Nov 16 2016 nps presentation west pond[2995]

West Pond Update: Breach and Trail Repair North and South Gardens Gateway National Recreation Area, Jamaica Bay Unit, West Pond National Park Service

Transcript of Nov 16 2016 nps presentation west pond[2995]

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West Pond Update:

• Breach and Trail Repair

• North and South Gardens

Gateway National Recreation Area, Jamaica Bay Unit, West Pond

National Park Service

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West Pond is one of the most popular sites within

Gateway National Recreation Area and is a local,

national, and international destination.

• West Pond is 44 acres, 3 - 6 feet deep.

• 1.5 mile loop trail, Visitor Center.

• West Pond provides opportunities for birding, walking, and

environmental education.

• Average yearly visitation over 575,000 pre-Sandy.

• Over 5,400 school groups from 2010-2015.


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Pre-Sandy Conditions • Despite a long history of intense development, Jamaica Bay is rich

in fish and wildlife communities, with large and diverse populations

of resident and migratory species.

• Jamaica Bay is recognized by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as

valuable habitat for migrating birds along the Atlantic. Some of these

species have special regulatory protections under the Endangered

Species Act, Migratory Bird Treaty Act, and state-level protections.

• The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service estimates that nearly 20% of North

America’s bird species migrate through or breed in the Jamaica Bay


• The West Pond freshwater wetland habitat of pre-Sandy conditions,

unique and rare within Jamaica Bay, was a significant factor in the

diversity of species.

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Hurricane Sandy

• West Pond was breached and inundated with sea water from

Jamaica Bay, which has continued to increase salinity, create

tidally influenced conditions, and change the habitat composition

from brackish to more saline conditions.

• The existing breach continues to widen and is vulnerable to future

damage from storm activity and erosion.

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Primary Breach

Secondary Breach

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Storm Damage

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Post-Hurricane Sandy • Currently, due to the loss of the freshwater wetlands, the West

Pond does not provide habitat that supports the diversity of

species that existed pre-Sandy.

• Loss of the loop-trail affected the visitor use and experience.

• Although the West Pond area continues to provide excellent

habitat for shorebirds, waterbirds with freshwater associations

have declined.

• National Audubon Society and Cornell Lab of Ornithology data

from 2011-2014 show a decline in species since the breach to West


• Visitation numbers for the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge have

dropped significantly since Hurricane Sandy.

• A 37% reduction in visitation occurred between 2011 and 2014.


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Project Work Current Project Work: • Berm/breach repair

• Trail repair at berm/breach

• Replace water control structure

• Implement water replenishment source

• Design for Shoreline Restoration

Future Work (Covered in EA but not funded

by Sandy): • Shoreline Restoration Implementation

• Living shoreline

• Marsh restoration

• Terrapin Point

• Habitat enhancement

• Invasive species control

• Trail system

• Visitor Amenities

• Viewing blinds / platforms

• Trails / boardwalk systems

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West Pond project

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Current Project Work

Water Control Structure

Current Project Work

Secondary Breach Repair

Current Project work –

Primary Breach Repair/

Trail Repair

Future Work

Terrapin Point

Habitat Improvement

Current Project Work –

Design Shoreline

Restoration Future Work – Implementation

Current Project Work –

Water Source

Future work

Trail Amenities

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Current Project: Breach/Trail Repair

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Current Project: Breach/Trail Repair

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Visitor Access During Construction

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Construction Access from Cross

Bay Boulevard

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Construction Staging and Safety

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Current Progress and Next Steps

• Contract has been awarded. $1.7m for repair of

breach and water control structure. Mobilized

October 11th.

• Currently scheduled for 250 days, with completion

date of June, 2017 (bird-dependent).

• Working with NYC on fresh water source

• Contract just awarded for design of living


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Current Progress and Next Steps

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N&S Gardens Restoration

• $800,000 partnership project between The Nature

Conservancy, the Jamaica Bay-Rockaway Parks

Conservancy, and the National Park Service

• Purpose is to eradicate invasive plants and

promote a more diverse, sustainable and resilient


• During 2016-2017, approximately 20,000 native

plants will be planted

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N&S Gardens Restoration

• October planting in South Garden

• Follow-up invasive treatments in spring and late

summer 2017

• Restoration planting in North Garden 2017

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N&S Gardens Restoration

• October 25-30th, 2016 volunteer planting:

• 278 volunteers

• High schools, corporate volunteers, general

public and local residents, TNC staff

• 7,851 trees planted

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N&S Gardens Restoration

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