NO. 1 ALBUM NO. 1 HIT ALBUM PICK HIT PICK€¦ · accumulated an impressive resume over the 15...

Volume 61 No. 12 - April 24, 1995 $3.00 ($2.80 plus .20 GST) Mail Registration No. 1351 Arts funding increased by du Maurier Arts Ltd. Canada's largest single private sector arts supporter, du Maurier Arts Ltd., has announced that the company has awarded $1.5 million in cash grants to more than 160 organizations in Canada, an increase from the $1.35 million awarded last year to some 131 organizations. The company received a record number of applications for grants this year, and thus increased the available funding in response. This year also marks the first year that recipients in the Northwest Territories, the Yukon and every province are represented in a single year. Canadian talent showcased Bruce Cockburn, The Jeff Healey Band and Quartette are just some of the artists who are scheduled to appear in the du Maurier Concert Stage, a program showcasing arts performers in Canada. The du Maurier Theatre Centre at Harbourfont in Toronto will host the event on April 29 and 30. Both popular and aspiring artists, disciplines and art forms will be presented in a kalleidoscope environment of performances. In addition to Cockburn, Healey and Quartette, others confirmed thus far include Kasthin, Faith Chorale, Brian McKay, Wanda Cannon, Ben Heppner, David Keely, Judith Lander, Allan Laing and Brent Carver. The performances will venture into realms of pop, classical, rock and gospel music, as well as opera and musical theatre. The dance world will be equally represented, by the Desrosiers Dance Theatre, Les Ballets Jazz de Montreal, Malamba (formerly of Cirque du Soleil) and Quentin Pipestem. Hosting the event will be actors Sheila McCarthy and Paul Gross. Du Maurier Ltd. Concert Stage is a national program, with concerts also taking place in Vancouver, Winnipeg, Moncton, Quebec City and Montreal, each involving a completely different line - NO. 1 ALBUM ANNIE LENNOX Medusa Arista - 25717-N The on -going support by du Maurier has aided in the development of acclaimed programs and festivals, assisted Canadian arts organizations in reaching new audiences throughout the country, and afforded artists, actors, musicians and performers the opportunity to showcase their work. According to Cliff Munshall, president of the du Maurier Arts Ltd. board, "du Maurier Arts Ltd. is extremely proud of its 25 -year tradition of support to the arts in Canada. We recognize that the arts in this country are having a difficult time financially. Our total contribution to the arts in on du Maurier stage up of artists. The concerts will also be taped for possible future broadcast on television. Pictured at the recent du Maurier Ltd. media conference to announce the new du Maurier Concert Stage are du Maurier's marketing/communication manager Neil Blanche, actor Arlene Duncan (the Acid Queen from the Toronto production of Tommy) and du Maurier Arts Ltd. president Cliff Munshull. NO. 1 HIT BELIEVE Elton John Mercury Canada now exceeds $40 million in cash grants and support to over 320 organizations across the country." The funds will be targetted at Canadian performers and programs that are innovative or designed to develop new audiences. Disciplines which will receive new funding include theatre, opera, ballet, visual arts, contemporary dance, symphony, multi -media, traditional and new music. Applications are reviewed once a year by a board which consists of the honourable Pauline McGibbon (honourary chairman), Don Brown (chairman) and Cliff Minshull (president), and directors Fred Davis, Marie Lambert, Marg Southern, Lonsdale Holland, Roberta Beiser and Maureen Forrester. The deadline for applications is October 31 each year. Grants are awarded on a year-to-year basis for specific projects, and are not automatically renewed, nor are they awarded for on -going operations or to decrease a deficit. Joe Nickolls exits Z95 for Polydor position Joe Nickolls, currently music director for Z95.3FM, will join Mercury/Polydor's promotion team as Vancouver's newest promotion representative. His position becomes effective April 24. A native of Vancouver, Nickolls has accumulated an impressive resume over the 15 years. Following six years in music retail, he has been in radio for eight years, the last four at Z95. He joined the station in March 1991 as on - air personality and assistant music director, taking on the music director post in February 1993. He was named major market music director of the year in 1994 at the Canadian Music Industry Awards in Toronto. Nickolls succeeds Ken Ashdown, who was recently appointed Mercury/Polydor's director of national promotion. ALBUM PICK GEFFEN VINTAGE 80S Various Artists Geffen - 24805-J HIT PICK

Transcript of NO. 1 ALBUM NO. 1 HIT ALBUM PICK HIT PICK€¦ · accumulated an impressive resume over the 15...

Page 1: NO. 1 ALBUM NO. 1 HIT ALBUM PICK HIT PICK€¦ · accumulated an impressive resume over the 15 years. Following six years in music retail, he has been in radio for eight years, the

Volume 61 No. 12 - April 24, 1995

$3.00 ($2.80 plus .20 GST)

Mail Registration No. 1351

Arts funding increased by du Maurier Arts Ltd.Canada's largest single private sector arts supporter,du Maurier Arts Ltd., has announced that thecompany has awarded $1.5 million in cash grantsto more than 160 organizations in Canada, anincrease from the $1.35 million awarded last yearto some 131 organizations.

The company received a record number ofapplications for grants this year, and thus increasedthe available funding in response. This year alsomarks the first year that recipients in the NorthwestTerritories, the Yukon and every province arerepresented in a single year.

Canadian talent showcasedBruce Cockburn, The Jeff Healey Band andQuartette are just some of the artists who arescheduled to appear in the du Maurier Concert Stage,a program showcasing arts performers in Canada.The du Maurier Theatre Centre at Harbourfont inToronto will host the event on April 29 and 30.

Both popular and aspiring artists, disciplinesand art forms will be presented in a kalleidoscopeenvironment of performances. In addition toCockburn, Healey and Quartette, others confirmedthus far include Kasthin, Faith Chorale, BrianMcKay, Wanda Cannon, Ben Heppner, David Keely,Judith Lander, Allan Laing and Brent Carver. Theperformances will venture into realms of pop,classical, rock and gospel music, as well as operaand musical theatre.

The dance world will be equally represented,by the Desrosiers Dance Theatre, Les Ballets Jazzde Montreal, Malamba (formerly of Cirque duSoleil) and Quentin Pipestem. Hosting the event willbe actors Sheila McCarthy and Paul Gross.

Du Maurier Ltd. Concert Stage is a nationalprogram, with concerts also taking place inVancouver, Winnipeg, Moncton, Quebec City andMontreal, each involving a completely different line -



Arista - 25717-N

The on -going support by du Maurier hasaided in the development of acclaimed programs andfestivals, assisted Canadian arts organizations inreaching new audiences throughout the country, andafforded artists, actors, musicians and performersthe opportunity to showcase their work.

According to Cliff Munshall, president ofthe du Maurier Arts Ltd. board, "du Maurier ArtsLtd. is extremely proud of its 25 -year tradition ofsupport to the arts in Canada. We recognize that thearts in this country are having a difficult timefinancially. Our total contribution to the arts in

on du Maurier stageup of artists. The concerts will also be taped forpossible future broadcast on television.

Pictured at the recent du Maurier Ltd. media conferenceto announce the new du Maurier Concert Stage are duMaurier's marketing/communication manager NeilBlanche, actor Arlene Duncan (the Acid Queen from theToronto production of Tommy) and du Maurier Arts Ltd.president Cliff Munshull.




Canada now exceeds $40 million in cash grants andsupport to over 320 organizations across thecountry."

The funds will be targetted at Canadianperformers and programs that are innovative ordesigned to develop new audiences. Disciplineswhich will receive new funding include theatre,opera, ballet, visual arts, contemporary dance,symphony, multi -media, traditional and new music.

Applications are reviewed once a year by aboard which consists of the honourable PaulineMcGibbon (honourary chairman), Don Brown(chairman) and Cliff Minshull (president), anddirectors Fred Davis, Marie Lambert, MargSouthern, Lonsdale Holland, Roberta Beiser andMaureen Forrester. The deadline for applications isOctober 31 each year.

Grants are awarded on a year-to-year basisfor specific projects, and are not automaticallyrenewed, nor are they awarded for on -goingoperations or to decrease a deficit.

Joe Nickolls exits Z95for Polydor positionJoe Nickolls, currently music director for Z95.3FM,will join Mercury/Polydor's promotion team asVancouver's newest promotion representative. Hisposition becomes effective April 24.

A native of Vancouver, Nickolls hasaccumulated an impressive resume over the 15 years.Following six years in music retail, he has been inradio for eight years, the last four at Z95.

He joined the station in March 1991 as on -air personality and assistant music director, takingon the music director post in February 1993. He wasnamed major market music director of the year in1994 at the Canadian Music Industry Awards inToronto.

Nickolls succeeds Ken Ashdown, who wasrecently appointed Mercury/Polydor's director ofnational promotion.


GEFFEN VINTAGE 80SVarious Artists

Geffen - 24805-J


Page 2: NO. 1 ALBUM NO. 1 HIT ALBUM PICK HIT PICK€¦ · accumulated an impressive resume over the 15 years. Following six years in music retail, he has been in radio for eight years, the

2 - RPM - Monday April 24 1995

ObituaryLeonard T. Rambeau leavesLeonard T. Rambeau, the gentle Cape Bretoner whocaptured the very heart and soul of the entertainmentindustry, left our world at 10:35 pm on ThursdayApril 13.

Born in Sydney (Cape Breton), Nova Scotiain 1945, the ravages of cancer took the life of thismaker of stars after a valiant fight that lasted morethan a year.

Like any industry, like any business, thereis always someone who not only excels in what they

a legacy of perfectionThere was no greater compliment to

Leonard Rambeau than to know that when othermanagers talked about managers, and when peoplein the industry talked about managers, LeonardRambeau was the benchmark.

This very shy and very dedicated architectof perfection was the epitome of down-home warmthand understanding. At age 49, he had accomplishedso much and wanted to do so much more

His past accomplishments gave him theenergy and foresight to carve thebeginnings for George Fox and to expandthe star status of Rita MacNeil. Even overthe period of his declining health heorchestrated projects to enhance the careersand ensure the future for both of his stars.He made sure their careers would continue.His, sadly, was cut too short.

Mr. Rambeau had many friendsfrom all facets of the entertainment fieldand was deeply committed to the media,where he gained respect for hismethodology in promoting his artists. Hewas particularly committed to radio fromthe large 16 -station markets down to theone -station market. He was on a first -namebasis with program and music directors inboth Canada and the U.S. and was highlyrespected in Nashville and the US countrymusic in general.

Mr. Rambeau was only a phone callaway from his many friends and associates,who often called on him with problems they

(1991) Leonard Rambeau receiving Canadian Music Industry HallOf Fame Award at Toronto's Inn On The Park.

do, but also displays the qualities of being agentleman and a scholar, certainly a mantle that Mr.Rambeau wore with dignity.

He has been hailed as a "showbiz prince"by the Toronto Sun's Bob Thompson, and an "artists'manager" by Greg Quill of the Toronto Star.

Mr. Rambeau discovered Anne Murraywhile he was attending university in Nova Scotia inthe mid -sixties. What began as a casual friendship,he a booker of sorts, and she a bright young singingtalent, blossomed into a manager/artist relationshipthat forged an impregnable bond of trust. Theyworked as a team. He gained the confidence of radioprogrammers as he launched her first album, andthen came Snowbird. Reluctantly, they moved toToronto, where he could better look after herburgeoning career. Balmur, a management/promotion firm was launched by Mr. Rambeau,Murray and her husband Bill Langstroth, with AnneMurray as its sole client. And now represents RitaMacNeil and George Fox as well. The B stood forBill, the A for Anne and the L for Leonard. Mur, ofcourse, was short for Murray. Mr. Rambeau assumedthe position of general manager of the company, andquickly distinguished himself as a negotiator with asound and workable philosophy that allowed thoseon both sides of the table to reap the benefits of thebargaining process. This was particularly evident inhis early negotiations with Capitol Records, nowEMI Music Canada, an association that continuesto this day.

In an industry not known for its kindnessnor gentleness, Mr. Rambeau has created stars andguided the careers of many foremost entertainerswith style and panache, and he was beloved amonghis peers. He has not only been a mentor, but a friendand companion to Anne Murray, Rita MacNeil andGeorge Fox. His legacy will continue. Canada willbe better for what he has done.

faced or for just keeping one another up todate on industry happenings. Stan Kleesand Mr. Rambeau kept close contact with

each other for more than 20 years. "When I neededhelp, I called Leonard Rambeau. He had thisintuition of what was right and what was wrong andwhat was proper. He operated with a style that isunusual in our business. He was a prince and a manof his word. There was no one like him."

One of Mr. Rambeau's closest friends intelevision was CBC-TV variety producer SandraFaire, who had known and worked with him for thepast 10 years. During that period of time, she hadproduced several specials for artists managed by Mr.Rambeau, a number of which he co -produced. Theseincluded five specials for Anne Murray, three onGeorge Fox and one with Rita MacNeil, which ledto MacNeil's current weekly series on CBC-TV.

"We worked so well together, from the veryfirst day in 1988. He approached everything we didwith such a casual confidence, it instilled an evengreater confidence in the people he was workingwith. He was an absolute perfectionist, attending toevery little detail and all done with such grace andprofessionalism."

As the second president of the CanadianAcademy of Recording Arts & Sciences, Mr.Rambeau was one of the visionaries who recognizedthe potential of the Juno Awards in its initial movesto television. He was instrumental in creating a bondof respect between the recording industry and theCBC, which exists to this day. It was only fittingthat the industry, through CARAS, paid tribute tohis contributions by presenting him with the firstGlobal Achievement Award.

The award was introduced at this year's JunoAwards on March 26 by RPM publisher Walt Grealisand presented by CARAS president Lee Silversides.Unable to attend, the award was accepted on hisbehalf by Anne Murray. On showing him the awardin the hospital the next day, he told her that he hadseen the show, and sent the humorous message toGrealis that "It could have been worse."


"It was those humorous little digs thatendeared many to Leonard," recalls Grealis. "Webegan corresponding back in the mid -sixties, whenhe was in University in Nova Scotia. In his veryfirst letter, he told me about this great young singerwho was destined to become a star. He continuedwriting, almost on a monthly basis, praising thetalent of this young artist. Finally, he wrote. 'I toldyou she was going to be a star, and now you can seeher on television.' That young star in the makingwas Anne Murray, and she had joined the companyof CBC-TV's Singalong Jubilee. Our friendshipcontinued through all these years. He was one of akind. Never once did I detect anything but a positivemood. He was always in good spirits, even duringhis last few days. His last words to me were 'Seeyou in church,' a parting expression he identifiedwith for as long as I knew him. The industry haslost a piece of its soul."

Mr. Rambeau leaves his wife Caron andthree children Derek, 13, Scott, 11, and Julia, 9. Heis also survived by his mother and dad, Elizabethand William who reside in Cape Breton, sistersBridget, Michelle and Nettie, and brother Francis.

A private funeral service was held onMonday April 17. A memorial service is beingprepared by Sandra Faire, to be held in a music venuein Toronto in the next two weeks, the date of whichwill be announced shortly.

The family has requested that donations bemade to the Sunnybrook Foundation, 2075 BayviewAve. Toronto, M2N 3M5 or to any branch of theCanadian Cancer Society.

Leonard Rambeau influencedRandy Owen's careerIt was particularly touching to receive a note ofcondolence on the death of Leonard Rambeau fromRandy Owen, music director of Country 570 inKitchener, Ontario, which follows. - WG

With deep regret, I learned of the passing of LeonardRambeau. Deep regret because, while on the surfaceit would seem our two personalities are so different,I'm a more meat -and -potatoes, working-class kindof guy, more comfortable in jeans and running shoes,while Leonard was more upper class with a glass ofwine and his impeccable taste. We really enjoyedeach other's company because of a mutual respectwe had for one another.

A few years ago during Country Music Weekin Ottawa, Leonard made a point of coming up tome and asking, "Do you know what I like aboutyou?" A bit surprised at this unexpected candour, Ianswered, "No." He said, "You don't have any airsabout you. There is a lack of pretension about youthat I find very rare in this business."

From that moment, the personality barriersthat one puts up, all came down. It would have beeneasy for him to brush me off as just another cog inthe wheel of the music business, but his sincerityand honesty were rare and refreshing coming from aperson of his position. He treated me as an equal.

Each time we met after that first encounter,built upon that foundation of mutual respect and ourprofessional and personal relationships always leftme revitalized about this business and myself.

I think Leonard saw the potential of thecountry music industry in Canada with hisassociation with George Fox, and I think hiscontribution helped add to that potential over the pastfew years. The success of Canadian country musicin the future would be a fitting tribute to his memory.

My tribute to him will be to hopefully carry onwith his expectations of me, to take the enthusiasm andrespect he showed me, and use that in my daily life.

Page 3: NO. 1 ALBUM NO. 1 HIT ALBUM PICK HIT PICK€¦ · accumulated an impressive resume over the 15 years. Following six years in music retail, he has been in radio for eight years, the
Page 4: NO. 1 ALBUM NO. 1 HIT ALBUM PICK HIT PICK€¦ · accumulated an impressive resume over the 15 years. Following six years in music retail, he has been in radio for eight years, the

4 - RPM - Monday April 24 1995

(JACTSAYSGoing! Going . . . ! Rumour has itthat a major record retail chain is for sale.Actually, it's been for sale for a numberof years, but the owner was waiting for theright price. Now, the hot rumour is that abuyer has surfaced with a clutch ofbucks that looks right to the owner. Ifthe rumour is true, this US company,just might steal the spotlight from hisUS and English counterparts. There'snothing like having a ready-mademarket for about the same cost as starting with just thebuilding blocks. (EC: If the rumour is true, that meansmore than the stores are for sale, or could it be apartnership in the other endeavour . . . ?)

Who's to follow MCA . . . ? Could the nextbig entertainment conglomorate targeted for take-over be Sony? That was certainly on the minds ofmany, when the Matsushita people bailed out ofMCA, which, of course, saved them face backhome. Sony Pictures wrote off $2.7 billion last year,and the Bronfman purchase of MCA, could offerSony a solution of also saving face, which means agreat deal in Japan. The rumour is that Sony couldbe looking at a financially -feasible way of unload-ing its entertainment software divisions, and thatincludes music, electronic publishing, TV and film,and, like Matsushita, still maintain a presence inthe motion picture field. If there are any changes,the music division certainly won't be affected. It'sin a money -making mode at present, particularlythe Canadian operation. (EC: The wild and uncom-fortable corporate world . . . !)

Satellite -driving programming . ? Yep!It's here. All satellite -driving programming for a radiostation, well, almost all. CIWW (W1310), a Rogersradio station in Ottawa, is rumoured to be the firststation in Canada to go this route. Every slot will beprogrammed from the satellite except the morningdrive. The profitability factor goes without saying. Thelist of unemployed radio dream makers continues togrow. (EC: Streamlining for profit . . .

Having my baby . . . ! What a great duetopportunity for Corey Hart and Julie Masse, and it'salready written. (EC: Could it be a hit again . . . ?)

Now! That was a party .. . ! Not since thedays of Geoff Stirling have I seen a radio -promotedfood and booze bash like the Rawlinson family threw





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at Toronto's Westin Harbour Castle last week. CISS-FM packed the hotel's ballroom with a select guest

list that read like the who's who of countryentertainment. The tables were loadedwith the best in gourmet food that

--. disappeared fast, only to be replenishedin seconds. We had a full three hours togobble the food and wash it downwith whatever, before heading off for the

with Elvira Capreese Mary Chapin Carpenter and Mavericksshow. The radio station had bought out the

entire evening at Massey Hall, giving away the ticketsas a giant on -air promotion. You can bet the 2,700people who were there were big supporters of thestation. Now, to parlay that unique promotion intoratings. I bet the station comes out looking good again.(EC: It's all in the promotion . . .

The power of Growski ! It's surprising whodoes listen to Peter Growski. I mentioned a few weeksago about the number of listeners this popular CBCmorning show has, and how a record aired on the showcan be heard by an audience of close to half a million.The other morning Growski played Vince Gill, RickySkaggs & Me, a track from Jim Matt's album, All MyWild Oats. It caught the attention of a top record exec,who was driving to work. He isn't that countrified, buthe liked what he heard. Now, he's listening to the fullalbum, and who knows, Matt's label just might find itsway into national distribution with a major. By the way,Matt is from Northern Ontario. See album reviews thisweek. (EC: You never know who's listening . . .

CBC plugs Ear . . . ! Cutbacks at CBC are longoverdue. The waste factor is pretty blatant. Butcancelling Ear To The Ground, was an act of insanity.This show was the flagship for breaking new Canadiantalent, and it was cheap, about $15,000 an episode. Theshow was 100% Cancon, and you don't get too manylike that. Many of the acts that were featured over thefour years of the show's life, are now part of Canada'sstar system. These included The Barenaked Ladies,Ashley MacIsaac, Sarah McLachlan, Jeff Healey,Tragically Hip, George Fox, The Barra MacNeils,Patricia Conroy, Blue Rodeo, Crash Test Dummies, TheRankin Family, Susan Aglukark, Jann Arden, JimWitter, Bass Is Base, and the list goes on and on. Theweekly show attracted a pretty heavy audience base.For example, the edition that featured Ashley MacIsaacattracted an audience of 490,000. Not too shabby.Producer Faith Feingold can be very proud of what sheaccomplished in such a short time. It should havebecome the CBC's main priority. If they want to cutback, forget the Hollywood offices. Cut back on themobile trucks, the trailers, and dead weight thataccompanies these treks into the wild. Maybe theyshould take a look at how the private sector operates.(EC: That's the last place they would look . . 9

Steve McAuley's gone too far . . . ! It wasalmost four years ago when McAuley Recordsintroduced its debut release with vocalist TysonMcAuley. Since then, Tyson has won all three times hewas nominated in the Favourite Male category and hasbeen nominated for a record fourth time, as voted byhis family peers. Tyson's Mad Mad School Yard Tourwill begin early this fall. However, as tour plans werebeing finalized, McAuley Records decided to expandits roster and is pleased to announce the release of itssecond single with vocalist Brie Savella Louise. The

single, once again engineered by Steve McAuley andproduced by Bernedette McAuley, took nine monthsof pre -production in the McAuley home studio beforeentering the Mount Sinai Hospital recording studios inToronto. Final production and mastering took threehours and 48 minutes with the finished single at sixpounds and eight ounces being delivered January 20,1995 at 12:48 pm. Brie has shown that she did notrequire any pre -tour rehearsal and has already begunher Pat Me On The Back Tour '95. For moreinformation contact the director of artist relations andtouring, Bernedette McAuley or artist relations andtouring manager, Steve McAuley. (EC: I'm glad youdon't do birth notices . . .

Good Seagram coverage ... ! When it comes tocovering business news, nothing beats the Globe andMail. The coverage they gave to the Seagram takeoverof MCA was exceptional. Too bad they can't cover theentertainment beat as well. (EC: Give him a chance. Thenew guy is sprucing up one department at a time . . .

:WApublished weekly sinceFebruary 24th, 1964,by

RPM MUSIC PUBLICATIONS LTD.6 Brentcliffe RoadToronto, Ontario

M4G 3Y2

416-425-0257 FAX : 416-425-8629

Walt GrealisEditor & Publisher

Sean LaRoseInteractive -Ware, Layout & Design

Special Issue Co-ordinator

Tim EvansCharts

Ron RogersGeneral News, Radio, On Tour &

Feature Interviews

Stan KleesAdvertising, Subscriptions &

Photo Spread Editor

Tom SandlerPhoto Spread Photographer

The MAPL logo was created by Stan Klees for RPMin 1970 and is used extensively by Canadian recordcompanies to identify the quantity of Cancon onlabel copy.

aM - Music was composed by a Canadian

A - Artist who is featured is a Canadian citizenP - Production was wholly recorded in Canada

L- Lyrics were written by a Canadian

Advertising rates supplied upon request.Second class postage paid in Toronto.

Publications Mail Registration No. 1351

Printed by Hayes Printing ServicesRichmond Hill, ON, L4C 3G4


Page 5: NO. 1 ALBUM NO. 1 HIT ALBUM PICK HIT PICK€¦ · accumulated an impressive resume over the 15 years. Following six years in music retail, he has been in radio for eight years, the

RPM - Monday April 24 1995 - 5

by Sean LaRose

CRTC public documents are now availableon the Internet. Beginning early April, net surfershad access to the CRTC public documents throughits dedicated World Wide Web server. Thedocuments are accessible in both official languages,from a Table of Contents Hypertext links, thusallowing users to browse through sections andfollow a point of interest along its links to othercross-referenced areas of the table of contents. Themedia and members of the public are able to easilyconsult CRTC news releases, current public noticesand other announcements, as well as generalbackground information on the Commission, factsheets and decisions on specific broadcasting andtelecommunications issues, Canadian legislationgoverning these two industries, and approvedindustry codes. The CRTC's Internet address is:

http://www.crtc.gc.caElvis makes multimedia debut. Not theElvis, but Elvis Costello And The Attractions, willbe performing in a first -ever live satellite concertand multimedia event that will be broadcast world-wide. The performance, scheduled to coincide withthe May 9 release of his new album Elvis Costello'sKojack Variety, will take place Wednesday, May 17at the Empire Shepherds Bush Theatre in Londonwith special guests expected to participate. AAA,AOR, Alternative and college radio stations aroundthe world will be carrying the show which beginsat 7:00 p.m. pacific time (10:00 p.m. eastern time).In addition to the live performance Costello will beavailable on Warner Bros. Records weeklyinteractive talk show Cybertalk an hour before theshow. This special edition of Cybertalk will becarried on both American Online and Compuserve.Subscribers will be able to talk to Costello live viatheir computers as well as download soundbytes andartwork from the new record prior to the concert.

Warner Music Canada hosts post -Juno party

Warner Music Canada went on-line at their post -Juno party, as various staffers,artists and guests jumped onto the info highway to share party highlights and touringand recording information with fans. Pictured are an unknown guest, the Killjoys'Mike Treblicock, another unknown guest, Warner's Mike Peters, Waltons' JasonPlumb and Steven Drake of Odds.

via the internet. Following the glitzy awardceremony at Hamilton's Copps Coliseum, Warnerinvited selected guests as well as net surfers to enjoytheir post awards celebration. Fans were able toaccess the party via the net and text -talk to the manynotable Warner artists that attended the bash. A fewof the artists available were Odds, The Killjoys,Rheostatics, Patricia Conroy, Waltons and Warner'smost recent addition, Colin James.

Elton John's interactive. PolyGram promo -rep Gerry Vogel recently dropped off their latestinteractive press -kit entitled Elton John - Made InEngland Interactive. Keeping in mind this interactiverelease is supposed to be informative rather thanentertaining, this interactive press -kit enjoys the bestof both worlds. Besides some surprisingly goodgraphics from a 3 1/2 disc, everything you want toknow about John's recording history is available atyour fingertips, as well as Made In Englandinformation, tour dates, interview bits and acomplete discography. In comparison to thetraditional press -kit, this particular offering can keepyou busy for quite some time and that part of it isboth entertaining and enlightening. The kits isavailable in both Mac and IBM compatible formats.

Duran Duran another first. Another Internetfirst was devised by Capitol Records New Mediawith the release of the Play Duran Duran InternetLottery Game. This particular lottery doesn'tinvolve scratching tickets, drawing numbers orspinning a wheel. Play Duran Duran allowsInternetters to send lottery tickets with personal

messages and Duran Duran digital music clips toone another world wide, as well as the chance towin prizes in celebration of the internationallyrenowned new album by the band, Thank You(released in early April). Play Duran Duran includes11 individual digital lottery tickets -- one for eachsong on the album -- each designed with artworkfor the Thank You project. An Internet user canchoose a ticket and send it digitally to a fellowinternet surfer. When recipients download thetickets, they find out if they've won one of the DuranDuran prizes, which are given away daily. Winningtickets are selected randomly via a computergenerated process, with daily winners drawn overthe next three months. Play! Duran Duran isaccessible now at:

http://caprec.comCFNY the Edge, recently unveiled its latestinitiative 102.1 the Edge on the World Wide Web.CFNY is the first radio station in Toronto to beaccessible on the Internet and offers surfers thefollowing programs; Thursday Thirty, Live inToronto, the Indie Hour and The Humble and Fredmorning show as well as e-mail addresses for all102.1 the Edge personalities and programs. As well,users are able to download pictures of visitors tothe Edge including GreenDay and Trent Reznor. Inthe coming weeks audio clips and Humble and FredScreen savers will be available. The CFNY 102.1address is:

MCA and Shoestring pact distribution agreementMCA Records Canada and Shoestring Publishersrecently announced a unique distribution agreementwhich is effective immediately. Under the terms ofthe agreement MCA will have exclusive rights fordistribution of CD-ROM based software titlesproduced by Shoestring Publishers in all marketsacross Canada.

Shoestring Publishers (a division ofShoestring Holdings LTD.), a Victoria, B.C. basedcompany, is poised to take advantage of the excitingand forever -growing CD-ROM, multimedia arena.Shoestring is dedicated to stand out amidst theplethora of developers that rely on quantity rather

than quality of product.MCA Records

Canada has played asignificant role inbringing interactivetechnologies such asCD-ROM, 3DO, CD-i,Nintendo and Sega tothe attention of therecord and video sectorsfor the past three yearsand solidify theirposition as an industryleader with thisagreement. MCA's vice-

president of sales,Randy Lennox feels,"Having a companysuch as Shoestringrepresented by MCA isan indication of wherethe future of the industrylies. CD-ROM is anatural fit for theestablished retail

environments of the entertainment industry. Thistype of quality product deserves the benefit of ourbest distribution efforts in a national marketplace."

Currently, MCA and Shoestring are workingon the release of The Cuckoo's Gift which is thefirst in the Celtic Wonder Tales series as told by WillMillar of Irish Rover Fame. Cuckoo's Gift is ananimated page by page enchanted story,accompanied by original Celtic music of olde,designed to entertain both the young and old. Eventhose who don't have a CD-ROM drive can listento the tale unfold on any audio CD player and readalong in the softcover book adorned by Canadianartist Bill McKibbin's original watercolourpaintings.

Shoestring are also presently developingAt Bat CD-ROM produced by Jambone Comics ofVancouver. The eye-catching interactive comic bookis expected to delight children with fun, thusdiverting them from the educational theme. Both ofthe above titles of available in Mac and IBMcompatible formats.

The future plan of Shoestring, with regardsto it distribution agreement with MCA, is to cultivatethe artists represented by MCA and its affiliatedlabels. In addition to the development of variousCD-ROM titles for the 2.94 million installedCD-ROM units in Canada, Shoestring plans todevelop titles for other platforms that includeUltra 64 (Nintendo's new 64 -bit system) and 3DO.

Shoestring Publishers president, DaveLarose shares Lennox's excitement with regards tothe new distribution agreement "I believe that ourroad to success with be through the synergisticrelationship with MCA Records Canada. Theirinterest in sharing their artists makes Shoestring'sfuture very exciting -and busy."

Page 6: NO. 1 ALBUM NO. 1 HIT ALBUM PICK HIT PICK€¦ · accumulated an impressive resume over the 15 years. Following six years in music retail, he has been in radio for eight years, the

raTa HIT TRACKS& where to find them

Canada's Only National 100 Hit Tracks SurveyTW LW WO - APRIL 24, 1995

1 1 8 BELIEVE (2 weeks at #1)Elton John/Mercury (PolyGram comp March) -0

2 2 12 I KNOWDionne Farris/Columbia (Sony comp 36)-H

3 4 8 NO MORE "I LOVE YOU'S"Annie Lennox/RCA (BMG comp 80)-N

4 3 14 0 SIEMSusan AglukarWEMI (EMI camp 2)-F

n 10 8 WONDERDRUGJann Arden/A&M (promo CD) -Q

12 8 CANT STOP LOVIN' YOUVan Halen/Wamer Bros. (Warner comp 239)-P

7 6 12 YOU LOSE YOU GAINJohn Bottomley/RCA (BMG comp 80)-N



Crash Test Dummies/RCA (promo CD) -N

9 5 9 MURDER INCORPORATEDBruce Springsteen/Columbia (promo CD) -H

10 9 10 IN THE HOUSE OF STONEMartin Page/Mercury (PolyGram comp Feb) -0

11 13 14 GELCollective SouVAtlantic (Warner comp 233)-P

12 11 9 YOU GOT ITBonnie Ra4t/Arista (BMG comp 80)-N

rEl 18 9 UNTIL THE END OF TIMEForeigner/Attic (Attic comp 53)-J

3 HAVE YOU EVER REALLY LOVED ...Bryan Adam sIA&M (promo CD) -Q

9 COME BACKLondonbeat/Anxious (BMG comp 80)-N




15 16


17 14

8 HOLD ONJamie Walters/Atlantic (Warner comp 237)-P

11 SOMEDAY, I'LL BE SATURDAY NIGHTBon Jovi/Mercury (PolyGram comp Jan) -Q

18 8 18 STRONG ENOUGHSheryl Crow/A&M (A&M comp 8)-0

19 17 11 IF I WANTED TOMelissa Etheridge/Island (A&M comp 1)-Q

20 23 6 CHARMSPhilosopher Kngs/Epic (Sony comp 36)-H

26 8 LIGHTNING CRASHESLive/Racioacrive (MCA comp 3)-J

In 41 14 LET HER CRYHootie & The Blowfish/Atlantic (Warner comp 231)-P

23 19 11 EVERLASTING LOVEGloria Estefan/Crescent Moon (Sony comp 36)-H

24 24 12 KISS FROM A ROSESeaVZTT (Warner comp 235)-P

32 9 BIG YELLOW TAXIAmy Grant/A&M (A&M comp 2)-Q

26 30 7 END OF THE WORLDThe Waltons/WEA (Warner camp 237)-P

27 15 13 SHE'S A RIVERSimple Minds/Virgin (promo CD) -F

37 5 I BELIEVEBessid Union Of Souls/EMI (promo CD) -F

29 29 8 LIFE, IN A NUTSHELLBarenaked Lades/Sire-Reprise (Warner comp 236)


30 27 8 NAUTICAL DISASTERThe Tragically Hip/MCA (MCA comp 4)-..1

CI 39 7 STAYColin James/Virgin (promo CD) -F

Kg 38 9 ODE TO MY FAMILYThe Cranberries/Island (A&M comp 1)-Q

33 34 8 FOR YOUR LOVEStevie Wonder/Motown (A&M comp 2)-Q

34 35 7 I GOT A LINE ON YOUThe Jeff Healey Band/Arista (promo CD) -N


I ,






35 4o 9 GOTTA GET AWAYOffspring/Cargo (promo CD)

45 4 ITS GOOD TO BE KINGTom PetlyNt/amer Bros. (promo CD) -P

37 28 15 MISHALEAndru Donalds/Metro Blue (EMI comp 29A) -F



54 6 WHITE LINESDuran Duran/EMI (EMI comp 6)-F

53 10 ANOTHER DAYWhigfekl/Quality (promo CD)

40 21 18 TAKE A BOWMadonna/Maverick-Sire (Warner comp 231)-P

41 36 10 SOUR TIMESPortishead/London (PolyGrarn comp Feb) -0

42 48 7 MEA CULPANike & The Mechanics/Atlantic (Warner comp 238)-P

43 22 16 WHEN I COME AROUNDGreen Day/Reprise (Warner comp 231)-P

44 25 13 TRUTH UNTOLDOddsNVEA (Warner comp 233)-P

45 46 5 I GO WILDThe Rolling StonesNirgin (promo CD) -F

46 33 9 THANK YOUBoyz II Men/Motown (A&M comp 1)-Q

47 47 5 I LIVE MY LIFE FOR YOUFirehouse/Columbia (promo CD) -H

48 so 6 HEAD OVER HEELSBlue FlodeoNVEA (Warner comp 235)-P

66 3 ON AND ONCrash Vegas/Epic (promo CD) -H

49 5 LOVE THE ONE YOU'RE WITHUuther Vandross/LV-Epic (promo CD) -H

51 51 s WE CELEBRATEThe Barra MacNeils/Polydor (PolyGrarn comp Feb) -

52 44 16 LOVE WILL KEEP US ALIVEThe Eagles/Geffen (MCA comp 21)-J

63 4 RUN AWAYReal McCoy/RCA (BMG comp 82)-N

54 52 n BLUEJayhawks/American (promo CD) -P

55 43 9 SHE FORGOT TO LAUGHRymes With Orange/Plum-A&M (promo CD) -Q

56 62 3 TELL ME WHENHuman League/East West (Warner comp 237)-P

57 58 4 FIRE IN THEThe Tea Party/EMI (EMI comp 10)-F

58 56 5 THE BLUE TRAINLinda Ronstadt/Elektra (Warner comp 236)-P

59 69 4 HAKUNA MATATAJimmy Cliff & Lebo M/Disney (promo CD)

60 61 8 MANNEQUINWld Strawbenies/Strawberry (A&M comp 1)-Q

61 57 9 LETTING GOJulie Masse/Surge-Select (promo CD)




63 42 6 SHADE OF YOUR LOVELaura Smith/Atlantica (EMI comp 2)-F

64 95 2 RED LIGHT SPECIALTLC/LaFace (BMG comp 82)-N

65 es 5 LUSITANAThe Watchmen/MCA (MCA comp 4)-J

66 64 10 THIS COWBOY SONGSting/A&M (A&M comp 2)-Q

67 67 10 BOURBON STREETEddie Schwartz/Melody Hill (promo CD)

101 97



96 2 HOLD ONAlan Frew/EMI (EMI comp 10)-F

69 68 6 HERE AND NOWDel Amihi/A&M (A&M comp 2)-a

70 76 4 RUN AROUNDBlues Traveller/A&M (promo CD) -0

121 81 3 SICK OF MYSELFMathew Sweet/Zoo (BMG comp 82)-N

El 87 6 LIVE FOREVEROasis/Columbia (Sony comp 36)-H



73 55 10 HEART OF STONEDave Stewart/Anxious (Warner comp 233)-P

74 59 17 SUKIYAKI4 p.m/London (PolyGram comp Jan.) -Q

75 8o 3 MR. PERSONALITYGillette/Arista (BMG comp 82)-N

76 so 12 LOOK WHAT LOVE HAS DONEPatty Smyth/MCA (MCA comp 21)-J

77 4 UNSOUNDHeadstones/MCA (MCA comp 6)-J

78 79 3 DOWN BY THE WATERPJ Harvey/Island (A&M comp 2)-0

79 83 3 CONNECTIONElastica/Geffen (MCA comp 4)-J

80 75 11 WHINEY WHINEYWilli One Blood/RCA (promo CD) -N

81 73 5 STAR 69R.E.M./Wamer Bros. (promo CD) -P

82 74 5 ANYTHING FOR YOUSnow/East West (Warner comp 237)-P

2 TOO BUSY THINKING ABOUT ...Manhattan Transfer/Atlantic (promo CD) -P

HYPNOTISEDnSimplemroin (promo CD)-F

85 70 5 FLY FROM HEAVENToad The Wet Sprocket/Columbia (promo CD) -H

DECEMBERCollective SouVAtlantic (promo CD) -P

86 NEW

87 86 4 SHE'S GOT ITRealworld/FRE (EMI comp 6)-F

88 71 4 GHOST DANCERobbie Robertson/Capitol (promo CD) -F

89 94 2 YOU CAN NEVER ASK TOO MUCHTake 6/Reprise (Warner comp 237)-P

85 5 GREY DUSK OF EVEThe Rankin Family/EMI (promo CD) -F

91 88 3 COME ONBarry White/A&M (A&M comp 2)-0

92 98 2 HEART OF GOLDLawrence GowarVSony (Sony comp 36)-H


93 91 3 HERE & NOWLetters To Cleo/Gant (Warner comp 238)-P

*C,:ilisycm,,, YOU DON'T KNOW (Where My...)Carol Medina/Quality (promo CD)

HEY WHAT CAN I DOHootie & The Blowfish/Atlantic (promo CD) -P

96 NEW CAN'T STOP MY HEARTAaron Neide/A&M (promo CD) -Q

97` NEW POP IN AN OAKRednex/Jive (BMG comp 82)-N

pogNEotiiisi.,WHAT WOULD YOU SAYDave Mathews Band/RCA (BMG comp 80)-N

89ANEttirm: DANCING DAYSStone Temple Pilots/Atlantic (promo CD) -P

100 72 6 SEX KILLSJoni AtitcheIVReprise (Warner comp 234)-P 2.1)




Page 7: NO. 1 ALBUM NO. 1 HIT ALBUM PICK HIT PICK€¦ · accumulated an impressive resume over the 15 years. Following six years in music retail, he has been in radio for eight years, the

RPM - Monday April 24 1995 - 7


Sheree Jeacocke doing independent woman's workGoing the independent route may seem to some asa step backwards for Sheree Jeacocke. Afterall, shehad become something of a staple at BMG, withwhom she released two albums, Sheree and MissMy Love. But for her, the departure from BMG anda venture into independent recording was somethingof a liberation.

Jeacocke first signed with BMGInternational in 1989. That first record spawned thetop ten hit, Woman's Work, along with other chartedsongs such as Before We Fall, Bang On and ForeverYou, Forever Me.

Jeacocke's second BMG album, Miss MyLove provided the top ten title track, along with thecharted songs Serious and Everybody Needs A Love.Interestingly enough, the two albums also scoredsome impressive success in Japan, of all places, withWoman's Work hitting the top ten on the Japanesesingles chart.

Along the way, Jeacocke has dotted herresume with appearances as a background vocalistfor the likes of B.B. King, Aretha Franklin, SmokeyRobinson and Melissa Manchester. She popped upon albums from Kim Mitchell (Rockland), GlassTiger (Diamond Sun) and Gordon Lightfoot (EastOf Midnight). And she tried her hand at anthemsinging, most notably at the 1993 World Seriesbetween the Blue Jays and Philadelphia.

To say that Jeacocke's world changeddramatically with the departure from BMG is anunderstatement. Many in the business whispered thather career was finished, now that a major label wasno longer backing her. But Jeacocke feels that shesimply needed to find her own way as an artist.

"I wanted my career to move along a littlequicker. I'm in this for music, and I'm in this for the

love of music, and it got to the point where I wasn'tfeeling like I love music anymore. I felt like I wascaught up in some great big machine.

Jeacocke says that there is a huge differencebetween the image and the reality of the major label

deal. In her mind, signing the 'big deal' isn't alwayswhat it's cracked up to be.

"There's an illusion attached to the big deal.It's kind of like one day you're going to get marriedand walk down the aisle and live happily ever after.And sometimes these things aren't what you thinkthey're going to be.

"Now that I'm independent, I hear a lot ofindependent stories, and they all say the same story,that they used to make money. They all think 'NowI've got this big deal, and I've got this and I've gotthat, and a lot of people are making money, except

CHARTSby Tim Evans

Annie hits the top. After four weeks of tryingto knock Bruce Springsteen out of the top spot, AnnieLennox's Medusa has done it. Springsteen had spenteach of his six weeks on the chart at #1, whileLennox spent each of her weeks at #2. Her previousalbum, Diva, debuted at #31 and peaked at #6.

X marks the spot. You may think that having aname that ends in X is pretty rare. However, Lennoxis one of eight artists in that situation who haverecorded a #1 song (four solo artists and fourgroups). Name the other artists whose name ends inthe letter X that have had a #1 song.

Returning from the dead. The highest entryon the Albums chart is from White Zombie. Theband's Astro-creep: 2000 debuts at #16. That's 15spots higher than the next entry, the Bad BoysSoundtrack, which enters at #31.

Familiar names. Duran Duran makes a returnreturn to the Albums chart. The band's Thank Youbroke in at #27 last week. This week, it jumps allthe way to #15. Also making a return to the Albumschart is Stevie Wonder. Conversation Peace debutedat #48 and is currently #54. This is Wonder's firstnew release since Characters debuted on the chartin December 1987.

The numbers game. 2 Pac moves down a fewspots to #23 on the Albums chart. It seems as thoughnumbers are all the rage on the chart these days.Joining 2 Pac on the chart are: Dance Mix 94, BoyzII Men, Awesome 4, New Country 2, Club Cutz 6,4 P.M., 1995 Grammy Nominees and DJ ClubMix 7.

Some high fives. Annie Lennox is racking upsome very impressive numbers in more than onecategory. She is the only artist to be in the top fiveon both the Albums and Hit Tracks chart. Medusa is#1 on the Albums chart while No More "I LoveYou's" moves up to #3 on the Hit Tracks chart. Thatsong is also #2 on the AC chart.

The hot sellers. Here are the best-selling albumsat the HMV store in Toronto's Yorkdale mall ascompiled by Slavo Kovac. 1. Euro Dance Pool2. Annie Lennox 3. The Cranberries 4. Live 5. EltonJohn 6. Duran Duran 7. The Tea Party 8. 01' DirtyBastard 9. Pulp Fiction Soundtrack 10. JamieWalters.

The X -files. Besides Annie Lennox, the otherartists ending in the letter X who have recorded at#1 song are: David Essex, The Fixx, Samantha Fox,Klymaxx, Richard Marx, Sly Fox and Styx.

me'. I went through seven years of that, where I justcouldn't afford to be on a major label anymore."

Make no mistake however - Jeacocke isn'tan embittered artist who now despises all majorlabels. While she's sad that her career at BMG endedon a somewhat frail note, she does admit that shelearned a great deal from the experience.

"I was in the middle of the Serious album, Iwas asked to sign an extension, and I just felt that itwas time to move on. I really liked Bob Jamieson,he's a really nice man and he knows how to workwith people. When you work with a major label,there's certain individuals you miss, and there'sothers you don't miss.

"There was a lot of worth in thatrelationship, I had an education paid for. I wouldn'thave gone independent if I didn't have thatexperience. I wanted that relationship to work. Weall wanted it to work. That's why I went through theprocess that I went through. I had some good successat radio, did well in Japan, there was some reallygood things in it."

Jeacocke's first project as an independentartist is a five -song EP entitled simply, Jeacocke.She says that initially, the plan was to make a full-length album, and one is actually in the can. But shefelt that putting out the EP, which contains both oldhits of hers (Woman's Work) and classic covers(Midnight Train To Georgia), might help radio andthe public get re -acquainted with the Toronto -basedartist.

"I had a full album finished, and I decidedthat I wanted to do a cover on the album. So tried acouple of different things. I started out be tryingMidnight Train To Georgia, and I thought it turnedout quite well. Then I thought I'd like to do Mr. BigStuff. Since they both turned out quite well, I decidedto do an EP, and make it as consumer friendly aspossible."

"A lot of people asked me why Woman'sWork again on this EP. Well, to me it's kind of fullcircle. It's been seven years almost since that firstcame out, and they say that your life changes andheads in a new direction every seven years. For methat change in direction was becoming independent."

Jeacocke admits to being a great deal happierthan she was in the year's previous. Instead ofstanding by and waiting for record companymarketing and promotion people to sell her music,she's doing it herself, something she finds veryrewarding. And as she points out, the fans aredefinitely still out there.

"I still get faxes from people who say theylike my music. I still get a huge thrill when I hearmy songs on the radio. That's something that nevergoes away."







Page 8: NO. 1 ALBUM NO. 1 HIT ALBUM PICK HIT PICK€¦ · accumulated an impressive resume over the 15 years. Following six years in music retail, he has been in radio for eight years, the

8 - RPM - Monday April 24 1995

BLESSID UNION OF SOULS -PopHomeEMI -31836-FJudging by the first single, I Believe, youwould think that this quartet is simply a BoyzII Men knock -off. But that would be over-simplifying things enormously. This banddoes utilize those soaring harmonies and far-reaching vocals, but it combines them withsolid instrumental backing and some morehardcore pop sensibilities. What reallyseparates this band is its songwritingcapabilities, which are far more diverse andextensive that what one might be led tobelieve after hearing just the first single. Thetwo principles, Eliot Sloan and Jeff Pence,compose most of the songs, and theydemonstrate a talent for the craft that shouldlast well beyond just this first record.Highlights include, obviously, the first single,All Along, Nora, End Of The World and LuckyTo Be Here. Co -produced by DavidKerschenbaum (Tracey Chapman, JoeJackson) and mixed by Tony Phillips (Seal,General Public). -RR

COME TOGETHER: -Pop/CountryAMERICA SALUTES THE BEATLESVarious ArtistsLiberty -31712-FIt's been said many times that today's newcountry sound is basically just a '90s version

c a- itte to-,5et-k&r.AlKter rke Berttier

of rock and roll, and to listen to this tributeto The Beatles, that hypothesis is evencloser to the truth. You might be tempted tohedge a bit when you go to listen to DavidBall singing I'll Follow The Sun or RandyTravis singing Nowhere Man, but once youhear it, you'll realize how closely joined rockand roll and new country really are. Thereis some intriguing stuff here: John Berrydisplays his outstanding pipes on The LongAnd Winding Road, Delbert McLinton doesa potent turn on Come Together, and Travis'Nowhere Man seems very much in keepingwith the lyrical disparity of the song. Thereare a few bumps in the road - Huey Lewison Oh! Darling and Kris Kristofferson onPaperback Writer being two examples. Butfor the most part, an enjoyable collection.Produced by Jerry Crutchfield. -RR

JIM MATT - CountryAll My Wild OatsLittle Dog/Pineland-94002Northern Ontarian (Englehart) Jim Matt isobviously a talent on a mission. He hasfashioned his energetic vocals andprojection after the good of boys fashion,something he has honed during the last 15years. There's much talent here that

shouldn't go unnoticed. In fact, it hasn't. Histalent came to the attention of Little Dogpresident Pete Anderson, who is lead

ALBUM PICKGEFFEN VINTAGE 80S VOL. 1Various ArtistsGeffen -24805-JThe producers of this package have gone to great lengths not only to put togethersome interesting music, but also to try, with the liner notes and cover art, to give asense of the wonderfully materialisticdecade that was the '80s. Apart from saidliner notes, when reviewing the actualmusic, one can easily sense that themusic of the '80s was both superficial andstylish, often void of any soul, yet stillsomewhat meaningful in its own right.Stuff like Wang Chung's Dance Hall Daysand Madness' Our House may not havebeen the most lyrically or musicallyambitious music in pop history, but itappealed to the materialistic, style -drivenculture that the '80s purveyed. Along withWang Chung and Madness, other bandsrecalled here (as if you'd forgotten) areBerlin (Sex and No More Words), ThePlimsouls (A Million Miles Away),Quarterflash (Take Me To Heart) and Gene Loves Jezebel (Desire).



guitarist with Dwight Yoakam. His client listisn't too shabby either, including BlueRodeo, Michelle Shocked, Jackson Brown,Roy Orbison and K.D. Lang. He picked up aGrammy in 1989 for the Lang/Orbison duetof Crying. Anderson credits aside, the talenthere is Jim Matt. He runs the full gamut,from good-time country to ballads. BetterPlace To Live, a Matt original, has been takenas the first single. And songwriting is alsowere Matt shines. Check out Dying Rose andVince Gill, Ricky Skaggs Et Me. Great stuff.Pineland president Dave Sturgeon alsoshows his talent as a writer with Wild Oats,a potentially -powerful single. Also key isLucky 13, written by Jim Lauderdale andJohn Mesler. There's no Cancon here, butthat shouldn't create a programmingproblem. It's a great song and Matt does itup with just the right vocal wallop to do itjustice. The album was produced byAnderson and Dusty Wakeman andrecorded at Mad Dog Studios in Venice,California. Available by calling 1-800-4-JIMMAT. - WG

THE MERCURY SONGBOOK - JazzVarious ArtistsMercury -76974 2038-QOnly in Canada. The Mercury/Polydorpeople have put together an incrediblecollection of 100 jazz vocal classics thatshould boggle the minds of jazz enthusiasts.If ever a CD set could be called "everythingyou ever wanted ..." this is it. Not only arethe songs classics, but the vocalistsperforming them are the big stars of jazz.Gone With The Wind by Patti Page,September Song and Take The A Train bySarah Vaughan, It's Only A Paper Moon byMorgana King, Louis Armstrong's Mameand Pretty Little Missy, Nina Simone's LittleGirl Blue, On A Clear Day by Blossom Dearie,and a couple of surprise tracks by OscarPeterson, Gee Baby, Ain't I Good To You andSweet Lorraine, are just a few samplings ofwhat is on this four -CD set. A must for anycollector, or for those who want to get toknow jazz and its classic performers a littlebetter. - SK

GWEN SWICK - PopA Pebble Of MercyGudney Eylin Records -2008There's an unusual beauty to Swick's vocals,which is best described as pop, whichincludes obvious elements of jazz, folk, bluesand country. There is also a raw, but freshvocal charge that brings her song materialinto prominence, some of which is a bitdisturbing, but nonetheless entertaining.Swick is a vocal impressionist. There is nopretention here. This is Swick, plain andsimple. She wrote all the material, exceptStella Orientis, the hymn tune at the end ofGrand River, which was written by HealeyWillan and beautifully executed bykeyboardist John Sheard. Willan, well-known in the classical world, would havebeen impressed. Also key is Vacuum Song,Pink China Pig and I Should Feel Empty. Herother backup people aren't too shabbyeither, and include her husband,percussionist Randall Coryell, EllenMcllwaine on electric slide guitar, KyleFerguson on acoustic slide guitar, bassmanPeter Cardinali, Terry Wilkins on string bass,Mark Korven on mandolin and Don Rooke

on kona. Produced by Swick and Rick Huttand recorded at Kitchener's CedartreeStudio. Available through Gudney EylinRecords in Elora, Ontario, phone 519-846-9108 or fax 519-846-8319. -WG

SOUTH MOUNTAIN - CountryWhere There's A WillStony Plain -1204-PThis Ottawa Valley band just gets better witheach release. The title track of this albumhas just come down the charts andRadioland, the follow-up, is expected to doeven better. The vocal harmonies here arethe key to the band's success, supplied bythe husband and wife team of Steve andLaurie Laporte-Pitico. Of course, the main

player is lead vocalist Dan Washburn, whosevocal urgency captures the very essence ofthe lyrics. The remaining South Mountainersare drummer Chris Lingard and, possibly thebest fiddle player in the business, Don Reed.Priority tracks include Michael Clark'spenning of Wishing It Was You, Wrong TimeFor The Right Kind Of Love, written by LauriePiticco, Cathy Singleton and Leisa Smith andGettin' By At Gettin' By, which was writtenby Washburn and Laurie Piticco. Producedby the band, the late Gene Rice and AndyThompson and recorded at LakesideStudios in Clayton, Ontario and Studio 29in Northumberland, Ontario. - WG

JONATHAN CAIN - PopBack To The InnocenceIntersound-9142Faithfully, is the key here, the song Cainwrote for Journey, perhaps one of the mostrecognized rock ballads ever written.However, this is a stripped -down and veryintimate reading of the song, which Cain


brings back to the way it was originallywritten, as a piano ballad. Cain comes outfrom behind his keyboard with this self -produced album. He allows himself thefreedom of expression. laying bare some ofthe more intimate and perhaps tortuoustimes in his career, My Old Man, the deathof his father, Baptism Day, a near -drowningexperience as a boy and Little River, hisrelationship with his young daughter. Alsokey is Wish That I Was There With You,which he wrote with John Waite, DistantShores, where he shared the writing withRobbie Patton and Full Circle, a co -penningwith Andre Pessis. - WG

Sunday, May 28_...0.1011 Westin Harbour Castle

CirresslaiWConference Centre

Page 9: NO. 1 ALBUM NO. 1 HIT ALBUM PICK HIT PICK€¦ · accumulated an impressive resume over the 15 years. Following six years in music retail, he has been in radio for eight years, the

:; kVA rLiiiALBUMS(CD's & Cassettes)



1W LW WO - APRIL 24, 1995Canada's Only National 100 Album Survey

1 2 5 ANNIE LENNOXMedusa (RCA) 74321 25717-N

El 44 5 NEW COUNTRY 2Various Artists (WEA) 33371-P


68 64 3 HEADSTONESTeeth & Tissue (MCA) 11152-J 14V

2 1 7 BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN 36 36 3 DOME CLUB MIX 69 77 27 SEALGreatest Hits (Columbia) 67060-H Various Artists (Quality) 2090 Seal 2 (ZTT) 96256-P

3 4 47 GREEN DAY 37 26 12 THE CHIEFTAINS 70 78 24 BOB SEGERDookie (Reprise) 45529-P The Long Black Veil (RCA) 0902662702-N Greatest Hits (Capitol) 30334-F

4 3 42 THE LION KING 38 31 7 COLIN JAMES 71 46 13 MARY J. BLIGESoundtrack/Various Artists (Disney) 60858 Then Again (Virgin) 40179-F vv My Life (Uptown) 11156,1

10 6 LIVE 39 29 23 MADONNA 72 65 5 SHANIA TWAINThrowing Copper (Radioactive) 109974 Bedtime Stories (MavericWSire) 45767-P The Woman In Me (Mercury) 314 522 886-0 VD

6 6 34 OFFSPRING 40 32 11 SUSAN AGLUKARK El 91 51 TIM McGRAWSmash (Cargo) 86432 This Child (EMI) 32075-F vv Not A Moment Too Soon (Curb) 77659-F

7 5 26 THE CRANBERRIES 41 39 3 FAITH NO MORE 74 55 19 NEW ORDERNo Need To Argue (Island) 314 524 050-0 Fool For A Lifetime (Slash/Reprise) 45723-P The Best Of New Order (London) 422 828 580-0

111 13 11 HOOTIE & THE BLOWFISH 42 45 33 HOLE 75 59 4 JOHN BERRYCracked Rear View (Atlantic) 82613-P Live Through This (DGC) 24631-J Stanrting On The Edge (Patriot) 32284-F

9 7 21 THE EAGLES 76 52 22 TOM PETTY43 62 3Hell Freezes Over (Geffen) 24725-.1 Wildflowers (Warner Bros.) 45759-P

10 18 5 COLLECTIVE SOUL 44 33 24 BON JOVI 77 58 27 R.E.M.Collective Soul (Atlantic) 82743-P Crossroad: The Best.. (Mercury) 314 526 013-0 Monster (Warner Bros.) 45740-P

11 8 a ELTON JOHN 45 61 5 ELASTICA 78 85 17 THE BEATLESMade In England (Rocket) 314 526 185-0 Elastics (Geffen) 24728-J Live At The BBC (Apple/Capitol) 31796-F

12 14 35 SHERYL CROW 46 34 12 PORTISHEAD 79 87 8 DJ CLUB MIX 7Tuesday Night Music Club (A&M) 31454 0126-0 Dummy (London) 422 828 600-0 Various Mists (Polytel) 740 036-Q

13 11 8 DANCE MIX USA 13 66 71 CELINE DION 80 67 21 SADEVarious Artists (Quality) The Colour Of My Love (Columbia) 57555-H Greatest Hits (Epic) 66686-H

14 9 12 VAN HALEN iAC.INEwANOL' DIRTY BASTARD 81 68 6 THE THEBalance (Warner Bros.) 45760-P


Return To The 36 Chambers (Elektra) 61659-P

49 38 4 SLOW JAMS

Hanky Panic), (550/Epic) 66908-H

82 ss 13 BRANDYThank You (Parlophone) 31879-F Various Mists (SPG) 1510 Brandy (Atlantic) 82610-P

4§.,:14.Ewm:NWHITE ZOMBIE 50 49 6 PJ HARVEY 83 70 14 DUMB & DUMBER SOUNDTRACKAstro-Creep: 2000 (Geffen) 24806-J To Bring You My Love (Island) 314 524 085-0 Various Mists (RCA) 07863 66523-N

17 16 7 EURO DANCE POOL 51 47 22 AEROSMITH 84 76 14 BARRY WHITEVarious Artists (Sony) 81019-H Big Ones (Geffen) 247164 The Icon Of Love (A&M) 314540115-0

18 12 3 THE TEA PARTY 52 41 9 AWESOME 4 85 81 35 GIPSY KINGS

The Edges Of Twilight (EMI) 32350-F 17D Various Artists (Polytel) 525 418-0 Greatest Hits (Columbia) 91006-H

19 17 34 JANN ARDEN 53 42 9 BROWNSTONE 86 84 17 SARAH McLACHLANLiving Under June (A&M) 31454 0248-0 44v From The Bottom Up (MJJ) 57827-H The Freedom Sessions (Nettwerk) 06321-H 17D

20 23 23 PULP FICTION SOUNDTRACK 54 48 2 STEVIE WONDER 87 92 74 BLUE RODEOVarious Artists (MCA) 11103-J Conversation Peace (Motown) 3145 30238-0 Ltra

VD Five Days In July (WEA) 93846-P av

30 19 PEARL JAM 55 40 3 SKID ROW 88 93 18 CELINE DION

Vitalogy (Epic) 66900-H Subhuman Race (Atlantic) 82730-P A L'Olympia (Columbia) 80212-H

22 22 la TLC 56 50 3 MERCURY SONGBOOK 89 73 4 DIONNE FARRISSuper Sexy Cool (LaFace) 73008 26009-N Various Artists (Mercury) 76974 2038-Q Wld Seed - Wild Rower (Columbia) 57359-H

23 20 3 2 PAC 57 57 4 ENCOMIUM (Led Zeppelin Tribute) 90 72 6 ANDRU DONALDSMe Against The World (Interscope) 92399-P Various Artists (Atlantic) 82756-P Andre Donalcis (EMI) 28065-F

24 15 22 NIRVANA 58 71 3 THE LION KING: RHYTHM OF ... 91 75 8 BOYS ON THE SIDE SOUNDTRACKUnplugged In New York (DGC) 24727-.1 Various Artists (Disney) 608717 Various Mists (Arista) 18748-N

25 19 26 THE TRAGICALLY HIP 59: NEW JULIANA HATFIELD 92 74 6 ALKAHOLIKSDay For Night (MCA) 11140-J 170 Only Everything (Attic) 0092-J Coast II Coast (RCA) 74321 66446-N

26 25 31 BOYZ II MEN 60 51 12 CLUB CUTZ 6 93 100 15 IRISH DESCENDANTSII (Motown) 31453 0323-Q Various Artists (RCA) 432 124 837-N Gypsies & Lovers (Duckworth) 98237-P vD

27 21 7 JAMIE WALTERS 61 56 12 4 P.M. 94 83 7 EURO MIXJamie Waiters (Atlantic) 82600-P Sukiyaki (London) 422 857 736-Q Various Mists (SPG) 5050

28 35 16 GARTH BROOKS 62 60 4 MATTHEW SWEET 95 8o 7o CRASH TEST DUMMIESThe Hits (Liberty) 29689-F 100% Pure Fun (Zoo) 72445 11081-N God Shuffled His Feet (Arista) 74321 16531-N vD

29 37 3 THE RANKIN FAMILY 63 54 9 SLASH'S SNAKEPIT 96 82 8 SNOW JAMMIN'Grey Dusk Of Eve (EMI) 82013-F vv Ifs 5 O'Clock Somewhere (Geffen) -J Various Mists (Sony Direct) 24014-H

30 43 38 FORREST GUMP SOUNDTRACK Acij:N-.0A1ii TANK GIRL SOUNDTRACK 97 79 10 EXTREMEVarious Artists (Epic) 66329-H Various Mists (Elektra) 61760-P Waiting For The Punchline (A&M) 31454 0327-0

!3.t:1400, BAD BOYS SOUNDTRACK MAD SEASON 98 86 6 THE JEFF HEALEY BANDVarious Artists (Work) 67009-H Above (Columbia) 67057-H Cover To Cover (Arista) 74321 23888-N VD

32 28 16 WEEZER 66 53 74 SARAH McLACHLAN 99 88 21 STINGWeezer (Geffen) 24629-J Fumbling Towards Ecstasy (Nettwerk) 30081-H VD Fields Of Gold: The Best.. (A&t.4) 314 540 269-0

33 24 31 DANCE MIX 94 67 63 6 THE 1995 GRAMMY NOMINEES 100 89 10 ODDS

Various Artists (MuchMusioQuality) 1212 Various Mists (Columbia) 67043-H Good Weird Feeling (WEA) 98980-P 17D

§WI,Rot, REAL McCOYAnother Night (RCA) 0782218778-N

Page 10: NO. 1 ALBUM NO. 1 HIT ALBUM PICK HIT PICK€¦ · accumulated an impressive resume over the 15 years. Following six years in music retail, he has been in radio for eight years, the

10 - RPM - Monday April 24 1995

Blue Rodeo. originally scheduled for July 21 atToronto's Molson Amphitheatre, has now beenmoved to July 28, due to a scheduling conflict. Theband is currently working on its next album, dueout towards the end of the summer.

Seal, who just appeared in Toronto a few monthsback, makes a return trip on May 30 at the MolsonAmphitheatre, with special guest Des'ree. Seal firstcaptured North American audience attention withhis self -titled Warner debut, featuring the teen -angstanthem, Crazy. This past year, he released his secondself -titled album, which featured the Grammy -nominated single Prayer For The Dying. Des'reehasn't shyed away from success either, with her Sonyalbum, I Ain't Movin', spawning the hit single, YouGotta Be. Top tickets for this show will be $42.50,and there will be no lawn seating for this event.

Bryan Adams' first date at the MolsonAmphitheatre, May 18, is already sold -out,prompting the addition of a second show, May 20.MCA Concerts informs us that the May 18th showwas to be a one-off deal, since Adams is currentlytouring, but the demand was great enough to prompta second date. The reason for the day -off in betweenwas so Adams could avoid over -straining his voiceduring this off -tour period. They also confirmed thatthere definitely will not be a third show added.Adams is currently charting with Have You EverReally Loved A Woman, from the Don JuanDemarco Soundtrack, which is up to #14 in just itsthird week on the Hit Tracks chart, and is the fastestriser on the AC chart, reaching #5 this week. Thesingle is also a success internationally, with A&Mshipping out a company record 100,000 units in theUK.

Courage Of Lassie will perform one show onlyat the Rivoli in Toronto on April 25. Following thisshow, the band will depart for a European tour, whichincludes a live broadcast on national German radioand an opening slot for Fleetwood Mac.

ON TOURAttic artist Alphabet Soup makes a stop intoVancouver's Richards On Richards on April 25, withThe Roots opening the show. Also from the Atticlabel, Jason & The Scorchers are confirmed for May11 at Ottawa's Barrymore's, and May 12 at the ElMocambo in Toronto.

MCA Concerts is presenting Edgefest #1 atToronto's new Molson Amphitheatre on May 21.Headling the bill is EMI artist Blur, who recentlyreleased their third album, Parklife. This show marksBlur's only North American appearance this year.DGC/MCA artist Elastica recently shot out of thebox with their self -titled debut, and will also makean appearance at this show. Also on the bill is Ned'sAtomic Dustbin. This UK band has blossomed intoone of the hottest exports in the '90s. Thegroup's latest album, Brainblood Volume, isdescribed as "a massive slab of rock that will crushyour skull upon each listen." Finally, Toronto's ownOur Lady Peace will kick off the entire proceedings.The alternative quartet, whose debut release Naveedwas released on the Epic label (distributed by Sony),was recently nominated for top alternative album atthe 1995 Junos. In addition to the usual reservedseats for $19.50 and $16.50, this show will alsofeature a limited number of general admission seats,at $26.50, for the first use of the new Amphitheatre'sMosh Pit.

Ground Swell Productions has announcedthe spring tour schedule for ECMA awards winnersRawlins Cross, who recently signed an extensiveinternational marketing and distribution agreementwith Warner Music Canada. Tickets for the tour willbe $16.50, with a special $10.50 ticket being offeredfor children 15 and younger. Nova Scotia datesinclude the Savoy Theatre in Glace Bay (April 28),Wolfville's Acadia University Hall (29), Yarmouth'sThe 'YARC (May 3), the Rebecca Cohn Auditorium

New BooksCLOSER TO THE SUN - An Autobiographyby Garth Drabinsky with Marc de Villiers.520 pages (hardcopy). McClelland ErStewart. $35.00. For those who had any doubtsthat Garth Drabinsky created Garth Drabinsky,Canada's most famous impresario let's it all hangout in this super sensitive look at himself. Hedoesn't pull any punches, even in describing thetrauma that enveloped him from his torturous battlewith polio as a youngster. It was during this periodof painful suffering when he developed almost a

sixth sense, agoal to succeed.Polio had robbedhim of a normalchildhood, but inhis mind, hestructured an al-most impen-etrable defencethat became realduring his youngadult life. Wel-come to Garth'sworld. Helearned how toattack board-

room hacks, how to cut his enemies off at the knees.His fight with Cineplex -Odeon is now legendaryin the business world, and here, he recalls somevery humourous recollections. There were a fewfailures in this young lawyer's early beginnings,but he learned quickly, to turn what might havebeen construed as a defeat into a battle -scarred vic-tory. Arrogant? Yes. Egotistical? Yes. Ruthless?Yes. A manipulator? Yes. Does he have a person-ality? Now that he has come out of the closet, so tospeak, yes he does. After reading his autobiogra-phy and having known him for several years, hesuddenly surfaces as a true visionary, a perfection-ist in the theatre world at 45, not to mention, a realhuman being. The arrogance is still there, but thechip on the shoulder isn't. Drabinsky has triumphedin London's West End with Kiss Of The SpiderWoman, and on Broadway with this same musicalthat won a fistful of Tony's. He also took his Ca-nadian production of Show Boat to Broadway, amusical rebirth that broke all box office recordsfor advance and one-night sales. At home, it wasPhantom Of The Opera, which is still playing topacked houses after five years at Toronto'sPantages Theatre. Ironically, this old Imperial The-atre was the setting for his baptism of fire into thebusiness world.

in Halifax (5), the St. FXU Auditorium in Antigonish(10) and the C.E.C. Auditorium in Truro (11). P.E.I.dates include Elmsdale's Westisle High SchoolTheatre (May 6) and Charlottetown's ConfederationCentre (8), with special guest, PEI fiddler RichardWood. New Brunswick dates include The Playhousein Fredericton (April 30), the Capitol Theatre inMoncton (with Les Mechant Maquereaux) (May 1),Perth's Tobique High Stakes Hall (12), Chatham'sJames M. Hill Auditorium (13), the Sussex RegionalHigh Auditorium (14) and the Imperial Theatre inSt. John (15).

MCA Concerts is presenting Toronto funny manHowie Mandel, April 28th at the Winter GardenTheatre for two shows, 7 and 10 pm. He followsthat up with three shows on April 29th, at 4, 7 and10 pm. The shows are actually tapings for his newcomedy series, set to air on CBC-TV and ShowcaseTelevision in the fall of 1995.

The Sidemen, one of Canada's hottest bluesbands, are playing a number of dates throughoutwestern Canada, promoting their latest album, WhenThe Sun Goes Down. The band spent the week ofApril 17-23 opening up shows for blues legendBuddy Guy in the prairies. Upcoming dates includeRegina's Crowsnest (April 24-25), Edmonton'sSidetrack Cafe (26-29), the Rose And Crown inBanff (May 1-2), the Drake Hotel in Canmore (3-6), Queen's in Nanaimo (10), the Yale Hotel inVancouver (11-13), Saskatoon's Amigo's (17) andCrock's & Rolls in Thunder Bay (19-20). Furtherdates are to be announced sometime soon.

CPI is presenting Irish export Mary Blackon May 5 at Toronto's Music Hall. In her nativeIreland, Black has racked up three gold and fourmulti -platinum albums in her 12 -year career. Shehas been the recipient of the best Irish female artistaward at the Irish Recorded Music Awards two yearsrunning. Black's latest album, Looking Back, offersfans an overview of her career, featuring tracks fromthe previously released efforts Woman's Heart,Without The Fanfare, No Frontiers, Babes In TheWood and The Holy Ground.

Nancy Sinatra, yes that Nancy Sinatra, makes arare appearance in Toronto on May 14 for a show atthe RPM club. The daughter of the godfather, whorecently appeared in Playboy, will revive some ofher own hits, such as These Boots Were Made ForWalking, Sugar Town, Something Stupid, Goin'Back To Jackson, How Does That Grab You Darlingand the theme song from the James Bond film, YouOnly Live Twice. Opening the show will be specialguest Lee Hazlewood.

CPI is also presenting 4AD/Mercury/Polydorartist Wolfgang Press at Toronto's Opera House onMay 16. The band will spotlight tracks from its latestrelease, Funky Little Demons, and will welcomeguest players MickAllen and Andrew Gray. Openingthe set will be Suddenly, Tammi1

Warner artist Odds will be appearing at Lee'sPalace in Toronto on May 25, with special guestUrsula. The Odds (sorry, just Odds) are fresh off across -Canada tour with The Tragically Hip, and arereaping the rewards of their fine Warner debut (theirthird album in total) Good Weird Feeling.

Remember Adam Ant? He's just signed a newdeal with EMI, and has released a new album,entitled Wonderful. Ant, who has also appeared inmore than 16 films and made several TVappearances, will appear at The Phoenix in Torontoon May 22. Make a note - showtime is 7 pm.

.1 yi11

Page 11: NO. 1 ALBUM NO. 1 HIT ALBUM PICK HIT PICK€¦ · accumulated an impressive resume over the 15 years. Following six years in music retail, he has been in radio for eight years, the

RPM - Monday April 24 1995 - 11

Reba McEntire hits #1 with her latest MCArelease, The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter. This is oneof McEntire's fastest moving chart items in sometime. Interesting enough, she made it to the top inonly nine weeks, considering she had to stand downwhile a sudden spurt of nationalism by programmers,shot singles by George Fox and Patricia Conroy intothe top slot. This track is from McEntire's Read MyMind album which she produced with Tony Brown.

4 Runner is the biggest gainer with Cain'sBlood jumping into the #57 position from #85. TheNashville -based band, which packs a powerful four-part harmony, is made up of Craig Morris, who singslead vocals, baritone Billy Crittenden, tenor LeeHilliard and Jim Chapman, who sings bass. Cain'sBlood, taken from the band's self -titled Polydoralbum, was written by Jack Sundrud and MichaelJohnson. The album was produced by BuddyCannon and Larry Shell. "It's a great team," saysCrittenden, "all the way from Craig's textured leadvocals to Jim's deep notes that gives the group thedistinct separation from any other project. The basssinger is the key in this group because he makes usdifferent." Chapman can apparently go as low asany other bass player in the business, as evidenced

COUNTRYby the low A notes he hits several times on the album.

Western Flyer, a Nashville -based band, isgetting its first taste of Canadian promotionhospitality through Royalty Records. TheEdmonton -based record company is distributing theband's Step One label in Canada. Initial release,Cherokee Highway, is now at radio where it isbeginning to build. The band's self -titled album,produced by Ray Pennington, is available at retail,coast -to -coast, through Royalty's distributionnetwork. U.S. radio is calling the band "the countryEagles of the '90s," and its debut release "oine ofthe most powerful country releases of the '90s."

Savannah's One Horse Blue, fresh from their#1 triumph with Hopeless Love (March 13/95), areback with their follow-up, Bringing Back Your Love.Bill Carruthers, director of Savannah's Canadianoperations, is going for adds the week of April 25.There is one change with this new release, the band'sthird lead vocalist, Rocko Vaugeois, is gets to dothe lead vocal honours. The song was written byBrent Shindell. Both tracks are included on their self -

COUNTRY RADIO PICKSRICK RINGERCountry 105 CKQM-FM - PeterboroughTell Me I Was Dreaming - Travis TrittDAN MITCHELLAll Hit Country - Cariboo RadioTell Me I Was Dreaming - Travis TrittPAUL KENNEDY and JOHN GOLDCHFX-FM Country 101 - HalifaxTell Me I Was Dreaming - Travis TrittRICK KELLYC101 101.3FM - Prince GeorgeTell Me I Was Dreaming - Travis TrittCHUCK REYNOLDS96.7 CHYR - LeamingtonTell Me I Was Dreaming - Travis TrittGARRY MACINTOSH610 CKYL - Peace RiverHouse Of Cards - Mary Chapin CarpenterGREG MACK630 CKRC - WinnipegSummer's Comin' - Clint BlackBOB LINNCKEG Country - NanaimoSummer's Comin' - Clint BlackGARY BROOKS96.3 Country FM - KingstonMississippi Moon - John AndersonMARK LA POINTE92.7 CJBX-FM - LondonThis Is Me Missing You - James House

RANDY OWENNew Country 570 - KitchenerAny Man Of Mine - Shania TwainBRUCE LEPERRECKDM Radio 730 - DauphinYou Can Sleep While I Drive - Trisha YearwoodJOEL CHRISTIE820 CHAM Country - HamiltonBeating Of My Heart - Susan GrahamBRUCE ANDREINor -Net - WestaskiwinTexas Tornado - Tracy LawrenceJANET TRECARTEN92.5 CISS-FM - TorontoYou Better Think Twice Vince GillWADE WILLEYCKRM AM 980 - ReginaSouthern Grace - Little TexasMEL KEMMISSRN Country - VancouverYou Ain't Much Fun - Toby KeithJAY HITCHEN and JAMES RICHARDSNew Country 1270 CHAT - Medicine HatTexas Tornado - Tracy LawrenceMARK CARTLAND and KEVIN STUARTCKTY - Hot New Country - SarniaThe Shape I'm In - The

Please submit picks before Wednesday noon

titled album, which is selling well at retail.

Tom Jackson, now climbing the charts with his

Joan Kennedy supportschildren's charityBig Country nominee Joan Kennedy, is throwingher full support behind an annual fund-raising/awareness campaign to benefit The Children's WishFoundation of Canada.

The campaign, which will run from April 29to May 6, is an annual event mounted by First ChoiceHaircutters, a major chain of haircare salons in Canadawith more than 225 stores. The stores will stage aCutathon each day, donating $1.00 for each and everycustomer to the foundation. Last year, more than$70,000 was turned over to the children's charities.

Kennedy with Glennis Ackerman (First Choice HaircuttersMarketing Manager) at Toronto's Axon Studios.

As an added bonus, customers can win acassette copy of Kennedy's album, Higher Ground.

The campaign will be supported by in-storeposters, product giveaways, buttons and other P.O.S.materials, plus a specially -written P.S.A. song FindA Little Love In Your Heart.

The song will be introduced to the nationon April 22 via a special Kennedy performance onToday's Country, a syndicated prime time radio showheard on more than 70 stations across Canada.

National television and radio appearances,selected Mall events, as well as press interviews willtake place in and around Cutathon Week. In theToronto area, Cutathon events begin April 28 witha special Kennedy concert at Nashville North.

Kennedy recalls the first experience she hadwith one of the children. "I have never forgottenhow I felt. Ever since, at every show, I dedicateCandle In The Window to her memory."

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Page 12: NO. 1 ALBUM NO. 1 HIT ALBUM PICK HIT PICK€¦ · accumulated an impressive resume over the 15 years. Following six years in music retail, he has been in radio for eight years, the

13 39



Er 1 I' COUNTRY TRACKSArtist/Album Title/Where to find it(Songwriter) Producer (Label)

Canada's Only National 100 Country SurveyTW LW WO - APRIL 24, 1995

1 2 9 THE HEART IS A LONELY HUNTERReba McEntire/Read My lvincVMCA comp 1-J

(M.D.Sanders/E.Hill/K.Williams) T.Brown/R.McEntire (MCA)2 1 12 WHAT ELSE CAN I DO

Patricia Conroy/You Can't Resist/Album track(T.Arata/S.Miller) M.Wanchic/J.Niebank (WEA)In 9 11 SO HELP ME GIRLJoe Diffie/Third Rock From The Sun/Album track -H(H.Perdew/A.Spooner) J.Slate/J.Dittie (Epic)El 7 to THE BOXRandy Travis/This Is Me Warner comp 233-P(R.Travis/B.Moore) K.Lehning (Warner Bros)

5 3 11 WHICH BRIDGE TO CROSSVince Gill/When Love Comes ArouncVMCA comp 1-J(V.GiIVB.Anderson) T.Brown (MCA)

6 6 17 LIPSTICK PROMISESGeorge Ducas/Self-titled/Radio CD single -F(G.DucasfESillers) R.Bennett (Liberty)

11 10 HEAD OVER HEELSBlue Rodeo/5 Days In Jul"arner comp 235-P(G.Keelor/J.Cuddy) Blue Rodeo (WEA)

8 8 16 AMY'S BACK IN AUSTINLittle Texas/Kick A Little/Album track -P(B.Seals/S.A.DaMs) C.Dinapoli/D.Grau/little Texas (Warner Bros)

9 4 14 THINKIN' ABOUT YOUTrisha Yearwood'The Sweetest Gift/Album tack -J(B.Regan/T.Shapiro) G.Fundis (MCA)

10 5 13 WHATS HOLDING MEGeorge Fox/Time Of My Life/Warner comp 233-P 9:0(G.Fox/K.Tribble) B.Gaudo (WEA)

14 10 GIVE ME ONE MORE SHOTAlabama/Greatest Hits 'IMMO comp 31-N(T.Gentry/R.Owen/R.Rogers) G.Fundis/Alabama (RCA)

12 12 11 BUBBA HYDEDiamond Rio/Love A Little Stronger/BMG comp 31-N(C.Wiseman/G.Nelson) M.PowelVT.DuBois (Arista)

so 16 9 LITTLE MISS HONKY TONKBrooks & Dunn/Waitin' On SundowrVBMG comp 31-N(R.Dunn)S.Hendricks/D.Cook (Arista)

19 9 LOOK WHAT FOLLOWED ME HOMEDavid Ball/Thinkin' ProblemNVamer comp 231-P(D.BalVT.Polk) B.Chancey (Warner Bros)

En 18 15 STAY FOREVERHal Ketchum/Every Little WorcVRado CD single -F(B.Tench/H.Ketchum) A.Fleynolds/J.Rooney (MCG/Curb)

20 11 THE KEEPER OF THE STARSTracy Byrd'No Oninary Man'MCA comp 1,1(D.Lee/D.Mayo/K.Staley) J.Crutchfield/G.Johnson (MCA)

7 REFRIED DREAMSTim McGraw/Not A Moment Too Soon/Album track -F(J.Foster/M.Peterson) J.Stroud/B.Gallimore (Curb)

22 9 SONG FOR THE LIFEAlan Jackson/Who I Arn/BMG comp 31-N(R.Crowell) K.Stegall (Arista)

23 7 DON'T CRY LITTLE ANGELPrairiester/Only One Moon/BMG comp 31-N(K.GLass)

OyS.Fishell (Arista)

24 7 STANDING ON THE EDGE OF GOODBYEJohn Berry/Standin' On The Edge/Album track -F(J.Berry/S.Harris) J.Bowen/C.Howard (Patriot)

12 WALKIN' THAT LINETineta/Drawn To The Fire/Royalty comp 16(T.Couturier/C.Couturier) R.H.Smith (Royalty)

22 10 15 0 STEMSusan Aglukark/This ChilcVEMI comp 3-F(S.Aglukark/C.Irschick) C.Irschick (EMI)

rgi 27 8 I CAN LOVE YOU LIKE THATJohn Michael Montgomery/John Michael/Radio CD single -P(S.Diarnond/M.Berry/J.Kimble)S.Hendricks (Atlantic)

33 8 GONNA GET A LIFEMark Chesnutt/What A Way To Live/MCA comp 1-J(F.Dycus/J.Lauderdale) M.Wright (Decca)

5 WHAT MATTERED MOSTTy Hemden/Self-titied/Sony comp 328-H(G.BurrN.Meramed) D.Johnson (Epic)

26 29 9 THATS HOW YOU KNOWLad White/Wishes/Album track -N(LWhite/C.Cannon) G.Fundis (RCA)

7 SAFE IN THE ARMS OF LOVEMichelle Wright/The Reasons Why/BMG comp 31-N(P.Bunch.M.A.Kennedy/P.Rose)S.Board/M.Clute (Arista)

33 9 BETWEEN THE TWO OF THEMTanya Tucker/Fire To Fire/EMI comp 8-F(M.Cates) J.Crutchfield (Liberty)

29 25 14 HERE'S WHAT THEY SAYDesert Dolphins/Self-titled/Radio CD single(B.Haddock) R.Prescott (Wolfe Lake Music)

30 31 9 LOOKING FOR THE LIGHTRick Trevino/Looking For The Light/Rado CD single -H(L.Hengber/T.Mensy)S.Buckingham/B.Chancey (Columbia)

31 13 15 FOR A CHANGENeal Mc-Coy/You Gotta Love That/Wamer comp 232-P(S.Selkirk/J.S.Shertill) B.Beckett (Atlantic)

32 15 15 THIS WOMAN AND THIS MANClay Walker/If I Could Make A Living/Album track -P(J.Pennig/M.Lunn) J.Stroud (Giant)

33 17 16 WHEREVER YOU GOClint Black/One Emotlon/Racio CD single -N(C.Black/H.Nicholas) J.Stroud/C.Black (RCA)

34 34 11 SON OF A PREACHER MANFarmer's Daughter/Girls Will Be Girls/Album track(J.Harley/R.VVilkins) T.Rudner (Stubble Jumper)



1111 21




El 26





35 36 7 SHE FEELS LIKE A BRAND NEW MAN TONIGHTAaron lippin/Lookin Back At Myself/BMG comp 31-N(A.Tippin/M.P.Heeney) S.Gibson (RCA)

36 41 6 I WAS BLOWN AWAYPam Tillis/Sweetheart's Dance/BMG comp 31-N(L.Marline Jr.) P.Tillis/S.Fishell (Arita)

37 28 16 LOOK AT ME NOWBryan White/Self-titlecVAlbum track -P(B.White/D.George/J.Tine) B.J.Walker Jr/Klehning (Asylum)

38 43 to BIG NEWS BACK HOMECurtis Grarnbo/Big News .... /Royalty comp 16(C.Grambo) C.Grambo (Time Art/Royalty)

45 6 I DON'T BELIEVE IN GOODBYESawyer Brown/Greatest Hits 1990-95/Radio CD single -F(M.Miller/S.Emerick/B.White) M.Miller/M.McAnally (Curb)

40 37 16 WHOSE BED HAVE YOUR BOOTS BEEN UNDERShania Twain/The Woman ... /PolyGram comp 373-0(R.J.Lange/S.Twain) R.J.Lange (Mercury) PIJ

51 4 YOU AIN'T MUCH FUNToby Keith/Boomtown/Album track -0(T.Keith/C.Gogg, Jr.) N.Larkin/1-1.Shedd (Mercury)

42 47 12 PEACE OF MINDBill Canty/Closer To The Music/Album track(B.Candy/K.Haverland) C.Irschuck (Mill Street)

53 7 WHEN YOU SAY NOTHING AT ALLAlison Kraus & Union Station/Whitley Tribute/BMG comp 31-N(D.Schlitz/P.Overstreet) R.Scruggs (BNA)

44 44 12 I SHOULD HAVE BEEN TRUEThe Mavericks/What A Crying Shame/MCA comp 1-J(R.Malo/S.Lynch) D.Cook (MCA)

56 6 HEART SET ON YOUTerry Kelly/Divided Highway/Album track(W.Hunt) F.King (Gun)

46 35 16 DOWN IN FLAMESBlackhawWSelf-titlecVBMG comp 30-N

(M.Clark/J.Stevens) M.Bright/T.DuBois (Arista)57 6 I'M STILL DANCIN' WITH YOU

Wade Hayes/Old Enough To Know Better/Radio CD singleH(C.Rains/W.Hayes) D.Cook/C.Rains (Columbia)

48 48 8 ANYWAY THE WIND BLOWSBrother Phelps/Anyway The Wind Blows/Wamer comp 236-P(J.J.Cale) R.L.Phelps/D.Phelps/K.Lehning (Asylum)

g494401gan ANY MAN OF MINEShania Twain/The Woman In Me/Ratio CD single -0(S.Twain/M.Lange) M.Lange (Mercury)

59 5 FAITH IN ME, FAITH IN YOUDoug Stone/Faith In Me ... /Album track(D.LogginsiT.Bruce) J.Stroud/D.Stone (Columbia)

5 YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHO I AMPatty Loveless/When Fallen Angels Fly/Sony comp 328-H(G.Peters) E.Gordy Jr. (Epic)

52 38 16 SOMEWHERE IN THE VICINITY OF THE HEARTShenandoah/In The Vicinity Of The Heart/Redo CD single -F(B.LaBounty/R.Chudacoff) D.Cook (Liberty)

53 54 5 ONE OF THOSE NIGHTSLisa Brokop/Every Little Girl's Dream/Radio CD single -F(C.Twitty/T.Seals) J.Crutchfield (Patriot)

72 3 ADALIDAGeorge Strait/Lead On/MCA comp 3-..1

(M.Geiger/W.Mullis/M.Huftman) T.Brown/G.Strait (MCA)55 55 to THE NEWS AND WHETHER

Mark LaForme/No album/Roto Noto 20125

(M.LaFarme) R.Cousins (Roto Noto)71 3 HOUSE OF CARDS

Mary Chapin Carpenter/Stones In ... /Album track -H...(MQ,Gpirpenter) 4,,)enning04q991pprifqrfcc,40*

88 t CAIN'S BLOOD,a48014/Wkrtraikir):a0088681Shati(0410.68 6 GHOSTS

Jason McCoy/Jason McCoy/MCA comp 1-.1(J.McCoy) S.Baggett (MCA)

59 so 6 PARTY CROWDDavid Lee Murphy/art With A Bang/Rado CD single -J(D.LMurphy/J.Hinson) T.Brown (MCA)

69 3 IF YOU'RE GONNA WALK ...Sammy Kershaw/Feelin' Good Train/Album track -0(B.Cannon/L.Bastion) B.Cannon/N.Wilson (Mercury)

70 5 I DON'T KNOW (But I've Been Told)Wesley Dennis/Self-titled/Polydor comp 377-0(W.Dennis) K.StegalVJ.Kelton (Mercury)

62 40 15 BROKEN STRING OF PEARLSPrescott-Brown/Already Restless/Album track -H(Brown/McConnelVPrescott) Worley/McMakin/Prescott (Columbia)

63 64 9 MIDNIGHT SPECIALStraight, Clean & Simple/Midnight SpeciaVHillcrest 22(L.LVannatta) L.L.Vannatta (Hillcrest)

73 4 THE LIKES OF MEMarty Stuart/Party Hit Pack/Radio CD single -I(LBoone/R.Bowles) D.Cook (MCA)

65 42 14 IF I WERE YOUAnita Perras/By Request/K-Tel comp 6145(HowarcVMaker/Throckmorton) A.Perras & Band (K -Tel)

66 49 15 AS ANY FOOL CAN SEETracy Lawrence/I See It Now/Album track -P(P.Nelson/K.Beard) T.Lawrence/F.Anderson (Atlantic)

67 46 to RUSTED HINGESDon NeilsorVBased On A ... /Sony comp 327-H(D.Neilson/T.Thomey/E.Ehm) Same (Epic/Them)


Ell 58















80 4 WORKIN' FOR THE WEEKENDKen Mellons/Self-titled/Sony comp 328-H(K.Mellons/J.Honeycutt) J.Cupit (Epic)

82 3 FALL IN LOVEKenny Chesney/In Ivly Wildest Dreams/Album track -H(K.Chesney.B.Broa.M.Wilfiams) B.Beckett (Capricorn)

70 kti.4...!,:::,:,]'L,TELL ME I WAS DREAMINGTravis Tritt/Ten Feet Tall And ... /Album track -P

(T.TritVB.R.Brown) G.Brown (Warner Bros)71 75 7 RUNNING AWAY

Poverty Plainsmen/Gotta Be ... /Album track(Smith/Smith/Neis/Johnson) L.Secirnak (Poverty)

72 78 5 BABY I'M ONLY LONELYMaxine MacLeod/Dream On/Album tack(S.Rarnos/D.Rae) M.Frands (Vocal Image)

Ea 81 4 WHEN LOVE LEAVESTommy Rogers/Serious Foolin' Around/Album track(P.Teny/K.Robbins) B.Allen (Homestead)

74 52 14 THE GOOD TIMESRay Bonneville/On The Main/Album track(R.Bonneville) R.Bonneville/J.Carrier (Electric Desert) Ma

3 DANCING UP A STORMGary FjellgaardBelieve In Forever/Album track -H(G.Fjellgaard) B.Buckingharn (Savannah)

90 2 WHAT KIND OF MANJoel Feeney/Life Is Not A Dream/Album trackJ.Feeney/C.Farren) C.Fanen/H.Parrot (MCA)

77 NEW THATS JUST ABOUT RIGHTBlackhawk/Fitle track/Radio CD single -N(J.Black) M.Wright/T.DuBois (Arista)

78 62 16 YOU CAN'T MAKE A HEART LOVE SOMEBODYGeorge Strait/Lead On/MCA comp 8-J(S.Clarke/J.MacRae) T.Brown/G.Strait (MCA)

91 2 SUMMER'S COMIN'Clint Black/One Emotion/Album track -N

(C.Black/H.Niaholas) J.Stroud/C.Black (RCA)80 63 7 BEND IT UNTIL IT BREAKS

John Anderson/Country TI I Die/BMG comp 30-N(J.Anderson/L.Delmore) J.Stroud/J.Anderson (BNA)

81 84 7 MR. WRONGJacquie Henderson/No album/Hillcrest comp 22(R.Pennington) R.Demmans (Hillcrest)

82 87 3 CLOWN IN YOUR RODEOKathy Mattea/Waklin' Away A Winner/Album track -0(K.Kirkpatrick) J.Lee (Mercury)

83 61 13 TRUE TO HIS WORDBoy Howdy/Bom That Way/Radio CD single -F(J.Steele/C.Farren/G.Harrison) C.Farren (Curb)

84 as 4 ONE TRACK LOVEMary Lynn Wren/More Than Friends/Album track(M.LWren/J.Douglas) J.Douglas (Rollin' Hearts)


(LW.Clark/L.ReicVA.Nielsen) LW. Clark (Spinner) EZAlyssa Nielsen/This Heart/Album track

86 89 3 BEATING OF MY HEARTSusan Graham/Somewhere In Between/Radio Single 43(K.Reming/M.A.Kenneoy) B.Bullock/J.Klee (No label)

87 93 2 MEMORY MAKING NIGHTJohn & Audrey Wiggins/Self-titled/Album track -C1

(J.W.Wiggins) J.Scaife/J.Cotton (Mercury)88 92 2 FEW AND FAR BETWEEN

Tom Jackson/No Regrets/Album track -N

(T.Jackson) T.Thomey.T.Jackson (Peg)89 66 18 HOPELESS LOVE

One Horse Blue/Self-titled/Rado CD single -H(G.MaxweIVB.Fowler) &Buckingham (Savannah)

90 67 18 LOVE DON'T GET BETTERRick Tippe/Should'a Seen Her ... /Album track(R.Tippe/LW.Clarke) D.Pomeroy (Moon Tan)

91 79 7 SOMEBODY WILLTerry McBride & The Ride/Self-titled/MCA comp 1-J(W.Aldridge/B.Crisler/S.B.Jones) J.Lee (MCA)

92 76 21 OLD ENOUGH TO KNOW BETTERWade Hayes/Old Enough To Know Better/Sony comp 326-H(C.Rains/W.Hayes) D.Cook (Columbia)

93 77 12 I BRAKE FOR BRUNETTESRhett Akins/A Thousand Memories/MCA comp 1-J(S.Ramos/R.Akins) M.Wright/B.Tankersley (Decca)

i!.14;]:,fiEWM..... TEXAS TORNADOTracy Lawrence/ See It Now/Album track -P(8.Braddock/Tlawrence) T.Lawrence/F.Ar derbon (Atlantic)

95 83 10 WHAT'LL YOU DO ABOUT MEDoug Supemaw/Deep Thoughts From A .../BMG comp 32-N(D.Linde) R.Lancis (BNA)

96 NEW BIGGER FISH TO FRYBoy Howdy/Bom That Way/Rado CD single -F(J.Steele) C.Farren (Curb)

p.7.::NEWM,. THE RED STROKESGarth Brooks/In Pieces/Album track -F(J.Garver/L.Sanderson/J.Yates/G.Brooks) A.Reynolcis (Liberty)

98 94 la TENDER WHEN I WANT TO BEMary Chapin Carpenter/Stone's In ... /Rade CD single -H(M.C.Carpenter) J.Jennings/M.C.Carpenter (Columbia)

99 96 20 BETWEEN AN OLD MEMORY & METravis Tritt/Ten Feet Tall And... /Warner comp 227-PK.StegalVC.Craig) G.Brown (Warner Bros)

100 95 18 UPSTAIRS DOWNTOWNToby Keith/Boomtown/PolyGram comp 373-0(T.Keith/C.Cogg Jr) N.Larkin/H.Shedd (Mercury)

El 85



Page 13: NO. 1 ALBUM NO. 1 HIT ALBUM PICK HIT PICK€¦ · accumulated an impressive resume over the 15 years. Following six years in music retail, he has been in radio for eight years, the

RPM - Monday April 24 1995 - 13



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latest Peg single, Few And Far Between, is pencillingin a pretty active spring and summer. Included willbe a live performance of his single on Today'sCountry. The air date will be announced later. Onthe personal appearance side of things, he will bedonig the Peter Growski Invitational charitable golftournement in the northern wilds of Cambridge Bayin early May.

Rick Tippe swung through Ontario on a promotiontrip that included a number of small and large cities.He dropped by RPM's offices for a chat andbreakfast. A ballad is on the way.

Vancouver's Railroad Club will be the settingfor the BC Country Music Association's Railin'Country, the first Monday of each month. The firstdate, May 1, Rick Tippe will take the stage. LyndiaScott and her band are firmed for June 1. The clubis in the downtown core of Vancouver.

NCN's Kenner Arrell will be taking part in theBC Country Music Association's 7th annual CountryMusic Conference. The conference will be held atthe Sheraton Inn, Guildford in Surrey (June 2-4).Arrel, who is industry relations for NCN will betaking part in the panel titled In The Beginning.Representatives from SOCAN, RDR

Promotions and the Musicians' Union will also besitting on the panel. Other highlights includesongwriting seminars with Nashville writers HughPrestwood and John Ims; publishing workshops withWoody Bomar from Little Town Publishing; a FanFair with live performances and autographoppportunities; the Battle of the Bands Grand Finaleto find BC's best country band; the Director's Dinnerfollowed by an all-star Songwriters in the Roundshowcase, hosted by Laurie Thain; and a Sunday


#1. Whose Bed Have ... - Shania Twain#2. Hopeless Love - One Horse Blue#3. I Can Love You ... - John Michael Montgomery#4. 0 Siem - Susan Aglukark#5. What's Holding Me - George Fox


Summer's Comin' - Clint BlackPICK HIT

Tell Me I Was Dreaming - Travis Tritt

a I V7. ITA


1W LW WO - APRIL 24, 1995

1 2 17 GARTH BROOKS 21 21 33 JOE DIFFIEThe Hits Third Rock From The Sun

Liberty -29689-F Epic -64357-H

2 1 9 SHANIA TWAIN 22 24 4 TERRY KELLYThe Woman In Me 17D Divided Highway ci

Mercury -314-522-886-Q Gunn -92

3 3 7 BLUE RODEODays In Jul

23 20 48 TIM McGRAWNot A Moment Too Soon

W5 ...Curt,77659-F.

4 5 8 SUSAN AGLUKARKThis Child

24 31 ..;22SAMMYKERSHAWFeeIKGood Train

EMI -32075-F

5 6 21 PATRICIA CONROY 25 23 11 IRISH DESCENDANTSYou Can't Resist VD MIs81'LonersWEA-97541-P 7-P

6 7 5 VARIOUS ARTISTS 25 28 11 DOUG STONENew County 2 Greatest Hits Vol .1

WEA-33371-P Epic -66803-H

7 4 25 CLAY WALKER 27 26 25 LITTLE TEXASIt I Could Make A Living I0ck A Little

Giant -24582-P Warner Bros -45739-P

MI 12 6 GEORGE FOX 28 25 15 GEORGE JONESTime Of My Life 17V The Braley Sessions

WEA-98851-0 MCA -11096-J

9 9 24 ANNE MURRAY 29 29 11 RHETT AKINSThe Best ... So FarEMI31158-F

1:11DA Thousand MemoriesDecca-11098-J

10 13 11 SAWYER BROWN 30 27 14 TODAY'S BIGGEST COUNTRY HITSBest Of Various Artists VVCurb -77689-F K -Tel -6145

Ell 15 5 JOHN BERRY 31 34 25 THE TRACTORSDancing On The Edge The Tractors

Patriot/EMI-32284-F Arista -18728-N

12 8 26 MARY CHAPIN-CARPENTER 32 33 24 BROOKS & DUNNStones In The Road Wailin' On Sundown

Columbia -64327-H Arista -18765-N

13 10 8 ASHLEY MACISAACClose To The Floor


33 30 18 KICKIN' COUNTRY 2Various Artists VV

A8M-79602-Q Sony Music Direct -24013-H

CI 17 24 TOBY KEITHBoomtown

34 32 20 HEART OF THE COUNTRY '94Various Artists 14V

Polydor-314 523 407-Q Quality -1211

15 11 30 MICHELLE WRIGHT 35 35 4o DAVID BALLThe Reasons Why Thinkin' Problem

Arista -07822 18753-N Warner Bros -45562-P

16 14 49 REBA McENTIRE 36 36 5t PRAIRIE OYSTERRead My Mind (inrislYta?ne MoonMCA -10994-J P:427 -N

17 18 16 GEORGE STRAIT MICHAEL MONTGOMERYJohn Michael Montgomery

MCA -°1'11092-J Atlantic -82728-P

18 22 4 ONE HORSE BLUE 38 38 18 BILLY RAY CYRUSOne Horse Due VD Storm In The Heartland

Savannah -9844-H Mercury -526 081-0

19 19 9 TRISHA YEARWOOD 39 39 89 CHARLIE MAJOR LIENThinkin' About You The Other Side

MCA -11201-J Arista -14864-N

20 16 26 DIAMOND RIO 40 37 50 RANDY TRAVISLove A Little Stronger This Is Me

Arista -18745-N Warner Bros -45501-P

Page 14: NO. 1 ALBUM NO. 1 HIT ALBUM PICK HIT PICK€¦ · accumulated an impressive resume over the 15 years. Following six years in music retail, he has been in radio for eight years, the

II IIII ir Adult ContemporaryA TRACKS

TW LW WO - APRIL 24, 1995

1 1 7 BELIEVE (4 weeks at #1)Elton John - Made In EnglandRocket/Mercury-314-526-185 (Ratio CD single) -0

2 2 9 NO MORE I LOVE YOU'SAnnie Lennox - MedusaRCA -74321-25717 (Ratio CD single) -N

3 3 8 YOU GOT ITBonnie Reit - Boys On The Side SoundtrackArista -18748 (BMG comp 80)41

6 5 I BELIEVEBessid Union Of Souls - Home




El 20

6 7 11 YOU LOSE AND YOU GAINJohn Bottomley - Black BerryRCA -004 (Album track) -N

7 4 9 BIG YELLOW TAXIAmy Grant - House Of LoveA&M-3154 0230 (Album hack) -0

8 8 10 IN THE HOUSE OF STONE AND LIGHMartin Page - In The House Of Stone And LightMercury -522-1042 (PolyGram comp 375)-0

9 9 10 SHADE OF YOUR LOVELaura Smith - Between The Earth And My SoulAtlantica-10018 (EMI comp 1)-F

10 10 7 WONDERDRUGJann Arden - Living Under JuneA&M-314 540 248 (Ratio CD single) -Q

11 5 8 FOR YOUR LOVEStevie Wonder - Conversation PeaceMotown -31453-02382 (Radio CD single) -0

12 12 9 LETTING GOJulie Masse - Circle Of OneSurge/Select-714 (Ratio CD single)

111 16 6 HOLD ONJamie Walters - Jamie WaltersAtlantic -82600 (Warner ramp 237)-P

la 7 THE BLUE TRAINUncle Ronstadt - Feels like HomeElektra-61703 (Radio CD single) -P

15 11 13 0 STEMSusan Aglukark - This ChildEMI -32075 (Radio CD single) -F

16 17 10 WE CELEBRATEThe Barra MacNeils - Closer To ParadisePolydor-521-1762 (PolyGram comp 375)-Q

17 19 6 UNTIL THE END OF TIMEForeigner - Mr. MoonlightAttic -1416 (Attic comp 53)-J

18 14 is TAKE A BOWMadonna - Bedtime StoriesMaverick/Sire-45767 (Radio CD single) -P

19 21 9 THIS COWBOY SONGSting - Fields Of GoldA&M-314-540-269 (Radio CD single) -0

20 13 17 STRONG ENOUGHSheryl Crow- Tuesday Night Music ClubA&M-314 540 248 (Album track) -0





1 1 8 TOUCH THE SKYCartouchePolytel-0

2 2 11 CAN YOU FEEL ITMatrixAdola-N

3 3 10 A DEEPER SHADE OF LOVECamilleEpic -H




6 4 11 YOU & IJ.K.Quality

7 7 5 CAN'T LOVE YOUBG Prince Of RapDance Pool -H

8 8 3 MOVE IT TO THE RHYTHMTedthotronicSBK-F

9 9 7 DANCE (If You Can Not)Alter Ego featuring Daisy DeeQuality

10 11 5 HEADBONE CONNECTEDDaisy DeePolytel-Ct


21 22 a MEA CULPAMike & The Mechanics - Beggar On A Beach Of GoldAtlantio-82738 (Warner comp 238)-P

1E1 30 6 LIFE IN A NUTSHELLBarenaked Lades - Maybe You Should DriveSire -45709 (Warner comp 236)-P

rEl 28 6 COME BACKLondonbeat - LondonbeatRCA -22333 (BMG comp 80)-N

29 3 HEAD OVER HEELSBlue Rodeo - Five Days In JulyWEA-93846 (Warner comp 235)-P

15 a IF I WANTED TOMelissa Etheridge - Yes I AmIsland -848660 (A&M comp 1)-0

26 26 9 BLUEThe Jayhawks - Tomorrow The Green GrassAmerican -43006 (Album track) -P

27 27 5 I LIVE MY LIFE FOR YOUFirehouse - Firehouse 3Epic -57459 (Radio CD single) -H

34 5 HOLD ONAlan Frew - Hold OnEMI -28990 (Radio CD single) -F

MI 36 4 FOR ADAM'S SAKERoch Voisine - I'll Always Be ThereStar/Select-8056 (Radio CD single)

30 24 10 YOU GOTTA BEDes'ree - I Ain't Movin'559/Epic-64324 (Sony comp 29)-H

31 23 13 DANCE WITH MERay Bonneville - On The MainElectric Desert -9301 (Album track)

32 25 10 MISHALEAndrew Donalds - Andy DonaldsMetro Blue -28065 (Album track) -F

33 3t 10 DON'T GET WRONGPatrick Norman - Whispering ShadowsStar/Select-8053 (Album track)

34 35 5 GREY DUSK OF EVEThe Rankin Family w/Liam O'Maonlai - Grey Dusk Of eEMI -82013 (EMI comp 10)-F

El 41 4 COUNTING STARSEarthTones -To Be Continued ...Passion -945 CD single)

43 4 HAKUNA MATATAJimmy Cliff w/Lebo - Lion King SoundtrackDisney -60858

37 37 8 WORDS WE NEVER USERon Sexsmith - Ron SexsmithInterscope/WEA-92485 (Warner comp 238)-P

38 4o 3 THE OLD NEIGHBORHOODMke Shields - Grace MotelMJS-001 (Album track)

39 32 7 KISS FROM A ROSESeal - SealZZT/WEA-45415 (Wamer comp 235)-P

40 33 10 EVERLASTING LOVEGloria Estefan - Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss MeEpic -66205 (Radio CD single) -H







1E1 15

11 10 4 IF YOU LOVE MEBrownstoneMJJ-H

6 MELODYBlack RoseQuality

MOVE CT.Subloaa

14 12 11 ANOTHERWhigfieldQuality

15 16 13 COTTON EYE JOERednexZomba -N


21 3 OLD POP IN AN OAKRednexJive -N

18 13 4 KEEP GIVIN' ME YOUR LOVECe Ce PenistonColumbia -H

19 19 5 WHITE LINESDuran DuranEMI -F

20 iiGU YDiana KingSony -H




41 42 6 MANNEQUINWild Strawberries - Bet You Think I'm LonerA&M/Strawbeny-555-0092 (A&M comp 1)-Q

42 44 7 HOLE IN HEAVENDavid Deacon And The Word - Over The LineAntithesis -007 (Radio CD single)

58 2 I WILLBen Taylor - Bye Bye Love SoundtrackGiant/Warner-24609 (Warner comp 240)-P

52 3 STANDING STRONGWendy Matthews - The Witness TreerooArt/Warner-98391 (Warner comp 240)-P

45 38 13 GIVE ME A REASON TO STAYFreddy Curd - Dreamers RoadEMI -29339 (Album track) -F

46 50 3 FLY FROM HEAVENToad The Wet Sprocket - DuldneaColumbia -57744 (Radio CD single) -H

54 3 SOMEONE I USED TO LOVEBrace Cockburn - Dart To The HeartTrue North/MCA-0082 (Radio CD single) -J

56 3 PETER'S DREAMLennie Gallant - The Open WindowColumbia -80196 (Sony cane 037)-H

49 39 18 MENTAL PICTUREJon Seceder - Body, Soul & A VoiceSBK-ERG-29272 (Redo CD single) -F

50 53 3 THE HORSESKenny Loggins - Return To Poo CornerSony Wonder -57674 (Radio CD single) -H

El 59 2 JUST WHEN I NEEDED YOUThe Nylons - Because ....

EigNi TsC7Oti BUs973T12:1711Z(ITGcomp 82YN

52Manhattan Transfer- Tonin'Atlantic -82661 (Album trac)-P

53 45 15 LOVE WILL KEEP US ALIVEEagles - Hell Freezes OverGeffen -24725 (Album track) -J

54 57 3 THROUGH THE EYES OF A CHILDSteven Vitali - Invitation To DreamIsba-2066 (Album track) -H






Michael - No album

i40,, SHEc'u Music (CD single)

swiikHarry Connick Jr. - SheColumbia -64376 (Radio CD single) -H

57 51 17 NOTHING BEHIND USRichard Marx - Paid VacationCapitoVEMI-81232 (Radio CD single) -F

58 46 13 THE BALLAD OF PETER PUMPKINHEADCrash Test Dummies - Dumb And DumberRCA -07863 66523 (Album track) -N

59 49 21 THE SWEETEST DAYSVanessa Wlliams - The Sweetest DaysWing/Mercury-314 526 174 (Album track) -Q

60 48 15 SUKIYAKI4 p.m. - SukiyakiLondon -422 857 736 (Album Irack)-Q

21 la 10 TONIGHT IS THE NIGHTLe ClickAtiola-N

22 23 2 BABYBrandyAtlansc-P

23 25 2 DON'T YOU WANNA KNOWAbigailQuality

24 14 15 RHYTHM OF LOVEDJ CompanyDance Pool -H

25 26 3 CHARMSPhilosopher Kings, , , , , Columbia -H

10.-klakt2:!i NORTH SOUTH EAST WESTBlack SheepMercury -0

27 27 9 LET THE BEAT GO ONDr. AlbanAriola-N

28 24 12 WITCHDOKTORArmand Van HeidenS.R./Quality

29 17 11 RAISE YOUR HANDSReel 2 RealQuality

30 28 8 WHIGGLE IN LINEBlack DuckQuality

Page 15: NO. 1 ALBUM NO. 1 HIT ALBUM PICK HIT PICK€¦ · accumulated an impressive resume over the 15 years. Following six years in music retail, he has been in radio for eight years, the

RPM - Monday April 24 1995 - 15


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Gospel showcase at Johnstone Heights Free GospelChurch. The week -end winds up with the galaAwards '95. Lisa Brokop, One Horse Blue andSuzanne Gitzi are among several artists who will beperforming at the gala.

Chuck Williams and Don Grashey arepromoting a single, If I'd Never Found You, by CarlW. Smith. Well-known country songwriter FayeWalker wrote the song.Veterans Williams andGrashey produced the track for their Golden Eaglelabel in Thunder Bay under Williams' TreadmillProductions. The track is included on a compilationreleased by Tennessee Star Traks. Grashey points

out that they went with the Nashville -based StarTraks "so we could cover 1500 US stations, alongwith Canada, for the same amount of money weowuld have had to pay someone in Canada for 200US and Canadian radio stations."

ATI's Scoot Irwin is promoting two new CDs.Torontonian Jamie Watling's debut is titled DifferentTrails. The album, which he produced, was recordedat Toronto's GFT Recording Studios. Session playersincluded Cam Milne, Sabastian Agnello and Watlingon guitars, steelman Norm Goldberg, Terry Burke, JohnKendall, Chris Over and Charlie Gelinas on bass, RickyGee and Gavin McKenna on fiddles, Frank Barth on

dobro, keyboardistCharlie Gelinas, ChrisOver on mouth harp,Don McLean onsqueeze -box andWatling on banjo.Background vocalswere supplied byMartha Burns, TerryBurke, Bill McEwenand Marnie Slade.Watling wrote all thematerial on the album.Key tracks are Livin'The Blues and UntilThe Money's Gone. NoStrangers is the secondalbum from Joseph andTheresa Brunell, ahusband and wife duoout ofAustin, Texas. Allsongs were written byJoseph with theexception of LittleCandle Shine, which hewrote with his wife, andI've Seen The Night.

MCA Records recently announced the signing of Canadian country artist Jason McCoy,whose new self -titled album is due for a June release. Pictured are (front row) EdHarris (MCA country product manager), McCoy and Ross Reynolds (MCA president);(back row) Brian Hetherman (MCA AbR director), Randy Lennox (MCA vice-presidentof sales), Ron Kitchener (McCoy's manager) and Stephen Tennant (MCA vice-presidentof marketing).


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