Newsletter November - December 2009 Daniel Huisman Mobile Colombia +57 314 6622095...

Newsletter November - December 2009 Daniel Huisman Mobile Colombia +57 314 6622095 [email protected] Dear Friends, Greetings from Colombia. Here in Medellin Colombia I am helping with

Transcript of Newsletter November - December 2009 Daniel Huisman Mobile Colombia +57 314 6622095...

Page 1: Newsletter November - December 2009 Daniel Huisman Mobile Colombia +57 314 6622095 .

Newsletter November - December 2009 Daniel Huisman

Mobile Colombia +57 314 6622095 [email protected]

Dear Friends,Greetings from Colombia.

Here in Medellin Colombia I am helping with the children ministry of YWAM (Youth With A Mission).

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On the picture which I took on the 17th of December 2009 is Sandra in the middle, a girl who has been in the children home for most of her life who has now graduated as Psychologist.To the left is Enith Diaz the director of the children ministry of YWAM Medellin. And to the right is Sandra her sponsor who has supported her financially for most of her study.All praise, honor and thanksgiving to God. We are all very glad that Sandra has gotten so far and that the other children can see a good example in her.

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On the picture below are the children who are supported by the Swedish couple. The Swedish couple whom I have joined in Colombia last January have given me some

money so I could take the children together with their coordinator to buy some clothes and give them a good meal for Christmas. This children ministry is part of “Prison Fellowship Colombia”. The ministry brings the Gospel to the prisoners and finds

sponsors for the poor children who suddenly are without any income because their father was put in prison.

A beautiful ministry indeed. See more info on the website I have made for this ministry;

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The 23rd of January I will go to Indonesia where I will work for 4 months in the Mission Hospital in the jungles on the island of Borneo (West Kalimantan)

I already have received a list of high priority things to do in the Hospital.All I have done until now and which I will do in the future I will have to write it all

down so that others can understand, use, maintain and repair. You can see the first documents with pictures on; Improve the water distribution system of the Hospital.

Improve the rainwater capture and filter system.Oversee the digging of a deep-well.

Oversee the repair of the Hydro-electric system.Apply heat insulating material in the ceilings of some buildings.

Design a sewer-water recycling plant.

Page 5: Newsletter November - December 2009 Daniel Huisman Mobile Colombia +57 314 6622095 .

Thank you very much for all your regular gifts through the years, also in the difficult time of recession.

Also thanks from all the missionaries, the poor, the sick and the children whom you support through my work in missions for making it possible;

Many thanks from all this Christmas.

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Also see the newest newsletter I have put on the web for the Faith, Hope and Love foundation;http://GeloofHoopEnLiefdeRwanda.nlWith a very beautiful new project.

I did feel the recession this year too, with a total of 5 people who have stopped with their regular monthly support.Do you want to help?Donate 5 Euro per month.

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Matthew 7:21 "Not every one that saith unto Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter into the Kingdom of

Heaven, but he that doeth the will of My Father who is in Heaven.

Page 8: Newsletter November - December 2009 Daniel Huisman Mobile Colombia +57 314 6622095 .

Merry Christmas

And a HappyNew Year


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Friendly greetings and thank

you for your

support and

prayers. God bless


Page 10: Newsletter November - December 2009 Daniel Huisman Mobile Colombia +57 314 6622095 .

Gifts to Holland;To; Daniel Huisman at Swifterbant Holland PostBank account nr; 5327093Codes for sending money internationally;International Bank Account Number IBAN= NL96 PSTB 0005 327093 Bank Identifier Code BIC= PSTBNL21

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For more donating options please visit;

Page 11: Newsletter November - December 2009 Daniel Huisman Mobile Colombia +57 314 6622095 .

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