New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1886-07-04 [p 8].€¦ · *-i re brown i* berries froia iin-.r...

TROOPS GOING AND COMING THE EIGHTH REGIMENT OFF TO (AMI1. IF. TC KN Off ffBl BlH'NZi l> Uni AND 3'_1>.llr- COMKHiTS Off HIP PAY. lt wa- hot (lay on th<> street* yesterday, Int tin Btiiftv aimoiv of lbs -sili Regimen! was like. Nebo SltSdaesi it'-* turua, e. honied reSYOB times hotter *wh«*»t th'- boy. L'rithi-it'tl (or tbeir lourney to ci(iiii» Colonel GoOIgS r. i*i'(itt, whOSfl llMili* Iiii*) Oicilll". BO frequently in tbe Sha'er innis bsssttae ol' I.n SB_o»yow to aol tho new SISMNJ lite ul Nmet 101 li si. for bis regiment, looked aboal Ibe old qnarteri Bl Twilit v-*' v. ii tl:-.I. u 11,1 N ul li-nv.', wit li ev ul.ii diagnat and equally evldoDl loticnii: tor tlat* tim. wbss bia fun.ifni followera sliou (1 oeeupy tbeti new quait'*r<t. Lieutenant-Colonel P, A. Schilliin. f (Mutant J, Ct. John-don. Quartermaster (;.>.ru. ,. WontWi'Uh, ('"iniiiis.s.u v I'. Milli..m. f-urj-ooi (.'liar os Y. Braes, ti.'- sieves offleera si tin lin.* witb 867 enlisted naen reported for doty Promptly at ll o'clock lin* lino of inarch wa* tak»-i iu> ttatt th»* tool of West I wi'iitv-lirst-Nt., whir, tho KtoniiKT U'liry Ea Bishop was waiting lt) IS- roivo thom. Hu 1 un hour hitor lin* bswseifl tren asst "il and i io tlamport heeded Bp tho river foi Peekakill. Tbs bobbi mininer ot admiring wIysi and svvoolh.-ails wi-i.'un the* whiff lo wuvo thou nsndkercMeta soil five Ute boys iu blue all sorts ol g-*o I a.Ivie -tid wishes. I bo vu il up i bo rivor was without incident. Tin only c-ftiiall'cs lop nt td WSW ono helmet lost over- board and thr»to holcn imiichod iii tho -teamer"* BWOiOgl by tbs bayonets of BB many tull sous ol list*-, When thc Rios lick landing WM XSSebod tb* eoinpaiii'S wore marshalled bv their otHeer* 1? Cotn'iiiiv. CapiHin Thoma-* M. VfUii-i (' 0 -tnpauv, I.ioiiloiiant T. E. Fra-er: DCsapsav, Captain George D, Gastowi BCom- I'iinv, <'..ptain £, Aiisriii (Iniii..nt; F Company, Licu'cnaiit 1'. M. Peats* U Contpsoy, Andrew A. «>alo*; and ll Ci 'tiipanv. Hen rt (iiaune.-y, jr. lhe maro'; over tin* dust v mid to miiip wa.** ni .*.! try- itu. one. Ih.- -pu'*, mv* beat down on the dusty MBSSWBY ibat leads through tho marah to thr rump vt iib overpowi inn. fervor. the loni up-grade to the platens, whets the city of tenta ir (l, wat hiii'-'i. lae llth sad 32.1 regiment! win* drawn up i" haiti.- airav, waiting to roooivi then m:..s*"is ia camp tito. Ibe overworked la d "t tbe Alban? 10th Battalion casie dowa b i .-iv* the new-comers and pat a little vigor int< th ii perspiring boil iee witta the stratas ot alleged BMI-baJ muse Headed by Hie hand, tho hil] ii) ni bad in r v lew before Ibe di [tarting regiments di*,'ii)''i -ti' d down ono of the teiit-liiiod stn its and t.M'k up i's week ol camp lifo Then tbe boraeward-oound re-giments mu relied ib.wu un* lui aide, aero i be marab und ob io tat waiting steamer. .Iu*i M iii v reaebed tbetracki ol the IfodssiB River road a train ofadoaencan pulled np and Coloite! Blonioet wnh 300 Been ol th< 741ta l.'t-.iiiicui fi.>ni Buffalo disembarked sad tbei tn.k np their hoi and weary march over tin much-travelled road to eamp. Hie little steamet l!i~li. ii. with il..- t\Mi i. Kitaenta of 375 men ear_ ab-arn, resembled a orowded cattle boat lor dis. e..tai. i'. There were Mtidiera everywhere and in ov.-it stage of andr bs and heat prostration, The* *-i re brown i* berries froia iin-.r week's exp ian .. Mini acree bf skin werspealins* from their parade. teill..| liatill's. Th.* ina.l vt ho ho,il pu*'*- and foi in -i no beverages at war pncai on tin- Boa I WUK ei rn pl; overwhelmed .arith im we-a. iii- men were piled about hit counter six deep. All tbe way down to New-York t.i ic waa a liue of Aftj men waltina oi schauoc al the v\ni«r oonlor sud ito dtstribatora ol rezitne it.ii lemonade were workeil to death, "Pvi baan al thia -ort ol thins eleTea jfnora," mu] Adjutaal Vas Vet (lute, ot tbe 3_J begr iniiii. "iiii'l I never so Battened nal in mv lil". Tbal review on ibe broihns parade ground aad match down Ibo duatv r.'ud io lied witta kuapa_«kaa_idaU ww thetoojihest ex¬ pel lenee I evin hud," \ tai d: i u' r.r.-if.i-e-it. and trie Real River wai Iliar.lo .il H |>. in. rltld (n'ouel Mi wurt jed tbe _ill- lani' llth npOraud'Bl. to the armory amid aa ad¬ miring throng ot tiie inbabitaat** ol tbat region. Then tbe ab liner wenl overlo Div i D-st,, Will- i iiiisi.tii'-, v'lui- several Urand Arny i)"*?** were waltina mo.c..ri Colonel Finkelai ier nnd ibe 23d to tbu armory ia Btogg-st. THR TWENIT-THIRD GOES TO NEWPORT. INiiMiiMJ lu iiavk a jolly crrinish AM) _> lt II. I.s. Tbe23d Regiment, ft. o. & I*. Y. eel cut yeater¬ day for its sainmer camp ut Newport, I'be camp will be occupied tbrouglioal tbe week nnd iv'! be lump Wetmore io bonor of (Jeoi ge Peabodi Wetmore. Gnversor ol K tim le leland, who has lunion ul. tin-foi.t-*. blankets aud n.-ut-i camping mar.ii ii* necemaary. I'be asea were formed ib ibe armory ib Clermont-ave., Brooklyn, and marofaed .rii»i strong in ton commands to Ibe Annex boat, whieh carried them io I'ni No. _**. Noi tii River, where thev boarded tbe stearne] Pilgrim, of tue Full River nae. The line of march aaa beaded by il platoon "I iinuintcd police followed by th. rcLiintiit band uml the life and (lunn inin.. rho field sffleera uk* i olonei C. l. Kinch, Lieateeant I olonei A S. Hacon, and Major C. Wilton*, sui. Offleera.Adjatan , l.iciitoiiaini K. Vf, Kurd; qnartermaetar, Lieuteuanl A, A. Tbotasoo; eommiaaarv, Lientenani R oliver; itiapectof ..frill.* praotioe, Cap'aio W, A< lireen land- chaplain, tbe Kev. Dr. S. R. Vanda water; snrgeoo, Major i.. A. Lewis; aaaistant -ur i*.i, v\. I.. Spenee. A1 lin- Brooklynclnb-hoaastn ('lintun-st., where u -i.m.11land bad been erected, tbe men passed in before MaJor-GeBeral Molineux und Gei eral Rodney C Ward aaa Colonela Everdell, Calvin K. l'i:n t iiiui John N. Partridge, tbe former co onela "i ibe regiment. The "awkward squad "ol raw re- iuui.- were marched dowa the Iihi k itrseta bf ¦ eergeanl that they uiiL'iit uni mar the general effect. '1 be vet. rui.mif tho regimen! do nol accompany iin- ineii a*, a body, hui many of thom iro along, inch private wore fal uniform, white helmet and leg¬ gings, knansaek and overcoat. Tbe bmb oleo earned cap ami bloSBh two innis ol white troaarra, fonr extra pairs of white gloves and t-vo chests extra wore a lowed te. euie-li tt'iiipaiiv. <'n Ktiduv afternoon gdetail composed ol tue qnsrtermaater and nilli a Iib* of men noni euell mini).un wein to the ramp (.'lound io net everything ready for the men's lar.uing ibi« uium- iag. I he boya do nol prep.".)* to make a State drill out ol thia camp, bnl a reritable picnic from -tart to liuinli. lo-ui_bl I beJ will wive a leoeptloti to the (..noni"! iiiui Malo officiate of Rhode leland sud tbs people ol Newport, di Wedneeda** Henry Clews will give tbs meu a recaption ut ins pince, "Tao Kooka." On I'baraday (iovt-iiior Wetmore will nive- ihe-in another reception. Company ll wtll (five* an exhibition drill for the bom-fit of a Newport charity. Battalion drill fora couple ol boora in ii.t- n t.n.n.p andadreaa parade t-\i ii ultoriioo'i wi i in: oonaidered a duy'n work. '1 be mon will i:ike their moa la at the Oe-an House, ami -ea batbing han Deed provided or. I ai li ol tiie ton eompaaiee bus nbecribed from .f.iii to $?.. foi Hiswot ka wbieta will ht* used lo-night, lt is Mated also tbat ordeie on tin* commissary for uiovo, plpe-cisy oi hool polish may be caabod, it doaireo, ia a wai winch wi l eompietely out-gen¬ eral the Khode |>iand 1'iohil'it loinsts. Tbe streel praradc waaenthoaiaaticolly cheered by tbe Brook¬ lyn people, bul tbe sev'tjio heal a;id du*tt made tho boys actualIjf " hud tin* lcm earih us they walked siong." captain Mccullagh explaink HE TlluL'Ulir lill. MEK.ll.NO WAD ll lll.IC-.MK. I'OVVUHLY UOKS I ll) VI K. General Msatsi Workman Powdetiy aoecesded ia MMtving tbe city yeaterday ami will spend _>nudn*j at hit* tuiiiif in ".(runton. Early yeaterday morning, in company with tbe BBembcrBoftbeQeueraJ Exec* alive Hoard, be len lite Harrell Hoaae aad went to tiie Canard steamship wharf to sui good»oy to Prestdout Campbell and other members nf tbs National Glaaa VVorkei-1 Aaoociatioo, wbo sailed for i.iiglaud on the Umbna. On his retiir.t ts ih- Hurivti Hoaae vh. Powderly bad an* other esosttltattoa wup tbe Troy Knight*ot Labor te. race w hut ai ti'Ui should no trike-n uluuil th" Bl rake ol tba stove aorkera ia lhe employ ol Eu ler, VVsr* i.-ii iV ( o. Aaa reoo.l of tbeeoowrenee Mr, Bailey will gs to Troy to ass if u eettiemeni cannot be iiiu'io. Beloreetartiagfor i-craoton Mr. Powderly Mild that the lien era I i.xeeutive lJ.-rel would tV-ud a lotto* to baperinteadeul Miinav. askiag for aa explanation ot thc looper Inion episode un I'bar-day night, Mr. Muir.iv saul thal ne bad not seen i or lie-aid fixnn any ol ihe Knighta ol Lubm in regard to the tnutte-i bs yet i u [ii a in John ll. Mccullagh, ol the .**e\cnntuili Precinct, coiled on bim at Police Headqaartera, however, and bad a talk wnh lum in rogaud to th.- trouble, Ue will moko a formal ropori "ii Moiiiiuv. iou IitiHiN. repoiter Captain .t.i cu..a>rii ij.u.ii ibo lol lo tt mg titatcment : I cami into tiie* st .Hull etliuui 5. l'J ji. ni. DU J.nir-.l.iy kitti .-. 1." I'-. .. ..... >--... '- Hie lac I tbfl OHltrr (iuini, win. 1* .1-ijt l.-tl kt lin- CoojH-r Liilun. Il.tJ brought wald ever tram Mt, Wingina, ti>- |aeit«r.l me*, tiikt taara *»« tu se ¦ taiga labor neetlag la tue Inr-te Unit tb tiiat lie Waa lad u.e-tj. a%s nnt my iiuiy, j #eni orrr bbsiuI 7.ito o'e-.i-ck with a eretiaa al 1 l.iUUal Hie .It.oi* ., .n,U *eul lUe lueli Bp ut she bale.g aatll saab tlsse aa laev nnxiit bs i.e. .ie.i. Thara oars tiien aheat 250 aiea ea Hie *i(lewaik. i tem Mr.MagtaB ... ;..'.. mc con Von doors lao opfiioti alt ut U o't.O'-k. Tiie men ou Hie sinews.k were a respr. uitjie-l.tukiue s.-t. and 1 coi.t ii.le.1 tu*l 1 ,i,.i imi uo. ti the oitUf-r* omi aent them beek te tha Boneo i fa.vA lauuill tue Pu..ul ¦!». fur uwuiao, uiui lufure I I. ft [u'lr «cl« between -too Bini ot)t) un li lli.Te. I tuii Mr. VU- .ajiiiii thal 1 won .! leave Ksusdeiaau lyXeerite ut me bail, and ma toou a* iii* elixir* wen- o,ieii".l Be BOBBI Sus al waa |*uli.K nu atitl reiHirl lo me, if li" .-,- .j mon turu. I never ur.-kitirU i .kt Ide iu.-eiiiia( w.t* private. Ab .ut H PO o'e-lt.cli 'j'Kijiirke i-rtiue or.-r kiel ski.I i..,,t u Wk* a ila-' sseatlBg, ana ib*i »<.u,. of itu- aaa oltjaeted lu lbs j.r. .erne ul u.e aaihlB, But tliey i.k 1 i.-ia lola tu.u m.- u.e rt. wa* ai k private eaansetatr, I lus.ruiied linn to ko bkik kitti rr,.uii tu mc waa u ... lt waa tiirD that ba *». retussiad tu wttadraw mri to: i lb j . ll t. is k ju .ti ..i.t it,sall.i_ lu d.-caiula: _- to Uo a., ..- U»ed nail Jildk'u.eut, for I WOUiJ Oe one of liiB IMI BieB 111 lae SepeitUoeat te leterfara wku apriVkts Busetiaa ut tbat kiud. I tinpe tue Poiioa n. i..,» * will in.iks o iiiui.'tjwb laveallgatiea of tim nOn.t, at l tm uk nie news,taper Bli acta ou im eou.iaiii are* aui unjust. I 'Ud uo more tu.ti, my duly, lu convection willi lilla lue reci.Kls of Ibu departBSBBI (bow tliat BSO0I eleven years ego, wr.rn 1 Wk* Brat sent to ibe Pareuteeuili Preeluet, Irclieve<: C*|itkiu .*-e*n.ert. ('bur..--1.*.. bera j.referie.i a<aiu*l lalin for not i¦-ati.j_¦ mon st a public lui'ellbi; au.! Be Wks im* nf'.e.-i. ilkVs' j. .y kiid ww* seal to latioiPrr Bareciiiet. Willi Uttcer* Uuub aud bclievauk 1 uau uollt* inc to .io. They Bsattsallf bslssg ts tbs¦svestssath 1'ie.Iuct, but ne dctailoi! fer duly st the Cooper I'uluti. A, HAWK AND A\ OWL FIGHTING. A vonni* In n hawk eTM takes to ths rootia,f<»rie in th.- at l astral Park sa Friday by John A. McLaughlin, who captured it st vi ru! weeks ago while haoting in the mountains near Green Haven, Dntcbeaa County, The bird BH*a_aree nearly three feet BStWSSS til'' willa's. Jt in Dilly ilhotlt throe' t-uurt. ih growa, it is Ben e aad pagnacioaa and wan taken alive with much ditlieultv. It wa* Mased is a large ease Atliuinmi* a big _ray owl. rhe owl boa beea io tbe nark collection for ioma litOS and its eves have Leonine ucruntomed to the hunt rm that it can diatioguiafa objeetl finite will in the dav tim.*. It soon discovered the haak throBgb tin* wire partition and Battered it* urtn-s fora tiitht at once. The hawk responded and a ekir- inish was maintained all day betweeeat he two. I lie haw k. with its kc n eyes and (|iiiek move- inentH had tho adTSfltage and it carried away ¦oma l:ii_;**> ISatbere iron, the owl. Hut whoa it had her..m.- dark the owl renewed the -.tit and rsgained his advaatsso, Both eotabataatj wore wearied yesterday niorninir, but tho hawk hid again become victorious while thc owl held LacK waitiiiK for night to come on again, Several monkeys have hoon presented to tin* men¬ agerie during the seek one of them niven hy Mr*. Robert H. Roost-volt, is dreeesd in short skirts and Siinei niendent CoBKllB has concluded to induce crowlev. tbe Chimpanzee, to wear a similar attire after the warm weather ih over. .-?-.. DISCIPLINE ON THK I'.RIDfJn. J. C. Houglanrt. superintendent of l!rid_e tranv portation, emphatically deuiee the eharne jnih- llabed yeeteidav that bs exerciser*, a geri si tyranny over the comlin tors and other employee under him. "lt is false,''Said be, " and 1 think the people who read it wiil suv so; at least that por¬ tion of the j nhnc who know m*. I do not deny linn strict aa re,* mis d.-cutline, bat bow caa I he OtberwUe und pei torin my duty to tho puhlic T Think of tm- tboaaouds of live* ai.- entreated to us daily aim then ask wby shoo ld I not hu Beru* puloualy exact alioiit everythiag under nu*, ll 1 overlook ono alight brassi* "i ipiine I nh.mid have to shut my eye* at the in-xi greater one und so on nntil there would be bo order et ail. lt is not ti net, however, tlnit thi* Statement rolloats the scnll- menta of all the men. Tbe nsloritf ol tbem an tboroogb-goiag, careful banda eras never need to lie si ..ker' I') nt nil. fl is only il fol* . kicker*,' if I mav so put ii. that are telkiag ia this way andi know pretty well who Ihey aic These low make all the fuss, if then* is unv. Thi* position il io. sinecure, hm so loni; nu I bora it i .intend to inuin- tuin diseipliae nt any cost."' HOME A'RAYS. FBOMINi.-T Alr-KIVAI.*. Hofivan House' Congreg-iBaa Jeremiah IL Murphy, oi Iowa.Brand Hotel.Toa nev. Ur. Her¬ rick Juiiiistjii, o.* Chicago* .. -e>- KEW-YUBX (UV- "A. R C.*.Unsealed. "J. M.,'- Pearl st. B. wins. There were l,ff22 arrest* lust weela-. Mayor's Mar-hal Byrnes Inst week is>*>ueil 9-10 liccnisea nmi r.-.-.-i*. .-.I B-2.B7B a".t). Thc etrandod attoamer Miranda, which weill anhui. on Point Ju.inn two week, ago, arrived in non yesterday. The live destitute Arabs brough! here from the Mediterranean on the Burgundid win returned yes¬ terday (j.i inc »s;tm.- Bteatner, i**enator Van Wick, of Nebraska, aim Congress* mun Heneleraon, e>t i ,v.-,., have each aenl 83 i" tht I, uk n rr: i famine lund, I'he steamer C. H. Northam, Instead of leaving Peck eiipat 3 p.m. to-morrow, win muka nu ex- cni-i'i'i t" New-Haven, starting at :. a. m. Tbe body of a man supposed to ho one of,the Austrian salton who were droviod last winter wu-- loiiiei \esterd iv in ine Nonh Uiver. An interesting programme "f music baa been pre¬ pared tm thia evening's eon erl in tbe Nen- Central Park Garden, Fifty-uinih-st and Bightb-ave., by NeiiciiiloiU's Oiobeaira of seventy pieces. lhe Bobemiaa Brethren Pres ayterian Church lins been incorporated. I ho temporary place of worsh'p ie at No. 636 '.aat -Ixth-sL, sad tin- Rev, Nun cut Piaeb ia pastor, Patriotic people who wsni a Fourth of Jnly li veli but noiseless will Und satisfacl ion to das mid to-inoirow in visiting tbe Mouiter-Mcrnina. Battle lil MildlS'.U I V r. .lol n K.miiii, age fi I *-f"iir, of Vo. Ill Bond .t., Brooklyn, loll overboard hom a lloooken lerrv- boot yeaterday a Ho was rescaned by a deck hand from n tu,.. Joseph Miiimv. ri painter, ol Tentb-ave, nnd Ono- bundrcd-and- ttirtj -'ii -i *-'.. wus taken to ili«- Man¬ hattan Hospital yesterday, lofferin. from lead poisoning. Ihsodore Kindlemaa. age ftftssn, of No. 17 Riv* iii.ton-s'., (iis.ituie red trom hil borne on Thurs¬ day nigut, uml *-_.'><». tin* s 'vin^s of Ins mother, has been missing since tbat time, Frederick Block, age thirty? ix, of No. f.2f> Rael Niinli-si.. waa run over by his track, from which h.- foii, and lustiintiy killed last evening in A venue A. Archibald Wilson, who lives nt Ono-liundrei'-rinil- t a.-iii t-ii;t.,--l. uri.I r.-ni'i- iv., wus kui.ul lual evil 11 nu' by uu i ru o.iiin .' lu in o.i I hu UudaOU li iv ii ta'uilrttad. I'harlea C. Tut t, sprinter, wa: taken to Belle- vin Hospital yestierday from Third-ave. and Porty- emili hst., wheie be waa found with u pistol abo! wound in the Three good Democrats were made happy bj Col¬ lector Hodden yesterday. HenryC Mc llvane got* a eleikship at .fl.Jon, .lime's A. Hall oue al tt2 56 ii duy, ami John .M. heOihlll un luapeetoiship at 84. Esther Halliday, age twenty-eight, a Scotch woman, waa lurnea om of her home nt Sn. 'Al 1 rr-i One-nnndred-aud-tnird-et. on Friday sight fornon- payment of rent. rihe baa five email children, no ni'.iit-v and her lni->huiui u u prisoner oa Blackwell's l-lund. The Philadelphia und Reading Railroad Company will run a special excursion tr.un to .Manon chunk and Olen Unoko to morrow, lt will leave tho too; of Libetty-st, nt 8:18 a m. and will reach New-York ou itsreturn at 9 p. m. TbeUallandet Clnb of deaf mntea will Pave an exclusion "ii the steamboat Long Branch to Iona Island on Wednesday, July ll. the boa! will louie l.u-1 I'wi-niy-iliird-si. al S: III n. m. and We t 1 ivonti-lii-ti-si. bali un houi later. Qeoerai J. H, Hobart Ward, a deputy clerk of tbe fcuperiorl curt, who ia attending tim rounwu ut (ii "t> -hm¦.. i.< the only surviving Oeneral ol Iiivi-ion ol the l'nird Army Corps, and commanded lt*.ooo men in the fa nous nutilc. lie ia a veteran also ol" me Moxie m iv ur. Hot weeli folly and fifty ped!.is and owners of puah-earta, most of whom were selling fireworks, were arrester! yesterday for obstructing the side¬ walks ia Broadway, Park Kow, Naasan aud Fulton stn. 1 linty ol th. ni were hued rp*i each liv Just ice Murray at tbo Tombs aud five were fined bom .?- tO$B The lirst anneal regatta of the Msw-Rocbelle Yacht (lui) will take place on Wednesday, [be Bteamboal Blackbird will leave Hudson Park Dock ut lUiila. m. The Alluntie, S'lirrauhaka. Pelham, Larchmoui,Oya lei Hay. New-Have ami Ureeuwich Vin hi i lulis vmii participate in tbe races. The American and Foreign chnttian rnion. of which the late Kev. it. Van Norman WSS recording sea nial ,, retsina its full corporal)' vitality, with a board of directors of whuh the Kev, Ur. William M. Taylor, is preal lent. li alao maintains an activity iu '¦'reiu-ii evangelisation which is proof of fidelitj to ns true miaeioia. The aimt'-ii convention of tho Baainesa Eda- .atora* Association ot America will he held in thu cay from July 7 to July ll. The formal Opening wili tiike place iu ihe hull of Tack id's Business Collegs, **". **05 Broadway, en Wednesday at l p.m. A public meetiag wtll ho held tbe same evening in Unickeriug Hall, ut jvbieb addresses elli be made by Mayor (irace, J..(lue Larremoie, ez-Uovsraor Chamberlain, tbe llev. Hr. J. M. Buck¬ ley, and others m BKOOKlaYlf. Tbe tlir. e pul)lio srlmol pupm wiro attalue*.! hl.liest rank sti.i eua ax-Mayor Lowe prise* ar<- lame* I:, lim. Bett* of Ma. 15; Man M. Koliiiis.ui, ur Nu. iti, una Will¬ iam beusVaa, uf n.i. i l. PreSertek R. Leoekwaod, sn srrhrtr-cr, breach! suit aaalusi in* wife r..i separation on ihagrona t ol Inhaman treatineat, **ne retaliated hy arkin_ ror *u abawluts eiivurt-e. ian.I .Jusliei- V.n Wy ok iruvo Itel ju I.inn.t .,i,,i BlMBoay nt iii- rata i.r fl'J a tae.-k. All tile propeiil.*, t*ir.-ei» ami neut* of Messrs. IIIU- .r a m.a,ii, in tba criterion Taeatre will in-sui.i .a siifi gs sala on Matnrdsy on .t loelcmeat lur |1,188 for ri-ut BBOMrad ny Ihaawueret tha bttudlag. Mr. Waite, JaaueaBauadlot Be* diraeteS a decree to ba Dinered a.Hiiiit iii* lue I. uria, rms Ails* Bteemebln orapany'i Ailsa aa* rut: mtu iiy a barite Wfelet wai li, tug tow. .1 by nie Baale, snd damaged s*.',(i')'). Ea-Paatmaaier MeLeer ..« stet lei reeelved a leeswood bed room saltation] tbs ai ji ayeaol tim Post om.e. There ia *uii s goad deal uf alarm la tue Fuuneeniii Wara over ina appearance of eevoral i-a»e** or eraallpui u.ri.-. Oas pbyaicaaa t*s;miate*iii i.i.ei uv*r I.0OU pei. sou* wura va. ciualifd iii tbat .1.strict yrs:, rtlav. Adum Mayer, bis uti* aad roar ebal Iron,et Nu. 7i Nerta Kiftb- sl., tisri* b»ni sent to tuee Iiu*|Ulal. a ffoepel mmperaeea ma. tia* win ba he-;.t to-Btahl in iiioKusi Piaes MmIio.ii-1 Bpiaeapol Cbarcb toproieei lt...lust tin* lire-*.-nt wlitilcsai.. );c.-ii»iii.' of ilia.i.sii.iit* 1 be Kev Dr I K Punk, ( ulon' i ic & Ubarara, uf Louie- ville, anl ulbei* sui -,,. ... i.i..-tiii- llghtaara ta diaaol the gleam e.f Piith*avs Iajv. ir. w.ii nae lo-tako iueiii»e:ivos io l-'ourtli-ave. lor quiet walks. Preeldaai 4_4erson, uf tn-* Beat- ot fdaeeuaa af DlstnctMa. 2. Kast New-York, wael to Ait..,i.y set'rr- day lu *ciur<. Mis rriouv ai ol six mr ii, ur rn ,,r nie Board and haves ilie-u eujoiuad lrom laetiiu tiiiriu^ tim appeal 'lue formal eorapiaiul *si» lunn tnat u,v B..ard baa iisc.ime a r*pi tia.ii. unit .*,. praeaadlag. aregovaraed *oieiy hy punnu*. «u.i that ina. laalr-.i..ze.u members m (|iioslion have Blsgraeed ll.riu*elvu* aud the Can**-, of education. AB EEERt ipa,: rum t .-I aha i sat a LIOBEME Tba "ld Board of Kadee ia Bood-at reeelved a pr.,I. «t re-alrrelm Ki^.r.i p- Obarlei A I'..ns. snri_l clsrir nen ai .1 stael j, Mauieai elil_aa* s.sln*taiantiaitallc«__.) to the p.op.l'I..: Bl lbs liauai St.tir no.* urina flt. .1 ,o ai .vu ....,i, av- ami Kiri,-i.i'iti. sr. 11.. uo_r,| a-avo notice io btr ov, la.i tlisi uo Uceusc woutd he (Taatsd. SOLDIERS ON THE MARCH. MIDSUMMER MILITARY MOVEMENTS. Till"" WVgJll-riBST OOIKO To IIAHLKM.T.'ir. nf.W- PORT KNCAMt* MKNT.VETFIU-H' RKL'MONS. Tlio71st licpinicnt will aHscnible nt (he arm¬ ory at 7::>0 a.m.,to-morrow in full uniform, with white hel< men, tsiiitu eros* holts, whits trouiers snd white glove*, anet tsking tlieosr* un lbs elevsted rsllroad at Tbirty- tii'.ril-st. ari 1 -uti.-iive., Hil gu to I Ur e 'ii tu taits part, hy special luvllatloB of a committee of citizen*, in the on*>1 anl lentil anniversnry celebration of ths Deelaratlaa of basspaa lessa colonel MsAlsta bsa ii- .ucilia circular to this me-uher* of Hie regiment, remind- lint thrin the ohl " American Uusr.t " should on Hist occasion parade with full rank*. It 1* ejp.'O'.S'l that the euiutii.-tiiil will parade In eight companies of slttoeti fl ins each, with En.ti'a 71 st Regiment Binti of forty pieces* snd a full druin, life snd bugle corp*. The field und s'siT will he mounted. The parade wlil oo In tim cuoleit part of the day and very short. Major K. T. T. Msrsti. sur¬ geon of th* regiment, will liars three itretrhrr* curried on the raar.'li, sn 1 if sny fall by the wayside they will be well csred for. Company D, l_tb Uoglrcent. Captain nieecltir S. Bar¬ nard, left thi* city last oreuing for Poughkeepsie, where. the command will tske part In ths Fourth of July parade tomorrow, returning home In the events.. There were elJhty-flve mon In the ranks when the line wai formed st the srmory af 3 At) p. m. Marching to the foot of Hiirrlion-it. tho company etnbsrked on the Poughkeepsie boat, whlcb st l, o'clock stared on thn Journey up Um Hudion Uiver. The men were lu tbe Mtste lervioo uniform, with whits helmet*. knsp»srk* rind orercnat* rolled, sn,I preiente.l a very soldierly ap¬ pearance A* the stsamor p***ed Milton on the Hiid»on the company wa* greeted witu firework* dis- piitye.l un the cmiiti't* of Roswell H. Minne, ohaaa kaaS* j-muo mansion w..s illumitiat'-d witu 1 ni ems and atayly (leeor tied with fl sc-. Captalu Ilarnar.l re- siumi'.e.l with s volley of hliink cartridge* and Drum Kajar McKay struck up "Tlio fi ri I left Behial M>-." Then Hie steamer blew Ihree whistle*. Twenty ¦laates later Company I> landed St I'migli- keepsi* The ltftB-vepatate Oempeay, Captala winiam Qaubeanestel, receive tim visitors an secortad them ta Hie Morgan Hone* wln-re Hie proprietor. Mr. (iriLu-s, iuui spares no pain* to provide pleasant secsmranda-* lur them. Miain-at. w us al.laue willi barning harrel* and flieWoi'K*. sud the people aloin; the rome gave the Now V'nrk cutiil'aiiy a cnrdtal reception. Amopgtbe exerelse* to-iuori-nw will he m exhibition drill in Kaetma i's Part*. iiir -Bnmtnr*t Aeseelatlea af tbe 37th Regiment, New-York Volunteere, ami 1st New-York Veteran Cavalry" will '.. lebrate the tw-nty-rirui uiiinver«sry af lhe battle of li ill Hun by a two dav*' reunion at Korbeater, N. x., oa JBlj "I and 22. Many of lae pi n* railroads alva reduced taree lo ti.einier* and tbeir fsimli s, and n la sb pee ta*d ibat there will ba a larae gathering ol ihe veterans aad lhatrIrtenda, Lieutenant-Colon*! C. i. Wells, formerly of tne im New-York Veteian Cavalry, chairman uf tbe Executive Committee, Tkibunb Buildtnr, wm civ* full n fur in it iou tu iiuike uh.. ad .1 i-f* linn wnh r sard ta Ina celebration. The pr.snle nt of the BSSoetatlan Cbsl les .*. Baki r. member of I nugree* lrom iii* Bot bester ins- ti et, snd lin-«¦.( isiarj i* Captain Henrv I. .Achilles, nf iiiu etty. Roeheeter contributed nany members tn both legtinent* snd will tba veteran* a w inn re* i. iu Inn. Ti.e eserelse* i,r tin. tirar .lav will beela .1 tlu Si's >.i.urn ll ill a,t 10:30 a. m., nu.I eleiee with -. Jinner ai ** --, t.. The neal ¦;.>. ibu retearan* will Beea s One excursion anti dinner al ('harli.tte, on Lake On. isiio. Oeneral ll. W. Hun-um, who eorurnande*<! Hm Twelfth i rm v Gorps in l**'ii. was ibe r>rst Colonel ol Hie '.'Viii pei me n'. and tva* bailly wounded at lbs baitl-> WbO_S muller arv ll '"Ut IO he rsleHrsted, Ile ls imw III limn;,'-, Inn "ins aid rhl-1-ul-.I.' S, (i.-iirr;il II. C. Rosers, Oeneral Jee-eph J. Bartlett, Ibe second Colonel ..r iba real men l, noe Deputy Cnn >t.1**lnner o' Pension* at Washington, A. H., abo was lavlly woantled ,i ihe *u.'i - light, .fi I many other well-known men wm i.e. present Tue site of the eamp of tbe i'.". i Regiment In Mew pori ls nol i pleasant one nut lt iseinveiitently sam .ted. lt I* in th" reur ol tho ' kiesil Hun. . un fronts on tim hotel .tattles. The streets in tim nalgbtiorbeod .!" usually du*ty, imi _ mi" Hu- root men! I* in esrap they will pron ably ne sprinkled. Under the supervision »f Captain Bf. Iii ireeiilaiid, Inspeatorofrtlto practice, lha eamp srannd la«l week wa* thoroughly prepared for I is ise o i ba i . -.i- ineiit. a sreat deal of work was req al rad in layias lae paeessary drain" us ,1 .| ep *ir..tu ii of day IBs sn ri.i.- wbleb ar a.. i- u run will retain Iba surface wai.-r f..r some um". vv,ater is conveyed to the camp in pin.-* leading Ir.un tba elly. Il)'* tent* wbleb hare beru loane to tbe r dm mi by the anther- liles ul Rhode I- laud, are floored with p a cit pins ¦ aad the cuiup presents anea) appearance. The re.i m. Bl t* Ul m.fell to mea'.- in the Ocean 11' adi.' iii two tte* tiat liinent*. The iitL'e dliniiL' hall ha- been ri'hlv ileeor- sled, .vi om'eu.i is a larae portrait nf Oeneral Oran! » ii run ui.-I hy IU.«, and la Ibe midst of them enrlreli br a wreath af evergreens the numbai " -ii.'' Donna ihe .lay ol iii.- regimen reception* will ba given lo tha ort! t-er* by tb" Ooverr.or, by tleary ti ws and others. Ons nf the i-.i.i. ii.ii.k-. will sive a laney ''r.n at um shaun.. rink ior in- bttnafltal. of tbs local charities. The ic iv uni rou,m..imus quarters af Um Bu.iaeas Man'* Association have I.-, n placed al tbs dteptwal ol lbs .'Hi¬ rers, I lu- n.en will !¦.* ai ii ite ty io ... where I bey please between lhe lions prescribed for morning drills and .ires* arade, amt tin- prospect ls that they wm have a til'll.Ililli Dane. .lames Cavan tull has Ordered Um 69th Ii.¦ai¬ li..-Ul to it.*.'midi, at tim ni m..ry lui Inspection nen l inn-.iy bi ** p. m. iii -tate Kervioe uniform nnd equip¬ ments, I. lu ck lie me ls ts ll li iii- lg m. inn fa-1.ii i."I un lin u .: ut'un .1 tbs iuui.-, kaap»eeka with overcoat* ro led, bavrraaeks and raateeus hanging outside <>! lha waist- bell lrom I lits riL'ln soonldar to Hie left *l le. and tho pre- scull'"! * .Idlers' kal III Ibe kn ie .ck. lieid, sall anti line nfllcera Will rej. rt to Ihr ('..uii-l iii tali_ii» nuifo iu sad equipments with overcoat* rolled in sllna* Tba iion-euiiiiiii»« stall and Hell inusio elli re|uiit la Adjutant James Moran. Tba ot.Jeet ol His iBspaelloa i.. si.¦. '. ii every ma ls In propel air ruy (or ibe lonr ol ( camp duty of lae reximent, which w i. beam ai I'- u<- kill next Saturday. '-Cini we r.-unn from ramp," ( tiiuii.ti ( says in bis eider, Neverj member moat Bat avau fur a moment fer«at that be 1* a so ...i and a ueiii.einaii." lue folloWDK nlliiir* and limn of Company F, Till KealmaaifWaia braaeni bi aseb of the iweniy-nine drtlii or ihe pasl season: Captain Daniel Appleton, Ututeu- satsFrank faa ana* mid itr.uiir.ii ,i. -ii.nii; eetKeatate .linne* I), hord. liieuil.tie Italicork. jr., Hint Morton lt. Hts lui erporal* F. I V'..n BaasehotBn, li. a. Tower* bu i: Iward I'. Bperry Privatai w ii Allen, C. li. Am¬ it .-ima", c. x. apple ton, Im U'-y lieus. Oeorjtt* A. RriKbt, i;. (,. Bnnckerh.'lf, Jr. F. w, Badd, ci. Baraham, (..niue K catii, i'. I. Comfort, li. lian, jr., ll. Liasea- dorf. O. K. Dudley, John I. liivin.. Johu ll. Hibbard, |r., ti I-.. VI. Ile)d_e, A. tl .In-siiit, li. T. .las-tip. (loaver* ueur Ken.uie, jr., F. B Kennedy, ir. w. Maedons il, \v. H. Marfsrlan, ri Mapee, .1. \V. Mason, C. I.. Mazttatd, (.. I). T.lilian, .1. XV. l.lvlnnis, (. T. -lark'-u, H. J. Bell ll- msrher, c. Behumseher, J. ll. Taylor, CLW. limm and w. li. Ware.! I- A. Mi 'Alpin, of UieTist Betlment, who elli mill tor I..trope tie xi axpeeis lo he abeaat for iwo mumba, Ha haa been In tll>Uaaltb and tho trip i* advised hy bis pnysietaa, Tbe M Jata" of Company u.. Tin Beeimcnt, medea llyliiU Visit IO tne Male ( imp al Te. -.skill SSI *-il:,.!»v. rue) were myally i-ulei lalim ny Um ..liners of th" I I iii li.-.'iiie-iii. in.* Uajar Prank A. Junes, wau .' waa lorineiiy a mamhar or the compaay, left uotbina un- '' .lunn io make ile ir stay in eamp pteaeaut. lin. 1 liu an.i .ha K- .nneiii* have beea rrreatly Im¬ proved ni dull anti illM.ii'ilijo hy their tour of duty al tue f*tato (.'amp. A* tliey lusrcnit'l lo lb) lr ai .nones ou llielr return <»t BVeBlag, wnh Broase. laces eui lue »tea.n- ii.-s > ai'iin.r.-.i ny o week's drill, they preseated a great cunt ru*i to Ibe body of pala-faaad moa v>iiu lhe week nature Bmb >i ked for PaekskllL An opinion hy .1 iidr.i-A'lvoo,'ite General U'lllism M. Ifni* in rriraul to a queaitea aakad by Captala M. W. Marvin, couiuisudlns mo 33d flopatete Company, rrlattug to enlistments in hi* command, his Been Isenedla aelrculai n> urdrrof theOuvernur. lu nae Beys; -I i.e fails Bppeanaa ara that toe compaay tn qoeaiioa waa muaterad mm ihe service May itu, i-*i'.,, ami OB Ihe lilli day ut July lollOWlliK formed B civil ot* JtaaMlSallOB *litl|.teil liy-la***, a Sopy Ol which as Stile milled. Hy their tenn* all proposition* lor memberships must be utaile in writing uglied by tba sjtpiu ant. j ne sppltcattoa mil*! lu* submitted Kia leernitin. i'iii in ri, | ami on ita favorable report tho anulieaut ls to be balloted lui- bf tbO inemh.r* Ol Hm comp,ny. These by-law* have, however, bees practically obsolete (or the past four year. No evil n.eetiiius have heel, 'iei.1 dunn, n.,t Hun'. nor have Iba by-laws ln-«n recognised in any wai. I be qursiioa asked M, Whether aa tbaea facts ibe oap tam eommaeSlBj] eau culiat mea withuut regard ti. Iliilr* 117-117. . . . Tue scop- aad ettet; ol tii-si- provti leaa la aol ta compel, bnt merely to authorize aad ner- IUii tim ul guli ia I ou lu military bodies ot cu*, ll or.., n [ ,. lum* or MS-uclatloii*, and tu prnri le thal, when Inch au .r_aul_atioB ba* hara formed, ita in -i_w* eball eoutals i-eiiaiu .sseiitntl rules, and shali pravi le amongst oilier minas ior the election ui recruit* tu BMmuersaip lg me oivll oraautsaiioa liefors they eaa eater tue military *er- I " vue. Tbe provisions la tba teaiulaiiuus <|<> nut m any -1 way slier IBe permlBSlVs language of the Military * nd.-. In-T only lane rHccl III Cale* where si .ivii argaaisatloB b_» baan funned, n,,. iUCll « irgabisatioaa an- nm eeeeatal nor obluratory elesriy appears trum the UBgnaos of lbo*Military CuOr ;.' wi lob le, mat Hu* uIHcers nf ..ny regiment aa tbe men »era of any troop, batt. dS or oompauy 'm.y urgam/e Iheiu-oive* Int.. au n**ueiatleiii of Which the Ciimiiiand- bk uillcer shall hepreaMtaat.1 Were liuie* 146.147 to bs so eoMsiroed aa to prsclade the peaelbihty of enlist* uent exeepl lu the manaor pre*eribed, they would har* he .||. it. lu order-,-ia! ie, rnitnii' mi'in can Ind DB it all, of a .-'.i.i'.- i requiring tha exlstoaoe of a tim ir. a in/, .lion "f uiui|...nles. . I. appears lliat Hie ay-laws n ivs beei mn .it.*u'i-te au.l tba oivll rgauii itlon .lieu lulu'le-ii'iuii. lt I* also to he BOtetl l_at lld iiember of u.e ruiii|.siiy nor of the civil organization ali* Ior or seeks Uij-ofuroeuiein uf tiiesn by-laws C)u nub ruct* the iivdaws must i,. treated as i_, and the c. iii (...ny mini iie view-d In lianne m. effectiveetvll organlsatloa, | ti n ri ID The question lb. n oecersaa to tba right sod autaaritf if tim,.wandu.ih er. iii. provisions of lue Mm ut i u la us eon ta. ne 'I lu Ami,- li, UJOCtloai I", ll .ml I.', du not ilelliji- Who f ri .ii BBI a- re. ruiliug olin rs, J ij. m.horny of lha eaptaia Boeordiaat lo military aaaae, ,i,.i under Um broad llu.e 105, i* certalulr .nilli -tent io warraul bu acting in thal eapadty. ii-.- tie fiue.f term* »i Military Code i- u.e nain ol alleslanw . io he*ter.-.l ny hun, and aft.-r this I- dorie, il Be enlistment papal ba otherwise rn |n.,|i^r form,'ii uily rema.ii- to s-1 in* tia-- appro*, al of u.e commanding irMa-er of lae erganlsailou te wbira tBe eompaar i* at- .u lied, a lieu the enlistment became* fin .1 aud er).-ctive. ll .te Hie liiuitir, tiier.-fi. e, to ,-e tn.u ¦] t... ai il,., tn , ue-eiitid ( apt.uti .'tliiiviii n,a> legally "iuui reruns rraspeotive id tba raquiramauia al Rules lo-117." 'In. i* ..f 11,.-. lirant Poet Sn. 'i'll, ia u.e bbb** er of .eveiiiy-tlve, visile IfaoeocS I'ual at Nyach nisi hnr-day eveiuu. mid bad adSitghtfSa Uni.*. ( oin- (,i iiaml'T Howitt led them uni., tn- itaamboat Cbrys- ' .¦.' i-iisti ut ii u'ci.iik. Wini iii. in saaaaati wer. Oo.oael 'radi ru-k 1». t.iaii, Post Stitts ( u.iiinsi.d.-r Ir.i M. ii-dgt f. Commandi Bomaal Mlaaia, al K. lt. Morawa '.isl, Hie K.v. J. H Footer. Corporal Jaine* Tanner ml utlx r«, iniiu.linc several ladle*. At Myack BB BB* rliiniimiil was iiiven .it Vo..r!j|» Hall, al Which there tern addi e»-e* ny Ba ll Itu win. tbe Ur*. J. |. (amie ...ii, peet i..i|.ism in-, hmr, J. kt, i-uhter, Cotoa I irant. Corp. ral Tsiii.eraud Wilbur P. BrOWB. Thora tere ii usu- sud tiree.irks, si d afier a uaichtotlie Iv.-r the lerrvhoal na* taken for Turrytowu, aod hence tim party leturued bourn by a special train on th-) I u.Ison Uiver haili As Inc; ina,ni Ity of lue .member* of the BsOlBlJ bt lb I .ilieleeiith Anny I Itr pa ale mia ie |u attelitl the mreliu f the he.clety of Hm Aim, of the I'oli.uiae at BBB 'rnmia. o. lt im. lieen decided lo have a reunion ami inner al the Msiilum.aii Ilea, ii Hotel un J.ny Jd. at rhlcii ill survivor* of the c..rps ant lavtteS lo ba reseut. Il ls exi.eiied that Hajor-lioosral Yt. ll. .uiury, tue vul coi-uuiauder ut Hie MStnt- vt iii preside a_d Hint n nny cf thn ptnmlnent men rho served with the norpa, liicluiling '.cn.-i.i,« S. P, Hunks, Charin* I'., William BL Franklin and l_ I.. Molineux, will bo present. (lenci al Phillp II. Sheridan, un.'.er whose eiimmiind Kif curps eided In nen il mg linly whirling up tne talley uf tho Shetiiiiiilniih, will doubtless ba there also. The reception aooUBlttoa, eoaslallag ol Geaaral Nichol** W. Day, Colonel* A. .1. Allaire, ll. P. 'lott uml F. K. Frotlilnghiim, Mnlors T. II. Odell an I M. H. gwen, Captslna (ieorge E. Abbott and .lame* Mack, l.buiteii- BBt- Rob-It Pt, Reid anl (iralton Fennell, r*ergotiut II. Paareell, Waaoa Master George a. Phillips sud others, will mest at the fToinl Normaodle on July ld to make the final arrangement fo m*ke those from otter piaoua who rlatt tha city on this occasion sooifortabMa UtnleT the regulation f..ii.ld llii* Hie commandants of rcajinieiits oi' eompanlee to lake, any recruit* to the Hi,ita Cami) al I'eekskili vt Im liav enlisted within slsiyduv* prier to the dals ob wbleb tba toot ol comp dat) for tho several aomauada hsgtae, men are i«ft at booie '" whose military lastrcetkin a week in aampwoeld ba highly conducive. The following n<>n-rnnim!o*'"netl officers of the Jil.I Regiment having fussed sattafaetory Bxamlnationi ami warraataBsvaboeii leeaadto tiioin: Cbatles Symonds, quartermaster-sergeant Compaay El, Jone 18, 1880. In plaeo of (, WbO has am rendered his wi.rr.ant; .Milburn Pf arks, rpnirfortiuj*ter-*ori>jeaiif. Company I, June .1, l*-r<;, iu plaoa of Becker, pr"" oti 1. charlo* l:. Mlaslwr, sergeant Company B. Jnne i, 1-86, In pince nf fltory, who hm »iirreiiilorol his earraatj Angelo ll Thouin*, corporal Company K, May 0, ISM, tu plaee sf Clark, who hu* surrendered hi* earraatj s'IIIihiii tv Ten K.vek. eorpsral Compaey II, Juno 4. 1884, in of hftnsber, promoted. C.impnny II, 7tb llegliuetit, bas uninterruptedly for the last seven year, haul the tull number of member* allowed hy law-lOll olllesm and men. lieslde* tues.. Um cum- puny has st present nine " meui!utr»-*!rct," who aro iiiii'oriimil and dilllln. In tbe ranks, awaiting enlistment as vacancie* shall eacenr. ( Brporal II. II. Dwyer, ofcmpiany E. 12tb Regiment, hui lug removed lrom Ibe .tate, bas reeirBsd hi* position. a* r.'cordlng *eurotary of the comp hiv. and Private maries c..Walsh haa baes unanimously Blasted ts suc- ess4 hun. Wlien the !>th llcclmetit of the V.itlnniil (.mini started for tin- wat In ISSI, John W, .-tiles was coi.un I, William If. Hallies lieutenant colonel, John H. Coppliiger ml nf..nt, fimrle* J. |Nordgulsl surgeon, Howard Plaknay ssfiitsnt hitit on. Henry I. stevena termaali r. and Benjamin 8. Phillipe ehatdain. Tba re-'iiii'dii served foi three sad wa* In the fellowing i>»tue.s: Harper-* Fern, Bappahanaoeb station, i Hull Hun. Bootb Mountain, llrst Prsderlckshnrg, (.efty-hiiru. I.'turri Ri I,ceder Mountain. Thoroughfare Dan, Chantilly, Antietam, Chancellorsville, Wilder e*», r-p.nt-th inla and Coir) lliirnrn-. During lt* term of ¦enrico 1.17.'. .lillci* and men ser.ed wita it beside* l,A-.*i sui smilies .ind draft. I .t.'-n. Ten oliVetl and I IO salute1 nu ii wt re killed In battle ur died lrom disease. liiv.ite Btanlej (. Whitney, CompanyU, 23d itrgi- mi-lit, Ii ti v 11 g tu .ui SXpells hy vole o' his fouip.iir. 'tu Bon-pavraeat of does an i line, and gross neglect of doty, this action o," the cum par y bas Leen ur prut ed hy Colonel Plucks ami ne ba* h.-en dlshouoraMy discharged fruin further m.nice In Hie N itlonal du n.l nf t.i*. .-tal.-. ('.iii. ml MeAlpla will (Ive a farewell dinner tn the olin-cr* of the 71s! Regiment at the Manhattan Motel i,.*\t Wedin-- lay evening. Tile collin.I r«|.mell .allia.I of Hie Zd Kt .'itlieiif saeeuit.led at tba srroory In fatigue c ip, blouse and «w..r.i last Wednesday evening lo receive iitectsl In- struotlon* in ie u d (.. imp duty, on lhe same evening n,,. romp mv lergraBta. quartermastei sergeants excepted, ri.ted to the sdfiatant in fatigue cae iud blouse wlthoui arni- far Ihs ¦ ime i urpnse. Private Thomas Hoaaa. of Company K, I2tu Regiment, with .i evett- mi ul.-ni sumo time ott, la rapidly reeoveriag. Tbe follnwlBg changes in tho non-commlsilnned itafl of tin. 23d Regiment are announord: Qtpirtarmaster- bergeant Alfred D. in.i, compauy I, matle sergeant- major. Juna 7, 180. la plaee ol li.ukin, honnrably ui*- liiuij.l; Private Maury I,. Hell, Company ll, made sei '.Mut Bid tefl general jin.!.*. Juno 1 1, l-t-ti, lu place or ii. .ii nerd, who bas surrendered lui wi, ira m. rue trip whieh tue 71*t Kcgnm-nt wis going to maka tu Bli- *... Lui:. a.trr.-'lolL tm tim iata.,1 vei -,n> ut tiie buttle of Haili Run will aol be mu e. re.asons are given for the abandoemeal ol the e\| ei', tim pim-ip.ii of whieh nra tba departure of in- eoionei for Europe on July 10 aiBI tha probability that tbe weather will ne anaumlortohly warm la that region on .imy ji. One tx mure eompanlee of the 9 h Regimen! will take pin! ni the F diriu or Julv p.,mile tu ll irlem to morrow, t'.ip ,.ian I'l'iiiisui c. I, rle, eomiaandiug un-Jd Bat¬ tery, better known as Earle's Battery, ie sotlvely en¬ gage- in organising ri new platoon la Harlem, la he known ns i ue ii., am Platoon. 2d Battery, I he projeel i* meeline with much favor among tu.- yoong mea of 11 a lie in, ami s.ine I wen: y ur more BIB talking Of Joining. (Carla's Ratten Armory will bo la Harlem, as the citv pun bise property fmn' lag on Madiana-ave, and i ii ii ii, nc from MuelvfouriB r.i ."*.'.tv-ll ft li sis., and will begin bull ri".' aa soaa ..* ibe plsne -'re approved by Um Am...rv I;., nd. Tho armory will have, among other Im¬ provements, a lar^-e rln.' for mounted drill* and exer¬ cises. Tue battery always parades mounted *ol armed M.iii ilawling -u.i*. __-_! NEUS l BOM THE SUBURBS. .JERSEY CITY DOU8 Mi -tr BE MUZZLEOt, Mayor Cleveland, of Jer*ev''tty, issned a proelsmailea on i hu -i I. a hoi Ingi Illa i "i .ni tin.* foi 11 i ni st large la thc itrcs * wlthoui being pronerly ,. ,i ..- .1 i.-lui. |.r ii-n of the Mew J* nev Kennel b .iii-', o-i the Mavoi yesienlsy sol ***"d him io with¬ draw the pro ¦'" f.e 'h n under ns a* hortty tail 1 .hi tin ;s ru g ll ll- lt Ile alli 1 th- 0 . ll If WOUIel il IV" lui rr** ie Mai 'responded tau Jersey Olly wss infested n rh wort'ii.-st .md ti tu a on* curs whick were danger-ins te h >th e! n an.l growa persona snd be bellera-th it nra- ve .ru ii' ui .ir-* Owner* of valuable doa* ni them hy pun iv mn miss m them ia ar ordan. s Iii th"- nv. Hr. Sd liiait the K'-nnei lilli would tesl ths va Mtv " Ihe law under whlob ihs Maror is u ti.' ii...' m.. mu .ni vt., i.ti proseonte any aud all p aw. ia n fijuinl aaa.un ' n^s. -? .II.l:.-I.Y CITY, loft H (diipinin't, Bewnsel fur tbe Hii'tsnn ('nuntv ttnird nf liters, nsdesnpi catum to ludge Knapp in tb" Circuit .lui. yoaierdav for a ral.h..w cause war Honogeoand - ..ul u. be -.|illl.-d to -i.n li SI r au if rata.e tsxe*. Hoookcn owes $40,093 ind Harrisoa $li*,ll., The rue was .rame I, . m BMRRBKY. nonoRBS rt mat nnaorad yestefday that i>r. Angost I.iw* iiiirti, ihesfliaoceu husband o Miss Marou rite tl olr, nae nf the i itel d last year tbrongU sn error if tbe drugstore ol tra ade. bal becomi las tue aud bis reis- ni. oereaboul io re more him tu an asylum, iii* father m) -iiteii.ii hilt be informed Chief of I'ollce iioiiuv.iu Hi i; -if house would be eloeed ior ¦ lee days ts Ins faiullv wera gotos ia_.iv. li/.ahkiii..i h.- Veteraa Zooav -. ...-:¦ J ITadlsoo Ur.Ik'' e un uaiudll';' Will start ..i BSO KrSBCIS-0 OB JBly 2 u lie ili-nl ailinn! a mouth Tl.ev Wtll ;ru tn alf.-nd the- Kstioaal .ii. aiiiipiii.-ni ul Hie ie a. ii. mil the reunion ol lbs uni, societies Daring their --rav lu -ni Kisuclsv"') they rill oe gueats of tue Veteran Uuard of Gooree ii rbomaa 'nst no i. raeeSouaeee will prsssni their Oallforamoom* sd is with a silk nnui'i custing SJ u A aaiaber ul prom I irutcitizen*of Ncw-Jeracv wail aeoompany 'ieii.-r.ti Drake ind ula veter.rns. I.dS'i; lr-1 LAN I). t. A tn .lilli in uliluf tho llonn Rule ¦eVBIIieOt rill bs held tins sveoiaa SHSLVBB l-i.\sii lu.una* M. linnie*, e-mploveel la erect. og a sew pavilion for the Mauhansel iliius... ten funu toe c .iio .im t. f .-ida. uni received fatal la)artes. Wu mi n i. Mr' Anni linn, ia.-!, of Brooklyn, while step .losnou s train jre*t-rdsv. fell a mi apoplectic rit saddled efore the t om be removed ta tbs Bona* o; ht r fm adi la tba llll.-'C. BTATEM isla Nf>. i aiengi.- Tbe Brazilian Prince ABfaste sad raits visited ra-iiua reslerdaj afternoon ^ai njo., e>) nm tx un iv esl .-x- ii-*ft..ii , ai ... -1 I., '.uin.i.u lui:." He paul .peela st ie ii ii ni tu the Indiana and he ul ron vi nations with heir chief*. he shooting lu dee hued to be thc Hu Mit ler hail v. wiaie Med. M.tin .u IOS li Km.' ,t ( o. denv the report tbal lien property li..* le-.-u soitl tu tilt- Halli uui-c aud uhio lian. sad. . ^ ALOXG Till'. HOl'ND. B-ITMKrOBT, W.I Ilarnuni will b" seventr SH var* nhl to inrrow Nearly S joint was railed ai u eiiiiB wi I ri,'.i, in lld ul Hi lani' li nt the BCiad Heart. H.ju *e lilli1 I und Iii.- ..... w Imii tht) llev. lather ems reinin l* pastor, will Ba dedicate I to-tlsv nv lllslinp Mo I h-rn ihe Hi id asplin Knife uu.ii.iii'- haemade bb aa ii ti lu.-iil. Tneir ass ia iii.I llaoilltlea aril not uivi-u. lin- aooaistach of tbe eompaaj i*t"o,uOo. WERTCHB-TBB OOUETT. Ml. YK"N.if.-A few year* ago a building at Fmirth-avi*. ad Becond-et. HW feet front by tSti deep, wa* beugnt mr _'.t>"u. about two mooth* ago rt wai «oid for »7.^>m. a rrulghtiater lt wa*rs*oid for afl.ii hi. u wa* th>-n divided ito four lots of 25 feet froat bf loo deep, 'tba cereal lat reogbt ts.ttaO aad each of the otber Hine lots I rough! an rerage of *-/>"" i.asi week UM rorner let was resold for limn Mr Uaasabeer, ot Nsw-Yark, belug s I arther aa, iuici af tooillas few weese ..\n« .st Jana*, i. a tinsmith hilo enraged yesterday in adjustinz a gutiei In Ifirst-ara, rt-etn Fuirih sad lilli sis, was Ihmwn to tho sldewi Ik r the scaffold irinnir way lils Bama waa salarionaly la¬ ired that all sf hie limbo were aaralysed, and lil* ceinilitii.ii a* Considered ellina nv. in ii it. in eoBseoneacs ofaiaci of bsrmenvla ie maasaement ef tba .Vaw-Bocbeile MTatei L'ompaur, attri¬ ll i-t- .ii etbreeeed ii *dotermiaailos un i readtai *.* liber lo ill his stock to th othei itocsbolder* or boy mer iharea. tine, w, ie in,'.um Undt-rhl Ooaree Fergusou sodoUicr* ra *aid lo luv. oil'ird til' r ie l.-niitmiis. Hsartaoe Bnrglar* Ob i-'ntav aiabi ri^ite.i tbe boase ol 'Ulam 11 si iu lined -n Bad being Bf pare nt ly anare tnat u-iioni-ano windows Were uruvMed -.ti rievirlc slaraw, il oat a large peas of glass fmoi aaa af tha froni windows das.iii uiiii; tin- wires. Tuey stole -tetolai arne...* nf liri Kare. SCHOOL P.Xt. St l-r.ti ,i \/j PIONICE At the clewing exercise* »>t (.nuiuiKir Behool o. >**.iii ( ai ke-sL, I.i* vi. uu^ey reoeived a Reid menai um lbs principal. Mle* Gallagher, for proflcieaey in her ..die* and tho liiaue-i MaadlBg in Ihn Nen n al College isuiliiat'on*. Bella Da ZellaT sud Lulu h.. I'reiiiail so pa^e.i iii,, eiauili.atioiis out of a el ts* of fourteen. ba *-ell-iii.aii meda' Waa awarded lo Hell.a Ile /.aller, he Babool tor el_ht uiuiilli* wa* willman it re.ulai' rind pal, Miss :--.ailie li Haled acting a* principal. i-everai Bandied chu ar.-n from Primary Dabool Vu. '.'it, illy Hail p.ace, cele, n r ten tue nut day of their v. ea- bb yesterday wnh u pico te i" Pro*peel I'-nk. Tba Bate waa given by ex-Alderman "Dena] " Barn*, tbs men wi from -.ii"." wu., wore a new whit,- hal and a lana, broad emile a* he lcd ibe inn ty IO tba Hilda;'' ears lui.I> In KEEP HIE lill O' IEE Thc .ollowinj* general order wmm inned .*_._ r.Uy to tim eaptalBi of me vartoos psemaota la the iv s.'i \ ..n aili .rn vi on lav east July V eider tour off ll ml. oil I. Il'J, aili .aila.- ni. !, In. .,.,,1 .-. . ,, ,, l.. -, etomt ibe peace awl gu i omer within foul prscinci Be tbe oidi,un.e. s ie, to Mle of uhibl e.t bi works or the diaebatgeot Ireeorki ur a.v if" i.u. "i "i the tilscbarga ol ainu*, platwa or ether Bte in* vtlihiu the i u\ ui CW V ui I lour is Ibeiel.-.lied to Reetloo 1781 OB paaa i. tanll -l-Cllult* -1. In .Hld IBJ BB |»«ei'iul Itu-'lil .'!'¦ BISO ll.I.eial irdol .Nu. .'(j* In tl-tl Hue i. la* relailve te ihe sals ur disposal ot toy pr stltei pistols therein Sase n bed i> .it. feu wni msttaut the mein rs ol t ..ur nu uni, un .<¦ . .ne ri mi. allallys ta, ui urin ile ... ...i .-.- sf abstl .lu't un d. v. w. MOBBar, Bepeilatawdeni CONDITION rn ii. ,1 ri imii. It tv,i--.(.it. il at tin- Manhattan Un-imai fe»- rda] mai Kobari J. Bleed, wbo ebal blmaatf an Tnurs. iy ulghl, was lu a fair Way toward rei ure, >. He ntl sd from tbe elle-cts of tue operation of lap.iraioniy, n h j roved eiituoiy salisfat lol), and ls how aolUj< elh n>-, A I MAS .-.hui Pl tWO HRS. Two _aen were raniiMm Beriftlj toward the ?er Bl Basti nt huntil, ii sad t.. iii si i.ii inn ula t hen nlu man lil, a et <al.ii, tl ran foi Mini 1' l-BS per... a urti io s ..p H.. iu il. .rt bia lalerfrreaee iiy .ii_»tiu< .1 ... |. , .t, i uU. iua aa aj al Un <J.t|t I. Ile Wa* r, Ulla . au thethlsli and arrn. thnueh not serronslr bur', 'em' h ore IO Sut ti.. r his sunn is.-Kio men had disappe-ari d lu the a iw y of a aoaaaSSBt house aud were not aeou aft.-iw ml. TEES 0WTBOCEAKD8 LEAVE THE CITT. If tho consul Inkers woro f-> nial.0 an enu¬ meration of tko actusl population within th- limits of the city to day lt I* probable that New-york would. come ussr fo loilng fur the time Ita proud dlitinotlnn of hoing the largest oity In tho [Jetted Htato*. " liv ai ry- holy and lil* neighbor I* going out of lunn," iel.timed a j«er*pirlntT tlckei^eMer st the Grand Central H'ullon, aa he shut down ths window of his ofll.e for a moment to re*U This remark waa repeated lu hy t'ek"t agent* at Ibo entrance* to ail avenue* of exit from the metropolis. The Fall liver pier at Murray-*!, waa with people dunn,' the afternoon and the two boat* tent from- thora carried shout 1.700 people geing to Iloston, Newport, Marl', a's Vine- yard. Har Karbar and po,ri'* iii the While Mountains, i lie MaaiBrihasetta. af tin. I'torideuce llae, earned .".'ii piesnire seekers or "Hitters," aa the steamboat nu n cali them. Iver/ available apot on the Albany day ami night boats wa* accepted, ami the Rtonln.ioii, Norwich, l.ii'it'Sport. snd Now haven boata wore equally well tilled. It ls estimated tbst '...OOO people hoarded trains st the (irani Central Station .luring the day. (lue of the official* ihiiii'.-iit lt wan the busiest dav lu the hUtory of the atruoture. The Hain leaving on the New-York ('eii- tt.ti road at .'irilo p. m. was sent out in two sections, with thirteen drewinat-rooio car* In escb. On tbo New- Haven road ths travel was so great that lt wa* Impossi¬ ble to get trains off on schedule tims, sud Iste lu tho sfternoon ai many as four train* went out win,in au hour, li wa* estimated thai 150,000 people left (be city during the day, aud tbat another 100,000 will be out of to wu tolley. 8APETT OS' BKOVEBION STEAHFRS. Every year BOtnalainl it Batta thal t"fi sie.'iiiiers r irrvm. cicurslunlst* nn the Kourth al Julr ovorciowd their tle'W* and carrr far beyond their luetiisl limit. In ardor io prevent this, Deputy Hurveyor I. M Wyatt ht* ardeseaftepro-tort nsfoa Mon* oiBeera riskily to ln*aect ail excursion l.oats. and Wherever Cir n >nlua*r ls et.-e-.leel re. lion the n.a.I'r lo thu liepaty Harvey ail, who will asset* li.-aTi flues. A nu fi ru e.n r% WRLL-EAKVSD Cf.MPUMKNT**. Tig lo «nry of g.sed Untie wMle trav.-lline la one wJiij.*, g, appreciate and tue mott eiperietiee.i traveller* al ear* »/ range their lime tallies with thst *nd in view. IBeaaasaa rtinlng-esr service .n the 11 a.m anl * | -, ¦.. Ir, n, .,,,.' New Vnrk aird Host.n vin Springfield, under BM manser, mcnt of -. lt. Mos.-,ey .tr Son I. a grew adnu,ur, .,, ltu, ul rea'dy nomi,ar mule, and nowh're in ihewn-M mmPtnZ Balled. The Saute CM be »aid of lite f-ieelleal .TtSareali the New.llaven Opel _:. eh m k n- hr ibe Mos ,-n n receive dalt- .- rn un -ms eooogh to fl stelata. ¦*,,,/ ley's W'l''.i_uwu New-Mavea m.iise. at lhe h-auuaiil Ct VV_ Y line, wu li mine h .*! Mosel r at ns lie,,d, Billi no sn-el i lunuieri M> un bu for S SUB niel place al rsduS rates for iu!v sad August, -r . aluin »uv *,, r..,t,. ,.'.!} run tn- Willie- M.'Hui's,ne. lt is IB .cir hOSM lie 4, ..e esl ami- iiii I'oiTespaaSsaee. c*" Bi>'fiACn, then real Califnrnii hmo cl Powder in iiif-.lui.le t|..| ma.aioi ..J all ...i aad naseta ...ui ..,1 b Una covered by our Mai* " Iiuiaach " i:«a-ar* ,5 uiilai iou*, et il druggists. m m ci uk ron tuk Dear. lin K- I'tT SI IMP-OVBD C -U.'ivhi Eta iii a Lvr'sen. e»tore tbahearts,aad parterra th work o: tbs .s»tirj nuin Invi'iuu. ...nfui i-ahle and a'wt , ii .... u.,', -~\ en venations and even wulsner* he.ri <t,**in< t r. -*enrl f.'p llllflr»t.-.l'uetk walli t«ft| noni tl., fr ¦' Ad lr n ,r ,,,, '. Iiin. (ix, riu.l I-.road war. -V V. M'oti in IBM paner Knrl Si Wilson'* E. ft W. bread of Men's 'ellar* and ('ufa ar* Di* b.-sr Void SVSTV tl; -ri rTi-.VRr A. Das'iki.s, M. D., mi Login tten avogbatweta lita.set ti ii Henri--1* to 1,3 to 7. Disesses of tb*. Nerve iitfitta Oeiiit.eUrinary <>tgnu*. .u l ti..-., ; .. At.brut Lkwis M. I).. 7 Beaeh-et., aear Weat IrosSwsy. Nsw-Vork. Boors lt tal aaiStat. ij..ea** crvous sy.teui a .peciiity lor th I**- .rty re .rs. EXTBABBBINABY SALE. In order to obtain the necessary room for the extensive alterations and additions to our buildings, we will offer on and after Tuesday, July 6, our entire stock at prices that will enable our customers and the public to secure UNUSUAL BARGAINS. 32, 34a 36 West 23d Street, KEPBNTANT HEW-BA TEN (URLS. Two vonni, if iris, whose n*.'lies are withheld liv Uti polios, '.nu. fro a Vnw-lfsrea en rbarwlsy 'ur cm >. casi') ii ii'i") e ur rlsltln. ,1tends iii Brooklyo Instead M BO IUt thew lier luntiii"! lu lins citv !u aaOBSS De Sf Bleccaer-st, ni l **.. r ain-ef 1.1 ur ms polios ami t.ken ta liea.i.|uert»rs at r.'io rVwiuasl of thdr Mends. Thar wers isa. u to .Nea. isren laat sveniug, repentant of titeir lolly lull lllil (.1 IiIO li!St.'*. MA ll I A' 8 IA TE LUG UNOE. MINI V rUBB AL.VIAVAC. Tt_!>AY. lan rise*.. 4.30; aet*i.. 7:SOlKoea seti. 0.3'J,.M'n as*. <t » 3 UMill WAVSA. Hook, I 2 c.ov'-* IVA P " 'tell Oit«.. 11 -M !'.^--lautv Hook. 9i_7 Hov'* Iel"-. ID'll Hell Gate.. li.O- 01 ionise, sl'l-'.A Hillls. rOBSUAT, JIM 8. Vessel rasstt. Tine. Frr M»1!« close. sails. IrtsotiB. Ciiiluu, l,iverp.«)l. 'j a in 8..uam mow clyde, Harti. i pui i>w vt BOXBaOAT. /BLT 7. Ueuc, Atlas. Central Amer ca .IO tm noon nu HMiAr. jui.y & i.|r*sfir. White <*.-ar. L>r.*r.ri. . sm ll am mia. Uaroo-A ba H ambers tt sm 10:30am fauhattan. Aiex'ura. Havsna A Mexico.. I I'm .*> pm tauiiaso. Want*. Ctentacgoa. . I l"u 3 pm STEAM/:HS DUE. lu-DAT. PksiBt, fr i. Tire. a1! ia.Ltveroool.Cunara i.iirui Alabama.Uiaaaoa .nba .ii itjieii,.Amsterdam.NstB-Amer .w li ....nt. larne.Rim .I-iirun nan* aii'i" ia.I. i_u in*.lied _. BOM DAT. .ILLY 0. 'oeaaabt.(Jiasg-ow.Anchor libs.I'.ii-iiieu via ~t)Ul'i.imlii)..N.1- I.lurd iut-an.Ita vania.V\ am's ll sn IT, nil '>¦ ',t indi.liverpool.Onion SH IE El SO MAIS, OUT OK NKW YO lt Ii.SATURDAY, JULY .). IHS6 AUK! vii) Btirsmsr T.Tfl'an tfonsrcB (Br), Doaaatt London Jnne 19, .lit HMM ami iia**eua;eis to Patton. Vl.'ker* A Cu. .steamar Adriatic rtr Paraell, ..n>r. Jaar i. Qoasne- jwu a... will, mils" ami i>asseiia;ei-H lo K J Oul tl* Arrived at io liar at '¦...** p m. Bisamet Hkviu (lin. Bnmner, Ureroool lune ut. Queens, .if n 'ii, nilli mdse anil pause: leger* U> k W J ll urn. Ai ii veil Hu- liar M ''.-'u p m. Steamer I'lcqus Bri. Clarton, calamia Jobs 1, Messina*., aieruiu '.., Uibraltar ip. willi indar ano passenger*to Phelps rna*, o Arrived at tbe Bal at in. -learner Itieliiuunil, I'.ua/. Ncwnurl News anti Weat Point, a, nun ii list-sud iiais.eii..-is tu tild Dominion Bs i'u steamar -treonehalu <Bri, Hewson. Penn Amboy. in bal- >l lo Ktiiitii, Ktlye ,fl o. 'I*...KT.wind al -ai if Hoi-. lla;tit, SW, mUf. At City i.ami, injin, BWj elear. Arrived yetienmr- stesmerHen i (ispsn Lazsarsfra, Clcnruerroa luae iio, Mat* I/** .!'(. will sugar loonier vessel lo it J Cortie. Arrived ibe b»r at * du p in. steamet Anglian Un. Camnbell, Mararoa ii ¦.. tlays. with ult toQomei * Pearsall. Arman ai tue Har ai ll p bl i I.ka iii-:.), ^teamer a ri/.on a liri. liruoks, Liverpool via Qneensrown. M "n.l.-i iiii .v- o. steamer City ot BerllB (Br), Laott, Liverpool via Queen* wn-Piier Wright 4 SOO. btsamei -*;i*iu .Hr.. (.nihill.*, I.irerpool via Queenstown . W J liursi. -teamen nruins(Mpani. Attersstn**. Liverpool Rjcortis SteamerKuperra Bri, Hole-. Amsterdam -Patton,Vu-sers Ua sieauner niirguu.lia (Kr), Dulac. Hi-ilit.-rraut.aii uoit»-J W iwell .1 iu. Steamer william Baila (liri. Bulla. Mara-lliss fHmnson. uiii.-e .# *, enan ie. Steamer Benda .nc, Nielsen, Bydney.CB -Patton. Vickers Co. Steamer Kate Carroll (Bn, Clark, Puerto Corio/., iiuud ¦aviTHtt * Co, staatnei :.: it ii Uodtlaa un. licimett. ICouteco Bar.O e»sel* A Co. etaasMr Borer iBr), ''tirurr Kingston.W IV nunijin. steamar Aaatlan iBp, ram;.nen, Baracoe.donas A Pear- ii. steamer tlenfaeges. Kainioth. Havana Ja* i>: Ward .t Ca ttsamer Alamo, lllsk. Key West and O'a1 ii-C ll Mal rv & ce steamer Loul alane, nager, New Orlsaaa.s ii seaman, *lt-aim-r i uieka. Used, Nen Uriaaae.J I' Vain -ickle. steamer city oi aevaaaab,, savannah Henry Jiaire. lr, -leaiueiCity of Atlanta, Lockwood, Cl.arleatoa.J VV yuin ni A i o. tuvanii-r Benefactor. rrlboo,WUmlogtoa, NC.Wa p ciylo iteamer Qurantlotta, Kelly, Newport Hewe sari Weal )iut. Va.Old Dominion Ba Co, .teamer K c Knurut, CbwMeter, Oe >r*mtown sod Aieian- ia vi Wicbtmiin Iteamer J w>. t. Koei-tr itaitinuirit-J ** great* .reamer Chiswiiak (liri. Ie uillou. llailllBOrn luutlj, Kdyo . na n. r i-i aiu.iuui. neimen. rHirtlanrt llarailo ii ul .learner il K ol,noe k. Hallett. Uosiou tl I Oimock -, Ij mr. t iiiiiiliiana ii. I.iv.tu,wi .all) Bros. .alp Oberoa (tieri, Wark. llamiuiraj. Hie.) Kuaer A Co. IblpSlTiBS iNori, Konulxj. I'.-itu Aiiibu> i until. K.tye .>. SarkZaorsA(NOT), Maltrntseen. Adaiaiile, Aus-C Tobias CO. *»rk A«ne* lOeri, Holieplsr, ^teitin -CTobbuJ CA s*i» oiotris ii.ei', l.ohiaeyar. Han juts W atlee, <h-i tara Aatotaatts leeann Itali, bTarobiiee. Usbao.Faaeb, ly* A co. lana i.mille Au.! T alan,, b. idsbOfl Phelp* ino* * Co. I»i s Kesir.-i Bi' Oiseii. I.aiju ayi i -li uiitui Bliss A .'al- l. lark Mair_le M Uri, Staples, l-'-iuaiuliua-J lt WlaebSelBC Ca, in,' .airtiei! (Br), Breera, Poet aa illnoi a a iiretu s#u IrgBassa BenieeiBri, ire thy, baa HhoHbho ii Keiiy. Vi'liei ii-i un Hud., wul lie u en Mun,Uv. .imv ',, iroiu l) ii) a iu, lui ian- Mirsaoesod miain oui reeaets oely. BAlIaK.fl itosmer* uibrii m.i <i(v el lleilin. fur i.iveriiut.1 Lovaine '1 rysi i, a ll la Caril.-ssia. liiasffow; .-lu rv i'..u injfv.i.ia. I'.ipi-nbaaeu i allfornie, Usiuuurci A lier, ilremeui ipsrra, ABMtantam P Calaatt. atottsiuain. Penuland, Ant H.. l.a Hunns 'Ki.'-. Have, (iareiuo. I'.-ruam ni, u, Kalila d li... Uouu¦_-.. lui ini:.ic to* itarsns alamo. Oairca. i i mn a sui I...m.lau i Nsw.tirieausi <n>ui navaunab vaiiuau Citv of All mia. ( italleistoa -nins rOrast Klug, for Aautardatai Marianne NotteiioUm. il.a.iain. .ar., il.ty«l Alfred, f.u M. Ibourue. I roa, CetU'. lian,id, ii'-nlait), ir. lilia, liviuoulli. il.u sui rxl tuljini islan.l **niiiitl-.*-ie*iurrH rim.inna I'..ll.-II ll V Jilla... IIUHlU'l. ablpe Manbeat, bj. Haas*-**-*' "**ta itui-jntaui. lil i. >vv tup ('en nea, un tiuu Basaae a j iee. stiecBi i.AM-j ic-,. aOBDOJI. July 9 hteamer (lie. I.n Mun,,,*, ,Kr,. f||-t.tow. ii.-it sailed intiur io .iv im \^.s..rk. waal nsli-tre oeiotv .klliaj tu a lo*. mia s* ll. proUSUlr BS llualnl al Ibo ut«l e. lUK B>OV__afBN r di- SIHA AliUV Ko.Uilt.N PUB rx. i.ti..*, Jnly 1 vinv.-.i. Keassar rower Hill (Br.. An-iier. nu New-Vars Jun. I u ...H. Ju.v ". Ainvi-,1. sts-HBS- iii.ll Hr., llriliaui, HU ,V,w fork lune '. Jl VKN-I Wa lily Ulllr.l Ht,,,,,-. l,|(i, Kr. ti leS- il. from Nsw tink J aaa*, mi lin war '<) Liverpool sud ¦cae il- il i au ii. iv, juiv --sailed, BtraaasM .viieiit iBri. Cos r.i .s.». u a HOI ii BOAB, Juiy ii Arrival, aleamer BJ A hcbolleu iDuln a .rom N .ju V us lune llAvaa, lui) .1 --*allt-l. *UM.ucr BtBMSMSMS iKri, ds kursa tv. lot tim Xotx. NO MORE SEA-SICKNESS, AlB-BtOWB, IMB-HM Ir'.'aiel. Pear Sirs .I am fejippv to be. r tesriuioin lo rte xi itt j>«»j asor of tbs Hun. n I iver and Stomal li at as .1 r*vrnUv< it BSS-Blekaaaa a* 1 (Wbo a-litcrcd grearlv wlien. »e>. I aaa) on Hie sea) liavrn. wuiu ilia lad duli g thr»o '.<ua*ss neter felt the least ill. ulu.ougti part of ihe tims tis sea waa v«ry i ¦. i remain, y ...i tia v. .Mri MARIA PA! LI-KR. Kunu* C.I..NY. Morgan'.u. tppm MESrP*. ItoiaitJi Pad Co. ( Wiii you kin.l.r (.Mists me bf aendiijg three of vour lei/ ia. 1-..1 I iv r Pad. ms two friend, vlati t* try ti.'m I al-o wi*h one. I bare before bad two on* 1 gul in .Wu-.Z"tIar,<( iu '. tl. the ..tiler _. t n A' t's 'li '"i Tacit tune t, ry \nze ten ric, j a mariel motn ne. rho. MB also* groat be. p at aea, nt tb.-y Bet .* a erWMWls* io tret ttiamem nu iu<t <u> n sisrs leaviajj aaekiss .. S z fir Baa Kraor ;*¦<*, 1 nut ->n yuur «*ilrr*DI* .Ive. an.1 Si..aiuci Pail. Vt e imo .fc end eery /urana/ notes J.e. Bil Un.,uga sli 1 was in tbe mamet ,,f .rulth. and with your Pad I .aa lmv 1 aiiytvboro 0, ssa withuul tbo least fear of sa* oe**. your Ead it ont of IA* m"»' cainable artie'.ei thit Ain.rtea teer produced. Voiy truly. KK1.UKUICK a PtH'lKH A dlstlffnlfdisd writer In s private let'ter. describing a lou* rot-age, Mys: " I bs i.ett.Unlt-sd Hie oily pre ut. v.- cf S'-.-.r- that ls of auy r.a. a*n. so Ur i* I kn IW, I* Ibe 1'oiiuun I.ivrr sad "ttoinaoli Pad anl ev n Hilt ls ail ett¬ i's, iou* lu all eases, auhougb mauv o' tbe ;.. e., .,t, al lu tho highest i-i-n* of thia siur.ur.c " All Jiruggi*:a Pit.*.. $: on. IIOLMA.f' PAli O J . 1-0 W Lisna st. B, Y. FOUL DEPOSITS IN PLUMBING CBaera nekaee. and eieath. U*\ 1.1 Carbeteryetei ri-tsnisa eiltrclually. .-old nv all tlrt|irri*te. .V ll. li. i Hll.ll.f, 73 Mulile-n Lan N. Y. DRIGHT8 DISEASE la -Bused Uv aim-..', ex« I > resfi... n> vuiis du mirv, sjaall )- in i ITV dis 'i. e. fr.'. i.u... dtsaasad proatesM staai, auuiniia ¦¦ -I nit tee sad ie tu.i in- cured tviuio t lev oti.t, Our mae lie* c tr i tn* u >vi_ eui! lists itiun Hu ii uiisiu ss. au 1 t i *a«ii*. -'ri. te,.e. iiiu- era I rina Water corae the kLlaevaiaassa Ua'is -t ir>;>.r. bladder, .ravel Moue, liver, ma aria laanalce ai.d ttr*pe «ia. Phvsii-i in', tdri04 nil bom vt 1. li'tire tiuus au.I tu iiinalee ol cures free br ABABTBt MEDICAL BC BK A C. .i'll Bread aay. Haw York KKljifl HANDBILLS*-, 6x0, for *.,. |';.. 1U,UU\I phli-t Pilwin. Nt.te Hea.1*. *.-. L. MIlJliI.hHI Uti. its .*. THE TRIBUNE is publishing, at very heavy cost, a series of Special Cable Dispatches from Europa, either whiten by or authorized as a public expression of their views by prominent men in Europe, These dispatches will be a valuable source of popular information during the exciting campaign for Parliament now in p. jrese n England. Newsooys on all railroad trains are under orders invariably to supply custom¬ ers with ihe papers they call for, and to regulate their stock of papers so as nol tu run short Travellers who find that the newsboy has run short of TRIBUNES will oblige this office by reporting the fact by postal card and especially giving informa¬ tion a. tc what train it was. If a ocal newsdealer does not have a sufficient supply of TRIBUNES, readers can always order the paper by mail. They will save money thereby, as TH^ TRIB¬ UNE is only $8.50 per year by «.¦.... post¬ age paid. Mail subscribers will 'et thiir papers by the same early train as the newsdealers. BY MAIL, 75 CENTS PER MONT' Address change tl as often as nee? *arv. OFFICES TO RENT IB A few well lighted officoi OF DIFFERENT SIZES

Transcript of New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1886-07-04 [p 8].€¦ · *-i re brown i* berries froia iin-.r...

Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1886-07-04 [p 8].€¦ · *-i re brown i* berries froia iin-.r week's exp ian.. Mini acreebfskin werspealins* from theirparade. teill..| liatill's.


IF.TC KN Off ffBl BlH'NZi l> Uni AND 3'_1>.llr-COMKHiTS Off HIP PAY.

lt wa- hot (lay on th<> street* yesterday, Int tinBtiiftv aimoiv of lbs -sili Regimen! was like. NeboSltSdaesi it'-* turua, e. honied reSYOB times hotter*wh«*»t th'- boy. L'rithi-it'tl (or tbeir lourney to ci(iiii»Colonel GoOIgS r. i*i'(itt, whOSfl llMili* Iiii*) Oicilll".BO frequently in tbe Sha'er innis bsssttae ol' I.nSB_o»yow to aol tho new SISMNJ lite ul Nmet 101 lisi. for bis regiment, looked aboal Ibe old qnarteriBl Twilit v-*' v. ii tl:-.I. u 11,1 N ul li-nv.', wit li ev ul.iidiagnat and equally evldoDl loticnii: tor tlat* tim.wbss bia fun.ifni followera sliou (1 oeeupy tbetinew quait'*r<t. Lieutenant-Colonel P, A. Schilliin.

f(Mutant J, Ct. John-don. Quartermaster (;.>.ru.,. WontWi'Uh, ('"iniiiis.s.u v I'. Milli..m. f-urj-ooi(.'liar os Y. Braes, ti.'- sieves offleera si tin

lin.* witb 867 enlisted naen reported for dotyPromptly at ll o'clock lin* lino of inarch wa* tak»-iiu> ttatt th»* tool of West I wi'iitv-lirst-Nt., whir,tho KtoniiKT U'liry Ea Bishop was waiting lt) IS-roivo thom. Hu 1 un hour hitor lin* bswseifl trenasst "il and i io tlamport heeded Bp tho river foiPeekakill. Tbs bobbi mininer ot admiring wIysiand svvoolh.-ails wi-i.'un the* whiff lo wuvo thounsndkercMeta soil five Ute boys iu blue all sorts olg-*o I a.Ivie -tid wishes.

I bo vu il up i bo rivor was without incident. Tinonly c-ftiiall'cs lop nt td WSW ono helmet lost over-board and thr»to holcn imiichod iii tho -teamer"*BWOiOgl by tbs bayonets of BB many tull sous ollist*-, When thc Rios lick landing WM XSSebod tb*eoinpaiii'S wore marshalled bv their otHeer*1? Cotn'iiiiv. CapiHin Thoma-* M. VfUii-i(' 0 -tnpauv, I.ioiiloiiant T. E. Fra-er:DCsapsav, Captain George D, Gastowi BCom-I'iinv, <'..ptain £, Aiisriii (Iniii..nt; F Company,Licu'cnaiit 1'. M. Peats* U Contpsoy, Andrew A.«>alo*; and ll Ci 'tiipanv. Henrt (iiaune.-y, jr. lhemaro'; over tin* dust v mid to miiip wa.** ni .*.! try-itu. one. Ih.- -pu'*, mv* beat down on the dustyMBSSWBY ibat leads through tho marah to thrrump vt iib overpowi inn. fervor. the loniup-grade to the platens, whets the city of tenta (l, wat hiii'-'i. lae llth sad 32.1 regiment!win* drawn up i" haiti.- airav, waiting to roooivithen m:..s*"is ia camp tito. Ibe overworkedla d "t tbe Alban? 10th Battalion casie dowa bi .-iv* the new-comers and pat a little vigor int<th ii perspiring boiliee witta the stratas ot allegedBMI-baJ muse Headed by Hie hand, tho hil]ii) ni bad in r v lew before Ibe di [tarting regimentsdi*,'ii)''i -ti' d down ono of the teiit-liiiod stn its andt.M'k up i's week ol camp lifoThen tbe boraeward-oound re-giments mu relied

ib.wu un* lui aide, aero i be marab und ob io tatwaiting steamer. .Iu*i M iii v reaebed tbetrackiol the IfodssiB River road a train ofadoaencanpulled np and Coloite! Blonioet wnh 300 Been ol th<741ta l.'t-.iiiicui fi.>ni Buffalo disembarked sad tbeitn.k np their hoi and weary march over tinmuch-travelled road to eamp. Hie little steametl!i~li. ii. with il..- t\Mi i. Kitaenta of 375 men ear_ab-arn, resembled a orowded cattle boat lor dis.e..tai. i'. There were Mtidiera everywhere and inov.-it stage of andr bs and heat prostration, The**-i re brown i* berries froia iin-.r week's exp ian ..Mini acree bf skin werspealins* from their parade.teill..| liatill's. Th.* ina.l vt ho ho,il pu*'*-and foi in -i no beverages at war pncaion tin- Boa I WUK eirnpl; overwhelmed.arith im we-a. iii- men were piled about hitcounter six deep. All tbe way down to New-Yorkt.i ic waa a liue of Aftj men waltina oi schauocal the v\ni«r oonlor sud ito dtstribatora olrezitne it.ii lemonade were workeil to death, "Pvibaan al thia -ort ol thins eleTea jfnora," mu]Adjutaal Vas Vet (lute, ot tbe 3_J begriniiii. "iiii'l I never so Battened nalin mv lil". Tbal review on ibe broihnsparade ground aad match down Ibo duatv r.'udio lied witta kuapa_«kaa_idaUww thetoojihest ex¬pel lenee I evin hud,"

\ tai d: i u' r.r.-if.i-e-it. and trie Real River waiIliar.lo .il H |>. in. rltld (n'ouel Mi wurt jed tbe _ill-lani' llth npOraud'Bl. to the armory amid aa ad¬miring throng ot tiie inbabitaat** ol tbat region.Then tbe ab liner wenl overlo Div i D-st,, Will-i iiiisi.tii'-, v'lui- several Urand Arny i)"*?** werewaltina mo.c..ri Colonel Finkelai ier nnd ibe 23dto tbu armory ia Btogg-st.

THR TWENIT-THIRD GOES TO NEWPORT.INiiMiiMJ lu iiavk a jolly crrinish

AM) _> lt II. I.s.

Tbe23d Regiment, ft. o. & I*. Y. eel cut yeater¬day for its sainmer camp ut Newport, I'be campwill be occupied tbrouglioal tbe week nnd iv'! be

lump Wetmore io bonor of (Jeoi ge PeabodiWetmore. Gnversor ol K tim le leland, who haslunion ul. tin-foi.t-*. blankets aud n.-ut-i campingmar.ii ii* necemaary. I'be asea were formed ib ibearmory ib Clermont-ave., Brooklyn, and marofaed.rii»i strong in ton commands to Ibe Annex boat,whieh carried them io I'ni No. _**. Noi tii River,where thev boarded tbe stearne] Pilgrim, of tueFull River nae. The line of march aaa beaded byil platoon "I iinuintcd police followed by th.rcLiintiit band uml the life and (lunninin.. rho field sffleera uk* i olonei C.l. Kinch, Lieateeant I olonei A S. Hacon,and Major C. Wilton*, sui. Offleera.Adjatan ,

l.iciitoiiaini K. Vf, Kurd; qnartermaetar, LieuteuanlA, A. Tbotasoo; eommiaaarv, Lientenani Roliver; itiapectof ..frill.* praotioe, Cap'aio W,A< lireenland- chaplain, tbe Kev. Dr. S. R. Vandawater; snrgeoo, Major i.. A. Lewis; aaaistant -uri*.i, v\. I.. Spenee.A1 lin- Brooklynclnb-hoaastn ('lintun-st., whereu -i.m.11land bad been erected, tbe men passed before MaJor-GeBeral Molineux und Gei eralRodney C Ward aaa Colonela Everdell, Calvin K.l'i:n t iiiui John N. Partridge, tbe former co onela "iibe regiment. The "awkward squad "ol raw re-iuui.- were marched dowa the Iihi k itrseta bf ¦eergeanl that they uiiL'iit uni mar the general effect.'1 be vet. rui.mif tho regimen! do nol accompany iin-ineii a*, a body, hui many of thom iro along, inchprivate wore fal uniform, white helmet and leg¬gings, knansaek and overcoat. Tbe bmboleo earned cap ami bloSBh two innisol white troaarra, fonr extra pairs of white glovesand t-vo chests extra wore a lowed te. euie-litt'iiipaiiv. <'n Ktiduv afternoon gdetail composedol tue qnsrtermaater and nilli a Iib* of men nonieuell mini).un wein to the ramp (.'lound io neteverything ready for the men's lar.uing ibi« uium-iag.

I he boyado nol prep.".)* to make a State drill outol thia camp, bnl a reritable picnic from -tart toliuinli. lo-ui_bl IbeJ will wive a leoeptloti to the(..noni"! iiiui Malo officiate of Rhode leland sudtbs people ol Newport, di Wedneeda** HenryClews will give tbs meu a recaption ut ins pince,"Tao Kooka." On I'baraday (iovt-iiior Wetmorewill nive- ihe-in another reception. Companyll wtll (five* an exhibition drill for thebom-fit of a Newport charity. Battalion drill foracouple ol boora in ii.t- n t.n.n.p andadreaa paradet-\i ii ultoriioo'i wi i in: oonaidered a duy'n work.'1 be mon will i:ike their moala at the Oe-an House,ami -ea batbing han Deed provided or. I ai li oltiie ton eompaaiee bus nbecribed from .f.iii to $?..foi Hiswotka wbieta will ht* used lo-night, lt isMated also tbat ordeie on tin* commissary foruiovo, plpe-cisy oi hool polish may be caabod, itdoaireo, ia a wai winch wi l eompietely out-gen¬eral the Khode |>iand 1'iohil'it loinsts. Tbe streelpraradc waaenthoaiaaticolly cheered by tbe Brook¬lyn people, bul tbe sev'tjio heal a;id du*tt made thoboys actualIjf " hud tin* lcm earih us they walkedsiong."

captain Mccullagh explainkHE TlluL'Ulir lill. MEK.ll.NO WAD ll lll.IC-.MK.

I'OVVUHLY UOKS I ll) VI K.General Msatsi Workman Powdetiy aoecesded ia

MMtving tbe city yeaterday ami will spend _>nudn*jat hit* tuiiiif in ".(runton. Early yeaterday morning,in company with tbe BBembcrBoftbeQeueraJ Exec*alive Hoard, be len lite Harrell Hoaae aad went totiie Canard steamship wharf to sui good»oy toPrestdout Campbell and other membersnf tbs National Glaaa VVorkei-1 Aaoociatioo,wbo sailed for i.iiglaud on the Umbna. On hisretiir.t ts ih- Hurivti Hoaae vh. Powderly bad an*other esosttltattoa wup tbe Troy Knight*ot Laborte. race w hut ai ti'Ui should no trike-n uluuil th" Bl rakeol tba stove aorkera ia lheemploy ol Eu ler, VVsr*i.-ii iV ( o. Aaa reoo.l of tbeeoowrenee Mr, Baileywill gs to Troy to ass if u eettiemeni cannot beiiiu'io. Beloreetartiagfor i-craoton Mr. PowderlyMild that the lien era I i.xeeutive lJ.-relwould tV-ud a lotto* to baperinteadeulMiinav. askiag for aa explanation ot thc looperInion episode un I'bar-day night,Mr. Muir.iv saul thal ne bad not seen i or lie-aid

fixnn any ol ihe Knighta ol Lubm in regard to thetnutte-i bs yet i u [ii a in John ll. Mccullagh, ol the.**e\cnntuili Precinct, coiled on bim at PoliceHeadqaartera, however, and bad a talk wnh lumin rogaud to th.- trouble, Ue will moko a formalropori "ii Moiiiiuv. iou IitiHiN. repoiter Captain.t.i cu..a>rii ij.u.ii ibo lol lo tt mg titatcment :

I cami into tiie* st .Hull etliuui 5. l'J ji. ni. DU J.nir-.l.iykitti .-. 1." I'-. :¦ .. ..... >--... '- Hie lac I tbflOHltrr (iuini, win. 1* .1-ijt l.-tl kt lin- CoojH-r Liilun. Il.tJbrought wald ever tram Mt, Wingina, ti>- |aeit«r.l*, tiikt taara *»« tu se ¦ taiga labor neetlag latue Inr-te Unit tb tiiat lie Waalad u.e-tj. a%s nnt myiiuiy, j #eni orrr bbsiuI 7.ito o'e-.i-ck with a eretiaa 1 l.iUUal Hie .It.oi* ., .n,U *eul lUe lueli Bp utshe bale.g aatll saab tlsse aa laev nnxiit bs i.e. .ie.i.Thara oars tiien aheat 250 aiea ea Hie *i(lewaik. i temMr.MagtaB ... ;..'.. mc con Von doors laoopfiioti alt ut U o't.O'-k. Tiie men ou Hiesinews.k were a respr. uitjie-l.tukiue s.-t.and 1 coi.t ii.le.1 tu*l 1 ,i,.i imi uo. tithe oitUf-r* omi aent them beek te tha Boneo i fa.vAlauuill tue Pu..ul ¦!». fur uwuiao, uiui lufure I I. ft [u'lr«cl« between -too Bini ot)t) un li lli.Te. I tuii Mr. VU-.ajiiiii thal 1 won .! leave Ksusdeiaau lyXeerite ut mebail, and ma toou a* iii* elixir* wen- o,ieii".l Be BOBBI Sus

al waa |*uli.K nu atitl reiHirl lo me, if li" .-,- .j monturu. I never ur.-kitirU i .kt Ide iu.-eiiiia( w.t* private.Ab .ut H PO o'e-lt.cli 'j'Kijiirke i-rtiue or.-r kiel ski.I i..,,t uWk* a ila-' sseatlBg, ana ib*i »<.u,. of itu- aaa oltjaetedlu lbs j.r. .erne ul u.e aaihlB, But tliey i.k 1 i.-ia lola ..nutu.u m.- u.e rt. wa* ai k private eaansetatr, I lus.ruiiedlinn to ko bkik kitti rr,.uii tu mc waa u ...

lt waa tiirD that ba *». retussiad tu wttadraw mri to: ilb j . ll t. is k ju .ti ..i.t it,sall.i_ lu d.-caiula: _- to Uo a., ..-

U»ed nail Jildk'u.eut, for I WOUiJ Oe one of liiB IMI BieB 111lae SepeitUoeat te leterfara wku apriVkts Busetiaa uttbat kiud. I tinpe tue Poiioa n. i..,» * will in.ikso iiiui.'tjwb laveallgatiea of tim nOn.t, at l tm uk nienews,taper Bli acta ou im eou.iaiii are* auiunjust. I 'Ud uo more tu.ti, my duly, lu convectionwilli lilla lue reci.Kls of Ibu departBSBBI (bowtliat BSO0I eleven years ego, wr.rn 1Wk* Brat sent to ibe Pareuteeuili Preeluet,Irclieve<: C*|itkiu .*-e*n.ert. ('bur..--1.*.. bera j.referie.ia<aiu*l lalin for not i¦-ati.j_¦ mon st a public lui'ellbi; au.!Be Wks im* nf'.e.-i. ilkVs' j. .y kiid ww* seal to latioiPrrBareciiiet. Willi Uttcer* Uuub aud bclievauk 1 uau uollt*

inc to .io. They Bsattsallf bslssg ts tbs¦svestssath1'ie.Iuct, but ne dctailoi! fer duly st the Cooper I'uluti.

A, HAWK AND A\ OWL FIGHTING.A vonni* In n hawk eTM takes to ths rootia,f<»rie

in th.- at l astral Park sa Friday by JohnA. McLaughlin, who captured it st vi ru! weeks agowhile haoting in the mountains near Green Haven,Dntcbeaa County, The bird BH*a_aree nearly threefeet BStWSSS til'' willa's. Jt in Dilly ilhotlt throe't-uurt. ih growa, it is Ben e aad pagnacioaa andwan taken alive with much ditlieultv. It wa*

Mased is a large ease Atliuinmi* a big _ray owl.rhe owl boa beea io tbe nark collection for iomalitOS and its eves have Leonine ucruntomed to thehunt rm that it can diatioguiafa objeetl finite will inthe dav tim.*. It soon discovered the haak throBgbtin* wire partition and Battered it* urtn-s foratiitht at once. The hawk responded and a ekir-inish was maintained all day betweeeat he two.I lie haw k. with its kc n eyes and (|iiiek move-

inentH had tho adTSfltage and it carried away¦oma l:ii_;**> ISatbere iron, the owl. Hut whoa ithad her..m.- dark the owl renewed the -.tit andrsgained his advaatsso, Both eotabataatj worewearied yesterday niorninir, but tho hawk hidagain become victorious while thc owl held LacKwaitiiiK for night to come on again,Several monkeys have hoon presented to tin* men¬

agerie during the seek one of them niven hy Mr*.Robert H. Roost-volt, is dreeesd in short skirts andSiinei niendent CoBKllB has concluded to inducecrowlev. tbe Chimpanzee, to wear a similar attireafter the warm weather ih over.


DISCIPLINE ON THK I'.RIDfJn.J. C. Houglanrt. superintendent of l!rid_e tranv

portation, emphatically deuiee the eharne jnih-llabed yeeteidav that bs exerciser*, a geri si tyrannyover the comlin tors and other employee underhim. "lt is false,''Said be, " and 1 think thepeople who read it wiil suv so; at least that por¬tion of the j nhnc who know m*. I do not linn strict aa re,* mis d.-cutline, bat bow caaI he OtberwUe und pei torin my duty to tho puhlic TThink of tm- tboaaouds of live* ai.- entreatedto us daily aim then ask wby shoold I not hu Beru*

puloualy exact alioiit everythiag under nu*, ll 1overlook ono alight brassi* "i ipiine I nh.midhave to shut my eye* at the in-xi greater one und so

on nntil there would be bo order et ail. lt is notti net, however, tlnit thi* Statement rolloats the scnll-menta of all the men. Tbe nsloritf ol tbem antboroogb-goiag, careful banda eras never need tolie si ..ker' I') nt nil. fl is only il fol* . kicker*,' ifI mav so put ii. that are telkiag ia this way andiknow pretty well who Ihey aic These low makeall the fuss, if then* is unv. Thi* position il io.

sinecure, hm so loni; nu I bora it i .intend to inuin-tuin diseipliae nt any cost."'



Hofivan House' Congreg-iBaa Jeremiah ILMurphy, oi Iowa.Brand Hotel.Toa nev. Ur. Her¬rick Juiiiistjii, o.* Chicago*

.. -e>-

KEW-YUBX (UV-"A. R C.*.Unsealed."J. M.,'- Pearl st. B. wins.

There were l,ff22 arrest* lust weela-.Mayor's Mar-hal Byrnes Inst week is>*>ueil 9-10

liccnisea nmi r.-.-.-i*. .-.I B-2.B7B a".t).

Thc etrandod attoamer Miranda, which weillanhui. on Point Ju.inn two week, ago, arrived innon yesterday.The live destitute Arabs brough! here from the

Mediterranean on the Burgundid win returned yes¬terday (j.i inc »s;tm.- Bteatner,

i**enator Van Wick, of Nebraska, aim Congress*mun Heneleraon, e>t i ,v.-,., have each aenl 83 i" thtI, uk n rr: i famine lund,

I'he steamer C. H. Northam, Instead of leavingPeck eiipat 3 p.m. to-morrow, win muka nu ex-cni-i'i'i t" New-Haven, starting at :. a. m.

Tbe body of a man supposed to ho one of,theAustrian salton who were droviod last winterwu-- loiiiei \esterd iv in ine Nonh Uiver.An interesting programme "f music baa been pre¬

pared tm thia evening's eon erl in tbe Nen- CentralPark Garden, Fifty-uinih-st and Bightb-ave., byNeiiciiiloiU's Oiobeaira of seventy pieces.

lhe Bobemiaa Brethren Presayterian Churchlins been incorporated. I ho temporary place ofworsh'p ie at No. 636 '.aat -Ixth-sL, sad tin- Rev,Nun cut Piaeb ia pastor,Patriotic people who wsni a Fourth of Jnly

li veli but noiseless will Und satisfacl ion to das midto-inoirow in visiting tbe Mouiter-Mcrnina. Battlelil MildlS'.U I V r.

.lol n K.miiii, age fi I *-f"iir, of Vo. Ill Bond .t.,Brooklyn, loll overboard hom a lloooken lerrv-boot yeaterdaya Ho was rescaned by a deck handfrom n tu,..Joseph Miiimv. ri painter, ol Tentb-ave, nnd Ono-

bundrcd-and- ttirtj -'ii -i *-'.. wus taken to ili«- Man¬hattan Hospital yesterday, lofferin. from leadpoisoning.Ihsodore Kindlemaa. age ftftssn, of No. 17 Riv*

iii.ton-s'., (iis.ituie red trom hil borne on Thurs¬day nigut, uml *-_.'><». tin* s 'vin^s of Ins mother,has been missing since tbat time,Frederick Block, age thirty? ix, of No. f.2f> Rael

Niinli-si.. waa run over by his track, from whichh.- foii, and lustiintiy killed last evening inA venue A.Archibald Wilson, who lives nt Ono-liundrei'-rinil-

t a.-iii t-ii;t.,--l. uri.I r.-ni'i- iv., wus kui.ul lualevil 11 nu' by uu i ru o.iiin .' lu in o.i I hu UudaOU li iv ii

ta'uilrttad.I'harlea C. Tut t, sprinter, wa: taken to Belle-

vin Hospital yestierday from Third-ave. and Porty-emili hst., wheie be waa found with u pistol abo!wound in the good Democrats were made happy bj Col¬

lector Hodden yesterday. HenryC Mc llvane got*a eleikship at .fl.Jon, .lime's A. Hall oue al tt2 56ii duy, ami John .M. heOihlll un luapeetoiship at 84.Esther Halliday, age twenty-eight, a Scotch

woman, waa lurnea om of her home nt Sn. 'Al 1 rr-iOne-nnndred-aud-tnird-et. on Friday sight fornon-payment of rent. rihe baa five email children, noni'.iit-v and her lni->huiui u u prisoner oa Blackwell'sl-lund.The Philadelphia und Reading Railroad Companywill run a special excursion tr.un to .Manon

chunk and Olen Unoko to morrow, lt will leavetho too; of Libetty-st, nt 8:18 a m. and will reachNew-York ou itsreturn at 9 p. m.

TbeUallandet Clnb of deaf mntea will Pave anexclusion "ii the steamboat Long Branch to IonaIsland on Wednesday, July ll. the boa! will louiel.u-1 I'wi-niy-iliird-si. al S: III n. m. and We t1 ivonti-lii-ti-si. bali un houi later.Qeoerai J. H, Hobart Ward, a deputy clerk of

tbe fcuperiorl curt, who ia attending tim rounwu ut(ii "t> -hm¦.. i.< the only surviving Oeneral olIiivi-ion ol the l'nird Army Corps, and commandedlt*.ooo men in the fa nous nutilc. lie ia a veteranalso ol" me Moxie m iv ur.

Hot weeli folly and fifty ped!.is and owners ofpuah-earta, most of whom were selling fireworks,were arrester! yesterday for obstructing the side¬walks ia Broadway, Park Kow, Naasan aud Fultonstn. 1 linty ol th. ni were hued rp*i each liv Just iceMurray at tbo Tombs aud five were fined bom .?-tO$B

The lirst anneal regatta of the Msw-RocbelleYacht (lui) will take place on Wednesday, [beBteamboal Blackbird will leave Hudson Park Dockut lUiila. m. The Alluntie, S'lirrauhaka. Pelham,Larchmoui,Oyalei Hay. New-Have ami UreeuwichVin hi i lulis vmii participate in tbe races.The American and Foreign chnttian rnion. of

which the late Kev. it. Van Norman WSS recordingsea nial ,, retsina its full corporal)' vitality, with aboard of directors of whuh the Kev, Ur. WilliamM. Taylor, is preal lent. li alao maintains anactivity iu '¦'reiu-ii evangelisation which is proof offidelitj to ns true miaeioia.The aimt'-ii convention of tho Baainesa Eda-

.atora* Association ot America will he held in thucay from July 7 to July ll. The formal Openingwili tiike place iu ihe hull of Tack id's BusinessCollegs, **". **05 Broadway, en Wednesday at lp.m. A public meetiag wtll ho held tbe sameevening in Unickeriug Hall, ut jvbieb addresseselli be made by Mayor (irace, J..(lue Larremoie,ez-Uovsraor Chamberlain, tbe llev. Hr. J. M. Buck¬ley, and others


BKOOKlaYlf.Tbe tlir. e pul)lio srlmol pupm wiro attalue*.! hl.liest

rank sti.i eua ax-Mayor Lowe prise* ar<- lame* I:, lim.Bett* of Ma. 15; Man M. Koliiiis.ui, ur Nu. iti, una Will¬iam beusVaa, uf n.i. i l.PreSertek R. Leoekwaod, sn srrhrtr-cr, breach! suit

aaalusi in* wife r..i separation on ihagrona t ol Inhamantreatineat, **ne retaliated hy arkin_ ror *u abawlutseiivurt-e. ian.I .Jusliei- V.n Wy ok iruvo Itel ju I.inn.t .,i,,iBlMBoay nt iii- rata i.r fl'J a tae.-k.

All tile propeiil.*, t*ir.-ei» ami neut* of Messrs. IIIU-.r a m.a,ii, in tba criterion Taeatre will in-sui.i .a

siifi gs sala on Matnrdsy on .t loelcmeat lur |1,188 forri-ut BBOMrad ny Ihaawueret tha bttudlag. Mr. Waite,JaaueaBauadlot Be* diraeteS a decree to ba Dinered

a.Hiiiit iii* lue I. uria, rms Ails* Bteemebln orapany' Ailsa aa* rut: mtu iiy a barite Wfelet wai li, tugtow. .1 by nie Baale, snd damaged s*.',(i')').Ea-Paatmaaier MeLeer ..« stet lei reeelved a leeswood

bed room saltation] tbs ai ji ayeaol tim Post om.e.There ia *uii s goad deal uf alarm la tue Fuuneeniii

Wara over ina appearance of eevoral i-a»e** or eraallpuiu.ri.-. Oas pbyaicaaa t*s;miate*iii i.i.ei uv*r I.0OU pei.sou* wura va. ciualifd iii tbat .1.strict yrs:, rtlav. AdumMayer, bis uti* aad roar ebal Iron,et Nu. 7i Nerta Kiftb-sl., tisri* b»ni sent to tuee Iiu*|Ulal.a ffoepel mmperaeea ma. tia* win ba he-;.t to-Btahl in

iiioKusi Piaes MmIio.ii-1 Bpiaeapol Cbarcb toproieeilt...lust tin* lire-*.-nt wlitilcsai.. );c.-ii»iii.' of ilia.i.sii.iit*1 be Kev Dr I K Punk, ( ulon' i ic & Ubarara, uf Louie-ville, anl ulbei* sui -,,. ...

i.i..-tiii- llghtaara ta diaaol the gleam e.f Piith*avsIajv. ir. w.ii nae lo-tako iueiii»e:ivos io l-'ourtli-ave. lorquiet walks.Preeldaai 4_4erson, uf tn-* Beat- ot fdaeeuaa afDlstnctMa. 2. Kast New-York, wael to Ait..,i.y set'rr-

day lu *ciur<. Mis rriouv ai ol six mr ii, ur rn ,,r nie Boardand haves ilie-u eujoiuad lrom laetiiu tiiiriu^ tim appeal'lue formal eorapiaiul *si» lunn tnat u,v B..ard baaiisc.ime a r*pi tia.ii. unit .*,. praeaadlag. aregovaraed*oieiy hy punnu*. «u.i that ina. laalr-.i..ze.u members m(|iioslion have Blsgraeed ll.riu*elvu* aud the Can**-, ofeducation.

AB EEERt ipa,: rum t .-I aha i sat a LIOBEMETba "ld Board of Kadee ia Bood-at reeelved a

pr.,I. «t re-alrrelm Ki^.r.i p- Obarlei A I'..ns. snri_l clsrirnen ai .1 stael j, Mauieai elil_aa* s.sln*taiantiaitallc«__.)to the p.op.l'I..: Bl lbs liauai St.tir no.* urina flt. .1 ,o ....,i, av- ami Kiri,-i.i'iti. sr. 11.. uo_r,| a-avo notice iobtr ov, la.i tlisi uo Uceusc woutd he (Taatsd.


Till"" WVgJll-riBST OOIKO To IIAHLKM.T.'ir. nf.W-

PORT KNCAMt*MKNT.VETFIU-H' RKL'MONS.Tlio71st licpinicnt will aHscnible nt (he arm¬

ory at 7::>0 a.m.,to-morrow in full uniform, with white hel<men, tsiiitu eros* holts, whits trouiers snd white glove*,anet tsking tlieosr* un lbs elevsted rsllroad at Tbirty-tii'.ril-st. ari 1 -uti.-iive., Hil gu to I Ur e 'ii tu taits part,hy special luvllatloB of a committee of citizen*, in theon*>1 anl lentil anniversnry celebration of ths

Deelaratlaa of basspaa lessa colonel MsAlsta bsa ii-.ucilia circular to this me-uher* of Hie regiment, remind-lint thrin the ohl " American Uusr.t " should on Histoccasion parade with full rank*. It 1* ejp.'O'.S'l that theeuiutii.-tiiil will parade In eight companies of slttoeti fl ins

each, with En.ti'a 71 st Regiment Binti of forty pieces*snd a full druin, life snd bugle corp*. The field und s'siTwill he mounted. The parade wlil oo In tim cuoleit partof the day and very short. Major K. T. T. Msrsti. sur¬

geon of th* regiment, will liars three itretrhrr* curriedon the raar.'li, sn 1 if sny fall by the wayside they willbe well csred for.Company D, l_tb Uoglrcent. Captain nieecltir S. Bar¬

nard, left thi* city last oreuing for Poughkeepsie, where.

the command will tske part In ths Fourth of Julyparade tomorrow, returning home In the events..

There were elJhty-flve mon In the ranks when the line

wai formed st the srmory af 3 At) p. m. Marching to

the foot of Hiirrlion-it. tho company etnbsrked on thePoughkeepsie boat, whlcb st l, o'clock stared on thn

Journey up Um Hudion Uiver. The men were lu tbeMtste lervioo uniform, with whits helmet*. knsp»srk*rind orercnat* rolled, sn,I preiente.l a very soldierly ap¬pearance A* the stsamor p***ed Milton on the Hiid»onthe company wa* greeted witu firework* dis-

piitye.l un the cmiiti't* of Roswell H. Minne, ohaaa kaaS*j-muo mansion w..s illumitiat'-d witu 1 ni ems and atayly(leeor tied with fl sc-. Captalu Ilarnar.l re-

siumi'.e.l with s volley of hliink cartridge* andDrum Kajar McKay struck up "Tlio fi ri I leftBehial M>-." Then Hie steamer blew Ihree whistle*.

Twenty ¦laates later Company I> landed St I'migli-

keepsi* The ltftB-vepatate Oempeay, Captala winiamQaubeanestel, receive tim visitors an secortad themta Hie Morgan Hone* wln-re Hie proprietor. Mr. (iriLu-s,iuui spares no pain* to provide pleasant* lur them. Miain-at. w us al.laue willi barningharrel* and flieWoi'K*. sud the people aloin; the romegave the Now V'nrk cutiil'aiiy a cnrdtal reception.Amopgtbe exerelse* to-iuori-nw will he m exhibitiondrill in Kaetma i's Part*.

iiir -Bnmtnr*t Aeseelatlea af tbe 37th Regiment,New-York Volunteere, ami 1st New-York VeteranCavalry" will '.. lebrate the tw-nty-rirui uiiinver«sry aflhe battle of li ill Hun by a two dav*' reunion atKorbeater, N. x., oa JBlj "I and 22. Many of lae pi n* railroads alva reduced taree lo ti.einier*and tbeir fsimli s, and n la sbpeeta*dibat there will ba a larae gathering ol ihe veterans aadlhatrIrtenda, Lieutenant-Colon*! C. i. Wells, formerlyof tne im New-York Veteian Cavalry, chairman uf tbeExecutive Committee, Tkibunb Buildtnr, wm civ* fulln fur in it iou tu iiuike uh.. ad .1 i-f* linn wnh r sard ta Inacelebration. The pr.snle nt of the BSSoetatlan i» Cbsl les.*. Baki r. member of I nugree* lrom iii* Bot bester ins-ti et, snd lin-«¦.( isiarj i* Captain Henrv I. .Achilles, nfiiiu etty. Roeheeter contributed nany members tn

both legtinent* snd will tba veteran* a w inn re*i. iu Inn. Ti.e eserelse* i,r tin. tirar .lav will beela .1 tluSi's >.i.urn ll ill a,t 10:30 a. m., nu.I eleiee with -.

Jinner ai ** --, t.. The neal ¦;.>. ibu retearan* will Beeas One excursion anti dinner al ('harli.tte, on Lake On.isiio. Oeneral ll. W. Hun-um, who eorurnande*<! HmTwelfth irmv Gorps in l**'ii. was ibe r>rst Colonel olHie '.'Viii pei me n'. and tva* bailly wounded at lbs baitl->WbO_S muller arv ll '"Ut IO he rsleHrsted, Ile ls imwIII limn;,'-, Inn "ins aid rhl-1-ul-.I.' S, (i.-iirr;il II. C.

Rosers, Oeneral Jee-eph J. Bartlett, Ibe second Colonel..r iba realmen l, noe Deputy Cnn >t.1**lnner o' Pension*at Washington, A. H., abo was lavlly woantled,i ihe *u.'i - light, .fi I many other well-known men wm

i.e. presentTue site of the eamp of tbe i'.". i Regiment In Mewpori

ls nol i pleasant one nut lt iseinveiitently sam .ted. ltI* in th" reur ol tho ' kiesil Hun. . un fronts on tim hotel.tattles. The streets in tim nalgbtiorbeod .!" usuallydu*ty, imi _ mi" Hu- root men! I* in esrap they will pronably ne sprinkled. Under the supervision »f Captain Bf.Iii ireeiilaiid, Inspeatorofrtlto practice, lha eamp sranndla«l week wa* thoroughly prepared for I is ise o i ba i . -.i-

ineiit. a sreat deal of work was req alrad in layias laepaeessary drain" us ,1 .| ep *ir..tu ii of day IBssn ri.i.- wbleb ar a.. i- u run will retain Iba surface wai.-rf..r some um". vv,ater is conveyed to the campin pin.-* leading Ir.un tba elly. Il)'* tent*wbleb hare beru loane to tbe r dm mi by the anther-liles ul Rhode I- laud, are floored with p a cit pins ¦aad the cuiup presents anea) appearance. The Bl t* Ul m.fell to mea'.- in the Ocean 11' adi.' iii two tte*tiat liinent*. The iitL'e dliniiL' hall ha- been ri'hlv ileeor-sled, .vi om'eu.i is a larae portrait nf Oeneral Oran!» ii run ui.-I hy IU.«, and la Ibe midst of them enrlrelibr a wreath af evergreens the numbai " -ii.'' Donna ihe.lay ol iii.- regimen reception* will ba given lo tha ort!t-er* by tb" Ooverr.or, by tleary ti ws and others. Onsnf the i-.i.i. ii.ii.k-. will sive a laney ''r.n at um shaun..rink ior in- bttnafltal. of tbs local charities. Theic iv uni rou,m..imus quarters af Um Bu.iaeas Man'*Association have I.-, n placed al tbs dteptwal ol lbs .'Hi¬rers, I lu- n.en will !¦.* ai ii ite ty io ... where Ibey pleasebetween lhe lions prescribed for morning drills and.ires* arade, amt tin- prospect ls that they wm have atil'll.Ililli Dane. .lames Cavan tull has Ordered Um 69th Ii.¦ai¬li..-Ul to it.*.'midi, at tim nim..ry lui Inspection nenl inn-.iy bi ** p. m. iii -tate Kervioe uniform nnd equip¬ments, I. lu ck lie me ls ts ll li iii- lg m. inn fa-1.ii i."I un linu .: ut'un .1 tbs iuui.-, kaap»eeka with overcoat* ro led,bavrraaeks and raateeus hanging outside <>! lha waist-bell lrom I lits riL'ln soonldar to Hie left *l le. and tho pre-scull'"! * .Idlers' kal III Ibe kn ie .ck. lieid, sall antiline nfllcera Will rej. rt to Ihr ('..uii-l iii tali_ii» nuifo iu

sad equipments with overcoat* rolled in sllna* Tbaiion-euiiiiiii»« stall and Hell inusio elli re|uiit laAdjutant James Moran. Tba ot.Jeet ol His iBspaelloa .»

i.. si.¦. '. ii every ma ls In propel air ruy (or ibe lonr ol (

camp duty of lae reximent, which w i. beam ai I'- u<-kill next Saturday. '-Cini we r.-unn from ramp,"( tiiuii.ti ( says in bis eider, Neverj membermoat Bat avau fur a moment fer«at that be 1* a so ...i

and a ueiii.einaii."lue folloWDK nlliiir* and limn of Company F, Till

KealmaaifWaia braaeni bi aseb of the iweniy-nine drtliior ihe pasl season: Captain Daniel Appleton, Ututeu-satsFrank faa ana* mid itr.uiir.ii ,i. -ii.nii; eetKeatate.linne* I), hord. liieuil.tie Italicork. jr., Hint Morton lt.Hts lui erporal* F. I V'..n BaasehotBn, li. a. Tower*bu i: Iward I'. Bperry Privatai w ii Allen, C. li. Am¬it .-ima", c. x. apple ton, Im U'-y lieus. Oeorjtt* A. RriKbt,i;. (,. Bnnckerh.'lf, Jr. F. w, Badd, ci. Baraham,(..niue K catii, i'. I. Comfort, li. lian, jr., ll. Liasea-dorf. O. K. Dudley, John I. liivin.. Johu ll. Hibbard,|r., ti I-.. VI. Ile)d_e, A. tl .In-siiit, li. T. .las-tip. (loaver*ueur Ken.uie, jr., F. B Kennedy, ir. w. Maedons il, \v. H.Marfsrlan, ri Mapee, .1. \V. Mason, C. I.. Mazttatd, (..I). T.lilian, .1. XV. l.lvlnnis, (. T. -lark'-u, H. J. Bell ll-msrher, c. Behumseher, J. ll. Taylor, CLW. limm and! I- A. Mi 'Alpin, of UieTist Betlment, who elli

mill tor I..trope tie xi axpeeis lo he abeaat foriwo mumba, Ha haa been In tll>Uaaltb and tho trip i*advised hy bis pnysietaa,Tbe M Jata" of Company u.. Tin Beeimcnt, medea

llyliiU Visit IO tne Male ( imp al Te. -.skill SSI *-il:,.!»v.rue) were myally i-ulei lalim ny Um ..liners of th" I I iiili.-.'iiie-iii. in.* Uajar Prank A. Junes, wau .'waa lorineiiy a mamhar or the compaay, left uotbina un- ''.lunn io make ile ir stay in eamp pteaeaut.

lin. 1 liu an.i .ha K- .nneiii* have beea rrreatly Im¬proved ni dull anti illM.ii'ilijo hy their tour of duty al tuef*tato (.'amp. A* tliey lusrcnit'l lo lb) lr ai .nones ou llielrreturn <»t BVeBlag, wnh Broase. laces eui lue »tea.n-ii.-s > ai'iin.r.-.i ny o week's drill, they preseated a greatcunt ru*i to Ibe body of pala-faaad moa v>iiu lhe weeknature Bmb >i ked for PaekskllLAn opinion hy .1 iidr.i-A'lvoo,'ite General U'lllism M.

Ifni* in rriraul to a queaitea aakad by Captala M. W.Marvin, couiuisudlns mo 33d flopatete Company,rrlattug to enlistments in hi* command, his BeenIsenedla aelrculai n> urdrrof theOuvernur. lu naeBeys; -I i.e fails Bppeanaa ara that toe compaay tnqoeaiioa waa muaterad mm ihe service May itu, i-*i'.,,ami OB Ihe lilli day ut July lollOWlliK formed B civil ot*JtaaMlSallOB *litl|.teil liy-la***, a Sopy Ol which as Stilemilled. Hy their tenn* all proposition* lor membershipsmust be utaile in writing uglied by tba sjtpiu ant. j nesppltcattoa mil*! lu* submitted Kia leernitin. i'iii in ri, |ami on ita favorable report tho anulieaut ls to be ballotedlui- bf tbO inemh.r* Ol Hm comp,ny. These by-law*have, however, bees practically obsolete (or the past fouryear. No evil n.eetiiius have heel, 'iei.1 dunn, n.,t Hun'.nor have Iba by-laws ln-«n recognised in any wai.I be qursiioa asked M, Whether aa tbaea facts ibe oaptam eommaeSlBj] eau culiat mea withuut regard ti. Iliilr*117-117. . . . Tue scop- aad ettet; ol tii-si- provtileaa la aol ta compel, bnt merely to authorize aad ner-IUii tim ul guli ia I ou lu military bodies ot cu*, ll or.., n [ ,.lum* or MS-uclatloii*, and tu prnri le thal, when Inch au.r_aul_atioB ba* hara formed, ita in -i_w* eball eoutalsi-eiiaiu .sseiitntl rules, and shali pravi le amongst oilierminas ior the election ui recruit* tu BMmuersaip lg meoivll oraautsaiioa liefors they eaa eater tue military *er- I "vue. Tbe provisions la tba teaiulaiiuus <|<> nut m any -1way slier IBe permlBSlVs language of the Military *

nd.-. In-T only lane rHccl III Cale* where si.ivii argaaisatloB b_» baan funned, n,,. iUCll


irgabisatioaa an- nm eeeeatal nor obluratory elesriyappears trum the UBgnaos of lbo*Military CuOr ;.'wi lob le, mat Hu* uIHcers nf ..ny regiment aa tbe men»era of any troop, batt. dS or oompauy 'm.y urgam/eIheiu-oive* Int.. au n**ueiatleiii of Which the Ciimiiiand-bk uillcer shall hepreaMtaat.1 Were liuie* 146.147 tobs so eoMsiroed aa to prsclade the peaelbihty of enlist*uent exeepl lu the manaor pre*eribed, they would har*he .||. it. lu order-,-ia! ie, rnitnii' mi'in can Ind DBit all, of a .-'.i.i'.- i requiring tha exlstoaoe of a timir. a in/, .lion "f uiui|...nles. . I. appears lliat Hieay-laws n ivs beei mn .it.*u'i-te au.l tba oivll rgauii itlon.lieu lulu'le-ii'iuii. lt I* also to he BOtetl l_at lldiiember of u.e ruiii|.siiy nor of the civil organizationali* Ior or seeks Uij-ofuroeuiein uf tiiesn by-laws C)unub ruct* the iivdaws must i,. treated as, and the c. iii (...ny mini iie view-d Inlianne m. effectiveetvll organlsatloa, | ti




The question lb. n oecersaa to tba right sod autaaritfif tim,.wandu.ih er. iii. provisions of lue Mmut i u la us eon ta. ne 'I lu Ami,- li, UJOCtloai I", ll .mlI.', du not ilelliji- Who f ri .ii BBI a- re. ruiliug olin rs, J ij.m.horny of lha eaptaia Boeordiaat lo military aaaae,,i,.i under Um broad llu.e 105, i* certalulr.nilli -tent io warraul bu acting in thal eapadty. ii-.- tiefiue.f term* »i Military Code i- u.e nain ol alleslanw. io he*ter.-.l ny hun, and aft.-r this I- dorie, ilBe enlistment papal ba otherwise rn |n.,|i^r form,'iiuily rema.ii- to s-1 in* tia-- appro*, al of u.e commandingirMa-er of lae erganlsailou te wbira tBe eompaar i* at-.u lied, a lieu the enlistment became* fin .1 aud er).-ctive.ll .te Hie liiuitir, tiier.-fi. e, to ,-e tn.u ¦] t... ai il,., tn ,ue-eiitid ( apt.uti .'tliiiviii n,a> legally "iuui rerunsrraspeotive id tba raquiramauia al Rules lo-117."'In. i* ..f 11,.-. lirant Poet Sn. 'i'll, ia u.e bbb**er of .eveiiiy-tlve, visile IfaoeocS I'ual at Nyach nisihnr-day eveiuu. mid bad adSitghtfSa Uni.*. ( oin- (,iiiaml'T Howitt led them uni., tn- itaamboat Cbrys- ' .¦.'

i-iisti ut ii u'ci.iik. Wini iii. in saaaaati wer. Oo.oael'radi ru-k 1». t.iaii, Post Stitts ( u.iiinsi.d.-r Ir.i M.ii-dgt f. Commandi Bomaal Mlaaia, al K. lt. Morawa'.isl, Hie K.v. J. H Footer. Corporal Jaine* Tannerml utlx r«, iniiu.linc several ladle*. At Myack BB BB*rliiniimiil was iiiven .it Vo..r!j|» Hall, al Which there

tern addi e»-e* ny Ba ll Itu win. tbe Ur*. J. |. (amie...ii, peet i..i|.ism in-, hmr, J. kt, i-uhter, Cotoa Iirant. Corp. ral Tsiii.eraud Wilbur P. BrOWB. Thoratere ii usu- sud tiree.irks, si d afier a uaichtotlieIv.-r the lerrvhoal na* taken for Turrytowu, aodhence tim party leturued bourn by a special train on th-)I u.Ison Uiver haili Inc; ina,ni Ity of lue .member* of the BsOlBlJ bt lbI

.ilieleeiith Anny I Itrpa ale mia ie |u attelitl the mreliuf the he.clety of Hm Aim, of the I'oli.uiae at BBB'rnmia. o. lt im. lieen decided lo have a reunion amiinner al the Msiilum.aii Ilea, ii Hotel un J.ny Jd. atrhlcii ill survivor* of the c..rps ant lavtteS lo bareseut. Il ls exi.eiied that Hajor-lioosral Yt. ll..uiury, tue vul coi-uuiauder ut Hie MStnt- vt iii preside a_d

Hint n nny cf thn ptnmlnent men rho served with thenorpa, liicluiling '.cn.-i.i,« S. P, Hunks, Charin* I', William BL Franklin and l_ I.. Molineux, will bopresent. (lenci al Phillp II. Sheridan, un.'.er whoseeiimmiind Kif curps eided In nen ilmg linly whirling uptne talley uf tho Shetiiiiiilniih, will doubtless ba therealso. The reception aooUBlttoa, eoaslallag ol GeaaralNichol** W. Day, Colonel* A. .1. Allaire, ll. P. 'lott umlF. K. Frotlilnghiim, Mnlors T. II. Odell an I M. H. gwen,Captslna (ieorge E. Abbott and .lame* Mack, l.buiteii-BBt- Rob-It Pt, Reid anl (iralton Fennell, r*ergotiut II.Paareell, Waaoa Master George a. Phillips sud others,will mest at the fToinl Normaodle on July ld to makethe final arrangement fo m*ke those from otter piaouawho rlatt tha city on this occasion sooifortabMaUtnleT the regulation f..ii.ld llii* Hie commandants of

rcajinieiits oi' eompanlee to lake, any recruit* to the Hi,itaCami) al I'eekskili vt Im liav enlisted within slsiyduv*prier to the dals ob wbleb tba toot ol comp dat) for thoseveral aomauada hsgtae, men are i«ft at booie '" whosemilitary lastrcetkin a week in aampwoeld ba highlyconducive.The following n<>n-rnnim!o*'"netl officers of the Jil.I

Regiment having fussed sattafaetory Bxamlnationi amiwarraataBsvaboeii leeaadto tiioin: Cbatles Symonds,quartermaster-sergeant Compaay El, Jone 18, 1880. Inplaeo of (, WbO has am rendered hiswi.rr.ant; .Milburn Pf arks, rpnirfortiuj*ter-*ori>jeaiif.Company I, June .1, l*-r<;, iu plaoa of Becker, pr"" oti 1.charlo* l:. Mlaslwr, sergeant Company B. Jnne i, 1-86,In pince nf fltory, who hm »iirreiiilorol his earraatjAngelo ll Thouin*, corporal Company K, May 0, ISM,tu plaee sf Clark, who hu* surrendered hi* earraatjs'IIIihiii tv Ten K.vek. eorpsral Compaey II, Juno 4.1884, in of hftnsber, promoted.C.impnny II, 7tb llegliuetit, bas uninterruptedly for the

last seven year, haul the tull number of member* allowedhy law-lOll olllesm and men. lieslde* tues.. Um cum-

puny has st present nine " meui!utr»-*!rct," who aroiiiii'oriimil and dilllln. In tbe ranks, awaiting enlistmentas vacancie* shall eacenr.

( Brporal II. II. Dwyer, ofcmpiany E. 12tb Regiment,hui lug removed lrom Ibe .tate, bas reeirBsd hi* position.a* r.'cordlng *eurotary of the comp hiv. and Privatemaries c..Walsh haa baes unanimously Blasted ts suc-

ess4 hun.Wlien the !>th llcclmetit of the V.itlnniil (.mini started

for tin- wat In ISSI, John W, .-tiles was coi.un I, WilliamIf. Hallies lieutenant colonel, John H. Coppliigerml nf..nt, fimrle* J. |Nordgulsl surgeon, HowardPlaknay ssfiitsnt hititon. Henry I. stevena r. and Benjamin 8. Phillipe ehatdain. Tbare-'iiii'dii served foi three sad wa* In the fellowingi>»tue.s: Harper-* Fern, Bappahanaoeb station, iHull Hun. Bootb Mountain, llrst Prsderlckshnrg,(.efty-hiiru. I.'turri Ri I,ceder Mountain. ThoroughfareDan, Chantilly, Antietam, Chancellorsville, Wilder e*»,r-p.nt-th inla and Coir) lliirnrn-. During lt* term of¦enrico 1.17.'. .lillci* and men ser.ed wita it beside*l,A-.*i sui smilies .ind draft. I .t.'-n. Ten oliVetl and I IOsalute1 nu ii wt re killed In battle ur died lrom disease.

liiv.ite Btanlej (. Whitney, CompanyU, 23d itrgi-mi-lit, Ii ti v 11 g tu .ui SXpells hy vole o' his fouip.iir. 'tuBon-pavraeat of does an i line, and gross neglect of doty,this action o," the cum par y bas Leen ur prut ed hy ColonelPlucks ami ne ba* h.-en dlshouoraMy discharged fruinfurther m.nice In Hie N itlonal du n.l nf t.i*. .-tal.-.

('.iii. ml MeAlpla will (Ive a farewell dinner tn theolin-cr* of the 71s! Regiment at the Manhattan Moteli,.*\t Wedin-- lay evening.Tile collin.I r«|.mell .allia.I of Hie Zd Kt .'itlieiif

saeeuit.led at tba srroory In fatigue c ip, blouse and«w..r.i last Wednesday evening lo receive iitectsl In-struotlon* in ie u d (.. imp duty, on lhe sameevening n,,. rompmv lergraBta. quartermasteisergeants excepted, ri.ted to the sdfiatant in fatiguecae iud blouse wlthoui arni- far Ihs ¦ ime i urpnse.

Private Thomas Hoaaa. of Company K, I2tu Regiment, with .i evett- mi ul.-ni sumo time ott, la rapidlyreeoveriag.Tbe follnwlBg changes in tho non-commlsilnned itafl of

tin. 23d Regiment are announord: Qtpirtarmaster-bergeant Alfred D. in.i, compauy I, matle sergeant-major. Juna 7, 180. la plaee ol li.ukin, honnrably ui*-liiuij.l; Private Maury I,. Hell, Company ll, madesei '.Mut Bid tefl general jin.!.*. Juno 1 1, l-t-ti, lu placeor ii. .ii nerd, who bas surrendered lui wi, ira m.rue trip whieh tue 71*t Kcgnm-nt wis going to maka

tu Bli- *... Lui:. a.trr.-'lolL tm tim iata.,1vei -,n> ut tiie buttle of Haili Run will aol be mu e.

re.asons are given for the abandoemeal ol thee\| ei', tim pim-ip.ii of whieh nra tba departure ofin- eoionei for Europe on July 10 aiBI tha probabilitythat tbe weather will ne anaumlortohly warm la thatregion on .imy ji.One tx mure eompanlee of the 9 h Regimen! will take

pin! ni the F diriu or Julv p.,mile tu ll irlem to morrow,t'.ip ,.ian I'l'iiiisui c. I, rle, eomiaandiug un-Jd Bat¬

tery, better known as Earle's Battery, ie sotlvely en¬

gage- in organising ri new platoon la Harlem, la heknown ns i ue ii., am Platoon. 2d Battery, I he projeeli* meeline with much favor among tu.- yoong mea of11 a lie in, ami s.ine I wen: y ur more BIB talking Of Joining.(Carla's Ratten Armory will bo la Harlem, as the pun bise property fmn' lag on Madiana-ave, andi ii ii ii, nc from MuelvfouriB r.i ."*.'.tv-ll ft li sis., and willbegin bull ri".' aa soaa ..* ibe plsne -'re approved by UmAm...rv I;., nd. Tho armory will have, among other Im¬provements, a lar^-e rln.' for mounted drill* and exer¬cises. Tue battery always parades mounted *ol armedM.iii ilawling -u.i*.



Mayor Cleveland, of Jer*ev''tty, issned a proelsmailea oni hu -i I. a hoi Ingi Illa i "i .ni tin.* foi 11 i ni

st large la thc itrcs * wlthoui being pronerly,. ,i ..- .1 i.-lui. |.r ii-n of the MewJ* nev Kennel

b .iii-', o-i the Mavoi yesienlsy sol ***"d him io with¬draw the pro ¦'" f.e 'h n under ns a* horttytail 1 .hi tin ;s ru g ll ll- lt Ile alli 1 th- 0 . ll If WOUIel il IV" lui

rr** ie Mai 'responded tau Jersey Olly wss infestedn rh wort'ii.-st .md ti tu a on* curs whick were danger-ins teh >th e! n an.l growa persona snd be bellera-th it nra-ve .ru ii' ui .ir-* Owner* of valuable doa*

ni them hy pun iv mn miss m them ia ar ordan. sIii th"- nv. Hr. Sd liiait the K'-nnei lilli

would tesl ths va Mtv " Ihe law under whlob ihs Maroris u ti.' ii...' m.. mu .ni vt., i.ti proseonte any aud allp aw. ia n fijuinl aaa.un ' n^s.


.II.l:.-I.Y CITY,loft H (diipinin't, Bewnsel fur tbe Hii'tsnn ('nuntv ttnird nf

liters, nsdesnpi catum to ludge Knapp in tb" Circuit.lui. yoaierdav for a ral.h..w cause war Honogeoand

- ..ul u. be -.|illl.-d to -i.n li SI r au if rata.etsxe*. Hoookcn owes $40,093 ind Harrisoa $li*,ll., Therue was .rame I,


nonoRBS rt mat nnaorad yestefday that i>r. AngostI.iw* iiiirti, ihesfliaoceu husband o Miss Marou rite tl olr,nae nf the i itel d last year tbrongU sn errorif tbe drugstore ol tra ade. bal becomi las tue aud bis reis-ni. oereaboul io remore him tu an asylum, iii* father

m) -iiteii.ii hilt be informed Chief ofI'ollce iioiiuv.iu Hi i; -if house would be eloeed ior ¦ lee daysts Ins faiullv wera gotos ia_.iv.

li/.ahkiii..i h.- Veteraa Zooav -. ...-:¦ J ITadlsooUr.Ik'' e un uaiudll';' Will start ..i BSO KrSBCIS-0 OB JBly 2u lie ili-nl ailinn! a mouth Tl.ev Wtll ;ru tn alf.-nd the-Kstioaal .ii. aiiiipiii.-ni ul Hie ie a. ii. mil the reunion ol lbsuni, societies Daring their --rav lu -ni Kisuclsv"') theyrill oe gueats of tue Veteran Uuard of Gooree ii rbomaa'nst no i. raeeSouaeee will prsssni their Oallforamoom*sd is with a silk nnui'i custing SJ u A aaiaber ul prom Iirutcitizen*of Ncw-Jeracv wail aeoompany 'ieii.-r.ti Drakeind ula veter.rns.

I.dS'i; lr-1 LAN I).t. A tn .lilli in uliluf tho llonn Rule ¦eVBIIieOt

rill bs held tins sveoiaaSHSLVBB l-i.\sii lu.una* M. linnie*, e-mploveel la erect.

og a sew pavilion for the Mauhansel iliius... ten funu toec .iio .im t. f .-ida. uni received fatal la)artes.Wu mi n i. Mr' Anni linn, ia.-!, of Brooklyn, while step.losnou s train jre*t-rdsv. fell a mi apoplectic rit saddledefore the t om be removed ta tbs Bona* o; ht r fm adi la tballll.-'C.

BTATEM isla Nf>.i aiengi.- Tbe Brazilian Prince ABfaste sad raits visitedra-iiua reslerdaj afternoon ^ai njo., e>) nm tx un iv esl .-x-

ii-*ft..ii , ai ... -1 I., '.uin.i.u lui:." He paul.peela st ie ii ii ni tu the Indiana and he ul ron vi nations withheir chief*. he shooting lu dee hued to be thc Hu Mit ler hailv. wiaie Med.M.tin .u IOS li Km.' ,t ( o. denv the report tbal

lien property li..* le-.-u soitl tu tilt- Halli uui-c aud uhio lian.sad. .


ALOXG Till'. HOl'ND.B-ITMKrOBT, W.I Ilarnuni will b" seventr SH var* nhl toinrrow Nearly S joint was railed aiu eiiiiB wi I ri,'.i, in lld ul Hilani' li nt the BCiad Heart.

H.ju *e

lilli1 I und Iii.-..... w Imii tht) llev. lather ems

reinin l* pastor, will Ba dedicate I to-tlsv nv lllslinp MoI h-rn ihe Hi idasplin Knife uu.ii.iii'- haemade bb aaii ti lu.-iil. Tneir ass ia iii.I llaoilltlea aril not uivi-u. lin-aooaistach of tbe eompaaj i*t"o,uOo.

WERTCHB-TBB OOUETT.Ml. YK"N.if.-A few year* ago a building at Fmirth-avi*.ad Becond-et. HW feet front by tSti deep, wa* beugnt mr_'.t>"u. about two mooth* ago rt wai «oid for »7.^>m. arrulghtiater lt wa*rs*oid for afl.ii hi. u wa* th>-n dividedito four lots of 25 feet froat bf loo deep, 'tba cereal latreogbt ts.ttaO aad each of the otber Hine lots I rough! an

rerage of *-/>"" i.asi week UM rorner let was resold forlimn )» Mr Uaasabeer, ot Nsw-Yark, belug s I arther aa,iuici af tooillas few weese ..\n« .st Jana*, i. a tinsmithhilo enraged yesterday in adjustinz a gutiei In Ifirst-ara,rt-etn Fuirih sad lilli sis, was Ihmwn to tho sldewi Ikr the scaffold irinnir way lils Bama waa salarionaly la¬ired that all sf hie limbo were aaralysed, and lil* ceinilitii.iia* Considered ellinanv. in ii it. in eoBseoneacs ofaiaci of bsrmenvlaie maasaement ef tba .Vaw-Bocbeile MTatei L'ompaur, attri¬ll i-t- .ii etbreeeed ii *dotermiaailos un i readtai *.* liber loill his stock to th othei itocsbolder* or boy mer iharea.tine, w, iein,'.um Undt-rhl Ooaree Fergusou sodoUicr*ra *aid lo luv. oil'ird til' r ie l.-niitmiis.Hsartaoe Bnrglar* Ob i-'ntav aiabi ri^ite.i tbe boase ol'Ulam 11 si iu lined -n Bad being Bf pare nt ly anare tnatu-iioni-ano windows Were uruvMed -.ti rievirlc slaraw,il oat a large peas of glass fmoi aaa af tha froni das.iii uiiii; tin- wires. Tuey stole -tetolai arne...* nfliri Kare.

SCHOOL P.Xt. St l-r.ti ,i \/j PIONICEAt the clewing exercise* »>t (.nuiuiKir Behool

o. >**.iii ( ai ke-sL, I.i* vi. uu^ey reoeived a Reid menaium lbs principal. Mle* Gallagher, for proflcieaey in her..die* and tho liiaue-i MaadlBg in Ihn Nen n al Collegeisuiliiat'on*. Bella Da ZellaT sud Lulu h.. I'reiiiailso pa^e.i iii,, eiauili.atioiis out of a el ts* of *-ell-iii.aii meda' Waa awarded lo Hell.a Ile /.aller,he Babool tor el_ht uiuiilli* wa* willman it re.ulai'rind pal, Miss :--.ailie li Haled acting a* principal.i-everai Bandied chu ar.-n from Primary Dabool Vu. '.'it,illy Hail p.ace, cele, n r ten tue nut day of their v. ea-

bb yesterday wnh u pico te i" Pro*peel I'-nk. TbaBate waa given by ex-Alderman "Dena] " Barn*, tbsmen wi from -.ii"." wu., wore a new whit,- hal and alana, broad emile a* he lcd ibe inn ty IO tba Hilda;'' ears

lui.I> In KEEP HIE lill O' IEEThc .ollowinj* general order wmm inned .*_._r.Uy to tim eaptalBi of me vartoos psemaota la theivs.'i \ ..n aili .rn vi on lav east July V eider tour offll ml. oil I. Il'J, aili .aila.- ni. !, In. .,.,,1 .-. . ,, ,, l.. -, etomt

ibe peace awl gu i omer within foul prscinciBe tbe oidi,un.e. s ie, to Mle of

uhibl e.t bi works or the diaebatgeot Ireeorki ur a.vif" i.u. "i "i the tilscbarga ol ainu*, platwa or ether Btein* vtlihiu the i u\ ui CW V ui Ilour is Ibeiel.-.lied to Reetloo 1781 OB paaai. tanll -l-Cllult* -1. In .Hld IBJ BB |»«ei'iul Itu-'lil

.'!'¦ BISO ll.I.eial irdol .Nu. .'(j* In tl-tl Huei. la* relailve te ihe sals ur disposal ot toy pr stltei pistolstherein Sasenbed i> .it. feu wni msttaut the meinrs ol t ..ur nu uni, un .<¦ . .ne ri mi. allallys ta, ui urinile ... ...i .-.- sf abstl .lu't un d. v.

w. MOBBar, Bepeilatawdeni

CONDITION rn ii. ,1 ri imii.It tv,i--.(.it. il at tin- Manhattan Un-imai fe»-rda] mai Kobari J. Bleed, wbo ebal blmaatf an Tnurs.iy ulghl, was lu a fair Way toward rei ure, >. He ntlsd from tbe elle-cts of tue operation of lap.iraioniy,n h j roved eiituoiy salisfat lol), and ls how aolUj<elh


A I MAS .-.hui Pl tWO HRS.Two _aen were raniiMm Beriftlj toward the?er Bl Basti nt huntil, ii sad t.. iii si i.ii inn ula then nlu man lil, a et <al.ii, tl ran foi Mini 1' l-BS per... aurti io s ..p H.. iu il. .rt bia lalerfrreaee iiy .ii_»tiu<.1 ... |. , .t, i uU. iua aa aj al Un <J.t|t I. Ile Wa* r, Ulla . au

thethlsli and arrn. thnueh not serronslr bur', 'em' h ore IOSut ti.. r his sunn is.-Kio men had disappe-ari d lu the a iw yof a aoaaaSSBt house aud were not aeou aft.-iw ml.

TEES 0WTBOCEAKD8 LEAVE THE CITT.If tho consul Inkers woro f-> nial.0 an enu¬

meration of tko actusl population within th- limits ofthe city to day lt I* probable that New-york would.come ussr fo loilng fur the time Ita proud dlitinotlnn ofhoing the largest oity In tho [Jetted Htato*. " liv ai ry-holy and lil* neighbor I* going out of lunn," iel.timed a

j«er*pirlntT tlckei^eMer st the Grand Central H'ullon, aa

he shut down ths window of his ofll.e for a moment to

re*U This remark waa repeated lu hy t'ek"tagent* at Ibo entrance* to ail avenue* of exit from the

metropolis. The Fall liver pier at Murray-*!, waa with people dunn,' the afternoon andthe two boat* tent from- thora carried shout1.700 people geing to Iloston, Newport, Marl', a's Vine-yard. Har Karbar and po,ri'* iii the While Mountains,i lie MaaiBrihasetta. af tin. I'torideuce llae, earned .".'ii

piesnire seekers or "Hitters," aa the steamboat nu n

cali them. Iver/ available apot on the Albany day aminight boats wa* accepted, ami the Rtonln.ioii, Norwich,l.ii'it'Sport. snd Now haven boata wore equally welltilled.

It ls estimated tbst '...OOO people hoarded trains stthe (irani Central Station .luring the day. (lue of theofficial* ihiiii'.-iit lt wan the busiest dav lu the hUtory ofthe atruoture. The Hain leaving on the New-York ('eii-tt.ti road at .'irilo p. m. was sent out in two sections,with thirteen drewinat-rooio car* In escb. On tbo New-Haven road ths travel was so great that lt wa* Impossi¬ble to get trains off on schedule tims, sud Iste lu thosfternoon ai many as four train* went out win,in au

hour, li wa* estimated thai 150,000 people left (be cityduring the day, aud tbat another 100,000 will be out oftowu tolley.


Every year BOtnalainl it Batta thal t"fi sie.'iiiiers

r irrvm. cicurslunlst* nn the Kourth al Julr ovorciowdtheir tle'W* and carrr far beyond their luetiisl limit. Inardor io prevent this, Deputy Hurveyor I. M Wyatt ht*ardeseaftepro-tort nsfoa Mon* oiBeera riskily to ln*aectail excursion l.oats. and Wherever Cir n >nlua*r ls et.-e-.leel re.

lion the n.a.I'r lo thu liepaty Harvey ail, who will asset*

li.-aTi flues.

A nu fi ru e.n r%

WRLL-EAKVSD Cf.MPUMKNT**.Tig lo «nry of g.sed Untie wMle trav.-lline la one wJiij.*, g,appreciate and tue mott eiperietiee.i traveller* al ear* »/

range their lime tallies with thst *nd in view. IBeaaasaartinlng-esr service .n the 11 a.m anl * | -, ¦.. Ir, n, .,,,.'New Vnrk aird Host.n vin Springfield, under BM manser,mcnt of -. lt. Mos.-,ey .tr Son I. a grew adnu,ur, .,, ltu,ul rea'dy nomi,ar mule, and nowh're in ihewn-M mmPtnZBalled. The Saute CM be »aid of lite f-ieelleal .TtSarealithe New.llaven Opel _:. eh m k n- hr ibe Mos ,-n nreceive dalt- .- rn un -ms eooogh to fl stelata. ¦*,,,/ley's W'l''.i_uwu New-Mavea m.iise. at lhe h-auuaiil Ct VV_Y line, wu li mine h .*! Mosel r at ns lie,,d, Billi no sn-el ilunuieri M> un bu for S SUBniel place al rsduSrates for iu!v sad August, -r . aluin »uv *,, r..,t,. ,.'.!}run tn- Willie- M.'Hui's,ne. lt is IB .cir hOSM lie 4, ..e eslami- iiii I'oiTespaaSsaee. c*"

Bi>'fiACn, thenreal Califnrnii hmocl Powderin iiif-.lui.le t|..| ma.aioi ..J all ...i :« aad naseta ...ui ..,1b Una covered by our Mai* " Iiuiaach " i:«a-ar* ,5uiilai iou*, et il druggists. m


ci uk ron tuk Dear.lin K- I'tT SI IMP-OVBD C -U.'ivhi Eta iii a Lvr'sen.

e»tore tbahearts,aad parterra th work o: tbs .s»tirjnuin Invi'iuu. ...nfui i-ahle and a'wt , ii .... u.,', -~\envenations and even wulsner* he.ri <t,**in< t r. -*enrl f.'pllllflr»t.-.l'uetk walli t«ft| noni tl., fr ¦' Ad lr n ,r ,,,,'. Iiin. (ix, riu.l I-.road war. -V V. M'oti in IBM paner

Knrl Si Wilson'* E. ft W. bread of Men's'ellar* and ('ufa ar* Di* b.-sr Void SVSTV tl; -ri

rTi-.VRr A. Das'iki.s, M. D.,mi Login tten avogbatweta lita.set ti ii

Henri--1* to 1,3 to 7. Disesses of tb*. Nerve iitfittaOeiiit.eUrinary <>tgnu*. .u l ti..-., ; ..

At.brut Lkwis M. I).. 7 Beaeh-et., aear WeatIrosSwsy. Nsw-Vork. Boors lt tal aaiStat. ij..ea**s.itcrvous sy.teui a .peciiity lor th I**- .rty re .rs.

EXTBABBBINABY SALE.In order to obtain the necessary room for the extensivealterations and additions to our buildings, we will offeron and after Tuesday, July 6, our entire stock atprices that will enable our customers and the public tosecure


Two vonni, if iris, whose n*.'lies are withheld livUti polios, '.nu. fro a Vnw-lfsrea en rbarwlsy 'ur cm>. casi') ii ii'i") e ur rlsltln. ,1tends iii Brooklyo InsteadM BO IUt thew lier luntiii"! lu lins citv !u aaOBSS De SfBleccaer-st, ni l **.. r ain-ef 1.1 ur ms polios ami t.ken taliea.i.|uert»rs at r.'io rVwiuasl of thdr Mends. Thar wersisa. u to .Nea. isren laat sveniug, repentant of titeir lollylull lllil (.1 IiIO li!St.'*.



lan rise*.. 4.30; aet*i.. 7:SOlKoea seti. 0.3'J,.M'n as*. <t » 3UMill WAVSA. Hook, I 2 c.ov'-* IVA P " 'tell Oit«.. 11 -M!'.^--lautv Hook. 9i_7 Hov'* Iel"-. ID'll Hell Gate.. li.O-

01ionise, sl'l-'.A Hillls.rOBSUAT, JIM 8.

Vesselrasstt. Tine. Frr M»1!« close. sails.IrtsotiB. Ciiiluu, l,iverp.«)l. 'j a in 8..uammow clyde, Harti. i pui i>w

vt BOXBaOAT. /BLT 7.Ueuc, Atlas. Central Amer ca .IO tm noon

nu HMiAr. jui.y &i.|r*sfir. White <*.-ar. L>r.*r.ri. . sm ll am

mia. Uaroo-Aba Hambers tt sm 10:30amfauhattan. Aiex'ura. Havsna A Mexico.. I I'm .*> pmtauiiaso. Want*. Ctentacgoa. . I l"u 3 pm


PksiBt, fr i. Tire.a1! ia.Ltveroool.Cunarai.iirui Alabama.Uiaaaoa .nba.ii itjieii,.Amsterdam.NstB-Amer.w li ....nt.larne.Rim .I-iirun nan*

aii'i"ia.I. i_u in*.lied _.


'oeaaabt.(Jiasg-ow.Anchorlibs.I'.ii-iiieu via ~t)Ul'i.imlii)..N.1- I.lurd

iut-an.Ita vania.V\ am's

ll sn IT, nil '>¦



AUK! vii)

Btirsmsr T.Tfl'an tfonsrcB (Br), Doaaatt London Jnne 19,.lit HMM ami iia**eua;eis to Patton. Vl.'ker* A Cu..steamar Adriatic rtr Paraell, ..n>r. Jaar i. Qoasne-jwu a... will, mils" ami i>asseiia;ei-H lo K J Oul tl* Arrived atio liar at '¦...** p m.Bisamet Hkviu (lin. Bnmner, Ureroool lune ut. Queens,.if n 'ii, nilli mdse anil pause: leger* U> k W J ll urn. Ai ii veilHu- liar M ''.-'u p m.

Steamer I'lcqus Bri. Clarton, calamia Jobs 1, Messina*.,aieruiu '.., Uibraltar ip. willi indar ano passenger*to Phelpsrna*, o Arrived at tbe Bal at in.-learner Itieliiuunil, I'.ua/. Ncwnurl News anti Weat Point,a, nun ii list-sud iiais.eii..-is tu tild Dominion Bs i'usteamar -treonehalu <Bri, Hewson. Penn Amboy. in bal->l lo Ktiiitii, Ktlye ,fl o.'I*...KT.wind al -ai if Hoi-. lla;tit, SW, mUf. At Cityi.ami, injin, BWj elear.Arrived yetienmr-stesmerHen i (ispsn Lazsarsfra, Clcnruerroa luae iio, Mat*I/** .!'(. will sugar loonier vessel lo it J Cortie. Arrivedibe b»r at * du p in.steamet Anglian Un. Camnbell, Mararoa ii ¦.. tlays. withult toQomei * Pearsall. Arman ai tue Har ai ll p bl

i I.ka iii-:.),^teamer a ri/.on a liri. liruoks, Liverpool via Qneensrown.M "n.l.-i iiii .v- o.steamer City ot BerllB (Br), Laott, Liverpool via Queen*wn-Piier Wright 4 SOO.btsamei -*;i*iu .Hr.. (.nihill.*, I.irerpool via Queenstown .W J liursi.-teamen nruins(Mpani. Attersstn**. Liverpool RjcortisSteamerKuperra Bri, Hole-. Amsterdam -Patton,Vu-sersUasieauner niirguu.lia (Kr), Dulac. Hi-ilit.-rraut.aii uoit»-J Wiwell .1 iu.Steamer william Baila (liri. Bulla. Mara-lliss fHmnson.uiii.-e .# *, enan ie.Steamer Benda .nc, Nielsen, Bydney.CB -Patton. VickersCo.Steamer Kate Carroll (Bn, Clark, Puerto Corio/., iiuud¦aviTHtt * Co,staatnei :.: it ii Uodtlaa un. licimett. ICouteco Bar.Oe»sel* A Co.etaasMr Borer iBr), ''tirurr Kingston.W IV nunijin.steamar Aaatlan iBp, ram;.nen, Baracoe.donas A Pear-ii.steamer tlenfaeges. Kainioth. Havana Ja* i>: Ward .t Cattsamer Alamo, lllsk. Key West and O'a1ve.toii-C ll Malrv & cesteamer Loulalane, nager, New Orlsaaa.s ii seaman,*lt-aim-r i uieka. Used, Nen Uriaaae.J I' Vain -ickle.steamer city oi aevaaaab,, savannah HenryJiaire. lr,-leaiueiCity of Atlanta, Lockwood, Cl.arleatoa.J VV yuinni A i o.tuvanii-r Benefactor. rrlboo,WUmlogtoa, NC.Wa p ciyloiteamer Qurantlotta, Kelly, Newport Hewe sari Weal)iut. Va.Old Dominion Ba Co,.teamer K c Knurut, CbwMeter, Oe >r*mtown sod Aieian-ia vi WicbtmiinIteamer J w>. t. Koei-tr itaitinuirit-J ** great*.reamer Chiswiiak (liri. Ie uillou. llailllBOrn luutlj, n. r i-i aiu.iuui. neimen. rHirtlanrt llarailo ii ul.learner il K ol,noe k. Hallett. Uosiou tl I Oimock-, Ij mr. t iiiiiiliiana ii. I.iv.tu,wi .all) Bros..alp Oberoa (tieri, Wark. llamiuiraj. Hie.) Kuaer A Co.IblpSlTiBS iNori, Konulxj. I'.-itu Aiiibu> i until. K.tye


SarkZaorsA(NOT), Maltrntseen. Adaiaiile, Aus-C TobiasCO.*»rk A«ne* lOeri, Holieplsr, ^teitin -CTobbuJ CAs*i» oiotris ii.ei', l.ohiaeyar. Han juts Watlee, <h-i

tara Aatotaatts leeann Itali, bTarobiiee. Usbao.Faaeb,ly* A co.lana i.mille Au.! T alan,, b. idsbOfl Phelp* ino* * Co.I»i s Kesir.-i Bi' Oiseii. I.aiju ayi i -li uiitui Bliss A .'al-l.lark Mair_le M Uri, Staples, l-'-iuaiuliua-J lt WlaebSelBCCa,in,' .airtiei! (Br), Breera, Poet aa illnoi a a iiretu s#u

IrgBassa BenieeiBri, ire thy, baa HhoHbho ii Keiiy.Vi'liei ii-i un Hud., wul lie u en Mun,Uv. .imv ',, iroiu l)ii) a iu, lui ian- Mirsaoesod miain oui reeaets oely.

BAlIaK.flitosmer* uibrii m.i <i(v el lleilin. fur i.iveriiut.1 Lovaine'1 rysi i, a ll la Caril.-ssia. liiasffow; .-lu rv i'..uinjfv.i.ia. I'.ipi-nbaaeu i allfornie, Usiuuurci A lier, ilremeuiipsrra, ABMtantam P Calaatt. atottsiuain. Penuland, AntH.. l.a Hunns 'Ki.'-. Have, (iareiuo. I'.-ruam ni, u, Kalilad li... Uouu¦_-.. lui ini:.ic to* itarsns alamo. Oairca.i i mn a sui I...m.lau i Nsw.tirieausi <n>ui navaunabvaiiuau Citv of All mia. ( italleistoa-nins rOrast Klug, for Aautardatai Marianne, il.ty«l Alfred, f.u M. Ibourue. I roa, CetU'. lian,id,ii'-nlait), ir. lilia, sui rxl tuljini islan.l **niiiitl-.*-ie*iurrH rim.innaI'..ll.-II ll V Jilla... IIUHlU'l.

ablpe Manbeat, bj. Haas*-**-*' "**ta itui-jntaui.lil i. >vv

tup ('en nea, un tiuu Basaae a j iee.stiecBi i.AM-j ic-,.

aOBDOJI. July 9 hteamer (lie. I.n Mun,,,*, ,Kr,. f||-t.tow.ii.-it sailed intiur io .iv im \^.s..rk. waal nsli-tre oeiotv.klliaj tu a lo*. mia s* ll. proUSUlr BS llualnl al Ibo ut«le.

lUK B>OV__afBN r di- SIHA AliUVKo.Uilt.N PUB rx.

i.ti..*, Jnly 1 vinv.-.i. Keassar rower Hill (Br.. New-Vars Jun. I ...H. Ju.v ". Ainvi-,1. sts-HBS- iii.ll Hr., llriliaui,HU ,V,w fork lune '.Jl VKN-I Wa lily Ulllr.l Ht,,,,,-. l,|(i, Kr. ti leS-il. from Nsw tink Jaaa*, mi lin war '<) Liverpool sud¦cae il- iliau ii. iv, juiv --sailed, BtraaasM .viieiit iBri.Cos r.i .s.».u a

HOI ii BOAB, Juiy ii Arrival, aleamer BJ A hcbolleu iDulna .rom N .ju V us lunellAvaa, lui) .1 --*allt-l. *UM.ucr BtBMSMSMS iKri, ds kursatv. lot tim Xotx.


AlB-BtOWB, IMB-HM Ir'.'aiel.Pear Sirs .I am fejippv to be. r tesriuioin lo rte xi itt j>«»j

asor of tbs Hun. n I iver and Stomal li at as .1 r*vrnUv<it BSS-Blekaaaa a* 1 (Wbo a-litcrcd grearlv wlien. »e>. I aaa)on Hie sea) liavrn. wuiu ilia lad duli g thr»o '.<ua* neter felt the least ill. ulu.ougti part of ihe tims tissea waa v«ry i ¦.

i remain, y ...i tia v..Mri MARIA PA! LI-KR.

Kunu* C.I..NY. Morgan'.u. tppmMESrP*. ItoiaitJi Pad Co.

( Wiii you kin.l.r (.Mists me bf aendiijg threeof vour lei/ ia. 1-..1 I iv r Pad. ms two friend, vlati t*try ti.'m I al-o wi*h one. I bare before bad two on* 1gul in .Wu-.Z"tIar,<( iu '. tl. the ..tiler _. t n A' t's 'li '"iTacit tune t, ry \nze ten ric, j a mariel motn ne. rho. MBalso* groat be. p at aea, nt tb.-y Bet .* a erWMWls* io tretttiamem nu iu<t <u> nsisrs leaviajj aaekiss .. S z firBaa Kraor ;*¦<*, 1 nut ->n yuur «*ilrr*DI* .Ive. an.1 Si..aiuciPail. Vt e imo .fc end eery /urana/ notes J.e. Bil Un.,ugasli 1 was in tbe mamet ,,f .rulth. and with your Pad I .aalmv 1 aiiytvboro 0, ssa withuul tbo least fear of sa***.your Ead it ont of IA* m"»' cainable artie'.ei thit Ain.rtea

teer produced. Voiy truly.KK1.UKUICK a PtH'lKH

A dlstlffnlfdisd writer In s private let'ter. describing a lou*rot-age, Mys: " I bs i.ett.Unlt-sd Hie oily pre ut. v.- cfS'-.-.r- that ls of auy r.a. a*n. so Ur i* I kn IW, I* Ibe1'oiiuun I.ivrr sad "ttoinaoli Pad anl ev n Hilt ls ail ett¬i's,iou* lu all eases, auhougb mauv o' tbe ;.. e., .,t, allu tho highest i-i-n* of thia siur.ur.c "

All Jiruggi*:a Pit.*.. $: on.IIOLMA.f' PAli O J . 1-0 W Lisna st. B, Y.

FOUL DEPOSITS IN PLUMBINGCBaera nekaee. and eieath. U*\ 1.1 Carbeteryetei ri-tsnisaeiltrclually. .-old nv all tlrt|irri*te.

.V ll. li. i Hll.ll.f, 73 Mulile-n Lan N. Y.

DRIGHT8 DISEASE la -Bused Uv aim-..', ex«I > resfi... n> vuiis du mirv, sjaall )- in i ITV dis 'i. e. fr.'.i.u... dtsaasad proatesM staai, auuiniia ¦¦ -I nit tee sad ietu.i in- cured tviuio t lev oti.t, Our mae lie* c tr i tn* u >vi_eui! lists itiun Hu ii uiisiu ss. au 1 t i *a«ii*. -'ri. te,.e. iiiu-era I rina Water corae the kLlaevaiaassa Ua'is -t ir>;>.r.bladder, .ravel Moue, liver, ma aria laanalce ai.d ttr*pe «ia.Phvsii-i in', tdri04 nil bom vt 1. li'tire tiuus au.I tu iiinaleeol cures free br

ABABTBt MEDICAL BC BK A C..i'll Bread aay. Haw York

KKljifl HANDBILLS*-, 6x0, for *.,. |';..1U,UU\I phli-t Pilwin. Nt.te Hea.1*. *.-.

L. MIlJliI.hHI Uti. its .*.

THE TRIBUNE is publishing, at veryheavy cost, a series of Special CableDispatches from Europa, either whitenby or authorized as a public expression oftheir views by prominent men in Europe,These dispatches will be a valuable sourceof popular information during the excitingcampaign for Parliament now in p. jresen England.

Newsooys on all railroad trains areunder orders invariably to supply custom¬ers with ihe papers they call for, and toregulate their stock of papers so as nol turun short Travellers who find that thenewsboy has run short of TRIBUNES willoblige this office by reporting the fact bypostal card and especially giving informa¬tion a. tc what train it was.

If a ocal newsdealer does not have a

sufficient supply of TRIBUNES, readerscan always order the paper by mail. Theywill save money thereby, as TH^ TRIB¬UNE is only $8.50 per year by «.¦.... post¬age paid. Mail subscribers will 'et thiirpapers by the same early train as thenewsdealers.

BY MAIL, 75 CENTS PER MONT'Address change tl as often as nee? *arv.


A few well lighted officoiOF DIFFERENT SIZES