N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review, Vol 22 No 7 Jan 10, 1968

Study Shows JC Transfers Do Well In Upper Classes Wbll<- s1udle 'ho.,. thllt Junior cou._.,,, atud nbl 1'5 a aroup perrorm sulllltactorlly at c:oll1>1ca att-1 ln-u tra.lll!f••r li1Ue was ILno""' unlll ret"l!ntly 1b0u! tll l • I or or hll:b alllll· atud,.nui In ;urlor i:: who co on Ir.I fou•·J"11r n tuUona. A studJ of th!!ll h r.01 a donta hen; oov. bl!en d 1U1d 11n anelysh1 or II taa been undert.ak• n by Raym :id £. SChultz. profe.ssor in tbf'< School or Educ::Jllon. f'lc:ld.. State Uni v1·rslt,y or Talla- hassee. W rilfns In the Doc:crnbc· Issue or Juntcu Col!c., Journal. Pror. SChull.Z ass ns that the Clndtniμ. or 1he s&udl stron11\)" suppon the clclm loni: mnde by tldvocatPs or the Junior coUci;e. nnmdy, thal 11tudeni.s ol obll!t.> are not penllliznd b,)· fJrs1 '"''O year.. of c:ol- In ll Junior c:ollrgc WhtU ls more. Pro!. St"hultz wrlle11, la thru tlwai former honor students 11 ere w11nn 1n th1>lr pmhw of the Jun1or collose. MQst staitd would mnkc lbc some dec:lsJon ni;iiln. und " 8ubstonttal mn- Jorlly ICPQllf'd they WQUld send i.h"'lr own chlldr.-n 10 1 Junior coUc·aP. The SIUdCnll> 5Uf\'l'\"t'd "'•It compllmentary of lht- of lnstrucUon and auldllncc which tht>y \Pd In th" Junior c:olleae. Ovemlt lhl') cont<tdcr h i.upPrlor to that wb1ch they rt."C<' I , . .,.d In st'nlor college. F'Urthl'r lb" maJor- lts rnnked tbt>lr Junior college lnsrru<!tC.r equ•l 10 or twtt,•r tha.n tbP1t "bes1" senior collei;e ln- suucto:. The sun•el wns undl'lt.lbn IUOORR 4,111 llll'mbers Of Pb! Tbeui Kappa, the national Junior collete schola:;Ue bononuy. lnlCl'l'Slln& Sti\t!SUC::; dr.'· •eloplna durlns the ce- ,·ellled that wbUt' In Junior colleaes ml'll outnumber womm studenis b)' a rotlo Ol 60 to ;o, the dlstrlbutJon or mt>n and women In •he survo;v ot honor studt>ats Is aa.rlv tht' tM·crS!', 6l 6 per C:('Dl :lj!Uln.Sl 3$.4 pt• l C:t'Dl Other facts rN't41e<I In Prof. Schult2' e.rUcl>: include lllcse: F'Urlhe1 e'·ldenct' tbar Junior afford on opportunl:v for hl&b<"r educ:allon that woulcj not b.:l \'e othcll\ tsc bet'ft ll\11.ila.bl< fol l!lllllY Of thrst• honor Is ract thet a ;iubsUllltlnJ p:o- portlon crun,• from la:r:c f1unl11i;s. •.tono thWI 31 D<': c:enl !:om fll.lll.lll<!i; or four or more clllldr<:i-10 rer <:enl CO!lllnR rr ... m !amJUes Of sh 01 mt>rn chlldl\'n for atl<'nd!ni; 11 Jun tor coll< Cl' ., tr,• fo11nd In the Que.stlonnoJro. lo br In terms OI lmPOrt.anct: F'lr6t, ".o\blll to lh at born . " per C< n1: .. Lo.1 Co"ot:• 29 crnt .A numb-.-r 01 Items on lb& qucsUonnaUt pro' ld<!<1 UhUoru. of tb Jun101 UJ><·rtenC<l, "Lf )Ou ,. " 6Ullllnir .. &i:a.lll "'OU!d <'nroll in n Junior colle, " "ll:! lhe Que.itlon 1lul>ml1t<'d to !brae VCfl Clll>Clblu tu· denb. tc.nt!Aw o"' r ••• ':) ''" J Club Orpheus Will Be Held On Jan. 23 Variety Of Evening Classes Is O ffered Em,,. ld O!ll\..SI r I 9G8 'It UI b IJ,lf'red Jn thr cat so:1e;; a.end ck cowscs recrr:illcmal courses 11nd CXIUf:.t,.. acrord!r.; :o Rzmnmd L Stoa • Jt'Do ot !aeult A<:ad mlc t:ourses u of· 1cird ror crt'd.lt an.J $1:!.50 per er lit hour Hli:h- U;htlni; ::-. nade:rlc sched· ulc will be P111nt\ni;. l"'O credl.l.s, ln·:cdueuo!l lo ·!I Hu anltl :h: ct dJ:s. aod Cup W>:ta!l r:.blp, :!lr• c: dlt R cc t tll I on ll I non-c:redi: eours are T.rlc _ ro: Be';in::e is lfaner.m:s IU P. Phot Pl>Pt\! t\:m:r:11u: Wll R<.>- loudm;:. and \1 odirorbn1 Pot<tt T ! . .o\di:lt • n It courses or lnti'ret;' ;o l'll!UI)' Gt r.n;;r. 11ntf Inf tol'nll>. SU.ne sald. R i:ts:niiloo far all :ili::ht c.asses w lll h'?ld Monda)'. Jan!l:ll'\" ;9,;g 1118·00 p r.i Ir> II ,. rt:i.110 FOUHD ITEJ4S.AVA IU BLE A nJr-1>.'r f li.>t i<r.d ' "1Jd u"Jcl.- --boa• . not boolii., " COllt Jael:el.S, 8WUtP!l5 clO\"l!S eu: -ho.1·e bl-en turned tn to the lr4t',,; otnee dunnr put t.•'\'1!r:al moc•ns. Tbesr. lll"l!l.'i will be d1tea unl«ss ... 1w1n thu ne xi few •Loe.Its llO :in)'· 0Dl' "bo b<>lll'VPS tnr< all.) to h!m '>bould ·• ''h lll nrrio• r11:1t< u.way. 3 MORE HDHOR STUDENTS "!bltt oum ... h:i\t• bfot·n Qdd o<f :h• il : Of !uji· um..- 11t11denU1 dolnar 3.181 or b< ti I WO!K Dt the t'nd Of lhe Orst nln•··"'ttk reuod. l\en- Mlll 1s In !ht abo•e '3 S 1>rou11. and Su1111A Mauro 11r1d Robe:t Roland In th.- 3. IQ 3 II 1;1oup This ntallf!& " total or 101 atudc:its on tb ... cwwn1 honor llst. C0£UR " LfNE IOAMO 'llEOHE DA> J.\NUARY 10 1961 Queen Jill And King Hou•ie " CALE . VDAR J n :o \t. 'It "\\car l .,, .. Jan. 13 lln kelbl&ll ""'At h• \all 1 C<>ll• oo 1• m. Jan 1 'i f'lnAI h<lsln J;an l'l - & k !ball Ric 8' nd C mmunlt\ Ct>ll i.:e•llu•r" Jan. W 811 COi· I OI SoUlhcm ld11h1> 8 oo p.m J.in 23 RA kt•ll.Jllll C(ol· UtnhlD I.la. Jn Junt l C,\JI lhrr .lar. 23 (..'lub Most Valuable Student Award Being Offered ; I , I • I 11 '1'•·111· Int oppl1t11non• !1 r Its annunl t \ luahl Stud• nl" llWOf;t Tl\ ... .,d I Ii '""" to 1111111 M:lu l I It •tu I nlli lh rclor H Int N t t.L111f nt.3 •ii Ill r;1Jc II r..rd1n IC> JPlllJ Mrf'isrlantl, ol thP. l•n uai: fl pt Th uwucl tin It m 51800 LO $2,000 unoJ "" uAud1 d 10 both boy,. and Eirls Thu '"" ,,.. :S:?.000 awnr<fA l\\O '1,800 awi.nl11, on ol .-och ro: 11 mnn anti • "'om•m. a.r• lll•o oth• r arlloli&rahlp or '"Iler umouoU\ llVllllllbl... To be ll•lbl• for thl" con· 111 11 aiucknl muM 11 •• cholsrshlp rating" of 911':: or b• 111 r ond a 11tand1nc In th upp r : of thr cla.'l8 111111 m an, U1at un 111>1>llcant llhould 1tn av rai: ol!IO In hlch 111:-hoof. Card Playing Issue Decided By Board L':aril t•l&.vlnl WU dl1'Cll38t'd "' lhn Der. U lll\l<'lln1 of Studrnl Ro1uJ but wu tabled sine Oil\ Prlano and Claudia who h11d bi>"n work· ln11 '" II fllllllOAal WON' Ab!lont. \II& Shannon Carlllon ASB .., r IJarv 11nld, TII t:Ontt I\ PrAV W-.S a pin di uucrl al 1111•clal merl· me onll ti Oer. I!\. ThP r•· ""tutlom 1111u"d wa11 that rl11y1n1 ht' l<.'Jllrletod to lhr r. toblt and lhal a ru1 Ill' 1111r<"hn.-d lo Pf<ll..el lhP lh1or und1•rn1 nth tlu•11" dt'BI&· n11t• tJ l1>hlr. , J fl') RI IHI. /lllJlhtlntCll" 11rr11 ldnnl, "'ti 1>• ,;hnlrman In tl1t.' ah:11•nr• (of Sll<'"''Y R<•llly. 111ud1 nl bo•h p1>••lden1 and D••nnll'i ltl aludi>nl l>Qdy •le •pr<sllf1•n1, Min Carlson a11ld 0th r ntAml>C!ra attend· Ing W\ It' C.'hnrh II DndMnn, Ir ahm11n 111 pu•"hfon1. St• Vt' Am 11, !rofthman olau vi , .. pr.•111!11 n1 and Wl11e, frullllman ela Kl'Cretary. A•lvli<ur aw•nd1nc IV<'ro Clar •nc llau&hl. Jame11 C1ow1 anti ton !latch. '' 111ncu"B1on cnnc•mln11 n '" rtll&ll for Sludrnl IJnlon WIUt h .. ld. It WU d•· tr.I• tl IQ leav lhu mauer lo club1. , and a llll'l" l'Olnt <Ii Hr•&" ot 3.5 In coll"'"· Wt':IU>n lblch SUB mana1er, tnl•I lhr. litudrnl Board of ar1111n, from lhe. tmpropo!r purcl\llac& for ut 11. Th<' u"'' of a ourchuo <>rrlM ts r»Qutred and IO!Dt' 111ud nll lu"' fall"d lo d•> thl •. Ml-•s Catlaon aatd. 5ll'.\.Sp ... r.1 USED BOOK SA LE u, bl?- Cant1111l Club durtn n>etstra· don. c nlini; 10 MJ Ldllda Am<'ll pr sld•nl I lb lub mben1 Jn c bar r lh aale aM Mllr&ba Ma:m and Mi.Ill l.lndll Thtt loc-aUan of th ul bas nol ae1 Mt /unt!ll sald. A .:n-up llSL t:lll,J be round n l1 ol!lclal bull Un bo.urd In tb mnfo i.nuant:e. A11Vh· catlor m1&1 11lao bo <I Ir "'John '·I· f.arland. LIBRARY FINES DUE BEFORE EXAMS S TART Ll!llB ot the stud ar each dat out.!lld11 :hf! lltlraJ'I" and In th• hall Soderllnr;: aslled tllat n:d«nL& pl '9.!I :'1N to CARDINAL CHORALE WI LL 60 ON TOUR ··Th· SIJCC..f':ltnal Cbonalr , :...C.U\E th" achcml colors Oll IOUC lbrch 30-Aprll 11 ... said L.oa Ji: l{)', "-11 th C"bolr m :ntwni will weu: rl'd b1aze111. 111 WCllll n :.a' iltt1 llkln• to so 11llil •hHt> blotl .-s and Jack la. Th mm pt1rc:111uet1 panl!I t •ear •1th osbirlB and ]&ck L'J. Thr co!lec .. mnbl m, 1 th cardinal and the wotda Xortb Idaho Junior CQll II am 11'11 llCI lh<' ldl !IJ<kl poc:tAI of 111 blaUr ltll.llJ continued. PERMITS TO REGISTER ARE BEING PREPARED •I.fl!! of the re11Su 11r'a 11HI<' will b!.'lia prep&rtn1 Jl<'rmllt< 10 for the ao>eo:id arm,..s1"1 aoon. SW· d nts •ho plan LO conunue In collt>i nu1 11emeater are 1cllllndnd to •PPIY tor read- ausalon rllht away so lhal per:r.116 10 r«d61or can be! rclLliy for dlsltlbuUon during rtn:d e &ana1111Uon Wttk. Th<'n pcnnlts •nl to be Ptt:k<'d up from Uio ofnce. Petmlts IO reclalA!r wU! not Ill!' ts11ued to lbose currentlr on orolll lion 1111111 nrst iuad<'• baW" bffn rmlnt!d. CARDINAL SERVICE CLUB WILL RECRUIT MEMBERS Th carrllnal CIDb w Jll JlllW' an ID(OnnallOll tablr Jn crmnuhlfll durtlll re11.euauon <1a7s, •cCDllf!q U> Xis.II LlndA Amtll. prnl• de:it or th• club Tll• JnUll088 of lb cabl11 will bt &o re- crufl """ membua tot th• accond serneiiter. llJmll J -t HAZC!l la In cbarao Df aew ID Ml!llllP IUld IU,J be C!Oll- llct d prior to reslauatioa • l>llH Amell Said. DEBATE TOUllllEY l'UNllED Rlcluud Jira-a. dt lal9 ,..ell h ID lllc plana.lllf &ll ._, ., ..... ..i.i.ta ......... l. Jit *


Published Semi-Monthly During The College Year By Journalism Students At The North Idaho Junior College

Transcript of N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review, Vol 22 No 7 Jan 10, 1968

Page 1: N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review, Vol 22 No 7 Jan 10, 1968

Study Shows JC Transfers Do Well In Upper Classes

Wbll<- s1udle 'ho.,. thllt Junior cou._.,,, atud nbl 1'5 a aroup perrorm sulllltactorlly at ~~ntor c:oll1>1ca att-1 ln-u tra.lll!f••r li1Ue was ILno""' unlll ret"l!ntly 1b0u! tll l • I or nttalnm~nt or hll:b alllll· atud,.nui In ;urlor ~11 i:: who co on Ir.I fou•·J"11r n tuUona.

A studJ of th!!ll h r.01 a u· donta hen; oov. bl!en d 1U1d 11n anelysh1 or II taa been undert.ak• n by Raym :id £. SChultz. profe.ssor in tbf'< School or Educ::Jllon. f'lc:ld.. State Uni v1·rslt,y or Talla­hassee.

Wrilfns In the Doc:crnbc· Issue or Juntcu Col!c., Journal. Pror. SChull.Z ass ns that the Clndtniµ. or 1he s&udl stron11\)" suppon the clclm loni: mnde by tldvocatPs or the Junior coUci;e. nnmdy, thal 11tudeni.s ol hl~h obll!t.> are not penllliznd b,)· tak!n~

th~lr fJrs1 '"''O year.. of c:ol­lt:~lt" In ll Junior c:ollrgc

WhtU ls more. Pro!. St"hultz wrlle11, la thru tlwai former honor students 11 ere w11nn 1n th1>lr pmhw of the Jun1or collose. MQst staitd lhc~ would mnkc lbc some dec:lsJon ni;iiln. und " 8ubstonttal mn­Jorlly ICPQllf'd they WQUld send i.h"'lr own chlldr.-n 10 1 Junior coUc·aP.

The SIUdCnll> 5Uf\'l'\"t'd "'•It compllmentary of lht- qu•lll~· of lnstrucUon and auldllncc which tht>y r~Cl'I \Pd In th" Junior c:olleae. Ovemlt lhl') cont<tdcr h i.upPrlor to that wb1ch they rt."C<' I , . .,.d In st'nlor college. F'Urthl'r lb" maJor­lts rnnked tbt>lr '"be~r · Junior college lnsrru<!tC.r equ•l 10 or twtt,•r tha.n tbP1t "bes1" senior collei;e ln­suucto:.

The sun•el wns undl'lt.lbn IUOORR 4,111 llll'mbers Of Pb! Tbeui Kappa, the national Junior collete schola:;Ue bononuy.

lnlCl'l'Slln& Sti\t!SUC::; dr.'· •eloplna durlns the ~wclY ce­,·ellled that wbUt' In Junior colleaes ml'll outnumber womm studenis b)' a rotlo Ol 60 to ;o, the dlstrlbutJon or mt>n and women In •he survo;v ot honor studt>ats Is aa.rlv tht' tM·crS!', 6l 6 per C:('Dl :lj!Uln.Sl 3$.4 pt• l C:t'Dl

Other facts rN't41e<I In Prof. Schult2' e.rUcl>: include lllcse:

F'Urlhe1 e'·ldenct' tbar Junior colle&~ afford on opportunl:v for hl&b<"r educ:allon that woulcj not b.:l \'e othcll\ tsc bet'ft ll\11.ila.bl< fol l!lllllY Of thrst• honor stud~nts Is th~ ract thet a ;iubsUllltlnJ p:o-portlon crun,• from la:r:c f1unl11i;s. •.tono thWI 31 D<': c:enl w~M !:om fll.lll.lll<!i; or four or more clllldr<:i-10 rer <:enl CO!lllnR rr ... m !amJUes Of sh 01 mt>rn chlldl\'n

R<'ll.~on11 for atl<'nd!ni; 11 Jun tor coll< Cl' ., tr,• fo11nd In the Que.stlonnoJro. lo br In terms OI lmPOrt.anct: F'lr6t, ".o\blll to lh at born . " 4~ per C< n1: ~cond, .. Lo.1 Co"ot:• 29 ~r crnt

.A numb-.-r 01 Items on lb& qucsUonnaUt pro' ld<!<1 ~nl· UhUoru. of tb Jun101 t'Olle~· UJ><·rtenC<l, "Lf )Ou ,. " 6Ullllnir coll~ir .. &i:a.lll "'OU!d ~·ou <'nroll in n Junior colle, " "ll:! lhe Que.itlon 1lul>ml1t<'d to !brae VCfl Clll>Clblu tu· denb.

tc.nt!Aw ~ o"' r ••• ':)

''" J

Club Orpheus Will Be Held On Jan. 23

Variety Of Evening Classes Is Offered Em,,. ld

O!ll\..SI r I 9G8 'It UI b IJ,lf'red Jn thr cat so:1e;; a.end ck cowscs recrr:illcmal courses 11nd ~dult CXIUf:.t,.. acrord!r.; :o Rzmnmd L Stoa • Jt'Do ot !aeult •

A<:ad mlc t:ourses u of· 1cird ror crt'd.lt an.J ~t $1:!.50 per er lit hour Hli:h­U;htlni; ::-. nade:rlc sched· ulc will be P111nt\ni;. l"'O credl.l.s, ln·:cdueuo!l lo ·!I Hu anltl :h: ct dJ:s. aod Cup W>:ta!l r:.blp, :!lr• c: dlt

R cc t tll I on ll I non-c:redi: eours are Fl~ T.rlc _ ro: Be';in::e is lfaner.m:s IU P. Phot Pl>Pt\! t\:m:r:11u: ~ Wll R<.>­loudm;:. and \1 odirorbn1 Pot<tt T ! .

.o\di:lt • n • It courses or lnti'ret;' ;o l'll!UI)' ~re Gt r.n;;r. 11ntf Inf tol'nll>. SU.ne sald.

R i:ts:niiloo far all :ili::ht c.asses w lll ~ h'?ld Monda)'. Jan!l:ll'\" ~= ;9,;g 1118·00 p r.i ~.~ Ir> ~ ~ II ,. rt:i.110

FOUHD ITEJ4S.AVAIUBLE A nJr-1>.'r f li.>t i<r.d ' "1Jd

u"Jcl.- --boa• . not boolii., " COllt Jael:el.S, 8WUtP!l5 clO\"l!S ""~lrr eu: -ho.1·e bl-en turned tn to the :~cu­lr4t',,; otnee dunnr th~ put t.•'\'1!r:al moc•ns.

Tbesr. lll"l!l.'i will be d1tea 11w:i~ unl«ss cla1m~ ... 1w1n thu ne xi few •Loe.Its llO :in)'· 0Dl' "bo b<>lll'VPS tnr< all.)

!-~Ion~ to h!m '>bould ~h~ck ·• ''h lll nrrio• r11:1t< u.way.

3 MORE HDHOR STUDENTS "!bltt oum ... ~ h:i\t• bfot·n

Qdd o<f '° :h• il : Of !uji· um..- 11t11denU1 dolnar 3.181 or b< ti I WO!K Dt the t'nd Of lhe Orst nln•··"'ttk reuod. l\en­Mlll ~i.trcur•· 1s In !ht abo•e '3 S 1>rou11. and Su1111A Mauro 11r1d Robe:t Roland In th.- 3. IQ 3 II 1;1oup This ntallf!& " total or 101 atudc:its on tb ... cwwn1 honor llst.

C0£UR o· " LfNE IOAMO 'llEOHE DA> J.\NUARY 10 1961

Queen Jill And King Hou•ie


J n :o \t. 'It "\\car l .,, ..

Jan. 13 lln kelbl&ll ""'At h• \all 1 C<>ll• .~s oo 1• m. Jan 1 'i f'lnAI • ~an h<lsln J;an l'l - & k !ball Ric

8' nd C mmunlt\ Ct>ll i.:e•llu•r" Jan. W 811 ·k~lball COi·

I OI SoUlhcm ld11h1> 8 oo p.m

J.in 23 RA kt•ll.Jllll C(ol· UtnhlD I.la. Jn Junt l C,\JI ~ lhrr

.lar. 23 (..'lub Orph~u

Most Valuable Student Award Being Offered

; ~II. I , I • I 11 '1'•·111· Int oppl1t11non• !1 r Its annunl "~1 t \ luahl Stud• nl" llWOf;t Tl\ ... .,d I Ii '""" to 1111111 M:lu l I It •tu I nlli lh rclor H Int N t t.L111f nt.3 •ii Ill r;1Jc II r..rd1n IC> JPlllJ Mrf'isrlantl, h•·11~ ol thP. l•n uai: fl pt

Th uwucl tin It m 51800 LO $2,000 unoJ "" uAud1 d 10 both boy,. and Eirls Thu '"" ,,.. :S:?.000 awnr<fA l\\O '1,800 awi.nl11, on ol .-och ro: 11 mnn anti • "'om•m. Th~r· a.r• lll•o oth• r arlloli&rahlp or '"Iler umouoU\ llVllllllbl ...

To be ll•lbl• for thl" con· 111 11 aiucknl muM ha•~ 11

•• cholsrshlp rating" of 911':: or b• 111 r ond a r~1,.11v. 11tand1nc In th upp r : of thr cla.'l8 111111 m an, U1at un 111>1>llcant llhould hav~ 1tn av rai: ol!IO In hlch 111:-hoof.

Card Playing Issue Decided By Board

L':aril t•l&.vlnl WU dl1'Cll38t'd "' lhn Der. U lll\l<'lln1 of Studrnl Ro1uJ but wu tabled sine Oil\ Prlano and Claudia ~l~O~rmlrl who h11d bi>"n work· ln11 '" II fllllllOAal WON' Ab!lont. \II& Shannon Carlllon ASB .., r IJarv 11nld,

TII t:Ontt I\ PrAV W-.S a pin di uucrl al • 1111•clal merl· me onll ti Oer. I!\. ThP r•· ""tutlom 1111u"d wa11 that ~llllf rl11y1n1 ht' l<.'Jllrletod to lhr r. toblt and lhal a ru1 Ill' 1111r<"hn.-d lo Pf<ll..el lhP lh1or und1•rn1 nth tlu•11" dt'BI&· n11t• tJ l1>hlr. ,

J fl') RI IHI. /lllJlhtlntCll" 11rr11 ldnnl, "'ti 1>• ,;hnlrman In tl1t.' ah:11•nr• (of Sll<'"''Y R<•llly. 111ud1 nl bo•h p1>••lden1 and D••nnll'i ltl ~Ill!. aludi>nl l>Qdy •le •pr<sllf1•n1, Min Carlson a11ld 0th r ntAml>C!ra attend· Ing W\ It' C.'hnrh II DndMnn, Ir ahm11n 111 • pu•"hfon1. St• Vt' Am 11, !rofthman olau vi , .. pr.•111!11 n1 and SU~ Wl11e, frullllman ela • Kl'Cretary. A•lvli<ur aw•nd1nc IV<'ro Clar •nc llau&hl. Jame11 C1ow1 anti l't~ ton !latch. '' 111ncu"B1on cnnc•mln11

n '" rtll&ll for th~ Sludrnl IJnlon WIUt h .. ld. It WU d•·

tr.I• tl IQ leav lhu mauer lo lntcron~<l club1.

, and a llll'l" l'Olnt <Ii Hr•&" ot 3.5 In coll"'"·

Wt':IU>n lblch SUB mana1er, tnl•I lhr. litudrnl Board of probl··~ ar1111n, from lhe. tmpropo!r purcl\llac& for ~Uv· ut 11. Th<' u"'' of a ourchuo <>rrlM ts r»Qutred and IO!Dt'

111ud nll lu"' fall"d lo d•> thl •. Ml-•s Catlaon aatd.

5ll'.\.Sp ... r.1 ~~~~~~~~

USED BOOK SA LE ~ u, bl?­

Cant1111l S•mc~ Club durtn n>etstra· don. ~ c nlini; 10 MJ Ldllda Am<'ll pr sld•nl I lb lub ~I mben1 Jn c bar r lh aale aM lo!~ Mllr&ba Ma:m and Mi.Ill l.lndll ~1t Thtt loc-aUan of th ul bas nol ~n ae1 Mt /unt!ll sald.

A • .:n-up llSL t:lll,J be round n l1 ol!lclal bull Un bo.urd

In tb mnfo i.nuant:e. A11Vh· catlor blar.~a m1&1 11lao bo 1bt~tn <I Ir "'John '·I· f.arland.


Ll!llB ot the drUnq11~01 stud :i~ ar roos~ each dat out.!lld11 :hf! lltlraJ'I" and In th• hall • Soderllnr;: aslled tllat

n:d«nL& pl '9.!I :'1N to lht'8~


··Th· SIJCC..f':ltnal Cbonalr , :...C.U\E th" achcml colors Oll IOUC lbrch 30-Aprll 11 ... said L.oa Ji: l{)', cbolr<llr~tQ:,

"-11 th C"bolr m :ntwni will weu: rl'd b1aze111. 111 WCllll n :.a' iltt1 llkln• to so 11llil •hHt> blotl .-s and Jack la. Th mm pt1rc:111uet1 II~ panl!I t •ear •1th •hi~ osbirlB and ]&ck L'J. Thr co!lec .. mnbl m,

1 th cardinal and the wotda Xortb Idaho Junior CQll II am 11'11 llCI lh<' ldl !IJ<kl poc:tAI of 111 blaUr ltll.llJ continued.


111~ •I.fl!! of the re11Su11r'a 11HI<' will b!.'lia prep&rtn1 Jl<'rmllt< 10 r~dater for the ao>eo:id arm,..s1"1 aoon. SW· d nts •ho plan LO conunue In collt>i nu1 11emeater are 1cllllndnd to •PPIY tor read­ausalon rllht away so lhal per:r.116 10 r«d61or can be! rclLliy for dlsltlbuUon during rtn:d e &ana1111Uon Wttk. Th<'n pcnnlts •nl to be Ptt:k<'d up from Uio ofnce.

Petmlts IO reclalA!r wU! not Ill!' ts11ued to lbose currentlr on orolll lion 1111111 nrst s~•ter iuad<'• baW" bffn d~h rmlnt!d.


Th carrllnal ~rvlc:e CIDb w Jll JlllW' an ID(OnnallOll tablr Jn ~ crmnuhlfll durtlll re11.euauon <1a7s, •cCDllf!q U> Xis.II LlndA Amtll. prnl• de:it or th• club Tll• JnUll088 of lb cabl11 will bt &o re­crufl """ membua tot th• accond serneiiter. llJmll J-t HAZC!l la In cbarao Df aew ID Ml!llllP IUld IU,J be C!Oll­llct d prior to reslauatioa • l>llH Amell Said.

DEBATE TOUllllEY l'UNllED Rlcluud Jira-a. dtlal9 ,..ell h ID lllc ~ ~

plana.lllf &ll ._, .,.....

..i.i.ta ......... l. Jit * atlUIC~~

Page 2: N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review, Vol 22 No 7 Jan 10, 1968

£/ltorial ... HEllE flE GO A.GMH


ICllMn Ander.on, 111ana1er or Ill• NIJC booll11ore, ha• wl1bt d 111 NIJC a l11d1ni. • H1p111 New Ynr.

1111• aald "To .ion lllw new yur 111111. the Valen• Un•'• 0..- ~•"1• are out ~o

SUBoenion Qll£STI01'1 "llAGr 1 roiu ""'•IO• "J Ruaald Rea11a a c <:aadldate /01 IAf' pu t d~•<:r7"

JOHS Ji RUEBEUlAN s Hls:ruy "!! we cac't c I B&.'V Goldwater •t •I Pat ha• to artU •lib Ra:ir:.t ••

KlXE St.'TT Enc: T "cal1!onU& =i.u ban r..11 Ila~~ ..

P A 01.SOS f'll:rauy "Tl:e:e'a an Alte:i:all'f\''" ..

DEL RHOADES Scl • e· " Whee &ate la the tot111 pan •ttr J=p ::i Cle tlte "

JACJC REYNOt.DIS &nl· Mlla' "A: 1 aat he'a a a.,. pabl ca:i:·

MtKE CASE!ilAS, Advaoced ui:d boi: "About as mud! as I !Ike Ancptirlea ."

MAR\1." J.& KIRCHS£R £due.. "Rna::ui R!!aPll He'a er.:: mllr. If ~e car.'1 do ii, no one can."

STEPHEN R CR0\'£6 B A " I don't •now why dOll'I >1~ nave Bob Hope runn1ni'"

DvA.''"E BA'T71ES £1111 .. " I think Reapn would bl- u 1000 u •llJ ot the otllrn ~A~c1a11y Jol:nsor.."

TOBEY l\ILKISS HCl:B raein, 111~on . "Ronald RH· pn :1l a r.:ie actor and ~peah:, 111:.c!l catcrllll,J ::i&Jtp~ 111: auat.Uel! :o tun !a: iires.de:u aa a G r. ral £l<':~C plat! :-, "

STEVE AKES B.S "S~ak· ?:C as 1 ca•:l dau fa• tile :i:e&ldf~ I ~ te Speak~( U C!,l'BP,f l'd HJ' be l:aa abOI:: u cb a!!rJ & S&J R=r.J Ot Sa.5ffll"

GARY JACKSO'· Oa·d· enio. "Y~ a:i·c pa: 11:.e l)Sl)f! ••

t.OLA SA YI.OR Ed ca• 11~. .. , 1.111::1. lie CIUI lls:id.r tho ralr."

OEORCE THORSTO!' B A "F'lcr I ~111111~ hr d 1 • beau Job llal1 lie d c Ou:h Valley Daya"'

BILL EDI\ ARDS Educa:Son ''F1M :r rnru r111U "1111 !llm you lino•. ch~ blir l<hff'I at Coary laland "

SCSA!'i SAYLOR £du~all<:1n " Oh la l&·K•'ll •urt Cf'l lllr women'• \'D\t1"

BILL CRILDERS Educ&• lion: "Ii~'• UICI ea1u1rrn·

' U\1! !er ::u- IHU I d bit ~ C11Mldar) Y.OUld M 1:1" bu:

llllai tll h&ppl'l: IO Ult' Ot' <:&Uc Par..r la 19151 ••

l!.IOGE:iE BAC!U!£1£R Ed•

\btre wlll b4I pltnl) ol tlmf to chooac tht rl ~1 card !or that 'cer1&ln'peraon."

SO TRUE i"lt apefd and p0,. er o!

new can help brln1 placb clOffr IOC•lher-llb Ill.IS world ond lbe nut.

- Berk Mo~ nuw.

:atla:: "Hr ab Id bf" at!e t11pl11 llt&trol• :, -:i ••

KA Tfn' K.u!PS P ... ~bcnl Gooc:itJp ~ :ace :o: •:-ac• .. ?>~:0-15 R!COS Da: O?:I

"He .1 ~ l~e. a:d \'0'!"£ too:l:gas te "

\'AL0Rl£ B!SHOP EcltlCa· ua::· "C ::Id a:_~ llr •a-&e t::a:i I. 8 J ' Ho co:::d "

SHA.''S0:-1 CARL.SO!' B::s A~ : ••L=..7 actor 1 .1 p•u1'1e:"


The SlJC C&rdlr.al CbO!r bas au u:e ::ir:bert It CH~ tor 1101 umuur HI:! toe K•l11. cbotr dir•ctor.

Hr contl.nuN tha: It per­sons art lnteruted In 1all!n1 t'ho!r tecond umuter, tbe) mu1>t •tt him per1onall1 tw· tore nrst umn1u exa~ ~C1D.

You ·11111 tie~ome 11 ai::all u >Otu eonuo!llc1 dulre u crnt aa >cu: d=tnant &111?!:at.~. - Jamu A.Ir

1 °A I i., ., 1. )llN'UO"' JQ 1968

•Yes.~;-16 0Gl-4T-l Wt.l'li 1800 &ET WELL CAli!'P& ~

.\ 'eic EducatWn Plan Proposed

Study Shows JC Transfers Do Well

c ... - , ..... Tb :u~u • de!·

llll:e.y wci;,d'' - 43 9 "I prabat:J.r WllUld" - !3 9 "Poutbl)- r would" - tB 5 "I woul'i co:•· - 3 ~

A v11.ry hli;U proporUoa or \bt honor a1ud~nl6 oo:n men ar.d women 1raduo1..i from 011101 collesra ~; e per cen1 and 90 3 pe1 Cfnltet~ctlnly Meal o: thtt'. ae!tc:ed d!tfl· coll trajo.-s, In ll'.r ec.e~tH'lc or tllllll•trtn, :'lelll !.:ir ~en.

Home Ee Girls Assist Elderly

Th- c~!lf'~ Chapt~r of t.':e .~rlca11 Ho::ie Ec:oaoc1ica .~.oca:ioa 15 pa:t!t'lpat!ac • •e a.-:s a::d c:a!UI dh!slo::

I!! :te :rc:ea:.o:i J;!:o~::ia at tlle S.:~.u: Te::are a::d Pine· ~ ~- • ~:slni; bocies. acco:d.ln; :o ~rs Flo:ence S1.:ral!ar: ~ad o! bo::ie ttQ<amks c!e~:::::e:it. The ci:.t1 a.ill ;Jie ~ealo: c!~lztlll '11"1:!: a: -T1lli ::ionlr:a, wu:e baslle:.s 1111<1 s!:ell wo:' Oil derorat:•-e bo:•.~. lira. S:ra· nab- 1a.:1i.

"!'"e g,rls c:re: thetr str-­'l'tces on 1'.ie.sday and Thur.I· da, atirn:oons CrO!ll one co t/1' ,. o'clock. Thoa• •ho h&T p&rUCll)a:ed 10 dai. are· Jerr' Compton Dawn Knox, ca:uh Resar. Jud) Finch. Robertn Webberdlna . Kalhe r· In• Thompson, Judy Drkn, Carole Sheckler. Marie Raina a.~d Linda \\right.

'\Its. s1111nohan commented tbot more lndh·lduala are needed 10 help with lhla com· munlcy ptoJect which meana :io C:llCb to the rece plen11. ln:e ~sted pe rsoM who would l!k~ 10 help are asked 10 con· taci '.ll!ss Dawn Knox, chllr­-.a:. of :lle proJec:.

a:id .:; :Ct l::u:::anJt!es and ;:-r~H~ac&i ed~eat!an tor Wa:!Q.

Prof. Sc~~::.z• CO::C~lllo:JI &.'"t ::a: :.lie sr;dy demo:i· 1::.ies :~u ~:o: colle111

·-itc-:e i:e:y s~~rtca.r.tlr to .. ~ A:=9!lc&i: :!:n::i or '

a::~ ope soc!e~. Tba. • • coUe1es. an! ciakllll • ~ ~!&!:.: ca::l!':o•t!on • •• .~ll:ir ihe lllctlJ tralntd ;:;c~r: ~ c.cb r.eeded tcc:ar

Th• !1r.il!l<.i• ~dorwcore Ill• por-.a:ia: o: tJ:;lo: coll11u

in lnir r.o ator. unturned In pro\'ldu:; U:elr r:apablo atu· dtlll$ Ille :DOflt a11nl!lcant upe1.enc.es the collosea can coaceh-i:.

The aueat!OMalni tnvolv"d in the •tudy was developed by ltiu Untveret:,y ot Callt11r­nle '• Center ror the Scud.y or H1,h1<r Educat!an.

D!rflcult!es ~pur ua ,. nen· vtt 111~' do no: check u1.

- Rtoad•

Page 3: N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review, Vol 22 No 7 Jan 10, 1968

Young Republican League Is Formed

c A Younr R<'pullll c:nr1 L<'ll;:il

haA bt>tm !Onn• d 011 lhl! SIJC t'1UflPU6. 11U~ ta ll most amazln~ hat.' con111t1 .rln; It wa,, lhouaht R~l'UbllC11n ..,.,.,., "~llnc1.

A tilJun? Y an!I Oil mill\) to tit- llDld lw.IDI upcamlnc 1>r~11t1 nUal 1•11htn. liomc w 111 b hur:i r somft thoua.ht•11 rol<l~i: Aod othc1' 1·ul1111r. It " m tlNU the1>1• savlnc& alll Q £>1lrt t , wry l'l"aldenl.lal c:amvatcn.

How mueh lnttu~u lheSJ. qu(j)ll hue on th,. voters? I! Is hopl!d "°'""·

The citizens 01 I.Im l r.aed Suites sh9uld llst<'n to bot.'l pol11!cal pla1rom1:.. O!i lhb and thL'> lllonu. th. Cltiz· !l should cast his 1011• for th~ candidate ot his <'hole'.

Thls theory r ntalls not a1"o.,ys rntini s1111Jeht pn rrs tick el. Vollnc , . .,ar nltc:1 yl'nr 101 one IJ(Ht\' .s not good. Th t citizen should look at cnndlda!Ps "t both polhlcal partlci. and vo;e ror th~ best man Thill Is lhP true domoct11Ue w11.v.

Miss Dunnigan Is Commended For Work

Miss Lorf'Ua Dunnl p11n, head ot the bui;lnes11. d~fll\tun~nt nl Nmth Idaho Junior Colli!'~•·. hll:; ruculv~d n lt·ll"r 01 thanks from 1h ... M.-rlt S) "'tem Counall or the SIDI<!' Of lclaho at Bois" tor ht>r coopenauon 11nd assistance ·•lrh th• "lilt•• progrum durln11 lhE pabt \•t•tus.

John P. Tn«' chu I nnan ol lhll council , lllld Olht'f me:n· bers alllo hA\'I' tlumked NlJC (01 lt-s lntere:;t

"Our \\'Olk could not hb\'c been nceomplish•>d wllhou1 the hi'lp or mt1ny lnterc~u~d 1111d undersmndlnR peoplu," Tut .. wrote.

The runctlomt ot lhe Merit System Councll, ha v~ b4 · n usumt>d ~· tit., lcbho p,.,_ sonn"I Commission. T!l1 eouncll !lad sN'"'d lhc D· • pnrunent or Emp!Qymen1. Del):lrunent of He!ll!h unrl tlw Fish QJld Glllll~ OepaJtmrnt for mlUI)· year:..

Ski Buffs do it!

Inglish leather~: For inen "'"O .....i to blP ..,,.,.,. 1~ acuon tS v~ 1e.hu1-h' V•ty ,,,,.... cu11ne 'lll·PURPOSE LOllON U.50 SA 00 USO From tht c~ - a'fay Ql EMOt.lliA LEATHER men'•toti.irtK

Men Beu:are! Feminine PIL>l l s Uncot·ered

Spf'lll>. t L" a ma: lllld • once r.:.lud :n :n~ Cll UJ., lllll><!rlor se't, J must 1e-latl' I.Illa :at.. I 11h0Cltlni; :all· ;-;a; on. :.fE.-; BE-,IARJ::l Tb t r.:al baJ; lWS/ll :4 !>.:! niual wlUi t.. a.Gd now ba\e ..:iia.s:icd I must expose

:he fmln!M plot

It a 11 "' IHtnocn fKt !.hat men 1 • nk itl b- k aDd "'b:c .. ulj 1:.5(! a et:alct.1 .tne buts I r i:ainini: lll • saat11. ll Is nlllo a • 11-:!ermwn :act Iha! ,. oir.ec til Dk tn 11111 pea. cmecu GJ:d d:.-colo111. Tiley u:R 11 !11:""..ni slmlia: to tllat C';f ll:: h~Jl1 to 1.C:h[ Vl'

lheu c-o.d.s. 11lls tbeol}' hu ca .sed lll1ll- de-th: ntnr. Wt.r, &.:all'Se lb,. r P.11lalu Ill!•• connJnng that 111 con· 111dertd IOOd.:tr tor c...,r!a::ace acent$ lo th Cold \\ai. The r.a .. arlte ft:!lllk weapon 1~ tf'ars. Al thj! Urst ~l at t~ars, "bo Shl'S In? I wlll ithe ~au a hint. It .~ not Ule women.

f°l'male.. ha~e tta.pe11 tu even ben ru of l'(IU&UIJ and morr For ll:stanee. •OCl!ll caMol l> drarc d to rli;h! 1n wof'!I. I ha"" alwa,_,.g u.nd :· ,1ood that th rcr..ale of a ~pcc1..s ls lhe me.: detdb-ls thb not 11a l!I i:lnn.'l bl'lni;s as \\cll., A luc~

army ol l<'lllllh s ldl l$ ocld I> the bl!>:-1 wcapan &Ce C:ill<ld Siu'"$ ml!!bl U&f' Ill th \let Nruo ":tr.

Do ~ 011 not lot th:it be1n1 equnl d(I<:~ not hold true In 501t'll: nelds? \\Qm•n clo nc.1 hold door;, open for a:eo . take rnr.n O\lt on datdll, t'llZfY the bOol;s of male -tud •nt:;. It 1~ llllid thfit no man ca.'\

Oi;ure OUl a \\ Oll'llln This Is not au!1. Think or dalnc somNbloi 11nd tll~ \\01' In "hlch \OU "'oultt do It .... o,.. thin.an, as a lloman •!tin,. ot doln~ th\' MUil" lhln1,1 in a round·abou: •\II) w1U1 d"· 'lou,, o' ei tc.n1 , arid th:u Is kmln.~ e fO~lc.

llomen al111l\J1 ll'Pb •1111 tb~ nm w"ll·· •n .line •h~n qut»'loned 11bo'~t ~!111 qu:i.1 Ot AUPt-:10: "llnere WO'Jld }'Ou be It lt were not 101 "omcni" This qut :tell he.s ioni; tr,•s:.!led ml!. Tb<> ans · c~ .. 1; St"C::::lb ha£ o.~,·· r OCC'Jm:cl to •o:Den. Sin:p.y . U f., II ltlty·ll!:,)' J)fO;IOS!UOll ll\lt10111 !!!al"~ the:· ,.ou:d not ti<> !tll; t mill ehht! ._

Ka VI! SOil n.: conde1ed ,. h$' :i. VI mil!! bOpH< lltld

Plll~fi U> l l ll ml&II lO lll&ITT

h r, ll Q; :ll:> tlllUi Sh~ Ptl>­ml, LO be laHblul. ooodlent !Uld i:wd lO bhn bul v. hen hr hll.li hf !rook <l he hanres he: • !Wle pa1lo-

:.01>h> M n ao lons;~1 l1>ll in ,O\ Ille~ Ill l:IPPl'd'

'•I· n pioblbl; eot:ld do l\"H:i· D~I Y.Qml'tl but lh Corid 'llould IH' :.ooqul<'l and peo ful. I \!oubl I' th• ma. • cou ld !a~ .:on :!1U!Qu!I!•·




'"'°'~t '*" ~ ·~·~ 1001• ''~STQEEl

CO~Ul! ti'A.f•~E IOA,.0




f C.0.• lll'AS... ......

JM" WY. II y

Page 4: N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review, Vol 22 No 7 Jan 10, 1968

Mr& Feline Take$ JC Band Entertains O"er; Beatrie Oul Kindergarten Class

.,. &'1' orC"Cf! r

Page 5: N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review, Vol 22 No 7 Jan 10, 1968

C•ds Split With Casper College Thunderbirds

Thu lftlld chan,ed bUI once ,aome 6&1, on~ la cnouch.

The Ca&pe1 Coll i;c Th:m d i~lr45 !Olllld Ulal nc t\'U cnou lb u thcu 111:ncd th delca1 or th nl;h1 bl'! r lnl4 a •1c1ary 11& the,. Upped PllSI Ille Cat4lnllb ! : D 72·68 wla In SlJC Ql:l Dre. 9.

The Carutnnb Tlciot 011·1 C'upet by a 11llm two p01nt marcln, kepi th" Pt • •Ut•· on bul toll d to match tilt r• boundtn. ablllll" of

MARC SU Btall1y 511111 & Scbool


MODERN DRUG AND 61R CENTER Specrol111nr; 1n Colleg1ote HeeJs

Fo, H.alt& ortd Hoppln•11

o., Ploro RutHni•• Pf.,,, .. Polo,. and Pu11e


Servrn9 Your Srvd••" thuon

PASTIUllZID MIUC MEANS 100'% SAFE MILK p,_ ... GNw1' - '"4 H .. 1 .. - e..,,,.


NI.JC Wi1s f 01rth Pl1ce 11 bereft Holidiy T 11r11• e1t


RflfT s.Al.U REl'Alll O..h•1 I T,.... s....lieo

lllTDISTAT[ TTll'[WlllTP Co • •7 s-.- .... . "'- ... )011

c-•r d" Aa.- laaadry & Dry ca.a.en


Boise Broncos Nip Cardinals, 13-7S

Wtetlctck's Dnc St•e C...doei - s.,,..i ...

PrllOCI ip' '°"' 116 N .....,.. St • C- I,.._

Hagadone Building


.. .... OYD'S CAIEllA CHTE


BUI Brodt-tick pcllt d 10. u other ll'IUll me N.ra tollowtd with Harrta I Barae• I SWem'I)' 4 TblnMn :i ud bnlh Owen 1111d Wal Zall COii· Ill bulllll :?


SI udomta of Mn l'lortnC8 Stranaban'• Htallbllal U•lnl Clau tourod Suuet Tenac.. CO<!ll.! d' AlH•'• new llUrlllDI bOme, Jan. 4 , accord1D1 to Floret1Ct' lltranabaa, taatruo• tor.

Don Jllorria iaanapr ot Sun • I Tenac • •Pok• lO IM p0Up SbOQI die pbllotopb)' Of a imnlnc bom•.

The IOW WU ~lar.td to Ille chall(et an Mallb ror oa.s.r ~r80CUI bclnc n1d1•• bJ Ille clan, Mrs. Slrallallan Hid.

Page 6: N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review, Vol 22 No 7 Jan 10, 1968

C•ds Ope1 Witll Wi1 Onr &oazaga

For • lifetime of PLEASURE

Leern to

BOWL Whh You Are Young

~ ..... °" Lais, lie. .... H. ,_..It .. c- ""'--

Cards Maul Big Bend CC, 98-69

Pt,.,.,, ol rh

~;·:a ::-r· lite N 4111 St!'!!!


EYDGIEEN FLORAL AND GIFT SHOP .... Q...llty .... 5-ieo''

..__ M~ 4-ll•S ,,. ._..,6 211 si...-o ...._ • C-1-

C•ds Sweep Pair Fro11 Yakima Valley By '9Poilf M•gia

""'c.;nr .... .; to o-THE LIGHTHOUSE

SPORTIHC GOODS )CK ~ .. A•• ... Olt••• 4-11) 1

(Ool,6c..;r.A ... - .,.



J...r· C· liar 1>0llll1:11I 1d· " o; .uid .. ~t.:.tant I LS, Coni;rei;sn1L1 James A. \le Cit:· SPokl! to 'l:UC \'oun1 R r;ubllc:;uis Dec. Io\.

C\!,w·s iop i: was "Bchln lb Sct!ncs ol a Polltlcal C\~;n." l!Aklru: rnl rtnC'e

Ille last Idaho i:cnerw.I I rtion. ti outlinrd tbe rn·

c;u.. ~:its ac:l p.>cedmrs • ' ll01rtd In ~r cl ctlo:i 91s·

:aocl cai::pslsn teclm1q e:I ~ lh nn~ card.I·

Q "· ~= :ins q~:lrs alxhlt

c::c::;!llliCS lllld Sl:Atl!Q W~ ~ ddurtn1 thl' q~stlo.'1 11.11:1 AllS'lt: period lt!lt fol· ., FOR THE BEST HA.MBURCEll





Oh, oh. Bet my date is the one with .. personality:'

Blind dales are a chance. But you con always depend on e refreshing Coco-Cola for the latte yo11 never get tired of. ' That's why th ings go berter with Coke, ofter Coke, after Coke .

................... .- .. ~c......,i.p ~I.A" 4 D i-~:'-. t".otiePA~T