Newsletter Secondary October 2012 English

OCTOBER 2012 THE SECONDARY NEWSLETTER Secondary News from the Pupils and Teachers of King’s College, Alicante Last week saw two popular annual events taking place in school – Sports Day and the KS3 Hallowe’en Disco. Sports Day is an opportunity for all pupils to participate in a whole school event, represent their houses and support their friends. It is always a hugely enjoyable day and I was delighted to see the enthusiasm and energy with which the pupils embraced this event. Congratulations must of course go to the winning house – Gaudí – but equal mention to everybody, winners and runners-up, who worked so hard to score points for their team on the day or simply cheered them on from the sidelines! This sense of community, participation and encouragement is a key part of the ethos of our school and it is fantastic to see that our pupils are always so willing to Head of Secondary Message support each other in any way they can. I would like to make special mention this month of our Sixth Form students who do so much for their younger colleagues every day in school. The ‘Buddy’ scheme this year has been a real success with over twenty Y12 and Y13 students, under the guidance of Miss Parry, helping pupils in Y7-9 with reading, mathematics and science. Many more Sixth Formers are spending time in Primary classrooms helping younger children with reading and our Sixth Form Committee meet weekly to plan and organize events for the entire student body. This willingness to help out and give selflessly of their time is appreciated by me personally as well as by the rest of the staff and pupils here in King’s College. The Hallowe’en Disco last Friday was another good example of what our Sixth Formers are willing to do for their community. They spent many hours decorating the music room, preparing music and lighting, organizing competitions, buying prizes and giving up their Friday evening to ensure the disco was a success for everyone who attended. Thank you Verena, Craig, Julia, Victor, Marta, Fiona, Carmen, María, Sandra and Claudia for all your hard work – your sense of community spirit and selfless use of your own time acts as a great example to the rest of the student body of what we stand for here in King’s College, Alicante. Mr. Wicks Head of Secondary School Page 1 Sports Days 2012


Newsletter Secondary October 2012 English

Transcript of Newsletter Secondary October 2012 English

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THE SECONDARY N E W S L E T T E RSecondary News from the Pupils and Teachers of King’s College, Alicante

Last week saw two popular annual events taking place in school – Sports Day and the KS3 Hallowe’en Disco. Sports Day is an opportunity for all pupils to participate in a whole school event, represent their houses and support their friends. It is always a hugely enjoyable day and I was delighted to see the enthusiasm and energy with which the pupils embraced this event. Congratulations must of course go to the winning house – Gaudí – but equal mention to everybody, winners and runners-up, who worked so hard to score points for their team on the day or simply cheered them on from the sidelines!

This sense of community, participation and encouragement is a key part of the ethos of our school and it is fantastic to see that our pupils are always so willing to

Head of Secondary Message

support each other in any way they can. I would like to make special mention this month of our Sixth Form students who do so much for their younger colleagues every day in school. The ‘Buddy’ scheme this year has been a real success with over twenty Y12 and Y13 students, under the guidance of Miss Parry, helping pupils in Y7-9 with reading, mathematics and science. Many more Sixth Formers are spending time in Primary classrooms helping younger children with reading and our Sixth Form Committee meet weekly to plan and organize events for the entire student body. This willingness to help out and give selflessly of their time is appreciated by me personally as well as by the rest of the staff and pupils here in King’s College.

The Hallowe’en Disco last Friday

was another good example of what our Sixth Formers are willing to do for their community. They spent many hours decorating the music room, preparing music and lighting, organizing competitions, buying prizes and giving up their Friday evening to ensure the disco was a success for everyone who attended. Thank you Verena, Craig, Julia, Victor, Marta, Fiona, Carmen, María, Sandra and Claudia for all your hard work – your sense of community spirit and selfless use of your own time acts as a great example to the rest of the student body of what we stand for here in King’s College, Alicante.

Mr. WicksHead of Secondary School

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Sports Days2012

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The first ever class for parents of secondary school pupils took place on Thursday 18th October, and proved to be an immensely rewarding experience both for the parents and pupils who attended.

The stars of the evening were undoubtedly the pupils themselves, who put on a series of workshops designed to inform parents about the diverse methods of study that the children experience at school. During the course of the evening, parents learned how to plan revision, all about mind mapping, learning through video production, revision games, creating revision cards and using games to check learning. There was also an entertaining video produced by Mr Cook’s Year 11 English class, offering some of their tips for effective study.

The parents who took part commented on the usefulness of the information how well it was presented by the pupils, who all worked hard to ensure the success of the evening. The students themselves were also pleased about the opportunity to play the role of teachers for a day!

The next class will offer themes relevant to KS3 groups and will take place on Thursday 8th November.


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Who is the School Council?The School Council is a group of pupils who are elected to represent the views of all pupils and to improve their school. Although it may sound cliché, our school council DOES aim towards that; to a representation of all year groups in each and every one of our meetings, to listen to the pupils´ ideas and views and, to joyfully improve our school.

As Head of the School Council, I am determined to make the most out of this year´s meetings. I have represented my form class in the school council a couple of times and I did enjoy it a lot but, this year I would like to make our meetings even more homely and affable.

The School Council meets up every two Mondays to discuss views and ideas about the school and the upcoming events. We´re a large group (18 members)

BY MS WOODso we manage to discuss many points of view and we come up with plenty of imaginative but sensible ideas! Right now, we´re continuing with the Recycling project, which consists of placing recycling bins on every classroom and emptying them once a week at the nearby big recycling container. Now we´re aiming to introduce the school in a social work project which will allow the School Council to spend a day out helping different social groups like, for example, helping at an old people´s home.

I am very glad to have been given this position at school because I have a feeling that this year we´re going to squeeze the most out of these meetings. The School Council is definitely a great way of sharing all the students’ ideas.

Pupils will be expected to be in full winter uniform from Tuesday 6th November. Please note that blazers are compulsory for both boys and girls. Boys are always required to wear a formal shirt and a school tie. Sixth form boys can choose to wear the special Sixth Form tie in place of the standard one should they wish. Shirts should be tucked in at all times.

Should you have any questions on uniform then your child’s form tutor or Key Stage Coordinator should be able to answer them for you. I will be performing uniform checks next week to ensure the uniform is being worn correctly by our secondary students, and look forward to seeing everybody smartly dressed.

Winter Uniform

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“We enjoyed taking part in the bach clean enviromental trip as we know it is an effective way to improve our local enviroment. Whilst cleaning, we collected many items which were thrown away, causing pollution on the beach. The trip was very educational with the objective of learning how to look after our planet” Laura & Alejandra

“It was very nice because it was ecological and we helped the enviroment. Working with our friends made it funny!” Miguel & Gema.

“The day of the beach was fantastic. Firstly because we helped the enviroment and secondly because we played games and enjoyed the experience with our friends” Luisa & Carlos B

“We think it was a good idea because the beach was full of rabbish and items which harm the enviroment” Arturo & Takuma

“It was a great idea to go to clean the beach in this way. We are aware of how badly people treat the enviroment and we had a great time working as a group and sharing the experience.” Paula & Jose Luis

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This year students taking part in the Silver award had the opportunity to complete the adventurous journey in Guadalest. They spent three glorious days taking part in a variety of activities that would challenge them to reach beyond their comfort zone and try new pursuits.

DAY ONEPacking the mini bus full of students and camping equipment was the first test of the day, after some clever packing we set off for Castellett. Subsequent to donning the required safety equipment they were ready to tackle the Canyon. As it has been a particularly warm year the river was mostly absent, however Moreche was determined to find some water, and we soon heard crys of delight has she managed to be the first to fall into a small puddle of water, soon followed by Catalina who also decided to take a brief dip. There were several opportunities for them to practise abseiling parts of the Caynon. The students showed great camaraderie, encouraging and motivating each other. After a well deserved lunch stop we made our way to the campsite at the foot of the Mountains in Guadalest. The students spent the evening planning their hiking route for the following day and preparing a variety of meals varying from a five course Chinese banquette (Li and Liu) to hotdogs; All whilst watching a beautiful sunset over the mountains and later some shooting stars.

International Award Silver level

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DAY TWOThe second day consisted of a hike up to Castile de Castiles; the students were encouraged to use the planning and map reading skills that they had leant the previous year on the Bronze trip. They were doing well until they missed the turn off for the path leading around the base of the castle. However as Craig put it ´they weren’t lost and they knew where on the map they were; although not where they wanted to be´. Teachers and students rondevued at the mini bus for a top up of water and they were soon back on the right path, to successfully completing the day´s activities.

DAY THREEThe last day of the trip: and by now a little harder for the students to get moving in the morning. However, by 10am everyone was at the climbing wall practising the figure of eight knot needed to attach them to the belay line. First to climb the wall was Craig with Liu set up as the belay man. Next to volunteer was Alejandra, with Sandra controlling the belay. They both showed a great strength of character as they were extremely nervous. Everyone was able to complete at least one level 4 climb, a great achievement for their first attempt. Some (Moreche, Li and Liu) enjoyed it so much they went twice and Craig even acted as the lead climber.

Over all the students demonstrated that they are willing to set goals and make every effort to achieve them, courageously pushing themselves beyond their normal expectations. They should be proud of what they have achieved in this world recognised programme.

Thanks to Ms Cook, Mr Pemberton and David for all their planning and organisation.

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During the trips week, year 11 and 12 art students spent 2 days working with a professional photographer. Helene Vedrenne has been working as a professional photographer for years and produces fashion photography, landscape and digital reinforcements. The students studied the basic theory and history of the camera and then progressed onto practical work, using what they had learnt to create interesting photographs.

Helene took the students outside to create photographs experimenting with movement and light. She also blacked out the art room to create a dark room so the students could experiment with pen lighting.



P H O T O G R A P H E R : C A R M E N Y R 1 1

P H O T O G R A P H E R : K Y L E Y R 1 1

P H O T O G R A P H E R : L A U R A Y R 1 2

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Galleon La Pepa is a travelling ambassador ship that marks the 200 year anniversary of the first liberal constitution of Spain in 1812. The ship is on a route of the main Spanish ports with the aim to bring historical knowledge and education. It also pays tribute to the overseas projection of the first liberal constitution on both sides of the Atlantic, and to the special relationship with Cadiz, the birthplace of the Constitution, and to the sea. In addition, Galleon La Pepa is a replica of those Spanish galleons that joined together Spain and America for three centuries.

The first liberal constitution of Spain was an inspiration for all Europe and America. It was enacted on March 19 and is popularly known as La Pepa. It marks the birth of the modern age, freedom and rights in Spain, reached through major institutional and political events and large cultural and civil movement.


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Year 8 began their busy explorer’s day on Thursday, 11th October at the Visitor’s Centre Masía de Ulls near the town of Banyeres, part of the beautiful Natural Park Serra Mariola.

Their objective for the day was to see a little of the stunning scenery and discover the ‘Font de la Coveta’; the source of the Vinalopo river, one most of our pupils are familiar with. This easy hiking route is about 6 kilometres in total and serves as a good introduction to hiking in amongst these magnificent pine forests. Upon reaching their destination pupils were glad to wash their faces in the spring and have a rest before heading back to the visitor’s centre – the way back proved to be further away than the way there funnily enough! Luckily Señor Francisco and Mr Cook did what they could to encourage those trailing behind.

We then took advantage of the proximity of the nearby town of Bocairent. An unusual, picturesque town packed with history, Bocairent has loads to see and do but we only had time to check out the very heart of the town – the town hall square. We saw the cobbled, steep narrow streets and the eight storey buildings set in the mountain side that have survived since their medieval beginnings! Appetites were whetted to explore further the huge variety of experiences waiting to be enjoyed here in the Comunidad Valenciana, and pupils sang every song they knew in unison on the coach journey home!

Year 8 Trip to Serra Mariola

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On the evening of October 4, our 6th Form students were FBI agents trying to solve a kidnapping, a small Indian returning home after a day of buffalo hunting and customers trying to get the best deal on a trip to the United States. Alejandro Hernandez offered them negotiation skills for life, shared personal experiences in his work as an advisor and showed them the art of coaching in their day to day life. Our thanks to Alejandro Hernandez for his time, worthy advice and excellent talk.


"Understanding today's world" and "Strategic Management". Was the title of the talk that Dr. Scott Wishart, American lawyer and law and economics teacher at University of Navarra offered to our students on 17th October. An unusual approach to economics as Christopher Columbus and his discoveries, the origins of the world and the evolution of species were the base of this talk which uncovered some of the reasons for the current crisis. The conference ended with some invaluable advice for our students about their near future choices. Thanks to Dr. Wishart for his time and expertise.


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World Smile Day is celebrated on the first Friday in the month of October every year. The World's first World Smile Day was held in the year 1999 and has been held annually since. The message of the World Smile Day is "Do an act of kindness. Help one person smile".

8D presented an assembly to KS3 students with Kristina, Marta and Silvia explaining the history and aims of World Smile Day. Paula and Antonio had helped to create a slideshow of photos to make the audience smile.

Mr Doidge came dressed as a penguin to add to the smiles...


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ELCHEParc Municipal d’ElxThis was the first place we visited. Some of the palmtrees are privately owned, like Miguel Hernández’s.

Our guides, Cristina and Santi, shown us how to identify male palmtrees (produce flowers) and female ones (produce dates)


La Basílica de Santa María i el Misteri d’ElxThe Basilica of Elche is Baroque from the seventeenth century. It is the sacred place where every year the town represents the Misteri d'Elx, in old Valencian language.

Hort de Sant PlàcidWe observed the Muslim irrigation system used in this place to grow orange, lemon and carob trees.

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Gaudi Orwell Darwin Colombus349 330 330 303


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Mr Trevor Rowell is a Consultant in British international education with recent work in the UEA, Spain, Turkey, France, The Netherlands as well as the UK. He is the Director of the UK Independent Schools Council, a Board member of the Kings Group and the Chairman of COBIS (Council of British International Schools). Mr Rowell previously held the post of Chief Executive of the BSN Group (´The British School in The Netherlands´) from 1999 until 2008 and was Headteacher at Saltus Grammar School in the Bahamas, Principal of Havant Further Education College UK, Deputy Head then Acting Head of Deer Park Comprehensive School in the UK

Mr.Trevor Rowell MA (Oxon) BPhil PGCE FIoD

Every month we will be featuring information and news regarding the Governance and Management of the school. This will, I hope, make parents, staff and pupils more aware of the strategic leadership and management of our own school and the King´s Group in general. This month we are featuring an introduction to Mr Trevor Rowell who is our named link Governor.

and an International member of HMC (Headmasters ´& Headmistresses´Conference). Mr Rowell graduated from Oxford University, Christ Church College where he read History and from Cambridge University, Trinity College with a double Distinction PGCE in History and Music. He also has a BPhil in Organisation & Administration of Education from Hull University and was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts in 1994. Mr Rowell visits the school every year and meets with the Headteacher on a regular basis to discuss progress and development issues. He will be visiting us in November when he will meet with staff and pupils.

Glorieta del Reino Unido 5Alicante 03008

email: [email protected]

Important DatesMon 5th NovemberTue 6th November Wed 7th November Thur 8th NovemberWeds 14th November

Thur 15th November

Thur 15th NovemberFri 16th November

School ClosedWinter Uniform BeginsY7 Trip to Sax / BIarParent Class for KS3 ParentsSchool Photographs – Pupils should be in full school uniformSchool Photographs – Pupils should be in full school uniformY12/13 Parent / Teacher MeetingNon-Uniform Day / Who’s Got Talent Competition