No Sql Bigdata Drone


Transcript of No Sql Bigdata Drone

Me: Dony Riyanto, a veteran geeks

Code Pascal in 91’s, Assembly in 92’s, Learn soldering in 97’s, and hunger for more knowledges (2015)

[email protected]

Why should I learn Internet? Why should I

have a mobile phone (hp)?

Is PHP developer need to learn


Wikipedia source:

Some other source:

You need to flatten the world to 2D (rows

n cols) and create the relationship.

They lough at you when your table un-

normal (no/wrong relationship)

You’re commited to relationship

A complex relationship with ‘normal’

table is not good for very big data, and

its badly slowing down

‘New’ types of data/model:




Relational/Large Column

Also Raw file (image, sound, log, webpage, PDF, DNA structure, finger print)






So much more

“A bin replacement for MySQL”

Maria is the little sister of My

MariaDB is 100% compatible to corresponding MySQL version, but with many additional features:› Support UUID natively

› Support big data and a lot faster

› Support flexible collumn and JSON like data, natively

› etc

When should I use MariaDB?

Stick to MySQL but need better solution

Have existing project with mysql that

have database problem

From the maker of PostgreSQL

World fastest in-memory DB to date

Why in-memory? They found that 70% of an SQL query time is cosumed by disk operation,

So they just come out with this great solution:

A sql like database all in memory

It is grid by its self. Its both Master and Slave

SQL90 subset compatible

Pretty much easier to understand when used to have conventional so called “Rows and Cols”

‘Spike’ project

When fast is critical (financial data,

command center application, medical,


Read reviews and comparrisons

Review key user’s review

Learn by doing

Imagine that you have data of all banking transaction in the world or in Indonesia,

Imagine that you have access to Facebook database and all the post and profile of their users,

Imagine that you can have access to all SMS traffic in Indonesia,

What would you do?

Imagine that you have real time agriculturar data of Indonesian’s Petani (farmer),

Imagine that you have real time satellite and ground station’s data of Indonesian farming field,

Image that you have real time data of national statistics (BPS),

Image that you have realtime data of commodities market,

Can you help our farmer faster before they crop?






Crime handling

Corruption handling

Dissaster handling

So so much more

The so called 3 Vs




And more Vs:

Virality, Viscosity

Veracity, Value

Big data need ‘Big’ infrastructures:

Database that can handle big data (combination of RDBMS, data warehousing, NoSQL, big data)

Hardware (server, storage, network) that can handle big data

Software:› Data visualisation

› Analytical tools

› Machine learning tools

Things to gather data (sensors network):› IoT, smart things,

› Drone, ROV, HASP, satellite

Brainware: Data Scientist (“is the most sexiest job in coming years”)

Is internet for you? Yess

Developers (DBA, mobile dev, web dev, backend dev, UI/UX designers, makers)

Small Medium Enterprises (UMKM),

Bioinformatics, ElectroInformatics, GeoInformatics, Scientist, Statistical guy, (how they quickly detect malaria epidemi in a particullar area just by tweet)

Advertising industries, Manufacturing, Farming and agriculture

(UCS ‘ads that see’, blumbangreksa)

Know your web visitor better.

Collect all information for 3 months:› Everyting: traffic, cookies, browser agent, IP, location,

average time per click/page/leave, click source, etc› Challange them to login using socmed (facebook, twitter)

or tag

› Record their post and socmed actvities

› Analyze the words, profile back ground, ages, communities

Make a simple data visualization a.k.a dashboard.

Can you see clearly now?

Repeat the task with collaboration to partner’s web site...

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