No. 236 25 June 2021

No. 236 25 th June 2021 It has been a fantastic week here at LGJS with the wonderful work of the LGJS Sports’ Department. The Sports’ Days have been an absolute triumph with happy smiles from the children saying it all. It is fantastic that we have been able to hold the Sports’ Days again this year and it is certainly true that it is days like these that the children always remember. We have also really enjoyed watching the Year 3 Drama presentation via video. On Thursday, we were all very touched by the event to mark Mr Andrew’s passing. If you were unable to be there you can see the tree we have planted and the bench we installed. Thank you also to LGJS Friends who made a donation to the bench. You are more than welcome to sit on the bench and enjoy it, but we do please respectfully ask that you do not allow children to climb on it and put their feet on it. Andrew’s Memorial

Transcript of No. 236 25 June 2021

No. 236 25th June 2021

It has been a fantastic week here at LGJS with the wonderful work of the LGJS Sports’ Department. The

Sports’ Days have been an absolute triumph with happy smiles from the children saying it all. It is fantastic

that we have been able to hold the Sports’ Days again this year and it is certainly true that it is days like these

that the children always remember.

We have also really enjoyed watching the Year 3 Drama presentation via video. On Thursday, we were all

very touched by the event to mark Mr Andrew’s passing. If you were unable to be there you can see the tree

we have planted and the bench we installed. Thank you also to LGJS Friends who made a donation to the

bench. You are more than welcome to sit on the bench and enjoy it, but we do please respectfully ask that

you do not allow children to climb on it and put their feet on it.

Andrew’s Memorial

End of Year School Reports

Further to the communications this week with Year 5 parents regarding the Transfer Assessments to

Leicester Grammar School, we will be posting the end of year reports to Year 5 parents today. Reports for

all other year groups will be posted by the end of next week. Teachers spend a considerable amount of time

and effort writing your child’s report and they are very comprehensive. I would like to take this opportunity to

thank them on your behalf for all their hard work on them.

Year 4 Challenge Day

Ready for action, in our tribes, with our bandannas and war paint: we made shelters, we built rafts, we

decorated an ancient tree and even had a campfire!For our Challenge Day, we had been kindly invited to

use the LGS Stoneygate grounds. Little did we know it was going to rain all day long! However, soaked as

we were, it didn’t matter a bit, we still had the greatest time ever!Amongst our many favourite activities was

Nightline. We wore blindfolds and held onto a rope which was tied around the trees. Then we had to rely on

our tribe leaders to guide us round to the end. It was a challenge but it was funny, especially when we got

sprayed by a water gun! Back at school, we had games, a barbecue and a feature film with ice lollies and

chocolate biscuits as a final treat. Thank you to Mr Dobson, Mr Kilduff, Mr Harrison and all the staff for making

it a wonderful experience.

By Nieve Heslop and Jia Tanna 4M

Year 3 Amazon Rain Forest Drama Presentation

Year 3 have really enjoyed their topic all

about Brazil and the Amazon Rainforest.

They read a wonderful story called The

Kapok Tree, which really detailed the

importance of the rainforest, and the impact

humans can have on it. The children

performed the drama brilliantly and were so

confident not only in their delivery of the

words, but also in their use of drama

techniques. We were unable to do our

drama workshops in the Lent term, but Year

3 certainly made up for it this term. Many

congratulations to all of the children and

Year 3 staff for their hard work.

Farewell to Mrs Rigby

We invite all families from LGJS to take this opportunity to pass their good wishes to Mrs Rigby as she

leaves our school by attending the Summer Picnic on Monday 5th June from 3.30pm to 5.30 pm (following

Speech Day). .

Please bring your own picnic food and picnic

furniture and join us on the lower terrace. There

will be pre-packaged light refreshments available

and some entertainment to add a little bit of

happiness to the event.

We ask that you observe social distancing and

remain in your family bubbles and would advise

all adults to take a lateral flow test before

attending. Face masks should be worn at times

when social distancing is not possible and must

be worn when queuing for refreshments.

The event is outdoors and will go ahead whatever the weather, please dress accordingly!

Summer Camp

You should have received a Parentmail with information regarding the Summer Camp. Forms can be

collected from inside the main LGJS entrance doors.


As summer camp places are almost full could we please request that if you have already filled in a

form, but have not paid, that you do so by the end of Monday (21st June)

Any places that have not been paid for after this date will be reallocated to children on the waiting


Thank you

Dates for Summer Camp this year:

Week beginning: Monday 12th July at LGJS***Only a few spaces remaining – There are NO spaces for Years 1 and 2!

Week beginning: Monday 19th July at Stoneygate ALL SPACES ARE FULL

Week beginning: Monday 9th August at LGJS

Sports Week

Following on from a very successful Sports’ Week we

have included some comments from some parents and

children. A big thank you from all in the Sports’

Department to the children, parents and helpers for

making this week a huge success. Medal winners will

be in next week’s Newsletter

PE Department

Parents’ Comments:

"Just wanted to say Sports day went really smoothly

and was enjoyed by all. We felt the changes you made

were positive ones and they made sports week better

than ever."

"Can I say a huge well done to the PE Department, for a great Sports Day. It was a great idea to run it over

a day and make it a real event. My children were thoroughly enthused by it. More than ever they were

appreciative of the choice element in it all. Not every child is good at, and enjoys all aspects of sport so it

made it feel far less forced. Plus the ability to come and go was a welcome fit with the work day."

"I just wanted to send an email to all of you and please pass this message to all the staff that support you

for giving us such a glorious week.

I have attended the concert this week and seeing my child playing the cello again with her friends in

orchestra was heart-warming - it was quite emotional and just what we needed.

Sports day, I can't imagine how much the staff must have worked to organise such a streamlined event-the

music, weather and organising it all was just remarkable.

The past 18 months have been tough on all of us - I am sure we have all been affected by this pandemic

but this week , the kids have had smiles on their faces and are buzzing- so hopefully whatever you wanted

for them , I as a parent am letting you know that all your hard work has been VERY appreciated and I know

it couldn't have been easy with regulations. My son was snoring in his sleep last night but is so excited to

get up in the morning ready to go back to school! What more can I ask for! I am so glad we have had the

past few days because it has made me realise that there is always HOPE for us to get back to what it was

as long as we all have a good positive attitude. Last year there was none of this so I am THANKFUL for all

of you to have done so much for the kids.

Thanks again from the bottom of my heart."

"Wow what an amazing sports day you arranged. Thank you so much to you and all the staff.

We really appreciate all the effort you made making it so seamlessly organised and most importantly such

a fun and relaxed day for all the children. It was so lovely to see the children very happy and enjoying


"We just wanted to say a big thank you to you, the PE team and everyone else involved in today’s sports

day. It is our first and sadly last at LGJS but we thoroughly enjoyed it and thought the whole event was

fantastic. Our daughter had a great time and it looked like all the other children had fun too. You even

managed to sort out the weather!

Children’s Comments:

On the 23rd of June 2021 Year 3-6 had sports day. It was different to the other ones we had, but still was

very fun. We had a series of activities like the howler throw, running, speed bounce, long jump and finally

the relay race. 4C really enjoyed sports day this year, thank you so much to the P.E staff for making it so

special and we all can’t wait for next time!

Amalia 4C

On Wednesday 23rd June Years 3-6’s competed in

different events featured in sports day. The way it was

organised was brilliant and all of us enjoyed the activities

thoroughly. Examples of the activities are running, the

standing long jump and howler throwing. If you wanted to

you could compete in speed bounce. Overall Sports day

was amazing!

By Aryan 4C

On Wednesday 23rd of June was years 3-6s’ sports day.

Everyone took part in running, jumping, racing & throwing,

however, most important remembering to work as a team

and always having sportsmanship in each other.

I would like to say a HUGE thank you to the PE staff as none of this could happen without them!


Tanvi Dorai 4C

Sports Day Comments from Class 1LH

I enjoyed the sprinting because I like running fast. Myra

I liked the 200 metre track because it made me get more exercise! Niko

I liked the long jump because you get to jump with a partner! Jake

I liked jumping in the sack race! Ella

I liked running the 1/2 mile because it is good to run in the morning and it gives you a nice start to the day!


I really enjoyed the half-mile run because it

was really fun running fast around the field.


I liked the long jump the best because I like

jumping! Ariana

I was happy when I won the 50 metre

running race. Kayaan

I was excited when I did the sack race.


I loved the sack race because I can jump

really far! Shaan

I loved the jumping the hurdles because it

makes feel excited and happy. Freya

I loved jumping high in the sack race! Maahi

I absolutely loved the relay because we all got a turn to pass the baton. Gia

I really, really liked the sack race because it was so much fun and you get to jump a lot. Liliana

I loved the long jump because I jumped really far! Freya

I liked it Sports Day had shuttle relay and St. Cuthbert’s

won it all and St. Giles came second.

Sebastian 2B

I liked the House relay because I had to run really fast with

the baton. Manraj was 1st, I was 2nd, Zane 3rd, Ailidh 4th. It

was really fun and St. Giles won the house relay.

Abubakr 2B

I enjoyed Sports Day because I like the races and I was in

the House relay. This was great fun, I came 2nd and I put

lots of power into it. I’m looking forward to Sports Day next


Evelyn 2B

We were so thankful that we were allowed to do Sports’ Day this year as we both love it! We really liked the

fact that we got to do new unique events too. We had the choice to do the field and track events we wanted

to and thought we were better at, which made us compete better. We thought it was great that our parents

could come and watch us run really fast, especially in our favourite event the 100m sprint. We want to say a

huge ‘Thank you’ to all the teachers for making it the best ever!

Zaid and Philip 3W

We loved Sports’ Day because we were all doing it together. We loved choosing our events and doing other

events like the Standing long jump and Speed Bounce. The Endurance Relay was fun but hard work, and we

worked as a House and managed to run loads of laps in 10 minutes! We think the 2 Cheerleading

performances were so amazing and hopefully we can do it next year! We loved getting stickers when we

were a winner, but also it was great to cheer on our friends too! A FANTASTIC DAY!

Kirrily and Anika 3W

Year 5&6 Triathlon

Charity Day

Due to the curtailment of certain events, we have decided to postpone our Charity Day for Rainbows until

the Advent Term when we hope we will be able to hold a more significant event and raise more money for

this worthy cause.

Headteacher Awards:

Congratulations to the following children who have achieved a Headteacher Award this week:

Eashan Karir 1LH Showing amazing stamina and determination when running around the school field for the Year 1 wake up run

Jake Downes 1LH Consistent effort, hard work and determination in all lessons

Myra Bansal 1LH Excellent listening skills in class and setting a perfect example to others

Zain Majeed 4M Producing an excellent plan of Tenochtitlan carried out with thought and care

Austin Hanley 5D A beautifully written and illustrated story book in French

Etienne Hills 5D Her great care and attention with her wonderful French storybook

Frankie Fitzpatrick 5D Her great care and attention with her wonderful French storybook

Umar Yusuff 6E Being extremely kind to the group he supported at Sports Day


St. Andrew’s St. Cuthbert’s St. Giles St. Mary’s

*Billy Trapp *Imogen Gurney *Nico Budhdeo-Sherwin

*Ophelia Balakrishnan

*Anya Kotecha Eleanor Cheung *Astrid Cowdell *Ahmed Bashir

Adam Ibrahim Zach Haycock-Huss Etienne Hills Kiana Pallipatt

Lux Prasad-Somani Sienna Parmar Hana Rahuf Rose Vorley

Nicholas Upton Charlotte Rissbrook Ailidh Beveridge Theo Millward

Khalid Yusuff Hakan Shabab Deen Limbada Ethan Shaffu

Shayan Raja Aran Chandarana Zayn Hussein

Alexa Jones Arushan Dattani

St. Andrew’s: 859 St. Cuthbert’s: 900 St. Giles: 893 St. Mary’s : 828

Other Achievements:

Congratulations to:

Sienna Rose Hayre has achieved her level 8 gymnastics award.

Enzo Zarola was awarded his orange belt at Deacons

Martial Arts

Harry Nurse won man of the match for his team, Aylestone Park, on Saturday and scored 2 goals in his match.

Aarush Patel who was awarded a Blue Pater Music Badge

Layla Somani received level 8 & 7 in gymnastics. She’s only been to 4 classes and managed to achieve

two badges!

Ava and Barney Burman’s First Triathlon

Ava and Barney did their first full triathlon on Sunday at Cholmondeley Castle in Cheshire . It was their first

time ever open water swimming, but they both did a fantastic job and loved the whole experience. Ava was

6th out the girls in her age category and Barney was 12th out the boys.

Well Done!

Dates for your Diary: Tuesday 29th June: Year 3 Brazil Day (Children only) Wednesday 30th June: Kinders Induction Afternoon 1.30pm – 2.30pm Year 6 Production LGJS Hall 7.00pm Thursday 1st July: Reception Induction Afternoon 1.30pm – 2.30pm Year 6 Production LGJS Hall 7.00pm Friday 2nd July: Years 1-5 meet with new class teachers and induction for new pupils 1.00pm

– 3.00pm Year 6 End of LGJS Party in the Pavilion 6.30pm – 8.30pm Monday 5th July: Speech Day 1.30pm Foundation Stage will NOW be in school as usual.

(Speech Day Guest Speaker: Peter Barratt, Great Grandson of Leicester Suffragette Alice Hawkins.) This will be followed by a picnic in the grounds for all families and a farewell to Mrs. Rigby.

NB: Please note that due to changes in Covid restrictions Kinders and Reception will now finish at

their normal time on Monday 5th July Tuesday 6th July: Non-Uniform Day Wednesday 7th July: Break up from School (half day) Wishing you all an enjoyable weekend!

Kind regards. Yours sincerely,

Mrs Caroline Rigby,
