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    Parking and EnforcementAnnual Report 2008/09

    September 2009

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    1.1 The Road Traffic Act 1991 introduced the concept of local authorities undertakingenforcement of parking management schemes. This system was called Decriminalised

    Parking Enforcement (DPE). Parking offences became contraventions and parkingattendants employed by the relevant Local Authority, issued [civil] Penalty ChargeNotices (PCN) where previously traffic wardens employed by police, undertook theenforcement and issued [criminal] Fixed Penalty Notices (FPN). This reflected theneed for police to concentrate on core policing priorities with Traffic Wardenscontinuing to deal with moving traffic offences and the management of Red Routes.

    1.2 North Tyneside Council was designated a Decriminalised Parking Authority by Ordermade under the Road Traffic Act 1991, and has been undertaking civil enforcement ofparking and waiting restrictions since June 2007.

    1.3 On 31 March 2008, the Government replaced Decriminalised Parking Enforcement(DPE) across the country with Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE), which it carried outunder the Traffic Management Act 2004 (TMA)

    1.4 This new piece of legislation and subsequent operational guidance was the result of aprolonged period of consultation undertaken by the Government in order to fetchfairness and national consistency to parking enforcement. The new guidelines make itclear that local authorities should use parking enforcement to keep the traffic flowingand not to simply make money.

    Main differences between CPE and DPE

    Parking Attendants are now known as Civil Enforcement Officers.

    Introduced differential parking penalties depending on the seriousness of thecontravention. Up until 31 March 2008 all contraventions committed in NorthTyneside attracted a 60 penalty, discounted to 30 if paid within 14 days. The newpenalty charge values are 70, discounted to 35 for the higher valuecontraventions and 50, discounted to 25 for the lower value contraventions. Thevalues set have been imposed on local authorities outside London by Government.

    Introduced the powers to serve PCN by post if CEO has started to issue it but driver

    leaves with the vehicle before it can be served. The TMA allows for PCN's to beissued by post in the following circumstances:

    1. If the CEO has been prevented from serving the PCN either by affixing it tothe vehicle or by giving it to the person who appears to be in charge of thatvehicle. This includes situations where the person who appears to be in chargeof the vehicle is abusive or prevents service indirectly through intimidation ordirectly through threats or actual physical force

    2. If the CEO had begun preparing a PCN but did not have enough time to serveit before the vehicle was driven away.

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    Power to undertake enforcement using CCTV cameras certified by the Secretary ofState.

    Power to enforce dropped footways.

    Powers to enforce double parking.

    Powers to enforce zig-zag at Pedestrian Crossings

    Other less obvious changes have taken place; the emphasis driven by CentralGovernment was on the Local Authoritys duty to show transparency and fairness.

    Local Authorities are required to publish parking policies. The Secretary of Statestrongly recommends that LA parking policies, including its enforcement policiesand priorities, should be made readily and easily available to the public. This makes

    the authority more accountable to its residents and should also help it to counteraccusations that enforcement is being carried out in an arbitrary and unfair way. Insituations where a contravention has occurred but in mitigating circumstancesauthorities should make and publish guidelines on their use of discretion.

    Additional powers have been given to independent adjudicators. They will be ableto refer cases back to the chief executives of Local Authorities where a parkingcontravention has taken place in mitigating circumstances and can ask the LocalAuthority to consider cancelling the penalty charge.

    Stronger emphasis on staff training. The success of CPE depends on the

    dedication and quality of the staff that deliver it. Therefore, it is essential that staff atall levels have the skills and training to do their jobs effectively.

    Authorities should review their parking policies on a regular basis in consultationwith local stakeholders and, once finalised, these should be made publicly availablefor annual report. Reporting is considered an important part of accountability, as thetransparency given by regular and consistent reporting helps the public understandand accept Civil Parking Enforcement.

    1.5 North Tyneside Council welcomed these changes as lower penalty charges for lessserious contraventions make the system fairer for the motorist; more transparentfinancial reporting allows the Council to demonstrate that parking enforcement is notabout raising revenue; the new referral powers for adjudicators should promotefairness and linking parking enforcement to transport policies will make the wholesystem more accountable locally. Everyone hates congestion and delays to journeysand effective parking management and enforcement is there to help improve trafficflow and ensure the roads are safer for all road users, including motorists andpedestrians. These new regulations aim to do just that.

    1.6 This is North Tyneside Councils first annual report into its parking and enforcementoperation. This annual report is intended to explain to the public and stakeholders howthe service is managed in North Tyneside and to provide information regarding itsperformance throughout the year.

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    2.1 Parking is no longer a stand-alone issue, but has become a key aspect of bothtransport and land use planning. It must be integrated with all other aspects of urban

    policy now that it is to be managed at levels below unfettered demand. This isnecessary in order to promote and to support:

    Lifestyles that are less car-dependent;Transport provision that is more socially inclusive;Development that is more sustainable in terms of energy and pollution.

    2.2 Control over the availability of parking spaces is a key policy instrument in limiting cartrips, and for the time being is the most widely available and readily accepted methodof doing so. Even without control over private parking, strict control over public parkingcould have a major impact on travel choices

    2.3 As policy has moved from a predict and provide approach to one based on theachievement of wider objectives, the management of parking has become a moreimportant part of national policy. It is becoming accepted that the unlimited growth ofcar use cannot be tolerated, as the infrastructure costs of providing the necessary roadand parking space would be unacceptable in both financial and environmental terms.

    2.4 Accordingly, a new policy framework has emerged in a range of Governmentdocuments, of which the most important are the Transport White Paper issued in 1998,the Future of Transport White Paper in 2004, the Transport Act 2000, the TrafficManagement Act 2004, the 10 Year Plan, Planning Policy Statement or Guidance

    Notes, particularly PPG13, Regional Planning Guidance (including Regional TransportStrategies), and a number of supporting documents and good practice guides.

    2.5 North Tyneside Council is a partner, along with the other Tyne and Wear districtcouncils and Nexus, of the Local Transport Plan (LTP). The second LTP, covering theperiod 2006 to 2011, addresses the Governments priorities for transport, which arereducing congestion and improving sustainable accessibility to jobs and services,improving air quality and reducing road casualties. So whilst economic regeneration isa high level objective, this will be achieved in the context of the Governments transportpriorities.

    2.6 The supply and pricing of car parking, both public and private, has a fundamentalinfluence on the way people travel, particularly to town and district centres. Researchhas shown that even where good public transport services exist, if cheap andconvenient parking is available then people with access to a car will choose this modeof travel.

    2.7 The Council has a Network Management Duty under the 2004 Traffic Management Actwith the responsibility for ensuring the expeditious movement of traffic. The origins ofthe duty are in the need to control the disruptions caused by street works. However,enforcement of parking restrictions and demand management (which includes thestrategic role of car parking) will also be central to the Network Management Plan and

    effectiveness of this Duty.

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    2.8 Through the planning development control system, the Council can also control theamount of car parking that is provided in new developments and changes of use. Overtime, this influence can help maintain an acceptable balance of private non-residentialparking provision.

    2.9 The District Annexe for North Tyneside of the Local Transport Plan 2006-2011 stateswith respect to parking that:

    "North Tyneside Council will support the vitality and viability of Town Centres andNeighbourhoods by providing, maintaining and managing an appropriate supply ofparking space"

    2.10 North Tyneside Transport Strategy Statement:

    Implementing travel demand management measures, such as parking restraint, to

    encourage people to modify their travel behaviour

    2.11 The North Tyneside Transport Strategy Statement brings together the main themes ofthe LTP together with other transport related strategies in a single summary documentfor North Tyneside. This recognises the importance of:

    Resolving localised parking problems, particularly where demand for parking isgreater than supply due to commuter parking or high levels of car ownership;

    Identifying ways of reducing the problems of parked vehicles obstructingpavements;

    Effective management of car parking, including appropriate levels of charging in

    Gateshead town centre and other important locations throughout the Borough

    2.12 The councils policy acknowledges that parking contributes significantly to many of theproblems it seeks to address such as delays to public transport, junction safety andsafety around schools.

    2.13 The Councils parking control objectives are to:

    Minimise the use of vehicles in the busiest and congested areas at what experienceand research shows to be the most appropriate times;

    At the same time provide sufficient short-stay parking facilities to support shops/

    commercial organisations and leisure activities thereby underpinning social andeconomic life;

    Reduce the risk of accidents;

    Safeguard the needs and requirements of residents, businesses/ organisations andvisitors;

    Improve traffic conditions;

    Encourage the use of public transport; Preserve and improve the infrastructure and the general environment;

    Increase and improve pedestrian and cyclist mobility; Regulate and control parking both on and off street.

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    2.14 Parking operations will contribute towards these objectives by providing:

    On and off street enforcement by patrolling permitted and restricted areas togetherwith the Councils off street car parks and parking places and issuing PCN's in

    regard to contraventions observed; Management and administration of suspensions/ dispensations;

    Ongoing checking of (1) adequacy of signs and markings; and (2) possible andactual faulty Pay & Display machines/ meters (P&Ds);

    Permit parking schemes.

    Such operations will embrace the following activities:

    The issue and serving by Civil Enforcement Officers of warning notices (whereapplicable) and/or PCNs where vehicles are observed to be parking incontravention of the regulations both on and off street;

    Reporting inadequacies of and/or damage to signs and markings;

    Suspension procedures for P&Ds/ bays.

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    3.1 The borough of North Tyneside has four main centres of which three, North Shields,Wallsend and Whitley Bay, have a wide range of land uses with the centre including

    retailers, services and other businesses as well as many residential properties. In allthree some off-street parking is available, including both Council operated and privatelyoperated car parks, but a substantial proportion of parking is on-street bays, often onpartially or wholly residential streets. The parking needs of resident, who are eligiblefor parking permits, must be carefully balanced with those of other users.

    3.2 Killingworth town centre was constructed more recently than the other town centresand is focused mainly on retail users; with no residential properties in the town centreitself. The town centre is served by privately owned supermarket-style car parks,which are free to use.

    3.3 Smaller centres within the borough such as Longbenton, Benton, Forest Hall andMonkseaton are served mainly by on-street parking.

    3.4 The coastal area is considered to be the jewel in the crown of the Borough because ofits natural environment and covers an area from the border with Blyth Valley at StMarys Island down to Tynemouth station and the boundary of the North Shields AAPat the Fish Quay. The importance of the coast is not only recognised in the Borough,but also at a regional level with Whitley Bay named as a tourism destination in theNorth East Region.

    3.5 Tynemouth and Cullercoats provide a slightly different tourism offer compared to

    Whitley Bay and St Marys Island with a variety of cultural and leisure activities. Thetopography of the coast is predominantly flat with a combination of sandy and rockyforeshore that is of European significance as a wildlife habitat (SPA). The entirecoastline is designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) for its geologicalimportance and wildlife habitat, which is internationally recognised as a Ramsar site.Tynemouth Priory is not only an iconic building on the landscape, but also a ScheduledAncient Monument, which highlights the heritage of the coast. The coast also boaststhree conservation areas that have all recently been appraised (St Marys, Cullercoatsand Tynemouth). The Spanish City Dome, which sits above Whitley Bay promenade isa Grade II listed building and is currently undergoing regeneration to bring it back intouse and forms part of the ongoing regeneration at Spanish City.

    3.6 Parking is provided at 16 locations along the foreshore between St Marys Island(Whitley Bay) and Low Lights (North Shields). The Foreshore and Riverside car parksare primarily utilised by leisure visitors, many from outside the borough.

    3.7 Although a charge is applied for annual business permits (250 p.a.) andsupplementary scratch cards (5 per book of 10 scratch cards), Resident/ResidentsVisitor parking permits continue to be provided to residents of the borough free ofcharge. Approximately 14,000 Resident/Residents Visitor permits are issued per year.The cost of running the permit service is subsidized by the parking revenue from thetown centre and foreshore car parks.

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    3.8 Residential permit parking schemes consist of specified zones where residents wholive within the zone are eligible for a permit, which allows them to park in those streets.

    3.9 While the key aim of permit parking schemes is to provide adequate parking facilities in

    that area for local residents, in some cases it may prove appropriate for other users topark in these areas subject to conditions. Depending on local circumstances, there aredifferent kinds of residential permit parking zones:

    Permit holders only Permit holders / charged parking for other users (shared use)

    Permit holders / limited waiting for other users (shared use)

    3.10 Permit Parking Zones are in operation on the following streets within the borough:

    Zone LB1. Mon. Sat. 8.00am to 6.00pm

    Streets included: Aiden Court, Benton Road, Coach Lane, Front Street, GleneaglesClose, Hoylake Avenue, Manor Avenue, Manor Drive, Manor Gardens, Manor Grove,Manor Place, Manor Road, Manor Walk, Morritt Court, Muirfield Road, St, AndrewsCourt, Southview, Portrush Way, Fairways Avenue

    Zone LB2. Mon. Fri. 9.00am to 5.00pmStreets included: Chesters Avenue, Chesters Court, Knowle Place, Langdale Close,Lutterworth Road, Rowanberry Road, The Chesils, West Farm Wynd, Maybury Villas,Rosebury Drive, Quantock Close, Clent Way.

    Zone BEN1. Mon. - Fri. 9.00am to 5.00pm

    Streets included: East Avenue, North Avenue, Grange Avenue, Queens Gardens,Thornhill Road, Kyle House, The Gables, Grove Cottage, Norwood Court), The Grove,The Oval, West Avenue.

    Zone BEN2. Mon. Fri. 9.00am to 5.00pmStreets included: Ashleigh Grove, Beech Avenue, Linden Terrace, Linden Road,Sandringham Avenue, St. Margarets Avenue, Whitfield Drive.

    Zone BEN3. Mon. Fri. 9.00am to 5.00pmStreets included: Carolyn Close, Cheviot View, Eastfield Road, Eastfield Terrace,Maddox Road, Parkland, Southfield Road, Station Approach Eastfield Lodge, The

    Beeches, The Terrace, Carlton Road, Tynedale Terrace.

    Zone BEN4. Mon. Fri. 9.00am to 5.00pmStreets included: Briarsyde

    Zone BEN5. Mon. Fri. 10.00am to 11.00am & 2.00pm to 3.00pmStreets included: Lyndhurst Road, Midhurst Road, Northumberland Avenue, OakhurstTerrace, Hastings Avenue, Station Road, Clifton Terrace, Cambridge Avenue,Connaught Gardens, Colston Place, Victoria Avenue, Albany Avenue, AvondaleAvenue, Glebe Avenue

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    Zone BEN6. Mon. Fri. 9.00am to 5.00pmStreets included: Manorfields

    Zone FH1. All Days. 6.00pm to Midnight.

    Streets included: Clousden Drive, Cresswell Avenue, Errington Terrace, NicholsonTerrace, Oakfield House

    Zone TM1. Sat. Sun. & Bank Holidays. 8.00am to 6.00pmStreets included: Albury Park Road, Beanley Crescent, Birtley Avenue, Brislee Avenue,Denwick Terrace, Hulne Avenue, Horsley Terrace, King Edward Road, Shipley Road,Mariners Lane, Back Shipley Road.

    Zone TM2. Sat. Sun. & Bank Holidays. 8.00am to 6.00pmStreets included: Collingwood Terrace, Northumberland Terrace, Priors Terrace,Tynemouth Road, Tynemouth Terrace, Tynemouth Place, St. Albans Place

    Zone TM3. All Days 9.00am to 5.30pmStreets included: Arcade, Arcade Park, Bath Terrace, Colbeck Terrace, Front Street,Middle Street, Percy Street, Promenade Terrace, Silver Street, Stephenson Street, TheGrove, Timothy Duff Court.

    Zone TM4. All Days 8.00am to 6.00pmStreets included: Huntingdon Place, Manor Road, Front Street, St. Oswins Mews, St.Oswins Place, Lovelady Court

    Zone NS1. Mon. Sat 8.00am to 6.00pm (No return within 1 hour)Streets included: Morgan House, Borough Road, Railway Terrace, Rudyerd Street,Stanley Street, Wellington Street west, William Street, William Street west.

    Zone NS2. Mon. Sat 9.00am to 5.00pmStreets included: Campville, Cleveland Terrace, Cromwell Terrace, South PrestonGrove, Albion Road West, Brightman Road, The Chase, Rosella Place, AshfieldGrove, Springfield, Lovaine Terrace, Fenwick Terrace, Frank Place, Alma Place,Grosvenor Mews, Waterloo Place, Preston Road, Ayes Terrace

    Spring Terrace Mon Sat. 8.30am to 5.30pm

    Zone NS3. Mon. Sat. 8.00am to 6.00pm

    Streets included: Beaumont Street, Bedford Street, Bedford Terrace, Churchway, CecilStreet, Lovaine Place, Newcastle Street, Northumberland Square, NorthumberlandPlace, Nile Street, Upper Camden Street, Widdrington Terrace, South Preston Terrace,West Percy Street, Sidney Street, Albion Road West

    Zone NS4. All Days All HoursStreets included: Keilder Terrace, Military Road, Fontburn Terrace, DrummondTerrace, Capitan Robinson Mews

    Zone NS5. Mon. Sat. 8.30am to 5.30pmStreets included: George Street, Howard Street, Upper Pearson Street, Stephenson

    Street, Norfolk Street

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    Zone NS6. Mon. Sat. 8.00am to 6.00pm (No return 1hour, 30mins in any 3 hours)Streets included: Rothbury Terrace

    Zone NS7. Mon. Sat. 8.30am to 5.30pm

    Streets included: Camden Street, Howard Street, Howard Court, Norfolk Street, UnionStreet, Saville Street, Stephenson Court.

    Zone NS8. Mon. Sat. 9.00am to 5.30pmStreets included: Beacon Street, Dockray Close, Dockray Square, Howard Court,Hudson Street, Linskill Street, Renaissance Point, Stephenson Court, StephensonStreet, Trinity Buildings, Tyne Street.

    Zone WD1. Mon. Sat. 9.00am to 5.30pmStreets included: Beech Grove, Hawthorn Grove, Laburnum Avenue, North Road, ParkRoad, Station Road, Woodbine Avenue, Rear High Street East

    Zone WD2. All Days, All HoursStreets included: Park Avenue, Park Terrace, Park View, Station Road.

    Zone WD3. Mon. Sat. 9.00am to 5.30pmStreets included: Elton Street East, Equitable Street.

    Zone WD4. Mon. Sat. 8.00am to 6.00pm (No return 1 hour in 2 hours)Streets included: Croft Avenue, Coronation Street, Ferndale Avenue, SunningdaleAvenue

    Zone WD5. Mon. - Sat. 8.00am to 6.00pm (No return 1 hour in 2 hours)Streets included: Charlotte Street, Northumberland Street, High Street East

    Zone WD6. Mon. Sat. 8.00am to 6.00pm (No return 1 hour in 2 hours)Streets included: Chestnut Street, Coach Road, Holly Avenue, Laurel Street, OakGrove, High Street East, Vine Street, Park Road, Sycamore Street.

    Zone WD7. Mon. Fri. 7.00am to 6.00pmStreets included: George Road, Philiphaugh, The Avenue.

    Zone WD8. Mon. Sat. 8.00am to 6.00pm (No return 1 hour in 2 hours)Streets included: Carville Road, Hugh Street

    Zone WD9. Mon. Fri. 9.00am to 9.00pmStreets included: Embleton Avenue, Aged Miners Cottages

    Zone WD11. Mon. Sat. 8.00am to 6.00pm (No return 2 hours in 4 hours)Streets included: Ford Terrace, Point Pleasant Terrace

    Zone WD12. Mon. Fri. 9.00am to 9.00pmStreets included: Bath Close, Bingley Terrace

    Zone WB1. Mon. Sat. 9.00am to 5.30pmStreets included: Albert Terrace, Albany Gardens, Algenon Place, Alexandra Terrace,

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    Clarence Crescent, Clifton Terrace, Egremont Place, Fern Avenue, Jesmond Terrace,Laburnum Avenue, Marden Road, Station Road, The Crescent, Trewitt Road,Victoria Terrace, Waterford Crescent, Whitley Road

    Zone WB2. Mon. Sat. 9.00am to 5.30pmStreets included: Roxburgh Terrace, Roxburgh House, Park Parade, Beach Avenue,Holly Avenue, Coquet Avenue, Marine Gardens, Marine Avenue, Elmwood Grove,Park View, Park Avenue

    Zone WB3. Mon. Sat. 9.00am to 5.30pmStreets included: Brook Street, Brook Gardens, Cambridge Avenue, Charles Avenue,East Parade, Mason Avenue, North Parade, Ocean View, Oxford Street, York Road,Park Avenue, South Parade

    Zone WB5. All Days. 10.00am to 8.00pm. 1st March to 30th September

    Streets included: Ashfield Grove, Bideford Gardens, Bournemouth Gardens, BriarAvenue, Brighton Grove, Cliftonville Gardens, Cromer Gardens, Davison Avenue,Evesham Avenue, Glendale Avenue, Illfracombe Gardens, The Links, Marine CourtEast, Marine Court West, Ventnor Gardens, Marine Avenue.

    (Clovelly Gardens, Eastbourne Gardens All Days. 10.00am to Midnight)

    Zone WB6. Mon. Sat. 8.00am to 6.00pm (No return 2 hours in 2 hours)Streets included: Kings Drive, Queens Drive, Grosvenor Drive, Park View, NorhamRoad.

    Zone WB7.Mon. Sat. 8.00am to 6.00pmStreets included: Linden Terrace, Esplanade Avenue, Southleigh, Esplanade Place,Esplanade, Percy Road, Victoria Avenue, Styan Avenue, Whitley Road, South Parade,Kiitiwake House.

    This is not a definitive list, as additional zones will be added in the future in accordancewith the Councils parking strategy.

    3.11 Metered Parking Bays are in operation on the following streets within the borough:

    North Shields

    Street Name Post Code Restriction Period Fee Maximum Stay Exemption to charge

    Albion Road NE30 2RJ Mon - Sat8.30 - 17.30

    50p per hour UnlimitedDrivers displaying a Zone

    NS5 Permit

    Back HowardStreet

    NE29 6QN Mon - Sat8.30 - 17.30

    50p per hour UnlimitedDrivers displaying a Zone

    NS5 Permit

    Bedford Street NE29 0AR Mon - Sat8.30 - 17.30

    1p per minute UnlimitedDrivers displaying a Zone

    NS3 Permit

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    North Shields (cont.)

    Street Name Post Code Restriction Period Fee Maximum Stay Exemption to charge

    Camden Street(South Section) NE30 1NH Mon - Sat8.30 - 17.30 50p per hour Unlimited

    Drivers displaying a ZoneNS7 Permit

    Church Way(North Section)

    NE29 0AEMon - Sat

    8.30 - 17.30

    First hour free, additionaltime charged at 1p per


    Drivers displaying a ZoneNS3 Permit

    Church Way(South Section)

    NE29 0AB Mon - Sat8.30 - 17.30

    1p per minute UnlimitedDrivers displaying a Zone

    NS3 Permit

    Howard Street(North Section)

    NE30 1AJ Mon - Sat8.30 - 17.30

    50p per hour UnlimitedDrivers displaying a Zone

    NS5 Permit

    Howard Street(South Section)

    NE30 1NA Mon - Sat8.30 - 17.30

    50p per hour UnlimitedDrivers displaying a Zone

    NS7 Permit

    Lovaine Place NE29 0BW

    Mon - Sat

    8.30 - 17.30 50p per hour Unlimited

    Drivers displaying a Zone

    NS3 Permit

    Nile Street NE29 0AZ Mon - Sat8.30 - 17.30

    1p per minute UnlimitedDrivers displaying a Zone

    NS3 Permit

    Norfolk Street(North Section)

    NE30 1NQ Mon - Sat8.30 - 17.30

    50p per hour UnlimitedDrivers displaying a Zone

    NS5 Permit

    Norfolk Street(South Section)

    NE30 1BA Mon - Sat8.30 - 17.30

    50p per hour UnlimitedDrivers displaying a Zone

    NS7 Permit


    NE30 1QP Mon - Sat8.30 - 17.30

    1p per minute UnlimitedDrivers displaying a Zone

    NS3 Permit


    NE29 1SA Mon - Sat8.30 - 17.30

    1p per minute UnlimitedDrivers displaying a Zone

    NS3 Permit

    Railway Terrace NE29 6RP Mon - Sat8.30 - 17.30 50p per hour Unlimited Drivers displaying a ZoneNS1 Permit

    Rudyerd Street NE29 6NF Mon - Sat8.30 - 17.30

    50p per hour UnlimitedDrivers displaying a Zone

    NS1 Permit

    Saville Street NE30 1NT Mon - Sat8.30 - 17.30

    50p per hour Unlimited None

    Sidney Street NE29 0DP Mon - Sat8.30 - 17.30

    50p per hour UnlimitedDrivers displaying a Zone

    NS3 Permit

    Spring Terrace NE29 0HQ Mon - Sat8.30 - 17.30

    50p per hour UnlimitedDrivers displaying a Zone

    NS2 Permit

    Stephenson Street NE30 1ES Mon - Sat8.30 - 17.30

    50p per hour UnlimitedDrivers displaying a Zone

    NS5 Permit

    Suez Street NE30 1ES Mon - Sat8.30 - 17.30

    50p per hour Unlimited Drivers displaying a ZoneNS5 Permit

    Tyne Street NE30 1NF Mon - Sat8.30 - 17.30

    50p per hour UnlimitedDrivers displaying a Zone

    NS7 or NS8 Permit

    Union Street NE30 1NL Mon - Sat8.30 - 17.30

    50p per hour UnlimitedDrivers displaying a Zone

    NS7 Permit

    Upper CamdenStreet

    NE30 1QG Mon - Sat8.30 - 17.30

    1p per minute UnlimitedDrivers displaying a Zone

    NS3 Permit

    West Percy Street NE29 0AG Mon - Sat8.30 - 17.30

    50p per hour UnlimitedDrivers displaying a Zone

    NS3 Permit

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    Street NameAdjacentPost Code

    Restriction Period Fee Maximum Stay Exemption to charge

    Front Street NE30 4BS All Days9.00 - 17.30

    50p per hour UnlimitedDrivers displaying a ZoneTM3 Permit or TM4 Permit

    Grand Parade NE30 4JHAll Days

    9.00 - 20.0080p per 2hrs Unlimited None

    Sea Banks NE30 4HGAll Days

    9.00 - 20.0080p per 2hrs Unlimited None

    Spa Access NE30 4JHAll Days

    9.00 - 20.0080p per 2hrs Unlimited None

    Whitley Bay

    Street Name AdjacentPost Code

    Restriction Period Fee Maximum Stay Exemption to charge

    Beach Avenue NE26 1EA Mon - Sat9.00 - 17.30

    50p per hour UnlimitedDrivers displaying a Zone

    WB2 Permit

    Clifton Terrace NE26 2JD Mon - Sat9.00 - 17.30

    1p per minute UnlimitedDrivers displaying a Zone

    WB1 Permit

    Coquet Avenue NE26 1EE Mon - Sat9.00 - 17.30

    50p per hour UnlimitedDrivers displaying a Zone

    WB2 Permit

    Duchess Street NE26 3PW Mon - Sat9.00 - 17.30

    50p per hour UnlimitedDrivers displaying a Zone

    WB5 Permit

    Duke Street NE26 3PP Mon - Sat

    9.00 - 17.30

    50p per hour UnlimitedDrivers displaying a Zone

    WB5 Permit

    Fern Avenue NE26 2JA Mon - Sat9.00 - 17.30

    1p per minute UnlimitedDrivers displaying a Zone

    WB1 Permit

    Holly Avenue NE26 1ED Mon - Sat9.00 - 17.30

    50p per hour UnlimitedDrivers displaying a Zone

    WB2 Permit

    Laburnum Avenue NE26 2HX Mon - Sat9.00 - 17.30

    1p per minute UnlimitedDrivers displaying a Zone

    WB1 Permit

    Jesmond Terrace NE26 2JF Mon - Sat9.00 - 17.30

    1p per minute UnlimitedDrivers displaying a Zone

    WB1 Permit

    Marine Gardens NE26 1EQ Mon - Sat9.00 - 17.30

    50p per hour UnlimitedDrivers displaying a Zone

    WB2 Permit

    Park Avenue NE26 1DG Mon - Sat

    9.00 - 17.3050p per hour Unlimited

    Drivers displaying a Zone

    WB3 Permit

    Park Parade NE26 1DX Mon - Sat9.00 - 17.30

    50p per hour UnlimitedDrivers displaying a Zone

    WB2 Permit

    Roxburgh Terrace NE26 1DS Mon - Sat9.00 - 17.30

    50p per hour UnlimitedDrivers displaying a Zone

    WB2 Permit

    Station Road NE26 2RA Mon - Sat9.00 - 17.30

    1p per minute UnlimitedDrivers displaying a Zone

    WB1 Permit

    Victoria Terrace NE26 2QW Mon - Sat9.00 - 17.30

    1p per minute UnlimitedDrivers displaying a Zone

    WB1 Permit

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    Street NameAdjacentPost Code

    Restriction Period Fee Maximum Stay Exemption to charge

    Beech Grove NE28 8HF Mon - Sat9.00 - 17.00 50p per hour UnlimitedDrivers displaying a Zone

    WD1 Permit

    Elton Street NE28 6NQ Mon - Sat9.00 - 17.00

    1p per minute UnlimitedDrivers displaying a Zone

    WD3 Permit

    Hawthorn Grove NE28 8HD Mon - Sat9.00 - 17.00

    1p per minute UnlimitedDrivers displaying a Zone

    WD1 Permit

    John Street NE28 8QX Mon - Sat9.00 - 17.00

    1p per minute UnlimitedDrivers displaying a Zone

    WD3 Permit

    Laburnum Avenue NE28 8HR Mon - Sat9.00 - 17.00

    50p per hour UnlimitedDrivers displaying a Zone

    WD1 Permit

    Woodbine Avenue NE28 8HB Mon - Sat9.00 - 17.00

    50p per hour UnlimitedDrivers displaying a Zone

    WD1 Permit

    This is not a definitive list, as additional streets will be added in the future in accordance withthe Councils parking strategy.

    3.11 The Council also operates a number of free and charged Car Parks in the borough.


    Location Address RestrictionPeriod

    Charge Number ofspaces


    Quarry Park Car Park

    Whitley Road,

    NE12 6DT

    Mon - Fri

    9.00 - 17.00

    20p per hour

    Max. Stay 2 hrs 18

    Cars and light

    vans only


    Location Address RestrictionPeriod

    Charge Number ofspaces


    Front Street Car ParkFront Street,NE30 4QB

    All Days Free 16Cars and light

    vans only

    John Street Car ParkJohn Street,NE30 4QX

    All Days Free 22Cars and light

    vans only


    Location Address RestrictionPeriod

    Charge Number ofspaces


    Cauldwell Avenue Car Park Cauldwell Avenue,NE25 9RW

    All Days Free 613.5 tonne

    weight limit

    Coronation Crescent Car Park Coronation Road,NE25 8AJ

    All Days Free 253.5 tonne

    weight limit

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    Location Address RestrictionPeriod

    Charge Number ofspaces


    Northumbrian Way (North)Car Park Nothumbrian Way,NE12 6EH All Days Free 60 3.5 tonneweight limit

    Northumbrian Way (South)Car Park

    Northumbrian Way,NE12 6EH

    All Days Free 653.5 tonne

    weight limit

    Planet Place Car Park Planet Place,NE12 6DY

    All Days Free 8Cars and light

    vans only

    Comet Row Car Park Comet Row,NE12 6DT

    All Days Free 66Cars and light

    vans only

    Lakeshore Car Park West Bailey East,NE12 6YG

    All Days Free 203.5 tonne

    weight limit

    Citadel East Car Park Citadel East,NE12 6GU

    All Days Free 553.5 tonne

    weight limit

    North Shields

    Location Address RestrictionPeriod

    Charge Number ofspaces


    Low Lights Car Park Clifford's Fort Moat,NE30 1JN

    All Days9.00 - 20.00

    80p per 2 hours 783.5 tonne

    weight limit

    Norfolk Street Car ParkNorfolk Street,

    NE30 1NQAll Days

    8.00 - 18.00Up to 4 hrs - 1.00Over 4 hrs - 1.75

    67Cars and light

    vans only

    Phoenix Chase Car ParkPheonix Chase,

    NE29 8TAAll Days Free 48

    3.5 tonneweight limit

    Mon - Fri Private 42Upper Camden Street Car Park Upper Camden Street,

    NE30 1QGSat Only

    8.30 - 17.30Free 31

    Cars and lightvans only


    Location Address RestrictionPeriod

    Charge Number ofspaces


    Beaconsfield Car ParkGrande Parade,

    NE30 4NSAll Days

    9.00 - 20.0080p per 2 hours 182

    Cars and lightvans only

    Blue Reef Car Park

    Grande Parade,

    NE30 4JF(Rear Aquarium)

    All Days9.00 - 20.00 80p per 2 hours 80 2 No. CoachOnly Bays

    Priors Haven Car ParkPier Road,NE30 4DG

    All Days9.00 - 20.00

    80p per 2 hours 60Cars and light

    vans only

    Sea View Car ParkOxford Street,

    NE30 4PRAll Days

    9.00 - 20.0080p per 2 hours 58

    Cars and lightvans only

    Spanish Battery Car ParkPier Road,NE30 3DB

    All Days9.00 - 20.00

    80p per 2 hours 51Cars and light

    vans only

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    Whitley Bay

    Location Address RestrictionPeriod

    ChargeNumber of


    Back Park View Car ParkRear Park ViewShopping Centre,

    NE26 2TH (Accessedfrom Roxburgh Terrace)

    Mon - Sat8.00 - 18.00

    Pemit Holders Only 16Cars and light

    vans only

    Bournemouth GardensCar Park

    The Links,NE26 1QQ

    All Days9.00 - 20.00

    80p per 2 hours 230Cars and light

    vans only

    Brierdene Car ParkThe Links,NE26 4NF

    All Days9.00 - 20.00

    80p per 2 hours 244Coaches 2 for

    All Day

    Dukes Walk Car ParkThe Links,NE26 1TQ

    All Days9.00 - 20.00

    80p per 2 hours 43Cars and light

    vans only

    Eastbourne Gardens Car ParkThe Links,NE26 1PS

    All Days9.00 - 20.00

    80p per 2 hours 693.5 tonne

    weight limit

    Hawthorn Gardens Car Park Hawthorn Gardens,NE29 0AX

    All Days Free 19 Cars and lightvans only

    Hillheads Road Car ParkAccessed off Rink Way,

    NE25 8HZ(Rear Whitley Bay FC)

    All Days Free 903.5 tonne

    weight limit

    Marine Avenue Car ParkMarine Avenue,

    NE26 1LZ(Rear Playhouse)


    Mini Golf Car ParkThe Links,NE26 4NQ

    All Days9.00 - 20.00

    50p per hour 24Cars and light

    vans only

    Park Road Car ParkPark Road,NE26 1LT

    (Side of Library)

    All Days 9.00

    - 17.30

    50p per hour 34Cars and light

    vans only

    St Mary's Island Car ParkSt Mary's Island,

    NE26 4RS All Days9.00 - 20.00

    50p per hour 199Coaches 2 for

    2 hourmaximum stay

    The Crescent Car ParkStation Square,

    NE26 2QYAll Days Free 50

    3.5 tonneweight limit

    Whitley Road Car ParkWhitley Road,

    NE26 2ND(Health Centre)

    Mon - Sat9.00 - 17.30

    50p per hour 21Cars and light

    vans only


    Location Address RestrictionPeriod

    Charge Number ofspaces


    Alexandra Street Car ParkAlexandra Street,

    NE30 4QXMon - Fri

    9.00 - 17.3050p per hour 36

    3.5 tonneweight limit

    Atkinson Terrace Car ParkAtkinson Terrace,

    NE28 7RNAll Days Free 24

    Cars and lightvans only

    Chicken Road Car ParkChicken Road,

    NE28 8NNAll Days Free 12

    3.5 tonneweight limit

    Coronation Street Car ParkCoronation Street,

    NE28 7LWMon - Fri

    9.00 - 17.3050p per hour 40

    3.5 tonneweight limit

    John Street Car ParkJohn Street,NE28 8QX

    Mon - Sat9.00 - 17.30

    50p per hour 343.5 tonne

    weight limit

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    3.12 Foreshore and Riverside Annual Permits. Permits are available to park in theforeshore and riverside car parks at an annual cost of 30.

    3.12 The Park Mark, Safer Parking Award is an initiative of the Association of Chief Police

    Officers (ACPO) designed to reduce crime and the fear of crime within parkingfacilities. The Safer Parking Award Scheme is managed by the British ParkingAssociation through Development Managers and supported by the Home Office, theScottish Executive and all the Police Forces in England, Scotland, Wales and NorthernIreland.

    3.13 The primary aim of the scheme is to prevent criminal behavior within the parkingenvironment. Owners/operators of a parking facility are therefore required to adopt anactive management strategy to ensure minimal occurrence of crime.

    3.14 After assessment, the Police can award Park Mark status to parking facilities that are

    properly managed and maintained. These facilities will also have achieved appropriatestandards that contribute to reducing the opportunity for crime, as follows:

    Surveillance (although this does not have to be CCTV surveillance); Lighting;

    Signage Cleanliness.

    3.15 The Safer Parking Scheme is managed by the British Parking Association inconjunction with the Association of Chief Police Officers. The scheme was introducedby the Government in order to promote safe and secure parking facilities all over the

    country. High security standards reduce the fear and perception of crime.

    3.16 In recognition of our investment in security, North Tyneside Council is proud to be theholder of seven of these prestigious awards.

    The parking facilities that have achieved the Park Mark Award are:

    St Marys Island Car Park, Whitley Bay (off-street facility)

    Brierdene Car Park, Whitley Bay (off-street facility) Dukes Walk Car Park, Whitley Bay (off-street facility)

    Eastbourne Gardens Car Park, Whitley Bay (off-street facility) Bournemouth Gardens Car Park, Whitley Bay (off-street facility) Beaconsfield, Tynemouth (on-street facility) Grand Parade, Tynemouth (on-street facility)

    Spa Access, Tynemouth (on-street facility) Sea Banks, Tynemouth (on-street facility)

    Spanish Battery Car Park, Tynemouth (off-street facility)

    North Tyneside Council will continue to strive to ensure that all public parking facilitiesin the Borough are brought up to the standards set out in the Park Mark, Safer Parkingscheme.

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    4.1 Our teams of Civil Enforcement Officers (CEOs) patrol the streets of North Tynesideand issue penalty charge notices to vehicles that do not comply with the parking

    regulations in North Tyneside. They are deployed to all parts of the borough and inparticular to streets and areas that experience traffic congestion and problem parking.Our key goals are to keep traffic flowing and to make sure that everybody who drives inNorth Tyneside has an equal and fair opportunity to park and go about their dailybusiness. Overall, they:

    Secure parking for residents who hold a valid resident parking permit Protect disabled bays for use by disabled badge holders

    Keep yellow lines free from traffic for use by vehicles making deliveries sobusinesses can flourish

    Increase capacity and availability of parking by ensuring drivers do not exceedmaximum stay times

    Additional duties of CEOs include:

    Helping drivers to understand the parking rules and park correctly Identifying persistent evaders (motorists who consistently break the rules) &

    abandoned vehicles Reporting signs and parking equipment that require attention

    Monitoring skips which have been deposited on the public highway to check theyare in compliance with their licence

    Reporting vehicles with no valid tax disc to the DVLA

    4.2 All our CEOs are North Tyneside Council employees.

    4.3 Enforcement Protocol

    The Council is committed to being transparent about its parking and enforcementactivity for which it is accountable.

    It has therefore produced the following documents which are free to read or downloadon the Parking pages of the Council website

    Parking Strategy 2007 - 2011:This document outlines the policy framework for theoperation of CPE and defines the role of parking in the overall transport andregeneration strategies of the Council.

    Parking Services Procedures:This manual provides a detailed but user-friendlyguide describing the daily tasks needed by the Council to administer all the activitiesassociated with operating a CPE regime.

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    Parking Enforcement Guidelines:This is a reference document, producedpredominantly for the Notice Processing team within Parking Control and covering themajority of circumstances that regularly occur in letters, representations or appeals tothe Adjudicator. It is not intended to be a guide to processing Penalty Charge Notices,

    nor to replace knowledge of the regulations and Councils policies and practices, but toprovide a reference manual for common situations that arise in letters, representationsand appeals. For ease of use, categories have been listed in alphabetical order.

    North Tyneside Council is currently in discussion with other Local Authorities in theNorth East Region to try and develop regional policies with respect to how theirenforcement duties are undertaken. This is intended to promote consistency of processas well as clarity and transparency as all councils will work to an agreed set of policyand operational guidelines.

    This approach will result in greater public understanding of and confidence in the

    enforcement processes, it will also move towards compliance with the aspirations ofboth the TPT and the Local Government Ombudsman.

    Parking Charter:This is a public declaration of North Tyneside Councils commitmentto provide an effective, safe and friendly parking service

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    5.1 Under section 55 of The Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended by The TrafficManagement Act 2004, each Local Authority is obliged to publish their revenue

    accounts. The income and expenditure figures for our parking account are illustratedbelow.

    5.2 Regulations and Guidance confirm that in respect of off-street parking places (carparks) the term income and expenditure as enforcement authorities includes thatrelated to Penalty Charge Income. It does not, for example, cover pay and displayincome or permit/season ticket income or the direct income/expenditure to collect thatincome; however for completeness this information has been included.

    5.3 Ideally the Council would like to be in the position of not having to issue any PCNs.However, this will only happen if drivers comply with parking regulations, traffic

    regulations and road signs and, of course, are never late back to their vehicle aftertheir pay and display ticket has expired.

    5.4 The benefits of compliance include improved road safety, better vehicular movementand clearer access for pedestrians and individuals with disabilities. Other less obviousbenefits include an enhanced local economy, for example, turnover of parking baysoutside shops with time limited bays and the effect of less congestion on theenvironment.

    5.5 The charges for PCN's are not set by Local Authorities, but by the Secretary of State,however we have the responsibility for enforcement. We enforce to a level that aims to

    encourage compliance but cannot be viewed or demonstrated as being over zealous.It is therefore beyond our control that financial surpluses are sometimes made, due tothe number of parking contraventions that take place within the Borough against thecost of enforcing.

    5.6 Under current legislation, any surplus is limited to meeting the cost of providing andmaintaining parking facilities, highways and street improvement schemes, trafficmanagement schemes, highways maintenance and public transport services.

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    Parking Account 01 April 2008 31 March 2009



    Off-street (car park) charges 234,653Income target set by the Council based on previousincome - 380,783

    On-street charges 580,958Income target set by the Council based on previousincome - 584,209

    Penalty Charge Notices 418,798

    Annual Permits (Car Parks) 9,860Income target set by the Council based on previousincome - 8,335

    On-street parking permits 16,165

    Skip licenses/permits 3, 840

    Total Income 1,260,434

    Controllable Expenditure

    Staff Costs 517,523

    Land Charges (Car Parks) 126,200

    Vehicles 26,897

    Equipment 1,722

    P&D machine maintenance costs 20,170

    Uniforms/Protective clothing 7,512

    Printing/stationary/postage 22,569

    Telephone/Mobile charges 3,158

    Computer Hardware/software 18,994

    Training 5,592

    Cash collection services 4,097Fees - DVLA,TEC,TPT,ICPS,Park Mark 55,781


    Non-Controllable Expenditure

    Council overheads i.e. contributions tosupport services


    Total Expenditure 1,165,215

    The above figures suggest that the overall income generated from car parking was higherthen the expenditure (55,219) for the period 2008/09. However, the actual income generatedis lower then the Councils income targets for the parking operation overall.

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    6.0 STATISTICAL PERFORMANCE (situation as of the 27/08/09)

    On-street Contraventions

    How Many % of PCNsissued

    Number of higher level PCNs issued 9,860 84.19%

    Number of lower level PCNs issued 1,852 15.81%

    Total number of PCNs issued 11,712

    Number paid at discount rate 7,566 64.60%

    Number paid at full rate pre-NtO 782 6.68%

    Number paid at full rate post-NtO 728 6.22%

    Number paid at Charge Certificate stage 245 2.09%

    Total number of PCNs paid 9,321 79.59%

    Total number of PCNs currently unpaid 1,190 10.16%

    Off-street Contraventions

    How Many % of PCNsissued

    Number of higher level PCNs issued 71 6.87%

    Number of lower level PCNs issued 963 93.13%

    Total number of PCNs issued 1,034

    Number paid at discount rate 714 69.05%

    Number paid at full rate pre-NtO 51 4.93%

    Number paid at full rate post-NtO 45 4.35%

    Number paid at Charge Certificate stage 14 1.35%

    Total number of PCNs paid 824 79.69%

    Total number of PCNs currently unpaid 73 7.06%


    How Many % of totalPCNsissued

    Number of PCNs cancelled or written-off 1,338 10.50%

    Unfortunately due to amendments to the Notice Processing system during the year, it has notbeen impossible to provide a reliable breakdown of the cancellation/written-off reasons. Thislevel of detail will be included in future annual reports.

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    Traffic Penalties Tribunal (TPT)

    Total number of PCNs issued by North Tyneside Council 12,746

    Number of appeals received by TPT 33

    Rate of appeal per PCNs issued 0.26%

    Number of appeals not contested by Council 10 (30%)

    Number of appeals allowed by Adjudicator 13 (39%)

    Number of appeals refused by Adjudicator 9 (27%)

    Awaiting decision 1 (3%)

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    7.0 SUMMARY

    7.1 The world is currently experiencing severe economic difficulties and the impact is beingfelt far and wide. Tourism is one of those areas that appear to have been hit heaviest,

    with tourism visits to the Foreshore area showing a significant drop. This coupled withthe poor summer weather meant that income from the Foreshore parking facilities waswell down on previous years.

    7.2 To aid businesses during this recession period, the Council took the decision tosuspend charges in Eastbourne Gardens Car Park, Bournemouth Gardens Car Parkand the on-street facilities on Stephenson Street. This together with the loss of MarineAvenue Car Park during redevelopment of the Whitley Bay Playhouse contributed tothe significant reduction in income from pay and display facilities that was experiencedthis year.

    7.3 The Parking Control team have undertaken a S.W.O.T. (Strengths, Weaknesses,Opportunities and Threats) analysis of all its car parks and is currently in the process ofimplementing various improvements. It is important that visitor parking, particularlyalong the Foreshore, is of a high standard with well-maintained car parks with modernmachines and facilities to assist in sustaining tourism in the area and encouragingreturn visits.

    7.4 Five pay and display machines were vandalised beyond repair during the year and twoothers had to be replaced for safety reason due to general wear and tear.

    7.5 Parking in Town Centres continues to be an emotive matter. Provision and pricing of

    car parking is a key determinant of how people travel, and while it can be used toachieve modal shift away from car use, particularly in locations best served byalternatives to the car, there is also a delicate balance to be achieved betweenreducing long term parking and creating opportunities for short term parking to vitalisecommercial areas. The Council are in the mid-stages of implementing the proposalsidentified in the Parking Strategy 2007 2011 document. This strategy mainlyconcentrates on providing better management of parking within its Town Centres withthe aim of ensuring a turnover of vehicles in order to promote retail vitality.

    7.6 The Parking Control team have undergone significant changes during the year both inits staff structure, including the appointment of new Parking Manager in November

    2008, and in its operational policies and procedures. Major improvements have beenmade to the Council website to provide an effective source of information andguidance. Online services have now been provided to enable the public to submitrequests for enforcement action, report parking/skip abuse, submit challenges topenalty charge notices, view photographic evidence obtained by the CEOs, pay apenalty charge notice and renew a residential parking permit. Application forms andNotes for Guidance relating to the various permit schemes that the Council operatehave also been added as have further information on all the car park and on-streetmetered facilities that we provide.

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    7.7 A considerable amount of time has also been invested in additional or refreshertraining for staff, to ensure that undertake their role in a confident, consistent andprofessional manner.

    7.8 As part of North Tyneside council ongoing commitment to reducing carbon footprint byproviding a greener alternative to cars, CEOs have now been provided with bicyclesand an electric scooter to supplement the current vehicles that they have at theirdisposal.