North Korea 7th Grade World Geography 3 Main Topics Korean War- how did things get so bad? Current...

North Korea 7th Grade World Geography

Transcript of North Korea 7th Grade World Geography 3 Main Topics Korean War- how did things get so bad? Current...

North Korea

7th Grade

World Geography

3 Main Topics

Korean War- how did things get so bad?

Current conditions- what is life like for North Koreans?

Nuclear program- what might happen in the future?

Korean War

1950-1953 Resulted in the division

of Korea Peace treaty has not

been signed

Division of Korea

Japan took over Korea in 1910 After Japan is defeated in WWII, U.S. and

Soviet Union divide up Korea North, controlled by Soviets, became

Communist. South, controlled by U.S. became Capitalist.

Cold War begins and tensions grow between North and South

War Begins

Kim il-Sung put in power by Soviets

Asks to invade South Korea to reunite country

Nearly takes over South Korea

U.S. sends troops to support South Koreans

U.S. Involvement

President Harry S. Truman wanted to prevent spread of Communism

U.S.-led forces fought back to near the Chinese border China supports North Korea, drives back South Koreans

38th Parallel

1953- Ceasefire agreed to, but no peace treaty 38th Parallel becomes border between North and


Recent Events

1991- Soviet Union collapses North Korea no longer has financial support Starvation and hardship for many citizens

followed U.S. not willing to help

Life in North Korea

13 million people are malnourished (60% of children)

Over 1 million soldiers in military

Government spent 30% of income on military

Citizens are forbidden to have contact with outside countries through phone and internet

Citizens of North Korea must obey a curfew. Satellite photos show lights turned off throughout the country.

Floods have frequently wiped out grain harvests, leading to famine.

Nearly 2 million people died in the mid 1990s from famine.

Rural areas are extremely poverty stricken.

Kim Jong-il

Extremely unstable Critics are jailed Has ordered monuments

built around the country Birthday is a national

holiday Imported 200 Mercedes

Benz sedans ($20 million)

Nuclear Program

2002- admitted to developing weapons 2006- claimed to have successfully tested weapons Considered by U.S. government to be a threat