

Transcript of Nj

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By Neil Jensen

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Page 3-Properties

Page 4-Sediments

Page 5-Ooze

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Properties Water is mainly made up of hydrogen

and oxygen. (It’s sign is H2O.) It is essential to every living being. Did you know that 70% of our bodies is water? It is vital, I tell you! VITAL!

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Sediments Ocean sediments are founded by

materials that collect on the ocean floor. Some sediments come from eroded land rocks. Dust and ash from volcanoes sink to the ocean floor. Dust from space also falls and sinks to the ocean floor.

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Ooze Ooze is made of remains, organic waste

.and various liquids. It covers about 30 percent of the ocean surface. These materials mix with dust, clay, and water to form……


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Page 7-Stages

Page 8-Pivot Animation

Page 9-What the Water Cycle does

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Stages The 4 stages of the water cycle are:

1. Evaporation 2. Condensation 3. Precipitation 4. Runoff

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I made a Pivot animation, but it wouldn’t attach to PowerPoint. So this is just a blank slide.

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What the Water Cycle does

There is only a finite amount of water on earth, but it seems as the water always replenishes itself. It does NOT.The water that was rain today was the water in the rainstorm two weeks ago. What caused the same rain to fall 2 weeks later? THE WATER CYCLE!

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Page 11-Continental Margin

Page 12-Trenches

Page 13-Seamounts and Guyots

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Continental Margin The continental margin divides a continent from

the ocean floor. The edges of the continents extend into the oceans. At first, the continent slopes gently down under the ocean. This area is called the continental shelf. In some places, it is very narrow. In others, it extends for more than 150 km! Beyond that is the continental slope. It is steeper than the continental shelf. It ends at the ocean floor. This is the continental margin!!!

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TrenchesThe ocean floor has deep trenches, or underwater canyons. The deepest of these is the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean. This trench is more than 11,000 meters deep. Mt. Everest could fit inside there and still be 2,000 meters from the ocean floor. That’s deep.

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Seamounts and GuyotsThere are many mountains scattered around the ocean floor. These are called seamounts. Seamounts were once active volcanoes. The ones that go above the surface are called volcanic islands. The Hawaiian Islands are a good example of these. Some seamounts have a haircut (that is, they have a flat top). These are called guyots.

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Page 15-Tides

Page 16-Currents

Page 17-The Moon and Water

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TidesThe water level of the ocean rises and falls throughout the day. Early in the day, ocean water rises and covers part of the beach. Later in the day, the ocean level falls. The beach is exposed. These regular changes in ocean levels are called tides.

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CurrentsThe water in earth’s oceans is always moving. Differences in density cause the water to move to different places. These movements are called currents. Water can also move because of different temperatures. These are called heat currents.

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Wind and WaterWind moves water in a variety of ways. In a hurricane, wind will push water up onto the shore and flood cities. Wind also helps the currents by pushing water along them. Therefore, water in Massachusetts can reach Britain in 8 days without wind, but with wind, it could get there in 3 days.

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Page 19-How Do Humans Affect Water

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How do Humans Affect Water?

Humans affect water in a lot of ways, but most of them are negative. We dump waste in the ocean. We spill oil, killing many animals. We need to reverse these behaviors now in order to help our waters.

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By Neil Jensen