Noman Islamic Fin Misc

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  • 8/6/2019 Noman Islamic Fin Misc


    Islamic Finance

    Compiled By:

    Noman H ChowdhuryPGD-IF(IIBI,UK),MBA(IBA),BSc(BUET)

  • 8/6/2019 Noman Islamic Fin Misc


    Presentation Outline

    List of sites referred to in this presentation

    Why alternative/Islamic Finance

    Prospect/Potential of islamic finance Demand of islamic finance graduates

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    Why Alternative/islamic Finance-1

    Islamic Financial Institutions (IFIs) have been lessaffected by the global recession, according to a surveycarried out by MTI Consulting.


    Around 62 percent of the survey respondents citedthey had experienced little or no impact from therecent crisis which has ravaged banks and financial

    institutions worldwide. The survey respondentsincluded CEOs and managing directors of Islamicfinance institutions from various countries in theMiddle East and South Asia.


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    Why Alternative/islamic Finance-2

    The collapse of leading Wall Street institutions,

    notably Lehman Brothers, and the subsequent

    global financial crisis and economic recession, are

    encouraging economists world-wide to consideralternative financial solutions. - Prof. Rodney Wilson


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    Why Alternative/islamic Finance-3

    In contrast to conventional banks, no Islamic bank

    has failed and has needed government

    recapitalization which ultimately becomes a burden

    on hard pressed taxpayers.In Iran where all financial operations have been

    shariah-based since the Law on Usury Free Banking

    was introduced in 1983, banks have been relativelyinsulated from the financial crisis -Prof. Rodney Wilson-


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    Why Alternative/islamic Finance-4

    Thus, if profitability declines in an economic

    downturn, depositors receive lower returns, but if

    profits rise they enjoy higher returns.

    This profit sharing reduces risk for the banks andmeans they are less likely to become insolvent.

    -Prof. Rodney Wilson


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    Why Alternative/islamic Finance-5

    With irresponsible banking practices taking the

    blame for bringing about the global economic

    crisis, there has been a surge of interest in Islamic


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    Why Alternative/islamic Finance-6

    "Islamic economists believe that if the principles of

    Islamic finance were followed the crisis wouldn't

    have happened. We are seeing a lot of non-Muslim

    countries, including the UK, France, Japan, Hong

    Kong and Singapore encouraging Islamic finance,"

    Professor Habib Ahmed(Durham University,UK)

    "People think the Islamic system is based on faith,but it's based on justice" he said.

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    Why Alternative/islamic Finance-7

    it is the ethics underpinning Islamic finance that

    are attracting the interest of conventional finance

    institutions keen to learn lessons from the banking


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    Why Alternative/islamic Finance-9

    This crisis of 2008 is unprecedented in its nature.Even the well-established and what is considered"too big to fail" financial institutions are being

    badly affected by the crisis (Citibank, LehmanBrothers and AIG, just to name a few)

    Despite slowing down, the top ten Islamic bankscontinued to show encouraging performance byrecording an average annual growth of around 30percent for 2008.

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    Why Alternative/islamic Finance-10

    The current crisis seems to highlight the weaknesses of the

    conventional banking and finance philosophy on which the

    global financial system is built upon.

    The conventional system allows multiple debt creation on aparticular asset without a real underlying transaction

    Quite the contrary, Islamic finance requires that financial

    dealings must be backed by real assets and be in line with

    the Islamic law, Shariah.


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    Why Alternative/islamic Finance-11

    The Islamic economics model in general, and

    Islamic banking and finance in

    particular, are viable options as the search for

    more stable and safer global financial

    infrastructure continues.


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    Why Islamic Banking Is Successful? e of Financial Crisis

    By Prof. Rodney Wilson

    Rodney Wilson is director of postgraduate studies at DurhamUniversity. Formerly visiting professor at the Universities ofKuwait and Paris, the International University of Japan, and

    the Qatar Foundations Qatar Faculty of Islamic Studies, heis a world expert on Islamic economics and finance, MiddleEastern political economy, and the political economy of oiland gas. He currently chairs the academic committee of theInstitute of Islamic Banking and Insurance in London and isacting as consultant to the Islamic Financial Services Board

    with respect to its shariah governance guidelines.

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    Prospect/potential of Islamic Finance-1

    Islamic finance makes up only small part of the

    world finance industry currently, and is estimated

    to be worth around $700 billion globally. However

    the industry has been growing at 20-30 percent

    annually since 2000 and is set for continued strong

    growth despite the global slowdown. Industry

    experts and financial institutions predict Islamicassets will reach a whopping $1.6 trillion by 2012


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    Prospect/potential of Islamic Finance-2

    There are already five wholly Islamic banks in

    London, and the first Islamic bank will open in

    France in 2009. According to the conservative

    estimates of the Banker in October 2008, Islamicfinancial assets globally exceed $500 billion, a

    figure that could easily double over the coming

    decade.-Prof. Rodney Wilson


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    Prospect/potential of Islamic Finance-3

    None of these institutions has been affected by the

    global financial crisis, and their resilience bodes

    well for the future.

    Islamic Bank of Britain has been operating as aretail bank for over four years, and has attracted

    over 40,000 customers. HSBC Amanah, the Islamic

    finance subsidiary of HSBC, has been operating forten years in London.

    -Prof. Rodney Wilson


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    Prospect/potential of Islamic Finance-4

    Meanwhile, the industry has ballooned to more

    than $1,000bn, stretching their capacity to examine

    every product and instrument


    Islamic finance has been growing by 15 to 20

    percent per year for some time and there is a lot of

    interest at the moment. People are looking foralternatives after the economic crisis.

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    Prospect/potential of Islamic Finance-5

    While conventional banks consolidate and retrenchworkers, Islamic banks particularly in the Gulf

    Coopeartion Council countries continue to expand

    and recruit new workers.


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    Prospect/potential of Islamic Finance-6

    While conventional banks worldwide are nursinglosses of more than $400 billion from the credit

    crisis, Islamic banks are virtually unscathed.

    Surprisingly, Islamic banks, such as Al-Rajhi Bank of

    Saudi Arabia, Kuwait Finance House, Dubai Islamic

    Bank and Maybank Islamic, grow steadily during

    the crisis.


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    Islamic banking assets continued double-digitgrowth this year, even as conventional bank growth

    stagnated, according to The Banker's "Top 500

    Islamic Financial Institutions" survey, published in

    association with HSBC Amanah.

    Assets rose by 28.6%, to $822bn from $639bn in

    2008. This is in striking contrast to The Banker's

    2009 "Top 1000 World Bank Rankings" released inJuly, which showed annual asset growth of just

    6.8% at conventional banks.

    Prospect/potential of Islamic Finance-7

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    David Dew, Deputy CEO of HSBC Amanah, said:

    "It is important that the Islamic Finance industry

    continues to analyse its growth critically if it is tobecome a truly credible alternative to conventional

    banking in a significant number of markets.

    Prospect/potential of Islamic Finance-8

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    Grais & Pellegrini (2006) reported that the globalIslamic financial services industry consisted of 284institutions offering Islamic financial services (IIFS)

    operating in 38 countries, both Muslim and non-Muslim.

    Sol (2007) identified that there were more than300 Islamic financial institutions spread over 51

    countries, plus well over 250 mutual funds thatcomply with Islamic principles.

    Prospect/potential of Islamic Finance-9

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    The major contributors to asset growth for Islamic

    funds: Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries


    Asia (US$67.1bil); Australia/Europe/the United States (US$35.3bil);

    and non-GCC Middle East countries, Middle Eastand North Africa (US$248.3bil).

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    Demand of Islamic Finance Graduates-1

    The top five scholars make up almost a third

    of all the 956 sharia board positions, a recent

    report by Funds@Work says, and the top

    three each sit on more than 60 boards each FINANCIAL TIMES TUESDAY DECEMBER 8 2009

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    Demand of Islamic Finance Graduates-2

    Now, a slew of academic courses arespringing up to meet the demand of those

    wanting to break into an expanding market

    "There is a huge demand for Islamic finance

    courses now, so large that it's difficult to cope

    with," Professor Habib Ahmed,Durham

    University, England, told CNN

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    Demand of Islamic Finance Graduates-3

    With students coming from Asia and the MiddleEast to get the qualifications that will help them

    take advantage of the Islamic finance boom,

    Ahmed says it is difficult for universities to findqualified teaching staff. "Most people with PhDs in

    Islamic finance are working in the industry, making

    a lot of money," he told CNN.

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    Demand of Islamic Finance Graduates-4

    This September will see new courses andpostgraduate qualifications in Islamic finance

    springing up throughout the UK and elsewhere in

    Europe, reflecting the fact that it has become one of

    the fastest-growing sectors of the global bankingindustry.


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    Demand of Islamic Finance Graduates-5

    Khalid El Sheik applied for Bangor's Islamic financeMA because, having taken a first degree in computer

    science in Sudan before switching to a career in

    marketing, he saw it as a chance to mark himself outfrom other students and to have a head start in an

    area that was likely to offer plenty of future

    employment opportunities. His fellow students at

    the university, including one from China, had thesame idea, he says.


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