NHS England South Yorkshire & Bassetlaw Contact List...

1 NHS England South Yorkshire & Bassetlaw Contact List October 2013

Transcript of NHS England South Yorkshire & Bassetlaw Contact List...


NHS England

South Yorkshire & Bassetlaw

Contact List – October 2013



NHS England was established in October 2012 but assumed its full responsibilities on 1 April 2013 as PCTs were abolished and Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) were established. NHS England is an independent body at arm’s length to Government. The Secretary of State for Health agrees an annual mandate with NHS England which incorporates the NHS Constitution and NHS Outcomes framework. NHS England is the operating name for the NHS Commissioning Board.

The main aim of NHS England is to improve the health outcomes for people in England. Central to our ambition is to place the patients and the public at the heart of everything we do. We are what we want the NHS to be – open, evidence-based and inclusive, to be transparent about the decisions we make, the way we operate and the impact we have.

We encourage patient and public participation in the NHS, treat them respectfully and put their interests first. This allows us to develop the insight to help us improve outcomes and guarantee no community is left behind or disadvantaged.

We empower and support clinical leaders at every level of the NHS through clinical commissioning groups (CCGs), networks and senates, in NHS England itself and in providers, helping them to make genuinely informed decisions, spend the taxpayers’ money wisely and provide high quality services.

Engaging with our staff is equally important to us too. Our staff is what makes the NHS England an excellent organisation: an exemplar in customer focus, professionalism, rigor and creativity.

Grounded by the values and principles of the NHS Constitution, we are an organisation who shares ideas and knowledge, successes and failures, and listens to each other carefully and thoughtfully.

At NHS England, we practice what we preach. By working collaboratively and building coalitions with partners everywhere means we can achieve greater things together and deliver the best patient service not only in England but in the world.


NHS England’s face in South Yorkshire & Bassetlaw is the Area Team which I have the privilege of leading and which is mainly based here at Oak House in Rotherham. This pack contains a summary of the purpose, values, functions of NHS England and provides you with some key contacts for the team here in South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw.

Eleri de Gilbert Director (Interim), NHS England (South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw)

NHS England – Our Vision

Everyone has greater control of their health and well-being, supported to live longer, healthier lives by high quality health and care services that are compassionate, inclusive and constantly improving. NHS England – Our Values

The values enshrined in the NHS Constitution underpin all that we do:-

x Respect and dignity x Commitment to the quality of care x Compassion x Improving lives x Working together for patients x Everyone counts

NHS England – what do we do?

We are responsible for ensuring the improvement of outcomes, for all patients by

x Preventing people from dying prematurely x Enhancing the quality of life for people with long term conditions x Helping people recover from episodes of ill health or injury x Ensuring people have a positive experience of care and treatment AND x Caring for people in a safe environment and protecting them from avoidable


We allocate funding to Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and support them in the effective use of that money to improve outcomes for all patients

We also directly commission health services including primary care, some public health services such as immunisation and screening; children’s 0 – 5 year old services and specialised health services

We also plan for civil emergencies and make sure the NHS is resilient


NHS England – our structure

NHS England is a single national organisation with a single operating model with approximately 4000 staff

It has 8 Directorates at national level but the majority of its functions are carried out at local level through 4 Regional Teams and 27 area teams.

see www.england.nhs.uk for more details about NHS England, how it operates, who’s who and about its plans for the future.

NHS England (South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw)

The South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw area team is one of 27 nationally. It sits within the North Region.

Area Team’s Role and Responsibility South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw is one of 27 Area Teams nationally and sits within the North Region. The Area Teams role is to;

x Support and develop CCGs x Assess and assure performance x Undertake direct commissioning of primary care services (GPs, dental,

Pharmacy, optometry ) and some public health services – screening and immunisation programmes for children and adults;; children’s 0 – 5 year old health services;

x We are one of 10 Area Teams nationally that commission specialised health services from Yorkshire and the Humber providers and from some specialised independent providers outside the area

x Manage and cultivate local partnerships and stakeholder relationships, including membership of Local Health and Wellbeing boards.

x Emergency planning, resilience and response x Ensure quality and safety x Provide configuration and system oversight

The Area Team also hosts the Clinical Senate for Yorkshire and the Humber and the Strategic Clinical Networks. We also have co-located or hosted with us at our main base, staff from Public Health England who deliver and support screening and immunisation services, specialised commissioning public health advice and dental public health advice.


The Area Team in West Yorkshire is responsible for commissioning offender health care services and the Area Team in North Yorkshire and the Humber is responsible for commissioning military health services for the population of South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw

The Area Team is based primarily at Oak House, Moorhead Way, Bramley, Rotherham S66 1YY. Some SCN staff are based in Leeds.

The Area Team is led by Eleri de Gilbert, Director and a team of Directors. The sections that follow describe the functions of the individual Directorates within the Area Team, who’s who and how they can be contacted.


Area Director’s Office

Interim Area Director: Eleri de Gilbert

Telephone: 0113 8253375

Email: [email protected]

Senior Administrative Support: Rebecca Copley*

Telephone: 0113 8253449

Email: [email protected]

*Please note that from 8 November 2013 will be on maternity leave and her post will be covered by:

Julie Ovington

Telephone: 0113 8253449

Email: [email protected]

Business Office

Role of the Business Office:

The Business Office supports the Directors in leading and organising the Area Team by providing corporate functions such as internal communication, FOI/media requests, risk and assurance monitoring, facilities management, staff engagement and supporting the senior management team meetings.

Team Members

Job Title Telephone Number


Jenna Cotton Business Manager 0113 8253394 [email protected] Joanne Talbot Administrative

Assistant 0113 8253398 [email protected]

Business Office Generic Email Address: [email protected]


Medical Directorate

Role of Medical Directorate: The role of the medical directorate is to support the provision of high quality, safe care that improves outcomes for patients. This is achieved by:

x providing professional leadership x promoting high quality primary medical care through appraisal and

revalidation of GPs, regulation and responding to concerns, supporting individual doctors, and supporting effective clinical governance in practices

x promoting high quality general dental services, community pharmacy and optometry including through Local Professional Networks, regulation and support of individual practitioners and clinical governance systems.

x supporting and leading strategic work on service redesign and configuration x delivering strategic clinical networks and the senate across Yorkshire and the

Humber to assist commissioners, clinicians and providers in delivering services that better meet need.

The directorate has specific responsibility for delivery of domains 1 (preventing people from dying prematurely), 2 (enhancing quality of life for people with long-term conditions), and 3 (helping people to recover from episodes of ill health or following injury) of the NHS outcomes framework. The directorate also provides medical and clinical advice across the Area Team and wider health and social care community when necessary. This includes advice to the quality surveillance board and primary care commissioning. in addition, advice is provided to specialised commissioning across Yorkshire and the Humber and to CCGs through the strategic clinical networks and the senate.

Medical Director: Dr David Black

Telephone: 0113 8253368

Email: [email protected]

Administrative Support/PA to David Black: Pam Scargill

Telephone: 0113 8253442

Email: [email protected]


Team Members

Job Title Telephone Number


Laura Sherburn Assistant Director (Clinical Strategy)

0113 8253421 [email protected]

Helen Tallantyre

Assistant Director (Clinical Strategy)

0113 8253384 [email protected]

Linda Daniel Project Manager (Clinical Strategy)

0113 8253425 [email protected]

Sally Brown Project Officer (Clinical Strategy)

0113 8253455 [email protected]

David Plews Assistant Director (Revalidation)

0113 8253370 [email protected]

David Brown Assistant Director (Revalidation)

0113 8253369 [email protected]

Jodie Dixon Revalidation 0113 8253399 [email protected] Kay Garside Project Officer

(Revalidation) 0113 8253417 [email protected]

Terry Hague Project Officer (Revalidation)

0113 8253430 [email protected]

Tony Shaw Project Manager (Revalidation)

0113 8253470 [email protected]

Jacqui Cheesman

Senior Administrative Support

0113 8253390 [email protected]

Denise Fulton Administrative Support

0113 8253372 [email protected]

Louise Larkin Administrative Support

0113 8253430 [email protected]

Strategic Clinical Networks & Senates Team Members:

Team Members

Job Title Telephone Number


Vacancy Senate Chair (to be appointed shortly) Prof Graham Venables

SCN Clinical Director

0114 2712197

[email protected]

Ian Golton SCN and Senate Associate Director

0113 825 3386

[email protected]

Clare Hillitt Network Manager (Children’s & Maternity)

0113 8253366

[email protected]

Carol Ferguson Network Manager (Cancer)

07900 715121

[email protected]

Alison Bagnall Network Manager (Mental Health & CVD)

07900 715146

[email protected]

Joanne Poole Senate Manager 0113 8253397

[email protected]


Stacey Blueitt Personal Assistant

0113 8253466

[email protected]

Stephanie Beal Personal Assistant

0113 8253467

[email protected]

Richard Sorsby Network Assistant 0113 8253452

[email protected]

Linda Robinson Network Admin & Support Officer

0113 8253426

[email protected]

Sarah Faulkner Business Manager

0113 825 3458

[email protected]

Rebecca Campbell

Quality Improvement Manager (CVD)

0113 825 3448

[email protected]

Vacancy Quality Improvement Lead

Vacancy Quality Improvement Lead

Adele Graham Quality Improvement Manager (Stroke & Renal)

07825 242478

[email protected]

Judith Bird Quality, Safety and Patient Experience Lead

0113 8253401

[email protected]

Julia Jessop Quality Improvement Manager (Cancer)

07825 222741

[email protected]

Gerard Oliver Quality Improvement Manager (Cardiac & Diabetes)

07554 222741

[email protected]

Sheriden McKiniry

Quality Improvement Manager (Neurological Conditions)

07825 244772

[email protected]

Colin Sloane PPE User Facilitator

07554 222798

[email protected]

Lorraine Cooper

Quality Improvement Lead (Cancer)

07825 256717

[email protected]

Karen Leivers Quality Improvement Lead (Cancer)

0113 8253409

[email protected]

Penny Kirk Quality Improvement Manager (Dementia)

07825 242493

[email protected]


Matt Greensmith

Quality Improvement Lead (Cardiovascular)

07825 242493

[email protected]

Denise Friend Quality Improvement Lead (Cancer)

0113 8253371

[email protected]

Angela Millett Quality Improvement Lead (Cancer)

07825 256814

[email protected]

Fiona Stephenson

Quality Improvement Manager (Cancer)

07500 128976

[email protected]

Marlene Holland

Quality Improvement Lead (Cancer)

07825 242440

[email protected]

Zoe Ardern Service Improvement Analyst

0113 8253479

[email protected]

Philip Melling Service Improvement Analyst

[email protected]

Kath Cope Quality Improvement Lead (Cardiovascular)

0113 8253412

[email protected]

Emma Andrews Quality Improvement Manager (Children’s)

0113 8253376

[email protected]

Trish Rawnsley Quality Improvement Manager (Cancer)

[email protected]

Gail Peacock SCN Programme Service Improvement Officer

0113 8253379

[email protected]


Nursing and Quality Directorate Team Members

Role of the Nursing and Quality Directorate: The role of the Nursing and Quality team is to provide credible, effective and visible professional nursing and clinical leadership across South Yorkshire & Bassetlaw and across the wider Health and Social care system to support the local implementation of the NHS England strategy. The team support the direct commissioning function and CCG’s to enable them to commission high quality services, which has a positive impact upon both individuals and the health of the population ensuring high quality, safety, care, compassion and a positive patient experience are at the heart of the system The team have a specific responsibility for delivery of domains 4 and 5 of the NHS Outcomes Framework within the Local Area and across the wider Health and Social care system including all NHS funded care, with particular focus on providing nursing and midwifery advice and support for the other domains. They work with the Regional Team, other Local Area Teams, NHS England Commissioners, Provider organisations and other stakeholders to develop and implement patient safety and patient engagement strategy and systems that provide a cohesive and co-ordinated approach. Specific areas of responsibility include:

x Serious Incidents x Incidents in primary care and specialised commissioning x Never Events x Patient Safety x Controlled Drugs x Mental Health Homicide investigation x Supporting Quality Surveillance groups activities x Complaints in primary care and specialised commissioning x Safeguarding (Children & Adults) x Patient Experience x Patient Engagement

Team Members:

Nurse Director: Margaret Kitching

Telephone: 0113 8253432

Email: [email protected]

Senior Administrative Support/PA to Margaret Kitching:

Catherine Wickens

Telephone: 0113 8253361

Email: [email protected]


Team Members

Job Title Telephone Number


Julie Finch Assistant Director (Quality Assurance)

0113 8253404 [email protected]

Carol Lavelle Assistant Director (Patient Experience)

0113 8253356 [email protected]

Judith Wild Quality – Patient Safety

0113 8253402 [email protected]

Tracey Slater Patient Experience Manager

0113 8253474 [email protected]

Jacqui Hughes Quality – Patient Safety

0113 8253389 [email protected]

Kathryn Hyde Quality – Patient Experience Lead

0113 8253413 [email protected]

Caroline McNulty

Complaints Lead 0113 8253358 [email protected]


Finance Directorate

Role of the Finance Directorate:

The role of the Finance team is to provide operational and strategic financial leadership for NHS England across South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw to help deliver both local and national priorities. The team support managers within the Area Team as well as supporting its own direct commissioning functions. The combined budget of the Area Team is £1.5bn and includes the following functions:

x Area Team corporate budgets x Primary Care for South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw x Secondary and Community Care Dental for South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw x Public Health for South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw x Specialised Commissioning for Yorkshire and the Humber x Strategic Clinical Networks and Senates for Yorkshire and the Humber

The teams have specific responsibility for:

x Financial planning and financial strategy x Financial support and delivery of contract management x Budget setting x Year to date and forecast financial information x Support to QIPP delivery x CCG assurance role x Compliance with governance arrangements e.g. Standing Financial

Instructions and Standing Orders x Day to day support to the ISFE (Integrated Single Financial Environment) x Links to the CSU for financial support to specialised commissioning and

secondary care dental The team work not only across South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw but with other Area Teams and CCGs across Yorkshire and the Humber and across the North.

Finance Director: Steve Hackett

Telephone: 0113 8253468

Email: [email protected]

Senior Administrative Support/PA to Steve Hackett: Tracey Green

Telephone: 0113 8253472

Email: [email protected]


Administrative Support: Lynne Duffy

Telephone: 0113 8253431

Email: [email protected]

Team Members

Job Title Telephone Number


Frances Carey

Head of Finance

0113 8253378

[email protected]

Craig Holmes Assistant Head of Finance (Corporate)

0113 8253367

[email protected]

Matt Jones Financial Management/Analyst Team (Corporate)

0113 8253435

[email protected]

Richard Hirst Financial Management/Analyst Team (Corporate)

0113 8253451

[email protected]

Claire Gravil Assistant Head of Finance (Primary Care)

0113 825 3365

[email protected]

Sarah Godber Financial Management/Analyst Team (Primary Care)

0113 8253459

[email protected]

Ian Catling Financial Management/Analyst Team (Primary Care)

0113 8253385

[email protected]

Genna Miller Financial Management/Analyst Team (Primary Care)

0113 8253381

[email protected]

Michelle Spencer

Financial Management/Analyst Team (Primary Care)

0113 8253439

[email protected]

Tina Greaves Financial Management/Analyst Team (Primary Care)

0113 8253469

[email protected]


Specialised Finance:

Team Members

Job Title Telephone Number


Michael Clements

Head of Finance (Specialised)

0113 8253437

[email protected]

Alan Browne Financial Manager

0113 8253349

[email protected]

Kathryn Roe Financial Manager

0113 8253414

[email protected]

Martyn Housecroft

Finance Manager/Analyst

0113 8253433

[email protected]

Julie French Finance Manager/Analyst

0113 8253405

[email protected]

Charlotte Nelson

Finance Manager/Analyst

0113 8253363

[email protected]


Operations and Delivery Directorate

Role of Operations and Delivery Directorate:

Operations and Delivery work in partnership with CCGs to ensure that they are commissioning the best possible services for patients and the public in their area. We also play a key role in supporting and developing CCGs to become ‘great’ commissioners and to realise their full potential.

The directorate is also responsible for implementing and leading an effective emergency planning, resilience and response system for the NHS in South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw.

This dual function ensures that not only are commissioned services of high quality, but they are also resilient in emergency situations.

In addition, the Operations and Delivery team looks internally to ensure the approach for CCG assurance is mirrored for the assurance of the Area Team’s direct commissioning responsibilities thereby ensuring a whole system approach to improving services and delivering better outcomes for patients.

Director: Brian Hughes

Telephone: 0113 8253355

Email: [email protected]

Administrative Support/PA to Brian Hughes: Tracey Kitchen

Telephone: 0113 8253473

Email: [email protected]

Team Members

Job Title Telephone Number


Sherry Hirst* Head of Assurance/Delivery

0113 8253465 [email protected]

Diane Smith Head of EPRR 0113 8253373 [email protected] Katrina Boffey Assurance & Delivery

Manager 0113 8253416 [email protected]

Karen Chaplin Assurance & Delivery Manager

0113 8253407 [email protected]

Jane Kennedy Assurance & Delivery Project Officer

0113 8253392 [email protected]

Jill Burkinshaw Assurance & Delivery Project Officer

0113 8253395 [email protected]

Vacancy Senior Administrative Support

* Please note Sherry is on maternity leave and her post is being covered by Katrina Boffey


Commissioning Directorate

Responsible for the direct commissioning of:-

x Specialised commissioning of ‘prescribed’ services across Yorkshire and the Humber.

x Primary Care services across South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw – covering general medical practice, optometry, pharmacy and dentistry

x Secondary care dental service x Public Health services – vaccination and immunisations, screening, 0-5 year

children’s commissioning (including health visiting and family nurse partnership)

x Management of Family Health Services (FHS) Agency

Commissioning including identification of needs, contracting, development, assurance and intervention and involves significant partnerships work with CCG commissioners, Local Authority commissioners and other NHS England teams.

Interim Director: Steve Hackett

Telephone: 0113 8253468

Email: [email protected]

Senior Administrative Support/PA to Steve Hackett: Tracey Green

Telephone: 0113 8253472

Email: [email protected]


Primary Care Team Commissioning Team

Head of Primary Care: Karen Curran

Telephone: 0113 8253408

Email: [email protected]

Sheffield Team:

Team Members

Job Title Telephone Number


Victoria Lindon

Contract Manager 0113 8253478 [email protected]

Paul Barringer

Assistant Contract Manager

0113 8253443 [email protected]

Sara Hartley Primary Care Support

0113 8253457 [email protected]

Sarah Hipkiss Primary Care Support

0113 8253461 [email protected]

Verena Marshall

Primary Care Support Assistant

0113 8253476 [email protected]

Leigh Roberts Administrative Support Team

0113 8253423

[email protected]

Barnsley & Rotherham Team:

Team Members

Job Title Telephone Number


Garry Charlesworth

Contract Manager 0113 8253380

[email protected]

Edith Whitehead

Assistant Contract Manager

0113 8253374

[email protected]

Gillian Sealey Primary Care Support

0113 8253382

[email protected]

Amanda Hizzett

Primary Care Support Assistant

0113 8253352

[email protected]

Chris Barnes Administrative Support Team

0113 8253364

[email protected]


Doncaster & Bassetlaw Team

Team Members

Job Title Telephone Number


Carolyn Ogle Contract Manager 0113 8253359 [email protected] Lee Eddell Assistant

Contract Manager 0113 8253422 [email protected]

Paul Stones Primary Care Support

0113 8253445 [email protected]

Kate Robinson Primary Care Support Assistant

0113 8253410 [email protected]

Clinical Advisers

Team Members

Job Title Telephone Number


Matt Auckland Clinical Advisor (Pharmacy)

0113 8253436 [email protected]

John Heyes Clinical Advisor (Dental)

0113 8253400 [email protected]

Alister Weightman

Clinical Advisor (Dental)

0113 8253350 [email protected]

LPN Chair contacts

Team Members

Job Title Telephone Number


Richard Bevan LPN Chair (Eye Health)

[email protected]

Richard Allot LPN Chair (Dental)

[email protected] [email protected]

Peter Magirr LPN Chair (Pharmacy)

[email protected]

Primary Care Generic Email address: [email protected]


Public Health/Screening and Immunisation Team

Name Job Title Telephone Number


Heather Marsh

Head of Public Health 0113 8253383

[email protected]

Caroline Burrows

Public Health Commissioning Manager

0113 8253357

[email protected]

Bali Maman

Public Health Programme

0113 8253353

[email protected]

Fiona Jorden

Screening & Immunisation Lead

0113 8253377

[email protected]

Jacky Mason

Screening & Immunisation Manager

0113 8253388

[email protected]

Sarah Mayfield

Screening/Immunisation Co-ordinator

0113 8253462

[email protected]

Bel O’Leary Screening/Immunisation Co-ordinator

0113 8253354

[email protected]

Phil Kitching

Screening/Immunisation Co-ordinator

0113 8253446

[email protected]

Tracey Turner

Screening/Immunisation Co-ordinator

0113 8253475

[email protected]

Caron Smith

Public Health Contracts Manager

0113 8253360

[email protected]

Joanne Gower

Screening/Immunisation Co-ordinator

0113 8253396

[email protected]

Kathy Wakefield

Screening/Immunisation Manager

0113 8253415

[email protected]

Rebecca Pilsworth

Administrative Support 0113 8253450

[email protected]

Julie Leake Administrative Support 0113 8253406

[email protected]


Specialised Commissioning Team (Yorkshire and Humber)

Team Members Job Title Telephone Number


Cathy Edwards Head of Specialised Commissioning

0113 8253362

[email protected]

Louise Davies Mental Health Lead and PoC

0113 8253429

[email protected]

Mick Burns Mental Health Supplier Manager

0113 8253440

[email protected]

Rita Thomas Mental Health Supplier Manager

0113 8253453

[email protected]

Robert Henderson

Mental Health Supplier Manager

0113 8253454

[email protected]

Jonathan Hepworth

Mental Health Supplier Manager

Mental Health Supplier Manager

[email protected]

Rada Mrkic-Smith

Mental Health Case Manager

0113 8253447

[email protected]

Allison Wood Mental Health Case Manager

0113 825 [email protected]

Adrian Eastwood Mental Health Case Manager

0113 8253348

[email protected]

Linda Corbett Mental Health Case Manager

0113 8253424

[email protected]

Helen Rutherford Mental Health Case Manager

0113 82 55291

[email protected]

Tracey Bray Supplier Manager 0113 8253471

[email protected]

Matt Miles Mental Health Case Manager

0113 8253707

[email protected]

Vicki Broadley Supplier Manager 0113 8253477

[email protected]

Kath Bretton Supplier Manager 0113 8253411

[email protected]

Lisa Marriott Local Service Specialist

0113 8253427

[email protected]

Jackie Parr Step Local Service Specialist

0113 8253387

[email protected]

Sarah Halstead Local Service Specialist

0113 8253460

[email protected]

Paul McManus Pharmacy Support 0113 8253444

[email protected]

Kevin Smith Public Health Consultant

0113 8253420

[email protected]

Mike Saunders Provider Manager for PETCT/Renal

0113 8253428

[email protected]

Lisa Parkin Administrative Support

0113 8253428

[email protected]


Jacqui Crook Administrative Support

0113 8253391

[email protected]

Michele Darwin Administrative Support

0113 8253438

[email protected]

Jayne Allen Administrative Support

0113 8253393

[email protected]