Non linear narratives


Transcript of Non linear narratives

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Disrupted Narrative

Non-sequential Narrative

Disjointed Narrative

Cohesive Narratives are narratives that flow well together and have a relatively clear and understandable narrative to the audience (hens cove’hesive’ – much like the term ad’hesive’ which means things that are stuck together – mirroring well structured and clear narrative that it represents). Examples of Cohesive narratives are as follows:

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This type of narrative goes against what is seen as the linear structure of a narrative (such as Todorov’s narrative theory which follows the structure of:

Equilibrium, disruption, recognition of disruption, attempt to repair, equilibrium restored). It often tends to have a chunk of narrative missing (creating an enigma code) in order to create mystery for the audience (the missing chunk of narrative is usually seen later by the audience so that the mystery is resolved, but it usually

comes into play in a strange way).

Film example: Transformers

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In this case, the narrative structure is in a different sequence to a typical linear one (e.g. the elements of Todorov's narrative theory are jumbled up, such as the disruption coming first rather than the disruption). This choice of narrative style is usually done in order to create emphasis on certain elements of the text,

as it can build tension and suspense which furthers the audiences interest.

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This narrative relies primarily on the audio to make assumptions on the enigma codes presented – the narrative often appears misleading or untrue to the

audience, therefor they make assumptions on what they feel is going to happen. The truth is then alter told in the text, often with a large twist to further the

interest of the audience. This narrative style does not require out of sequence elements, but it can have them.

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Ergodic narratives

Branching narratives

Multi-linear narratives

Non-cohesive style narratives are narratives that are not very well flowing and can often seem confusing the reader as it has elements of Todorov's narrative structure in a very non sequential and jumbled which often overlap one another many times in order to test the intelligence of the audience and constantly have them guessing. Examples of this style narrative are as follows:

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This is a narrative that cannot be viewed in a linear format – it often involves a text that conations many stories within stories which can end up becoming very confusing yet intriguing to the audience as they are waiting for their questions

and confusion to be resolved. This narrative can involve transmedia approaches, external and internal references.

Film example: Sucker Punch Contains several different story lines, all of which belong in the head of the main character – the reality of the film is finally realised at the very end of the film which was never touched on beforehand.

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This style of narrative involves interaction between he text and the audience - the options that the audience picks pick will have an effect on the narrative(this is most often seen in video games such as heavy rain and Corpse Party). This will result in either success or failure as the audience will be aiming to achieve the

ending that they desire to achieve – most f0otne the happy ending.

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This style of narrative is when there are multiple storylines or multiple aspects of one storyline intertwining and happening simultaneously. The climax of these

style narratives is the audience finding out how each of these storylines/elements of one story line finally tie together (therefore resolving enigma codes and

answering questions of the audience).

Film Example: The Time Travellers Wife This story has multiple aspects of one storyline