Newsletter issue 8

Issue No.08 Autumn Term ‘ 14 Summer Camp 2nd Chailey News 1 friends and family. The week looked set to be a great one, and so it was, though the weather wasn’t quite done with us yet… On Monday, we awoke to see some heavy looking clouds surrounding the College, we were due to be on the busses by 9am in order to get to Hindleap Warren for 10. This was not to be! The heavens opened at around 8:30 and stayed open for 2 hours dropping as much water on us in those couple of hours has had fallen in the last 4 months put together. Whilst the Scouts and leaders did what they do best and made the best of things in the marquee with a sing song and impromptu dance o, a team of us set out in our waterproof gear to assess the situation. It was damp, it was very damp! All four Scouts’ tents had flooded, the power had tripped out and worst of all, the days’ plan that I had written out on the white board was smudged beyond recognition! Can it really be three months ago already? More to the point, have we really got less than 9 months until the next Summer Camp? So much to do, so much to plan! In the meantime, let me tell you about this year’s camp… On the 25th July, a team of intrepid leaders set forth to Ardingly once again to set up camp in the beautiful grounds of Ardingly College. After a morning of hard work setting up the tents, we sheltered under the marquee during a passing shower only to watch in horror as a sudden wind lifted up 5 of the 6 tents we had put up and flipped them over (we had not finished pegging them down). Second time round we got all the tents pegged down and settled though some repairs will be needed before next year’s camp. Little did we know, this was not to be the last time we had to get the mallets and pegs out. On the Saturday the Scouts arrived and we enjoyed a weekend of lovely weather, a fiercely competed sports day and visits from 2 ND CHAILEY NEWS Summer Camp | Bonfire Night | Autumn plans



Transcript of Newsletter issue 8

Page 1: Newsletter issue 8

Issue No.08 Autumn Term ‘ 14

Summer Camp

2nd Chailey News !1

friends and family. The week looked set to be a great one, and so it was, though the weather wasn’t quite done with us yet…

On Monday, we awoke to see some heavy looking clouds surrounding the College, we were due to be on the busses by 9am in order to get to Hindleap Warren for 10. This was not to be! The heavens opened at around 8:30 and stayed open for 2 hours dropping as much water on us in those couple of hours has had fallen in the last 4

months put together. Whilst the Scouts and leaders did what they do best and made the best of things in the marquee with a sing song and impromptu dance off, a team of us set out in our

waterproof gear to assess the situation. It was damp, it was very damp! All four Scouts’ tents had flooded, the power had tripped out and worst of all, the days’ plan that I had written out on the white board was smudged beyond recognition!

Can it really be three months ago already? More to the point, have we really got less than 9 months until the next Summer Camp? So much to do, so much to plan!

In the meantime, let me tell you about this year’s camp…

On the 25th July, a team of intrepid leaders set forth to Ardingly once again to set up camp in the beautiful grounds of Ardingly College. After a morning of hard work setting up the tents, we sheltered under the marquee during a passing shower

only to watch in horror as a sudden wind lifted up 5 of the 6 tents we had put up and flipped them over (we had not finished pegging them down). Second time round we got all the tents pegged down and settled though some repairs will be

needed before next year’s camp. Little did we know, this was not to be the last time we had to get the mallets and pegs out.

On the Saturday the Scouts arrived and we enjoyed a weekend of lovely weather, a fiercely competed sports day and visits from

2ND CHAILEY NEWS Summer Camp | Bonfire Night | Autumn plans

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Issue No.08 Autumn Term ‘ 14

Summer Camp Cont’d…By Lunch time, the rain had passed, we loaded up the buses and went to Hindleap for an afternoon’s fun on the zip line. The guys there did a fantastic job for us getting everyone through in half the time originally planned and still having time to spare to let some of the

leader’s children have a go.

The tents were dried out and moved to higher, dryer ground and everything was back to

normal by the end of the day. The rest of the week went very smoothly with beautiful weather. We enjoyed back woods

cooking, an amazing hog roast, a drive in movie, drumming, messy games and the camp swing. On Wednesday we

visited Shoreham Airport and took flights in a helicopter, an amazing experience made possible by the generosity of Shoreham Airport, Helifly and sponsorship from the Friends of Chailey Heritage. This was followed by a treasure hunt around Shoreham and fish & chips on the beach to finish off

what was a truly amazing day!

Roll on next Summer, dates will be confirmed shortly, watch this space…

2nd Chailey News !2

Fundraising - An Ongoing Challenge! Over the years, 2nd Chailey have been extremely fortunate in the amount of donations we have received and the support we have had in achieving everything we want to with the group. In 2009 we were successful in our application for a grant which allowed us to build a new Scout store and replace some of our very old and tatty kit as well as buying some new adapted bikes which have been fantastic to have on camp and Thursday evenings.

For the last two summer camps we have been successful in our application for grants from Children in Need which covers the costs for medical support at camp. We have also had great support from the Friends of Chailey Heritage who have backed many of the events we have done.

Unfortunately, it’s an ongoing challenge and one we are really struggling with. We cannot afford to rely on any one source for funding and our costs continue to rise. We have an offer for a bit more space to store some of our equipment at Chailey if we can fund the building of another shed, unfortunately this is currently way beyond our means.

If you are a skilled fundraiser, or know someone who is, we would very much appreciate some help!


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Issue No.08 Autumn Term ‘ 14

2nd Chailey News !3

Bonfire night

This year's bonfire celebrations will be on Thursday 13th November on the South Field at Chailey Heritage School. All Chailey staff, Scouts, residents and family are welcome! The first firework will go off at 7PM sharp so please be there early to avoid disappointment!

Bring this newsletter with you so you can join in with the traditional bonfire prayer….

Remember Remember the fifth of November The Gunpowder Treason and plot

I see no reason why Gunpowder Treason Should ever be forgot

Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes 'twas his intent To blow up the King and the Parliament

Three score barrels of powder below Poor old England to overthrow

By God's providence he was catch'd With a dark lantern and burning match Holler boys, holler boys, ring bells ring

Holler boys, holler boys, God Save the King!

The next generation...

Like a number of other leaders at 2nd Chailey, I have been with the group for quite a while, 32 years in fact and I'm only 35! I first came to summer camp as a 3 year old and have missed only one complete camp since. I’m not alone in this, a number of our regular leaders are 2nd generation leaders who have been coming to Scouts and summer camp for most of their lives.

It was wonderful then to see the next generation of leaders getting stuck in at camp this year, it won't be long before I can hand over flag break and camp fire duties to my nephews!

Tilly, Jack, Tom, Charlie, Sophie and Noah waiting in the wings

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Issue No.08 Autumn Term ‘ 14

Date Activity Running Notes Badge

18th Sept Rounders Matt No Stu, Bobbie, Cate or Julie

Adventure challenge

25th Sept Water activities Clare No Matt, Chrissi, Cate or Julie

2nd Oct Sensory evening Liz No Matt, Chrissi, Cate, Julie, Bobbie or Stu

9th Oct Soup making night Cate & Julie - Kim to do shopping

No Matt or ChrissiSoup to be frozen, Liz to check if we can use school freezer. All to bring in containers

Chef Badge

16th Oct Guy making Cate No Bobbie & Stu. Creative Challenge

23rd Oct Halloween Julie

30th Oct Half Term

2nd Nov Bonfire Building Meet at Southfield 10am

6th Nov Guy making Cate No Matt Craft badge

13th Nov Bonfire Night All Soup, rolls & hot Chocolate -Leaders that can to meet at 3pm

20th Nov Thanksgiving / USA evening

Jodie & Charlie

27th Nov Games - Cuckfield to bring a game

Matt 1st Cuckfield Scouts visitingNo Kim, Bobbie or Stu

4th Dec Christmas Cracker making

Chrissi Craft badge

11th Dec Xmas Party & AGM No Bobbie & Stu

All to collect ice cream tubs and kitchen roll tubes

2nd Chailey News !4

contact us by email on:

Matt: [email protected] Kim: [email protected] Julie: [email protected] Chrissi: [email protected]

Summer Camp USB Sticks - Last few left…

Did you get your USB stick with photos and the video from summer camp?

If not, contact me (Matt) and I’ll get one to you

Autumn Term Programme