Next generation of digital tools for teaching and learning

Next generation of digital tools for teaching and learning Mart Laanpere :: Centre for Educational Technology, Tallinn University


Presenation at Pestalozzi seminar 8th Oct 2014 in Tallinn

Transcript of Next generation of digital tools for teaching and learning

Page 1: Next generation of digital tools for teaching and learning

Next generation of digital tools for teaching and learningMart Laanpere :: Centre for Educational Technology, Tallinn University

Page 2: Next generation of digital tools for teaching and learning

Everything is changing?

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Defining the learning environment

Narrow definition: classroom

Wider definition: physical and social environment that surrounds a learner, including learning resources, technical equipment, curriculum, fellow learners, teacher (with her implicit learning theories and teaching methods) etc.

Is the learning environment changing?

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Learning environment IS changing

2400 years ago: Socrates banned the (text)books

500 years ago: learning environment = working environment

150 years ago: village schools

100 years ago: learning environment was rationalized/industrialized

30 years ago: subject-specific classrooms

10-15 years ago: virtual learning environment: initially a copy of a lecture room, then a database system

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Outdoor learning environment

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Technological generation shifts



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Socio-technical transitions

(Geels 2002)(Geels 2002)

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Mobile communication generations

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Moodle servers: global stats

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Three generations of TEL systems

Dimension 1.generation 2.generation 3.generation

Software architecture

Educational software Course management systems

Digital Learning Ecosystems

Pedagogical foundation

Bihaviorism Cognitivism Knowledge building, connectivism

Content management

Integrated with code Learning Objects, content packages

Mash-up, remixed, user-generated

Dominant affordances

E-textbook, drill & practice, tests

Sharing LO’s, forum discussions, quiz

Reflections, collab. production, design

Access Computer lab in school

Home computer Everywhere – thanks to mobile devices

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Estonian Strategy for Lifelong Learning 2020

Shift in teaching and learning paradigm

Competent teachers and school leaders

Meeting the job market needs

Higher participation rates, effective funding models

Digital turn in formal education system Integrating digital culture into teaching and learning Quality digital learning resources for all curricula Access to digital infrastructure, incl. 1:1 computing Digital competences of teachers and students

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Digital turn towards 1:1 computing: promise and failures

Horizon Report 2012: the main technology trend in education with 1 year time to adoption

Radical shift in learning environment, re-definition of teaching and learning processes

Failures: OLPC Peru: 2.4 million laptops, no effect on learning Tiger Leap laptop schools: “Please, take these laptops away!”

Success stories: Odder, Denmark: iPads for 200 teachers and 2000 students Essa Academy, UK: technology as an essential component of radical

school improvement

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Whole school turn towards 1:1 computing

The training and support is oriented on the level of a teacher

Diffusion of innovations (Rogers, 1992), OECD study (2002)

Evidence-based school-level intervention models are needed

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Innovative tools for teachers,, Web-based learning environments + mobile apps, Socrative: rapid response (voting) systems

LearningApps: tool for creating interactive assignments contnent curatiion

Aurasma, Layar: augmented reality apps, QR codes

Educational resource cloud services: Dikaios

EdShelf: personal toolbox of educational apps

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Trialogical learning

Monological learning: teacher talks, pupil listens

Socratic method: dialogical learning

Trialogical learning (Paavola et al): where learners are collaboratively inquiring, developing, transforming, or creating shared objects of activity (such as conceptual artefacts, practices, products) in a systematic fashion (knowledge creation metaphor for learning)

Vision of Students Today – a viral Youtube video

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Pedagogical innovation

Innovative pedagogical scenarios from LEARNMIX project (re-conceptualizing e-textbook): Flipped classroom: learn from video tutorial, then groupwork Project-based learning: outcome-focused teamwork Problem-based learning: solving, then designing problems Inquiry-based learning: hypothesis, data collection & analysis Game-based learning: fun, competition, learning, rewards

Think of a trialogical learning scenario in line with one of the above involving QR codes (you can use ITEC scenario template)

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An exercise E-textbook of the future:

E-book (e-pub)? Online course? Mobile app? Standardised content package? A bundle of Web links?

Think outside the box and propose a concept for innovative e-textbook of the future, that is: Usable on all personal smart devices Allowing annotations, creative adaptations, remixing Creative learning tool