Nouns Denotation: literal, dictionary definition Protuberance: something that sticks out, bulges...

Nouns Denotation: literal, dictionary definition Protuberance: something that sticks out, bulges Lethargy: serious tiredness Antithesis: a direct opposite Verbs to jettison: to throw overboard, to discard to connote: to suggest or convey to appropriate: to take possession of Adjectives Puerile: immature, childish Punctilious: exact in detail, careful Pungent: sharp April 29, 2013

Transcript of Nouns Denotation: literal, dictionary definition Protuberance: something that sticks out, bulges...

Page 1: Nouns Denotation: literal, dictionary definition Protuberance: something that sticks out, bulges Lethargy: serious tiredness Antithesis: a direct opposite.

NounsDenotation: literal, dictionary definitionProtuberance: something that sticks out, bulgesLethargy: serious tirednessAntithesis: a direct oppositeVerbsto jettison: to throw overboard, to discardto connote: to suggest or conveyto appropriate: to take possession ofAdjectivesPuerile: immature, childishPunctilious: exact in detail, carefulPungent: sharp

April 29, 2013

Page 2: Nouns Denotation: literal, dictionary definition Protuberance: something that sticks out, bulges Lethargy: serious tiredness Antithesis: a direct opposite.

Nouns:1. Labyrinth: Maze, place full of intricate

passageways2. Ennui: boredom, weariness, dissatisfaction3. Flagellation: whipping, flogging4. Steatopygia: heavy deposit of fat on the

buttocks or thighsVerbs:5. to abide: to remain6. to titillate: to tickle7. to gorgonize: to turn to stone with a look; to

petrify or stupefyAdjectives:8. Raucous: disagreeably harsh9. Lackadaisical: not interested, listless10. Laconic: brief, sparing of words, concise

May 6, 2013

You should be about half-way through

your outside reading book…Vocabulary Quiz Friday

Page 3: Nouns Denotation: literal, dictionary definition Protuberance: something that sticks out, bulges Lethargy: serious tiredness Antithesis: a direct opposite.

1. everybody should save themselves from unnecessary anxiety mrs Talbot stated by studying for the end of semester test

2. a surprisingly large crowd attended the first band concert of the irving park district open air series which featured john Philip sousa marches

Outside reading assignments start next week. You should be ½ done w/your book.

Vocabulary Quiz Friday

Photography Homework:1.Of or by you or2.Then me/Now Me

Page 4: Nouns Denotation: literal, dictionary definition Protuberance: something that sticks out, bulges Lethargy: serious tiredness Antithesis: a direct opposite.

Pick up a journal and immediately fold it in half

(like a hamburger. Complete the top, then fill in the bottom.Exclamation: Wow! Holy cow! No way!

Adjective: describes something

Verb: action words; to _________

Plural Noun: more than one person, place, or thing

Vocabulary Quiz Friday

Photography Homework:1.Of you Or2.By you OR3.Then me/Now Me

Outside reading assignments start next week. You should be ½ done w/your book.

Due May 16

Page 5: Nouns Denotation: literal, dictionary definition Protuberance: something that sticks out, bulges Lethargy: serious tiredness Antithesis: a direct opposite.

1.the windy city chorale completed a 35 minutes rehearsal before the audience arrived to hear George Frideric handles great oratorio messiah

2.after he worked in the yard all morning grandpa ate lunch and laid down for a nap

Vocabulary Quiz Friday

Photography Homework:1.Of you Or2.By you OR3.Then me/Now Me

Outside reading assignments start next week. You should be ½ done w/your book.

Due May 16

Page 6: Nouns Denotation: literal, dictionary definition Protuberance: something that sticks out, bulges Lethargy: serious tiredness Antithesis: a direct opposite.

Nouns:1. aureole—a halo2. sarcophagus—stone coffin or tomb3. recidivist—person who returns to crime4. hindrance—an obstacle; something in the wayVerbs:5. to recuperate—to get well6. to reconnoiter—to check out in advance7. to putrefy—to rotAdjectives:8. esoteric—understood by the specially initiated; private;

hidden9. pusillanimous—small-minded, chicken-hearted,

cowardly10. fallible—able to make mistakes; having faults

May 14, 2013

Page 7: Nouns Denotation: literal, dictionary definition Protuberance: something that sticks out, bulges Lethargy: serious tiredness Antithesis: a direct opposite.

Poetry portfolio

due Monday

From: SWIFT [[email protected]]Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2013 3:12 PMTo: Rigley Berg, AngelaSubject: Babysitter

Ang!!! […] Anyway - we obviously don't know a whole lot of people in the neighborhood and we're in the market for an occasional babysitter. Especially an afternoon babysitter. I'm still at Nelsen and Aminu is working evenings up in West Seattle (until July). I either have to hurry home right after school or Aminu wakes Zain up early from his nap and drops him off with me on his way to work. In either case, I'm not getting much work done. I was thinking..."if I only knew a few responsible high schoolers who might be interested..."Do you have any students who might want to watch Zain a couple afternoons a week for an hour or two? (4:00 - 6:00)? Or for an occasional date night on Saturday? We live in the Lakeland East development...just past the Shopping Center. It would be great if they could drive/bike/walk to our house.[…]Take care,Sarah

If you’re interested in

earning a few easy bucks,

please let me know!

Outside reading assignment: Task A Due Friday

Page 8: Nouns Denotation: literal, dictionary definition Protuberance: something that sticks out, bulges Lethargy: serious tiredness Antithesis: a direct opposite.

Poetry portfolio due Monday1.) BIRD : NEST ::

(A) dog : doghouse(B) squirrel : tree(C) beaver : dam(D) cat : litter box(E) book : library

2.) DALMATIAN : DOG :: (A) oriole : bird(B) horse : pony(C) shark : great white(D) ant : insect(E) stock : savings

Outside reading assignment: Task A

Due Friday

3.) DOCTOR : HOSPITAL :: (A) sports fan : stadium(B) cow : farm(C) professor : college(D) criminal : jail(E) food : grocery store

4.) CUB : BEAR ::(A) piano : orchestra(B) puppy : dog(C) cat : kitten(D) eagle : predator(E) fork : utensil

Look at the first set of words (ex: bird:nest)Then look at the next five pairs of words and find the one set that matches the same relationship established in the first. Think “Birds build and live in a nest, so…”

Page 9: Nouns Denotation: literal, dictionary definition Protuberance: something that sticks out, bulges Lethargy: serious tiredness Antithesis: a direct opposite.

Poetry portfolio

due today


Hang on to them

for a sec

Turn in Outside reading assignment:


Nouns:collusion—secret cooperation for a deceitful purposeallegory—fable, something written in order to teachdespot—a ruler with absolute powerKarma—life force that determines your fate or destiny

Verbs:to loll—to sprawl awkwardly; relaxto inveigle—to trickto absolve—to set free from obligation or from guilt

Adjectives:laudatory—expressing praise; commendatoryfacetious—characterized by witscurrilous—indecent, obscenely jocular, vulgar

Page 10: Nouns Denotation: literal, dictionary definition Protuberance: something that sticks out, bulges Lethargy: serious tiredness Antithesis: a direct opposite.

1.the zinnia seeds that I purchased at fanchers nursery produced less plants than I expected when I bought them dad said

2.hans couldn’t decide weather to watch nova a science series on public television at 800 pm

Vocabulary Quiz Friday

Outside reading assignment: Task A


Late poetry portfolios can be left in the purple bins.

Page 11: Nouns Denotation: literal, dictionary definition Protuberance: something that sticks out, bulges Lethargy: serious tiredness Antithesis: a direct opposite.

1.the storm which began on June 8 1982 and lasts for thirty seven hours flooded low lying farmland along the Mississippi river

2.most of my friends havent never ate german dumplings but they have tried cajun chicken

Vocabulary Quiz Friday

Outside reading assignment: Task A Due ASAP Task B Due May 31st

Late poetry portfolios can be left in the purple bins.