Nightwork Razrabotka

Irwin Shaw “Nightwork” Chapters 1, 2 Task I: Find the English equivalents for the following and give the situations in which they are used: 1. под рукой at hand, handy, in touch 2. сидячая работа sedentary job 3. тщеславный, тщеславие vain, vanity 4.персонал staff, people, personnal 5. экономить на чем-то save on 6. быть обязанным чем-то, чему-то 7.жилье place of one`s own 8. увлечение чем-то devotion 9. взнос при рассрочке installment 10. соперничать to be fiercely competitive to compete 11. давать чаевые to tip, give smb a tip 12. заикаться stutter 13. договориться забрать кого-то to arrange to pick smb up 14. медосмотр physical examination check up 15. завидовать кому-то 16. измерить кому-то давление to take blood pressure 17. выписать рецепт, лекарство to prescribe 18. быть бдительным 19. направляться куда-либо to head for, pick one`s way 20. прислониться к чему-то lean against 21. свидание date 22. сознательный conscious 23. близорукий myopic, nearsighted Task II: Translate the following words and word combinations into Russian:

Transcript of Nightwork Razrabotka

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Irwin Shaw“Nightwork”

Chapters 1, 2

Task I: Find the English equivalents for the following and give the situations in which they are used:

1. под рукой at hand, handy, in touch2. сидячая работа sedentary job3. тщеславный, тщеславие vain, vanity 4. персонал staff, people, personnal5. экономить на чем-то save on 6. быть обязанным чем-то, чему-то 7. жилье place of one`s own8. увлечение чем-то devotion9. взнос при рассрочке installment10. соперничать to be fiercely competitive to compete11.давать чаевые to tip, give smb a tip12. заикаться stutter13.договориться забрать кого-то to arrange to pick smb up14.медосмотр physical examination check up15.завидовать кому-то16.измерить кому-то давление to take blood pressure17.выписать рецепт, лекарство to prescribe18.быть бдительным19.направляться куда-либо to head for, pick one`s way20.прислониться к чему-то lean against21.свидание date22.сознательный conscious23.близорукий myopic, nearsighted

Task II: Translate the following words and word combinations into Russian:1. to be ahead by several thousand dollars 2. to demand luxury требовать роскоши3. to have a desultory affair иметь ни к чему не ведущие отношения4. to put sb. off with an excuse распрощаться (выставить) с кем-либо,

извинившись5. to make a pass at sb. заигрывать6. crippled 7. to have an idle moment to spare иметь( проводить) свободное время8. to catch up on some work

Task III: Give synonyms of the following:Please delight gratify presentRare scarce uncommon infrequent to be offendedbe/look like resemble by chance haply by luck perchance

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to allow to put smth. offto give up a job to understand, realizeto bear/stand smth. to diappeargreat, huge

Task IV: A) Give a literary translation of the following sentences:1. p. 10 – Sometimes I couldn’t…2. p. 15 – I fought to hold back….3. p. 17 – How are you fixed for dough?...4. p. 18 – The hum of education…B) Give a literary translation of the following passages:1. p. 3 – Finished with….. – desperate enterprise.2. p. 4 – I owed my position …. – on East 81st Street.

Task V: Answer the following questions:1. Was the main character’s work hard? What was it like?2. What can you say about Doug’s background, appearance?3. How did he find his job?4. What was his occupation like before night work in St. Augustine?5. What can you say about the main character’s affair with Pat?6. What did the checkup show? How did Doug take the news?7. Was the date successful?8. Where did Doug head for? Why did he leave the place?

Chapter 3

Task I: Find the English equivalents for the following words and give the situations in which they are used:

1. убедить2. законопослушный3. быть довольным чем-то4. помешать чему-то5. пожарная лестница6. достать, дотянуться to reach for smth7. задыхаться8. глубоко вздохнуть9. схватиться за что-либо10.зарегистрироваться в отеле11.тошнота12.придти кому-то в голову13.стоить того, чтобы14.быть на втором курсе15.работать в дневную смену to do the day shifts

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16.понятия не имею17.обыскать18.выпускник вуза19.совершить преступление20.связаться с кем-то to get in touch with21.дежурить

Task II: Translate the following words and word combinations into Russian. Find the sentences in which they are used.

1. to hold sb. Uphold up 1) выставлять, показывать to hold up to derision — выставлять на посмешище 2) поддерживать, подпирать My husband has lost so much weight that he has to wear a belt to hold his trousers up. — Мой муж так похудел, что ему приходится носить ремень, а то брюки сваливаются. 3) грабить; обирать to hold up a bank — ограбить банк 4) останавливать, задерживать The building of the new road has been held up by bad weather. — Строительство дороги прервано из-за плохой погоды. I have been held up in traffic. — Я застрял в (дорожной) пробке. Syn: stop , arrest 5) приводить в качестве примера, иллюстрации; ставить в пример 6) контролировать себя, держаться

2. safety-deposit boxes3. to creak open открыться со скрипом4. a prowl car патрульная машина5. to make an inventory составлять перечень6. to keep up appearances соблюдать приличия7. to make (sexual) advances towards sb. домогаться8. matter-of-fact деловой, сухой9. to fit into one’s standards of behavior соответствовать стандартам

поведения take a swig/slug сделать большой глоток11.a swivel chair крутящийся стул

Task III: Give synonyms of the following:absorbed in plunged to show sb. toto hate to be in two mindsto deceive hatefulto keep fit

Task IV: A) Give a literary translation of the following sentences:1. p. 27 – The man was heavy…

Мужчина был тяжелый, с большим животом над худыми ногами и ягодицами, и я даже засопел, пока я перевернул его на спину.

2. p. 27 – It was a round…Это было круглое, толстое лицо старого человека, с большим мясистым носом и слегка поседевшими волосами на лысой голове.3. p. 30 – I heard it plop down…Я не видел, но услышал, как тубус стукнулся о полку за потрепанными страницами со свидетельствами о скандалах и развлечениях.

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5. p. 31 – I could hear…I could hear the car radio chattering, dispatching officers to accidents, cases of wife beating, suicides, to streets where suspicious-looking men had been reported entering buildings.

Я слышал в машине звук работающего радио, направляющего полицейских туда, где происходили несчастные случаи, где кто-то бил жену, совершал самоубийство, на те улицы, где замечали подозрительных личностей, проникающих в здания.

B) Give a literary translation of the following passages:1. pp. 21-22 – “Figure out my life… - …inevitable.”Figure out my life. I had plenty of time to do it. As I drove south, down the entire East Coast of America, I was alone, unfettered, free of claims, with no distractions, plunged in that solitude that is supposed to be the essential condition of philosophic speculation. There was Pat Minot's cause and effect to be considered; also not to be overlooked was the maxim I had been taught in English lit courses that your character was your fate, that your rewards and failures were the result of your faults and virtues. In Lord Jim, a book I must have read at least five times since I was a boy, the hero is killed eventually because of a flaw in himself that permitted him to leave a shipload of poor beggars to die. He pays for his cowardice in the end by being killed himself. I had always thought it just, fair, inevitable.Подумать о жизни. Теперь у меня было много времени для этого. Пока я ехал на юг, вдоль всего восточного побережья Америки, я был одинок, свободен, без всяких обязательств и забот, погруженный в то уединение, которое необходимо для философских размышлений.2. p. 38 – “The technician got … - …in first gear.”

The technician got into the ambulance with the corpse, and the driver slammed the door shut. He went around to the front and started the motor, revving it loudly. He had the siren going while he was still in first gear.

Санитар сел в салон скорой с трупом, водитель захлопнул за ним дверь. Он обошел машину и , сев впереди, стал заводить мотор с нарастающим шумом. Он включил сирену, хотя все еще была включена первая передача.

Task V: Answer the following questions:1. What was Doug speculating upon on his way to the destination?2. What was the state of things in Florida?3. Describe what happened on 16 January in the St. Augustine?4. Describe the dead man.5. What were Doug’s actions?6. In what way did Doug behave talking to the policeman?

Chapter 4

Task I: Find the English equivalents for the following words and give the situations in which they are used:

1. быть набитым чем-то сверху донизуI tore the paper from the cardboard tube. Using a knife, I managed to slit the tube down one side. It was stuffed from top to bottom with one-hundred-dollar bills.

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2. Предвидеть1 tore open the manila envelopes and laid the piles of bills in the box. I looked at the neatly stacked notes, trying without success to foresee what they finally would mean for me.

3. вместиться во что-то I walked home briskly and packed. Beside the small bag I had carried the money in, 1 had a flight bag and everything I owned fitted in, with room to spare.

4. свободное место I walked home briskly and packed. Beside the small bag I had carried the money in, 1 had a flight bag and everything I owned fitted in, with room to spare.

5. навести на кого-то. Even with my night-time job and my reclusive habits, in my old neighborhood on the East Side there were bound to be people who had come to recognize me, my bookie, the bartender in the saloon around the corner I sometimes drank in, a waitress in a nearby Italian restaurant, others, who could point me out to someone who "light come around making inquiries about me

6. наводить справки. Even with my night-time job and my reclusive habits, in my old neighborhood on the East Side there were bound to be people who had come to recognize me, my bookie, the bartender in the saloon around the corner I sometimes drank in, a waitress in a nearby Italian restaurant, others, who could point me out to someone who "light come around making inquiries about me

7. выходить окнами наIn the room, which overlooked the park, the bellboy put the big bag in a chair, turned on the light in the bathroom, ostentatiously earning his tip.

8. оказать кому-то услугу'I wonder if you could do me a favor,' I said, taking out a five-dollar bill.

9. ТелерекламаMore and more, thinking these days is in the form of a television commercial.

управлять отелем 'I do, Mr. Drusack. I decided last night I don't like the way you run your hotel. I'm quitting.... I have quit.'

10.11.иметь обыкновение12. иметь дело с13.столкнуться с кем-то14.подслушивать15.быть не в настроении что-либо делать16.уменьшить что-то на сколько-то

Task II: Translate the following words and word combinations into Russian:1. muggings were not infrequent2. in broad daylight3. to walk the 30-odd blocks

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4. to break the bill down into smaller denominations5. to be on a mouth to mouth arrangement6. for the time being7. to scan the horizon for danger8. payoff, bribery9. adding insult to injury

Task III: Give synonyms of the following:to possess to be involved in smth.Tired to run against smth.Border to find, to discover smth.

Task IV: Give a literary translation of the following:1. p. 43 - At the bank… - around the house.2. p. 44 – With the three … - …the privacy of wealth.3. p. 46 – I asked for… - … a hundred thousand dollars.

Task V: Answer the following questions:1. What did Doug feel on the day he left the hotel with the tube?2. What did he do with the money?3. What was Doug’s scheme like?4. Why is so much importance given to his visit to the bank?5. What was the problem in the St. Augustine?6. What did Doug reflect upon in the restaurant?7. What was he going to do next?8. What can you say about Doug as a person judging by his thoughts and


hold back 1) воздерживаться, удерживаться I held back from jumping into the cold water. — Я удержался от того, чтобы прыгнуть в холодную воду. 2) сдерживать, удерживать What's holding you back? — Что Вас останавливает? Police horses were used to hold back the crowd. — Чтобы сдержать толпу, вызвали конную полицию. 3) утаивать to hold back the truth — скрыть правду 4) удерживать, вычитать (из зарплаты) 5) сдерживать (о чувствах) 6) переносить, задерживать, отсрочить Heavy rain held us back. — Нас задержал сильный дождь.

hold on 1) держаться (за что-л.) If a branch is near you, hold on until we can get a rope. — Если рядом есть ветка, держись за неё, пока мы не найдём верёвку. 2) упорствовать в чём-л., не сдаваться Hold on! — Держись! 3) крепить, прикреплять this pin holds the sleeve on — рукав держится на этой булавке 4) ждать у телефона Hold on, I shan't be a minute. — Не вешай трубку, подожди минутку. 5) придерживаться (направления) Hold on down

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the road until you come to the railway crossing. — Поезжайте вниз по дороге, пока не доберётесь до железнодорожного переезда.hold out 1) иметь, питать (надежду) Benn himself held out no hopes for victory. — Сам Бенн и не надеялся победить. 2) выдерживать, держаться до конца 3) хватать How long will our supplies hold out? — На сколько нам хватит наших запасов? 4) (hold out for) требовать (чего-л.) 5) (hold out of) удерживать (часть чего-л.) The company holds some money out of each man's pay to cover future tax demands. — Фирма удерживает определённую сумму из зарплат работников, чтобы погасить налоговые выплаты в будущем. 6) (hold out on) а) удерживать; задерживать б) держать что-л. в секрете от (кого-л.) Why didn't you tell me at once, instead of holding out on me? — Почему ты мне сразу не сказал, зачем скрывал? в) отказывать

не пускать на тренировку Sport (Ru-En) hold out for a drill

keep down 1) задерживать рост, мешать развитию to keep down prices — не допускать повышения цен 2) подавлять (восстание; чувство) ; держать в подчинении; притеснять, угнетать Syn: oppress , gripe , depress , wrong 3) удержаться от рвоты He can't keep down his food. — Его всё время рвёт. 4) уничтожать Chemicals are used to keep the insects down. — Для уничтожения насекомых применяют химикаты. 5) оставлять на второй год Jane was afraid that if she failed her examinations again, she would be kept down next year. — Джей боится, что если она снова провалится на экзамене, её оставят на второй год.

keep in 1) поддерживать to keep in fire — поддерживать огонь to keep in with smb. — оставаться в хороших отношениях с кем-л. 2) сдерживать Jim was able to keep his anger in and avoid a fight. — Джим сумел сдержаться и избежал драки. 3) задерживать, оставлять после уроков (о школьнике)

keep off 1) держать в отдалении; не подпускать Keep off! — Назад! Keep off the subject! — Не касайтесь этого вопроса! Keep off the grass! — По газонам не ходить! Keep your mind off this. — Не думайте об этом, выкиньте это из головы. I suggest that you keep off religion while the priest is here. — Не говори о религии, пока у нас в гостях священник. 2) задержать A piece of cheese will keep off hunger for a time. — Кусочек сыра притупит голод на некоторое время. 3) воздерживаться

keep out of

Нет статьи "keep out of". Найдено в текстах статей (Английский-Русский, Русский-Английский):

1 2 следующая>

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не казаться на глаза Idioms (Ru-En) keep out of smb.'s sightНайдено в: переводах, примерах.

с глаз Idioms (Ru-En) clear off; keep out of sightНайдено в: переводах, примерах.

уступать дорогу Sport (Ru-En) keep out of the wayНайдено в: переводах.

под руку не попадайся! Idioms (Ru-En) keep out of my way!; keep away!Найдено в: переводах, примерах.

keep out LingvoUniversal (En-Ru) to keep out of smb.'s way — избегать кого-л.Найдено в: примерах.

не попадаться на глаза Idioms (Ru-En) escape smb.'s eye; try to keep out of sightНайдено в: переводах, примерах.

в сторону Idioms (Ru-En) keep out of the affair; dodge the responsibility; slip awayНайдено в: переводах.

беречь Universal (Ru-En) беречь от детей — keep out of the reach of children

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Найдено в: примерах.

scrape LingvoUniversal (En-Ru) Take care of yourself, and keep out of scrapes. — Будь осторожен и держись подальше от неприятностей.Найдено в: примерах.

право Learning (Ru-En) право, лучше бы вам в это дело не вмешиваться — you'd better keep out of it, believe meНайдено в: примерах.

Chapter 5

Task I: Find the English equivalents. Give the context:1. повседневные расходы Remembering what I had heard about crime in the streets of

the capital, I prudently put my wallet in the hotel's vault, keeping out only a hundred dollars for the day's expenses.

Поправиться Hale was seated at a cluttered desk, peering down at a sheaf of papers in front of him. He had put on weight since I had last seen him. and had added statesmanlike solidity to the mild polite face.

2.быть тронутым чем-то As we shook hands. 1 was surprised at how moved I was by my friend's greeting. For three years now, no one had been genuinely glad to see me.

3.быть в чьем-то распоряжении The government is at your disposal, lad. Ask and ye shall receive.'

'I need a passport.'

4.озадаченный 'You said you were in New York.' Hale looked puzzled. 'Why didn't you get it there? Not that I'm not delighted you finally had an excuse to visit me,' he added hastily. 'But all you had to do was go to the office on Six thirty....'

5.свидетельство о рождении 'I think I can run the passport through for you in a day,' Hale said. 'Just give me your birth certificate....' He stopped when he saw the frown on my face. 'Don't you have it with you?'

6.обратиться по поводу получения водительских прав 'Didn't you get your birth certificate when you applied for your first driver's license?'

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7. позволить себе на свою зарплату . By Washington standards everybody there was more important than the host, who, while obviously on the way up, was still somewhere in the middle ranks of the Foreign Service, and who couldn't have afforded many parties like this on his salary.

8. Неуклюжий What with my stutter and ridiculously youthful appearance, I had always been rather shy, not sure that I was particularly attractive, and had felt that I was clumsy with women

9. смириться с чем-то I was resigned to the fact that other men got the beauties.10.развлекать кого-то . Along with all that, all spoken in an incongruously low melodic

voice, she had entertained me through dinner by interrupting herself to point out other guests and describing them by function and character in short, malicious sketches.

11.нести ответственность за a CIA operator who was responsible for murders in several South American countries.

проводить кого-то куда-то when the taxi stopped in front of the apartment building in which Mrs. Coates lived, I had said, 'Hold it, driver, please; I'm just seeing the lady to the door.'

12.13.напомнить кому-то кого-то/что-то . I had gotten used to hearing that I reminded

people of somebody's kid brother. Either I had changed drastically or Evelyn Coates was not deceived by surfaces, could see through to the wished-for inner man.

14.исчезнуть из виду 'supposing I was looking for somebody ...' 'Somebody in particular?' 'Yes. Somebody whose name I know, who's dropped out of sight.'

15.устаревший The Selective Service people, although that would probably be outdated.16.избежать несчастного случая The roads through Pennsylvania were icy and I

drove carefully. A car crash was one accident I wanted to avoid. This was no time to be laid up immobilized and helpless, in a hospital for weeks or maybe months on end.

Task II: Give the Russian equivalents:1. to go to extreme lengths to remain anonymous

He turned out to be right. The building was new, all chrome and bright paint and looked like a motel on any highway in America, but there were vacancies. I registered under my own name. In this city, I felt, I didn't have to go to extreme lengths to remain anonymous.

2. serves the bitch right 'I'm sorry,' I said apologetically and closed the door. I was about to step back on the curb, when the cabby opened the ' front door. 'Get in, suh,' the cabby said. Serves the bitch right. I thought, and, without looking at the woman, got in beside the driver. There was a bitter rustle from the back seat. but neither the cabby nor I turned around. We drove in silence.

3. to take the fat with the lean The cabby chuckled again. 'Oh, in this town you learn to take the fat with the lean,' he said. Принимать плохое и хорошее

4. to thumb through a list пролистать 5. to know next to nothing Even though I knew next to nothing about the social

structure of the capital, I could tell that there was a lot of power assembled in the put in an appearance 'Even better,' I said. 'I'll go down there myself. I haven't seen Henry for years and it's about time I put in an appearance, anyway.' I didn't feel I had to explain to Hale that I preferred not to have Henry know where I was staying in Washington or anywhere else.

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6. to be available (all the meanings) I'm glad to hear they're still available.' Hale said. 'When I Took at pictures of myself these days, I seem to be old enough to be my own father.1) доступный; имеющийся в распоряжении, наличный available surface — свободное пространство all available funds — все наличные средства by all available means — всеми доступными средствами easily / readily available — легкодоступный to be available for sale — иметься в продаже to make available — предоставлять This book is not available. — Эту книгу нельзя достать. The information is available to anyone. — Информация доступна всем. Are you available for a meeting tomorrow? — Мы могли бы встретиться завтра утром? Is there anyone available to replace her? — Есть кто-нибудь, кто может заменить её? We spent every available hour upon the ice. — Всякий свободный час мы проводили на льду. Syn: accessible , obtainable 2) (при)годный, подходящий There was no available candidate of the old princely line. — По древней королевской линии родства не было ни одного подходящего кандидата. 3) действительный

7. to preserve a statesmanlike decorum'Seven o'clock.' We were in the outer office now. 'I've got to run. Miss Schwartz will give you my address.' He was out of the door, moving fast, but still preserving a statesmanlike decorum.

8. that’s up to you 'Shall we leave together or leave separately?' I laughed. ëThat's up to you, Mrs. ...' 'Coates, Evelyn.' She had smiled widely. I decided she had a mouth for smiling. 'Together. I'm divorced. Do you consider me forward?'

9. to be determined to run for Congress She was a lawyer, she worked in the antitrust division of the Justice Department, she had been in Washington eleven years, her husband had been a commander in the Navy and was an absolute beast, she had no children and wanted none, she went to the Hamptons, on Long Island, whenever she could and swam and pottered around a garden, her boss had been trying to lay her for five years, but otherwise was a dear, she was determined to run for Congress before she died.

10. Nightcap 'Forget it, driver,' Mrs Coates had said. "The gentleman is coming in for a nightcap.'

nightcap ['naɪtkæp] 1) стаканчик спиртного на ночь 2) ночной колпак 3) ; последний вид соревнований в программе на текущий день 4) поводок (лошади) rate sb 1) а) оценивать, производить оценку, исчислять Syn: value 2.,

esteem 2. б) оценивать, расценивать, ценить to rate high — высоко оценивать to rate low — невысоко оценивать Why should you rate yourself above this job? — Почему ты считаешь, что делать эту работу ниже твоего достоинства? в) приписывать класс, ранг; располагать по рангу, по ранжиру Syn: grade 2. 2) а) считать; расценивать; рассматривать She was rated an excellent pianist. — Её считали прекрасной пианисткой. That player is rated among

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the very best. — Этот игрок считается одним из лучших. Syn: consider , regard 2. б) рассматриваться, считаться She rates as the finest teacher we have. — Она - лучший учитель, который у нас есть. This wine rates as excellent. — Это вино признано отличным. 3) обычно облагать местным налогом 4) заслуживать (что-л.) She rates the best. — Она заслуживает самого лучшего Syn: deserve 5) а) заслуженно пользоваться (чем-л.) He rated special privileges. — Он пользовался особыми привилегиями. б) (rate with) пользоваться привилегированным положением 6) а) определять класс, категорию (морского судна) б) присваивать класс, звание (моряку) 7) предоставлять, назначать, выделять Syn: allot

Task III: Find synonyms of the following:1. talk conversation2. to get on a bus I got into a cab and drove to the bus terminal where I could board a bus

to Washington3. suitable fitting4. to take a taxi to pick up a taxi

to stare She had squinted at me across the table, studying me. 'You don't look it.'5.6. to keep sth to store7. to ask to question

Task IV: Give a literary translation of the following sentences and passages:1. p.59 – “When I went out of … - Tuesday morning.”2. When I went out of the hotel the next morning, I saw there was a long line of people

waiting for taxis, so I started to walk, hoping to pick up a taxi along the avenue. It was a mild day, pleasant after the biting cold of New York, and the street I was on gave off an air of grave prosperity, the passersby well-dressed and orderly. For half a block I walked side by side with a dignified, portly gentleman wearing a coat with a mink collar who looked as though he could be a Senator. I amused myself by imagining what the man's reaction would be if I went up to him, fixed him, like the Ancient Mariner, who stoppeth one of three, and told him what I had been doing since early Tuesday morning.

p.68 – “Senator So-and-So…” Senator So-and-So, Congressman This, Congressman That, His Excellency, the Ambassador of What country, Mr. Blank, he works for The Washington Post, Mrs. Whoever, she's ever so important at Justice, and the conversation had been about people who were powerful, famous, despicable, conniving, eloquent, on the way to Russia, introducing a bill that would make your hair stand on end.

p.69 – “I had merely stood…” I had merely stood around, wincing a little as the drinks began to take effect on the rising curve of conversation, a glass tactfully in my hand at all times, smiling manfully, like a small boy at dancing school. I wondered how Hale could bear it.

3.p.71 – “Luckily for my ego…” Luckily for my ego, I had no taste for the ordinary kind of male conquest, and the remnants of my religious upbringing had kept me from promiscuity, even if I could have indulged in it.

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4.p.76 – “Either I had changed …” Either I had changed drastically or Evelyn Coates was not deceived by surfaces, could see through to the wished-for inner man. 'Is that a good way to look?' I asked. I was a little worried by the 'unscrupulous.'

5.p.83 – “At the hotel…” At the hotel I rented a car and took my wallet out of the vault. I was beginning to feel deprived if I wasn't carrying a certain number of hundred-dollar bills on me.

Task V: Answer the following questions:1. What was Doug’s first impression of Washington?2. Who and what was Hale? Why did Doug come to him?3. What was the problem?4. Who were the people assembled at the Hales’?5. Describe and characterize Mrs. Coates.6. What was her impression of Doug? Did he feel at ease with her?7. What did Evelyn mean when she called Washington a real living theatre?8. Whom did Doug meet in the living room in the morning?

Chapter 6

Task I: Find the English equivalents. Give the context:1. Колебаться I hesitated. I was getting more and more reluctant to give my name to

anyone. 'Say his brother is calling,' I said on the phone.2. бухгалтер. Henry worked in a firm of accountants and the mechanical noise of the

symbols of money coming in and going out was the music of his working day.3. быть щедрым по отношению к кому-то He had a knack for business, too, and

was generous to the other children, especially to me, with the money he made after school and in the summers.

4. идти кому-то (об одежде) He had always had fine eyes, deep-colored, like all the family, and keen of sight, and the glasses did not become him.

5. жаловаться 'That's the only thing you wrote me,' Henry said. 'I'm -not complaining, you understand.'

6. радиоведущий The news of our brother Bert was not surprising. 'He's a fag radio announcer out in San Diego,' Henry said.

появиться, объявиться He's got a good heart, Bert, he always sends the kids gifts on Christmas from California, but I wouldn't know what to do with him if he ever showed up here.'

7. трезвый, трезвость He had flashes of sobriety, when he would sit very erect and peer fiercely across the table at me and speak almost sternly, as though 'suddenly remembering his position as the head of the family. Henry was mocking himself, mocking our father's memory now. 'And he gave me bad advice,' Henry said, almost sober for the moment

наскрести (денег) You need help, I imagine. I don't have much, but I guess I could manage to scrape up a couple of ...'

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8. видеть кого-то во сне1 was just a kid; it seems to me I hardly ever saw him; he was just somebody who came in for meals mostly. I still have dreams about him, but I never get the face right.

9. позволить себе заплатить I can't afford to pay for a psychiatrist for the older kid and send her off to a private school and she's afraid the Blacks at the high school will rape her between lunch and gym class

10.глубоко вздохнуть Henry let out his breath noisily. He fumbled at his pocket, took out the bills, smoothed them out on the table

11. рекламировать Many objects were advertised that I would never buy.

изнурять, выматывать I slept badly that night, tantalized by fleeting visions of women and funerals.

12.13.иметь обыкновение рано вставать Henry had always been an early riser.14.нести бремя 'You'll just have to bear the burden,' I said. 'I don't write checks.' I could

see his face working.

Task II: Give the Russian equivalents:1. to have a knack for business иметь деловую жилку, хватку2. to confirm one’s identity. My identity was confirmed. Douglas Traynor Grimes,

citizen, born in America, male, son of Margaret Traynor Grimes, heir to the continent.3. to be behind on one’s payments . The house hasn't been painted for ten years. We're

behind on our payments for the television set.задолжать4. I couldn’t put my finger on it. 'I just noticed; I knew something was peculiar about

you all evening and I couldn't put my finger on it. You don't stutter anymore.'не мог 5. to get hold of sb.застать 'I wanted to make sure I got hold of you before you left town.'6. to know sth inside out . доскональноI know their situation because 1 know their

books inside out7. a third of the stock 'you put in twenty-five thousand. Our third of the stock will bring

us thirty-three percent of half a million8. to get into trouble on one’s account , 'I don't want you to get into trouble on my


Task III: Find synonyms of the following:1. to put down the receiver to hang up the reciever2. obvious I was sure Henry knew the changes that had taken place in him were apparent3. sensitive high-strung4. present gift5. hold sb in contempt'I have a wife who despises me.'6. to allow commit

Task IV: Give a literary translation of the following sentences and passages:1. p.85 – “I’d rather Madge…”2. p.86 – “It was Henry…”3. p.87 – “I was shocked… - sign of danger.”4. p.90 – “I knew that Henry…”

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5. p.93 – “In the photograph…”6. p.101 – “I was stopped for speeding…”

Task V: Answer the following questions:1. How did Henry react to Doug’s call?2. What were Doug’s reflections on the past?3. Why was Doug shocked when he saw his brother?4. What do we learn about the rest of the Grimeses?5. What was the real state of affairs in Henry’s family?6. What did Henry remember about their father? Did the latter influence his

son?7. What did the brothers feel and think about each other?

Chapter 7

Task I: Find the English equivalents. Give the context:1. поделиться, поделить с кем-то, делить I wondered idly what the blonde lady

whose taxicab I had shared was doing with her holiday.2. чувствовать себя готовым, способным, подходящим In a minor way it was

like being able to throw down your crutches and stride away from the spring at Lourdes.3. познакомить кого-то с кем-то Hale introduced me to the men first4. привыкнуть к кому-то

настаивать на чем-то One thing, I decided, as I closed the window with a sharp little click, insisting on my presence, one thing I'm going to do from now on is learn how to handle women.

5.обращаться с женщинами One thing, I decided, as I closed the window with a sharp little click, insisting on my presence, one thing I'm going to do from now on is learn how to handle women.

6.7. обвинить кого-то в чем-то The columnist accused the President of trying to destroy

the American press,стать свидетелями чего-то'I tell you we're witnessing the opening moveª toward Fascism.'

8.голосовать на выборах the lawyer said affably. 'Did you vote in the last election?'

9.10.быть преданным, верным чему-то, кому-то 'I don't see where it's so wrong to

be loyal to the team. If the team's winning, of course.'11.задолжать кому-то что-то While the losers were finding out how much they owed,

there were the usual jokes, directed at Hale, for bringing a ringer, me, into the game. Evelyn Coates made no jokes.

12.принимать кого-то всерьез I tried not to sound incredulous, as though I were really taking him seriously.

13.смотреть чему-то в лицо, столкнуться He was driving more and more slowly, as though he didn't want to be left alone or have to go home and face the concrete facts of his wife, his children, his career, his father-in-law.

протянуть руку и взять что-то I was glad to be awake and 1 reached over gratefully for the telephone.

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14.15.Отменить 'I'm afraid I have to cancel the dinner tonight.

намекать... I imagine your good friend Jeremy Hale intimated as much to you.'16.

Task III: Find the synonyms in the text:1. to be about to do sth ? For a moment I was on the verge of saying that I would be

available next week to give them all the chance to get back their money.2. after all ? If Evelyn Coates had as much as smiled at me, I believe I would have spoken.

At least that'll be one Benson I won't have to talk to.3. to give sb a lift The lawyer took Evelyn by the arm, saying, 'You're on my way,

Evelyn, I'll drop you.'4. to worry

to resist a temptation I didn't want to put on the light and look at the telephone on the bedside table and fight down the temptation to pick it up and ask for Evelyn Coates's number.

5.6. to come in contact with sb to get in touch

Task II: Give the Russian equivalents:1. it all comes out even The congressman looked up from his accounts. If he had heard a

word of the discussion, or any discussion for the last ten years, for that matter, he didn't show it. 'Okay,' he said, 'it all comes out even все сходится

2. to start a car with a jerk He started the car with a jerk as the light changed. — рывком

I hardly meant it'Actually, I hardly meant it. I was joking, or. anyway, half-joking.'3.4. to have the guts to do sth I've been trying to get him out of the game for six months

and nobody's got the guts to do the jobBlow as fast as you can. 'Don't. Blow. Blow as fast as you can. 1 wish to hell I could.'

5.6. baggage allowance. No worrying about baggage allowance, no worrying about the

Swiss customs, all the free booze you could drink.stone cold sober 'I thought how nice it would be if we made love stone-cold sober. Have you had anything to drink since lunch?' , 'No.' трезвый кА стеклышко


Task IV: Give a literary translation of the following sentences and passages:1. PP. 104-105: “Evelyn Coats… - in her bed”.2. p. 116: “I couldn’t tell… - for the telephone”.3. p. 117: “I felt at a disadvantage…”4. PP.118-119: “It came … - to bring it up”.5. p.124: “Besides, if anybody…”

Task V: Answer the following questions:1. How did Doug sum up his achievement?2. Who took part in the game? Describe the players.

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3. Did Doug and Evelyn communicate during the game?4. What was the point of the players’ discussion?5. What do we learn about Hale’s life and career?6. What impression had Doug produced on Evelyn?7. What kind of errand did she ask him to undertake?8. Comment upon the final meeting of Doug and Evelyn.9. Was Doug glad to leave America?

Chapter 8

Task I: Find the English equivalents for the following and give the situations in which they are used:

1. прийти к заключению2. сожалеть о чем-то3. обналичить чек4. выгодная покупка5. на окраине чего-то6. потребитель7. избавиться от8. написать расписку9. набрать номер10.принадлежать к группе11.средний доход12.налог на наследство13.требовать что-то от кого-то14.предусмотреть

Task II: Translate the following words and word combinations into Russian:1. caution was becoming automatic with me2. the flight was scheduled to leave3. I was through with envelopes4. to come out against pornographic films5. wealth made for happiness6. his scull was fractured7. I had only the vaguest notions8. to make an appointment to open an account9. I mourned for my brand-new bag10.he was calm in the face of ups and downs

Task III: Find the synonyms in the text:1. help2. moment3. to register4. to begrudge sb sth5. rich

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6. to possess sth

Task IV: Find in the text nouns, verbs and expressions on the topic “Going be plane”.

Task V: Give a literary translation of the following sentences and passages:1. p.129 – If I were a policeman…2. p.130 – Hank was waiting… - to get rid of him.3. p.135 – I know that…4. p.136 – she could manage…5. p.137 – The large man… - down the hill.6. p.143 – He might not be…

Task VI: Answer the following questions:1. What preparations did Doug make for his trip?2. Comment upon Doug’s meeting with Hank.3. How did Doug reason his escape to Europe?4. What were the last things Doug did before his departure?5. What did Doug reflect upon during the flight?6. What surprise awaited Doug at the hotel?

Chapter 9

Task I: Find the English equivalents. Give the context:1. с первого взгляда2. измерить3. свободный, тесный (об одежде)4. заменить что-то5. помочь даме снять пальто6. наградить кого-то чем-то7. отправиться домой8. появиться, выйти из9. налить что-то во что-то10.поднять бокал за кого-то11.любой ценой12.отремонтировать, починить что-то13.признаться14.продлиться, хватить на время15.хромать16.вынести, ….

Task II: Give the Russian equivalents:1. I had the concierge call the airport2. not conducive to gaiety

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3. to grasp at straws4. appropriate escorts5. a hat to match 6. a self-made man7. to belong somewhere8. in the bargain9. Fit him in, skip orange juice

Task III: Find the names of the pieces of clothing and footwear used in the chapter.

Task IV: Give a literary translation of the following sentences and passages:1. p.148 – A fluffy blonde… - Switzerland.2. p.154 – The hotel… - belonged there.3. p.154 – When I told… - instantly.4. p.155 – It would have been … 5. p.155 – My room … - swallowed two.

Task V: Answer the following questions:1. What was Doug’s mood like?2. What did he find in the bag? Did it give him any information of the owner?3. What did Doug decide to undertake?4. With whom did he have to share his compartment? Describe his

companions.5. Why did the man arouse Doug’s suspicion?6. What do we learn about the Sloanes?7. At what kind of hotel did they put up?8. How did the Sloanes and Doug treat one another?

Chapter 10

Task I: Find the English equivalents. Give the context:1. по словам кого-то2. загар3. под предлогом4. быть в ярости на кого-то5. подарить кому-то что-то6. нанять кого-то7. сдержать обещание8. быть одержимым идеей9. быть лишенным чего-то10.терять драгоценное время11.любитель (не профессионал)12.чувство собственного достоинства13.воспользовавшись чем-то

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Task II: Give the Russian equivalents:1. ahead of2. to bring up a subject3. a worn-out old hag4. appearances are deceiving 5. to feel like doing sth6. to put sth on one’s bill7. to pick up sb8. to take one’s time9. to get a crush on sb

Task III: Find all the possible words and word-combinations on the topic “Medicine”.

Task IV: Give a literary translation of the following sentences and passages:1. p.159 – Flora Sloane, who obviously…2. p.160 – At night … - ahead of us.3. p. 162 – Even the welcome…4. p.163 – That afternoon…5. p.169 – Being an invalid …6. p.173 – There was no mistaking …

Task V: Answer the following questions:1. What difficulties did Doug face in the hotel?2. Did Doug in any way advance in his search?3. What made Flora worried?4. How did Flora regard Doug?5. What made Doug go to extremes? What did he undertake?6. How did Doug finally make sure of the Sloanes’ innocence? What struck

him about Mr. Sloane?

Chapter 11

Task I: Find the English equivalents. Give the context:1. тосковать по2. отложить что-то до3. быть обреченным на4. сделать кому-то рентген5. обмениваться6. удостовериться7. втиснуть, впихнуть во что-то8. появиться, объявиться9. чесаться

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10.быть помятым (об одежде)11.начинаться, относиться (по времени)12.с чьей-то стороны13.расписание вылетов14.подслушивать15.привыкнуть к16.иметь предубеждение против17.поддерживать разговор18.быть измученным чем-то

Task II: Give the Russian equivalents:1. famous for long runs2. to take a liking to sth3. brushed shoulders with the adulterer4. soaked myself in healing melancholy5. a hard core of Americans6. thank you for helping out7. I guess it sticks out all over8. Adulteresses were not anxious to broadcast the names of exact locations or

their lovers.9. to rush matters10.they must have buried Dante in the front report all suspicious activities to the proper authorities12.I considered growing a beard.13.Absent me from felicity awhile.14.She insisted I get out before the help started stirring about.

Task III: Find synonyms of the following:1. to decide2. arrangement3. to buy4. fat5. tired6. to keep oneself from7. to examine/ look around8. to shout9. hint, to report

Task IV: Give a literary translation of the following sentences and passages:7. p.175 – “Before I bought…”8. p.175 – “The train wound …”9. p.178 – “I felt a tremor…”

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10.p.178 – “A cold, fashionable …”11.p.179 – “The idea of …”12.p.180 – “He had one wall-eye…”13.p.181 – “The misty canals … “14.p.185 – “A little grimace …- and crippled husband”.15.P.189 – “I was happy to discover…”

Task V: Answer the following questions:1. What did Doug leave St. Moritz for? Describe his trip.2. What did he find in the hounds tooth jacket?3. What were Doug’s following actions?4. How was he doing to trace the lady?5. How did Doug happen to make her acquaintance?6. What impression did she produce?7. What awaited Doug after that night?

Chapter 12

Task I: Find the English equivalents. Give the context:1. оказывать внимание заботиться о2. уделить минутку3. ударить кого-то по4. пойти на крайние меры5. сделать вложение6. догнать кого-то7. быть о ком-то высокого мнения8. злоупотреблять чьим-то терпением 9. обвинить кого-то в чем-то10.требовать взаимного доверия11.избежать насильственной смерти12.вдаваться в подробности13.поделить доходы14.торговать золотом15.расстаться с16.угостить кого-то кем-то17.осматривать (достопримечательности)

Task II: Give the Russian equivalents:1. hand-to-mouth existence2. all in due3. a cock-and-bull story4. What are you driving at? 5. to be the prey of conceiving men and rapacious women6. to be liable to the American income tax

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7. a British subject domiciled in the Bahamas8. to live by one’s wits

Task III: Find the synonyms in the text:1. punishment2. queer3. to regain consciousness4. to come to an agreement5. condition6. short7. displeased8. profitable9. to the end

Task IV: Give a literary translation of the following sentences and passages:1. p.197 – “I’ve taken…”2. p.198 – “Capital idea … - found me.”3. p.199 – “He had moved … - the game.”4. p.200 – “The ski-club group … - in their play.”5. p.207 – “But if you increased it…”6. p.210 – “Millions … - the picture.”

Task V: Answer the following questions:1. How did Doug carry out his plan?2. How did each of them behave?3. Why didn’t Fabian agree to give the money back immediately?4. What did Fabian tell Doug about himself?5. What kind of plans did Fabian have for both of them?6. What was Doug’s reaction to his words, to his suggestion?7. What’s your impression of Fabian?

Chapter 13

Task I: Find the English equivalents. Give the context:1. сценарий был грамотно написан2. точная оценка3. подавить смешок4. отметить событие5. жить на свои средства6. работать сверхурочно7. ограниченный, с предрассудками

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8. вызывать чувства9. собирать доказательства10.не одобрять11.происходить от, появляться, возникать12.поддаться чему-то13. удостовериться14.сделать карьеру на, отличиться в15.кончиться чем –то, иметь результатом что-то

Task II: Give the Russian equivalents:1. to have a thing about whips2. to make believe3. the stars are on percentages4. to the tune of 15.0005. to take delight in baiting the man6. you’re missing the point7. I treated myself to a visit8. I don’t gather what you are heading for9. to talk the hind leg off a lift one’s heart

Task III: Find the synonyms in the text:1. in short2. to get into trouble3. training4. to worry5. to choose6. sensitive

Task IV: Find the words and word-combinations on the topic “Shooting a film”.

Task V: Give a literary translation of the following sentences and passages:1. p.212 – “The building… - were about to see.”2. p.214 – “N.B., scantily…”3. p.223 – “The nudes…”4. p.230 – “The connoisseur…”5. p.232 – “If speculating … - in return.”

Task VI: Answer the following questions:1. How did the screening room strike Doug? Describe the atmosphere and the

people he met there.2. What was the plot of the film? Did it have many prospects of success?3. Doug’s underground sexiness wasn’t overlooked again, was it?4. What was the core of Fabian and Philippe’s dispute?

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5. What was the other business the company attended to that day? What attracted Doug?

Chapter 14

Task I: Find the English equivalents. Give the context:1. выходить окнами на2. проконсультироваться, посоветоваться с кем-то3. пристраститься, привязаться к4. возражать против5. поднять деликатную тему6. посмотреть правде в лицо7. брать еду, угощаться8. хотеть что-то сделать9. не спускать глаз, не упускать из виду10.иметь с кем-то/чем-то что-то общее, быть связанным с11.перехитрить, провести кого-то12.быть кому-то понятным13.недооценивать

Task II: Give the Russian equivalents:1. And run he had.2. to live to one’s own reputation/ image of3. to incomplete rough cut4. at odd hours5. watching the shop6. Do you get my drift?7. an abiding fondness for money8. keeping constantly on the move9. recovering from some tremendous his own ensure a comfortable pleasure

Task III: Give a literary translation of the following sentences and passages:1. p.237 – “As for her… - or an office.”2. p.238 – “The image of Pat… - a pair of thieves.”3. p.241 – “Foe a tortured moment…”4. p.242 – “I stared at … - at a late time.”5. p.250 – “My feeling about…”

Task IV: Answer the following questions:1. On what occasion was the company drinking champagne?2. What delicate subject did Fabian bring up at dinner? Did Doug consider

Philippe a fit companion?

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3. Was three really the wrong number in that case?4. What worried Fabian?5. “Man doesn’t live by caviar alone.” Compare Doug and Fabian.6. What was Fabian’s conception of money and the world of money?7. What did Doug demand of Fabian?

Chapter 15

Task I: Find the English equivalents. Give the context:1. назначить кого-то кем-то2. заплатить гонорар, вознаграждение3. совместный счет в банке4. мрачные предчувствия5. удручать, угнетать6. портить, развращать, подкупать7. обрисовывать будущее8. огромный наплыв немцев9. незначительная сделка10.спрашивать было бесполезно11.я не надолго12.провезти произведение искусства контрабандой, заниматься

контрабандой13.подлинник14.дозвониться до15.подделка16.уголовное преступление17.уклонение от уплаты налогов

Task II: Give the Russian equivalents:1. walking-around money2. to skyrocket3. wear and tear on my nerves4. like a pirate in the ranks5. to draw intense looks of admiration6. they had exhausted the shopping7. We hit another weather pattern8. to dabble in old masters9. a refrigerated race10.not to show any undue enthusiasm11.It ill becomes you

Task III: Find the synonyms in the text:1. to be likable to sb2. rich food3. soon

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4. to be going in some direction5. to have an appointment with sb6. to understand7. to look for sth8. to make up a history9. to carry out sth

Task IV: Give a literary translation of the following sentences and passages:1. p.254 – “We each… - very fair.”2. p.255 – “Fabian had discussed …”3. p.256 – “Fabian, by some miracle,…”4. p.259 – “Ever since we…”5. p.259 – “In other eras…”6. p.261 – “Don’t worry…”7. p.263 – “He had been…”8. p.263 – “’I’d really rather…”9. p.270 – “Herr Steubel…”

Task V: Answer the following questions:1. What was the agreement Doug and Fabian notarized?2. Did Doug manage “to catch up” (keep pace) with Fabian?3. Was their travelling any better for Eunice’s presence?4. What business came up in Lugano?5. What was Fabian’s scheme?6. What role did Doug play in that enterprise?

Chapter 16

Task I: Find the English equivalents. Give the context:1. отправиться, выйти, выехать2. пробираться, продвигаться3. очень чего-то хотеть4. мягко выражаясь5. быть озадаченным6. свернуть7. принять меры предосторожности8. подарить кому-то что-то9. маскировка10.с чьей-то стороны11.обоюдные, общие интересы12.делить доходы13.распоряжаться деньгами14.раздражаться на кого-то15.чем-то зарабатывать себе на жизнь16.взвесить «за» и «против»

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17.разборчивый18.позволить себе удовольствие

Task II: Give the Russian equivalents:1. pleasure delayed is pleasure increased2. to put sb in the marriage market3. to leave sth to blind chance4. to arrange a match for sb5. a substantial sum to dabble with6. to harp on ugly matters7. the workman is worthy of his hire8. you and I are no longer permitted the luxury of morality9. for the time being10.It covers a multitude of murky activities.11.for hours on end12.frankness is not the virtue it’s cracked up to hustle or allow matters to take their natural course

Task III: Find the synonyms in the text:1. to accompany sb2. reserved3. piece4. to roam5. casually6. so

Task IV: Find in the text words characterizing people.

Task V: Give a literary translation of the following sentences and passages:1. p.276 – “Listen, Miles…”2. p.278 – “I was… - a poor one.”3. p.279 – “It would take …”4. p.280 – “You are … - at your wedding.”5. p.282 – “Going from hotel …”6. p.285 – “I didn’t tell …”7. p.285 – “From what she’s…”

Task VI: Answer the following questions:1. Doug and Fabian achieved a good working balance, didn’t they? Why?2. What precautions did Fabian suggest that Doug should take? Why?3. Fabian and Doug were no longer permitted the luxury of morality, were


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Chapter 17

Task I: Find the English equivalents. Give the context:1. замедлить ход2. потреблять, поглощать3. терять время4. смутить кого-то5. выздороветь, оправиться от6. рисоваться7. послать кому-то привет8. жалеть кого-то9. быть обреченным, осужденным10.подслушать разговор11.помочь кому-то подняться12.возражать против13.быть привязанным, преданным кому-то14.заметно15.естественная среда обитания16.агент по продаже недвижимости17.уладить формальности18.составить контракт

Task II: Give the Russian equivalents:1. the standard joke runs2. I’m stashed away here3. the old saw had it4. ripe for havoc5. I’m in for half, win or lose.

Task III: Find the synonyms in the text:1. to regret sth2. to embarrass sb3. difficulty4. achievement5. to be anxious to do sth6. to keep an eye on sb7. to be severe upon sb8. deficient

Task IV: Give a literary translation of the following sentences and passages:1. p.288 – “As I went up … - for the key.”2. p.292 – “At dinner … - against Eton.”3. p.293 – “But the passionate ...”4. p.296 – “He didn’t tell me…”5. p.299 – “If their pants …”

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6. p.302 – “He was not … - its effect.”7. p.304 – “We live … - to you?”

Task V: Answer the following questions:1. What surprise awaited Doug in the hotel in Gstaad?2. What is your impression of Didi?3. What prevented Doug from establishing relationship with Eunice?4. What incident took place on the mountain?5. Did Didi fancy Doug? Prove it.6. What was Fabian’s plan concerning real estate?7. Why did Fabian’s meeting with Mr. Sloane worry Doug?

Chapter 18

Task I: Find the English equivalents. Give the context:1. обращаться к кому-то2. оказаться где-то3. ожидать кого-то в будущем4. чувствовать себя своим5. замышлять (революцию)6. выставить себя на посмешище7. вломиться в комнату8. перестать заблуждаться9. иметь роман с кем-то10.иметь привычку что-то делать11.ничего подобного12.быть поделом кому-то13.высморкаться14.воспользоваться чем-то, кем-то15.быть наваленным кучей, стопкой, горой16.перепутать свидания

Task II: Give the Russian equivalents:1. to betray one’s outsiderness2. lying at attention3. fancy talk4. not by a long shot5. to break into a light sweat6. resistance to the elements7. preliminaries

Task III: Find the synonyms in the text:1. sincerely2. irritation, vexation

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3. exhausted, shabby4. souvenir

Task IV: Give a literary translation of the following sentences and passages:1. p.308 – “Looking round… - in return.”2. p.310 – “They all ate…”3. p.311 – “Lying … - to be neat.”4. p.313 – “Nothing bores…”5. p.316 – “I went … - gambler.”6. p.321 – “To show him … - tears.”

Task V: Answer the following questions:1. Describe the party. Did Doug belong there?2. What kept Doug and Eunice from “doing it” at last?3. What does the scene with Didi add to the image of Doug?4. Did Doug mourn the lost dance with Eunice?5. What confession did Eunice make?6. Did Fabian succeed in the game of poker?

Chapter 19

Task I: Find the English equivalents. Give the context:1. варьироваться, разниться2. совершить ограбление3. пункт назначения4. попросить разрешения обыскать помещение5. потребовать времени6. обвинять кого-то в чем-то7. задумывать что-то, подумывать о чем-то8. убедиться9. заключить в тюрьму10.лихорадить, иметь высокую температуру11.удар для кого-то12.посвятить кого-то во что-то13.торговля часами14.пожалуй15.поздно лечь спать16.сообщить кому-то новости

Task II: Give the Russian equivalents:1. the age of consent2. The water was getting deep.3. you are at liberty4. everything is dandy5. He was the essence of discreet sympathy.

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6. IOU7. to blow out the cobwebs8. Johnny-on-the-spot

Task III: Find the synonyms in the text:1. total, complete2. to bear sth3. to make a request4. offensive5. gloomy, sullen6. angry7. in detail8. prosperous, flourishing

Task IV: Give a literary translation of the following sentences and passages:1. p.325 – “Does he…”2. p.326 – “I stood up … I said.”3. p.329 – “He was as…”4. p.330 – “First … - jaw.”5. p.331 – “And the most…”6. p.334 - “Some don’t…”7. p.334 – “Also sitting at … - chatted away.”8. p.337 – “Honorary…”

Task V: Answer the following questions:1. Who visited Mr. Grimes the next morning? What was their aim? Describe

the police officer and the assistant manager. How did Doug behave?2. Why did Doug conclude that it was not the happiest day of their partnership?3. Did Mr. Sloane enjoy the last hours of his earthly life?4. Did Doug and Fabian profit by Mr. Sloane’s death in any way?5. Why did Doug want to break off with Fabian? What kept him from doing it?

Chapters 20, 21

Task I: Find the English equivalents. Give the context:1. ради приличия 2. путешествовать налегке3. поддерживать связь4. отправиться в путешествие, поездку5. прийти лично6. выходить окнами на7. совместный образ8. иметь любовный роман, интрижку с9. оказывать кому-то добрую услугу

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10.с облегчением что-то делать11.отомстить12.ценные вещи13.натереть мозоль, волдырь14.уделить кому-то время15.очутиться, оказаться16.задаток

Task II: Give the Russian equivalents:1. Death makes for long lunches.2. Hail and Farewell.3. At the outside4. to be a credit to sb5. apropos of that6. a passing whim7. not on your life8. I had acquired a small addiction to museums.9. I’ve been briefed by a friend.10.sexagenarian11.You broke your maiden.

Task III: Find the synonyms in the text:1. to throw2. to drop, give up3. to roam4. to make up one’s mind5. to cost6. money

Task IV: Give a literary translation of the following sentences and passages:1. p.339 – “Partially…”2. p.341 – “I don’t think…”3. p.342 – “Trust me… - the advantages.”4. p.343 – “Miles…”5. p.344 – “Somehow …”6. p.345 – “I’m not in …”7. p.347 – “But it was all…”8. p.347 – “I could almost see…”9. p.350 – “The lanky man … - wear?”10.p.353 – “Don’t … - difficulty.”11.p.356 – “In one of the …”12.p.359 – “I still suffered … “13.p.359 – “Fabian had …”14.p.361 – “If it was only…”

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Task V: Answer the following questions:1. Where was Fabian going? What for?2. What mission did he charge Doug with?3. How did Doug and Fabian clear up the matter with Eunice at last?4. Was Doug happy about Fabian’s departure?5. Did Italy cure Doug’s gloomy thoughts?6. How did Lorimer explain his presence in Rome to Doug?7. Why did the oil attract Doug? Do you consider it symbolic that he started tp

appreciate art?

Chapter 22

Task I: Find the English equivalents. Give the context:1. попросить, заставить кого-то сделать что-то2. зажить3. хорошо о ком-то отзываться4. посмотреть открыто, в лицо, в глаза5. обогатиться6. принимать всерьез7. забастовать8. иметь лишний вес9. держать себя в форме10.быть беременной от кого-то11.исчерпать запасы чего-то, кончиться12.незаконнорожденный ребенок13.избегать чего-то14.попасть под машину15.быть захваченным врасплох

Task II: Give the Russian equivalents:1. to boot2. and you hit it off together3. red tape4. I swing from extreme to extreme5. to be on the alert for sudden switches of subjects6. He seems to have come into some money7. a different kettle of fish8. you can put it this way9. a sudden seizure of talent10.becomes desperate for a little encouragement11.You’ll wind up with a bullet in your head.

Task III: Find the synonyms in the text:1. an affectionate father

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2. honestly3. to interfere4. plain food5. by the way6. to wonder about7. to make sth clear8. to run into sb9. to start, open the end

Task IV: Give a literary translation of the following sentences and passages:1. p.363 – “His English…”2. p.369 – “It might…- with her.”3. p.370 – “The hotel was…”4. p.372 – “She was much…”5. p.373 – “There were three …”6. p.373 – “Big, hotshot, … - school.”7. p.375 – “More often…”8. p.376 – “Our lovemaking …”9. p.377 – “I could set up…”10.p.378 – “Ever since… - aliens.”

Task V: Answer the following questions:1. Did Dottore Quadrocelli charm Doug?2. What views, intentions and projects did he share with Doug?3. Evelyn was a changed woman, wasn’t she?4. What changed in their relationships?5. Did Evelyn appreciate Doug’s favourite painting? Why was it so important

for him?6. What was the reason for Evelyn’s coming to Italy? How did Doug react to

the news?7. Why did Evelyn insist on leaving Europe? Did Doug accept the idea?8. Was there anything to clear up before their getting married?

Chapter 23

Task I: Find the English equivalents. Give the context:1. покатать кого-то2. оснащенный, экипированный, снаряженный3. прилагать усилия4. взойти на борт5. чуть не оступиться, промахнуться, погибнуть6. крепкие нервы

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7. поесть от пуза, вдоволь поесть8. платить пошлину за9. вызвать у кого-то радость/печаль10.включить зажигание11.завести машину12.выговориться13.гнаться, преследовать кого-то

Task II: Give the Russian equivalents:1. a highly up-to-date, slowly failing establishment2. That would take care of the evening, too.3. fore and aft 4. I’m not opposed to larceny in a good cause.5. to blend into the scenery6. the ultimate in respectable burdens7. to go to extra lengths

Task III: Find the synonyms in the text:1. to watch out for2. a pity3. a good sign4. to estimate5. chic6. uncomfortable, embarrassed7. attentive

Task IV: Give a literary translation of the following sentences and passages:1. p.380 – “Pat unmentioned…”2. p.384 – “Quadrocelli…- appetites”3. p.385 – “In the car… - eerily.”4. p.388 – “The countryside… - pocket.”5. p.389 – “With her myopic …”6. p.392 – “And you … - today.”7. p.393 – “I don’t… - parties.”8. p.394 – “The lamp… - die there.”9. p.396 – “There was…”10.p.399 – “Just a kind of ...”

Task V: Answer the following questions:1. What prevented the company from enjoying the ride on the boat?2. What surprised Doug in Evelyn’s reaction?3. Was Doug delighted being back home?4. Why did Doug give up Pat’s candidature?5. Did Fabian support Doug in his intention to settle down in the USA?

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6. Did Fabian and Evelyn get on well? Was one favourably impressed by the other?

Chapters 24, 25

Task I: Find the English equivalents. Give the context:1. устанавливать2. быть вынужденным уйти в отставку3. полюбить (пристраститься) семейную жизнь4. поладить5. обрисовать план6. направлять, руководить кем-то в чем-то7. урегулировать вопрос, решать проблему8. предложить новый план9. окупиться10.очень торопиться, иметь мало времени11.стрелять в кого-то12.возместить деньги13.когда дело касается денег14.выжить, спастись, выпутаться15.послать кого-то на задание16.натаскивать кого-то17.от имени кого-то

Task II: Give the Russian equivalents:1. complete with a house on a beach2. which had been playing to full houses3. I’m off the stuff.4. Now, spill it.5. We’re way overdue.6. under heavy sedation7. a publicity stunt to promote sb8. Don’t neglect the shop.9. a murderous glory hunter10.that makes my day11.I’d rather she stayed.

Task III: Find the synonyms in the text:1. irritate2. to get in touch with sb3. busy4. to agree on sth5. soon6. to look after

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7. shout(s)8. to realize sth

Task IV: Give a literary translation of the following sentences and passages:1. p.400 – “I put on a pair…”2. p.404 – “Wasn’t more…”3. p.406 – “He had written…”4. p.411 – “He sounded…”5. p.416 – “If stealing …”6. p.417 – “In Washington …”7. p.427 – “Neither of them…”8. p.433 – “He remained…”9. p.433 – “There’s nothing like…”10.p.434 – “Just as … - embarrassment.”

Task V: Answer the following questions:1. What’s your impression of Doug and Evelyn’s life in marriage? What makes

you think so?2. What new scheme did Fabian outline again? Did it make sense?3. How did the meeting of Hank strike Doug? Did Hank succeed in his

business?4. Give an account of Fabian’s show? Due to what was it a success?5. Who caused Fabian and Doug trouble after the party? What happened on the

way to Springs?6. What new facts about Fabian’s life are revealed in the chapter? Does it

influence your attitude to him? How can you characterize Fabian?7. How did that story with the stolen money end?8. Who was Fabian to Lily and Doug? What made them appreciate him?