Notes Topic 3

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Project Management

Transcript of Notes Topic 3

  • *DCC 5183PROJECT MANAGEMENT & PRACTICESDepartment of Civil EngineeringPolytechnic Port Dickson


  • 4.1 Compare and contrast different organizational structures and their impact on projects

    4.1.1 The relevance of organizational structure and the main characteristics of :*TYPES OF ORGANIZATION - Functional Organization

  • *Functional organization is a common type of organizational structure in which the organization is grouped based on specialization by functional areas, such as IT, finance, production , R&D , HR and marketing.

  • Advantages & Disadvantagesof Fuctional structure*

    Advantages Disadvantages

    1. Decision making occurs at top level of management. It ensures upper management has complete control over organization.1.Lead to poor communication between departments, situation where department do not work together and inter-department conflict2. Clear career trajectory for employee from junior level position up to top decision making positions.2.Customer become frustrated by lack of cooperation if they have to work with more than one department.3.Provides stability and efficiency especially in large and complex organizations because everyone uses similar processes.

  • *TYPES OF ORGANIZATION - Product structure Organization

  • *A representation of the way in which the parts of a product fit together and interact, organized in levels of detail based on structure.

    A product structure is used to manage changes, testing, and problem resolution for complex products with a large number of interdependent parts and functions.

  • Advantages & Disadvantages Org. base on Product*

    Advantages DisadvantagesEnables the organization to diversify their product, service or project1. Dilemma in coordinating product project areas.2. They can cope better in technological change.2. Lack of clarify in responsibilities between product or project specialist

    3. The department can be dissolved easily if task completed3. Decrease in professional contact4. The Organization may focus more on client needs or requests.4. Duplication of services or product or project may occur

  • *TYPES OF ORGANIZATION - Matrix Structure Organization

  • *

  • *Matrix Structures

    -This type of structure combines the traditional departments seen in functional structures with project teams.

    -In a matrix structure, individuals work across teams and projects as well as within their own department or function.

    -Reporting relationship are set up as a grid or matrix rather than in the traditional hierarchy.

    -Employee have dual reporting relationships generally to both a functional manager and a product manager.

  • *Advantages & Disadvantages matrix org.

    AdvantagesDisadvantages1. Allow individuals to use particular skills within a variety of contexts 1. Report to two line managers. This scenario can put project team member under a heavy pressure of work. 2. Encourages cross-fertilization of ideas across departments e.g. helping to share good practice and ideas2. Increases employee skills and involvement but can lead to employee confusion and frustration because lines of reporting are unclear.3. A good way of sharing resources across departments which can make a project more cost-effective 3. Difficult to co-ordinate

    4. Greater motivation amongst the team members 4. It takes time for matrix team members to get used to working.5. Employees work in teams, which they develop and organize.5. Team members may neglect their functional responsibilities 6.Employee can change team to work in areas which there are needed or interested in working.

  • Reason why the matrix structure in project management has problem in term of :Conflict: Matrix structure internalizes conflict between organization needs and environmental pressure.Stressful Matrix organization can be a stressful work environment. Reporting to more one superior.Costly Most of time spend on meeting and discussion. It is time consuming and costly.


  • What will happen if an organization structure fails to function properly or effectively?Difficult to make decisionMiscommunication among staffWorkers will be demotivatedLow Productivity and qualityDifficult to deliver specific task*

  • Example: What type of this Org. Chart?*

  • Example: What type of this Org. Chart?*

  • 4.2 Understand project supervision and superintendence

    4.2.1 Differentiate project supervision and project superintendence

    Project Superintendence Function of Job Under administrative supervision from a designated administrative officer, to plan, coordinate, and supervise new construction and remodeling of existing buildings.

    Characteristic Duties and Responsibilities 1. organizes, coordinates, and supervises the work of the Foreman, Sub Foreman, and/or craft employees on construction projects 2. interviews, hires, and trains employees *

  • 3. determines work priorities and coordinates work activities within the design area and/or with others outside of the office; apportions work among employees according to abilities or specialized training

    4. coordinates new construction and major remodeling, which involves scheduling meetings and reviewing project documents (e.g., contracts, specifications, blueprints) as necessary

    5. collaborates with administrators on the supervision of all work operations

    6. keeps cost records on work performed and materials; is responsible for the control of costs in materials and wages


  • 7. exercises control over rate of construction progress in order to complete construction project within time limits; schedules jobs and operations

    8 estimates materials needed for specific jobs; estimates manpower needed for specific jobs

    9. leads inspection and commission of day to day construction work to enforce conformity to specifications

    10. supervises craft supervisors, clerical staff, and other personnel employed in construction work

    11. acts as an adviser on job related problems *

  • *Project Supervision Field supervisors play a major role in every construction company and every construction project.

    They are the frontline managers on the job, directly supervising workers and other field supervisors.

    They are both the engine and the anchor of the construction team, driving it toward effectiveness and efficiency, and stabilizing it with consistency and good judgment. To fill this role, field supervisors need more than experience in the field. They also need management skills in problem solving, planning, estimating, safety supervision, scheduling, controlling costs and resources, and, perhaps most important, managing people.

    Project Supervision is a comprehensive, competency-based program that gives both veteran and new field managers a step-by-step approach to honing their natural abilities, developing essential skills, and generally improving their performance as leaders.

    As a one-level curriculum, Project Supervision covers topics such as Human Relations and Problem Solving, Safety, and Quality Control.

  • Summaries of differentiate of Project supervisor and project superintendence*

    Project supervisor Project superintendenceTo record project activityMake decision in term of compliance of time, quality and cost

    To report progress workLiaise with authority

    To inspect the quality of workMaintain good decision with consultant

    To monitor subordinate workProviding on site technical support

  • The duties of a Technician or a site supervisor : > Supervising construction sites > Look after the welfare of employees > Ensure that the materials in good condition. (cement, bricks and others) > Conducts materials testing and analysis, using tools and equipment. > Confer with Asst. Eng to determine project details, such as plan preparation, acceptance testing, and evaluation of field conditions. > Prepare reports and document project activities and data. *The duties of an assistant engineer: > Translate drawings and ensure that work on construction sites in accordance with the drawings > Solve the problems / confusion about the drawing by the main contractor and sub contractors > Doing as directed by the construction manager > Assist in designing, developing and executing construction projects4.2.2 Understand the duties of a technician and assistant engineer.a.Discuss and distinguish between the duties of a technician and assistant engineer.b Relate the duty of a technician with an assistant engineer.

  • Exercises : match the scope of work duties base on following tasks : A- Supervisor B- Asst. Engineer*1- Conducts materials testing

    2- Prepare reports and document project activities

    3- Solve the problems / confusion about the drawing

    4- Supervising construction sites.

    5- Assist in designing, developing and executing construction projects.