News & Notes

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Transcript of News & Notes

Page 1: News & Notes

September 18, 2011

2101 S. Hacker Road

Brighton, MI 48114-8764

Phone: 810-227-5099

Fax: 810-227-3566

Editor: Lori Gaines

[email protected]

Service Times:

Sunday 8:30 am

Classic Faith Service

Sunday 11:00 am

Faith Alive Service

Monday 6:45 pm

Classic Faith Service

Deadline for submission to News & Notes is

noon the Monday prior to the weekend the

article will be published.

5K Run/Walk


Page 4

Winter Retreat


Page 2

Family Service


Page 4

Find us on Facebook search for

Shepherd of the Lakes


Shepherd of the Lakes School


Don’t forget to wear your nametags!


Miss Sunday worship?

Come and praise the Lord on

Mondays at 6:45pm


Sunday messages are available online



If you’re not getting the “Shepherd’s

Voice Weekly” each Thursday, leave

your email address on your

worship registry card.


Refrigerator magnets noting special

service times for the next 12 months

have been placed in all member

mailboxes. Additional magnets can be

found at the Welcome Center.

Jesus Co.

Information on

Page 2

A new movie from the producers of Fireproof and Facing the Giants is

opening soon! It is the story of four police offers who learn that real honor

begins at home. You won’t want to miss this movie that affirms our vision

of being “Brothers and Sisters in Christ committed to transforming


Shepherd of the Lakes has secured 50 tickets for the 4pm showing on

Sunday, October 2. Tickets are $5.50 and available at the children and

youth booth in the Commons. Childcare available for $5 per family.

The King’s


Page 2

School Auction


Page 4

A Capital Campaign Committee has begun meeting to

establish a program for paying down our building debt

by $1.5 million dollars over the next 3 years. A lower

debt means more resources for reaching the lost,

growing our school, children and youth programs, and

compassionate care projects for the needy in our

community and world. May God bless the work of this committee

and the future response of the whole congregation!

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Cantata Auditions

The Christmas Cantata “Searching for the

King” will be December 10 & 11. Audi-

tions for the dramatic presentation will be

held on Monday, September 19. Contact

Beth Hess to obtain an appointment,

character profile and audition packet .

Page 2: News & Notes


Hey kids! If you’re entering 5


or 6


grade you are invited to

become part of a group here we call 56 degrees! In addition to

Sunday morning Bible study together we have also monthly eve-

ning events for fellowship, service and fun!

Our October event will be to attend “The King’s Yomen” show

right here at SOTL.

Be sure to invite friends from school or your neighborhood to

join you for this FREE event! You won’t believe what these

guys can do with a yo-yo!

New Fall Classes for Sonland are forming now!

Meets each Sunday at 9:45am

There’s a place for everyone. . .and everyone is welcome. Our

focus for the 2011-2012 year will be “Growing in Christ,” based

on John 15:4-5,

Jesus says, “Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot

bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you,

unless you abide in Me. I am the vine; you are the branches.”

New this year: We’ll be celebrating something very special –

BAPTISMAL BIRTHDAYS! Not sure of the date? Look it up

for the registration form so we can remember your child’s spe-

cial day! All kids should register for the new school year (even

those previously registered). Forms are available at the Chil-

dren’s Ministry booth in the Commons or outside the Children’s

Ministry office.

That’s right, Jesus Co. will return in October

2011! Here are the details:

Who: All kids ages 4 years through 6



What: A Christian “kids club” with Bible stories, crafts, games, and lots

of fun!

Where: Shepherd of the Lakes

When: Wednesdays, 5:30 – 7:00, Oct. 5 – Nov. 16 (7 weeks)

Why: To make friends, grow in faith and have some fun

What else: A suggested donation of $25 per child includes dinner each

week and all supplies. Confidential scholarships are available. Friends

are welcome! Grab an invitation from the Children’s Ministry booth in

the Commons to share with a friend, neighbor or classmate.



An amazing show of yo-yo

expertise and a gospel message!

Friday, Oct. 14


at 7:00 p.m. Fun for all ages.

Free event (yo-yos available for purchase after the show!)

Invite friends and neighbors! Invitations available at the

Children & Youth ministry booth in the Commons.

Check out for a preview of the show!

Jr. & Sr. High

Camp Barakel

WHEN: January 27 – January 29, 2012

WHO: Jr. and Sr. High Students (7th - 12th) will be housed in

separate facilities and have separate age appropriate speakers.

COST: $110 per person

REGISTRATION: A $50 per person non refundable deposit is

due NO LATER THAN October 9


. Checks should be made

out to SOTL and put in the mailbox at the Youth Booth.

Financial assistance is available please contact Pastor Milatz or

Lori Gaines.

Information sheets available at the Youth Booth

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It’s that time of year again!

Michigan vs. Michigan State Football

The fun will begin when we have our annual Coinstar Challenge

On Sundays, October 1 & 9. We will be collecting loose change

after each service in our Michigan and Michigan State Banks!

Then on Saturday, October 15 Sr. High Youth will have a

tailgate party, watch the game and have a football game of

our own during half time. Kick off time has not been

determined so watch for more information in the coming weeks.

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Page 3: News & Notes




Bread of Life

Dinner begins at 6pm - Study at 7pm

Next Date: Monday, October 10

Genesis Hall

October Leader: TBA

Contact: Cheryl Fitzpatrick 517-545-7765

Woman to Woman Bible Study

1pm - 2:30pm

Bring your Bible and a bag lunch. Join us anytime!

Room: Youth Room

Topics: Beth Moore - Living Beyond Yourself

Contact: Ann Colley 810-227-5099


Pastor’s In-Depth Bible Study

9:15 - 10:15 a.m.

Topic: The Truth about Heaven and Hell

Instructor: Pastor Milatz


Band of Brothers, Men’s Bible Study

7:00 - 9:00 p.m.

Study: The Life of Jesus Christ

Contact: Jerry Trusty (586)709-3432 or

Tom Fitchett (810)227-4892


Band of Brothers, Men’s Bible Study

7:00 - 9:00 a.m.

Study - Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians

Contact: Bill Chauvin (810)853-2475 or

Denny Weisend (248)446-9512

SUNDAYS: (9:45 a.m.)

Fall Classes

“Here I Stand! A Modern Day Look at

Ancient Doctrines of the Faith”

Instructor: Pastor Milatz

September 18 - December 18

Location: Genesis Hall

“Majoring In the Minor Prophets”

Instructor: Carl Welser

September 18 - December 18

Location: Room 303

“Walk Through the Bible”

Instructors: Jeff Borchardt and Laura Curtis

Location: Worship Center

“Breakfast Club” - Sr. High Youth

Instructors: Jeff Colley, Steve Defever & Lori Gaines

Location: Youth Room

8th Grade Confirmation - Students

Instructor: Lynn Henderson

Location: Room 301

8th Grade Confirmation - Parents

Instructor: Pastor Vogel

Location: Room 200

7th Grade Confirmation

Instructor: Steve Peplinski

Location: Room 302

Page 4: News & Notes


Applefest Back-to-School Party

A neat fall festival will be held on

Friday, September 23 beginning at 6pm. There will be

cider and apples, hayrides, games, and an outdoor

movie. Everyone is welcome!

Storm Runners Race

5k Run/Walk & 1 Mile Kids Run to benefit

Shepherd of the Lakes School


October 8, 2011

8:30am for 1 Mile Run &

9:00 am for the 5k Run/Walk


5k Run/Walk $18 by Oct. 1

or $25 after Oct. 1

1 Mile Kids Run $12 anytime


Registration forms available at School Booth or

online at

Check at the School Booth or registration table for

volunteer and sponsorship information.

Family Service Project

When: Saturday, September 24


9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

Sign-up located at the Outreach Booth in the Commons

What: Work together to assemble Personal Care Kits to be distributed

through Lutheran World Relief

Why: To give families throughout the world a helping hand, a sign of

comfort and hope for the future. When natural disaster strikes or politi-

cal conflict flares, families often have little chance to gather their be-

longings before fleeing the danger. They arrive in a refugee camp or

other place of safety scared, vulnerable and dirty from travel. The

simple items included in the Personal Care Kit allow them to wash

away the dirt and sweat, with the fresh scent of soap and the softness

of a towel as reminders of someone’s care and concern for them in

their plight.

Donations Needed:

• Bath towels

• Bath size bar soap

• Adult size toothbrushes

• Combs

• Metal nail clippers

All items should be new and in good condition. Donations may be

placed on the designated table in the Genesis Hall. The work of your

hearts and hands will be an immeasurable blessing to families in

need around the world!

Urgent Care &

Repair Ministry

Current Needs:

There are several projects that we’ve been contacted about.

Please contact Suzanne Biddix for more information at

[email protected] or through the church office.

All material costs are covered.

This week marks the beginning of 50 hours

of training for nine members who have

committed themselves to learning the skills

of caring ministry. This first week’s training

covers “The Person of the Caregiver” and

trainees will consider five foundational

characteristics of a caregiver. These individuals are a

blessing to our congregation and let us thank God for these

ministers and ask for His help and guidance throughout the


Has your grief left you feeling…


Or at times like you might be…

Going crazy?

Have you felt…

All alone with your grief?

Do you feel like...

God has abandoned you?

Shepherd of the Lakes will be hosting a free Grief Support Seminar in conjunc-

tion with New Hope Center for Grief Support. Saturday, October 29 from 9am to

12pm. Contact Suzanne Biddix for more information.

School Auction

This year’s auction is Saturday,

November 5 at 5:30pm. There will be

tons of awesome items to bid on -

something for every budget. Tickets

are $18. Appetizers, desserts, and drinks will be served.

Childcare is provided for $5 per family. Pick up your tickets

at the school booth in the Commons. See p. 5 of the News

and Notes for how you can help make the auction a huge


Page 5: News & Notes


Board of Directors: The BOD will meet on Monday, September 18 at 7pm. The congregation is welcome to attend. The BOD is reviewing

possible tweaks to our system of governance, as well as procedures for an endowment fund.

Board of Spiritual Care: The BOSC met on Tuesday, September 6. They continue to reach out to inactive members, provide hospitality on

Sunday mornings, and assist the pastors as needed.

School Leadership Team: The SLT will be supporting the school by participating in the upcoming “Storm Race” on October 8


. There will be a 1

Mile Kids Run, and a 5k Walk/Run, and the proceeds will benefit our day school. The race committee needs participants and volunteers – please

see the sign up table in the Commons. Do you want inexpensive advertising for your company? For $150, you can have your company’s name on

the t-shirts the participants will receive.


Spiritwear on sale now! Next order period will end on Sept 25th. Stop

by the school booth to pick up an order form and see some examples of

our new logo. Any questions, contact Gail Milatz at

[email protected] or 810-299-1210

Something New at SOTL this Fall

Girls on the Run (GOTR) is a non-profit organization with the mission

of educating and preparing girls for a lifetime of self-respect and

healthy living. Volunteer coaches lead 3rd-5th grade girls through a ten

week program where they use fun running games and experiential

activities to help girls learn about expressing themselves, making good

choices, creating healthy habits and serving their community. The

program culminates in a 5K event, which gives the girls a chance to

shine and an overwhelming sense of accomplishment on Sunday,

November 20


at EMU’s football stadium.

Who: All girls in the 3rd - 5th Grade

Date: September 19 - November 20

Time: Mondays and Wednesdays from 4pm - 5:30pm

Cost: $125 (scholarships available)

You can register online at If you have any

questions please contact Cindi Holman at [email protected] or

call 517-304-3714.

Auction News

"Let Your Light Shine" 2011 SOTL Auction is set for Sat., Nov.5th at

5:30pm. The auction committee would like to make a plea for

donations. Please consider the following ways in which you could help

support our school by donating to this great event:

• Handmade craft

• Gift certificate to an event or restaurant

• Any new piece of merchandise

• A service opportunity

• A themed basket

• Tickets to a sporting or cultural event

• A weekend at your cottage

• Cash donation

Any questions about making a donation, email Gail Milatz at

[email protected] or call 810-299-1210.

Donation forms are available at the school booth in the commons.

5K Run/Walk

Volunteers and Sponsors are needed! Please check at the School

Booth or at the Registration Table in the Commons for more information.

Lutherans for Life

Please make note of the following events taking place in October.

Life Chain - Oct 2: 2-3 pm

Take a stand for our Christian beliefs. Pray silently as you hold a sign

expressing God's concern and forgiveness. Meet at the Pregnancy Help

Clinic on Grand River in Brighton. Located in the office complex next to


Life Vigil - Oct 2: 7-8pm

One hour of prayer, music and testimonies. Please join us at the Howell

courthouse amphitheater as we gather to show our concern for the un-



All women are invited...If you think you could use more laughter in your

life; join us at the LWML Ann Arbor Zone Fall Rally. The Guest

Speaker, Joann Rinne from the Lutheran Home in Monroe, will talk

about Laughter. The rally will be held at SOTL from 9am - 11:30am on

Saturday, October 1, 2011. Pastor Milatz will lead us in a devotion. A

luncheon will follow ($6). If you wish you may also bring one of the

following items for the pantry:

• Laundry or Dish soap

• Diapers

• Shampoo / Conditioner

• Baby wipes

• Shaving cream

• Deodorant

• Chapstick

• Toothbrushes / Toothpaste

RSVP to Barbara Gallmeyer by September 29 at (517)548-9396

or [email protected]

Page 6: News & Notes

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Page 7: News & Notes






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Page 8: News & Notes


18th - Jacqueline Bowles, Rebecca Bowles, Kathleen Green,

Madysen Noskowiak, Michelle Otis, Shirley Sixbey

19th - Joan Hauber, Richard Lerch, Anne Mercer

20th - Stefanie Gatien, Lynn Henderson, Zachary Morgan,

David Skiven, Nicholas Syrett

21th - Scott Hiltunen, Marianne Martinez, Amy Miles

22th - Kelly Krzeczkowski, Sydney Lee, Debra Leicht,

Jesse Lieberman, Colleen McCarty

23th - Ryan Curtis, Brett Glabach, Mary Ringer

24th - Mary Hickey, Todd Pleiness, Ryan Ringer,

Cynthia Thomas

Church Schedule

September 18 - September 24

Sunday 9/18

8:30 Worship

8:30 Wee Worship

9:45 Sonland Celebration

9:45 56 Degrees

9:45 Confirmation

9:45 Breakfast Club

9:45 Here I Stand

9:45 Majoring in the Minor Prophets

11:00 Worship

11:00 Wee Worship

11:00 Croucher Small Group

12:30 Sr. High Parent/Youth Meeting

Monday 9/19

4:00 Girls on the Run

5:30 Finance Group

6:45 Worship

7:30 Board of Directors

Tuesday 9/20

1:00 Woman to Woman

6:30 Cub Scout Meeing

6:30 Adult Handbell Choir

7:00 Elders

7:00 Stephen Ministry Peer Supervision

7:30 AA Meeting

Wednesday 9/21

9:15 Pastor’s Bible Study

10:45 Stephen Ministry Peer Supervision

12:00 PTO

4:00 Girls on the Run

6:45 Adult Choir

Thursday 9/22

9:00 Roustabouts

9:00 Personal Needs Pantry

4:15 Girls Scouts

6:15 Ebel/Weaver Small Group

6:30 Stephen Ministry Training

6:45 Faith Alive Team

7:00 Band of Brothers

Friday 9/23

9:15 Bulletin Assemblers

6:00 Apple Fest Back-to-School Party

Saturday 9/24

7:00 Band of Brothers

8:00 AA Meeting

9:00 Altar Guild

9:00 LWR - Family Service Project


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John Marinelli, Jerry Marinelli, Bob Miller & Gail Vanhoule - All to be

cancer free!

Roxanne Sawallich - Healthy recovery from Lyme’s disease.

Helen McDaniels - healthy recovery from lung cancer.

Eileen Kern - Medial problems.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by

prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to

God. Philippians 4:6

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