APPALACHIAN SEARCH AND RESCUE CONFERENCE. INC. P.O. sox 4':0 NEWCOMB STATION CHARLOT7E.SVILLE. VIRGINIA 2Z901 Board of Directors :Yfeeting 6 December 1986 This meeting of the Board of Directors of the Appalachian Search &.: Rescue Conference, Inc. was called to order at 1015a.."!l. i.!l Squires Hall at Virginia Tech ID Bla.cksburg;-Va. on 6 December 1986 by Chairman AJbert M. Baker. Present at this meeting were: Directors: Albert Baker - Blue Ridge MtD. Rescue Group Brian Wheeler L! Greg Shea - Shenandoah Mtr:.. Rescue Group Ga.ry l-.lech tel Vinc.e Serio - South West Va. Resc:.:e Group Todd - Richmond Search and Rescue (:';on-voting as probationary group) Other Members: David Merrit - SWv""NffiG Kristi Fitzwater - SWVMRG Tim Ross - SWYMRG Jim Rooney - Ops Officer ASRC, ASRC At-Large Member Robert Koester - BR.\'ffiG F rank Chinn - RSAR CALL TO ORDER APPROVAL OF Bria.n Wheeler a motion that the miDutes from the 4 October General :\lembership :\1eeting not be read. The motion ?2.Ssed unanimously. Correcdens should be sent to Brian Wheele:,. ._--_._--_.



PO sox 40



Board of Directors Yfeeting 6 December 1986

This meeting of the Board of Directors of the Appalachian Search amp Rescue Conference Inc was called to order at 1015al il Squires Hall at Virginia Tech ID Blacksburg-Va on 6 December 1986 by Chairman AJbert M Baker

Present at this meeting were

Directors Albert Baker - Blue Ridge MtD Rescue Group Brian Wheeler

L Greg Shea - Shenandoah Mtr Rescue Group Gary l-lech tel

Vince Serio - South West Va ~ltn Resce Group

Todd L~Herrou - Richmond Search and Rescue (on-voting as probationary group)

Other Members

David Merrit - SWvNffiG Kristi Fitzwater - SWVMRG Tim Ross - SWYMRG Jim Rooney - Ops Officer ASRC ASRC At-Large Member Robert Koester - BRffiG Frank Chinn - RSAR



Brian Wheeler make~ a motion that the miDutes from the 4 October General lembership 1eeting not be read The motion 2Ssed unanimously Correcdens should be sent to Brian Wheele


rewsletter 10000 Aczplusmn Cos ts 6000

Total Expenses 825600 Balance 820600

Future ex~nses are expected to include ASRC Patches 10000 Radio License 10000 lA$AR dues increase 2500 ASRC Brochures 5000

Gary reminded everyone that the fiscal year is Jan 1 to Dec 31 Theriore group financial reports need to be turned in lond ASRC dues must be paid in Jan In addition Gary needs copies of each groups checkbook ledgers Certified Group dues are $4500 and Probationary Groups SiDDO (for the first year)

Tim Ross accepted the position as ASRC Chief Financial Officer


Vehicle Status (Albert Baker) The title for the milItary amDulance 1S cureltl being processed and should arrive soon

HAvfs and Anateur Radio Emer~encv Se- ices (Brian Vheele-) Brian prese1ted a letter submieci by John Birch (S)fRG-K-4 Y)fA) describing his development of the Ameican Emergency Meta-net The proposal is to establish a dearing house of emergency communications nets (a meta-net) supporting organizations and emergency teieJhone numbers names and locations John has not used the ASRC as a sponsoring agency at this time It seems there are many agencies involved in emergency communicatio11s ho~-~~er they are not orgarlized in one network Although John would like to eventuaily pursue the meta-net on a national and Hemispnereical scale an initial piority is to make contacs with the local resources available to the ASRC The use of H-Ms on ASRC Incidems has bee discussed and put to use for several years Before several recent missions however HAf radio operaors had not been used for in-field cornunications The use of H-1s as field team redio operators occurred on the Rockingnar1 and York County incidents These missions have started a wave of enthusiasr1 mostly in the Shenandoah Valley area within H-f cces for the more frequent use of HA_Ls in S-R To this end Bran made a recommendadon to the ASRC BOD ~hat a letter be written 0 Ead Bishop State EC for ARS and RACES suggesdng a rnu aid agreeren between ~he ASRC ane ARES The goal would be 0 have uciated Cou


Emergency Coordinator and resource lists to enable a Callout An agreement would also involve operational consideations with ARES and their use on Va SAR Council agency SAR incidents At this time the ASRC will only pursue the use of HAvfs in the ASRCs prirrary coverage area Brian will write this letter to Earl Bishop

Va DES Memo of Understanding (Albet Baker) T~e memo betvIiVen the VA DES and Volunteer SAR groups operating in Virginia has been signed by the ASRC and is now in effect

ASRC Bvlaws and Constitution (Greg Shea) Proposed changes from the General Membership meeting are still being worked on by Kevin Parkes (S)JRG) When completed he will mail to the Board members

EMS Agency Certification (Bob Koester) The ASRC application for certification as a VA EMS agency will be senr in this week Dr Christoph will be the Medical Director for the ASRC ASRC members currently running on a rescue squad in the


Thomas Jefferson -EYfS -District who are certified in ALS will be able to provide ALScare on ASRC lncidents up to the Shock Trauma Leve1 Currently this only includes Bill Mackreth (EMT-P) and Ted Dettmar (E~lTmiddotST) UVa Hospitai will purchase a backpack drug box As a state EYfS agency the ASRC will haye many new administrative requirements an E)fT must be present on an evacuation paitent treatment must be recorded the ASRC must have an Operations lanual as long as the ASRC does not have an operating vehicle there are no equipment requirements

Baker made the following motions

The A5RC recincs any recognition of any privately owned vehicles as an ASRC resource

All SAR related marking of ASRC members personal vehicles must be approved by the ASRC Board

Gay )fechtel seconded both motions which passed unanimously Baier also made the foil owing motion

No emergency lighting may be used on ASRC members personal vehicles in conjunction with ASRC activities

Wheeler seconded the motion which passed unanimously Koester distributed draft copies of an ASRC Operations Manual Revisions should be sent to Koeste- within two weeks

ASRC Medical Committee Gay iechtel made the foilowing motion

The ASRC wiil ceate a )fedical Committee and Bob Koeste


will be the Chairman of that comrrittee

Bake seconded the motion which passed unanimously


Resoonse Conce-ns On recent IJ~sions there has been a problem with dispatchers and responding members providing accurate ETAs departure times and numbers of people responding to the Incident Base In the future please make every attempt to get accurate information to the Incident Base or coordinating DO

Disoatching Concerns Also on recent missions there have been dispatching problems between S~fRG and BR DOs and members The probiem seems to be in gettingvfRG information from Incident Base to DO from DO to DO and from the Incident Commander to DES and Dispatch middotmiddotAs mentioned the Operations CO_lttee will be putting togethe a gide o al DO b the Codeence Hopefully this will solve any problems It was noted that many new BRtfRG members have been acting as Dispatch Officers and due to a lack of experience they may have encounte-ed som~ difficulties Increased dispatch training and experience should solve this

Fundraising and Metrocall Due ~o a recent misunderstanding between 5iPG RSAR and the Metrocall Coporatiol Groups were reminded that any fundrasing or proposals for eonadons in the Conferences name or wiih irdicaio1s to the Conference should be first brought to the attention of the Chief Financial Officer

~ussin~ EcuJment~ (Albert Baked AJbert read a list of BR)fRG members equipmen~ that has been misplaced

on the last few missions

Adminis~ation Costs (Brian Wheeler) Brian subrnitteci a voucher covering costs i1cl-ec 10 prod ucing and mailing the ASRC Board Minutes totaling S1230 1echtel will remburse Brian

Vilson WR2516 ~fobile Radio Programming (Brian Wheeler) There was a discussion of programming oi the Viison VH251 radio The BOD will talk to Bill Day to gathe~ the fac-s on what makes this radio tvoe accepteci according to FCC Regulations The Board will renindmiddot groups that all communicaiors barcae used on the ASRCs VHF radio licelse must be type accegttec

ODelional Forms (Jim Roone) The Board discuss-d -eraI opeational 10=S a1C cirecti ves


submitted by the Operations Committee The ASRC Cave Rescue Policy was revised and the ASRC Alert Incident COrnrlander System was rejected Indiyenid uaI groups snouid however keep track of the availability of their bcidelt Commandes It was also mentioned that Shenandoah t-ational Park Dogs East and DES also ha e valuable ICs The ASRC Cave Rescue Policy the ASRC SIR PAS ~finimum OPSKIT stanclards~ and Grid Overlays were all voted on Gary fvlechtel made a motion as follows

The ASRC Cave Rescte Policy directive the ASRC SIR form PAS form ~finimum Opskit Standards and ASRC Grid Overlay should all be accepted as ASRC forms and directives as revised by the ASRC Board of Directors

Brian Vheeier seconded the motion which passesd unanimously

Professionalism and the ASRC Uniform (Jim Roonev) Jim Rooney brought up the fact that many people in the Conference

are wearing uniform shirts other than the official Sears Blue Long sleeve Chambray Workshirt-Group members need to be reminded wnat snirt to wear so the Conference can present a more profiesionai Image BRYfRG will be constructing velcro armbands to distinguish Incident Staff members These will replace the unpopular hats previously worn

Firearms (Todd LHerrou)

() Following a discussion of the carrying of firearms by ASRC ~fembers Gary ~lechtei made the following motion

ASRC Personnel will not cary fiearms on ASRC functions unless required to by statue

Wheele seconed the motion which passed unanimously

ASRC Aoolication Since the Conference is now a licensed EvfS Agency in Virginia personnel foldes must be maintained on every Conference memoer ad keot on tile in Charlottesville In addition State E~1S requires additio~al information not currently on any individual Group aoolications Therfore it was recommended that a new appiication be d~~eloped and used by the entire Conierence This application will be drafted by Brian Wheeler and Jim Rooney and presented at the Dext


SVVvfRG Certifications (Alber~ Baker) S KC lt 1Albert Baker received Basic Writen Tests from IDce eno en nost

and farcia Legrand Baker made a motion as follows

~ KC Sehlhorst and Vince Serio should be Certified r1e-oers of the ASRC

-- - ~ ------------------------~----- ---~-~


The motion passed unanimously Vince Serio was already a Certified member and was recertified at this time Serio is also TraininO Officer o

for SWYvffiG SVvvfRG will be finding another representative to the ASRC Board to fill the position vacated by Jim Rooney

ASRC Incident Commanders Wheeler and Baker Domilated Kevin Coyne and Dave Carter as new ICs from BRffiG Mechte Dominated AJ Rosen as a new IC from SYfRG In addition i was mentioned that Kevin Parkes and Paul Torrence were voted Incident Commanders at a previous meeting Rosen Carte ald Coyne were accepced unanimously as new ASRC ICs The current ASRC IC List is attached to these minutes

ESAR Scouts ald their Callout On a recent mission Explorer Post 616 was called out by SMRG Dispatch to respond to the incident The ESAR members were considered SVfRG Members and were called in as such The Incident Staff was not avare of their callout however The ESARs are well trained and a

valuable group for the ASRC However request for outside resources s~-H)uld bE approved by the IC and Responsibie Agent The ESARs in volvemelt on this incident was greatly needed and did not cause any problems In the future the ASRC IC possibly waiting until on-scene will make the decision to callout Explorer Post 616 SMRG DOs should noC call out the Explorers unless explicitly instructed to do so by the Incident Commander

Pennsdvania 5AR Council Tn e dee1o -emiddot 0 the P C1 R~CO IS 0deg10 ve we1)_the) wlll bebull l~ bull _ bull and having their nex meeng on 10 Jan

Goegles and Semi-Tech It was recomInended tnat litter bearers in a semitecnnical rescue should wear eye protection In recent training there have been several eye injuries

MSF Course This Spring DES will be sponsoring an MSF Course for SAR Providers to be held during the week

ASRC Bank Account Albert Bake- made the following motion

The ASRC Board of Directors approves the Bank Account Alt7reemen with Eauitable Bank and will open a che~kingo

accoun t with them

~fechtel seconded the motion which passed unanimously

ASRC Lone RanZe Plans (Garv Mcchtel) The Boare discssed--ed to formulate long range plans in

lslnrr T~middotI1jnO 00erJtions Advertisin ao PSAR AdminstrationFun C ra o bull 0


and detemi~e the priority tasks in each area

c Marvland SAR Acivities (Garv ~fechtel)

The iaryland State Police has said it ill be willing to distribute information on the ASRC to its offices Gary has also contacted another SAR group in the state and suggested they become involved in NASAR

State GS lR Course A levelland II GSAR course middotm be taught in Roanoke 20-23 F ebruary and 20-22 ~farch These will be an excellent opportunities for the ASRC to assist in insnucion and recruit new members

ASRC Letterhead The production of new letterhead had bee postponed up until this meeting The Board decided that the ASRC would pay for new atwork to design a new letterhead The Logo and address would remain at the top but each groups name and address would be added in the left margin 1t was suggested that only Certified groups should be included and they should be listed in the order they joined the Conference Greg will talk to a printing company and make a p~~posa a be lex r-eeiug

iext ASRC Board Meeting The next meeting will be the 7 February at the location of the

bullbull 0 A~JRG ASRC Training session


Brian Wheele - Request updated Virginia Sheriffs and State Police directories from DES

- Draft new ASRC Application with Jim Rooney - Write letter to Earl Bishop (RACES amp ARES)

concerning mutua aid agreement with H-LvfS

Ooerations Committee Draft new ASRC Application with Brian lVheeler

- Edit draft Communications Equip Log and Communications Log forrns from R Elron (SMRG)

- Develop AlertDispatch materials Develop updated ASRC PDQ form

Training COIn-nittee - Hold organizational meetlDg 3 Jan 1987

Communications Committee - Renew A5RC VHF Liscense _ Complete Com-urications section draft for

ASRC lemoersnp lanual

_ Compiete Bylaw ald CO1sdtuion Revisions and( Kevin Parkes


mail them to ASRC BOD

- Talk to printing company about new ASRC letterhead

- Update on tax-exempt status

ADJ 0 URiMET 1650 hours

Respectfully Submitted

~aWu-Brian A Wheeler Secretary ASRC


Admelldments to the ASRC Articles of Incorporation

Admelldment 1 Rewrite Article IV--Membership

Change C Associate Members D Auxiliary Members and E Sustaining Members

To C Associate Members and D Sustaining Members

Purpose This admendment removes the catagory of auxiliary member This membership type is not only unnecessary but is not

even being used Therefore lets purge it


Admendment 2L Rewrite Article V--Board of Directors Section A

Change A Directors must be Certified members and shall be elected by the Certified membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

To A Directors must be Certified or Associate members and shall be elected by the Certified and Associate Membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

Purpose 1) This admendment allows for a greater pool of individuals to fill the post of member of the board of directors The onus is still on the groups to make sure they choose reasonable directors

2) More importantly this admendment allows Associate Groups to have a member on the Board of Directors


membership 1) vot Ing BOD member iJ 1) 2 vot1ng BOD members

requirements 2) Membership2) Membership 2) 6 month a) 1 0 associate

a) 6 certified members probat ionary b) 6 traineesb) 4 associate period 3) 36 month reviewsc) 6 trainees 3) 1 non-voting 4) Any certified members are

3) 36 month reviews member of cons Idered ASRC membersshy

4) BOD Approved Training at-large~BOD

Officier 4) 1 vot Ing 5) BOD approved Training memb~r of Officler BOD

5) BOD approva I -I shy(23 vote)

1) Minimum of 18 month probatlonary period

1) M1nimum of 18 month probat I onary perlod

2) BOD approval (23 vote) 2) BOD approva 1 (23 vote)

~ )

3) Approva J of sponsorIng 9pmiddot3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference evenls 4) Attend 9 conference events

In the 18 month period wI at in the 18 month period WI at 4 ~ least 50~ of membership

5) Meet membership requirements least 50 of membership

5) Meet membership requirenents 4 ~



1) Membership middota) 2 certified or equivalent b) 4 aSSOCiate or equivalent c) 4 others

2) Tax exemptable 3) Submit rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Articles of

Incorp bylaws operat 10nal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Cert 1 fled Gp 6) Must pass lndlvldual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 4Syr

afterwards 8) 2 non-vot Ing BOD members 9) No traIning offlcler

-~----------------- shy

1) Membersh I p a) 6 aSSOCiate or equivalent b) 4 others

2) Tax exemptable 3) Submit rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art tc les of

Incorp bylaws operational procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Certified Gp 6) Must pass Individual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 ror 1st yr) $ 45yr

afterwards 8) I non-vot tng BOD member 9) No training offlcier

(- Membership catagories J) Certified = Basic amp above 2) Assoc1ate = F1eld QualifIed Base aual1fled~ or other (non-trainee)

who is useq in non-mission work (eg radio repairman) 3) Trainee = Anyone attempting to become Field Qual1fled or Base

Qualified Ie anyone who Is a Ilablity on a SAA effort Therefore trainees shou1d not be al10wed on missions

4) Sustaining = Anyone offering material or financ1al support

Therefore the normal means of Joining and working up to be a certified member is TOT0

tra1nee assoc1ate cert1r1ed

catagory group vote

middotASRC vote

ASRC patch

MRA patch

cert1f1ed YES YES -


associate TBA NO YES NO

trainee TBA NO NO NO

TBA =It is up to the indivldual ~roup to determine whether it feels associatl~s or trainees should be allowed to vote in group affairs Obviously for associate groups associate members wi 11 be allowed to vote


I) G r() +-l 1-) f 04(0 j

3) AJM) +r_J ~ ~) De J~

5) T ~ ~J




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Growth Increase field-associate ufimbership ~

E~drai6ing Complete tax exempt process

Administration Determine yearly goals Prepare membership purging process Plan meetings with each groups leadership corps ~~ ~

Operations Refine callout amp aler~procedures

Training Support growth goals Prepare for MRA testing

Interagency ~a~ Penn DER Penn SAR Co Support Medical Comm goals Limit other involvement (put own house in order)

Medical Refine EMS relationship-Define legalities

fsectAR Develop generic PSAR slide show

Advertising Develop generic slide show (regional education)

( i Communications Finish radio license renewal ~ s

~~ ~ ~ ~ f(5~ fci)) -1- laquo--8(0

G~ jtJG FCvuJJ

Fut-gtn COVlfA()





Administrative (Committee) Functions


equipment inventory

amp safety

Training (committee) SAR Standards deflnition SAR training manual Membership SAR testing Membership SAR training amp exercises Maintaining SAR training records Monitor membership SAR skills

Communications (committee) Maintain radio licenses Radio equipment deflnition amp purchase Radio equipment maintainance Radio equipment inventory Monitor rules regulations amp communication practices Help defme training standards training manual

amp ops manual as they apply to communications

tax exempt status


Medical (committee) Maintain EMS training records Defme and procure medical equipments Maintain medical equipment Defme medical practices Help define training standards training manual

amp ops manual as they apply to medical concerns

PSAR Develop PSAR materials Maintain Hug-A-Tree materials Teach PSAR

c) Advertising Support PSAR Support Finances Educate region Maintain logos Procure stationary

Plans amp Policies Defme regional goals amp policies Support regional efforts Develop ASRC short amp long term goals Review put goals Support intra-conference development Oversee all conference policies

Support medical policies Support training policies Support Ops policies Support communciation policies Support PSAR activities Support fmance activities

General Administration Oversee committees Maintain amp improve Conference morale Oversee Conference membership




Figure 1 o~nizatjons



~SNP ------ BOD] - ----MRAPENN DER

~ Other SIR teamPenn EMS -7 ~ WVaOESMd EMS

( r r -1 I I r r r r Ir I bull bull bullI I I I



~~~ SAR- -

UVa ~(~TCCo1~legiHOSPJ e~ES J(~rlcenniDERJVaSARCo LJ YuSAR~ l ttSARCo ~~ 1TJ EMS


~ ~--

Figure 2 Administration






-- - - - - T - - shyI middotbull middotmiddot


I I I middot middot PLANS amp PSARamp



Incident Commanders

Last Update 10 December 1986

Blue Ridge Mountain Rescue Group

Albert Sa ker

Robert Koester

Chris Metzler

Kevin Coyne

Brian Wheeler

Dave Carter

Shenandoah Mountain Rescue Group

Gary Mechtel

Kevin Parkes

Paul Torrence

Greg Shea

Al Rosen

Richmond Search and Rescue

Mark Pennington

Ralph Wilfong



TO ASRC certified members and other interested parties FROM G MechteI amp G Shea DATE 9186 PURPOSE Internalmiddot ASRC changes to streamline ASRC membership

catagorles and allow Asociate Groups to jotnthe ASRC

This handout contains specfic admendments to the ASRCs Articles of Incorporation and a general description of the proposed admendments to the ASRC Bylaws The specflc Bylaw admendments and motIons will be presented later but the contents of the proposed changes are outlined in the second and third f1gures presented herein The changes wl11 be brought before the ASRCs general membership on October Fourth and action will be taken at that time


Gary MechteI


Admendments to the ASRC Articles of Incorporation


Admendment = 1 Rewrite Article IV-Membership

Change C Associate Members D Auxiliary Members and E Sustaining Members

To C Associate Members and D Sustaining Members

Purpose This admendment removes the catagory of auxiliary member This membership type is not only unnecessary but is not

even being used Therefore lets purge it

Admendment = 2 Rewrite Article V-Board of Directors Section A

Change A Directors must be Certified members and shall be elected by the Certified membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

To A Directors must be Certified or Associate members and shall be elected by the Certified and Associate Membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

Purpose 1) This admendment allows for a greater pool of individuals to fill the post of member of the board of directors The onus is still on the groups to make sure they choose reasonable directors

-2) More importantly this admendment allows Associate Groups to have a member on the Board of Directors

AFFLI [-lfTtfj CERTIFIED GROUP ~5~ IAeJregoseOllp -shy

I) Meet

1) 2 vot ing BOD members 2) Membership

a) 6 certified members b) 4 associate c) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) BOD Approved Training


membership requirements

2) 6 month probat ionary period

3) 1 non-voting member of BOO

4) 1 voting member of BOD

5) BOD approva I (23 vote)

1) MInimum of 18 month probat lonary perJod

2) ~ro~ote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 1 ~~nth period wi at leas~ members=-

5) Meet membership requirements


1) Membership a) 2 certIfIed or equivalent b) 4 associate or equivalent c) 4 others

2) Tax exemptable 3) Submlt rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operat1onal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Cert1rt ed Gp 6) Must pass IndIvIdual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 2 non-vot Ing BOD members 9) No traInIng o(flcler

~ 1 vot~BOD-member - 2) Membership

a) 10 associate b) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) Any certified members are

considered ASRC membersshyat-largeshy

5) BOD approved Training Officier

1) Minimum of 18 month probationary period

2) BOD approval (23 vote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 18 month period wi at least 50 of membership

5) Meet membership requirements


1) MembershiPi4 el-$e (11 heIJ rlq-ftc a) 6 associate ~ middottSleiibt b) 4 others

2) Tax exemptab Ie 3) Subm 1t rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operatIonal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Certifled Gp 6) Must pass IndIvidual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 1 non-vot lng BOO member 9) No training officier


- M~ll1berhip catagories

J) Certiffed = Basic amp above 2) Associate = Ffeld Qualiffed Base Qualified or other (non-trainee)

who is used in non-mission work (eg radio repairman) 3) Trainee = Anyone attempting to become Field Qualfi~~ or Base

Qualified Ie anyone who is a Ilablity on a SAR effort Therefore trainees should not be allowed on missions

4) Sustaining = Anyone offering material or financial support

Therefore the normal means of jOining and working up to be a certHled member is TOT0

tra1nee assoctate certlrted

catagory group vote

ASRC vote

ASRC patch

MRA patch


associate TBA NO YES NO

trainee TBA NO NO NO

TBA = It is up to the individual group to determine whether it feels associates or trainees should be aIlowed to vote in groLlp affairsObvious Iy for associate groups associate members will be allowed to vote


-----shy -I

CER1J5=IEO 6~p

1 ) rHt~Crstfr) ~ tr~~ ttkWfbtfS

b) L ~e tgtt 1clJ

I qIIIj ssJmiddots f) ~ trat1e5 shy

3) 3 fHotTfh cOf(tht~~cI bullI (CVttws

rI) ~D ~pprbeJ IraI1~ O~ccr bull 5) ~p 1iE ~~ pcoc~s h tt~~


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I Roet1TlCN~Rr CERttfJE D 6Rovtgt i

I) ntm~hf t) rntltlfb-efgthp


2 cerHt~tol Mert1bers A) amp~e or ~GfJ ~-d ~lJcl~k5 b) t1 bee or ~~IJ qlJ4[t-cJ aS~DCIc~J b) I athltr 5I

cd) t-l o+~lr5 l) j)( Qe~f~6kI

2) 1P)( eYt~thb1c ~) 5c~I+ ftlgtkr ~ allou of p~cdu IC 1

3) fbmi+ ~~kr ~ CAllou+ ~OlJrc

4) btte ~ hsRc J4rhlt1t o~ trlCOltmiddot I -I-raquo~) ~~ I OY(kJgt o~~1 ~(bcedurt~e~

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l f) IS $ ==iOCi() ~t r~( -r- t) So~ I jS qoo rer I(~kr~rrlj

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_~____ 16 fpy1 rY-=rlt) c)~l (2b V1~-J ~ IC gt-~

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l) r1Ow1fh f~oh1 TenoJ

3) 4 t1()I)-n~ bt~ f Eou

1) 6eHI(Jd f1k~f ifppn_1 (ill ttl)

5) Cxouf f05e~5 tip l1)

tp It~+middot

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J) ~J(r~lip

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3) ~ 3 ~ ~r~~5iv( revieWS bull

4) 30 1) ~(4v-eJ ~(I~ ~1fccr



Appalachian Search and Rescue Conference Inc

AlHh_7 Ceneral Hoprtal Aftuiawd lh Wouftlaia acu Ateocialion 120 E Honh Avanu Ntioaal AMociMion for atcA ad ampcubull ad

Pltuburah PA 11212 Eutetzl Rqjon National Cave acue Commiion

ElllerleDCY PhODe (804) 323-2300 (VlrEiaia ElllerleDc OperatloDI CeDter)


ASRC Policy for Cve escue will not e one of initiAl response bullbullut will ampe one of notificAtion An~ Alert status As CR has a ~egionAI ystem developed And as the last ~egion ICRC works thru Viriinia DES Inter Conference-Commission escue will e possihle under the following uidelines

ICRC can request ASC cooperationcliu ASRC chain of co~n~A D~S ASRC personnel pre-trained or ASRC leRe personnel cross trained as cave

I ~ rescuers can participate in underground rescue Any AS personnel not trained in underground rescue will not e permitted uncerground in Any ~apcity Ion - traine~ ASC member Can act as ~ove ground personnel Since East egion JeRe ~ ~I C~ilizies the IC Command System1this interface of perso~el should present~ 1~1

~ ErobleJand ampotr commands will intergrate ~

Training for ASR~ penonnel for cave rescue at present may take place ia w-y of two training forms East Region 6ffers t~o day weeken~ orientation classes for basic cave res~ue anc can be accepted by ASRC as initial training ASC ill proide training lWJterials to its training Officers for cave rescue training This material will bamp5ically ee the same as ER ~CRC instructor will be availible for mutual training weekends

ASR COmmAnd will also reciprocate adn alert ER ~CRC of its mission for possible use of ER WeRC Personnell in ASRC Missions

~dde ~(1 ~ Or r(t~r~ cIeL J-I)( r-rcl ~ CRC Or~n ~ Asec ~~~

) 1-- pa~ J- J z dbi I

O~ ~

ASAC ~vdl~p~A~ 41~amp7-l~ ~~yenaamp-~ r~Lp Acfc I1SIC ~~tkIpound~ -tr_~ 4~~Ic ~ M-~yrc-ut cu7

I Ci P~lL1 ~~IU~~~J-t-~~ ~ -k~Ina-c( d ~tVJr Jk~- tff~- ~5( ~Lx-(J- tt~~ t T U-~~-Mj m e-ult-c r~ 41~Jd 4-tr al- f

4cbT- I ~ t-fC p~rLl d1 7~t- 11 gtRc fI~r

ltKt0 (Ll ( - ~---~ l~



PO BOX 440



4 September ]986

TO All Certified ASRC members A11J( FROM Albert Baker ASRC Chairman g~i Re Membership meeting

An ASRC membership meeting has been scheduled for Saturday 4 Octaber at Peabody Hall at the University of Virginia (sorry AMRG) Please make every effort to attend or to send your written proxy Proxies may be sent with any member attending the meeting or may be mailed to the secretary at the above address A tentative agenda may be found below

I Call to Order II Discussion of past minutes

III Committee reports Operations

I Communications I l~ Training

Finance Ad hoc--Technical rescue standards

IV Group reports V Old business Associate groups policy revised

membership classes DES memo of understanding Input to the Pa DER Emergency medicine workshop

VI New business ASRC as an MRA region Richmond group Other business

rewsletter 10000 Aczplusmn Cos ts 6000

Total Expenses 825600 Balance 820600

Future ex~nses are expected to include ASRC Patches 10000 Radio License 10000 lA$AR dues increase 2500 ASRC Brochures 5000

Gary reminded everyone that the fiscal year is Jan 1 to Dec 31 Theriore group financial reports need to be turned in lond ASRC dues must be paid in Jan In addition Gary needs copies of each groups checkbook ledgers Certified Group dues are $4500 and Probationary Groups SiDDO (for the first year)

Tim Ross accepted the position as ASRC Chief Financial Officer


Vehicle Status (Albert Baker) The title for the milItary amDulance 1S cureltl being processed and should arrive soon

HAvfs and Anateur Radio Emer~encv Se- ices (Brian Vheele-) Brian prese1ted a letter submieci by John Birch (S)fRG-K-4 Y)fA) describing his development of the Ameican Emergency Meta-net The proposal is to establish a dearing house of emergency communications nets (a meta-net) supporting organizations and emergency teieJhone numbers names and locations John has not used the ASRC as a sponsoring agency at this time It seems there are many agencies involved in emergency communicatio11s ho~-~~er they are not orgarlized in one network Although John would like to eventuaily pursue the meta-net on a national and Hemispnereical scale an initial piority is to make contacs with the local resources available to the ASRC The use of H-Ms on ASRC Incidems has bee discussed and put to use for several years Before several recent missions however HAf radio operaors had not been used for in-field cornunications The use of H-1s as field team redio operators occurred on the Rockingnar1 and York County incidents These missions have started a wave of enthusiasr1 mostly in the Shenandoah Valley area within H-f cces for the more frequent use of HA_Ls in S-R To this end Bran made a recommendadon to the ASRC BOD ~hat a letter be written 0 Ead Bishop State EC for ARS and RACES suggesdng a rnu aid agreeren between ~he ASRC ane ARES The goal would be 0 have uciated Cou


Emergency Coordinator and resource lists to enable a Callout An agreement would also involve operational consideations with ARES and their use on Va SAR Council agency SAR incidents At this time the ASRC will only pursue the use of HAvfs in the ASRCs prirrary coverage area Brian will write this letter to Earl Bishop

Va DES Memo of Understanding (Albet Baker) T~e memo betvIiVen the VA DES and Volunteer SAR groups operating in Virginia has been signed by the ASRC and is now in effect

ASRC Bvlaws and Constitution (Greg Shea) Proposed changes from the General Membership meeting are still being worked on by Kevin Parkes (S)JRG) When completed he will mail to the Board members

EMS Agency Certification (Bob Koester) The ASRC application for certification as a VA EMS agency will be senr in this week Dr Christoph will be the Medical Director for the ASRC ASRC members currently running on a rescue squad in the


Thomas Jefferson -EYfS -District who are certified in ALS will be able to provide ALScare on ASRC lncidents up to the Shock Trauma Leve1 Currently this only includes Bill Mackreth (EMT-P) and Ted Dettmar (E~lTmiddotST) UVa Hospitai will purchase a backpack drug box As a state EYfS agency the ASRC will haye many new administrative requirements an E)fT must be present on an evacuation paitent treatment must be recorded the ASRC must have an Operations lanual as long as the ASRC does not have an operating vehicle there are no equipment requirements

Baker made the following motions

The A5RC recincs any recognition of any privately owned vehicles as an ASRC resource

All SAR related marking of ASRC members personal vehicles must be approved by the ASRC Board

Gay )fechtel seconded both motions which passed unanimously Baier also made the foil owing motion

No emergency lighting may be used on ASRC members personal vehicles in conjunction with ASRC activities

Wheeler seconded the motion which passed unanimously Koester distributed draft copies of an ASRC Operations Manual Revisions should be sent to Koeste- within two weeks

ASRC Medical Committee Gay iechtel made the foilowing motion

The ASRC wiil ceate a )fedical Committee and Bob Koeste


will be the Chairman of that comrrittee

Bake seconded the motion which passed unanimously


Resoonse Conce-ns On recent IJ~sions there has been a problem with dispatchers and responding members providing accurate ETAs departure times and numbers of people responding to the Incident Base In the future please make every attempt to get accurate information to the Incident Base or coordinating DO

Disoatching Concerns Also on recent missions there have been dispatching problems between S~fRG and BR DOs and members The probiem seems to be in gettingvfRG information from Incident Base to DO from DO to DO and from the Incident Commander to DES and Dispatch middotmiddotAs mentioned the Operations CO_lttee will be putting togethe a gide o al DO b the Codeence Hopefully this will solve any problems It was noted that many new BRtfRG members have been acting as Dispatch Officers and due to a lack of experience they may have encounte-ed som~ difficulties Increased dispatch training and experience should solve this

Fundraising and Metrocall Due ~o a recent misunderstanding between 5iPG RSAR and the Metrocall Coporatiol Groups were reminded that any fundrasing or proposals for eonadons in the Conferences name or wiih irdicaio1s to the Conference should be first brought to the attention of the Chief Financial Officer

~ussin~ EcuJment~ (Albert Baked AJbert read a list of BR)fRG members equipmen~ that has been misplaced

on the last few missions

Adminis~ation Costs (Brian Wheeler) Brian subrnitteci a voucher covering costs i1cl-ec 10 prod ucing and mailing the ASRC Board Minutes totaling S1230 1echtel will remburse Brian

Vilson WR2516 ~fobile Radio Programming (Brian Wheeler) There was a discussion of programming oi the Viison VH251 radio The BOD will talk to Bill Day to gathe~ the fac-s on what makes this radio tvoe accepteci according to FCC Regulations The Board will renindmiddot groups that all communicaiors barcae used on the ASRCs VHF radio licelse must be type accegttec

ODelional Forms (Jim Roone) The Board discuss-d -eraI opeational 10=S a1C cirecti ves


submitted by the Operations Committee The ASRC Cave Rescue Policy was revised and the ASRC Alert Incident COrnrlander System was rejected Indiyenid uaI groups snouid however keep track of the availability of their bcidelt Commandes It was also mentioned that Shenandoah t-ational Park Dogs East and DES also ha e valuable ICs The ASRC Cave Rescue Policy the ASRC SIR PAS ~finimum OPSKIT stanclards~ and Grid Overlays were all voted on Gary fvlechtel made a motion as follows

The ASRC Cave Rescte Policy directive the ASRC SIR form PAS form ~finimum Opskit Standards and ASRC Grid Overlay should all be accepted as ASRC forms and directives as revised by the ASRC Board of Directors

Brian Vheeier seconded the motion which passesd unanimously

Professionalism and the ASRC Uniform (Jim Roonev) Jim Rooney brought up the fact that many people in the Conference

are wearing uniform shirts other than the official Sears Blue Long sleeve Chambray Workshirt-Group members need to be reminded wnat snirt to wear so the Conference can present a more profiesionai Image BRYfRG will be constructing velcro armbands to distinguish Incident Staff members These will replace the unpopular hats previously worn

Firearms (Todd LHerrou)

() Following a discussion of the carrying of firearms by ASRC ~fembers Gary ~lechtei made the following motion

ASRC Personnel will not cary fiearms on ASRC functions unless required to by statue

Wheele seconed the motion which passed unanimously

ASRC Aoolication Since the Conference is now a licensed EvfS Agency in Virginia personnel foldes must be maintained on every Conference memoer ad keot on tile in Charlottesville In addition State E~1S requires additio~al information not currently on any individual Group aoolications Therfore it was recommended that a new appiication be d~~eloped and used by the entire Conierence This application will be drafted by Brian Wheeler and Jim Rooney and presented at the Dext


SVVvfRG Certifications (Alber~ Baker) S KC lt 1Albert Baker received Basic Writen Tests from IDce eno en nost

and farcia Legrand Baker made a motion as follows

~ KC Sehlhorst and Vince Serio should be Certified r1e-oers of the ASRC

-- - ~ ------------------------~----- ---~-~


The motion passed unanimously Vince Serio was already a Certified member and was recertified at this time Serio is also TraininO Officer o

for SWYvffiG SVvvfRG will be finding another representative to the ASRC Board to fill the position vacated by Jim Rooney

ASRC Incident Commanders Wheeler and Baker Domilated Kevin Coyne and Dave Carter as new ICs from BRffiG Mechte Dominated AJ Rosen as a new IC from SYfRG In addition i was mentioned that Kevin Parkes and Paul Torrence were voted Incident Commanders at a previous meeting Rosen Carte ald Coyne were accepced unanimously as new ASRC ICs The current ASRC IC List is attached to these minutes

ESAR Scouts ald their Callout On a recent mission Explorer Post 616 was called out by SMRG Dispatch to respond to the incident The ESAR members were considered SVfRG Members and were called in as such The Incident Staff was not avare of their callout however The ESARs are well trained and a

valuable group for the ASRC However request for outside resources s~-H)uld bE approved by the IC and Responsibie Agent The ESARs in volvemelt on this incident was greatly needed and did not cause any problems In the future the ASRC IC possibly waiting until on-scene will make the decision to callout Explorer Post 616 SMRG DOs should noC call out the Explorers unless explicitly instructed to do so by the Incident Commander

Pennsdvania 5AR Council Tn e dee1o -emiddot 0 the P C1 R~CO IS 0deg10 ve we1)_the) wlll bebull l~ bull _ bull and having their nex meeng on 10 Jan

Goegles and Semi-Tech It was recomInended tnat litter bearers in a semitecnnical rescue should wear eye protection In recent training there have been several eye injuries

MSF Course This Spring DES will be sponsoring an MSF Course for SAR Providers to be held during the week

ASRC Bank Account Albert Bake- made the following motion

The ASRC Board of Directors approves the Bank Account Alt7reemen with Eauitable Bank and will open a che~kingo

accoun t with them

~fechtel seconded the motion which passed unanimously

ASRC Lone RanZe Plans (Garv Mcchtel) The Boare discssed--ed to formulate long range plans in

lslnrr T~middotI1jnO 00erJtions Advertisin ao PSAR AdminstrationFun C ra o bull 0


and detemi~e the priority tasks in each area

c Marvland SAR Acivities (Garv ~fechtel)

The iaryland State Police has said it ill be willing to distribute information on the ASRC to its offices Gary has also contacted another SAR group in the state and suggested they become involved in NASAR

State GS lR Course A levelland II GSAR course middotm be taught in Roanoke 20-23 F ebruary and 20-22 ~farch These will be an excellent opportunities for the ASRC to assist in insnucion and recruit new members

ASRC Letterhead The production of new letterhead had bee postponed up until this meeting The Board decided that the ASRC would pay for new atwork to design a new letterhead The Logo and address would remain at the top but each groups name and address would be added in the left margin 1t was suggested that only Certified groups should be included and they should be listed in the order they joined the Conference Greg will talk to a printing company and make a p~~posa a be lex r-eeiug

iext ASRC Board Meeting The next meeting will be the 7 February at the location of the

bullbull 0 A~JRG ASRC Training session


Brian Wheele - Request updated Virginia Sheriffs and State Police directories from DES

- Draft new ASRC Application with Jim Rooney - Write letter to Earl Bishop (RACES amp ARES)

concerning mutua aid agreement with H-LvfS

Ooerations Committee Draft new ASRC Application with Brian lVheeler

- Edit draft Communications Equip Log and Communications Log forrns from R Elron (SMRG)

- Develop AlertDispatch materials Develop updated ASRC PDQ form

Training COIn-nittee - Hold organizational meetlDg 3 Jan 1987

Communications Committee - Renew A5RC VHF Liscense _ Complete Com-urications section draft for

ASRC lemoersnp lanual

_ Compiete Bylaw ald CO1sdtuion Revisions and( Kevin Parkes


mail them to ASRC BOD

- Talk to printing company about new ASRC letterhead

- Update on tax-exempt status

ADJ 0 URiMET 1650 hours

Respectfully Submitted

~aWu-Brian A Wheeler Secretary ASRC


Admelldments to the ASRC Articles of Incorporation

Admelldment 1 Rewrite Article IV--Membership

Change C Associate Members D Auxiliary Members and E Sustaining Members

To C Associate Members and D Sustaining Members

Purpose This admendment removes the catagory of auxiliary member This membership type is not only unnecessary but is not

even being used Therefore lets purge it


Admendment 2L Rewrite Article V--Board of Directors Section A

Change A Directors must be Certified members and shall be elected by the Certified membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

To A Directors must be Certified or Associate members and shall be elected by the Certified and Associate Membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

Purpose 1) This admendment allows for a greater pool of individuals to fill the post of member of the board of directors The onus is still on the groups to make sure they choose reasonable directors

2) More importantly this admendment allows Associate Groups to have a member on the Board of Directors


membership 1) vot Ing BOD member iJ 1) 2 vot1ng BOD members

requirements 2) Membership2) Membership 2) 6 month a) 1 0 associate

a) 6 certified members probat ionary b) 6 traineesb) 4 associate period 3) 36 month reviewsc) 6 trainees 3) 1 non-voting 4) Any certified members are

3) 36 month reviews member of cons Idered ASRC membersshy

4) BOD Approved Training at-large~BOD

Officier 4) 1 vot Ing 5) BOD approved Training memb~r of Officler BOD

5) BOD approva I -I shy(23 vote)

1) Minimum of 18 month probatlonary period

1) M1nimum of 18 month probat I onary perlod

2) BOD approval (23 vote) 2) BOD approva 1 (23 vote)

~ )

3) Approva J of sponsorIng 9pmiddot3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference evenls 4) Attend 9 conference events

In the 18 month period wI at in the 18 month period WI at 4 ~ least 50~ of membership

5) Meet membership requirements least 50 of membership

5) Meet membership requirenents 4 ~



1) Membership middota) 2 certified or equivalent b) 4 aSSOCiate or equivalent c) 4 others

2) Tax exemptable 3) Submit rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Articles of

Incorp bylaws operat 10nal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Cert 1 fled Gp 6) Must pass lndlvldual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 4Syr

afterwards 8) 2 non-vot Ing BOD members 9) No traIning offlcler

-~----------------- shy

1) Membersh I p a) 6 aSSOCiate or equivalent b) 4 others

2) Tax exemptable 3) Submit rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art tc les of

Incorp bylaws operational procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Certified Gp 6) Must pass Individual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 ror 1st yr) $ 45yr

afterwards 8) I non-vot tng BOD member 9) No training offlcier

(- Membership catagories J) Certified = Basic amp above 2) Assoc1ate = F1eld QualifIed Base aual1fled~ or other (non-trainee)

who is useq in non-mission work (eg radio repairman) 3) Trainee = Anyone attempting to become Field Qual1fled or Base

Qualified Ie anyone who Is a Ilablity on a SAA effort Therefore trainees shou1d not be al10wed on missions

4) Sustaining = Anyone offering material or financ1al support

Therefore the normal means of Joining and working up to be a certified member is TOT0

tra1nee assoc1ate cert1r1ed

catagory group vote

middotASRC vote

ASRC patch

MRA patch

cert1f1ed YES YES -


associate TBA NO YES NO

trainee TBA NO NO NO

TBA =It is up to the indivldual ~roup to determine whether it feels associatl~s or trainees should be allowed to vote in group affairs Obviously for associate groups associate members wi 11 be allowed to vote


I) G r() +-l 1-) f 04(0 j

3) AJM) +r_J ~ ~) De J~

5) T ~ ~J




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~) 1)o1-~~ e JIL_I v~fb L)

q) I Va hJQ V~eJ-J



Growth Increase field-associate ufimbership ~

E~drai6ing Complete tax exempt process

Administration Determine yearly goals Prepare membership purging process Plan meetings with each groups leadership corps ~~ ~

Operations Refine callout amp aler~procedures

Training Support growth goals Prepare for MRA testing

Interagency ~a~ Penn DER Penn SAR Co Support Medical Comm goals Limit other involvement (put own house in order)

Medical Refine EMS relationship-Define legalities

fsectAR Develop generic PSAR slide show

Advertising Develop generic slide show (regional education)

( i Communications Finish radio license renewal ~ s

~~ ~ ~ ~ f(5~ fci)) -1- laquo--8(0

G~ jtJG FCvuJJ

Fut-gtn COVlfA()





Administrative (Committee) Functions


equipment inventory

amp safety

Training (committee) SAR Standards deflnition SAR training manual Membership SAR testing Membership SAR training amp exercises Maintaining SAR training records Monitor membership SAR skills

Communications (committee) Maintain radio licenses Radio equipment deflnition amp purchase Radio equipment maintainance Radio equipment inventory Monitor rules regulations amp communication practices Help defme training standards training manual

amp ops manual as they apply to communications

tax exempt status


Medical (committee) Maintain EMS training records Defme and procure medical equipments Maintain medical equipment Defme medical practices Help define training standards training manual

amp ops manual as they apply to medical concerns

PSAR Develop PSAR materials Maintain Hug-A-Tree materials Teach PSAR

c) Advertising Support PSAR Support Finances Educate region Maintain logos Procure stationary

Plans amp Policies Defme regional goals amp policies Support regional efforts Develop ASRC short amp long term goals Review put goals Support intra-conference development Oversee all conference policies

Support medical policies Support training policies Support Ops policies Support communciation policies Support PSAR activities Support fmance activities

General Administration Oversee committees Maintain amp improve Conference morale Oversee Conference membership




Figure 1 o~nizatjons



~SNP ------ BOD] - ----MRAPENN DER

~ Other SIR teamPenn EMS -7 ~ WVaOESMd EMS

( r r -1 I I r r r r Ir I bull bull bullI I I I



~~~ SAR- -

UVa ~(~TCCo1~legiHOSPJ e~ES J(~rlcenniDERJVaSARCo LJ YuSAR~ l ttSARCo ~~ 1TJ EMS


~ ~--

Figure 2 Administration






-- - - - - T - - shyI middotbull middotmiddot


I I I middot middot PLANS amp PSARamp



Incident Commanders

Last Update 10 December 1986

Blue Ridge Mountain Rescue Group

Albert Sa ker

Robert Koester

Chris Metzler

Kevin Coyne

Brian Wheeler

Dave Carter

Shenandoah Mountain Rescue Group

Gary Mechtel

Kevin Parkes

Paul Torrence

Greg Shea

Al Rosen

Richmond Search and Rescue

Mark Pennington

Ralph Wilfong



TO ASRC certified members and other interested parties FROM G MechteI amp G Shea DATE 9186 PURPOSE Internalmiddot ASRC changes to streamline ASRC membership

catagorles and allow Asociate Groups to jotnthe ASRC

This handout contains specfic admendments to the ASRCs Articles of Incorporation and a general description of the proposed admendments to the ASRC Bylaws The specflc Bylaw admendments and motIons will be presented later but the contents of the proposed changes are outlined in the second and third f1gures presented herein The changes wl11 be brought before the ASRCs general membership on October Fourth and action will be taken at that time


Gary MechteI


Admendments to the ASRC Articles of Incorporation


Admendment = 1 Rewrite Article IV-Membership

Change C Associate Members D Auxiliary Members and E Sustaining Members

To C Associate Members and D Sustaining Members

Purpose This admendment removes the catagory of auxiliary member This membership type is not only unnecessary but is not

even being used Therefore lets purge it

Admendment = 2 Rewrite Article V-Board of Directors Section A

Change A Directors must be Certified members and shall be elected by the Certified membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

To A Directors must be Certified or Associate members and shall be elected by the Certified and Associate Membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

Purpose 1) This admendment allows for a greater pool of individuals to fill the post of member of the board of directors The onus is still on the groups to make sure they choose reasonable directors

-2) More importantly this admendment allows Associate Groups to have a member on the Board of Directors

AFFLI [-lfTtfj CERTIFIED GROUP ~5~ IAeJregoseOllp -shy

I) Meet

1) 2 vot ing BOD members 2) Membership

a) 6 certified members b) 4 associate c) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) BOD Approved Training


membership requirements

2) 6 month probat ionary period

3) 1 non-voting member of BOO

4) 1 voting member of BOD

5) BOD approva I (23 vote)

1) MInimum of 18 month probat lonary perJod

2) ~ro~ote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 1 ~~nth period wi at leas~ members=-

5) Meet membership requirements


1) Membership a) 2 certIfIed or equivalent b) 4 associate or equivalent c) 4 others

2) Tax exemptable 3) Submlt rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operat1onal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Cert1rt ed Gp 6) Must pass IndIvIdual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 2 non-vot Ing BOD members 9) No traInIng o(flcler

~ 1 vot~BOD-member - 2) Membership

a) 10 associate b) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) Any certified members are

considered ASRC membersshyat-largeshy

5) BOD approved Training Officier

1) Minimum of 18 month probationary period

2) BOD approval (23 vote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 18 month period wi at least 50 of membership

5) Meet membership requirements


1) MembershiPi4 el-$e (11 heIJ rlq-ftc a) 6 associate ~ middottSleiibt b) 4 others

2) Tax exemptab Ie 3) Subm 1t rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operatIonal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Certifled Gp 6) Must pass IndIvidual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 1 non-vot lng BOO member 9) No training officier


- M~ll1berhip catagories

J) Certiffed = Basic amp above 2) Associate = Ffeld Qualiffed Base Qualified or other (non-trainee)

who is used in non-mission work (eg radio repairman) 3) Trainee = Anyone attempting to become Field Qualfi~~ or Base

Qualified Ie anyone who is a Ilablity on a SAR effort Therefore trainees should not be allowed on missions

4) Sustaining = Anyone offering material or financial support

Therefore the normal means of jOining and working up to be a certHled member is TOT0

tra1nee assoctate certlrted

catagory group vote

ASRC vote

ASRC patch

MRA patch


associate TBA NO YES NO

trainee TBA NO NO NO

TBA = It is up to the individual group to determine whether it feels associates or trainees should be aIlowed to vote in groLlp affairsObvious Iy for associate groups associate members will be allowed to vote


-----shy -I

CER1J5=IEO 6~p

1 ) rHt~Crstfr) ~ tr~~ ttkWfbtfS

b) L ~e tgtt 1clJ

I qIIIj ssJmiddots f) ~ trat1e5 shy

3) 3 fHotTfh cOf(tht~~cI bullI (CVttws

rI) ~D ~pprbeJ IraI1~ O~ccr bull 5) ~p 1iE ~~ pcoc~s h tt~~


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I Roet1TlCN~Rr CERttfJE D 6Rovtgt i

I) ntm~hf t) rntltlfb-efgthp


2 cerHt~tol Mert1bers A) amp~e or ~GfJ ~-d ~lJcl~k5 b) t1 bee or ~~IJ qlJ4[t-cJ aS~DCIc~J b) I athltr 5I

cd) t-l o+~lr5 l) j)( Qe~f~6kI

2) 1P)( eYt~thb1c ~) 5c~I+ ftlgtkr ~ allou of p~cdu IC 1

3) fbmi+ ~~kr ~ CAllou+ ~OlJrc

4) btte ~ hsRc J4rhlt1t o~ trlCOltmiddot I -I-raquo~) ~~ I OY(kJgt o~~1 ~(bcedurt~e~

0) t~~ortJ oy cerktd ~(bp -~raquo ~~( _ ) Ugt+ P6gt InJiviJvIl tYlcJ t~ -I) ro) 5-lt

l f) IS $ ==iOCi() ~t r~( -r- t) So~ I jS qoo rer I(~kr~rrlj

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_~____ 16 fpy1 rY-=rlt) c)~l (2b V1~-J ~ IC gt-~

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l) r1Ow1fh f~oh1 TenoJ

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J) ~J(r~lip

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b) ~ -f1lccs

3) ~ 3 ~ ~r~~5iv( revieWS bull

4) 30 1) ~(4v-eJ ~(I~ ~1fccr



Appalachian Search and Rescue Conference Inc

AlHh_7 Ceneral Hoprtal Aftuiawd lh Wouftlaia acu Ateocialion 120 E Honh Avanu Ntioaal AMociMion for atcA ad ampcubull ad

Pltuburah PA 11212 Eutetzl Rqjon National Cave acue Commiion

ElllerleDCY PhODe (804) 323-2300 (VlrEiaia ElllerleDc OperatloDI CeDter)


ASRC Policy for Cve escue will not e one of initiAl response bullbullut will ampe one of notificAtion An~ Alert status As CR has a ~egionAI ystem developed And as the last ~egion ICRC works thru Viriinia DES Inter Conference-Commission escue will e possihle under the following uidelines

ICRC can request ASC cooperationcliu ASRC chain of co~n~A D~S ASRC personnel pre-trained or ASRC leRe personnel cross trained as cave

I ~ rescuers can participate in underground rescue Any AS personnel not trained in underground rescue will not e permitted uncerground in Any ~apcity Ion - traine~ ASC member Can act as ~ove ground personnel Since East egion JeRe ~ ~I C~ilizies the IC Command System1this interface of perso~el should present~ 1~1

~ ErobleJand ampotr commands will intergrate ~

Training for ASR~ penonnel for cave rescue at present may take place ia w-y of two training forms East Region 6ffers t~o day weeken~ orientation classes for basic cave res~ue anc can be accepted by ASRC as initial training ASC ill proide training lWJterials to its training Officers for cave rescue training This material will bamp5ically ee the same as ER ~CRC instructor will be availible for mutual training weekends

ASR COmmAnd will also reciprocate adn alert ER ~CRC of its mission for possible use of ER WeRC Personnell in ASRC Missions

~dde ~(1 ~ Or r(t~r~ cIeL J-I)( r-rcl ~ CRC Or~n ~ Asec ~~~

) 1-- pa~ J- J z dbi I

O~ ~

ASAC ~vdl~p~A~ 41~amp7-l~ ~~yenaamp-~ r~Lp Acfc I1SIC ~~tkIpound~ -tr_~ 4~~Ic ~ M-~yrc-ut cu7

I Ci P~lL1 ~~IU~~~J-t-~~ ~ -k~Ina-c( d ~tVJr Jk~- tff~- ~5( ~Lx-(J- tt~~ t T U-~~-Mj m e-ult-c r~ 41~Jd 4-tr al- f

4cbT- I ~ t-fC p~rLl d1 7~t- 11 gtRc fI~r

ltKt0 (Ll ( - ~---~ l~



PO BOX 440



4 September ]986

TO All Certified ASRC members A11J( FROM Albert Baker ASRC Chairman g~i Re Membership meeting

An ASRC membership meeting has been scheduled for Saturday 4 Octaber at Peabody Hall at the University of Virginia (sorry AMRG) Please make every effort to attend or to send your written proxy Proxies may be sent with any member attending the meeting or may be mailed to the secretary at the above address A tentative agenda may be found below

I Call to Order II Discussion of past minutes

III Committee reports Operations

I Communications I l~ Training

Finance Ad hoc--Technical rescue standards

IV Group reports V Old business Associate groups policy revised

membership classes DES memo of understanding Input to the Pa DER Emergency medicine workshop

VI New business ASRC as an MRA region Richmond group Other business


Emergency Coordinator and resource lists to enable a Callout An agreement would also involve operational consideations with ARES and their use on Va SAR Council agency SAR incidents At this time the ASRC will only pursue the use of HAvfs in the ASRCs prirrary coverage area Brian will write this letter to Earl Bishop

Va DES Memo of Understanding (Albet Baker) T~e memo betvIiVen the VA DES and Volunteer SAR groups operating in Virginia has been signed by the ASRC and is now in effect

ASRC Bvlaws and Constitution (Greg Shea) Proposed changes from the General Membership meeting are still being worked on by Kevin Parkes (S)JRG) When completed he will mail to the Board members

EMS Agency Certification (Bob Koester) The ASRC application for certification as a VA EMS agency will be senr in this week Dr Christoph will be the Medical Director for the ASRC ASRC members currently running on a rescue squad in the


Thomas Jefferson -EYfS -District who are certified in ALS will be able to provide ALScare on ASRC lncidents up to the Shock Trauma Leve1 Currently this only includes Bill Mackreth (EMT-P) and Ted Dettmar (E~lTmiddotST) UVa Hospitai will purchase a backpack drug box As a state EYfS agency the ASRC will haye many new administrative requirements an E)fT must be present on an evacuation paitent treatment must be recorded the ASRC must have an Operations lanual as long as the ASRC does not have an operating vehicle there are no equipment requirements

Baker made the following motions

The A5RC recincs any recognition of any privately owned vehicles as an ASRC resource

All SAR related marking of ASRC members personal vehicles must be approved by the ASRC Board

Gay )fechtel seconded both motions which passed unanimously Baier also made the foil owing motion

No emergency lighting may be used on ASRC members personal vehicles in conjunction with ASRC activities

Wheeler seconded the motion which passed unanimously Koester distributed draft copies of an ASRC Operations Manual Revisions should be sent to Koeste- within two weeks

ASRC Medical Committee Gay iechtel made the foilowing motion

The ASRC wiil ceate a )fedical Committee and Bob Koeste


will be the Chairman of that comrrittee

Bake seconded the motion which passed unanimously


Resoonse Conce-ns On recent IJ~sions there has been a problem with dispatchers and responding members providing accurate ETAs departure times and numbers of people responding to the Incident Base In the future please make every attempt to get accurate information to the Incident Base or coordinating DO

Disoatching Concerns Also on recent missions there have been dispatching problems between S~fRG and BR DOs and members The probiem seems to be in gettingvfRG information from Incident Base to DO from DO to DO and from the Incident Commander to DES and Dispatch middotmiddotAs mentioned the Operations CO_lttee will be putting togethe a gide o al DO b the Codeence Hopefully this will solve any problems It was noted that many new BRtfRG members have been acting as Dispatch Officers and due to a lack of experience they may have encounte-ed som~ difficulties Increased dispatch training and experience should solve this

Fundraising and Metrocall Due ~o a recent misunderstanding between 5iPG RSAR and the Metrocall Coporatiol Groups were reminded that any fundrasing or proposals for eonadons in the Conferences name or wiih irdicaio1s to the Conference should be first brought to the attention of the Chief Financial Officer

~ussin~ EcuJment~ (Albert Baked AJbert read a list of BR)fRG members equipmen~ that has been misplaced

on the last few missions

Adminis~ation Costs (Brian Wheeler) Brian subrnitteci a voucher covering costs i1cl-ec 10 prod ucing and mailing the ASRC Board Minutes totaling S1230 1echtel will remburse Brian

Vilson WR2516 ~fobile Radio Programming (Brian Wheeler) There was a discussion of programming oi the Viison VH251 radio The BOD will talk to Bill Day to gathe~ the fac-s on what makes this radio tvoe accepteci according to FCC Regulations The Board will renindmiddot groups that all communicaiors barcae used on the ASRCs VHF radio licelse must be type accegttec

ODelional Forms (Jim Roone) The Board discuss-d -eraI opeational 10=S a1C cirecti ves


submitted by the Operations Committee The ASRC Cave Rescue Policy was revised and the ASRC Alert Incident COrnrlander System was rejected Indiyenid uaI groups snouid however keep track of the availability of their bcidelt Commandes It was also mentioned that Shenandoah t-ational Park Dogs East and DES also ha e valuable ICs The ASRC Cave Rescue Policy the ASRC SIR PAS ~finimum OPSKIT stanclards~ and Grid Overlays were all voted on Gary fvlechtel made a motion as follows

The ASRC Cave Rescte Policy directive the ASRC SIR form PAS form ~finimum Opskit Standards and ASRC Grid Overlay should all be accepted as ASRC forms and directives as revised by the ASRC Board of Directors

Brian Vheeier seconded the motion which passesd unanimously

Professionalism and the ASRC Uniform (Jim Roonev) Jim Rooney brought up the fact that many people in the Conference

are wearing uniform shirts other than the official Sears Blue Long sleeve Chambray Workshirt-Group members need to be reminded wnat snirt to wear so the Conference can present a more profiesionai Image BRYfRG will be constructing velcro armbands to distinguish Incident Staff members These will replace the unpopular hats previously worn

Firearms (Todd LHerrou)

() Following a discussion of the carrying of firearms by ASRC ~fembers Gary ~lechtei made the following motion

ASRC Personnel will not cary fiearms on ASRC functions unless required to by statue

Wheele seconed the motion which passed unanimously

ASRC Aoolication Since the Conference is now a licensed EvfS Agency in Virginia personnel foldes must be maintained on every Conference memoer ad keot on tile in Charlottesville In addition State E~1S requires additio~al information not currently on any individual Group aoolications Therfore it was recommended that a new appiication be d~~eloped and used by the entire Conierence This application will be drafted by Brian Wheeler and Jim Rooney and presented at the Dext


SVVvfRG Certifications (Alber~ Baker) S KC lt 1Albert Baker received Basic Writen Tests from IDce eno en nost

and farcia Legrand Baker made a motion as follows

~ KC Sehlhorst and Vince Serio should be Certified r1e-oers of the ASRC

-- - ~ ------------------------~----- ---~-~


The motion passed unanimously Vince Serio was already a Certified member and was recertified at this time Serio is also TraininO Officer o

for SWYvffiG SVvvfRG will be finding another representative to the ASRC Board to fill the position vacated by Jim Rooney

ASRC Incident Commanders Wheeler and Baker Domilated Kevin Coyne and Dave Carter as new ICs from BRffiG Mechte Dominated AJ Rosen as a new IC from SYfRG In addition i was mentioned that Kevin Parkes and Paul Torrence were voted Incident Commanders at a previous meeting Rosen Carte ald Coyne were accepced unanimously as new ASRC ICs The current ASRC IC List is attached to these minutes

ESAR Scouts ald their Callout On a recent mission Explorer Post 616 was called out by SMRG Dispatch to respond to the incident The ESAR members were considered SVfRG Members and were called in as such The Incident Staff was not avare of their callout however The ESARs are well trained and a

valuable group for the ASRC However request for outside resources s~-H)uld bE approved by the IC and Responsibie Agent The ESARs in volvemelt on this incident was greatly needed and did not cause any problems In the future the ASRC IC possibly waiting until on-scene will make the decision to callout Explorer Post 616 SMRG DOs should noC call out the Explorers unless explicitly instructed to do so by the Incident Commander

Pennsdvania 5AR Council Tn e dee1o -emiddot 0 the P C1 R~CO IS 0deg10 ve we1)_the) wlll bebull l~ bull _ bull and having their nex meeng on 10 Jan

Goegles and Semi-Tech It was recomInended tnat litter bearers in a semitecnnical rescue should wear eye protection In recent training there have been several eye injuries

MSF Course This Spring DES will be sponsoring an MSF Course for SAR Providers to be held during the week

ASRC Bank Account Albert Bake- made the following motion

The ASRC Board of Directors approves the Bank Account Alt7reemen with Eauitable Bank and will open a che~kingo

accoun t with them

~fechtel seconded the motion which passed unanimously

ASRC Lone RanZe Plans (Garv Mcchtel) The Boare discssed--ed to formulate long range plans in

lslnrr T~middotI1jnO 00erJtions Advertisin ao PSAR AdminstrationFun C ra o bull 0


and detemi~e the priority tasks in each area

c Marvland SAR Acivities (Garv ~fechtel)

The iaryland State Police has said it ill be willing to distribute information on the ASRC to its offices Gary has also contacted another SAR group in the state and suggested they become involved in NASAR

State GS lR Course A levelland II GSAR course middotm be taught in Roanoke 20-23 F ebruary and 20-22 ~farch These will be an excellent opportunities for the ASRC to assist in insnucion and recruit new members

ASRC Letterhead The production of new letterhead had bee postponed up until this meeting The Board decided that the ASRC would pay for new atwork to design a new letterhead The Logo and address would remain at the top but each groups name and address would be added in the left margin 1t was suggested that only Certified groups should be included and they should be listed in the order they joined the Conference Greg will talk to a printing company and make a p~~posa a be lex r-eeiug

iext ASRC Board Meeting The next meeting will be the 7 February at the location of the

bullbull 0 A~JRG ASRC Training session


Brian Wheele - Request updated Virginia Sheriffs and State Police directories from DES

- Draft new ASRC Application with Jim Rooney - Write letter to Earl Bishop (RACES amp ARES)

concerning mutua aid agreement with H-LvfS

Ooerations Committee Draft new ASRC Application with Brian lVheeler

- Edit draft Communications Equip Log and Communications Log forrns from R Elron (SMRG)

- Develop AlertDispatch materials Develop updated ASRC PDQ form

Training COIn-nittee - Hold organizational meetlDg 3 Jan 1987

Communications Committee - Renew A5RC VHF Liscense _ Complete Com-urications section draft for

ASRC lemoersnp lanual

_ Compiete Bylaw ald CO1sdtuion Revisions and( Kevin Parkes


mail them to ASRC BOD

- Talk to printing company about new ASRC letterhead

- Update on tax-exempt status

ADJ 0 URiMET 1650 hours

Respectfully Submitted

~aWu-Brian A Wheeler Secretary ASRC


Admelldments to the ASRC Articles of Incorporation

Admelldment 1 Rewrite Article IV--Membership

Change C Associate Members D Auxiliary Members and E Sustaining Members

To C Associate Members and D Sustaining Members

Purpose This admendment removes the catagory of auxiliary member This membership type is not only unnecessary but is not

even being used Therefore lets purge it


Admendment 2L Rewrite Article V--Board of Directors Section A

Change A Directors must be Certified members and shall be elected by the Certified membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

To A Directors must be Certified or Associate members and shall be elected by the Certified and Associate Membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

Purpose 1) This admendment allows for a greater pool of individuals to fill the post of member of the board of directors The onus is still on the groups to make sure they choose reasonable directors

2) More importantly this admendment allows Associate Groups to have a member on the Board of Directors


membership 1) vot Ing BOD member iJ 1) 2 vot1ng BOD members

requirements 2) Membership2) Membership 2) 6 month a) 1 0 associate

a) 6 certified members probat ionary b) 6 traineesb) 4 associate period 3) 36 month reviewsc) 6 trainees 3) 1 non-voting 4) Any certified members are

3) 36 month reviews member of cons Idered ASRC membersshy

4) BOD Approved Training at-large~BOD

Officier 4) 1 vot Ing 5) BOD approved Training memb~r of Officler BOD

5) BOD approva I -I shy(23 vote)

1) Minimum of 18 month probatlonary period

1) M1nimum of 18 month probat I onary perlod

2) BOD approval (23 vote) 2) BOD approva 1 (23 vote)

~ )

3) Approva J of sponsorIng 9pmiddot3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference evenls 4) Attend 9 conference events

In the 18 month period wI at in the 18 month period WI at 4 ~ least 50~ of membership

5) Meet membership requirements least 50 of membership

5) Meet membership requirenents 4 ~



1) Membership middota) 2 certified or equivalent b) 4 aSSOCiate or equivalent c) 4 others

2) Tax exemptable 3) Submit rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Articles of

Incorp bylaws operat 10nal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Cert 1 fled Gp 6) Must pass lndlvldual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 4Syr

afterwards 8) 2 non-vot Ing BOD members 9) No traIning offlcler

-~----------------- shy

1) Membersh I p a) 6 aSSOCiate or equivalent b) 4 others

2) Tax exemptable 3) Submit rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art tc les of

Incorp bylaws operational procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Certified Gp 6) Must pass Individual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 ror 1st yr) $ 45yr

afterwards 8) I non-vot tng BOD member 9) No training offlcier

(- Membership catagories J) Certified = Basic amp above 2) Assoc1ate = F1eld QualifIed Base aual1fled~ or other (non-trainee)

who is useq in non-mission work (eg radio repairman) 3) Trainee = Anyone attempting to become Field Qual1fled or Base

Qualified Ie anyone who Is a Ilablity on a SAA effort Therefore trainees shou1d not be al10wed on missions

4) Sustaining = Anyone offering material or financ1al support

Therefore the normal means of Joining and working up to be a certified member is TOT0

tra1nee assoc1ate cert1r1ed

catagory group vote

middotASRC vote

ASRC patch

MRA patch

cert1f1ed YES YES -


associate TBA NO YES NO

trainee TBA NO NO NO

TBA =It is up to the indivldual ~roup to determine whether it feels associatl~s or trainees should be allowed to vote in group affairs Obviously for associate groups associate members wi 11 be allowed to vote


I) G r() +-l 1-) f 04(0 j

3) AJM) +r_J ~ ~) De J~

5) T ~ ~J




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I ih~ 1-L VV1t ~t gt I) l ~ w-e-L)hr 1-1Hl

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3) tcs s-t-tT ~) 1 igt~~ ~J (5 - Irhu41laquo t~t-11) p)~i) ~A(l urmiddot Gr 1 JkS Gr-~ -

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- ~ l~ ) G-to~th U ( bulljt a f

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~ )~~ bullJc~ (3~ T _)

t 1)1jJ~ (I ~ --)

tJ~~ 1gt cJv~ -tto J shy

s~ J- Te__ co-bes Ie l=-~_J ~f~r

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Growth Increase field-associate ufimbership ~

E~drai6ing Complete tax exempt process

Administration Determine yearly goals Prepare membership purging process Plan meetings with each groups leadership corps ~~ ~

Operations Refine callout amp aler~procedures

Training Support growth goals Prepare for MRA testing

Interagency ~a~ Penn DER Penn SAR Co Support Medical Comm goals Limit other involvement (put own house in order)

Medical Refine EMS relationship-Define legalities

fsectAR Develop generic PSAR slide show

Advertising Develop generic slide show (regional education)

( i Communications Finish radio license renewal ~ s

~~ ~ ~ ~ f(5~ fci)) -1- laquo--8(0

G~ jtJG FCvuJJ

Fut-gtn COVlfA()





Administrative (Committee) Functions


equipment inventory

amp safety

Training (committee) SAR Standards deflnition SAR training manual Membership SAR testing Membership SAR training amp exercises Maintaining SAR training records Monitor membership SAR skills

Communications (committee) Maintain radio licenses Radio equipment deflnition amp purchase Radio equipment maintainance Radio equipment inventory Monitor rules regulations amp communication practices Help defme training standards training manual

amp ops manual as they apply to communications

tax exempt status


Medical (committee) Maintain EMS training records Defme and procure medical equipments Maintain medical equipment Defme medical practices Help define training standards training manual

amp ops manual as they apply to medical concerns

PSAR Develop PSAR materials Maintain Hug-A-Tree materials Teach PSAR

c) Advertising Support PSAR Support Finances Educate region Maintain logos Procure stationary

Plans amp Policies Defme regional goals amp policies Support regional efforts Develop ASRC short amp long term goals Review put goals Support intra-conference development Oversee all conference policies

Support medical policies Support training policies Support Ops policies Support communciation policies Support PSAR activities Support fmance activities

General Administration Oversee committees Maintain amp improve Conference morale Oversee Conference membership




Figure 1 o~nizatjons



~SNP ------ BOD] - ----MRAPENN DER

~ Other SIR teamPenn EMS -7 ~ WVaOESMd EMS

( r r -1 I I r r r r Ir I bull bull bullI I I I



~~~ SAR- -

UVa ~(~TCCo1~legiHOSPJ e~ES J(~rlcenniDERJVaSARCo LJ YuSAR~ l ttSARCo ~~ 1TJ EMS


~ ~--

Figure 2 Administration






-- - - - - T - - shyI middotbull middotmiddot


I I I middot middot PLANS amp PSARamp



Incident Commanders

Last Update 10 December 1986

Blue Ridge Mountain Rescue Group

Albert Sa ker

Robert Koester

Chris Metzler

Kevin Coyne

Brian Wheeler

Dave Carter

Shenandoah Mountain Rescue Group

Gary Mechtel

Kevin Parkes

Paul Torrence

Greg Shea

Al Rosen

Richmond Search and Rescue

Mark Pennington

Ralph Wilfong



TO ASRC certified members and other interested parties FROM G MechteI amp G Shea DATE 9186 PURPOSE Internalmiddot ASRC changes to streamline ASRC membership

catagorles and allow Asociate Groups to jotnthe ASRC

This handout contains specfic admendments to the ASRCs Articles of Incorporation and a general description of the proposed admendments to the ASRC Bylaws The specflc Bylaw admendments and motIons will be presented later but the contents of the proposed changes are outlined in the second and third f1gures presented herein The changes wl11 be brought before the ASRCs general membership on October Fourth and action will be taken at that time


Gary MechteI


Admendments to the ASRC Articles of Incorporation


Admendment = 1 Rewrite Article IV-Membership

Change C Associate Members D Auxiliary Members and E Sustaining Members

To C Associate Members and D Sustaining Members

Purpose This admendment removes the catagory of auxiliary member This membership type is not only unnecessary but is not

even being used Therefore lets purge it

Admendment = 2 Rewrite Article V-Board of Directors Section A

Change A Directors must be Certified members and shall be elected by the Certified membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

To A Directors must be Certified or Associate members and shall be elected by the Certified and Associate Membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

Purpose 1) This admendment allows for a greater pool of individuals to fill the post of member of the board of directors The onus is still on the groups to make sure they choose reasonable directors

-2) More importantly this admendment allows Associate Groups to have a member on the Board of Directors

AFFLI [-lfTtfj CERTIFIED GROUP ~5~ IAeJregoseOllp -shy

I) Meet

1) 2 vot ing BOD members 2) Membership

a) 6 certified members b) 4 associate c) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) BOD Approved Training


membership requirements

2) 6 month probat ionary period

3) 1 non-voting member of BOO

4) 1 voting member of BOD

5) BOD approva I (23 vote)

1) MInimum of 18 month probat lonary perJod

2) ~ro~ote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 1 ~~nth period wi at leas~ members=-

5) Meet membership requirements


1) Membership a) 2 certIfIed or equivalent b) 4 associate or equivalent c) 4 others

2) Tax exemptable 3) Submlt rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operat1onal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Cert1rt ed Gp 6) Must pass IndIvIdual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 2 non-vot Ing BOD members 9) No traInIng o(flcler

~ 1 vot~BOD-member - 2) Membership

a) 10 associate b) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) Any certified members are

considered ASRC membersshyat-largeshy

5) BOD approved Training Officier

1) Minimum of 18 month probationary period

2) BOD approval (23 vote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 18 month period wi at least 50 of membership

5) Meet membership requirements


1) MembershiPi4 el-$e (11 heIJ rlq-ftc a) 6 associate ~ middottSleiibt b) 4 others

2) Tax exemptab Ie 3) Subm 1t rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operatIonal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Certifled Gp 6) Must pass IndIvidual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 1 non-vot lng BOO member 9) No training officier


- M~ll1berhip catagories

J) Certiffed = Basic amp above 2) Associate = Ffeld Qualiffed Base Qualified or other (non-trainee)

who is used in non-mission work (eg radio repairman) 3) Trainee = Anyone attempting to become Field Qualfi~~ or Base

Qualified Ie anyone who is a Ilablity on a SAR effort Therefore trainees should not be allowed on missions

4) Sustaining = Anyone offering material or financial support

Therefore the normal means of jOining and working up to be a certHled member is TOT0

tra1nee assoctate certlrted

catagory group vote

ASRC vote

ASRC patch

MRA patch


associate TBA NO YES NO

trainee TBA NO NO NO

TBA = It is up to the individual group to determine whether it feels associates or trainees should be aIlowed to vote in groLlp affairsObvious Iy for associate groups associate members will be allowed to vote


-----shy -I

CER1J5=IEO 6~p

1 ) rHt~Crstfr) ~ tr~~ ttkWfbtfS

b) L ~e tgtt 1clJ

I qIIIj ssJmiddots f) ~ trat1e5 shy

3) 3 fHotTfh cOf(tht~~cI bullI (CVttws

rI) ~D ~pprbeJ IraI1~ O~ccr bull 5) ~p 1iE ~~ pcoc~s h tt~~


i) ~I1It oJt 10 r)101l pnlb-~-Mrr ) )tilIM 1DyJfofh pngthJrMri fetid)

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-- Lf) 4~J i Con~-C t~ 11 ~ ItH ) Sa

l Ieriocl w crt- lect~- SfftItf~ AI-- tilamp wrt e) iccf ~buhlp l vi1----gt s) =gtlt

I Roet1TlCN~Rr CERttfJE D 6Rovtgt i

I) ntm~hf t) rntltlfb-efgthp


2 cerHt~tol Mert1bers A) amp~e or ~GfJ ~-d ~lJcl~k5 b) t1 bee or ~~IJ qlJ4[t-cJ aS~DCIc~J b) I athltr 5I

cd) t-l o+~lr5 l) j)( Qe~f~6kI

2) 1P)( eYt~thb1c ~) 5c~I+ ftlgtkr ~ allou of p~cdu IC 1

3) fbmi+ ~~kr ~ CAllou+ ~OlJrc

4) btte ~ hsRc J4rhlt1t o~ trlCOltmiddot I -I-raquo~) ~~ I OY(kJgt o~~1 ~(bcedurt~e~

0) t~~ortJ oy cerktd ~(bp -~raquo ~~( _ ) Ugt+ P6gt InJiviJvIl tYlcJ t~ -I) ro) 5-lt

l f) IS $ ==iOCi() ~t r~( -r- t) So~ I jS qoo rer I(~kr~rrlj

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_~____ 16 fpy1 rY-=rlt) c)~l (2b V1~-J ~ IC gt-~

C)-iI) 2 I vt7tiIIj coD tcrs

I) 1n(d- rHrlilbcrsp


l) r1Ow1fh f~oh1 TenoJ

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1) 6eHI(Jd f1k~f ifppn_1 (ill ttl)

5) Cxouf f05e~5 tip l1)

tp It~+middot

I) I no t1-v0i inj CoQ 01 t~r

J) ~J(r~lip

(1) J0 b~ or 1idJ f~lFiJ A~Q~~(5

b) ~ -f1lccs

3) ~ 3 ~ ~r~~5iv( revieWS bull

4) 30 1) ~(4v-eJ ~(I~ ~1fccr



Appalachian Search and Rescue Conference Inc

AlHh_7 Ceneral Hoprtal Aftuiawd lh Wouftlaia acu Ateocialion 120 E Honh Avanu Ntioaal AMociMion for atcA ad ampcubull ad

Pltuburah PA 11212 Eutetzl Rqjon National Cave acue Commiion

ElllerleDCY PhODe (804) 323-2300 (VlrEiaia ElllerleDc OperatloDI CeDter)


ASRC Policy for Cve escue will not e one of initiAl response bullbullut will ampe one of notificAtion An~ Alert status As CR has a ~egionAI ystem developed And as the last ~egion ICRC works thru Viriinia DES Inter Conference-Commission escue will e possihle under the following uidelines

ICRC can request ASC cooperationcliu ASRC chain of co~n~A D~S ASRC personnel pre-trained or ASRC leRe personnel cross trained as cave

I ~ rescuers can participate in underground rescue Any AS personnel not trained in underground rescue will not e permitted uncerground in Any ~apcity Ion - traine~ ASC member Can act as ~ove ground personnel Since East egion JeRe ~ ~I C~ilizies the IC Command System1this interface of perso~el should present~ 1~1

~ ErobleJand ampotr commands will intergrate ~

Training for ASR~ penonnel for cave rescue at present may take place ia w-y of two training forms East Region 6ffers t~o day weeken~ orientation classes for basic cave res~ue anc can be accepted by ASRC as initial training ASC ill proide training lWJterials to its training Officers for cave rescue training This material will bamp5ically ee the same as ER ~CRC instructor will be availible for mutual training weekends

ASR COmmAnd will also reciprocate adn alert ER ~CRC of its mission for possible use of ER WeRC Personnell in ASRC Missions

~dde ~(1 ~ Or r(t~r~ cIeL J-I)( r-rcl ~ CRC Or~n ~ Asec ~~~

) 1-- pa~ J- J z dbi I

O~ ~

ASAC ~vdl~p~A~ 41~amp7-l~ ~~yenaamp-~ r~Lp Acfc I1SIC ~~tkIpound~ -tr_~ 4~~Ic ~ M-~yrc-ut cu7

I Ci P~lL1 ~~IU~~~J-t-~~ ~ -k~Ina-c( d ~tVJr Jk~- tff~- ~5( ~Lx-(J- tt~~ t T U-~~-Mj m e-ult-c r~ 41~Jd 4-tr al- f

4cbT- I ~ t-fC p~rLl d1 7~t- 11 gtRc fI~r

ltKt0 (Ll ( - ~---~ l~



PO BOX 440



4 September ]986

TO All Certified ASRC members A11J( FROM Albert Baker ASRC Chairman g~i Re Membership meeting

An ASRC membership meeting has been scheduled for Saturday 4 Octaber at Peabody Hall at the University of Virginia (sorry AMRG) Please make every effort to attend or to send your written proxy Proxies may be sent with any member attending the meeting or may be mailed to the secretary at the above address A tentative agenda may be found below

I Call to Order II Discussion of past minutes

III Committee reports Operations

I Communications I l~ Training

Finance Ad hoc--Technical rescue standards

IV Group reports V Old business Associate groups policy revised

membership classes DES memo of understanding Input to the Pa DER Emergency medicine workshop

VI New business ASRC as an MRA region Richmond group Other business


will be the Chairman of that comrrittee

Bake seconded the motion which passed unanimously


Resoonse Conce-ns On recent IJ~sions there has been a problem with dispatchers and responding members providing accurate ETAs departure times and numbers of people responding to the Incident Base In the future please make every attempt to get accurate information to the Incident Base or coordinating DO

Disoatching Concerns Also on recent missions there have been dispatching problems between S~fRG and BR DOs and members The probiem seems to be in gettingvfRG information from Incident Base to DO from DO to DO and from the Incident Commander to DES and Dispatch middotmiddotAs mentioned the Operations CO_lttee will be putting togethe a gide o al DO b the Codeence Hopefully this will solve any problems It was noted that many new BRtfRG members have been acting as Dispatch Officers and due to a lack of experience they may have encounte-ed som~ difficulties Increased dispatch training and experience should solve this

Fundraising and Metrocall Due ~o a recent misunderstanding between 5iPG RSAR and the Metrocall Coporatiol Groups were reminded that any fundrasing or proposals for eonadons in the Conferences name or wiih irdicaio1s to the Conference should be first brought to the attention of the Chief Financial Officer

~ussin~ EcuJment~ (Albert Baked AJbert read a list of BR)fRG members equipmen~ that has been misplaced

on the last few missions

Adminis~ation Costs (Brian Wheeler) Brian subrnitteci a voucher covering costs i1cl-ec 10 prod ucing and mailing the ASRC Board Minutes totaling S1230 1echtel will remburse Brian

Vilson WR2516 ~fobile Radio Programming (Brian Wheeler) There was a discussion of programming oi the Viison VH251 radio The BOD will talk to Bill Day to gathe~ the fac-s on what makes this radio tvoe accepteci according to FCC Regulations The Board will renindmiddot groups that all communicaiors barcae used on the ASRCs VHF radio licelse must be type accegttec

ODelional Forms (Jim Roone) The Board discuss-d -eraI opeational 10=S a1C cirecti ves


submitted by the Operations Committee The ASRC Cave Rescue Policy was revised and the ASRC Alert Incident COrnrlander System was rejected Indiyenid uaI groups snouid however keep track of the availability of their bcidelt Commandes It was also mentioned that Shenandoah t-ational Park Dogs East and DES also ha e valuable ICs The ASRC Cave Rescue Policy the ASRC SIR PAS ~finimum OPSKIT stanclards~ and Grid Overlays were all voted on Gary fvlechtel made a motion as follows

The ASRC Cave Rescte Policy directive the ASRC SIR form PAS form ~finimum Opskit Standards and ASRC Grid Overlay should all be accepted as ASRC forms and directives as revised by the ASRC Board of Directors

Brian Vheeier seconded the motion which passesd unanimously

Professionalism and the ASRC Uniform (Jim Roonev) Jim Rooney brought up the fact that many people in the Conference

are wearing uniform shirts other than the official Sears Blue Long sleeve Chambray Workshirt-Group members need to be reminded wnat snirt to wear so the Conference can present a more profiesionai Image BRYfRG will be constructing velcro armbands to distinguish Incident Staff members These will replace the unpopular hats previously worn

Firearms (Todd LHerrou)

() Following a discussion of the carrying of firearms by ASRC ~fembers Gary ~lechtei made the following motion

ASRC Personnel will not cary fiearms on ASRC functions unless required to by statue

Wheele seconed the motion which passed unanimously

ASRC Aoolication Since the Conference is now a licensed EvfS Agency in Virginia personnel foldes must be maintained on every Conference memoer ad keot on tile in Charlottesville In addition State E~1S requires additio~al information not currently on any individual Group aoolications Therfore it was recommended that a new appiication be d~~eloped and used by the entire Conierence This application will be drafted by Brian Wheeler and Jim Rooney and presented at the Dext


SVVvfRG Certifications (Alber~ Baker) S KC lt 1Albert Baker received Basic Writen Tests from IDce eno en nost

and farcia Legrand Baker made a motion as follows

~ KC Sehlhorst and Vince Serio should be Certified r1e-oers of the ASRC

-- - ~ ------------------------~----- ---~-~


The motion passed unanimously Vince Serio was already a Certified member and was recertified at this time Serio is also TraininO Officer o

for SWYvffiG SVvvfRG will be finding another representative to the ASRC Board to fill the position vacated by Jim Rooney

ASRC Incident Commanders Wheeler and Baker Domilated Kevin Coyne and Dave Carter as new ICs from BRffiG Mechte Dominated AJ Rosen as a new IC from SYfRG In addition i was mentioned that Kevin Parkes and Paul Torrence were voted Incident Commanders at a previous meeting Rosen Carte ald Coyne were accepced unanimously as new ASRC ICs The current ASRC IC List is attached to these minutes

ESAR Scouts ald their Callout On a recent mission Explorer Post 616 was called out by SMRG Dispatch to respond to the incident The ESAR members were considered SVfRG Members and were called in as such The Incident Staff was not avare of their callout however The ESARs are well trained and a

valuable group for the ASRC However request for outside resources s~-H)uld bE approved by the IC and Responsibie Agent The ESARs in volvemelt on this incident was greatly needed and did not cause any problems In the future the ASRC IC possibly waiting until on-scene will make the decision to callout Explorer Post 616 SMRG DOs should noC call out the Explorers unless explicitly instructed to do so by the Incident Commander

Pennsdvania 5AR Council Tn e dee1o -emiddot 0 the P C1 R~CO IS 0deg10 ve we1)_the) wlll bebull l~ bull _ bull and having their nex meeng on 10 Jan

Goegles and Semi-Tech It was recomInended tnat litter bearers in a semitecnnical rescue should wear eye protection In recent training there have been several eye injuries

MSF Course This Spring DES will be sponsoring an MSF Course for SAR Providers to be held during the week

ASRC Bank Account Albert Bake- made the following motion

The ASRC Board of Directors approves the Bank Account Alt7reemen with Eauitable Bank and will open a che~kingo

accoun t with them

~fechtel seconded the motion which passed unanimously

ASRC Lone RanZe Plans (Garv Mcchtel) The Boare discssed--ed to formulate long range plans in

lslnrr T~middotI1jnO 00erJtions Advertisin ao PSAR AdminstrationFun C ra o bull 0


and detemi~e the priority tasks in each area

c Marvland SAR Acivities (Garv ~fechtel)

The iaryland State Police has said it ill be willing to distribute information on the ASRC to its offices Gary has also contacted another SAR group in the state and suggested they become involved in NASAR

State GS lR Course A levelland II GSAR course middotm be taught in Roanoke 20-23 F ebruary and 20-22 ~farch These will be an excellent opportunities for the ASRC to assist in insnucion and recruit new members

ASRC Letterhead The production of new letterhead had bee postponed up until this meeting The Board decided that the ASRC would pay for new atwork to design a new letterhead The Logo and address would remain at the top but each groups name and address would be added in the left margin 1t was suggested that only Certified groups should be included and they should be listed in the order they joined the Conference Greg will talk to a printing company and make a p~~posa a be lex r-eeiug

iext ASRC Board Meeting The next meeting will be the 7 February at the location of the

bullbull 0 A~JRG ASRC Training session


Brian Wheele - Request updated Virginia Sheriffs and State Police directories from DES

- Draft new ASRC Application with Jim Rooney - Write letter to Earl Bishop (RACES amp ARES)

concerning mutua aid agreement with H-LvfS

Ooerations Committee Draft new ASRC Application with Brian lVheeler

- Edit draft Communications Equip Log and Communications Log forrns from R Elron (SMRG)

- Develop AlertDispatch materials Develop updated ASRC PDQ form

Training COIn-nittee - Hold organizational meetlDg 3 Jan 1987

Communications Committee - Renew A5RC VHF Liscense _ Complete Com-urications section draft for

ASRC lemoersnp lanual

_ Compiete Bylaw ald CO1sdtuion Revisions and( Kevin Parkes


mail them to ASRC BOD

- Talk to printing company about new ASRC letterhead

- Update on tax-exempt status

ADJ 0 URiMET 1650 hours

Respectfully Submitted

~aWu-Brian A Wheeler Secretary ASRC


Admelldments to the ASRC Articles of Incorporation

Admelldment 1 Rewrite Article IV--Membership

Change C Associate Members D Auxiliary Members and E Sustaining Members

To C Associate Members and D Sustaining Members

Purpose This admendment removes the catagory of auxiliary member This membership type is not only unnecessary but is not

even being used Therefore lets purge it


Admendment 2L Rewrite Article V--Board of Directors Section A

Change A Directors must be Certified members and shall be elected by the Certified membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

To A Directors must be Certified or Associate members and shall be elected by the Certified and Associate Membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

Purpose 1) This admendment allows for a greater pool of individuals to fill the post of member of the board of directors The onus is still on the groups to make sure they choose reasonable directors

2) More importantly this admendment allows Associate Groups to have a member on the Board of Directors


membership 1) vot Ing BOD member iJ 1) 2 vot1ng BOD members

requirements 2) Membership2) Membership 2) 6 month a) 1 0 associate

a) 6 certified members probat ionary b) 6 traineesb) 4 associate period 3) 36 month reviewsc) 6 trainees 3) 1 non-voting 4) Any certified members are

3) 36 month reviews member of cons Idered ASRC membersshy

4) BOD Approved Training at-large~BOD

Officier 4) 1 vot Ing 5) BOD approved Training memb~r of Officler BOD

5) BOD approva I -I shy(23 vote)

1) Minimum of 18 month probatlonary period

1) M1nimum of 18 month probat I onary perlod

2) BOD approval (23 vote) 2) BOD approva 1 (23 vote)

~ )

3) Approva J of sponsorIng 9pmiddot3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference evenls 4) Attend 9 conference events

In the 18 month period wI at in the 18 month period WI at 4 ~ least 50~ of membership

5) Meet membership requirements least 50 of membership

5) Meet membership requirenents 4 ~



1) Membership middota) 2 certified or equivalent b) 4 aSSOCiate or equivalent c) 4 others

2) Tax exemptable 3) Submit rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Articles of

Incorp bylaws operat 10nal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Cert 1 fled Gp 6) Must pass lndlvldual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 4Syr

afterwards 8) 2 non-vot Ing BOD members 9) No traIning offlcler

-~----------------- shy

1) Membersh I p a) 6 aSSOCiate or equivalent b) 4 others

2) Tax exemptable 3) Submit rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art tc les of

Incorp bylaws operational procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Certified Gp 6) Must pass Individual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 ror 1st yr) $ 45yr

afterwards 8) I non-vot tng BOD member 9) No training offlcier

(- Membership catagories J) Certified = Basic amp above 2) Assoc1ate = F1eld QualifIed Base aual1fled~ or other (non-trainee)

who is useq in non-mission work (eg radio repairman) 3) Trainee = Anyone attempting to become Field Qual1fled or Base

Qualified Ie anyone who Is a Ilablity on a SAA effort Therefore trainees shou1d not be al10wed on missions

4) Sustaining = Anyone offering material or financ1al support

Therefore the normal means of Joining and working up to be a certified member is TOT0

tra1nee assoc1ate cert1r1ed

catagory group vote

middotASRC vote

ASRC patch

MRA patch

cert1f1ed YES YES -


associate TBA NO YES NO

trainee TBA NO NO NO

TBA =It is up to the indivldual ~roup to determine whether it feels associatl~s or trainees should be allowed to vote in group affairs Obviously for associate groups associate members wi 11 be allowed to vote


I) G r() +-l 1-) f 04(0 j

3) AJM) +r_J ~ ~) De J~

5) T ~ ~J




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Growth Increase field-associate ufimbership ~

E~drai6ing Complete tax exempt process

Administration Determine yearly goals Prepare membership purging process Plan meetings with each groups leadership corps ~~ ~

Operations Refine callout amp aler~procedures

Training Support growth goals Prepare for MRA testing

Interagency ~a~ Penn DER Penn SAR Co Support Medical Comm goals Limit other involvement (put own house in order)

Medical Refine EMS relationship-Define legalities

fsectAR Develop generic PSAR slide show

Advertising Develop generic slide show (regional education)

( i Communications Finish radio license renewal ~ s

~~ ~ ~ ~ f(5~ fci)) -1- laquo--8(0

G~ jtJG FCvuJJ

Fut-gtn COVlfA()





Administrative (Committee) Functions


equipment inventory

amp safety

Training (committee) SAR Standards deflnition SAR training manual Membership SAR testing Membership SAR training amp exercises Maintaining SAR training records Monitor membership SAR skills

Communications (committee) Maintain radio licenses Radio equipment deflnition amp purchase Radio equipment maintainance Radio equipment inventory Monitor rules regulations amp communication practices Help defme training standards training manual

amp ops manual as they apply to communications

tax exempt status


Medical (committee) Maintain EMS training records Defme and procure medical equipments Maintain medical equipment Defme medical practices Help define training standards training manual

amp ops manual as they apply to medical concerns

PSAR Develop PSAR materials Maintain Hug-A-Tree materials Teach PSAR

c) Advertising Support PSAR Support Finances Educate region Maintain logos Procure stationary

Plans amp Policies Defme regional goals amp policies Support regional efforts Develop ASRC short amp long term goals Review put goals Support intra-conference development Oversee all conference policies

Support medical policies Support training policies Support Ops policies Support communciation policies Support PSAR activities Support fmance activities

General Administration Oversee committees Maintain amp improve Conference morale Oversee Conference membership




Figure 1 o~nizatjons



~SNP ------ BOD] - ----MRAPENN DER

~ Other SIR teamPenn EMS -7 ~ WVaOESMd EMS

( r r -1 I I r r r r Ir I bull bull bullI I I I



~~~ SAR- -

UVa ~(~TCCo1~legiHOSPJ e~ES J(~rlcenniDERJVaSARCo LJ YuSAR~ l ttSARCo ~~ 1TJ EMS


~ ~--

Figure 2 Administration






-- - - - - T - - shyI middotbull middotmiddot


I I I middot middot PLANS amp PSARamp



Incident Commanders

Last Update 10 December 1986

Blue Ridge Mountain Rescue Group

Albert Sa ker

Robert Koester

Chris Metzler

Kevin Coyne

Brian Wheeler

Dave Carter

Shenandoah Mountain Rescue Group

Gary Mechtel

Kevin Parkes

Paul Torrence

Greg Shea

Al Rosen

Richmond Search and Rescue

Mark Pennington

Ralph Wilfong



TO ASRC certified members and other interested parties FROM G MechteI amp G Shea DATE 9186 PURPOSE Internalmiddot ASRC changes to streamline ASRC membership

catagorles and allow Asociate Groups to jotnthe ASRC

This handout contains specfic admendments to the ASRCs Articles of Incorporation and a general description of the proposed admendments to the ASRC Bylaws The specflc Bylaw admendments and motIons will be presented later but the contents of the proposed changes are outlined in the second and third f1gures presented herein The changes wl11 be brought before the ASRCs general membership on October Fourth and action will be taken at that time


Gary MechteI


Admendments to the ASRC Articles of Incorporation


Admendment = 1 Rewrite Article IV-Membership

Change C Associate Members D Auxiliary Members and E Sustaining Members

To C Associate Members and D Sustaining Members

Purpose This admendment removes the catagory of auxiliary member This membership type is not only unnecessary but is not

even being used Therefore lets purge it

Admendment = 2 Rewrite Article V-Board of Directors Section A

Change A Directors must be Certified members and shall be elected by the Certified membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

To A Directors must be Certified or Associate members and shall be elected by the Certified and Associate Membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

Purpose 1) This admendment allows for a greater pool of individuals to fill the post of member of the board of directors The onus is still on the groups to make sure they choose reasonable directors

-2) More importantly this admendment allows Associate Groups to have a member on the Board of Directors

AFFLI [-lfTtfj CERTIFIED GROUP ~5~ IAeJregoseOllp -shy

I) Meet

1) 2 vot ing BOD members 2) Membership

a) 6 certified members b) 4 associate c) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) BOD Approved Training


membership requirements

2) 6 month probat ionary period

3) 1 non-voting member of BOO

4) 1 voting member of BOD

5) BOD approva I (23 vote)

1) MInimum of 18 month probat lonary perJod

2) ~ro~ote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 1 ~~nth period wi at leas~ members=-

5) Meet membership requirements


1) Membership a) 2 certIfIed or equivalent b) 4 associate or equivalent c) 4 others

2) Tax exemptable 3) Submlt rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operat1onal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Cert1rt ed Gp 6) Must pass IndIvIdual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 2 non-vot Ing BOD members 9) No traInIng o(flcler

~ 1 vot~BOD-member - 2) Membership

a) 10 associate b) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) Any certified members are

considered ASRC membersshyat-largeshy

5) BOD approved Training Officier

1) Minimum of 18 month probationary period

2) BOD approval (23 vote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 18 month period wi at least 50 of membership

5) Meet membership requirements


1) MembershiPi4 el-$e (11 heIJ rlq-ftc a) 6 associate ~ middottSleiibt b) 4 others

2) Tax exemptab Ie 3) Subm 1t rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operatIonal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Certifled Gp 6) Must pass IndIvidual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 1 non-vot lng BOO member 9) No training officier


- M~ll1berhip catagories

J) Certiffed = Basic amp above 2) Associate = Ffeld Qualiffed Base Qualified or other (non-trainee)

who is used in non-mission work (eg radio repairman) 3) Trainee = Anyone attempting to become Field Qualfi~~ or Base

Qualified Ie anyone who is a Ilablity on a SAR effort Therefore trainees should not be allowed on missions

4) Sustaining = Anyone offering material or financial support

Therefore the normal means of jOining and working up to be a certHled member is TOT0

tra1nee assoctate certlrted

catagory group vote

ASRC vote

ASRC patch

MRA patch


associate TBA NO YES NO

trainee TBA NO NO NO

TBA = It is up to the individual group to determine whether it feels associates or trainees should be aIlowed to vote in groLlp affairsObvious Iy for associate groups associate members will be allowed to vote


-----shy -I

CER1J5=IEO 6~p

1 ) rHt~Crstfr) ~ tr~~ ttkWfbtfS

b) L ~e tgtt 1clJ

I qIIIj ssJmiddots f) ~ trat1e5 shy

3) 3 fHotTfh cOf(tht~~cI bullI (CVttws

rI) ~D ~pprbeJ IraI1~ O~ccr bull 5) ~p 1iE ~~ pcoc~s h tt~~


i) ~I1It oJt 10 r)101l pnlb-~-Mrr ) )tilIM 1DyJfofh pngthJrMri fetid)

I PtdOGt z) 6eYJtm( ft~fq5~ ~ffDII1 (13 lb1-e)~) ~~ I o iPI ( 2l oflt) 3 ) tipp( if 5f~onl J P 3) fppfJVIlI o~ ~fQ~ri~ jlbup ___~

-- Lf) 4~J i Con~-C t~ 11 ~ ItH ) Sa

l Ieriocl w crt- lect~- SfftItf~ AI-- tilamp wrt e) iccf ~buhlp l vi1----gt s) =gtlt

I Roet1TlCN~Rr CERttfJE D 6Rovtgt i

I) ntm~hf t) rntltlfb-efgthp


2 cerHt~tol Mert1bers A) amp~e or ~GfJ ~-d ~lJcl~k5 b) t1 bee or ~~IJ qlJ4[t-cJ aS~DCIc~J b) I athltr 5I

cd) t-l o+~lr5 l) j)( Qe~f~6kI

2) 1P)( eYt~thb1c ~) 5c~I+ ftlgtkr ~ allou of p~cdu IC 1

3) fbmi+ ~~kr ~ CAllou+ ~OlJrc

4) btte ~ hsRc J4rhlt1t o~ trlCOltmiddot I -I-raquo~) ~~ I OY(kJgt o~~1 ~(bcedurt~e~

0) t~~ortJ oy cerktd ~(bp -~raquo ~~( _ ) Ugt+ P6gt InJiviJvIl tYlcJ t~ -I) ro) 5-lt

l f) IS $ ==iOCi() ~t r~( -r- t) So~ I jS qoo rer I(~kr~rrlj

~) ~ (pA-V01tj bOb ~ 0) )lo-vo- -Or BcD ~r1ibv-9) Vo 1-0( ij a~~ctr -- q) ~c-lt

_~____ 16 fpy1 rY-=rlt) c)~l (2b V1~-J ~ IC gt-~

C)-iI) 2 I vt7tiIIj coD tcrs

I) 1n(d- rHrlilbcrsp


l) r1Ow1fh f~oh1 TenoJ

3) 4 t1()I)-n~ bt~ f Eou

1) 6eHI(Jd f1k~f ifppn_1 (ill ttl)

5) Cxouf f05e~5 tip l1)

tp It~+middot

I) I no t1-v0i inj CoQ 01 t~r

J) ~J(r~lip

(1) J0 b~ or 1idJ f~lFiJ A~Q~~(5

b) ~ -f1lccs

3) ~ 3 ~ ~r~~5iv( revieWS bull

4) 30 1) ~(4v-eJ ~(I~ ~1fccr



Appalachian Search and Rescue Conference Inc

AlHh_7 Ceneral Hoprtal Aftuiawd lh Wouftlaia acu Ateocialion 120 E Honh Avanu Ntioaal AMociMion for atcA ad ampcubull ad

Pltuburah PA 11212 Eutetzl Rqjon National Cave acue Commiion

ElllerleDCY PhODe (804) 323-2300 (VlrEiaia ElllerleDc OperatloDI CeDter)


ASRC Policy for Cve escue will not e one of initiAl response bullbullut will ampe one of notificAtion An~ Alert status As CR has a ~egionAI ystem developed And as the last ~egion ICRC works thru Viriinia DES Inter Conference-Commission escue will e possihle under the following uidelines

ICRC can request ASC cooperationcliu ASRC chain of co~n~A D~S ASRC personnel pre-trained or ASRC leRe personnel cross trained as cave

I ~ rescuers can participate in underground rescue Any AS personnel not trained in underground rescue will not e permitted uncerground in Any ~apcity Ion - traine~ ASC member Can act as ~ove ground personnel Since East egion JeRe ~ ~I C~ilizies the IC Command System1this interface of perso~el should present~ 1~1

~ ErobleJand ampotr commands will intergrate ~

Training for ASR~ penonnel for cave rescue at present may take place ia w-y of two training forms East Region 6ffers t~o day weeken~ orientation classes for basic cave res~ue anc can be accepted by ASRC as initial training ASC ill proide training lWJterials to its training Officers for cave rescue training This material will bamp5ically ee the same as ER ~CRC instructor will be availible for mutual training weekends

ASR COmmAnd will also reciprocate adn alert ER ~CRC of its mission for possible use of ER WeRC Personnell in ASRC Missions

~dde ~(1 ~ Or r(t~r~ cIeL J-I)( r-rcl ~ CRC Or~n ~ Asec ~~~

) 1-- pa~ J- J z dbi I

O~ ~

ASAC ~vdl~p~A~ 41~amp7-l~ ~~yenaamp-~ r~Lp Acfc I1SIC ~~tkIpound~ -tr_~ 4~~Ic ~ M-~yrc-ut cu7

I Ci P~lL1 ~~IU~~~J-t-~~ ~ -k~Ina-c( d ~tVJr Jk~- tff~- ~5( ~Lx-(J- tt~~ t T U-~~-Mj m e-ult-c r~ 41~Jd 4-tr al- f

4cbT- I ~ t-fC p~rLl d1 7~t- 11 gtRc fI~r

ltKt0 (Ll ( - ~---~ l~



PO BOX 440



4 September ]986

TO All Certified ASRC members A11J( FROM Albert Baker ASRC Chairman g~i Re Membership meeting

An ASRC membership meeting has been scheduled for Saturday 4 Octaber at Peabody Hall at the University of Virginia (sorry AMRG) Please make every effort to attend or to send your written proxy Proxies may be sent with any member attending the meeting or may be mailed to the secretary at the above address A tentative agenda may be found below

I Call to Order II Discussion of past minutes

III Committee reports Operations

I Communications I l~ Training

Finance Ad hoc--Technical rescue standards

IV Group reports V Old business Associate groups policy revised

membership classes DES memo of understanding Input to the Pa DER Emergency medicine workshop

VI New business ASRC as an MRA region Richmond group Other business


submitted by the Operations Committee The ASRC Cave Rescue Policy was revised and the ASRC Alert Incident COrnrlander System was rejected Indiyenid uaI groups snouid however keep track of the availability of their bcidelt Commandes It was also mentioned that Shenandoah t-ational Park Dogs East and DES also ha e valuable ICs The ASRC Cave Rescue Policy the ASRC SIR PAS ~finimum OPSKIT stanclards~ and Grid Overlays were all voted on Gary fvlechtel made a motion as follows

The ASRC Cave Rescte Policy directive the ASRC SIR form PAS form ~finimum Opskit Standards and ASRC Grid Overlay should all be accepted as ASRC forms and directives as revised by the ASRC Board of Directors

Brian Vheeier seconded the motion which passesd unanimously

Professionalism and the ASRC Uniform (Jim Roonev) Jim Rooney brought up the fact that many people in the Conference

are wearing uniform shirts other than the official Sears Blue Long sleeve Chambray Workshirt-Group members need to be reminded wnat snirt to wear so the Conference can present a more profiesionai Image BRYfRG will be constructing velcro armbands to distinguish Incident Staff members These will replace the unpopular hats previously worn

Firearms (Todd LHerrou)

() Following a discussion of the carrying of firearms by ASRC ~fembers Gary ~lechtei made the following motion

ASRC Personnel will not cary fiearms on ASRC functions unless required to by statue

Wheele seconed the motion which passed unanimously

ASRC Aoolication Since the Conference is now a licensed EvfS Agency in Virginia personnel foldes must be maintained on every Conference memoer ad keot on tile in Charlottesville In addition State E~1S requires additio~al information not currently on any individual Group aoolications Therfore it was recommended that a new appiication be d~~eloped and used by the entire Conierence This application will be drafted by Brian Wheeler and Jim Rooney and presented at the Dext


SVVvfRG Certifications (Alber~ Baker) S KC lt 1Albert Baker received Basic Writen Tests from IDce eno en nost

and farcia Legrand Baker made a motion as follows

~ KC Sehlhorst and Vince Serio should be Certified r1e-oers of the ASRC

-- - ~ ------------------------~----- ---~-~


The motion passed unanimously Vince Serio was already a Certified member and was recertified at this time Serio is also TraininO Officer o

for SWYvffiG SVvvfRG will be finding another representative to the ASRC Board to fill the position vacated by Jim Rooney

ASRC Incident Commanders Wheeler and Baker Domilated Kevin Coyne and Dave Carter as new ICs from BRffiG Mechte Dominated AJ Rosen as a new IC from SYfRG In addition i was mentioned that Kevin Parkes and Paul Torrence were voted Incident Commanders at a previous meeting Rosen Carte ald Coyne were accepced unanimously as new ASRC ICs The current ASRC IC List is attached to these minutes

ESAR Scouts ald their Callout On a recent mission Explorer Post 616 was called out by SMRG Dispatch to respond to the incident The ESAR members were considered SVfRG Members and were called in as such The Incident Staff was not avare of their callout however The ESARs are well trained and a

valuable group for the ASRC However request for outside resources s~-H)uld bE approved by the IC and Responsibie Agent The ESARs in volvemelt on this incident was greatly needed and did not cause any problems In the future the ASRC IC possibly waiting until on-scene will make the decision to callout Explorer Post 616 SMRG DOs should noC call out the Explorers unless explicitly instructed to do so by the Incident Commander

Pennsdvania 5AR Council Tn e dee1o -emiddot 0 the P C1 R~CO IS 0deg10 ve we1)_the) wlll bebull l~ bull _ bull and having their nex meeng on 10 Jan

Goegles and Semi-Tech It was recomInended tnat litter bearers in a semitecnnical rescue should wear eye protection In recent training there have been several eye injuries

MSF Course This Spring DES will be sponsoring an MSF Course for SAR Providers to be held during the week

ASRC Bank Account Albert Bake- made the following motion

The ASRC Board of Directors approves the Bank Account Alt7reemen with Eauitable Bank and will open a che~kingo

accoun t with them

~fechtel seconded the motion which passed unanimously

ASRC Lone RanZe Plans (Garv Mcchtel) The Boare discssed--ed to formulate long range plans in

lslnrr T~middotI1jnO 00erJtions Advertisin ao PSAR AdminstrationFun C ra o bull 0


and detemi~e the priority tasks in each area

c Marvland SAR Acivities (Garv ~fechtel)

The iaryland State Police has said it ill be willing to distribute information on the ASRC to its offices Gary has also contacted another SAR group in the state and suggested they become involved in NASAR

State GS lR Course A levelland II GSAR course middotm be taught in Roanoke 20-23 F ebruary and 20-22 ~farch These will be an excellent opportunities for the ASRC to assist in insnucion and recruit new members

ASRC Letterhead The production of new letterhead had bee postponed up until this meeting The Board decided that the ASRC would pay for new atwork to design a new letterhead The Logo and address would remain at the top but each groups name and address would be added in the left margin 1t was suggested that only Certified groups should be included and they should be listed in the order they joined the Conference Greg will talk to a printing company and make a p~~posa a be lex r-eeiug

iext ASRC Board Meeting The next meeting will be the 7 February at the location of the

bullbull 0 A~JRG ASRC Training session


Brian Wheele - Request updated Virginia Sheriffs and State Police directories from DES

- Draft new ASRC Application with Jim Rooney - Write letter to Earl Bishop (RACES amp ARES)

concerning mutua aid agreement with H-LvfS

Ooerations Committee Draft new ASRC Application with Brian lVheeler

- Edit draft Communications Equip Log and Communications Log forrns from R Elron (SMRG)

- Develop AlertDispatch materials Develop updated ASRC PDQ form

Training COIn-nittee - Hold organizational meetlDg 3 Jan 1987

Communications Committee - Renew A5RC VHF Liscense _ Complete Com-urications section draft for

ASRC lemoersnp lanual

_ Compiete Bylaw ald CO1sdtuion Revisions and( Kevin Parkes


mail them to ASRC BOD

- Talk to printing company about new ASRC letterhead

- Update on tax-exempt status

ADJ 0 URiMET 1650 hours

Respectfully Submitted

~aWu-Brian A Wheeler Secretary ASRC


Admelldments to the ASRC Articles of Incorporation

Admelldment 1 Rewrite Article IV--Membership

Change C Associate Members D Auxiliary Members and E Sustaining Members

To C Associate Members and D Sustaining Members

Purpose This admendment removes the catagory of auxiliary member This membership type is not only unnecessary but is not

even being used Therefore lets purge it


Admendment 2L Rewrite Article V--Board of Directors Section A

Change A Directors must be Certified members and shall be elected by the Certified membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

To A Directors must be Certified or Associate members and shall be elected by the Certified and Associate Membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

Purpose 1) This admendment allows for a greater pool of individuals to fill the post of member of the board of directors The onus is still on the groups to make sure they choose reasonable directors

2) More importantly this admendment allows Associate Groups to have a member on the Board of Directors


membership 1) vot Ing BOD member iJ 1) 2 vot1ng BOD members

requirements 2) Membership2) Membership 2) 6 month a) 1 0 associate

a) 6 certified members probat ionary b) 6 traineesb) 4 associate period 3) 36 month reviewsc) 6 trainees 3) 1 non-voting 4) Any certified members are

3) 36 month reviews member of cons Idered ASRC membersshy

4) BOD Approved Training at-large~BOD

Officier 4) 1 vot Ing 5) BOD approved Training memb~r of Officler BOD

5) BOD approva I -I shy(23 vote)

1) Minimum of 18 month probatlonary period

1) M1nimum of 18 month probat I onary perlod

2) BOD approval (23 vote) 2) BOD approva 1 (23 vote)

~ )

3) Approva J of sponsorIng 9pmiddot3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference evenls 4) Attend 9 conference events

In the 18 month period wI at in the 18 month period WI at 4 ~ least 50~ of membership

5) Meet membership requirements least 50 of membership

5) Meet membership requirenents 4 ~



1) Membership middota) 2 certified or equivalent b) 4 aSSOCiate or equivalent c) 4 others

2) Tax exemptable 3) Submit rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Articles of

Incorp bylaws operat 10nal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Cert 1 fled Gp 6) Must pass lndlvldual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 4Syr

afterwards 8) 2 non-vot Ing BOD members 9) No traIning offlcler

-~----------------- shy

1) Membersh I p a) 6 aSSOCiate or equivalent b) 4 others

2) Tax exemptable 3) Submit rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art tc les of

Incorp bylaws operational procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Certified Gp 6) Must pass Individual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 ror 1st yr) $ 45yr

afterwards 8) I non-vot tng BOD member 9) No training offlcier

(- Membership catagories J) Certified = Basic amp above 2) Assoc1ate = F1eld QualifIed Base aual1fled~ or other (non-trainee)

who is useq in non-mission work (eg radio repairman) 3) Trainee = Anyone attempting to become Field Qual1fled or Base

Qualified Ie anyone who Is a Ilablity on a SAA effort Therefore trainees shou1d not be al10wed on missions

4) Sustaining = Anyone offering material or financ1al support

Therefore the normal means of Joining and working up to be a certified member is TOT0

tra1nee assoc1ate cert1r1ed

catagory group vote

middotASRC vote

ASRC patch

MRA patch

cert1f1ed YES YES -


associate TBA NO YES NO

trainee TBA NO NO NO

TBA =It is up to the indivldual ~roup to determine whether it feels associatl~s or trainees should be allowed to vote in group affairs Obviously for associate groups associate members wi 11 be allowed to vote


I) G r() +-l 1-) f 04(0 j

3) AJM) +r_J ~ ~) De J~

5) T ~ ~J




l +c~ ~c Jtdu+~)

fVtJ~cJ PS If- (t

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AJ tr~~Io~d Obullbull(~J IbP


~ Lo~

I ih~ 1-L VV1t ~t gt I) l ~ w-e-L)hr 1-1Hl

2) tc bull~ l) l S ~~tl 1(1)

3) tcs s-t-tT ~) 1 igt~~ ~J (5 - Irhu41laquo t~t-11) p)~i) ~A(l urmiddot Gr 1 JkS Gr-~ -

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t 1)1jJ~ (I ~ --)

tJ~~ 1gt cJv~ -tto J shy

s~ J- Te__ co-bes Ie l=-~_J ~f~r

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q) I Va hJQ V~eJ-J



Growth Increase field-associate ufimbership ~

E~drai6ing Complete tax exempt process

Administration Determine yearly goals Prepare membership purging process Plan meetings with each groups leadership corps ~~ ~

Operations Refine callout amp aler~procedures

Training Support growth goals Prepare for MRA testing

Interagency ~a~ Penn DER Penn SAR Co Support Medical Comm goals Limit other involvement (put own house in order)

Medical Refine EMS relationship-Define legalities

fsectAR Develop generic PSAR slide show

Advertising Develop generic slide show (regional education)

( i Communications Finish radio license renewal ~ s

~~ ~ ~ ~ f(5~ fci)) -1- laquo--8(0

G~ jtJG FCvuJJ

Fut-gtn COVlfA()





Administrative (Committee) Functions


equipment inventory

amp safety

Training (committee) SAR Standards deflnition SAR training manual Membership SAR testing Membership SAR training amp exercises Maintaining SAR training records Monitor membership SAR skills

Communications (committee) Maintain radio licenses Radio equipment deflnition amp purchase Radio equipment maintainance Radio equipment inventory Monitor rules regulations amp communication practices Help defme training standards training manual

amp ops manual as they apply to communications

tax exempt status


Medical (committee) Maintain EMS training records Defme and procure medical equipments Maintain medical equipment Defme medical practices Help define training standards training manual

amp ops manual as they apply to medical concerns

PSAR Develop PSAR materials Maintain Hug-A-Tree materials Teach PSAR

c) Advertising Support PSAR Support Finances Educate region Maintain logos Procure stationary

Plans amp Policies Defme regional goals amp policies Support regional efforts Develop ASRC short amp long term goals Review put goals Support intra-conference development Oversee all conference policies

Support medical policies Support training policies Support Ops policies Support communciation policies Support PSAR activities Support fmance activities

General Administration Oversee committees Maintain amp improve Conference morale Oversee Conference membership




Figure 1 o~nizatjons



~SNP ------ BOD] - ----MRAPENN DER

~ Other SIR teamPenn EMS -7 ~ WVaOESMd EMS

( r r -1 I I r r r r Ir I bull bull bullI I I I



~~~ SAR- -

UVa ~(~TCCo1~legiHOSPJ e~ES J(~rlcenniDERJVaSARCo LJ YuSAR~ l ttSARCo ~~ 1TJ EMS


~ ~--

Figure 2 Administration






-- - - - - T - - shyI middotbull middotmiddot


I I I middot middot PLANS amp PSARamp



Incident Commanders

Last Update 10 December 1986

Blue Ridge Mountain Rescue Group

Albert Sa ker

Robert Koester

Chris Metzler

Kevin Coyne

Brian Wheeler

Dave Carter

Shenandoah Mountain Rescue Group

Gary Mechtel

Kevin Parkes

Paul Torrence

Greg Shea

Al Rosen

Richmond Search and Rescue

Mark Pennington

Ralph Wilfong



TO ASRC certified members and other interested parties FROM G MechteI amp G Shea DATE 9186 PURPOSE Internalmiddot ASRC changes to streamline ASRC membership

catagorles and allow Asociate Groups to jotnthe ASRC

This handout contains specfic admendments to the ASRCs Articles of Incorporation and a general description of the proposed admendments to the ASRC Bylaws The specflc Bylaw admendments and motIons will be presented later but the contents of the proposed changes are outlined in the second and third f1gures presented herein The changes wl11 be brought before the ASRCs general membership on October Fourth and action will be taken at that time


Gary MechteI


Admendments to the ASRC Articles of Incorporation


Admendment = 1 Rewrite Article IV-Membership

Change C Associate Members D Auxiliary Members and E Sustaining Members

To C Associate Members and D Sustaining Members

Purpose This admendment removes the catagory of auxiliary member This membership type is not only unnecessary but is not

even being used Therefore lets purge it

Admendment = 2 Rewrite Article V-Board of Directors Section A

Change A Directors must be Certified members and shall be elected by the Certified membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

To A Directors must be Certified or Associate members and shall be elected by the Certified and Associate Membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

Purpose 1) This admendment allows for a greater pool of individuals to fill the post of member of the board of directors The onus is still on the groups to make sure they choose reasonable directors

-2) More importantly this admendment allows Associate Groups to have a member on the Board of Directors

AFFLI [-lfTtfj CERTIFIED GROUP ~5~ IAeJregoseOllp -shy

I) Meet

1) 2 vot ing BOD members 2) Membership

a) 6 certified members b) 4 associate c) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) BOD Approved Training


membership requirements

2) 6 month probat ionary period

3) 1 non-voting member of BOO

4) 1 voting member of BOD

5) BOD approva I (23 vote)

1) MInimum of 18 month probat lonary perJod

2) ~ro~ote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 1 ~~nth period wi at leas~ members=-

5) Meet membership requirements


1) Membership a) 2 certIfIed or equivalent b) 4 associate or equivalent c) 4 others

2) Tax exemptable 3) Submlt rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operat1onal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Cert1rt ed Gp 6) Must pass IndIvIdual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 2 non-vot Ing BOD members 9) No traInIng o(flcler

~ 1 vot~BOD-member - 2) Membership

a) 10 associate b) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) Any certified members are

considered ASRC membersshyat-largeshy

5) BOD approved Training Officier

1) Minimum of 18 month probationary period

2) BOD approval (23 vote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 18 month period wi at least 50 of membership

5) Meet membership requirements


1) MembershiPi4 el-$e (11 heIJ rlq-ftc a) 6 associate ~ middottSleiibt b) 4 others

2) Tax exemptab Ie 3) Subm 1t rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operatIonal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Certifled Gp 6) Must pass IndIvidual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 1 non-vot lng BOO member 9) No training officier


- M~ll1berhip catagories

J) Certiffed = Basic amp above 2) Associate = Ffeld Qualiffed Base Qualified or other (non-trainee)

who is used in non-mission work (eg radio repairman) 3) Trainee = Anyone attempting to become Field Qualfi~~ or Base

Qualified Ie anyone who is a Ilablity on a SAR effort Therefore trainees should not be allowed on missions

4) Sustaining = Anyone offering material or financial support

Therefore the normal means of jOining and working up to be a certHled member is TOT0

tra1nee assoctate certlrted

catagory group vote

ASRC vote

ASRC patch

MRA patch


associate TBA NO YES NO

trainee TBA NO NO NO

TBA = It is up to the individual group to determine whether it feels associates or trainees should be aIlowed to vote in groLlp affairsObvious Iy for associate groups associate members will be allowed to vote


-----shy -I

CER1J5=IEO 6~p

1 ) rHt~Crstfr) ~ tr~~ ttkWfbtfS

b) L ~e tgtt 1clJ

I qIIIj ssJmiddots f) ~ trat1e5 shy

3) 3 fHotTfh cOf(tht~~cI bullI (CVttws

rI) ~D ~pprbeJ IraI1~ O~ccr bull 5) ~p 1iE ~~ pcoc~s h tt~~


i) ~I1It oJt 10 r)101l pnlb-~-Mrr ) )tilIM 1DyJfofh pngthJrMri fetid)

I PtdOGt z) 6eYJtm( ft~fq5~ ~ffDII1 (13 lb1-e)~) ~~ I o iPI ( 2l oflt) 3 ) tipp( if 5f~onl J P 3) fppfJVIlI o~ ~fQ~ri~ jlbup ___~

-- Lf) 4~J i Con~-C t~ 11 ~ ItH ) Sa

l Ieriocl w crt- lect~- SfftItf~ AI-- tilamp wrt e) iccf ~buhlp l vi1----gt s) =gtlt

I Roet1TlCN~Rr CERttfJE D 6Rovtgt i

I) ntm~hf t) rntltlfb-efgthp


2 cerHt~tol Mert1bers A) amp~e or ~GfJ ~-d ~lJcl~k5 b) t1 bee or ~~IJ qlJ4[t-cJ aS~DCIc~J b) I athltr 5I

cd) t-l o+~lr5 l) j)( Qe~f~6kI

2) 1P)( eYt~thb1c ~) 5c~I+ ftlgtkr ~ allou of p~cdu IC 1

3) fbmi+ ~~kr ~ CAllou+ ~OlJrc

4) btte ~ hsRc J4rhlt1t o~ trlCOltmiddot I -I-raquo~) ~~ I OY(kJgt o~~1 ~(bcedurt~e~

0) t~~ortJ oy cerktd ~(bp -~raquo ~~( _ ) Ugt+ P6gt InJiviJvIl tYlcJ t~ -I) ro) 5-lt

l f) IS $ ==iOCi() ~t r~( -r- t) So~ I jS qoo rer I(~kr~rrlj

~) ~ (pA-V01tj bOb ~ 0) )lo-vo- -Or BcD ~r1ibv-9) Vo 1-0( ij a~~ctr -- q) ~c-lt

_~____ 16 fpy1 rY-=rlt) c)~l (2b V1~-J ~ IC gt-~

C)-iI) 2 I vt7tiIIj coD tcrs

I) 1n(d- rHrlilbcrsp


l) r1Ow1fh f~oh1 TenoJ

3) 4 t1()I)-n~ bt~ f Eou

1) 6eHI(Jd f1k~f ifppn_1 (ill ttl)

5) Cxouf f05e~5 tip l1)

tp It~+middot

I) I no t1-v0i inj CoQ 01 t~r

J) ~J(r~lip

(1) J0 b~ or 1idJ f~lFiJ A~Q~~(5

b) ~ -f1lccs

3) ~ 3 ~ ~r~~5iv( revieWS bull

4) 30 1) ~(4v-eJ ~(I~ ~1fccr



Appalachian Search and Rescue Conference Inc

AlHh_7 Ceneral Hoprtal Aftuiawd lh Wouftlaia acu Ateocialion 120 E Honh Avanu Ntioaal AMociMion for atcA ad ampcubull ad

Pltuburah PA 11212 Eutetzl Rqjon National Cave acue Commiion

ElllerleDCY PhODe (804) 323-2300 (VlrEiaia ElllerleDc OperatloDI CeDter)


ASRC Policy for Cve escue will not e one of initiAl response bullbullut will ampe one of notificAtion An~ Alert status As CR has a ~egionAI ystem developed And as the last ~egion ICRC works thru Viriinia DES Inter Conference-Commission escue will e possihle under the following uidelines

ICRC can request ASC cooperationcliu ASRC chain of co~n~A D~S ASRC personnel pre-trained or ASRC leRe personnel cross trained as cave

I ~ rescuers can participate in underground rescue Any AS personnel not trained in underground rescue will not e permitted uncerground in Any ~apcity Ion - traine~ ASC member Can act as ~ove ground personnel Since East egion JeRe ~ ~I C~ilizies the IC Command System1this interface of perso~el should present~ 1~1

~ ErobleJand ampotr commands will intergrate ~

Training for ASR~ penonnel for cave rescue at present may take place ia w-y of two training forms East Region 6ffers t~o day weeken~ orientation classes for basic cave res~ue anc can be accepted by ASRC as initial training ASC ill proide training lWJterials to its training Officers for cave rescue training This material will bamp5ically ee the same as ER ~CRC instructor will be availible for mutual training weekends

ASR COmmAnd will also reciprocate adn alert ER ~CRC of its mission for possible use of ER WeRC Personnell in ASRC Missions

~dde ~(1 ~ Or r(t~r~ cIeL J-I)( r-rcl ~ CRC Or~n ~ Asec ~~~

) 1-- pa~ J- J z dbi I

O~ ~

ASAC ~vdl~p~A~ 41~amp7-l~ ~~yenaamp-~ r~Lp Acfc I1SIC ~~tkIpound~ -tr_~ 4~~Ic ~ M-~yrc-ut cu7

I Ci P~lL1 ~~IU~~~J-t-~~ ~ -k~Ina-c( d ~tVJr Jk~- tff~- ~5( ~Lx-(J- tt~~ t T U-~~-Mj m e-ult-c r~ 41~Jd 4-tr al- f

4cbT- I ~ t-fC p~rLl d1 7~t- 11 gtRc fI~r

ltKt0 (Ll ( - ~---~ l~



PO BOX 440



4 September ]986

TO All Certified ASRC members A11J( FROM Albert Baker ASRC Chairman g~i Re Membership meeting

An ASRC membership meeting has been scheduled for Saturday 4 Octaber at Peabody Hall at the University of Virginia (sorry AMRG) Please make every effort to attend or to send your written proxy Proxies may be sent with any member attending the meeting or may be mailed to the secretary at the above address A tentative agenda may be found below

I Call to Order II Discussion of past minutes

III Committee reports Operations

I Communications I l~ Training

Finance Ad hoc--Technical rescue standards

IV Group reports V Old business Associate groups policy revised

membership classes DES memo of understanding Input to the Pa DER Emergency medicine workshop

VI New business ASRC as an MRA region Richmond group Other business


The motion passed unanimously Vince Serio was already a Certified member and was recertified at this time Serio is also TraininO Officer o

for SWYvffiG SVvvfRG will be finding another representative to the ASRC Board to fill the position vacated by Jim Rooney

ASRC Incident Commanders Wheeler and Baker Domilated Kevin Coyne and Dave Carter as new ICs from BRffiG Mechte Dominated AJ Rosen as a new IC from SYfRG In addition i was mentioned that Kevin Parkes and Paul Torrence were voted Incident Commanders at a previous meeting Rosen Carte ald Coyne were accepced unanimously as new ASRC ICs The current ASRC IC List is attached to these minutes

ESAR Scouts ald their Callout On a recent mission Explorer Post 616 was called out by SMRG Dispatch to respond to the incident The ESAR members were considered SVfRG Members and were called in as such The Incident Staff was not avare of their callout however The ESARs are well trained and a

valuable group for the ASRC However request for outside resources s~-H)uld bE approved by the IC and Responsibie Agent The ESARs in volvemelt on this incident was greatly needed and did not cause any problems In the future the ASRC IC possibly waiting until on-scene will make the decision to callout Explorer Post 616 SMRG DOs should noC call out the Explorers unless explicitly instructed to do so by the Incident Commander

Pennsdvania 5AR Council Tn e dee1o -emiddot 0 the P C1 R~CO IS 0deg10 ve we1)_the) wlll bebull l~ bull _ bull and having their nex meeng on 10 Jan

Goegles and Semi-Tech It was recomInended tnat litter bearers in a semitecnnical rescue should wear eye protection In recent training there have been several eye injuries

MSF Course This Spring DES will be sponsoring an MSF Course for SAR Providers to be held during the week

ASRC Bank Account Albert Bake- made the following motion

The ASRC Board of Directors approves the Bank Account Alt7reemen with Eauitable Bank and will open a che~kingo

accoun t with them

~fechtel seconded the motion which passed unanimously

ASRC Lone RanZe Plans (Garv Mcchtel) The Boare discssed--ed to formulate long range plans in

lslnrr T~middotI1jnO 00erJtions Advertisin ao PSAR AdminstrationFun C ra o bull 0


and detemi~e the priority tasks in each area

c Marvland SAR Acivities (Garv ~fechtel)

The iaryland State Police has said it ill be willing to distribute information on the ASRC to its offices Gary has also contacted another SAR group in the state and suggested they become involved in NASAR

State GS lR Course A levelland II GSAR course middotm be taught in Roanoke 20-23 F ebruary and 20-22 ~farch These will be an excellent opportunities for the ASRC to assist in insnucion and recruit new members

ASRC Letterhead The production of new letterhead had bee postponed up until this meeting The Board decided that the ASRC would pay for new atwork to design a new letterhead The Logo and address would remain at the top but each groups name and address would be added in the left margin 1t was suggested that only Certified groups should be included and they should be listed in the order they joined the Conference Greg will talk to a printing company and make a p~~posa a be lex r-eeiug

iext ASRC Board Meeting The next meeting will be the 7 February at the location of the

bullbull 0 A~JRG ASRC Training session


Brian Wheele - Request updated Virginia Sheriffs and State Police directories from DES

- Draft new ASRC Application with Jim Rooney - Write letter to Earl Bishop (RACES amp ARES)

concerning mutua aid agreement with H-LvfS

Ooerations Committee Draft new ASRC Application with Brian lVheeler

- Edit draft Communications Equip Log and Communications Log forrns from R Elron (SMRG)

- Develop AlertDispatch materials Develop updated ASRC PDQ form

Training COIn-nittee - Hold organizational meetlDg 3 Jan 1987

Communications Committee - Renew A5RC VHF Liscense _ Complete Com-urications section draft for

ASRC lemoersnp lanual

_ Compiete Bylaw ald CO1sdtuion Revisions and( Kevin Parkes


mail them to ASRC BOD

- Talk to printing company about new ASRC letterhead

- Update on tax-exempt status

ADJ 0 URiMET 1650 hours

Respectfully Submitted

~aWu-Brian A Wheeler Secretary ASRC


Admelldments to the ASRC Articles of Incorporation

Admelldment 1 Rewrite Article IV--Membership

Change C Associate Members D Auxiliary Members and E Sustaining Members

To C Associate Members and D Sustaining Members

Purpose This admendment removes the catagory of auxiliary member This membership type is not only unnecessary but is not

even being used Therefore lets purge it


Admendment 2L Rewrite Article V--Board of Directors Section A

Change A Directors must be Certified members and shall be elected by the Certified membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

To A Directors must be Certified or Associate members and shall be elected by the Certified and Associate Membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

Purpose 1) This admendment allows for a greater pool of individuals to fill the post of member of the board of directors The onus is still on the groups to make sure they choose reasonable directors

2) More importantly this admendment allows Associate Groups to have a member on the Board of Directors


membership 1) vot Ing BOD member iJ 1) 2 vot1ng BOD members

requirements 2) Membership2) Membership 2) 6 month a) 1 0 associate

a) 6 certified members probat ionary b) 6 traineesb) 4 associate period 3) 36 month reviewsc) 6 trainees 3) 1 non-voting 4) Any certified members are

3) 36 month reviews member of cons Idered ASRC membersshy

4) BOD Approved Training at-large~BOD

Officier 4) 1 vot Ing 5) BOD approved Training memb~r of Officler BOD

5) BOD approva I -I shy(23 vote)

1) Minimum of 18 month probatlonary period

1) M1nimum of 18 month probat I onary perlod

2) BOD approval (23 vote) 2) BOD approva 1 (23 vote)

~ )

3) Approva J of sponsorIng 9pmiddot3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference evenls 4) Attend 9 conference events

In the 18 month period wI at in the 18 month period WI at 4 ~ least 50~ of membership

5) Meet membership requirements least 50 of membership

5) Meet membership requirenents 4 ~



1) Membership middota) 2 certified or equivalent b) 4 aSSOCiate or equivalent c) 4 others

2) Tax exemptable 3) Submit rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Articles of

Incorp bylaws operat 10nal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Cert 1 fled Gp 6) Must pass lndlvldual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 4Syr

afterwards 8) 2 non-vot Ing BOD members 9) No traIning offlcler

-~----------------- shy

1) Membersh I p a) 6 aSSOCiate or equivalent b) 4 others

2) Tax exemptable 3) Submit rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art tc les of

Incorp bylaws operational procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Certified Gp 6) Must pass Individual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 ror 1st yr) $ 45yr

afterwards 8) I non-vot tng BOD member 9) No training offlcier

(- Membership catagories J) Certified = Basic amp above 2) Assoc1ate = F1eld QualifIed Base aual1fled~ or other (non-trainee)

who is useq in non-mission work (eg radio repairman) 3) Trainee = Anyone attempting to become Field Qual1fled or Base

Qualified Ie anyone who Is a Ilablity on a SAA effort Therefore trainees shou1d not be al10wed on missions

4) Sustaining = Anyone offering material or financ1al support

Therefore the normal means of Joining and working up to be a certified member is TOT0

tra1nee assoc1ate cert1r1ed

catagory group vote

middotASRC vote

ASRC patch

MRA patch

cert1f1ed YES YES -


associate TBA NO YES NO

trainee TBA NO NO NO

TBA =It is up to the indivldual ~roup to determine whether it feels associatl~s or trainees should be allowed to vote in group affairs Obviously for associate groups associate members wi 11 be allowed to vote


I) G r() +-l 1-) f 04(0 j

3) AJM) +r_J ~ ~) De J~

5) T ~ ~J




l +c~ ~c Jtdu+~)

fVtJ~cJ PS If- (t

) to)

AJ tr~~Io~d Obullbull(~J IbP


~ Lo~

I ih~ 1-L VV1t ~t gt I) l ~ w-e-L)hr 1-1Hl

2) tc bull~ l) l S ~~tl 1(1)

3) tcs s-t-tT ~) 1 igt~~ ~J (5 - Irhu41laquo t~t-11) p)~i) ~A(l urmiddot Gr 1 JkS Gr-~ -

$) 4mn(r l Cbull4middot r ) h~t- ESIt ~ rn~ ~bullbull ( ltrmiddot

I) JOt- I) H)lt tt

2) 1~JIf PJ Alj


pl- ~r Et))

e~ t)i)

~ b~d-

) St+ ~ r~~ I) Ch-~(

Z) s~ vf e)r~~ 1) DewJIgtf j 1~4 ~ bull l

- AJ Vl~ fIj ~ 1Ie h_J-)


- ~ l~ ) G-to~th U ( bulljt a f

C=gt~(~middot--lgt 1) 1-41~ S~HJ~ W-ftmiddot Me-ben hf rV(jL ) s)


~ )~~ bullJc~ (3~ T _)

t 1)1jJ~ (I ~ --)

tJ~~ 1gt cJv~ -tto J shy

s~ J- Te__ co-bes Ie l=-~_J ~f~r

f covcrtllflt1_t A-f)shy ~ ~J J fsJt~

-) rnc r LDjO CDfJ CNfk J cH6-~

) CampMJmiddotW 1t-( B0 D v1 e cA iJ 101(

degrtAGf~) 5ho- b

I) Set- vr CIH-JI~fI JOcJ) I- IntlJ~~ l) D Jr ~H C-p

t) Re 4-~1 lt CJJI)J- Pr6 ( eJ-- a ~ If rot- (je-

Jo) of br t j p 2 -hr- J-J- I) 1) Co Ile f- egtc+ ~) lcs 5t--t-r ~v1 ake~ she-b ~ 1middot)middotJ ~t_ 5) )ti+~r- b~$ ekh (~)~~~-k 3) YfL -~ ~

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1t) I

II bull Ir) - ~)

) JO(II t ~t tJ sfec~o _r J) 4 ss v A-gt I c S ~ It [)J

~~~ -~1L ~~cJ~t M f (f)


I) 51+- -r 1b~ I- fl1 cJrJ l) 400 M_t) fJ t~ t l A I

Il) l do J ~ AI$o I- t) CAtgt t cJ

403) 1 ~+- J(~ 3) TV04(IcYs

~) L1 s 1elIs - IeJmiddot

) l d Bu

) ~ 5lc~tI~ - TvlltJ =t) 1- Jl Ilt fH

() D~Vio~ TtC4-~~j Sh-i-L (~44IIJJ)

C) S k~lh - l 10) I1SflC- C -4 14 l) Jur i ~ ~ T(~~I)() h) a fv~ F- I J t(~I-oI

n) ~ (f EO 1l e _ ~

r a 11pound0 J~t__ Jo~ ~I

ttcJQt(~ L==gtI~_MO ) W(l~ -I -Je) J1fti~ hcc -t Pelll t SI- Coshy

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pJ 3) OIJ~r 5e ~ F-eJs31 I ) H~)

y) ) vJ()~ IC)4- CltJJshy IVte -k

) II fVP- (t-I ~) tgt~ F-J-~~L )

wi )A~ 5Ya-t1- c~~lt

~) H -f w ~) ( -I (l~ C(IMmiddot

) sJ-~lr Ale I 0

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) ElCr J 10laquo4 f MAJ R ll4middot_ lfl I) If l5 f VGo (t 5

-1 _ SJJ-t I V V- G5 l) Cty J -0+ A-)ILshy

1) lgt1~ ~ 1f5rtc fIJ L4-~ It ~eJ ltA-t- C

-I PeN j fAJ J INV t ~~ J ~

3) raquoeveigtf Pc n c 5 J-J~ lf) 4LS (pound ~UL

t J ) -x(r- C L +

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6) S vrf~- 5~ rt- ~

---------__-- -----_bull_--_

AJ laquo111


) ~s It e ~I ~ ) fJCf- J N eHC~r t) I FJ~~~ ) ~~h ) D-O( l-o J rJo

j) 1 E~ 12-- f1 j~ f--shyq) II po ~cc1 fpoundEft-i-gtgt

5) T~- er Nec- Ie-~

Shtgt(t- L

I) 1)bull1 C~ IVJ~ 1) PI __ )45 It C - - bulljtshy

Z) PI tmiddotJ pro~--t- reo pI -~ r-J r_

~) 1)o1-~~ e JIL_I v~fb L)

q) I Va hJQ V~eJ-J



Growth Increase field-associate ufimbership ~

E~drai6ing Complete tax exempt process

Administration Determine yearly goals Prepare membership purging process Plan meetings with each groups leadership corps ~~ ~

Operations Refine callout amp aler~procedures

Training Support growth goals Prepare for MRA testing

Interagency ~a~ Penn DER Penn SAR Co Support Medical Comm goals Limit other involvement (put own house in order)

Medical Refine EMS relationship-Define legalities

fsectAR Develop generic PSAR slide show

Advertising Develop generic slide show (regional education)

( i Communications Finish radio license renewal ~ s

~~ ~ ~ ~ f(5~ fci)) -1- laquo--8(0

G~ jtJG FCvuJJ

Fut-gtn COVlfA()





Administrative (Committee) Functions


equipment inventory

amp safety

Training (committee) SAR Standards deflnition SAR training manual Membership SAR testing Membership SAR training amp exercises Maintaining SAR training records Monitor membership SAR skills

Communications (committee) Maintain radio licenses Radio equipment deflnition amp purchase Radio equipment maintainance Radio equipment inventory Monitor rules regulations amp communication practices Help defme training standards training manual

amp ops manual as they apply to communications

tax exempt status


Medical (committee) Maintain EMS training records Defme and procure medical equipments Maintain medical equipment Defme medical practices Help define training standards training manual

amp ops manual as they apply to medical concerns

PSAR Develop PSAR materials Maintain Hug-A-Tree materials Teach PSAR

c) Advertising Support PSAR Support Finances Educate region Maintain logos Procure stationary

Plans amp Policies Defme regional goals amp policies Support regional efforts Develop ASRC short amp long term goals Review put goals Support intra-conference development Oversee all conference policies

Support medical policies Support training policies Support Ops policies Support communciation policies Support PSAR activities Support fmance activities

General Administration Oversee committees Maintain amp improve Conference morale Oversee Conference membership




Figure 1 o~nizatjons



~SNP ------ BOD] - ----MRAPENN DER

~ Other SIR teamPenn EMS -7 ~ WVaOESMd EMS

( r r -1 I I r r r r Ir I bull bull bullI I I I



~~~ SAR- -

UVa ~(~TCCo1~legiHOSPJ e~ES J(~rlcenniDERJVaSARCo LJ YuSAR~ l ttSARCo ~~ 1TJ EMS


~ ~--

Figure 2 Administration






-- - - - - T - - shyI middotbull middotmiddot


I I I middot middot PLANS amp PSARamp



Incident Commanders

Last Update 10 December 1986

Blue Ridge Mountain Rescue Group

Albert Sa ker

Robert Koester

Chris Metzler

Kevin Coyne

Brian Wheeler

Dave Carter

Shenandoah Mountain Rescue Group

Gary Mechtel

Kevin Parkes

Paul Torrence

Greg Shea

Al Rosen

Richmond Search and Rescue

Mark Pennington

Ralph Wilfong



TO ASRC certified members and other interested parties FROM G MechteI amp G Shea DATE 9186 PURPOSE Internalmiddot ASRC changes to streamline ASRC membership

catagorles and allow Asociate Groups to jotnthe ASRC

This handout contains specfic admendments to the ASRCs Articles of Incorporation and a general description of the proposed admendments to the ASRC Bylaws The specflc Bylaw admendments and motIons will be presented later but the contents of the proposed changes are outlined in the second and third f1gures presented herein The changes wl11 be brought before the ASRCs general membership on October Fourth and action will be taken at that time


Gary MechteI


Admendments to the ASRC Articles of Incorporation


Admendment = 1 Rewrite Article IV-Membership

Change C Associate Members D Auxiliary Members and E Sustaining Members

To C Associate Members and D Sustaining Members

Purpose This admendment removes the catagory of auxiliary member This membership type is not only unnecessary but is not

even being used Therefore lets purge it

Admendment = 2 Rewrite Article V-Board of Directors Section A

Change A Directors must be Certified members and shall be elected by the Certified membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

To A Directors must be Certified or Associate members and shall be elected by the Certified and Associate Membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

Purpose 1) This admendment allows for a greater pool of individuals to fill the post of member of the board of directors The onus is still on the groups to make sure they choose reasonable directors

-2) More importantly this admendment allows Associate Groups to have a member on the Board of Directors

AFFLI [-lfTtfj CERTIFIED GROUP ~5~ IAeJregoseOllp -shy

I) Meet

1) 2 vot ing BOD members 2) Membership

a) 6 certified members b) 4 associate c) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) BOD Approved Training


membership requirements

2) 6 month probat ionary period

3) 1 non-voting member of BOO

4) 1 voting member of BOD

5) BOD approva I (23 vote)

1) MInimum of 18 month probat lonary perJod

2) ~ro~ote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 1 ~~nth period wi at leas~ members=-

5) Meet membership requirements


1) Membership a) 2 certIfIed or equivalent b) 4 associate or equivalent c) 4 others

2) Tax exemptable 3) Submlt rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operat1onal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Cert1rt ed Gp 6) Must pass IndIvIdual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 2 non-vot Ing BOD members 9) No traInIng o(flcler

~ 1 vot~BOD-member - 2) Membership

a) 10 associate b) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) Any certified members are

considered ASRC membersshyat-largeshy

5) BOD approved Training Officier

1) Minimum of 18 month probationary period

2) BOD approval (23 vote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 18 month period wi at least 50 of membership

5) Meet membership requirements


1) MembershiPi4 el-$e (11 heIJ rlq-ftc a) 6 associate ~ middottSleiibt b) 4 others

2) Tax exemptab Ie 3) Subm 1t rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operatIonal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Certifled Gp 6) Must pass IndIvidual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 1 non-vot lng BOO member 9) No training officier


- M~ll1berhip catagories

J) Certiffed = Basic amp above 2) Associate = Ffeld Qualiffed Base Qualified or other (non-trainee)

who is used in non-mission work (eg radio repairman) 3) Trainee = Anyone attempting to become Field Qualfi~~ or Base

Qualified Ie anyone who is a Ilablity on a SAR effort Therefore trainees should not be allowed on missions

4) Sustaining = Anyone offering material or financial support

Therefore the normal means of jOining and working up to be a certHled member is TOT0

tra1nee assoctate certlrted

catagory group vote

ASRC vote

ASRC patch

MRA patch


associate TBA NO YES NO

trainee TBA NO NO NO

TBA = It is up to the individual group to determine whether it feels associates or trainees should be aIlowed to vote in groLlp affairsObvious Iy for associate groups associate members will be allowed to vote


-----shy -I

CER1J5=IEO 6~p

1 ) rHt~Crstfr) ~ tr~~ ttkWfbtfS

b) L ~e tgtt 1clJ

I qIIIj ssJmiddots f) ~ trat1e5 shy

3) 3 fHotTfh cOf(tht~~cI bullI (CVttws

rI) ~D ~pprbeJ IraI1~ O~ccr bull 5) ~p 1iE ~~ pcoc~s h tt~~


i) ~I1It oJt 10 r)101l pnlb-~-Mrr ) )tilIM 1DyJfofh pngthJrMri fetid)

I PtdOGt z) 6eYJtm( ft~fq5~ ~ffDII1 (13 lb1-e)~) ~~ I o iPI ( 2l oflt) 3 ) tipp( if 5f~onl J P 3) fppfJVIlI o~ ~fQ~ri~ jlbup ___~

-- Lf) 4~J i Con~-C t~ 11 ~ ItH ) Sa

l Ieriocl w crt- lect~- SfftItf~ AI-- tilamp wrt e) iccf ~buhlp l vi1----gt s) =gtlt

I Roet1TlCN~Rr CERttfJE D 6Rovtgt i

I) ntm~hf t) rntltlfb-efgthp


2 cerHt~tol Mert1bers A) amp~e or ~GfJ ~-d ~lJcl~k5 b) t1 bee or ~~IJ qlJ4[t-cJ aS~DCIc~J b) I athltr 5I

cd) t-l o+~lr5 l) j)( Qe~f~6kI

2) 1P)( eYt~thb1c ~) 5c~I+ ftlgtkr ~ allou of p~cdu IC 1

3) fbmi+ ~~kr ~ CAllou+ ~OlJrc

4) btte ~ hsRc J4rhlt1t o~ trlCOltmiddot I -I-raquo~) ~~ I OY(kJgt o~~1 ~(bcedurt~e~

0) t~~ortJ oy cerktd ~(bp -~raquo ~~( _ ) Ugt+ P6gt InJiviJvIl tYlcJ t~ -I) ro) 5-lt

l f) IS $ ==iOCi() ~t r~( -r- t) So~ I jS qoo rer I(~kr~rrlj

~) ~ (pA-V01tj bOb ~ 0) )lo-vo- -Or BcD ~r1ibv-9) Vo 1-0( ij a~~ctr -- q) ~c-lt

_~____ 16 fpy1 rY-=rlt) c)~l (2b V1~-J ~ IC gt-~

C)-iI) 2 I vt7tiIIj coD tcrs

I) 1n(d- rHrlilbcrsp


l) r1Ow1fh f~oh1 TenoJ

3) 4 t1()I)-n~ bt~ f Eou

1) 6eHI(Jd f1k~f ifppn_1 (ill ttl)

5) Cxouf f05e~5 tip l1)

tp It~+middot

I) I no t1-v0i inj CoQ 01 t~r

J) ~J(r~lip

(1) J0 b~ or 1idJ f~lFiJ A~Q~~(5

b) ~ -f1lccs

3) ~ 3 ~ ~r~~5iv( revieWS bull

4) 30 1) ~(4v-eJ ~(I~ ~1fccr



Appalachian Search and Rescue Conference Inc

AlHh_7 Ceneral Hoprtal Aftuiawd lh Wouftlaia acu Ateocialion 120 E Honh Avanu Ntioaal AMociMion for atcA ad ampcubull ad

Pltuburah PA 11212 Eutetzl Rqjon National Cave acue Commiion

ElllerleDCY PhODe (804) 323-2300 (VlrEiaia ElllerleDc OperatloDI CeDter)


ASRC Policy for Cve escue will not e one of initiAl response bullbullut will ampe one of notificAtion An~ Alert status As CR has a ~egionAI ystem developed And as the last ~egion ICRC works thru Viriinia DES Inter Conference-Commission escue will e possihle under the following uidelines

ICRC can request ASC cooperationcliu ASRC chain of co~n~A D~S ASRC personnel pre-trained or ASRC leRe personnel cross trained as cave

I ~ rescuers can participate in underground rescue Any AS personnel not trained in underground rescue will not e permitted uncerground in Any ~apcity Ion - traine~ ASC member Can act as ~ove ground personnel Since East egion JeRe ~ ~I C~ilizies the IC Command System1this interface of perso~el should present~ 1~1

~ ErobleJand ampotr commands will intergrate ~

Training for ASR~ penonnel for cave rescue at present may take place ia w-y of two training forms East Region 6ffers t~o day weeken~ orientation classes for basic cave res~ue anc can be accepted by ASRC as initial training ASC ill proide training lWJterials to its training Officers for cave rescue training This material will bamp5ically ee the same as ER ~CRC instructor will be availible for mutual training weekends

ASR COmmAnd will also reciprocate adn alert ER ~CRC of its mission for possible use of ER WeRC Personnell in ASRC Missions

~dde ~(1 ~ Or r(t~r~ cIeL J-I)( r-rcl ~ CRC Or~n ~ Asec ~~~

) 1-- pa~ J- J z dbi I

O~ ~

ASAC ~vdl~p~A~ 41~amp7-l~ ~~yenaamp-~ r~Lp Acfc I1SIC ~~tkIpound~ -tr_~ 4~~Ic ~ M-~yrc-ut cu7

I Ci P~lL1 ~~IU~~~J-t-~~ ~ -k~Ina-c( d ~tVJr Jk~- tff~- ~5( ~Lx-(J- tt~~ t T U-~~-Mj m e-ult-c r~ 41~Jd 4-tr al- f

4cbT- I ~ t-fC p~rLl d1 7~t- 11 gtRc fI~r

ltKt0 (Ll ( - ~---~ l~



PO BOX 440



4 September ]986

TO All Certified ASRC members A11J( FROM Albert Baker ASRC Chairman g~i Re Membership meeting

An ASRC membership meeting has been scheduled for Saturday 4 Octaber at Peabody Hall at the University of Virginia (sorry AMRG) Please make every effort to attend or to send your written proxy Proxies may be sent with any member attending the meeting or may be mailed to the secretary at the above address A tentative agenda may be found below

I Call to Order II Discussion of past minutes

III Committee reports Operations

I Communications I l~ Training

Finance Ad hoc--Technical rescue standards

IV Group reports V Old business Associate groups policy revised

membership classes DES memo of understanding Input to the Pa DER Emergency medicine workshop

VI New business ASRC as an MRA region Richmond group Other business


and detemi~e the priority tasks in each area

c Marvland SAR Acivities (Garv ~fechtel)

The iaryland State Police has said it ill be willing to distribute information on the ASRC to its offices Gary has also contacted another SAR group in the state and suggested they become involved in NASAR

State GS lR Course A levelland II GSAR course middotm be taught in Roanoke 20-23 F ebruary and 20-22 ~farch These will be an excellent opportunities for the ASRC to assist in insnucion and recruit new members

ASRC Letterhead The production of new letterhead had bee postponed up until this meeting The Board decided that the ASRC would pay for new atwork to design a new letterhead The Logo and address would remain at the top but each groups name and address would be added in the left margin 1t was suggested that only Certified groups should be included and they should be listed in the order they joined the Conference Greg will talk to a printing company and make a p~~posa a be lex r-eeiug

iext ASRC Board Meeting The next meeting will be the 7 February at the location of the

bullbull 0 A~JRG ASRC Training session


Brian Wheele - Request updated Virginia Sheriffs and State Police directories from DES

- Draft new ASRC Application with Jim Rooney - Write letter to Earl Bishop (RACES amp ARES)

concerning mutua aid agreement with H-LvfS

Ooerations Committee Draft new ASRC Application with Brian lVheeler

- Edit draft Communications Equip Log and Communications Log forrns from R Elron (SMRG)

- Develop AlertDispatch materials Develop updated ASRC PDQ form

Training COIn-nittee - Hold organizational meetlDg 3 Jan 1987

Communications Committee - Renew A5RC VHF Liscense _ Complete Com-urications section draft for

ASRC lemoersnp lanual

_ Compiete Bylaw ald CO1sdtuion Revisions and( Kevin Parkes


mail them to ASRC BOD

- Talk to printing company about new ASRC letterhead

- Update on tax-exempt status

ADJ 0 URiMET 1650 hours

Respectfully Submitted

~aWu-Brian A Wheeler Secretary ASRC


Admelldments to the ASRC Articles of Incorporation

Admelldment 1 Rewrite Article IV--Membership

Change C Associate Members D Auxiliary Members and E Sustaining Members

To C Associate Members and D Sustaining Members

Purpose This admendment removes the catagory of auxiliary member This membership type is not only unnecessary but is not

even being used Therefore lets purge it


Admendment 2L Rewrite Article V--Board of Directors Section A

Change A Directors must be Certified members and shall be elected by the Certified membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

To A Directors must be Certified or Associate members and shall be elected by the Certified and Associate Membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

Purpose 1) This admendment allows for a greater pool of individuals to fill the post of member of the board of directors The onus is still on the groups to make sure they choose reasonable directors

2) More importantly this admendment allows Associate Groups to have a member on the Board of Directors


membership 1) vot Ing BOD member iJ 1) 2 vot1ng BOD members

requirements 2) Membership2) Membership 2) 6 month a) 1 0 associate

a) 6 certified members probat ionary b) 6 traineesb) 4 associate period 3) 36 month reviewsc) 6 trainees 3) 1 non-voting 4) Any certified members are

3) 36 month reviews member of cons Idered ASRC membersshy

4) BOD Approved Training at-large~BOD

Officier 4) 1 vot Ing 5) BOD approved Training memb~r of Officler BOD

5) BOD approva I -I shy(23 vote)

1) Minimum of 18 month probatlonary period

1) M1nimum of 18 month probat I onary perlod

2) BOD approval (23 vote) 2) BOD approva 1 (23 vote)

~ )

3) Approva J of sponsorIng 9pmiddot3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference evenls 4) Attend 9 conference events

In the 18 month period wI at in the 18 month period WI at 4 ~ least 50~ of membership

5) Meet membership requirements least 50 of membership

5) Meet membership requirenents 4 ~



1) Membership middota) 2 certified or equivalent b) 4 aSSOCiate or equivalent c) 4 others

2) Tax exemptable 3) Submit rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Articles of

Incorp bylaws operat 10nal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Cert 1 fled Gp 6) Must pass lndlvldual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 4Syr

afterwards 8) 2 non-vot Ing BOD members 9) No traIning offlcler

-~----------------- shy

1) Membersh I p a) 6 aSSOCiate or equivalent b) 4 others

2) Tax exemptable 3) Submit rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art tc les of

Incorp bylaws operational procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Certified Gp 6) Must pass Individual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 ror 1st yr) $ 45yr

afterwards 8) I non-vot tng BOD member 9) No training offlcier

(- Membership catagories J) Certified = Basic amp above 2) Assoc1ate = F1eld QualifIed Base aual1fled~ or other (non-trainee)

who is useq in non-mission work (eg radio repairman) 3) Trainee = Anyone attempting to become Field Qual1fled or Base

Qualified Ie anyone who Is a Ilablity on a SAA effort Therefore trainees shou1d not be al10wed on missions

4) Sustaining = Anyone offering material or financ1al support

Therefore the normal means of Joining and working up to be a certified member is TOT0

tra1nee assoc1ate cert1r1ed

catagory group vote

middotASRC vote

ASRC patch

MRA patch

cert1f1ed YES YES -


associate TBA NO YES NO

trainee TBA NO NO NO

TBA =It is up to the indivldual ~roup to determine whether it feels associatl~s or trainees should be allowed to vote in group affairs Obviously for associate groups associate members wi 11 be allowed to vote


I) G r() +-l 1-) f 04(0 j

3) AJM) +r_J ~ ~) De J~

5) T ~ ~J




l +c~ ~c Jtdu+~)

fVtJ~cJ PS If- (t

) to)

AJ tr~~Io~d Obullbull(~J IbP


~ Lo~

I ih~ 1-L VV1t ~t gt I) l ~ w-e-L)hr 1-1Hl

2) tc bull~ l) l S ~~tl 1(1)

3) tcs s-t-tT ~) 1 igt~~ ~J (5 - Irhu41laquo t~t-11) p)~i) ~A(l urmiddot Gr 1 JkS Gr-~ -

$) 4mn(r l Cbull4middot r ) h~t- ESIt ~ rn~ ~bullbull ( ltrmiddot

I) JOt- I) H)lt tt

2) 1~JIf PJ Alj


pl- ~r Et))

e~ t)i)

~ b~d-

) St+ ~ r~~ I) Ch-~(

Z) s~ vf e)r~~ 1) DewJIgtf j 1~4 ~ bull l

- AJ Vl~ fIj ~ 1Ie h_J-)


- ~ l~ ) G-to~th U ( bulljt a f

C=gt~(~middot--lgt 1) 1-41~ S~HJ~ W-ftmiddot Me-ben hf rV(jL ) s)


~ )~~ bullJc~ (3~ T _)

t 1)1jJ~ (I ~ --)

tJ~~ 1gt cJv~ -tto J shy

s~ J- Te__ co-bes Ie l=-~_J ~f~r

f covcrtllflt1_t A-f)shy ~ ~J J fsJt~

-) rnc r LDjO CDfJ CNfk J cH6-~

) CampMJmiddotW 1t-( B0 D v1 e cA iJ 101(

degrtAGf~) 5ho- b

I) Set- vr CIH-JI~fI JOcJ) I- IntlJ~~ l) D Jr ~H C-p

t) Re 4-~1 lt CJJI)J- Pr6 ( eJ-- a ~ If rot- (je-

Jo) of br t j p 2 -hr- J-J- I) 1) Co Ile f- egtc+ ~) lcs 5t--t-r ~v1 ake~ she-b ~ 1middot)middotJ ~t_ 5) )ti+~r- b~$ ekh (~)~~~-k 3) YfL -~ ~

I Ii bull A th -b f~) E~j~+-c E ll f HUJll - - C_ +-Ih- 1fIIcJ

1t) I

II bull Ir) - ~)

) JO(II t ~t tJ sfec~o _r J) 4 ss v A-gt I c S ~ It [)J

~~~ -~1L ~~cJ~t M f (f)


I) 51+- -r 1b~ I- fl1 cJrJ l) 400 M_t) fJ t~ t l A I

Il) l do J ~ AI$o I- t) CAtgt t cJ

403) 1 ~+- J(~ 3) TV04(IcYs

~) L1 s 1elIs - IeJmiddot

) l d Bu

) ~ 5lc~tI~ - TvlltJ =t) 1- Jl Ilt fH

() D~Vio~ TtC4-~~j Sh-i-L (~44IIJJ)

C) S k~lh - l 10) I1SflC- C -4 14 l) Jur i ~ ~ T(~~I)() h) a fv~ F- I J t(~I-oI

n) ~ (f EO 1l e _ ~

r a 11pound0 J~t__ Jo~ ~I

ttcJQt(~ L==gtI~_MO ) W(l~ -I -Je) J1fti~ hcc -t Pelll t SI- Coshy

l) II 1 VfA OU ) wl v NA-Jfshy

pJ 3) OIJ~r 5e ~ F-eJs31 I ) H~)

y) ) vJ()~ IC)4- CltJJshy IVte -k

) II fVP- (t-I ~) tgt~ F-J-~~L )

wi )A~ 5Ya-t1- c~~lt

~) H -f w ~) ( -I (l~ C(IMmiddot

) sJ-~lr Ale I 0

1~ t-~ to_~ S~ IL )~) l2 ~ Il ~l 111( ( Aamp~middot~O___

) ElCr J 10laquo4 f MAJ R ll4middot_ lfl I) If l5 f VGo (t 5

-1 _ SJJ-t I V V- G5 l) Cty J -0+ A-)ILshy

1) lgt1~ ~ 1f5rtc fIJ L4-~ It ~eJ ltA-t- C

-I PeN j fAJ J INV t ~~ J ~

3) raquoeveigtf Pc n c 5 J-J~ lf) 4LS (pound ~UL

t J ) -x(r- C L +

ctlllt Jf s 1t- - ATIt~ rJe~

t) rrOC rC 51~Ju ~ H~-4 -Tre-e c) C~ ~ITv =-t ~

) PS~rL jJ~ - 2 H~t J4T~t~6r y) It 2 C ~01middotlt s~_1if ~ ( s-) )vl0r Pc-lt c~ ~ 5e1f -T--~ Lt- p~ ~ fL

6) S vrf~- 5~ rt- ~

---------__-- -----_bull_--_

AJ laquo111


) ~s It e ~I ~ ) fJCf- J N eHC~r t) I FJ~~~ ) ~~h ) D-O( l-o J rJo

j) 1 E~ 12-- f1 j~ f--shyq) II po ~cc1 fpoundEft-i-gtgt

5) T~- er Nec- Ie-~

Shtgt(t- L

I) 1)bull1 C~ IVJ~ 1) PI __ )45 It C - - bulljtshy

Z) PI tmiddotJ pro~--t- reo pI -~ r-J r_

~) 1)o1-~~ e JIL_I v~fb L)

q) I Va hJQ V~eJ-J



Growth Increase field-associate ufimbership ~

E~drai6ing Complete tax exempt process

Administration Determine yearly goals Prepare membership purging process Plan meetings with each groups leadership corps ~~ ~

Operations Refine callout amp aler~procedures

Training Support growth goals Prepare for MRA testing

Interagency ~a~ Penn DER Penn SAR Co Support Medical Comm goals Limit other involvement (put own house in order)

Medical Refine EMS relationship-Define legalities

fsectAR Develop generic PSAR slide show

Advertising Develop generic slide show (regional education)

( i Communications Finish radio license renewal ~ s

~~ ~ ~ ~ f(5~ fci)) -1- laquo--8(0

G~ jtJG FCvuJJ

Fut-gtn COVlfA()





Administrative (Committee) Functions


equipment inventory

amp safety

Training (committee) SAR Standards deflnition SAR training manual Membership SAR testing Membership SAR training amp exercises Maintaining SAR training records Monitor membership SAR skills

Communications (committee) Maintain radio licenses Radio equipment deflnition amp purchase Radio equipment maintainance Radio equipment inventory Monitor rules regulations amp communication practices Help defme training standards training manual

amp ops manual as they apply to communications

tax exempt status


Medical (committee) Maintain EMS training records Defme and procure medical equipments Maintain medical equipment Defme medical practices Help define training standards training manual

amp ops manual as they apply to medical concerns

PSAR Develop PSAR materials Maintain Hug-A-Tree materials Teach PSAR

c) Advertising Support PSAR Support Finances Educate region Maintain logos Procure stationary

Plans amp Policies Defme regional goals amp policies Support regional efforts Develop ASRC short amp long term goals Review put goals Support intra-conference development Oversee all conference policies

Support medical policies Support training policies Support Ops policies Support communciation policies Support PSAR activities Support fmance activities

General Administration Oversee committees Maintain amp improve Conference morale Oversee Conference membership




Figure 1 o~nizatjons



~SNP ------ BOD] - ----MRAPENN DER

~ Other SIR teamPenn EMS -7 ~ WVaOESMd EMS

( r r -1 I I r r r r Ir I bull bull bullI I I I



~~~ SAR- -

UVa ~(~TCCo1~legiHOSPJ e~ES J(~rlcenniDERJVaSARCo LJ YuSAR~ l ttSARCo ~~ 1TJ EMS


~ ~--

Figure 2 Administration






-- - - - - T - - shyI middotbull middotmiddot


I I I middot middot PLANS amp PSARamp



Incident Commanders

Last Update 10 December 1986

Blue Ridge Mountain Rescue Group

Albert Sa ker

Robert Koester

Chris Metzler

Kevin Coyne

Brian Wheeler

Dave Carter

Shenandoah Mountain Rescue Group

Gary Mechtel

Kevin Parkes

Paul Torrence

Greg Shea

Al Rosen

Richmond Search and Rescue

Mark Pennington

Ralph Wilfong



TO ASRC certified members and other interested parties FROM G MechteI amp G Shea DATE 9186 PURPOSE Internalmiddot ASRC changes to streamline ASRC membership

catagorles and allow Asociate Groups to jotnthe ASRC

This handout contains specfic admendments to the ASRCs Articles of Incorporation and a general description of the proposed admendments to the ASRC Bylaws The specflc Bylaw admendments and motIons will be presented later but the contents of the proposed changes are outlined in the second and third f1gures presented herein The changes wl11 be brought before the ASRCs general membership on October Fourth and action will be taken at that time


Gary MechteI


Admendments to the ASRC Articles of Incorporation


Admendment = 1 Rewrite Article IV-Membership

Change C Associate Members D Auxiliary Members and E Sustaining Members

To C Associate Members and D Sustaining Members

Purpose This admendment removes the catagory of auxiliary member This membership type is not only unnecessary but is not

even being used Therefore lets purge it

Admendment = 2 Rewrite Article V-Board of Directors Section A

Change A Directors must be Certified members and shall be elected by the Certified membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

To A Directors must be Certified or Associate members and shall be elected by the Certified and Associate Membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

Purpose 1) This admendment allows for a greater pool of individuals to fill the post of member of the board of directors The onus is still on the groups to make sure they choose reasonable directors

-2) More importantly this admendment allows Associate Groups to have a member on the Board of Directors

AFFLI [-lfTtfj CERTIFIED GROUP ~5~ IAeJregoseOllp -shy

I) Meet

1) 2 vot ing BOD members 2) Membership

a) 6 certified members b) 4 associate c) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) BOD Approved Training


membership requirements

2) 6 month probat ionary period

3) 1 non-voting member of BOO

4) 1 voting member of BOD

5) BOD approva I (23 vote)

1) MInimum of 18 month probat lonary perJod

2) ~ro~ote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 1 ~~nth period wi at leas~ members=-

5) Meet membership requirements


1) Membership a) 2 certIfIed or equivalent b) 4 associate or equivalent c) 4 others

2) Tax exemptable 3) Submlt rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operat1onal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Cert1rt ed Gp 6) Must pass IndIvIdual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 2 non-vot Ing BOD members 9) No traInIng o(flcler

~ 1 vot~BOD-member - 2) Membership

a) 10 associate b) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) Any certified members are

considered ASRC membersshyat-largeshy

5) BOD approved Training Officier

1) Minimum of 18 month probationary period

2) BOD approval (23 vote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 18 month period wi at least 50 of membership

5) Meet membership requirements


1) MembershiPi4 el-$e (11 heIJ rlq-ftc a) 6 associate ~ middottSleiibt b) 4 others

2) Tax exemptab Ie 3) Subm 1t rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operatIonal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Certifled Gp 6) Must pass IndIvidual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 1 non-vot lng BOO member 9) No training officier


- M~ll1berhip catagories

J) Certiffed = Basic amp above 2) Associate = Ffeld Qualiffed Base Qualified or other (non-trainee)

who is used in non-mission work (eg radio repairman) 3) Trainee = Anyone attempting to become Field Qualfi~~ or Base

Qualified Ie anyone who is a Ilablity on a SAR effort Therefore trainees should not be allowed on missions

4) Sustaining = Anyone offering material or financial support

Therefore the normal means of jOining and working up to be a certHled member is TOT0

tra1nee assoctate certlrted

catagory group vote

ASRC vote

ASRC patch

MRA patch


associate TBA NO YES NO

trainee TBA NO NO NO

TBA = It is up to the individual group to determine whether it feels associates or trainees should be aIlowed to vote in groLlp affairsObvious Iy for associate groups associate members will be allowed to vote


-----shy -I

CER1J5=IEO 6~p

1 ) rHt~Crstfr) ~ tr~~ ttkWfbtfS

b) L ~e tgtt 1clJ

I qIIIj ssJmiddots f) ~ trat1e5 shy

3) 3 fHotTfh cOf(tht~~cI bullI (CVttws

rI) ~D ~pprbeJ IraI1~ O~ccr bull 5) ~p 1iE ~~ pcoc~s h tt~~


i) ~I1It oJt 10 r)101l pnlb-~-Mrr ) )tilIM 1DyJfofh pngthJrMri fetid)

I PtdOGt z) 6eYJtm( ft~fq5~ ~ffDII1 (13 lb1-e)~) ~~ I o iPI ( 2l oflt) 3 ) tipp( if 5f~onl J P 3) fppfJVIlI o~ ~fQ~ri~ jlbup ___~

-- Lf) 4~J i Con~-C t~ 11 ~ ItH ) Sa

l Ieriocl w crt- lect~- SfftItf~ AI-- tilamp wrt e) iccf ~buhlp l vi1----gt s) =gtlt

I Roet1TlCN~Rr CERttfJE D 6Rovtgt i

I) ntm~hf t) rntltlfb-efgthp


2 cerHt~tol Mert1bers A) amp~e or ~GfJ ~-d ~lJcl~k5 b) t1 bee or ~~IJ qlJ4[t-cJ aS~DCIc~J b) I athltr 5I

cd) t-l o+~lr5 l) j)( Qe~f~6kI

2) 1P)( eYt~thb1c ~) 5c~I+ ftlgtkr ~ allou of p~cdu IC 1

3) fbmi+ ~~kr ~ CAllou+ ~OlJrc

4) btte ~ hsRc J4rhlt1t o~ trlCOltmiddot I -I-raquo~) ~~ I OY(kJgt o~~1 ~(bcedurt~e~

0) t~~ortJ oy cerktd ~(bp -~raquo ~~( _ ) Ugt+ P6gt InJiviJvIl tYlcJ t~ -I) ro) 5-lt

l f) IS $ ==iOCi() ~t r~( -r- t) So~ I jS qoo rer I(~kr~rrlj

~) ~ (pA-V01tj bOb ~ 0) )lo-vo- -Or BcD ~r1ibv-9) Vo 1-0( ij a~~ctr -- q) ~c-lt

_~____ 16 fpy1 rY-=rlt) c)~l (2b V1~-J ~ IC gt-~

C)-iI) 2 I vt7tiIIj coD tcrs

I) 1n(d- rHrlilbcrsp


l) r1Ow1fh f~oh1 TenoJ

3) 4 t1()I)-n~ bt~ f Eou

1) 6eHI(Jd f1k~f ifppn_1 (ill ttl)

5) Cxouf f05e~5 tip l1)

tp It~+middot

I) I no t1-v0i inj CoQ 01 t~r

J) ~J(r~lip

(1) J0 b~ or 1idJ f~lFiJ A~Q~~(5

b) ~ -f1lccs

3) ~ 3 ~ ~r~~5iv( revieWS bull

4) 30 1) ~(4v-eJ ~(I~ ~1fccr



Appalachian Search and Rescue Conference Inc

AlHh_7 Ceneral Hoprtal Aftuiawd lh Wouftlaia acu Ateocialion 120 E Honh Avanu Ntioaal AMociMion for atcA ad ampcubull ad

Pltuburah PA 11212 Eutetzl Rqjon National Cave acue Commiion

ElllerleDCY PhODe (804) 323-2300 (VlrEiaia ElllerleDc OperatloDI CeDter)


ASRC Policy for Cve escue will not e one of initiAl response bullbullut will ampe one of notificAtion An~ Alert status As CR has a ~egionAI ystem developed And as the last ~egion ICRC works thru Viriinia DES Inter Conference-Commission escue will e possihle under the following uidelines

ICRC can request ASC cooperationcliu ASRC chain of co~n~A D~S ASRC personnel pre-trained or ASRC leRe personnel cross trained as cave

I ~ rescuers can participate in underground rescue Any AS personnel not trained in underground rescue will not e permitted uncerground in Any ~apcity Ion - traine~ ASC member Can act as ~ove ground personnel Since East egion JeRe ~ ~I C~ilizies the IC Command System1this interface of perso~el should present~ 1~1

~ ErobleJand ampotr commands will intergrate ~

Training for ASR~ penonnel for cave rescue at present may take place ia w-y of two training forms East Region 6ffers t~o day weeken~ orientation classes for basic cave res~ue anc can be accepted by ASRC as initial training ASC ill proide training lWJterials to its training Officers for cave rescue training This material will bamp5ically ee the same as ER ~CRC instructor will be availible for mutual training weekends

ASR COmmAnd will also reciprocate adn alert ER ~CRC of its mission for possible use of ER WeRC Personnell in ASRC Missions

~dde ~(1 ~ Or r(t~r~ cIeL J-I)( r-rcl ~ CRC Or~n ~ Asec ~~~

) 1-- pa~ J- J z dbi I

O~ ~

ASAC ~vdl~p~A~ 41~amp7-l~ ~~yenaamp-~ r~Lp Acfc I1SIC ~~tkIpound~ -tr_~ 4~~Ic ~ M-~yrc-ut cu7

I Ci P~lL1 ~~IU~~~J-t-~~ ~ -k~Ina-c( d ~tVJr Jk~- tff~- ~5( ~Lx-(J- tt~~ t T U-~~-Mj m e-ult-c r~ 41~Jd 4-tr al- f

4cbT- I ~ t-fC p~rLl d1 7~t- 11 gtRc fI~r

ltKt0 (Ll ( - ~---~ l~



PO BOX 440



4 September ]986

TO All Certified ASRC members A11J( FROM Albert Baker ASRC Chairman g~i Re Membership meeting

An ASRC membership meeting has been scheduled for Saturday 4 Octaber at Peabody Hall at the University of Virginia (sorry AMRG) Please make every effort to attend or to send your written proxy Proxies may be sent with any member attending the meeting or may be mailed to the secretary at the above address A tentative agenda may be found below

I Call to Order II Discussion of past minutes

III Committee reports Operations

I Communications I l~ Training

Finance Ad hoc--Technical rescue standards

IV Group reports V Old business Associate groups policy revised

membership classes DES memo of understanding Input to the Pa DER Emergency medicine workshop

VI New business ASRC as an MRA region Richmond group Other business


mail them to ASRC BOD

- Talk to printing company about new ASRC letterhead

- Update on tax-exempt status

ADJ 0 URiMET 1650 hours

Respectfully Submitted

~aWu-Brian A Wheeler Secretary ASRC


Admelldments to the ASRC Articles of Incorporation

Admelldment 1 Rewrite Article IV--Membership

Change C Associate Members D Auxiliary Members and E Sustaining Members

To C Associate Members and D Sustaining Members

Purpose This admendment removes the catagory of auxiliary member This membership type is not only unnecessary but is not

even being used Therefore lets purge it


Admendment 2L Rewrite Article V--Board of Directors Section A

Change A Directors must be Certified members and shall be elected by the Certified membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

To A Directors must be Certified or Associate members and shall be elected by the Certified and Associate Membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

Purpose 1) This admendment allows for a greater pool of individuals to fill the post of member of the board of directors The onus is still on the groups to make sure they choose reasonable directors

2) More importantly this admendment allows Associate Groups to have a member on the Board of Directors


membership 1) vot Ing BOD member iJ 1) 2 vot1ng BOD members

requirements 2) Membership2) Membership 2) 6 month a) 1 0 associate

a) 6 certified members probat ionary b) 6 traineesb) 4 associate period 3) 36 month reviewsc) 6 trainees 3) 1 non-voting 4) Any certified members are

3) 36 month reviews member of cons Idered ASRC membersshy

4) BOD Approved Training at-large~BOD

Officier 4) 1 vot Ing 5) BOD approved Training memb~r of Officler BOD

5) BOD approva I -I shy(23 vote)

1) Minimum of 18 month probatlonary period

1) M1nimum of 18 month probat I onary perlod

2) BOD approval (23 vote) 2) BOD approva 1 (23 vote)

~ )

3) Approva J of sponsorIng 9pmiddot3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference evenls 4) Attend 9 conference events

In the 18 month period wI at in the 18 month period WI at 4 ~ least 50~ of membership

5) Meet membership requirements least 50 of membership

5) Meet membership requirenents 4 ~



1) Membership middota) 2 certified or equivalent b) 4 aSSOCiate or equivalent c) 4 others

2) Tax exemptable 3) Submit rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Articles of

Incorp bylaws operat 10nal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Cert 1 fled Gp 6) Must pass lndlvldual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 4Syr

afterwards 8) 2 non-vot Ing BOD members 9) No traIning offlcler

-~----------------- shy

1) Membersh I p a) 6 aSSOCiate or equivalent b) 4 others

2) Tax exemptable 3) Submit rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art tc les of

Incorp bylaws operational procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Certified Gp 6) Must pass Individual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 ror 1st yr) $ 45yr

afterwards 8) I non-vot tng BOD member 9) No training offlcier

(- Membership catagories J) Certified = Basic amp above 2) Assoc1ate = F1eld QualifIed Base aual1fled~ or other (non-trainee)

who is useq in non-mission work (eg radio repairman) 3) Trainee = Anyone attempting to become Field Qual1fled or Base

Qualified Ie anyone who Is a Ilablity on a SAA effort Therefore trainees shou1d not be al10wed on missions

4) Sustaining = Anyone offering material or financ1al support

Therefore the normal means of Joining and working up to be a certified member is TOT0

tra1nee assoc1ate cert1r1ed

catagory group vote

middotASRC vote

ASRC patch

MRA patch

cert1f1ed YES YES -


associate TBA NO YES NO

trainee TBA NO NO NO

TBA =It is up to the indivldual ~roup to determine whether it feels associatl~s or trainees should be allowed to vote in group affairs Obviously for associate groups associate members wi 11 be allowed to vote


I) G r() +-l 1-) f 04(0 j

3) AJM) +r_J ~ ~) De J~

5) T ~ ~J




l +c~ ~c Jtdu+~)

fVtJ~cJ PS If- (t

) to)

AJ tr~~Io~d Obullbull(~J IbP


~ Lo~

I ih~ 1-L VV1t ~t gt I) l ~ w-e-L)hr 1-1Hl

2) tc bull~ l) l S ~~tl 1(1)

3) tcs s-t-tT ~) 1 igt~~ ~J (5 - Irhu41laquo t~t-11) p)~i) ~A(l urmiddot Gr 1 JkS Gr-~ -

$) 4mn(r l Cbull4middot r ) h~t- ESIt ~ rn~ ~bullbull ( ltrmiddot

I) JOt- I) H)lt tt

2) 1~JIf PJ Alj


pl- ~r Et))

e~ t)i)

~ b~d-

) St+ ~ r~~ I) Ch-~(

Z) s~ vf e)r~~ 1) DewJIgtf j 1~4 ~ bull l

- AJ Vl~ fIj ~ 1Ie h_J-)


- ~ l~ ) G-to~th U ( bulljt a f

C=gt~(~middot--lgt 1) 1-41~ S~HJ~ W-ftmiddot Me-ben hf rV(jL ) s)


~ )~~ bullJc~ (3~ T _)

t 1)1jJ~ (I ~ --)

tJ~~ 1gt cJv~ -tto J shy

s~ J- Te__ co-bes Ie l=-~_J ~f~r

f covcrtllflt1_t A-f)shy ~ ~J J fsJt~

-) rnc r LDjO CDfJ CNfk J cH6-~

) CampMJmiddotW 1t-( B0 D v1 e cA iJ 101(

degrtAGf~) 5ho- b

I) Set- vr CIH-JI~fI JOcJ) I- IntlJ~~ l) D Jr ~H C-p

t) Re 4-~1 lt CJJI)J- Pr6 ( eJ-- a ~ If rot- (je-

Jo) of br t j p 2 -hr- J-J- I) 1) Co Ile f- egtc+ ~) lcs 5t--t-r ~v1 ake~ she-b ~ 1middot)middotJ ~t_ 5) )ti+~r- b~$ ekh (~)~~~-k 3) YfL -~ ~

I Ii bull A th -b f~) E~j~+-c E ll f HUJll - - C_ +-Ih- 1fIIcJ

1t) I

II bull Ir) - ~)

) JO(II t ~t tJ sfec~o _r J) 4 ss v A-gt I c S ~ It [)J

~~~ -~1L ~~cJ~t M f (f)


I) 51+- -r 1b~ I- fl1 cJrJ l) 400 M_t) fJ t~ t l A I

Il) l do J ~ AI$o I- t) CAtgt t cJ

403) 1 ~+- J(~ 3) TV04(IcYs

~) L1 s 1elIs - IeJmiddot

) l d Bu

) ~ 5lc~tI~ - TvlltJ =t) 1- Jl Ilt fH

() D~Vio~ TtC4-~~j Sh-i-L (~44IIJJ)

C) S k~lh - l 10) I1SflC- C -4 14 l) Jur i ~ ~ T(~~I)() h) a fv~ F- I J t(~I-oI

n) ~ (f EO 1l e _ ~

r a 11pound0 J~t__ Jo~ ~I

ttcJQt(~ L==gtI~_MO ) W(l~ -I -Je) J1fti~ hcc -t Pelll t SI- Coshy

l) II 1 VfA OU ) wl v NA-Jfshy

pJ 3) OIJ~r 5e ~ F-eJs31 I ) H~)

y) ) vJ()~ IC)4- CltJJshy IVte -k

) II fVP- (t-I ~) tgt~ F-J-~~L )

wi )A~ 5Ya-t1- c~~lt

~) H -f w ~) ( -I (l~ C(IMmiddot

) sJ-~lr Ale I 0

1~ t-~ to_~ S~ IL )~) l2 ~ Il ~l 111( ( Aamp~middot~O___

) ElCr J 10laquo4 f MAJ R ll4middot_ lfl I) If l5 f VGo (t 5

-1 _ SJJ-t I V V- G5 l) Cty J -0+ A-)ILshy

1) lgt1~ ~ 1f5rtc fIJ L4-~ It ~eJ ltA-t- C

-I PeN j fAJ J INV t ~~ J ~

3) raquoeveigtf Pc n c 5 J-J~ lf) 4LS (pound ~UL

t J ) -x(r- C L +

ctlllt Jf s 1t- - ATIt~ rJe~

t) rrOC rC 51~Ju ~ H~-4 -Tre-e c) C~ ~ITv =-t ~

) PS~rL jJ~ - 2 H~t J4T~t~6r y) It 2 C ~01middotlt s~_1if ~ ( s-) )vl0r Pc-lt c~ ~ 5e1f -T--~ Lt- p~ ~ fL

6) S vrf~- 5~ rt- ~

---------__-- -----_bull_--_

AJ laquo111


) ~s It e ~I ~ ) fJCf- J N eHC~r t) I FJ~~~ ) ~~h ) D-O( l-o J rJo

j) 1 E~ 12-- f1 j~ f--shyq) II po ~cc1 fpoundEft-i-gtgt

5) T~- er Nec- Ie-~

Shtgt(t- L

I) 1)bull1 C~ IVJ~ 1) PI __ )45 It C - - bulljtshy

Z) PI tmiddotJ pro~--t- reo pI -~ r-J r_

~) 1)o1-~~ e JIL_I v~fb L)

q) I Va hJQ V~eJ-J



Growth Increase field-associate ufimbership ~

E~drai6ing Complete tax exempt process

Administration Determine yearly goals Prepare membership purging process Plan meetings with each groups leadership corps ~~ ~

Operations Refine callout amp aler~procedures

Training Support growth goals Prepare for MRA testing

Interagency ~a~ Penn DER Penn SAR Co Support Medical Comm goals Limit other involvement (put own house in order)

Medical Refine EMS relationship-Define legalities

fsectAR Develop generic PSAR slide show

Advertising Develop generic slide show (regional education)

( i Communications Finish radio license renewal ~ s

~~ ~ ~ ~ f(5~ fci)) -1- laquo--8(0

G~ jtJG FCvuJJ

Fut-gtn COVlfA()





Administrative (Committee) Functions


equipment inventory

amp safety

Training (committee) SAR Standards deflnition SAR training manual Membership SAR testing Membership SAR training amp exercises Maintaining SAR training records Monitor membership SAR skills

Communications (committee) Maintain radio licenses Radio equipment deflnition amp purchase Radio equipment maintainance Radio equipment inventory Monitor rules regulations amp communication practices Help defme training standards training manual

amp ops manual as they apply to communications

tax exempt status


Medical (committee) Maintain EMS training records Defme and procure medical equipments Maintain medical equipment Defme medical practices Help define training standards training manual

amp ops manual as they apply to medical concerns

PSAR Develop PSAR materials Maintain Hug-A-Tree materials Teach PSAR

c) Advertising Support PSAR Support Finances Educate region Maintain logos Procure stationary

Plans amp Policies Defme regional goals amp policies Support regional efforts Develop ASRC short amp long term goals Review put goals Support intra-conference development Oversee all conference policies

Support medical policies Support training policies Support Ops policies Support communciation policies Support PSAR activities Support fmance activities

General Administration Oversee committees Maintain amp improve Conference morale Oversee Conference membership




Figure 1 o~nizatjons



~SNP ------ BOD] - ----MRAPENN DER

~ Other SIR teamPenn EMS -7 ~ WVaOESMd EMS

( r r -1 I I r r r r Ir I bull bull bullI I I I



~~~ SAR- -

UVa ~(~TCCo1~legiHOSPJ e~ES J(~rlcenniDERJVaSARCo LJ YuSAR~ l ttSARCo ~~ 1TJ EMS


~ ~--

Figure 2 Administration






-- - - - - T - - shyI middotbull middotmiddot


I I I middot middot PLANS amp PSARamp



Incident Commanders

Last Update 10 December 1986

Blue Ridge Mountain Rescue Group

Albert Sa ker

Robert Koester

Chris Metzler

Kevin Coyne

Brian Wheeler

Dave Carter

Shenandoah Mountain Rescue Group

Gary Mechtel

Kevin Parkes

Paul Torrence

Greg Shea

Al Rosen

Richmond Search and Rescue

Mark Pennington

Ralph Wilfong



TO ASRC certified members and other interested parties FROM G MechteI amp G Shea DATE 9186 PURPOSE Internalmiddot ASRC changes to streamline ASRC membership

catagorles and allow Asociate Groups to jotnthe ASRC

This handout contains specfic admendments to the ASRCs Articles of Incorporation and a general description of the proposed admendments to the ASRC Bylaws The specflc Bylaw admendments and motIons will be presented later but the contents of the proposed changes are outlined in the second and third f1gures presented herein The changes wl11 be brought before the ASRCs general membership on October Fourth and action will be taken at that time


Gary MechteI


Admendments to the ASRC Articles of Incorporation


Admendment = 1 Rewrite Article IV-Membership

Change C Associate Members D Auxiliary Members and E Sustaining Members

To C Associate Members and D Sustaining Members

Purpose This admendment removes the catagory of auxiliary member This membership type is not only unnecessary but is not

even being used Therefore lets purge it

Admendment = 2 Rewrite Article V-Board of Directors Section A

Change A Directors must be Certified members and shall be elected by the Certified membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

To A Directors must be Certified or Associate members and shall be elected by the Certified and Associate Membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

Purpose 1) This admendment allows for a greater pool of individuals to fill the post of member of the board of directors The onus is still on the groups to make sure they choose reasonable directors

-2) More importantly this admendment allows Associate Groups to have a member on the Board of Directors

AFFLI [-lfTtfj CERTIFIED GROUP ~5~ IAeJregoseOllp -shy

I) Meet

1) 2 vot ing BOD members 2) Membership

a) 6 certified members b) 4 associate c) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) BOD Approved Training


membership requirements

2) 6 month probat ionary period

3) 1 non-voting member of BOO

4) 1 voting member of BOD

5) BOD approva I (23 vote)

1) MInimum of 18 month probat lonary perJod

2) ~ro~ote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 1 ~~nth period wi at leas~ members=-

5) Meet membership requirements


1) Membership a) 2 certIfIed or equivalent b) 4 associate or equivalent c) 4 others

2) Tax exemptable 3) Submlt rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operat1onal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Cert1rt ed Gp 6) Must pass IndIvIdual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 2 non-vot Ing BOD members 9) No traInIng o(flcler

~ 1 vot~BOD-member - 2) Membership

a) 10 associate b) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) Any certified members are

considered ASRC membersshyat-largeshy

5) BOD approved Training Officier

1) Minimum of 18 month probationary period

2) BOD approval (23 vote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 18 month period wi at least 50 of membership

5) Meet membership requirements


1) MembershiPi4 el-$e (11 heIJ rlq-ftc a) 6 associate ~ middottSleiibt b) 4 others

2) Tax exemptab Ie 3) Subm 1t rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operatIonal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Certifled Gp 6) Must pass IndIvidual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 1 non-vot lng BOO member 9) No training officier


- M~ll1berhip catagories

J) Certiffed = Basic amp above 2) Associate = Ffeld Qualiffed Base Qualified or other (non-trainee)

who is used in non-mission work (eg radio repairman) 3) Trainee = Anyone attempting to become Field Qualfi~~ or Base

Qualified Ie anyone who is a Ilablity on a SAR effort Therefore trainees should not be allowed on missions

4) Sustaining = Anyone offering material or financial support

Therefore the normal means of jOining and working up to be a certHled member is TOT0

tra1nee assoctate certlrted

catagory group vote

ASRC vote

ASRC patch

MRA patch


associate TBA NO YES NO

trainee TBA NO NO NO

TBA = It is up to the individual group to determine whether it feels associates or trainees should be aIlowed to vote in groLlp affairsObvious Iy for associate groups associate members will be allowed to vote


-----shy -I

CER1J5=IEO 6~p

1 ) rHt~Crstfr) ~ tr~~ ttkWfbtfS

b) L ~e tgtt 1clJ

I qIIIj ssJmiddots f) ~ trat1e5 shy

3) 3 fHotTfh cOf(tht~~cI bullI (CVttws

rI) ~D ~pprbeJ IraI1~ O~ccr bull 5) ~p 1iE ~~ pcoc~s h tt~~


i) ~I1It oJt 10 r)101l pnlb-~-Mrr ) )tilIM 1DyJfofh pngthJrMri fetid)

I PtdOGt z) 6eYJtm( ft~fq5~ ~ffDII1 (13 lb1-e)~) ~~ I o iPI ( 2l oflt) 3 ) tipp( if 5f~onl J P 3) fppfJVIlI o~ ~fQ~ri~ jlbup ___~

-- Lf) 4~J i Con~-C t~ 11 ~ ItH ) Sa

l Ieriocl w crt- lect~- SfftItf~ AI-- tilamp wrt e) iccf ~buhlp l vi1----gt s) =gtlt

I Roet1TlCN~Rr CERttfJE D 6Rovtgt i

I) ntm~hf t) rntltlfb-efgthp


2 cerHt~tol Mert1bers A) amp~e or ~GfJ ~-d ~lJcl~k5 b) t1 bee or ~~IJ qlJ4[t-cJ aS~DCIc~J b) I athltr 5I

cd) t-l o+~lr5 l) j)( Qe~f~6kI

2) 1P)( eYt~thb1c ~) 5c~I+ ftlgtkr ~ allou of p~cdu IC 1

3) fbmi+ ~~kr ~ CAllou+ ~OlJrc

4) btte ~ hsRc J4rhlt1t o~ trlCOltmiddot I -I-raquo~) ~~ I OY(kJgt o~~1 ~(bcedurt~e~

0) t~~ortJ oy cerktd ~(bp -~raquo ~~( _ ) Ugt+ P6gt InJiviJvIl tYlcJ t~ -I) ro) 5-lt

l f) IS $ ==iOCi() ~t r~( -r- t) So~ I jS qoo rer I(~kr~rrlj

~) ~ (pA-V01tj bOb ~ 0) )lo-vo- -Or BcD ~r1ibv-9) Vo 1-0( ij a~~ctr -- q) ~c-lt

_~____ 16 fpy1 rY-=rlt) c)~l (2b V1~-J ~ IC gt-~

C)-iI) 2 I vt7tiIIj coD tcrs

I) 1n(d- rHrlilbcrsp


l) r1Ow1fh f~oh1 TenoJ

3) 4 t1()I)-n~ bt~ f Eou

1) 6eHI(Jd f1k~f ifppn_1 (ill ttl)

5) Cxouf f05e~5 tip l1)

tp It~+middot

I) I no t1-v0i inj CoQ 01 t~r

J) ~J(r~lip

(1) J0 b~ or 1idJ f~lFiJ A~Q~~(5

b) ~ -f1lccs

3) ~ 3 ~ ~r~~5iv( revieWS bull

4) 30 1) ~(4v-eJ ~(I~ ~1fccr



Appalachian Search and Rescue Conference Inc

AlHh_7 Ceneral Hoprtal Aftuiawd lh Wouftlaia acu Ateocialion 120 E Honh Avanu Ntioaal AMociMion for atcA ad ampcubull ad

Pltuburah PA 11212 Eutetzl Rqjon National Cave acue Commiion

ElllerleDCY PhODe (804) 323-2300 (VlrEiaia ElllerleDc OperatloDI CeDter)


ASRC Policy for Cve escue will not e one of initiAl response bullbullut will ampe one of notificAtion An~ Alert status As CR has a ~egionAI ystem developed And as the last ~egion ICRC works thru Viriinia DES Inter Conference-Commission escue will e possihle under the following uidelines

ICRC can request ASC cooperationcliu ASRC chain of co~n~A D~S ASRC personnel pre-trained or ASRC leRe personnel cross trained as cave

I ~ rescuers can participate in underground rescue Any AS personnel not trained in underground rescue will not e permitted uncerground in Any ~apcity Ion - traine~ ASC member Can act as ~ove ground personnel Since East egion JeRe ~ ~I C~ilizies the IC Command System1this interface of perso~el should present~ 1~1

~ ErobleJand ampotr commands will intergrate ~

Training for ASR~ penonnel for cave rescue at present may take place ia w-y of two training forms East Region 6ffers t~o day weeken~ orientation classes for basic cave res~ue anc can be accepted by ASRC as initial training ASC ill proide training lWJterials to its training Officers for cave rescue training This material will bamp5ically ee the same as ER ~CRC instructor will be availible for mutual training weekends

ASR COmmAnd will also reciprocate adn alert ER ~CRC of its mission for possible use of ER WeRC Personnell in ASRC Missions

~dde ~(1 ~ Or r(t~r~ cIeL J-I)( r-rcl ~ CRC Or~n ~ Asec ~~~

) 1-- pa~ J- J z dbi I

O~ ~

ASAC ~vdl~p~A~ 41~amp7-l~ ~~yenaamp-~ r~Lp Acfc I1SIC ~~tkIpound~ -tr_~ 4~~Ic ~ M-~yrc-ut cu7

I Ci P~lL1 ~~IU~~~J-t-~~ ~ -k~Ina-c( d ~tVJr Jk~- tff~- ~5( ~Lx-(J- tt~~ t T U-~~-Mj m e-ult-c r~ 41~Jd 4-tr al- f

4cbT- I ~ t-fC p~rLl d1 7~t- 11 gtRc fI~r

ltKt0 (Ll ( - ~---~ l~



PO BOX 440



4 September ]986

TO All Certified ASRC members A11J( FROM Albert Baker ASRC Chairman g~i Re Membership meeting

An ASRC membership meeting has been scheduled for Saturday 4 Octaber at Peabody Hall at the University of Virginia (sorry AMRG) Please make every effort to attend or to send your written proxy Proxies may be sent with any member attending the meeting or may be mailed to the secretary at the above address A tentative agenda may be found below

I Call to Order II Discussion of past minutes

III Committee reports Operations

I Communications I l~ Training

Finance Ad hoc--Technical rescue standards

IV Group reports V Old business Associate groups policy revised

membership classes DES memo of understanding Input to the Pa DER Emergency medicine workshop

VI New business ASRC as an MRA region Richmond group Other business


Admelldments to the ASRC Articles of Incorporation

Admelldment 1 Rewrite Article IV--Membership

Change C Associate Members D Auxiliary Members and E Sustaining Members

To C Associate Members and D Sustaining Members

Purpose This admendment removes the catagory of auxiliary member This membership type is not only unnecessary but is not

even being used Therefore lets purge it


Admendment 2L Rewrite Article V--Board of Directors Section A

Change A Directors must be Certified members and shall be elected by the Certified membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

To A Directors must be Certified or Associate members and shall be elected by the Certified and Associate Membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

Purpose 1) This admendment allows for a greater pool of individuals to fill the post of member of the board of directors The onus is still on the groups to make sure they choose reasonable directors

2) More importantly this admendment allows Associate Groups to have a member on the Board of Directors


membership 1) vot Ing BOD member iJ 1) 2 vot1ng BOD members

requirements 2) Membership2) Membership 2) 6 month a) 1 0 associate

a) 6 certified members probat ionary b) 6 traineesb) 4 associate period 3) 36 month reviewsc) 6 trainees 3) 1 non-voting 4) Any certified members are

3) 36 month reviews member of cons Idered ASRC membersshy

4) BOD Approved Training at-large~BOD

Officier 4) 1 vot Ing 5) BOD approved Training memb~r of Officler BOD

5) BOD approva I -I shy(23 vote)

1) Minimum of 18 month probatlonary period

1) M1nimum of 18 month probat I onary perlod

2) BOD approval (23 vote) 2) BOD approva 1 (23 vote)

~ )

3) Approva J of sponsorIng 9pmiddot3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference evenls 4) Attend 9 conference events

In the 18 month period wI at in the 18 month period WI at 4 ~ least 50~ of membership

5) Meet membership requirements least 50 of membership

5) Meet membership requirenents 4 ~



1) Membership middota) 2 certified or equivalent b) 4 aSSOCiate or equivalent c) 4 others

2) Tax exemptable 3) Submit rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Articles of

Incorp bylaws operat 10nal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Cert 1 fled Gp 6) Must pass lndlvldual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 4Syr

afterwards 8) 2 non-vot Ing BOD members 9) No traIning offlcler

-~----------------- shy

1) Membersh I p a) 6 aSSOCiate or equivalent b) 4 others

2) Tax exemptable 3) Submit rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art tc les of

Incorp bylaws operational procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Certified Gp 6) Must pass Individual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 ror 1st yr) $ 45yr

afterwards 8) I non-vot tng BOD member 9) No training offlcier

(- Membership catagories J) Certified = Basic amp above 2) Assoc1ate = F1eld QualifIed Base aual1fled~ or other (non-trainee)

who is useq in non-mission work (eg radio repairman) 3) Trainee = Anyone attempting to become Field Qual1fled or Base

Qualified Ie anyone who Is a Ilablity on a SAA effort Therefore trainees shou1d not be al10wed on missions

4) Sustaining = Anyone offering material or financ1al support

Therefore the normal means of Joining and working up to be a certified member is TOT0

tra1nee assoc1ate cert1r1ed

catagory group vote

middotASRC vote

ASRC patch

MRA patch

cert1f1ed YES YES -


associate TBA NO YES NO

trainee TBA NO NO NO

TBA =It is up to the indivldual ~roup to determine whether it feels associatl~s or trainees should be allowed to vote in group affairs Obviously for associate groups associate members wi 11 be allowed to vote


I) G r() +-l 1-) f 04(0 j

3) AJM) +r_J ~ ~) De J~

5) T ~ ~J




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~ Lo~

I ih~ 1-L VV1t ~t gt I) l ~ w-e-L)hr 1-1Hl

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3) tcs s-t-tT ~) 1 igt~~ ~J (5 - Irhu41laquo t~t-11) p)~i) ~A(l urmiddot Gr 1 JkS Gr-~ -

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tJ~~ 1gt cJv~ -tto J shy

s~ J- Te__ co-bes Ie l=-~_J ~f~r

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I) 51+- -r 1b~ I- fl1 cJrJ l) 400 M_t) fJ t~ t l A I

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AJ laquo111


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q) I Va hJQ V~eJ-J



Growth Increase field-associate ufimbership ~

E~drai6ing Complete tax exempt process

Administration Determine yearly goals Prepare membership purging process Plan meetings with each groups leadership corps ~~ ~

Operations Refine callout amp aler~procedures

Training Support growth goals Prepare for MRA testing

Interagency ~a~ Penn DER Penn SAR Co Support Medical Comm goals Limit other involvement (put own house in order)

Medical Refine EMS relationship-Define legalities

fsectAR Develop generic PSAR slide show

Advertising Develop generic slide show (regional education)

( i Communications Finish radio license renewal ~ s

~~ ~ ~ ~ f(5~ fci)) -1- laquo--8(0

G~ jtJG FCvuJJ

Fut-gtn COVlfA()





Administrative (Committee) Functions


equipment inventory

amp safety

Training (committee) SAR Standards deflnition SAR training manual Membership SAR testing Membership SAR training amp exercises Maintaining SAR training records Monitor membership SAR skills

Communications (committee) Maintain radio licenses Radio equipment deflnition amp purchase Radio equipment maintainance Radio equipment inventory Monitor rules regulations amp communication practices Help defme training standards training manual

amp ops manual as they apply to communications

tax exempt status


Medical (committee) Maintain EMS training records Defme and procure medical equipments Maintain medical equipment Defme medical practices Help define training standards training manual

amp ops manual as they apply to medical concerns

PSAR Develop PSAR materials Maintain Hug-A-Tree materials Teach PSAR

c) Advertising Support PSAR Support Finances Educate region Maintain logos Procure stationary

Plans amp Policies Defme regional goals amp policies Support regional efforts Develop ASRC short amp long term goals Review put goals Support intra-conference development Oversee all conference policies

Support medical policies Support training policies Support Ops policies Support communciation policies Support PSAR activities Support fmance activities

General Administration Oversee committees Maintain amp improve Conference morale Oversee Conference membership




Figure 1 o~nizatjons



~SNP ------ BOD] - ----MRAPENN DER

~ Other SIR teamPenn EMS -7 ~ WVaOESMd EMS

( r r -1 I I r r r r Ir I bull bull bullI I I I



~~~ SAR- -

UVa ~(~TCCo1~legiHOSPJ e~ES J(~rlcenniDERJVaSARCo LJ YuSAR~ l ttSARCo ~~ 1TJ EMS


~ ~--

Figure 2 Administration






-- - - - - T - - shyI middotbull middotmiddot


I I I middot middot PLANS amp PSARamp



Incident Commanders

Last Update 10 December 1986

Blue Ridge Mountain Rescue Group

Albert Sa ker

Robert Koester

Chris Metzler

Kevin Coyne

Brian Wheeler

Dave Carter

Shenandoah Mountain Rescue Group

Gary Mechtel

Kevin Parkes

Paul Torrence

Greg Shea

Al Rosen

Richmond Search and Rescue

Mark Pennington

Ralph Wilfong



TO ASRC certified members and other interested parties FROM G MechteI amp G Shea DATE 9186 PURPOSE Internalmiddot ASRC changes to streamline ASRC membership

catagorles and allow Asociate Groups to jotnthe ASRC

This handout contains specfic admendments to the ASRCs Articles of Incorporation and a general description of the proposed admendments to the ASRC Bylaws The specflc Bylaw admendments and motIons will be presented later but the contents of the proposed changes are outlined in the second and third f1gures presented herein The changes wl11 be brought before the ASRCs general membership on October Fourth and action will be taken at that time


Gary MechteI


Admendments to the ASRC Articles of Incorporation


Admendment = 1 Rewrite Article IV-Membership

Change C Associate Members D Auxiliary Members and E Sustaining Members

To C Associate Members and D Sustaining Members

Purpose This admendment removes the catagory of auxiliary member This membership type is not only unnecessary but is not

even being used Therefore lets purge it

Admendment = 2 Rewrite Article V-Board of Directors Section A

Change A Directors must be Certified members and shall be elected by the Certified membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

To A Directors must be Certified or Associate members and shall be elected by the Certified and Associate Membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

Purpose 1) This admendment allows for a greater pool of individuals to fill the post of member of the board of directors The onus is still on the groups to make sure they choose reasonable directors

-2) More importantly this admendment allows Associate Groups to have a member on the Board of Directors

AFFLI [-lfTtfj CERTIFIED GROUP ~5~ IAeJregoseOllp -shy

I) Meet

1) 2 vot ing BOD members 2) Membership

a) 6 certified members b) 4 associate c) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) BOD Approved Training


membership requirements

2) 6 month probat ionary period

3) 1 non-voting member of BOO

4) 1 voting member of BOD

5) BOD approva I (23 vote)

1) MInimum of 18 month probat lonary perJod

2) ~ro~ote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 1 ~~nth period wi at leas~ members=-

5) Meet membership requirements


1) Membership a) 2 certIfIed or equivalent b) 4 associate or equivalent c) 4 others

2) Tax exemptable 3) Submlt rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operat1onal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Cert1rt ed Gp 6) Must pass IndIvIdual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 2 non-vot Ing BOD members 9) No traInIng o(flcler

~ 1 vot~BOD-member - 2) Membership

a) 10 associate b) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) Any certified members are

considered ASRC membersshyat-largeshy

5) BOD approved Training Officier

1) Minimum of 18 month probationary period

2) BOD approval (23 vote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 18 month period wi at least 50 of membership

5) Meet membership requirements


1) MembershiPi4 el-$e (11 heIJ rlq-ftc a) 6 associate ~ middottSleiibt b) 4 others

2) Tax exemptab Ie 3) Subm 1t rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operatIonal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Certifled Gp 6) Must pass IndIvidual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 1 non-vot lng BOO member 9) No training officier


- M~ll1berhip catagories

J) Certiffed = Basic amp above 2) Associate = Ffeld Qualiffed Base Qualified or other (non-trainee)

who is used in non-mission work (eg radio repairman) 3) Trainee = Anyone attempting to become Field Qualfi~~ or Base

Qualified Ie anyone who is a Ilablity on a SAR effort Therefore trainees should not be allowed on missions

4) Sustaining = Anyone offering material or financial support

Therefore the normal means of jOining and working up to be a certHled member is TOT0

tra1nee assoctate certlrted

catagory group vote

ASRC vote

ASRC patch

MRA patch


associate TBA NO YES NO

trainee TBA NO NO NO

TBA = It is up to the individual group to determine whether it feels associates or trainees should be aIlowed to vote in groLlp affairsObvious Iy for associate groups associate members will be allowed to vote


-----shy -I

CER1J5=IEO 6~p

1 ) rHt~Crstfr) ~ tr~~ ttkWfbtfS

b) L ~e tgtt 1clJ

I qIIIj ssJmiddots f) ~ trat1e5 shy

3) 3 fHotTfh cOf(tht~~cI bullI (CVttws

rI) ~D ~pprbeJ IraI1~ O~ccr bull 5) ~p 1iE ~~ pcoc~s h tt~~


i) ~I1It oJt 10 r)101l pnlb-~-Mrr ) )tilIM 1DyJfofh pngthJrMri fetid)

I PtdOGt z) 6eYJtm( ft~fq5~ ~ffDII1 (13 lb1-e)~) ~~ I o iPI ( 2l oflt) 3 ) tipp( if 5f~onl J P 3) fppfJVIlI o~ ~fQ~ri~ jlbup ___~

-- Lf) 4~J i Con~-C t~ 11 ~ ItH ) Sa

l Ieriocl w crt- lect~- SfftItf~ AI-- tilamp wrt e) iccf ~buhlp l vi1----gt s) =gtlt

I Roet1TlCN~Rr CERttfJE D 6Rovtgt i

I) ntm~hf t) rntltlfb-efgthp


2 cerHt~tol Mert1bers A) amp~e or ~GfJ ~-d ~lJcl~k5 b) t1 bee or ~~IJ qlJ4[t-cJ aS~DCIc~J b) I athltr 5I

cd) t-l o+~lr5 l) j)( Qe~f~6kI

2) 1P)( eYt~thb1c ~) 5c~I+ ftlgtkr ~ allou of p~cdu IC 1

3) fbmi+ ~~kr ~ CAllou+ ~OlJrc

4) btte ~ hsRc J4rhlt1t o~ trlCOltmiddot I -I-raquo~) ~~ I OY(kJgt o~~1 ~(bcedurt~e~

0) t~~ortJ oy cerktd ~(bp -~raquo ~~( _ ) Ugt+ P6gt InJiviJvIl tYlcJ t~ -I) ro) 5-lt

l f) IS $ ==iOCi() ~t r~( -r- t) So~ I jS qoo rer I(~kr~rrlj

~) ~ (pA-V01tj bOb ~ 0) )lo-vo- -Or BcD ~r1ibv-9) Vo 1-0( ij a~~ctr -- q) ~c-lt

_~____ 16 fpy1 rY-=rlt) c)~l (2b V1~-J ~ IC gt-~

C)-iI) 2 I vt7tiIIj coD tcrs

I) 1n(d- rHrlilbcrsp


l) r1Ow1fh f~oh1 TenoJ

3) 4 t1()I)-n~ bt~ f Eou

1) 6eHI(Jd f1k~f ifppn_1 (ill ttl)

5) Cxouf f05e~5 tip l1)

tp It~+middot

I) I no t1-v0i inj CoQ 01 t~r

J) ~J(r~lip

(1) J0 b~ or 1idJ f~lFiJ A~Q~~(5

b) ~ -f1lccs

3) ~ 3 ~ ~r~~5iv( revieWS bull

4) 30 1) ~(4v-eJ ~(I~ ~1fccr



Appalachian Search and Rescue Conference Inc

AlHh_7 Ceneral Hoprtal Aftuiawd lh Wouftlaia acu Ateocialion 120 E Honh Avanu Ntioaal AMociMion for atcA ad ampcubull ad

Pltuburah PA 11212 Eutetzl Rqjon National Cave acue Commiion

ElllerleDCY PhODe (804) 323-2300 (VlrEiaia ElllerleDc OperatloDI CeDter)


ASRC Policy for Cve escue will not e one of initiAl response bullbullut will ampe one of notificAtion An~ Alert status As CR has a ~egionAI ystem developed And as the last ~egion ICRC works thru Viriinia DES Inter Conference-Commission escue will e possihle under the following uidelines

ICRC can request ASC cooperationcliu ASRC chain of co~n~A D~S ASRC personnel pre-trained or ASRC leRe personnel cross trained as cave

I ~ rescuers can participate in underground rescue Any AS personnel not trained in underground rescue will not e permitted uncerground in Any ~apcity Ion - traine~ ASC member Can act as ~ove ground personnel Since East egion JeRe ~ ~I C~ilizies the IC Command System1this interface of perso~el should present~ 1~1

~ ErobleJand ampotr commands will intergrate ~

Training for ASR~ penonnel for cave rescue at present may take place ia w-y of two training forms East Region 6ffers t~o day weeken~ orientation classes for basic cave res~ue anc can be accepted by ASRC as initial training ASC ill proide training lWJterials to its training Officers for cave rescue training This material will bamp5ically ee the same as ER ~CRC instructor will be availible for mutual training weekends

ASR COmmAnd will also reciprocate adn alert ER ~CRC of its mission for possible use of ER WeRC Personnell in ASRC Missions

~dde ~(1 ~ Or r(t~r~ cIeL J-I)( r-rcl ~ CRC Or~n ~ Asec ~~~

) 1-- pa~ J- J z dbi I

O~ ~

ASAC ~vdl~p~A~ 41~amp7-l~ ~~yenaamp-~ r~Lp Acfc I1SIC ~~tkIpound~ -tr_~ 4~~Ic ~ M-~yrc-ut cu7

I Ci P~lL1 ~~IU~~~J-t-~~ ~ -k~Ina-c( d ~tVJr Jk~- tff~- ~5( ~Lx-(J- tt~~ t T U-~~-Mj m e-ult-c r~ 41~Jd 4-tr al- f

4cbT- I ~ t-fC p~rLl d1 7~t- 11 gtRc fI~r

ltKt0 (Ll ( - ~---~ l~



PO BOX 440



4 September ]986

TO All Certified ASRC members A11J( FROM Albert Baker ASRC Chairman g~i Re Membership meeting

An ASRC membership meeting has been scheduled for Saturday 4 Octaber at Peabody Hall at the University of Virginia (sorry AMRG) Please make every effort to attend or to send your written proxy Proxies may be sent with any member attending the meeting or may be mailed to the secretary at the above address A tentative agenda may be found below

I Call to Order II Discussion of past minutes

III Committee reports Operations

I Communications I l~ Training

Finance Ad hoc--Technical rescue standards

IV Group reports V Old business Associate groups policy revised

membership classes DES memo of understanding Input to the Pa DER Emergency medicine workshop

VI New business ASRC as an MRA region Richmond group Other business


membership 1) vot Ing BOD member iJ 1) 2 vot1ng BOD members

requirements 2) Membership2) Membership 2) 6 month a) 1 0 associate

a) 6 certified members probat ionary b) 6 traineesb) 4 associate period 3) 36 month reviewsc) 6 trainees 3) 1 non-voting 4) Any certified members are

3) 36 month reviews member of cons Idered ASRC membersshy

4) BOD Approved Training at-large~BOD

Officier 4) 1 vot Ing 5) BOD approved Training memb~r of Officler BOD

5) BOD approva I -I shy(23 vote)

1) Minimum of 18 month probatlonary period

1) M1nimum of 18 month probat I onary perlod

2) BOD approval (23 vote) 2) BOD approva 1 (23 vote)

~ )

3) Approva J of sponsorIng 9pmiddot3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference evenls 4) Attend 9 conference events

In the 18 month period wI at in the 18 month period WI at 4 ~ least 50~ of membership

5) Meet membership requirements least 50 of membership

5) Meet membership requirenents 4 ~



1) Membership middota) 2 certified or equivalent b) 4 aSSOCiate or equivalent c) 4 others

2) Tax exemptable 3) Submit rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Articles of

Incorp bylaws operat 10nal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Cert 1 fled Gp 6) Must pass lndlvldual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 4Syr

afterwards 8) 2 non-vot Ing BOD members 9) No traIning offlcler

-~----------------- shy

1) Membersh I p a) 6 aSSOCiate or equivalent b) 4 others

2) Tax exemptable 3) Submit rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art tc les of

Incorp bylaws operational procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Certified Gp 6) Must pass Individual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 ror 1st yr) $ 45yr

afterwards 8) I non-vot tng BOD member 9) No training offlcier

(- Membership catagories J) Certified = Basic amp above 2) Assoc1ate = F1eld QualifIed Base aual1fled~ or other (non-trainee)

who is useq in non-mission work (eg radio repairman) 3) Trainee = Anyone attempting to become Field Qual1fled or Base

Qualified Ie anyone who Is a Ilablity on a SAA effort Therefore trainees shou1d not be al10wed on missions

4) Sustaining = Anyone offering material or financ1al support

Therefore the normal means of Joining and working up to be a certified member is TOT0

tra1nee assoc1ate cert1r1ed

catagory group vote

middotASRC vote

ASRC patch

MRA patch

cert1f1ed YES YES -


associate TBA NO YES NO

trainee TBA NO NO NO

TBA =It is up to the indivldual ~roup to determine whether it feels associatl~s or trainees should be allowed to vote in group affairs Obviously for associate groups associate members wi 11 be allowed to vote


I) G r() +-l 1-) f 04(0 j

3) AJM) +r_J ~ ~) De J~

5) T ~ ~J




l +c~ ~c Jtdu+~)

fVtJ~cJ PS If- (t

) to)

AJ tr~~Io~d Obullbull(~J IbP


~ Lo~

I ih~ 1-L VV1t ~t gt I) l ~ w-e-L)hr 1-1Hl

2) tc bull~ l) l S ~~tl 1(1)

3) tcs s-t-tT ~) 1 igt~~ ~J (5 - Irhu41laquo t~t-11) p)~i) ~A(l urmiddot Gr 1 JkS Gr-~ -

$) 4mn(r l Cbull4middot r ) h~t- ESIt ~ rn~ ~bullbull ( ltrmiddot

I) JOt- I) H)lt tt

2) 1~JIf PJ Alj


pl- ~r Et))

e~ t)i)

~ b~d-

) St+ ~ r~~ I) Ch-~(

Z) s~ vf e)r~~ 1) DewJIgtf j 1~4 ~ bull l

- AJ Vl~ fIj ~ 1Ie h_J-)


- ~ l~ ) G-to~th U ( bulljt a f

C=gt~(~middot--lgt 1) 1-41~ S~HJ~ W-ftmiddot Me-ben hf rV(jL ) s)


~ )~~ bullJc~ (3~ T _)

t 1)1jJ~ (I ~ --)

tJ~~ 1gt cJv~ -tto J shy

s~ J- Te__ co-bes Ie l=-~_J ~f~r

f covcrtllflt1_t A-f)shy ~ ~J J fsJt~

-) rnc r LDjO CDfJ CNfk J cH6-~

) CampMJmiddotW 1t-( B0 D v1 e cA iJ 101(

degrtAGf~) 5ho- b

I) Set- vr CIH-JI~fI JOcJ) I- IntlJ~~ l) D Jr ~H C-p

t) Re 4-~1 lt CJJI)J- Pr6 ( eJ-- a ~ If rot- (je-

Jo) of br t j p 2 -hr- J-J- I) 1) Co Ile f- egtc+ ~) lcs 5t--t-r ~v1 ake~ she-b ~ 1middot)middotJ ~t_ 5) )ti+~r- b~$ ekh (~)~~~-k 3) YfL -~ ~

I Ii bull A th -b f~) E~j~+-c E ll f HUJll - - C_ +-Ih- 1fIIcJ

1t) I

II bull Ir) - ~)

) JO(II t ~t tJ sfec~o _r J) 4 ss v A-gt I c S ~ It [)J

~~~ -~1L ~~cJ~t M f (f)


I) 51+- -r 1b~ I- fl1 cJrJ l) 400 M_t) fJ t~ t l A I

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403) 1 ~+- J(~ 3) TV04(IcYs

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) l d Bu

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() D~Vio~ TtC4-~~j Sh-i-L (~44IIJJ)

C) S k~lh - l 10) I1SflC- C -4 14 l) Jur i ~ ~ T(~~I)() h) a fv~ F- I J t(~I-oI

n) ~ (f EO 1l e _ ~

r a 11pound0 J~t__ Jo~ ~I

ttcJQt(~ L==gtI~_MO ) W(l~ -I -Je) J1fti~ hcc -t Pelll t SI- Coshy

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y) ) vJ()~ IC)4- CltJJshy IVte -k

) II fVP- (t-I ~) tgt~ F-J-~~L )

wi )A~ 5Ya-t1- c~~lt

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) sJ-~lr Ale I 0

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) ElCr J 10laquo4 f MAJ R ll4middot_ lfl I) If l5 f VGo (t 5

-1 _ SJJ-t I V V- G5 l) Cty J -0+ A-)ILshy

1) lgt1~ ~ 1f5rtc fIJ L4-~ It ~eJ ltA-t- C

-I PeN j fAJ J INV t ~~ J ~

3) raquoeveigtf Pc n c 5 J-J~ lf) 4LS (pound ~UL

t J ) -x(r- C L +

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) PS~rL jJ~ - 2 H~t J4T~t~6r y) It 2 C ~01middotlt s~_1if ~ ( s-) )vl0r Pc-lt c~ ~ 5e1f -T--~ Lt- p~ ~ fL

6) S vrf~- 5~ rt- ~

---------__-- -----_bull_--_

AJ laquo111


) ~s It e ~I ~ ) fJCf- J N eHC~r t) I FJ~~~ ) ~~h ) D-O( l-o J rJo

j) 1 E~ 12-- f1 j~ f--shyq) II po ~cc1 fpoundEft-i-gtgt

5) T~- er Nec- Ie-~

Shtgt(t- L

I) 1)bull1 C~ IVJ~ 1) PI __ )45 It C - - bulljtshy

Z) PI tmiddotJ pro~--t- reo pI -~ r-J r_

~) 1)o1-~~ e JIL_I v~fb L)

q) I Va hJQ V~eJ-J



Growth Increase field-associate ufimbership ~

E~drai6ing Complete tax exempt process

Administration Determine yearly goals Prepare membership purging process Plan meetings with each groups leadership corps ~~ ~

Operations Refine callout amp aler~procedures

Training Support growth goals Prepare for MRA testing

Interagency ~a~ Penn DER Penn SAR Co Support Medical Comm goals Limit other involvement (put own house in order)

Medical Refine EMS relationship-Define legalities

fsectAR Develop generic PSAR slide show

Advertising Develop generic slide show (regional education)

( i Communications Finish radio license renewal ~ s

~~ ~ ~ ~ f(5~ fci)) -1- laquo--8(0

G~ jtJG FCvuJJ

Fut-gtn COVlfA()





Administrative (Committee) Functions


equipment inventory

amp safety

Training (committee) SAR Standards deflnition SAR training manual Membership SAR testing Membership SAR training amp exercises Maintaining SAR training records Monitor membership SAR skills

Communications (committee) Maintain radio licenses Radio equipment deflnition amp purchase Radio equipment maintainance Radio equipment inventory Monitor rules regulations amp communication practices Help defme training standards training manual

amp ops manual as they apply to communications

tax exempt status


Medical (committee) Maintain EMS training records Defme and procure medical equipments Maintain medical equipment Defme medical practices Help define training standards training manual

amp ops manual as they apply to medical concerns

PSAR Develop PSAR materials Maintain Hug-A-Tree materials Teach PSAR

c) Advertising Support PSAR Support Finances Educate region Maintain logos Procure stationary

Plans amp Policies Defme regional goals amp policies Support regional efforts Develop ASRC short amp long term goals Review put goals Support intra-conference development Oversee all conference policies

Support medical policies Support training policies Support Ops policies Support communciation policies Support PSAR activities Support fmance activities

General Administration Oversee committees Maintain amp improve Conference morale Oversee Conference membership




Figure 1 o~nizatjons



~SNP ------ BOD] - ----MRAPENN DER

~ Other SIR teamPenn EMS -7 ~ WVaOESMd EMS

( r r -1 I I r r r r Ir I bull bull bullI I I I



~~~ SAR- -

UVa ~(~TCCo1~legiHOSPJ e~ES J(~rlcenniDERJVaSARCo LJ YuSAR~ l ttSARCo ~~ 1TJ EMS


~ ~--

Figure 2 Administration






-- - - - - T - - shyI middotbull middotmiddot


I I I middot middot PLANS amp PSARamp



Incident Commanders

Last Update 10 December 1986

Blue Ridge Mountain Rescue Group

Albert Sa ker

Robert Koester

Chris Metzler

Kevin Coyne

Brian Wheeler

Dave Carter

Shenandoah Mountain Rescue Group

Gary Mechtel

Kevin Parkes

Paul Torrence

Greg Shea

Al Rosen

Richmond Search and Rescue

Mark Pennington

Ralph Wilfong



TO ASRC certified members and other interested parties FROM G MechteI amp G Shea DATE 9186 PURPOSE Internalmiddot ASRC changes to streamline ASRC membership

catagorles and allow Asociate Groups to jotnthe ASRC

This handout contains specfic admendments to the ASRCs Articles of Incorporation and a general description of the proposed admendments to the ASRC Bylaws The specflc Bylaw admendments and motIons will be presented later but the contents of the proposed changes are outlined in the second and third f1gures presented herein The changes wl11 be brought before the ASRCs general membership on October Fourth and action will be taken at that time


Gary MechteI


Admendments to the ASRC Articles of Incorporation


Admendment = 1 Rewrite Article IV-Membership

Change C Associate Members D Auxiliary Members and E Sustaining Members

To C Associate Members and D Sustaining Members

Purpose This admendment removes the catagory of auxiliary member This membership type is not only unnecessary but is not

even being used Therefore lets purge it

Admendment = 2 Rewrite Article V-Board of Directors Section A

Change A Directors must be Certified members and shall be elected by the Certified membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

To A Directors must be Certified or Associate members and shall be elected by the Certified and Associate Membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

Purpose 1) This admendment allows for a greater pool of individuals to fill the post of member of the board of directors The onus is still on the groups to make sure they choose reasonable directors

-2) More importantly this admendment allows Associate Groups to have a member on the Board of Directors

AFFLI [-lfTtfj CERTIFIED GROUP ~5~ IAeJregoseOllp -shy

I) Meet

1) 2 vot ing BOD members 2) Membership

a) 6 certified members b) 4 associate c) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) BOD Approved Training


membership requirements

2) 6 month probat ionary period

3) 1 non-voting member of BOO

4) 1 voting member of BOD

5) BOD approva I (23 vote)

1) MInimum of 18 month probat lonary perJod

2) ~ro~ote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 1 ~~nth period wi at leas~ members=-

5) Meet membership requirements


1) Membership a) 2 certIfIed or equivalent b) 4 associate or equivalent c) 4 others

2) Tax exemptable 3) Submlt rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operat1onal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Cert1rt ed Gp 6) Must pass IndIvIdual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 2 non-vot Ing BOD members 9) No traInIng o(flcler

~ 1 vot~BOD-member - 2) Membership

a) 10 associate b) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) Any certified members are

considered ASRC membersshyat-largeshy

5) BOD approved Training Officier

1) Minimum of 18 month probationary period

2) BOD approval (23 vote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 18 month period wi at least 50 of membership

5) Meet membership requirements


1) MembershiPi4 el-$e (11 heIJ rlq-ftc a) 6 associate ~ middottSleiibt b) 4 others

2) Tax exemptab Ie 3) Subm 1t rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operatIonal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Certifled Gp 6) Must pass IndIvidual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 1 non-vot lng BOO member 9) No training officier


- M~ll1berhip catagories

J) Certiffed = Basic amp above 2) Associate = Ffeld Qualiffed Base Qualified or other (non-trainee)

who is used in non-mission work (eg radio repairman) 3) Trainee = Anyone attempting to become Field Qualfi~~ or Base

Qualified Ie anyone who is a Ilablity on a SAR effort Therefore trainees should not be allowed on missions

4) Sustaining = Anyone offering material or financial support

Therefore the normal means of jOining and working up to be a certHled member is TOT0

tra1nee assoctate certlrted

catagory group vote

ASRC vote

ASRC patch

MRA patch


associate TBA NO YES NO

trainee TBA NO NO NO

TBA = It is up to the individual group to determine whether it feels associates or trainees should be aIlowed to vote in groLlp affairsObvious Iy for associate groups associate members will be allowed to vote


-----shy -I

CER1J5=IEO 6~p

1 ) rHt~Crstfr) ~ tr~~ ttkWfbtfS

b) L ~e tgtt 1clJ

I qIIIj ssJmiddots f) ~ trat1e5 shy

3) 3 fHotTfh cOf(tht~~cI bullI (CVttws

rI) ~D ~pprbeJ IraI1~ O~ccr bull 5) ~p 1iE ~~ pcoc~s h tt~~


i) ~I1It oJt 10 r)101l pnlb-~-Mrr ) )tilIM 1DyJfofh pngthJrMri fetid)

I PtdOGt z) 6eYJtm( ft~fq5~ ~ffDII1 (13 lb1-e)~) ~~ I o iPI ( 2l oflt) 3 ) tipp( if 5f~onl J P 3) fppfJVIlI o~ ~fQ~ri~ jlbup ___~

-- Lf) 4~J i Con~-C t~ 11 ~ ItH ) Sa

l Ieriocl w crt- lect~- SfftItf~ AI-- tilamp wrt e) iccf ~buhlp l vi1----gt s) =gtlt

I Roet1TlCN~Rr CERttfJE D 6Rovtgt i

I) ntm~hf t) rntltlfb-efgthp


2 cerHt~tol Mert1bers A) amp~e or ~GfJ ~-d ~lJcl~k5 b) t1 bee or ~~IJ qlJ4[t-cJ aS~DCIc~J b) I athltr 5I

cd) t-l o+~lr5 l) j)( Qe~f~6kI

2) 1P)( eYt~thb1c ~) 5c~I+ ftlgtkr ~ allou of p~cdu IC 1

3) fbmi+ ~~kr ~ CAllou+ ~OlJrc

4) btte ~ hsRc J4rhlt1t o~ trlCOltmiddot I -I-raquo~) ~~ I OY(kJgt o~~1 ~(bcedurt~e~

0) t~~ortJ oy cerktd ~(bp -~raquo ~~( _ ) Ugt+ P6gt InJiviJvIl tYlcJ t~ -I) ro) 5-lt

l f) IS $ ==iOCi() ~t r~( -r- t) So~ I jS qoo rer I(~kr~rrlj

~) ~ (pA-V01tj bOb ~ 0) )lo-vo- -Or BcD ~r1ibv-9) Vo 1-0( ij a~~ctr -- q) ~c-lt

_~____ 16 fpy1 rY-=rlt) c)~l (2b V1~-J ~ IC gt-~

C)-iI) 2 I vt7tiIIj coD tcrs

I) 1n(d- rHrlilbcrsp


l) r1Ow1fh f~oh1 TenoJ

3) 4 t1()I)-n~ bt~ f Eou

1) 6eHI(Jd f1k~f ifppn_1 (ill ttl)

5) Cxouf f05e~5 tip l1)

tp It~+middot

I) I no t1-v0i inj CoQ 01 t~r

J) ~J(r~lip

(1) J0 b~ or 1idJ f~lFiJ A~Q~~(5

b) ~ -f1lccs

3) ~ 3 ~ ~r~~5iv( revieWS bull

4) 30 1) ~(4v-eJ ~(I~ ~1fccr



Appalachian Search and Rescue Conference Inc

AlHh_7 Ceneral Hoprtal Aftuiawd lh Wouftlaia acu Ateocialion 120 E Honh Avanu Ntioaal AMociMion for atcA ad ampcubull ad

Pltuburah PA 11212 Eutetzl Rqjon National Cave acue Commiion

ElllerleDCY PhODe (804) 323-2300 (VlrEiaia ElllerleDc OperatloDI CeDter)


ASRC Policy for Cve escue will not e one of initiAl response bullbullut will ampe one of notificAtion An~ Alert status As CR has a ~egionAI ystem developed And as the last ~egion ICRC works thru Viriinia DES Inter Conference-Commission escue will e possihle under the following uidelines

ICRC can request ASC cooperationcliu ASRC chain of co~n~A D~S ASRC personnel pre-trained or ASRC leRe personnel cross trained as cave

I ~ rescuers can participate in underground rescue Any AS personnel not trained in underground rescue will not e permitted uncerground in Any ~apcity Ion - traine~ ASC member Can act as ~ove ground personnel Since East egion JeRe ~ ~I C~ilizies the IC Command System1this interface of perso~el should present~ 1~1

~ ErobleJand ampotr commands will intergrate ~

Training for ASR~ penonnel for cave rescue at present may take place ia w-y of two training forms East Region 6ffers t~o day weeken~ orientation classes for basic cave res~ue anc can be accepted by ASRC as initial training ASC ill proide training lWJterials to its training Officers for cave rescue training This material will bamp5ically ee the same as ER ~CRC instructor will be availible for mutual training weekends

ASR COmmAnd will also reciprocate adn alert ER ~CRC of its mission for possible use of ER WeRC Personnell in ASRC Missions

~dde ~(1 ~ Or r(t~r~ cIeL J-I)( r-rcl ~ CRC Or~n ~ Asec ~~~

) 1-- pa~ J- J z dbi I

O~ ~

ASAC ~vdl~p~A~ 41~amp7-l~ ~~yenaamp-~ r~Lp Acfc I1SIC ~~tkIpound~ -tr_~ 4~~Ic ~ M-~yrc-ut cu7

I Ci P~lL1 ~~IU~~~J-t-~~ ~ -k~Ina-c( d ~tVJr Jk~- tff~- ~5( ~Lx-(J- tt~~ t T U-~~-Mj m e-ult-c r~ 41~Jd 4-tr al- f

4cbT- I ~ t-fC p~rLl d1 7~t- 11 gtRc fI~r

ltKt0 (Ll ( - ~---~ l~



PO BOX 440



4 September ]986

TO All Certified ASRC members A11J( FROM Albert Baker ASRC Chairman g~i Re Membership meeting

An ASRC membership meeting has been scheduled for Saturday 4 Octaber at Peabody Hall at the University of Virginia (sorry AMRG) Please make every effort to attend or to send your written proxy Proxies may be sent with any member attending the meeting or may be mailed to the secretary at the above address A tentative agenda may be found below

I Call to Order II Discussion of past minutes

III Committee reports Operations

I Communications I l~ Training

Finance Ad hoc--Technical rescue standards

IV Group reports V Old business Associate groups policy revised

membership classes DES memo of understanding Input to the Pa DER Emergency medicine workshop

VI New business ASRC as an MRA region Richmond group Other business

(- Membership catagories J) Certified = Basic amp above 2) Assoc1ate = F1eld QualifIed Base aual1fled~ or other (non-trainee)

who is useq in non-mission work (eg radio repairman) 3) Trainee = Anyone attempting to become Field Qual1fled or Base

Qualified Ie anyone who Is a Ilablity on a SAA effort Therefore trainees shou1d not be al10wed on missions

4) Sustaining = Anyone offering material or financ1al support

Therefore the normal means of Joining and working up to be a certified member is TOT0

tra1nee assoc1ate cert1r1ed

catagory group vote

middotASRC vote

ASRC patch

MRA patch

cert1f1ed YES YES -


associate TBA NO YES NO

trainee TBA NO NO NO

TBA =It is up to the indivldual ~roup to determine whether it feels associatl~s or trainees should be allowed to vote in group affairs Obviously for associate groups associate members wi 11 be allowed to vote


I) G r() +-l 1-) f 04(0 j

3) AJM) +r_J ~ ~) De J~

5) T ~ ~J




l +c~ ~c Jtdu+~)

fVtJ~cJ PS If- (t

) to)

AJ tr~~Io~d Obullbull(~J IbP


~ Lo~

I ih~ 1-L VV1t ~t gt I) l ~ w-e-L)hr 1-1Hl

2) tc bull~ l) l S ~~tl 1(1)

3) tcs s-t-tT ~) 1 igt~~ ~J (5 - Irhu41laquo t~t-11) p)~i) ~A(l urmiddot Gr 1 JkS Gr-~ -

$) 4mn(r l Cbull4middot r ) h~t- ESIt ~ rn~ ~bullbull ( ltrmiddot

I) JOt- I) H)lt tt

2) 1~JIf PJ Alj


pl- ~r Et))

e~ t)i)

~ b~d-

) St+ ~ r~~ I) Ch-~(

Z) s~ vf e)r~~ 1) DewJIgtf j 1~4 ~ bull l

- AJ Vl~ fIj ~ 1Ie h_J-)


- ~ l~ ) G-to~th U ( bulljt a f

C=gt~(~middot--lgt 1) 1-41~ S~HJ~ W-ftmiddot Me-ben hf rV(jL ) s)


~ )~~ bullJc~ (3~ T _)

t 1)1jJ~ (I ~ --)

tJ~~ 1gt cJv~ -tto J shy

s~ J- Te__ co-bes Ie l=-~_J ~f~r

f covcrtllflt1_t A-f)shy ~ ~J J fsJt~

-) rnc r LDjO CDfJ CNfk J cH6-~

) CampMJmiddotW 1t-( B0 D v1 e cA iJ 101(

degrtAGf~) 5ho- b

I) Set- vr CIH-JI~fI JOcJ) I- IntlJ~~ l) D Jr ~H C-p

t) Re 4-~1 lt CJJI)J- Pr6 ( eJ-- a ~ If rot- (je-

Jo) of br t j p 2 -hr- J-J- I) 1) Co Ile f- egtc+ ~) lcs 5t--t-r ~v1 ake~ she-b ~ 1middot)middotJ ~t_ 5) )ti+~r- b~$ ekh (~)~~~-k 3) YfL -~ ~

I Ii bull A th -b f~) E~j~+-c E ll f HUJll - - C_ +-Ih- 1fIIcJ

1t) I

II bull Ir) - ~)

) JO(II t ~t tJ sfec~o _r J) 4 ss v A-gt I c S ~ It [)J

~~~ -~1L ~~cJ~t M f (f)


I) 51+- -r 1b~ I- fl1 cJrJ l) 400 M_t) fJ t~ t l A I

Il) l do J ~ AI$o I- t) CAtgt t cJ

403) 1 ~+- J(~ 3) TV04(IcYs

~) L1 s 1elIs - IeJmiddot

) l d Bu

) ~ 5lc~tI~ - TvlltJ =t) 1- Jl Ilt fH

() D~Vio~ TtC4-~~j Sh-i-L (~44IIJJ)

C) S k~lh - l 10) I1SflC- C -4 14 l) Jur i ~ ~ T(~~I)() h) a fv~ F- I J t(~I-oI

n) ~ (f EO 1l e _ ~

r a 11pound0 J~t__ Jo~ ~I

ttcJQt(~ L==gtI~_MO ) W(l~ -I -Je) J1fti~ hcc -t Pelll t SI- Coshy

l) II 1 VfA OU ) wl v NA-Jfshy

pJ 3) OIJ~r 5e ~ F-eJs31 I ) H~)

y) ) vJ()~ IC)4- CltJJshy IVte -k

) II fVP- (t-I ~) tgt~ F-J-~~L )

wi )A~ 5Ya-t1- c~~lt

~) H -f w ~) ( -I (l~ C(IMmiddot

) sJ-~lr Ale I 0

1~ t-~ to_~ S~ IL )~) l2 ~ Il ~l 111( ( Aamp~middot~O___

) ElCr J 10laquo4 f MAJ R ll4middot_ lfl I) If l5 f VGo (t 5

-1 _ SJJ-t I V V- G5 l) Cty J -0+ A-)ILshy

1) lgt1~ ~ 1f5rtc fIJ L4-~ It ~eJ ltA-t- C

-I PeN j fAJ J INV t ~~ J ~

3) raquoeveigtf Pc n c 5 J-J~ lf) 4LS (pound ~UL

t J ) -x(r- C L +

ctlllt Jf s 1t- - ATIt~ rJe~

t) rrOC rC 51~Ju ~ H~-4 -Tre-e c) C~ ~ITv =-t ~

) PS~rL jJ~ - 2 H~t J4T~t~6r y) It 2 C ~01middotlt s~_1if ~ ( s-) )vl0r Pc-lt c~ ~ 5e1f -T--~ Lt- p~ ~ fL

6) S vrf~- 5~ rt- ~

---------__-- -----_bull_--_

AJ laquo111


) ~s It e ~I ~ ) fJCf- J N eHC~r t) I FJ~~~ ) ~~h ) D-O( l-o J rJo

j) 1 E~ 12-- f1 j~ f--shyq) II po ~cc1 fpoundEft-i-gtgt

5) T~- er Nec- Ie-~

Shtgt(t- L

I) 1)bull1 C~ IVJ~ 1) PI __ )45 It C - - bulljtshy

Z) PI tmiddotJ pro~--t- reo pI -~ r-J r_

~) 1)o1-~~ e JIL_I v~fb L)

q) I Va hJQ V~eJ-J



Growth Increase field-associate ufimbership ~

E~drai6ing Complete tax exempt process

Administration Determine yearly goals Prepare membership purging process Plan meetings with each groups leadership corps ~~ ~

Operations Refine callout amp aler~procedures

Training Support growth goals Prepare for MRA testing

Interagency ~a~ Penn DER Penn SAR Co Support Medical Comm goals Limit other involvement (put own house in order)

Medical Refine EMS relationship-Define legalities

fsectAR Develop generic PSAR slide show

Advertising Develop generic slide show (regional education)

( i Communications Finish radio license renewal ~ s

~~ ~ ~ ~ f(5~ fci)) -1- laquo--8(0

G~ jtJG FCvuJJ

Fut-gtn COVlfA()





Administrative (Committee) Functions


equipment inventory

amp safety

Training (committee) SAR Standards deflnition SAR training manual Membership SAR testing Membership SAR training amp exercises Maintaining SAR training records Monitor membership SAR skills

Communications (committee) Maintain radio licenses Radio equipment deflnition amp purchase Radio equipment maintainance Radio equipment inventory Monitor rules regulations amp communication practices Help defme training standards training manual

amp ops manual as they apply to communications

tax exempt status


Medical (committee) Maintain EMS training records Defme and procure medical equipments Maintain medical equipment Defme medical practices Help define training standards training manual

amp ops manual as they apply to medical concerns

PSAR Develop PSAR materials Maintain Hug-A-Tree materials Teach PSAR

c) Advertising Support PSAR Support Finances Educate region Maintain logos Procure stationary

Plans amp Policies Defme regional goals amp policies Support regional efforts Develop ASRC short amp long term goals Review put goals Support intra-conference development Oversee all conference policies

Support medical policies Support training policies Support Ops policies Support communciation policies Support PSAR activities Support fmance activities

General Administration Oversee committees Maintain amp improve Conference morale Oversee Conference membership




Figure 1 o~nizatjons



~SNP ------ BOD] - ----MRAPENN DER

~ Other SIR teamPenn EMS -7 ~ WVaOESMd EMS

( r r -1 I I r r r r Ir I bull bull bullI I I I



~~~ SAR- -

UVa ~(~TCCo1~legiHOSPJ e~ES J(~rlcenniDERJVaSARCo LJ YuSAR~ l ttSARCo ~~ 1TJ EMS


~ ~--

Figure 2 Administration






-- - - - - T - - shyI middotbull middotmiddot


I I I middot middot PLANS amp PSARamp



Incident Commanders

Last Update 10 December 1986

Blue Ridge Mountain Rescue Group

Albert Sa ker

Robert Koester

Chris Metzler

Kevin Coyne

Brian Wheeler

Dave Carter

Shenandoah Mountain Rescue Group

Gary Mechtel

Kevin Parkes

Paul Torrence

Greg Shea

Al Rosen

Richmond Search and Rescue

Mark Pennington

Ralph Wilfong



TO ASRC certified members and other interested parties FROM G MechteI amp G Shea DATE 9186 PURPOSE Internalmiddot ASRC changes to streamline ASRC membership

catagorles and allow Asociate Groups to jotnthe ASRC

This handout contains specfic admendments to the ASRCs Articles of Incorporation and a general description of the proposed admendments to the ASRC Bylaws The specflc Bylaw admendments and motIons will be presented later but the contents of the proposed changes are outlined in the second and third f1gures presented herein The changes wl11 be brought before the ASRCs general membership on October Fourth and action will be taken at that time


Gary MechteI


Admendments to the ASRC Articles of Incorporation


Admendment = 1 Rewrite Article IV-Membership

Change C Associate Members D Auxiliary Members and E Sustaining Members

To C Associate Members and D Sustaining Members

Purpose This admendment removes the catagory of auxiliary member This membership type is not only unnecessary but is not

even being used Therefore lets purge it

Admendment = 2 Rewrite Article V-Board of Directors Section A

Change A Directors must be Certified members and shall be elected by the Certified membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

To A Directors must be Certified or Associate members and shall be elected by the Certified and Associate Membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

Purpose 1) This admendment allows for a greater pool of individuals to fill the post of member of the board of directors The onus is still on the groups to make sure they choose reasonable directors

-2) More importantly this admendment allows Associate Groups to have a member on the Board of Directors

AFFLI [-lfTtfj CERTIFIED GROUP ~5~ IAeJregoseOllp -shy

I) Meet

1) 2 vot ing BOD members 2) Membership

a) 6 certified members b) 4 associate c) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) BOD Approved Training


membership requirements

2) 6 month probat ionary period

3) 1 non-voting member of BOO

4) 1 voting member of BOD

5) BOD approva I (23 vote)

1) MInimum of 18 month probat lonary perJod

2) ~ro~ote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 1 ~~nth period wi at leas~ members=-

5) Meet membership requirements


1) Membership a) 2 certIfIed or equivalent b) 4 associate or equivalent c) 4 others

2) Tax exemptable 3) Submlt rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operat1onal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Cert1rt ed Gp 6) Must pass IndIvIdual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 2 non-vot Ing BOD members 9) No traInIng o(flcler

~ 1 vot~BOD-member - 2) Membership

a) 10 associate b) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) Any certified members are

considered ASRC membersshyat-largeshy

5) BOD approved Training Officier

1) Minimum of 18 month probationary period

2) BOD approval (23 vote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 18 month period wi at least 50 of membership

5) Meet membership requirements


1) MembershiPi4 el-$e (11 heIJ rlq-ftc a) 6 associate ~ middottSleiibt b) 4 others

2) Tax exemptab Ie 3) Subm 1t rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operatIonal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Certifled Gp 6) Must pass IndIvidual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 1 non-vot lng BOO member 9) No training officier


- M~ll1berhip catagories

J) Certiffed = Basic amp above 2) Associate = Ffeld Qualiffed Base Qualified or other (non-trainee)

who is used in non-mission work (eg radio repairman) 3) Trainee = Anyone attempting to become Field Qualfi~~ or Base

Qualified Ie anyone who is a Ilablity on a SAR effort Therefore trainees should not be allowed on missions

4) Sustaining = Anyone offering material or financial support

Therefore the normal means of jOining and working up to be a certHled member is TOT0

tra1nee assoctate certlrted

catagory group vote

ASRC vote

ASRC patch

MRA patch


associate TBA NO YES NO

trainee TBA NO NO NO

TBA = It is up to the individual group to determine whether it feels associates or trainees should be aIlowed to vote in groLlp affairsObvious Iy for associate groups associate members will be allowed to vote


-----shy -I

CER1J5=IEO 6~p

1 ) rHt~Crstfr) ~ tr~~ ttkWfbtfS

b) L ~e tgtt 1clJ

I qIIIj ssJmiddots f) ~ trat1e5 shy

3) 3 fHotTfh cOf(tht~~cI bullI (CVttws

rI) ~D ~pprbeJ IraI1~ O~ccr bull 5) ~p 1iE ~~ pcoc~s h tt~~


i) ~I1It oJt 10 r)101l pnlb-~-Mrr ) )tilIM 1DyJfofh pngthJrMri fetid)

I PtdOGt z) 6eYJtm( ft~fq5~ ~ffDII1 (13 lb1-e)~) ~~ I o iPI ( 2l oflt) 3 ) tipp( if 5f~onl J P 3) fppfJVIlI o~ ~fQ~ri~ jlbup ___~

-- Lf) 4~J i Con~-C t~ 11 ~ ItH ) Sa

l Ieriocl w crt- lect~- SfftItf~ AI-- tilamp wrt e) iccf ~buhlp l vi1----gt s) =gtlt

I Roet1TlCN~Rr CERttfJE D 6Rovtgt i

I) ntm~hf t) rntltlfb-efgthp


2 cerHt~tol Mert1bers A) amp~e or ~GfJ ~-d ~lJcl~k5 b) t1 bee or ~~IJ qlJ4[t-cJ aS~DCIc~J b) I athltr 5I

cd) t-l o+~lr5 l) j)( Qe~f~6kI

2) 1P)( eYt~thb1c ~) 5c~I+ ftlgtkr ~ allou of p~cdu IC 1

3) fbmi+ ~~kr ~ CAllou+ ~OlJrc

4) btte ~ hsRc J4rhlt1t o~ trlCOltmiddot I -I-raquo~) ~~ I OY(kJgt o~~1 ~(bcedurt~e~

0) t~~ortJ oy cerktd ~(bp -~raquo ~~( _ ) Ugt+ P6gt InJiviJvIl tYlcJ t~ -I) ro) 5-lt

l f) IS $ ==iOCi() ~t r~( -r- t) So~ I jS qoo rer I(~kr~rrlj

~) ~ (pA-V01tj bOb ~ 0) )lo-vo- -Or BcD ~r1ibv-9) Vo 1-0( ij a~~ctr -- q) ~c-lt

_~____ 16 fpy1 rY-=rlt) c)~l (2b V1~-J ~ IC gt-~

C)-iI) 2 I vt7tiIIj coD tcrs

I) 1n(d- rHrlilbcrsp


l) r1Ow1fh f~oh1 TenoJ

3) 4 t1()I)-n~ bt~ f Eou

1) 6eHI(Jd f1k~f ifppn_1 (ill ttl)

5) Cxouf f05e~5 tip l1)

tp It~+middot

I) I no t1-v0i inj CoQ 01 t~r

J) ~J(r~lip

(1) J0 b~ or 1idJ f~lFiJ A~Q~~(5

b) ~ -f1lccs

3) ~ 3 ~ ~r~~5iv( revieWS bull

4) 30 1) ~(4v-eJ ~(I~ ~1fccr



Appalachian Search and Rescue Conference Inc

AlHh_7 Ceneral Hoprtal Aftuiawd lh Wouftlaia acu Ateocialion 120 E Honh Avanu Ntioaal AMociMion for atcA ad ampcubull ad

Pltuburah PA 11212 Eutetzl Rqjon National Cave acue Commiion

ElllerleDCY PhODe (804) 323-2300 (VlrEiaia ElllerleDc OperatloDI CeDter)


ASRC Policy for Cve escue will not e one of initiAl response bullbullut will ampe one of notificAtion An~ Alert status As CR has a ~egionAI ystem developed And as the last ~egion ICRC works thru Viriinia DES Inter Conference-Commission escue will e possihle under the following uidelines

ICRC can request ASC cooperationcliu ASRC chain of co~n~A D~S ASRC personnel pre-trained or ASRC leRe personnel cross trained as cave

I ~ rescuers can participate in underground rescue Any AS personnel not trained in underground rescue will not e permitted uncerground in Any ~apcity Ion - traine~ ASC member Can act as ~ove ground personnel Since East egion JeRe ~ ~I C~ilizies the IC Command System1this interface of perso~el should present~ 1~1

~ ErobleJand ampotr commands will intergrate ~

Training for ASR~ penonnel for cave rescue at present may take place ia w-y of two training forms East Region 6ffers t~o day weeken~ orientation classes for basic cave res~ue anc can be accepted by ASRC as initial training ASC ill proide training lWJterials to its training Officers for cave rescue training This material will bamp5ically ee the same as ER ~CRC instructor will be availible for mutual training weekends

ASR COmmAnd will also reciprocate adn alert ER ~CRC of its mission for possible use of ER WeRC Personnell in ASRC Missions

~dde ~(1 ~ Or r(t~r~ cIeL J-I)( r-rcl ~ CRC Or~n ~ Asec ~~~

) 1-- pa~ J- J z dbi I

O~ ~

ASAC ~vdl~p~A~ 41~amp7-l~ ~~yenaamp-~ r~Lp Acfc I1SIC ~~tkIpound~ -tr_~ 4~~Ic ~ M-~yrc-ut cu7

I Ci P~lL1 ~~IU~~~J-t-~~ ~ -k~Ina-c( d ~tVJr Jk~- tff~- ~5( ~Lx-(J- tt~~ t T U-~~-Mj m e-ult-c r~ 41~Jd 4-tr al- f

4cbT- I ~ t-fC p~rLl d1 7~t- 11 gtRc fI~r

ltKt0 (Ll ( - ~---~ l~



PO BOX 440



4 September ]986

TO All Certified ASRC members A11J( FROM Albert Baker ASRC Chairman g~i Re Membership meeting

An ASRC membership meeting has been scheduled for Saturday 4 Octaber at Peabody Hall at the University of Virginia (sorry AMRG) Please make every effort to attend or to send your written proxy Proxies may be sent with any member attending the meeting or may be mailed to the secretary at the above address A tentative agenda may be found below

I Call to Order II Discussion of past minutes

III Committee reports Operations

I Communications I l~ Training

Finance Ad hoc--Technical rescue standards

IV Group reports V Old business Associate groups policy revised

membership classes DES memo of understanding Input to the Pa DER Emergency medicine workshop

VI New business ASRC as an MRA region Richmond group Other business

I) G r() +-l 1-) f 04(0 j

3) AJM) +r_J ~ ~) De J~

5) T ~ ~J




l +c~ ~c Jtdu+~)

fVtJ~cJ PS If- (t

) to)

AJ tr~~Io~d Obullbull(~J IbP


~ Lo~

I ih~ 1-L VV1t ~t gt I) l ~ w-e-L)hr 1-1Hl

2) tc bull~ l) l S ~~tl 1(1)

3) tcs s-t-tT ~) 1 igt~~ ~J (5 - Irhu41laquo t~t-11) p)~i) ~A(l urmiddot Gr 1 JkS Gr-~ -

$) 4mn(r l Cbull4middot r ) h~t- ESIt ~ rn~ ~bullbull ( ltrmiddot

I) JOt- I) H)lt tt

2) 1~JIf PJ Alj


pl- ~r Et))

e~ t)i)

~ b~d-

) St+ ~ r~~ I) Ch-~(

Z) s~ vf e)r~~ 1) DewJIgtf j 1~4 ~ bull l

- AJ Vl~ fIj ~ 1Ie h_J-)


- ~ l~ ) G-to~th U ( bulljt a f

C=gt~(~middot--lgt 1) 1-41~ S~HJ~ W-ftmiddot Me-ben hf rV(jL ) s)


~ )~~ bullJc~ (3~ T _)

t 1)1jJ~ (I ~ --)

tJ~~ 1gt cJv~ -tto J shy

s~ J- Te__ co-bes Ie l=-~_J ~f~r

f covcrtllflt1_t A-f)shy ~ ~J J fsJt~

-) rnc r LDjO CDfJ CNfk J cH6-~

) CampMJmiddotW 1t-( B0 D v1 e cA iJ 101(

degrtAGf~) 5ho- b

I) Set- vr CIH-JI~fI JOcJ) I- IntlJ~~ l) D Jr ~H C-p

t) Re 4-~1 lt CJJI)J- Pr6 ( eJ-- a ~ If rot- (je-

Jo) of br t j p 2 -hr- J-J- I) 1) Co Ile f- egtc+ ~) lcs 5t--t-r ~v1 ake~ she-b ~ 1middot)middotJ ~t_ 5) )ti+~r- b~$ ekh (~)~~~-k 3) YfL -~ ~

I Ii bull A th -b f~) E~j~+-c E ll f HUJll - - C_ +-Ih- 1fIIcJ

1t) I

II bull Ir) - ~)

) JO(II t ~t tJ sfec~o _r J) 4 ss v A-gt I c S ~ It [)J

~~~ -~1L ~~cJ~t M f (f)


I) 51+- -r 1b~ I- fl1 cJrJ l) 400 M_t) fJ t~ t l A I

Il) l do J ~ AI$o I- t) CAtgt t cJ

403) 1 ~+- J(~ 3) TV04(IcYs

~) L1 s 1elIs - IeJmiddot

) l d Bu

) ~ 5lc~tI~ - TvlltJ =t) 1- Jl Ilt fH

() D~Vio~ TtC4-~~j Sh-i-L (~44IIJJ)

C) S k~lh - l 10) I1SflC- C -4 14 l) Jur i ~ ~ T(~~I)() h) a fv~ F- I J t(~I-oI

n) ~ (f EO 1l e _ ~

r a 11pound0 J~t__ Jo~ ~I

ttcJQt(~ L==gtI~_MO ) W(l~ -I -Je) J1fti~ hcc -t Pelll t SI- Coshy

l) II 1 VfA OU ) wl v NA-Jfshy

pJ 3) OIJ~r 5e ~ F-eJs31 I ) H~)

y) ) vJ()~ IC)4- CltJJshy IVte -k

) II fVP- (t-I ~) tgt~ F-J-~~L )

wi )A~ 5Ya-t1- c~~lt

~) H -f w ~) ( -I (l~ C(IMmiddot

) sJ-~lr Ale I 0

1~ t-~ to_~ S~ IL )~) l2 ~ Il ~l 111( ( Aamp~middot~O___

) ElCr J 10laquo4 f MAJ R ll4middot_ lfl I) If l5 f VGo (t 5

-1 _ SJJ-t I V V- G5 l) Cty J -0+ A-)ILshy

1) lgt1~ ~ 1f5rtc fIJ L4-~ It ~eJ ltA-t- C

-I PeN j fAJ J INV t ~~ J ~

3) raquoeveigtf Pc n c 5 J-J~ lf) 4LS (pound ~UL

t J ) -x(r- C L +

ctlllt Jf s 1t- - ATIt~ rJe~

t) rrOC rC 51~Ju ~ H~-4 -Tre-e c) C~ ~ITv =-t ~

) PS~rL jJ~ - 2 H~t J4T~t~6r y) It 2 C ~01middotlt s~_1if ~ ( s-) )vl0r Pc-lt c~ ~ 5e1f -T--~ Lt- p~ ~ fL

6) S vrf~- 5~ rt- ~

---------__-- -----_bull_--_

AJ laquo111


) ~s It e ~I ~ ) fJCf- J N eHC~r t) I FJ~~~ ) ~~h ) D-O( l-o J rJo

j) 1 E~ 12-- f1 j~ f--shyq) II po ~cc1 fpoundEft-i-gtgt

5) T~- er Nec- Ie-~

Shtgt(t- L

I) 1)bull1 C~ IVJ~ 1) PI __ )45 It C - - bulljtshy

Z) PI tmiddotJ pro~--t- reo pI -~ r-J r_

~) 1)o1-~~ e JIL_I v~fb L)

q) I Va hJQ V~eJ-J



Growth Increase field-associate ufimbership ~

E~drai6ing Complete tax exempt process

Administration Determine yearly goals Prepare membership purging process Plan meetings with each groups leadership corps ~~ ~

Operations Refine callout amp aler~procedures

Training Support growth goals Prepare for MRA testing

Interagency ~a~ Penn DER Penn SAR Co Support Medical Comm goals Limit other involvement (put own house in order)

Medical Refine EMS relationship-Define legalities

fsectAR Develop generic PSAR slide show

Advertising Develop generic slide show (regional education)

( i Communications Finish radio license renewal ~ s

~~ ~ ~ ~ f(5~ fci)) -1- laquo--8(0

G~ jtJG FCvuJJ

Fut-gtn COVlfA()





Administrative (Committee) Functions


equipment inventory

amp safety

Training (committee) SAR Standards deflnition SAR training manual Membership SAR testing Membership SAR training amp exercises Maintaining SAR training records Monitor membership SAR skills

Communications (committee) Maintain radio licenses Radio equipment deflnition amp purchase Radio equipment maintainance Radio equipment inventory Monitor rules regulations amp communication practices Help defme training standards training manual

amp ops manual as they apply to communications

tax exempt status


Medical (committee) Maintain EMS training records Defme and procure medical equipments Maintain medical equipment Defme medical practices Help define training standards training manual

amp ops manual as they apply to medical concerns

PSAR Develop PSAR materials Maintain Hug-A-Tree materials Teach PSAR

c) Advertising Support PSAR Support Finances Educate region Maintain logos Procure stationary

Plans amp Policies Defme regional goals amp policies Support regional efforts Develop ASRC short amp long term goals Review put goals Support intra-conference development Oversee all conference policies

Support medical policies Support training policies Support Ops policies Support communciation policies Support PSAR activities Support fmance activities

General Administration Oversee committees Maintain amp improve Conference morale Oversee Conference membership




Figure 1 o~nizatjons



~SNP ------ BOD] - ----MRAPENN DER

~ Other SIR teamPenn EMS -7 ~ WVaOESMd EMS

( r r -1 I I r r r r Ir I bull bull bullI I I I



~~~ SAR- -

UVa ~(~TCCo1~legiHOSPJ e~ES J(~rlcenniDERJVaSARCo LJ YuSAR~ l ttSARCo ~~ 1TJ EMS


~ ~--

Figure 2 Administration






-- - - - - T - - shyI middotbull middotmiddot


I I I middot middot PLANS amp PSARamp



Incident Commanders

Last Update 10 December 1986

Blue Ridge Mountain Rescue Group

Albert Sa ker

Robert Koester

Chris Metzler

Kevin Coyne

Brian Wheeler

Dave Carter

Shenandoah Mountain Rescue Group

Gary Mechtel

Kevin Parkes

Paul Torrence

Greg Shea

Al Rosen

Richmond Search and Rescue

Mark Pennington

Ralph Wilfong



TO ASRC certified members and other interested parties FROM G MechteI amp G Shea DATE 9186 PURPOSE Internalmiddot ASRC changes to streamline ASRC membership

catagorles and allow Asociate Groups to jotnthe ASRC

This handout contains specfic admendments to the ASRCs Articles of Incorporation and a general description of the proposed admendments to the ASRC Bylaws The specflc Bylaw admendments and motIons will be presented later but the contents of the proposed changes are outlined in the second and third f1gures presented herein The changes wl11 be brought before the ASRCs general membership on October Fourth and action will be taken at that time


Gary MechteI


Admendments to the ASRC Articles of Incorporation


Admendment = 1 Rewrite Article IV-Membership

Change C Associate Members D Auxiliary Members and E Sustaining Members

To C Associate Members and D Sustaining Members

Purpose This admendment removes the catagory of auxiliary member This membership type is not only unnecessary but is not

even being used Therefore lets purge it

Admendment = 2 Rewrite Article V-Board of Directors Section A

Change A Directors must be Certified members and shall be elected by the Certified membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

To A Directors must be Certified or Associate members and shall be elected by the Certified and Associate Membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

Purpose 1) This admendment allows for a greater pool of individuals to fill the post of member of the board of directors The onus is still on the groups to make sure they choose reasonable directors

-2) More importantly this admendment allows Associate Groups to have a member on the Board of Directors

AFFLI [-lfTtfj CERTIFIED GROUP ~5~ IAeJregoseOllp -shy

I) Meet

1) 2 vot ing BOD members 2) Membership

a) 6 certified members b) 4 associate c) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) BOD Approved Training


membership requirements

2) 6 month probat ionary period

3) 1 non-voting member of BOO

4) 1 voting member of BOD

5) BOD approva I (23 vote)

1) MInimum of 18 month probat lonary perJod

2) ~ro~ote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 1 ~~nth period wi at leas~ members=-

5) Meet membership requirements


1) Membership a) 2 certIfIed or equivalent b) 4 associate or equivalent c) 4 others

2) Tax exemptable 3) Submlt rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operat1onal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Cert1rt ed Gp 6) Must pass IndIvIdual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 2 non-vot Ing BOD members 9) No traInIng o(flcler

~ 1 vot~BOD-member - 2) Membership

a) 10 associate b) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) Any certified members are

considered ASRC membersshyat-largeshy

5) BOD approved Training Officier

1) Minimum of 18 month probationary period

2) BOD approval (23 vote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 18 month period wi at least 50 of membership

5) Meet membership requirements


1) MembershiPi4 el-$e (11 heIJ rlq-ftc a) 6 associate ~ middottSleiibt b) 4 others

2) Tax exemptab Ie 3) Subm 1t rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operatIonal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Certifled Gp 6) Must pass IndIvidual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 1 non-vot lng BOO member 9) No training officier


- M~ll1berhip catagories

J) Certiffed = Basic amp above 2) Associate = Ffeld Qualiffed Base Qualified or other (non-trainee)

who is used in non-mission work (eg radio repairman) 3) Trainee = Anyone attempting to become Field Qualfi~~ or Base

Qualified Ie anyone who is a Ilablity on a SAR effort Therefore trainees should not be allowed on missions

4) Sustaining = Anyone offering material or financial support

Therefore the normal means of jOining and working up to be a certHled member is TOT0

tra1nee assoctate certlrted

catagory group vote

ASRC vote

ASRC patch

MRA patch


associate TBA NO YES NO

trainee TBA NO NO NO

TBA = It is up to the individual group to determine whether it feels associates or trainees should be aIlowed to vote in groLlp affairsObvious Iy for associate groups associate members will be allowed to vote


-----shy -I

CER1J5=IEO 6~p

1 ) rHt~Crstfr) ~ tr~~ ttkWfbtfS

b) L ~e tgtt 1clJ

I qIIIj ssJmiddots f) ~ trat1e5 shy

3) 3 fHotTfh cOf(tht~~cI bullI (CVttws

rI) ~D ~pprbeJ IraI1~ O~ccr bull 5) ~p 1iE ~~ pcoc~s h tt~~


i) ~I1It oJt 10 r)101l pnlb-~-Mrr ) )tilIM 1DyJfofh pngthJrMri fetid)

I PtdOGt z) 6eYJtm( ft~fq5~ ~ffDII1 (13 lb1-e)~) ~~ I o iPI ( 2l oflt) 3 ) tipp( if 5f~onl J P 3) fppfJVIlI o~ ~fQ~ri~ jlbup ___~

-- Lf) 4~J i Con~-C t~ 11 ~ ItH ) Sa

l Ieriocl w crt- lect~- SfftItf~ AI-- tilamp wrt e) iccf ~buhlp l vi1----gt s) =gtlt

I Roet1TlCN~Rr CERttfJE D 6Rovtgt i

I) ntm~hf t) rntltlfb-efgthp


2 cerHt~tol Mert1bers A) amp~e or ~GfJ ~-d ~lJcl~k5 b) t1 bee or ~~IJ qlJ4[t-cJ aS~DCIc~J b) I athltr 5I

cd) t-l o+~lr5 l) j)( Qe~f~6kI

2) 1P)( eYt~thb1c ~) 5c~I+ ftlgtkr ~ allou of p~cdu IC 1

3) fbmi+ ~~kr ~ CAllou+ ~OlJrc

4) btte ~ hsRc J4rhlt1t o~ trlCOltmiddot I -I-raquo~) ~~ I OY(kJgt o~~1 ~(bcedurt~e~

0) t~~ortJ oy cerktd ~(bp -~raquo ~~( _ ) Ugt+ P6gt InJiviJvIl tYlcJ t~ -I) ro) 5-lt

l f) IS $ ==iOCi() ~t r~( -r- t) So~ I jS qoo rer I(~kr~rrlj

~) ~ (pA-V01tj bOb ~ 0) )lo-vo- -Or BcD ~r1ibv-9) Vo 1-0( ij a~~ctr -- q) ~c-lt

_~____ 16 fpy1 rY-=rlt) c)~l (2b V1~-J ~ IC gt-~

C)-iI) 2 I vt7tiIIj coD tcrs

I) 1n(d- rHrlilbcrsp


l) r1Ow1fh f~oh1 TenoJ

3) 4 t1()I)-n~ bt~ f Eou

1) 6eHI(Jd f1k~f ifppn_1 (ill ttl)

5) Cxouf f05e~5 tip l1)

tp It~+middot

I) I no t1-v0i inj CoQ 01 t~r

J) ~J(r~lip

(1) J0 b~ or 1idJ f~lFiJ A~Q~~(5

b) ~ -f1lccs

3) ~ 3 ~ ~r~~5iv( revieWS bull

4) 30 1) ~(4v-eJ ~(I~ ~1fccr



Appalachian Search and Rescue Conference Inc

AlHh_7 Ceneral Hoprtal Aftuiawd lh Wouftlaia acu Ateocialion 120 E Honh Avanu Ntioaal AMociMion for atcA ad ampcubull ad

Pltuburah PA 11212 Eutetzl Rqjon National Cave acue Commiion

ElllerleDCY PhODe (804) 323-2300 (VlrEiaia ElllerleDc OperatloDI CeDter)


ASRC Policy for Cve escue will not e one of initiAl response bullbullut will ampe one of notificAtion An~ Alert status As CR has a ~egionAI ystem developed And as the last ~egion ICRC works thru Viriinia DES Inter Conference-Commission escue will e possihle under the following uidelines

ICRC can request ASC cooperationcliu ASRC chain of co~n~A D~S ASRC personnel pre-trained or ASRC leRe personnel cross trained as cave

I ~ rescuers can participate in underground rescue Any AS personnel not trained in underground rescue will not e permitted uncerground in Any ~apcity Ion - traine~ ASC member Can act as ~ove ground personnel Since East egion JeRe ~ ~I C~ilizies the IC Command System1this interface of perso~el should present~ 1~1

~ ErobleJand ampotr commands will intergrate ~

Training for ASR~ penonnel for cave rescue at present may take place ia w-y of two training forms East Region 6ffers t~o day weeken~ orientation classes for basic cave res~ue anc can be accepted by ASRC as initial training ASC ill proide training lWJterials to its training Officers for cave rescue training This material will bamp5ically ee the same as ER ~CRC instructor will be availible for mutual training weekends

ASR COmmAnd will also reciprocate adn alert ER ~CRC of its mission for possible use of ER WeRC Personnell in ASRC Missions

~dde ~(1 ~ Or r(t~r~ cIeL J-I)( r-rcl ~ CRC Or~n ~ Asec ~~~

) 1-- pa~ J- J z dbi I

O~ ~

ASAC ~vdl~p~A~ 41~amp7-l~ ~~yenaamp-~ r~Lp Acfc I1SIC ~~tkIpound~ -tr_~ 4~~Ic ~ M-~yrc-ut cu7

I Ci P~lL1 ~~IU~~~J-t-~~ ~ -k~Ina-c( d ~tVJr Jk~- tff~- ~5( ~Lx-(J- tt~~ t T U-~~-Mj m e-ult-c r~ 41~Jd 4-tr al- f

4cbT- I ~ t-fC p~rLl d1 7~t- 11 gtRc fI~r

ltKt0 (Ll ( - ~---~ l~



PO BOX 440



4 September ]986

TO All Certified ASRC members A11J( FROM Albert Baker ASRC Chairman g~i Re Membership meeting

An ASRC membership meeting has been scheduled for Saturday 4 Octaber at Peabody Hall at the University of Virginia (sorry AMRG) Please make every effort to attend or to send your written proxy Proxies may be sent with any member attending the meeting or may be mailed to the secretary at the above address A tentative agenda may be found below

I Call to Order II Discussion of past minutes

III Committee reports Operations

I Communications I l~ Training

Finance Ad hoc--Technical rescue standards

IV Group reports V Old business Associate groups policy revised

membership classes DES memo of understanding Input to the Pa DER Emergency medicine workshop

VI New business ASRC as an MRA region Richmond group Other business


~ Lo~

I ih~ 1-L VV1t ~t gt I) l ~ w-e-L)hr 1-1Hl

2) tc bull~ l) l S ~~tl 1(1)

3) tcs s-t-tT ~) 1 igt~~ ~J (5 - Irhu41laquo t~t-11) p)~i) ~A(l urmiddot Gr 1 JkS Gr-~ -

$) 4mn(r l Cbull4middot r ) h~t- ESIt ~ rn~ ~bullbull ( ltrmiddot

I) JOt- I) H)lt tt

2) 1~JIf PJ Alj


pl- ~r Et))

e~ t)i)

~ b~d-

) St+ ~ r~~ I) Ch-~(

Z) s~ vf e)r~~ 1) DewJIgtf j 1~4 ~ bull l

- AJ Vl~ fIj ~ 1Ie h_J-)


- ~ l~ ) G-to~th U ( bulljt a f

C=gt~(~middot--lgt 1) 1-41~ S~HJ~ W-ftmiddot Me-ben hf rV(jL ) s)


~ )~~ bullJc~ (3~ T _)

t 1)1jJ~ (I ~ --)

tJ~~ 1gt cJv~ -tto J shy

s~ J- Te__ co-bes Ie l=-~_J ~f~r

f covcrtllflt1_t A-f)shy ~ ~J J fsJt~

-) rnc r LDjO CDfJ CNfk J cH6-~

) CampMJmiddotW 1t-( B0 D v1 e cA iJ 101(

degrtAGf~) 5ho- b

I) Set- vr CIH-JI~fI JOcJ) I- IntlJ~~ l) D Jr ~H C-p

t) Re 4-~1 lt CJJI)J- Pr6 ( eJ-- a ~ If rot- (je-

Jo) of br t j p 2 -hr- J-J- I) 1) Co Ile f- egtc+ ~) lcs 5t--t-r ~v1 ake~ she-b ~ 1middot)middotJ ~t_ 5) )ti+~r- b~$ ekh (~)~~~-k 3) YfL -~ ~

I Ii bull A th -b f~) E~j~+-c E ll f HUJll - - C_ +-Ih- 1fIIcJ

1t) I

II bull Ir) - ~)

) JO(II t ~t tJ sfec~o _r J) 4 ss v A-gt I c S ~ It [)J

~~~ -~1L ~~cJ~t M f (f)


I) 51+- -r 1b~ I- fl1 cJrJ l) 400 M_t) fJ t~ t l A I

Il) l do J ~ AI$o I- t) CAtgt t cJ

403) 1 ~+- J(~ 3) TV04(IcYs

~) L1 s 1elIs - IeJmiddot

) l d Bu

) ~ 5lc~tI~ - TvlltJ =t) 1- Jl Ilt fH

() D~Vio~ TtC4-~~j Sh-i-L (~44IIJJ)

C) S k~lh - l 10) I1SflC- C -4 14 l) Jur i ~ ~ T(~~I)() h) a fv~ F- I J t(~I-oI

n) ~ (f EO 1l e _ ~

r a 11pound0 J~t__ Jo~ ~I

ttcJQt(~ L==gtI~_MO ) W(l~ -I -Je) J1fti~ hcc -t Pelll t SI- Coshy

l) II 1 VfA OU ) wl v NA-Jfshy

pJ 3) OIJ~r 5e ~ F-eJs31 I ) H~)

y) ) vJ()~ IC)4- CltJJshy IVte -k

) II fVP- (t-I ~) tgt~ F-J-~~L )

wi )A~ 5Ya-t1- c~~lt

~) H -f w ~) ( -I (l~ C(IMmiddot

) sJ-~lr Ale I 0

1~ t-~ to_~ S~ IL )~) l2 ~ Il ~l 111( ( Aamp~middot~O___

) ElCr J 10laquo4 f MAJ R ll4middot_ lfl I) If l5 f VGo (t 5

-1 _ SJJ-t I V V- G5 l) Cty J -0+ A-)ILshy

1) lgt1~ ~ 1f5rtc fIJ L4-~ It ~eJ ltA-t- C

-I PeN j fAJ J INV t ~~ J ~

3) raquoeveigtf Pc n c 5 J-J~ lf) 4LS (pound ~UL

t J ) -x(r- C L +

ctlllt Jf s 1t- - ATIt~ rJe~

t) rrOC rC 51~Ju ~ H~-4 -Tre-e c) C~ ~ITv =-t ~

) PS~rL jJ~ - 2 H~t J4T~t~6r y) It 2 C ~01middotlt s~_1if ~ ( s-) )vl0r Pc-lt c~ ~ 5e1f -T--~ Lt- p~ ~ fL

6) S vrf~- 5~ rt- ~

---------__-- -----_bull_--_

AJ laquo111


) ~s It e ~I ~ ) fJCf- J N eHC~r t) I FJ~~~ ) ~~h ) D-O( l-o J rJo

j) 1 E~ 12-- f1 j~ f--shyq) II po ~cc1 fpoundEft-i-gtgt

5) T~- er Nec- Ie-~

Shtgt(t- L

I) 1)bull1 C~ IVJ~ 1) PI __ )45 It C - - bulljtshy

Z) PI tmiddotJ pro~--t- reo pI -~ r-J r_

~) 1)o1-~~ e JIL_I v~fb L)

q) I Va hJQ V~eJ-J



Growth Increase field-associate ufimbership ~

E~drai6ing Complete tax exempt process

Administration Determine yearly goals Prepare membership purging process Plan meetings with each groups leadership corps ~~ ~

Operations Refine callout amp aler~procedures

Training Support growth goals Prepare for MRA testing

Interagency ~a~ Penn DER Penn SAR Co Support Medical Comm goals Limit other involvement (put own house in order)

Medical Refine EMS relationship-Define legalities

fsectAR Develop generic PSAR slide show

Advertising Develop generic slide show (regional education)

( i Communications Finish radio license renewal ~ s

~~ ~ ~ ~ f(5~ fci)) -1- laquo--8(0

G~ jtJG FCvuJJ

Fut-gtn COVlfA()





Administrative (Committee) Functions


equipment inventory

amp safety

Training (committee) SAR Standards deflnition SAR training manual Membership SAR testing Membership SAR training amp exercises Maintaining SAR training records Monitor membership SAR skills

Communications (committee) Maintain radio licenses Radio equipment deflnition amp purchase Radio equipment maintainance Radio equipment inventory Monitor rules regulations amp communication practices Help defme training standards training manual

amp ops manual as they apply to communications

tax exempt status


Medical (committee) Maintain EMS training records Defme and procure medical equipments Maintain medical equipment Defme medical practices Help define training standards training manual

amp ops manual as they apply to medical concerns

PSAR Develop PSAR materials Maintain Hug-A-Tree materials Teach PSAR

c) Advertising Support PSAR Support Finances Educate region Maintain logos Procure stationary

Plans amp Policies Defme regional goals amp policies Support regional efforts Develop ASRC short amp long term goals Review put goals Support intra-conference development Oversee all conference policies

Support medical policies Support training policies Support Ops policies Support communciation policies Support PSAR activities Support fmance activities

General Administration Oversee committees Maintain amp improve Conference morale Oversee Conference membership




Figure 1 o~nizatjons



~SNP ------ BOD] - ----MRAPENN DER

~ Other SIR teamPenn EMS -7 ~ WVaOESMd EMS

( r r -1 I I r r r r Ir I bull bull bullI I I I



~~~ SAR- -

UVa ~(~TCCo1~legiHOSPJ e~ES J(~rlcenniDERJVaSARCo LJ YuSAR~ l ttSARCo ~~ 1TJ EMS


~ ~--

Figure 2 Administration






-- - - - - T - - shyI middotbull middotmiddot


I I I middot middot PLANS amp PSARamp



Incident Commanders

Last Update 10 December 1986

Blue Ridge Mountain Rescue Group

Albert Sa ker

Robert Koester

Chris Metzler

Kevin Coyne

Brian Wheeler

Dave Carter

Shenandoah Mountain Rescue Group

Gary Mechtel

Kevin Parkes

Paul Torrence

Greg Shea

Al Rosen

Richmond Search and Rescue

Mark Pennington

Ralph Wilfong



TO ASRC certified members and other interested parties FROM G MechteI amp G Shea DATE 9186 PURPOSE Internalmiddot ASRC changes to streamline ASRC membership

catagorles and allow Asociate Groups to jotnthe ASRC

This handout contains specfic admendments to the ASRCs Articles of Incorporation and a general description of the proposed admendments to the ASRC Bylaws The specflc Bylaw admendments and motIons will be presented later but the contents of the proposed changes are outlined in the second and third f1gures presented herein The changes wl11 be brought before the ASRCs general membership on October Fourth and action will be taken at that time


Gary MechteI


Admendments to the ASRC Articles of Incorporation


Admendment = 1 Rewrite Article IV-Membership

Change C Associate Members D Auxiliary Members and E Sustaining Members

To C Associate Members and D Sustaining Members

Purpose This admendment removes the catagory of auxiliary member This membership type is not only unnecessary but is not

even being used Therefore lets purge it

Admendment = 2 Rewrite Article V-Board of Directors Section A

Change A Directors must be Certified members and shall be elected by the Certified membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

To A Directors must be Certified or Associate members and shall be elected by the Certified and Associate Membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

Purpose 1) This admendment allows for a greater pool of individuals to fill the post of member of the board of directors The onus is still on the groups to make sure they choose reasonable directors

-2) More importantly this admendment allows Associate Groups to have a member on the Board of Directors

AFFLI [-lfTtfj CERTIFIED GROUP ~5~ IAeJregoseOllp -shy

I) Meet

1) 2 vot ing BOD members 2) Membership

a) 6 certified members b) 4 associate c) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) BOD Approved Training


membership requirements

2) 6 month probat ionary period

3) 1 non-voting member of BOO

4) 1 voting member of BOD

5) BOD approva I (23 vote)

1) MInimum of 18 month probat lonary perJod

2) ~ro~ote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 1 ~~nth period wi at leas~ members=-

5) Meet membership requirements


1) Membership a) 2 certIfIed or equivalent b) 4 associate or equivalent c) 4 others

2) Tax exemptable 3) Submlt rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operat1onal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Cert1rt ed Gp 6) Must pass IndIvIdual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 2 non-vot Ing BOD members 9) No traInIng o(flcler

~ 1 vot~BOD-member - 2) Membership

a) 10 associate b) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) Any certified members are

considered ASRC membersshyat-largeshy

5) BOD approved Training Officier

1) Minimum of 18 month probationary period

2) BOD approval (23 vote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 18 month period wi at least 50 of membership

5) Meet membership requirements


1) MembershiPi4 el-$e (11 heIJ rlq-ftc a) 6 associate ~ middottSleiibt b) 4 others

2) Tax exemptab Ie 3) Subm 1t rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operatIonal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Certifled Gp 6) Must pass IndIvidual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 1 non-vot lng BOO member 9) No training officier


- M~ll1berhip catagories

J) Certiffed = Basic amp above 2) Associate = Ffeld Qualiffed Base Qualified or other (non-trainee)

who is used in non-mission work (eg radio repairman) 3) Trainee = Anyone attempting to become Field Qualfi~~ or Base

Qualified Ie anyone who is a Ilablity on a SAR effort Therefore trainees should not be allowed on missions

4) Sustaining = Anyone offering material or financial support

Therefore the normal means of jOining and working up to be a certHled member is TOT0

tra1nee assoctate certlrted

catagory group vote

ASRC vote

ASRC patch

MRA patch


associate TBA NO YES NO

trainee TBA NO NO NO

TBA = It is up to the individual group to determine whether it feels associates or trainees should be aIlowed to vote in groLlp affairsObvious Iy for associate groups associate members will be allowed to vote


-----shy -I

CER1J5=IEO 6~p

1 ) rHt~Crstfr) ~ tr~~ ttkWfbtfS

b) L ~e tgtt 1clJ

I qIIIj ssJmiddots f) ~ trat1e5 shy

3) 3 fHotTfh cOf(tht~~cI bullI (CVttws

rI) ~D ~pprbeJ IraI1~ O~ccr bull 5) ~p 1iE ~~ pcoc~s h tt~~


i) ~I1It oJt 10 r)101l pnlb-~-Mrr ) )tilIM 1DyJfofh pngthJrMri fetid)

I PtdOGt z) 6eYJtm( ft~fq5~ ~ffDII1 (13 lb1-e)~) ~~ I o iPI ( 2l oflt) 3 ) tipp( if 5f~onl J P 3) fppfJVIlI o~ ~fQ~ri~ jlbup ___~

-- Lf) 4~J i Con~-C t~ 11 ~ ItH ) Sa

l Ieriocl w crt- lect~- SfftItf~ AI-- tilamp wrt e) iccf ~buhlp l vi1----gt s) =gtlt

I Roet1TlCN~Rr CERttfJE D 6Rovtgt i

I) ntm~hf t) rntltlfb-efgthp


2 cerHt~tol Mert1bers A) amp~e or ~GfJ ~-d ~lJcl~k5 b) t1 bee or ~~IJ qlJ4[t-cJ aS~DCIc~J b) I athltr 5I

cd) t-l o+~lr5 l) j)( Qe~f~6kI

2) 1P)( eYt~thb1c ~) 5c~I+ ftlgtkr ~ allou of p~cdu IC 1

3) fbmi+ ~~kr ~ CAllou+ ~OlJrc

4) btte ~ hsRc J4rhlt1t o~ trlCOltmiddot I -I-raquo~) ~~ I OY(kJgt o~~1 ~(bcedurt~e~

0) t~~ortJ oy cerktd ~(bp -~raquo ~~( _ ) Ugt+ P6gt InJiviJvIl tYlcJ t~ -I) ro) 5-lt

l f) IS $ ==iOCi() ~t r~( -r- t) So~ I jS qoo rer I(~kr~rrlj

~) ~ (pA-V01tj bOb ~ 0) )lo-vo- -Or BcD ~r1ibv-9) Vo 1-0( ij a~~ctr -- q) ~c-lt

_~____ 16 fpy1 rY-=rlt) c)~l (2b V1~-J ~ IC gt-~

C)-iI) 2 I vt7tiIIj coD tcrs

I) 1n(d- rHrlilbcrsp


l) r1Ow1fh f~oh1 TenoJ

3) 4 t1()I)-n~ bt~ f Eou

1) 6eHI(Jd f1k~f ifppn_1 (ill ttl)

5) Cxouf f05e~5 tip l1)

tp It~+middot

I) I no t1-v0i inj CoQ 01 t~r

J) ~J(r~lip

(1) J0 b~ or 1idJ f~lFiJ A~Q~~(5

b) ~ -f1lccs

3) ~ 3 ~ ~r~~5iv( revieWS bull

4) 30 1) ~(4v-eJ ~(I~ ~1fccr



Appalachian Search and Rescue Conference Inc

AlHh_7 Ceneral Hoprtal Aftuiawd lh Wouftlaia acu Ateocialion 120 E Honh Avanu Ntioaal AMociMion for atcA ad ampcubull ad

Pltuburah PA 11212 Eutetzl Rqjon National Cave acue Commiion

ElllerleDCY PhODe (804) 323-2300 (VlrEiaia ElllerleDc OperatloDI CeDter)


ASRC Policy for Cve escue will not e one of initiAl response bullbullut will ampe one of notificAtion An~ Alert status As CR has a ~egionAI ystem developed And as the last ~egion ICRC works thru Viriinia DES Inter Conference-Commission escue will e possihle under the following uidelines

ICRC can request ASC cooperationcliu ASRC chain of co~n~A D~S ASRC personnel pre-trained or ASRC leRe personnel cross trained as cave

I ~ rescuers can participate in underground rescue Any AS personnel not trained in underground rescue will not e permitted uncerground in Any ~apcity Ion - traine~ ASC member Can act as ~ove ground personnel Since East egion JeRe ~ ~I C~ilizies the IC Command System1this interface of perso~el should present~ 1~1

~ ErobleJand ampotr commands will intergrate ~

Training for ASR~ penonnel for cave rescue at present may take place ia w-y of two training forms East Region 6ffers t~o day weeken~ orientation classes for basic cave res~ue anc can be accepted by ASRC as initial training ASC ill proide training lWJterials to its training Officers for cave rescue training This material will bamp5ically ee the same as ER ~CRC instructor will be availible for mutual training weekends

ASR COmmAnd will also reciprocate adn alert ER ~CRC of its mission for possible use of ER WeRC Personnell in ASRC Missions

~dde ~(1 ~ Or r(t~r~ cIeL J-I)( r-rcl ~ CRC Or~n ~ Asec ~~~

) 1-- pa~ J- J z dbi I

O~ ~

ASAC ~vdl~p~A~ 41~amp7-l~ ~~yenaamp-~ r~Lp Acfc I1SIC ~~tkIpound~ -tr_~ 4~~Ic ~ M-~yrc-ut cu7

I Ci P~lL1 ~~IU~~~J-t-~~ ~ -k~Ina-c( d ~tVJr Jk~- tff~- ~5( ~Lx-(J- tt~~ t T U-~~-Mj m e-ult-c r~ 41~Jd 4-tr al- f

4cbT- I ~ t-fC p~rLl d1 7~t- 11 gtRc fI~r

ltKt0 (Ll ( - ~---~ l~



PO BOX 440



4 September ]986

TO All Certified ASRC members A11J( FROM Albert Baker ASRC Chairman g~i Re Membership meeting

An ASRC membership meeting has been scheduled for Saturday 4 Octaber at Peabody Hall at the University of Virginia (sorry AMRG) Please make every effort to attend or to send your written proxy Proxies may be sent with any member attending the meeting or may be mailed to the secretary at the above address A tentative agenda may be found below

I Call to Order II Discussion of past minutes

III Committee reports Operations

I Communications I l~ Training

Finance Ad hoc--Technical rescue standards

IV Group reports V Old business Associate groups policy revised

membership classes DES memo of understanding Input to the Pa DER Emergency medicine workshop

VI New business ASRC as an MRA region Richmond group Other business


pl- ~r Et))

e~ t)i)

~ b~d-

) St+ ~ r~~ I) Ch-~(

Z) s~ vf e)r~~ 1) DewJIgtf j 1~4 ~ bull l

- AJ Vl~ fIj ~ 1Ie h_J-)


- ~ l~ ) G-to~th U ( bulljt a f

C=gt~(~middot--lgt 1) 1-41~ S~HJ~ W-ftmiddot Me-ben hf rV(jL ) s)


~ )~~ bullJc~ (3~ T _)

t 1)1jJ~ (I ~ --)

tJ~~ 1gt cJv~ -tto J shy

s~ J- Te__ co-bes Ie l=-~_J ~f~r

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-) rnc r LDjO CDfJ CNfk J cH6-~

) CampMJmiddotW 1t-( B0 D v1 e cA iJ 101(

degrtAGf~) 5ho- b

I) Set- vr CIH-JI~fI JOcJ) I- IntlJ~~ l) D Jr ~H C-p

t) Re 4-~1 lt CJJI)J- Pr6 ( eJ-- a ~ If rot- (je-

Jo) of br t j p 2 -hr- J-J- I) 1) Co Ile f- egtc+ ~) lcs 5t--t-r ~v1 ake~ she-b ~ 1middot)middotJ ~t_ 5) )ti+~r- b~$ ekh (~)~~~-k 3) YfL -~ ~

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1t) I

II bull Ir) - ~)

) JO(II t ~t tJ sfec~o _r J) 4 ss v A-gt I c S ~ It [)J

~~~ -~1L ~~cJ~t M f (f)


I) 51+- -r 1b~ I- fl1 cJrJ l) 400 M_t) fJ t~ t l A I

Il) l do J ~ AI$o I- t) CAtgt t cJ

403) 1 ~+- J(~ 3) TV04(IcYs

~) L1 s 1elIs - IeJmiddot

) l d Bu

) ~ 5lc~tI~ - TvlltJ =t) 1- Jl Ilt fH

() D~Vio~ TtC4-~~j Sh-i-L (~44IIJJ)

C) S k~lh - l 10) I1SflC- C -4 14 l) Jur i ~ ~ T(~~I)() h) a fv~ F- I J t(~I-oI

n) ~ (f EO 1l e _ ~

r a 11pound0 J~t__ Jo~ ~I

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l) II 1 VfA OU ) wl v NA-Jfshy

pJ 3) OIJ~r 5e ~ F-eJs31 I ) H~)

y) ) vJ()~ IC)4- CltJJshy IVte -k

) II fVP- (t-I ~) tgt~ F-J-~~L )

wi )A~ 5Ya-t1- c~~lt

~) H -f w ~) ( -I (l~ C(IMmiddot

) sJ-~lr Ale I 0

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) ElCr J 10laquo4 f MAJ R ll4middot_ lfl I) If l5 f VGo (t 5

-1 _ SJJ-t I V V- G5 l) Cty J -0+ A-)ILshy

1) lgt1~ ~ 1f5rtc fIJ L4-~ It ~eJ ltA-t- C

-I PeN j fAJ J INV t ~~ J ~

3) raquoeveigtf Pc n c 5 J-J~ lf) 4LS (pound ~UL

t J ) -x(r- C L +

ctlllt Jf s 1t- - ATIt~ rJe~

t) rrOC rC 51~Ju ~ H~-4 -Tre-e c) C~ ~ITv =-t ~

) PS~rL jJ~ - 2 H~t J4T~t~6r y) It 2 C ~01middotlt s~_1if ~ ( s-) )vl0r Pc-lt c~ ~ 5e1f -T--~ Lt- p~ ~ fL

6) S vrf~- 5~ rt- ~

---------__-- -----_bull_--_

AJ laquo111


) ~s It e ~I ~ ) fJCf- J N eHC~r t) I FJ~~~ ) ~~h ) D-O( l-o J rJo

j) 1 E~ 12-- f1 j~ f--shyq) II po ~cc1 fpoundEft-i-gtgt

5) T~- er Nec- Ie-~

Shtgt(t- L

I) 1)bull1 C~ IVJ~ 1) PI __ )45 It C - - bulljtshy

Z) PI tmiddotJ pro~--t- reo pI -~ r-J r_

~) 1)o1-~~ e JIL_I v~fb L)

q) I Va hJQ V~eJ-J



Growth Increase field-associate ufimbership ~

E~drai6ing Complete tax exempt process

Administration Determine yearly goals Prepare membership purging process Plan meetings with each groups leadership corps ~~ ~

Operations Refine callout amp aler~procedures

Training Support growth goals Prepare for MRA testing

Interagency ~a~ Penn DER Penn SAR Co Support Medical Comm goals Limit other involvement (put own house in order)

Medical Refine EMS relationship-Define legalities

fsectAR Develop generic PSAR slide show

Advertising Develop generic slide show (regional education)

( i Communications Finish radio license renewal ~ s

~~ ~ ~ ~ f(5~ fci)) -1- laquo--8(0

G~ jtJG FCvuJJ

Fut-gtn COVlfA()





Administrative (Committee) Functions


equipment inventory

amp safety

Training (committee) SAR Standards deflnition SAR training manual Membership SAR testing Membership SAR training amp exercises Maintaining SAR training records Monitor membership SAR skills

Communications (committee) Maintain radio licenses Radio equipment deflnition amp purchase Radio equipment maintainance Radio equipment inventory Monitor rules regulations amp communication practices Help defme training standards training manual

amp ops manual as they apply to communications

tax exempt status


Medical (committee) Maintain EMS training records Defme and procure medical equipments Maintain medical equipment Defme medical practices Help define training standards training manual

amp ops manual as they apply to medical concerns

PSAR Develop PSAR materials Maintain Hug-A-Tree materials Teach PSAR

c) Advertising Support PSAR Support Finances Educate region Maintain logos Procure stationary

Plans amp Policies Defme regional goals amp policies Support regional efforts Develop ASRC short amp long term goals Review put goals Support intra-conference development Oversee all conference policies

Support medical policies Support training policies Support Ops policies Support communciation policies Support PSAR activities Support fmance activities

General Administration Oversee committees Maintain amp improve Conference morale Oversee Conference membership




Figure 1 o~nizatjons



~SNP ------ BOD] - ----MRAPENN DER

~ Other SIR teamPenn EMS -7 ~ WVaOESMd EMS

( r r -1 I I r r r r Ir I bull bull bullI I I I



~~~ SAR- -

UVa ~(~TCCo1~legiHOSPJ e~ES J(~rlcenniDERJVaSARCo LJ YuSAR~ l ttSARCo ~~ 1TJ EMS


~ ~--

Figure 2 Administration






-- - - - - T - - shyI middotbull middotmiddot


I I I middot middot PLANS amp PSARamp



Incident Commanders

Last Update 10 December 1986

Blue Ridge Mountain Rescue Group

Albert Sa ker

Robert Koester

Chris Metzler

Kevin Coyne

Brian Wheeler

Dave Carter

Shenandoah Mountain Rescue Group

Gary Mechtel

Kevin Parkes

Paul Torrence

Greg Shea

Al Rosen

Richmond Search and Rescue

Mark Pennington

Ralph Wilfong



TO ASRC certified members and other interested parties FROM G MechteI amp G Shea DATE 9186 PURPOSE Internalmiddot ASRC changes to streamline ASRC membership

catagorles and allow Asociate Groups to jotnthe ASRC

This handout contains specfic admendments to the ASRCs Articles of Incorporation and a general description of the proposed admendments to the ASRC Bylaws The specflc Bylaw admendments and motIons will be presented later but the contents of the proposed changes are outlined in the second and third f1gures presented herein The changes wl11 be brought before the ASRCs general membership on October Fourth and action will be taken at that time


Gary MechteI


Admendments to the ASRC Articles of Incorporation


Admendment = 1 Rewrite Article IV-Membership

Change C Associate Members D Auxiliary Members and E Sustaining Members

To C Associate Members and D Sustaining Members

Purpose This admendment removes the catagory of auxiliary member This membership type is not only unnecessary but is not

even being used Therefore lets purge it

Admendment = 2 Rewrite Article V-Board of Directors Section A

Change A Directors must be Certified members and shall be elected by the Certified membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

To A Directors must be Certified or Associate members and shall be elected by the Certified and Associate Membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

Purpose 1) This admendment allows for a greater pool of individuals to fill the post of member of the board of directors The onus is still on the groups to make sure they choose reasonable directors

-2) More importantly this admendment allows Associate Groups to have a member on the Board of Directors

AFFLI [-lfTtfj CERTIFIED GROUP ~5~ IAeJregoseOllp -shy

I) Meet

1) 2 vot ing BOD members 2) Membership

a) 6 certified members b) 4 associate c) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) BOD Approved Training


membership requirements

2) 6 month probat ionary period

3) 1 non-voting member of BOO

4) 1 voting member of BOD

5) BOD approva I (23 vote)

1) MInimum of 18 month probat lonary perJod

2) ~ro~ote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 1 ~~nth period wi at leas~ members=-

5) Meet membership requirements


1) Membership a) 2 certIfIed or equivalent b) 4 associate or equivalent c) 4 others

2) Tax exemptable 3) Submlt rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operat1onal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Cert1rt ed Gp 6) Must pass IndIvIdual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 2 non-vot Ing BOD members 9) No traInIng o(flcler

~ 1 vot~BOD-member - 2) Membership

a) 10 associate b) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) Any certified members are

considered ASRC membersshyat-largeshy

5) BOD approved Training Officier

1) Minimum of 18 month probationary period

2) BOD approval (23 vote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 18 month period wi at least 50 of membership

5) Meet membership requirements


1) MembershiPi4 el-$e (11 heIJ rlq-ftc a) 6 associate ~ middottSleiibt b) 4 others

2) Tax exemptab Ie 3) Subm 1t rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operatIonal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Certifled Gp 6) Must pass IndIvidual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 1 non-vot lng BOO member 9) No training officier


- M~ll1berhip catagories

J) Certiffed = Basic amp above 2) Associate = Ffeld Qualiffed Base Qualified or other (non-trainee)

who is used in non-mission work (eg radio repairman) 3) Trainee = Anyone attempting to become Field Qualfi~~ or Base

Qualified Ie anyone who is a Ilablity on a SAR effort Therefore trainees should not be allowed on missions

4) Sustaining = Anyone offering material or financial support

Therefore the normal means of jOining and working up to be a certHled member is TOT0

tra1nee assoctate certlrted

catagory group vote

ASRC vote

ASRC patch

MRA patch


associate TBA NO YES NO

trainee TBA NO NO NO

TBA = It is up to the individual group to determine whether it feels associates or trainees should be aIlowed to vote in groLlp affairsObvious Iy for associate groups associate members will be allowed to vote


-----shy -I

CER1J5=IEO 6~p

1 ) rHt~Crstfr) ~ tr~~ ttkWfbtfS

b) L ~e tgtt 1clJ

I qIIIj ssJmiddots f) ~ trat1e5 shy

3) 3 fHotTfh cOf(tht~~cI bullI (CVttws

rI) ~D ~pprbeJ IraI1~ O~ccr bull 5) ~p 1iE ~~ pcoc~s h tt~~


i) ~I1It oJt 10 r)101l pnlb-~-Mrr ) )tilIM 1DyJfofh pngthJrMri fetid)

I PtdOGt z) 6eYJtm( ft~fq5~ ~ffDII1 (13 lb1-e)~) ~~ I o iPI ( 2l oflt) 3 ) tipp( if 5f~onl J P 3) fppfJVIlI o~ ~fQ~ri~ jlbup ___~

-- Lf) 4~J i Con~-C t~ 11 ~ ItH ) Sa

l Ieriocl w crt- lect~- SfftItf~ AI-- tilamp wrt e) iccf ~buhlp l vi1----gt s) =gtlt

I Roet1TlCN~Rr CERttfJE D 6Rovtgt i

I) ntm~hf t) rntltlfb-efgthp


2 cerHt~tol Mert1bers A) amp~e or ~GfJ ~-d ~lJcl~k5 b) t1 bee or ~~IJ qlJ4[t-cJ aS~DCIc~J b) I athltr 5I

cd) t-l o+~lr5 l) j)( Qe~f~6kI

2) 1P)( eYt~thb1c ~) 5c~I+ ftlgtkr ~ allou of p~cdu IC 1

3) fbmi+ ~~kr ~ CAllou+ ~OlJrc

4) btte ~ hsRc J4rhlt1t o~ trlCOltmiddot I -I-raquo~) ~~ I OY(kJgt o~~1 ~(bcedurt~e~

0) t~~ortJ oy cerktd ~(bp -~raquo ~~( _ ) Ugt+ P6gt InJiviJvIl tYlcJ t~ -I) ro) 5-lt

l f) IS $ ==iOCi() ~t r~( -r- t) So~ I jS qoo rer I(~kr~rrlj

~) ~ (pA-V01tj bOb ~ 0) )lo-vo- -Or BcD ~r1ibv-9) Vo 1-0( ij a~~ctr -- q) ~c-lt

_~____ 16 fpy1 rY-=rlt) c)~l (2b V1~-J ~ IC gt-~

C)-iI) 2 I vt7tiIIj coD tcrs

I) 1n(d- rHrlilbcrsp


l) r1Ow1fh f~oh1 TenoJ

3) 4 t1()I)-n~ bt~ f Eou

1) 6eHI(Jd f1k~f ifppn_1 (ill ttl)

5) Cxouf f05e~5 tip l1)

tp It~+middot

I) I no t1-v0i inj CoQ 01 t~r

J) ~J(r~lip

(1) J0 b~ or 1idJ f~lFiJ A~Q~~(5

b) ~ -f1lccs

3) ~ 3 ~ ~r~~5iv( revieWS bull

4) 30 1) ~(4v-eJ ~(I~ ~1fccr



Appalachian Search and Rescue Conference Inc

AlHh_7 Ceneral Hoprtal Aftuiawd lh Wouftlaia acu Ateocialion 120 E Honh Avanu Ntioaal AMociMion for atcA ad ampcubull ad

Pltuburah PA 11212 Eutetzl Rqjon National Cave acue Commiion

ElllerleDCY PhODe (804) 323-2300 (VlrEiaia ElllerleDc OperatloDI CeDter)


ASRC Policy for Cve escue will not e one of initiAl response bullbullut will ampe one of notificAtion An~ Alert status As CR has a ~egionAI ystem developed And as the last ~egion ICRC works thru Viriinia DES Inter Conference-Commission escue will e possihle under the following uidelines

ICRC can request ASC cooperationcliu ASRC chain of co~n~A D~S ASRC personnel pre-trained or ASRC leRe personnel cross trained as cave

I ~ rescuers can participate in underground rescue Any AS personnel not trained in underground rescue will not e permitted uncerground in Any ~apcity Ion - traine~ ASC member Can act as ~ove ground personnel Since East egion JeRe ~ ~I C~ilizies the IC Command System1this interface of perso~el should present~ 1~1

~ ErobleJand ampotr commands will intergrate ~

Training for ASR~ penonnel for cave rescue at present may take place ia w-y of two training forms East Region 6ffers t~o day weeken~ orientation classes for basic cave res~ue anc can be accepted by ASRC as initial training ASC ill proide training lWJterials to its training Officers for cave rescue training This material will bamp5ically ee the same as ER ~CRC instructor will be availible for mutual training weekends

ASR COmmAnd will also reciprocate adn alert ER ~CRC of its mission for possible use of ER WeRC Personnell in ASRC Missions

~dde ~(1 ~ Or r(t~r~ cIeL J-I)( r-rcl ~ CRC Or~n ~ Asec ~~~

) 1-- pa~ J- J z dbi I

O~ ~

ASAC ~vdl~p~A~ 41~amp7-l~ ~~yenaamp-~ r~Lp Acfc I1SIC ~~tkIpound~ -tr_~ 4~~Ic ~ M-~yrc-ut cu7

I Ci P~lL1 ~~IU~~~J-t-~~ ~ -k~Ina-c( d ~tVJr Jk~- tff~- ~5( ~Lx-(J- tt~~ t T U-~~-Mj m e-ult-c r~ 41~Jd 4-tr al- f

4cbT- I ~ t-fC p~rLl d1 7~t- 11 gtRc fI~r

ltKt0 (Ll ( - ~---~ l~



PO BOX 440



4 September ]986

TO All Certified ASRC members A11J( FROM Albert Baker ASRC Chairman g~i Re Membership meeting

An ASRC membership meeting has been scheduled for Saturday 4 Octaber at Peabody Hall at the University of Virginia (sorry AMRG) Please make every effort to attend or to send your written proxy Proxies may be sent with any member attending the meeting or may be mailed to the secretary at the above address A tentative agenda may be found below

I Call to Order II Discussion of past minutes

III Committee reports Operations

I Communications I l~ Training

Finance Ad hoc--Technical rescue standards

IV Group reports V Old business Associate groups policy revised

membership classes DES memo of understanding Input to the Pa DER Emergency medicine workshop

VI New business ASRC as an MRA region Richmond group Other business

degrtAGf~) 5ho- b

I) Set- vr CIH-JI~fI JOcJ) I- IntlJ~~ l) D Jr ~H C-p

t) Re 4-~1 lt CJJI)J- Pr6 ( eJ-- a ~ If rot- (je-

Jo) of br t j p 2 -hr- J-J- I) 1) Co Ile f- egtc+ ~) lcs 5t--t-r ~v1 ake~ she-b ~ 1middot)middotJ ~t_ 5) )ti+~r- b~$ ekh (~)~~~-k 3) YfL -~ ~

I Ii bull A th -b f~) E~j~+-c E ll f HUJll - - C_ +-Ih- 1fIIcJ

1t) I

II bull Ir) - ~)

) JO(II t ~t tJ sfec~o _r J) 4 ss v A-gt I c S ~ It [)J

~~~ -~1L ~~cJ~t M f (f)


I) 51+- -r 1b~ I- fl1 cJrJ l) 400 M_t) fJ t~ t l A I

Il) l do J ~ AI$o I- t) CAtgt t cJ

403) 1 ~+- J(~ 3) TV04(IcYs

~) L1 s 1elIs - IeJmiddot

) l d Bu

) ~ 5lc~tI~ - TvlltJ =t) 1- Jl Ilt fH

() D~Vio~ TtC4-~~j Sh-i-L (~44IIJJ)

C) S k~lh - l 10) I1SflC- C -4 14 l) Jur i ~ ~ T(~~I)() h) a fv~ F- I J t(~I-oI

n) ~ (f EO 1l e _ ~

r a 11pound0 J~t__ Jo~ ~I

ttcJQt(~ L==gtI~_MO ) W(l~ -I -Je) J1fti~ hcc -t Pelll t SI- Coshy

l) II 1 VfA OU ) wl v NA-Jfshy

pJ 3) OIJ~r 5e ~ F-eJs31 I ) H~)

y) ) vJ()~ IC)4- CltJJshy IVte -k

) II fVP- (t-I ~) tgt~ F-J-~~L )

wi )A~ 5Ya-t1- c~~lt

~) H -f w ~) ( -I (l~ C(IMmiddot

) sJ-~lr Ale I 0

1~ t-~ to_~ S~ IL )~) l2 ~ Il ~l 111( ( Aamp~middot~O___

) ElCr J 10laquo4 f MAJ R ll4middot_ lfl I) If l5 f VGo (t 5

-1 _ SJJ-t I V V- G5 l) Cty J -0+ A-)ILshy

1) lgt1~ ~ 1f5rtc fIJ L4-~ It ~eJ ltA-t- C

-I PeN j fAJ J INV t ~~ J ~

3) raquoeveigtf Pc n c 5 J-J~ lf) 4LS (pound ~UL

t J ) -x(r- C L +

ctlllt Jf s 1t- - ATIt~ rJe~

t) rrOC rC 51~Ju ~ H~-4 -Tre-e c) C~ ~ITv =-t ~

) PS~rL jJ~ - 2 H~t J4T~t~6r y) It 2 C ~01middotlt s~_1if ~ ( s-) )vl0r Pc-lt c~ ~ 5e1f -T--~ Lt- p~ ~ fL

6) S vrf~- 5~ rt- ~

---------__-- -----_bull_--_

AJ laquo111


) ~s It e ~I ~ ) fJCf- J N eHC~r t) I FJ~~~ ) ~~h ) D-O( l-o J rJo

j) 1 E~ 12-- f1 j~ f--shyq) II po ~cc1 fpoundEft-i-gtgt

5) T~- er Nec- Ie-~

Shtgt(t- L

I) 1)bull1 C~ IVJ~ 1) PI __ )45 It C - - bulljtshy

Z) PI tmiddotJ pro~--t- reo pI -~ r-J r_

~) 1)o1-~~ e JIL_I v~fb L)

q) I Va hJQ V~eJ-J



Growth Increase field-associate ufimbership ~

E~drai6ing Complete tax exempt process

Administration Determine yearly goals Prepare membership purging process Plan meetings with each groups leadership corps ~~ ~

Operations Refine callout amp aler~procedures

Training Support growth goals Prepare for MRA testing

Interagency ~a~ Penn DER Penn SAR Co Support Medical Comm goals Limit other involvement (put own house in order)

Medical Refine EMS relationship-Define legalities

fsectAR Develop generic PSAR slide show

Advertising Develop generic slide show (regional education)

( i Communications Finish radio license renewal ~ s

~~ ~ ~ ~ f(5~ fci)) -1- laquo--8(0

G~ jtJG FCvuJJ

Fut-gtn COVlfA()





Administrative (Committee) Functions


equipment inventory

amp safety

Training (committee) SAR Standards deflnition SAR training manual Membership SAR testing Membership SAR training amp exercises Maintaining SAR training records Monitor membership SAR skills

Communications (committee) Maintain radio licenses Radio equipment deflnition amp purchase Radio equipment maintainance Radio equipment inventory Monitor rules regulations amp communication practices Help defme training standards training manual

amp ops manual as they apply to communications

tax exempt status


Medical (committee) Maintain EMS training records Defme and procure medical equipments Maintain medical equipment Defme medical practices Help define training standards training manual

amp ops manual as they apply to medical concerns

PSAR Develop PSAR materials Maintain Hug-A-Tree materials Teach PSAR

c) Advertising Support PSAR Support Finances Educate region Maintain logos Procure stationary

Plans amp Policies Defme regional goals amp policies Support regional efforts Develop ASRC short amp long term goals Review put goals Support intra-conference development Oversee all conference policies

Support medical policies Support training policies Support Ops policies Support communciation policies Support PSAR activities Support fmance activities

General Administration Oversee committees Maintain amp improve Conference morale Oversee Conference membership




Figure 1 o~nizatjons



~SNP ------ BOD] - ----MRAPENN DER

~ Other SIR teamPenn EMS -7 ~ WVaOESMd EMS

( r r -1 I I r r r r Ir I bull bull bullI I I I



~~~ SAR- -

UVa ~(~TCCo1~legiHOSPJ e~ES J(~rlcenniDERJVaSARCo LJ YuSAR~ l ttSARCo ~~ 1TJ EMS


~ ~--

Figure 2 Administration






-- - - - - T - - shyI middotbull middotmiddot


I I I middot middot PLANS amp PSARamp



Incident Commanders

Last Update 10 December 1986

Blue Ridge Mountain Rescue Group

Albert Sa ker

Robert Koester

Chris Metzler

Kevin Coyne

Brian Wheeler

Dave Carter

Shenandoah Mountain Rescue Group

Gary Mechtel

Kevin Parkes

Paul Torrence

Greg Shea

Al Rosen

Richmond Search and Rescue

Mark Pennington

Ralph Wilfong



TO ASRC certified members and other interested parties FROM G MechteI amp G Shea DATE 9186 PURPOSE Internalmiddot ASRC changes to streamline ASRC membership

catagorles and allow Asociate Groups to jotnthe ASRC

This handout contains specfic admendments to the ASRCs Articles of Incorporation and a general description of the proposed admendments to the ASRC Bylaws The specflc Bylaw admendments and motIons will be presented later but the contents of the proposed changes are outlined in the second and third f1gures presented herein The changes wl11 be brought before the ASRCs general membership on October Fourth and action will be taken at that time


Gary MechteI


Admendments to the ASRC Articles of Incorporation


Admendment = 1 Rewrite Article IV-Membership

Change C Associate Members D Auxiliary Members and E Sustaining Members

To C Associate Members and D Sustaining Members

Purpose This admendment removes the catagory of auxiliary member This membership type is not only unnecessary but is not

even being used Therefore lets purge it

Admendment = 2 Rewrite Article V-Board of Directors Section A

Change A Directors must be Certified members and shall be elected by the Certified membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

To A Directors must be Certified or Associate members and shall be elected by the Certified and Associate Membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

Purpose 1) This admendment allows for a greater pool of individuals to fill the post of member of the board of directors The onus is still on the groups to make sure they choose reasonable directors

-2) More importantly this admendment allows Associate Groups to have a member on the Board of Directors

AFFLI [-lfTtfj CERTIFIED GROUP ~5~ IAeJregoseOllp -shy

I) Meet

1) 2 vot ing BOD members 2) Membership

a) 6 certified members b) 4 associate c) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) BOD Approved Training


membership requirements

2) 6 month probat ionary period

3) 1 non-voting member of BOO

4) 1 voting member of BOD

5) BOD approva I (23 vote)

1) MInimum of 18 month probat lonary perJod

2) ~ro~ote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 1 ~~nth period wi at leas~ members=-

5) Meet membership requirements


1) Membership a) 2 certIfIed or equivalent b) 4 associate or equivalent c) 4 others

2) Tax exemptable 3) Submlt rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operat1onal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Cert1rt ed Gp 6) Must pass IndIvIdual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 2 non-vot Ing BOD members 9) No traInIng o(flcler

~ 1 vot~BOD-member - 2) Membership

a) 10 associate b) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) Any certified members are

considered ASRC membersshyat-largeshy

5) BOD approved Training Officier

1) Minimum of 18 month probationary period

2) BOD approval (23 vote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 18 month period wi at least 50 of membership

5) Meet membership requirements


1) MembershiPi4 el-$e (11 heIJ rlq-ftc a) 6 associate ~ middottSleiibt b) 4 others

2) Tax exemptab Ie 3) Subm 1t rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operatIonal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Certifled Gp 6) Must pass IndIvidual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 1 non-vot lng BOO member 9) No training officier


- M~ll1berhip catagories

J) Certiffed = Basic amp above 2) Associate = Ffeld Qualiffed Base Qualified or other (non-trainee)

who is used in non-mission work (eg radio repairman) 3) Trainee = Anyone attempting to become Field Qualfi~~ or Base

Qualified Ie anyone who is a Ilablity on a SAR effort Therefore trainees should not be allowed on missions

4) Sustaining = Anyone offering material or financial support

Therefore the normal means of jOining and working up to be a certHled member is TOT0

tra1nee assoctate certlrted

catagory group vote

ASRC vote

ASRC patch

MRA patch


associate TBA NO YES NO

trainee TBA NO NO NO

TBA = It is up to the individual group to determine whether it feels associates or trainees should be aIlowed to vote in groLlp affairsObvious Iy for associate groups associate members will be allowed to vote


-----shy -I

CER1J5=IEO 6~p

1 ) rHt~Crstfr) ~ tr~~ ttkWfbtfS

b) L ~e tgtt 1clJ

I qIIIj ssJmiddots f) ~ trat1e5 shy

3) 3 fHotTfh cOf(tht~~cI bullI (CVttws

rI) ~D ~pprbeJ IraI1~ O~ccr bull 5) ~p 1iE ~~ pcoc~s h tt~~


i) ~I1It oJt 10 r)101l pnlb-~-Mrr ) )tilIM 1DyJfofh pngthJrMri fetid)

I PtdOGt z) 6eYJtm( ft~fq5~ ~ffDII1 (13 lb1-e)~) ~~ I o iPI ( 2l oflt) 3 ) tipp( if 5f~onl J P 3) fppfJVIlI o~ ~fQ~ri~ jlbup ___~

-- Lf) 4~J i Con~-C t~ 11 ~ ItH ) Sa

l Ieriocl w crt- lect~- SfftItf~ AI-- tilamp wrt e) iccf ~buhlp l vi1----gt s) =gtlt

I Roet1TlCN~Rr CERttfJE D 6Rovtgt i

I) ntm~hf t) rntltlfb-efgthp


2 cerHt~tol Mert1bers A) amp~e or ~GfJ ~-d ~lJcl~k5 b) t1 bee or ~~IJ qlJ4[t-cJ aS~DCIc~J b) I athltr 5I

cd) t-l o+~lr5 l) j)( Qe~f~6kI

2) 1P)( eYt~thb1c ~) 5c~I+ ftlgtkr ~ allou of p~cdu IC 1

3) fbmi+ ~~kr ~ CAllou+ ~OlJrc

4) btte ~ hsRc J4rhlt1t o~ trlCOltmiddot I -I-raquo~) ~~ I OY(kJgt o~~1 ~(bcedurt~e~

0) t~~ortJ oy cerktd ~(bp -~raquo ~~( _ ) Ugt+ P6gt InJiviJvIl tYlcJ t~ -I) ro) 5-lt

l f) IS $ ==iOCi() ~t r~( -r- t) So~ I jS qoo rer I(~kr~rrlj

~) ~ (pA-V01tj bOb ~ 0) )lo-vo- -Or BcD ~r1ibv-9) Vo 1-0( ij a~~ctr -- q) ~c-lt

_~____ 16 fpy1 rY-=rlt) c)~l (2b V1~-J ~ IC gt-~

C)-iI) 2 I vt7tiIIj coD tcrs

I) 1n(d- rHrlilbcrsp


l) r1Ow1fh f~oh1 TenoJ

3) 4 t1()I)-n~ bt~ f Eou

1) 6eHI(Jd f1k~f ifppn_1 (ill ttl)

5) Cxouf f05e~5 tip l1)

tp It~+middot

I) I no t1-v0i inj CoQ 01 t~r

J) ~J(r~lip

(1) J0 b~ or 1idJ f~lFiJ A~Q~~(5

b) ~ -f1lccs

3) ~ 3 ~ ~r~~5iv( revieWS bull

4) 30 1) ~(4v-eJ ~(I~ ~1fccr



Appalachian Search and Rescue Conference Inc

AlHh_7 Ceneral Hoprtal Aftuiawd lh Wouftlaia acu Ateocialion 120 E Honh Avanu Ntioaal AMociMion for atcA ad ampcubull ad

Pltuburah PA 11212 Eutetzl Rqjon National Cave acue Commiion

ElllerleDCY PhODe (804) 323-2300 (VlrEiaia ElllerleDc OperatloDI CeDter)


ASRC Policy for Cve escue will not e one of initiAl response bullbullut will ampe one of notificAtion An~ Alert status As CR has a ~egionAI ystem developed And as the last ~egion ICRC works thru Viriinia DES Inter Conference-Commission escue will e possihle under the following uidelines

ICRC can request ASC cooperationcliu ASRC chain of co~n~A D~S ASRC personnel pre-trained or ASRC leRe personnel cross trained as cave

I ~ rescuers can participate in underground rescue Any AS personnel not trained in underground rescue will not e permitted uncerground in Any ~apcity Ion - traine~ ASC member Can act as ~ove ground personnel Since East egion JeRe ~ ~I C~ilizies the IC Command System1this interface of perso~el should present~ 1~1

~ ErobleJand ampotr commands will intergrate ~

Training for ASR~ penonnel for cave rescue at present may take place ia w-y of two training forms East Region 6ffers t~o day weeken~ orientation classes for basic cave res~ue anc can be accepted by ASRC as initial training ASC ill proide training lWJterials to its training Officers for cave rescue training This material will bamp5ically ee the same as ER ~CRC instructor will be availible for mutual training weekends

ASR COmmAnd will also reciprocate adn alert ER ~CRC of its mission for possible use of ER WeRC Personnell in ASRC Missions

~dde ~(1 ~ Or r(t~r~ cIeL J-I)( r-rcl ~ CRC Or~n ~ Asec ~~~

) 1-- pa~ J- J z dbi I

O~ ~

ASAC ~vdl~p~A~ 41~amp7-l~ ~~yenaamp-~ r~Lp Acfc I1SIC ~~tkIpound~ -tr_~ 4~~Ic ~ M-~yrc-ut cu7

I Ci P~lL1 ~~IU~~~J-t-~~ ~ -k~Ina-c( d ~tVJr Jk~- tff~- ~5( ~Lx-(J- tt~~ t T U-~~-Mj m e-ult-c r~ 41~Jd 4-tr al- f

4cbT- I ~ t-fC p~rLl d1 7~t- 11 gtRc fI~r

ltKt0 (Ll ( - ~---~ l~



PO BOX 440



4 September ]986

TO All Certified ASRC members A11J( FROM Albert Baker ASRC Chairman g~i Re Membership meeting

An ASRC membership meeting has been scheduled for Saturday 4 Octaber at Peabody Hall at the University of Virginia (sorry AMRG) Please make every effort to attend or to send your written proxy Proxies may be sent with any member attending the meeting or may be mailed to the secretary at the above address A tentative agenda may be found below

I Call to Order II Discussion of past minutes

III Committee reports Operations

I Communications I l~ Training

Finance Ad hoc--Technical rescue standards

IV Group reports V Old business Associate groups policy revised

membership classes DES memo of understanding Input to the Pa DER Emergency medicine workshop

VI New business ASRC as an MRA region Richmond group Other business


I) 51+- -r 1b~ I- fl1 cJrJ l) 400 M_t) fJ t~ t l A I

Il) l do J ~ AI$o I- t) CAtgt t cJ

403) 1 ~+- J(~ 3) TV04(IcYs

~) L1 s 1elIs - IeJmiddot

) l d Bu

) ~ 5lc~tI~ - TvlltJ =t) 1- Jl Ilt fH

() D~Vio~ TtC4-~~j Sh-i-L (~44IIJJ)

C) S k~lh - l 10) I1SflC- C -4 14 l) Jur i ~ ~ T(~~I)() h) a fv~ F- I J t(~I-oI

n) ~ (f EO 1l e _ ~

r a 11pound0 J~t__ Jo~ ~I

ttcJQt(~ L==gtI~_MO ) W(l~ -I -Je) J1fti~ hcc -t Pelll t SI- Coshy

l) II 1 VfA OU ) wl v NA-Jfshy

pJ 3) OIJ~r 5e ~ F-eJs31 I ) H~)

y) ) vJ()~ IC)4- CltJJshy IVte -k

) II fVP- (t-I ~) tgt~ F-J-~~L )

wi )A~ 5Ya-t1- c~~lt

~) H -f w ~) ( -I (l~ C(IMmiddot

) sJ-~lr Ale I 0

1~ t-~ to_~ S~ IL )~) l2 ~ Il ~l 111( ( Aamp~middot~O___

) ElCr J 10laquo4 f MAJ R ll4middot_ lfl I) If l5 f VGo (t 5

-1 _ SJJ-t I V V- G5 l) Cty J -0+ A-)ILshy

1) lgt1~ ~ 1f5rtc fIJ L4-~ It ~eJ ltA-t- C

-I PeN j fAJ J INV t ~~ J ~

3) raquoeveigtf Pc n c 5 J-J~ lf) 4LS (pound ~UL

t J ) -x(r- C L +

ctlllt Jf s 1t- - ATIt~ rJe~

t) rrOC rC 51~Ju ~ H~-4 -Tre-e c) C~ ~ITv =-t ~

) PS~rL jJ~ - 2 H~t J4T~t~6r y) It 2 C ~01middotlt s~_1if ~ ( s-) )vl0r Pc-lt c~ ~ 5e1f -T--~ Lt- p~ ~ fL

6) S vrf~- 5~ rt- ~

---------__-- -----_bull_--_

AJ laquo111


) ~s It e ~I ~ ) fJCf- J N eHC~r t) I FJ~~~ ) ~~h ) D-O( l-o J rJo

j) 1 E~ 12-- f1 j~ f--shyq) II po ~cc1 fpoundEft-i-gtgt

5) T~- er Nec- Ie-~

Shtgt(t- L

I) 1)bull1 C~ IVJ~ 1) PI __ )45 It C - - bulljtshy

Z) PI tmiddotJ pro~--t- reo pI -~ r-J r_

~) 1)o1-~~ e JIL_I v~fb L)

q) I Va hJQ V~eJ-J



Growth Increase field-associate ufimbership ~

E~drai6ing Complete tax exempt process

Administration Determine yearly goals Prepare membership purging process Plan meetings with each groups leadership corps ~~ ~

Operations Refine callout amp aler~procedures

Training Support growth goals Prepare for MRA testing

Interagency ~a~ Penn DER Penn SAR Co Support Medical Comm goals Limit other involvement (put own house in order)

Medical Refine EMS relationship-Define legalities

fsectAR Develop generic PSAR slide show

Advertising Develop generic slide show (regional education)

( i Communications Finish radio license renewal ~ s

~~ ~ ~ ~ f(5~ fci)) -1- laquo--8(0

G~ jtJG FCvuJJ

Fut-gtn COVlfA()





Administrative (Committee) Functions


equipment inventory

amp safety

Training (committee) SAR Standards deflnition SAR training manual Membership SAR testing Membership SAR training amp exercises Maintaining SAR training records Monitor membership SAR skills

Communications (committee) Maintain radio licenses Radio equipment deflnition amp purchase Radio equipment maintainance Radio equipment inventory Monitor rules regulations amp communication practices Help defme training standards training manual

amp ops manual as they apply to communications

tax exempt status


Medical (committee) Maintain EMS training records Defme and procure medical equipments Maintain medical equipment Defme medical practices Help define training standards training manual

amp ops manual as they apply to medical concerns

PSAR Develop PSAR materials Maintain Hug-A-Tree materials Teach PSAR

c) Advertising Support PSAR Support Finances Educate region Maintain logos Procure stationary

Plans amp Policies Defme regional goals amp policies Support regional efforts Develop ASRC short amp long term goals Review put goals Support intra-conference development Oversee all conference policies

Support medical policies Support training policies Support Ops policies Support communciation policies Support PSAR activities Support fmance activities

General Administration Oversee committees Maintain amp improve Conference morale Oversee Conference membership




Figure 1 o~nizatjons



~SNP ------ BOD] - ----MRAPENN DER

~ Other SIR teamPenn EMS -7 ~ WVaOESMd EMS

( r r -1 I I r r r r Ir I bull bull bullI I I I



~~~ SAR- -

UVa ~(~TCCo1~legiHOSPJ e~ES J(~rlcenniDERJVaSARCo LJ YuSAR~ l ttSARCo ~~ 1TJ EMS


~ ~--

Figure 2 Administration






-- - - - - T - - shyI middotbull middotmiddot


I I I middot middot PLANS amp PSARamp



Incident Commanders

Last Update 10 December 1986

Blue Ridge Mountain Rescue Group

Albert Sa ker

Robert Koester

Chris Metzler

Kevin Coyne

Brian Wheeler

Dave Carter

Shenandoah Mountain Rescue Group

Gary Mechtel

Kevin Parkes

Paul Torrence

Greg Shea

Al Rosen

Richmond Search and Rescue

Mark Pennington

Ralph Wilfong



TO ASRC certified members and other interested parties FROM G MechteI amp G Shea DATE 9186 PURPOSE Internalmiddot ASRC changes to streamline ASRC membership

catagorles and allow Asociate Groups to jotnthe ASRC

This handout contains specfic admendments to the ASRCs Articles of Incorporation and a general description of the proposed admendments to the ASRC Bylaws The specflc Bylaw admendments and motIons will be presented later but the contents of the proposed changes are outlined in the second and third f1gures presented herein The changes wl11 be brought before the ASRCs general membership on October Fourth and action will be taken at that time


Gary MechteI


Admendments to the ASRC Articles of Incorporation


Admendment = 1 Rewrite Article IV-Membership

Change C Associate Members D Auxiliary Members and E Sustaining Members

To C Associate Members and D Sustaining Members

Purpose This admendment removes the catagory of auxiliary member This membership type is not only unnecessary but is not

even being used Therefore lets purge it

Admendment = 2 Rewrite Article V-Board of Directors Section A

Change A Directors must be Certified members and shall be elected by the Certified membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

To A Directors must be Certified or Associate members and shall be elected by the Certified and Associate Membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

Purpose 1) This admendment allows for a greater pool of individuals to fill the post of member of the board of directors The onus is still on the groups to make sure they choose reasonable directors

-2) More importantly this admendment allows Associate Groups to have a member on the Board of Directors

AFFLI [-lfTtfj CERTIFIED GROUP ~5~ IAeJregoseOllp -shy

I) Meet

1) 2 vot ing BOD members 2) Membership

a) 6 certified members b) 4 associate c) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) BOD Approved Training


membership requirements

2) 6 month probat ionary period

3) 1 non-voting member of BOO

4) 1 voting member of BOD

5) BOD approva I (23 vote)

1) MInimum of 18 month probat lonary perJod

2) ~ro~ote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 1 ~~nth period wi at leas~ members=-

5) Meet membership requirements


1) Membership a) 2 certIfIed or equivalent b) 4 associate or equivalent c) 4 others

2) Tax exemptable 3) Submlt rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operat1onal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Cert1rt ed Gp 6) Must pass IndIvIdual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 2 non-vot Ing BOD members 9) No traInIng o(flcler

~ 1 vot~BOD-member - 2) Membership

a) 10 associate b) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) Any certified members are

considered ASRC membersshyat-largeshy

5) BOD approved Training Officier

1) Minimum of 18 month probationary period

2) BOD approval (23 vote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 18 month period wi at least 50 of membership

5) Meet membership requirements


1) MembershiPi4 el-$e (11 heIJ rlq-ftc a) 6 associate ~ middottSleiibt b) 4 others

2) Tax exemptab Ie 3) Subm 1t rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operatIonal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Certifled Gp 6) Must pass IndIvidual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 1 non-vot lng BOO member 9) No training officier


- M~ll1berhip catagories

J) Certiffed = Basic amp above 2) Associate = Ffeld Qualiffed Base Qualified or other (non-trainee)

who is used in non-mission work (eg radio repairman) 3) Trainee = Anyone attempting to become Field Qualfi~~ or Base

Qualified Ie anyone who is a Ilablity on a SAR effort Therefore trainees should not be allowed on missions

4) Sustaining = Anyone offering material or financial support

Therefore the normal means of jOining and working up to be a certHled member is TOT0

tra1nee assoctate certlrted

catagory group vote

ASRC vote

ASRC patch

MRA patch


associate TBA NO YES NO

trainee TBA NO NO NO

TBA = It is up to the individual group to determine whether it feels associates or trainees should be aIlowed to vote in groLlp affairsObvious Iy for associate groups associate members will be allowed to vote


-----shy -I

CER1J5=IEO 6~p

1 ) rHt~Crstfr) ~ tr~~ ttkWfbtfS

b) L ~e tgtt 1clJ

I qIIIj ssJmiddots f) ~ trat1e5 shy

3) 3 fHotTfh cOf(tht~~cI bullI (CVttws

rI) ~D ~pprbeJ IraI1~ O~ccr bull 5) ~p 1iE ~~ pcoc~s h tt~~


i) ~I1It oJt 10 r)101l pnlb-~-Mrr ) )tilIM 1DyJfofh pngthJrMri fetid)

I PtdOGt z) 6eYJtm( ft~fq5~ ~ffDII1 (13 lb1-e)~) ~~ I o iPI ( 2l oflt) 3 ) tipp( if 5f~onl J P 3) fppfJVIlI o~ ~fQ~ri~ jlbup ___~

-- Lf) 4~J i Con~-C t~ 11 ~ ItH ) Sa

l Ieriocl w crt- lect~- SfftItf~ AI-- tilamp wrt e) iccf ~buhlp l vi1----gt s) =gtlt

I Roet1TlCN~Rr CERttfJE D 6Rovtgt i

I) ntm~hf t) rntltlfb-efgthp


2 cerHt~tol Mert1bers A) amp~e or ~GfJ ~-d ~lJcl~k5 b) t1 bee or ~~IJ qlJ4[t-cJ aS~DCIc~J b) I athltr 5I

cd) t-l o+~lr5 l) j)( Qe~f~6kI

2) 1P)( eYt~thb1c ~) 5c~I+ ftlgtkr ~ allou of p~cdu IC 1

3) fbmi+ ~~kr ~ CAllou+ ~OlJrc

4) btte ~ hsRc J4rhlt1t o~ trlCOltmiddot I -I-raquo~) ~~ I OY(kJgt o~~1 ~(bcedurt~e~

0) t~~ortJ oy cerktd ~(bp -~raquo ~~( _ ) Ugt+ P6gt InJiviJvIl tYlcJ t~ -I) ro) 5-lt

l f) IS $ ==iOCi() ~t r~( -r- t) So~ I jS qoo rer I(~kr~rrlj

~) ~ (pA-V01tj bOb ~ 0) )lo-vo- -Or BcD ~r1ibv-9) Vo 1-0( ij a~~ctr -- q) ~c-lt

_~____ 16 fpy1 rY-=rlt) c)~l (2b V1~-J ~ IC gt-~

C)-iI) 2 I vt7tiIIj coD tcrs

I) 1n(d- rHrlilbcrsp


l) r1Ow1fh f~oh1 TenoJ

3) 4 t1()I)-n~ bt~ f Eou

1) 6eHI(Jd f1k~f ifppn_1 (ill ttl)

5) Cxouf f05e~5 tip l1)

tp It~+middot

I) I no t1-v0i inj CoQ 01 t~r

J) ~J(r~lip

(1) J0 b~ or 1idJ f~lFiJ A~Q~~(5

b) ~ -f1lccs

3) ~ 3 ~ ~r~~5iv( revieWS bull

4) 30 1) ~(4v-eJ ~(I~ ~1fccr



Appalachian Search and Rescue Conference Inc

AlHh_7 Ceneral Hoprtal Aftuiawd lh Wouftlaia acu Ateocialion 120 E Honh Avanu Ntioaal AMociMion for atcA ad ampcubull ad

Pltuburah PA 11212 Eutetzl Rqjon National Cave acue Commiion

ElllerleDCY PhODe (804) 323-2300 (VlrEiaia ElllerleDc OperatloDI CeDter)


ASRC Policy for Cve escue will not e one of initiAl response bullbullut will ampe one of notificAtion An~ Alert status As CR has a ~egionAI ystem developed And as the last ~egion ICRC works thru Viriinia DES Inter Conference-Commission escue will e possihle under the following uidelines

ICRC can request ASC cooperationcliu ASRC chain of co~n~A D~S ASRC personnel pre-trained or ASRC leRe personnel cross trained as cave

I ~ rescuers can participate in underground rescue Any AS personnel not trained in underground rescue will not e permitted uncerground in Any ~apcity Ion - traine~ ASC member Can act as ~ove ground personnel Since East egion JeRe ~ ~I C~ilizies the IC Command System1this interface of perso~el should present~ 1~1

~ ErobleJand ampotr commands will intergrate ~

Training for ASR~ penonnel for cave rescue at present may take place ia w-y of two training forms East Region 6ffers t~o day weeken~ orientation classes for basic cave res~ue anc can be accepted by ASRC as initial training ASC ill proide training lWJterials to its training Officers for cave rescue training This material will bamp5ically ee the same as ER ~CRC instructor will be availible for mutual training weekends

ASR COmmAnd will also reciprocate adn alert ER ~CRC of its mission for possible use of ER WeRC Personnell in ASRC Missions

~dde ~(1 ~ Or r(t~r~ cIeL J-I)( r-rcl ~ CRC Or~n ~ Asec ~~~

) 1-- pa~ J- J z dbi I

O~ ~

ASAC ~vdl~p~A~ 41~amp7-l~ ~~yenaamp-~ r~Lp Acfc I1SIC ~~tkIpound~ -tr_~ 4~~Ic ~ M-~yrc-ut cu7

I Ci P~lL1 ~~IU~~~J-t-~~ ~ -k~Ina-c( d ~tVJr Jk~- tff~- ~5( ~Lx-(J- tt~~ t T U-~~-Mj m e-ult-c r~ 41~Jd 4-tr al- f

4cbT- I ~ t-fC p~rLl d1 7~t- 11 gtRc fI~r

ltKt0 (Ll ( - ~---~ l~



PO BOX 440



4 September ]986

TO All Certified ASRC members A11J( FROM Albert Baker ASRC Chairman g~i Re Membership meeting

An ASRC membership meeting has been scheduled for Saturday 4 Octaber at Peabody Hall at the University of Virginia (sorry AMRG) Please make every effort to attend or to send your written proxy Proxies may be sent with any member attending the meeting or may be mailed to the secretary at the above address A tentative agenda may be found below

I Call to Order II Discussion of past minutes

III Committee reports Operations

I Communications I l~ Training

Finance Ad hoc--Technical rescue standards

IV Group reports V Old business Associate groups policy revised

membership classes DES memo of understanding Input to the Pa DER Emergency medicine workshop

VI New business ASRC as an MRA region Richmond group Other business

) ElCr J 10laquo4 f MAJ R ll4middot_ lfl I) If l5 f VGo (t 5

-1 _ SJJ-t I V V- G5 l) Cty J -0+ A-)ILshy

1) lgt1~ ~ 1f5rtc fIJ L4-~ It ~eJ ltA-t- C

-I PeN j fAJ J INV t ~~ J ~

3) raquoeveigtf Pc n c 5 J-J~ lf) 4LS (pound ~UL

t J ) -x(r- C L +

ctlllt Jf s 1t- - ATIt~ rJe~

t) rrOC rC 51~Ju ~ H~-4 -Tre-e c) C~ ~ITv =-t ~

) PS~rL jJ~ - 2 H~t J4T~t~6r y) It 2 C ~01middotlt s~_1if ~ ( s-) )vl0r Pc-lt c~ ~ 5e1f -T--~ Lt- p~ ~ fL

6) S vrf~- 5~ rt- ~

---------__-- -----_bull_--_

AJ laquo111


) ~s It e ~I ~ ) fJCf- J N eHC~r t) I FJ~~~ ) ~~h ) D-O( l-o J rJo

j) 1 E~ 12-- f1 j~ f--shyq) II po ~cc1 fpoundEft-i-gtgt

5) T~- er Nec- Ie-~

Shtgt(t- L

I) 1)bull1 C~ IVJ~ 1) PI __ )45 It C - - bulljtshy

Z) PI tmiddotJ pro~--t- reo pI -~ r-J r_

~) 1)o1-~~ e JIL_I v~fb L)

q) I Va hJQ V~eJ-J



Growth Increase field-associate ufimbership ~

E~drai6ing Complete tax exempt process

Administration Determine yearly goals Prepare membership purging process Plan meetings with each groups leadership corps ~~ ~

Operations Refine callout amp aler~procedures

Training Support growth goals Prepare for MRA testing

Interagency ~a~ Penn DER Penn SAR Co Support Medical Comm goals Limit other involvement (put own house in order)

Medical Refine EMS relationship-Define legalities

fsectAR Develop generic PSAR slide show

Advertising Develop generic slide show (regional education)

( i Communications Finish radio license renewal ~ s

~~ ~ ~ ~ f(5~ fci)) -1- laquo--8(0

G~ jtJG FCvuJJ

Fut-gtn COVlfA()





Administrative (Committee) Functions


equipment inventory

amp safety

Training (committee) SAR Standards deflnition SAR training manual Membership SAR testing Membership SAR training amp exercises Maintaining SAR training records Monitor membership SAR skills

Communications (committee) Maintain radio licenses Radio equipment deflnition amp purchase Radio equipment maintainance Radio equipment inventory Monitor rules regulations amp communication practices Help defme training standards training manual

amp ops manual as they apply to communications

tax exempt status


Medical (committee) Maintain EMS training records Defme and procure medical equipments Maintain medical equipment Defme medical practices Help define training standards training manual

amp ops manual as they apply to medical concerns

PSAR Develop PSAR materials Maintain Hug-A-Tree materials Teach PSAR

c) Advertising Support PSAR Support Finances Educate region Maintain logos Procure stationary

Plans amp Policies Defme regional goals amp policies Support regional efforts Develop ASRC short amp long term goals Review put goals Support intra-conference development Oversee all conference policies

Support medical policies Support training policies Support Ops policies Support communciation policies Support PSAR activities Support fmance activities

General Administration Oversee committees Maintain amp improve Conference morale Oversee Conference membership




Figure 1 o~nizatjons



~SNP ------ BOD] - ----MRAPENN DER

~ Other SIR teamPenn EMS -7 ~ WVaOESMd EMS

( r r -1 I I r r r r Ir I bull bull bullI I I I



~~~ SAR- -

UVa ~(~TCCo1~legiHOSPJ e~ES J(~rlcenniDERJVaSARCo LJ YuSAR~ l ttSARCo ~~ 1TJ EMS


~ ~--

Figure 2 Administration






-- - - - - T - - shyI middotbull middotmiddot


I I I middot middot PLANS amp PSARamp



Incident Commanders

Last Update 10 December 1986

Blue Ridge Mountain Rescue Group

Albert Sa ker

Robert Koester

Chris Metzler

Kevin Coyne

Brian Wheeler

Dave Carter

Shenandoah Mountain Rescue Group

Gary Mechtel

Kevin Parkes

Paul Torrence

Greg Shea

Al Rosen

Richmond Search and Rescue

Mark Pennington

Ralph Wilfong



TO ASRC certified members and other interested parties FROM G MechteI amp G Shea DATE 9186 PURPOSE Internalmiddot ASRC changes to streamline ASRC membership

catagorles and allow Asociate Groups to jotnthe ASRC

This handout contains specfic admendments to the ASRCs Articles of Incorporation and a general description of the proposed admendments to the ASRC Bylaws The specflc Bylaw admendments and motIons will be presented later but the contents of the proposed changes are outlined in the second and third f1gures presented herein The changes wl11 be brought before the ASRCs general membership on October Fourth and action will be taken at that time


Gary MechteI


Admendments to the ASRC Articles of Incorporation


Admendment = 1 Rewrite Article IV-Membership

Change C Associate Members D Auxiliary Members and E Sustaining Members

To C Associate Members and D Sustaining Members

Purpose This admendment removes the catagory of auxiliary member This membership type is not only unnecessary but is not

even being used Therefore lets purge it

Admendment = 2 Rewrite Article V-Board of Directors Section A

Change A Directors must be Certified members and shall be elected by the Certified membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

To A Directors must be Certified or Associate members and shall be elected by the Certified and Associate Membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

Purpose 1) This admendment allows for a greater pool of individuals to fill the post of member of the board of directors The onus is still on the groups to make sure they choose reasonable directors

-2) More importantly this admendment allows Associate Groups to have a member on the Board of Directors

AFFLI [-lfTtfj CERTIFIED GROUP ~5~ IAeJregoseOllp -shy

I) Meet

1) 2 vot ing BOD members 2) Membership

a) 6 certified members b) 4 associate c) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) BOD Approved Training


membership requirements

2) 6 month probat ionary period

3) 1 non-voting member of BOO

4) 1 voting member of BOD

5) BOD approva I (23 vote)

1) MInimum of 18 month probat lonary perJod

2) ~ro~ote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 1 ~~nth period wi at leas~ members=-

5) Meet membership requirements


1) Membership a) 2 certIfIed or equivalent b) 4 associate or equivalent c) 4 others

2) Tax exemptable 3) Submlt rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operat1onal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Cert1rt ed Gp 6) Must pass IndIvIdual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 2 non-vot Ing BOD members 9) No traInIng o(flcler

~ 1 vot~BOD-member - 2) Membership

a) 10 associate b) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) Any certified members are

considered ASRC membersshyat-largeshy

5) BOD approved Training Officier

1) Minimum of 18 month probationary period

2) BOD approval (23 vote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 18 month period wi at least 50 of membership

5) Meet membership requirements


1) MembershiPi4 el-$e (11 heIJ rlq-ftc a) 6 associate ~ middottSleiibt b) 4 others

2) Tax exemptab Ie 3) Subm 1t rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operatIonal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Certifled Gp 6) Must pass IndIvidual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 1 non-vot lng BOO member 9) No training officier


- M~ll1berhip catagories

J) Certiffed = Basic amp above 2) Associate = Ffeld Qualiffed Base Qualified or other (non-trainee)

who is used in non-mission work (eg radio repairman) 3) Trainee = Anyone attempting to become Field Qualfi~~ or Base

Qualified Ie anyone who is a Ilablity on a SAR effort Therefore trainees should not be allowed on missions

4) Sustaining = Anyone offering material or financial support

Therefore the normal means of jOining and working up to be a certHled member is TOT0

tra1nee assoctate certlrted

catagory group vote

ASRC vote

ASRC patch

MRA patch


associate TBA NO YES NO

trainee TBA NO NO NO

TBA = It is up to the individual group to determine whether it feels associates or trainees should be aIlowed to vote in groLlp affairsObvious Iy for associate groups associate members will be allowed to vote


-----shy -I

CER1J5=IEO 6~p

1 ) rHt~Crstfr) ~ tr~~ ttkWfbtfS

b) L ~e tgtt 1clJ

I qIIIj ssJmiddots f) ~ trat1e5 shy

3) 3 fHotTfh cOf(tht~~cI bullI (CVttws

rI) ~D ~pprbeJ IraI1~ O~ccr bull 5) ~p 1iE ~~ pcoc~s h tt~~


i) ~I1It oJt 10 r)101l pnlb-~-Mrr ) )tilIM 1DyJfofh pngthJrMri fetid)

I PtdOGt z) 6eYJtm( ft~fq5~ ~ffDII1 (13 lb1-e)~) ~~ I o iPI ( 2l oflt) 3 ) tipp( if 5f~onl J P 3) fppfJVIlI o~ ~fQ~ri~ jlbup ___~

-- Lf) 4~J i Con~-C t~ 11 ~ ItH ) Sa

l Ieriocl w crt- lect~- SfftItf~ AI-- tilamp wrt e) iccf ~buhlp l vi1----gt s) =gtlt

I Roet1TlCN~Rr CERttfJE D 6Rovtgt i

I) ntm~hf t) rntltlfb-efgthp


2 cerHt~tol Mert1bers A) amp~e or ~GfJ ~-d ~lJcl~k5 b) t1 bee or ~~IJ qlJ4[t-cJ aS~DCIc~J b) I athltr 5I

cd) t-l o+~lr5 l) j)( Qe~f~6kI

2) 1P)( eYt~thb1c ~) 5c~I+ ftlgtkr ~ allou of p~cdu IC 1

3) fbmi+ ~~kr ~ CAllou+ ~OlJrc

4) btte ~ hsRc J4rhlt1t o~ trlCOltmiddot I -I-raquo~) ~~ I OY(kJgt o~~1 ~(bcedurt~e~

0) t~~ortJ oy cerktd ~(bp -~raquo ~~( _ ) Ugt+ P6gt InJiviJvIl tYlcJ t~ -I) ro) 5-lt

l f) IS $ ==iOCi() ~t r~( -r- t) So~ I jS qoo rer I(~kr~rrlj

~) ~ (pA-V01tj bOb ~ 0) )lo-vo- -Or BcD ~r1ibv-9) Vo 1-0( ij a~~ctr -- q) ~c-lt

_~____ 16 fpy1 rY-=rlt) c)~l (2b V1~-J ~ IC gt-~

C)-iI) 2 I vt7tiIIj coD tcrs

I) 1n(d- rHrlilbcrsp


l) r1Ow1fh f~oh1 TenoJ

3) 4 t1()I)-n~ bt~ f Eou

1) 6eHI(Jd f1k~f ifppn_1 (ill ttl)

5) Cxouf f05e~5 tip l1)

tp It~+middot

I) I no t1-v0i inj CoQ 01 t~r

J) ~J(r~lip

(1) J0 b~ or 1idJ f~lFiJ A~Q~~(5

b) ~ -f1lccs

3) ~ 3 ~ ~r~~5iv( revieWS bull

4) 30 1) ~(4v-eJ ~(I~ ~1fccr



Appalachian Search and Rescue Conference Inc

AlHh_7 Ceneral Hoprtal Aftuiawd lh Wouftlaia acu Ateocialion 120 E Honh Avanu Ntioaal AMociMion for atcA ad ampcubull ad

Pltuburah PA 11212 Eutetzl Rqjon National Cave acue Commiion

ElllerleDCY PhODe (804) 323-2300 (VlrEiaia ElllerleDc OperatloDI CeDter)


ASRC Policy for Cve escue will not e one of initiAl response bullbullut will ampe one of notificAtion An~ Alert status As CR has a ~egionAI ystem developed And as the last ~egion ICRC works thru Viriinia DES Inter Conference-Commission escue will e possihle under the following uidelines

ICRC can request ASC cooperationcliu ASRC chain of co~n~A D~S ASRC personnel pre-trained or ASRC leRe personnel cross trained as cave

I ~ rescuers can participate in underground rescue Any AS personnel not trained in underground rescue will not e permitted uncerground in Any ~apcity Ion - traine~ ASC member Can act as ~ove ground personnel Since East egion JeRe ~ ~I C~ilizies the IC Command System1this interface of perso~el should present~ 1~1

~ ErobleJand ampotr commands will intergrate ~

Training for ASR~ penonnel for cave rescue at present may take place ia w-y of two training forms East Region 6ffers t~o day weeken~ orientation classes for basic cave res~ue anc can be accepted by ASRC as initial training ASC ill proide training lWJterials to its training Officers for cave rescue training This material will bamp5ically ee the same as ER ~CRC instructor will be availible for mutual training weekends

ASR COmmAnd will also reciprocate adn alert ER ~CRC of its mission for possible use of ER WeRC Personnell in ASRC Missions

~dde ~(1 ~ Or r(t~r~ cIeL J-I)( r-rcl ~ CRC Or~n ~ Asec ~~~

) 1-- pa~ J- J z dbi I

O~ ~

ASAC ~vdl~p~A~ 41~amp7-l~ ~~yenaamp-~ r~Lp Acfc I1SIC ~~tkIpound~ -tr_~ 4~~Ic ~ M-~yrc-ut cu7

I Ci P~lL1 ~~IU~~~J-t-~~ ~ -k~Ina-c( d ~tVJr Jk~- tff~- ~5( ~Lx-(J- tt~~ t T U-~~-Mj m e-ult-c r~ 41~Jd 4-tr al- f

4cbT- I ~ t-fC p~rLl d1 7~t- 11 gtRc fI~r

ltKt0 (Ll ( - ~---~ l~



PO BOX 440



4 September ]986

TO All Certified ASRC members A11J( FROM Albert Baker ASRC Chairman g~i Re Membership meeting

An ASRC membership meeting has been scheduled for Saturday 4 Octaber at Peabody Hall at the University of Virginia (sorry AMRG) Please make every effort to attend or to send your written proxy Proxies may be sent with any member attending the meeting or may be mailed to the secretary at the above address A tentative agenda may be found below

I Call to Order II Discussion of past minutes

III Committee reports Operations

I Communications I l~ Training

Finance Ad hoc--Technical rescue standards

IV Group reports V Old business Associate groups policy revised

membership classes DES memo of understanding Input to the Pa DER Emergency medicine workshop

VI New business ASRC as an MRA region Richmond group Other business

AJ laquo111


) ~s It e ~I ~ ) fJCf- J N eHC~r t) I FJ~~~ ) ~~h ) D-O( l-o J rJo

j) 1 E~ 12-- f1 j~ f--shyq) II po ~cc1 fpoundEft-i-gtgt

5) T~- er Nec- Ie-~

Shtgt(t- L

I) 1)bull1 C~ IVJ~ 1) PI __ )45 It C - - bulljtshy

Z) PI tmiddotJ pro~--t- reo pI -~ r-J r_

~) 1)o1-~~ e JIL_I v~fb L)

q) I Va hJQ V~eJ-J



Growth Increase field-associate ufimbership ~

E~drai6ing Complete tax exempt process

Administration Determine yearly goals Prepare membership purging process Plan meetings with each groups leadership corps ~~ ~

Operations Refine callout amp aler~procedures

Training Support growth goals Prepare for MRA testing

Interagency ~a~ Penn DER Penn SAR Co Support Medical Comm goals Limit other involvement (put own house in order)

Medical Refine EMS relationship-Define legalities

fsectAR Develop generic PSAR slide show

Advertising Develop generic slide show (regional education)

( i Communications Finish radio license renewal ~ s

~~ ~ ~ ~ f(5~ fci)) -1- laquo--8(0

G~ jtJG FCvuJJ

Fut-gtn COVlfA()





Administrative (Committee) Functions


equipment inventory

amp safety

Training (committee) SAR Standards deflnition SAR training manual Membership SAR testing Membership SAR training amp exercises Maintaining SAR training records Monitor membership SAR skills

Communications (committee) Maintain radio licenses Radio equipment deflnition amp purchase Radio equipment maintainance Radio equipment inventory Monitor rules regulations amp communication practices Help defme training standards training manual

amp ops manual as they apply to communications

tax exempt status


Medical (committee) Maintain EMS training records Defme and procure medical equipments Maintain medical equipment Defme medical practices Help define training standards training manual

amp ops manual as they apply to medical concerns

PSAR Develop PSAR materials Maintain Hug-A-Tree materials Teach PSAR

c) Advertising Support PSAR Support Finances Educate region Maintain logos Procure stationary

Plans amp Policies Defme regional goals amp policies Support regional efforts Develop ASRC short amp long term goals Review put goals Support intra-conference development Oversee all conference policies

Support medical policies Support training policies Support Ops policies Support communciation policies Support PSAR activities Support fmance activities

General Administration Oversee committees Maintain amp improve Conference morale Oversee Conference membership




Figure 1 o~nizatjons



~SNP ------ BOD] - ----MRAPENN DER

~ Other SIR teamPenn EMS -7 ~ WVaOESMd EMS

( r r -1 I I r r r r Ir I bull bull bullI I I I



~~~ SAR- -

UVa ~(~TCCo1~legiHOSPJ e~ES J(~rlcenniDERJVaSARCo LJ YuSAR~ l ttSARCo ~~ 1TJ EMS


~ ~--

Figure 2 Administration






-- - - - - T - - shyI middotbull middotmiddot


I I I middot middot PLANS amp PSARamp



Incident Commanders

Last Update 10 December 1986

Blue Ridge Mountain Rescue Group

Albert Sa ker

Robert Koester

Chris Metzler

Kevin Coyne

Brian Wheeler

Dave Carter

Shenandoah Mountain Rescue Group

Gary Mechtel

Kevin Parkes

Paul Torrence

Greg Shea

Al Rosen

Richmond Search and Rescue

Mark Pennington

Ralph Wilfong



TO ASRC certified members and other interested parties FROM G MechteI amp G Shea DATE 9186 PURPOSE Internalmiddot ASRC changes to streamline ASRC membership

catagorles and allow Asociate Groups to jotnthe ASRC

This handout contains specfic admendments to the ASRCs Articles of Incorporation and a general description of the proposed admendments to the ASRC Bylaws The specflc Bylaw admendments and motIons will be presented later but the contents of the proposed changes are outlined in the second and third f1gures presented herein The changes wl11 be brought before the ASRCs general membership on October Fourth and action will be taken at that time


Gary MechteI


Admendments to the ASRC Articles of Incorporation


Admendment = 1 Rewrite Article IV-Membership

Change C Associate Members D Auxiliary Members and E Sustaining Members

To C Associate Members and D Sustaining Members

Purpose This admendment removes the catagory of auxiliary member This membership type is not only unnecessary but is not

even being used Therefore lets purge it

Admendment = 2 Rewrite Article V-Board of Directors Section A

Change A Directors must be Certified members and shall be elected by the Certified membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

To A Directors must be Certified or Associate members and shall be elected by the Certified and Associate Membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

Purpose 1) This admendment allows for a greater pool of individuals to fill the post of member of the board of directors The onus is still on the groups to make sure they choose reasonable directors

-2) More importantly this admendment allows Associate Groups to have a member on the Board of Directors

AFFLI [-lfTtfj CERTIFIED GROUP ~5~ IAeJregoseOllp -shy

I) Meet

1) 2 vot ing BOD members 2) Membership

a) 6 certified members b) 4 associate c) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) BOD Approved Training


membership requirements

2) 6 month probat ionary period

3) 1 non-voting member of BOO

4) 1 voting member of BOD

5) BOD approva I (23 vote)

1) MInimum of 18 month probat lonary perJod

2) ~ro~ote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 1 ~~nth period wi at leas~ members=-

5) Meet membership requirements


1) Membership a) 2 certIfIed or equivalent b) 4 associate or equivalent c) 4 others

2) Tax exemptable 3) Submlt rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operat1onal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Cert1rt ed Gp 6) Must pass IndIvIdual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 2 non-vot Ing BOD members 9) No traInIng o(flcler

~ 1 vot~BOD-member - 2) Membership

a) 10 associate b) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) Any certified members are

considered ASRC membersshyat-largeshy

5) BOD approved Training Officier

1) Minimum of 18 month probationary period

2) BOD approval (23 vote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 18 month period wi at least 50 of membership

5) Meet membership requirements


1) MembershiPi4 el-$e (11 heIJ rlq-ftc a) 6 associate ~ middottSleiibt b) 4 others

2) Tax exemptab Ie 3) Subm 1t rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operatIonal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Certifled Gp 6) Must pass IndIvidual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 1 non-vot lng BOO member 9) No training officier


- M~ll1berhip catagories

J) Certiffed = Basic amp above 2) Associate = Ffeld Qualiffed Base Qualified or other (non-trainee)

who is used in non-mission work (eg radio repairman) 3) Trainee = Anyone attempting to become Field Qualfi~~ or Base

Qualified Ie anyone who is a Ilablity on a SAR effort Therefore trainees should not be allowed on missions

4) Sustaining = Anyone offering material or financial support

Therefore the normal means of jOining and working up to be a certHled member is TOT0

tra1nee assoctate certlrted

catagory group vote

ASRC vote

ASRC patch

MRA patch


associate TBA NO YES NO

trainee TBA NO NO NO

TBA = It is up to the individual group to determine whether it feels associates or trainees should be aIlowed to vote in groLlp affairsObvious Iy for associate groups associate members will be allowed to vote


-----shy -I

CER1J5=IEO 6~p

1 ) rHt~Crstfr) ~ tr~~ ttkWfbtfS

b) L ~e tgtt 1clJ

I qIIIj ssJmiddots f) ~ trat1e5 shy

3) 3 fHotTfh cOf(tht~~cI bullI (CVttws

rI) ~D ~pprbeJ IraI1~ O~ccr bull 5) ~p 1iE ~~ pcoc~s h tt~~


i) ~I1It oJt 10 r)101l pnlb-~-Mrr ) )tilIM 1DyJfofh pngthJrMri fetid)

I PtdOGt z) 6eYJtm( ft~fq5~ ~ffDII1 (13 lb1-e)~) ~~ I o iPI ( 2l oflt) 3 ) tipp( if 5f~onl J P 3) fppfJVIlI o~ ~fQ~ri~ jlbup ___~

-- Lf) 4~J i Con~-C t~ 11 ~ ItH ) Sa

l Ieriocl w crt- lect~- SfftItf~ AI-- tilamp wrt e) iccf ~buhlp l vi1----gt s) =gtlt

I Roet1TlCN~Rr CERttfJE D 6Rovtgt i

I) ntm~hf t) rntltlfb-efgthp


2 cerHt~tol Mert1bers A) amp~e or ~GfJ ~-d ~lJcl~k5 b) t1 bee or ~~IJ qlJ4[t-cJ aS~DCIc~J b) I athltr 5I

cd) t-l o+~lr5 l) j)( Qe~f~6kI

2) 1P)( eYt~thb1c ~) 5c~I+ ftlgtkr ~ allou of p~cdu IC 1

3) fbmi+ ~~kr ~ CAllou+ ~OlJrc

4) btte ~ hsRc J4rhlt1t o~ trlCOltmiddot I -I-raquo~) ~~ I OY(kJgt o~~1 ~(bcedurt~e~

0) t~~ortJ oy cerktd ~(bp -~raquo ~~( _ ) Ugt+ P6gt InJiviJvIl tYlcJ t~ -I) ro) 5-lt

l f) IS $ ==iOCi() ~t r~( -r- t) So~ I jS qoo rer I(~kr~rrlj

~) ~ (pA-V01tj bOb ~ 0) )lo-vo- -Or BcD ~r1ibv-9) Vo 1-0( ij a~~ctr -- q) ~c-lt

_~____ 16 fpy1 rY-=rlt) c)~l (2b V1~-J ~ IC gt-~

C)-iI) 2 I vt7tiIIj coD tcrs

I) 1n(d- rHrlilbcrsp


l) r1Ow1fh f~oh1 TenoJ

3) 4 t1()I)-n~ bt~ f Eou

1) 6eHI(Jd f1k~f ifppn_1 (ill ttl)

5) Cxouf f05e~5 tip l1)

tp It~+middot

I) I no t1-v0i inj CoQ 01 t~r

J) ~J(r~lip

(1) J0 b~ or 1idJ f~lFiJ A~Q~~(5

b) ~ -f1lccs

3) ~ 3 ~ ~r~~5iv( revieWS bull

4) 30 1) ~(4v-eJ ~(I~ ~1fccr



Appalachian Search and Rescue Conference Inc

AlHh_7 Ceneral Hoprtal Aftuiawd lh Wouftlaia acu Ateocialion 120 E Honh Avanu Ntioaal AMociMion for atcA ad ampcubull ad

Pltuburah PA 11212 Eutetzl Rqjon National Cave acue Commiion

ElllerleDCY PhODe (804) 323-2300 (VlrEiaia ElllerleDc OperatloDI CeDter)


ASRC Policy for Cve escue will not e one of initiAl response bullbullut will ampe one of notificAtion An~ Alert status As CR has a ~egionAI ystem developed And as the last ~egion ICRC works thru Viriinia DES Inter Conference-Commission escue will e possihle under the following uidelines

ICRC can request ASC cooperationcliu ASRC chain of co~n~A D~S ASRC personnel pre-trained or ASRC leRe personnel cross trained as cave

I ~ rescuers can participate in underground rescue Any AS personnel not trained in underground rescue will not e permitted uncerground in Any ~apcity Ion - traine~ ASC member Can act as ~ove ground personnel Since East egion JeRe ~ ~I C~ilizies the IC Command System1this interface of perso~el should present~ 1~1

~ ErobleJand ampotr commands will intergrate ~

Training for ASR~ penonnel for cave rescue at present may take place ia w-y of two training forms East Region 6ffers t~o day weeken~ orientation classes for basic cave res~ue anc can be accepted by ASRC as initial training ASC ill proide training lWJterials to its training Officers for cave rescue training This material will bamp5ically ee the same as ER ~CRC instructor will be availible for mutual training weekends

ASR COmmAnd will also reciprocate adn alert ER ~CRC of its mission for possible use of ER WeRC Personnell in ASRC Missions

~dde ~(1 ~ Or r(t~r~ cIeL J-I)( r-rcl ~ CRC Or~n ~ Asec ~~~

) 1-- pa~ J- J z dbi I

O~ ~

ASAC ~vdl~p~A~ 41~amp7-l~ ~~yenaamp-~ r~Lp Acfc I1SIC ~~tkIpound~ -tr_~ 4~~Ic ~ M-~yrc-ut cu7

I Ci P~lL1 ~~IU~~~J-t-~~ ~ -k~Ina-c( d ~tVJr Jk~- tff~- ~5( ~Lx-(J- tt~~ t T U-~~-Mj m e-ult-c r~ 41~Jd 4-tr al- f

4cbT- I ~ t-fC p~rLl d1 7~t- 11 gtRc fI~r

ltKt0 (Ll ( - ~---~ l~



PO BOX 440



4 September ]986

TO All Certified ASRC members A11J( FROM Albert Baker ASRC Chairman g~i Re Membership meeting

An ASRC membership meeting has been scheduled for Saturday 4 Octaber at Peabody Hall at the University of Virginia (sorry AMRG) Please make every effort to attend or to send your written proxy Proxies may be sent with any member attending the meeting or may be mailed to the secretary at the above address A tentative agenda may be found below

I Call to Order II Discussion of past minutes

III Committee reports Operations

I Communications I l~ Training

Finance Ad hoc--Technical rescue standards

IV Group reports V Old business Associate groups policy revised

membership classes DES memo of understanding Input to the Pa DER Emergency medicine workshop

VI New business ASRC as an MRA region Richmond group Other business


Growth Increase field-associate ufimbership ~

E~drai6ing Complete tax exempt process

Administration Determine yearly goals Prepare membership purging process Plan meetings with each groups leadership corps ~~ ~

Operations Refine callout amp aler~procedures

Training Support growth goals Prepare for MRA testing

Interagency ~a~ Penn DER Penn SAR Co Support Medical Comm goals Limit other involvement (put own house in order)

Medical Refine EMS relationship-Define legalities

fsectAR Develop generic PSAR slide show

Advertising Develop generic slide show (regional education)

( i Communications Finish radio license renewal ~ s

~~ ~ ~ ~ f(5~ fci)) -1- laquo--8(0

G~ jtJG FCvuJJ

Fut-gtn COVlfA()





Administrative (Committee) Functions


equipment inventory

amp safety

Training (committee) SAR Standards deflnition SAR training manual Membership SAR testing Membership SAR training amp exercises Maintaining SAR training records Monitor membership SAR skills

Communications (committee) Maintain radio licenses Radio equipment deflnition amp purchase Radio equipment maintainance Radio equipment inventory Monitor rules regulations amp communication practices Help defme training standards training manual

amp ops manual as they apply to communications

tax exempt status


Medical (committee) Maintain EMS training records Defme and procure medical equipments Maintain medical equipment Defme medical practices Help define training standards training manual

amp ops manual as they apply to medical concerns

PSAR Develop PSAR materials Maintain Hug-A-Tree materials Teach PSAR

c) Advertising Support PSAR Support Finances Educate region Maintain logos Procure stationary

Plans amp Policies Defme regional goals amp policies Support regional efforts Develop ASRC short amp long term goals Review put goals Support intra-conference development Oversee all conference policies

Support medical policies Support training policies Support Ops policies Support communciation policies Support PSAR activities Support fmance activities

General Administration Oversee committees Maintain amp improve Conference morale Oversee Conference membership




Figure 1 o~nizatjons



~SNP ------ BOD] - ----MRAPENN DER

~ Other SIR teamPenn EMS -7 ~ WVaOESMd EMS

( r r -1 I I r r r r Ir I bull bull bullI I I I



~~~ SAR- -

UVa ~(~TCCo1~legiHOSPJ e~ES J(~rlcenniDERJVaSARCo LJ YuSAR~ l ttSARCo ~~ 1TJ EMS


~ ~--

Figure 2 Administration






-- - - - - T - - shyI middotbull middotmiddot


I I I middot middot PLANS amp PSARamp



Incident Commanders

Last Update 10 December 1986

Blue Ridge Mountain Rescue Group

Albert Sa ker

Robert Koester

Chris Metzler

Kevin Coyne

Brian Wheeler

Dave Carter

Shenandoah Mountain Rescue Group

Gary Mechtel

Kevin Parkes

Paul Torrence

Greg Shea

Al Rosen

Richmond Search and Rescue

Mark Pennington

Ralph Wilfong



TO ASRC certified members and other interested parties FROM G MechteI amp G Shea DATE 9186 PURPOSE Internalmiddot ASRC changes to streamline ASRC membership

catagorles and allow Asociate Groups to jotnthe ASRC

This handout contains specfic admendments to the ASRCs Articles of Incorporation and a general description of the proposed admendments to the ASRC Bylaws The specflc Bylaw admendments and motIons will be presented later but the contents of the proposed changes are outlined in the second and third f1gures presented herein The changes wl11 be brought before the ASRCs general membership on October Fourth and action will be taken at that time


Gary MechteI


Admendments to the ASRC Articles of Incorporation


Admendment = 1 Rewrite Article IV-Membership

Change C Associate Members D Auxiliary Members and E Sustaining Members

To C Associate Members and D Sustaining Members

Purpose This admendment removes the catagory of auxiliary member This membership type is not only unnecessary but is not

even being used Therefore lets purge it

Admendment = 2 Rewrite Article V-Board of Directors Section A

Change A Directors must be Certified members and shall be elected by the Certified membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

To A Directors must be Certified or Associate members and shall be elected by the Certified and Associate Membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

Purpose 1) This admendment allows for a greater pool of individuals to fill the post of member of the board of directors The onus is still on the groups to make sure they choose reasonable directors

-2) More importantly this admendment allows Associate Groups to have a member on the Board of Directors

AFFLI [-lfTtfj CERTIFIED GROUP ~5~ IAeJregoseOllp -shy

I) Meet

1) 2 vot ing BOD members 2) Membership

a) 6 certified members b) 4 associate c) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) BOD Approved Training


membership requirements

2) 6 month probat ionary period

3) 1 non-voting member of BOO

4) 1 voting member of BOD

5) BOD approva I (23 vote)

1) MInimum of 18 month probat lonary perJod

2) ~ro~ote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 1 ~~nth period wi at leas~ members=-

5) Meet membership requirements


1) Membership a) 2 certIfIed or equivalent b) 4 associate or equivalent c) 4 others

2) Tax exemptable 3) Submlt rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operat1onal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Cert1rt ed Gp 6) Must pass IndIvIdual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 2 non-vot Ing BOD members 9) No traInIng o(flcler

~ 1 vot~BOD-member - 2) Membership

a) 10 associate b) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) Any certified members are

considered ASRC membersshyat-largeshy

5) BOD approved Training Officier

1) Minimum of 18 month probationary period

2) BOD approval (23 vote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 18 month period wi at least 50 of membership

5) Meet membership requirements


1) MembershiPi4 el-$e (11 heIJ rlq-ftc a) 6 associate ~ middottSleiibt b) 4 others

2) Tax exemptab Ie 3) Subm 1t rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operatIonal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Certifled Gp 6) Must pass IndIvidual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 1 non-vot lng BOO member 9) No training officier


- M~ll1berhip catagories

J) Certiffed = Basic amp above 2) Associate = Ffeld Qualiffed Base Qualified or other (non-trainee)

who is used in non-mission work (eg radio repairman) 3) Trainee = Anyone attempting to become Field Qualfi~~ or Base

Qualified Ie anyone who is a Ilablity on a SAR effort Therefore trainees should not be allowed on missions

4) Sustaining = Anyone offering material or financial support

Therefore the normal means of jOining and working up to be a certHled member is TOT0

tra1nee assoctate certlrted

catagory group vote

ASRC vote

ASRC patch

MRA patch


associate TBA NO YES NO

trainee TBA NO NO NO

TBA = It is up to the individual group to determine whether it feels associates or trainees should be aIlowed to vote in groLlp affairsObvious Iy for associate groups associate members will be allowed to vote


-----shy -I

CER1J5=IEO 6~p

1 ) rHt~Crstfr) ~ tr~~ ttkWfbtfS

b) L ~e tgtt 1clJ

I qIIIj ssJmiddots f) ~ trat1e5 shy

3) 3 fHotTfh cOf(tht~~cI bullI (CVttws

rI) ~D ~pprbeJ IraI1~ O~ccr bull 5) ~p 1iE ~~ pcoc~s h tt~~


i) ~I1It oJt 10 r)101l pnlb-~-Mrr ) )tilIM 1DyJfofh pngthJrMri fetid)

I PtdOGt z) 6eYJtm( ft~fq5~ ~ffDII1 (13 lb1-e)~) ~~ I o iPI ( 2l oflt) 3 ) tipp( if 5f~onl J P 3) fppfJVIlI o~ ~fQ~ri~ jlbup ___~

-- Lf) 4~J i Con~-C t~ 11 ~ ItH ) Sa

l Ieriocl w crt- lect~- SfftItf~ AI-- tilamp wrt e) iccf ~buhlp l vi1----gt s) =gtlt

I Roet1TlCN~Rr CERttfJE D 6Rovtgt i

I) ntm~hf t) rntltlfb-efgthp


2 cerHt~tol Mert1bers A) amp~e or ~GfJ ~-d ~lJcl~k5 b) t1 bee or ~~IJ qlJ4[t-cJ aS~DCIc~J b) I athltr 5I

cd) t-l o+~lr5 l) j)( Qe~f~6kI

2) 1P)( eYt~thb1c ~) 5c~I+ ftlgtkr ~ allou of p~cdu IC 1

3) fbmi+ ~~kr ~ CAllou+ ~OlJrc

4) btte ~ hsRc J4rhlt1t o~ trlCOltmiddot I -I-raquo~) ~~ I OY(kJgt o~~1 ~(bcedurt~e~

0) t~~ortJ oy cerktd ~(bp -~raquo ~~( _ ) Ugt+ P6gt InJiviJvIl tYlcJ t~ -I) ro) 5-lt

l f) IS $ ==iOCi() ~t r~( -r- t) So~ I jS qoo rer I(~kr~rrlj

~) ~ (pA-V01tj bOb ~ 0) )lo-vo- -Or BcD ~r1ibv-9) Vo 1-0( ij a~~ctr -- q) ~c-lt

_~____ 16 fpy1 rY-=rlt) c)~l (2b V1~-J ~ IC gt-~

C)-iI) 2 I vt7tiIIj coD tcrs

I) 1n(d- rHrlilbcrsp


l) r1Ow1fh f~oh1 TenoJ

3) 4 t1()I)-n~ bt~ f Eou

1) 6eHI(Jd f1k~f ifppn_1 (ill ttl)

5) Cxouf f05e~5 tip l1)

tp It~+middot

I) I no t1-v0i inj CoQ 01 t~r

J) ~J(r~lip

(1) J0 b~ or 1idJ f~lFiJ A~Q~~(5

b) ~ -f1lccs

3) ~ 3 ~ ~r~~5iv( revieWS bull

4) 30 1) ~(4v-eJ ~(I~ ~1fccr



Appalachian Search and Rescue Conference Inc

AlHh_7 Ceneral Hoprtal Aftuiawd lh Wouftlaia acu Ateocialion 120 E Honh Avanu Ntioaal AMociMion for atcA ad ampcubull ad

Pltuburah PA 11212 Eutetzl Rqjon National Cave acue Commiion

ElllerleDCY PhODe (804) 323-2300 (VlrEiaia ElllerleDc OperatloDI CeDter)


ASRC Policy for Cve escue will not e one of initiAl response bullbullut will ampe one of notificAtion An~ Alert status As CR has a ~egionAI ystem developed And as the last ~egion ICRC works thru Viriinia DES Inter Conference-Commission escue will e possihle under the following uidelines

ICRC can request ASC cooperationcliu ASRC chain of co~n~A D~S ASRC personnel pre-trained or ASRC leRe personnel cross trained as cave

I ~ rescuers can participate in underground rescue Any AS personnel not trained in underground rescue will not e permitted uncerground in Any ~apcity Ion - traine~ ASC member Can act as ~ove ground personnel Since East egion JeRe ~ ~I C~ilizies the IC Command System1this interface of perso~el should present~ 1~1

~ ErobleJand ampotr commands will intergrate ~

Training for ASR~ penonnel for cave rescue at present may take place ia w-y of two training forms East Region 6ffers t~o day weeken~ orientation classes for basic cave res~ue anc can be accepted by ASRC as initial training ASC ill proide training lWJterials to its training Officers for cave rescue training This material will bamp5ically ee the same as ER ~CRC instructor will be availible for mutual training weekends

ASR COmmAnd will also reciprocate adn alert ER ~CRC of its mission for possible use of ER WeRC Personnell in ASRC Missions

~dde ~(1 ~ Or r(t~r~ cIeL J-I)( r-rcl ~ CRC Or~n ~ Asec ~~~

) 1-- pa~ J- J z dbi I

O~ ~

ASAC ~vdl~p~A~ 41~amp7-l~ ~~yenaamp-~ r~Lp Acfc I1SIC ~~tkIpound~ -tr_~ 4~~Ic ~ M-~yrc-ut cu7

I Ci P~lL1 ~~IU~~~J-t-~~ ~ -k~Ina-c( d ~tVJr Jk~- tff~- ~5( ~Lx-(J- tt~~ t T U-~~-Mj m e-ult-c r~ 41~Jd 4-tr al- f

4cbT- I ~ t-fC p~rLl d1 7~t- 11 gtRc fI~r

ltKt0 (Ll ( - ~---~ l~



PO BOX 440



4 September ]986

TO All Certified ASRC members A11J( FROM Albert Baker ASRC Chairman g~i Re Membership meeting

An ASRC membership meeting has been scheduled for Saturday 4 Octaber at Peabody Hall at the University of Virginia (sorry AMRG) Please make every effort to attend or to send your written proxy Proxies may be sent with any member attending the meeting or may be mailed to the secretary at the above address A tentative agenda may be found below

I Call to Order II Discussion of past minutes

III Committee reports Operations

I Communications I l~ Training

Finance Ad hoc--Technical rescue standards

IV Group reports V Old business Associate groups policy revised

membership classes DES memo of understanding Input to the Pa DER Emergency medicine workshop

VI New business ASRC as an MRA region Richmond group Other business

Administrative (Committee) Functions


equipment inventory

amp safety

Training (committee) SAR Standards deflnition SAR training manual Membership SAR testing Membership SAR training amp exercises Maintaining SAR training records Monitor membership SAR skills

Communications (committee) Maintain radio licenses Radio equipment deflnition amp purchase Radio equipment maintainance Radio equipment inventory Monitor rules regulations amp communication practices Help defme training standards training manual

amp ops manual as they apply to communications

tax exempt status


Medical (committee) Maintain EMS training records Defme and procure medical equipments Maintain medical equipment Defme medical practices Help define training standards training manual

amp ops manual as they apply to medical concerns

PSAR Develop PSAR materials Maintain Hug-A-Tree materials Teach PSAR

c) Advertising Support PSAR Support Finances Educate region Maintain logos Procure stationary

Plans amp Policies Defme regional goals amp policies Support regional efforts Develop ASRC short amp long term goals Review put goals Support intra-conference development Oversee all conference policies

Support medical policies Support training policies Support Ops policies Support communciation policies Support PSAR activities Support fmance activities

General Administration Oversee committees Maintain amp improve Conference morale Oversee Conference membership




Figure 1 o~nizatjons



~SNP ------ BOD] - ----MRAPENN DER

~ Other SIR teamPenn EMS -7 ~ WVaOESMd EMS

( r r -1 I I r r r r Ir I bull bull bullI I I I



~~~ SAR- -

UVa ~(~TCCo1~legiHOSPJ e~ES J(~rlcenniDERJVaSARCo LJ YuSAR~ l ttSARCo ~~ 1TJ EMS


~ ~--

Figure 2 Administration






-- - - - - T - - shyI middotbull middotmiddot


I I I middot middot PLANS amp PSARamp



Incident Commanders

Last Update 10 December 1986

Blue Ridge Mountain Rescue Group

Albert Sa ker

Robert Koester

Chris Metzler

Kevin Coyne

Brian Wheeler

Dave Carter

Shenandoah Mountain Rescue Group

Gary Mechtel

Kevin Parkes

Paul Torrence

Greg Shea

Al Rosen

Richmond Search and Rescue

Mark Pennington

Ralph Wilfong



TO ASRC certified members and other interested parties FROM G MechteI amp G Shea DATE 9186 PURPOSE Internalmiddot ASRC changes to streamline ASRC membership

catagorles and allow Asociate Groups to jotnthe ASRC

This handout contains specfic admendments to the ASRCs Articles of Incorporation and a general description of the proposed admendments to the ASRC Bylaws The specflc Bylaw admendments and motIons will be presented later but the contents of the proposed changes are outlined in the second and third f1gures presented herein The changes wl11 be brought before the ASRCs general membership on October Fourth and action will be taken at that time


Gary MechteI


Admendments to the ASRC Articles of Incorporation


Admendment = 1 Rewrite Article IV-Membership

Change C Associate Members D Auxiliary Members and E Sustaining Members

To C Associate Members and D Sustaining Members

Purpose This admendment removes the catagory of auxiliary member This membership type is not only unnecessary but is not

even being used Therefore lets purge it

Admendment = 2 Rewrite Article V-Board of Directors Section A

Change A Directors must be Certified members and shall be elected by the Certified membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

To A Directors must be Certified or Associate members and shall be elected by the Certified and Associate Membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

Purpose 1) This admendment allows for a greater pool of individuals to fill the post of member of the board of directors The onus is still on the groups to make sure they choose reasonable directors

-2) More importantly this admendment allows Associate Groups to have a member on the Board of Directors

AFFLI [-lfTtfj CERTIFIED GROUP ~5~ IAeJregoseOllp -shy

I) Meet

1) 2 vot ing BOD members 2) Membership

a) 6 certified members b) 4 associate c) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) BOD Approved Training


membership requirements

2) 6 month probat ionary period

3) 1 non-voting member of BOO

4) 1 voting member of BOD

5) BOD approva I (23 vote)

1) MInimum of 18 month probat lonary perJod

2) ~ro~ote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 1 ~~nth period wi at leas~ members=-

5) Meet membership requirements


1) Membership a) 2 certIfIed or equivalent b) 4 associate or equivalent c) 4 others

2) Tax exemptable 3) Submlt rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operat1onal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Cert1rt ed Gp 6) Must pass IndIvIdual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 2 non-vot Ing BOD members 9) No traInIng o(flcler

~ 1 vot~BOD-member - 2) Membership

a) 10 associate b) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) Any certified members are

considered ASRC membersshyat-largeshy

5) BOD approved Training Officier

1) Minimum of 18 month probationary period

2) BOD approval (23 vote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 18 month period wi at least 50 of membership

5) Meet membership requirements


1) MembershiPi4 el-$e (11 heIJ rlq-ftc a) 6 associate ~ middottSleiibt b) 4 others

2) Tax exemptab Ie 3) Subm 1t rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operatIonal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Certifled Gp 6) Must pass IndIvidual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 1 non-vot lng BOO member 9) No training officier


- M~ll1berhip catagories

J) Certiffed = Basic amp above 2) Associate = Ffeld Qualiffed Base Qualified or other (non-trainee)

who is used in non-mission work (eg radio repairman) 3) Trainee = Anyone attempting to become Field Qualfi~~ or Base

Qualified Ie anyone who is a Ilablity on a SAR effort Therefore trainees should not be allowed on missions

4) Sustaining = Anyone offering material or financial support

Therefore the normal means of jOining and working up to be a certHled member is TOT0

tra1nee assoctate certlrted

catagory group vote

ASRC vote

ASRC patch

MRA patch


associate TBA NO YES NO

trainee TBA NO NO NO

TBA = It is up to the individual group to determine whether it feels associates or trainees should be aIlowed to vote in groLlp affairsObvious Iy for associate groups associate members will be allowed to vote


-----shy -I

CER1J5=IEO 6~p

1 ) rHt~Crstfr) ~ tr~~ ttkWfbtfS

b) L ~e tgtt 1clJ

I qIIIj ssJmiddots f) ~ trat1e5 shy

3) 3 fHotTfh cOf(tht~~cI bullI (CVttws

rI) ~D ~pprbeJ IraI1~ O~ccr bull 5) ~p 1iE ~~ pcoc~s h tt~~


i) ~I1It oJt 10 r)101l pnlb-~-Mrr ) )tilIM 1DyJfofh pngthJrMri fetid)

I PtdOGt z) 6eYJtm( ft~fq5~ ~ffDII1 (13 lb1-e)~) ~~ I o iPI ( 2l oflt) 3 ) tipp( if 5f~onl J P 3) fppfJVIlI o~ ~fQ~ri~ jlbup ___~

-- Lf) 4~J i Con~-C t~ 11 ~ ItH ) Sa

l Ieriocl w crt- lect~- SfftItf~ AI-- tilamp wrt e) iccf ~buhlp l vi1----gt s) =gtlt

I Roet1TlCN~Rr CERttfJE D 6Rovtgt i

I) ntm~hf t) rntltlfb-efgthp


2 cerHt~tol Mert1bers A) amp~e or ~GfJ ~-d ~lJcl~k5 b) t1 bee or ~~IJ qlJ4[t-cJ aS~DCIc~J b) I athltr 5I

cd) t-l o+~lr5 l) j)( Qe~f~6kI

2) 1P)( eYt~thb1c ~) 5c~I+ ftlgtkr ~ allou of p~cdu IC 1

3) fbmi+ ~~kr ~ CAllou+ ~OlJrc

4) btte ~ hsRc J4rhlt1t o~ trlCOltmiddot I -I-raquo~) ~~ I OY(kJgt o~~1 ~(bcedurt~e~

0) t~~ortJ oy cerktd ~(bp -~raquo ~~( _ ) Ugt+ P6gt InJiviJvIl tYlcJ t~ -I) ro) 5-lt

l f) IS $ ==iOCi() ~t r~( -r- t) So~ I jS qoo rer I(~kr~rrlj

~) ~ (pA-V01tj bOb ~ 0) )lo-vo- -Or BcD ~r1ibv-9) Vo 1-0( ij a~~ctr -- q) ~c-lt

_~____ 16 fpy1 rY-=rlt) c)~l (2b V1~-J ~ IC gt-~

C)-iI) 2 I vt7tiIIj coD tcrs

I) 1n(d- rHrlilbcrsp


l) r1Ow1fh f~oh1 TenoJ

3) 4 t1()I)-n~ bt~ f Eou

1) 6eHI(Jd f1k~f ifppn_1 (ill ttl)

5) Cxouf f05e~5 tip l1)

tp It~+middot

I) I no t1-v0i inj CoQ 01 t~r

J) ~J(r~lip

(1) J0 b~ or 1idJ f~lFiJ A~Q~~(5

b) ~ -f1lccs

3) ~ 3 ~ ~r~~5iv( revieWS bull

4) 30 1) ~(4v-eJ ~(I~ ~1fccr



Appalachian Search and Rescue Conference Inc

AlHh_7 Ceneral Hoprtal Aftuiawd lh Wouftlaia acu Ateocialion 120 E Honh Avanu Ntioaal AMociMion for atcA ad ampcubull ad

Pltuburah PA 11212 Eutetzl Rqjon National Cave acue Commiion

ElllerleDCY PhODe (804) 323-2300 (VlrEiaia ElllerleDc OperatloDI CeDter)


ASRC Policy for Cve escue will not e one of initiAl response bullbullut will ampe one of notificAtion An~ Alert status As CR has a ~egionAI ystem developed And as the last ~egion ICRC works thru Viriinia DES Inter Conference-Commission escue will e possihle under the following uidelines

ICRC can request ASC cooperationcliu ASRC chain of co~n~A D~S ASRC personnel pre-trained or ASRC leRe personnel cross trained as cave

I ~ rescuers can participate in underground rescue Any AS personnel not trained in underground rescue will not e permitted uncerground in Any ~apcity Ion - traine~ ASC member Can act as ~ove ground personnel Since East egion JeRe ~ ~I C~ilizies the IC Command System1this interface of perso~el should present~ 1~1

~ ErobleJand ampotr commands will intergrate ~

Training for ASR~ penonnel for cave rescue at present may take place ia w-y of two training forms East Region 6ffers t~o day weeken~ orientation classes for basic cave res~ue anc can be accepted by ASRC as initial training ASC ill proide training lWJterials to its training Officers for cave rescue training This material will bamp5ically ee the same as ER ~CRC instructor will be availible for mutual training weekends

ASR COmmAnd will also reciprocate adn alert ER ~CRC of its mission for possible use of ER WeRC Personnell in ASRC Missions

~dde ~(1 ~ Or r(t~r~ cIeL J-I)( r-rcl ~ CRC Or~n ~ Asec ~~~

) 1-- pa~ J- J z dbi I

O~ ~

ASAC ~vdl~p~A~ 41~amp7-l~ ~~yenaamp-~ r~Lp Acfc I1SIC ~~tkIpound~ -tr_~ 4~~Ic ~ M-~yrc-ut cu7

I Ci P~lL1 ~~IU~~~J-t-~~ ~ -k~Ina-c( d ~tVJr Jk~- tff~- ~5( ~Lx-(J- tt~~ t T U-~~-Mj m e-ult-c r~ 41~Jd 4-tr al- f

4cbT- I ~ t-fC p~rLl d1 7~t- 11 gtRc fI~r

ltKt0 (Ll ( - ~---~ l~



PO BOX 440



4 September ]986

TO All Certified ASRC members A11J( FROM Albert Baker ASRC Chairman g~i Re Membership meeting

An ASRC membership meeting has been scheduled for Saturday 4 Octaber at Peabody Hall at the University of Virginia (sorry AMRG) Please make every effort to attend or to send your written proxy Proxies may be sent with any member attending the meeting or may be mailed to the secretary at the above address A tentative agenda may be found below

I Call to Order II Discussion of past minutes

III Committee reports Operations

I Communications I l~ Training

Finance Ad hoc--Technical rescue standards

IV Group reports V Old business Associate groups policy revised

membership classes DES memo of understanding Input to the Pa DER Emergency medicine workshop

VI New business ASRC as an MRA region Richmond group Other business

c) Advertising Support PSAR Support Finances Educate region Maintain logos Procure stationary

Plans amp Policies Defme regional goals amp policies Support regional efforts Develop ASRC short amp long term goals Review put goals Support intra-conference development Oversee all conference policies

Support medical policies Support training policies Support Ops policies Support communciation policies Support PSAR activities Support fmance activities

General Administration Oversee committees Maintain amp improve Conference morale Oversee Conference membership




Figure 1 o~nizatjons



~SNP ------ BOD] - ----MRAPENN DER

~ Other SIR teamPenn EMS -7 ~ WVaOESMd EMS

( r r -1 I I r r r r Ir I bull bull bullI I I I



~~~ SAR- -

UVa ~(~TCCo1~legiHOSPJ e~ES J(~rlcenniDERJVaSARCo LJ YuSAR~ l ttSARCo ~~ 1TJ EMS


~ ~--

Figure 2 Administration






-- - - - - T - - shyI middotbull middotmiddot


I I I middot middot PLANS amp PSARamp



Incident Commanders

Last Update 10 December 1986

Blue Ridge Mountain Rescue Group

Albert Sa ker

Robert Koester

Chris Metzler

Kevin Coyne

Brian Wheeler

Dave Carter

Shenandoah Mountain Rescue Group

Gary Mechtel

Kevin Parkes

Paul Torrence

Greg Shea

Al Rosen

Richmond Search and Rescue

Mark Pennington

Ralph Wilfong



TO ASRC certified members and other interested parties FROM G MechteI amp G Shea DATE 9186 PURPOSE Internalmiddot ASRC changes to streamline ASRC membership

catagorles and allow Asociate Groups to jotnthe ASRC

This handout contains specfic admendments to the ASRCs Articles of Incorporation and a general description of the proposed admendments to the ASRC Bylaws The specflc Bylaw admendments and motIons will be presented later but the contents of the proposed changes are outlined in the second and third f1gures presented herein The changes wl11 be brought before the ASRCs general membership on October Fourth and action will be taken at that time


Gary MechteI


Admendments to the ASRC Articles of Incorporation


Admendment = 1 Rewrite Article IV-Membership

Change C Associate Members D Auxiliary Members and E Sustaining Members

To C Associate Members and D Sustaining Members

Purpose This admendment removes the catagory of auxiliary member This membership type is not only unnecessary but is not

even being used Therefore lets purge it

Admendment = 2 Rewrite Article V-Board of Directors Section A

Change A Directors must be Certified members and shall be elected by the Certified membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

To A Directors must be Certified or Associate members and shall be elected by the Certified and Associate Membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

Purpose 1) This admendment allows for a greater pool of individuals to fill the post of member of the board of directors The onus is still on the groups to make sure they choose reasonable directors

-2) More importantly this admendment allows Associate Groups to have a member on the Board of Directors

AFFLI [-lfTtfj CERTIFIED GROUP ~5~ IAeJregoseOllp -shy

I) Meet

1) 2 vot ing BOD members 2) Membership

a) 6 certified members b) 4 associate c) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) BOD Approved Training


membership requirements

2) 6 month probat ionary period

3) 1 non-voting member of BOO

4) 1 voting member of BOD

5) BOD approva I (23 vote)

1) MInimum of 18 month probat lonary perJod

2) ~ro~ote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 1 ~~nth period wi at leas~ members=-

5) Meet membership requirements


1) Membership a) 2 certIfIed or equivalent b) 4 associate or equivalent c) 4 others

2) Tax exemptable 3) Submlt rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operat1onal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Cert1rt ed Gp 6) Must pass IndIvIdual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 2 non-vot Ing BOD members 9) No traInIng o(flcler

~ 1 vot~BOD-member - 2) Membership

a) 10 associate b) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) Any certified members are

considered ASRC membersshyat-largeshy

5) BOD approved Training Officier

1) Minimum of 18 month probationary period

2) BOD approval (23 vote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 18 month period wi at least 50 of membership

5) Meet membership requirements


1) MembershiPi4 el-$e (11 heIJ rlq-ftc a) 6 associate ~ middottSleiibt b) 4 others

2) Tax exemptab Ie 3) Subm 1t rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operatIonal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Certifled Gp 6) Must pass IndIvidual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 1 non-vot lng BOO member 9) No training officier


- M~ll1berhip catagories

J) Certiffed = Basic amp above 2) Associate = Ffeld Qualiffed Base Qualified or other (non-trainee)

who is used in non-mission work (eg radio repairman) 3) Trainee = Anyone attempting to become Field Qualfi~~ or Base

Qualified Ie anyone who is a Ilablity on a SAR effort Therefore trainees should not be allowed on missions

4) Sustaining = Anyone offering material or financial support

Therefore the normal means of jOining and working up to be a certHled member is TOT0

tra1nee assoctate certlrted

catagory group vote

ASRC vote

ASRC patch

MRA patch


associate TBA NO YES NO

trainee TBA NO NO NO

TBA = It is up to the individual group to determine whether it feels associates or trainees should be aIlowed to vote in groLlp affairsObvious Iy for associate groups associate members will be allowed to vote


-----shy -I

CER1J5=IEO 6~p

1 ) rHt~Crstfr) ~ tr~~ ttkWfbtfS

b) L ~e tgtt 1clJ

I qIIIj ssJmiddots f) ~ trat1e5 shy

3) 3 fHotTfh cOf(tht~~cI bullI (CVttws

rI) ~D ~pprbeJ IraI1~ O~ccr bull 5) ~p 1iE ~~ pcoc~s h tt~~


i) ~I1It oJt 10 r)101l pnlb-~-Mrr ) )tilIM 1DyJfofh pngthJrMri fetid)

I PtdOGt z) 6eYJtm( ft~fq5~ ~ffDII1 (13 lb1-e)~) ~~ I o iPI ( 2l oflt) 3 ) tipp( if 5f~onl J P 3) fppfJVIlI o~ ~fQ~ri~ jlbup ___~

-- Lf) 4~J i Con~-C t~ 11 ~ ItH ) Sa

l Ieriocl w crt- lect~- SfftItf~ AI-- tilamp wrt e) iccf ~buhlp l vi1----gt s) =gtlt

I Roet1TlCN~Rr CERttfJE D 6Rovtgt i

I) ntm~hf t) rntltlfb-efgthp


2 cerHt~tol Mert1bers A) amp~e or ~GfJ ~-d ~lJcl~k5 b) t1 bee or ~~IJ qlJ4[t-cJ aS~DCIc~J b) I athltr 5I

cd) t-l o+~lr5 l) j)( Qe~f~6kI

2) 1P)( eYt~thb1c ~) 5c~I+ ftlgtkr ~ allou of p~cdu IC 1

3) fbmi+ ~~kr ~ CAllou+ ~OlJrc

4) btte ~ hsRc J4rhlt1t o~ trlCOltmiddot I -I-raquo~) ~~ I OY(kJgt o~~1 ~(bcedurt~e~

0) t~~ortJ oy cerktd ~(bp -~raquo ~~( _ ) Ugt+ P6gt InJiviJvIl tYlcJ t~ -I) ro) 5-lt

l f) IS $ ==iOCi() ~t r~( -r- t) So~ I jS qoo rer I(~kr~rrlj

~) ~ (pA-V01tj bOb ~ 0) )lo-vo- -Or BcD ~r1ibv-9) Vo 1-0( ij a~~ctr -- q) ~c-lt

_~____ 16 fpy1 rY-=rlt) c)~l (2b V1~-J ~ IC gt-~

C)-iI) 2 I vt7tiIIj coD tcrs

I) 1n(d- rHrlilbcrsp


l) r1Ow1fh f~oh1 TenoJ

3) 4 t1()I)-n~ bt~ f Eou

1) 6eHI(Jd f1k~f ifppn_1 (ill ttl)

5) Cxouf f05e~5 tip l1)

tp It~+middot

I) I no t1-v0i inj CoQ 01 t~r

J) ~J(r~lip

(1) J0 b~ or 1idJ f~lFiJ A~Q~~(5

b) ~ -f1lccs

3) ~ 3 ~ ~r~~5iv( revieWS bull

4) 30 1) ~(4v-eJ ~(I~ ~1fccr



Appalachian Search and Rescue Conference Inc

AlHh_7 Ceneral Hoprtal Aftuiawd lh Wouftlaia acu Ateocialion 120 E Honh Avanu Ntioaal AMociMion for atcA ad ampcubull ad

Pltuburah PA 11212 Eutetzl Rqjon National Cave acue Commiion

ElllerleDCY PhODe (804) 323-2300 (VlrEiaia ElllerleDc OperatloDI CeDter)


ASRC Policy for Cve escue will not e one of initiAl response bullbullut will ampe one of notificAtion An~ Alert status As CR has a ~egionAI ystem developed And as the last ~egion ICRC works thru Viriinia DES Inter Conference-Commission escue will e possihle under the following uidelines

ICRC can request ASC cooperationcliu ASRC chain of co~n~A D~S ASRC personnel pre-trained or ASRC leRe personnel cross trained as cave

I ~ rescuers can participate in underground rescue Any AS personnel not trained in underground rescue will not e permitted uncerground in Any ~apcity Ion - traine~ ASC member Can act as ~ove ground personnel Since East egion JeRe ~ ~I C~ilizies the IC Command System1this interface of perso~el should present~ 1~1

~ ErobleJand ampotr commands will intergrate ~

Training for ASR~ penonnel for cave rescue at present may take place ia w-y of two training forms East Region 6ffers t~o day weeken~ orientation classes for basic cave res~ue anc can be accepted by ASRC as initial training ASC ill proide training lWJterials to its training Officers for cave rescue training This material will bamp5ically ee the same as ER ~CRC instructor will be availible for mutual training weekends

ASR COmmAnd will also reciprocate adn alert ER ~CRC of its mission for possible use of ER WeRC Personnell in ASRC Missions

~dde ~(1 ~ Or r(t~r~ cIeL J-I)( r-rcl ~ CRC Or~n ~ Asec ~~~

) 1-- pa~ J- J z dbi I

O~ ~

ASAC ~vdl~p~A~ 41~amp7-l~ ~~yenaamp-~ r~Lp Acfc I1SIC ~~tkIpound~ -tr_~ 4~~Ic ~ M-~yrc-ut cu7

I Ci P~lL1 ~~IU~~~J-t-~~ ~ -k~Ina-c( d ~tVJr Jk~- tff~- ~5( ~Lx-(J- tt~~ t T U-~~-Mj m e-ult-c r~ 41~Jd 4-tr al- f

4cbT- I ~ t-fC p~rLl d1 7~t- 11 gtRc fI~r

ltKt0 (Ll ( - ~---~ l~



PO BOX 440



4 September ]986

TO All Certified ASRC members A11J( FROM Albert Baker ASRC Chairman g~i Re Membership meeting

An ASRC membership meeting has been scheduled for Saturday 4 Octaber at Peabody Hall at the University of Virginia (sorry AMRG) Please make every effort to attend or to send your written proxy Proxies may be sent with any member attending the meeting or may be mailed to the secretary at the above address A tentative agenda may be found below

I Call to Order II Discussion of past minutes

III Committee reports Operations

I Communications I l~ Training

Finance Ad hoc--Technical rescue standards

IV Group reports V Old business Associate groups policy revised

membership classes DES memo of understanding Input to the Pa DER Emergency medicine workshop

VI New business ASRC as an MRA region Richmond group Other business



Figure 1 o~nizatjons



~SNP ------ BOD] - ----MRAPENN DER

~ Other SIR teamPenn EMS -7 ~ WVaOESMd EMS

( r r -1 I I r r r r Ir I bull bull bullI I I I



~~~ SAR- -

UVa ~(~TCCo1~legiHOSPJ e~ES J(~rlcenniDERJVaSARCo LJ YuSAR~ l ttSARCo ~~ 1TJ EMS


~ ~--

Figure 2 Administration






-- - - - - T - - shyI middotbull middotmiddot


I I I middot middot PLANS amp PSARamp



Incident Commanders

Last Update 10 December 1986

Blue Ridge Mountain Rescue Group

Albert Sa ker

Robert Koester

Chris Metzler

Kevin Coyne

Brian Wheeler

Dave Carter

Shenandoah Mountain Rescue Group

Gary Mechtel

Kevin Parkes

Paul Torrence

Greg Shea

Al Rosen

Richmond Search and Rescue

Mark Pennington

Ralph Wilfong



TO ASRC certified members and other interested parties FROM G MechteI amp G Shea DATE 9186 PURPOSE Internalmiddot ASRC changes to streamline ASRC membership

catagorles and allow Asociate Groups to jotnthe ASRC

This handout contains specfic admendments to the ASRCs Articles of Incorporation and a general description of the proposed admendments to the ASRC Bylaws The specflc Bylaw admendments and motIons will be presented later but the contents of the proposed changes are outlined in the second and third f1gures presented herein The changes wl11 be brought before the ASRCs general membership on October Fourth and action will be taken at that time


Gary MechteI


Admendments to the ASRC Articles of Incorporation


Admendment = 1 Rewrite Article IV-Membership

Change C Associate Members D Auxiliary Members and E Sustaining Members

To C Associate Members and D Sustaining Members

Purpose This admendment removes the catagory of auxiliary member This membership type is not only unnecessary but is not

even being used Therefore lets purge it

Admendment = 2 Rewrite Article V-Board of Directors Section A

Change A Directors must be Certified members and shall be elected by the Certified membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

To A Directors must be Certified or Associate members and shall be elected by the Certified and Associate Membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

Purpose 1) This admendment allows for a greater pool of individuals to fill the post of member of the board of directors The onus is still on the groups to make sure they choose reasonable directors

-2) More importantly this admendment allows Associate Groups to have a member on the Board of Directors

AFFLI [-lfTtfj CERTIFIED GROUP ~5~ IAeJregoseOllp -shy

I) Meet

1) 2 vot ing BOD members 2) Membership

a) 6 certified members b) 4 associate c) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) BOD Approved Training


membership requirements

2) 6 month probat ionary period

3) 1 non-voting member of BOO

4) 1 voting member of BOD

5) BOD approva I (23 vote)

1) MInimum of 18 month probat lonary perJod

2) ~ro~ote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 1 ~~nth period wi at leas~ members=-

5) Meet membership requirements


1) Membership a) 2 certIfIed or equivalent b) 4 associate or equivalent c) 4 others

2) Tax exemptable 3) Submlt rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operat1onal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Cert1rt ed Gp 6) Must pass IndIvIdual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 2 non-vot Ing BOD members 9) No traInIng o(flcler

~ 1 vot~BOD-member - 2) Membership

a) 10 associate b) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) Any certified members are

considered ASRC membersshyat-largeshy

5) BOD approved Training Officier

1) Minimum of 18 month probationary period

2) BOD approval (23 vote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 18 month period wi at least 50 of membership

5) Meet membership requirements


1) MembershiPi4 el-$e (11 heIJ rlq-ftc a) 6 associate ~ middottSleiibt b) 4 others

2) Tax exemptab Ie 3) Subm 1t rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operatIonal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Certifled Gp 6) Must pass IndIvidual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 1 non-vot lng BOO member 9) No training officier


- M~ll1berhip catagories

J) Certiffed = Basic amp above 2) Associate = Ffeld Qualiffed Base Qualified or other (non-trainee)

who is used in non-mission work (eg radio repairman) 3) Trainee = Anyone attempting to become Field Qualfi~~ or Base

Qualified Ie anyone who is a Ilablity on a SAR effort Therefore trainees should not be allowed on missions

4) Sustaining = Anyone offering material or financial support

Therefore the normal means of jOining and working up to be a certHled member is TOT0

tra1nee assoctate certlrted

catagory group vote

ASRC vote

ASRC patch

MRA patch


associate TBA NO YES NO

trainee TBA NO NO NO

TBA = It is up to the individual group to determine whether it feels associates or trainees should be aIlowed to vote in groLlp affairsObvious Iy for associate groups associate members will be allowed to vote


-----shy -I

CER1J5=IEO 6~p

1 ) rHt~Crstfr) ~ tr~~ ttkWfbtfS

b) L ~e tgtt 1clJ

I qIIIj ssJmiddots f) ~ trat1e5 shy

3) 3 fHotTfh cOf(tht~~cI bullI (CVttws

rI) ~D ~pprbeJ IraI1~ O~ccr bull 5) ~p 1iE ~~ pcoc~s h tt~~


i) ~I1It oJt 10 r)101l pnlb-~-Mrr ) )tilIM 1DyJfofh pngthJrMri fetid)

I PtdOGt z) 6eYJtm( ft~fq5~ ~ffDII1 (13 lb1-e)~) ~~ I o iPI ( 2l oflt) 3 ) tipp( if 5f~onl J P 3) fppfJVIlI o~ ~fQ~ri~ jlbup ___~

-- Lf) 4~J i Con~-C t~ 11 ~ ItH ) Sa

l Ieriocl w crt- lect~- SfftItf~ AI-- tilamp wrt e) iccf ~buhlp l vi1----gt s) =gtlt

I Roet1TlCN~Rr CERttfJE D 6Rovtgt i

I) ntm~hf t) rntltlfb-efgthp


2 cerHt~tol Mert1bers A) amp~e or ~GfJ ~-d ~lJcl~k5 b) t1 bee or ~~IJ qlJ4[t-cJ aS~DCIc~J b) I athltr 5I

cd) t-l o+~lr5 l) j)( Qe~f~6kI

2) 1P)( eYt~thb1c ~) 5c~I+ ftlgtkr ~ allou of p~cdu IC 1

3) fbmi+ ~~kr ~ CAllou+ ~OlJrc

4) btte ~ hsRc J4rhlt1t o~ trlCOltmiddot I -I-raquo~) ~~ I OY(kJgt o~~1 ~(bcedurt~e~

0) t~~ortJ oy cerktd ~(bp -~raquo ~~( _ ) Ugt+ P6gt InJiviJvIl tYlcJ t~ -I) ro) 5-lt

l f) IS $ ==iOCi() ~t r~( -r- t) So~ I jS qoo rer I(~kr~rrlj

~) ~ (pA-V01tj bOb ~ 0) )lo-vo- -Or BcD ~r1ibv-9) Vo 1-0( ij a~~ctr -- q) ~c-lt

_~____ 16 fpy1 rY-=rlt) c)~l (2b V1~-J ~ IC gt-~

C)-iI) 2 I vt7tiIIj coD tcrs

I) 1n(d- rHrlilbcrsp


l) r1Ow1fh f~oh1 TenoJ

3) 4 t1()I)-n~ bt~ f Eou

1) 6eHI(Jd f1k~f ifppn_1 (ill ttl)

5) Cxouf f05e~5 tip l1)

tp It~+middot

I) I no t1-v0i inj CoQ 01 t~r

J) ~J(r~lip

(1) J0 b~ or 1idJ f~lFiJ A~Q~~(5

b) ~ -f1lccs

3) ~ 3 ~ ~r~~5iv( revieWS bull

4) 30 1) ~(4v-eJ ~(I~ ~1fccr



Appalachian Search and Rescue Conference Inc

AlHh_7 Ceneral Hoprtal Aftuiawd lh Wouftlaia acu Ateocialion 120 E Honh Avanu Ntioaal AMociMion for atcA ad ampcubull ad

Pltuburah PA 11212 Eutetzl Rqjon National Cave acue Commiion

ElllerleDCY PhODe (804) 323-2300 (VlrEiaia ElllerleDc OperatloDI CeDter)


ASRC Policy for Cve escue will not e one of initiAl response bullbullut will ampe one of notificAtion An~ Alert status As CR has a ~egionAI ystem developed And as the last ~egion ICRC works thru Viriinia DES Inter Conference-Commission escue will e possihle under the following uidelines

ICRC can request ASC cooperationcliu ASRC chain of co~n~A D~S ASRC personnel pre-trained or ASRC leRe personnel cross trained as cave

I ~ rescuers can participate in underground rescue Any AS personnel not trained in underground rescue will not e permitted uncerground in Any ~apcity Ion - traine~ ASC member Can act as ~ove ground personnel Since East egion JeRe ~ ~I C~ilizies the IC Command System1this interface of perso~el should present~ 1~1

~ ErobleJand ampotr commands will intergrate ~

Training for ASR~ penonnel for cave rescue at present may take place ia w-y of two training forms East Region 6ffers t~o day weeken~ orientation classes for basic cave res~ue anc can be accepted by ASRC as initial training ASC ill proide training lWJterials to its training Officers for cave rescue training This material will bamp5ically ee the same as ER ~CRC instructor will be availible for mutual training weekends

ASR COmmAnd will also reciprocate adn alert ER ~CRC of its mission for possible use of ER WeRC Personnell in ASRC Missions

~dde ~(1 ~ Or r(t~r~ cIeL J-I)( r-rcl ~ CRC Or~n ~ Asec ~~~

) 1-- pa~ J- J z dbi I

O~ ~

ASAC ~vdl~p~A~ 41~amp7-l~ ~~yenaamp-~ r~Lp Acfc I1SIC ~~tkIpound~ -tr_~ 4~~Ic ~ M-~yrc-ut cu7

I Ci P~lL1 ~~IU~~~J-t-~~ ~ -k~Ina-c( d ~tVJr Jk~- tff~- ~5( ~Lx-(J- tt~~ t T U-~~-Mj m e-ult-c r~ 41~Jd 4-tr al- f

4cbT- I ~ t-fC p~rLl d1 7~t- 11 gtRc fI~r

ltKt0 (Ll ( - ~---~ l~



PO BOX 440



4 September ]986

TO All Certified ASRC members A11J( FROM Albert Baker ASRC Chairman g~i Re Membership meeting

An ASRC membership meeting has been scheduled for Saturday 4 Octaber at Peabody Hall at the University of Virginia (sorry AMRG) Please make every effort to attend or to send your written proxy Proxies may be sent with any member attending the meeting or may be mailed to the secretary at the above address A tentative agenda may be found below

I Call to Order II Discussion of past minutes

III Committee reports Operations

I Communications I l~ Training

Finance Ad hoc--Technical rescue standards

IV Group reports V Old business Associate groups policy revised

membership classes DES memo of understanding Input to the Pa DER Emergency medicine workshop

VI New business ASRC as an MRA region Richmond group Other business


~ ~--

Figure 2 Administration






-- - - - - T - - shyI middotbull middotmiddot


I I I middot middot PLANS amp PSARamp



Incident Commanders

Last Update 10 December 1986

Blue Ridge Mountain Rescue Group

Albert Sa ker

Robert Koester

Chris Metzler

Kevin Coyne

Brian Wheeler

Dave Carter

Shenandoah Mountain Rescue Group

Gary Mechtel

Kevin Parkes

Paul Torrence

Greg Shea

Al Rosen

Richmond Search and Rescue

Mark Pennington

Ralph Wilfong



TO ASRC certified members and other interested parties FROM G MechteI amp G Shea DATE 9186 PURPOSE Internalmiddot ASRC changes to streamline ASRC membership

catagorles and allow Asociate Groups to jotnthe ASRC

This handout contains specfic admendments to the ASRCs Articles of Incorporation and a general description of the proposed admendments to the ASRC Bylaws The specflc Bylaw admendments and motIons will be presented later but the contents of the proposed changes are outlined in the second and third f1gures presented herein The changes wl11 be brought before the ASRCs general membership on October Fourth and action will be taken at that time


Gary MechteI


Admendments to the ASRC Articles of Incorporation


Admendment = 1 Rewrite Article IV-Membership

Change C Associate Members D Auxiliary Members and E Sustaining Members

To C Associate Members and D Sustaining Members

Purpose This admendment removes the catagory of auxiliary member This membership type is not only unnecessary but is not

even being used Therefore lets purge it

Admendment = 2 Rewrite Article V-Board of Directors Section A

Change A Directors must be Certified members and shall be elected by the Certified membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

To A Directors must be Certified or Associate members and shall be elected by the Certified and Associate Membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

Purpose 1) This admendment allows for a greater pool of individuals to fill the post of member of the board of directors The onus is still on the groups to make sure they choose reasonable directors

-2) More importantly this admendment allows Associate Groups to have a member on the Board of Directors

AFFLI [-lfTtfj CERTIFIED GROUP ~5~ IAeJregoseOllp -shy

I) Meet

1) 2 vot ing BOD members 2) Membership

a) 6 certified members b) 4 associate c) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) BOD Approved Training


membership requirements

2) 6 month probat ionary period

3) 1 non-voting member of BOO

4) 1 voting member of BOD

5) BOD approva I (23 vote)

1) MInimum of 18 month probat lonary perJod

2) ~ro~ote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 1 ~~nth period wi at leas~ members=-

5) Meet membership requirements


1) Membership a) 2 certIfIed or equivalent b) 4 associate or equivalent c) 4 others

2) Tax exemptable 3) Submlt rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operat1onal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Cert1rt ed Gp 6) Must pass IndIvIdual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 2 non-vot Ing BOD members 9) No traInIng o(flcler

~ 1 vot~BOD-member - 2) Membership

a) 10 associate b) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) Any certified members are

considered ASRC membersshyat-largeshy

5) BOD approved Training Officier

1) Minimum of 18 month probationary period

2) BOD approval (23 vote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 18 month period wi at least 50 of membership

5) Meet membership requirements


1) MembershiPi4 el-$e (11 heIJ rlq-ftc a) 6 associate ~ middottSleiibt b) 4 others

2) Tax exemptab Ie 3) Subm 1t rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operatIonal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Certifled Gp 6) Must pass IndIvidual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 1 non-vot lng BOO member 9) No training officier


- M~ll1berhip catagories

J) Certiffed = Basic amp above 2) Associate = Ffeld Qualiffed Base Qualified or other (non-trainee)

who is used in non-mission work (eg radio repairman) 3) Trainee = Anyone attempting to become Field Qualfi~~ or Base

Qualified Ie anyone who is a Ilablity on a SAR effort Therefore trainees should not be allowed on missions

4) Sustaining = Anyone offering material or financial support

Therefore the normal means of jOining and working up to be a certHled member is TOT0

tra1nee assoctate certlrted

catagory group vote

ASRC vote

ASRC patch

MRA patch


associate TBA NO YES NO

trainee TBA NO NO NO

TBA = It is up to the individual group to determine whether it feels associates or trainees should be aIlowed to vote in groLlp affairsObvious Iy for associate groups associate members will be allowed to vote


-----shy -I

CER1J5=IEO 6~p

1 ) rHt~Crstfr) ~ tr~~ ttkWfbtfS

b) L ~e tgtt 1clJ

I qIIIj ssJmiddots f) ~ trat1e5 shy

3) 3 fHotTfh cOf(tht~~cI bullI (CVttws

rI) ~D ~pprbeJ IraI1~ O~ccr bull 5) ~p 1iE ~~ pcoc~s h tt~~


i) ~I1It oJt 10 r)101l pnlb-~-Mrr ) )tilIM 1DyJfofh pngthJrMri fetid)

I PtdOGt z) 6eYJtm( ft~fq5~ ~ffDII1 (13 lb1-e)~) ~~ I o iPI ( 2l oflt) 3 ) tipp( if 5f~onl J P 3) fppfJVIlI o~ ~fQ~ri~ jlbup ___~

-- Lf) 4~J i Con~-C t~ 11 ~ ItH ) Sa

l Ieriocl w crt- lect~- SfftItf~ AI-- tilamp wrt e) iccf ~buhlp l vi1----gt s) =gtlt

I Roet1TlCN~Rr CERttfJE D 6Rovtgt i

I) ntm~hf t) rntltlfb-efgthp


2 cerHt~tol Mert1bers A) amp~e or ~GfJ ~-d ~lJcl~k5 b) t1 bee or ~~IJ qlJ4[t-cJ aS~DCIc~J b) I athltr 5I

cd) t-l o+~lr5 l) j)( Qe~f~6kI

2) 1P)( eYt~thb1c ~) 5c~I+ ftlgtkr ~ allou of p~cdu IC 1

3) fbmi+ ~~kr ~ CAllou+ ~OlJrc

4) btte ~ hsRc J4rhlt1t o~ trlCOltmiddot I -I-raquo~) ~~ I OY(kJgt o~~1 ~(bcedurt~e~

0) t~~ortJ oy cerktd ~(bp -~raquo ~~( _ ) Ugt+ P6gt InJiviJvIl tYlcJ t~ -I) ro) 5-lt

l f) IS $ ==iOCi() ~t r~( -r- t) So~ I jS qoo rer I(~kr~rrlj

~) ~ (pA-V01tj bOb ~ 0) )lo-vo- -Or BcD ~r1ibv-9) Vo 1-0( ij a~~ctr -- q) ~c-lt

_~____ 16 fpy1 rY-=rlt) c)~l (2b V1~-J ~ IC gt-~

C)-iI) 2 I vt7tiIIj coD tcrs

I) 1n(d- rHrlilbcrsp


l) r1Ow1fh f~oh1 TenoJ

3) 4 t1()I)-n~ bt~ f Eou

1) 6eHI(Jd f1k~f ifppn_1 (ill ttl)

5) Cxouf f05e~5 tip l1)

tp It~+middot

I) I no t1-v0i inj CoQ 01 t~r

J) ~J(r~lip

(1) J0 b~ or 1idJ f~lFiJ A~Q~~(5

b) ~ -f1lccs

3) ~ 3 ~ ~r~~5iv( revieWS bull

4) 30 1) ~(4v-eJ ~(I~ ~1fccr



Appalachian Search and Rescue Conference Inc

AlHh_7 Ceneral Hoprtal Aftuiawd lh Wouftlaia acu Ateocialion 120 E Honh Avanu Ntioaal AMociMion for atcA ad ampcubull ad

Pltuburah PA 11212 Eutetzl Rqjon National Cave acue Commiion

ElllerleDCY PhODe (804) 323-2300 (VlrEiaia ElllerleDc OperatloDI CeDter)


ASRC Policy for Cve escue will not e one of initiAl response bullbullut will ampe one of notificAtion An~ Alert status As CR has a ~egionAI ystem developed And as the last ~egion ICRC works thru Viriinia DES Inter Conference-Commission escue will e possihle under the following uidelines

ICRC can request ASC cooperationcliu ASRC chain of co~n~A D~S ASRC personnel pre-trained or ASRC leRe personnel cross trained as cave

I ~ rescuers can participate in underground rescue Any AS personnel not trained in underground rescue will not e permitted uncerground in Any ~apcity Ion - traine~ ASC member Can act as ~ove ground personnel Since East egion JeRe ~ ~I C~ilizies the IC Command System1this interface of perso~el should present~ 1~1

~ ErobleJand ampotr commands will intergrate ~

Training for ASR~ penonnel for cave rescue at present may take place ia w-y of two training forms East Region 6ffers t~o day weeken~ orientation classes for basic cave res~ue anc can be accepted by ASRC as initial training ASC ill proide training lWJterials to its training Officers for cave rescue training This material will bamp5ically ee the same as ER ~CRC instructor will be availible for mutual training weekends

ASR COmmAnd will also reciprocate adn alert ER ~CRC of its mission for possible use of ER WeRC Personnell in ASRC Missions

~dde ~(1 ~ Or r(t~r~ cIeL J-I)( r-rcl ~ CRC Or~n ~ Asec ~~~

) 1-- pa~ J- J z dbi I

O~ ~

ASAC ~vdl~p~A~ 41~amp7-l~ ~~yenaamp-~ r~Lp Acfc I1SIC ~~tkIpound~ -tr_~ 4~~Ic ~ M-~yrc-ut cu7

I Ci P~lL1 ~~IU~~~J-t-~~ ~ -k~Ina-c( d ~tVJr Jk~- tff~- ~5( ~Lx-(J- tt~~ t T U-~~-Mj m e-ult-c r~ 41~Jd 4-tr al- f

4cbT- I ~ t-fC p~rLl d1 7~t- 11 gtRc fI~r

ltKt0 (Ll ( - ~---~ l~



PO BOX 440



4 September ]986

TO All Certified ASRC members A11J( FROM Albert Baker ASRC Chairman g~i Re Membership meeting

An ASRC membership meeting has been scheduled for Saturday 4 Octaber at Peabody Hall at the University of Virginia (sorry AMRG) Please make every effort to attend or to send your written proxy Proxies may be sent with any member attending the meeting or may be mailed to the secretary at the above address A tentative agenda may be found below

I Call to Order II Discussion of past minutes

III Committee reports Operations

I Communications I l~ Training

Finance Ad hoc--Technical rescue standards

IV Group reports V Old business Associate groups policy revised

membership classes DES memo of understanding Input to the Pa DER Emergency medicine workshop

VI New business ASRC as an MRA region Richmond group Other business


Incident Commanders

Last Update 10 December 1986

Blue Ridge Mountain Rescue Group

Albert Sa ker

Robert Koester

Chris Metzler

Kevin Coyne

Brian Wheeler

Dave Carter

Shenandoah Mountain Rescue Group

Gary Mechtel

Kevin Parkes

Paul Torrence

Greg Shea

Al Rosen

Richmond Search and Rescue

Mark Pennington

Ralph Wilfong



TO ASRC certified members and other interested parties FROM G MechteI amp G Shea DATE 9186 PURPOSE Internalmiddot ASRC changes to streamline ASRC membership

catagorles and allow Asociate Groups to jotnthe ASRC

This handout contains specfic admendments to the ASRCs Articles of Incorporation and a general description of the proposed admendments to the ASRC Bylaws The specflc Bylaw admendments and motIons will be presented later but the contents of the proposed changes are outlined in the second and third f1gures presented herein The changes wl11 be brought before the ASRCs general membership on October Fourth and action will be taken at that time


Gary MechteI


Admendments to the ASRC Articles of Incorporation


Admendment = 1 Rewrite Article IV-Membership

Change C Associate Members D Auxiliary Members and E Sustaining Members

To C Associate Members and D Sustaining Members

Purpose This admendment removes the catagory of auxiliary member This membership type is not only unnecessary but is not

even being used Therefore lets purge it

Admendment = 2 Rewrite Article V-Board of Directors Section A

Change A Directors must be Certified members and shall be elected by the Certified membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

To A Directors must be Certified or Associate members and shall be elected by the Certified and Associate Membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

Purpose 1) This admendment allows for a greater pool of individuals to fill the post of member of the board of directors The onus is still on the groups to make sure they choose reasonable directors

-2) More importantly this admendment allows Associate Groups to have a member on the Board of Directors

AFFLI [-lfTtfj CERTIFIED GROUP ~5~ IAeJregoseOllp -shy

I) Meet

1) 2 vot ing BOD members 2) Membership

a) 6 certified members b) 4 associate c) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) BOD Approved Training


membership requirements

2) 6 month probat ionary period

3) 1 non-voting member of BOO

4) 1 voting member of BOD

5) BOD approva I (23 vote)

1) MInimum of 18 month probat lonary perJod

2) ~ro~ote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 1 ~~nth period wi at leas~ members=-

5) Meet membership requirements


1) Membership a) 2 certIfIed or equivalent b) 4 associate or equivalent c) 4 others

2) Tax exemptable 3) Submlt rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operat1onal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Cert1rt ed Gp 6) Must pass IndIvIdual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 2 non-vot Ing BOD members 9) No traInIng o(flcler

~ 1 vot~BOD-member - 2) Membership

a) 10 associate b) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) Any certified members are

considered ASRC membersshyat-largeshy

5) BOD approved Training Officier

1) Minimum of 18 month probationary period

2) BOD approval (23 vote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 18 month period wi at least 50 of membership

5) Meet membership requirements


1) MembershiPi4 el-$e (11 heIJ rlq-ftc a) 6 associate ~ middottSleiibt b) 4 others

2) Tax exemptab Ie 3) Subm 1t rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operatIonal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Certifled Gp 6) Must pass IndIvidual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 1 non-vot lng BOO member 9) No training officier


- M~ll1berhip catagories

J) Certiffed = Basic amp above 2) Associate = Ffeld Qualiffed Base Qualified or other (non-trainee)

who is used in non-mission work (eg radio repairman) 3) Trainee = Anyone attempting to become Field Qualfi~~ or Base

Qualified Ie anyone who is a Ilablity on a SAR effort Therefore trainees should not be allowed on missions

4) Sustaining = Anyone offering material or financial support

Therefore the normal means of jOining and working up to be a certHled member is TOT0

tra1nee assoctate certlrted

catagory group vote

ASRC vote

ASRC patch

MRA patch


associate TBA NO YES NO

trainee TBA NO NO NO

TBA = It is up to the individual group to determine whether it feels associates or trainees should be aIlowed to vote in groLlp affairsObvious Iy for associate groups associate members will be allowed to vote


-----shy -I

CER1J5=IEO 6~p

1 ) rHt~Crstfr) ~ tr~~ ttkWfbtfS

b) L ~e tgtt 1clJ

I qIIIj ssJmiddots f) ~ trat1e5 shy

3) 3 fHotTfh cOf(tht~~cI bullI (CVttws

rI) ~D ~pprbeJ IraI1~ O~ccr bull 5) ~p 1iE ~~ pcoc~s h tt~~


i) ~I1It oJt 10 r)101l pnlb-~-Mrr ) )tilIM 1DyJfofh pngthJrMri fetid)

I PtdOGt z) 6eYJtm( ft~fq5~ ~ffDII1 (13 lb1-e)~) ~~ I o iPI ( 2l oflt) 3 ) tipp( if 5f~onl J P 3) fppfJVIlI o~ ~fQ~ri~ jlbup ___~

-- Lf) 4~J i Con~-C t~ 11 ~ ItH ) Sa

l Ieriocl w crt- lect~- SfftItf~ AI-- tilamp wrt e) iccf ~buhlp l vi1----gt s) =gtlt

I Roet1TlCN~Rr CERttfJE D 6Rovtgt i

I) ntm~hf t) rntltlfb-efgthp


2 cerHt~tol Mert1bers A) amp~e or ~GfJ ~-d ~lJcl~k5 b) t1 bee or ~~IJ qlJ4[t-cJ aS~DCIc~J b) I athltr 5I

cd) t-l o+~lr5 l) j)( Qe~f~6kI

2) 1P)( eYt~thb1c ~) 5c~I+ ftlgtkr ~ allou of p~cdu IC 1

3) fbmi+ ~~kr ~ CAllou+ ~OlJrc

4) btte ~ hsRc J4rhlt1t o~ trlCOltmiddot I -I-raquo~) ~~ I OY(kJgt o~~1 ~(bcedurt~e~

0) t~~ortJ oy cerktd ~(bp -~raquo ~~( _ ) Ugt+ P6gt InJiviJvIl tYlcJ t~ -I) ro) 5-lt

l f) IS $ ==iOCi() ~t r~( -r- t) So~ I jS qoo rer I(~kr~rrlj

~) ~ (pA-V01tj bOb ~ 0) )lo-vo- -Or BcD ~r1ibv-9) Vo 1-0( ij a~~ctr -- q) ~c-lt

_~____ 16 fpy1 rY-=rlt) c)~l (2b V1~-J ~ IC gt-~

C)-iI) 2 I vt7tiIIj coD tcrs

I) 1n(d- rHrlilbcrsp


l) r1Ow1fh f~oh1 TenoJ

3) 4 t1()I)-n~ bt~ f Eou

1) 6eHI(Jd f1k~f ifppn_1 (ill ttl)

5) Cxouf f05e~5 tip l1)

tp It~+middot

I) I no t1-v0i inj CoQ 01 t~r

J) ~J(r~lip

(1) J0 b~ or 1idJ f~lFiJ A~Q~~(5

b) ~ -f1lccs

3) ~ 3 ~ ~r~~5iv( revieWS bull

4) 30 1) ~(4v-eJ ~(I~ ~1fccr



Appalachian Search and Rescue Conference Inc

AlHh_7 Ceneral Hoprtal Aftuiawd lh Wouftlaia acu Ateocialion 120 E Honh Avanu Ntioaal AMociMion for atcA ad ampcubull ad

Pltuburah PA 11212 Eutetzl Rqjon National Cave acue Commiion

ElllerleDCY PhODe (804) 323-2300 (VlrEiaia ElllerleDc OperatloDI CeDter)


ASRC Policy for Cve escue will not e one of initiAl response bullbullut will ampe one of notificAtion An~ Alert status As CR has a ~egionAI ystem developed And as the last ~egion ICRC works thru Viriinia DES Inter Conference-Commission escue will e possihle under the following uidelines

ICRC can request ASC cooperationcliu ASRC chain of co~n~A D~S ASRC personnel pre-trained or ASRC leRe personnel cross trained as cave

I ~ rescuers can participate in underground rescue Any AS personnel not trained in underground rescue will not e permitted uncerground in Any ~apcity Ion - traine~ ASC member Can act as ~ove ground personnel Since East egion JeRe ~ ~I C~ilizies the IC Command System1this interface of perso~el should present~ 1~1

~ ErobleJand ampotr commands will intergrate ~

Training for ASR~ penonnel for cave rescue at present may take place ia w-y of two training forms East Region 6ffers t~o day weeken~ orientation classes for basic cave res~ue anc can be accepted by ASRC as initial training ASC ill proide training lWJterials to its training Officers for cave rescue training This material will bamp5ically ee the same as ER ~CRC instructor will be availible for mutual training weekends

ASR COmmAnd will also reciprocate adn alert ER ~CRC of its mission for possible use of ER WeRC Personnell in ASRC Missions

~dde ~(1 ~ Or r(t~r~ cIeL J-I)( r-rcl ~ CRC Or~n ~ Asec ~~~

) 1-- pa~ J- J z dbi I

O~ ~

ASAC ~vdl~p~A~ 41~amp7-l~ ~~yenaamp-~ r~Lp Acfc I1SIC ~~tkIpound~ -tr_~ 4~~Ic ~ M-~yrc-ut cu7

I Ci P~lL1 ~~IU~~~J-t-~~ ~ -k~Ina-c( d ~tVJr Jk~- tff~- ~5( ~Lx-(J- tt~~ t T U-~~-Mj m e-ult-c r~ 41~Jd 4-tr al- f

4cbT- I ~ t-fC p~rLl d1 7~t- 11 gtRc fI~r

ltKt0 (Ll ( - ~---~ l~



PO BOX 440



4 September ]986

TO All Certified ASRC members A11J( FROM Albert Baker ASRC Chairman g~i Re Membership meeting

An ASRC membership meeting has been scheduled for Saturday 4 Octaber at Peabody Hall at the University of Virginia (sorry AMRG) Please make every effort to attend or to send your written proxy Proxies may be sent with any member attending the meeting or may be mailed to the secretary at the above address A tentative agenda may be found below

I Call to Order II Discussion of past minutes

III Committee reports Operations

I Communications I l~ Training

Finance Ad hoc--Technical rescue standards

IV Group reports V Old business Associate groups policy revised

membership classes DES memo of understanding Input to the Pa DER Emergency medicine workshop

VI New business ASRC as an MRA region Richmond group Other business


TO ASRC certified members and other interested parties FROM G MechteI amp G Shea DATE 9186 PURPOSE Internalmiddot ASRC changes to streamline ASRC membership

catagorles and allow Asociate Groups to jotnthe ASRC

This handout contains specfic admendments to the ASRCs Articles of Incorporation and a general description of the proposed admendments to the ASRC Bylaws The specflc Bylaw admendments and motIons will be presented later but the contents of the proposed changes are outlined in the second and third f1gures presented herein The changes wl11 be brought before the ASRCs general membership on October Fourth and action will be taken at that time


Gary MechteI


Admendments to the ASRC Articles of Incorporation


Admendment = 1 Rewrite Article IV-Membership

Change C Associate Members D Auxiliary Members and E Sustaining Members

To C Associate Members and D Sustaining Members

Purpose This admendment removes the catagory of auxiliary member This membership type is not only unnecessary but is not

even being used Therefore lets purge it

Admendment = 2 Rewrite Article V-Board of Directors Section A

Change A Directors must be Certified members and shall be elected by the Certified membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

To A Directors must be Certified or Associate members and shall be elected by the Certified and Associate Membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

Purpose 1) This admendment allows for a greater pool of individuals to fill the post of member of the board of directors The onus is still on the groups to make sure they choose reasonable directors

-2) More importantly this admendment allows Associate Groups to have a member on the Board of Directors

AFFLI [-lfTtfj CERTIFIED GROUP ~5~ IAeJregoseOllp -shy

I) Meet

1) 2 vot ing BOD members 2) Membership

a) 6 certified members b) 4 associate c) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) BOD Approved Training


membership requirements

2) 6 month probat ionary period

3) 1 non-voting member of BOO

4) 1 voting member of BOD

5) BOD approva I (23 vote)

1) MInimum of 18 month probat lonary perJod

2) ~ro~ote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 1 ~~nth period wi at leas~ members=-

5) Meet membership requirements


1) Membership a) 2 certIfIed or equivalent b) 4 associate or equivalent c) 4 others

2) Tax exemptable 3) Submlt rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operat1onal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Cert1rt ed Gp 6) Must pass IndIvIdual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 2 non-vot Ing BOD members 9) No traInIng o(flcler

~ 1 vot~BOD-member - 2) Membership

a) 10 associate b) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) Any certified members are

considered ASRC membersshyat-largeshy

5) BOD approved Training Officier

1) Minimum of 18 month probationary period

2) BOD approval (23 vote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 18 month period wi at least 50 of membership

5) Meet membership requirements


1) MembershiPi4 el-$e (11 heIJ rlq-ftc a) 6 associate ~ middottSleiibt b) 4 others

2) Tax exemptab Ie 3) Subm 1t rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operatIonal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Certifled Gp 6) Must pass IndIvidual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 1 non-vot lng BOO member 9) No training officier


- M~ll1berhip catagories

J) Certiffed = Basic amp above 2) Associate = Ffeld Qualiffed Base Qualified or other (non-trainee)

who is used in non-mission work (eg radio repairman) 3) Trainee = Anyone attempting to become Field Qualfi~~ or Base

Qualified Ie anyone who is a Ilablity on a SAR effort Therefore trainees should not be allowed on missions

4) Sustaining = Anyone offering material or financial support

Therefore the normal means of jOining and working up to be a certHled member is TOT0

tra1nee assoctate certlrted

catagory group vote

ASRC vote

ASRC patch

MRA patch


associate TBA NO YES NO

trainee TBA NO NO NO

TBA = It is up to the individual group to determine whether it feels associates or trainees should be aIlowed to vote in groLlp affairsObvious Iy for associate groups associate members will be allowed to vote


-----shy -I

CER1J5=IEO 6~p

1 ) rHt~Crstfr) ~ tr~~ ttkWfbtfS

b) L ~e tgtt 1clJ

I qIIIj ssJmiddots f) ~ trat1e5 shy

3) 3 fHotTfh cOf(tht~~cI bullI (CVttws

rI) ~D ~pprbeJ IraI1~ O~ccr bull 5) ~p 1iE ~~ pcoc~s h tt~~


i) ~I1It oJt 10 r)101l pnlb-~-Mrr ) )tilIM 1DyJfofh pngthJrMri fetid)

I PtdOGt z) 6eYJtm( ft~fq5~ ~ffDII1 (13 lb1-e)~) ~~ I o iPI ( 2l oflt) 3 ) tipp( if 5f~onl J P 3) fppfJVIlI o~ ~fQ~ri~ jlbup ___~

-- Lf) 4~J i Con~-C t~ 11 ~ ItH ) Sa

l Ieriocl w crt- lect~- SfftItf~ AI-- tilamp wrt e) iccf ~buhlp l vi1----gt s) =gtlt

I Roet1TlCN~Rr CERttfJE D 6Rovtgt i

I) ntm~hf t) rntltlfb-efgthp


2 cerHt~tol Mert1bers A) amp~e or ~GfJ ~-d ~lJcl~k5 b) t1 bee or ~~IJ qlJ4[t-cJ aS~DCIc~J b) I athltr 5I

cd) t-l o+~lr5 l) j)( Qe~f~6kI

2) 1P)( eYt~thb1c ~) 5c~I+ ftlgtkr ~ allou of p~cdu IC 1

3) fbmi+ ~~kr ~ CAllou+ ~OlJrc

4) btte ~ hsRc J4rhlt1t o~ trlCOltmiddot I -I-raquo~) ~~ I OY(kJgt o~~1 ~(bcedurt~e~

0) t~~ortJ oy cerktd ~(bp -~raquo ~~( _ ) Ugt+ P6gt InJiviJvIl tYlcJ t~ -I) ro) 5-lt

l f) IS $ ==iOCi() ~t r~( -r- t) So~ I jS qoo rer I(~kr~rrlj

~) ~ (pA-V01tj bOb ~ 0) )lo-vo- -Or BcD ~r1ibv-9) Vo 1-0( ij a~~ctr -- q) ~c-lt

_~____ 16 fpy1 rY-=rlt) c)~l (2b V1~-J ~ IC gt-~

C)-iI) 2 I vt7tiIIj coD tcrs

I) 1n(d- rHrlilbcrsp


l) r1Ow1fh f~oh1 TenoJ

3) 4 t1()I)-n~ bt~ f Eou

1) 6eHI(Jd f1k~f ifppn_1 (ill ttl)

5) Cxouf f05e~5 tip l1)

tp It~+middot

I) I no t1-v0i inj CoQ 01 t~r

J) ~J(r~lip

(1) J0 b~ or 1idJ f~lFiJ A~Q~~(5

b) ~ -f1lccs

3) ~ 3 ~ ~r~~5iv( revieWS bull

4) 30 1) ~(4v-eJ ~(I~ ~1fccr



Appalachian Search and Rescue Conference Inc

AlHh_7 Ceneral Hoprtal Aftuiawd lh Wouftlaia acu Ateocialion 120 E Honh Avanu Ntioaal AMociMion for atcA ad ampcubull ad

Pltuburah PA 11212 Eutetzl Rqjon National Cave acue Commiion

ElllerleDCY PhODe (804) 323-2300 (VlrEiaia ElllerleDc OperatloDI CeDter)


ASRC Policy for Cve escue will not e one of initiAl response bullbullut will ampe one of notificAtion An~ Alert status As CR has a ~egionAI ystem developed And as the last ~egion ICRC works thru Viriinia DES Inter Conference-Commission escue will e possihle under the following uidelines

ICRC can request ASC cooperationcliu ASRC chain of co~n~A D~S ASRC personnel pre-trained or ASRC leRe personnel cross trained as cave

I ~ rescuers can participate in underground rescue Any AS personnel not trained in underground rescue will not e permitted uncerground in Any ~apcity Ion - traine~ ASC member Can act as ~ove ground personnel Since East egion JeRe ~ ~I C~ilizies the IC Command System1this interface of perso~el should present~ 1~1

~ ErobleJand ampotr commands will intergrate ~

Training for ASR~ penonnel for cave rescue at present may take place ia w-y of two training forms East Region 6ffers t~o day weeken~ orientation classes for basic cave res~ue anc can be accepted by ASRC as initial training ASC ill proide training lWJterials to its training Officers for cave rescue training This material will bamp5ically ee the same as ER ~CRC instructor will be availible for mutual training weekends

ASR COmmAnd will also reciprocate adn alert ER ~CRC of its mission for possible use of ER WeRC Personnell in ASRC Missions

~dde ~(1 ~ Or r(t~r~ cIeL J-I)( r-rcl ~ CRC Or~n ~ Asec ~~~

) 1-- pa~ J- J z dbi I

O~ ~

ASAC ~vdl~p~A~ 41~amp7-l~ ~~yenaamp-~ r~Lp Acfc I1SIC ~~tkIpound~ -tr_~ 4~~Ic ~ M-~yrc-ut cu7

I Ci P~lL1 ~~IU~~~J-t-~~ ~ -k~Ina-c( d ~tVJr Jk~- tff~- ~5( ~Lx-(J- tt~~ t T U-~~-Mj m e-ult-c r~ 41~Jd 4-tr al- f

4cbT- I ~ t-fC p~rLl d1 7~t- 11 gtRc fI~r

ltKt0 (Ll ( - ~---~ l~



PO BOX 440



4 September ]986

TO All Certified ASRC members A11J( FROM Albert Baker ASRC Chairman g~i Re Membership meeting

An ASRC membership meeting has been scheduled for Saturday 4 Octaber at Peabody Hall at the University of Virginia (sorry AMRG) Please make every effort to attend or to send your written proxy Proxies may be sent with any member attending the meeting or may be mailed to the secretary at the above address A tentative agenda may be found below

I Call to Order II Discussion of past minutes

III Committee reports Operations

I Communications I l~ Training

Finance Ad hoc--Technical rescue standards

IV Group reports V Old business Associate groups policy revised

membership classes DES memo of understanding Input to the Pa DER Emergency medicine workshop

VI New business ASRC as an MRA region Richmond group Other business


Admendments to the ASRC Articles of Incorporation


Admendment = 1 Rewrite Article IV-Membership

Change C Associate Members D Auxiliary Members and E Sustaining Members

To C Associate Members and D Sustaining Members

Purpose This admendment removes the catagory of auxiliary member This membership type is not only unnecessary but is not

even being used Therefore lets purge it

Admendment = 2 Rewrite Article V-Board of Directors Section A

Change A Directors must be Certified members and shall be elected by the Certified membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

To A Directors must be Certified or Associate members and shall be elected by the Certified and Associate Membership in accordance with the procedures specified in the Bylaws

Purpose 1) This admendment allows for a greater pool of individuals to fill the post of member of the board of directors The onus is still on the groups to make sure they choose reasonable directors

-2) More importantly this admendment allows Associate Groups to have a member on the Board of Directors

AFFLI [-lfTtfj CERTIFIED GROUP ~5~ IAeJregoseOllp -shy

I) Meet

1) 2 vot ing BOD members 2) Membership

a) 6 certified members b) 4 associate c) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) BOD Approved Training


membership requirements

2) 6 month probat ionary period

3) 1 non-voting member of BOO

4) 1 voting member of BOD

5) BOD approva I (23 vote)

1) MInimum of 18 month probat lonary perJod

2) ~ro~ote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 1 ~~nth period wi at leas~ members=-

5) Meet membership requirements


1) Membership a) 2 certIfIed or equivalent b) 4 associate or equivalent c) 4 others

2) Tax exemptable 3) Submlt rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operat1onal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Cert1rt ed Gp 6) Must pass IndIvIdual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 2 non-vot Ing BOD members 9) No traInIng o(flcler

~ 1 vot~BOD-member - 2) Membership

a) 10 associate b) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) Any certified members are

considered ASRC membersshyat-largeshy

5) BOD approved Training Officier

1) Minimum of 18 month probationary period

2) BOD approval (23 vote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 18 month period wi at least 50 of membership

5) Meet membership requirements


1) MembershiPi4 el-$e (11 heIJ rlq-ftc a) 6 associate ~ middottSleiibt b) 4 others

2) Tax exemptab Ie 3) Subm 1t rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operatIonal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Certifled Gp 6) Must pass IndIvidual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 1 non-vot lng BOO member 9) No training officier


- M~ll1berhip catagories

J) Certiffed = Basic amp above 2) Associate = Ffeld Qualiffed Base Qualified or other (non-trainee)

who is used in non-mission work (eg radio repairman) 3) Trainee = Anyone attempting to become Field Qualfi~~ or Base

Qualified Ie anyone who is a Ilablity on a SAR effort Therefore trainees should not be allowed on missions

4) Sustaining = Anyone offering material or financial support

Therefore the normal means of jOining and working up to be a certHled member is TOT0

tra1nee assoctate certlrted

catagory group vote

ASRC vote

ASRC patch

MRA patch


associate TBA NO YES NO

trainee TBA NO NO NO

TBA = It is up to the individual group to determine whether it feels associates or trainees should be aIlowed to vote in groLlp affairsObvious Iy for associate groups associate members will be allowed to vote


-----shy -I

CER1J5=IEO 6~p

1 ) rHt~Crstfr) ~ tr~~ ttkWfbtfS

b) L ~e tgtt 1clJ

I qIIIj ssJmiddots f) ~ trat1e5 shy

3) 3 fHotTfh cOf(tht~~cI bullI (CVttws

rI) ~D ~pprbeJ IraI1~ O~ccr bull 5) ~p 1iE ~~ pcoc~s h tt~~


i) ~I1It oJt 10 r)101l pnlb-~-Mrr ) )tilIM 1DyJfofh pngthJrMri fetid)

I PtdOGt z) 6eYJtm( ft~fq5~ ~ffDII1 (13 lb1-e)~) ~~ I o iPI ( 2l oflt) 3 ) tipp( if 5f~onl J P 3) fppfJVIlI o~ ~fQ~ri~ jlbup ___~

-- Lf) 4~J i Con~-C t~ 11 ~ ItH ) Sa

l Ieriocl w crt- lect~- SfftItf~ AI-- tilamp wrt e) iccf ~buhlp l vi1----gt s) =gtlt

I Roet1TlCN~Rr CERttfJE D 6Rovtgt i

I) ntm~hf t) rntltlfb-efgthp


2 cerHt~tol Mert1bers A) amp~e or ~GfJ ~-d ~lJcl~k5 b) t1 bee or ~~IJ qlJ4[t-cJ aS~DCIc~J b) I athltr 5I

cd) t-l o+~lr5 l) j)( Qe~f~6kI

2) 1P)( eYt~thb1c ~) 5c~I+ ftlgtkr ~ allou of p~cdu IC 1

3) fbmi+ ~~kr ~ CAllou+ ~OlJrc

4) btte ~ hsRc J4rhlt1t o~ trlCOltmiddot I -I-raquo~) ~~ I OY(kJgt o~~1 ~(bcedurt~e~

0) t~~ortJ oy cerktd ~(bp -~raquo ~~( _ ) Ugt+ P6gt InJiviJvIl tYlcJ t~ -I) ro) 5-lt

l f) IS $ ==iOCi() ~t r~( -r- t) So~ I jS qoo rer I(~kr~rrlj

~) ~ (pA-V01tj bOb ~ 0) )lo-vo- -Or BcD ~r1ibv-9) Vo 1-0( ij a~~ctr -- q) ~c-lt

_~____ 16 fpy1 rY-=rlt) c)~l (2b V1~-J ~ IC gt-~

C)-iI) 2 I vt7tiIIj coD tcrs

I) 1n(d- rHrlilbcrsp


l) r1Ow1fh f~oh1 TenoJ

3) 4 t1()I)-n~ bt~ f Eou

1) 6eHI(Jd f1k~f ifppn_1 (ill ttl)

5) Cxouf f05e~5 tip l1)

tp It~+middot

I) I no t1-v0i inj CoQ 01 t~r

J) ~J(r~lip

(1) J0 b~ or 1idJ f~lFiJ A~Q~~(5

b) ~ -f1lccs

3) ~ 3 ~ ~r~~5iv( revieWS bull

4) 30 1) ~(4v-eJ ~(I~ ~1fccr



Appalachian Search and Rescue Conference Inc

AlHh_7 Ceneral Hoprtal Aftuiawd lh Wouftlaia acu Ateocialion 120 E Honh Avanu Ntioaal AMociMion for atcA ad ampcubull ad

Pltuburah PA 11212 Eutetzl Rqjon National Cave acue Commiion

ElllerleDCY PhODe (804) 323-2300 (VlrEiaia ElllerleDc OperatloDI CeDter)


ASRC Policy for Cve escue will not e one of initiAl response bullbullut will ampe one of notificAtion An~ Alert status As CR has a ~egionAI ystem developed And as the last ~egion ICRC works thru Viriinia DES Inter Conference-Commission escue will e possihle under the following uidelines

ICRC can request ASC cooperationcliu ASRC chain of co~n~A D~S ASRC personnel pre-trained or ASRC leRe personnel cross trained as cave

I ~ rescuers can participate in underground rescue Any AS personnel not trained in underground rescue will not e permitted uncerground in Any ~apcity Ion - traine~ ASC member Can act as ~ove ground personnel Since East egion JeRe ~ ~I C~ilizies the IC Command System1this interface of perso~el should present~ 1~1

~ ErobleJand ampotr commands will intergrate ~

Training for ASR~ penonnel for cave rescue at present may take place ia w-y of two training forms East Region 6ffers t~o day weeken~ orientation classes for basic cave res~ue anc can be accepted by ASRC as initial training ASC ill proide training lWJterials to its training Officers for cave rescue training This material will bamp5ically ee the same as ER ~CRC instructor will be availible for mutual training weekends

ASR COmmAnd will also reciprocate adn alert ER ~CRC of its mission for possible use of ER WeRC Personnell in ASRC Missions

~dde ~(1 ~ Or r(t~r~ cIeL J-I)( r-rcl ~ CRC Or~n ~ Asec ~~~

) 1-- pa~ J- J z dbi I

O~ ~

ASAC ~vdl~p~A~ 41~amp7-l~ ~~yenaamp-~ r~Lp Acfc I1SIC ~~tkIpound~ -tr_~ 4~~Ic ~ M-~yrc-ut cu7

I Ci P~lL1 ~~IU~~~J-t-~~ ~ -k~Ina-c( d ~tVJr Jk~- tff~- ~5( ~Lx-(J- tt~~ t T U-~~-Mj m e-ult-c r~ 41~Jd 4-tr al- f

4cbT- I ~ t-fC p~rLl d1 7~t- 11 gtRc fI~r

ltKt0 (Ll ( - ~---~ l~



PO BOX 440



4 September ]986

TO All Certified ASRC members A11J( FROM Albert Baker ASRC Chairman g~i Re Membership meeting

An ASRC membership meeting has been scheduled for Saturday 4 Octaber at Peabody Hall at the University of Virginia (sorry AMRG) Please make every effort to attend or to send your written proxy Proxies may be sent with any member attending the meeting or may be mailed to the secretary at the above address A tentative agenda may be found below

I Call to Order II Discussion of past minutes

III Committee reports Operations

I Communications I l~ Training

Finance Ad hoc--Technical rescue standards

IV Group reports V Old business Associate groups policy revised

membership classes DES memo of understanding Input to the Pa DER Emergency medicine workshop

VI New business ASRC as an MRA region Richmond group Other business

AFFLI [-lfTtfj CERTIFIED GROUP ~5~ IAeJregoseOllp -shy

I) Meet

1) 2 vot ing BOD members 2) Membership

a) 6 certified members b) 4 associate c) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) BOD Approved Training


membership requirements

2) 6 month probat ionary period

3) 1 non-voting member of BOO

4) 1 voting member of BOD

5) BOD approva I (23 vote)

1) MInimum of 18 month probat lonary perJod

2) ~ro~ote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 1 ~~nth period wi at leas~ members=-

5) Meet membership requirements


1) Membership a) 2 certIfIed or equivalent b) 4 associate or equivalent c) 4 others

2) Tax exemptable 3) Submlt rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operat1onal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Cert1rt ed Gp 6) Must pass IndIvIdual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 2 non-vot Ing BOD members 9) No traInIng o(flcler

~ 1 vot~BOD-member - 2) Membership

a) 10 associate b) 6 trainees

3) 36 month reviews 4) Any certified members are

considered ASRC membersshyat-largeshy

5) BOD approved Training Officier

1) Minimum of 18 month probationary period

2) BOD approval (23 vote) 3) Approval of sponsoring gpo 4) Attend 9 conference events

in the 18 month period wi at least 50 of membership

5) Meet membership requirements


1) MembershiPi4 el-$e (11 heIJ rlq-ftc a) 6 associate ~ middottSleiibt b) 4 others

2) Tax exemptab Ie 3) Subm 1t rooster and callout

procedure 4) Agree to ASRC Art lcles of

Incorp bylaws operatIonal procedures etc

5) Be sponsored by Certifled Gp 6) Must pass IndIvidual Med Exam 7) Dues $70 for 1st yr $ 45yr

afterwards 8) 1 non-vot lng BOO member 9) No training officier


- M~ll1berhip catagories

J) Certiffed = Basic amp above 2) Associate = Ffeld Qualiffed Base Qualified or other (non-trainee)

who is used in non-mission work (eg radio repairman) 3) Trainee = Anyone attempting to become Field Qualfi~~ or Base

Qualified Ie anyone who is a Ilablity on a SAR effort Therefore trainees should not be allowed on missions

4) Sustaining = Anyone offering material or financial support

Therefore the normal means of jOining and working up to be a certHled member is TOT0

tra1nee assoctate certlrted

catagory group vote

ASRC vote

ASRC patch

MRA patch


associate TBA NO YES NO

trainee TBA NO NO NO

TBA = It is up to the individual group to determine whether it feels associates or trainees should be aIlowed to vote in groLlp affairsObvious Iy for associate groups associate members will be allowed to vote


-----shy -I

CER1J5=IEO 6~p

1 ) rHt~Crstfr) ~ tr~~ ttkWfbtfS

b) L ~e tgtt 1clJ

I qIIIj ssJmiddots f) ~ trat1e5 shy

3) 3 fHotTfh cOf(tht~~cI bullI (CVttws

rI) ~D ~pprbeJ IraI1~ O~ccr bull 5) ~p 1iE ~~ pcoc~s h tt~~


i) ~I1It oJt 10 r)101l pnlb-~-Mrr ) )tilIM 1DyJfofh pngthJrMri fetid)

I PtdOGt z) 6eYJtm( ft~fq5~ ~ffDII1 (13 lb1-e)~) ~~ I o iPI ( 2l oflt) 3 ) tipp( if 5f~onl J P 3) fppfJVIlI o~ ~fQ~ri~ jlbup ___~

-- Lf) 4~J i Con~-C t~ 11 ~ ItH ) Sa

l Ieriocl w crt- lect~- SfftItf~ AI-- tilamp wrt e) iccf ~buhlp l vi1----gt s) =gtlt

I Roet1TlCN~Rr CERttfJE D 6Rovtgt i

I) ntm~hf t) rntltlfb-efgthp


2 cerHt~tol Mert1bers A) amp~e or ~GfJ ~-d ~lJcl~k5 b) t1 bee or ~~IJ qlJ4[t-cJ aS~DCIc~J b) I athltr 5I

cd) t-l o+~lr5 l) j)( Qe~f~6kI

2) 1P)( eYt~thb1c ~) 5c~I+ ftlgtkr ~ allou of p~cdu IC 1

3) fbmi+ ~~kr ~ CAllou+ ~OlJrc

4) btte ~ hsRc J4rhlt1t o~ trlCOltmiddot I -I-raquo~) ~~ I OY(kJgt o~~1 ~(bcedurt~e~

0) t~~ortJ oy cerktd ~(bp -~raquo ~~( _ ) Ugt+ P6gt InJiviJvIl tYlcJ t~ -I) ro) 5-lt

l f) IS $ ==iOCi() ~t r~( -r- t) So~ I jS qoo rer I(~kr~rrlj

~) ~ (pA-V01tj bOb ~ 0) )lo-vo- -Or BcD ~r1ibv-9) Vo 1-0( ij a~~ctr -- q) ~c-lt

_~____ 16 fpy1 rY-=rlt) c)~l (2b V1~-J ~ IC gt-~

C)-iI) 2 I vt7tiIIj coD tcrs

I) 1n(d- rHrlilbcrsp


l) r1Ow1fh f~oh1 TenoJ

3) 4 t1()I)-n~ bt~ f Eou

1) 6eHI(Jd f1k~f ifppn_1 (ill ttl)

5) Cxouf f05e~5 tip l1)

tp It~+middot

I) I no t1-v0i inj CoQ 01 t~r

J) ~J(r~lip

(1) J0 b~ or 1idJ f~lFiJ A~Q~~(5

b) ~ -f1lccs

3) ~ 3 ~ ~r~~5iv( revieWS bull

4) 30 1) ~(4v-eJ ~(I~ ~1fccr



Appalachian Search and Rescue Conference Inc

AlHh_7 Ceneral Hoprtal Aftuiawd lh Wouftlaia acu Ateocialion 120 E Honh Avanu Ntioaal AMociMion for atcA ad ampcubull ad

Pltuburah PA 11212 Eutetzl Rqjon National Cave acue Commiion

ElllerleDCY PhODe (804) 323-2300 (VlrEiaia ElllerleDc OperatloDI CeDter)


ASRC Policy for Cve escue will not e one of initiAl response bullbullut will ampe one of notificAtion An~ Alert status As CR has a ~egionAI ystem developed And as the last ~egion ICRC works thru Viriinia DES Inter Conference-Commission escue will e possihle under the following uidelines

ICRC can request ASC cooperationcliu ASRC chain of co~n~A D~S ASRC personnel pre-trained or ASRC leRe personnel cross trained as cave

I ~ rescuers can participate in underground rescue Any AS personnel not trained in underground rescue will not e permitted uncerground in Any ~apcity Ion - traine~ ASC member Can act as ~ove ground personnel Since East egion JeRe ~ ~I C~ilizies the IC Command System1this interface of perso~el should present~ 1~1

~ ErobleJand ampotr commands will intergrate ~

Training for ASR~ penonnel for cave rescue at present may take place ia w-y of two training forms East Region 6ffers t~o day weeken~ orientation classes for basic cave res~ue anc can be accepted by ASRC as initial training ASC ill proide training lWJterials to its training Officers for cave rescue training This material will bamp5ically ee the same as ER ~CRC instructor will be availible for mutual training weekends

ASR COmmAnd will also reciprocate adn alert ER ~CRC of its mission for possible use of ER WeRC Personnell in ASRC Missions

~dde ~(1 ~ Or r(t~r~ cIeL J-I)( r-rcl ~ CRC Or~n ~ Asec ~~~

) 1-- pa~ J- J z dbi I

O~ ~

ASAC ~vdl~p~A~ 41~amp7-l~ ~~yenaamp-~ r~Lp Acfc I1SIC ~~tkIpound~ -tr_~ 4~~Ic ~ M-~yrc-ut cu7

I Ci P~lL1 ~~IU~~~J-t-~~ ~ -k~Ina-c( d ~tVJr Jk~- tff~- ~5( ~Lx-(J- tt~~ t T U-~~-Mj m e-ult-c r~ 41~Jd 4-tr al- f

4cbT- I ~ t-fC p~rLl d1 7~t- 11 gtRc fI~r

ltKt0 (Ll ( - ~---~ l~



PO BOX 440



4 September ]986

TO All Certified ASRC members A11J( FROM Albert Baker ASRC Chairman g~i Re Membership meeting

An ASRC membership meeting has been scheduled for Saturday 4 Octaber at Peabody Hall at the University of Virginia (sorry AMRG) Please make every effort to attend or to send your written proxy Proxies may be sent with any member attending the meeting or may be mailed to the secretary at the above address A tentative agenda may be found below

I Call to Order II Discussion of past minutes

III Committee reports Operations

I Communications I l~ Training

Finance Ad hoc--Technical rescue standards

IV Group reports V Old business Associate groups policy revised

membership classes DES memo of understanding Input to the Pa DER Emergency medicine workshop

VI New business ASRC as an MRA region Richmond group Other business


- M~ll1berhip catagories

J) Certiffed = Basic amp above 2) Associate = Ffeld Qualiffed Base Qualified or other (non-trainee)

who is used in non-mission work (eg radio repairman) 3) Trainee = Anyone attempting to become Field Qualfi~~ or Base

Qualified Ie anyone who is a Ilablity on a SAR effort Therefore trainees should not be allowed on missions

4) Sustaining = Anyone offering material or financial support

Therefore the normal means of jOining and working up to be a certHled member is TOT0

tra1nee assoctate certlrted

catagory group vote

ASRC vote

ASRC patch

MRA patch


associate TBA NO YES NO

trainee TBA NO NO NO

TBA = It is up to the individual group to determine whether it feels associates or trainees should be aIlowed to vote in groLlp affairsObvious Iy for associate groups associate members will be allowed to vote


-----shy -I

CER1J5=IEO 6~p

1 ) rHt~Crstfr) ~ tr~~ ttkWfbtfS

b) L ~e tgtt 1clJ

I qIIIj ssJmiddots f) ~ trat1e5 shy

3) 3 fHotTfh cOf(tht~~cI bullI (CVttws

rI) ~D ~pprbeJ IraI1~ O~ccr bull 5) ~p 1iE ~~ pcoc~s h tt~~


i) ~I1It oJt 10 r)101l pnlb-~-Mrr ) )tilIM 1DyJfofh pngthJrMri fetid)

I PtdOGt z) 6eYJtm( ft~fq5~ ~ffDII1 (13 lb1-e)~) ~~ I o iPI ( 2l oflt) 3 ) tipp( if 5f~onl J P 3) fppfJVIlI o~ ~fQ~ri~ jlbup ___~

-- Lf) 4~J i Con~-C t~ 11 ~ ItH ) Sa

l Ieriocl w crt- lect~- SfftItf~ AI-- tilamp wrt e) iccf ~buhlp l vi1----gt s) =gtlt

I Roet1TlCN~Rr CERttfJE D 6Rovtgt i

I) ntm~hf t) rntltlfb-efgthp


2 cerHt~tol Mert1bers A) amp~e or ~GfJ ~-d ~lJcl~k5 b) t1 bee or ~~IJ qlJ4[t-cJ aS~DCIc~J b) I athltr 5I

cd) t-l o+~lr5 l) j)( Qe~f~6kI

2) 1P)( eYt~thb1c ~) 5c~I+ ftlgtkr ~ allou of p~cdu IC 1

3) fbmi+ ~~kr ~ CAllou+ ~OlJrc

4) btte ~ hsRc J4rhlt1t o~ trlCOltmiddot I -I-raquo~) ~~ I OY(kJgt o~~1 ~(bcedurt~e~

0) t~~ortJ oy cerktd ~(bp -~raquo ~~( _ ) Ugt+ P6gt InJiviJvIl tYlcJ t~ -I) ro) 5-lt

l f) IS $ ==iOCi() ~t r~( -r- t) So~ I jS qoo rer I(~kr~rrlj

~) ~ (pA-V01tj bOb ~ 0) )lo-vo- -Or BcD ~r1ibv-9) Vo 1-0( ij a~~ctr -- q) ~c-lt

_~____ 16 fpy1 rY-=rlt) c)~l (2b V1~-J ~ IC gt-~

C)-iI) 2 I vt7tiIIj coD tcrs

I) 1n(d- rHrlilbcrsp


l) r1Ow1fh f~oh1 TenoJ

3) 4 t1()I)-n~ bt~ f Eou

1) 6eHI(Jd f1k~f ifppn_1 (ill ttl)

5) Cxouf f05e~5 tip l1)

tp It~+middot

I) I no t1-v0i inj CoQ 01 t~r

J) ~J(r~lip

(1) J0 b~ or 1idJ f~lFiJ A~Q~~(5

b) ~ -f1lccs

3) ~ 3 ~ ~r~~5iv( revieWS bull

4) 30 1) ~(4v-eJ ~(I~ ~1fccr



Appalachian Search and Rescue Conference Inc

AlHh_7 Ceneral Hoprtal Aftuiawd lh Wouftlaia acu Ateocialion 120 E Honh Avanu Ntioaal AMociMion for atcA ad ampcubull ad

Pltuburah PA 11212 Eutetzl Rqjon National Cave acue Commiion

ElllerleDCY PhODe (804) 323-2300 (VlrEiaia ElllerleDc OperatloDI CeDter)


ASRC Policy for Cve escue will not e one of initiAl response bullbullut will ampe one of notificAtion An~ Alert status As CR has a ~egionAI ystem developed And as the last ~egion ICRC works thru Viriinia DES Inter Conference-Commission escue will e possihle under the following uidelines

ICRC can request ASC cooperationcliu ASRC chain of co~n~A D~S ASRC personnel pre-trained or ASRC leRe personnel cross trained as cave

I ~ rescuers can participate in underground rescue Any AS personnel not trained in underground rescue will not e permitted uncerground in Any ~apcity Ion - traine~ ASC member Can act as ~ove ground personnel Since East egion JeRe ~ ~I C~ilizies the IC Command System1this interface of perso~el should present~ 1~1

~ ErobleJand ampotr commands will intergrate ~

Training for ASR~ penonnel for cave rescue at present may take place ia w-y of two training forms East Region 6ffers t~o day weeken~ orientation classes for basic cave res~ue anc can be accepted by ASRC as initial training ASC ill proide training lWJterials to its training Officers for cave rescue training This material will bamp5ically ee the same as ER ~CRC instructor will be availible for mutual training weekends

ASR COmmAnd will also reciprocate adn alert ER ~CRC of its mission for possible use of ER WeRC Personnell in ASRC Missions

~dde ~(1 ~ Or r(t~r~ cIeL J-I)( r-rcl ~ CRC Or~n ~ Asec ~~~

) 1-- pa~ J- J z dbi I

O~ ~

ASAC ~vdl~p~A~ 41~amp7-l~ ~~yenaamp-~ r~Lp Acfc I1SIC ~~tkIpound~ -tr_~ 4~~Ic ~ M-~yrc-ut cu7

I Ci P~lL1 ~~IU~~~J-t-~~ ~ -k~Ina-c( d ~tVJr Jk~- tff~- ~5( ~Lx-(J- tt~~ t T U-~~-Mj m e-ult-c r~ 41~Jd 4-tr al- f

4cbT- I ~ t-fC p~rLl d1 7~t- 11 gtRc fI~r

ltKt0 (Ll ( - ~---~ l~



PO BOX 440



4 September ]986

TO All Certified ASRC members A11J( FROM Albert Baker ASRC Chairman g~i Re Membership meeting

An ASRC membership meeting has been scheduled for Saturday 4 Octaber at Peabody Hall at the University of Virginia (sorry AMRG) Please make every effort to attend or to send your written proxy Proxies may be sent with any member attending the meeting or may be mailed to the secretary at the above address A tentative agenda may be found below

I Call to Order II Discussion of past minutes

III Committee reports Operations

I Communications I l~ Training

Finance Ad hoc--Technical rescue standards

IV Group reports V Old business Associate groups policy revised

membership classes DES memo of understanding Input to the Pa DER Emergency medicine workshop

VI New business ASRC as an MRA region Richmond group Other business

-----shy -I

CER1J5=IEO 6~p

1 ) rHt~Crstfr) ~ tr~~ ttkWfbtfS

b) L ~e tgtt 1clJ

I qIIIj ssJmiddots f) ~ trat1e5 shy

3) 3 fHotTfh cOf(tht~~cI bullI (CVttws

rI) ~D ~pprbeJ IraI1~ O~ccr bull 5) ~p 1iE ~~ pcoc~s h tt~~


i) ~I1It oJt 10 r)101l pnlb-~-Mrr ) )tilIM 1DyJfofh pngthJrMri fetid)

I PtdOGt z) 6eYJtm( ft~fq5~ ~ffDII1 (13 lb1-e)~) ~~ I o iPI ( 2l oflt) 3 ) tipp( if 5f~onl J P 3) fppfJVIlI o~ ~fQ~ri~ jlbup ___~

-- Lf) 4~J i Con~-C t~ 11 ~ ItH ) Sa

l Ieriocl w crt- lect~- SfftItf~ AI-- tilamp wrt e) iccf ~buhlp l vi1----gt s) =gtlt

I Roet1TlCN~Rr CERttfJE D 6Rovtgt i

I) ntm~hf t) rntltlfb-efgthp


2 cerHt~tol Mert1bers A) amp~e or ~GfJ ~-d ~lJcl~k5 b) t1 bee or ~~IJ qlJ4[t-cJ aS~DCIc~J b) I athltr 5I

cd) t-l o+~lr5 l) j)( Qe~f~6kI

2) 1P)( eYt~thb1c ~) 5c~I+ ftlgtkr ~ allou of p~cdu IC 1

3) fbmi+ ~~kr ~ CAllou+ ~OlJrc

4) btte ~ hsRc J4rhlt1t o~ trlCOltmiddot I -I-raquo~) ~~ I OY(kJgt o~~1 ~(bcedurt~e~

0) t~~ortJ oy cerktd ~(bp -~raquo ~~( _ ) Ugt+ P6gt InJiviJvIl tYlcJ t~ -I) ro) 5-lt

l f) IS $ ==iOCi() ~t r~( -r- t) So~ I jS qoo rer I(~kr~rrlj

~) ~ (pA-V01tj bOb ~ 0) )lo-vo- -Or BcD ~r1ibv-9) Vo 1-0( ij a~~ctr -- q) ~c-lt

_~____ 16 fpy1 rY-=rlt) c)~l (2b V1~-J ~ IC gt-~

C)-iI) 2 I vt7tiIIj coD tcrs

I) 1n(d- rHrlilbcrsp


l) r1Ow1fh f~oh1 TenoJ

3) 4 t1()I)-n~ bt~ f Eou

1) 6eHI(Jd f1k~f ifppn_1 (ill ttl)

5) Cxouf f05e~5 tip l1)

tp It~+middot

I) I no t1-v0i inj CoQ 01 t~r

J) ~J(r~lip

(1) J0 b~ or 1idJ f~lFiJ A~Q~~(5

b) ~ -f1lccs

3) ~ 3 ~ ~r~~5iv( revieWS bull

4) 30 1) ~(4v-eJ ~(I~ ~1fccr



Appalachian Search and Rescue Conference Inc

AlHh_7 Ceneral Hoprtal Aftuiawd lh Wouftlaia acu Ateocialion 120 E Honh Avanu Ntioaal AMociMion for atcA ad ampcubull ad

Pltuburah PA 11212 Eutetzl Rqjon National Cave acue Commiion

ElllerleDCY PhODe (804) 323-2300 (VlrEiaia ElllerleDc OperatloDI CeDter)


ASRC Policy for Cve escue will not e one of initiAl response bullbullut will ampe one of notificAtion An~ Alert status As CR has a ~egionAI ystem developed And as the last ~egion ICRC works thru Viriinia DES Inter Conference-Commission escue will e possihle under the following uidelines

ICRC can request ASC cooperationcliu ASRC chain of co~n~A D~S ASRC personnel pre-trained or ASRC leRe personnel cross trained as cave

I ~ rescuers can participate in underground rescue Any AS personnel not trained in underground rescue will not e permitted uncerground in Any ~apcity Ion - traine~ ASC member Can act as ~ove ground personnel Since East egion JeRe ~ ~I C~ilizies the IC Command System1this interface of perso~el should present~ 1~1

~ ErobleJand ampotr commands will intergrate ~

Training for ASR~ penonnel for cave rescue at present may take place ia w-y of two training forms East Region 6ffers t~o day weeken~ orientation classes for basic cave res~ue anc can be accepted by ASRC as initial training ASC ill proide training lWJterials to its training Officers for cave rescue training This material will bamp5ically ee the same as ER ~CRC instructor will be availible for mutual training weekends

ASR COmmAnd will also reciprocate adn alert ER ~CRC of its mission for possible use of ER WeRC Personnell in ASRC Missions

~dde ~(1 ~ Or r(t~r~ cIeL J-I)( r-rcl ~ CRC Or~n ~ Asec ~~~

) 1-- pa~ J- J z dbi I

O~ ~

ASAC ~vdl~p~A~ 41~amp7-l~ ~~yenaamp-~ r~Lp Acfc I1SIC ~~tkIpound~ -tr_~ 4~~Ic ~ M-~yrc-ut cu7

I Ci P~lL1 ~~IU~~~J-t-~~ ~ -k~Ina-c( d ~tVJr Jk~- tff~- ~5( ~Lx-(J- tt~~ t T U-~~-Mj m e-ult-c r~ 41~Jd 4-tr al- f

4cbT- I ~ t-fC p~rLl d1 7~t- 11 gtRc fI~r

ltKt0 (Ll ( - ~---~ l~



PO BOX 440



4 September ]986

TO All Certified ASRC members A11J( FROM Albert Baker ASRC Chairman g~i Re Membership meeting

An ASRC membership meeting has been scheduled for Saturday 4 Octaber at Peabody Hall at the University of Virginia (sorry AMRG) Please make every effort to attend or to send your written proxy Proxies may be sent with any member attending the meeting or may be mailed to the secretary at the above address A tentative agenda may be found below

I Call to Order II Discussion of past minutes

III Committee reports Operations

I Communications I l~ Training

Finance Ad hoc--Technical rescue standards

IV Group reports V Old business Associate groups policy revised

membership classes DES memo of understanding Input to the Pa DER Emergency medicine workshop

VI New business ASRC as an MRA region Richmond group Other business


Appalachian Search and Rescue Conference Inc

AlHh_7 Ceneral Hoprtal Aftuiawd lh Wouftlaia acu Ateocialion 120 E Honh Avanu Ntioaal AMociMion for atcA ad ampcubull ad

Pltuburah PA 11212 Eutetzl Rqjon National Cave acue Commiion

ElllerleDCY PhODe (804) 323-2300 (VlrEiaia ElllerleDc OperatloDI CeDter)


ASRC Policy for Cve escue will not e one of initiAl response bullbullut will ampe one of notificAtion An~ Alert status As CR has a ~egionAI ystem developed And as the last ~egion ICRC works thru Viriinia DES Inter Conference-Commission escue will e possihle under the following uidelines

ICRC can request ASC cooperationcliu ASRC chain of co~n~A D~S ASRC personnel pre-trained or ASRC leRe personnel cross trained as cave

I ~ rescuers can participate in underground rescue Any AS personnel not trained in underground rescue will not e permitted uncerground in Any ~apcity Ion - traine~ ASC member Can act as ~ove ground personnel Since East egion JeRe ~ ~I C~ilizies the IC Command System1this interface of perso~el should present~ 1~1

~ ErobleJand ampotr commands will intergrate ~

Training for ASR~ penonnel for cave rescue at present may take place ia w-y of two training forms East Region 6ffers t~o day weeken~ orientation classes for basic cave res~ue anc can be accepted by ASRC as initial training ASC ill proide training lWJterials to its training Officers for cave rescue training This material will bamp5ically ee the same as ER ~CRC instructor will be availible for mutual training weekends

ASR COmmAnd will also reciprocate adn alert ER ~CRC of its mission for possible use of ER WeRC Personnell in ASRC Missions

~dde ~(1 ~ Or r(t~r~ cIeL J-I)( r-rcl ~ CRC Or~n ~ Asec ~~~

) 1-- pa~ J- J z dbi I

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4cbT- I ~ t-fC p~rLl d1 7~t- 11 gtRc fI~r

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PO BOX 440



4 September ]986

TO All Certified ASRC members A11J( FROM Albert Baker ASRC Chairman g~i Re Membership meeting

An ASRC membership meeting has been scheduled for Saturday 4 Octaber at Peabody Hall at the University of Virginia (sorry AMRG) Please make every effort to attend or to send your written proxy Proxies may be sent with any member attending the meeting or may be mailed to the secretary at the above address A tentative agenda may be found below

I Call to Order II Discussion of past minutes

III Committee reports Operations

I Communications I l~ Training

Finance Ad hoc--Technical rescue standards

IV Group reports V Old business Associate groups policy revised

membership classes DES memo of understanding Input to the Pa DER Emergency medicine workshop

VI New business ASRC as an MRA region Richmond group Other business

ltKt0 (Ll ( - ~---~ l~



PO BOX 440



4 September ]986

TO All Certified ASRC members A11J( FROM Albert Baker ASRC Chairman g~i Re Membership meeting

An ASRC membership meeting has been scheduled for Saturday 4 Octaber at Peabody Hall at the University of Virginia (sorry AMRG) Please make every effort to attend or to send your written proxy Proxies may be sent with any member attending the meeting or may be mailed to the secretary at the above address A tentative agenda may be found below

I Call to Order II Discussion of past minutes

III Committee reports Operations

I Communications I l~ Training

Finance Ad hoc--Technical rescue standards

IV Group reports V Old business Associate groups policy revised

membership classes DES memo of understanding Input to the Pa DER Emergency medicine workshop

VI New business ASRC as an MRA region Richmond group Other business