Northern Residents Deductions – Places in Prescribed...

Northern Residents Deductions – Places in Prescribed Zones L / T4039 (10) Canada Revenue Agency Agence du revenu du Canada

Transcript of Northern Residents Deductions – Places in Prescribed...

Page 1: Northern Residents Deductions – Places in Prescribed · Teko Tomslake Tremblay Tumbler Ridge Tupper – 23 – Zone B (continued)

Northern Residents Deductions – Places in Prescribed Zones

L / T4039 (10)

Canada Revenue Agency

Agence du revenu du Canada

Page 2: Northern Residents Deductions – Places in Prescribed · Teko Tomslake Tremblay Tumbler Ridge Tupper – 23 – Zone B (continued)
Page 3: Northern Residents Deductions – Places in Prescribed · Teko Tomslake Tremblay Tumbler Ridge Tupper – 23 – Zone B (continued)

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Canada Revenue Agency

Agence du revenu du Canada

Northern Residents Deductions – Places in Prescribed Zones

Zone A – Prescribed northern zones Place names fo l lowed by numbers are Indian reserves. I f you l ive in a p lace that is not l is ted in th is publ icat ion and you th ink i t is in a prescr ibed zone, contact us.

Yukon, Nunavut, and the Northwest Terr i tories

Al l p laces in the Yukon, Nunavut , and the Northwest Terr i tor ies are located in a prescr ibed nor thern zone.

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Zone A

Brit ish Columbia Andy Bai ley Recreat ion Area At l in At l in Park At l in Recreat ion Area Bear Camp Ben-My-Chree Bennet t Boulder Ci ty Boya Lake Park Cal l ison Ranch Car iboo Meadows Cassiar (Trout l ine Creek) Centrevi l le Coal River Days Ranch Dease Lake Defot

Eddontenajon Ekwan El leh Engineer F i res ide Fontas Fort Nelson Fraser (Whi te Pass) G leam Glenora Good Hope Lake Gutah Hyland Post Hyland Ranch Hyland River Park Iskut

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Zone A (continued)

Brit ish Columbia (continued)Jacksons Kahntah Kledo Creek Park Klua Laketon L iard River L iard River Hotspr ings Park L indeman Log Cabin Lower Post Magnum Mine Maxhamish Lake Park McDame Meadows Mosqui to Flats Mount Edziza Park Mount Edziza Recreat ion Area

Muncho Lake Muncho Lake Park Muskwa Nelson Forks New Polar is Mine Ni teal O ld For t Nelson Pavey Pennington Pleasant Camp Porter Landing Prophet River Prophet River Recreat ion Area Rainy Hol low Rupert

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Zone A (continued)

Brit ish Columbia (continued)Saloon Scot ia Bay Sheslay Sikanni ( ra i lway s id ing) Skooks Landing Smith River Smith River Mi l i tary Reserve Snake River Steamboat St ik ine River Recreat ion Area Stone Mountain Park Surpr ise Tahl tan Taku Taku River Tamarack Tarahne Park Telegraph Creek

Tetsa River Park Toad River Trutch Tulsequah Whi te Pass

Reserves: A t l in-Tesl in Indian Cemetery 4 B lue River 1 C lassy Creek 8 Dease Lake 9 Dease River 2 Dease River 3 F ive Mi le Point 3 Fontas 1

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Zone A (continued)

Brit ish Columbia (continued)Fort Nelson 2 H iusta 's Meadow 2 Horse Ranch Pass 4 Jennings River 8 Kahntah 3 Kluachon Lake 1 L iard River 3 McDames Creek 2 McDonald Lake 1 Mosqui to Creek 5 Muddy River 1 One Mi le Point 1 P rophet River 4 Salmon Creek 3

Si lver Salmon Lake 5 Snake 5 St ik ine River 7 Summit Lake Mi le 392 Tahl tan 1 Tahl tan 10 Tahl tan Forks 5 Taku 6 Tatcho Creek 11 Telegraph Creek 6 Telegraph Creek 6A Tesl in Lake 7 Tesl in Lake 9 Upper Tahl tan 4 Weissener Lake 3

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Zone A (continued)

Alberta (* location is in Wood Buffalo National Park)Adams Landing Angus Tower * Assumpt ion Berdinskies Big Slough Boyer Boyer Set t lement Buf fa lo Head Prai r ie Carcajou Car lson Landing Chateh Cherry Mountain * Davidson Lake * Embarras (Athabasca River) Embarras Portage F i f th Mer id ian

F i tzgerald (Slave River) Footner Lake Forestry West Zama (a i r f ie ld) For t Chipewyan Fort Smith Set t lement For t Vermi l ion Fox Lake Garden Creek Garden River (Pakwanut ik River) Habay Hay Camp High Level High Rock * Hutch Lake Indian Cabins Jackf ish Jackf ish River

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Zone A (continued)

Alberta (continued)John D'Or Prai r ie Keg River Kemp River Kenny Woods La Crête Lambert Creek Tower L i t t le F ishery L i t t le Red River Lutose Margaret Lake Meander River Meander River Stat ion Met is North Vermi l ion Set t lement O ld For t Paddle Prai r ie Paddle Prai r ie Met is Set t lement

Parsons Lake * Peace Point Pine Lake * Point Brule Quatre Fourches Rainbow Imper ia l (a i r f ie ld) Rainbow Lake Rocky Lane S lavey Creek Steen River Sweetgrass Landing Vermi l ion Chutes Wadl in Tower Warden Stat ion * Wentzel Lake Zama Lake

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Zone A (continued)

Alberta (continued)Reserves: Amber River 211 Beaver Ranch 163 Bistcho Lake 213 Boyer 164 Bushe River 207 Chi ld Lake 164A Chipewyan 201 Chipewyan 201A Chipewyan 201B Chipewyan 201C Chipewyan 201D Chipewyan 201E

Chipewyan 201F Chipewyan 201G Fox Lake 162 Hay Lake 209 Jackf ish Point 214 John D'Or Prai r ie 215 Tal l Cree 173 Tal l Cree 173A Upper Hay River 212 Zama Lake 210

SaskatchewanBeaver Lake Black Lake

Bushel l Camsel l Por tage

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Zone A (continued)

Saskatchewan (continued)Cluf f Lake Col l ins Bay E ldorado Fond du Lac Goldf ie lds Gunnar Lorado Points North Landing

(nor th of Wol laston Lake) S tony Rapids U ranium Ci ty Water loo Lake

Wol laston Lake

Reserves: Chicken 224 Chicken 225 Chicken 226 Fond du Lac 227 Fond du Lac 228 Fond du Lac 229 Fond du Lac 231 Fond du Lac 232 Fond du Lac 233 Lac la Hache 220

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Zone A (continued)

ManitobaAmery Back Belcher Bi rd Brochet Burge Lake Provinc ia l Recreat ion

Park Bylot Char lebois Chesnaye Churchi l l Cromarty D igges Drybrough Duck Lake Post Fort Churchi l l

For t Hal l Fox Mine Garden Hi l l Gi l lam Gods Lake Gods Lake Narrows Gods River Herchmer Herr iot Island Lake Jacam Johnsonkank Kakapawanis Kapaneewekamik Place Kapuskaypachik Kel let t

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Zone A (continued)

Manitoba (continued)Kett le (generat ing stat ion) Ket t le Rapids Ki tchiokonim Place Ki tchisakik Kosapachekaywinasinne Kosapechekanesik Lac Brochet Lamprey Lawledge Le Pensie Leaf Rapids L imestone ( ra i lway s id ing) Long Spruce Long Spruce (generat ing stat ion) Luke Lynn Lake Matawak

Mathias Columb (Granvi l le Lake) M'Cl intock McVeigh Mistuhekasookun Nonsuch North Kni fe Lake North River Nunal la O 'Day Omineeseenowenik Oxford House P iponshewanik Port Nelson Port Churchi l l Red Sucker Lake Rut tan Mine

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Zone A (continued)

Manitoba (continued)S t . Theresa Point Sawbi l l Shamattawa Si lcox South Indian Lake South Kni fe Lake Starnes Sundance Tadoule Lake Thibaudeau Tidal Waasagomach Weesakachak Weir River Wi l lbeach Wivenhoe

York Factory Zed Lake Provinc ia l Recreat ion


Reserves: B rochet 197 Fox Lake 1 Fox Lake (Bi rd) 2 Gods Lake 23 Island Lake 22 Is land Lake 22A Lac Brochet 197A Oxford House 24 Red Sucker Lake 1976 Shamattawa 1

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Zone A (continued)

OntarioAngl ing Lake At tawapiskat Bearskin Lake Big Beaver House Big Lake (south of Winisk) Big Trout Lake Cape Henr iet ta-Mar ia Wi lderness

Area Deer Lake (Northern Ontar io) Fort Albany Fort Hope Fort Hope, Eabamet P.O. For t Severn Galeton Ghost River (west of Moosonee) Kasabonika

Kasabonika Lake Kashechewan Kingf isher Lake Lake River Lansdowne House L ingman Lake Moose Factory Moosonee Muskrat Dam Lake North Spir i t Lake Ogoki Old Fort Albany Wi lderness Area Opasquia Opasquia Provinc ia l Park Peawanuck (nor th of Webequie) Polar Bear Provinc ia l Park Ponask

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Zone A (continued)

Ontario (continued)

Sachigo Lake Sandy Lake Sandy Lake, Favourable Lake

P.O. Summer Beaver Sut ton Lake Gorge Wi lderness

Area T idewater Provinc ia l Park Wawakapewin (Long Dog Lake) Weagamow Lake Webequie Winisk Winisk River Provinc ia l Park Wunnummin Lake

Reserves: A t tawapiskat 91 At tawapiskat 91A Bearskin Lake ( reserve) Big Trout Lake ( reserve) Factory Is land 1 Fort Albany 67 Fort Hope 64 Fort Severn 89 Keewaywin Kingf isher 1 Marten Fal ls 65 Moose Factory 68 Sachigo Lake 1 Sachigo Lake 2 Sachigo Lake 3 Sandy Lake 88

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Zone A (continued)

Ontario (continued)Wapekeka 1 Wapekeka 2 Weagamow Lake 87 Winisk 90

Wunnumin 1 Wunnumin 2 Wunnumin Lake 86

QuebecAchiwapaschik is i t Aguanish Akul iv ik Anaukaskayach Askwasimwakwanan Aupaluk Awikwataukach Aylmer Sound Baie-des-Ha!Ha! (North Shore) Baie-des-Loups Baie-des-Moutons

Baie-Johan-Beetz Baie-Rouge Blanc-Sablon Bonne-Espérance Border-Beacon Bradore-Bay Br isay Burnt Creek Canat iche Caniapiscau (Duplanter) Cape Hopes Advance

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Zone A (continued)

Quebec (continued)Chevery Chico Chiman Uchimaskwaw Chisasib i (For t -George) Décept ion Eastmain Er ic Etamamiou Factory Point Fermont F i re Lake Forget Fort MacKenzie Gagnon Harr ington Harbour Î le-du-Vieux-Fort

Î le-Verte, L ' (Archipel -du-Vieux-Fort )

Inukjuak (Port Harr ison) Is tuyakamikw Ivuj iv ik Kachimumiskwanuch Kanaaupscow Kangiqsualu j juaq (George River ,

Port -Nouveau-Québec) Kangiqsujuaq (Mar icourt ,

Wakeham Bay) Kangirsuk (Bel l in , Payne Bay) Kapistauchis i tanach Kat t in iq Kawawachikamach Kegaska Keyano

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Zone A (continued)

Quebec (continued)Ki l l in iq (Port Burwel l ) Kutawanis Kuuj juaq (Fort Chimo) Kuuj juarapik

(Poste-de- la-Bale ine) L ' Î le-Michon Lac-Dufresne (North Shore) Lac Eon Lac-Salé Laforge La Grande-Deux (LG2) La Grande-Quatre (LG4) La Grande-Trois (LG3) La Grande-Un (LG1) La John La Romaine La Tabat ière Les Mélèzes

Lourdes-de-Blanc-Sablon Machisatat Mat imekosh Middle Bay Mikwasiskwaw Umitukap

Aytakunich Mont-Wright Musquaro Mutton Bay Naskapis Natashquan Nemiscau (Nemaska) Ni tchequon O ld For t Bay Passe-Gagnon Penney's Room

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Zone A (continued)

Quebec (continued)Pischu Amakwayi tach Pointe-à-Maur ier Pointe-Parent Pointe-Rocheuse Port -Saint-Servan Povungni tuk (Puvi rn i tuq) Premio Purtuniq Quaqtaq (Koartak) Radisson Riv ière-Saint-Paul Rochers-du-Cormoran Roggan River Saint-August in (North Shore) Sakami Sal lu i t (Sugluk) Salmon Bay

Sangumaniq Schef ferv i l le Shekat ika Spar Mica St ick Point Tasiu jaq Tête-à- la-Bale ine Umingmaqaut ik Umiujaq V ieux-Comptoi r Vieux-Fort Vieux-Poste Waco Waskaganish (Fort -Rupert ,

Rupert House) Wawaw Pimi Emichinanuch Wemindj i (Nouveau-Comptoi r )

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Zone A (continued)

Quebec (continued)Whapmagoostu i

(Poste-de- la-Bale ine) Wol f Bay

Reserves: Intowin ( reserve) Natashquan 1 Romaine 2

Newfoundland and Labrador Al l p laces in Labrador, inc luding Bel le Is le, are in a prescr ibed nor thern zone.

Zone B – Prescribed intermediate zones Place names fo l lowed by numbers are Indian reserves. I f you l ive in a p lace that is not l is ted in th is publ icat ion and you th ink i t is in a prescr ibed zone, contact us.

Brit ish Columbia Al l p laces in the Queen Char lot te Is lands/Haida Gwai i are in a prescr ibed intermediate zone.

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A l tona Arras At tachie Baldonnel Bear Flat Bear Lake (Cassiar Land Dist r ic t ) Beat ton Ranch Bery l Pra i r ie Bessborough Bob Quinn Lake Bond Bor ing Ranch Brady Ranch Br iar Ridge Buick Buick (post of f ice) Bulk ley House Ceci l Lake Char l ie Lake Chetwynd

Cla i rmont Clayhurst Cry ing Gir l Pra i r ie Dawson Creek Dist r ic t Munic ipal i ty of

Mackenzie Doe River Dokie Dokie Sid ing East Pine Fal ls Farmington Farre l l Creek Federal Ranch Fel lers Heights Flat rock Fort St . John Fowler

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Zone B (continued)

Brit ish Columbia (continued)

Germansen Landing Goodlow Grand Haven Groundbirch Gundy Haida Gwai i Halfway Lodge Hal fway Ranch Hasler F lat Hicketh ier Ranch Hudson's Hope Hulcross Ingenika Ingenika Mine I racard Kel ly Lake Ki lkerran Kisgegas

Kiskat inaw Kuldo Lexau Ranch Lone Prai r ie Lynx Creek Mackenzie, Dist r ic t

Munic ipal i ty of Manson Creek Mason Creek McKearney Ranch McLean Ranch Mesi l inka River Meziadin Lake Mober ly Lake Monias Montney Murdale

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Zone B (continued)

Brit ish Columbia (continued)North Pine O ld Hogem Park land Peejay Pine Val ley Pineview Pink Mountain Pouce Coupe Premier Prespatou Progress Queen Char lot te Is lands Reine-Char lot te, ( î les de la) Rol la Rose Prai r ie Seven Mi le Corner

Shearer Dale Sikanni Chief Simpson Ranch South Dawson Stewart St ik ine Strandberg Creek Sundance Sunr ise Val ley Sunset Prai r ie Sweetwater Taylor Teko Tomslake Tremblay Tumbler Ridge Tupper

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Zone B (continued)

Brit ish Columbia (continued)Twidwel l Bend Two Rivers Upper Cutbank Upper Hal fway Urquhart Val ley View Wabi Wagner Ranch Ware Wi l low Val ley Wi l lowbrook Wonowon (Mi le 101) Worth

Reserves: Bear Lake 1A (Upper Dr i f twood) Bear Lake 1B (Tsaytut Bay)

Bear Lake 4 (Fort Connel ly) Bear River 3 (Sustut River) Blueberry River 205 Chezta inya Lake 11 Doig River 206 Dr i f twood River 1 (Kastberg

Creek) East Mober ly Lake 169 Fort Ware 1 Georgie 17 Hal fway River 168 K lewaduska 6 (Cataract) Kots ine 2 (Skuts i l ) Kshwan 27 Kshwan 27A Kuldoe 1

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Zone B (continued)

Brit ish Columbia (continued)M i le 62 1/2 Mober ly Lake 168A Mober ly Lake 169 North Tacla Lake 10 (Bates

Creek) North Tacla Lake 11A (North End

Meadow) North Tacla Lake 12

Pol ice Meadow 2 Scamakounst 19 South Parcel of Beaton River 204 Sucker Lake 2 Tsaytut Is land 1C Tsupmeet 5 (Patcha Creek) West Mober ly Lake 168A

AlbertaAggie Agnes Lake Albr ight Algar Amesbury Anzac Arcadia

Assineau At ikameg Avenir Bad Heart Bal la ter Bay Tree Bear Canyon

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Zone B (continued)

Alberta (continued)Beaver lodge Behan Bel loy Berwyn Bezanson Bison Lake Bi tumount Blueberry Mountain Bluesky Bonanza Braeburn Brainard Breynat Br idgeview Brownvale Buf fa lo Lake Cadot te Lake Cala is

Cal l ing Lake Cal l ing River Canyon Creek Chard Cheecham Cherry Point Chinook Val ley Chipewyan Lake Cla i rmont Clarkson Val ley Clear Hi l ls Clear Prai r ie Cleardale Codesa Conkl in Cowper (a i r f ie ld) Crooked Creek

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Zone B (continued)

Alberta (continued)Culp Culp Stat ion Deadwood Debol t Decrene Deer Hi l l Demmit t Devenish Dimsdale Dixonvi l le Donnel ly Draper Dreau Dr i f tp i le Dunvegan Eaglesham Ear ly Gardens

Elmworth Eni lda Er in Lodge Eureka River Fairv iew Falher Faust Fawcet t Lake Fi tzs immons Forest View Fort MacKay Fort McMurray Fr iedensta l Gage Gi f t Lake Gi f t Lake Met is Set t lement Gi lwood

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Zone B (continued)

Alberta (continued)Girouxvi l le Glen Lesl ie Goodfare Goodwin Gordondale Grande Prai r ie Gr i f f in Creek Gr imshaw Gr is t Lake (a i r f ie ld) Grouard Grouard Miss ion Grovedale Guy Halcourt Harmon Val ley Hawk Hi l ls Hayf ie ld Hazelmere

Heart River Heart Val ley Hermit Lake High Prai r ie Highland Park Hines Creek Hinton Trai l Homestead Hondo Hotchkiss Hual len Hythe Imper ia l Mi l ls Jean Côté Joussard Judah

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Zone B (continued)

Alberta (continued)Kath leen Kenzie Kinosis Kinuso Kleskun Hi l l Ks i tuan La Glace Lac Maglo i re Lake Saskatoon Last Lake Leddy Leicester Leighmore Leismer Lenarthur Lesser Slave Lake Set t lement L i t t le Buf fa lo

Loon Lake Loon River Lothrop Lubicon Lake Lymburn Lynton Manir Manning Manning Stat ion Margie Mar iana Lake Mar ie-Reine Mar ie-Reine Stat ion Mar ina Marten River McLennan Mi ldred Lake

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Zone B (continued)

Alberta (continued)Mitsue Moose Portage Mount Val ley Nampa New Fish Creek Niobe Normandvi l le North Star Northmark Not ikewin Over lea Peace Grove Peace River Peer less Lake Pel ican Portage Peor ia Phi lomena

Pingle Pipestone Creek Pi t lochr ie Poplar Hi l l Poplar Ridge Prai r ie Echo Prestv i l le Quig ley Ranch Red Earth Creek Red Star Reno Rio Grande Roma Roma Junct ion Roxana Royce

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Zone B (continued)

Alberta (continued)Rycrof t Sal t Prai r ie Sandy Lake Saul teaux Scotswood Sexsmith Shaver Si lver Val ley Si lverwood Simon Lakes Slave Lake Smith Smithmi l l Smoky Heights Spir i t River Spr ingburn Spurf ie ld St . Is idore

Sturgeon Heights Sunset House Sweathouse Creek Sylvester Tangent Tar Is land Teepee Creek Three Creeks Tolstad Tr iangle Trout Lake Trumpeter (near Beaver lodge,

CFS) Twin Lakes Valhal la Valhal la Centre

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Zone B (continued)

Alberta (continued)Val leyv iew Vanrena Wabasca-Desmarais Wagner Wander ing River Wanham Warrensvi l le Warrensvi l le Centre Waterhole Wat ino Weberv i l le Webster Wembley Wesley Creek Whi tburn Whi te law Whi temud Creek Widewater

Woking Worsley

Reserves: Assineau River 150F C lear Hi l ls 152C Clearwater 175 D r i f t P i le River 150 Duncan's 151A Fort McKay 174 Freeman 150B G regoire Lake 176 Gregoire Lake 176A Gregoire Lake 176B Halcro 150C

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Zone B (continued)

Alberta (continued)Horse Lakes 152B House River Indian Cemetery

178 Janvier 194 Jean Bapt is te Gambler 183 Namur Lake 174B Namur River 174A Pakashan 150D Sawr idge 150G Sawridge 150H Sturgeon Lake 154 Sturgeon Lake 154A

Sucker Creek 150A Swan River 150E U t ikoomak Lake 155 Ut ikoomak Lake 155A Ut ikoomak Lake 155B Wabasca 166 Wabasca 166A Wabasca 166B Wabasca 166C Wabasca 166D Wi l l iam McKenzie 151K


A i r Ronge Beauval

Bélanger (east of La Loche) Brabant (Brabant Lake) Buf fa lo Narrows

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Zone B (continued)

Saskatchewan (continued)Canoe Lake Canoe Narrows Canoe River Cantyre Cole Bay Cree Lake Creighton Cumber land House Denare Beach Deschambaul t Lake Descharme Lake Di l lon Dipper Rapids F l in F lon (Saskatchewan) For t Black Garson Lake Hal l Lake (near Besnard Lake)

Î le-à- la-Crosse Is land Fal ls Jan Lake Jans Bay K inoosao La Loche La Loche West La Ronge Landing McLennan Lake Michel Vi l lage Miss in ipe Molanosa Pakwaw Lake Patuanak Pel ican Narrows

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Zone B (continued)

Saskatchewan (continued)Pemmican Portage Phantom Beach Pine River Pinehouse Pr imeau Lake Red Earth S t . George's Hi l l Sakamayack Sandy Bay Sandy Lake Sandy Narrows Shoal Lake Southend Reindeer Southend, Reindeer Lake Stanley Miss ion Sturgeon Landing Sucker River

The Two Rivers Turnor Lake Wadin Bay Weyakwin

Reserves: Amisk Lake 184 B i rch Portage 184A Budd's Point 20D Canoe Lake 165 Canoe Lake 165A Canoe Lake 165B Carrot River 29A Churchi l l Lake 193A Clearwater River Dene 221 Clearwater River Dene 222 Clearwater River Dene 223

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Zone B (continued)

Saskatchewan (continued)Cumber land 20 D ipper Rapids 192C E lak Dase 192A Four Portages 157C Fox Point 157D Fox Point 157E G randmother 's Bay 219 Î le-à- la-Crosse 192E K i tsak ie 156B Knee Lake 192B La Plonge 192 Lac la Ronge 156 L i t t le Hi l ls 158 L i t t le Hi l ls 158A Li t t le Hi l ls 158B M i rond Lake 184E

Mor in Lake 217 Muskeg River 20C Nemebien River 156C O ld For t 157B Opaskwayak Cree Fi rs t Nat ion

27A Pel ican Narrows 184B Peter Pond Lake 193 Pine Bluf f 20A Pine Bluf f 20B Potato River 156A Pr imeau Lake 192F Red Earth 29 Sandy Narrows 184C Shoal Lake 28A Southend 200

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Zone B (continued)

Saskatchewan (continued)Stanley 157 Stanley 157A Sturgeon Weir 184F Sucker River 156C

Turnor Lake 193B Turnor Lake 194 Wapachewunak 192D Woody Lake 184D

ManitobaA rnot Athapap At ik At ikameg Lake Bakers Narrows Baldy Berens River Big Black River Big Eddy Set t lement Boyd Br idgar

Budd Channing Char les Chisel Lake Claw Lake Clearwater Lake Cold Lake Cormorant Cranberry Portage Cross Lake (south of Thompson) Der ing

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Zone B (continued)

Manitoba (continued)Dunlop Dyce Earchman Fay Lake Finger Fl in F lon (Mani toba) Fl in Flon Junct ion Freshford G race Lake Granvi l le Lake Halcrow Heaman Heming Lake Herb Lake Herb Lake Landing Highrock Hockin

Hone I l ford Jenpeg Jeta i t Johnson Kelsey Kelsey (generat ing stat ion) Kinusis ip i Kiss iss ing La Pérouse Laur ie River Leven Li t t le Grand Rapids Lyddal Matago Mathias Columb (Pukatawagan)

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Zone B (continued)

Manitoba (continued)Medard Mi l lwater Moak Lake Moose Lake Munk Negginan Nelson House Norway House Not ig i Odhi l l Opaskwayak Cree Fi rs t Nat ion Opt ic Lake Orok Paint Lake Par lee Paterson Pauingassi

Pawist ik Payuk Pikwi tonei Pipun Pi t Sid ing Ponton Prospector Pukatawagan Raf ter Ral ls Is land Rawebb Roblayt in Root Lake Rossvi l le Ruddock Schist Lake Sherr idon

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Zone B (continued)

Manitoba (continued)Sherr i t t Junct ion Simonhouse Sip iwesk Snow Lake Spl i t Lake St i t t Takipy The Pas The Pas Airpor t Thicket Portage Thompson Thompson Junct ion Tremaudan Turnberry Turnbul l Tyrre l l Umpherv i l le

Venables Wabowden Wanless Warren Landing Wekusko Westray Whi thorn Wi lde York Landing Young Point

Reserves: Berens River 13 C ross Lake 19 Cross Lake 19A Cross Lake 19B Cross Lake 19C

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Zone B (continued)

Manitoba (continued)Fox Lake West 3 H ighrock 199 L i t t le Grand Rapids 14 Moose Lake 31A (near The Pas) Moose Lake 31C Moose Lake 31G Moose Lake 31J Nelson House 170 Nelson House 170A Nelson House 170B Nelson House 170C Norway House 17 P igeon River 13A Poplar River 16 Rocky Lake 21L Root Lake 231

Sal t Channel 21D Spl i t Lake 171 Spl i t Lake 171A Spl i t Lake 171B Stony Point 21 The Pas 21A The Pas 21B The Pas 21C The Pas 21D The Pas 21E The Pas 21F The Pas 21G The Pas 21I The Pas 21J The Pas 21K The Pas 21N The Pas 21P

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Zone B (continued)

OntarioBalmertown Bruce Lake Casummit Lake Cat Lake Centra l Patr ic ia Cochenour Ear Fal ls Goldpines MacDowel l (nor theast of Red

Lake) Madsen Mani tou Fal ls McKenzie Is land Moose River Narrow Lake New Osnaburgh

Onakawana Osnaburgh House P ick le Crow Pick le Lake Pikangikum Poplar Hi l l (nor th of Kenora) Rat Rapids Red Lake Renison Skib i Lake Slate Fal ls (nor th of Sioux

Lookout) Snake Fal ls South Bay (nor thwest of Sioux

Lookout) Spir i t Lake Starrat t -Olsen

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Zone B (continued)

Ontario (continued)Swain Post Uchi Lake

Reserves: Cat Lake 63C Osnaburgh 63A P ikangikum 14

QuebecAnvi l le Arseneaul t Aur igny (Le Moul in) Baie-du-Poste Baie-du-Renard Baie-Sainte-Cla i re Bassin Betchouane Boisv i l le Broui l lan

Cap-aux-Meules Cap-de-Rabast Cap-Vert ( Î les-de- la-Madele ine) Chapais Chemin-des-But tes Chibougamau Comtois ( township) Daubree ( township) Desmaraisv i l le Ducharme

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Zone B (continued)

Quebec (continued)Dune-du-Sud É tang-des-Caps Étang-du-Nord Fat ima Gand ( township) Grand-Ruisseau Grande-Entrée Gros-Cap ( Î les-de- la-Madele ine) Grosse-Î le ( Î les-de- la-Madele ine) Havre-Aubert Havre-aux-Maisons Havre-Saint-Pierre Heath Point Î le-d 'Entrée Î le Br ion Joute l

Kaawi ipuuskasich L'Anse-à- la-Cabane L 'Anse-aux-Fraises L 'Étang-du-Nord L ' Î le-d 'Entrée L ' Immaculée-Concept ion

( Î les-de- la-Madele ine) La Mart in ique La Vernière Lac-Al lard Lac-Bachelor Lac-Cameron (near Chibougamau) Lac David (Scot t township) Le Corps-Mort Le Mart inet (La Baie) Le Pré

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Zone B (continued)

Quebec (continued)Lebel-sur-Quévi l lon Les Caps Les Si l lons Lesl ie Longue-Pointe Magpie Matagami Mi l lerand Mingan Miquelon Mistassin i (nor th of

Chibougamau) Morr is O ld-Harry Oujé-Bougoumou Pet i te-Baie Pointe-aux-Loups

Pointe-Basse Pointe-Car leton Pointe-de- l 'Ouest Port -Menier Portage-du-Cap Queylus ( township) R iv ière-à- la-Chaloupe Riv ière-au-Tonnerre Riv ière-aux-Graines Riv ière-Boisver t Riv ière-Chal i four Riv ière-de- la-Chaloupe Riv ière-Saint-Jean Rocher aux Oiseaux ( l ighthouse) Scot t ( township) Sheldrake Soissons ( township)

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Zone B (continued)

Quebec (continued)Table Head Tika Trois-Ruisseaux

V igneau Waswanip i

Nova ScotiaSable Is land