nit: II OIIX TAIN MIL.I-KR. - MSU ·...

nit: II OIIX T A I N MIL.I-KR. A> \I rill.NTM \U«IUTIVI. Wll'.nii \N TB

Transcript of nit: II OIIX TAIN MIL.I-KR. - MSU ·...

n i t :

II OIIX T A I N MIL.I-KR. A> \I r i l l .NTM \ U « I U T I V I .

Wll'.nii \ N TB



rft . i . rJ • public ' !.«*, «••


and near •

Irr lu the t l i ipuui I •


• • • ap j ia r r l . • •

I •

hsrafc) 11M in orapin. U mourn.

No. 254.




IH .|i-l.,, 1 ! | - -.,.1 .-I

IT II llic glory of Iht Goipvl, lint ii i* nilaptrd to the wnaNueM •ml winn uf »i.t: »t»l rqniHv lalfe

'Ml Auilmr. iliai, while b« " i r r l l " "Willi Mm • M I1L-1 It

Such a »piril wat peTMMi


, ' Immblif . illlpg ehuseieriillr of ihf tmliildul whoi« hi'a>

• trailer, in • •implr. Dun-^iC","i*<' n*x***fw of Jact:

n Hi i u almuliho V i l l-*»i l l r I;,.-,] in „ n i . at the I IK I I frrrnl Ml t f *

dif beautiful r»n$« "f dM Orc«n MomiaiMi . , J mrae liuiidrtd» ^f mile, in • nuriJirrlr ill-

2 THE *..i \ i >i\ H U H . [1

rection, near the vratern boundirr of Nrv-Knaland. I have learned lint lie I U bom. June. I TO, in Bridge-wmirr, a En) mi l . , from Bo.lon. In Ma*.»ehu.cii*; and lhal he early imbibed and rhcri*hed the fnuimrnt. lhal rrttrnei morality, without a ihangt of heart, may ttctm the taleation *./ tht toil.

IVciirnarv, hv the •tru>>>l« for nur nation** independence. Muced him l i \ZT> la •e<k a rraid.nee fur linn..If and • n-ing family i m o i i ont f..i..t- of tin- mountain*. ahcrc hi* a i ionn laid open a Ipol .umcicnity larcr for tin VtcUo* of a eol-l i j tr , ihc a*d< ra eompoacd of llic log* he

and the roof a u covered wlih bark or flat i l lp* of n

mike Dew inroad, upon I and at length, by ihc fruit- <; I • cecdod in pforidini Tor Ml wife and Utile one a more convenient though humble habitation, and storing i l with a •tiffi-riency - f id. noce. • Bote. when sotUai

• ..iinl tln-ilulV, h< I called hi* boaachoM •romd him to eflei morning and ercnirtg dcvoiiona; for having undertaken to procure

| lit*. own right. • ;lit family Hi commute a part Of lL And MI valcfaful

WU In' 0 » « l.iii)»clf. lha l . i <-anyiflld)n| (i . >tcrameni.

urirjfi at ihi allotn I mce, and hi* billrroppo-liii-ii |Q i h . dletinnlfhing ilocirine* of E<an-•Miieil religion. hi . life via, in the ncro f lho .e around Mm, l.iamclraa.

Boca V M J o a i n B U M VTMO, la ITS*, * yoarol (TMl acarcily of DroviiJotM, God u ' fit to leach him the

u r of hi . bean by a rarv aJDrtlve di.pen**-• -'wenl from ban i lb hia vile.

at about 8 o'clock ihc alarm vaa gi*rn lhathli liouae vaa In flame*. They ha tar to b< urattod. The boBM V». fnn.wmed, *nd Vith il neirlv all ihr

I ., • ihl I m = » hour th« ft ml* of nearly ten year*, ami he aav little ia

but lha vratcheaneaa ol abiolvU famine. I l ' r . h- ( ,|, |,f,iHnblv fur thr firat limp, that he hid

go true nbtalialoa to the will of God. He could not wy.

— — • I

3] HIM «Or»T*IK *ILL*»- •

"Thy will be done." Qii heart refined agam.i B in • 1 rders .11 thlafl well, and whose iind preservation of hit children railed loudly for gratitude. TU" I ™ " •artoaal* i« nuatUoa -ti.ii.rr bk ratifion *»• "ich at would siand the leal of ihe last day. H« found he r.iuld noi endure ihe irials of ihli lift, and he trembled, in *i*"W of the retributions of eternity. For a time he struggled to banish the un«elrome thought, in hi- BtMlii vii!r i..r bit familv ; but when ihe abundant rr.iji. of the s»reee»lii)([ HDHMf rcmoiod ihr ocra.i'Ui of this aniiely, hit rrh.h fnr earthly pur.uiis died away. and he hid now

uilly wrarv of In. fruition endearora lo work out a of hi. own.

• Thus W H he prepared, in ihi MfalaftOfla protidenca of Cod, forib* . i- . iol the Hoi] Bpirh W "convince him oi 4 B , of righleotunaaa, and of • jadiraaal io coine." He VH brought lo sec. lliai the law uf God la " exceed­ing broad." intending not to ihr external action I in to M lltC thoughts and intent, of the heart;" thai hil sina were immeasurably great; thai " all hi* righteous-»f'"> were a- fillhv rags i" and lhal ihr day of final judg-meni wat but a little way before him. He saw the »rsth of Gotl revealed agamat' him. and neither »C I iti ju.tiee. nor perceived any war of escape He betook himself to ihe Scripture.. and began lo sear.l. tfcofl la carneal fur . .-"Main no promises

or bletalng* for linn. tie was ready lo despair of ever v. r.ury day. inn) aon> I

ihe day, he would retire lo Ihe forest with hi. Iliblc. and ihrre attempt to breathe out his pnjrU 10 fa ihr -lately trees, and whom he had an grievonsly

Thor.lsararv brean bafw Were vocal wilh ihe praises of their Cranio* J but their aong waa inin|*lid only with his biltef lamentations, and lili rending cries for mercy, lo a God who" conli! not sing.

Every thing he met «cemed lo concur with hii own conscience in showing him ihe magnitude of hia atna, and deepening his imprcatJotM of the rvaliiic i

When hiking hi. Indian corn, with hi. little sons beside hiai. ihe separation of ihe (rood ears from the bad so forcibly reminded him of the awful separation o'

1 1MB HOlSttl* MILLER. [ 4

the l amby. mhn ho expecltd u> hear the uab

Girl y< rni*i il," ihat he enuld not coatimM hi« i»ork. Dt WU compelled abruptly to rrtin I in lit ibCM im-

prr«»ioni- In- wmt to bit impenitent wife, thinking thai be could conlnco hrr tifihe. danger to whirli I bclh rvpoacd; bin he found thai the Lord ..niveau alfcet

T o n if eontinaed bnnie «laWn witb a icm« of hi* tin-fulncM.Buii "i -thr- wrath of Cod abiding n U n f r t CDrriB| lu !•!• llible, and Iii* CODHCnlcl place of pra) rr ; -ilritilr p n i.aerablnl tor tbfl WOriUp Of (.oil, and wing all IM rxcrrml mrnn»

.. be WII about to lly, be »u4de*ly brobr forth in new .

ItfVtj ami o n till ii I'll praying. nt h i . family belicrrd, lor I '• bour, apparently iineontnuu* of the pro-

I limr.

r. a> well ni ilir prcriotn anguiah of hi* apirii. appeaml ijiiiie uatocnantabU | f"r the* *rem «*arcely lo hate heard that " •xCCp) a nan be horn agaii be cannot are llir kingdom of Ood."

I.) or 10 hate known any thing o f the rrnew-uiifyinjinflucncei u)iheHoly (ill"-!. Batbh (CMCilly wllBriacd dome other inaUueca

. joy and pMnlntefliTritg, J'eaffj that tha aamc re»ull waa about to be reallxcd In

-.ii'-nt and unhumbled spirit i o f p r a r c r «»» Ird lona almoat beyond endu-

In IM btt-baml and father God >*<i the temper of ono IMW aubdu : . broken for tin. and filled

feaUtloM of redeeming lore. I mereywith ihr humility of a little child. In

the wife and plainer be taw the proud aplrit, which wooM imi accept of mercy, nor fonaent to in being beaioweil

knit ibr knew not what bteaaJofi were i on her and her children In anawer lo h n

Illy of whalahe feared becarai WO ecidmi 10 be nueilioiird. Her huibauil .nji.n • ! • rti.cring bone «f hi* acceptance in Jfiua Cn'rut—• hope which the

8] Till aoCKTAIS MILLER, 0

raadar will not b,- diipo*e'. '•> think unfouud< J. when ha leant* th<- fniim by which il «•»• aeompam.d, in that bci of ill E bwuofibe Spirit I cannot b„t irrnark. f " ' , l " I ' n . M . ;

vUeC W* ibooU i bli A) rely. whcilier the particular hour Icraiuilaii !• knot

;ily lb* MM- with the aubjrcl of ihli narratire. or ,:i»Dtl qnealion lo I Iteiher »r

i whether. w h e t " . uofc we wrrD blind, now wo Mfl—• hcthcr • • il»e m c M of lh* Spirit In > u rct««. proting our union

ib T b r manner of thfl Spiri t- operation- In rM( the radial/ ,••'•

: i MM i* r«i*nuilly the -aniu in nil <• tin u c truly ' •

Front ihr lltr>4 of tin' contrition of the iubjcel of thia nil heart hacanM eogaged in ill •'•

fiKoi'luiin whleh he bad hitherto p< tformcd with a cold formality. lli« bopM of nlvaUoOi which before were grounded on hi* moinlily. now reated on the atoning «acrifiee of Chriii, ibroug'h repentance ami faith wrought in him by i l l 6 III* own •infalncM, apart

from UM nariU • <)' Chrttt, appeared greater than erer ll hsaaw there wai perfect efficacy in the blood

of the Lamb of God to lake away nil (,,. -in,. | | D put hit Hurt in thai Savior, and I'mnid kin " worthy of all acceptation." Km irritable temper became mild, and hia l in r i upuadu l in leva to God anil man. He lirCamc in example of mn ' ln .H and ilt'iollim l i (In- rauu- of hi-Krdcemer ; ami , . „ | y in | » 1 . ; , . , , | | , , „ . •airto bin, by uniting with " inull Rtangelical Church •Thick bad bMR formed in iha dUlriei

ii ly after )>. conrerrioo, be lirfin io prnv and labor for the Ml.ation of hi* family, Irutrocl from the Scripture*. and nrf-ina: upo* than i -uliiuin.i,,. I n r , - I . r a without dcl.s : I

the aalralinn of his vtft, in lirarl to t i u t aodiincia waa

moiieonap ci | | , „, ;„ r e ­gion, and particularly hi* iM with christian friend', were alinoat odiou- la


0 Tlir «.-l-NT*IH M i l l IE . [fl

could with difficulty perauade her to attend a rrligioae UMflngi or Men lo nail her friend. with h ) n , l f S knew (lint I ' l in - i i . r i . i -rrr U) W p n M Bt, •nd i W n l ib ennnrmi delight in con renting v i l l i (Item. Ononeofa-•ion. after tleiline <riili him at ihr home of Captain S — - , • j r la i j i r anil a hravrnly-mindrd man, .hr datumrMJ ne'er logo Wtlh him agaio; fur hi* mind * M i u r n [ t u < H witli raHgton* topic*, lliai ahe though l her#elf qnit* for­gotten. He »oniiiim.* remonairaird wilh lirr mildly; aaaatinj btt tfrn. if he* bt»rt were right with God. tna •iihjerl of nsflgfotl would be a .oiitrr of ||,r higheal en-

f jytatni. t*hr w»i n>l inrlim.! In frr.lil in. aMcrtiiin ; mi, in itie wevwardnraa of her mind. reiol'ed. aa »he

afterward lold a frirnd. that, if her rtrvt of religion thotld or chaired, A* $Avuld merer knov it.

| l m lour li'iorr .hr xlinij i iolinl all hop* that what •ercomptj it n dNBgs in | IM aficetiona would |irnir 9 drlii. - tred murmuring and

• |B bl hli NRMUIB( «in; anil tfrttl p l rmnt rrenl occurred. "he would wail with ragi>rneaa lo eee an exhibition of hta forme* frelfolnr>* ami u l« •wra ibu can ha ««id i>( ami profaMfai| Chri.tian.. ifiai •hi i- l'i-ln-t.,1 a l m n in hart) trailed in rata On a Sab' baih mornlnif. ahe had great hope that the advniary

«p)l fttt him. The new art tier* had unind about ihli time in procuring the aialrd prrar'iing of the Gn.pel, and lie « n careful alw»y« lo he prrwrnt ai an Hr i j boor. He arani r.nt in hi< paalnre to uke an un­ruly hone, which formerly had rallied Inm many a wr-ary • lep anil filled him with wtaili j but though h i . pattaad wa* mweh tried by the animal, he rami- in filled with thai winch id- - i t t f . l i . r . . of the day and of the delight-ful .CM irr t In which ho «• • about to engage were cal­culated to Inspire.

The Mp(M..ili..ri of hi . Wlfr to |hr • pirilunl r had embraced, rota m ai»h • height, that on Ukrn .irk. a> »he aflerwuril ••id, ahe >'•« liOptd li«' would nni re«i>*»ri hut he wa* mahled In r ihl lm a life of utiiN-rm*-.*. kiiidn..«, BRII •ympalP* in all h « triala. l ie . 1 . " J.I ••. • •• •-w, fee hareo*'

. . , l „ i , fJ.Kl had trit-d hli #er»ant si long a* hr raw it lo be nrrdfal (»' hii dia-

?! TB« MO»*T*IK BILLW. '

„ „ l„ 1.1. SipplKUiOIH. •"'! - I " <""" " ' " ' " I * " ' " " • .U. •hum lit ct.ul.1 h..M •"•'"' inH-n-""^. on me .nfc-

(,u.*«h«.«b. T h . - > » • « • « « i » ) ' : : » > • • • ' ' • the hou»c » ' *•«« " and to ilir table of the U f J •• m com­pany.- a n . i w « * muiui >"ii'--' »« ,11",' - : i r ; l u o 1 1 " -

. mro for the "real* "l»eh " re'iuincih io the people of «<*!." K(ur her eon«rr.i»n .lir Iclt thai the C«g|J make no • uflirirnt BlonotnCUl Ul liii" foi

U u i . h . l no aloncmeol bill lhat the ahoii.d Mn.n l Matter; bul ah* declared to

"uul i have permitted il. ii would ha«c been a relief to boi mind t" foil on bw knee« before him, ami humbly b«| Mi forfii

Soon after Ma <H»TI id in-t.r-i-born too i ,1-1. an.] ibc roucrrn

o( a little JtuxliU-r, al ihe afcr of four year.. 1 > •hwulJ If Io". «l«o awakened bit lend r re* I lympa-

death will h a m d e r b« niriiihini-.l. ba apcni men} aleepleea houra, aadM*orio( to compute her agitated feelihjra by imiilb lO i faubwaa ladakBowMnor iha iSaTlo r , who, when

" look little flu! in II into hit aunt and bkif «,! ih.m."

t ic became alto lery artiio ami useful i„ vUltina the eiek anJ affliilrtl; IcaUnKtlaf, ihoaa who Were Inquiring the war uf aalvaiiun; and animating the dcanoodiDg Chriilian.

rchaicd a Tor,,.Mill, which he K n u r l * attended daring. moat of ihr icinaimng yeara

porting hW family, l ie utoally appearedinamlller' , , ! ( , , . , „ „ ! . . . - | 1 ( , , a n , , „ t i n B public oraoclal worehlp, and ;. remembered a. th,- n o r . « u -UM, probably by . | | *)„, knew him.

The purrhn.e o| i!„. mill , , „ . i 0 m „ „f l l l r (,;„„;, of the Keoxemrr. an occasion, at firat. of . i n f f „ regret, on the ground that hi, connoomenl to il inun rrriilv in-

I >oon . . . h o w <!l-nitein wiadom.,. •

eu-cumaunee Ibc nicana of good. Ilia mill l e e a i n c a fra-

6 Till: MdUKTAIH MI1LU. Ig

ueoi rNor l of thoic inquiring 1)10 way 10 Z ion , and t u Oubllc»- iho gale of he»*eii to many B H I I . I I 11

F u r D M D ) ' y o u * , he Waa almost alwaya 10 be I. and war avei ready to convciae on the great r o m j i n i of eternity. Few of the children of ( iod entered hii mill u-iili,.m K c c i T i n i aumr new hnpnlta in l idrluv in tb« Christian l ife—lew impenitent ainncra irjtha affectionately warned— rarely • child without being tn . atructcd in religion—and none, iritlioui arcing in h i n • l iv ing example o f i t a power.

M . n . n i - u n r - might kc i p a d i e d In whieh indiriduaa* Were greatly helped in ibeir spiritual euurae by a i t u i la ihia mill- One - . . the ( M of Mr . O . V. a man w h o ,

M :i.r. had cherished fr->m h i . f a r ly y e a n ao undoiibiing confidence in hi* own e*tern»l morality fcr

bat who had been led to see thai hi a bear! ( m m be renewed, o r h e tfuil be Jon. H e found no one who aerined ao thoroughly* to understand hie caie aa the >l i l l r r . and ofieii resorted 10 him for inalriielio" and j-ounsel Hy ihr grace of d o d lie «raa enabled, at length, |o (a>t himaelf on Co rati for >a)*alinn, and became. a aleadfaat pillar in the church.

An eminent and faithful clergyman ha> ah • U brought (0 #ee hi* danger

r, hr i r d j m n i l v « . n i several miles. from a neighboring (own. descending an,' ( l imhlng the long hHIa, i f i . t ! i . mighl arilH of ihe Miller'* caunarl and

[rayera; and on exemplar)' physician •tale* that the MB-•r waa the firat peraon that ever Baked him if he had

bern bnnl again.

T h e .{iin where to many ihui met llie pi and hia de»nut atiiirations ao often aaeendrj to f iod. and •fata thr ['lire perennial spring of water by the road aide, where he uaed to drink, burning from iba rvtaU in a twain three* o r four feel from the ground. • * I f !»«»'• »y °*>d for the purpose, and shaded by t«'» beautiful migaf aaa-

around them, whirh will re . main nl) .11 who knew him and feel the mine of rellgloo •hal l have followed him n> I

Confined aa he was during a i t day. of the "Mfc* b l m«al»cnipolooaly referred llie whole of the I-ord'" day for religious purpose*. Ani l though b« liimaelf cainai-

g. T | l UOVSIklH i t f l L U *

j c t d lha Sabbalh ai commencing al midnlghi, he naual-1T .hut hi. gala al the, eloac of Jay o n> : lor tip « « M nol a l io - ru.iomer. 10 be waiting for their meal a a f a n r d a * BWdag during boon whirh lAea- lAouffAi holy lime, and ac-mpuloutly regarded (he feelingiof hia brethren of ihe ehureh, the Sahuath aa

ln | with ihP aclting .tin. At the clowc of the rear l-OI Iio.l aaw fit lo try turn,

•nd to honor the religion he had profeaaed, by calling !v to part Willi hi* cldc.t •Lighter. for whoae

•pinuiil «rli"i«. ii'. the lander age of lour year*, ho hail, u abo»e relate.), fell to much anxiety. lit- uraa not con-lidpnt of hir preparedneaa fur hearen ; but ho waa ena-

. l f toaati l l high*, aource of eonao-latom, whili be eaal hrr upon the mercy "f hia hca*enly Father. and frit ihal he would do all thing- Well. She

wm a lowly daugbler, In all the blo< i youth. The etroke waa'mmt .pure. U P plead with Hod for her, and >•• all that * f.tlirr < mid be to hrr. till altc «•»

r,iw of iht world" poiild nut roaeb, .tml lal tg at Ihp iimr limo in turn

I all Mound him to pi » II know not, he •aid. hul l»p •• Cheerfully ; I i id an hn rc-

: lirr from hll l>> l( li waa looked in , .11. and he repealed, with

• «• whole „i I,;, farenM •'•aim.

»«r«il •• lb* »Mh. • } Ool. i»> Ki»f> -Ta |» . , . . Iki ••>... «i« tauk, ^i U>-." At

i:i<>ti|*li with an in-li- ipiritual joya. until the hour ap

her burial, when hleChrlilian friend*, who em palhiae with hint, aaw in )ii» aweet and

i i (low, indicating unearthly peace • u, the word* of aalvaiion.

which flowed Irrapreuibly from hit Kpa. li « ion of the plain and affectionate p«Qplc among whom he resided. after th<- funeral oxerciac*. lo placi i • Ubto a little alliance fiiim lh« Uu«p. where all who

Bl miKhi take a la.t look at the deepa.pd ; .fter . would fall bach In a eireh., whih il

relan.ea approached for the umc putpuie. Su^l. wai tlw

10 Tli« * o r t n i i * m i n i . [W

' tn. prowodlnc on Ihii "r f«.l„n. "|

•nJ < ^ ^ H klde III"". "".I u nit In. !*-i(| unfOmrd, aiuf a f o n n i * — ^ totrimc ami joyful tint it. t i p m u o n w l ^ ^ ^ H olilitrrmlrd from llir nuwJ*

I " ',»•»*> I

, in >urh an hour. II, , „ . yralrd lo Uwm, tj>< I

a i led Inla etrmtiy ; i>ni »•-md mrreyofGm] i .

'/r; »i"l !'>' »urrl r x n « he : •

which*! rh i l i lb . \ KuthiflK ! '» '»" in:' ' ' Hi

II|I mure ' • • •

In >pr*k • ; •

hi . wife i l l r r w n l n.Lrd II I

B.MII, Ut eouli not <

• • ' •

Innlrne'l 1

» • • . . ! • : m. I but n i l ' " I u > iiiitl.lin! ' fonenL I hnr« ht h»d Ma H'CI

. . . ? , . . I h u Ihou.h " i-lnlld. ." ' I l U r l n ™ i r e

i l . 14. U.uu.ti 'of In . brail •.. , ' " ' •>• - , . . • ,.. •'! Mm 'I" » » "

n «ooJ." Ftiiin i lm ninod n o m u r m n n n ; .o f hi. Uakcr ,. U......I w i n . "

" ' * " " » ; :., da l l i . mi l Mi 1.1ft n p m i c d

. , i l i . l . much i i Uitl I,.- r, ul.i . my ••-

,. holy p l m n r r . Dried Mm when. • l l . l l diuchlrr. i-r. a! ill. ok ' . of

t TiiUhml with llir mil

. I I hriilian couno

iipirit-: . ~ hlrh l.r pau td

i uioally

I n u m . . «.r in th. ! * • . In . in l.i. family

I I • • I • holy

. rnrr „f •faiai...... < .

.uM loon « / / Aim aimy •Olid li> I , in Ml

V*"7 " * • ' ' " " i r["and " • ™ l uuld be dour away, aud

• IOCBTAM MILI.«B. [ l a

hn ihruld " tee hint M he i t . " A , he waa valkinf « • * day with * daughter in the j r a e c y a r d . A , „ i j . / ^ j j

»"ltirr. are you a/asty* lo go I" I I

re alwayi wUD|i] b i

i n t h e a u m m c r o f 1-13 ihe period can , »h**n I i i . nan> inn- lor h t a r r n o n e to be realised. „ 1 ( | w f t e n U M prayer i l l thr Ureal lnieree**ur mui l be a n a w m d •-"ncrmine rum. •• Father, I will tha t lh r r whom ihou hajl be with me where I am, ihal liiey may behold my glory." H e waa . lo len l iya lUr l . rJ a in a few daya (.,.. the 40th Jul,-) „•!,

'xniy of . I I I , . 1 ilir • ( # Of t i i ty-one. In L I . I . mrkn, . . h* - a * calm. patient. anil r e i n e d to the will ol I in Ihe rapid p r o < n . . of the ditcaac hr found Oi -ay. Ilial, ihoueli hr had a ihouaand timt • [,-n-mJi-d oihrra l lu l a nick bi.l i . a pour pla ; re pare) for

• . i . i murh more unfavorably o i it ihmn •

IODIC h«rn ripening f..r bra ii. , •pint lo buret Ha earthly tabernacle. and i u aba elory. I I . , haling bed no praiiKiniiion dial ilreth e/aa Immediately nrar, and wiih un opportunity l» add any ib ln* r„ th>: ertdeacc of hit gnod eaiaie—a life of deeoti

I d - body araa Interred In the (nee -ya rd , place of worship, where a plain and nral marble

• lab, beaiin • ' 1 " ! ihc daW <if hi* death, la r f f r i r d at the only inc«"onal of " Tin U o a W A U l M i l -

newapaper, with thii rxpreaairo and appropriate motto: " Hit yrt rence aainateo I1" l'hri,t,'am and unrd l\t iim-nrr ;" which am old bare been hla * ! . In.) not •oiiu- .ncrial Inditaliona of I ' .

. ( tin* narrative of Ida dun io comrnunlcaH it for iho banaiU, he t rad* . »t thon-anda.

H i . - i f r . f«.r whoa* forivrMion he labor**] a i and - hn w . . afterward ao lone the partner of ! " • " I " " uaal j o y i , waiart ied with a feerr of . kindred chancier,

. 1 , wim. himtclf, rood dav after I . -departure. li ioujh uud« lite aame roof, idl U " " ' " " I ' P *

,31 • •piriu greeted each other in Uio p r w n n of Ihelr Re-

8«rr»l l i l t"'" theefcitoclexof * • M i t i m are worthy ,llCi eonaiderallou.

• rm and co*mfenI piety. It proceeded from .1 .y Spirit Md gtridod b) In*

influtiir*-'. I' W M f«"nJ'"1 °" l l l c mu'-Mibduing. doc in net . . . Hi* run ten* lion abounded in practical

view* of 'h* Mine** and olhcr perfecttoru of God the love and mircy «'f Chrial—our ainfulneaa^ihc excellence of vilal religion, and other kindred lopira. No man • • •

i on religioua auhjrcu. He waa never arhen they were noi uppermost in In. iniiul. Of

when he had not worda lo apeak for Cliriil and hii eauae. i tlion wa. introduced on worldly aobjecu, ho would aoon lurn il lo the concern* of elernhy. and In a manner to natural and familiar, thai il rarely atrurk the mind .>( any aa abrupt "Owl of the abundance of the heart" Ml mouth apake, and " the law of klndneia" waa

I - When .1 man mm* lo bli mill angry, be-cauae the poor beaal lhal brofighi him, and which ha had

jag unmercifully, had occasioned hhn delay, ••What do you think.".aid the Miller, " of thia paange, • M*U- lo yooraelvea frienda of the mammon of unrighle-ou«ne.« V " At another time, when a number of peraotu were speaking, willi aorne animation, of their propped ol removing lo • diaianl part of the country, •• Writ," aaid be, " Ir incc t to move bul once more—and then into el.finu "'

l ias excellency of religion appeared in hit character . .o far aa any one of hia mo.I intimate frienda ber. A very devoid and uiefu| mi*>inoarv

to 1„,U. who weni f„,m the neighborhood .., ih. Miller, ubilew with him in glorv. when in.

bw dcth, wrote back. thai •• he ahould eiei •MecB it an honor lo have belonged lo lhc fame church with Jo.rru l t . , L , . "

f.lher of thai imariontrr, who knew g O B l l e r mo.t intimaiely, and who —« eminently nua-B g - ^ . ' M " rhararler. <!,,• writer ii In-w « 2 " " ' " l " - - • " " P » « . g e . o f . h l c h « * o « n In what rrmiin. ohh i . brief akeieh. " II fore he

14 « • MOCNTAM MILLll. [ , ,

e,p«rienc.d lh*l g u l p wh,eh . . . ttvMu. u, d | v rn in t *iih him, aaya thta I»U», " hit life . „ uto.liv w a r d e d . .arrirf/ymoroi; but \m . r l , , ,„n w „ f a r m S l partaking ociihcr of thai lot* lo Cod, nor K ! -,!j (,, nun, which the Co-pel in.pirr.. Afirr ihe e h i n n h, him. II became iplnlual ant] erangehral. | , 10 cnlhaaUiUc iwl . It wn uniform anil durable; and inanife.lrd itaelf in artnc life. II.- broa|til fi fruit In llir glory of Cod. ami thereby gair indubitable,

that he wa.. in reality, a diaciple of Christ. A Mvar-IuGn| .pting—abiding neatly the M m r qual i ty of pure water ai a limp of the eetereal drought, at in a MUOO "f abundance of rain—ia a liappy emblem of the pirtv at tt'it eminently good man."

Hit Buccncai. Thia waa perhapa the predominant trait in liii character. The eiprtwion of Ml countenance elemily beapoVe h i . communion with (lod. Per hapa the preaenee of no oilier man would tilcnre so BOOK a com­pany nf the ruilr and dk.aoiatr—- not brrauir hr atinrkcd ihem openlv. tun U • • " of the reality of religion anif nfetemal thinjs which hit preitnec i t i l l B -ed. Probably he did not hear an oath in all the later

S am of kit lift ;(<•! \Ur i: id him. Il

a been remarked bf a »erv intimate friend, that, though from the time of hi." eonreraimi alwav. chWrfoL ha si-moil nerer laughed : or If he did. he would for a time be • ileni, and aeem to rrfleel on it a* unbecoming one who mutt HMD appear before God.

/ / / . chiding teait of the iru certainly bf Hf, ani the rttiihutioni of rttrzitj. The pre«ailin< theme, and Mi familiar conetrntioa «ith In. frirndt. in hit family, and

J etrcVr. WtM th' uncertainty of lift, the im­portance of a preparairo* for death, and " t\t glorf that t\ali U r r r « , ; W in them thai hue Cod. TIlM. Iruiha filled and animate.) hit t au l In the long winter eienmg., Then he would sometime. fall asleep In hi* ehi tin.liiriinn by hi. family of IOIM lople ..f r iul rrligion, would route him at oner, and he would kindle- into anima­tion. When hr rime in and sal, hi. Bibla • • • generally before him. and in il he n ld hr D.'ir.iv fount lomrthing M l , At the la.t rrhglou. meeting he itiendcd, a few hour, before the attack of fevrr that doled hia life, lit

n 16

urged thr ie " u i h a w i i t t f r e a l aeriouineaa and prayed with K'f»' fervency, i h f i Uiry might be M l and practi­cally im|. f>*rd *>>' »"• * H « abounded," u y . the friend from who.e ItlMW «W " • » • QWOUjd, •' in api-aking of ihc •ohjronity of 'lying and appearing before C.od in jod f -mi'ni. H i» WBf* ia* l l (MI would never l ire, and i l aecmed thai h r waa M T t f l i r rd of rcligiout conversation. I l « u once my privilege *>* •|» ,nil i * n day* with In in m n ahOTI journet . Our coove.raation on the way, and w i n n i M • I called, wa i almoal wholly on thin*-* pertaining to the kingdom of God i ye l at the end ol llir KCOBd day. the lime had been a " agreeably apeni that i l aecmed aa though the interview had hut jual commenced, and wr were o M a e d abruptly to cloae our conversation and part."

Hit preciaaiaetn to lie awakened tinner. T h e eon-• n o t i o n of no private indi* Idunl waa perhaps <<<t R W n ardently auughl by those inqnirina; the way of aaha l ion ; and no man (lerhaps. r re r tell more dr rp ly the reaponii-Wlitr and delicacy <'f dealing with peraOM in thai alale

CalHng wiih a p l o u friend on M r * I I in a neighboring town, »hr r r l . tcd u< them tin- despairing au i r of h r r daughter, and beitKwl him to pray w i ih litem. Bui ahc found hi t lender heart • • > ••> ful l , that for •om« mihutea h e could not apeak to lead ihclr devotion*. Dcrpl t H he fell for anaLein . l .inner", he nerer aoUfhl lo • heal i l i r h l l y " the wound* which ain had made, l i e never told them of Ih t l r b k u M U M life, or intimated thai thejr were making progreaa toward heaven, whi le they

eotiUnued thr H I M frfflod. I l , - c n u d e r e d l l tnr view* of the enormity of sin, and the prarneaa of c l r rn i iv . aa f r rMe r. . injured with lite real i ty; and urged ihei'n to Ml ivn4*rr l ln ir heart* without delay to Chr i * l . aa the only way In obtain enduring and *ub*lanl i* l peace. I l f l

1 i a* knocking for • i l m i » m n Ifl l ln ir

hea iu—aa alanding wiih open arm* road* i> r . . - i n -lb*Bn| ami Urged tln'lii n<> tOwgVf in i r - i . l Mich h x r , bat to make the surrender of ihelr all to him. W l | tin- aofial aacetlng, he rnae in U y a word for the eau.n of / i o n , or lo lead in prayer, ihoie who m l u t o n i for lh* iraal tal lonl i>lencd wl lh CageraM Th*jr knew whm be M I , | proceeded from a heart deeply MUclUMU fur their vielfait. Tin! fell t in t I t l i praycta would avail with God.

l . i r » . n v r » T K MILLCIl- [10 • " *i*«f. ThscoorJ

SI of hi« lift »«• rmjrlmricaliv i<> prmadt mm Iota-et OiriMt, and aerre him fciihfully. The :,

t-«r'iion< of ihe pr«cni aj;e for the lipathen, arhtcb lie l tomrofiirnl. hud bfafordi loured and prayed for ihi

worm lo God. the aphrre of hii ejforia wap a I fried to (he? circle m which he nn.'rd. >'oi otitfud Ul(h the oppormniiiff of uaefulneaa «lTord< ofien, lit lill liter ynn, Commllled it for n few daya lo Ihe e«re of one of Mi pona, and aoinctimr brfure M« death, Jin»ffijr ihe mrim of auhaiptenee. and "owing no nun any thing, but lo lo»e one another." «old It, that lie might devote hi* declining yean more exclu'iicly 10 Ihr welfare of *on|i. A« an il'lii.tration of h lag endrarorf, the following fact ii adduced : " MmcMy infflinjra for jirarerfor iheln(lu«ie.,«..( iln II | 8j of which he **i-, if not the fir'f nwvrr, the jirinripil *nd eoniUnt rapporter, had kWn riuk&Haned nM > ery far frotA (.u duelling;. and r'ntinn.d for • nuitili.i of ycata. when neprly all on whom he had ;, aupporl

forwtok them ; till •< length only two or three. attended. i | -bit n-U' paiicne.\ were not yet

nJk>V*led. Ho attll enniMmed bu t u r t f o u Ig HMtaln --—imping dntoat utfcut bops—until he aaw

. \Uk .I,.,, I irfcHQJ i f*w i!rnp« of nierey began 10 fall. «m! ihe abundant ble.fing nf tin II : -KMlL The nc]>;hl«.rhood t U |Un|y .ruled, f>ui Initrad of i«ro or three, ihe aijed and ihr fOVBg Cro* lend Ihe meeting., and the hoo*e waa filled. | | " BOW, ulth wonder am! tbtlfbl, ">» ihr aahailon of CJOif, and w i i irtirely engaged in itoinc all in hit jvmer In pTODaaB Ihr good work »f Ihe llnly Spirit, and in directing anx-iini« inquirer* lo ihe fountain where they might 'buy wine and ndlk "ithi'ut mnrtev nn.l wi

///« life of prev 1 I privilege ofmiillns wiih him in thia MajreuW wllhoul feclinjr thai hc«a .ad -dre>»|ng a God with Whom he bad Intimate CO hia family were iii,iifnominof hi. regularity In iWa duly, and often well knew ihe mured momenta* when lie • • ) •.dealing for thrm ant) oihfr* befon

17] T » * wur.irais MtiLtrt. 17

Heavenly Father. H i i tegular deTOtioM in tfac family var f f r i f 'H. An.! M | | n ihe aorUt prayer-

r*J of public worship, in llifl m m MMOB of the fnt, ho m i frrn,urniir observed tc retire. with a brluvi-d Christian friend, toward • neighbor­ing. grove. I I ha» since been a.ccruincd l int they un-

|l hoot fur some years, when no special rail of duly interrupted, in visiting • sequestered spot for uuiteJ prayer—ihm Ibal* own hearta might be replenished with dirfnegraCc; that the children of I

i time that ih« eoaiiaotd Inv II • . Spirit mighl

. in ilir revival of religion; aful'•• • riraoeed ilui-u-hom the world.

/ / (ac r/drlfuU welfare of kit family. T U i V M especially manifested in the imparlance he al-

nUr ipQroIni and evening dcrol iou. He selected the moel IWrOrable hours, and nothing wa*

He UCOHI|WDJ«1 Uie read­ing of the Bible with plain practical .ingestion*; ex-

• remark* aa he thought would be most utcful (o h i . household; not neglecting ihem on the one hand, nor Mvarjlng them on the older. He d& minds, both in hi* COBVenalion and prater*. '

•t Providence, loal they might notice in them the hind of God, be grateful for his mercies, aubmit to hi* chaatiacrnenis. and suitably improve all hi* dbpoa. •itiont. All of them who survive hare publicly pro-i. laed i l inr f ' i ih la Chri i i .

'meal in ike knuie nf God. lit waa a eon-•1 ml lUtredUti and always look care to present himself early, l i t* rcnerablo paslor hat Informed lh« writer. t int, for a long course of year*, a* ha entered the sane-tiiarr. a sight of the countenance of the MILLER glad-ilctird his heart! foe be l>v\* he *h<mld hare at lea«t "tie hearer who would be attentive. who would lore the tnnli. and who<r j . r . , . be .aeonding for lha

presence «n<l ble»sing" of God, Minialcrs, who for lha first time aildreised the congregation. would distinguish him from the real uf the audience, and say Ihey could with pic if ufe preach to him, if they bad 00 other alien-

Id Till M0CNT4IK MILLta.

lentive hearer. Ha did not discourage hn 4 f l ^ H B p aiCCjunf. Hi« h.irrnl. dl 1 l o h , •• How amiable are thy labernMtea, O Lord of hoatJL Blcxcd arc they ihil dwell in thy home; they -ill be •(ill praialng Ihrr."

Ilia Umprrenct. ThU errtuO ha j I In regard to airung liijuof., bui in the me of food ; and )t doubilcae contributed in DO am all degree lo promote llie rare aiaeinhtagc of ctccllfnrire which ». bW'd in hit Christian character—hii uniform rhccrful-neiaj hit roinrinrnrv; hm readinet* lo engagi

rdarai hi. wak-fulm— m the hoUMor God; ui J ihr perpelual rloatimi i,f b]a rrllflom affection*.

Thr combinalioni of )rt> characiei ara ihm lummrd up by Ihfl r—fMttaal friend from whom we ha»r tjuoird :— " He waa unu.u.llv grave and aerioua. Hen a flatterer nor a tlaadtftf -"noi f i f t l lo wine"—' nol gfcrdy of fillhv lucre.' fur he appeared almoin indirTer-nil In ihr world. He « » toniM kjt Iria bJlB, He ruled hi» children and h- l lu godly example epoko powerfully in fa>or of IV reality and ihc c*eel-lenee of l ldttJ I ihi"k I can aay thai JO.IPII B K U , by hii life. exhibited a more eminent, a more uni­form, a more unking example of pirly, tlian any other individual with whom il waa cvrr my j>rii • 1 • ge lo be ac­quainted."

A tcMimony kindred lo the abore ia given by one who it now a preacher of ihr (impel, ami in a Kaliun nf much

lily and uacfulneai in ibe CnfktiU Gfcatrttt: " With my earlieii rrrollicliunx" he • • ) . . Mart IMM< led the godly example. ihr • nVriiunatc Chriatian admo­nition". and the ardent prayer" of ihr y,.„>* Mn.iaa. Often have I aiood be.ide him In hia mill, and hi ud ihr erarioui wordi which fell from hi. Ilpa for my own bene-lil and lhal of .libera. Often h»'e I hone Upon l>i< Up* In ibe uncial meeting, arhaa he •poke of llir blcaaednoa ••( lhal aalraiion in which I w«« Chen a alrangcr: and •em him lead la the dcToiiona, apparently in the altitude of the moat intimate communion wild Cod. and of cirri ihen bringing down apiritual Ideating* from on high. Often did 1 accompany him homeward from lite Metal meeting, mil breathing the language of Canaan. I a n ,


aWa. unrenewed, and t t heart it'll) alienated from God;

£1 knew thai I nui-t obtain on inw>rrai in t ' l . i i ' t »r ]|v periahi anil there wan no man whoac example COWBMI 1 ihoiighl could do Be mOefl for BJP apirilual

good, and whoae pray e n for DM I thought would be air efficacious at the throne of grace.

••I very well remember the morning w) • me'*en?rr who announced to me thai flic- • wai rone. 1 had no more reason to falur hi* Christian ehnracier than other youth around m e ; but a flood of leaninslanlly poureddownmyehec l -that another barrier between me and perdition waa re­moved. 1 immediately went and eOBfejed tin- inline* 10 a respected father of the e l n . (lowed plentifully with mine; ihe heart of liii affectionate Pas-lor. who had been accustomed lo assuage the •nrrowaof o then by administering spiritual consolation, aeemed se­verely ainitten; and a gloom of sadncsa hung over every hill, am) forrat. and lendsenpe around nie; for o!ih->ueh the Miller *>»• humble. ami ohi-curr, and unknown be-V.ili.l the r u d e of a few linSe- ; JF« in that rircl.-hr *•* loved and venerated • • a man of Gijd and a spiritual

E md the language of all aremed to be. 'Help, trd, for the godly UIOII cea.etli; for ihe faiihftil fail from

MMM lh« children of men.' " Sni ' i the departure "f the Miller I hate had the hap-

pineMlo become intimately aopiaiiiled with a htrm circle of chriitian friend*, in rily and country; and 1 hesitate not lo amy that, with the exception of one oilier'departed •aim. the MVOT of whose name " i« ai ointment poured forth." but of whoar character many circumstances might lead me lo form too high an estimate. I have never known (he individual who. in my view, lived so n< and bore no much of the i'maye of hit bleaied Mute r aa did J i - i r n H r . i v -

I . the Reader a follattrr of Christ t Lei tbe example i.f ilir Millar India you lo re tat MfSajr rOBl standard of holy HtfaW. Heat nm ahort at the piety which he attained ; nor of the high b rh« t« ti> « hieh the bleeding Savior call, you, and to which, eon-ceraling yourself wholly lo him, hia grace ahall raise you.

2 0 Tiir m i t s r » i - < H f U . l l . [ 2 0

• adtr only almi/H pertoadcd lo be a t II the In. lory til :' • idual, bulli

m a r k Of a »pi ritual r e l i g i o n — w h a t abiding p e a c e ami j o y it of-folded lu in—what l o i r to God »nJ ' " W» fclluw-mi n it wrought in M m — w h a t a bleating ii made Mm 10 b j |

I ae.iuainiatire. . m l the fhurrh of G o d — h o w ' I him in trial*, and auitained him in death.

Wuii lJ y o u hare In. twee t c u n i o l a t i o a i In life and In death, and partake of hi< eternal j o ) •, t r ek rel ig ion where he found it. Look at ihe law of G o d . lill Ji-u • • ( III ME* tent and purity, ami the t a r r o n of t h a i e u r a e it pronounces a g a i m l « in. L o o k a t v o u r o w n hear t (ill y o u » . r h o * . in thought, word, and aaarj—by a im « ( omia i ion and c o m -

: i h i i l a n in the a l g b l o f a ho ly (Jod. Behold i l i . i i io inn- aaenfice off g lnr io i i . R e d e e m e r OB l b * CTOM. B o w W r O t t J M l o me . all y e tin. I labor and are heavy- laden . and I wil l

n - t . " G o and prmtrate y o u f r l l bti

t Tol l b D > "ii • ' •• ** • w i r l t h un­done ." C » « youraelf o n h i i merry , and if y o n per i th . prriah at hia fre i . D o lliia. and j o u r aoul .hal l l ira, ' I V •nme S a v i o r w h o Mid. " K i r r p t a man be bam aeai* h a

Ibi MngdoO) of God ," aaid a l io . " l lmi thai eomelh unto me, I wil l In n o wtae caul out ." COOK now. and y i e ld ynura i l l to him. T i m i« the language the pioua Mil ler WOHM ulter iu your e j r . could he ipeak lu y o u from l i e a t e n . C o m e n o w ; let nothing Under y< Mo

w h i l e your day of probation y e t laaM. N o w , w h i l e the ro tce o f merry y e t apcaka lo y o u . N o w . while God ii morintf on your heart by the l U i n i laSaenCM of hia

V. .w—before y o u lav a.ioV l b . , Trar l . Fall o n

root knars. Lai vour hard limit brer.;. Gur yoaraau 10 him » h o died for y o u . » Behold , n o w b lite accepted t i m e ! behold , n o w ii the day of M i r a t i o n ! "

A'afe-Tat Mlbr U T H hi FlaMcM, 111- a aaOa n a l k at U . ae*u»-umwdrUea «•**«*.»••. la lKrtlfc. .I.r"'"* » V « - f c W « l . ' « " ' " -watch h i bml>d Ui aid*.! dufMrr. «*• )<l ttaadiag. HI* *-U I'-J aMtrabaSL

Ti i r iODHTAlH M t L L M . 3


• •

J . K, !' i.ciliiijh-

irr". fopaniiK. He h •tin

i • turn •

: -liiji, a lltlk fumily •

. a.l.iril. u i r w i i h ranch 'i •

n .if Mr. \.. mJ M

S j i l r . ' .

I M - d witlr (t*ra, »wJ I--. hOM HI Mi- merry."

. I I I I , «luHnS

W !Ulr ilrjinrlnir, fie nht, :

• ccu imt . I |tfl • I t o t u l l with llrth • , d U r e ,

• if."

Iiim l l ir »li(i;

• • • ; ,

Mr. L wtlh t.ii ' • ulilnl. a* } , . aflrn .

il w . m,i kimself, hoi MUIY O( the I of Cod.

I '

'••r thing 1

llwrfl ii r<> nun t)iat ii u in nil Ihingi v.. ronw »h".: ih»lil b only t in-ran lim] an

. . • • .

... : . B*iit»».lnl wl..'

1 •

AllHl l« r . .

- V/Um\

Hi r*r>r ( t l

tanwictnl iuut tdr h e m <

' ; - I ••

Ulorint •