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    North American P-51A Mustang in Detailnby Mart in Waligorski

    Allison-powered Mustangs

    Voted by many as the ultimate piston-engined fighter of World War II, the Mustang is a true classic

    of aviation history. As such it has also been an extremely popular modelling subject.

    When hearing the name Mustang, most people will probably associate it with a P-51D, the version

    which can be most often seen at the airshows, in the aviation press and in the museums. The P-51D

    represented a peak of Mustang development, or even a bit past that peak - some people would say

    that it's handling qualities were below that of the outstanding first Merlin-powered version, a P-

    51B/C. Nevertheless the Mustang saga began much earlier with the British orders, dive-bombers

    and reconnaissance aircraft.

    The full review of early Mustang variants can be found in the accompanying article Modeller's

    Guide to Early P-51 Mustang Variantsby Joe Baugher, so there's no need of repeating it here.

    The preserved earlier Mustangs are rare. Therefore I was especially glad to see one on my visit to

    Planes of Fame museum's Grand Canyon division in Arizona. This P-51A is still airworthy. It wasused by Stateside training units during the war, and was bought by the museum from a technical

    college in 1957.

    The original serial of this airframe is 43-6251, but the aircraft is currently painted in the colors of

    RAF Mustang Mk. I marked RU * M, serial number AG470. Why this RAF camouflage in an

    American museum? There is a good reason to that.

    As most of the reader will probably know, the Mustang was first operated exclusively by the Royal

    Air Force. The first Mustang Mk. I operational sortie took place on July 27, 1942. A month later

    Mustang Mk. Is participated in the Dieppe landings by Canadian and British commandos on August

    19, 1942. During this operation, pilots of No 414 Squadron of the RCAF were attacked by the Focke-

    Wulf Fw 190s. Pilot F/O Hollis H. Hills shot down oneof the enemy, which became the first

    Mustang 'kill'. He had flown RU * M on this sortie.

    Considering that F/O Hollis Hills was an American volunteer, and a Californian, the museum's

    choice of markings seems just right!

    North American P-51A Mustang in Detail
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    The P-51A on display in Grand Canyon Planes of Fame museum, Arizona.

    Already on the first look it becomes apparent that Mustang's aerodynamic design was absolutelystate-of-the-art. The carefully streamlined shape and perfect surface finish are notable even bytoday's standards. Despite of what you may have seen on may scale kits of the Mustang, panel

    division lines are barely noticeable..

    Photo: Martin Waligorski

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    For once, let's start our walkaround from the tail. Nothing in the P-51 shape was curved thatcould be made straight - to ease the production process. Hence all flying surfaces, like the fin

    here, had straight spars, leading and trailing edges.

    This view shows also some detail of the tail wheel.

    Although this aircraft's paint scheme and colors match the wartime scheme of the RU * M, it isnot perfect. The font used for the serial AG470 is of modern variety, an thus entirely incorrect for

    the period. The similar comment applies to the squared unit letters RU on the previous picture.

    Photo: Martin Waligorski

    Detail of the cockpit hood.

    The rear side window has been overpainted with a circular opening left to simulate the RAFMustang Mk. I tactical reconnaissance version which had a camera lens in this place, but behind

    a differently shaped Plexiglas. Obviously the camera equipment is missing here.

    Photo: Martin Waligorski

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    A look into the cockpit. The office is almost complete, sans the gunsight. The pilot seat has beenalso temporarily removed, but not much of it would be seen from this angle anyway.

    Photo: Martin Waligorski

    The powerplant visible here is an Allison V-1710 water-cooled, twelve-cylinder engine. An airintake to the downdraught carburettor can be seen over it's rearmost cylinders.

    The Allison was longer than the later Merlin, but it had smaller cross-section, allowing for thegracefully streamlined nose. Note how the spinner's curvature is smoothly overtaken by the

    fuselage contours.

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    Photo: Martin Waligorski

    A closer view on the uncovered engine from the port side.

    An open panel to the right shows a part of engine bearing, painted white.

    Photo: Martin Waligorski

    Top engine cover featured an integrated carburettor intake duct.

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    Photo: Martin Waligorski

    Underwing cooler intake was modified several times during Mustang's development, and the onevisible here is different from both early production machines and later Merlin-powered variants.

    Photo: Martin Waligorski

    Main undercarriage leg and cover...

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