Nordic Saxophone Festival 2016 - · Nordic Saxophone Festival 2016 May 7th 19.30h...

Nordic Saxophone Festival 2016 May 7 th 19.30h Chamber music hall of the Royal Academy of Music, Aarhus, Denmark This festival is made possible thanks to the generous support from: Sketches of Spain Opus Sectile – César Camarero Soprano sax – Petrus Eurell Alto saxes– Åshild Henriksenm Jolien van der Sande Tenor sax – Nanna Ikonen Trés Nocturnos – Enrique Rueda Mov.1 Alto saxophones – Anja Nedremo, Gudrun Faleide Fristad Mov.3 Alto saxophones – Filip Källner, Lisa Nyberg Qubba – Alberto Carratero Soprano Saxophone – Alfonso Padilla Divertimento III – Jesús Villarojo Soprano saxes – Anna Magnusson, Kathrine Oseid Duduk II – Gabriel Erkoreka Soprano sax – Alfonso Padilla Alto sax – Henriette Jensen Tenor saxophone – Johannes Thorell Baritone sax – Joonatan Rautiola Rumia – Luis de Pablo Enigma Pizcas Soprano sax – Theo Hillborg Alto sax – Alfonso Padilla Tenor sax – Marina Roses Baritone sax – Joonatan Rautiola Fragment Striés –Héctor Parra Mov.1+3 Soprano sax – Giulio Petitta Alto sax – Anna Sofia Anttonen Tenor sax – Anja Nedremo Baritone sax – Johannes Nilsson Mov.2+4 Soprano sax – Morten Norheim Alto sax – Sjasmin Reitehaug Tenor sax – Roger Andreas Holme Baritone sax – Thomas Fossaert Danza Castellana – Santiago Baez Nordic Saxophone Festival sax- and percussion orchestra Conductor – Alfonso Padilla

Transcript of Nordic Saxophone Festival 2016 - · Nordic Saxophone Festival 2016 May 7th 19.30h...

Nordic Saxophone Festival 2016 May 7th 19.30h Chamber music hall of the Royal Academy of Music,

Aarhus, Denmark

This festival is made possible thanks to the generous support from:

SketchesofSpainOpusSectile–CésarCamarero Sopranosax–PetrusEurell Altosaxes–ÅshildHenriksenmJolienvanderSande


TrésNocturnos–EnriqueRueda Mov.1 Altosaxophones–AnjaNedremo,GudrunFaleideFristad

Mov.3 Altosaxophones–FilipKällner,LisaNyberg

Qubba–AlbertoCarratero SopranoSaxophone–AlfonsoPadilla

DivertimentoIII–JesúsVillarojo Sopranosaxes–AnnaMagnusson,KathrineOseid

DudukII–GabrielErkoreka Sopranosax–AlfonsoPadilla Altosax–HenrietteJensen Tenorsaxophone–JohannesThorell Baritonesax–JoonatanRautiola

Rumia–LuisdePablo Enigma Pizcas

Sopranosax–TheoHillborg Altosax–AlfonsoPadilla Tenorsax–MarinaRoses Baritonesax–JoonatanRautiola

FragmentStriés–HéctorParra Mov.1+3 Sopranosax–GiulioPetitta Altosax–AnnaSofiaAnttonen Tenorsax–AnjaNedremo Baritonesax–JohannesNilsson Mov.2+4 Sopranosax–MortenNorheim Altosax–SjasminReitehaug Tenorsax–RogerAndreasHolme Baritonesax–ThomasFossaert

DanzaCastellana–SantiagoBaez NordicSaxophoneFestivalsax-andpercussionorchestra Conductor–AlfonsoPadilla