Nn 29 5 issuu

www.noordnuus.co.za Find us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter 2 our birthday nd Celebrate 30 MAY FREE GIVEAWAYS FUN FOR ALL PHOTOBOOTH WORS BRAAI Seun ernstig beseer in vliegongeluk Bo: Jannie Snyders . Regs: Jannie en sy oom, Wynand, wat in dieselfde onge- luk oorlede is. (Foto's: Facebook). By Martie Pretorius ([email protected]) MOKOPANE - The police has issued a warning to business owners and employees to be extra vigilant during load shedding periods as criminals use these time slots to target the victims. Recent incidents of robbery occurred during load shedding periods while shop assistants waited for the electricity to be switched back on, said a police spokesperson on Tuesday. Deur Amanda Basson ([email protected]) LEPHALALE – ‘n Geliefde leerder aan Ellisras Hoërskool (EHS) is in ‘n ernstige toestand in ‘n Pretoriase hospitaal nadat hy en sy oom in ‘n vliegongeluk betrokke was. Wynand Snyders van Kempton Park (49) en Jannie Snyders Jnr (16) ‘n Graad 10 EHS leerder het Sondagoggend met Wynand se mikroligte vliegtuig gevlieg toe dit glo naby die Abbotspoort hospitaal neergestort het. ‘n Inwoner van die omgewing het dit glo gesien gebeur en die nooddienste in kennis gestel. Beide beseerdes is na Witpoort Dis- trik hospitaal in Seleka vervoer. Wynand is dood weens kopbeserings met sy aankoms by die hospitaal. Volgens Magda Reyneke, Jannie se sus- ter, het hy inwendige beserings opgedoen en is per ambulans na Meulmed hospitaal in Pretoria oorgeplaas. Hy het Sondagaand ‘n noodoperasie ondergaan en een van sy niere is verwyder en ‘n dreineringspyp is in sy beseerde long geplaas. Jannie is kritiek maar stabiel en het ‘n bloedoortapping gehad weens inwendige bloedverlies. Hy is tans nog in die inten- siewe sorgeenheid waar hy aansterk. Vol- gens ‘n Facebook-inskrywing deur Magda Woensdagoggend is die respirasie masjiene ontkoppel en gaan dit beter met hom. Na bewering is die ongeluk veroorsaak deur ‘n laagliggende kragdraad. Teen druk- tyd kon dit egter nog nie bevestig word nie. Burgerlugvaart sal egter die ongeluk onder- soek. Intussen het Netwerk24 berig dat ‘n goeie vriend van Wynand ook gesterf het in ‘n soortgelyke ongeluk Dinsdagmiddag naby Springs, Gauteng. Dit is nog nie duidelik wat die ongeluk veroorsaak het nie. Criminals strike during load shedding In most incidents, culprits closely watch the assistants or shop employees as they tend to dwell in front of the shops where they are attacked or cell phones are grabbed. The police furthermore ask businesses and individuals to report any suspicious activity immediately. The load shedding schedule can be found at eskom.loadshedding.co.za or download Grid Watch, a News24 applica- tion, for daily updates and schedules.


Limpopo-based community newspaper for Lephalale & Mokopane

Transcript of Nn 29 5 issuu

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2our birthday ndC elebrate





Seun ernstig beseer in vliegongeluk

Bo: Jannie Snyders .Regs: Jannie en sy oom, Wynand, wat in dieselfde onge-luk oorlede is. (Foto's: Facebook).

By Martie Pretorius ([email protected])

MOKOPANE - The police has issued a warning to business owners and employees to be extra vigilant during load shedding periods as criminals use these time slots to target the victims.

Recent incidents of robbery occurred during load shedding periods while shop assistants waited for the electricity to be switched back on, said a police spokesperson on Tuesday.

Deur Amanda Basson ([email protected])

LEPHALALE – ‘n Geliefde leerder aan Ellisras Hoërskool (EHS) is in ‘n ernstige toestand in ‘n Pretoriase hospitaal nadat hy en sy oom in ‘n vliegongeluk betrokke was.

Wynand Snyders van Kempton Park (49) en Jannie Snyders Jnr (16) ‘n Graad 10 EHS leerder het Sondagoggend met Wynand se mikroligte vliegtuig gevlieg toe dit glo naby die Abbotspoort hospitaal neergestort het.

‘n Inwoner van die omgewing het dit glo gesien gebeur en die nooddienste in kennis gestel. Beide beseerdes is na Witpoort Dis-trik hospitaal in Seleka vervoer. Wynand is dood weens kopbeserings met sy aankoms by die hospitaal.

Volgens Magda Reyneke, Jannie se sus-ter, het hy inwendige beserings opgedoen en is per ambulans na Meulmed hospitaal in Pretoria oorgeplaas.

Hy het Sondagaand ‘n noodoperasie ondergaan en een van sy niere is verwyder en ‘n dreineringspyp is in sy beseerde long geplaas.

Jannie is kritiek maar stabiel en het ‘n bloedoortapping gehad weens inwendige bloedverlies. Hy is tans nog in die inten-siewe sorgeenheid waar hy aansterk. Vol-gens ‘n Facebook-inskrywing deur Magda Woensdagoggend is die respirasie masjiene

ontkoppel en gaan dit beter met hom.Na bewering is die ongeluk veroorsaak

deur ‘n laagliggende kragdraad. Teen druk-tyd kon dit egter nog nie bevestig word nie. Burgerlugvaart sal egter die ongeluk onder-soek.

Intussen het Netwerk24 berig dat ‘n goeie vriend van Wynand ook gesterf het in ‘n soortgelyke ongeluk Dinsdagmiddag naby Springs, Gauteng. Dit is nog nie duidelik wat die ongeluk veroorsaak het nie.

Criminals strike during load sheddingIn most incidents, culprits closely

watch the assistants or shop employees as they tend to dwell in front of the shops where they are attacked or cell phones are grabbed.

The police furthermore ask businesses and individuals to report any suspicious activity immediately.

The load shedding schedule can be found at eskom.loadshedding.co.za or download Grid Watch, a News24 applica-tion, for daily updates and schedules.

www.noordnuus.co.za Noordelike Nuus / Northern News 29 MAY 20152

For news, photo's, events and the weather, visit: www.noordnuus.co.za

By Amanda Basson ([email protected])

LEPHALALE – The local Community Polic-ing Forum (CPF) declared that it is ready to get back to the business of fighting crime in the area.

In a meeting held last Thursday CPF chairperson, Thys Eloff, the CPF announced that he was taking up his position as chair-person again after a voluntary leave of ab-sence during the past month.

The last few months has seen the Lepha-lale CPF riddled with in-fighting that led to Eloff stepping down temporarily in order to address the issues.

Lephalale crime snippets- Three suspects will appeared in Lephalale magistrate court on charges of housebrea-king and theft.- One suspect was arrested for possession of drugs this weekend.- Two suspects were arrested for assault (GBH) this weekend.- Two suspects were arrested on a warrant of arrest for possession of suspected stolen property.- One suspect was arrested for shoplifting last week.

By Amanda Basson ([email protected])

LEPHALALE – Drug abuse and drug dealing has increased dramatically in the area over the past few years. So says Lt Colonel Mot-lau, Lephalale SAPS station commander, who gave a briefing during the CPF meeting last week. “We are struggling to get to the bottom of the drug problem in Lephalale,” Motlau said.

According to a study by the Department of Social Development – Substance use, misuse and abuse amongst the youth in Limpopo Province that was published in 2013 the age of drug users has decreased dramatically. Some of the users who partici-pated in the study were as young as nine (9).

These findings were confirmed by Motlau who said that it is common for them to have to deal with very young children during the course of their work.

“I was shocked when I realised that the

Town performing well against crimeLEPHALALE – Station Commander Lt Colo-nel Motlau, says the Lephalale-area is per-forming well in the fight against crime.

Lt Colonel Motlau addressed the CPF last Thursday and said that his station did well on their quarterly performance review. “The community is our clients and we have to en-sure that they are safe,” he said.

Lephalale was the top performing station in Limpopo for the last three months. “I like to compete with other stations to make sure that I am doing my job properly,” Motlau said.

According to him it is imperative that the community gets involved in the fight against crime. “I am willing to work long hours and give my best, but if I don’t get support from the community I will never win the battle,” he said.

The SAPS is busy with a national crime prevention operation that is focusing on drugs, liquor, illegal land invasions, prosti-tutes, illegal immigrants and human traffick-ing.

Operation Fiela commenced earlier this month and according to Motlau they have already started to see the fruits of this opera-tion.

Four years for homicideLEPHALALE – A man charged with culpable homicide was sentenced to four years in prisonment last week after a stabbing led to the death of a 34-year-old man in March 2014.

Tshepo James Morero was originally charged with murder for stabbing Keifo Moalushi to death on 10 March last year. However, according to W/O Frans Mokoena from the Lephalale Police the charge was changed to culpable homicide after it was found that Morero and the victim were in-volved in a fight at a tavern in Shongwane.

By Martie Pretorius ([email protected])

MOKOPANE - Designer clothing worth more than R100 000 was stolen early this week at Kurt Geiger, a clothing shop at the Crossing Mall where burglars forced entry by smashing the shop’s front door using a stone. Staff arriving for duty on Tuesday morning were shocked to discover that the shop was broken into. No arrests have been made and police investigations continue. Anyone with information is urged to contact the police.

LEPHALALE – The case of the Philip Kgoan-tha (22), who stands accused of killing the 76-year old Susan Kotze was postponed till next month in the local magistrate’s court.

“He will appear again on 5 June,” said Lephalale SAPS spokesperson, W/O Frans Mokoena.

MOKOPANE - The South African National Civic Organisation (SANCO) Mogalakwena Zonal Structure in Limpopo marched to the Mogalakwena Local Municipality (MLM) last Friday. The march was aimed at creating awareness surrounding the issues of service delivery and the alleged corruption within the MLM. SANCO handed over a memorandum to the acting municipal manager, Phuti Selepe, and pointed out certain malpractices they believe are taking place at the municipality. Insert: One of the protesters holding up a board that reads: “SW Kekana is our municipal manager” (William Kekana was dismissed in April). Photo's: Martie Pretorius.

DBV sê dankieMOKOPANE - Die Percy Fyfe Dierebeskermingsvereniging (DBV) het groot dank uitgespreek teenoor die publiek vir hulle bydrae ten opsigte van die 4x4 dag wat Saterdag gedeeltelik ten bate van die vereniging gehou is. Die toegangsgelde by die byeenkoms is dié week deur Die Valke Buurtwag aan die DBV oorhandig. “Dit stop weer ’n paar gate toe,” het Marcelle Maritz, bestuurder van die DBV dankbaar gesê. Hier is Melissa Fourie van die DBV dankbaar vir die kontant skenking wat oorhandig is aan die organisasie te danke aan ’n sukses-volle 4x4 dag se toegangsgelde. - Martie Pretorius

By the people for the people Drug abuse on the increasedrug dealers are targeting these young chil-dren,” Motlau said.

He explains that the current drug of choice for young people is Nyaope - a cock-tail of ingredients containing rat poison, heroin and anti-retroviral drugs that is sold for about R30 a shot.

The study showed that substance abuse is worsened by complex socio-economic challenges such as unemployment, poverty, peer pressure and crime in general. These are all factors that are experienced on a daily basis in Lephalale.

Lt Colonel Motlau urged the community to come forward with information regarding drug dealing to make contact with him. “I will ensure that the right people receive the information so that we can get rid of this problem,” he told the meeting. He assured the community members that all information will be seen as highly confidential.

Murder case postponedKgoantha faces charges of murder and

theft after he allegedly killed Susan Kotze in January this year with a wire coat hanger.

He allegedly fled the scene with two cell-phones, a small amount of cash and Kotze’s bakkie, all of which was recovered by the police. Lephalale CPF back in full swing

Eloff says he is eager to resume his du-ties. “As a community we have to take re-sponsibility for our safety,” he said. People should take the necessary precautions to ensure that they do not fall victim to crime.

“If you leave your front door unlocked when you go out you are being negligent,” El-off said. According to him there is not enough manpower at the SAPS or the CPF to police negligence. “People should not invite crime in,” he said.

Eloff says the CPF’s primary focus will be to get community members involved in their activities and also to raise awareness of spe-cific crimes in the area.

Burglars steal designer clothing

29 MEI 2015 Northern News / Noordelike Nuus www.noordnuus.co.za 3

Crocodiles in local swamp?LEPHALALE – Gompou Street had it’s fair share of visits from reptiles.

According to Marius Koekemoer from the local Reptile Rescue organisa-tion, they caught two crocodiles in different yards in this street. One scaly friend made its appearance about two years ago and another one visited in December last year.

“We also regularly catch snakes there that are drawn by the abun-dant frogs,” said Marius.

By Amanda Basson ([email protected])

LEPHALALE – A massive body of water be-hind Gompou Street in Onverwacht is causing widespread dismay and worry.

Photos shared on the social media net-work, Facebook, this week caused many residents to recoil in disgust. “We have been aware of this problem for a long time,” one resident said, adding that the issue has dragged on for many years with no action from the local municipality.

Aerial photos of the area taken by a resi-dent show a huge area filled with what is thought to be sewage, spreading over several areas of privately-owned land. “My concern is, what would happen if there is a flood and that waste ends up in the drinking water,” one resident said.

The photo’s clearly show that there is only a concrete wall between the water and some of the residential houses in the area. There are houses at the bottom of the street that are not protected by the wall. Northern News visited the area and saw that some of the houses were flooded with dirty water and seems to be uninhabitable.

Another resident of Gompou Street said the smell was unbearable at certain times. “I never realised that the problem might be this big,” she said and also believed that the water was sewage that could pose a health risk and might even be contaminating the underground water.

In 2012, the then municipal manager, Bob Naidoo, said R5-million would be spent on upgrading the town’s pump stations. He also said in January 2014, that plans were in place to upgrade and expand the sewage

system at the Paarl point works.Dr. James Dabrowski, a principal re-

searcher at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) was quoted in a report run by eNCA in October last year, saying that untreated sewage contains high quantities of faecal matter that typically contain pathogenic viruses which in water can spread diseases such as gastroenteritis, giardiasis, hepatitis, typhoid fever, cholera salmonellosis and dysentery. Infections in these diseases are contracted by drinking or swimming in contaminated water or eating food exposed to the water (like irrigated veg-etables).

The Lephalale Municipality responded to queries by saying what is seen on the photo is in fact "treated sewage water from the overflow at Paarl Waste Water Treatment Works."

It says that “council has recently ap-proved a plan by management to [abstract] the treated effluent from Paarl Waste Water for industrial usage.”

Details about the plan for [abstraction] will be provided at a later stage, the munici-pality reports.

According to DA councillor Astrid Basson, while the municipality is aware of the prob-lem, it is not acting fast enough. “I believe the houses should never have been built in that area.”

“Lephalale’s sewage system just doesn’t have the capacity to deal with the waste at this stage,” she says. The DA indicated that it will report the issue to the Green Scorpions.

Most of the water collects on land that is owned by a local resident, Leon Fourie. Fourie says he had experts on his property in

Two men arrested for housebreaking and theftSHONGWANE – Two men were arrested for house-breaking and theft in Shongwane Extension 2 on Mon-day.

According to W/O Frans Mokoena, from the Lephalale police, two men aged 24 and 27 allegedly broke into an elderly lady’s house during the day.

The lady caught them while they were apparently busy removing her wardrobe and other items and tried to alert her neighbours.

The one suspect allegedly tried to put his hand in front of her mouth to stop her from screaming and in the process she bit off the tip of his finger.

The suspects were arrested and will appear in the Lephalale magistrate court on 27 May.

THABAZIMBI - ‘n Wildsveearts van Thabazimbi, Dr. Wilhelm Schack, is verlede Donderdag ernstig beseer toe hy buffels tussen twee plase in die Mookgophong-omgewing verskuif het.

‘n Buffelkoei wat op die oog af te lam was om uit die vrag-motor te klim het skielik opgespring en hom met haar horing gehaak en uit ‘n vragmotor gegooi toe hy inlklim om haar te behandel.

Reinhild Burke, die bemarkingsbestuurder van Schack se wildsbesigheid, Eko Wild, sê Nooddienste is onmiddelik ont-bied en hy is met ‘n helikopter na die Medi-Clinic in Polokwane geneem waar hy behandel is vir die wond aan sy heup waar die koei se horing deur is. Die ligamente in sy linkerhand moes ook weer geheg word.

Hy is Dinsdag uit die hospitaal ontslaan.

Made-made wetland or possible health hazard?

the past to test the water and the local ecology. “This area is a man-made swamp.”

“We need to find a positive solution for a negative situa-tion,” he said.

According to Fourie resi-dents should work with the municipality to maintain and control the swamp. “We need to establish exactly how much water is needed to create a healthy living environment for the fauna and flora in the area. Excess water can be allocated to industries in the community.”

Buffelkoei slinger veearts uit vragmotor

Sit ’n helpende hand by Tafelronde Kameeldoring 92 is trots om aan te kondig dat hulle die “Winter Knights of the Round Table” gaan aanbied om donasies van kos, klere en komberse in te samel op die 5de Junie by die Moko-pane Mall.

Hierdie projek vorm deel van ‘n wel-dadigheid inisiatief wat reg oor die hele Suidelike Afrika aangebied.

Tafelronde Kameeldoring 92 doen ‘n beroep op die mense van Mokopane om op die aand van 5 Junie op die Mokopane Mall toe te sak en donasies van kos, klere en komberse te maak! Alle donasies sal oorgedra word aan verskeie welwillendheid organisasies in die gemeenskap.

Navrae kan gerig word aan Johan (Assie) van Aswegen 073 603 2151.

www.noordnuus.co.za Noordelike Nuus / Northern News 29 MAY 20154


Minda Marshallis married to Thomas Marshall and the dedicated mother of their three children. She is involved in various training and education institutions. She co-pastors Destiny Alive Family Church with her husband Thomas and they oversee CAL, a registered Private FET College and MDA private school in Mokopane. Minda is an educationalist and researcher in reading and has developed innovative reading solutions like LAB-on-line for more than 17 years through their company LectorSA. Minda is passionate about educat-ing and empowering parents, children, teachers and educa-tors to discover their internal strengths and to maximize their abilities. She trains leaders around the world.

Learning curveHumility - the best starting point for learningBy Minda Marshall

We are establishing the importance of building an accurate ‘structure’ into our children. The way we see ourselves and our place in this world is crucial in developing an accurate attitude and view of life. As a parent your role in developing in them a positive way of looking at life is crucial. It is even more important than their ‘formal schooling’.

We live in the ‘age of information’. The environment our children grow up

in can easily give them a false sense of em-powerment that can lead to a loss of wonder and awe for life. This can even create an entitlement to ‘know things’ in our children. The way we are able to access information through modern technology has changed the way we look at life. We live in a ‘quick-fix’ day and time and it is crucial to help our children start their journey to knowledge in the right place.

Thinking ‘I know’ or ‘I’ve heard that be-fore’ will lead to missing out on the wonders of truly knowing.

A mind that is observant is also humble. If we do not want to know, we will never know properly. Being attentive leads to true knowledge. Nurturing humility in our chil-dren is very important in building an accu-rate structure in their lives.

I’ve found that the ‘Habits of Mind’ is a wonderful way to describe the structure we need to build into our children’s hearts and minds in order for them to be successful in life. Horace Mann observed that "a habit is a cable; we weave a thread of it each day, and at last we cannot break it." What are we weaving into our children’s outlook on life?

What is the Habits of Mind? It describes

different ways we act when we behave intelli-gently. These behaviours are a set of problem solving, life-related skills. They help us to develop a way of thinking and understanding our world. They develop ‘grit’, creativity and skills in our children. Let’s take a look at the first of these ‘Habits of Mind’; Responding with ‘Wonderment and Awe.’

Albert Einstein said: ‘The most beautiful experience in the world is the experience of the mysterious.’ This way of looking at life leaves us intrigued by the world's beauty, by nature's power and the vastness of the uni-verse. We look for the ‘wow’-factor around us and are open to the small and big surprises in life. A beautiful sunrise, a small flower along the roadside, a child laughing for joy.

Many people live life by just ‘going through the motions’, or ‘getting through the day’, but to be successful in life you must have a passion for what you do. Scientific studies have proven that people who live ef-fective lives have not only an "I can" attitude but also an “I love doing this” attitude. One such a person is chemist Ahmed H. Zewail, a Nobel Prize winner, who said that he had a passion to understand fundamental process-es: ‘I love molecules. I want to understand why they do what they do’.

Sometimes we avoid problems and don’t like to learn. I’ve heard children saying ‘I ‘m not good at this or that,’ or ‘Who cares,’ or even ‘I don't do thinking!’

But if we as parents want to take up the responsibility to set our children up for suc-cess we would encourage them to be curious, to take a keen interest in the world around them, to think about the changing formations of a cloud, to be amazed at the opening of a flower, to find joy in the awesome beauty of a Bushveld sunset. We would want them to live in a place of ‘Yes, I can!’

Intelligent people find intrigue in the or-dered shape of a spider web, and excitement in the beauty of a hummingbird. We live in a beautiful part of South Africa, use this en-vironment to create a sense of awe in your child.

Take time to lie on the grass with your child, flat on your back, and discuss the formation of the clouds. Talk to them about the challenges we face with adequate food supply for future on earth, discuss different solutions with them at dinner table. Set their minds free by opening their hearts to ‘Re-sponding with wonderment and awe’ at the world around them.

We want our children to be enthusiastic and passionate about learning, asking ques-tions, and understanding new knowledge. In this way we are building a structure for suc-cess into our children.

At our next meeting we will discover more of the ‘Habits of Mind.’

30 MeiKoffie en Sjokolade dag – AGS El Bet-el – Kontak Emm 082 417 7095 vir besprekings

6 JunieBoere Rumoer Dag – Hervormde kerk Ebenhaeser – Navrae Rita: 083 328 4465Matric Farewell Fund Raiser Champagne Breakfast – Laerskool Ellisras Primary – Contact Rina 084 414 4892

12 JunieLaerskool Ellisras 90ste bestaansjaar konsert. Navrae 014 763 2106

18 Junie09:00 Landelike Veiligheid Vergadering – Agri-kantore. Skakel Sandra 014 763 1888 vir navrae14:00 Gemeenskap Polisiëring Vergadering – Mogolklub. Skakel Thys Eloff 082 588 8305

19 JunieJuanita du Plessis – Mogol Sportsaal. Contact 082 979 6475

4 JulieDBV dag by Junction. Skakel Mariaan vir navrae 079 398 6784

8-11 JulieBosveldfees by Mogolklub

16 JulieVLU Sjokoladewerkswinkel by Mogolklub funksiesaal.Besprekings Ria Strydom 084 520 0120.

30 MeiVan Niekerk Voere Familie Markdag. Chantelle 076 235 4205.Boerebasaar. AP Kerk Potgietersrus h/v JG Strydom & Pretorius. NG Kerk-Oos Dankfees by die kerkterrein. Navrae 015 491 4706.

27 JunieKinder Ouerdag by Piet Potgieter Ouetehuis vanaf 9:00 tot 10:00 met ’n pannekoek ontbyt teen R30 per person. Om 10:30 word n kort vergadering gehou waarna Rouel Beukes (Die oupa in die fliek Liefling) as gaskunstenaar sal optree. RSVP 23 Junie 2015 by tel. no. 015 491 6315.

21 AugustusKANSA Relay for Life by Hoërskool Piet Potgieter. Leon Koekemoer 082 894 3045. Stal-letjies kan bespreek word by Thea 078 744 7252.

Lephalale Dagboek

Mokopane Dagboek

MOKOPANE - Waterberg TVET College hosted the 2015 Open Day aimed at high school learners in Grade 11 and 12 on May 21 at the Business Studies Centre in Mahwelereng.

This event presented an ideal oppor-tunity for school-going learners to explore the vast range of study options that the College is offering. More than 600 learners were afforded an opportunity to find out for themselves exactly what certain fields of study entail.

The College believes that an oppor-tunity to speak to someone face-to-face about the different academic programmes and what they involve is vital to making the

Open day at Waterberg TVET Collegeappropriate study choices.

Schools present included Fred Ledwaba High School, EDL Rampola Secondary School, Somavugha Secondary School, Tjitji-la Secondary School, Gwenane High School, Tetema Secondary School, Kgatiya Moshate Secondary School, Langalibalele Secondary School, Ntata High School and Nkakabidi Secondary School.

Activities for the day included, informa-tion sharing on financial assistance, personal interaction with current students and lectur-ers, campus tour and exposure to some of the facilities on campus. The College really cares about the future leaders of this country, Together Ensuring Success.

29 MEI 2015 Northern News / Noordelike Nuus www.noordnuus.co.za






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www.noordnuus.co.za Noordelike Nuus / Northern News 29 MAY 2015 6



















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MOKOPANE - BB Auto verwelkom sy nuwe werkswinkel diens bestuurder, Baan van Zyl, wat onlangs by die Nissan familie in dié dorp aangesluit het. Van Zyl is baie gesteld op kliënte diens en onderneem om die eks-tra myl te stap om ten alle tye kliënte tevre-denheid na te streef.

Die werkswinkel en onderdele afdel-ing loop hand-aan-hand om ’n seepgladde werkvloei te verseker. ’n Goeie verhouding tussen die twee afdelings, sê Van Zyl, is van uiters belang om sodoende te kan bydra tot effektiewe en doeltreffende dienslewering en om te verseker dat standaarde gehandhaaf word. “Effektiewe kommunikasie bewerkstel-lig effektiewe funksionering,” voeg van Zyl by.

“In vandag se besige lewe waar mense dikwels van hulle voertuie afhanklik is, is tyd van kardinale belang. Daarom beskik ons werkswinkel oor toepaslike spasie en ons dienspunte kan 12 motors gerieflik ak-kommodeer,” sê van Zyl. Gekwalifiseerde ambagsmanne maak gebruik van die nuutste diagnose tegnologie en diensadviseurs is tot klante se diens om waarborg eise betyds en sonder beslommernis te behartig.

BB Auto se onderdele verskaffingsdiens verkoop ook verskillende voertuig bybehore en ekstras. Dié afdeling se vriendelike bestu-urder, Zerilda Moolman, en haar span nooi voertuig eienaars om vir hulle te gaan kuier vir die verskaffing van onderdele op alle voer-tuig make, hoofsaaklik Nissan.

LEPHALALE – Wilmari Muller van Hardekool Akademie is gekies vir die O/13 Bokkieweek redenaarsspan. Die week sal van 7 -11 Julie in Kroonstad plaasvind.


Kliënte diens is eerste prioriteitLinks: BB Auto se onderdele-afdeling en werkswinkel personeel saam met die nuwe diens bestuurder, Baan van Zyl. Voor van links: Zerilda Moolman (onderdele bestuurder), Shannen Blignaut (onderdele admin klerk), Piet Mashishi (vakleerling), Janarize van Deventer (diens adviseur en waarborg klerk), Thea van Rooyen (diens adviseur) en Henry Wepener (vakleerling). Agter: Martin van Onselen (onderdele konsultant), Martin Kruger (vakleerling), Baan van Zyl (werkswinkel diens bestuurder), Christo Pretorius (voertuig werktuigkundige) en Fanie van Deventer (voertuig werktuigkundige).

Redenaar trots

LEPHALALE – Harde werk en hope talent het daartoe bygedra dat Jandri Venter verlede week tot die o/13 Bokkieweek netbalspan gekies is. Die Bokkieweek bestaan uit 15 unies oor bykans die hele land wat teen mekaar meeding in rugby, netbal en redenaars. Hulle sal gedurende die week van 2-10 Julie te Kroonstad aan verdere proewe deelneem.

Jandri gekies vir netbal

NG Oos Gemeente se DankfeesMOKOPANE - Dit is tyd vir NG Oos Gemeen-te se Dankfeees Basaar op 30 Mei 2015 op hul kerkterrein.

Heerlik en volop eetgoed gaan beskikbaar wees. Vleis van baie goeie gehalte en netjies verpak; koeke, terte, kleinkoekies en beskuit; nagereg; pannekoeke (soet en sout); jaffels; kerrie en rys; wors en sosatie broodjies; gevulde vetkoeke; hamburgers en skyfies; en 'n teetuin waar u n heerlik kan ontspan.

Kom kyk gerus - te veel om op te noem.Vir enige verdere navrae. skakel gerus die

kerkkantoor by 015 491 4706 (soggens).

29 MEI 2015 Northern News / Noordelike Nuus www.noordnuus.co.za 7

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The Colonel

is in you


and serving



Hulle selfvertroue skort niks!MOKOPANE - Hierdie groep leerders van Hoërskool Piet Potgieter het op 6 Mei elkeen ’n sertifikaat ontvang vir deelname aan ’n interne “public speaking” kompetisie. Die kompetisie is by die skool gehou.

Mokopane Primary School’s proud Drummies declares victory after their participation at the “Day of Stars” Drummies compe-tition that was held at Laerskool Krugerpark last week Saturday. They achieved an astonishing nine winning places and four second places in different categories.

Quiz whizzes!MOKOPANE - Lizel Kgahlane, Tshegofatso Kganyago, Madraai Ngwantamo and Mgidi Tsefofatso from Mokopane Primary School boast with a third place in the South African Agency for Science and Technology Advancement (SAASTA) Road Science Quiz while competing against seven schools on 24 April.

MOKOPANE - Drie van Hoërskool Piet Potgieter se atlete het die af-gelope naweek in Bela-Bela aan die Limpopo Biathle Kampioenskappe deelgeneem en uitstekend presteer.

Kurt Kruger en Cobus van Wyk het beide goue medaljes opgeraap; en Danré Grové ’n silwer medalje. Al drie die atlete is in die Limpopo-span opgeneem en het gekwalifiseer om aan die SA Kampioenskappe in Oos-Londen gedurende die vakansie te gaan deelneem. Hulle het ook gekwalifiseer om aan die Triathle SA Kampioenskappe in Oos-Londen te gaan deelneem. Die skool het hulle gelukgewens.

Drummies triumph

Biathle atlete skitter

Deur Fransa de Beer

LEPHALALE - Op 20 Mei speel die Rassies netbal-ligawedstryde tuis teen Hoërskool Piet Potgieter op Ellisras Hoërskool (EHS) se bane. Die Rassies het die Pot-ties behoorlik beetgekry! Die Rassies wen alles behalwe die eerste span; o//14 Ras-sies wen 13-8, o/15 wen 13-7, o/16 wen 12-4, die tweede span wen 14- 8. Die Rassies se eerste span verloor 8-14. Die wedstryde het in baie goeie gees afgeloop.

Netbal: Rassies vs Potties

Bo: Die Rassies se tweede span. Links is die o/14 span.

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Cobus van Wyk, Kurt Kruger en Danré Grové van Hoërskool Piet Potgieter skitter as atlete in Biathle en mik om groot hoogtes te bereik vir hulle deelname aan die Triathle SA Kampioenskappe.

LEPHALALE – Die dorp bars met trots oor sewe leerders van Laerskool Ellisras wat vir die Limpopo Blou Bulle span gekies is.

RF Schoeman, Jan du Plessis en Es-tiaan Higgo is vir die o/12 span gekies. Ruan Basson, Pitso Ramatshela, Thinus van der Westhuizen en JP van Staden is vir die o/13 span gekies. Volgens Mariaan van der Westhuizen, Thinus se ma, gaan hulle vir die volgende paar naweke druk besig wees met rugby wedstryde. "Ons gaan hierdie naweek Pretoria toe, die naweek daarna is ons by Krugersdorp en in Julie moet ons Sasolburg toe gaan," het Mariaan gesê. Soos wat maar altyd die geval is is daar kostes verbonde aan die proewe.

“Ons moet R5 320 per kind betaal wat gekwalifiseer het waarvan helfte teen Vrydag (vandag) betaal moet word," het Mariaan gesê. Die grootste gedeelte van die geld gaan aangewend word vir rugby-truie en ander toerusting wat die kinders moet hê.

Plaaslike seuns is Blou Bulle se trotsLinks: Ruan Basson, Pitso Ramatshela, Thinus van der Westhuizen en JP van Staden.

Onder: RF Schoeman, Jan du Plessis en Estiaan Higgo is vir die Limpopo Blou Bulle span gekies.

29 MEI 2015 Northern News / Noordelike Nuus www.noordnuus.co.za 9

Laerskool Krugerpark het behoorlik met hulle onderskeie talente gewoeker tydens die on-langse Bosveld Kunstefees. Hier is van die mees talentvolle leerders.

MOKOPANE - Die Trompoppies van Laer-skool Krugerpark het verlede Saterdag aan hulle tweede kompetisie, die “Day of Stars-kompetisie” op die skool se velde deelge-neem en hulle goed van hul taak gekwyt.

Hulle spog met drie eerste plekke, vier tweede plekke, een derde- en een vierdeplek.

Hulle uitslae is soos volg:Die vlag groep behaal ’n vierde plek.Die Throwing prop groep behaal ’n

tweede plek en die Pom/non-prop groep ’n welverdiende tweede plek.

Die Small drill groep behaal ’n tweede plek. In hierdie afdeling het hulle hoofleidster

Krugiess woeker met talente

Hierdie senior leerders het elkeen ‘n A+++ verower.

Die skool se talent-volle junior leerders is baie trots op hulle A++ en of A+++’e

Trompoppies pronk by kompetisie

Dié spog baadjies is deur Roman en Gienia Fidydek van RJ Windows en Mike Rondel van HIA Rigging geborg. Die trompoppies bedank hulle hartlik hiervoor.

’n tweede plek behaal en die sub-leidsters het ’n eerste plek behaal. Die vlag groep het ’n derde plek behaal.

Die Large drill groep behaal ook ’n tweede plek. Hier het die hoofleidster ’n eerste plek behaal en die sub-leidsters, ’n tweede plek. Die vlag groep het ook ’n eerste plek behaal.

Martie Viljoen, die trompoppie afrigter bedank al die ouers wat hulle ondersteun en gehelp het met die kompetisie. Al die borge is ook vir hulle bydraes bedank.

Die trompoppies se Provinsiale kompe-tisie vind plaas op 13 Junie op die ou Pieter Mokaba Stadion in Polokwane.

Tiaan wen eerste duiwe wedvlugMOKOPANE – Die wedvlug seisoen van die Sportman Amateur Posduifklub het op 22 Mei begin.

Die eerste wedvlug was vanaf Kempton Park af en is gewen deur Tiaan Marais. Kort op sy hakke was Fanie Viljoen, Johan van Zyl, Barend van Biljon, Louis Rossouw, Joggie Engelbrecht, Hannes Bronkhorst en

Derek van Rooyen.Dit het ook onder die klub se aandag

gekom dat daar sprake is dat die DBV duiwesport wil teiken oor die afstande wat gevlieg word en dat die moontlikheid besta-an dat wedvlugte nie vêrder as 1000km gevlieg mag word nie. ’n Regsuitspraak in die verband word eersdaags verwag.

LEPHALALE - Laerskool Bosveld Primary het Laerskool Krugerpark onlangs gepak om ‘n belangrike ligawedstryd gespeel.

Hierdie wedstryd het vir die Bossies die verskil gemaak tussen ‘n tweede plek en ‘n derde plek op die punteleer.

Die o/9’s het met 27-5 geseëvier en die tweedes het met ‘n drie in die doodsnikke

Bossies o/9 en tweedes klim punteleervan die wedstryd hul oorwinning van 21-19 beklink.

Die o/10-spannetjie het met 5-24 verloor, die o/11’s met 0-17 en die derde span met 0-29. Die eerste span was baie ongelukkig en het net-net vasgeval met 12-15.

Die twee spanne sal in Junie aan die Limpopo halfeindstryd gaan deelneem.

Op die foto is Johan van Heerden en die o/9-spannetjie van Laerskool Bosveld Primary..

MOKOPANE - Op 16 Mei het Mokopane se Karatekas aan die Shukohai Noorde-like streekskampioenskap by WITS Universiteit deelge-neem. Deville Erasmus het sy opponente gewys wie is baas en het ‘’n baie verdi-ende silwer gewen. Stephan Le Roux het goed sy man gestaan en het in beide kata en kumite ‘n brons verower. Fralize van der Hoven het gewys dat meisies ook vir hul self kan opstaan en het ’n welver-diende silwer in haar kumite gewen. Pietie Vogel het sy staal gewys en het ook deelgeneem. Foto en artikel deur Adele Essakow

Karatekas neem deel aan streekskampioenskappe

Voor: Deville Erasmus (Silver - Kumite), Stephan Le Roux (2 Brons - Kata en Kumite), Fralize vd Hoven (Silver - Kumite). Agter: Pietie Vogel en Sensei N. Gouveia.

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MOKOPANE - Laerskool Krugerpark se o/10-A netbalspan het onlangs as wenners van die Waterberg liga uitgetree. Hulle het in 7 uit 8 wedstryde skoonskip gemaak en die agste gelykop gespeel. Hulle is voor van links: Jana Nel, Fralize van der Hoven, Zia Boltman en Jovonika du Plessis. Agter: Jana de Kok, Jana Kruger, Angelique Nelson, Loumari Hawken en Anneri Pretorius.

MOKOPANE - Mokopane Primary School held a hockey festival last week Saturday to search for and to promote talent within the community.

Tiisetso Langa and Motlalepula Malatji were announced as the best players of the festival. They were also chosen to play for the circuit and district 10. The organizers sincerely thanked Folang Trust, Zebro Chickens, Bafana Cash Loans and all the parents who contributed to a success-ful day.

MODIMOLLE – Verlede Saterdag het die Rassies vertrek op ‘n koue, vroeë oggend na Modimolle vir ‘n baie geslaagde sportdag teen Nylstroom. Net die o/14 Rassies het verloor, maar die res wen oortuigend.

Die o/15 Rassies wen 39-8, o/16 Rassies ransel die Nylies af vir 45-11. Die tweede span wen 10-5 en die eerste spanne speel gelykop na ‘n verwoede stryd 24-24.

Die Rassies se hokkie was minder geslaagd. Net die o/15’s kon daarin slaag om 3-1 te wen. Die Rassies se netbal het ook effe vasgeval. Die tweede span wen 15-9 en o/16 Ras-sies wen 21-18. Die o/15’s verloor net-net met 12-14, die tweedes met 11-17 en die eerstes 15-28.Foto's en artikel: Fransa de Beer

Netbalspelers maak skoonskip Ellisras Hoërskool pak Nylstroom

Bo: Michael Kotze speel ‘n barshou! Links: Só keer jy nie vir Gerrie Blom (o/15) nie - hy het sommer 'n paar drieë gedruk.Onder: Calvin Jupin en sy trotse pa.

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Hockey festival promotes talent

Top: Mokopane Primary School’s hockey boys who participated in the school’s hockey festival last week Saturday.

Left: Mokopane Primary School’s hockey girls who participated in last week Saturday’s hockey festival.

Húlle fokus op ernstige rugby

MOKOPANE - Dié rugbyspelers van Hoërskool Piet Potgieter is gekies vir die Limpopo blou bul rugby spanne. Hulle is van links, Marnus Uys, AJ Wil-lemse, Gideon van der Walt, Melvin Matlala, Jan-Dirk van Eck, Louis Wessels en JD Vorster. Afwesig, Driekus Kleynhans (kaptein).

29 MEI 2015 Northern News / Noordelike Nuus www.noordnuus.co.za 15

Deur Martie Pretorius ([email protected])

MOKOPANE - Alhoewel Hoërskool Piet Pot-gieter se eerste rugby-span nie tydens hulle heel laaste wedstryd op hulle tuisveld as oorwinnaars uitgetree het nie, het hulle tog hulle goed van hul taak gekwyt.

Hulle het verlede Saterdag tydens die wintersport, kragte gemeet teen Hoërskool Ben Viljoen van Groblersdal.

HPP moes egter die onderspit delf met ‘n eindtelling van 36-29 in Ben Viljoen se guns.

Die wedstryd was belaai met hardloop-rugby en die speler van die wedstryd was Driekus Kleynhans.

Goeie laaste wedstryd op tuisveldLouis Wessels van Hoërskool Piet Potgieter se eerste span kyk sy teenstander van Ben Viljoen vierkantig in die oë

Melvin Matlala in besit van die bal.

Sportdag vir twee plaaslike skole

LEPHALALE – Laerskool Bosveld Primary en Laerskool Ellisras het teen oponente van Laerskool Vaalwater en Laerskool Unitas te staan gekom verlede naweek. Volgens die skole fokus hulle nie op tellings met die kleintjies nie om sodoende spanbou en goeie sportmanskap aan te moedig.

Rugbyspelers van Hoërskool Piet Potgieter wat gekies is vir die Bokkieweek spanne in Julie is van links: Adriaan Jordaan, Henco Venter, Waldo Kruger, Johnty Darvall, Luandro Cangueiro, Brandon Collins, Colin Steyn en Driekus Kleynhans. Afwesig: JC Venter.

Gekies vir Bokkieweek rugby

LEPHALALE – Laerskool Bosveld Primary en Laerskool Ellisras het Saterdag aan ‘n sportdag deelgeneem. Al die o/6 – o/9 netbal dogtertjies het deelgeneem, en alhoewel daar gemengde uitslae was het elke dogter hulle beste gedoen en die dag baie geniet.

Lephalale mini-netbal kook!

Alles regstreeks.

Vrydag 29 Mei: Fietsry: Giro d’Italia, skof 19 (236 km) 14:30 tot 17:30 op SS8Gholf: Ierse Ope, dag 2, Newcastle 13:00-19:00 op SS5Byron Nelson, dag 2, Irving, Texas 22:00-01:00 op SS1 en GDNKrieket: Engeland t Nieu-Seeland, tweede toets, dag 1, 11:45 tot 20:00 op SS7Netbal: SA Premierliga: Jaguars t Flames, Stings t Fireballs en Diamonds t Sunbirds 17:45 tot 22:45 op Kanaal 210Rugby: Superreeks: Crusaders t Hurricanes 09:00 tot 11:30 op SS1 en GDNBrumbies t Bulls 11:30-14:00 op SS1 / M-NetSharks t Rebels 18:30-21:30 op SS1 / M-Net Sokker: Cosafabeker, plaat-eindstryd 16:45 tot 19:00 op SS4Tennis: Roland Garros, dag 6,10:45 tot 22:00 op SS2 en 11:00 tot 22:00 op SS 6

Saterdag 30 Mei: Atletiek: Prefontaine Classic, Eugene, Oregon 22:00 tot 00:00 op SS6Fietsry: Giro d’Italia, skof 20 (196 km) 14:30 tot 17:30 op SS8Gholf: Ierse Ope, dag 3, 15:00 tot 18:30 op SS

SuperSport skedule vir die naweek5 en 16:15 tot 18:30 op GDNByron Nelson, dag 3, 19:00 op SS5 / GDN Krieket: Engeland t Nieu-Seeland, tweede toets, dag 2, 11:45 tot 19:55 op SS7Motorfietsrenne: Moto GP: Italiaanse kwalifiser-ing 13:55 tot 15:00 op SS5Motorrenne: Nascarreeks 20:00-22:00 SS8Indycarreeks, Detroit 1, 22:00-00:30 op SS8Netbal: Premierliga: Stings t Crinums en Fire-balls t Flames 16:15-20:00 op Kanaal 210Padwedloop: Stockholm-marathon 11:50 tot 15:25 op SS6Rugby: Superreeks: Highlanders t Chiefs – 09:00-11:30 op SS1 en GDNForce t Reds 11:30 tot 14:00 op SS 1 en GDNStormers t Cheetahs 16:30-19:00 op SS1 en M-NetLions t Waratahs 10:00-21:00 op SS1 / M-Net Vodacombeker, eindstryd 14:00-16:15 op SS1 en GDNEngelse Premierliga-eindstryd: Bath t Saracens 15:25 tot 17:30 op SS6 Skole: Witteberg t Voortrekker Bethlehem – 13:55 tot 15:30 op Kanaal 210 Sokker: Cosafabeker: Uitspeel om derde plek 14:45 tot 17:15 op SS 4Cosafabeker-eindstryd – 17:15-20:00 op SS4 Tennis: Roland Garros, dag 7.10:45 tot 22:00 op SS 2 en 17:30 tot 22:00 op SS 6

oordelike uus orthern ewsN NAitblinkerschievers


Martie Pretorius ([email protected])

MOKOPANE – Niks minder as 100 gholfspelers het die AGS Groeipunt Gemeente se jaarlikse gholfdag verlede Saterdag op die Kameeldoring Buiteklub se gholfbaan ondersteun. “Dit was ’n aansienlike groei in vergelyking met vorige jare se opkoms,” het pastoor Richard Vigus baie dank-baar na afloop van die gholfdag tydens die prysuitdeling gesê.

Die wenners van die gholfdag met 49 punte was Tony Hawken and Shaun McGrath. Kort op hulle hakke met 48 punte was Freddie van Wyk en Pottie Potgieter en in die derde plek met 47 punte was Keith Freeman en Keagen Ross.

Naaste aan die pen op putjie 3 was Benjamin Bopape. Naaste aan die pen op putjie 6 was Koos Meyer. Naaste aan die pen op putjie 13 was H. Nel en naaste aan die pen op putjie 17 was Tony Hawken.

Die kerk het hulle opregte dank uitgespreek teenoor al die borge wat tot die gholfdag se sukses bygedra het.

100 spelers by kerk gholfdag

Bo: Die wenners van die AGS Groeipunt Gemeente se jaarlikse gholfdag, Tony Hawken en Shaun McGrath. By hulle in die middel, Martin McKenzie as verteenwoordiger van die AGS Groeipunt Gemeente.

Regs bo: Pottie Potgieter en Freddie van Wyk spog met tweede plek wat hulle tydens die AGS Groeipunt Gemeente se jaarlikse Gholfdag behaal het. Heel regs, Martin McKenzie, die kerk se verteenwoordiger.

Regs: Keagen Ross en Keith Freeman het die derde plek ingeneem na hulle kragte gemeet het by die AGS Groeipunt Gemeente se gholfdag verlede Saterdag.