Nominet Trust introduction to National Assembly of Wales

21 uk Supporting Social Innovation through Digital Technology National Assembly for Wales, June 2013 Dan Sutch [email protected] @dansutch @nominettrust


Nominet Trust introduction to National Assembly of Wales

Transcript of Nominet Trust introduction to National Assembly of Wales

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Supporting Social Innovation through Digital Technology

National Assembly for Wales, June 2013

Dan Sutch [email protected] @dansutch @nominettrust

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To seek out, galvanise and support new, effective and

widely adopted solutions that transform how we address big social challenges through the

use of digital technology.

• Social investments and grants of c£5m per year • Aim to demonstrate how digital technology can be used to redesign the way we

address persistent social challenges• Aim to support (in addition to funding) scaling the social and economic impact • Direct relationship with Nominet’s public purpose & strength of their membership

Our mission

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Research and Insight

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Grant making and social investment

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The successful application of new ideas generated at the intersection of insight and invention, which leads to the creation of social or economic value

Insight understanding the context, histories and work of others

Invention finding and developing the best ideas

Application putting ideas into practice

Value capturing outcomes, impact and learning

Social Innovation

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Redesigning our approach to social innovation

Affordances of digital Tech

Social Entreprene


Designing from ‘first principles’

Consider together, the:

Affordances of digital technology

The values & energy of social entrepreneurship and social business

Look again at the challenges and redesign approaches

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Many examples of significant tech-driven/tech-enabled

changes – where for social-tech?

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The use of digital technology provides remarkable opportunities to redesign how we address persistent social challenges

This requires:• Creativity and imagination for how else we might address

these issues• Risk taking and testing of these new approaches• Entrepreneurship and willingness • Aspiration, persistence and tenacity• Openness, collaboration...• Advocates to help find social-tech entrepreneurs

In addition to the technology

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What does social-tech innovation look like?

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Podnosh ‘Recording Real Lives’Capturing voices of disconnected people for social policy makers

Futuregov ‘Patchwork’Supporting and improving communication between key local authority workers around the family

UK Online Centres ‘Outreach programme’Helping people get online in environments where they’re already comfortable (local pub, laundrette, cafes, churches etc)

‘Memory Box’Collecting digital memories for

recollection activities for people suffering from dementia

‘Discoverables’Helping young people discover,

develop and demonstrate skills for employability

Carers UK ‘Jointly’Supporting time-poor carers to

manage caring responsibilities with busy lives

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History Pin£209k investment Global intergenerational site

40,000 contributors, 600,000 app users

eg Peoria Hist Soc 1.4m hits, $14,000 sales

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Make Things Do Stuff

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Make Things Do Stuff


"Make Things Do Stuff, a collaborative effort led by Nesta, Nominet Trust, and Mozilla,  marks another important step in our ambition to become the most digitally capable nation in the world. We want to inspire young people to become creators and not just consumers of digital technologies“

George Osborne, Chancellor of the Exchequer

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Trailed in 2003, the Technocamps project was set up in response to the continuing decline in Computer Science Education.

In September 2011 Technocamps secured £3.9 M ESF funding to deliver a programme led by Swansea University in partnership with Aberystwyth, Bangor and South Wales Universities for 11-19 year olds in Wales.

To date over 4,500 young people have attended one or more day-long workshop introducing them to CS principles from a catalogue of projects.

Technocamps is also working with the LIFE programme in the City and County of Swansea in conjunction with BOX UK, S4C and Tinopolis, running the weekly CS Talent Academy for disadvantaged young people in Swansea.

Technocamps recently secured Digital Maker funding – 3000 Primary children will be undertaking CS driven digital making activities.

Stuart Toomey, project manager

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Community ownership and management of Digital Network Assets

Exploring cooperative model for sharing internet access from Merthyr Valley homes to (in pilot) provide low cost access and support to tenants for 100 homes in Gellideg

Merthyr Valleys Homes and Creative Co-ops

(Gellideg Foundation; Welsh Government; MTCBC; Coed Y Dderwen School IT dept)

Mike Owen, CEO, Merthyr Valley Homes

Get IT Together in Rhondda Cynon Taf

Supporting 1200 older people to get online for the first time

Supporting 50 young people to develop employability skills

Citizens Online and BT Wales

Nominet Trust funding of £30,000 with £70,000 investment from BT Wales and £20,000 from RCT council

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Current opportunities for Welsh social-tech entrepreneurs

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How digital technology can be used to support people through transitions across the lifecourse


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To discover, to help demonstrate and test the potential of a new approach that uses digital technology to address a persistent social challenge. 

Nominet Trust Open Innovation Funding

Discover by bfishadow ccFlickr

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Dan Sutch [email protected]

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Open Innovation description

How to apply

Application deadlines


This presentation

Useful linksMore descriptions of our Open Innovation programme, links to ‘how to apply’ and some further background info.