No Tar Icon

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  • 8/9/2019 No Tar Icon


    Notaricon: Meanin gs of the Alefbet

    The letters of the alefbet are the n exus betw een th e Tree of Life and the Tree of the

    Knowledge of Good and Evil. To the d egree we perceive language to be primarily

    denotative and rooted in the tangible things of this world, w e partake of the lesser tree.

    To the d egree we p erceive the connotative and transforming d imensions of language

    by its use of allusion to the pr inciples un derlying creation, we are p artaking of the

    higher tr ee that leads to life eternal.

    Notaricon is the art of reading a H ebrew w ord forms not as sound cues pointing to

    specific meanings, bu t as graph ic statemen ts of interacting p rinciples. Letters are read

    as word s and p hrases. To the degree traditional soun d m eanings are sup ported by

    notaricon, those meanings are valid. To the degree sound m eanings are unsupp orted

    by notaricon, those meanings m ust be acknow ledge to be inventions of man . For com-

    parison of what is offered here w ith trad itional views of the Hebrew alefbet, I recom-

    men d Rabbi Ginsburgh's presentation at The Inner-Dimension w ebsite. Significationsof the Paleo-Hebrew scrip t are also foun d a t the screens beginning at

    http:/ / ww ketav.html, a site with many ad ditional language


    Like Torah, the letters are written w ithin and without-- that is, they have their interior

    and exterior significances, as well as their positive and negative aspects. The lines of

    the letters and the blank spaces w ithin and around the letters all have lessons for us.

    The basic meanings listed below are used in the Paleo-Hebrew Hypertext dictionary.

    The list is by no means d efinitive; for meanings of letters involve mu ch more than their

    shapes, as each letter enjoys various p ositionings w ithin th e Crown Diamond and

    Adam Kadmon , with correspond ences to both the human body and to the greater cos-

    mos. Before we can progress to the higher notaricon implied by the positionings on the

    Tree of Life, how ever, we mu st first restore found ational understand ings of langu age.

    A PDF version of the notaricon tables that follow is available for dow load. Please

    select the dow nload-to-disk op tion in your brow ser.

    In th e beginn ing, Elohim created the h eavens an d th e earth.

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    a 1, 1,000 Alef 1st letter

    outward projection

    ox; horns; to emanate, protru de; to explode, burst; anger, beligerance;vigor, virility, fecundity, physical vitality; power, force, ability; prop ulsion;

    to scatter; disorder, an imosity; thou sand , thousand-fold; increase, expan -

    sion, grow th; harvest; to implicate; hu manity


    one; central point; atom, monad; small, miniscule; humble, contrite; to

    lessen; restricted , compacted , consolidated ; cond ensation, d iminishment,

    reduction; to wrap , bind , tie; to captu re, corner, box in; to squeeze; friction;

    to transect, intersect, intervene; to settle, decide


    chief, head , leader, lord; principality; master; champion; familiar, confi-

    dante, friend

    to focus

    to fix up on; side view of the eye; to examine, to identify; triangulation;

    augury, divination, sorcery; area; self, ego; person


    concept, idea, principle; beginning, cause; planting; conception, germina-

    tion; sperm ; impetus

    the p riesthood

    to meditate; introsp ection, self-awareness; insp iration; renewal; to school,

    train; to learn; ability; pride, self-centered ness, mania

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    b 2 Bet 2nd letter


    hom e, hab itat, hab itation; establish ment, hou sehold ; family, kin , tribe,

    peer grou p; parochial; bu ildin g, constru ction; form, man ifestation; bod y,

    shell, exterior; sup erficiality; flesh; ch ild, fetus; soul as hou se of th e

    sp irit; in terior; recep tacle, repository; to store, retain


    hearin g; to listen; reception , interiorization; consciousn ess, awareness;

    passivity; inertia

    to pair

    accep t; to embrace, hold ; to agree, match ; image; scoop; to adop t, take in ,

    domesticate, tame, acclimate; to tuck, hid e, conceal

    to develop

    to imp lement, formulate, build; formation


    in , of, by


    to recoil; segmen tation; among

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    g 3 Gimel 3rd letter

    camelto carry, transport, transmit, facilitate; process, procedure

    to lift

    hoe; to weed, cull; hu mp, hill, incline; inclination; arise, ascend , sprou t;

    perp etuality; to ap proach, reach, go beyond; excess


    throat; vocalization; to swallow, drink; cond uit, avenue; a crevice, canal


    the umbilical; to tangle, entangle; the birth process; bowels, nervous sys-

    tem; waves


    elbow, knee, ankle, wrist; to fold , bend, deposit; to trip , stumble, d ive; to

    walk, step, kick; to hu rl, throw

    recompenseto rep ay, rend er; vengeance; bitterness

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    w 6 He 6th letter

    yokelink , bon d, nexus; longin g; conju nction; and , or, bu t; to join, bond ,

    un ify; un ity


    balan ce; to weigh, consid er, evaluate, jud ge; to admin ister, adju dicate; to

    adju st, rectify; to struggle, conten d, disp ute; to yield, abandon ; equ ilib-

    rium , peace; passion , comp assion; emotional vitality

    hooknail, pin , fastener; to adh ere, clasp; to encoun ter; attached ; harn ess,

    reins; to be susp end ed; limbo


    to up hold , codd le; chair, seat, th ron e; to fly, soar, glide, hover; to pivot;

    to contract, expan d; to stretch, b roaden , proliferate, inten sify, emph asize;

    lun gs; abd omen, navel

    to yearnto w orship , adore; offering; breast, teat; outp ourin g; milk; chalice, cup ;

    mercy; maternity; womb


    thu mb, b ig toe; crutch; socket; shackles


    to fu el, reinforce; tornad o; jud gmen t; to n egotiate, merge, converge; ful-

    crum ; he, him

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    z 7 Waw 7th letter

    weaponsword, kn ife, dart, javelin, arrow, spear, armam ent; to arm, prepare; foe,

    warrior; to be abu sive, harm ful; strength


    pen etration, suffu sion; roots; to wou nd ; antagon ism, opp osition; to split,

    sever; schism ; lightn ing


    words, laws, instruments; to mark, shap e, make, sculp t; to carve; to plan ;masculine


    feather, pin ion; bird ; to han g, dan gle; to stand ou t


    regeneration , healing; deliverance; goal, aim; rest, shabb at

    to completefinish; ejaculation; to sub merge, bury; und ergroun d; to sub side

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    j 8 Chet 8th letter

    laddermeans to reach n ew plateau s; to climb , elevate; ascension , descension ;

    depression ; fatigu e; anxiety, fear; strife, confron tation , d iscord; to

    chan ge, repen t; to enh ance, better


    agreemen t, affinity, harmony; relationsh ip; equality; to hon or, celebrate;

    joy, elation

    worklabor, effort, service, assignm ent; engagements

    to provide

    care, help , assist; to am ass; comm itmen t


    outlook , persp ective; bord ers

    torsostretched ; chariot; to d istan ce


    weaving; interrelationship s; to correspon d; exchan ge

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    f 9 Tet 9th letter

    basketto collect, assemble; comm un ity, town; dw elling area; netw ork; cave, lair


    resolution of opp osites; harm onization of d isparate forces; to fortify,

    strength en, rein force; to come together, adh ere; fertilization


    sh ield ; shelter, refuge , safety; to hid e, conceal; to bin d , cover, bury; cap-

    tivity, restrain t; to cage, jail, keep , lock up; pen , stall; to limit, inh ib it; tocircumvent

    operational stages

    sequ ences, pattern s, arrangem ents; segmen tations; to break ap art, hold



    security, trust; obed ience; dep end ence, mutu ality; integration; inter-


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    y 10 Yod 10th letter

    handreachin g (wrist and cup ped fingers); giving, receiving; sharin g; to brin g,

    take; to catch , grab, pick; to touch , feel; to reach, fondle; to rob , steal,

    dep lenish ; to release, give up , let go, part w ith, dispen se with

    to incite

    entice, temp t; to shove, rush ; to accum ulate, app ropriate; to act; mean s of

    attainm ent; du ration, stamina

    actionactivity; to kin dle; to present; presen tation; redress; to kneel, pay h om-

    age; obeisan ce


    fulln ess, fortun e; exped ience; possession , ownersh ip; assertion, inter-

    vention; my, min e

    to write

    inscribe; inscription

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    k 500, 20 Kaf 11th letter

    tridentpitchfork; reapin g; broad path, crooked way; tree of the k now ledge of

    good and evil


    bran ch; offsprin g; tribes; leaves; prod uctivity, fruitfu lness


    antlers; spoon ; han dle; extremity; to mak e eviden t, bran dish ; consp icu-

    ou s


    curved, concave, hollow ; inversion ; perverse, twisted ; palm of h and ; sole

    of foot; to app laud , rejoice


    doctrines, coverings; persuasion, coercion

    rockcliff, crag; to up end , overthrow ; up heaval; to un derm ine, sabatoge

    to realign

    to simplify, amalgam ate, restructure; to comp licate, obfuscate

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    l 30 Lamed 12th letter

    goadrod, staff; pen is; arm, wrist; leg and foot; finger; bone; tongu e, nose

    to instruct

    teacher, instructor; to poin t, ind icate, ord er; to gu ide, steer; course, direc-

    tion ; to argu e, aver; to prove; schooled , taugh t


    elder; matu rity; role, influen ce

    to test

    prod , encourage; ambition ; to accuse, ind ict; to defen d, preven t

    to refrain

    to chastise, correct, punish ; to cease, stop; to discourage , inh ib it, afflict;


    to change d irections

    reconsid er; to red irect, deflect, change; evasive; to, towards

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    m 600, 40 Mem 13th letter

    fluidswater; semen ; soft, cleansin g, refreshing; to flow; to be sw ift; to p our,

    fill; oil; anoin ting; to be chosen ; preferen ce; favoritism

    to mirror

    reflect, return ; to invok e, allud e; message; wisd om's attributes

    to disturb

    befu dd le, confu se; to troub le; wild, reckless; wilderness; scorpion

    to release

    free, un lock, u nleash ; relaxed; un restricted, u nfettered ; uncategorical; to

    disb urse, pay; to lose; to loosen, divorce; to d raw out, empty; superficial;

    derivation ; from


    multitudes; nation; multiplication

    the thighbuttox; to cawl, creep ; to ambush ; to coil; scorpion ; to crawl, creep, scu r-


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    n 700, 50 Nun 14th letter

    fishserpen t, frog; scaled species; to slither, sw im; to nib ble, gnaw ; to scurry;

    to tumble, catapult; Son of M an sym bol; man , woman , person

    to sprou t

    spread , proliferate; to disp lay, implem ent; method; device; configu ration


    poten tiality, fertility; desire, determ ination ; to vow; ritual; pu rpose;

    scope, w eight; interior app lication/action

    to reverse

    restrict, backtrack, su bsid e; to d ecline, degen erate, deplete; den ial; to

    withd raw, suck, filter; to leach ; loss, exhau stion; prostrated

    to take in

    to exchan ge; augm entation ; gain

    to shin eflourish ; multifacteted, multid irectional; flexibility; prom inen ce,

    end uran ce; jub ilee

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    s 60 Samek 15th letter

    pillartower, fortress; fortification, shelter; un ited bran ches; tree of life; spin e,

    skeleton ; hair; herb , bu sh, bru sh; frayed


    respon sible, consisten t, comp etent; reliance, trust; to lean u pon ; emp ow-

    erment; to enforce, dem and , requ ire


    to bristle, emote; to spread out; overextend ed; dim ension s


    skin, in tegumen t; framework , construction, arrangement


    sup ports, bears; to au thorize, encourage; steadfastn ess, stab ility, securi-

    ty; hid ing p lace, confin emen t

    concentricseason s, cycles, years, days; p rogressions

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    [ 70 Ayin 16th letter

    understandingcomp rehension, comp assion


    pu pil; sight; bod y open ings; to view, discern; proph ecy; to enligh ten;

    visage, look, app earance


    brigh tness; to be clear, keen , transparen t; irridesen ce; to glow, gleam;

    jewels, fortune; pen etrating vision; to consid er, thin k, reflect up on, pon -der

    chest cavity

    bu d, loop; bou nd ary; dep th; reception , attentiveness

    to circum scribe# circum size, circle, surround ; to overwhelm ; sated, satu-



    hate, h ostility, jealousy; rage, arrogance, boastfuln ess


    sprin g, foun tain; pool, bod y of water; crater, hole; depth

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    p 800, 80 Pe 17th letter

    facejaw, mouth , lip; to eat, partak e, devour; to consu me; personality; ph ys-

    iognom y, app earance; to app ear, manifest; fru it; soul as expression of



    inh ale, exhale; to b low, puff; to disp erse, dissemin ate; voice, speech;

    utteran ce, pron oun cemen t, order, comm and ; expression , saying; mann er,



    scoop; p it, chasm; stomach


    bord er, side, region; corner, extremity, end ; lock of h air, sideb urn ; here,


    to open

    to close; perm it, restrict; allow , d isallow

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    r 200 Resh 20th letter

    headkin g, ruler, leader, instigator, determ inator; overseer, guide; chief com-

    pon ent; top, main , primary; should er; assertive; to rule, comman d; com-

    peten ce; decisive; ind ividu al


    source, start; tribu tary; moun tain, crest, heigh t, sum mit, peak ; dom ina-

    tion; emin ent, lofty, prou d

    bladeaxe, shovel; to chop , ch isel, mark ; to cleave, sever, remove; to d esiccate;

    to adju re, urge, persu ade; to threaten


    thou ght, kn owled ge, intelligence; to watch, regard; to signal; to hap pen ,



    discretion; beau ty, devotion , reveren ce; to be n oble, graceful; to sail; torise, fall

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    300 Shin 21st letter

    toothtusk ; ivory; claw, paw ; to bite, tear, rend , mau l; to sha tter, destroy, deci-

    mate; to un derm ine; to eat, consu me, assimilate; a meal


    angel; wisd om; sun ; glory; spirit; dream , vision


    app lication; to kn ead, afflict, supp ress; to w iden ; to excite, stimu late,

    energize; bu oyan cy; to float; to loft, raise; to lift


    to wrestle, struggle, fight, conten d; to loathe, hate, desp ise

    to vent

    to urin ate; elimin ation; bu ttox; repetitive, monoton ous

    to wobble

    vary; to shak e; to be up set, both ered, disturb ed, agitated; weakn ess,fraility, vuln erability; illness; sleep, death


    correlation of above with below ; to juggle, jiggle, wiggle, wobb le

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    t 400 Taw 22nd letter

    marksign atu re; characteristic; sign , featu re; cross, weather van e; fen ce; to par-

    tition; four corneres, directions


    infin ity, sum , totality; wholen ess; to measu re, measurem ent


    regeneration , contin uation , resurrection; add ition; end uran ce; perp etual-

    ity, futu rity

    to cancel

    obliterate, alter, chan ge

    to p inch

    to b ite; to cooperate; an in tersection , encounter; to meet, con fron t; to

    oppose; to corner, locate; stalem ate, loggerh ead s