Nonprofits Connecting to Collaborate Findings- ESC

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  • 7/30/2019 Nonprofits Connecting to Collaborate Findings- ESC



    Nonprofits:Collaborating toBuild a StrongerFutureFindings from the Survey Nonprofits Connecting to Collaborate

    August 2011

  • 7/30/2019 Nonprofits Connecting to Collaborate Findings- ESC


    August 2011


    CONTENTSExecutive Summary ....................................................................................................... 3

    Introduction ................................................................................................................... 4

    Background .................................................................................................................... 5

    Results ........................................................................................................................... 6

    Interest in Collaborative Efforts ................................................................................ 6

    Interest from Small-Budget Nonprofits .................................................................. 7

    Interest from Single-County Nonprofits ................................................................. 7

    Influence of Mission Focus ...................................................................................... 8

    Important Characteristics of Collaborating Organizations ....................................... 8

    Preferences of Large-Budget Nonprofits ................................................................ 9

    Preferences of Four-County Nonprofits ................................................................ 10

    Influence of Mission Focus .................................................................................... 11

    Conclusion .................................................................................................................... 12

    The Role of The ESC ............................................................................................. 12

    Collaboration Now and in the Future ................................................................... 13

    Acknowledgements ...................................................................................................... 14

    References .................................................................................................................... 15

    Appendix A: Survey Instrument ................................................................................. 16

    Survey Introduction .................................................................................................. 16

    Collaboration Interest Information .......................................................................... 16

    Collaboration Interest Information .......................................................................... 18

    Organization Information ........................................................................................ 19

    Appendix B: Funder Feedback .................................................................................... 20

  • 7/30/2019 Nonprofits Connecting to Collaborate Findings- ESC


    August 2011


    FIGURESFigure 1: Interest in Collaborative Efforts .................................................................... 6

    Figure 2: Interest in Collaborative Efforts, by Budget Size ......................................... 7

    Figure 3: Interest in Collaborative Efforts, by Number of Counties Served ................ 8

    Figure 4: Interest in Collaborative Efforts, by Mission Focus ...................................... 8

    Figure 5: Important Characteristics of Collaborating Organizations .......................... 9

    Figure 6: Important Characteristics of Collaborating Organizations, by Budget Size

    ...................................................................................................................................... 10

    Figure 7: Important Characteristics of Collaborating Organizations, by Number of

    Counties Served ........................................................................................................... 10

    Figure 8: Important Characteristics of Collaborating Organizations, by Mission

    Focus ............................................................................................................................ 11

  • 7/30/2019 Nonprofits Connecting to Collaborate Findings- ESC


    August 2011


    EXECUTIVE SUMMARYThe Executive Service Corps of the Triangle (ESC) recently conducted a survey of

    Triangle nonprofit to learn the extent to which these organizations have an interest

    in some form of collaboration with other local nonprofits. This survey wasundertaken because increasing demands for services and declining resources in the

    current poor economy cause nonprofits to face enormous challenges. Collaboration is

    one way to address some of

    these challenges.

    In partnership with the NCCenter for Nonprofits, thesurvey was emailed to 1,400

    Executive Directors or Board

    Chairs of Trianglenonprofits; 140 responded.

    Based on the survey

    responses, most Triangle

    nonprofits appear to be most interested in the project stage of collaboration,

    specifically sharing development activities, sharing projects and/services, and

    sharing advocacy efforts. Triangle nonprofits are most interested in collaboratingaround shared missions. Other responses indicate:

    Small nonprofits are significantly more likely to report interest in

    collaboration than larger ones.

    Organizations serving one county are more interested in collaboration than

    organizations serving multiple counties.

    Nonprofits missions influence collaboration preferences.

    Client base and location of an organization have little impact on their desire

    for collaboration.

    This study is one step towards building collaborative efforts among Triangle

    nonprofits. Now that it is clear that a strong interest exists, the ESC will initiate a

    September meeting designed for interested nonprofits leaders to learn the options

    and the requirements for collaboration. The ESC will also be able to assist these

    organizations in developing plans to create successful collaborative efforts.

    Collaboration (n.) A processwhere two or more organizations

    work together to realize shared

    goals and results that cannot be

    obtained by working alone.

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    August 2011




    STRONGER FUTUREFindings from the Survey Nonprofits Connecting to Collaborate

    INTRODUCTIONThe scale and complexity of issues faced by Triangle1 nonprofits require

    administrators to consider different methods and approaches to achieve their

    missions. Nonprofits will need to transition from an isolated approach to achievingtheir missions to embrace a collective approach in order to achieve large scale

    change.2 The Executive Service Corps of the Triangle (ESC) believes organizations,

    suffering from limited resources, can improve their operational efficiency and

    effectiveness through


    The ESC desires to encourage

    and support nonprofit

    partnerships. In June, 2011,

    the ESC conducted a survey,

    Nonprofits Connecting to

    Collaborate, to assess Triangle

    nonprofits interest in inter-

    organization collaboration. This

    survey is the first step in the ESCs new initiat ive to promote stronger collaboration

    among Triangle nonprofits and to build a stronger nonprofit community.

    The survey was created by the ESC utilizing SurveyMonkey, an online assessment

    tool, and was distributed with the generous help of the N.C. Center forNonprofits.

    The survey was mailed to 1,400 board chairs and executive directors of Triangle

    members of the N.C. Center, the ESCs clients, and other Triangle nonprofits. Atotal of 140 nonprofits participated in the survey- a response rate of approximately

    10 percent-- demonstrating a strong interest in collaboration.

    1 Note on terminology: For the purposes of the survey, the Triangle is defined as Chatham,Durham, Orange, and Wake Counties only.

    2 Kania, J. K., & Kramer, M. (2011, Winter). Collective Impact. Stanford Social InnovationReview, pp. 36-41.

    We are growing and facing the

    need to make changes, and I

    think collaboration would be one

    area we could benefit from. -Survey Respondent

  • 7/30/2019 Nonprofits Connecting to Collaborate Findings- ESC


    August 2011


    BACKGROUNDThis report comes at an exceptional period, when nonprofit budgets have decreased

    due to shrinking donations, contracts, and grants, while the demand for services

    continue to rise. To make ends meet, many organizations are cutting expenses andservices, and even closing entire offices and programs.

    The nonprofit sector has become an indispensable part of society, providing services

    to individuals and communities. The Salvation Army, Meals on Wheels, Legal Aid,

    homeless shelters, mental health agencies, and child care centers are just a few

    examples of Triangle

    nonprofits that area citizens

    count on every day. In the

    Triangle alone,

    approximately 2,0453

    nonprofit organizations serve

    the community, with assets

    exceeding $25 billion.4

    While individual

    organizations are very

    important to the nonprofit sector, "large-scale social change requires broader cross-

    sector coordination, yet the social sector remains focused on the isolated intervention

    of individual organizations."5

    Nonprofit organizations have long cooperated with each other on some level.Collaboration can be understood as a continuum with a sharing of resources for a

    specific project to merger.

    For this report, we focus on three organizational categories and their relationship to

    an organizations willingness to collaborate:

    Budget Size (e.g. less than $300,000; $300,000-700,000; more than $700,000)

    Mission Focus(es) (e.g. advocacy, education)

    Number of Counties Served- Survey respondents served one or more counties.

    3 N. C. Center for Nonprofits. (n.d.). North Carolina Nonprofits by Economic DevelopmentRegion and County. Retrieved July 21, 2011, from N.C. Center for Nonprofits:

    4 N. C. Center for Nonprofits. (n.d.). Reporting Charitable Nonprofits in North Carolina byCounty, 2006. Retrieved July 21, 2011, from N. C. Center for Nonprofits:http://www.ncnonprofits org/NAM/NCcountydata.pdf.

    5 Kania.

    Funding instability and

    reductions are seriously

    threatening our work at this

    point. Any support is welcomed.- Survey Respondent

  • 7/30/2019 Nonprofits Connecting to Collaborate Findings- ESC


    August 2011


    RESULTSINTEREST IN COLLABORATIVE EFFORTSWhat levels of collaboration are Triangle nonprofits interested in pursuing? The

    survey confirms the ESCs assumptions that organizations are more comfortable

    with collaboration that is

    smaller in scope or term, such

    as sharing.

    Considering most

    nonprofit collaborations

    currently focus on

    networks that share

    information andcoordinate on short-

    term actions, rather

    than sustained and

    structured initiatives, it

    is not surprising that nearly half of the responding nonprofits are interested

    in sharing (development activities, projects, programs and/services or

    advocacy efforts).

    Fewer nonprofits are interested in sustained, structured initiatives: forming

    a new organization (6%), merging to form a partner/subordinate relationship

    (10%), and merging to one integrated organization (14%).














    Not interested

    Merging to partner/subordinate

    Merging to integrated org.

    Combining marketing

    Forming a new organization

    Forming a partnership


    Co-purchasing goods/services

    Sharing staffing

    Sharing staff training

    Sharing advocacy

    Sharing projects/programs/services

    Sharing development

    Figure 1: Interest in Collaborative Efforts

    We collaborate with a number

    of organizations mostly by

    cross-referring, but also by

    participating in shared

    community events. -Survey Respondent

  • 7/30/2019 Nonprofits Connecting to Collaborate Findings- ESC


    August 2011


    INTEREST FROM SMALL-BUDGET NONPROFITSOur findings suggest interest in collaboration is related to an organizations

    financial resources. Small Triangle organizations are notably more interested in

    collaboration than large organizations. Assuming they have more to gain from

    collaboration, nonprofits with smaller budgets and fewer resources demonstratemore interest in increased connectivity with other organizations.

    INTEREST FROM SINGLE-COUNTY NONPROFITSTriangle nonprofits serving one county are more interested in collaboration than

    organizations serving four counties, according to the survey. (See Figure 3 on page

    10.) Forming partnerships is considered easier for one-county organizations, as

    opposed to four-county organizations. Plus, certain collaborative efforts, such as

    sharing projects/programs and services, sharing staff training and sharing staff, are

    more natural for organizations with smaller geographic service areas.

    0% 20% 40% 60% 80%

    Sharing development


    Sharing staffing


    Combining marketing

    Figure 2: Interest in Collaborative Efforts,by Budget Size

    More than $700,000


    Less than $300,000

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    August 2011


    INFLUENCE OF MISSION FOCUSMission areas influence an organizations collaboration preferences.According to our

    survey, there is a large interest in advocacy efforts. This preference is likely due to

    the current economic recession, which forced organizations to trim advocacy work to

    avoid trimming services.


    0% 10%20%30%40%50%60%


    Sharing advocacy

    Sharing staff training

    Sharing staffing

    Forming a partnership

    Figure 3: Interest in Collaborative Efforts,by Number of Counties Served

    Four Counties

    One County

    0% 20% 40% 60% 80%

    Sharing development

    Sharing advocacy


    Forming a partnership

    Figure 4: Interest in Collaborative Efforts,by Mission Focus



    Education &development

    Health & mental health

  • 7/30/2019 Nonprofits Connecting to Collaborate Findings- ESC


    August 2011


    In addition to an interest in specific collaboration effects, the ESC wanted to learn

    more about the characteristics around which organizations are interested in

    collaborating. This study reveals how important common mission areas are to

    nonprofit collaborations, as well as the significance of other organizational

    characteristics in possible partners.

    The high demand to collaborate with organizations that share missions (65%)

    supports the ESCs initial assumption.

    Since nonprofit missions outline their operations, client base and location,

    working with an organization that is driven by a similar mission, is the most

    basic step to finding common ground in nonprofits collaborative efforts.

    PREFERENCES OF LARGE-BUDGET NONPROFITSOrganizations with large budgets are more concerned about sharing characteristics

    with potential associates, especially shared client bases and/or shared needs (See

    Figure 6 on page 12). Driven less by financial motivations, large nonprofits may be

    less interested in collaboration

    because they believe they have less to

    gain from potential partnerships and

    more to lose than small










    Characteristics are not important

    Similar organizational size

    Shared organizational needs

    Common mission area

    Shared general location

    Shared client base

    Figure 5: Important Characteristics ofCollaborating Organizations

    We find it challenging to

    collaborate with agencies

    that have different financialand staffing capacity.

    -Survey Respondent

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    August 2011


    PREFERENCES OF FOUR-COUNTY NONPROFITSSimilar to nonprofits with large budgets, four-county organizations demonstrate less

    interest in collaboration and increased selectivity concerning potential collaborative

    partners. Four-county organizations are more interested in sharing characteristics

    with future partners than single-county organizations.

    0% 20% 40% 60% 80%

    Shared client base

    Similar mission

    Shared needs

    Figure 6: Important Characteristics ofCollaborating Organizations, by Budget Size

    More than $700,000


    Less than $300,000

    0% 20% 40% 60% 80%

    Shared client base

    Similar mission


    Figure 7: Important Characteristics ofCollaborating Organizations,

    by Number of Counties Served

    Four Counties

    One County

  • 7/30/2019 Nonprofits Connecting to Collaborate Findings- ESC


    August 2011


    INFLUENCE OF MISSION FOCUSConcerning potential partners, advocacy organizations are more interested in

    working with other advocacy

    organizations that have the same

    needs. Even though their effortsare likely centered on Raleigh,

    advocacy nonprofits can fulfill

    their mission from any location,

    in contrast to education

    organizations (including youth

    development), which show special

    concern for location since their

    populations are likely more dependent on transportation than other mission areas.

    0% 50% 100%

    Shared client base

    Shared location

    Similar mission

    Shared needs

    Figure 8: Important Characteristics ofCollaborating Organizations,

    by Mission Focus



    Education &development

    Health & mentalhealth

    Wed [merge] if the missions

    were in alignment or

    mutually beneficial. -Survey Respondent

  • 7/30/2019 Nonprofits Connecting to Collaborate Findings- ESC


    August 2011


    CONCLUSIONThe June 2011 study results reported here document Triangle nonprofits interest in

    collaboration among Triangle nonprofits.

    Greatest interest is in sharing fund development activities, sharing projects,and/services, and sharing advocacy efforts.

    Small-budget and single-county nonprofits are particularly interested incollaboration.

    Large-budget and four-county organizations demonstrate special concern for

    sharing certain characteristics with future partners.

    Shared missions are central to collaboration.

    Nonprofit missions also influence the type of collaboration an organizations


    Client base and location have little impact on collaboration interests.

    This survey is the first effort to look broadly at local interest in collaboration. While

    nonprofits indicate an interest in collaboration, the process requires considerable

    commitment and can be risky.

    THE ROLE OF THE ESCThe ESC proposes that the next steps should be to craft and implement workable

    paths to collaboration. Moving from isolation to collaboration requires a systemic

    approach to social impact that focuses on the relationships between organizations

    and the progress toward

    shared objective.6

    As facilitators in the

    collaborative process, the ESC

    can provide leadership that

    [will] connect to and work with

    others outside of the

    organization.7 Between

    individual organizations

    seeking collaboration, the ESCconsultants will be able to

    plan, manage, and support the initiative through ongoing facilitation, technology

    and communications support, data collection and reporting, and handling the

    6 Kania7 Kania

    [Collaboration] becomes difficult

    when everyone is not pulling

    their weight and one agency has

    to take on more of the work. -Survey Respondent

  • 7/30/2019 Nonprofits Connecting to Collaborate Findings- ESC


    August 2011


    myriad logistical and administrative details needed for the initiative to function

    smoothly.8 In addition, the ESC will:

    Focus peoples attention and create a sense of urgency

    Apply pressure to stakeholders without overwhelming them

    Frame issues to present opportunities and difficulties Mediate conflict among stakeholders

    COLLABORATION NOW AND IN THE FUTUREThis survey underscores an important aspect of the nonprofit community now and

    for the future. Todays nonprofit sector seeks collaboration mainly to survive

    economic and political upheavals. Once these issues subside, collaboration will

    continue in the nonprofit partnerships that have been formed and in the

    recommendations for organizational best practices. Now, as in the future,

    individual donors and foundations expect nonprofits to operate efficiently andproduce meaningful results, clients depend on them to provide necessary services,

    and governments hold them to task for delivering programs efficiently and according

    to specifications.9 Collaborating with other organizations ensures resources are

    used wisely and services have a greater impact.

    8 Kania9 Kania

  • 7/30/2019 Nonprofits Connecting to Collaborate Findings- ESC


    August 2011


    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThis study is part of a collaborative project of the ESC and the N.C. Center for

    Nonprofits. The survey was created and results were analyzed by Laura Biediger,

    MPA Intern from the UNC School of Government. Reporting was the combined

    effort of Laura and many ESC volunteers.

    The Executive Service Corps of the Triangle is a nonprofit organization that

    provides professional, affordable consulting services to Triangle nonprofits to help

    them achieve their missions.The ESC has been helping nonprofits in the Triangle area since 1987. Originally

    founded as the International Executive Service Corps in 1966 by David Rockefeller,

    it recruited retired corporate executives to work overseas on assignments in

    developing countries. A decade later, this concept was reshaped to permit retired

    executives to use their managerial skills on behalf of American nonprofits.

    As one of approximately 30 similar agencies, the ESC is affiliated with the Executive

    Service Corps Affiliate Network. This relationship gives us a perspective on the

    challenges and opportunities facing nonprofits throughout the U.S. and allows us to

    access programs and services that can help local nonprofits.

    N. C. Center forNonprofits seeks to enrich North Carolinas communities and

    economy through a strong nonprofit sector and voice.

    Founded in 1990, the N.C. Center forNonprofits is a private, nonprofit organization

    that serves as a statewide network for nonprofit board and staff members, an

    information center on effective organizational practices, and an advocate for thenonprofit sector as a whole. We offer services directly to all sizes and types of

    501(c)(3) nonprofits and we work closely with other local, state and national groups

    that assist nonprofits.

    Concerned about the increasing challenges they faced, more than 2,000 nonprofit

    leaders from all 100 counties gave grassroots input to determine the Centers goals.

    Now 1,500 organizations have joined this coalition of nonprofits working together for

    a better North Carolina, and they provide continuous input on emerging issues and

    needs. One of their goals includes fostering communication and collaboration

    among nonprofits.

  • 7/30/2019 Nonprofits Connecting to Collaborate Findings- ESC


    August 2011


    REFERENCESKania, J. K., & Kramer, M. (2011, Winter). Collective Impact. Stanford Social

    Innovation Review, pp. 36-41.

    N. C. Center for Nonprofits. (n.d.). North Carolina Nonprofits by Economic

    Development Region and County. Retrieved July 21, 2011, from N.C. Center

    for Nonprofits:

    N. C. Center for Nonprofits. (n.d.). Reporting Charitable Nonprofits in North

    Carolina by County, 2006 . Retrieved July 21, 2011, from N. C. Center for


  • 7/30/2019 Nonprofits Connecting to Collaborate Findings- ESC


    August 2011


    APPENDIX A:SURVEY INSTRUMENTSURVEY INTRODUCTIONThank you for taking the time to complete this survey by Executive Service Corps of

    the Triangle in partnership with the N.C. Center for Nonprofits. Your feedback is

    important in helping us determine the future direction of our work around

    encouraging and facilitating partnerships and collaborations among Triangle-area


    This survey should only take about 5 minutes of your time. The results of our

    findings will be released in July.

    All questions require an answer, as noted by an asterisk (*).

    If you have any questions about the survey, please contact Trudy Smith [email protected] or 919.641.9173.

    In order to progress through this survey, please use the following navigation


    Click the Next button to continue to the next page.

    Click the Previous button to return to the previous page.

    Click the Exit the Survey Early button if you need to exit the survey.

    Click the Submit button to submit your survey

    COLLABORATION INTEREST INFORMATIONPlease respond to each of the following questions.

    Q1 *In which of the following areas do your nonprofit have the greatest need?

    (Choose only one.)


    Volunteer Management

    We have no needs.

    Boards & Governance

    Capacity Building


    Marketing & Communications

    Other (please specify)
  • 7/30/2019 Nonprofits Connecting to Collaborate Findings- ESC


    August 2011


    Q2 *Which of the following collaborative efforts would you be interested in

    exploring? (Choose all that apply.)

    Sharing staff training

    Co-locating/sharing space

    Sharing advocacy efforts

    Purchasing goods and/or servicestogether

    Forming a partnership

    Combining marketing efforts

    Merging - resulting in a partner orsubordinate relationship

    Sharing development (fundraising)activities

    Sharing staffing

    Forming a new organization to deliverprograms/services

    Sharing projects, programs, and/orservices

    Merging - resulting in one integratedorganization

    Not interested

    Other (please specify)

    Q3 *Your organization's client base: (Choose all that apply.)


    Children & youth


    Senior citizens



    Low-income communities





    Native American

    Other (please specify)

  • 7/30/2019 Nonprofits Connecting to Collaborate Findings- ESC


    August 2011


    Q4 *Your organization's annual budget:

    Less than $300,000

    $300,000- 700,000

    More than $700,000

    COLLABORATION INTEREST INFORMATIONPlease respond to each of the following questions.

    Q5 *Your mission focus:


    Community development & housing

    Arts & culture

    Health & mental health services


    Anti-poverty & social services

    Social justice

    Education (youth & adult development)


    Other (please specify)

    Q6 *Which of the following characteristics are important in organizations with

    whom you work? (Choose all that apply.)

    Shared needs (e.g. staff training)

    Shared client base

    Common mission area

    Shared location (e.g. same county, city, etc.)

    Similar organizational size

    Shared characteristics are not important.

    Other (please specify)
  • 7/30/2019 Nonprofits Connecting to Collaborate Findings- ESC


    August 2011


    Q7 Please provide other comments here.

    (For example, list and/or describe any collaborative efforts with which you are

    currently involved, including challenges you face with them.)

    Q8 *Are you interested in meeting with an ESC representative to explore connecting

    and collaborating with other organizations?



    ORGANIZATION INFORMATIONPlease complete the following information, which will be used by ESC only.

    Q9 *Name of Organization: :

    Q10 *Your Name:

    Q11 *Your Title:

    Q12 *Your Email Address:

    Q13 *Organization's Phone Number:

    Q14 * In which of the following counties do you provide services? (Choose all that






  • 7/30/2019 Nonprofits Connecting to Collaborate Findings- ESC


    August 2011