Non Sales Sales Letter

Attention: [***********] Business Owner How To Become An Instant Beloved Saint To Your Clients Without Costing You A Dime And No Work On Your Part From The Desk Of: [***********] Local Moving Hi, Thanks for taking the time to read this letter. My name’s [***********], of “[***********] Local Moving.” You might’ve heard of me. I realize the above headline makes a big promise, but give me a moment because I’m about to prove it to you. Ready? Ok, so I’m pretty well established locally, all over the internet and a fairly big advocate of local businesses, like yours, here in [***********]. Whenever I get the chance I go out and spread the word about my fellow business folks, because I just love [***********] and believe strongly that there is no greater way to market your business than to get the support and endorsements of others like you. Now, you know, saying I’ll make you a saint is a pretty big deal and I know it sounds a bunch like big fancy marketing talk or some ploy to get you to buy something from me, but I promise this letter is meant to deliver you a gift, and that’s all. So, put your mind at ease, your money away, grab a comfy seat, a nice cup of coffee and read the rest of this letter...there’s nothing to buy at the end, promise.


The perfect example of how to recruit other businesses to endorse your business, give you access to more of your best targeted prospects and customers and have a better chance at closing while getting less resistance to price. Learn how to adopt this referral system method into your business and you'll never have a shortage of customers or clients to fill your pipeline ever again.

Transcript of Non Sales Sales Letter

Page 1: Non Sales Sales Letter

Attention: [***********] Business Owner

How To Become An InstantBeloved Saint To Your Clients

Without Costing You A Dime AndNo Work On Your Part

From The Desk Of: [***********] Local MovingHi,

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter.

My name’s [***********], of “[***********] Local Moving.”You might’ve heard of me.

I realize the above headline makes a big promise, but give me a momentbecause I’m about to prove it to you.


Ok, so I’m pretty well established locally, all over the internet and afairly big advocate of local businesses, like yours, here in[***********].

Whenever I get the chance I go out and spread the word about my fellowbusiness folks, because I just love [***********] and believe stronglythat there is no greater way to market your business than to get thesupport and endorsements of others like you.

Now, you know, saying I’ll make you a saint is a pretty big deal and Iknow it sounds a bunch like big fancy marketing talk or some ploy to getyou to buy something from me, but I promise this letter is meant todeliver you a gift, and that’s all.

So, put your mind at ease, your money away, grab a comfy seat, a nicecup of coffee and read the rest of this letter...there’s nothing to buyat the end, promise.

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It’s more important than ever, these days, to stay personally connectedwith each other.

Too many of us are always wired in to the internet, one way or another.

Nowadays, we have so much junk coming at us, we can’t figure out whichthing to focus on first.

Email, facebook, twitter, cell phones, smart phones, dumb phones,Google, Twitter, TV Ads, Radio Ads, Billboards, and flashing signs….

No one ever sends just a friendly neighborly letter, any more.

That’s not theworld I grewup in.

That’s not the[***********],I’m used to.

Every day Iget up, andjust like you,I put one pantleg on, thenthe other andgo out and tryto make apositivedifference, both, in my work, and in the world.

You and I are both honest, hard working people, but as you know, unlesswe stay united as a community, and look out for one another, care abouteach other and support each other, things just tend to fade away or fallapart.

So, Why’d I Send This To You?

Now, I’ve sent you this letter as a wake up call, a reminder, and, also,as a commitment to my belief in the importance of reaching out to andstaying in contact with my fellow local business owner, while advocatingfor your success, as well as my own.

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I think you and I both have great synergy and complimentary businesses.

Our customer base is extremely similar and so I think we would makegreat customer cross reference partners.

That’s why I’d also like to endorse you and your company on video.

Now, yes, the videos are going to be featured on sites like Youtube andother web properties, however, the importance of another local businessendorsement can go very far in enhancing your public image, as well asreinforcing the unity that we, here in [***********], are so used to.

The videoscan also beused in bothyours and ourmarketingefforts,includingprinted salesliterature,like this oneyou’rereading, orhowever elseyou’d like.

Like, Ipromised,

this isn’t going to cost you one dime and you won’t have to do any work,other than meet up with me for the informal video shoots.

We can pick a place that works best for you, meet at your place or,heck, we could even meet up over a nice local lunch (I know a few localrestaurant owners that would love to have us).

It’ll be great.

Not only that, but it’ll also give us a chance to find out who yourideal prospects are so that when we do come across’em (and we do comeacross a lot of folks that can use your services or products), we’llknow who to send them to.

Don’t Wait Till We’re Both Busy

All you’ve got to do is pick up the phone and give me a call:

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Call: 555-555-7777

Now, I know it sounds odd, but you really should call me sooner thanlater because I’ve learned quickly that the more I do this the busier Iget, and the busier the people I do this with get, as well...which is apretty good, quality, problem to have, but not when you’re busy (punintended).

That was a little joke.

The truth is, based on past experience, I do anticipate a lot ofresponse and obviously the sooner you let me know when you want to meet,the more likely we can actually arrange our schedules to meet.

This type of endorsed,good will marketingusually gets a lot ofgreat feedback fromthose smart and savvybusiness owners thattake part.

And...its FREEmarketing for you, sowhy not?

Just in case youdidn’t know, I’ve beenin business here in[***********] for the

last 17 years.

In that time span, I’ve come to understand and fully appreciate what itmeans to be local.

What it means to be community.

That’s exactly why you always hear me and my partners say how much welove [***********] and how important our community is to us.

We’ve all had our ups and downs, and god knows I’ve had my share ofobstacles and failures, but life is funny in how these experiences shapeus, and help us grow.

It wasn’t until I started giving more than I asked for that I started

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getting all that I needed.

That’s when I realized that this was the key.

This was the solution to consistency and growth in business, and inlife.

Now I always pay it forward and try as best I can to take care of thecommunity that took such good are of me.

Its because of these life lessons that we’ve come so far and why we feelits so important not to ignore what matters, which is why we givethanks, every day, to being part of such a wonderful community.

We do appreciate any and all work that comes our way, but its moreimportant that we not just say its important, in words...but in ouractions and deeds.

We want to show you our appreciation by helping you promote yourbusiness.

If you check our channel on Youtube, you’ll see that we have over 400videos on that platform alone.You’ll see that we feature all types of businesses from all differenttypes of industries.

You’ll see evidence and proof...we’re not making this up.

We really mean to promote you, as we have  for tons of other localbusinesses, just like yours.

Why Do This?

Imagine how much more good­will you’ll receive when your prospects andcustomers see how neighborly you are and how much of a great contributoryou are to your community, when they can see the social proof, live.

I can tell you, first hand...only good things happen as a result.

Your business can only benefit from these endorsements and that’s beenmy intention in writing this letter to you all along.

So...exactly what type of good things can you expect?

Well, how about more people talking about your business, mentioning how

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they’ve seen you featured on the internet with those Local Movingfellas, with the beards.

You develop a reinforced positive image and positive reputation.

I kid you not, you have no idea how many hugs we get from all of ourwonderful customers, and friends that let us know they saw us online,and saw all the local businesses that we’ve promoted...but that didn’thappen by accident.

We make it happen, and we want to make it happen for you, too.

Every day we get more stories from businesses that we’ve endorsed thatare experiencing the good will, the good feedback and the greatcommunity response that we’re offering for you, and that you can have,

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as well.

If you need more proof, just take a look at what others have had to sayabout us, just THIS YEAR ALONE:

➔ Carol ­ 11/21/2013◆ Prompt, professional, kind and took extra care ensuring our items

were delivered in excellent condition. We received exceptional serviceand will be calling Bruce and his team again when the need arises.

➔ April Shamel ­ 11/09/2013◆ If you decide to hire movers, you're going to let them into your

home(s) and be around them for at least a few hours. These guysare the kind of people you'll be glad to have around. I'm so happythat I hired them. Bruce's attitude helped me to remember that mytransition was a happy one.

➔ Michelle Tracz­ 11/06/2013◆ Furniture was being donated from Jeff Slosman to Jewish Family

Services of WNC, an agency for which I am the Treasurer. To furtherassist this not for profit's first move to their own independent space, Iagreed to pay for all the moving costs. To coordinate the multiplepeople and locations involved, I needed someone willing to do it onshort notice. I looked online and found Bruce. He was so nice andgenuine I just had to hire him. I am so glad I did! He and Clete did notdisappoint. They were energetic, enthusiastic, professional, helpful,and most of just truly happy to be working. What more could you askfor? All the donated furniture arrived and was unpacked and set upwithout issues. Thank you SO much Bruce! We will certainly be intouch again!!

➔ Rene Evans­ 09/15/2013◆ Visiting in [***********] for vacation and found a living room set I

could not live without. Called Bruce regarding how to get furniturehome to Kansas. although he did not move cross country he gaveme a great option. I was flying out before I could get a cube reserved.Bruce picked up my furniture ar store wrapped it and took to theterminal and loaded it for me all withour expecting payment. He wasjust doing it to help me out. I never had the pleasure of meetingBruce. I left him some money for his help, but his willingness to help astranger is priceless. Furiture arrived safely! Thank you so much!There are not many people like that would have done this. It was anawesome experience! Thank you again so much!

➔ Nat Justice- 08/19/2013◆ Called on a Monday morning about moving a piano up a tricky flight of

stairs; nobody else I'd tried had been willing to take the job, but LocalGuys were out at my house that afternoon, got the job done quicklyand well, and couldn't have been nicer. Professional, fast, and hardworkers. First-rate!

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There are literally, a ton more of these online, but I think you get thegist…

Thankfully, as you can see, we have a ton of fans to expose you to andpeople really do like working with us, and we’re so appreciative.

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this letter and I lookforward to working with you and helping you grow your business more,soon.

Thank  you so much…

We appreciate the work.


[***********],[***********] Moving CompanyCall: 555­555­7777Web: [***********]

P.S. If you checked out the attached news release and werecurious about how I was able to get featured on some ofthose prominent and prestigious news sites, the truth is I

just knew a great guy that had connections.  If you want his info justcall me and I’ll make sure you get it.