New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1889-05-11. · at liainbridge-st. and-t-lph-avc., owncd by Jamea...

Bett^fftfe Y^'XLIX.N° 15,518. NEW-YORK, NVTURDAY, MAY II, _88...-TE\ PAGES. PRICE THREE CEJVT& BWEPT BY A MIGHTY WIND. JTUICJITY SUDDENLY ENVELOPED IN WlUKL- ING CLOUDS OF DUST. PAKXKXSS AND CONFUSIOH IN THE STREETS- BI0N8. TELEGRAPH WIRES AND TREES BLOWN DOWN-HEAVY RAIN WASHES THE STREETS AND COOLS TUE ATMOSPHERE-DAM- AGE IN MANl PLACES FROM UG1IT- N1NG AND WIND. ? Bt*rm awopt over Manhnttan Island yrstor. dar afternoon whlch was orn- of the most unusual ever experienocd by tbe people of a K-eat- city. Tha hot sun beat down upon the street* during three-leurths of the day with flerce intensity. Pedeatr<ans crept slowly along over the baaftad pa-emint-, sweltering, perspiring. and aetually sufle-ing for air. The foam-tlecked horM* which drafged thetf heavy loads through tlie thorough- fares performcd thelr tasks with a painful upathy that evea the most heartless of drivers hud not the energy to rebuke wlth the whip. The bright, aew foliage on the trees in the parks hung list- leaa aad BtjlL ChiMren and their nurses, hulf. attfled even in the shade of the trees. returaed to thelr homes ln Beareh of shelt.r from the heat Ihe watwre surrounding th. city, undisturbed save by the pa_*_ng ferrybeatb, lay like a cirole of mirrars ghsteaing in the sun. The chaage was sudden and startliru.. Great toaesee of dark, ominous . louds appeared as if by magic all over the southwestern bky. inounting upward with alarmtng speed. As the dark inHs-- becivmr heavier and blacker the sun was entirely * obcen .4. and *'. itjr beowno enveloped in a p_~»_»tiiiv .wi._.. . lhe earowd. ¦: ? tplc Ln the street*. Just through t-w^-aiaf'a 8. Auxciad towtard their liomes iu Jauraa. waru by The fowerzng clouds and the fB._r_ put* . hot wind from the MHit'ivr->' In gut i__»r i, it _eem<x_, the city became _.-,v->. ia tt v.fc__._in# ttaarra of dust, I* ete eeexned like black tunnels, tho dark* w* eing relieved only by the hnlf-smothemi .___. ta the builtinrK Ligliter articka, sucb as paper, hnts and umhrellas, went ailing through the air as if suddenly gifu-d with^lifo and inspired with fury. \ . Tbe tranafortnation from a condition of dull, everpowering, breatLlcss heat to that of a tor¬ nado wlth slifiing clouds of dust was rnpid, but the chango that followed was no lcss r_____rk_vblc Tbere was a lull in the tempest for a moment, tho wind ditd out, and the cloud. of dirt and aand tetUcd upon ihe housos, the stTcets and the people Jn them. Flashos of lightning st.-eaked the dark clouds, raln _HM ___¦«._ in torrents and the at- moaphere wa* soon clear and _vfre~hing. Tho pav4_ne_its were washt .1 clean and the city, which a few __.<TOfiits before had been shrouded in dark- ncss and flying dirt, looked as fresh and bright as a May morning. BOME OP THE bTOIOl'* WORK. When the storm wus al its hoight John Garhut, agr seven, of No. 5_,'_ Weat Forty-seventh-st., was atruck by a piece of board thnt was flying through the air in front of No. C12 West Forty-niuth-st,. and had his leg broken. Hc was taken to Roo_4>- yelt Hc«pitai. The ashes of the big fire at the foot of West Fifty-nJoth-st. were stirred up by the wind, and a flre waa kindled that hlazed brigh tly for a short time. It was in a locahty where no damage of conaequence could foliow, and tbe iire engines .-aaaaa-M8 aaHed ouk Joeeph Gadway liaa a groocry store at Fort.r- thlrd-at- and Vanderbilt-ave. He wus wutch* ing the hugc clouds of dust that awept pacrt his door, when suddenly a dark objtct came acroaa hi. vision and a large truck cntcred his store through the plate-glass window. The truck had been standing on the oiiposit.' side of tlie stxeet. ^Mr. Galway say-. that the wind at thus time wa* aeoompanied by a torrible roar tbat broight fear to the gloutest iieart. It will take $600 to repair tbe damage dono by tht- flj mg truck. A larae tree was torn up by the roots and hlowu acroaa the street in front of No. 4 West F!fty- fourth-st.. obstrueting travel. Anoth.r tree f.U at No. 848 6eventh.i»t. and _truck Ahren'a expre>s wagon, wh_ch was pa_«ing. 'i'lie vehiole waa broken ln several plaeaa. but no one was lnjurctl. Lightning 8truck the barn heloniciag to the N.w. Tork SJdn and Cancer Honital, at one-bundred- and-eighty-fourth-st and SHrwiok-ave.. and arl Jt on flre. The building waa totaUr desiroyed, and the damape is e-timated at A few of the light _ign_ alot._r llroadway. an- nooncing the edvautages of different railroad rout_« to Westeru and all other parts of the coun¬ try, took circular tours _B ibe srn-et nn iree pu-aes, tbe wind furnishing the trans|H.rtation. An iron-novered souttle about three feet square. was blown off tlie roof of the Chiea^o, Kook laland aod Pacihe Company's offlce, at No. 2_7 }irott>l- war. It roee high in the air until it was about T_a.f way acroaa Broadway, and th«n rircled around amid the clouds of dust, ar.d after taking an crn.ti'- eouree, remioding one of a ttimbler pigeon, it fell with great force to tbe ground within a foot ot a horse which was ttanding ouiside the railroad oflice. Luckily, no one was injur.-i. and the horae waa promptly adaed by a bystandir Just aa it waa atarting to run away. A WIU) 8C__NE PBOM Tn_ B31DGE. Thoae who crosaed the Bridge as the dust was fllling the air were treated to a memorable sigbt. _>ople in the car_ started from their seats In fright when the storm broke over the great biruct- ure. No one could discern ob.ecta on the river fronts axcept when the great crowd below was penetrated nere and there by masts of voiaels. Houees and atorea and other familiai objects seemed gaeJi^d into a ma__, shrouded with a yellow eloth. Up tbe river all the vessela were mixed in a hazy gnaas by the dust that, looked a* tbiek and yellow aa pea soup. Clouds of duat were rising from this city, and people in tlie ears suggested that Lf«w* .York was claaning house, and had got to beating carpetn all at once. IJVZ__T TIMES Dl MAD1SON 6QT. ARE. In upper Broadway, bctween Twenty-sixth and Qntrty-aecond Bts., there w_* apparently not room for the wind to whirl and eddy as it did ia the opaa spaces of the city, and the dust blew from side to aide of the street as it driven by al_.rn_.te and diraotly opposed impul**-.. In Madi_on Square the wind h_wd freer scope, and hundredH of people stood with their backs tha Ptfth Avenue IloteL and watched the mad antics of the storm amoug the treea. But the leave*. were not the only young and teader things exoosed to the fury of the wind. Many Buraea with their infKnt charg.s had lin- gerrd too long in tbe Squnn. and when ___*y scuglit ta croaa the avenue they had a hard tinie of lt, f^Jlowing cJoaely upon the flrst gualw of wind aame clouds which driftt-d aloug n«-ar the pave> ments, and reaembled a heavy sea fog more tliaa ordinary oloud». They were so densc that a te- porter standing on the eorner of Twenty-fourth- at, could only faintlv distingui.h the outllnea of the upper part of the Hotel Brunswick, on the north side of the aquare, while the lower part of the building waa rntirely obscured. All the time that the wind and dust were clrcling ta the lower atrata, high up could be wen grtat B__Mrta of paper, many of them uew-papcrs, eaught up by the storm. Tha storm awept over Central Park in _, hurri. eane, carrying with it the branches ot trces, and it wm feared that much Injury was causcd. The lateat reporta last eveuing tuat the daaaaae had not been ao aerious aa was expected On &Mall \ht heavy lirob of oue of tbe iarge treea been broken off, and in falling crualied one of the benchea On the lu.t. >1" south of the Behi- dere one of tbe large old willows waa split in, two aad torn ap by tbe roota DAMAOB OAOS-D IN BBOOKLTN. Clouds of dust were whirled in Brooklyn atreeta aad eairie- high above the roofa of tbe tallest bnildlngB. Tbr wind blew off chimney atacka, upeooted treea, and blew down telegraph polea in aoany parta of tba eity. Se\eral new bnildings ta prooeas of erection were blown down. and gon- aadarabln damage waa done. Many pcraona had aought refufc from tha heat io Proapeet Park, and *hea_ the wind beg_in to away the treea, and the 43lou4_8 of dust from the cii7 atreefs (Jlled the air, .hey aought the nheltere, and hastrncd to the eri- «.»«» nnd erowded the stree» -a ar»to return hmne Tha oaly aariooa aceldent reported to the police Jjaaraed to Thomaa Gurey, of No. 68 Ifcrgen-st. ....waa aJaatef tha akylight oa the top of a t-urea- story stabrV at StataaTt ar.d Bor-rum Plaee. when Uie wind cauM'il hla lo slip, aml ha tetl tlirough the skylight, cuttirig iiiniseif aeveri'ly. X fou*>st«ry frame house iu course of creetion at Van CqU and Kiny;slarid-aves, was blown down. causing a losa of $'-',500. It bclongs to lliul C. Grcning, of No. (30 (uitea-ave. A row of three-storv frame liouses at liainbridge-st. and -t-lph-avc., owncd by Jamea Phcian, of No. 848 and being built by ti>orgv Ohlson, were blown dowu. causing a loss of $1,000. A srore of __M tr-is in different streets were blown over. Signs, awn- ings and roofinK slata-s wcta blown into tbe strc-ets in various part-i of tbe city. TEXEURAFH COMM.NK'ATIO.N INTICKUUFTKD. The storra interf?red with thr working of the telegraph wires radiating froui (hia city. Wliile tEVrc was no abaolatfl bieak in Um afternoon there wa_ mueh deloy, and rilt.ys becdnie a neccssity on the long cinuits. About 10 :'.i0 ii. m. a aaeoBd atorru seemed to be pn-vnilitii: in |M South, and tbat region vnth cut oiT frotn New-York fnr a loOJ time. i.lectrieal disturbanors wt>re lepa-B-d froiu many purts of the eountry. The ierryboat Flusbing, of the Tbirty-fourth- st. ferry, was just uppruarhing tha slip on the Long Island side of the rlver when Um wmd struek her and turnetl her aln.ost complet -ly apounii, dush- ing her against om- of the lulkheads. A number of tviitw'ngers, mostly women, were throwu down, nnu great e-citeroent prevailetl for souie miniit***. A Tarsje quantity of iumbi-r ItOOkod in Um yanls of the bxport. Lumt>er louipany aud l_awren<-« __ Co., in laong Island, was blown into Nrwtown (.'rvt'k. A srhall frame building ln S--\enth-st , BCBI Veruon-ave., wa.s wiecked. A high b*t_ok wall, about forty foet, long. on tlie prviniat-* of the Standard Oil Company fell into the ___abM Canal. All the vindowa 00 tbe north and west siiirs of I)evo4>*K canning worka were blown in. aud the skTiights were oarried away. The wi-st eod of a buildlng owned hy Martin b. Flyrn aus blown down. lhe Pennsvlvania Annex fi-rryhoat No. 1, while enta-ring her sMp in Jirsev City, 08888880 over from tlie foroe of the wmd until her gunril was BOdat water. The nas-eiigers were frightencd for a moment, bnt the boat ri_.lit«Hl at onc»', aud their frftrs were allayetl. A nuuiber of trce_ in Jersey City were blown down The Sfjitin Island ferrvboat Northfield became unmanageabje whun the wind WBI at its lieigbt, and was at the nitTpy of tbe Btorm for some time. There wa* great c:\oiteinent among tbe 888800- gers, but tki one wus hurt, and tlie boat. finally reachwl Staten laland in safetr. A yawj cotitain- ttiK two men wa* capai/.etl Oti Governor a I-innil. The men were picketl up by a IVnnsyl' anra ferry- baat . ._a.a_.__. From »U the citiea and towna in tho ¦0001*08 report* of f_r>B18BT wt-re rereivnl last niffht. Tele- gruph and telephone wire* were blown down. tTrOCB were upKatad.and.mnU buikting. arero .lestroyed. Tb«* fall -Dtoant of the bavoc wToughl by Ui- Btorm wifl not be Icnown until to-day. FCMF.RAI. I*RCK"FJSSIOX8 WKr-CKET). The wildeat ronfualon took placc on tlie road lead- iag to C'alvary l*aiausr>". in I^ng 1-rand Clty. rn*r»h«« la funeral proccaslons wtre vrrcck**!. id one bcloug. Ing to unjorge 8e_emr, of No. :i5ti Viest rVrt.-r.lnUi- at., New-York, wa* blown olT Uie roa4 down * four- loot aaa-aaB-BB-Bj lnlo the meatlov.*. Tb* drtser Jumped olf and got'tho 080800018, tiirre younn womea aad a man, out of'the coaeli Ju^t a* lt went dnwn the hill. Dtie elilf of Ihe eoarl* was t.adly broKi-n, and tbe bot-ea, »lui-st frautlc wlth frai, BOl <>"i "f tbr*r harnes^ and ran wlldlv ahuut the nn*lo«.-. t'aptaln Kavanasti. of dM Kik-kaway l»i arl.' pullee, sald that the ftatne of a t;<w Iwuaa at Ilroad t fiannel durlng tb* wlnd storm «*s raniwl up ln the alr fully twenty ftvst and out ln Ih* oce_n arw-mt UOl) fe*.t b*- foro lt feU. Later tbe drbrli. was waaiO-d aaliore. how inr. MF.Krir.v ArrF.n. Tho t«mr-r*ture a< liiU.k-atr-l at the ofTlce ot thn btcnal Service Obser%-rr and at Peni'a i>h_n_-ey wa* a a m.. 07 degreas; 8 a m.. 7. ; 1_ Bt.. 81 3 'AO p m . fB; and 8 p. m.. 76. At 8 p. m the mercury tnurbf«l rtS de_ree_. aud by 10 o'rlrK-k lt had fallen to 88. The maxlmum, 86, b the blfbeol vlnt roacaod here far tbls day of the year for ten yeara, tho n*arr*t apDroarh to lt a corrrs>indlti2 time of the vear 1 elna ln 18fll. when thr- t/-m-eratur- raached IL Tb* autrxo. wblBb aa* nuj-olv loeal. rea-hed lhe oJfjr at 8T10 p. na. aod att*in*d tt* greate-t foree betwa*n -:__ and 6:30. At .:*-0 the wlnd ra.littv deerraaeil ln fmce. tbe rainfall moaaajrln. .-- of ai loch. AA 0 .40 tbe wlnd reached a masrmuui volooMS of fortr-trz tnlbs ao hour. but blew at thi.* rate for atal* a few momenta. Finally the atorni went off uuon thr ocean tn a sotttbea-tetly directiou. Temperature. tn the South and all alouj tbe Atlantlc cfia-t were. nf course. excredlnftly hl(th, the maxltnum at. 1 -rtlaiid. Me., Boaton and Haitlniore be'u^ 02. anrf tbat at iharleaton and Wllmln_to_ 00. Over the dlieirlet of lalte F.rle. ai Chlcago. and at Tloatoii. JiiorK I .l.uid aad 'jth'-r point on Uie coaet. raln fcll. The mol wave fnim tbe Uiirtbwe*t, wblch laat nlehr had atlvafred a. tar a* L*_* tlie. wUl arrlve ln New York Utlt irujnilng to reni*ln for two dara. The Indlratlon* are fur falr weather. a- OIL AXD OflUJEI-Y HITTJilNGS KC-NED, DA.MAOE DONF. BY WI.ND Tt) 1 llOl'l.itTY NBAB OARIMJ.MJAI 1 Carbondale, Pean., May 10 (spor lab..The mo>t arr'ou* daniaj;e dom- bf the stcnu Ii; tll- tJy t/nlay wa* lhe complete desfrurtlou of a bl« derrlrk, 11- foet blgh, at the I'ort Herulrlek Oll Work*. a bnaca of Ibe StaiiitHnl Oll Company. In Ita d'.'a-ut lt Btrack Ibe tfa*aOl-_ oecup*e<i by Tbomas Joyce. on lhe oMM,-|te. slile nf the fctreet, tearlng off U.e gable and p.irt of tlie rajf. The foti-e et the fall was broken by twn lar.-e tnv* and the elertric llght win^, 00 which the to'*er f-lL Tho Delaware and Uodaoo Coaapaajf la alao * beavy loser. At Kackit lirook Colllery, a BOOtBra ol the Ur>;e barn was blown down, but linl.lly all the mnles were at work ln tbe rntne. Al Coal Braok Ool- llery th<« wlnd desiroyed Um Iem Hood piaiu: ruaolng from the mlne to thu breaker. The mlnor arclili-tiu In the city are aiiaMiniia Miiaii bama waro blown down and unroofed, tilejrapli poli-n aml uire* arti broken, ahow ea»c* shaitemi a-id tbe i-kyllnht* of phoiograpa' galleile* dama^i-d. Tt_- Bmce aruuml the l-a-ehall park k a At FOfeal Clty h_il fcll wlth terrlJlc fone a-i laipe a* hcn\ e,^g* Thfro 1* araKely an utrbrokan wmdow on the wev of houaea In Uie, roiuiiry. Ttv ball dld mitch darnago lo friirt trecs. The ttorai laeted only flftocu aiinutea TWENTV WOIU-JrTEN Ili/'WN FHOM A aUUDOB RalO_iore, May 10 (bpeelali.- A vlolerrt wlnd »rul hall atorm dld convtderable damave, ln Weatera Maryland to-day. At Frederloli Clty and other point* In Fred- erlqk aad Carroll Connlir*., hou.-,e* were untfiofed, barna blown down aad aev-ral baftfBnga atiurk by llgbUitag.' The treafl*vor_ for Uie new brldge over the rVtomac Rlver at Point of Bock.* wa* blown down anl tMrty workmen were thrown twenty feet Into Uie erream below. Tht^o of them aaaja **rlon-ly Injure-l by hcavy ttmbnr falllng upi/ti them Tha f.torm atrurk this clty snddeniy. The wlnd blew down algn* and portion* of unttntshod LnlMlnuA. and IB* crowd* of |i<y>ple on tbe atnet wero bllnded by the cinuds of dnst The atorm paaaeri down fhe bay, and It lt rerjoried that scveral aniall aalllng crafi 'were ittpaixca. Th<' Wettern L'nlon mtn-s brtwoen thla clty ana I*hlladelphla am down. - ? 1-UfFUtl ADKirr AT I'HII-AUKLPHIA. 1'hlladelphla, May 10 (Bpaclape.Tba afonn un¬ roofed a number of bullfUn.- lu Uil* clty. s-.i-nl hundrrd cblmnrya wero blown down. AlOBf the rlver front th* deatructlon wa* grrirral. Pllea of lrrmber and nierrhandlae were blown Intai the water, and ln Uie dUtriet of Kenaliigton evrryUiIng movable wa* twept from Uie wbarves. Many v-aaelt parteil .belr hawnera and went adrtfi. After Uie itorm, tug- boata wero buay for aeveraJ honi* towtug theiu l.m k to their picr*. Trees wera blown down ln all p-rU ot Uie clty. DAMAGE HY 1IAH. IN IIXINOIg. Iialvldere, IU.. May lt). -A moat terrlfir ball, wlnd and raln ttorm vtaltod Ihl* clty yeaterday afternoon. HaHaUmet a* large a* walnuta fell for thirt' nilnute*. Tbe trult treet are all In blooni, and muf*i jtra-gt wtll be done to cherrie* and laie apple*. Cotn pIar)^ Ing was about cotnpleted, bnt mueh will probably have to be replantad, the *eod belnc literttllv waahed out of the ground. The floriat* U-tU he (he worat fcuflarer., the planta Ulirg cut to pleco*. t>tr* k whleh waa out In open fleld* anffered mueh. CaSUALTIBB DUF. TO m LKiHTNINO. SuBguehanna, Pcnn.. May lO.-wiilian. najiaat. of liuif aummlt, N. Y., waa killed by llghttiitig Uil* altornoon. NewceaUe, Penn., May 10.-A atorm of vlnd. hall aod HghUiIng patmd over |Bi clty about o'eloek thla afterrioon, hre.akii.g wlnfow pjnra and blowlng down ahade B*a*». Tbe houae of Jaxne* Beynobl*. .x-coaaty treaaurer, waa atrut k by llgbtnlng. and Mra. Krynold* and a daugbter wert- ktiinned by Uto aho-k Ih.y reuialoed nticonaclou* for two hour*. but will recover. The hcuae waa not damagrd. IluUand, Vt, May lO.-Mlat Erama Jorb. wbo It alnglng bere ln tbe ButUnd Mutlo FeaUval, vliltarl tba aaarbie ouartie* at M'aat BuU-ad todar. A thuntler Ktorm earn. up snd llgbtnlng strurU th* bulld Irig ln wliirh the psrtv took sh.ller. Tl..1 el.lmney was knucked dowu, but none of the party wa.. Itijureal. Manaayuan. N. J., May lO.-Tbe house, of lieiijamin Truax. at Chadwlrk. o.-eati County. wa; _tni llgt.tnlns at « _>. m. to-day. and hU dauzhler. Anti! Truax, ago nlne years, wai killed. Tho entlrn fanilly wera iniurod. HURT IN A FALLEN BUILDING. WOUKMEN FALLINi. WITH THE WALLS. THE WIND WRLCKS AN LNFIN16HEI) HOUSE IN NEW-il\vr_N-NAM__s OK T1I0..E IN-URILV [BT TE_t.__.rH TO TIIR TRII:tmal New-Haven, May 10..One of tb roont gevere tbunder storms whlch ever vlgited this city broke over the town about 4 p. m. to-day. A leruld" wind uc.onipuni.d th«' rain and th>- deaa. eloada mude it aa dark as nipht'lr damage was done tbroughout tlir city," BBd ta iUveu an unflnished dwclling liotis. was blown t«» the grouud. Bixteaa men wrre workiug in th.- bnild- ing and ull of then were more or lear. injured. The seriously injured are; t'KAMKK. Mlle*, had one af hla rtaa brokan. FOI.K.V, MloOaet, s c__-p-_t.-r, t_ad bmh baoe. of Iba rlgbt ankl* lim-eii snd laeahrad othot «u.«na*lDju_l__. inu, J*m«*. waa -averrly oil »u<1 bru_*_d. K AKNF.I.T.. Henry. waa liuri on tb* b«__l aad breaal. LU. H.ary, a carpeniar, aaa eavarely _r__se_ aad dan- g. out about th*. hf_1. O'BRIKN, Wllllam, waa .-it abaut the l-*A. rheat a__l baaid*. O'liBIEN, Jam*«, »prainrd hla leg- and waa badly brulaed. RANTSE, Thoras*. wa* "lightly hun. bllEPXAN. F. II.. «f b|)rlng«r.ld. had his haart badly <rn«he_ snd _-ffer*d p/*b.My fatal lntemal Injuiiaa. BMITII, John U., a Hner, had _ve rlh* broken snd waa badly brul**<l uo iho h«a4. | Frank Luddmgtou, Jtremiah fondon, John Don- nelly, John Feal.y, Mirliael Frcnch and liobcrt Crawfotd were pHiiifull> bruised, but were ai'lo to go to their home. BBBasJsted. Lowc l?r"thers, of this citv, w. re tl.e huilder*. The boOBC was not. insurnl. and tha loss, about f.1,000, falU on the oontractorv The house wai, to bo built for Fatrick Murray._ ALMOST BLOWN FROM A TRAIN. LTVELV WORK IN 'IHE TRACK OF A TOILNADO. H0USF.8 .DP.MROTE'D IN __A_J____t_f .PF.NNTXr YANIA TOWNM PA.TOiCYlilRia. QU1T TllilR WOHK IN A I'AMC [BT T_L«..Bal-ll Tl. TH*. T»i)!l_l__ Rrading, lVnn , May 10..A Bevere storm vlsltr.1 thia region laie thia Bfternoon, Williara lWwtt.-. conductor of a ahifting engine, und his rrrw had a thrilllng Bxperience north i,f __**_aport Tho .torm atniek bia tnnn a s.'n.rt diatBBBT BBUth of Volirs-ville, and for fullv !<. i miBUt-B it mi- pf____b_8 to see thaii I.>0 fl"! I ali.-ail. Wlc-n the tornado atraek a l.i-ff oa 'he w.-.t side of th.- tcaok, *t..n.-_ tbe si/j.- ..I li-ii's rggi were hurlcd in erety dlreetion and Ihe metnb. the cr.-w werc alnio*t blown from tba tiain. Thi train wus ruuninj, nt u apead af about ten mllea an hour und the eBIB f.nrly tnmbled. Hc aajra that he tliougbt that Um tr.un w.iuld be blowa from tbe truck cv.-ry moment. The storm Itruck rottdviile aliout 4 pm. aad by 5 .0.'. it had r'.i_Ji-«l I'bilndelphi.., a di.ta-nc- of nineiy IIst nul a At Troniont, I*ine Grovi-, l*ott_~ll)e, Tusn_<i ia, I-.i. I tafriHe. Sehuylkill Hn\en. Aiiburti BBd other |K.in_s the st«.<rm waa UBuaualy aevare. The U 1 momco HoU'l at Auburn araa uaroofed, and larca tie.a wn1 twietwt off like pipestfl-BB, lnn from tho eoal reglon.% aay ll he..-_oe so d.«r_. dur Ing ___; atona that it h_b to li___Al u.a gaa in lha con_ TeJ.-gr.'i'b lmea werr- blown down ln all directiona and lt wlll rv.iuirc until v^morrow U' rei-»lr them Severnl tine apple orehimla n«.r I'me (»rove wei- ruiut-d. It is rcporta-l Uiat s.\iT..i bouara areia blown down at Trainont Threr m-w dwd la North __lrvenU.-_t , tl.i* nt\,' w-r-rr unr.xif.-l and badly <laniap<l N" on- >| At liridareport,' near Norrtatown, tbe roof ot > _-atar*ta___i «-.-¦. blowa off, nn,! earrtrd tha wir»v. nf th.- i£a.i<lin_; Ballfoad .> ipai TIk- large ahaecvatonr on Fairvlea iib.hure re*-.;rt, w.»« blown .1 arn and tm Tlu> planiuj. n.ill <>f Ueorg. \V .f. im-'- a Sona, «t wenieraville, V4.ia unroof. t i'- - acbool-bouae aa. wrecked, nnd ta.. Joab.ia Hiiy«-u Hnd .Iiun.--. Gaul ¦.»¦ .. di__na_{ai. TreeB ».¦.' -i daiua .'- la r< portad m Kali- At S_.tin.t.,n. (.. bi_h C. mllr. north of Beadlng I.mI fr 11 »i ¦ ¦¦ and much 'Lu...-' to Many of -ie young arumen .. 8t<«-.kii._,' factory ir. T__a_l»etn_er,i bulldlng .». and Waluut ^t^ Ihia and hurriMly l.-ft Ihe Ib-j Wt\ bata clo»k» and dlnner-i-dh i. t.'_' buHdiug, and re/u_4»d to return ta* tbe f..rr.r\ tuti) subaided A r.-j-ort rea.hisl l.rri- nt lo'i k _. a row "f fnmit' bouara at Towat Citi * « '".u pletely demolished. The iee*houaeB at Man n Sta Uon, owncd by lhe KnJelterbockai Ice L'«iu| were unroofed, »Ko the )<-.. bouae at l-aubervilfp. The graad-ata-WI of tba Aetiva Baaeball ( lub, m the r_.rtl.ern ja*rt of tbia eitr, waa unroofed, and ae.'eraj (mtsi..." irete w\er. \y burl Hie atorra up so luddeiry that the people ',n U stnnd had no time to s'.'t out. Duat «-i- ao thick that the people beeame bewildered, aad a panic ena ied The wmd«.i only about ten mtautea rhea rain cacDQ down ia toerenta A portlon af the r< t ot the Eteading Iron W'.rks tom "if Tbe tadepboup aerv-ico in this city ia eompl.-t.-lv .l.-nior- ulired, and the wirea ar>- down in cverv dir<'< tion Tha I'ostal taieffnpli lim-a an alao down, and t!>»' company l* nompletely cut iT fruni tlie OBtalde worid. The foundry of I >rt. lSiinter _c Co.. lu Froat-st., waa lwrtly unroofed. toARNUM AND _____I___Y_ TENT9 BAID FI_.VT. M.V1J1AI. EMPtrOYl-S OP Tll 8 0_____AT wSOW JIL'BT .PANIO AMONO T1IE bPECTATollS- Wllllamaport, Penn., May 10. During the rxhlbKlon by Barnum'a ahow here thla 8_rteTtio<m, » vloirut storm anddi-nljt catn- up and a panlf w*^ !.. th.' lari;r tent. Tho ranva*. began U> give way and lt began lo kmk aa though It would eema iloan l»...lil>. Manv nf lhe prdeja were Hftad Uirry or f,,ur fn.rn tl... groand, and the grrslrvt r-rrtl.m on th» part of attaehes «f ti.o klu.w wsn raqulrad 10 l,i,l.l tli*m down. Tha rrou.l mad- a rush to get out and tl.e wlldest. o .-It/ni^ril prrrall'-.l for a tltno. Manattera sboutad aiul t.le.1 !n raln _0 qulet the peopl'S but as thr Kt'irm .'.niliiiied aml tba danger of the u-nt gotng dowa bieiaaaad, _he_ i),rn urge.1 the people lo §& mit as fs^t as po.slhl.-. Kortnnately, hy uslng all eilts and golng oul iinil**r ll..- ranvaa, tho people eaCBB-d Wlthoul seaioaa injury. One wornan ln her ha_i« foll over a lupe hii<1 brofcn hcr wrlat Tba other tenta dld not far. ao well. Tha dn-aalng- rooin. tlie ineii»._erle and tlir tent .-4iverlng Ui" freakv wcie all blown ftat. Thri-a caae* q| *.r,- iiM>riiiiued and aome vsluai.le >.pi.-ini'-i>* u.-r.- lnliire.1, an antaslorx' belng M tiarHy eilp|.|.''l that lt |,ad to bo klllerl. The elepl.aiiis, fltidlng tl.e.n elvea fsst under the ranva*, begaa 10 mak.- rlolenl dora. i.ii-irailona aml ihe jeople r-it reoawed alarm. The i.n.t.rl.tor* of tho ahow cstlmate the !<>-_ lo tnHr mit- ht at *10,o«)O, not to «p«-a_i of the loa* ln l.avli.i; lo dl«p«n_.' wlth tbe evenlng perfo.maa. A of il,.' perfonnera were uiore or le*. hurt, .bhuik th«ni liii.g tl.e followlng: D-U0OW, Mlaa Liliie, waa knoeked aaaatlaaa by lha fsJl Ing nf s poia. KI.YNN, Mlaa N**l*, had haw no*e broken. KKENCH, Brlc. a ak_4>r, had o»i» of hl« ilha broken. 1( 1IATO, s Jspstvaae, raoSved an»ere bnil*-. on hla haa.1 snd body. MAl'.RB, Oaaergs, raoeiTad a-a~e-a aralp wr.ond TH'iMl'HON, Mlaa Mollia, waa woundol Id liae fso« hy s *(__,«. A l.umbr of buJJdlnga about the efcty wai.* badly siralnad by tha atonu. and -ioma them threat- ened to lall. but the general dsms_o heart of ha* not been sertou*. WLLaTOMK RAIN IN THK M__T__W-_r_. Dubi/i'ie, lowa, May 10..The for rain rau.e yosterday ta eoplous showera. Parmer* are greatly relleved, aa empa wera aufferin. badly from the long rontiuu-al rtrouth Klou- Kall*. I>ak-. May 10..Tho moat benedelsl raln r.f the aeaaon iell yiwtorday. The ground |a now w*|] ai,.l feara for a aat-barh tn tho enps ara allajoil Kvery erop U now .imilally yromlKlng. »-, JI lha rondlBons »ra farorable and th." aeaaon b f'.iin two to three waeka aarlior than It waa laat NEW LIGHT ON CKONINCASE MANY IIHNOS EXI'LAINED BY A HOESE- -HIEF'S CONFESSION. UXHOra THAT THE BLOOD STAINED TRUNK HELD THE ^1T OF A WO.MAN-WAS SHE THE #10X1 ' OP MALPRACTICKI JBT T-I.___s_ar n the TBtnc.E.] Chioagn, May 10 .The CroniB mystery ls a mys- tery no loujjrr, and hn frn-nds and adherents, who tia\e Iieen shouting "plot" and " as__.__.lnat.oa', for lhe pnst rjx daya, aro dumbfounded at to- night's drvelopmeuts. From the confession of Frank I. Woodruff, au ..rr»sted horw^thief, there npiiettrs to ba llttle doubt, Ur. Cronin hns left lhe city to nvoid lhe rnn. oqnences of his con- nection witb a euse ot mulpracticc, which resulte.1 in the d.-atl. of the unfortnnate wornan, who_e body wns convpycd to a w cret plaee of burial in the bloody trunk tound in Laikcvrew on Sunday mght, and which friends of l ronin believe4l had contained his mnngled body. On Tburday evoning tl.e Twelfth-st. police ar- reated u young man who was ttytag to 11 a whitc horae and a wagon iu a hvery stable near the pollee stiutlon. The young man offered to part, with the ri_ for the sum of flO, aad tba _uspirion_ of Foley, tlie liv. ry stable man, were iramtdiately Bffeaaed. Ha telephoned the statlrm, and tbe. Inrsr- froiier was taken Into etutody. He gave his name tt the station as John lirown, aird, a/ter answer- ing tbe t'nitine rjuestions, his face blanched, Ua bands bogan to tremble, atid be fell in a famt. Tlie poli' <. troodaicd at the time that their prisoncr .houkl appear so mueh coneeraed, but the reaaoa waaappareni nexi moraiBg wbea he seut for Cap- tain (I'Donii'U and said he had sumething to ta-11 him. lie was taken luto tlie ('auluiu's B_j_a, and iu tlie preeence <>f aeveral ofloen vdunturily un- tolded ihe story of bia Mttneet-oa witli the trunk mystery. poU08_BBB investigated hls story, and found It oarrobocated by many clrcumstances tendlug to i_s tt.iihliila.__. Lirown said hla rtul name wa. Frank G. Woodrutf, and that he wa_ worUiug for De_n <k Co., livcry stable kcepere at No.. 101 aad 108 Webatajr-ave, lli_ story, told in Ins ..¦...!, ', i-. a.-. ;. 11. a - tTedaaaday nlght, a week ago, I waa ln tho Owl haiuoti. nn --t.-4t*>-,i., aud rnri *, nan there whom I had been very well _C4)ua_ntad Wltb .''Vral years before. The i.,.u, w._, iiiliy klng hla i*l name, I tblnk, la aflBIaia ll. Klng, altbough wbea l iirst met hlaa, Ba a.le.1 blmaell ilarry llataworth. We had - bumher of rt.w.ks ln the aalooa and tl.en startcd togcthqr towani Madlson-at. v.e axchaafed oonftdencea an<i aaaaeg otber thlap i to.i him that l w_» uat ot nionej. i tn',.] iiim how I ha.1 taal conaMerahla money pl-ylng rant-., a ,:re*l d<_ inoj-e than I could afford. and that 1 anuted lo *orure koinothtng that would j.ay BM bettet than worklng In Jvati's lirery stable. He aaM (o BM " I ,'4i. i> r. y<__ on tho way of uivktng some money Ba I Hut ea.lly, I.h..* 1 a«K.<l fJm what It araa, but ba «-*M he would not teil me then, bal would la*.-r. Just before we K<-l>ara!/sl Ke *all l,e arould 'all n,e fn.n. the Stal ... *>>mn evenlng ai.d te|| BM how wo coul'i make tl .. ituff, Beturday evenlng at ,iuk I wa* ir. tha front part of Ih'1 atahle wbefl _.<) BBlfead J>aat and BMtlOBad to .ae. I ws-nl 0411 and walknl ,|.,wn tlie atreot wlth hlm. fle sakeil BM lf I l-OM .'.' a -4*88 and WBgOD out of th.- Mable wlthoul any naa*a knowlng II, and .- he wnuld give BM 188 If I Would do lt. I toM l.lm 1 eould, arul »* a^reavl upon a plan of mcetinc at '_ o'ri.M l. i wenl lo 1ms_ as u*ua_, ahoat 11 '.I - _. ln lha r<*,m over tb* ataoia, bul aa aoon a* ra were aal^p I got nul of had aa _ot_e.le.sly aa 1 eaiild aod aalked down lha atalnrar to the floor MH tbo bora-a --ra, carrylnf ury ahoea aft the aay In my h-av_. I had ulo-ii tha precautlon M leave tl.e wsgoi. out doora ln the alley In tho raar bab-M ___tBf ." bed, BB all I had to do waa to ft O.e iior-e aai of the rear d,*.r I rlio_o the whlta h,.f-*. K*<au^> j know ll waa a _*>od roadster. I ma_M lt* fr-i earefully, and »_4l4/-l It oror th* sawthaat, f.pan~i tho rear doora, and hsd lt lt. .he alier wlthout SMhlag the Irsat ,i,_«e. I found raltlDg fae n e at a r», ou _^t__e-^t. I think .t was tr.e eornai ,f ITahalai »¦¦". ile 8"t in wlth 1 *i -I .r» .'.roie t..p-_t_M_r u. a barp ln the rr__r of a Mal.: at. 1.8 up lha alley -t«f«; -:.e aad Dearborn tu to the t.ani .lo>,- ¦-al'l \-ry llltla to BM whlle «8 were ln tha tH'.n, hat I ren.ember he tl.» tlllie sl.'". .eeineal vrrT anllil'IS !:.,- Aa ara vbaaied ap In fp.nt ef the 4 ;.¦!! t,r lOBie "ne In.l'le. _me ,,ut. ''ne wa, Dtck I'slrl.tirn i. .jii-a wall -4h1 l.aA-e known hlm for a _., s yaan i'r in, I am aura, waa Atth .-- 't »*a qulte dark at th* ubm 1Mb. Io i"ok e_0-__y at hl-. fa-~. snd s IU lie K'.sior. snd aa-wra I* rOBlB's dr*.' iipiloii m every olhST way. I nev*r .- ' r> iitii u. know that ft ws* he. snd .i 1 e»r ao) man »l U...» hlm aa t'ronln. ai - Doc." H.rae in.-n went Into lha barn r and ft in.ed wuh a trunk. lt *-r, .~i to be an ordiaary travlling trank, _i Ui.iiatV'ii leather .>r paper eo-erlng. 'ln.--. :i.. j. |n_ B a.'il ll.eii .litiitx-d ln. W'8 -. through t'.e alley lo u.e fli>t .-.,., that a: <1 th.-.i «^eot up l»'«rt>«>ni * p.;k. As s,*.n a.s we ieae1_r.t the paa k we iur:.«ai intai the Laahe BhopB drlve and auri-.l k.'irt U,'- hai^e M a run ail U.e tlme. I Urai'l *..v,-ri_l eapJ*-..heit l-i the 80OVaraati4_D hatweaa lha man whi.-h e.,'i\!.u'al me tiie.o wae a iK-iv ifi u.e Uuak, in the tii>t plaee, l n<nice,i that Qranhl v. .-. very BBZMMH for us to Imrry. Two or Uir-4_ tlme-, he aaJ.l '...-.' out of hern, b-f/a, get out of h'*tv 'tu|.-k," bihI aach tlni'' Ulck ar_>--ere>l, - a'l rlghl thaA's all rtK-t, Doe. Y\\ hiiri-T up when we get Btartya..'' I notioed Oia.t lhe t.-uiik Rinetied aa If ihen- wa.. geeaylag Beah witi.- I>. lt, ai.d When the horae got a wl'ltf h* Buettad. H. drovo nearlv to lha norih ond of lhe park. Uieu aiopped a Diuiiite n.-ar-oni.' buthea. Klng and air wete witji n.e. We M iroiiln af the barn. and I reoBMBbet a1- 1 lookotl at hlm Ihat mie of hls eye_ wi, bla. kane.1 ae lf It ha.1 bean litt with a Il-t. At lhe bushe.. we nftcd Uie inink out, aad I hold the _on>_ whUn tt «b.'opened. TUKIli: WAH A BODV IN THK TllUNK. I tben _aW that tny lUB^fcloaa w.r<- eomet, and that .here was a l.o'ly lu U.e imiiK. They liffrd It out In s. \.rsl pfoeea. 1 cannot aay posltlvely lt WB8 lhe bpdf of a ur a wornan. hi '-..t from one elreumetanee. I heani Kin_ aav: "Hera'a where we leave aiu." lalr l.iiin anawered ' Vea, aml II you bad let Imu alone, we viould ha>e ha-l Doo. In h-i- wlth bar.- The.e remarha Pa"_tr1 whib* tb.y wrre i-ai-ryltig the eontenta ,.f the trunk baik into th" buabaa. I Dottoed earfa i.tem «*- .-an-fully wtappe.1 up lii eotlon oi Mimeuitng ttra. looked Ua roitarj. Klng tttted lhe trunk Into u.e waaoa, took uut bla poohat book aod .oui.te.i out t-'-> from a larce roil. He aaaaad ma the nci.'-N and t'dd me to drlv.t ou and get rld of th.- trunk and |el U.e l.'.rse barh lu U.e bara. Af.r I l*n il'.em I l"-_;aii to feel rather thaky, and whipped the hot-e li.u, a _ailop. Tha whole trlp from the bara *-e '""' **c" ,u' """ "'i:i ~'"' be wa.. iu a buggy- At ,h" *.. VVP p»Uad oul ,.r lha traek Into U,e bushc.4 aml pern.ltte.i hlm to pa-a. iimi't uiiik ba aaw aa. After l left tl.e boy,. i drove i,n * run, aa I sal't. but had gone noi over a bloeh .".' of the iaik i.f"!'- aoaae oa.rlied ai ...*. i <u.i aet siiswer, bal lii-ieivl u.-ge«I the beraa to go faster. I don't Uilnk ."as over llfteen niliiu'r* on Uie run. I'liially 1 dunip.- ".it lhe trunk an.l t.inied hack. II bioha '»i<n ».- lt fell. t.u. 1 dld n..t wait tx. *ee in what mannrr lt liy. 8r JuSt how the ple.-es were pUced. I retumed io U.e barn. "WhCH did you flrst meet King?" was nsked of ..'..'mlriifT. " 1 llr-t met lum at I'ort Hiiion. Klob. I thtak he had tl.en been followlng tlie nu-i'v Ue looks io be Uiirty-two years old, and always goea neatly <lr.-_.s.d. Fairbum is au altogetber dl_fer. ent aort or a faUow. Ha is pim-ky, but without onot or eonfidenee. Ha i- u thief and baa served time in tba r*Bltent_ary. He b forty-IJvo year* OM Hvi- f..'t, four or llv lacbca high, sioeUily buill willi a maa_8-ba turntal ursy. aud grayish Jialr, but l.ald on tbe top af hla heiid. He wiu dte_a_rtl, that nlght when 1 laat sow him, ln a rough tweed suil." .' How did Cronin look?' "_la I auid, 1 never saw ( ronin on the arreet. to ktow him.' That Bigfal ba_tac^ad -fte_B maa nuite well along in years. But I noUeed most. _.,r...ul.,Hv tl.e "hlaek .-, t and tl.e _B_J ach. aud gontae. Tbe ete araa -md-J iwallad. Ha *ore a I.eihy hat aud' blnck clothes." - Have voti BBBB eitber of Uie three mm alnce h,,nda^mon,bng?ott ^ on WsDMhjlvtk Md tolked with him several mlnutes. From expres- »ious that he then used I lecl sure that Cronin ia in the city and that King knowa his where. abouts. u"d tbat if King can be found, he will tell where Cronin ia.'' Ihe prisoner wa.* taken out of ths atation with Captain O'Donnell Thursday night and again to¬ day. He polnted out the placc where he left the trunk and ilxixl the identical spot where it was found. He pointed out the barn, wbieh prov-d to be in the rear of No. *>28 North State-st. The ofTleers entered it, but eould tind no evidenee for or iiguinst. the story. Woodruff says lie suspects, from the convenv- tion he overheard between Cronin, Fnirburn and Kinc, that the body in the trunk was that of a woman whose death resultcd from an operation, iierhaps lerformcd by Dr. Cronin. He dra^> thia eonclusion, not only from the wnrd"< he over¬ heard, but also from the nuxb-ty evinced by the doctor to get tbe body out of tbe way. and from the fact. that Cronin liad apparently been receiiily struek hy some one. WoodrufT flrst read of Cronin's disappearance in Tueadrv's paper, and also read the story ing the flnding of the empty trunk. IL- was greBtly frightened, and thinking that the officais re certalnly on his trark, took means to get out of the city. He had sorae money remaininir. from the aum given him by King, but decjded to obtain a little more. The result was his arrest for attempting to 8aU the horse. which hnppened to be the identical animal he used on tho memorable night. -*- WAS TTIE DOCTOR SEEN IN TOEONTO ? AN OLD FRIF.ND ASSERTS TKAT IIE MET TDE MIS.SINO FUTSICIAN IN THAT CITY. fnr TEUwrtAra to tub TamrsR.J Toroato, May lO.-Tlie Chicago detectives can give up their aearch for the. />ody. m the missing Dr. Cronin. The doctor was in Toronto to-day, and was seen and spoken to by rt man who knew him intimately. Shortly aftea jo o'clock this morning, as Charles Long, a former Chieagoan, but for some months a reaident of this city, of which he is a native, was walkiug down Yonge-st., he aaw in front of the Arcnde tbe well-known flgure of Dr. Cronin. With the latter was a atrangi-r, a man of medium aiie, wearing a full heard, and dreaaed ia. a dark buaineas suit. Dr. Cronin was the family phynician of Mr. Long while they lived in Chicago, and he had been af Mr. Lonj's hotisc frequeutjy. Great ly suq?. ised, Mr. Long i-xtcnded his hand and anid " Wh.v, how are you, docto; ? What are you doing herer"* J'r. Cronin involnntarily lifred his hand and aaid : ' IIow d.,*¦ Then he s idlenly dropr>ed his hand by his side, broke off in his salufation, HfifTrnrd up, «nd said brus<iuely: * Mv dear sir, you have the wivarttnge of me." " Why,n replied Mr. Long, " what do you mmn ? You know me well enough." " My dear sir," rejoined the doctor, " I don't know you, and if you speak to me a_BlB I shall call a poJ-0-0)OB and have you arrestid."1 Mr. Long saw that Dr. Cronii was determined not to ndmit his identity,' and did not reply, and the doctor and his rompnnion |*v-a?d on. Mr. correetly OQOdoOad that Dr. Cronin would not remain iu Toronto long after being recoirnizod, and went at once himeelf to tbe Cnion Dcpot. i)Ii* itvtioooe waa rewardi-d, for after wait- ing about. nn hour a earriage drove up and the doctor and his unknown fnend alighted. They wi-re not alone, however. With them was a young and styhshly aitired wuman, whom Mr. Loog descrite* aa a pleasant and atfractive face with the a:r and bearing of an Auuriran. The dootor's n.nipanion went to tha ticket oAet tod purr;hii*ed three ticket., and the trio boarded the 1 _ 10 traln wif h tickets for Supcrinr llridge. The party, however, did not leave the traln at the Brldge, but prooeeded qq tbiit way Eaat, probably for New-York. The doctor aeuned somi-what da-exi when Mr. Long so suddenly HOCoste4 him and the lattarr ia strongly of the lmprrtunon that the doctor ia not la his right miod. " There can be no doubt,"' anid Mr. Long to- niglit, " tbat it was Dr. Cronin. I knew him well, liad n*en him often at my house and on the streets of Chlcago rind I oouid not be mistaken. Had there been tho sligliteat doubt in my inind lt would have been div |H-lled at oaoc by the ma:im-r in whicb he liegan to return my salutation and then so auddenly btroke otT." A BBB-Oh at all tlie hotel- to-night failed to reveal when' Dr. Cronin st-npped while in tha city. At Uie Kowin, however, i goeal aaavrprlog perfectly to hia ilescriptinn took dinnrr yeaterday. Bc doclined tu Rglster hl- nntue, but jwid for his dinuir iu advaOCO, and itntiK-.lmt.-ly after dining left tlie house. It i- tiot known that Dr. Croniu has any rrlntive- iu this ity, but lUs mother-in-law and a oepliew liv..- at St. Catherloe'a, not matiy Bllaa awa.y. TO BLAOKUAT HkBBlQR QIMBWWOBRBB*. l*tft.<ftiur«, May 10 thp-rlal).-Any fonign glaew- worker who conn» tu this eountry h«Mi>aft ir wUl lie. blacklNted. The lmmlgratlon of 8*8*7 fiueign work r, unles* he ha* been blarkllsted, bas Iwn ollirlally for- bhl'len by the Wlndow.tda_a Workers' A>.s©ci»tlon, and notioea have booti sent to ev«7 prw-eptor In Ud* euii'itr. to reoignlie ln future no fonign aorkman. N'oUee ha.- :ilsu been cable«l to oftlcers of tba ft B'lndoa i.i*-> Wnrkor-' Aaaoclatloa that in iutuie they an1 to givo no Btotkcf* elearaoo* eant*. Crltte* ol t'le organlaaOoa say thi* mov* u*, aeoeaaary lo aUrnce go ip and apeeulatlOTi on tho auhjocl of ttu> to-porta. iiun of Iba ttiii-ty eUht ftwalga worker* <~bo an- now at < luniLa-i-, _. kfeBaw** worka, at Jea^nette, B'eatmore- land ldiitity. It la sald hy td»> |ll_M-WOrBen how- e\er, that they eare ootliing about what iKOph out- mm%t Uie lioloo say; that the term* of tho COotrarl labor 1*« havo not be»-n vtolatOd, bal that tba Olttec «ti. ne»'esnary tlmply because Ul»^re aie now ennugb bluwen tu nil all vaaaoelea. Aeoordlng to the uniou. InteruaBooaJ afreement can forhld the imuiigratum ot all forelgn aMaabera TirMK FREIGHT TMAAWB IS A SlUSI^VP. Nowbuig, May 10 tSpcclal)..A wx-oud eosily accl- dent In a few day* happened this morning near Tort Ji.-rvla, on tbe Krte liallway. Three fr-iKht traja> were ralxed up In fhe colll-lon and twenty-flve cars irere IroKen and gtoiitiil Into kludlin^-tvoo.l. One tralu broke ln two. Another, followlng, lan Into lf. aud tho forco thiew the two Into a thlrd ttain golug ln the oppo-lto dln-ctlon. I-iglneer t'owen of ono traln was fnghtfully cut and bnil*ert and I'onductor Th'.'rn had one of hu b-ir- tora out of the socket. Tho aeeldaat oaeurrsd ai rDoulna s-vit-h aa the top of the nhawwigunk Moumaln. ea-st of l*ort Jt-rvia. ABBJMTEP AT A FASHIOSAbLK PAUTY. PUt*burx. May 10 (BpaaM)..ail a late hour la«t nlehi t'Hy iv-teeiivr OouhMB infenM Chrlaty't Dam-ini: Aeademj, where a fashlonablo rOOOptlOB va* In pro (ir--^, »ii'l arre^t.-l one of tho falr waltaere, Mr-. Lulu iiiiimi, of XanravflbBj Ofcio. lhe la caaraed witu hav- ln« robtieil two fOuai ritt-hiirtt wonien. wliutn *he lt vl.itlnn, of thteo koI'1 watrln-s. brairlets, dlamond rtug and *ouio rash. Mr*. J)!l!on wa* taken to the ential l*ollce htatlon. sihe eoafaaaad the crlmo and the aalckO* wero i-4'oveprxl. ..-?_- Ttir. WBBT viHUisiA*;ori:usoht>HTT. rbarle-tu... W. Va, May 10 (Speej.D.- The leRlalatlve joint coniiiilttjea on Uie (iuvcrnor-hlp cont.-at It at yreaent e__mlnlOg legal amhoritlea. On Tuesday they wtll de»-ldn Bt* rjaartj «t befjr- Hiem. ai.U begln work uu thr dapafUJoaa now ln lhe hand* of 1'lerk Hamtl- .-_ nt _i,i.-h th«re lt an liiin»*n»* number. Ila wSltlnia Lr., alreaTly ln from fJilrty-flKtit eounue* frlh'o >>a% an4 the nurnbei* B not by any means compU'te. i_ Hi.VOI.VO HKaSBX.!* B HEB ATTrPHBA*. Lockport. N. Y.. Mar 10 (SpeelaD-Mr*. Nehwn Wtdrlc *««' 8-0. ~"*> °' - Promlnenl farmer, hantred heraelf'ln the kitalien thi* rnornln* No caute can Mtlfiied exe*pt temporary Insanhy. * . Mf K _**-Iaa.TO.V OF A UVRDEBED ili.V. Raindout. N. Y.. May 10.Tbe akoleton of a man wlth a tmall round bole ln the akull wa* found ln a brtctryard at Port Ewen today. -? ¦ IPB TBII--0 OSCE BKPOBB TO 8TEH A TOBBRXT. 4_alvln B. Brlec ot th* Democratle Nattonal F.xfOtiUvu Commltiae, aaid y*at*r_ay that th«re waa not tha all||hte«l foniidatton Mr the allegaaoii that he waa couaocted wlth tke acharat to utllli* ihe power of IttaaarA Falla for tnduatrl-l purrif)''-*. Ha d*rl*r*d that ha had ne.v.r heard ef ta* nut'ar ualU a* r*ad abaut lt ia u* aawaaaaara RAPID TRANSIT'S PRIEND. I50VEEN0E HILL MAKES A PATHETIO PLEU FOB MAYOE GRANT'S IIILL. HIS ''UGITTNINO CHANGE" FROhl PARTT BOBi TO STATESMAN-URGINO TUE LEGIS- l-ATURE TO PROMPT ACTIOaV-HlB REAE MOTIVE -HOWN. *¦_* . »aoc_AH coaaf-sroiiDi-T thb nr_rniaJ Albany, May lO.-Covernor III* la a great lovet of theatricala. No one, thercfore, wa* greatty «ur- prthed to-day to *ee that he la unusuaUy skllful ln the "llghtnlng changa* aet, It waa but a month ago, apparently, ihat he was cathimed a* a party " bo**,» wtth a gaudy walstcoat, Wg eheck trotuera, scarlot neoktle and flamlng dlamond pln. A* a party - boss" be was urglng Mayor Grant, of New- lork, to appolnt only Democrata a* members of Uia noard of Pollce of that elty, and run the Polica BeparUnent a* an adjunct of Tammany HaU. wlth. hallot-box atuffers of that organliatlot on doty at the poUs on olectlon days a* canva***. 0f electioo. Inspcetor* and poll-clerks. A* a part. - bea*,» alao. tho Governor, Just before he made hl* - llghtnlng change." wa* slgnitig a blll glvlng Tammaay Hall 8100,000 worth cf patronage, ln the ahape of four addltional pollce magtstratos; no more magiatraia* of that Wnd belng needed by the great changa. But, prestot and Uie Governor dtaappean through a cablnet, to appear on the other alde ln the role of a " .tatetmau.* It may be sald at onoe that the role Is badly aeted; that the party u aa***." wlth tongae la cheek, may be detacted m Uie borrowed cloUie* af George Cimton and WlUlam II. Ssward. The modtat garb I* there, but the head that emerge* through th* old-fashloned collar ls one that haa been educated la the prlmaiies of Elmlr*. And no one la decelved when the volco of tho -boss" 1* heard, beneath all the aonorous p-rlods that are used. ln a message to tba la-glalature regardlng rapld translt ln New-YorB. The Governor accompllshed hla " llghtnlng chaige* at prevlwly 12:30 p. ra. to-day. Tbere bad been rumors ail the morning in tbe Captlol that ho mlght send ln a apecjal message regardlng rapld tran- alt; and, therefnre, aome peopie were not turpriaed. Kvery one regardod tho message as merely an eleotJoa- ex-rlng manoeuvre, lntendrxl, lf poaslhle, to harm tha Republlean _arty wtth Uie voters of New-York. The Governor, in wrlUng tt, ln ¦Uie oplalon of all haa uie eyo upon the clea-Uon of U>e Leglslature of 1890. He intends ciearly, If posslblo, to make rapld tranall an lssue ln New-York ln the eomlng fall; wlth a vlew of ereetlng Democratle Senator* and Aaa»mblymen pledge/1 to glve Mayor Qaoat and, Tammany llail com- plete oonirol of the. eoratruction of rapld traneit roada In New-York, wlth all Uie politlral and pecualary advant_;.-.-*> _uch a eontrol would bting to Uiat o;-panlxaUon. Tho potnls of the Governor'B measaga are as fo'.lowc: The neceaalty for pmvtdTng aome rallef far Wew-York Clt*y ln the matter of rapf? traoait ta thn preaato* queattoa of the hour. Every cltlzcn of that clty 'irideratand* ind appreclate* the altuarjon, and la looklne to the Lea-datur* for protnpt aud wl~- tctioo. The pr,,bl> m of rauld translt ¦¦.iiiiiit, *olve4 without leirial-tlve action. The loeal authorltle* of tho clty. wlth great car* aad entire aaanlnv Ity. prcpared a general and comprehcnaive meararo, whleh b:.a oeata to be Itnowu il- the --iiayor'* iUpld Translt bVl,** whlch waa long alnco lnteoduced ln the. Leglaiature. It roet wlth vlgorou* and uat-xpi eu-1 oupositiou ln the Scn-te, hut, aftMr miK'h d-'lay, flnall.v pa.^n.-d that body. tad U now pendlng ln thu Aa-a-Dably. It l* t meaaur. whlch L* not eBlBMd to be perf.Tt, but it mu*t la coneeded tbat lt ta reanonably free from objectlon. lt ls admitted to be aa .oneat ir.ea.ure. The blll can be beaten tn varlou* way*; br Invoklag ob-truciion by partlaa_entary trlcks and devtea*. by rjeraiat- ently delaylng Ua progreaa, by refu-lnj; to advance lu aad by the Inaertlin of vlcloua aud objectiooable aniendatecta. l'ubllc scntl-ierrt U aroused ln rcgard to this mauer, aad the peopie wtll not be decelved by oj>po*ltioa of thla nawre. Thoae who tr* not for thia merltortoua ateaaar* are agaln-t lt II abould be tranaiy atatod that aav ptelon 1* aeroad tbat thla meaaare caruiot be paa*ed anl*** aome concea&lun ot a polltdcal character ahall aceoaapaap tt; and rhe rtVlay Interpoaed to Ita pro*reaa, and the ctr. oumsunces sun .undlng Ita oppotikon, hav* *eemed to joa Ufy this auaplcian. Thia la a reflecUon upon th* ImtjLi- laturo which ahould be promp'Jy removed. Tha bill I* not t polltlctl one. Thu* far lt la not cl-lzaed that any ln> pn.jier liirtuoiicet have been Invoked 10 tld Ita enactmeat. lt 1* dlflicult to comprohend or o-plaln why repreaenta* tf.t* from the eountry dlstrict. ot the Sttte, whoae con- tllHWlB or* are ln M inannar dlrectlj affeetad, r»fu»e to favor a# measure for the beoefll of New-Yorlt Clty, surportcd by all the best r-tlient of New- VVirk and by ail li- prlncipal n«w*p*pera. It I* prictlcaily certain that lf the M*yor*a bill doea not paaa tl.erc wlU bc no FBlM afforded thi* year. It ahould ba ciearly uodemood that the nn-a-ur. apaa whlch 1 an urirlng action laat not compal the adoptloa, de.-tciiataj, tt'****) lndleate, aai." partlcular ayatem or plan .,r d*Vt*« to s.-i-uro rapld tranait lo» New-YorK Clty*a great and latiraaBai pupuUUon. lt almply confera upon th* ¦ uthcrltles of thal clty power to nelect aome method whlch will givn needed reilef to hundre_a of thoaaand* of tho** wh.i *rt dally cotnpelled to travel between thetr h.mea »nd th--lr workahop* or oftlcea. I deem it my duty U earneaUy aud re»;iectfully urge prompt consideratloa of thu Rafld Tran_!t blll now pewting befor* you. Mr. Sheehan, the Democratle loadc-r, dlaclosed. tha far-t that thla -was pun>ly a polutrai docuiuent *f the t. r.ei-T-.i*-'.- by movlng tbat tiie Raaiir-ad Com- iiirttav- should be diiA-iarged from the taxther con- a-idi'taa-on of Mayur (Jrant'a K_|dd Translt blll. The motlon was defeate<l by a voto of 5_ to 52; spe.iker Ootoi ex^paaktet Hustcd and Mr. tsaxton belDg among the Republlean leader* who votea' agalnst lt. Thero wero nlne l'epubllcaii* who voted for the motlon: TflTflTt A.splnail, Crobhy, Davldsoo, Klsh, i.allup. Hamiltou, Klug, Mead and sperry. Flfty- two RepubUi-ans voted agalnst lt and forfy-tiuree P-__oetaai for lt. The vote ln detaJl aa as follow*: Ye**.Meaara, Aaplnall, Illakc, Ulanchfleid, Bluman- thal. Geergt II. Bu-h. lV.b.-rt I*. liuih. C. C Clarke, ('..iiiu-lly. Cronln, Cronby, Davldaen, Dcm*re»t, Dlnkelaplel, Duffy. Dunhtm, Endr.*, Klah. Gallup. (;raliam. GuenUer, Ilaffticr, Hagan, Ilamllton, Harwood. llaye*. Hltt, lliuuilge, KeJy. Kent. Kerrifran, King. MarUn. McCann, MeCarraa, Mcl_*ughlln. Mead. Mlley. Miller. Mullanay, Murray. Mawaehatat, O'Ncii. Rice, Baaaaka Bxem, Scaaaf. 1k"*IT~. Tbomaa Bmlth, Jr., bulllvan. Yetman and Ynung-52 Naya-MeaBr*. Acker, Adara*. Aln-worth. Andru*. A. B. Baker. Barton. Bauer. Q.-ownaU. Conoa, Cheney, Oomatock, t'-ou, CurU*. Bant*. Decke., Dunlap. Edwards E.O. Flahcrty. Groat, Hughe*. Hiiatod, EUaball. L«n*. larmon. laewi*. Uttle. Ladar, Maau, McAdam. McK«rl*. Metlaatar, Meaick, Meftiu, M«od*. Nixon, Paaaaafl* t)aunder^ Savery. Saston. Shcldon. Charlea Smith. Ilatnua. Tefft, Tnwnc. Tn-adway. L'paon. Van Gordar. Waltera, Wbipple. Yata«« and the Speaker.42. AOAIRR THE BDCKBT-SHOPS. MB. BB0DF_S'_ Bllala T.-SSED »Y T1IE. STATB 4*ENATE-TDi- LUNACY COMMI-KIOy BlUa r*TT.* BY BOTH HOTJ-UM. .»iom thb ¦bowiiB eoaaawoamBR or nn -ruacval Albany, May lO.-Thore was a hard flgbt In Uia Senate thi* monilng over the AnU-Bucket-Shop blll introduced ln iho Aiaieinbly by Mr. Rhodet, whleh came up tor flnal passago. Tho agenU and atforneya of tho bucket-shops have been here for aeveral daya, u-liig every uieaus Wttbta thelr powor to defeat thla meaaure lf pO**lble. While lt wa* be<ng diicutaed to day they were aaaembled around the door* ot taa senate Chamber, led by " t'harley" Bacou, who It bat- i.-j- -nown a* " Ilald faco" Bacon. Bacon muat havo had aome persuaslve power, at leaat, for tbe fight whlch was waged agalnst thla meritoiiou* m«aaur* was a bltter one. -.¦n a tor (irady dld hla beat to kill tbe blll. Ha began hl- work by wantlng tho meature rocommittod «i thn Senate Committee on Judlelary, for Uie pur¬ poae of niaklng amendinonts, whlch meant tb* im* mei'.late death of the blll. Judge Bobertaon, who, wlth tho other well-meanlng member* of the S*n»te, ba* urged Uie paaaago of Uie blll, auceeasfully oppuaei 0*8-7*8 motlon. Senator Rainea than, wlih a ahow of aupreme Ignoranoe regardlng aueb matter*, aaked fir an explanation ot what the bucket-ahop butln*** really lt. Judgo Robertarn'* reply oontlatad *f Iba opinlon of the Judgea of the General Term on thla matter. No lawyer ever i'ought harder for a cllaat than dld f Jrady for the burket thop men, and ln .aaaaor Vedder he found an exeeedlagly atroag .aalstaat, benator Cantor made th* baot fpeoch thal haa k*8B heard from hlm thi* *cs-len. ln oppoalUou to ***{£ tion v-hlch Grady had taken. Ba *a*d Wm amendment wa* really lnt*rjded to Wll ""V^j^o hla uplnion th*re wat no dlBereftce °***-» Z^mmj a of ewrrylng on thla bualneat *ud "**, Tjubhiit-** gambllng aon. lt wa* ^^^ noet et th* to Um that any man-£T_l___£i! nt tha -*-o8.t- tvmata and aa^aaaa O* 9^^mm XBeMde*** .hop katiaeaa, Tb* b_* «aat« «--

Transcript of New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1889-05-11. · at liainbridge-st. and-t-lph-avc., owncd by Jamea...









? Bt*rm awopt over Manhnttan Island yrstor.dar afternoon whlch was orn- of the most unusual

ever experienocd by tbe people of a K-eat- city.Tha hot sun beat down upon the street* duringthree-leurths of the day with flerce intensity.

Pedeatr<ans crept slowly along over the baaftad

pa-emint-, sweltering, perspiring. and aetuallysufle-ing for air. The foam-tlecked horM* which

drafged thetf heavy loads through tlie thorough-fares performcd thelr tasks with a painful upathythat evea the most heartless of drivers hud not

the energy to rebuke wlth the whip. The bright,aew foliage on the trees in the parks hung list-

leaa aad BtjlL ChiMren and their nurses, hulf.attfled even in the shade of the trees. returaed to

thelr homes ln Beareh of shelt.r from the heatIhe watwre surrounding th. city, undisturbed save

by the pa_*_ng ferrybeatb, lay like a cirole ofmirrars ghsteaing in the sun.

The chaage was sudden and startliru.. Greattoaesee of dark, ominous . louds appeared as if bymagic all over the southwestern bky. inountingupward with alarmtng speed. As the dark inHs--

becivmr heavier and blacker the sun was entirely* obcen .4. and *'. itjr beowno enveloped in a

p_~»_»tiiiv .wi._.. .

lhe earowd. ¦: ? tplc Ln the street*. Just throught-w^-aiaf'a 8. Auxciad towtard their liomes iuJauraa. waru by The fowerzng clouds and thefB._r_ put* . hot wind from the MHit'ivr->' Ingut i__»r i, it _eem<x_, the city became_.-,v->. ia tt v.fc__._in# ttaarra of dust,I* ete eeexned like black tunnels, tho dark*w* eing relieved only by the hnlf-smothemi

.___. ta the builtinrK Ligliter articka, sucbas paper, hnts and umhrellas, went ailing throughthe air as if suddenly gifu-d with^lifo and inspiredwith fury. \ .

Tbe tranafortnation from a condition of dull,everpowering, breatLlcss heat to that of a tor¬nado wlth slifiing clouds of dust was rnpid, butthe chango that followed was no lcss r_____rk_vblcTbere was a lull in the tempest for a moment, thowind ditd out, and the cloud. of dirt and aandtetUcd upon ihe housos, the stTcets and the peopleJn them. Flashos of lightning st.-eaked the darkclouds, raln _HM ___¦«._ in torrents and the at-moaphere wa* soon clear and _vfre~hing. Thopav4_ne_its were washt .1 clean and the city, whicha few __.<TOfiits before had been shrouded in dark-ncss and flying dirt, looked as fresh and bright asa May morning.


When the storm wus al its hoight John Garhut,agr seven, of No. 5_,'_ Weat Forty-seventh-st., was

atruck by a piece of board thnt was flying throughthe air in front of No. C12 West Forty-niuth-st,.and had his leg broken. Hc was taken to Roo_4>-yelt Hc«pitai.

The ashes of the big fire at the foot of WestFifty-nJoth-st. were stirred up by the wind, anda flre waa kindled that hlazed brigh tly for a shorttime. It was in a locahty where no damage of

conaequence could foliow, and tbe iire engines.-aaaaa-M8 aaHed ouk

Joeeph Gadway liaa a groocry store at Fort.r-thlrd-at- and Vanderbilt-ave. He wus wutch*ing the hugc clouds of dust thatawept pacrt his door, when suddenly a dark objtctcame acroaa hi. vision and a large truck cntcredhis store through the plate-glass window. Thetruck had been standing on the oiiposit.' side of tliestxeet. ^Mr. Galway say-. that the wind at thustime wa* aeoompanied by a torrible roar tbatbroight fear to the gloutest iieart. It will take$600 to repair tbe damage dono by tht- flj mgtruck.A larae tree was torn up by the roots and hlowu

acroaa the street in front of No. 4 West F!fty-fourth-st.. obstrueting travel. Anoth.r tree f.Uat No. 848 6eventh.i»t. and _truck Ahren'a expre>swagon, wh_ch was pa_«ing. 'i'lie vehiole waabroken ln several plaeaa. but no one was lnjurctl.

Lightning 8truck the barn heloniciag to the N.w.Tork SJdn and Cancer Honital, at one-bundred-and-eighty-fourth-st and SHrwiok-ave.. and arlJt on flre. The building waa totaUr desiroyed,and the damape is e-timated at few of the light _ign_ alot._r llroadway. an-

nooncing the edvautages of different railroadrout_« to Westeru and all other parts of the coun¬try, took circular tours _B ibe srn-et nn iree pu-aes,tbe wind furnishing the trans|H.rtation.An iron-novered souttle about three feet square.

was blown off tlie roof of the Chiea^o, Kook lalandaod Pacihe Company's offlce, at No. 2_7 }irott>l-war. It roee high in the air until it was aboutT_a.f way acroaa Broadway, and th«n rircled aroundamid the clouds of dust, ar.d after taking an crn.ti'-eouree, remioding one of a ttimbler pigeon, it fellwith great force to tbe ground within a

foot ot a horse which was ttanding ouisidethe railroad oflice. Luckily, no one was injur.-i.and the horae waa promptly adaed by a bystandirJust aa it waa atarting to run away.

A WIU) 8C__NE PBOM Tn_ B31DGE.Thoae who crosaed the Bridge as the dust was

fllling the air were treated to a memorable sigbt._>ople in the car_ started from their seats Infright when the storm broke over the great biruct-ure. No one could discern ob.ecta on the riverfronts axcept when the great crowd below waspenetrated nere and there by masts of voiaels.Houees and atorea and other familiai objects seemedgaeJi^d into a ma__, shrouded with a yellow eloth.Up tbe river all the vessela were mixed in a hazy

gnaas by the dust that, looked a* tbiek and yellowaa pea soup. Clouds of duat were rising from thiscity, and people in tlie ears suggested that Lf«w*.York was claaning house, and had got to beatingcarpetn all at once.

IJVZ__T TIMES Dl MAD1SON 6QT. ARE.In upper Broadway, bctween Twenty-sixth and

Qntrty-aecond Bts., there w_* apparently not roomfor the wind to whirl and eddy as it did ia theopaa spaces of the city, and the dust blew fromside to aide of the street as it driven by al_.rn_.teand diraotly opposed impul**-.. In Madi_on Squarethe wind h_wd freer scope, and hundredH of peoplestood with their backs t« tha Ptfth Avenue IloteLand watched the mad antics of the storm amougthe treea. But the leave*. were not the only youngand teader things exoosed to the fury of the wind.Many Buraea with their infKnt charg.s had lin-gerrd too long in tbe Squnn. and when ___*y scuglitta croaa the avenue they had a hard tinie of lt,f^Jlowing cJoaely upon the flrst gualw of windaame clouds which driftt-d aloug n«-ar the pave>ments, and reaembled a heavy sea fog more tliaaordinary oloud». They were so densc that a te-porter standing on the eorner of Twenty-fourth-at, could only faintlv distingui.h the outllnea ofthe upper part of the Hotel Brunswick, on thenorth side of the aquare, while the lower partof the building waa rntirely obscured. All thetime that the wind and dust were clrcling ta thelower atrata, high up could be wen grtat B__Mrtaof paper, many of them uew-papcrs, eaught upby the storm.Tha storm awept over Central Park in _, hurri.

eane, carrying with it the branches ot trces, andit wm feared that much Injury was causcd. Thelateat reporta last eveuing tuat thedaaaaae had not been ao aerious aa was expected On

&Mall \ht heavy lirob of oue of tbe iarge treeabeen broken off, and in falling crualied one of

the benchea On the lu.t. >1" south of the Behi-dere one of tbe large old willows waa split in, twoaad torn ap by tbe roota

DAMAOB OAOS-D IN BBOOKLTN.Clouds of dust were whirled in Brooklyn atreeta

aad eairie- high above the roofa of tbe tallestbnildlngB. Tbr wind blew off chimney atacka,upeooted treea, and blew down telegraph polea inaoany parta of tba eity. Se\eral new bnildingsta prooeas of erection were blown down. and gon-aadarabln damage waa done. Many pcraona hadaought refufc from tha heat io Proapeet Park, and*hea_ the wind beg_in to away the treea, and the43lou4_8 of dust from the cii7 atreefs (Jlled the air,.hey aought the nheltere, and hastrncd to the eri-«.»«» nnd erowded the stree» -a ar»to return hmneTha oaly aariooa aceldent reported to the policeJjaaraed to Thomaa Gurey, of No. 68 Ifcrgen-st.....waa aJaatef tha akylight oa the top of a t-urea-

story stabrV at StataaTt ar.d Bor-rum Plaee. whenUie wind cauM'il hla lo slip, aml ha tetl tliroughthe skylight, cuttirig iiiniseif aeveri'ly.X fou*>st«ry frame house iu course of creetion

at Van CqU and Kiny;slarid-aves, was blowndown. causing a losa of $'-',500. It bclongs tolliul C. Grcning, of No. (30 (uitea-ave.A row of three-storv frame liouses

at liainbridge-st. and -t-lph-avc., owncdby Jamea Phcian, of No. 848 andbeing built by ti>orgv Ohlson, were blown dowu.causing a loss of $1,000. A srore of __M tr-isin different streets were blown over. Signs, awn-ings and roofinK slata-s wcta blown into tbe strc-etsin various part-i of tbe city.TEXEURAFH COMM.NK'ATIO.N INTICKUUFTKD.The storra interf?red with thr working of the

telegraph wires radiating froui (hia city. WliiletEVrc was no abaolatfl bieak in Um afternoon therewa_ mueh deloy, and rilt.ys becdnie a neccssityon the long cinuits. About 10 :'.i0 ii. m. a aaeoBdatorru seemed to be pn-vnilitii: in |M South, andtbat region vnth cut oiT frotn New-York fnr a loOJtime. i.lectrieal disturbanors wt>re lepa-B-d froiumany purts of the eountry.

The ierryboat Flusbing, of the Tbirty-fourth-st. ferry, was just uppruarhing tha slip on theLong Island side of the rlver when Um wmd struekher and turnetl her aln.ost complet -ly apounii, dush-ing her against om- of the lulkheads. A numberof tviitw'ngers, mostly women, were throwu down,nnu great e-citeroent prevailetl for souie miniit***.A Tarsje quantity of iumbi-r ItOOkod in Um yanls

of the bxport. Lumt>er louipany aud l_awren<-« __

Co., in laong Island, was blown into Nrwtown(.'rvt'k. A srhall frame building ln S--\enth-st ,

BCBI Veruon-ave., wa.s wiecked. A high b*t_okwall, about forty foet, long. on tlie prviniat-* ofthe Standard Oil Company fell into the ___abMCanal. All the vindowa 00 tbe north and westsiiirs of I)evo4>*K canning worka were blown in. audthe skTiights were oarried away. The wi-st eodof a buildlng owned hy Martin b. Flyrn aus blowndown.

lhe Pennsvlvania Annex fi-rryhoat No. 1, whileenta-ring her sMp in Jirsev City, 08888880 overfrom tlie foroe of the wmd until her gunril was

BOdat water. The nas-eiigers were frightencd fora moment, bnt the boat ri_.lit«Hl at onc»', aud theirfrftrs were allayetl. A nuuiber of trce_ in JerseyCity were blown downThe Sfjitin Island ferrvboat Northfield became

unmanageabje whun the wind WBI at its lieigbt,and was at the nitTpy of tbe Btorm for some time.There wa* great c:\oiteinent among tbe 888800-gers, but tki one wus hurt, and tlie boat. finallyreachwl Staten laland in safetr. A yawj cotitain-ttiK two men wa* capai/.etl Oti Governor a I-innil.The men were picketl up by a IVnnsyl' anra ferry-

baat. ._a.a_.__.From »U the citiea and towna in tho ¦0001*08

report* of f_r>B18BT wt-re rereivnl last niffht. Tele-gruph and telephone wire* were blown down. tTrOCBwere upKatad.and.mnU buikting. arero .lestroyed.Tb«* fall -Dtoant of the bavoc wToughl by Ui-Btorm wifl not be Icnown until to-day.

FCMF.RAI. I*RCK"FJSSIOX8 WKr-CKET).The wildeat ronfualon took placc on tlie road lead-

iag to C'alvary l*aiausr>". in I^ng 1-rand Clty. rn*r»h««la funeral proccaslons wtre vrrcck**!. id one bcloug.Ing to unjorge 8e_emr, of No. :i5ti Viest rVrt.-r.lnUi-at., New-York, wa* blown olT Uie roa4 down * four-loot aaa-aaB-BB-Bj lnlo the meatlov.*. Tb* drtserJumped olf and got'tho 080800018, tiirre younn womea

aad a man, out of'the coaeli Ju^t a* lt went dnwn thehill. Dtie elilf of Ihe eoarl* was t.adly broKi-n, andtbe bot-ea, »lui-st frautlc wlth frai, BOl <>"i "f tbr*rharnes^ and ran wlldlv ahuut the nn*lo«.-.

t'aptaln Kavanasti. of dM Kik-kaway l»i arl.' pullee,sald that the ftatne of a t;<w Iwuaa at Ilroad t fianneldurlng tb* wlnd storm «*s raniwl up ln the alr fullytwenty ftvst and out ln Ih* oce_n arw-mt UOl) fe*.t b*-foro lt feU. Later tbe drbrli. was waaiO-d aaliore.

how inr. MF.Krir.v ArrF.n.Tho t«mr-r*ture a< liiU.k-atr-l at the ofTlce ot thn

btcnal Service Obser%-rr and at Peni'a i>h_n_-ey wa*

a a m.. 07 degreas; 8 a m.. 7. ; 1_ Bt.. 81 3 'AO p m .

fB; and 8 p. m.. 76. At 8 p. m the mercury tnurbf«lrtS de_ree_. aud by 10 o'rlrK-k lt had fallen to 88. Themaxlmum, 86, b the blfbeol vlnt roacaod here fartbls day of the year for ten yeara, tho n*arr*t apDroarhto lt a corrrs>indlti2 time of the vear 1 elna ln

18fll. when thr- t/-m-eratur- raached ILTb* autrxo. wblBb aa* nuj-olv loeal. rea-hed lhe oJfjr

at 8T10 p. na. aod att*in*d tt* greate-t foree betwa*n-:__ and 6:30. At .:*-0 the wlnd ra.littv deerraaeilln fmce. tbe rainfall moaaajrln. .-- of ai loch. AA0 .40 tbe wlnd reached a masrmuui volooMS of fortr-trztnlbs ao hour. but blew at thi.* rate for atal* a fewmomenta. Finally the atorni went off uuon throcean tn a sotttbea-tetly directiou. the South and all alouj tbe Atlantlc cfia-t were. nf

course. excredlnftly hl(th, the maxltnum at. 1 -rtlaiid. Me.,Boaton and Haitlniore be'u^ 02. anrf tbat at iharleatonand Wllmln_to_ 00. Over the dlieirlet of lalte F.rle. ai

Chlcago. and at Tloatoii. JiiorK I .l.uid aad 'jth'-r pointon Uie coaet. raln fcll. The mol wave fnim tbeUiirtbwe*t, wblch laat nlehr had atlvafred a. tar a*L*_* tlie. wUl arrlve ln New York Utlt irujnilng toreni*ln for two dara. The Indlratlon* are fur falrweather.




Carbondale, Pean., May 10 (spor lab..The mo>t arr'ou*

daniaj;e dom- bf the stcnu Ii; tll- tJy t/nlay wa* lhe

complete desfrurtlou of a bl« derrlrk, 11- foet blgh, atthe I'ort Herulrlek Oll Work*. a bnaca of Ibe StaiiitHnlOll Company. In Ita d'.'a-ut lt Btrack Ibe tfa*aOl-_oecup*e<i by Tbomas Joyce. on lhe oMM,-|te. slile nfthe fctreet, tearlng off U.e gable and p.irt of tlie rajf.The foti-e et the fall was broken by twn lar.-e tnv*and the elertric llght win^, 00 which the to'*er f-lLTho Delaware and Uodaoo Coaapaajf la alao * beavyloser. At Kackit lirook Colllery, a BOOtBra ol the Ur>;ebarn was blown down, but linl.lly all themnles were at work ln tbe rntne. Al Coal Braok Ool-llery th<« wlnd desiroyed Um Iem Hood piaiu: ruaolngfrom the mlne to thu breaker. The mlnor arclili-tiuIn the city are aiiaMiniia Miiaii bama waro blowndown and unroofed, tilejrapli poli-n aml uire* artibroken, ahow ea»c* shaitemi a-id tbe i-kyllnht* ofphoiograpa' galleile* dama^i-d. Tt_- Bmce aruumlthe l-a-ehall park k a At FOfeal Clty h_ilfcll wlth terrlJlc fone a-i laipe a* hcn\ e,^g* Thfro1* araKely an utrbrokan wmdow on the wevof houaea In Uie, roiuiiry. Ttv ball dld mitch darnagolo friirt trecs. The ttorai laeted only flftocu aiinutea

TWENTV WOIU-JrTEN Ili/'WN FHOM A aUUDOBRalO_iore, May 10 (bpeelali.- A vlolerrt wlnd »rul hall

atorm dld convtderable damave, ln Weatera Marylandto-day. At Frederloli Clty and other point* In Fred-erlqk aad Carroll Connlir*., hou.-,e* were untfiofed,barna blown down aad aev-ral baftfBnga atiurk byllgbUitag.' The treafl*vor_ for Uie new brldge over

the rVtomac Rlver at Point of Bock.* wa* blown downanl tMrty workmen were thrown twenty feet IntoUie erream below. Tht^o of them aaaja **rlon-lyInjure-l by hcavy ttmbnr falllng upi/ti them Thaf.torm atrurk this clty snddeniy. The wlnd blew downalgn* and portion* of unttntshod LnlMlnuA. and IB*crowd* of |i<y>ple on tbe atnet wero bllnded by thecinuds of dnst The atorm paaaeri down fhe bay,and It lt rerjoried that scveral aniall aalllng crafi'were ittpaixca. Th<' Wettern L'nlon mtn-s brtwoenthla clty ana I*hlladelphla am down.

- ?

1-UfFUtl ADKirr AT I'HII-AUKLPHIA.1'hlladelphla, May 10 (Bpaclape.Tba afonn un¬

roofed a number of bullfUn.- lu Uil* clty. s-.i-nlhundrrd cblmnrya wero blown down. AlOBf therlver front th* deatructlon wa* grrirral. Pllea oflrrmber and nierrhandlae were blown Intai the water,and ln Uie dUtriet of Kenaliigton evrryUiIng movablewa* twept from Uie wbarves. Many v-aaelt parteil.belr hawnera and went adrtfi. After Uie itorm, tug-boata wero buay for aeveraJ honi* towtug theiu l.m kto their picr*. Trees wera blown down ln all p-rUot Uie clty.

DAMAGE HY 1IAH. IN IIXINOIg.Iialvldere, IU.. May lt). -A moat terrlfir ball, wlnd

and raln ttorm vtaltod Ihl* clty yeaterday afternoon.HaHaUmet a* large a* walnuta fell for thirt' nilnute*.Tbe trult treet are all In blooni, and muf*i jtra-gtwtll be done to cherrie* and laie apple*. Cotn pIar)^Ing was about cotnpleted, bnt mueh will probablyhave to be replantad, the *eod belnc literttllv waahedout of the ground. The floriat* U-tU he (he woratfcuflarer., the planta Ulirg cut to pleco*. t>tr* k whlehwaa out In open fleld* anffered mueh.

CaSUALTIBB DUF. TOm LKiHTNINO.SuBguehanna, Pcnn.. May lO.-wiilian. najiaat. of

liuif aummlt, N. Y., waa killed by llghttiitig Uil*altornoon.

NewceaUe, Penn., May 10.-A atorm of vlnd. hallaod HghUiIng patmd over |Bi clty about o'eloekthla afterrioon, hre.akii.g wlnfow pjnra and blowlngdown ahade B*a*». Tbe houae of Jaxne* Beynobl*..x-coaaty treaaurer, waa atrut k by llgbtnlng. and Mra.Krynold* and a daugbter wert- ktiinned by Uto aho-kIh.y reuialoed nticonaclou* for two hour*. but willrecover. The hcuae waa not damagrd.

IluUand, Vt, May lO.-Mlat Erama Jorb. wbo Italnglng bere ln tbe ButUnd Mutlo FeaUval, vliltarltba aaarbie ouartie* at M'aat BuU-ad todar. A

thuntler Ktorm earn. up snd llgbtnlng strurU th* bulldIrig ln wliirh the psrtv took sh.ller. Tl..1 el.lmney wasknucked dowu, but none of the party wa.. Itijureal.

Manaayuan. N. J., May lO.-Tbe house, of lieiijaminTruax. at Chadwlrk. o.-eati County. wa; _tnillgt.tnlns at « _>. m. to-day. and hU dauzhler. Anti!Truax, ago nlne years, wai killed. Tho entlrnfanilly wera iniurod.



NEW-il\vr_N-NAM__s OK T1I0..E IN-URILV

[BT TE_t.__.rH TO TIIR TRII:tmalNew-Haven, May 10..One of tb roont gevere

tbunder storms whlch ever vlgited this city brokeover the town about 4 p. m. to-day. A leruld"wind uc.onipuni.d th«' rain and th>- deaa. eloadamude it aa dark as nipht'lr damagewas done tbroughout tlir city," BBd ta iUveuan unflnished dwclling liotis. was blown t«» thegrouud. Bixteaa men wrre workiug in th.- bnild-ing and ull of then were more or lear. injured.The seriously injured are;

t'KAMKK. Mlle*, had one af hla rtaa brokan.FOI.K.V, MloOaet, s c__-p-_t.-r, t_ad bmh baoe. of Iba rlgbt

ankl* lim-eii snd laeahrad othot «u.«na*lDju_l__.inu, J*m«*. waa -averrly oil »u<1 bru_*_d.K AKNF.I.T.. Henry. waa liuri on tb* b«__l aad breaal.

LU. H.ary, a carpeniar, aaa eavarely _r__se_ aad dan-g. out about th*. hf_1.

O'BRIKN, Wllllam, waa .-it abaut the l-*A. rheat a__lbaaid*.

O'liBIEN, Jam*«, »prainrd hla leg- and waa badly brulaed.RANTSE, Thoras*. wa* "lightly hun.bllEPXAN. F. II.. «f b|)rlng«r.ld. had his haart badly

<rn«he_ snd _-ffer*d p/*b.My fatal lntemal Injuiiaa.BMITII, John U., a Hner, had _ve rlh* broken snd waa

badly brul**<l uo iho h«a4. |

Frank Luddmgtou, Jtremiah fondon, John Don-nelly, John Feal.y, Mirliael Frcnch and liobcrtCrawfotd were pHiiifull> bruised, but were ai'loto go to their home. BBBasJsted. Lowc l?r"thers,of this citv, w. re tl.e huilder*. The boOBC wasnot. insurnl. and tha loss, about f.1,000, falU onthe oontractorv The house wai, to bo built forFatrick Murray._ALMOST BLOWN FROM A TRAIN.


H0USF.8 .DP.MROTE'D IN __A_J____t_f .PF.NNTXr


[BT T_L«..Bal-ll Tl. TH*. T»i)!l_l__Rrading, lVnn , May 10..A Bevere storm vlsltr.1

thia region laie thia Bfternoon, Williara lWwtt.-.conductor of a ahifting engine, und his rrrw hada thrilllng Bxperience north i,f __**_aport Tho.torm atniek bia tnnn a s.'n.rt diatBBBT BBUth ofVolirs-ville, and for fullv !<. i miBUt-B it mi-

pf____b_8 to see thaii I.>0 fl"! I ali.-ail. Wlc-nthe tornado atraek a l.i-ff oa 'he w.-.t side ofth.- tcaok, *t..n.-_ tbe si/j.- ..I li-ii's rggi werehurlcd in erety dlreetion and Ihe metnb.the cr.-w werc alnio*t blown from tba tiain. Thitrain wus ruuninj, nt u apead af about ten mlleaan hour und the eBIB f.nrly tnmbled. Hc aajrathat he tliougbt that Um tr.un w.iuld be blowafrom tbe truck cv.-ry moment. The storm Itruckrottdviile aliout 4 pm. aad by 5 .0.'. it had r'.i_Ji-«lI'bilndelphi.., a di.ta-nc- of nineiy IIst nul a AtTroniont, I*ine Grovi-, l*ott_~ll)e, Tusn_<i ia, I-.i. I

tafriHe. Sehuylkill Hn\en. Aiiburti BBd other|K.in_s the st«.<rm waa UBuaualy aevare. The U 1momco HoU'l at Auburn araa uaroofed, and larcatie.a wn1 twietwt off like pipestfl-BB, lnnfrom tho eoal reglon.% aay ll he..-_oe so d.«r_. dur

Ing ___; atona that it h_b to li___Al u.a

gaa in lha con_ TeJ.-gr.'i'b lmea werr-

blown down ln all directiona andlt wlll rv.iuirc until v^morrow U' rei-»lr themSevernl tine apple orehimla n«.r I'me (»rove wei-

ruiut-d. It is rcporta-l Uiat s.\iT..i bouara areia

blown down at Trainont Threr m-w dwdla North __lrvenU.-_t , tl.i* nt\,' w-r-rr unr.xif.-land badly <laniap<l N" on- >| At

liridareport,' near Norrtatown, tbe roof ot >

_-atar*ta___i «-.-¦. blowa off, nn,! earrtrd tha wir»v.

nf th.- i£a.i<lin_; Ballfoad .> ipaiTIk- large ahaecvatonr on Fairvleaiib.hure re*-.;rt, w.»« blown .1 arn and tmTlu> planiuj. n.ill <>f Ueorg. \V .f. im-'- a

Sona, «t wenieraville, V4.ia unroof. t i'- -

acbool-bouae aa. wrecked, nnd ta..Joab.ia Hiiy«-u Hnd .Iiun.--. Gaul ¦.»¦ ..

di__na_{ai. TreeB ».¦.' -idaiua .'- la r< portadm Kali- At S_.tin.t.,n. (.. bi_h C.mllr. north of Beadlng I.mI fr 11 »i ¦ ¦¦

and much 'Lu...-' toMany of -ie young arumen ..

8t<«-.kii._,' factory ir. T__a_l»etn_er,i bulldlng .».

and Waluut ^t^ Ihiaand hurriMly l.-ft Ihe Ib-j Wt\bata clo»k» and dlnner-i-dh i. t.'_' buHdiug, andre/u_4»d to return ta* tbe f..rr.r\ tuti)subaided A r.-j-ort rea.hisl l.rri- nt lo'i k _. ti.ita row "f fnmit' bouara at Towat Citi * « '".u

pletely demolished. The iee*houaeB at Man n StaUon, owncd by lhe KnJelterbockai Ice L'«iu|were unroofed, »Ko the )<-.. bouae at l-aubervilfp.The graad-ata-WI of tba Aetiva Baaeball ( lub, m

the r_.rtl.ern ja*rt of tbia eitr, waa unroofed, andae.'eraj (mtsi..." irete w\er. \y burl Hie atorra

up so luddeiry that the people ',n U <¦ stnndhad no time to s'.'t out. Duat «-i- ao thick thatthe people beeame bewildered, aad a panic ena iedThe wmd«.i only about ten mtautea rhearain cacDQ down ia toerenta A portlon af the r< tot the Eteading Iron W'.rks tom "if Tbetadepboup aerv-ico in this city ia eompl.-t.-lv .l.-nior-ulired, and the wirea ar>- down in cverv dir<'< tionTha I'ostal taieffnpli lim-a an alao down, and t!>»'company l* nompletely cut iT fruni tlie OBtaldeworid. The foundry of I >rt. lSiinter _c Co.. luFroat-st., waa lwrtly unroofed.


M.V1J1AI. EMPtrOYl-S OP Tll 8 0_____ATwSOW JIL'BT


Wllllamaport, Penn., May 10. During the rxhlbKlonby Barnum'a ahow here thla 8_rteTtio<m, » vloirut stormanddi-nljt catn- up and a panlf w*^ !.. th.' lari;rtent. Tho ranva*. began U> give way and lt beganlo kmk aa though It would eema iloan l»...lil>. Manvnf lhe prdeja were Hftad Uirry or f,,ur fn.rn tl...

groand, and the grrslrvt r-rrtl.m on th» partof attaehes «f ti.o klu.w wsn raqulrad10 l,i,l.l tli*m down. Tha rrou.l mad- a

rush to get out and tl.e wlldest. o .-It/ni^ril prrrall'-.lfor a tltno. Manattera sboutad aiul t.le.1 !n raln _0

qulet the peopl'S but as thr Kt'irm .'.niliiiied amltba danger of the u-nt gotng dowa bieiaaaad, _he_i),rn urge.1 the people lo §& mit as fs^t as po.slhl.-.Kortnnately, hy uslng all eilts and golng oul iinil**rll..- ranvaa, tho people eaCBB-d Wlthoul seaioaa injury.One wornan ln her ha_i« foll over a lupe hii<1 brofcnhcr wrlatTba other tenta dld not far. ao well. Tha dn-aalng-

rooin. tlie ineii»._erle and tlir tent .-4iverlng Ui" freakvwcie all blown ftat. Thri-a caae* q| *.r,-

iiM>riiiiued and aome vsluai.le >.pi.-ini'-i>* u.-r.-

lnliire.1, an antaslorx' belng M tiarHy eilp|.|.''l that lt|,ad to bo klllerl. The elepl.aiiis, fltidlng tl.e.n elveafsst under the ranva*, begaa 10 mak.- rlolenl dora.i.ii-irailona aml ihe jeople r-it reoawed alarm. Thei.n.t.rl.tor* of tho ahow cstlmate the !<>-_ lo tnHr mit-ht at *10,o«)O, not to «p«-a_i of the loa* ln l.avli.i; lodl«p«n_.' wlth tbe evenlng perfo.maa. A imnil.erof il,.' perfonnera were uiore or le*. hurt, .bhuik th«niliii.g tl.e followlng:D-U0OW, Mlaa Liliie, waa knoeked aaaatlaaa by lha fsJl

Ing nf s poia.KI.YNN, Mlaa N**l*, had haw no*e broken.KKENCH, Brlc. a ak_4>r, had o»i» of hl« ilha broken.1( 1IATO, s Jspstvaae, raoSved an»ere bnil*-. on hla haa.1

snd body.MAl'.RB, Oaaergs, raoeiTad a-a~e-a aralp wr.ondTH'iMl'HON, Mlaa Mollia, waa woundol Id liae fso« hy s

*(__,«.A l.umbr of buJJdlnga about the efcty wai.*

badly siralnad by tha atonu. and -ioma n» them threat-ened to lall. but the general dsms_o heart of ha* notbeen sertou*.

WLLaTOMK RAIN IN THK M__T__W-_r_.Dubi/i'ie, lowa, May 10..The for rain

rau.e yosterday ta eoplous showera. Parmer* are

greatly relleved, aa empa wera aufferin. badly fromthe long rontiuu-al rtrouth

Klou- Kall*. I>ak-. May 10..Tho moat benedelsl raln

r.f the aeaaon iell yiwtorday. The ground |a now w*|]ai,.l feara for a aat-barh tn tho enps ara

allajoil Kvery erop U now .imilally yromlKlng. »-,

JI lha rondlBons »ra farorable and th." aeaaon bf'.iin two to three waeka aarlior than It waa laat




THE #10X1 ' OP MALPRACTICKIJBT T-I.___s_ar n the TBtnc.E.]

Chioagn, May 10 .The CroniB mystery ls a mys-tery no loujjrr, and hn frn-nds and adherents, whotia\e Iieen shouting "plot" and " as__.__.lnat.oa',for lhe pnst rjx daya, aro dumbfounded at to-night's drvelopmeuts. From the confession ofFrank I. Woodruff, au ..rr»sted horw^thief, therenpiiettrs to ba llttle doubt, Ur. Cronin hns leftlhe city to nvoid lhe rnn. oqnences of his con-nection witb a euse ot mulpracticc, which resulte.1in the d.-atl. of the unfortnnate wornan, who_ebody wns convpycd to a w cret plaee of burialin the bloody trunk tound in Laikcvrew on Sundaymght, and which friends of l ronin believe4l hadcontained his mnngled body.On Tburday evoning tl.e Twelfth-st. police ar-

reated u young man who was ttytag to 11 a whitchorae and a wagon iu a hvery stable near thepollee stiutlon. The young man offered to part,with the ri_ for the sum of flO, aad tba _uspirion_of Foley, tlie liv. ry stable man, were iramtdiatelyBffeaaed. Ha telephoned the statlrm, and tbe. Inrsr-froiier was taken Into etutody. He gave his namett the station as John lirown, aird, a/ter answer-

ing tbe t'nitine rjuestions, his face blanched, Uabands bogan to tremble, atid be fell in a famt.Tlie poli' <. troodaicd at the time that their prisoncr.houkl appear so mueh coneeraed, but the reaaoawaaappareni nexi moraiBg wbea he seut for Cap-tain (I'Donii'U and said he had sumething to ta-11him. lie was taken luto tlie ('auluiu's B_j_a, andiu tlie preeence <>f aeveral ofloen vdunturily un-tolded ihe story of bia Mttneet-oa witli the trunkmystery. poU08_BBB investigated hls story,and found It oarrobocated by many clrcumstancestendlug to i_s tt.iihliila.__. Lirown said hlartul name wa. Frank G. Woodrutf, and that he wa_

worUiug for De_n <k Co., livcry stable kcepere atNo.. 101 aad 108 Webatajr-ave, lli_ story, told inIns ..¦...!, ', i-. a.-. ;. 11. a -

tTedaaaday nlght, a week ago, I waa ln tho Owlhaiuoti. nn --t.-4t*>-,i., aud rnri *, nan there whom I hadbeen very well _C4)ua_ntad Wltb .''Vral years before.The i.,.u, w._, iiiliy klng hla i*l name, I tblnk, laaflBIaia ll. Klng, altbough wbea l iirst met hlaa, Baa.le.1 blmaell ilarry llataworth. We had - bumher

of rt.w.ks ln the aalooa and tl.en startcd togcthqrtowani Madlson-at. v.e axchaafed oonftdencea an<iaaaaeg otber thlap i to.i him that l w_» uat otnionej. i tn',.] iiim how I ha.1 taal conaMerahla moneypl-ylng rant-., a ,:re*l d<_ inoj-e than I could afford.and that 1 anuted lo *orure koinothtng that wouldj.ay BM bettet than worklng In Jvati's lirery stable.He aaM (o BM

" I ,'4i. i> r. y<__ on tho way of uivktng some moneyBa I Hut ea.lly, I.h..*

1 a«K.<l fJm what It araa, but ba «-*M he would notteil me then, bal would la*.-r. Just before we

K<-l>ara!/sl Ke *all l,e arould 'all n,e fn.n. theStal ... *>>mn evenlng ai.d te|| BM how wo coul'i maketl .. ituff, Beturday evenlng at ,iuk I wa* ir. tha frontpart of Ih'1 atahle wbefl _.<) BBlfead J>aat and BMtlOBadto .ae. I ws-nl 0411 and walknl ,|.,wn tlie atreot wlthhlm. fle sakeil BM lf I l-OM .'.' a -4*88 and WBgODout of th.- Mable wlthoul any naa*a knowlng II, and

.- he wnuld give BM 188 If I Would do lt. I toMl.lm 1 eould, arul »* a^reavl upon a plan of mcetincat '_ o'ri.M l. i wenl lo 1ms_ as u*ua_, ahoat 11'.I -

_. ln lha r<*,m over tb* ataoia, bul aa aoon a*

ra were aal^p I got nul of had aa _ot_e.le.slyaa 1 eaiild aod aalked down lha atalnrar to the floorMH tbo bora-a --ra, carrylnf ury ahoea aft the

aay In my h-av_. I had ulo-ii tha precautlonM leave tl.e wsgoi. out doora ln the alley In tho raar

bab-M ___tBf ." bed, BB all I had to do waa to ftO.e iior-e aai of the rear d,*.r I rlio_o the whltah,.f-*. K*<au^> j know ll waa a _*>od roadster.

I ma_M lt* fr-i earefully, and »_4l4/-l It oror

th* sawthaat, f.pan~i tho rear doora, and hsd lt lt..he alier wlthout SMhlag the Irsat ,i,_«e. I found

raltlDg fae n e at a r», ou _^t__e-^t. I think.t was tr.e eornai ,f ITahalai »¦¦". ile 8"t in wlth1 *i -I .r» .'.roie t..p-_t_M_r u. a barp ln the rr__r of a

Mal.: at. 1.8 up lha alley-t«f«; -:.e aad Dearborn tu to the t.ani .lo>,-

¦-al'l \-ry llltla to BM whlle «8 were

ln tha tH'.n, hat I ren.ember hetl.» tlllie sl.'". .eeineal vrrT anllil'IS

!:.,- Aa ara vbaaied ap In fp.nt ef the4 ;.¦!! t,r lOBie "ne In.l'le.

_me ,,ut. ''ne wa, Dtck I'slrl.tirni. .jii-a wall -4h1 l.aA-e known hlm for a

_., s yaan i'r in, I am aura, waaAtth .-- 't »*a qulte dark at th* ubm

1Mb. Io i"ok e_0-__y at hl-. fa-~.snd s IU lie K'.sior. snd aa-wra

I* rOBlB's dr*.' iipiloii m every olhST way. I nev*r

.- ' r> iitii u. know that ft ws* he. snd.i 1 e»r ao) man »l U...» hlm aa t'ronln.

ai - Doc."H.rae in.-n went Into lha barn

r and ft in.ed wuh a trunk. lt*-r, .~i to be an ordiaary travlling trank,

_i Ui.iiatV'ii leather .>r paper eo-erlng. 'ln.--.:i.. j. |n_ B a.'il ll.eii .litiitx-d ln. W'8

-. through t'.e alley lo u.e fli>t .-.,.,

that a: <1 th.-.i «^eot up l»'«rt>«>ni* p.;k. As s,*.n a.s we ieae1_r.t the paa k we

iur:.«ai intai the Laahe BhopB drlve and'irt U,'- hai^e M a run ail U.e tlme.I Urai'l *..v,-ri_l eapJ*-..heit l-i the 80OVaraati4_D

hatweaa lha man whi.-h e.,'i\!.u'al me tiie.o wae a

iK-iv ifi u.e Uuak, in the tii>t plaee, l n<nice,ithat Qranhl v. .-. very BBZMMH for us to Imrry.Two or Uir-4_ tlme-, he aaJ.l '...-.' out of hern, b-f/a,get out of h'*tv 'tu|.-k," bihI aach tlni'' Ulck ar_>--ere>l,

- a'l rlghl thaA's all rtK-t, Doe. Y\\hiiri-T up when we get Btartya..'' I notioed Oia.t

lhe t.-uiik Rinetied aa If ihen- wa.. geeaylag Beah witi.-

I>. lt, ai.d When the horae got a wl'ltf h* Buettad.H. drovo nearlv to lha norih ond of lhe park. Uieuaiopped a Diuiiite n.-ar-oni.' buthea. Klng and wete witji n.e. We M iroiiln af the barn. andI reoBMBbet a1- 1 lookotl at hlm Ihat mie of hls eye_wi, bla. kane.1 ae lf It ha.1 bean litt with a Il-t. Atlhe bushe.. we nftcd Uie inink out, aad I hold the_on>_ whUn tt «b.'opened.


I tben _aW that tny lUB^fcloaa w.r<- eomet, and was a l.o'ly lu U.e imiiK. They liffrd It out Ins. \.rsl pfoeea. 1 cannot aay lt WB8 lhe bpdf of a

ur a wornan. hi '-..t from one elreumetanee. I heani

Kin_ aav: "Hera'a where we leave aiu." lalrl.iiin anawered ' Vea, aml II you bad let Imu alone,we viould ha>e ha-l Doo. In h-i- wlth bar.- The.eremarha Pa"_tr1 whib* tb.y wrre i-ai-ryltig the eontenta,.f the trunk baik into th" buabaa. I Dottoed tl.atearfa i.tem «*- .-an-fully wtappe.1 up lii eotlon oi

Mimeuitng ttra. looked Ua roitarj. Klng tttted lhetrunk Into u.e waaoa, took uut bla poohat book aod.oui.te.i out t-'-> from a larce roil. He aaaaad mathe nci.'-N and t'dd me to drlv.t ou and get rld of th.-trunk and |el U.e l.'.rse barh lu U.e bara. Af.r Il*n il'.em I l"-_;aii to feel rather thaky, and whippedthe hot-e li.u, a _ailop. Tha whole trlp from thebara *-e '""' **c" ,u' """ "'i:i ~'"'be wa.. iu a buggy- At ,h" *.. VVP p»Uad oul,.r lha traek Into U,e bushc.4 aml pern.ltte.i hlm to pa-a.iimi't uiiik ba aaw aa. After l left tl.e boy,. i drove

i,n * run, aa I sal't. but had gone noi over a bloeh .".'of the iaik i.f"!'- aoaae oa.rlied ai ...*. i <u.i aetsiiswer, bal lii-ieivl u.-ge«I the beraa to go faster. Idon't Uilnk ."as over llfteen niliiu'r* on Uie run.I'liially 1 dunip.- ".it lhe trunk an.l t.inied hack. IIbioha '»i<n ».- lt fell. t.u. 1 dld n..t wait tx. *ee in whatmannrr lt liy. 8r JuSt how the ple.-es were pUced. Iretumed io U.e barn.

"WhCH did you flrst meet King?" was nskedof ..'..'mlriifT.

" 1 llr-t met lum at I'ort Hiiion. Klob. I thtakhe had tl.en been followlng tlie nu-i'v Ue looksio be Uiirty-two years old, and always goeaneatly <lr.-_.s.d. Fairbum is au altogetber dl_fer.ent aort or a faUow. Ha is pim-ky, but withoutonot or eonfidenee. Ha i- u thief and baa served

time in tba r*Bltent_ary. He b forty-IJvo year*OM Hvi- f..'t, four or llv lacbca high, sioeUilybuill willi a maa_8-ba turntal ursy. aud grayishJialr, but l.ald on tbe top af hla heiid. He wiu

dte_a_rtl, that nlght when 1 laat sow him, ln a

rough tweed suil.".' How did Cronin look?'"_la I auid, 1 never saw ( ronin on the arreet.

to ktow him.' That Bigfal ba_tac^ad -fte_B maanuite well along in years. But I noUeed most.

_.,r...ul.,Hv tl.e"hlaek .-, t and tl.e _B_J ach. aud

gontae. Tbe ete araa -md-J iwallad. Ha *ore a

I.eihy hat aud' blnck clothes."- Have voti BBBB eitber of Uie three mm alnce

h,,nda^mon,bng?ott^ on WsDMhjlvtk Md

tolked with him several mlnutes. From expres-»ious that he then used I lecl sure that Croninia in the city and that King knowa his where.abouts. u"d tbat if King can be found, he willtell where Cronin ia.''Ihe prisoner wa.* taken out of ths atation with

Captain O'Donnell Thursday night and again to¬day. He polnted out the placc where he left thetrunk and ilxixl the identical spot where it wasfound. He pointed out the barn, wbieh prov-dto be in the rear of No. *>28 North State-st. TheofTleers entered it, but eould tind no evidenee foror iiguinst. the story.

Woodruff says lie suspects, from the convenv-tion he overheard between Cronin, Fnirburn andKinc, that the body in the trunk was that of awoman whose death resultcd from an operation,iierhaps lerformcd by Dr. Cronin. He dra^>thia eonclusion, not only from the wnrd"< he over¬heard, but also from the nuxb-ty evinced by thedoctor to get tbe body out of tbe way. and fromthe fact. that Cronin liad apparently been receiiilystruek hy some one.

WoodrufT flrst read of Cronin's disappearancein Tueadrv's paper, and also read the story the flnding of the empty trunk. IL- wasgreBtly frightened, and thinking that the officaisw» re certalnly on his trark, took means to getout of the city. He had sorae money remaininir.from the aum given him by King, but decjdedto obtain a little more. The result was his arrestfor attempting to 8aU the horse. which hnppenedto be the identical animal he used on thomemorable night.




fnr TEUwrtAra to tub TamrsR.JToroato, May lO.-Tlie Chicago detectives can

give up their aearch for the. />ody. m the missingDr. Cronin. The doctor was in Toronto to-day,and was seen and spoken to by rt man who knewhim intimately. Shortly aftea jo o'clock thismorning, as Charles Long, a former Chieagoan, butfor some months a reaident of this city, of whichhe is a native, was walkiug down Yonge-st., heaaw in front of the Arcnde tbe well-known flgureof Dr. Cronin. With the latter was a atrangi-r, a

man of medium aiie, wearing a full heard, anddreaaed ia. a dark buaineas suit. Dr. Cronin wasthe family phynician of Mr. Long while they livedin Chicago, and he had been af Mr. Lonj's hotiscfrequeutjy. Great ly suq?. ised, Mr. Long i-xtcndedhis hand and anid

" Wh.v, how are you, docto; ? What are youdoing herer"*

J'r. Cronin involnntarily lifred his hand andaaid : ' IIow d.,*¦ Then he s idlenly dropr>ed hishand by his side, broke off in his salufation,HfifTrnrd up, «nd said brus<iuely: * Mv dear sir,you have the wivarttnge of me."

" Why,n replied Mr. Long, " whatdo you mmn ? You know me well enough."

" My dear sir," rejoined the doctor, " I don'tknow you, and if you speak to me a_BlB I shallcall a poJ-0-0)OB and have you arrestid."1

Mr. Long saw that Dr. Cronii was determinednot to ndmit his identity,' and did not reply, andthe doctor and his rompnnion |*v-a?d on. correetly OQOdoOad that Dr. Cronin wouldnot remain iu Toronto long after being recoirnizod,and went at once himeelf to tbe Cnion Dcpot.i)Ii* itvtioooe waa rewardi-d, for after wait-ing about. nn hour a earriage drove up andthe doctor and his unknown fnend alighted. Theywi-re not alone, however. With them was a

young and styhshly aitired wuman, whom Mr.Loog descrite* aa a pleasant and atfractive facewith the a:r and bearing of an Auuriran. Thedootor's n.nipanion went to tha ticket oAet todpurr;hii*ed three ticket., and the trio boarded the1 _ 10 traln wif h tickets for Supcrinr llridge. Theparty, however, did not leave the traln at theBrldge, but prooeeded qq tbiit way Eaat, probablyfor New-York. The doctor aeuned somi-whatda-exi when Mr. Long so suddenly HOCoste4 himand the lattarr ia strongly of the lmprrtunon thatthe doctor ia not la his right miod.

" There can be no doubt,"' anid Mr. Long to-

niglit, " tbat it was Dr. Cronin. I knew himwell, liad n*en him often at my house and on thestreets of Chlcago rind I oouid not be mistaken.Had there been tho sligliteat doubt inmy inind lt would have been div|H-lled at oaoc by the ma:im-r in whicbhe liegan to return my salutation and then so

auddenly btroke otT." A BBB-Oh at all tlie hotel-to-night failed to reveal when' Dr. Cronin st-nppedwhile in tha city. At Uie Kowin, however,i goeal aaavrprlog perfectly to hia ilescriptinntook dinnrr yeaterday. Bc doclined tu Rglsterhl- nntue, but jwid for his dinuir iu advaOCO, anditntiK-.lmt.-ly after dining left tlie house. It i-tiot known that Dr. Croniu has any rrlntive-iu this ity, but lUs mother-in-law and a oepliewliv..- at St. Catherloe'a, not matiy Bllaa awa.y.

TO BLAOKUAT HkBBlQR QIMBWWOBRBB*.l*tft.<ftiur«, May 10 thp-rlal).-Any fonign glaew-

worker who conn» tu this eountry h«Mi>aft ir wUl lie.blacklNted. The lmmlgratlon of 8*8*7 fiueign work r,unles* he ha* been blarkllsted, bas Iwn ollirlally for-bhl'len by the Wlndow.tda_a Workers' A>.s©ci»tlon, andnotioea have booti sent to ev«7 prw-eptor In Ud*euii'itr. to reoignlie ln future no fonign aorkman.N'oUee ha.- :ilsu been cable«l to oftlcers of tba ftB'lndoa i.i*-> Wnrkor-' Aaaoclatloa that in iutuie theyan1 to givo no Btotkcf* elearaoo* eant*. Crltte* olt'le organlaaOoa say thi* mov* u*, aeoeaaary lo aUrncego ip and apeeulatlOTi on tho auhjocl of ttu> to-porta.iiun of Iba ttiii-ty eUht ftwalga worker* <~bo an- nowat < luniLa-i-, _. kfeBaw** worka, at Jea^nette, B'eatmore-land ldiitity. It la sald hy td»> |ll_M-WOrBen how-e\er, that they eare ootliing about what iKOph out-

mm%t Uie lioloo say; that the term* of tho COotrarllabor 1*« havo not be»-n vtolatOd, bal that tba Olttec«ti. ne»'esnary tlmply because Ul»^re aie now ennugbbluwen tu nil all vaaaoelea. Aeoordlng to the uniou.InteruaBooaJ afreement can forhld the imuiigratum otall forelgn aMaabera

TirMK FREIGHT TMAAWB IS A SlUSI^VP.Nowbuig, May 10 tSpcclal)..A wx-oud eosily accl-

dent In a few day* happened this morning near TortJi.-rvla, on tbe Krte liallway. Three fr-iKht traja>were ralxed up In fhe colll-lon and twenty-flve cars

irere IroKen and gtoiitiil Into kludlin^-tvoo.l. Onetralu broke ln two. Another, followlng, lan Into lf.aud tho forco thiew the two Into a thlrd ttain golugln the oppo-lto dln-ctlon. I-iglneer t'owen of onotraln was fnghtfully cut and bnil*ert and I'onductorTh'.'rn had one of hu b-ir- tora out of the socket. Thoaeeldaat oaeurrsd ai rDoulna s-vit-h aa the top of thenhawwigunk Moumaln. ea-st of l*ort Jt-rvia.


PUt*burx. May 10 (BpaaM)..ail a late hour la«tnlehi t'Hy iv-teeiivr OouhMB infenM Chrlaty't Dam-ini:Aeademj, where a fashlonablo rOOOptlOB va* In pro(ir--^, »ii'l arre^t.-l one of tho falr waltaere, Mr-. Lulu

iiiiimi, of XanravflbBj Ofcio. lhe la caaraed witu hav-

ln« robtieil two fOuai ritt-hiirtt wonien. wliutn *he lt

vl.itlnn, of thteo koI'1 watrln-s. brairlets, dlamondrtug and *ouio rash. Mr*. J)!l!on wa* taken to theential l*ollce htatlon. sihe eoafaaaad the crlmo and

the aalckO* wero i-4'oveprxl...-?_-

Ttir. WBBT viHUisiA*;ori:usoht>HTT.rbarle-tu... W. Va, May 10 (Speej.D.- The leRlalatlve

joint coniiiilttjea on Uie (iuvcrnor-hlp cont.-at It at

yreaent e__mlnlOg legal amhoritlea. On Tuesday theywtll de»-ldn Bt* rjaartj «t befjr- Hiem. ai.U begln work

uu thr dapafUJoaa now ln lhe hand* of 1'lerk Hamtl-.-_ nt _i,i.-h th«re lt an liiin»*n»* number. IlawSltlnia Lr., alreaTly ln from fJilrty-flKtit eounue*

frlh'o >>a% an4 the nurnbei* B not by any means

compU'te. i_


Lockport. N. Y.. Mar 10 (SpeelaD-Mr*. NehwnWtdrlc *««' 8-0. ~"*> °' - Promlnenl farmer, hantredheraelf'ln the kitalien thi* rnornln* No caute can b»Mtlfiied exe*pt temporary Insanhy.

* .

Mf K _**-Iaa.TO.V OF A UVRDEBED ili.V.Raindout. N. Y.. May 10.Tbe akoleton of a man

wlth a tmall round bole ln the akull wa* found ln a

brtctryard at Port Ewen today.-? ¦

IPB TBII--0 OSCE BKPOBB TO 8TEH A TOBBRXT.4_alvln B. Brlec ot th* Democratle Nattonal

F.xfOtiUvu Commltiae, aaid y*at*r_ay that th«re waa nottha all||hte«l foniidatton Mr the allegaaoii that he waa

couaocted wlth tke acharat to utllli* ihe power of IttaaarAFalla for tnduatrl-l purrif)''-*. Ha d*rl*r*d that ha hadne.v.r heard ef ta* nut'ar ualU a* r*ad abaut lt ia u*aawaaaaara





*¦_*. »aoc_AH coaaf-sroiiDi-T o» thb nr_rniaJAlbany, May lO.-Covernor III* la a great lovetof theatricala. No one, thercfore, wa* greatty «ur-prthed to-day to *ee that he la unusuaUy skllful lnthe "llghtnlng changa* aet, It waa but a monthago, apparently, ihat he was cathimed a* a party" bo**,» wtth a gaudy walstcoat, Wg eheck trotuera,scarlot neoktle and flamlng dlamond pln. A* aparty - boss" be was urglng Mayor Grant, of New-lork, to appolnt only Democrata a* members of Uianoard of Pollce of that elty, and run the PolicaBeparUnent a* an adjunct of Tammany HaU. wlth.hallot-box atuffers of that organliatlot on doty atthe poUs on olectlon days a* canva***. 0f electioo.Inspcetor* and poll-clerks. A* a part. - bea*,» alao.tho Governor, Just before he made hl* - llghtnlngchange." wa* slgnitig a blll glvlng Tammaay Hall8100,000 worth cf patronage, ln the ahape of fouraddltional pollce magtstratos; no more magiatraia*of that Wnd belng needed by the great changa.

But, prestot and Uie Governor dtaappean througha cablnet, to appear on the other alde ln the role of a" .tatetmau.* It may be sald at onoe that the roleIs badly aeted; that the party u aa***." wlth tongae lacheek, may be detacted m Uie borrowed cloUie* afGeorge Cimton and WlUlam II. Ssward. The modtatgarb I* there, but the head that emerge* through th*old-fashloned collar ls one that haa been educated lathe prlmaiies of Elmlr*. And no one la decelvedwhen the volco of tho -boss" 1* heard, beneath allthe aonorous p-rlods that are used. ln a message to tbala-glalature regardlng rapld translt ln New-YorB.

The Governor accompllshed hla " llghtnlng chaige*at prevlwly 12:30 p. ra. to-day. Tbere bad beenrumors ail the morning in tbe Captlol that homlght send ln a apecjal message regardlng rapld tran-alt; and, therefnre, aome peopie were not turpriaed.Kvery one regardod tho message as merely an eleotJoa-ex-rlng manoeuvre, lntendrxl, lf poaslhle, to harm thaRepubllean _arty wtth Uie voters of New-York. TheGovernor, in wrlUng tt, ln ¦Uie oplalon of all haa uieeyo upon the clea-Uon of U>e Leglslature of 1890.He intends ciearly, If posslblo, to make rapld tranallan lssue ln New-York ln the eomlng fall; wlth avlew of ereetlng Democratle Senator* and Aaa»mblymenpledge/1 to glve Mayor Qaoat and, Tammany llail com-

plete oonirol of the. eoratruction of rapld traneit roadaIn New-York, wlth all Uie politlral and pecualaryadvant_;.-.-*> _uch a eontrol would bting to Uiato;-panlxaUon. Tho potnls of the Governor'B measagaare as fo'.lowc:The neceaalty for pmvtdTng aome rallef far Wew-York

Clt*y ln the matter of rapf? traoait ta thn preaato* queattoaof the hour. Every cltlzcn of that clty 'irideratand* indappreclate* the altuarjon, and la looklne to the Lea-datur*for protnpt aud wl~- tctioo. The pr,,bl> m of rauld translt¦¦.iiiiiit, b» *olve4 without leirial-tlve action. The loealauthorltle* of tho clty. wlth great car* aad entire aaanlnvIty. prcpared a general and comprehcnaive meararo, whlehb:.a oeata to be Itnowu il- the --iiayor'* iUpld Translt bVl,**whlch waa long alnco lnteoduced ln the. Leglaiature. Itroet wlth vlgorou* and uat-xpi eu-1 oupositiou ln the Scn-te,hut, aftMr miK'h d-'lay, flnall.v pa.^n.-d that body. tad U now

pendlng ln thu Aa-a-Dably. It l* t meaaur. whlch L* noteBlBMd to be perf.Tt, but it mu*t la coneeded tbat lt tareanonably free from objectlon. lt ls admitted to be aa.oneat ir.ea.ure.

The blll can be beaten tn varlou* way*; br Invoklagob-truciion by partlaa_entary trlcks and devtea*. by rjeraiat-ently delaylng Ua progreaa, by refu-lnj; to advance lu aadby the Inaertlin of vlcloua aud objectiooable aniendatecta.l'ubllc scntl-ierrt U aroused ln rcgard to this mauer, aadthe peopie wtll not be decelved by oj>po*ltioa of thlanawre. Thoae who tr* not for thia merltortoua ateaaar*are agaln-t lt II abould be tranaiy atatod that aavptelon 1* aeroad tbat thla meaaare caruiot be paa*ed anl***aome concea&lun ot a polltdcal character ahall aceoaapaaptt; and rhe rtVlay Interpoaed to Ita pro*reaa, and the ctr.oumsunces sun .undlng Ita oppotikon, hav* *eemed to joaUfy this auaplcian. Thia la a reflecUon upon th* ImtjLi-laturo which ahould be promp'Jy removed. Tha bill I* nott polltlctl one. Thu* far lt la not cl-lzaed that any ln>pn.jier liirtuoiicet have been Invoked 10 tld Ita enactmeat.

lt 1* dlflicult to comprohend or o-plaln why repreaenta*tf.t* from the eountry dlstrict. ot the Sttte, whoae con-

tllHWlB or* are ln M inannar dlrectlj affeetad,r»fu»e to favor a# measure for the beoefll of New-YorltClty, surportcd by all the best r-tlient of New-VVirk and by ail li- prlncipal n«w*p*pera.It I* prictlcaily certain that lf the M*yor*a bill doeanot paaa tl.erc wlU bc no FBlM afforded thi* year.

It ahould ba ciearly uodemood that the nn-a-ur. apaawhlch 1 an urirlng action laat not compal the adoptloa,de.-tciiataj, tt'****) lndleate, aai." partlcular ayatem or plan.,r d*Vt*« to s.-i-uro rapld tranait lo» New-YorK Clty*a greatand latiraaBai pupuUUon. lt almply confera upon th*¦ uthcrltles of thal clty power to nelect aome method whlchwill givn needed reilef to hundre_a of thoaaand* of tho**wh.i *rt dally cotnpelled to travel between thetr h.mea»nd th--lr workahop* or oftlcea. I deem it my duty U

earneaUy aud re»;iectfully urge prompt consideratloa ofthu Rafld Tran_!t blll now pewting befor* you.

Mr. Sheehan, the Democratle loadc-r, dlaclosed. thafar-t that thla -was pun>ly a polutrai docuiuent *fthe t. r.ei-T-.i*-'.- by movlng tbat tiie Raaiir-ad Com-iiirttav- should be diiA-iarged from the taxther con-

a-idi'taa-on of Mayur (Jrant'a K_|dd Translt blll.The motlon was defeate<l by a voto of 5_ to 52;spe.iker Ootoi ex^paaktet Hustcd and Mr. tsaxton

belDg among the Republlean leader* who votea' agalnstlt. Thero wero nlne l'epubllcaii* who voted for themotlon: TflTflTt A.splnail, Crobhy, Davldsoo, Klsh,i.allup. Hamiltou, Klug, Mead and sperry. Flfty-two RepubUi-ans voted agalnst lt and forfy-tiureeP-__oetaai for lt. The vote ln detaJl aa as follow*:Ye**.Meaara, Aaplnall, Illakc, Ulanchfleid, Bluman-

thal. Geergt II. Bu-h. lV.b.-rt I*. liuih. C. C Clarke,('..iiiu-lly. Cronln, Cronby, Davldaen, Dcm*re»t, Dlnkelaplel,Duffy. Dunhtm, Endr.*, Klah. Gallup. (;raliam. GuenUer,Ilaffticr, Hagan, Ilamllton, Harwood. llaye*. Hltt,lliuuilge, KeJy. Kent. Kerrifran, King. MarUn. McCann,MeCarraa, Mcl_*ughlln. Mead. Mlley. Miller. Mullanay,Murray. Mawaehatat, O'Ncii. Rice, Baaaaka Bxem, Scaaaf.1k"*IT~. Tbomaa Bmlth, Jr., bulllvan. Yetman andYnung-52

Naya-MeaBr*. Acker, Adara*. Aln-worth. Andru*.A. B. Baker. Barton. Bauer. Q.-ownaU. Conoa, Cheney,Oomatock, t'-ou, CurU*. Bant*. Decke., Dunlap. EdwardsE.O. Flahcrty. Groat, Hughe*. Hiiatod, EUaball. L«n*.larmon. laewi*. Uttle. Ladar, Maau, McAdam. McK«rl*.Metlaatar, Meaick, Meftiu, M«od*. Nixon, Paaaaafl*t)aunder^ Savery. Saston. Shcldon. Charlea Smith.Ilatnua. Tefft, Tnwnc. Tn-adway. L'paon. Van Gordar.Waltera, Wbipple. Yata«« and the Speaker.42.




.»iom thb ¦bowiiB eoaaawoamBR or nn -ruacvalAlbany, May lO.-Thore was a hard flgbt In Uia

Senate thi* monilng over the AnU-Bucket-Shop blllintroduced ln iho Aiaieinbly by Mr. Rhodet, whlehcame up tor flnal passago. Tho agenU and atforneyaof tho bucket-shops have been here for aeveral daya,u-liig every uieaus Wttbta thelr powor to defeat thlameaaure lf pO**lble. While lt wa* be<ng diicutaedto day they were aaaembled around the door* ot taasenate Chamber, led by " t'harley" Bacou, who It bat-i.-j- -nown a* " Ilald faco" Bacon. Bacon muat havohad aome persuaslve power, at leaat, for tbe fightwhlch was waged agalnst thla meritoiiou* m«aaur*was a bltter one.

-.¦n a tor (irady dld hla beat to kill tbe blll. Habegan hl- work by wantlng tho meature rocommittod«i thn Senate Committee on Judlelary, for Uie pur¬poae of niaklng amendinonts, whlch meant tb* im*mei'.late death of the blll. Judge Bobertaon, who,wlth tho other well-meanlng member* of the S*n»te,ba* urged Uie paaaago of Uie blll, auceeasfully oppuaei0*8-7*8 motlon. Senator Rainea than, wlih a ahowof aupreme Ignoranoe regardlng aueb matter*, aakedfir an explanation ot what the bucket-ahop butln***really lt. Judgo Robertarn'* reply oontlatad *f Ibaopinlon of the Judgea of the General Term on thlamatter. No lawyer ever i'ought harder for a cllaatthan dld fJrady for the burket thop men, and ln .aaaaorVedder he found an exeeedlagly atroag .aalstaat,

benator Cantor made th* baot fpeoch thal haa k*8B

heard from hlm thi* *cs-len. ln oppoalUou to ***{£tion v-hlch Grady had taken. Ba *a*d Wmamendment wa* really lnt*rjded to Wll ""V^j^ohla uplnion th*re wat no dlBereftce °***-» Z^mmj aof ewrrylng on thla bualneat *ud "**, Tjubhiit-**gambllng aon. lt wa*^^^ noet et th*to Um that any man-£T_l___£i! nt tha -*-o8.t-tvmata and aa^aaaa O* 9^^mm XBeMde***.hop katiaeaa, Tb* b_* «aat« «--