Nightly Business Report - Thursday March 21 2013.pdf

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  • 7/29/2019 Nightly Business Report - Thursday March 21 2013.pdf


    ANNOUNCER: This is NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT with Tyler Mathisen and

    Susie Gharib.


    chin. Hit by a one-two punch of weak technology and ongoing drama over a

    bailout in Cyprus.


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    issue. CVS (NYSE:CVS), the latest company asking for more medical

    information from employees. How much should your employer really know

    about you?

    GHARIB: And a tough decision. The housing market seems to be on the

    mend. So, it`s time to ask the age-old question: should you rent or buy?

    All that and more coming up.

    Good evening, everyone.

    Well, Tyler, another down day on Wall Street and it seems like

    investors are starting to pay attention to bad news.

    MATHISEN: Certainly this week, and certainly again today, Susie.

    After spending much of the year blissfully gliding over whatever

    troubling news there was, stocks today succumbed to a dose of reality. It

    came in two forms: earnings worries and Cyprus, where a banking crisis

    shows few signs of abating and the country`s credit rating was cut. The

    Dow, though closing well off the lows of the session, nevertheless ended 90

    points lower at 14,421, the NASDAQ down 31, and the S&P 500 falling further

    from its record high off 14 points today.

    Now, stocks got little help from more good news about housing. Sales

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    of existing homes last month hit a three-year high, while average home

    prices in January shot up 6.5 percent from a year ago.

    On the labor front, first time jobless claims rose by only 2,000 last

    week. But it was enough to send the monthly average to a fresh five-year


    No matter, today, stock investors did what they haven`t done much of

    this year at all. Find trouble in the news.


    MATHISEN (voice-over): Until this week, stocks have led a charmed

    life in 2013. Day after day, the Dow played past the headlines. Its worst

    losing streak of the year: two. And it`s closed higher seven out of every

    10 trading days this year.

    But this week, after nearly three months of gains that would make for

    a pretty good year of returns, investors woke up. Those banking woes in

    Cyprus were a first jolt, a reminder that Europe`s problems are far from

    solved. Then, came earnings issues at three bellwethers, FedEx (NYSE:FDX),

    Caterpillar (NYSE:CAT), and Oracle (NASDAQ:ORCL), a transport, an

    industrial, a tech.

    MATTHEW CHESLOCK, VIRTU FINANCIAL: This market is not really ready to

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    take off. The economy is not ready to take off. It does give us a little

    pause, maybe across the board. Economy is slowing down, at least


    MATHISEN: Ben Bernanke did calm the markets yesterday.


    committee judged that no adjustment was warranted.

    MATHISEN: Today, though, as investors look east to Europe and ahead

    to an earnings season promising little profit growth, 2013`s charmed life

    for stocks seems so yesterday.


    GHARIB: More now on the financial troubles in Cyprus where the

    government is trying to come up with a plan to reorganize its banks by

    Monday. That`s the deadline set by the European Union officials. If they

    don`t, it could mean collapse of the entire banking sector.

    As Michelle Caruso-Cabrera tells us, that fear is being felt on the



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    Cyprus, yet another country in Europe where the devastation from the

    financial crisis is being felt throughout the population.

    Throughout Cyprus, lines could be seen all day long at the ATMs of the

    country`s weakest bank, Laiki. The bank`s customers desperate to take out

    cash of rumors the banks was on the verge of failure.

    CHRIS SOFRONIOU, BANK DEPOSITOR: This is not solidarity. We`re being

    treated like third-class citizens and we`re very, very angry.

    CARUSO-CABRERA: How much money did you take out?

    SOFRONIOU: I just took 1,000. I`ve been taking 1,000 every day. And

    personally, I`m taking this money and cash with me to the U.K. tonight.

    CARUSO-CABRERA: Because?

    SOFRONIOU: Because we don`t know what the future of our country


    CARUSO-CABRERA: The reason they`re using the ATM? The banks have

    been closed nearly a week and won`t open until Tuesday, earliest.

    Business owners deeply affected by the bank closures. The head of

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    this fruit import business is worried about making payroll.


    expedite the cash collecting process in order to be able to pay our

    employees next week. Most shipping lines require that you pay in cash. So

    if you want to get some important goods out of (INAUDIBLE), you have to pay

    in cash.

    CARUSO-CABRERA: Bank employees likely to be on the losing end as well

    and they know it, showing up in front of parliament to protest in fear that

    their bank will be shut down.

    UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: (INAUDIBLE). It`s not their family. E.U., it`s

    Germany and other countries, they are not our friends, because their

    members of family don`t do this.

    CARUSO-CABRERA: Many people here are so angry, they feel they have

    been treated unfairly by the Europeans, particularly the Germans and

    they`re angry with the politicians they say have led them astray.

    For NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT, I`m Michelle Caruso-Cabrera, Cyprus.


    GHARIB: Our market guest tonight says investors should be concerned

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    about what`s going on in Cyprus and its impact on Europe. He`s Andres

    Garcia-Amaya, global market strategist at JPMorgan (NYSE:JPM) Funds.

    You know, Andres, tell us why U.S. investors should be concerned about

    what`s going on in Cyprus. A lot of them think that there`s no spillover

    effect over here.


    Right. I think it s really important to look at Cyprus and not blow it out

    of proportion, but at the same time, don`t underestimate its risk. And its

    risk is that it does create question marks around the safety of deposits

    around the European Union. The whole point of creating a banking union is

    that a Cyprus bank is as safe as a German bank. And this does create a

    question mark.

    MATHISEN: Andres, is Europe for investors simply too hot to touch

    right now?

    GARCIA-AMAYA: I think if you look at individual companies, if you

    look at their balance sheets and you try to understand what is their

    drivers of growth, there are still opportunities, especially large

    corporations that have access to the emerging markets, and that`s really

    where their growth is coming from.

    But overall, at the macro level, I do expect some headlines -- some

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    headline risks this year. Let`s not forget, this is a German election

    year, right? In September, Merkel has to convince her voters that she

    should be re-elected. And I wouldn`t put that past what`s happening in

    Cyprus and what other headlines we come up during the duration of this


    GHARIB: Let`s talk a little bit about things closer to home --

    earnings. You heard in Tyler`s report we`ve had disappointing earnings

    recently. You know, we`re going to get a lot of reports over the next

    couple weeks. Are they going to shape the direction of the markets?

    GARCIA-AMAYA: Well, first off, we had a weak market today and I think

    it`s important to take it in stride. We had a great run, but it is

    concerning when the markets move up in a straight line up or down. So,

    some consolidation is actually healthy.

    Two, when it comes to earnings, we do expect earnings not to be too

    strong in the second quarter. Let`s remember what just happened. We have

    the payroll tax going away. We have the sequester that`s really going to

    start hitting in April. Therefore, the second quarter.

    So, earnings in the short term might seem weak, but we do believe over

    the next couple years, the earnings story could be strong, especially when

    you look at the economy and the fundamental story what`s happening with

    housing and slowly what`s happening to jobs.

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    MATHISEN: So where should I put my money, Andres? If I want to be a

    broadly diversified global investor, what percentage of it right now of my

    equity holdings should be in the U.S. market and what percentage in foreign

    markets, what percentage in emerging markets?

    GARCIA-AMAYA: So first off, we are overweight in the U.S. equity

    markets over, for instance, other developed economies like Europe. I think

    a lot of the headline risk is going to actually send a lot of dollars back

    into the United States. And fundamentally, the U.S. economic story is


    But just a comment on emerging markets. You hit on something that I

    think is important. I think most investors globally are structurally

    underweight emerging markets. They might hold maybe 4 percent or 5 percent

    of emerging markets throughout the whole portfolio. Yet if you look at

    this share out of whole world market cap, it`s 13 percent.

    So, I do believe that people structurally are underweight and they

    need a little bit more exposure to emerging markets which right now there`s

    a lot of volatility there, but I think there`s also a lot of upside.

    GHARIB: Andres, you used to always hear: buy on the dips. I don t

    know if this is one of those times.

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    Should people start picking up stocks if they haven`t been involved in

    this market rally or is a serious pullback close by?

    GARCIA-AMAYA: I think if you have to look at your options, right?

    So, if you have a new dollar, what are you going to do with it? Are you

    going to put it on fixed income? Are you going to put it on cash or in


    I think, even at these levels, equities still more look appealing than

    the other options. So if you see some weakness, I would actually put that

    new dollar into equities. Why? Because everything else just looks so


    GHARIB: All right. Lots of good information. Thank you so much,


    Andres Garcia-Amaya, global market strategist at JPMorgan (NYSE:JPM)


    MATHISEN: Well, Susie, first, the Senate voted for it, and now, the

    House passing a stopgap spending bill with broad bipartisan support and

    sending it to the president`s desk for his signature. The measure will

    keep the federal government up and running until the end of September,

    while lawmakers get back to work on a more comprehensive long-term budget

    for fiscal 2014 and beyond.

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    GHARIB: And after the bill, earnings surprise starts us off in

    "Market Focus" tonight.

    Nike (NYSE:NKE) reported a 55 percent jump in quarterly net income to

    73 cents a share. That was 6 cents more than analysts` estimates. Nike

    (NYSE:NKE) said worldwide future demand for its apparel and shoes rose 6

    percent compared to the same period last year.

    Looking at the stock, it closed at $53.60, down more than 2 percent.

    That was during the regular session, and then it surged in after hours.

    Cisco (NASDAQ:CSCO) Systems was the biggest loser in the Dow. Shares

    fell on an analyst downgrade from a market perform to underperform. The

    analyst predicts a decline in routers, and Cisco (NASDAQ:CSCO) could be

    challenged to transition to a software and service business model.

    Cisco (NASDAQ:CSCO) lost almost 4 percent, closing at $20.84.

    And Oracle (NASDAQ:ORCL) was the biggest NASDAQ loser. Investors

    reacted to that warning that we told you about last night that Oracle`s

    hardware revenue would shrink. The company also said on its earnings

    called today that its sales staff didn`t do a good job on selling on the

    software side.

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    Oracle (NASDAQ:ORCL) shares have fell on heavy volume, closing at

    $32.30, down more than 9.5 percent.


    competitor in cloud computing and customer relationship services, announced

    a four for one stock split after the close today. You don`t see that very

    often. Salesforce was up on the day, ending at $172.73, before it spiked

    after hours on the news of that split.

    And Airgas (NYSE:ARG), a company that makes industrial gases that

    other manufacturers use in their processes, warned that it may fall short

    in the current quarter because sales fell in February in a key division and

    didn`t recover in March. Airgas (NYSE:ARG) down over 5 percent, closing at


    One bright spot today, though, was Ross Stores (NASDAQ:ROST). The

    discount retailer said its latest quarterly income jumped 23 percent on

    higher demand from bargain hunting shoppers. Ross says revenue stores at

    least a year up 5 percent. Ross was up $3.35 -- 3.35 percent, excuse me,

    to $58.05 at the close.

    GHARIB: Here`s another bright spot. This year`s corn crop,

    especially in the wake of last year`s devastating Midwest drought. Corn

    planting this year are expected to be the highest in decades, and Jane

    Wells tells us what that means for farmers and consumers.

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    Farming is like housing. It`s all about location, location, location.


    WELLS: Nebraska corn farmer Jason Kvols should be. He`s coming off a

    horrible 2012 due to the drought.

    KVOLS: I expected around 150 bushels average year going into the

    year. And I ended up with 75 bushel on my corn.

    WELLS: Curt Mowery`s Texas operation could not have been more


    CURT MOWERY, TEXAS GRAIN FARMER: Our 2012 corn crop was excellent.

    It`s probably the best corn crop we`ve ever raised down here.

    WELLS: Mowery already has corn coming out of the ground and he`s

    optimistic about 2013. Farmers are expected to plant the most acres of

    corn in 77 years. And if the crop is good -- corn prices could fall as

    much as 40 percent and bring down the cost of everything else, especially


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    America`s cattle herd is the smallest it`s been in decades. Ranchers

    have been getting rid of animals because it costs too much to feed them.

    Texas rancher Bob McCan says his herd is 25 percent smaller than it

    used to be.

    BOB MCCAN, TEXAS RANCHER: Until there`s some really relief in the

    drought situation, it`s going to be hard to rebuild the herd.

    WELLS: Curt Mowery says what happens next won`t just impact American

    food costs but global supply.

    MOWERY: If anybody has a marginal or total crop failure, it`s going

    to start impacting worldwide the availability of those commodities on the

    food shelf. It`s that critical. I`ve never seen it in my lifetime.

    WELLS: The national weather service isn`t providing much hope. Its

    new spring forecast calls for warmer than normal temperatures with little

    relief from the drought.

    For NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT, Jane Wells, Moorpark, California.


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    MATHISEN: And coming up, first, smoking, then, cholesterol levels.

    Now, one company is asking employees to weigh in, or pay up for health

    insurance. Is it a motivation to get healthy or an invasion of privacy?

    First, though, let`s attack a look at how the international markets

    finished the day.


    GHARIB: We don`t have to tell you that the cost of health care is

    skyrocketing, especially for big companies providing coverage for thousands

    of workers. But there`s a growing controversy about just how involved

    employers should get in the lives and personal information of those


    Hampton Pearson explains.



    The CVS (NYSE:CVS) drugstore chain, one of the nation`s largest, is taking

    a hard line on weight control in the workplace, telling its 200,000

    employees to participate in the company`s health insurance they must reveal

    health information, including weight, body fat and blood pressure levels or

    pay a $50 a month fine. That`s $600 a year.

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    UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s a $600 fine. Yes, that seems pretty


    PEARSON: The chief medical officer for the Rhode Island-based firm

    says it`s not an invasion of privacy, but an incentive to improve employee

    health and reduce health care costs.


    incentive one way or the other. The way we see it is that the company

    contributes a good deal to people`s health insurance, and people can get an

    additional contribution if they undertake this. It seems to make common

    sense to us.

    PEARSON: Worker rights advocates say there`s nothing really voluntary

    about asking workers to pay what could be a $600 a year penalty.


    (NYSE:CVS), you`re looking at a company that has a lot of low-wage workers,

    where $50 a month could make a significant difference.

    PEARSON: A Kaiser Family Foundation survey finds 94 percent of large

    businesses now offer some kind of wellness program, things like free health

    club memberships, nutrition counseling, even stop smoking campaigns.

    What`s accelerating is the use of financial penalties to motivate behavior.

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    Workers are adjusting.

    UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My job required it, and I need my job -- yes,

    I`d would do it. I`ve got nothing to hide.

    PEARSON: In a 2009 survey of 500 companies, 8 percent used financial

    penalties to motivate healthy behavior. Last year, that number jumped to

    30 percent, according to Towers Watson (NYSE:TW), a risk management

    consulting firm.

    Health care experts also say draft regulations tied to implementing

    the Affordable Care Act increased dramatically financial incentives tied to

    wellness programs.

    CRAIG PALOSKY, KAISER FAMILY FOUNDATION: There really isn`t anything

    else that the insurance industry or the employee benefits industry has

    shown they can do to control health care costs.

    PEARSON (on camera): CVS (NYSE:CVS) said they`re using what some

    might consider the stick approach tied to penalties. What`s not yet

    apparent is how many firms will follow that trend.

    For NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT, I`m Hampton Pearson in Washington.


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    GHARIB: We have two different points of view on this subject.

    Deborah Peel is the founder of Patients Privacy Rights Foundation, and

    Tracy Burns is the director of Northeast Human Resources Association.

    I`d like to ask both of you this question. We all want a healthier

    work force. You know, how do we get there? Is it through rewards or is it

    through penalties?

    Deborah, why don`t you start us off?


    penalties, of course. And these penalties in particular are very coercive,

    they`re very hurtful. And most of the people that are working there are

    probably working a second job already.

    So, it`s cruel. It`s cruel and it`s an insult to dignity.

    But worse than that, there are serious privacy problems. First of

    all, Americans have the right to health information privacy. The reason

    is, is this is very sensitive information, and it`s been clear for decades

    that employers and insurers use this information to make decisions about

    hiring, firing and promotions.

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    So the privacy of health information and the lack of control of data

    in electronic systems and wellness programs require the collection of lots

    of sensitive data.

    GHARIB: Let`s get Tracy in on this.

    PEEL: OK.

    GHARIB: Rewards or penalties, Tracy?


    think it depends on the individual. I think, as you know, health care --

    health risk assessments have been around since the `80s. So, this is

    really nothing new. It`s really just how it s being packaged.

    So, it comes down to the individual and how they`re motivated and what

    their financial motivation works for some people. And coercion or

    perceived coercion is going to work -- will be the proof in the pudding. I

    think, like with a lot of wellness programs, it takes a long time for us to

    see the fruits of the labor, but I commend CVS (NYSE:CVS) for being willing

    to implement a wellness program, because it`s really not just about the

    bottom line. It`s about overall well-being. And when we come to work, we

    don`t just bring ourselves, our work selves, we bring our entire selves,

    and proven that healthy employees equal productive employees.

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    MATHISEN: Ms. Peel, I`m curious why you think the practice of

    supplying or having to submit to a test where you would be weighed, have

    your body mass index measured, presumably your blood sugar taken and

    cholesterol taken --

    PEEL: Yes.

    MATHISEN: -- is a cruel procedure. I believe that was your word.

    I`m not sure I understand. Why you perceive that to be cruel, and

    why, on the other hand, someone might not see that as, well, that`s

    information that I could use, perhaps, if I didn`t have it already, to live

    a more healthy lifestyle?

    PEEL: The cruelty is about the financial penalties that most people

    can`t afford. The problem with the blood tests are when you get blood

    tests, they`re collected by a lab, data is collected about you, personal

    data about your body and mind.

    The public is very sensitive about this. They know that employers and

    insurers and wellness plans and labs and electronic data about health is

    not secure, and it`s not private. They believe that these systems are not

    ready for prime time. They know that we have no data map of where all this

    data goes, who uses it, and what for. But it`s very clear that this

    information is used to discriminate against people.

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    The most important thing I like to say, though, about health plans is

    this month`s "Health Affairs" did a very careful study, and they found that

    wellness programs basically don`t work. They`re one-size-fits-all.

    These illnesses that we are having, the epidemics of, are happening

    because not just of factors within the person, but there are social

    factors, cultural factors and corporate factors as well, such as very

    addictive, terrible, cheap food.

    GHARIB: All right. Can we just get maybe a short explanation from

    you --

    PEEL: Sure.

    GHARIB: -- of what`s the alternative? I mean, the status quo in our

    country right now is not working. We have an obesity --

    PEEL: You are right.

    GHARIB: -- epidemic. We have a heart disease epidemic.

    PEEL: You`re right.

    GHARIB: And we have a health care cost epidemic. So what do we do?

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    Real quickly.

    PEEL: Well, first of all, the alternatives are to find the solutions

    not only in the individual, by working with individuals, but by looking at

    the larger factors in society. We don`t have epidemics because suddenly a

    whole bunch of people in this nation are not responsible. These are

    complex problems. So they`re going to be -- we have to find the problems

    in the individuals, but in our culture, in our food chain, in our

    workplaces, to fix his, because wellness programs don`t work.

    MATHISEN: Tracy, my employer requires me to submit that I haven`t

    used tobacco products over the past year or pay a penalty. And that feels

    like a reasonable -- to me, a reasonable use of the expression of the

    employer`s interest here.

    My question for you, though, are we going to a system where

    individuals` health care costs will pay more for insurance if they have

    certain personal attributes or certain behaviors or certain habits than

    somebody else? Variable pricing?

    BURNS: Well, potentially so. And it`s not much different than what`s

    been happening for quite some time with the incentives plan. So I think we

    have to be very careful about what we`re penalizing people for and what`s

    preventative. And a lot of the wellness programs that corporations have

    been involved in for quite some time are based on preventative measures,

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    and lifestyle things that you can change, things that are within your


    GHARIB: All right. We have to leave it there. This is obviously a

    topic that as a country we`re going to continue to be in a conversation.

    Thank you both, Deborah Peel, founder of Patient Privacy Rights

    Foundation, and Tracy Burns, director of Northeast Human Resources



    MATHISEN: This one, Susie, really did hit a nerve in lots of people

    today around the country.

    All right. Coming up, our special series on housing continues with a

    look at renting versus buying a home, which could be best for you in

    today`s economy?

    But, first, let`s take a look at what treasuries -- they were up today

    -- currencies and commodities closed.


    MATHISEN: With home prices on the rise and mortgage rates still near

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    historic lows, a lot of would-be home buyers are looking to jump in while

    others remain cautious. So, in today`s housing market, is it wiser to rent

    or own your home?

    Diana Olick looks for some answers.


    UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So this is e place.


    Newlyweds Brian and Ali Earle are ready to buy their first home together.

    While owning a home seems daunting, renting just doesn`t add up


    BRIAN EARLE, POTENTIAL HOME BUYER: To be honest, it keeps going up.

    I think we`ve seen our rent go up over 20 percent in the last two years.

    And you don`t really have control over your property.

    OLICK: Rents are rising at an annual rate of 3.5 percent, according

    to AXIOMetrics. But home prices are rising faster. So should you buy or


    Analysts at Trulia say it`s 44 percent cheaper to buy, but only if you

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    stay in your home for seven years, itemize your deductions and get a 3.5

    percent mortgage rate.

    ALI EARLE, POTENTIAL HOME BUYER: Right now, with how interest rates

    are, they are actually below 4 percent in this area. So it`s the perfect

    time for us to do it, especially for good investments for us, for our


    OLICK: Still, rental buildings are largely full, partially because so

    many potential home buyers now have damaged credit, but also because many

    younger Americans want neither the hassle nor the risk.

    SUSIE BOGGES, RENTER: It`s low-maintenance. That`s the best thing.

    OLICK: Susie Bogges has been renting in D.C. for six years and admits

    she would pay more to rent than own.

    BOGGES: I have a lot of friends who purchase and they thought it was

    a great deal and then ended up losing tens of thousands of dollars just in

    a few years.

    OLICK: Another barrier to home ownership is lack of supplies. The

    realtors today reported a small increase in the number of homes for sale,

    but it`s just not enough, especially given the competition from cash-heavy


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    ALI EARLE: Everywhere we`ve looked, there`s at least five or six

    offers going in within 48 hour period.

    OLICK: That`s why now, even some home builders, like Lennar

    (NYSE:LEN), are getting into the multifamily apartment business.

    STUART MILLER, LENNAR: We`re bullish both on the rental side of the

    business and on the single family side of the business. We have

    underserved production for probably seven years now, and as we look ahead,

    both on the multifamily side and on the single family side, we`re going to

    need a lot more production.

    UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, this is actually pretty spacious, too.

    OLICK: Because at this point in the housing recovery, the rent versus

    buy debate still has no winner.

    For NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT, I`m Diana Olick in Washington.


    GHARIB: You know, Tyler, my husband and I just went through this

    process with our adult children who were going to be in these training

    programs for three years, four years, decided to rent rather than buy,

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    because it`s that seven-year rule that Diana was talking about.

    MATHISEN: More likely to stay there that long.

    My rule is whenever Mathisen buys, you sell, because I`ve managed to

    top the real estate market I`ve ever been in. I`ll tell you. I`ll give

    you a hint. I`m not moving any time soon.

    GHARIB: Anyway, that`s it for us. NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT for

    tonight. I`m Susie Gharib. Thanks so much for watching.

    MATHISEN: And I`m Tyler "Time the Market" Mathisen. Have a great

    evening, everybody. We`ll see you back here tomorrow night.


    Nightly Business Report transcripts and video are available on-line post

    broadcast at The program is transcribed by CQRC

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