North Hialeah Elementary (Plants provided by FIU, Butterflies not included) Butterfly Hostplants...

North Hialeah Elementary (Plants provided by FIU, Butterflies not included) Butterfly Hostplants (Caterpillar Food)

Transcript of North Hialeah Elementary (Plants provided by FIU, Butterflies not included) Butterfly Hostplants...

Page 2: North Hialeah Elementary (Plants provided by FIU, Butterflies not included) Butterfly Hostplants (Caterpillar Food)

Mexican Alvaradoa(Alvaradoa amorphoides)

Dina Yellow (Pyrisitia dina)

This is a beautiful small tree that is rarely cultivated in South Florida. It is listed as endangered by the State of Florida.

Page 3: North Hialeah Elementary (Plants provided by FIU, Butterflies not included) Butterfly Hostplants (Caterpillar Food)

Corky Stemmed Passion Flower (Passiflora suberosa)

Zebra Longwing(Heliconius charithonia tuckerorum)

Gulf Fritillary(Agraulis vanillae nigrior)

Julia(Dryas iulia largo)

Variegated Fritillary(Euptoieta claudia)

This hostplant attracts four butterfly species!!!

Page 4: North Hialeah Elementary (Plants provided by FIU, Butterflies not included) Butterfly Hostplants (Caterpillar Food)

Coontie(Zamia pumila)

Atala (Eumaeus atala)

Species of special concern

Florida’s only native cycad

Page 13: North Hialeah Elementary (Plants provided by FIU, Butterflies not included) Butterfly Hostplants (Caterpillar Food)

Butterfly Nectar Plant(Adult Butterfly or Moth Food)

FYI, some butterflies prefer rotten fruit over nectar from flowers

Page 15: North Hialeah Elementary (Plants provided by FIU, Butterflies not included) Butterfly Hostplants (Caterpillar Food)

Blue Porterweed(Stachytarpheta jamaicensis)

Fiery Skipper