Noah S Ark方舟 的教訓

從從從從從從從從從從從從從從從What have we learnt from the story of Noah’s ark?

Transcript of Noah S Ark方舟 的教訓

Page 1: Noah S Ark方舟  的教訓


What have we learnt from the story of Noah’s ark?

Page 2: Noah S Ark方舟  的教訓

1. 不要錯過船期 Don’t miss the boat

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2. 記着我們同坐一條船 Remember we’re on the same boat

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3. 凡事要先作好準備,方舟是在大雨前建造的 We need good planning.

Noah’s ark was built before the heavy rain came

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4. 保持健康體魄,即使你六十歲,仍會有人要你做大事 Stay in good health,

you’ll still be needed for major venture even if you’re 60

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5. 不要怕批評,專心完成所需要做的工作 Don’t be bothered by any criticism,

focus on what needs to be completed

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6. 在高處建造您的未來 Build your future on high places

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7. 為安全起見,要出雙入對 For safety’s sake, travel in pairs

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8. 速度不是永遠最重要,蝸牛和印度豹最終也同在船上 Speed is never the most important thing,

snail and the leopard end up on the same boat

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9. 神經緊張時,放鬆一下 When you feel uptight, relax a little.

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10 . 記着,方舟是由外行人建造,而鐵達尼號卻是專家的傑作 Remember, the ark was built by layman,

Titanic was built by specialists

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11. 無論外面風雨多大,若您與主同行,彩虹便在不遠之處 No matter how bad the weather outside is,

if you walk with God, the rainbow is just ahead of you

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希望你也把這訊息傳給你希望神會祝福的人! Hope you’ll do the same

我把這訊息傳給我希望神會祝福的人,故此我傳給你!I send this message to those whom I wish will receive God’s blessing,

hence, I pass it to you.

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很多人在你的生活中出現或離開… 但只有朋友在你的心內留下足跡!There are so many people who come and go in your life.

Only friends will leave their footprints in your heart.