NewsPerks Advertiser Package

Thousands of advertising impressions. ZERO COST. Become a NewsPerks program partner, and we’ll help you reach our entire Kenosha News audience — in print, online and via email — every week. And we won’t ask you to pay a penny. In fact, we might even pay you. Good stuff for our best customers. The good stuff’s on the inside The good stuff’s on the inside To participate, all you need to do is offer our NewsPerks program members — 350 strong and growing — a special discount offer from your business. There are very few restrictions on what you can offer. We ask only that it provide measurable value to our NewsPerks members and be entic- ing enough to drive traffic to your store. There are four ways we can help you get your message in front of our audience. One, or more, is sure to be right for your business: Participating advertiser Special offers Free offers Monthly premium partner For more information, contact Andrew Barnhill at 262-656-6353 or email [email protected]


NewsPerks, a membership program of the Kenosha News.

Transcript of NewsPerks Advertiser Package

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Thousands of advertising impressions.

ZERO COST.Become a NewsPerks program partner, and we’ll

help you reach our entire Kenosha News audience — in print, online and via email — every week.

And we won’t ask you to pay a penny. In fact, we might even pay you.

Good stuff for our best customers.

The good stuff’s on the insideThe good stuff’s on the inside

To participate, all you need to do is offer

our NewsPerks program members — 350

strong and growing — a special discount

offer from your business. There are very

few restrictions on what you can offer. We

ask only that it provide measurable value

to our NewsPerks members and be entic-

ing enough to drive traffic to your store.

There are four ways we can help you

get your message in front of our audience.

One, or more, is sure to be right for your


› Participating advertiser

› Special offers

› Free offers

› Monthly premium partner

For more information, contact Andrew Barnhill at 262-656-6353 or email [email protected]

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Participating advertisersLooking for an way to stay top of mind with customers, encourage repeat visits and reward loyalty? Consider becoming a NewsPerks participating advertiser.

To be a participating advertiser, you must be willing to extend a regular, recurring discount or special offer to NewsPerks program members (currently 350 strong and growing). NewsPerks members will take advantage of your offer by presenting their membership card when they make a purchase

in your store. Your store’s name, address, phone number and of-fer will be featured, along with other participating advertisers in a weekly promotional ad in the Kenosha News (and in our weekly email and online at To participate, we ask that you offer at least 10%

(or the equivalent) off a purchase, product line or service. We’ll provide signs for your store that promote your offer and provide additional information about our NewsPerks program. Offers may be changed quarterly. There are no limits on the number of participat-ing advertisers.

Advertiser benefits› Business name, address and NewsPerks member offer featured in the Kenosha News and via email weekly› Business name, address and offer featured in our NewsPerks offer database at› Signs for your business, promoting your offer and the NewsPerks program› Training, follow-up and support from the Kenosha News› Credits good for discounts on advertising when your customers request additional NewsPerks information› Additional exposure — no purchase required — for your business

Participation requirements› Offer a regular, recurring discount or special offer to NewsPerks members that helps them save at least 10% (or the equivalent) off a purchase, product line or service from your business.

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A couple more excellent opportunities await you on the back

Special offersStand out from the crowd. Generate excitement. Do something unique and memorable. Consider a limited-time special offer for NewsPerks members.

There are a limited number of op-portunities to present special offers to NewsPerks members. We’re seek-ing seasonal, themed, limited-time offers (a month, a week, a day) that will generate buzz and excitement about your business and the News-Perks program. There are very few re-strictions. The offer has to be a good

one —like buy one, get one; save 35%, 40%, 50% (or more! We won’t stop you) — and we’ll allow you to reduce your exposure by limiting the amount of time the offer is available (within reason, of course — available from midnight to 1 a.m. or for the last 30 seconds before close probably isn’t going to cut it). We’ll feature

your store’s logo (address, phone number, etc.) and the offer in our weekly NewsPerks promotional ad and we’ll provide signs for your store that promote your offer and provide additional information about our NewsPerks program. The number of special offers will be limited to keep advertiser value high.

Advertiser benefits› Business name, address and NewsPerks member offer featured in the Kenosha News and via email weekly› Business name, address and offer featured in our NewsPerks offer database at› Signs for your business, promoting your offer and the NewsPerks program› Training, follow-up and support from the Kenosha News› Credits good for discounts on advertising when your customers request additional NewsPerks information› Additional exposure — no purchase required — for your business

Participation requirements› A limited-time special offer (like 2-for-1 or deep discount) for NewsPerks members off a purchase, product or service from your business.

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Weekly free offerAre you a gambler? Do you like taking risks? Do you laugh in the face of danger? Do you have something in your inventory that you just can’t give away?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, then you might want to give this offer a try. At least once a week, every week, all year long, we will offer some-thing free — with no purchase re-quired — to our NewsPerks mem-bers. To participate, you’ll need to provide an item with some value (an appetizer, a beverage, a quart of milk, a car wash, shoe laces, windshield washer fluid, a game of bowling, a spool of thread, etc.)

— that NewsPerks members can pick up for free — without mak-ing a purchase — at your place of business. We know it’s a bit risky, and we know that Kenoshans are notoriously “frugal,” but we also

know that the offer could bring some new customers to your store

— and if we craft the offer and re-strictions just right and you apply a little sales pressure — they just might spend some money while they’re there. Your advertising exposure will include two standalone 2 col.x4” NewsPerks-branded ad in the Kenosha News (valued at more than $200) promoting both your store and your free offer. Plus, we’ll feature your logo and a reminder to check the newspaper for your offer in our weekly NewsPerks ad. And, we’ll allow you to include restrictions (within reason) to lim-it your out-of-pocket risk. Obvi-

ously, your offers will be restricted to NewsPerks members only (so far there are about 350 of them). Your offer may be limited to a single day or a portion of a day. You may limit the number of times a NewsPerks member may access an offer to one per household. You may limit the number of free items available. We may even be willing to co-brand a giveaway and help you cover a portion of the cost. Don’t worry, we’ll figure something out. After we’ve done this a few times, we’ll be able to let you know what kind of traffic and redemption rates to expect. Currently, we’re limiting participa-tion to one offer per week.

Advertiser benefits› Advertising exposure in a standalone 2 col.x4 ” ad in the Kenosha News› Business name, address and offer featured in our NewsPerks offer database at› Signs for your business, promoting your offer and the NewsPerks program› Training, follow-up and support from the Kenosha News› Credits good for discounts on advertising when your customers request additional NewsPerks information› Additional exposure — no purchase required — for your business

Participation requirements› Offer a free — no purchase required — item to NewsPerks customers who visit your store.

Monthly premium partner For more information about being featured as a premium NewsPerks advertising partner, contact our advertising department at 262.656.6231 or [email protected]

To become a NewsPerks advertising partner, please contact Andrew Barnhillat 262-656-6353 or email [email protected]

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Advertiser Agreement Form

Today’s Date: __________________________NewsPerks Representative: _____________

Advertiser Contact:

Business Name: _______________________________________________________________________________

Contact Person and Title: ______________________________________________________________________

Business Address: ______________________________________________________________________________

City: __________________________________ State:_________ Zip:_____________________

Business Phone: ______________________________________________________________________________

Business Fax: _________________________________________________________________________________

Business E-Mail: ______________________________________________________________________________

Offer Type: (Please Check One:)

Participating Advertiser Special Offer Weekly Free Offer

Offer Details and Restrictions:


Offer Valid Through: _________________________________________________________________________

Advertiser Signature: _____________________________________________________ Date: _______________

NewsPerks Representative Signature: _______________________________________ Date: _______________

By signing this form, you are agreeing to become a NewsPerks advertising member.

Please contact Andrew Barnhill at 262-656-6353 or e-mail [email protected] with questions.

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Good stuff for our best customers.