North Ridge News June 2012

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  • 7/31/2019 North Ridge News June 2012


    NorthRidge Christian Academy


    Page 9 (or click here)

    Youth Happenings

    Page 8 (or click here)

    NorthRidge Church & Christian AcademyJune 2012

    Volume 4, Issue 5


    Our News Reaching You; Reaching Out to You

    In This Issue

    A Message From Pastor David

    Page 2 (or click here)

    Expressions of Worship

    Page 4(or click here)

    From The Desk of Pastor Harold

    Page 6 (or click here)

    Upcoming Events, Birthdays and


    Page 10 (or click here)

    NorthRidge Church & Christian Academy

  • 7/31/2019 North Ridge News June 2012


    A Message From Pastor David

    Of late, I have found the Spirit of God directing my thoughts toward the need for personal refresh-

    ment. I often need those times of refreshing. How about you? I know we all do. We need those times

    when our soul is refreshed and made new. This refreshment is the sovereign work of God that God's

    people must desire. The need for renewal and refreshing is always a significant need among God's peo-

    ple because we are prone to wander. When we wander, we abandon Gods plan for our life. When we

    abandon Gods plan, we not only lose our way but we lose the significance of our existence. When we

    lose that significance, we live or walk the journey of our life as we did before Christ; without purpose,without direction, without hope, and without constraint. Joy fades. Peace is absent. Passion for

    reaching the lost wanes. I need spiritual refreshment. How about you?

    Psalm 85:6-76Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you?

    7Show us your unfailing

    love, O LORD, and grant us your salvation.

    Revival is the refusal to hide, cover, excuse, deny and ignore the corruption within us called sin. It is

    being honest about our sinful condition along with the renewed desire to be clean and wholly surren-

    dered to the Lord Jesus Christ. Psalm 51:10-1110

    Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a stead-

    fast spirit within me.11

    Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me.

    Revival is the restoration of joy of the salvation that is God's precious possession shared generously

    with us. It is the granting of a willing spirit. Psalm 51:12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation andgrant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.

    Revival is the renewed desire to obey the word of God in the practical expressions of our daily living.

    Psalm 119:9-119How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word.

    10I seek

    you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands.11

    I have hidden your word in my heart

    that I might not sin against you.

    Revival is the restoring of the reverence for God. It is a longing for the perfecting holiness of the Lord

    Jesus. 2Corinthians 7:1 Since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from every-

    thing that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.

    Revival is the refreshed reality of being cleansed from besetting sin.John 15:3 You are already clean

    because of the word I have spoken to you.Revival is renewed obedience. Psalm 119:16-17

    16I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect your word.

    17Do good to your servant, and I will live; I will obey your word.

    Revival is the revelation of deception in our lives. It is the clear and simple desire to obey the word of

    God. It is the longing to please and honor the Lord.James 1:22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so

    deceive yourselves. Do what it says.

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    Revival is a renewed disgust for worthless things. Psalm 119:37 Turn my eyes away from worthless

    things; preserve my life according to your word.

    Revival is the rekindled desire to put away the old nature and experience the new life in Christ with His

    holiness and power. Ephesians 4:22-24 22You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put

    off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; 23to be made new in the attitude of

    your minds; 24and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.

    Revival is the releasing of the resilience of God's Spirit within us. It is the God-given ability to not sur-

    render to defeat. It is the renewal of our spirit daily. It is not instant anything except the touch of God

    upon our lives. This is out of His grace and love for us and His bride, the Church. 2Corinthians 4:16

    Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being re-

    newed day by day.

    Revival is God's desire. Is it yours? Consider asking Him to bring revival to your life.

    -Pastor David

  • 7/31/2019 North Ridge News June 2012


    Expressions of Worship:

    Whats Next?

    Jeremiah 29:10-14

    A couple of weeks ago, Ruth and I had the opportunity to volunteer at the Ironman competition in

    Haines city. This was the first time that either of us had been up close to a triathlon competition and

    the competing athletes. Assisting in registration, I encountered various accents that testified that thesepeople came from around the globe to join in this event. I have to admit, I was a bit star struck; not

    necessarily by any one athlete, but by all of these people that come to our town to compete in this gru-

    eling event. I say this because part of my experience at the Ironman competition was the discussion I

    had with one of our church members a couple of weeks prior to that with regards to my own fitness

    regimen and potential goals for my life (i.e., running a marathon or a 5K, etc...). As I watched these ath-

    letes swim by me in Lake Eva, my mind was racing along with them as I wondered, Could I ever do

    that? By the way, I am not announcing my intention to compete in a triathlon, but admittedly, I was

    intrigued about what next steps might be in order for my own life.

    During this time of year, we are all witnesses to graduations, weddings, birthday parties, summer cele-

    brations, and all sorts of events. As we join together to celebrate ones accomplishments, there are

    times that we might sit back and think, good for them, all the while wondering, whats next forme? As we join in these moments in other peoples lives, are we looking at our own self with thoughts

    of hope in coming opportunities or with thoughts of despondency, due to a complacency prevalent in

    our lives? I believe a good balance insists that we prompt ourselves occasionally through the possibility

    of a Whats Next? kind of mentality. This doesnt mean that we cannot celebrate anothers accom-

    plishments; it does, however, mean that we also look at the things weare still yet to do in Gods plan.

    So heres the question I have been asking myself recently: If what/who I am right now is all that Ill

    ever be, will Gods plan be fulfilled in my life, or is there something else that I have left to accomplish?

    Its difficult to consider because it insinuates that we might not be satisfied in our current state. How-

    ever, I am not looking at it that way. I ask for the purpose of finding a new goal; a Whats Next? sort

    of event. This might be a physical task set before us (weight loss, athletic competition), a spiritual goal

    (reading through the Bible, growing in certain spiritual disciplines), a goal for relationships, for work,

    for learning, something that is long-term, something that is short-term, something family-centered, or

    something that is so personal that no one else knows. What has God already planned for our life that

    we have yet to achieve? Are we still asking this question and looking for Gods direction?


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    We are still lining up projects as well as ideas, and we are striving to find a variety of family friendly

    activities that encourages the modeling of Christ-like service, regardless of a participants age or physi-

    cal ability. To get involved in the NorthRidge Church Inasmuch Day on June 16, register onlinetoday.

    It is free to register and participate, but donations are always welcome to help offset costs for supplies,

    etc... If you are interested in donating funds or items, please contact Pastor Terrill. As with anything,

    we need prayer support more than anything, and covet your diligent prayer. For more information on

    the NorthRidge Inasmuch Day, make sure you stay current with us on Facebookor by visiting our web-

    site[email protected]?subject=Inasmuch%20Day%20-%20Participation%20Inquirymailto:[email protected]?subject=Inasmuch%20Day%20-%20Participation%20Inquiry[email protected]?subject=Inasmuch%20Day%20-%20Participation%20Inquiry
  • 7/31/2019 North Ridge News June 2012


    From the Desk of Pastor Harold

    June has us jumping into many things. School is about to out

    for the summer and vacations will be happening. Many of us

    will be traveling and getting away for a break. Be intentional

    about keeping up with one another. It is difficult to know

    what everyone is doing, but sometimes we assume someone

    is gone on vacation when in fact something else is keeping

    them away. Lets live life together and minister to one an-

    other in such a way that no one slips through the crack. One

    way to do this is to plan to be here the first Thursday of each month to have some great food, fun and

    fellowship. And while you are at it BRING someone with you.

    All men all invited and encouraged to attend breakfast each

    Saturday morning at 7:00

    Starting soon we will be studying together different books of

    the Bible. We plan to start in James chapter one and continue

    there until we complete the book.

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    Home-bound MinistryThanks for all who give their time and re-

    sources to this ministry. If you are consider-

    ing where you might serve, please pray about

    getting involved with the Home-bound Minis-try.

    This is the current group of Home-bound with

    addresses that are being ministered to at this

    time. If you know of others that would bene-

    fit from this ministry, please contact Rowena

    Daley or call the church office @


    Ms. Irma Swain

    Spring Haven Retirement LLC

    1225 Havendale NWWinter Haven, Florida 33881 (863)-293-0072

    Ms. Lucille Tiner

    Savannah Court assisted living. 301 Peninsular Drive. Haines City, FL 33844-5046 (863) 422-5204

    Ms. Vera Cook

    Brandywyne Health Care Center. 1801 Lake Mariam Drive. Winter Haven, FL 33884 (863) 293-1989

    Not home bound, but limited in some way and could use a word or two of encouragement with a visit,

    call or card.

    Ms. Ruth Copeland

    Savannah Court. 301 Peninsular Drive. Haines City, FL 33844-5046 (863) 422-5204

    Mr Russ Vincent @ home

    Ms. Dorothy Burgess @ home

    Ms. Regena Lyle

    Savannah Court. 301 Peninsular Drive. Haines City, FL 33844-5046 Phone 863-422-4157

    Mr. George Price

    Spring Haven Retirement LLC. 1225 Havendale NW Apt. 154. Winter Haven, Fl. 33881

    Joyce Dillon

    Spring Haven Retirement LLC. 1225 Havendale NW Apt. 163. Winter Haven, Fl. 33881

    Home phone: 875-7070 Joyce Cell 419-6794

  • 7/31/2019 North Ridge News June 2012


    Youth Happenings

    Greetings church family!

    Let me start by saying thank you for all that you have done to make our fundraising successful. The

    students who worked every event have paid for half of their trip this summer. We are very apprecia-

    tive of the love you have demonstrated to these students.

    This is my favorite time of the year. Every time I take students to camp, we always come back re-

    charged and ready to take on the world. I ask that you continue to pray for these students. It is al-

    ways difficult to come back home after being surrounded by Christians for a week. This year, thetheme for camp revolves around how to grow continually in Christ.

    The week of June 18th

    we will be having our Rent-a-Kid fundraiser. Whatever you need done around

    your home, we have students willing to help you out. There is no set pay rate, so, you pay the stu-

    dents based on how they work. We have a sign-up sheet in the church foyer. Please let us know if

    you have anything you want accomplished.

    Again, thank you all for the prayers for our youth ministry. Every week, I feel like you are all up there

    with me on Wednesday nights. Check out our prayer cards on our table in the foyer. The kids going

    to camp have a card with some of their information on it. Please feel free to take cards so that you

    have a visual reminder to pray, as well as a face to see who you are praying for.

    God Bless you, my church family

    stepping out in faith,Derrick Whiteman

  • 7/31/2019 North Ridge News June 2012


    NorthRidge Christian Academy News

    Greetings in the Lord Academy family!

    I cannot believe how fast the year has gone by. While we all may be ready for a little break, NCA is al-

    ready preparing for the 2012-2013 school year! Interest has been off the charts with many families

    coming for tours. In fact, a couple of classes are already full and waiting lists to add more classes are

    just getting started!

    Thank you so much for an incredible year. I cannot imagine the Lord calling me to serve at a more

    wonderful place. From our campus pastoral leadership, to church office staff, preschool teachers,

    academy crew and all of our parents and volunteers thank you! Thank you for giving to the Lord

    there are lives being changed here on a daily basis, and being prepared for life eternal.

    Sincerely in Christ,

    Mr. Kaser

    Head of School

    School Announcements

    1. Finals for MS-HS students on M-TU-W June 4, 5 and 6 daily with NOON release for MS-HS students

    regular release schedule for elementary students

    2. The NCA Awards Assembly is on Thursday morning, June 7th

    at 8:30 am. Come and celebrate all ofour student academic achievements!

    3. LAST DAY OF SCHOOL Thursday, June 7th


    4. Come and visit NCA over the summer to learn more about how your children can become a part of

    the NCA family!

    5. NCA is offering a summer tutoring program . Call the school office for additional information.

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    Upcoming Events and Announcements

  • 7/31/2019 North Ridge News June 2012

  • 7/31/2019 North Ridge News June 2012


    Want to change a childs life through the Gospel of Christ in an hour and a half a week?

    AWANA is in need of the following volunteers for the 2012-2013 year (beginning in August):

    Sparks Director* Cubbies Director * TNT Leader**(Need 6) AWANA Secretary (Provides administrative support by maintaining attendance and achievement

    records, tracking inventory and placing orders. May support one or more clubs.)

    Store Night Helpers (4 leaders needed to assist only 4 times per year.) Sparks Leader** Challengers Leader** (one male, one female) Cubbies Leaders**

    *Director position responsibilities include communicating vision, shepherding leaders, managing

    administrative duties and communicating to church leadership, parents, children and leaders.)

    **Leader position responsibilities include building relationships with a small group of children or youth

    to help them learn and understand handbook sections and Bible lessons. Actively participates in all

    club segments.

    Cubbies: Preschool; Sparks: Grades K5-2; TNT: Grades 3 &4; TNT Challengers: Grade 5. Our AWANAClubs meet Wednesdays 6:30-8:00 PM.

    If you have been at NorthRidge for more than 6 months, consider joining us in one of

    these positions! You may pick up a Volunteer Application form from Kourtney Lopez

    in the Church Office, or call 863-422-4488.

    Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed

  • 7/31/2019 North Ridge News June 2012


    While many think that the issues of finances, sexuality, or differences in parenting styles are the leading

    causes of divorce, the state of Florida says that a couple can divorce simply over irreconcilable differ-

    ences. What are irreconcilable differences?

    According to Dr. John Gottman, the leading marriage researcher of the 20th

    century, divorce is predict-

    able when any one of the following four attitudes are present in a marriage: criticism, contempt, de-

    fensiveness, or stonewalling. This may explain why a couple with many issues can survive a marriage

    better than a couple who cant seem to work through a single issue. Lets look at the definitions of the

    four attitudes:

    Criticism. Could also be defined as nagging. This happens when one spouse does not meet the expec-

    tations of the other spouse. Criticism leads to a dead-end street, because the issue is never resolved.

    The disappointed spouse keeps hoping their spouse will change if they just keep telling them whats

    wrong. It is better to lower the expectations and accept a spouse for who they are. Learn to separate

    the person from the behavior.

    Defensiveness. This happens when a spouse cannot afford to admit they are wrong. They have an an-

    swer for everything except the magic words, I was wrong. Failure to admit weaknesses only leads to

    defeat. It is better to admit there is something wrong, and work towards finding a right solution.

    Stonewalling. This occurs when a spouse withdraws emotionally, and refuses to address the issue head-on. This is a lose-lose situation. Instead, have the courage to face the issue and find positive solutions

    to improve communication and resolution of conflict. People who feel unsafe will withdraw emotion-

    ally from a situation.

    Contempt. Dr. Gottman describes contempt as

    the most destructive emotion in a relationship.

    The first three, if left unattended, lead to con-

    tempt, which is unresolved anger. The opposite

    of love is apathy, and contempt leads to apathy.

    The prescription for contempt is forgiveness. A

    good marriage consists of two good forgivers.

    The Bible has a clear outline for resolving all fourof these attitudes.

    1. Judge not lest you be judged.

    2. Admit when you are wrong, and ask for for-


    3. Do not be afraid; perfect love casts out all


    4. Forgive others, just as Christ Jesus has forgiven


    When we choose to live by Christs example, we

    will not have irreconcilable differences. In fact,

    all our relationships will be healthy and thriving.

    -Written by Cindy Southworth from The Rela-

    tionship Center, a ministry of NorthRidge

    Church. Cindy and David Southworth are certi-

    fied by the American Association of Christian

    Counselors as Marriage Coaches, members of

    the International Christian Coaching Assn, and

    owners of Breakwater Coaching.

    Irreconcilable Differences the leading cause of divorce?

  • 7/31/2019 North Ridge News June 2012


    Join us in sharing Christs love with needy children around the world by participating in OperationChristmas Child. Since 1993, approximately 95 million shoe box gifts have been collected and distrib-uted internationally. NorthRidge Church received 260 boxes from our congregation in 2011. Weprayerfully seek to at least double that number during the 2012 collection. One way we seek to dothis is by collecting items monthly beginning in May and ending in November. We suggest particularitems each month to be placed in a designated box in the foyer. The intent of this collection is to pro-

    vide additional items used to pack boxes in addition to the boxes normally donated.

    Recommended Donations:

    MayHygiene items such as toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap bars, deodorant, etc. (No liquified itemsor aerosol spray cans allowed).

    JuneSocks, flip flops, ball caps and hats, combs, hair brushes, small clothing items, etc.

    JulyToy trucks, cars, motorcycles, boats, balls, whistles, small stuffed animals, dolls, etc.

    AugustSchool supplies such as notebooks, paper, pens, pencils, pencil sharpeners, erasers, rulers,markers, crayons, coloring books, blunt tipped scissors (child-sized), tape, etc.

    SeptemberIndividually wrapped hard candies, tootsie rolls, chewing gum, bubble gum, lollipops,gummy bears, etc. (No chocolate items allowed).

    October and NovemberAny of the above items.

    Only new items are accepted.Thank you and may the Lord bless you for your participation!

  • 7/31/2019 North Ridge News June 2012



    1 2Tammy Farrens

    Cody Witter

    3 4 5Helen Cowley

    6Carly Farrens

    7Daniel Cameron

    8Jordyn Conerly

    Lynda Coots

    Alex Smith

    9Megan Kachmarik

    10Bill Hatley

    Elaine Higgins

    Amanda Watts

    Rusty Watts

    11Sara Williams

    12Faith Pike

    13 14 15Gissell Alba

    David Clement

    Karen Myers

    Silas Rowell

    Cheryl Yurick

    16Kayleigh Butler

    17Jen Fetes

    Janice Kobs

    18Caley Coots

    Cherrie Jordan

    Dawn Wiley

    19Marie Charles

    Bryan Hatley

    20Amanda Menendez

    21Roger Lee

    Todd Trierweiler

    22Melinda Arceneaux

    Tom Yurick

    23Jeff Shelton

    Pat Teske

    24 25Terri Schaeffer

    26Ed Newberg

    27 28Gary Moyer

    29 30

    June Birthdays

  • 7/31/2019 North Ridge News June 2012


    Sunday services

    Sunday Morning Caf -8:45am

    Sunday School -9:20

    Worship Service -10:30am(also Kids' Church K5-3rd)

    Hours-Monday -Thursday 8:00am-4:00pm. If you need to contact the Pastor On Call you can at

    any time by calling the Church Office 863-422-4488 and leaving a message in the On Call mail-

    box (ext. 2104) The Pastor that is on call for the week will return your call ASAP.

    Church Office

    5:45-6:45 -Prayer in Sanctuary

    6:45-7:45 -Coffee and Bible study in Fellow-

    ship Hall

    Wednesday services