Nouvelle Libération'Safe Miner: A Fine Grained Aspect Level software for Resolving the Sentiment'...

INSIDE THIS ISSUE ExcuberanzaA patriortic event @ CA 2 Farewell party for CSI student members 3 CSI foundation day celebrated 3 Cultural Event for CA students 4 Hostel Activity by CSI and Matrix 5 Workshop on Intricacies of C language 6 Workshop on Java Using Eclipse 6 Nouvelle Libération 10 APRIL 2016 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 2 CA Faculty shines @ Infosys The Faculty Enablement program (Foundation Program 4.0) at Infosys Chandigarh DC from 4th Jan-9th Jan, 2016 was held to share indus- try experi- ence and learning methodol- ogy..The workshop aimed at significance and usage of tools in industry and prac- tical approach towards solving business problems. Mr. Jatinder Ashta, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Applications, School of Computer Sciences , secured A+ Grade in Group Activity given by the FEP team. Newsletter 10 APRIL 2016 This newsletter is edited and published by Department of Computer Applications - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Editorial Team: Ms Deepika Chaudhary Ms Nishu Bali Ms Amandeep Kaur Ms Arzoo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Website:, Email Id: [email protected] CA brings Laurels @ Conference Ms. Deepika Chaudhary, Associate Professor, Depart- ment of Computer Applications, represented Chit- kara University in the 4th International Conference on Advancements in Engineering & Technology held on 18th & 19th March 2016 at BGIET, Sangrur and her research Paper on "Design of Mobile Ontology for optimized searching in online shopping websites" was awarded as the Best Paper in Computer Science & Engineering Domain. Novelle Libération Newsletter

Transcript of Nouvelle Libération'Safe Miner: A Fine Grained Aspect Level software for Resolving the Sentiment'...

Page 1: Nouvelle Libération'Safe Miner: A Fine Grained Aspect Level software for Resolving the Sentiment' dated 7/5/2015 Docket Ref. No. 1- 2117871821, by Dr. Jaiteg Singh, Deepak Thakur


Excuberanza– A patriortic event @ CA


Farewell party for CSI student members


CSI foundation day celebrated 3

Cultural Event for CA students


Hostel Activity by CSI and Matrix 5

Workshop on Intricacies of C language


Workshop on Java Using Eclipse 6

Nouvelle Libération 1 0 A P R I L 2 0 1 6 V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 2

CA Faculty shines @ Infosys The Faculty Enablement program (Foundation Program 4.0) at Infosys Chandigarh DC from 4th Jan-9th Jan, 2016

was held to share indus-try experi-ence and learning methodol-ogy..The workshop aimed at significance and usage of tools in industry and prac-tical approach towards solving business problems. Mr. Jatinder Ashta, Assistant Professor, Department

of Computer Applications, School of Computer Sciences , secured A+ Grade in Group Activity given by the FEP team.

Newsletter 10 APRIL 2016

This newsletter is edited and published by Department of Computer Applications

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Editorial Team: Ms Deepika Chaudhary Ms Nishu Bali Ms Amandeep Kaur Ms Arzoo

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Website:, Email Id: [email protected]

CA brings Laurels @ Conference Ms. Deepika Chaudhary, Associate Professor, Depart-ment of Computer Applications, represented Chit-kara University in the 4th International Conference on Advancements in Engineering & Technology held on 18th & 19th March 2016 at BGIET, Sangrur and her research Paper on "Design of Mobile Ontology for optimized searching in online shopping websites" was awarded as the Best Paper in Computer Science & Engineering Domain.

Novelle Libération Newsletter

Page 2: Nouvelle Libération'Safe Miner: A Fine Grained Aspect Level software for Resolving the Sentiment' dated 7/5/2015 Docket Ref. No. 1- 2117871821, by Dr. Jaiteg Singh, Deepak Thakur

P A G E 2

Research and publications @ CA

Student Achievements

Patents & Copyrights are one of the most challenging areas in the field of research and development. Universities and other public research organizations are increasingly protecting their inventions , helping raise additional funding for research and spurring new start ups . Department of computer applications has also contributed to this area by filing patents and copyrights in different areas of science and technology.


Mr Naveen kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Applications and Mr Rajesh Kaushal , Assistant Profes-sor, Department of Computer Applications , filed a patent titled “PORTABLE AND SMART INTENSIVE CARE UNIT”. The inventors developed a prototype for portable intensive care unit (PICU) capable of operation even during the times when a patient is in transit, e.g. between patient room, examining room, operating room, etc. This system is capable of not only monitoring but of administering vital life-saving medicine.

There is a need of equipment or a system which has the ability to interact and transmit the data in real time to the user for effective monitoring and surveillance in crowded area. On these lines, Mr Naveen Kumar and Mr Rajesh kaushal filed a patent titled “SMART HELMET/HAT WITH SOLAR PANEL FOR SECURITY SURVEILLANCE “. The inventors of the present invention have designed a smart wearable device for security surveillance.


A Parameterized Software Approach to Deal with Sock Puppets, Dt. 4/3/2015 Docket Ref. No. 1-218983919, by Dr. Jaiteg Singh, Deepak Thakur and Tanya Gera

'Safe Miner: A Fine Grained Aspect Level software for Resolving the Sentiment' dated 7/5/2015 Docket Ref. No. 1-2117871821, by Dr. Jaiteg Singh, Deepak Thakur & Tanya Gera

Research and Development (R&D) is a key element of many organizations and, when well planned and used, enables a

business to generate increased wealth over a period of time. To keep up with the growing pace of Research and Devel-

opment, Faculty of Department of Computer Applications is also giving notable contributions in this area by giving vari-

ous research papers and book publications from time to time. Some of these publications are:

Research papers

Chaudhary Deepika, “Comparison of Rule based Semantic Web Reasoners for Ontologies in OWL2 Profile”. Interna-tional Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science,Volume 5,No.3,March-April-2014,ISSNNo.0976-5697

Singh Jaiteg,“An Open Source ETL Tool - Medium and Small Scale Enterprise ETL (MaSSEETL)”. International Journal of Computer Applications 108(4):15-22, December 2014

Singh, Jaiteg, Analysing OpenStreetMap data for topological errors. Int. J. Spatial, Temporal and Multimedia Infor-mation Systems, Vol. X, No. Y, xxxx 1 INDERSCIENCE xx 2015

Kaur Amandeep“ Use case Model of QOS with extensible registery protocol” in IEEE Xplore April 2015

Singh Jaswinder, “Use of CK Metrics to Analyze Complexity of JAVA Project Modules” published in International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC),Volume 1, Issue 6, july 2015.


Khanna Maninderjit, Sharma Shweta, Chopra Sandeep, “Management of Financial Systems”, (ISBN: 978-93-5163-

151-4), Edition 2014, Thakur Publisher, Jalandhar

V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 1 P A G E 2

Novelle S’etalar Newsletter

Novelle Libération Newsletter

Excuberanza– A patriortic event @ CA

A literary event comprising of three competitions was

organized on 29th January 2016 by the Department of

Computer Applications, School of Computer Sciences,

The three events organized under the banner of Excuber-

anza-2016 included Multimedia presentation competition,

Poster-making competition, Quiz on India & Indian Cul-


The theme for multimedia presentations and poster-

making competitions were “Make in India and Anti-

Terrorism”. All participating teams put in hard labour to

prepare the presentations and were able to showcase not

only their mastery in preparing multimedia presentations,

but they also depicted effectively the perceived outcomes

of the “Make in India” campaign launched by Sh. Naren-

dra Modi. A few presentations depicted the ugly face of

terrorism through pictures, and relevant data.

The team comprising of Dalveer Singh and

Vijender Singh, BCA-MCA(I)-4 was

awarded first prize in multimedia presentation


The entries in poster-making competition also

received appreciation by the judges and other

guests. The competitors tickled their grey cells

and came up with their own unique picture to

depict one of the two themes in an impressive


Harsh Jatawat,BCA-II was awarded first prize

in poster-making competition.

Another activity consisting of Quiz on India &

Indian Culture received overwhelming response

with 25 teams registering for the same. The quiz

comprised of multiple rounds, with each round

seeing the elimination of some teams. The Quiz

was won by the team from BCA-MCA (I)- 4

comprising of Amar and Arun Alex.

Dr. Jaiteg Singh, Professor, CURIN, Mrs.

Deepika Chaudhary, Associate Professor, De-

partment of Computer Applications, and Mr. Naveen Sharma, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer

Applications, presided over the event as judges. The effort of the participants was lauded by the guests from

various departments of the campus. Mr. Vikram Mangla, Dy. Dean, School of Computer Applications gave away

the prizes to the winning teams. He congratulated the winners and also appreciated other participants for the time

and effort put in by them for preparing the presentations.

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Novelle Libération Newsletter

Page 3: Nouvelle Libération'Safe Miner: A Fine Grained Aspect Level software for Resolving the Sentiment' dated 7/5/2015 Docket Ref. No. 1- 2117871821, by Dr. Jaiteg Singh, Deepak Thakur

CSI foundation day celebrated CSI Chandigarh Chapter celebrated Foundation Day on March

12, 2016 (Saturday), at IETE, Chandigarh. As a part of cele-

brations, CSI organized Multimedia Presentation contest on the

topic “Innovations in ICT” for the students from various col-

leges under CSI chandigarh Chapter. Two teams, from Depart-

ment of Computer Applications, Chitkara University, Punjab,

participated in the contest among which the team of Dalveer

Singh and Vijender Singh of BCA-4 won third prize in the


CSI Student Chapter, Chitkara University organized farewell on 20th Feb

2016 for the outgoing CSI Team with great enthusiasm .The Function

commenced with a heart warming welcome to the outgoing CSI members

by the current members of CSI Student Chapter. Token of love and appre-

ciation was given to the active members of CSI by Program In charge Ms.

Deepika Chaudhary and Dr. Jaiteg Singh. The event was highlighted with

some exciting games like Straw Ball, Balloon blustering and drum shred

arranged for both the students and faculty in which different tags

were awarded to the students. A ramp walk with funny props for students

and faculty added more excitement to the event .

The event ended with a thanks giving speech by the faculty coordinator of

CSI, Mr. Jaswinder Singh, Assistant professor, Department of Computer

Applications, Chitkara University. Ms. Deepika Choudhary, Program In-

charge, Department of Computer Applications, wished good luck to the

parting students of CSI for their future and appreciated the efforts of CSI


V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 2 P A G E 3

Farewell party for CSI student members

Novelle Libération Newsletter

Page 4: Nouvelle Libération'Safe Miner: A Fine Grained Aspect Level software for Resolving the Sentiment' dated 7/5/2015 Docket Ref. No. 1- 2117871821, by Dr. Jaiteg Singh, Deepak Thakur

V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 2 P A G E 4

Cultural Event for CA students Inorder to refresh CA students, a cultural event comprising six competitions was organized by the Matrix Club under the

aegis of Department of Computer Applications, School of

Computer Sciences, Chitkara University, Punjab. The six events or-

ganized under the banner of the cultural event includedSinging

Competition, Dance Competition,Exhibition - Sketching, Exhi-

bition - Photography, Mimickry, Paper Dance for students and

Faculty (Fun Activity)

Students participated wholeheartedly in the event and won

various competitions. Himanshu Dhiman of MCA-II was

awarded First Prize for Singing, while the Second Prize was

bagged by Pushkar of BCA-II and Third Prize went to Shubham of


In Dance Competition, Riya of BCA- 2 was awarded First Prize.

Pushkar of BCA-2 and Ravneet of BCA-4 were awarded Sec-

ond Prize.

The Sketching and Photography contests also received notice-

able number of entries from the participants. The competitors

came up with their own unique pictures to depict the beauty of

nature. The entries received appreciation by the judges and other

guests, and judges had tough time in deciding the winners.

Harsh Jatawat, BCA-II was awarded First Prize in Sketching

contest, while Tejinder Singh , BCA-II, bagged the Second Prize.

Lakshay Aggarwal ,BCA-II, brought to the fore his photography

skills, and went on to grab the First Prize. BlessyDev, BCA-II,

put forth some unique pictures, and bagged Second Prize in the


Chitman,BCA-4,brought about the laughter amongst the au-

dience with his humorous mimicry and was awarded First

Prize in this category.

The fun competition, Paper Dance, came out to be the most

enjoyable part of the day. The students as well as teachers

participated with enthusiasm, and the audience too enjoyed

the event. Among faculty, Mr .Jagwinder Singh and

Mr .Mohit Garg, Assistant Professors from the Department of

Computer Applications

were adjudged the win-

ners in this category.

Mr.VikramMangla, Dy.

Dean, School of Com-

puter Sciences gave

away the prizes to the

winners. The judges for

the various activities,

were also felicitated.

Mr.Vikram Mangla, in

his closing speech, con-

gratulated the winners,

and appreciated the

hard work put-in by Team Matrix in making this event successful. He also

urged the students to participate in all event to be held in future.

Novelle S’etalar Newsletter

Page 5: Nouvelle Libération'Safe Miner: A Fine Grained Aspect Level software for Resolving the Sentiment' dated 7/5/2015 Docket Ref. No. 1- 2117871821, by Dr. Jaiteg Singh, Deepak Thakur

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Hostel Activity by CSI and Matrix

Novelle Libération Newsletter

To remind us of one of the most popular tradi-

tional game of India, Kho-Kho, the Matrix Club

joined hands with the Epic Youth Club to organ-

ise Hostel Activity for the Chitkara University

hostellers. Kho-Kho, a game filled with energy

and shout-outs for the running players was or-

ganised for two days in the evenings of March 16

-17, 2016. All members of the Epic Youth Club

gathered in their signature epic T-shirts to play the

adrenaline-charged game. The semi-finals took

place on the first day where the winning teams

paved their way into the finals. On the following

day, the qualified teams played with all their

might to emerge as winners. Cloudy sky and

pleasant breeze made the ambience more lively

and blithely. The two winning teams, in boys as

well as girls categories, took home the prizes,

with the players from both teams having devel-

oped friendly bonds amongst themselves—

courtesy the rich heritage game called Kho-Kho.

Page 6: Nouvelle Libération'Safe Miner: A Fine Grained Aspect Level software for Resolving the Sentiment' dated 7/5/2015 Docket Ref. No. 1- 2117871821, by Dr. Jaiteg Singh, Deepak Thakur

Department of Computer Applications organized one day

workshop on “Intricacies of C Language” on 12th Febru-

ary 2106. The workshop was conducted by internal faculty

members Mr. Vikas Rattan and Mr. Preetinder Singh Brar,

Associate professor, Department of Computer Applica-


Objective of the workshop was to acquaint the

learners of BCA Second semester with advanced

concepts of C language that are usually not cov-

ered in routine class room lectures. The session

was indeed informative and the participants were

quite receptive to the ideas shared by the speaker.

In afternoon session, learners were taken to the

computer labs for hands on problem solving ses-


Workshop on Intricacies of C language

Department of Computer Applications, Chitkara Uni-

versity, Punjab Campus organized a one-day work-

shop on Java using Eclipse IDE on 18th Feburary

2016. Mr. Ashish Aggarwal, Sr. Software Engineer II,

Quark, conducted the session. The workshop was at-

tended by students of MCA-2 and BCA-4. The

speaker shared certain practices prevalent in the indus-

try pertaining to programming using Java, and other

technologies. The session was indeed informative and







tive to

the ideas shared by the speaker. Participants were told about

the various IDEs available for Java. The workshop was able

to achieve its intended objective of driving the students to

the point where they begin to comprehend the problems and

then realize the appropriate solution thereof by employing

object oriented paradigms.

Workshop on Java Using Eclipse

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Novelle Libération Newsletter

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A BrainTeaser

Novelle Libération Newsletter

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Phone No: +91 1762 507084/86 Website:

Editorial Section

This is the Third issue of our newsletter and we hope

to get due feedback from our readers which can help

us in improving our further issues.


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