Nine Different Starters For Compos

Story Starter Done by Alan Cyborg 1. Description of scene using the 5 senses a. E.g.It was a warm and windy Monday morning. Clouds shaped like animals floated around the clear, blue sky as the smell of barbecue wafted into my nostrils. As I walked down to the garden, the pleasant scent of daffodils was everywhere. 2. Dialogue (between people) urgency/indication of problem/ trouble a. E.g. “Give it back now!” The menacing growl erupted form my mouth like a bear. I wanted my pencil box back and I wanted it now. 3. Thought (soliloquy) processing some info(main character); dilemma/ conflict/ indication of trouble/( to show fear or anxiety) a. E.g. “What should I do?” I thought in my mind. “Should I tell my teacher or should I forgive him?” The options did a quick wrestling match in my head, and I decided to tell the teacher. 4. Flashback the writers recall of past event; the feelings/ reactions/ lesson learnt/ regrets/ strong emotion/ viewpoint a. E.g. I stare up at the night sky, admiring the twinkling stars. They are so beautiful. I feel entranced. Two stars are especially bright. One is bigger than the other and as I star at them, mty eyes brimmed with tears. My vision blurred. The two satrs remind me of an incident that happened in my childhood; an incident that changed the course of my life forever, an incident that cannot be erased from my memory 5. Dramatic/impactful short sentence intense/suspense/reaction a. E.g. I wanted revenge. My blood boiled as I thought about it. No one shall ever spit on me again. They are going to regret that they were ever born. 6. Onomatopeia words that represent sounds; After sound, relate it/ suspense (when you question what happened insight)/ confirm suspicions a. E.g. ‘Crack!’ The sound of my friends skull cracking echoed through the room, as blood seeped out of his head. I rushed out to help him, panic hitting me in the stomach like a sledgehammer. 7. Idioms/proverbs/sayings a. E.g. They say that a leopard does not change its spots. That’s exactly what John did. He was doing what he usually did; building sandcastles in the air. 8. Starting from the problem - start with a problem, instead of beginning; start with problem, then return to events that started it and then finally the resolution a. E.g.I did not know what to do. As panic enveloped my mind, my mind became blank. Only a few minutes ago, me and my friends were happily chattering, when suddenly


This is a document with a list of nine different composition or essay starters. They are provided with an example each. Please give me thumbs-ups! ;)

Transcript of Nine Different Starters For Compos

Page 1: Nine Different Starters For Compos

Story Starter

Done by Alan Cyborg

1. Description of scene – using the 5 senses

a. E.g.It was a warm and windy Monday morning. Clouds shaped like animals floated

around the clear, blue sky as the smell of barbecue wafted into my nostrils. As I

walked down to the garden, the pleasant scent of daffodils was everywhere.

2. Dialogue (between people) – urgency/indication of problem/ trouble

a. E.g.

“Give it back now!” The menacing growl erupted form my mouth like a bear. I

wanted my pencil box back and I wanted it now.

3. Thought (soliloquy) – processing some info(main character); dilemma/ conflict/ indication of

trouble/( to show fear or anxiety)

a. E.g.

“What should I do?” I thought in my mind. “Should I tell my teacher or should I

forgive him?” The options did a quick wrestling match in my head, and I decided to

tell the teacher.

4. Flashback – the writers recall of past event; the feelings/ reactions/ lesson learnt/ regrets/

strong emotion/ viewpoint

a. E.g.

I stare up at the night sky, admiring the twinkling stars. They are so beautiful. I feel

entranced. Two stars are especially bright. One is bigger than the other and as I star

at them, mty eyes brimmed with tears. My vision blurred. The two satrs remind me

of an incident that happened in my childhood; an incident that changed the course

of my life forever, an incident that cannot be erased from my memory

5. Dramatic/impactful short sentence – intense/suspense/reaction

a. E.g.

I wanted revenge. My blood boiled as I thought about it. No one shall ever spit on

me again. They are going to regret that they were ever born.

6. Onomatopeia – words that represent sounds; After sound, relate it/ suspense (when you

question what happened – insight)/ confirm suspicions

a. E.g.

‘Crack!’ The sound of my friends skull cracking echoed through the room, as blood

seeped out of his head. I rushed out to help him, panic hitting me in the stomach like

a sledgehammer.

7. Idioms/proverbs/sayings

a. E.g.

They say that a leopard does not change its spots. That’s exactly what John did. He

was doing what he usually did; building sandcastles in the air.

8. Starting from the problem - start with a problem, instead of beginning; start with problem,

then return to events that started it and then finally the resolution

a. E.g.I did not know what to do. As panic enveloped my mind, my mind became blank.

Only a few minutes ago, me and my friends were happily chattering, when suddenly

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a severing car had hit him, tossing him like an insignificant bug, and had landed in a

pool of blood

9. Focus on main character – introduce, describe physical description

a. E.g.

John was powerfully built man, with fists of steel but with a brain of a fish. It was as

if God had taken some of his intelligence and had converted it into power and might