Node.js and Oracle db - Pub/Sub with Redis

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Transcript of Node.js and Oracle db - Pub/Sub with Redis

Introducing a New Product

Node.js access to Oracle Db

Node.js does not have Oracle db access at this time. It does have MS Sql, Postres, MySql & SqlLite and others of the NoSQL flavor.

This is a proof of concept that demonstrates how node.js can leveage the power of Oracle db by incorporating a pub sub solution provided by Redis.

Data in 4 Easy Steps

Node pub/sub with RedisJava pub/sub with RedisJava does query with message from NodeJava publishes result setAsync provides patterns for control flow




Java client receives a message containing the text to a query or stored procedureIt processes the message by performing the requestIt returns the Result as a JSONArray of Jason Objects.

Lines 4 9, create 2 pairs of pub/sub clientsLine 12-13, 15-16, when ready, subscribe to the results which is the JSONArray of JSONObjects


For query and storedProc, when a message is received, send it to the cb callback provided by Async.Publish the query or storedProc that was passed .


When processing is complete the node client ends the sub / pub connection.


Async provides parallel control flow. On line 10, the query function publishes it's message as does the storedProc function on line 24.

Node.js test client

Continuing...Parallel control calls the anonymous function on line 32. The results obj contains the JSONArray data. After logging the results, the pub / sub is ended.

Node.js test client

All open source.

For complete write up see

Node.js Oracle db Pub/Sub