League of American Bicyclists Summer Challenge. Reuben was one of four Trinity members who participated, and he rode 3,103.7 miles from June-September, finishing 8th out of 535 riders in Ft. Collins. Reuben received a gift

card from Trinity to Vincent restaurant to recognize his achieve-ment. Ride on safely, Reuben, and thanks for your commitment to bicycling!

Way to Go Reuben!

Page 15: November 2014 Tidings


Trinity Lutheran Photo Gallery

TLC Preschool Outing Greg & Mira’s Baby Shower

Sunday Pray & Play

Property Ministry at Work

JOY (Just Older Youth) Luncheon

Sunday School Discusses Food Bank Programs

Boy Scout Troop 195

Page 16: November 2014 Tidings


TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH 301 E. Stuart St. Fort Collins, CO 80525 (970) 482-1226

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Stay Connected!

Registra<on—Peace by Piece Symposium—Please detach and mail with payment to Trinity Lutheran Church,

301 E. Stuart St., Fort Collins, CO 80525. Registra�on fees include all events and lunch.



City_________________________________________________ State____________ Zip_______________

Fees: Individual $15 Couple $25 Student $5

Please make check payable to Trinity Lutheran Church.

More informa�on or online registra�on:

