New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1886-04-04....senatrytospendtwoer three days for the. purpose si...

¦isa* vV* V0UXLV-.-\°-14,3cn>. NEW-YORK, SI'IS DAY. APRIL 4, !88G-lfWELVE PAGES. PRICE THREE CHXTSL TUE HOME RULE CRISIS. OPPOSITION TO MR. GLADSTONE'S POLICY RAPIDLY GROWING. COLLAPSE OP TUP. OOVrRNNENT AKT1CIPATF.D. MU. CHAMBERLAIN WORKING HARD AGAINST IT.SCOTCH LlBLKALs WAYKR1NO. [BY CAM.K TO THK THOU SK.1 London. April 3..Knglish and Scotch opposition Home Kule lisa been growing nore and more pronounced all the week. When Mr. Gladstone an¬ nounces next Thursday thc providions of the bill to sinend the .iltur* government of Ireland, he will baTe to deal with three or four sets of opponents. those opposed to Home Kule in any form; thone opposed to a separate Parliament; those opposed to Home Rule with land purchase; and those op¬ posed to Hom? Rule without lund purchase. It in now expected that all these heterogeneous forces -rill be marshalled tinder the joint leadership of Lord Hartington and Mr. Chamberlain. Great efforts are makin? to induce Lord Hartington to ab¬ stain from active opposition. The Tories on the other hund profess themselves ready to follow Liberal haden, Lord Salisbury re¬ turns to I,eildon to-morrow. The Tory plau of cam¬ paign will then be settled. Reports egreo that he fiivtire close co-operation with Anti-Homo l.nlo Liberals. The Standard publishes a strong appeal for united .vt wu and strongly deprecates uny iat¬ tempt of the Tories to assume responsibility for the conduct of tho debate. Mr. riiamberlain will follow Mr. Gladstone; then Air. Trevelyan. Application- for admission from strangers surpass ali precedents, 5,10 members of the Honno disputing for 190 places, and many ask¬ ing a do/on «e:its for friends. The Speaker in con- gtmuaaat ahandons his own R.-illery to tho chances of ballot. Seven embassies und the American Lega¬ tion aro deprived ol their usual si ate.two each. Some ol thc strongest I'.nglish Home Rulers out¬ side the' Mini-try urge Mr. Gladstone to confer no powers on the new statutoiy Irish Parliament be¬ yond those belonging to American State Legislat¬ ures aud warn hun that the country will stand no more. They profess to believe that Mr. Parnell will accept that when convinced that a larger meas¬ ure i.s impossible. Tha multiplying signs of dislike for Homo Rule throughout England aud Scotland tiavo alarmed more than one of Mr. Gladstone's colleagues. Re¬ ports are i'arrant of dissensions in tbe Cabinet. Lord Spencer is said to be dissatisfied because land {¦melisse bl postponed ¦ week niter Home Kule, but it now appeais that Mr. Gladstone means both MfiaBiiTtjBnltiiaatrljtoprorosd together. lie prefers, linvi'ver, to stand or fall on thc* proposal for a separate Irish Parliament, and the Home Rule bill, therefore, is lirat introduced. Two other Ministers am end.toting to narrow tho scope of tho measure which it is now tielievd gives the Irish Parliament Control over tho customs. t:ixos and jiolice, in short settiiiL* up an Irish Canada within thirty miles Ol thc English coast. This belief lt ia which has stirred loyal Liberals in Scotland to protest. Nothing has moro startled thc Ministers than the declaration of Thc Sentmian thut such ii illari or anything like it would lc, and ought to Le, rejected bf Parliament Du Scoitiimn is Mr. Gladstone's ablest ami most devoted BnpportC. in the entire Kingdom. Its editor is tlio personal friend of Rosebery. TbeSeotehmembereof the House ezpn sa Minilar opinions. The -amber oi j i 'tents increased dating the week till some of Mr Gladstone's Cabinet began to apprehend* general Any considerable delect ion among the Scot*.- HK-iulicrs would be fetal. Mr. Gladstone, therefore, say Ins colleagues, stands between the Booteh Scylla and t'ne Irish Cbarybdss. Unless h.- modifies his project, a number of Scotch membei i will abandon bim. If he modifies it. Mr. Parnell's American masters will not allow him to accept it. Si, rapid ha* bein thc growth of this hostility that r.linois abounded on Thunda! that a collapse ol thc Cabinet was in,mun ni, Mr. Gladstone totally lefaaing substantial col* eariona and being resolved t<> meet Parliament witta hie original scheme. Few Boen inside bi outside tho House now believe it will be possible iur liiiu to carry such u schema, but it is rc narked by Ins colleagues that'' the old man has got his Lack against the wall" and will bring ererythlag down with him sooner than yield. They add that ho will nol eoncede to lesser men what he 1ms refused tc Mr. Chamberlain and Mr, Trevelyan. Thc two resignations were announced ou Mon¬ day. Unlike Lord Hartington, vt ho bits behind tho Treasury benah, Mr. Chamberlain and Mr. Trevel¬ yan took seat* below the gangway. Mi. Cbamber- laiti's friends say thal ho is working hard and silently to overthrow the Government which he has quitted. Ho or aome other Influence hss paralyzed the movements of the Liberal associations winch were relietl on to support thc Ministry. These asso¬ ciations in lot mer crises sent ap addresses of confi¬ dence by scores. NOW not Otto ls Sent, Not a single important public nieetin. hus yet been held in Eng¬ land iu favor of Irish Home Rule. There was a great and enthusiastic meeting yes¬ terday of banke.8 and merchants ol thc City of London, the Lord Mayor presiding, and leading Liberals sal personal friends of Mr. Gladstone, like Sn John Lubbock. Mr. Grenfell, and many Ltberal memhers aud oflicers of Liberal associations, being present. Tbe meotiug resolved in energetic terms against a separate PaiUeaaent in Dui.lin. sir John Lubbock said that he was still a warm sup¬ porter of tho Govorutne-t and that Mr. Gladstone's real enemies were those who wanted him to take a fatal leap in the dark. lt is dirticult, indeed, to say where the Govern¬ ment can look lot iiesh siippoit. Mr. Caine, stand¬ ing for Harrow in-Furness, has pron duneed against Hone Rule. No seat can bo found for Mr. Shae- Lefevre, whom Mr. Gladstone vainly recommended to HaiTow. Mr. Chamberlain's successor, Mr. Stmsfeld. an am in 1. lo derelict of the ancient administration, brings not an atom of strength to the Mini-try. Lord Dalhousie, tho new Secretary for Scotland, is respected, pojiular aud capable, but is already re¬ potted to be hesitating how far to follow tbe chief, whom he idoh/es. TITO IB-lgMlhHia of members of the Government holding impoitunt oflico* are ex- pcic'i on Friday morning. The Irish members themselves take a grsvo vicar of tho situation. They meet Hcotch opposition with a threat to de¬ feat every Scotch bill for the next twenty years. The Bastian crisis has created genuine alarm throughout Western Lurope. berlin advices cai ly in the week umnted to war, all efforts to make the Gieeks hem hmm having failed. Conlidciite has sinci been [regained, Lord Rosebery carrying his point. Greece now knows thu', war agpinst Turkey means deliance to united l.urope. Russia, If it docs not take part in active measures, shoii'd such become necessary, will not oppose them. c. w. s. A CANADIAN GOVF.RNMI_.NT SCANDAL. CHAI.U1L- OK OFFFINPIVl) PAR TttAJBW AND I ANO OKABniNli. Ottawa, April 3 (Special).A smsation has t'c n caused ia political circles by tbe s'liiounced in¬ tention of Blake, .-ad._«r of th'" Ojiposltlon, and Edgnr. onn of his IieuteaaotB. to Impeach three ino ni Br ra "f Parliament who are supporters of the jireaent Govern¬ ment, as well as a Minister of the Crown, ill.i.o charge* that Dodd and MCltS-gaH. the member* from tim mari¬ time districts,threatened ono Matthew I.lucan,a (loveru- iiieiit official, tbal if he did not TOM for tho Cuvi-rnnieiit candidate at the last election hs would tin turned out of office, and that In tn.* lutliei that Llngati did VOtS','.: tllC G "\ fl Illll-llt ,il|i.|,|»t- III SpttO Of Bllch VT.ll Ililli;, they proposed to the Uorernruent that lie should bs auporseile I, and tin' knowing these facts tho G.ivrn- uient did rupertede bini, Edgar charges t'at while tho Mciulier of l'.irllauieut for Hustings, one Jatiiicson, a journalist, with tbe full knowledge aud consent of Mac- kennie Howell, .Minister of Customs, ubtnui«d 81,200 sessa <>( lund aew Bateeaha ia th.* Vsctturert Tsrrttery, and tra nicked In lt.I.y tanning Hie PrriiOS A'beit Colotiii- zation Company and arranging with si- f th it In roustdei allon of their services without c Kt they should receive one-twelfth p.irt of tho SSpatel ed iirotit* that Btihsoonently they o'ltBiii'd another i imiri) legion from th* llovern.ncnt on the same tam**, an I that tho kt I ti 1st.* r ol Customs ircoivcrt pert of these putin, li" heine tht father-in-law of Jamieson. Au; g committee ia tux cd. WAR PREPARATION.! IX THE EA8T. ACSTBIAN toi.pido Boats vol: PVDh BAY.PO*** KIGN roi ICY OF STIYIA. Vienna. April 3..Tho ErewtdcRbTatt RAJ* that six Austrian torpedo Doats have fens to 8-da Hay to "assist the Powers in makin- un eirtc'.ve block- ade should Greece tiintiimo refraft cry." Tbs BSBM papas statea that tue loreign pu hy of tho f-crviiin'Jut eminent under 1'renilrr RtSlteo will ne one which will cultivate a friendly feeling among the BsIkSS Htatcs. The (ioverunient will also sttempl te seeare a restoration of frleiu'.ahlp between liulsarla und Mon¬ tenegro and KiibSla. lhe Internal policy of tba Cabinet will he directed, says thc Fraud.n'llutt, towan! reform' mg ihe badset and payieg tin eis-ltors of thc ( OXSTAS IMH-I.K, April 3..Gudhai. Lffi lill, tic >;..: lal Turkish Commissioner win. ha* tiei-n cant las "n tue Be- gotlatloaa with Prince Aiexm dor for the political unlou of Bulgaria and East era Louie la, started to-tl:iy (Ot Copula, the Capital of Bulgaria. Lom.'in. April .'!. -The liriilsh Admiralty las ordered four more turpedo bouts to proceed to tho Mediter- raui'Au. Pakis. April 8.-11. de Freycinet, the Primo Minister, ut a mo-ting of tbe French Cabinet tu-d-y, tnat thc situation In the Baal IihiI not Improved. Consi AN'it.Niii'i.K. April 8..a cenfereaes ol tba repre- BontailTo* of tho Powers has heeu called for Monday in this city. PHASES oi ENGLISH POLITICS. LONDON, April 3..Mr. Gladstone's voice lg again catislnjr him some niixicty, and he has gone lo thu senatry to spend two er three days for the. purpose si recuperating. His physicians hara Impress* t upun hun thnt he must reserve hi* energies if btv wish* * to apeak bs tbs Hones of Commona en Tbnrsdsy next, wbea his anxiously expected statement regarding the govern- uient of Ireland ls to tie made. Another Cabinet council will be held on TueSdsy Tbs Maniiiis of Ballabnry ls ia London, lie arrived in England on Tbnrsdar ias: frum tbe ontlnei:, vu >ra he lind been ispi-ii.mut several dam for tbe beneflI of bia health. TBS Abbe Lis_t travelled on llie sallie boat ciel train with the Meranta, James Stmi-ticld, tba incoessor of Kr. Ch.inilicrl.iin ns President ot the Local Government Board, has bceu re-elected to Parliament from Halifax. -¦*> Till: BELGIAN AM) PKEXC11 STRIKERS. Paris, April 3..A bond of .teltrian rioted a vere to-day stopped oo tbe frontier as Ibey wera about toenier France. Two of the men were aire ted as susr/tcloaa characters. On one cf thc prisoners 850 francs were found. ihe situation 111 the mining <.i-ttrift nt DeesSSVllte 1* gettiUf worse. The ailtlmnlic- BBVB foliut1 lt necessary to n-en foi ce tim troops already there. KK.LAT.'lN- OF PRU80IA ANIi Till'. VATICAN. liKHLis, April '.!..l'rince Bismarck hus had Several conferences la tbe last few days willi Falun Behlor-cr, ftasslaa representative at lbs Valleaa, and Waister Yea dossier, al irbleh tbe objeets al 1'*ui betweea Prussia aad ba Valleao -isontend at length. Bo far, bowerer, no promise hes been siren ol tbs establishment of a mo ms vivendi wltb tba f aria. EATING not;.-* To KEEP i ROM -I acv * mon. Halifax, April 3..Reports have bi cn re¬ ceived from Labrsdi 1 to the efleet ihat tbe people living etvv . en ll ¦¦¦; ¦!, mail"; Polnl si d Babl -n sic -'atv lng, snd keep them.'.ives sllre oaly by eating tbs flt b of dons, r.oo of whii ii 'ave been killed. It I- fear, rt, na* less aid is re: il»r-il tii.-'n. thal un,n 100 to 1 ,iO of these peopli wi.l .in- thia spring frum rt.uration. . ? PRAOMEXTS Ol CABLE Mitt's. Rad _ox, April 3. Daeottai mttnue theil israuding in the vu it. iy of Mandalay. Ibey bare so far Ali destrorsd no less than OOO nooses In Its mi hm i.s. Puns, April A.- -Another of t-e Kusslan wolf-bilteu I nni|ik» whu have been miler treataient bj M. Pasteur for protection against hydrophobia bas died frew tbe malady. _ J /;0 VGH T '10 RE ENAMOURED OF JoXJ s. AS JNtliiK.NT Ut CHICAGO I ll AT CRRATltB .-OMI' TALK A1WH I til K KYA.Gi'U-T. Chicago, April3 (Special ..Astotyappi an I beru this lunruiuK thai a handaftmi widow hid beeeiae eiiainorcd of the Kev. " Miui " Jone* and cat i ,r her sd* inir.u an te the polat sf taking s front scat at .11 tba ii.eetink-, when aha displayed rael) a tender Interest In tbe Bombora essngellsl as flaally te dlstarb lit ui. Mr. Jones says there is no f ,,,an for thc story. Ile tkeaght lt atgbt here bees bassd os an incident thst occurred at the Casino Link last Bitting close up le the plat form, where she cuiiid uee and hear 10 the beal BdiBBtagB. waa a rainer a oed looting and weil dressed woman ot thirty. Sile BSSBBSd te he deeply Impressed with thc speaker's manner and listenedOSSBriy to ev cry word Just whet. Mr. Jones dramatically dasi"-,I his hai.dsover his heart and looked earnestly down In the di icc: lu', 'if lils listener anil Raid, " I have get lt righi is-...."" shs KH\ca r.*;.s|i, tiircw up her eyes and dropped aver IB a faint. A tew friends can ted her out. While Mr. Jones, without noticing the illBlurbaiice, contlnied his lulk ami an¬ nounced that it waa religion which had fo uni a resting place iti hat part of lils atiatoiur. Mr. Juno* gives Ce ii ot see the, woman mull after her nnshap. never touched her, and never alluded to the cir¬ cumstance at all. TETINQ TO HAVE HARMOXY IX OHIO. GnVI ll.Mil: KiillAKKIt A-KS A ( INCISNAIl OFPICIAL TO HKSlGN, Cou MiiCs Oliio, 3 Special)..(invrnicr Rstoksros Wednesday appointed S nun-pattison police board for Cincinnati. Behest J Morpan nnd (Jeorire K. Tong were the Bepaalleaas, Milo (j. Do id and T. c. Minor, the Democratic member*. Tho law onie r which they were appointed provides that tho Mayor shall ap¬ point and the commissioners confirm or reject the nomi¬ nations. Meyer-saith, a Bepnblleaa, aemlaated Artaar G.Moore chief of pulle-last Thursday, ahkiiig his im- luedlato continuation. Objections were mada by Mlimr hij- Topp and Mooro luis not yet he ia conlli med. 'I here hart been no charges against him, ¦ave that he has hail SOpoilce expenouet. Topp, the Republican member, was SppsSSd to Moore bSSaOSS of a gradna agilust Mayor Mun th and alio because he wiihed a frlond ap¬ pointed to the same place. A deal of Indignation was aroused by Topp's i.eralataiit objeoilon. To-day Oorsr- not Forakcr leos the matter in hand and telegraphed 'iopp us follows: " I hare bo desire to control your action lu any matti r,'.nt I deem lt to impuriant to have lntru,ony lu the board Hud with the Mayor that unless that Ih pn-stblc, I will thank you for your Imaiodlate resignation." Governor Foraker eipresae.l tbe opinion that t'10 Major should he allowed his choice for chief. This course meets with generul approval, as pablie optatos wat severe in iib coudeuiiiaiion sf Tapp. Dib szenss was tbat the Ooreruor and anti flBBdsj Totara of Cm- oinnaii were afraid of Moore, who ls a churoii member and ls backed by the Law and Order Iyague. tapp ihoughi lt policy to delay oonOrmatlon until after Mon¬ day's election. Word hat not been receivy.l from Topp, Lui tilt resignal bm ,s . ij.ecterl. Tin- altair has L-iadc a sensation beoauae lt ls unpreoedouted. PA MA Ol XII EY 1 DEX CE IX AS ABBOB CASE. Nkw-Haven, April 3 1 Special)..The prelimi¬ nary bearin,' In the case af Fran a II. Morea, who ls ao- tuaeil of art00 lu burning bit glasa worka lu Meriden In l*a83, aud tbereby defrauding the Boyltton Insurance Company of lioatou, waa terminated lu Wallingford thia morning. Morae waa bound orer to tbe April term of the fuperlor Court undera bond of 84,000, which was Iurnliii. d by Finery Morie, bia fatbar, The evidenco ks* nod med to-day was ali in dorroboraUon of Charles Maimvllle's testimony. Manville's story wai to the effect thal Morse hired bin' io work avowedly as watch¬ man, but lu r-a!liy to start tl.n tire, ile did liol do lt himself, but dragged another walehman wblte Ont Bate. niau started the Hie. lur tl..* service Manville had been promised $1<><» by Moue, and became he could get only gHg ont et him MaavtUa sasethestory away hud caused Mm ti's « Cbs litter hat been n travelling salesman lur a NoW*YoT_ g' Mhouso. DESTITUTION IS ALABAMA. GRRAT T.OS.S Ol' mi nv THE FLOODS. INVOKING GOVtltN'MCVT All) POP. TIM, DIST RVS. FD .FAItMlRS I'.I IN Kl). Montgomkrv, Alu., April :i.-Report- from the flooded districts conilnun to show great los* of life and proj.erty. Mnyor Leese, In view of the situation l:a«J«ent ibis te'egr ian to Senator* Pugh and Morgan : laws nf l.fe and property treal floods In tlit*, vicinity appalling. Resulting d»stit itlou w i,l he widespread ft BOO-BI every river in Alabama will bavn tho fame record. Cannot Government aid tic 'iivok.d for sufferers who are mostly poorest people I Tweet three l"ni;e,| Nates boat* are on the Alabama iilTer and could bc nsbd In distributing supplies mid pron at biarTftCou. Tho situation all over the flooded rsgion is deplorable. Many fa mers have lost all their heroes, mules, cows, corn end colton seed along the TsBl, ('noss, tt'arrl.r. Tallapset i, almas and Chulla- boo. h!c rivers, lt ls safe to estimate the lo*a by thia flood to Alabama at 02,0001000 and possibly hun,ire I llvos. ClIATTAXOOOA, Tet,;:., April 3. The river at ll a. m. regtatered fifty-two and one llfth fee' an'', v a* Stationer?. Som" o,OD* i persons *rho ure bSSBSlSSI are well taVeti car-* cf bv th* CltiseBS' Belief Committee. A third pc-.on waa drowned Ute last ni^hL Tbs ilanii.e te properly sanest sen ss Bst.attted, theosb in MM city it -.ill be large, There is one foot of writer in front of The Timm ofliee, two foet in thc Fnlon P.istei. .*cr Depot, mid ono foot In tho Head House. The we .'li -i lt fair. No malls her way yet CUB iv. vn, Gino, April lt..Contrary to the expecta¬ tions of expert river men the Ohio river viii .-iee ai*'ve flfr-tlv feet. 'Jo-day the snow began ¦Siting lue c,\t * fulling at Piirlstnoil'ti, ISO mil . above this city. No trains have bini started yet, but in a al.ort tuna some of de track* will te. aabtaerged. Maay eolian in ibe jow.-i pm af the elly sra Siled with water. :-, i-ia. Ala., April 3.-Tho r.'.er ..l this poln bal -ea"*!! to raise sftsr rsaehiag two feet blgf.-r thea *xt any within the leoolleetloa of tim ablest ls ba .¦- teats. Tbs dea'i tit.I property bas boen sreai all slosg tbs rlrer bbU many Ursa hare been lost Tue i- tlrc eastern part of tbs city ls u oder wb tar iBClndlug two compressen tbe Futt Tennessee, Virginia nr.,1 Georgia Railroad dspol and abops, tbs gsa wot ka, Union ii,,u u-ark foundry aadaooel turee bandied dwelling boasea ReBef eominttteoa have been nrgaolzed and bare gone rapidly tu work and pettiaa have been "it-- palcbe- alth proTialnae la al: dire. nuns. The ateamer Carrier in the e'cploy ol the people baa bronghl tn .-.hint nun people, mainly n'-gi-,-c. picked ap from boase i ipa nnd tree tup* in tin* overflowed llsirieia A .ir* bress eal la tue ga* wort;* In-day an I consumed two of tbs oi.tnoi, e. cm.mi; .t damage of 11,500, It will be two week** the cltv will nevil li.ive .-.c. N.v-iiv ii ii i run., Aprti ,'i 'iii CSWbertas 1 Uiver ls forty-three feel live imho- si tbal poinl and rising bs eh an nour. It'i also rlaiug rapidly at the heal, i beary rain having fallen last Bight. Th" lalllmea and .uui'ic: na i. sro alarmed thai ai' rafts will he swept atiay am! Hie «!ioiis Injured, over -Od families ti.-.vo bec ii f i ced to shandon their homes, Peter ... karil3 {Spatial), Tbs Appoautttoi i'.iv er ia Billi i-i ii-- tn,i tbieatenlua the city In Ite lowei parts. Bereral warcbooaes sra sa tbe point tn moving away with the current. Url lees ar. In (langet. I'M old Dominion steamer Bo noka could not so te H mond to-day becauaa of the swift current in the lanni li...r. DAMAGE BY FLOODS IN CANADA. MANY BRIDOKI CARRIED AWAY vM' BUILDIXC8 oas mon i*. Moxtreal, April '<&..Advices .roui Cbatpati- gaay and Huntingdon coanilea deter hetbedamaxad-aa by thc ilnmi. Ai .theleslsn s wide section of the ooun- try '.- flooded, Thirty feet of the foandatlnu of Boyd's fsetery waaeanied sway snd cattle weredrowsed. a: I untliig,inn tin-v.ate' tproad orer Chateaagnsy-st Cbs tiver ls twelre fset ebor tbe ic turner IstsI sudfeara ute ,i rtalaed ihsl two bi direa away, At < ii ii mow ii several on bu kl aga werecsi ried away aa .a inn:-" wa* atora in by lee. <. omunlcatlon, ezeept by l.iii. is cu; off, all road* leading Into igi batag covered, a rorered bulge and two others bass beea canted away. Ai Bryson t. * "v\,:ei ls eighteen toot shove the ordinary summer lovel and wlthl twa fset of tho icvi of; ie bridge. : be greateai dening la si I hat* ssngnay. Bssldsa tbs asa bridge, wbleh cost and whlcf wa* cain,' off, ui.itit hoosi s esra toudlj or rau-tly deetrorod. The total toss will b. -ju. ooo. At Trout Liver a sawn,ill Waa landed bodily away. «l !,,.* Corrosion, inst nvi'i tba Bi .* York ben i- ,.ry, the terminus ol tbs Montreal sad Ceemolaia Junelloo Railway, the Bainton Hirer orerflovi-ed ii* ililli-ai.ii in,,- I ibo trestle bridge il of place, Ihe B'ureamue tor lime standing cio*e by lbs run a .* destroyed by Sra, tbe irater alael ns tue lime and -i ting dre t-i tne wood work. The Canada Al antic bridge st i.ugh-h inver f...-. injured, tin- <-. m..ii -. r bel g la- placed and the tracks hove np making lt uangeious ta use. Except railway bridges whick are if mperloi character, hardly a briJes along the Ch teaugaay Bi .; ls ao( Injured i»i nntlrel) destroyed, rbe aural . to bo oTar sa tbe latest advices say tbs wati ls sub lnii. Tbe Conoreliei River ewing to the ea gor »l Tb'irsdav overfloweil lt- banka at .' orin -,. itfur>i, v. if., t' -,; ngtbe ( rand Tran*. BaUway tracks o-tising ti-* Btopps a of tia'iic. I -11.M. OP V DAM IN NF't'.-tlAMP-IliRF. (iMfi.'n. N. h.. April da tot .,... Ptoddnrd Poi , seven niles leog, gara nay resterasy afternoon, flin .neihe Conloeeook. lt la feen l tnat tbsifs risa ¦. Bridge ead otbsr places on tho rivei i be oan eu oft luealeula s darna I bra iteaed. Tbe 'Lu rim wat Hookeit baa ri*«n sii fset In twenty-four b ira uti the milla ira ia great d inger. Tbs c riituociiu,, md Warner Rivera are overflow i, flooding mill collara, . ACTIOS AGA1SSI A BISBOP DISMISSED Philadelphia, Aprils SpeeiaD...-In Com- uiou Plass Court lia this morning th suit of tbs p.-v. .m. i. Mack tu reoover nsmagea iron. Btsbop t/ll n was decided ny Judge Th.iv r. Ii his testimony Fat! >r Btaek declared thal lt wc.* tue daly of llie bishop Bl lei the tanoni and toatoma ol tha church to assign bim ts tha ssn m ol his oflles o' priest, that tha dafeadaal re¬ futed to io (i . _-ii .ma, and that bj reason efthla fasal be was dspt idol i msaus of obtaining a terse tum of money. In passing upi., a demarrei I,-.. ha,. I-,.!',, lg thayer -aid lt la piala that nu right ol property and ao oivil rights are involved InthlsBoval caa-.- Bf action. The duty wbleh lt la alleged rested upon tbe bishop to aaalga tba plaint :: te tbe ezerela 'f tun,''ion*, ir lt existed at all, waa eloai y a ie'l.-ious duty univ, imt arisaig out of any contract -ir civil rein lona betweeu thc lonies for Ita perlormanco ur performance. Tbe defendant was aaswera le nnie in fora ci..'iM', er te bia eeclealsstles parlors, -.».- ; laimy matter In wblok bs bsd i 11- it ns a bishop to nae bia o i Judgment Could tbe Met o- dial conferences be sue.i oi noi sealgnlnga uiiaiaterto a elim .e. <.r a in 'I*'-, 'cr tor uot .inp iring s minister cai; aii'i refnsn i >n Install the mlulater 1 Judgment via-ord, id fu. tbe btsbop and thecaes dismissed. A BOASE TBIBF WITB SLAVER WIVBA Camiii.n. Ark.,*April -Some time ago Dr. ff. IL Loyd wa* Incarcerated in tbe county jail for korae stealing, for which offeoee tbs aoeter ls a much wan "'I maa la several places iii lui.* .-.tai i au I Tera*. A-t a biga¬ mist, alto, tbs doctor in an expert 'lu thursday ho con- fetsed to .¦sherill Bragg to eleven Buriiagea. fha fellow- lng I* the l-l, v. 1th nain'"* Of vii nut, dates and place i ; No. L.Mary J. Hunter, Staunton, Vs., Maj C,1883i -">. 2. Hannan M. McOoWBO, Ara|.a!nu, Nen., April -'1, 1374 No. .1. . Melvina ll.'..!., Tum' luina, Mo., ..oveiu- in-r-". 1-T7 : Vu. -I. Men* Trafton, Huntsville, Arlt, October IB, 1878; Na 5..Msn J. Pack. DsbtIIIs A;.., A|,nl 20, 1878 No. ti M.nv P. 0 ige, Boydsvllle, Ark., August 18,1HH1; N... 7. l.v,ia a. Bird, mtteburgb, Ark.. May 16, 1882s n ,. H..Lraoy Knowles,Bslem, Ai lt.. July IO. 1H83 i No. 0. Margaret Dennis, Lan li¬ nne Ark.. Noranibel 1% l8H-;N"o. IO. 1 .ma .-!. rk lindi, tu., Choctaw Balloo, April 7. i-i. Nu 11- .i.i.-i. lu in- m. i: ,i., ( isi ks. Illa, 'lr i.i*. J ii iv IJ. 1885. He expects, he says, conviction ss a boise thief, hui aa ¦ B bigamist ? - - MUSH ll AL vt hi,le IX BALTIMORE, Baltimore, April :i [fyecial)..The Citj Controller having refused Io p.,v the saiiirn* oihcrs net ntiy appointed by Mayor Hodges bnl set confirmed bl the Coeai ll. the uaw appointees hove brought suit against the city fur OBS mui,th's salaries, and t ike;i tl:- cst s to thc r^nte Court of Appeals, lins I. a lor piiuse of tbe municipal muddle growlas sal of ti- lock io the Cit j lout e.:. 1 i,e Mayor lo.'u.r* tu Ban- other name* to 'he Coom il. '1 e logsllty of the ortlcial sets of oJBeers sppoinu but not con Ortoad wiii also t.o teste.1 Bod -eimii- ompltCBtlOBfl may ^rlse. Two of the olia isl* su lag for 'salaries are lbs city'- legal uttloers, and lae i ity Coatrollsi aili bars to en,pim outalda e ia- ail to flefead tbs Bli f agslasi a suit of ita own ssnnssL A rilli nc BPOMT* OF THE MILITIA. Pilii.AnKi.PHiA. April '.I )Special).. Thc fin- nual gymnastic sports Bf tbs 1st lleglinei.t, National Guaru of the Mate, took j.lace In the armory this even¬ ing. There were many tpertntors uml the entries were nutneroua. There tieri: c iiie»t* lu running, walking, lumping, pole vaulting, iinrchinelu heavy order, tuc of- uer,taasem trteyeieraaa, hieysis reese ami spaning lot pi,inti. ? - TAKES' OUT OF Tons ox A BAU* Nkw-Havlv. Apnl S tflfcwnfai. Josi Green, Of Ponuiuuiuiiek, haring nia*le hini.elf obnoxioilt to lila ueigliburs by making love to another men's wife, waa visited la«t m.*,it I.T a hundred masked men of tbe place and ridden ont of town on a rail. He narrowly es¬ caped being tai red and feathered. FIGHTING AT FORT WORTH. AEMED ll itu winch ester rifles. DEADLY TIRE Bf A Mon ON A BHERIFP8 DEPUTIE& OSB MAN KILLFD AMI KT**IU MF1 wOt'NDKD. CNCF.KTAIN WHO FIKT.D THF YIH*T SHOT. DRTF.r.MINILH TO PRKVKNT PRBIO-Tt VKOM MOVING. fnv RUMBAPfi to tup: nunrsp.. ] Fort Worth. Tex., April H.-At 10 o'clock tl.: BSSmtsg l,"00 people went to tho Missouri Pacific yards to see if thertfj Maddox s-o'-ld take sat a train a* bc had pror.-il-ed. Il was knot* n that tho Sheri ff had pl idged hlmse'f lo tako out a tra'u or die In the attempt, afc bc expressed I;. A few minutes boforo ll o'clock, au cugluo carrying a poise of twenty armed men backed down ..-om the tumut tawan and coupled to tne train. There wive li 'iud reds of strikers lu tho crowd snd t bel r pssssass seemed to paralyze - force of thirty deputy- .h* Whoas daty lt was to keep thom out of thc yard. A delay of au hour occurred and then the train etarted In lae chargo of Pepu.y " Jem " Courtrigut and t-herift Mai'idoT. It went w' bout interruption to tho crossing of the Fort Wo.-'.n and Ncw-Orlcaus cros?in({, whore tho saateSBBfJ atop was made. When the train stopped thc gnat, on the engine s»w .1 ainall knot of wen stan ling on the track a fow yards ahead of the engine. A h& of tho posse jumped from tho engine and, walking up to tho men, aikod them 1.' they intended to interfoic with tho progress of the ti ai.l. 'No, wo do not," was tho reply. .. You are at perfect liberty to tako tho train out If you eau." Whtlo tue off: cort were talking ls the men they saw several ethers lying In the grass beside tue track. They ordered them away, but tha men refuaed to move. Tho sattrs posts, limbering shoal twesl men, "aa summoned and ordered to advance upon tue Mtttng men bestfls tho track. Thc oillceis wero tbs tii-st to draw thou-weapotit. Which side Brad firs*, ls a matter c: dispute, Several witnesses, Ineladiag the engineer, *ay that the S0SSC8 ll cl flrsi W'tiile the nlhcf rs wein advancing loin* ona fl rel a shot from a pistol. Then tho men who wero lounging along the nark arose and each s,dc delivered a volley about the same time. Alter tbs Oral firs t 0 strikers retreated be- bind a idle of ties, where some live or six of thslr num¬ ber wero Sires l.v stationed, Four mon dropped as tte result of the first, frc. Thc p.sjn was panic-stricken at the reception it had rec Ired, btu as lt ontnaabersd tho strikers three ts one Bnotbsr liuo waa tanned, whisk chsrgsd on tho p'.'.o of 'lc. The dspotlea were r-ot hy a deadly fire del voi ed .'rom behind the ties, whick femsd ss excel- lei.1 breastwork. A si apis of tho mon fell, but tno otlieis pross^d en, revolvers In bead, dislodging tho it'rlk: rs, torcing inn., to votroiit behind tho fence. A wounded strike, was foatid behind tho pile of tics. Bs wa shot 'n tte Awl volley. After the strikers bad emptied their gani they weat .-, !. 'Ling si thoy walled. Btw al ol them in eluted -oran wbleh they bsd pie:cd la eoasoeUasat a short, li-tan-C from tho scone. Tue majority of lhe Striken used rlfl wi '¦. ibu posss used Colt'a re volvcra. Deputy Charles Bssed was eliot throagh tho head anl is dead, "Dtok" Townsend was shot throagh tlc lindy and ls it.uri illy woondoo. J. J. -tilford waa tbot throngs both '.cgt aid body and is mortallyWoiisded. Tha ot'.er wounded deputies ai Robert Marrfaen, William Mclrv- lng and James Qet-T**. Melrviu ls shot through tho lings-ml ia believed n ,e mortally wounded. Taemas Nan, a ..ournie.. Btuker. w..e cat-'h Tl deal tag dying wen place- 1 a car and the train wai basked lato tho I ¦..' bi ' tbe onfllcl spread witta r pi lity and tia -tennants caliea a n.e.'tin' .-tho si. ia and de« ta'le-i mt n to award alt tba gun-stores. Tbs ..¦¦-ncrai im- -1*" .: tba posse ba .ld ai. 1 Ara ; ¦alu ii.-*:, i be businssa mt'i '"iir.-.-dit snaed themselves with '. 11. 'ester mles aud organised a pursulog party, rho wen ordered to bring back the atrl.". ¦, dead er .".'ive. bal preferred thea deni, iuo "'liv ls miler martial law, and lt la rsportsd that thc strikers are amiss and awaltlogdevnlopmaats, 1 'I-1 st exoiteoteat pnvsll* oa sll -ides, 'ihe si r- ciiantt Banked ta tbe deter sud ... med the company tba Re. have a.l ibo protectiou it desired to run ita train*, ii vvas icm d tbal tha striken bad made tb'ir way te Uu riser bottoms, 'i'i-.' battle occurred st a station c died Hadst it sad tba deputies who flm *poko to the men os tbs Meta bsd 'cen ' ahead te gu d the .- «tli 1. No dead striker has yet 1. IsOOVSn '.. Tbe aaeaben of the pus.,, rh-, ret 11 i'ii d to thi city isl thal whee ney dalli Bred the order to the men to throw np ti ittu inda has s tt Bred upon f;-om ambash. It sall la behalf o. the «tnkers thai lt was their detei mlnstlon t isl ss tians should run on the Mlsssarl i'n.ii,-, 11 janet'!.ii ur 11.Junction. It was arranged tia'-ami,d the train pa.» throogk Port Worth lt maat pps t elsewhere. To thia end a number el strikers ., .- wat* .. roe- watta of tba city. The .iain arrive: at the ero*tln_ whoa it w...s fl i.cel by tho striker-, As it did SOI e'j.y he Ung, -faaatukera ;.t<ii resorted to throwl-g sswitch AsthoBBSi approeehrd ead tknw thoswlteta the, wen Bred apoi I.y tha posse and the fire was promptly rt iraed by tho ann ls ss-bash. The nsrrat -ays it va- Bot tba IStSStlon ot the sinker* to resort to,e unless foiced to, but win 11 tired apes fnev r tamed tee flm. Tbej were-eu nrmed end their work ihews that they wen pretty rood marksmen, "one tbiug msy be sst down ss Bottled," eoatlaaed this uar rater ..aadttaatls: itotrals>wlll be aiiowcii to pass 1,wi ino Missouri Facile until the demand o.' the striken for arbitration lt ssesdsd te." Tbs ooal on the train was destined for Waco. " Fd " rJmllli was the engineer aud ..Jiui" Couttrlght was la command of the pos-e, which cnn- listed of officers T. J- Fulford, IL Darby, Jiin.o* Th..iiiiisoii, "Hick" Towossnd, J. c. Bran* iuni. millaa. Hals, JosenhWlleher, Cbariss i*uead ami /.'¦eon Maddox. W*hS I srenmn was that waved a I .not be ascertained. Bhe waved* ber signal again tad again, nnd the ieeessetles was within ten feet of her winn a Knight of Lalor seized her aud pulled her from Llie'.rack. The train rolled on aud not a word wss rookes by tue officers or strikers, hut it waa noticed that two wagoea p died out from near tbe (Jules Depot BIM alth men aad were driven at a run te the south. The irain disappeared and the er,.wd dispersed. Many had not reached their homos when Hoar] Kills terna dashing np Msla-at. sad announced to lhe sher il thatthS strikers had died un the coal train. l: t. only thirty minutes after the train had psaasd through the citv. Thc newt tpread like wildfire. Rapidly Bbartfl Maddox patted along the street ordering [ill/ens to -m. IhesMSlVBS with Wiuchesi.ert and report Bl tts do. ot at once. Itu-.mess men closed .ons and answered thc suinuioin promptly. Gas storr, aero amptted inside of an hour, eronda surged lu the BtfSSta. weasan uilugledallh the throng ami taSdlSW reigned. The offitrrs havened from the lepel to ai ni themielves with Win.ueiters aud securing trirses le't town on the gallop to search Sycamore but¬ ti.n foi Lhe men sin had done the shooting. c. F. Kssswstner, fllSSSSn of the engine, says " We were going about twelve miles an hunt .shen approaching tbe switch. We no¬ ticed aeveial "icu near by and atoppod the train and some of tbe deputleB Jumped off and BSSffShsd tor men who bini thrown the switch which would have sent us down the Fort Worth and New-orleaus track. They were placed under arrest Wbsa ail of » sudden the erack of a Winchester was beard, BBBBBWM uuicgiy by rour or fire other tuota which came from Ave men lu a clump of weeds aboiii" _<K) feet aoutheast of the loroiuo'.lTo. " Dick" Townaend atood in front of the locomotive and was blt al tbe first Uro. Tho offi¬ cers returned the fire from their plttols. and the Bring became general on both sides. Dick Townsend fell hack against the pilot but quickly rallied and emptied hi* revolver, ana then crawled neck into tbe cab of tbe locomotive bleeding terribly. Officer Fulford wss seeu at ina home to-night, sud though lu great pain told the story cr tr.e suooimg ». follows: '. We bad stopped at the switch, where the ground waa open, hut ou a lino with where I stood was au embankment uiado by digging tbe cut, tho dirt being piled up blither than hiv bead. Pome of the others were searching men in the front and I went up the embankments where I saw several men lying down. Just thou I heard a shot tu front. I turned in that direc¬ tion and saw five or sIt men with Winchesters One of tho men was J. IL Harden, a carpenter, whom I knew. He levelled bia Winchester at me and fired, tho ball patting through my thigh, I stood a few minutes and aaw three or four strikers fail as our men Ured when I fell to the grouud." Tho people are in a state of great oxcitement and appear completely dumfounded. The bfach between the law aud the strikers has been widened and tho bitterest, expressions can be noard on every side. There aro hundreds of Knights of l.-iimr in tho elly who do uot appear io re¬ gret the occurrence of to-day. It has been barned that tho strikers yesterday pur¬ chased ten Winchester rifles in th'.* city. The Mayor bas Issued a proclamation appointing seventy-Are deputy pollceuion, and ordering all the barrooms to re¬ main closed until Wedt.esdav. A petition ban been sent to Governor Ireland for f-tate P.angers and military, and Adjiitsot-deiieritl King ami two companies of State lungers aro on their way here on a special train. Eight companies nf tbe 1st P.egltnent of Kansas Militia arrived In Parsons, Kan,, Wit night aud took charge of the Missouri Pac,in yardt, and this morning tue Kansas ..'atlonal Ouards begau making up trains, tho engines being guarded ou each side by the bayonets of the sol dlers. One freight train has beou sent out ann lt ls ex¬ pected tho yards will bo at once cleared of tail freight cars. The strikers made no disturbance or resistance lind seem to accept tho BltlStlSl a1* Inevitable. The company paid off ail lbc men engaged lu th? st ri ko. The feeling here it that the embargo will be Md on thc tralu a* toon as the soldiers return to their hones. Ike strikers hero who were formorly employed by the Missouri I'aclile and tho Texas aud Pacific, having pooled their Fart Worth business to that freight wat handled and train* moved almost exe.unlrrly by the Texas and I'aclflc employes. The places of these BBS have long been filled, but they dared uot naiko a fight on the Texas and Pacific, because tbat road ls under tuc control of the Fluted BtBtOS Court. I_ist night tho ShenfTiit.d his deputies were busily en- ga.'ed lu sorviug writs on an injunction agilust the strid¬ er* Bini their confederates, SSA the BBSS! of tueiii had received an official notice to keep away from thu yagds of thc Missouri Pacific Kail way. Tho effect of the writs wat to keep tho yards dca.-and to bring al nit tho con¬ flict lu another place. TBE BLOCKADE BROKEN. TBAISfl MOVING FROM EAST ST. LOUIS. CONSULTING Willi MR. MOXIE.A N-MBKIt Ol- OLD VVuliKVIF.N ll UTI'MN. [iTTCLSOasn u> thk t mb cn ii. 1 St. Louts, April 3..The beight blockade on the east side of tho Mississippi BiVBC was broken to¬ day. Switching in all the various yard* wont on with¬ out Interruptioc, a number of trains WOTS sent ou., and it will only be a question of a few days vvheu traffic will be fully resumed. The Chicago and Alton and tue ohio and Mississippi, tho Vendetta, tiie Chicago, Barllogtoe and Qalaoy and the Indianapolis and Rfc Louis al', had switch engines at work this morulny. The coal brought down fro t Venice to :ho Hirer front yesterday after¬ noon by tits Van.Ulta was hauled across tho bridge or ssroaa lue river on ferries to-day, and no attempt to inole.-t tbs teamsters was mado b7 the strikers, bout ll o'clock a coal train of twenty car** was taken Bl DBS tba bridge and, Slthengh the strikers applied a gi t' 1'iiiny aoeompUineatary Dames io tbs >.¦ and tir in,tn, they did net inane the Btlghtest attempt to stop the train. Mr. Crandall, superintendent of the Abbey minus, stated just aster tho train hal co-sod tbe bridge that ho will send mere coal trama across taoists night) Tiie VsadaUs tent out two trains ot about tweaty-f-VS empty ors each tuls morning wi.bout interference. A Bomber of lbs other roads io asst out freight rriins and Bsveral arrlfsd. in the lai'-i everything waa going es as if there was co atrlke, aaditbasasas almo.-t impossible lu the afternoon to kei p track of the trams sent out. The heavy fall of snow to-day mad" it difficult work to get traiOS ou,. ..- it waa almost Impossible for tho engine to gets "grip1 oo tha track, au Immense amount ot sand h .d to be aaed and evan then the trains mored slowly. vv non ihsstrtkera wltsssaed tba psrtlal resumption of tram to-day, ti.e, teemed to bs greatly disheartened, tani linne of them had much t" say. Caul * Halley stepped li to the Martel] Hoose ttata evening and wai unaaediete> ly a'- e*ted bp Deputy Sheriff Ilaglaad. When tho BeUs* ill accommodation came -cross tho bridge, ho waa marched over te where it was waiting, under guard of sis deputy sheriffs. At the procession pasted by the gi >up ot striken l saywordsol sympathy were spohea to li lb ¦- I will be np ta SSS you soon, Charley, and you have to stay there long " said ono. We'll reinemi r you for, Ja. i,'' said three or four to Deputy-*- 'end'James. Beets Anderson was arrested by Deputy Sheriff Daw¬ son th's atloruoon on a warr .nt. Tuen* wore loveu in- dteimeats against Anderson bj tba Oread Jury, m wbleh he -t charged w ,th ri Dto* mg asap gum ami laderfek- lng win train*. Beeta idlotmeal .s for a siagts offence. Anderses bsa been ons of ino lealei-i I tbe strike on the Hast Side, and wa* one of tbs men ti" irly bumed to death Ul til.) W aba.ll twin lt taOSSS B stintt time .i.u. Two bridge amt tunnel train* were Stopped I'i Las*. St. I .>' i- this morning. Sheriff Bar quot said to-day: " Sly pian ii to keep Hie tuen off the railroad p.ojierty and ar¬ ras! all who persist in trespassing. Thara is no tiouble now beeaasa thc railroads are not Bering any trains. If thev Sad any trains te more I do net KOtiw what mc re¬ sult would ir-. I have no', tried ie raise s passe snd Shall not try. I have BO bleu of following the Ooverti- ui's loggestiou rn,nio yesterday, ir I make as arrest there ney bs noting, and tuen there may bo BOOOSSily to call on thc militia." The Oeneral BsSSnttVS Hoard of the Knights of Labor which left New-Vork on Wsdnesday ar rived lu this city this morning. Messrs. Hailey and Turner went at once to UgbtStOM Hall Where they he.d a long oonfeieaee with th* joint com¬ mittee of :_e three DtSiriSt \«ienr.','vs. The conference did not terminate nulli after:; O'Clock -nd IBS prOCQSd laga wera kepi secret. Martie in.ut and bu nollnagnsi argued against returning to Work under (h.: Oondllteas imposed bp tbs railroad company, tl would be sa ac- knowlodsmeut of defeat and tha death of tue oiler, lt la sail that so:uo sort of a ruani.V.sio will be made public lo-iughL Mestrs. Titrnrr aud Halley called at Vice-president Ho.In's office twice to-day ant he Waa not lu either liam, This avealag they called again au 1 met Mr. HoSta and a time was fixed for a ssafersnen Regarding tbs aitaatioa Mr HaLey said: *'uur understanding was thal tbs mee were IO return to work and that the committee would lie taken from among them. Wc stated at Ibe tune ihat we were ausp,clous of tho road's io-.1 Intentions in thai direction and SSPISSSS- UM fear that the SMS -.vo'ill bo .incriminated against, i hope tbat Mr. Moxie iv; make no ratatatata mid that tho strike win be sett e i i poadtty." .. Ibu trouble,'1 sa d Mr. Taruir:-, " ii s li: tho fBOt thal thors is too mach bloherlog about leahaiealltiaa. lioin -lil, I must be pu'paled lo I ike a broad Bland, aud theil all difficulty can be avoiile.l." Mr. Turner, Ifl reply lo BB legally If he should r.tiuest that ail tho striking Kalghtsof l.anor BO re-cnpioyo 1. ri ulled: No; such hasneVSt bSSS tho cate her.'tofo'-e, even wiau we were victorious iu our straggles with capilal. and we can hardly expect suoh a emirm to be pursued by tha railroad companies bow. Ufo don't exi> i'i them to die charge competent arno who have been uployed urning ttae strike, ind wa shall make ao snob ii uiaota. a.. we ask isthat the place* nutt rac lot be lille t ny mo knights of l.ab.,r who may make applications fm t inn,, and ihat them shall be cliusen au arbitration committee la treat with Mr. Basia Neither snail we-emaad tsai those wini hare rouiiulttrii .IrtpredaMoiis upon the coat" peal's property bo takee back. Beeb .. demand weald he inconsistent with tbe principles Uni down lu our oonttltstloo, fur you know we advise tn it violeaes rn ail cases bo avoided, and the lo-s of lil* position By a K<iigbt wlioi'.eatroys his employer's properly la a just punitb- metlt. ihe I'.;, lg"' and Tuum-l Company have suirlcieiit '¦¦:. r ul .. a 1 t > handle Blithe traltlo tiuw to be moved, and work wih be begin with tin-freight fioui llilh tune with Hie expectation of keeping tu.- brnlga opeu for freight from this time nu. The Hurliiigtou aud .quincy road, which throughout has m.-te min mendablB effort* to handle freight In the f tc of nil oppo¬ sition Interposed, opened its fre'ght-hoote nu* marning. Tue other mads will opeu their freight later in thc day tf there ls a probability of their being abbi to hamlin the freight offerin.. Tne policy of tiie. Illidge and Tunnel Company from the beglnulngof tbe linke was to re-engage all of its former;....-. ¦.* upon resuming woik, but these men failed to applv for ihotr fasaal CauUu-rS aa I'UUt Page. BUrnXJATED I3Y SMOKl.. FIKK QT THK I'l.ANTF.I.'S HOU8B, ST. LOrfr!, KOl'H RFRVANT1 LO.HK TIIKIR l.|VK«--TltB -LUSTS fi'iFSS IN A SNOW ST'il'M. [BT l-l Billum T") TIIF. TRIBi;^-. ] St. Loris, April 3..In tho midst of a fierce snow storm this murnini? fire was discovered Isaui-g from tho tilth story of Hi.. Pointer's House. Tho morn* lng was dark, the snow blinding and the wind bltwing s galo. A belated reporter of Thr Republican standing at Fourtu und Chestnut Stat, observed a Bataan of white smoko ascending from the rear portion of thc hotel. Il ocourred to hitit that tbe lintel iras on tire. He ran to trie n-ar and BM* smoko pouring out of tin windows of the fourth und fifth stories. An alarm tv,is immediately turned un and wss siippiomentel by a general alarm aa soon as thc department reached the groun I. Ms mwhlle Ivehsnadrsd pearls weresslespts tin* great tssaasssi and tin* clerk and watti-inon on duty wr.) unawnre »f the danger. About the time tbs alarm wa* barned SB- BOB Hoes an 1 Kate Hooley, Ima ncr lb girl*, eueoun- ter. I thc smoke In a hallway near the !tn«"i mom on tbe thud door. They ran down etatrs as _Bl8_lT as poitlble and warned thecler., USO, assisted by tho night wa'oh- n.on and a Ml boy, began to rou*, tm guests. H.-uoi of tue wl'.de.t panic then ensued. Mes and women ran shrieking Ikrsngta th,- balls, Btt-rSd oa y iu their BlgkB- ciothej. sailing tho sssass of friend*, are-ping, be«ec.*b- iii_, praying for aid. Whichever way a frantic gaSSt furnci he was SSttfreatol by volumes of thick smoko which increased hi* ttrr>r. "Il«ip nie ont' Oh. plea-* he'- BM M BBSS my chil¬ di, ul" ei reamed a vming mother carrying a child and Mading I aether. Her appeal* vtore Ignored by the im-n, who were bent on BBVlng them.elves. Th we were ISMS 'jun regular boarders in.Hie hausa aud tln-v were familiar with Hie corridors undi tu*. Tho SMBM. and children wci-n hurriedly conveyed in their n:.''it |!ethS8 through the storm to the ail night liuuor etorot anl restaurant* in the uei.liliorhoxl. It wa* amoug the transient guess that the wilden*, confusion occurred. Thev knew not arhloh way to turn. but followed thc crowd ti tho best of their ability. Tho surTcrlu- in I'm street* wa* lutonso. The WWW was four Indies ticer and falling in clouds. The firemen fortid open thc door* ot several railroad efl sa la which bright tires were burning and t rowded tho v oatoa ani elill Iron ratethssa place. The mon wats ooiiip."i:i.r.i to make their toilets ou tho sidewalk. One mau sa* settee! who cia not btatrny the slightest emotion. When aroused from his siren SB tbs third tl.Kir. ho gently ni (iiired the cause of tbe trouble, and aftor being informed place.I hil broad-brim lied hat ou hla bead, threw his alethea mi hil urm. I ul ed M hi* booti Bed grabbing hts valiso walked aarorslly down stairs mi 1 our iu tho anotv. After selecting a moa drift ha proceeded to get Into lils trousers One mau ai pearn. Bt H corner Italld Btlf window clad o:rly in lu* *le**| ill< garb and hagan tlitowlug out hu colins. The ligit, article* caine llt-t. Then followed SMffeM 8-Se, suc¬ ceeded by a pic'ure which bc grabbed fruin his dre-«er. tata o.v.m ;.. heavy Hank which scattered the crowd belew, sad as tl srashed to the grennd was badi] simt- ten-d. TbS iniWWiaStSd telognph Sim and ca *ltvi received .ollie of the wildly thrOWU Helsa and held them fsr s fsw eeeonda antU they dropped nit of MbNt sera weight ot were knocked od bf being -ti noa by some other Btti-tS. It WSSSB tbs fourth loOf In tbe apattuicnts or, npto* by tho lielpt'nit the danger was greatc-l. Tba tire waa raging b.-neath mid Vc.I le these spertBBSatB. About twenty he* giris aasssgai ls ssenps, sssay snssaaassag in the corridor- le Uio BBBSkB and beat Four wero mlaelng wt."ti the Ina! count waa mada, sad iifteeu minuit'*: itsi it waa dlaeovered thal tbej k 11 beea bsBb aated v\luic Hying ls aaeapa, lu r.u Bo. -iv, iy Mary .roney, ak-wnbsnnatd sa fhe (saith noir, vhs had uv iimny m !.> trsntM sBstsi is ssssps bf raa-dag tlirooghthe haliwaya and down tbs stairs, show** iounu lying on her tatt In the ballway BS the third Boor and wi* carried Into Ve Hg, where avery oBecl asa i ids te rsssaattata hor wimont reaalt Her fees waa begrimed with isaohe, snd os either *l icu' hes neck bbs Bhts and iesta wets torn ss thengta In tbs sgenf of B-ffoeattoa sho had tried to tear the Bhokiag -oisatlou from bet Bock. Her right arm wi* brat* .'. aad fern and thoro vic,* i wound on ber right ashla bnl naas ''ad enough tu WSStanl at.y theury other tbaatbal cf si'fl-ca- tl-.n. tut victim W.W a'H'iit tWSBtf-fVS years of aga, dark hair sadSySS and bad been a faithful employe of lbs rhuitsi'i fis sss, fir many feen Beal air had shs dlaeovery sCtheBnl body hesa anno, iced when tvs unfortunate vvoiiiea were (sand losked in sash o;ber's arms, suilocated. one proved to bo Kilty CasiMy,ags seventeen, tbs other Mary Coegsa, age twsntj Ive, beth ssapiersd in the linen dspartBasas. Kitty CooaMj waa aa erphaa aad had tisior i. ngia the city but no other known reiattvoa, Tbe BOM holy found was thai af M-.g-io Bserdon, sgt forty, so employe of the linen department, lbs taste ao inarki ipoufsss or'mly. tint w i. begrimed witta saaeka sad dirt, lbs il.rd from Buftoc tloa Bim v\..»-« a ateatly.iiid_airl.iiis woman, the aupporiel an agedatothst md an miall! sl.ler. Tue Ure department oonflued 'he Ba*uei la a bail dizen ronm- lu tbs r-ar iinrtuiu on the Ifcild an I lo Ul B ll i's. The building wa* ll,.oded Witta wale, mil In* ISIS Will lie const leratilc. lr was tosad tBBt tba Sro had been .anaed bj an overheated mHI ia th.* linen room os lbs thud Mimr. It then spread to the aSJOt-Jtig ron n*. some of which were va "ii'it, and iln.illy to UM rMima above occupied by ilie girls. The Planter'- fionas was badt ta 1SSS eal e.inie.l th" block on fie wost sci"' of P.nirtl' -' beta "*u Chest¬ nut ami rana i* ii I- -ii -."ne. sigh il ti ly balfe block deep, lt ts aii old-fashioned, uuptetoottcas building, ai.d i.i ante-bellum iivs was cousl-teiede monster In Its way. Ia ISI7 lur-. I>ickt nt stepped there and mentions the hotel ia a sompliuMu ni waj m bis " American Notes." lt ts owned by au aa i noe el which tin Lu, a* hairs sws the majorit; nfl .Saras, li ii issaed 'iv J. l. ferardi .v: Cn , who I .veeontreUdw lt fsa a uunii.'.T ol pests, rt ia u ur*.-.... botsL panic ami.m. I hool* iiili-hen. Chicago, April 3..Thara wag a pa-tie lathi iwlag elassss of tne Osatral Chnreta Mist nt Ishsst tas (.' ybourue-ave. this morning, Then- were evet four hundred little giris prsisst In shsrgs el lad; leeehets. wen a lire Ir ni. bulow buist I' tn i-h tn* ie.r;*ter lot l tbs room snd Iliad lbs little enan with terror lii-y burrt from the room and down tlc stairway IO tba stieet. Thc Bev Mr Lstlnmr, pester of tee mlaaisa, Bcd Mr. Tacker, of tbs Manual Tran In, i-i Im il, were preaeuL sud attempted to pacify the obi dren, nil with littIO Offset. Tl.ere were no snrlnii* rrtUltt bey.ill 1 bruises sud scratches, and sligiit Injurlea received bp Mr. Tucker. The Are wss saou axtlnguiabsd with little damage to tho building. «.- L0B8B- IN VABIOUB PLACES. RoffDOUT, N. V.. Apnl 3, -A large bum owned hy a fartsst seated Ooorsa Dabaia .a* I unod al tfew-Palta thia uioruiiig. Bight beta - aad twenty sheep were bumed te death, bat bj oiaklns atrasuess efforts Dubvlfl saved bis sews, i its shoe *-..*jui); partially tutored. ('.imo, III.. April lt..At _ o'clock tin* ¦stalag dre daatroyedBatista Hrothcrs' general Blores f. J. Thistle- weed's boase abd twa ether frasas taalidinga in Vashs li.gtoi.-ave. Smith iirother*' looa la shani ifi^.txio; l-..- :i'u e. slJ.i'1,1. I In-tli w.,nd', |0SS OB IU* uo'J-e ls -I.""**. Inaurauce, f2,0tM. Tbe ethel lesses snd inaur- snees sre aukuoa ii. siaNiinH, MsSS., April 8 Duuiel F. Murphy's «l oe factory wss barned to^ay. Porty banda uetbrewneab ot employment Lo s on balldiag, *.',*»'".. Bi sell leery, >i.""". ll Ck, srl.'itci. I,,. ij" ,:.. a ii.i. 3 -Firs io uig..t gsm i.-e '. tbs th'-'c- atory iTick iiuii.iiu.. No. ill Went Ballimore si., te tbs esteotof H.000 Bsrrlsos -v Bfhllieek, si a reiypers. wim .a- a,,!, ti ita nji|iei (im ".ton, s. ;ii--re ,1 s loss ef shuni >l.aii,'. ii.e lower boor,occupied m .: ety tbeetist wa. I i-ded. i proper!.-.«.: ired. TO Ti sr nu: WOBtM OF OSORUtA BORDA CiucAoo, m.. April 3..Hull-it 1. I.,ii,-.lin, ef the lew Brm of Isham A t-Bcoht, - BMrssng that bia Arm bi d bends of the face va ''ooo, lss,u d liv the Mate of i.enrgla iu l^,,a sadlS70 and * ,.¦ r.p'i,!.i, wiiich they had beea directed te pre* sent to the-tate of Illino.s ur thc Uau Leia' Hun.... The beads are eatons ethers beegtal i.y f,.i.-igu- t-r sun fat a long time have been ll the Uldt o: \ w- Vuik o.inker*. Mr, Lincoln stated t :,,) ha h.- iiroui bl iii lhe (Joiiad Mote* Baprrme i wirlina abort lime by tnr Slate ol [IHsets sgaiuei lbs male el in o: gi i to reeoi er tao amount of tbaa rapudls sd beads, lu I**: lesta suits arie brunght-by lbs -¦...itea oi New-llaiupehlre sad Mew-York sgaiust l/mielaas by lae Alto racy-oeneraia la tha earns el iheHistea tera* rover the nato.ut of repudiated benda owned ¦. :in-ir ciii/.eus, imt tiie tie. isioii oi ibo SapreaBS i ",. i iMivereg by * mei J at ties Wait.- nts ewi er- oi iiaia bends could not sue in lhe name of the SI itu iftei chuk the consent ot ta al Male, or nae -late i la! lol ., of tue dents of anethet sta ¦. to ita ci i* >aa, lt ls bee*use of ibis dsaMtsn thal tha srssaBI SMdssI St '.iou ua- liecii ilcilde.l upon. CAPTUAISB til.ROMUo's MEM, San FitAMisu'.., April A..X ilis;, t*i The Chromrl, fr.iui Purl Ko,.le. Ari/.,.SO, lilt- I on April 2. say*: " 1.! eui en mit Fai*oii arrive I lo-,tay wita lill) eight A I'm'he |u Isoimrs, inCliltlliig ( lilli.lalliU, Kif nc. .Iiiiiiiii uni N..n i, who ni been ih,- ui'iil lltiublesoiiit* uf Hie bosllle. ne.r to lli-ioiiiaiu. 1 BOf all leemon "dad io net tat Ihilhnahsa had a pew-arew wnh (ienerai l rook Un* afteriioon, aid salli "I know I have coiniiiiilcsl many oulra. ., btu (.ero-umo i. te blaine far ail. Hoiosaad us nd ibe los.-i v ainu by ilsa 1 don't ll.u,k he tt ill eo oe in now. 1 it .v,< Hi ru vt n away loy hi int a ii mu not afraid. I must die s mn* lime. If voa punish i ><> bord, you and pearidBcrrs hiv famines iml ats Hom mn. h. bo Iihvi- I.' lianna, l r..ok'.nd him to SS na, * lo camp and rSSS.

Transcript of New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1886-04-04....senatrytospendtwoer three days for the. purpose si...

Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1886-04-04....senatrytospendtwoer three days for the. purpose si recuperating. Hisphysicianshara Impress*t upunhun thnt he must reserve hi* energies

¦isa* vV*









London. April 3..Knglish and Scotch opposition

t« Home Kule lisa been growing nore and more

pronounced all the week. When Mr. Gladstone an¬

nounces next Thursday thc providions of the bill to

sinend the .iltur* government of Ireland, he will

baTe to deal with three or four sets of opponents.those opposed to Home Kule in any form; thone

opposed to a separate Parliament; those opposed to

Home Rule with land purchase; and those op¬

posed to Hom? Rule without lund purchase. It in

now expected that all these heterogeneous forces

-rill be marshalled tinder the joint leadership of

Lord Hartington and Mr. Chamberlain. Great

efforts are makin? to induce Lord Hartington to ab¬

stain from active opposition.The Tories on the other hund profess themselves

ready to follow Liberal haden, Lord Salisbury re¬

turns to I,eildon to-morrow. The Tory plau of cam¬

paign will then be settled. Reports egreo that he

fiivtire close co-operation with Anti-Homo l.nlo

Liberals. The Standard publishes a strong appeal

for united .vtwu and strongly deprecates uny iat¬

tempt of the Tories to assume responsibility for the

conduct of tho debate.

Mr. riiamberlain will follow Mr. Gladstone; then

Air. Trevelyan. Application- for admission from

strangers surpass ali precedents, 5,10 members of

the Honno disputing for 190 places, and many ask¬

ing a do/on «e:its for friends. The Speaker in con-

gtmuaaat ahandons his own R.-illery to tho chances

of ballot. Seven embassies und the American Lega¬

tion aro deprived ol their usual si ate.two each.

Some ol thc strongest I'.nglish Home Rulers out¬

side the' Mini-try urge Mr. Gladstone to confer no

powers on the new statutoiy Irish Parliament be¬

yond those belonging to American State Legislat¬ures aud warn hun that the country will stand no

more. They profess to believe that Mr. Parnell

will accept that when convinced that a larger meas¬

ure i.s impossible.Tha multiplying signs of dislike for Homo Rule

throughout England aud Scotland tiavo alarmed

more than one of Mr. Gladstone's colleagues. Re¬

ports are i'arrant of dissensions in tbe Cabinet.

Lord Spencer is said to be dissatisfied because land

{¦melisse bl postponed ¦ week niter Home Kule, but

it now appeais that Mr. Gladstone means both

MfiaBiiTtjBnltiiaatrljtoprorosd together. lie prefers,

linvi'ver, to stand or fall on thc* proposal for a

separate Irish Parliament, and the Home Rule bill,

therefore, is lirat introduced. Two other Ministers

am end.toting to narrow tho scope of tho measure

which it is now tielievd gives the Irish ParliamentControl over tho customs. t:ixos and jiolice, in short

settiiiL* up an Irish Canada within thirty miles Ol

thc English coast.

This belief lt ia which has stirred loyal Liberals

in Scotland to protest. Nothing has moro startledthc Ministers than the declaration of Thc Sentmian

thut such ii illari or anything like it would lc, and

ought to Le, rejected bf Parliament Du Scoitiimn is

Mr. Gladstone's ablest ami most devoted the entire Kingdom. Its editor is tlio personalfriend of Rosebery. TbeSeotehmembereofthe House ezpn sa Minilar opinions. The -amber oi

j i 'tents increased dating the week till some of Mr

Gladstone's Cabinet began to apprehend* Any considerable delect ion among the

Scot*.- HK-iulicrs would be fetal. Mr. Gladstone,

therefore, say Ins colleagues, stands between the

Booteh Scylla and t'ne Irish Cbarybdss. Unless h.-

modifies his project, a number of Scotch membei i

will abandon bim. If he modifies it. Mr. Parnell's

American masters will not allow him to accept it.

Si, rapid ha* bein thc growth of this hostilitythat r.linois abounded on Thunda! that a collapseol thc Cabinet was in,mun ni, Mr. Gladstone totallylefaaing substantial col* eariona and being resolved

t<> meet Parliament witta hie original scheme. Few

Boen inside bi outside tho House now believe it will

be possible iur liiiu to carry such u schema, but it is

rc narked by Ins colleagues that'' the old man has

got his Lack against the wall" and will bringererythlag down with him sooner than yield.They add that ho will nol eoncede to lesser men

what he 1ms refused tc Mr. Chamberlain and Mr,

Trevelyan.Thc two resignations were announced ou Mon¬

day. Unlike Lord Hartington, vt ho bits behind tho

Treasury benah, Mr. Chamberlain and Mr. Trevel¬

yan took seat* below the gangway. Mi. Cbamber-laiti's friends say thal ho is working hard and

silently to overthrow the Government which he has

quitted. Ho or aome other Influence hss paralyzedthe movements of the Liberal associations winch

were relietl on to support thc Ministry. These asso¬

ciations in lot mer crises sent ap addresses of confi¬

dence by scores. NOW not Otto ls Sent, Not a single

important public nieetin. hus yet been held in Eng¬land iu favor of Irish Home Rule.There was a great and enthusiastic meeting yes¬

terday of banke.8 and merchants ol thc City of

London, the Lord Mayor presiding, and leadingLiberals sal personal friends of Mr. Gladstone, like

Sn John Lubbock. Mr. Grenfell, and many Ltberalmemhers aud oflicers of Liberal associations, beingpresent. Tbe meotiug resolved in energetic terms

against a separate PaiUeaaent in Dui.lin. sir

John Lubbock said that he was still a warm sup¬

porter of tho Govorutne-t and that Mr. Gladstone'sreal enemies were those who wanted him to take a

fatal leap in the dark.

lt is dirticult, indeed, to say where the Govern¬

ment can look lot iiesh siippoit. Mr. Caine, stand¬

ing for Harrow in-Furness, has pron duneed against

Hone Rule. No seat can bo found for Mr. Shae-

Lefevre, whom Mr. Gladstone vainly recommendedto HaiTow.Mr. Chamberlain's successor, Mr. Stmsfeld. an

amin 1. lo derelict of the ancient administration,brings not an atom of strength to the Mini-try.

Lord Dalhousie, tho new Secretary for Scotland, is

respected, pojiular aud capable, but is already re¬

potted to be hesitating how far to follow tbe chief,whom he idoh/es. TITO IB-lgMlhHia of membersof the Government holding impoitunt oflico* are ex-

pcic'i on Friday morning. The Irish membersthemselves take a grsvo vicar of tho situation.They meet Hcotch opposition with a threat to de¬

feat every Scotch bill for the next twenty years.The Bastian crisis has created genuine alarm

throughout Western Lurope. berlin advices cai lyin the week umnted to war, all efforts to make theGieeks hem hmm having failed. Conlidciite has

sinci been [regained, Lord Rosebery carrying his

point. Greece now knows thu', war agpinst Turkeymeans deliance to united l.urope. Russia, If it

docs not take part in active measures, shoii'd suchbecome necessary, will not oppose them.

c. w. s.



Ottawa, April 3 (Special).A smsation hast'c n caused ia political circles by tbe s'liiounced in¬

tention of Blake, .-ad._«r of th'" Ojiposltlon, and Edgnr.onn of his IieuteaaotB. to Impeach three ino niBr ra "f

Parliament who are supporters of the jireaent Govern¬

ment, as well as a Minister of the Crown, ill.i.o charge*that Dodd and MCltS-gaH. the member* from tim mari¬

time districts,threatened ono Matthew I.lucan,a (loveru-

iiieiit official, tbal if he did not TOM for tho Cuvi-rnnieiit

candidate at the last election hs would tin turned out of

office, and that In tn.* lutliei that Llngati did VOtS','.:tllC G "\ fl Illll-llt ,il|i.|,|»t- III SpttO Of Bllch VT.ll Ililli;,they proposed to the Uorernruent that lie should bsauporseile I, and tin' knowing these facts tho G.ivrn-

uient did rupertede bini, Edgar charges t'at while thoMciulier of l'.irllauieut for Hustings, one Jatiiicson, a

journalist, with tbe full knowledge aud consent of Mac-kennie Howell, .Minister of Customs, ubtnui«d 81,200sessa <>( lund aew Bateeaha ia th.* Vsctturert Tsrrttery,and tranicked In lt.I.y tanning Hie PrriiOS A'beit Colotiii-zation Company and arranging with si- f th it

In roustdei allon of their services without c Kt theyshould receive one-twelfth p.irt of tho SSpateled iirotit*that Btihsoonently they o'ltBiii'd another i imiri) legionfrom th* llovern.ncnt on the same tam**, an I that tho

kt I ti 1st.* r ol Customs ircoivcrt pert of these putin, li"

heine tht father-in-law of Jamieson. Au; g

committee ia tux cd.



Vienna. April 3..Tho ErewtdcRbTatt RAJ*that six Austrian torpedo Doats have fens to 8-daHay to "assist the Powers in makin- un eirtc'.ve block-

ade should Greece tiintiimo refraftcry." Tbs BSBM

papas statea that tue loreign pu hy of tho f-crviiin'Juteminent under 1'renilrr RtSlteo will ne one which willcultivate a friendly feeling among the BsIkSS Htatcs.The (ioverunient will also sttempl te seeare a

restoration of frleiu'.ahlp between liulsarla und Mon¬tenegro and KiibSla. lhe Internal policy of tba Cabinetwill he directed, says thc Fraud.n'llutt, towan! reform'mg ihe badset and payieg tin eis-ltors of thc

( OXSTAS IMH-I.K, April 3..Gudhai. Lffi lill, tic >;..: lalTurkish Commissioner win. ha* tiei-n cant las "n tue Be-

gotlatloaa with Prince Aiexm dor for the political unlouof Bulgaria and Eastera Louie la, started to-tl:iy (OtCopula, the Capital of Bulgaria.Lom.'in. April .'!. -The liriilsh Admiralty las ordered

four more turpedo bouts to proceed to tho Mediter-raui'Au.Pakis. April 8.-11. de Freycinet, the Primo Minister,

ut a mo-ting of tbe French Cabinet tu-d-y, tnatthc situation In the Baal IihiI not Improved.Consi AN'it.Niii'i.K. April 8..a cenfereaes ol tba repre-

BontailTo* of tho Powers has heeu called for Monday in

this city.

PHASES oi ENGLISH POLITICS.LONDON, April 3..Mr. Gladstone's voice lg

again catislnjr him some niixicty, and he has gone lo thu

senatry to spend two er three days for the. purpose sirecuperating. His physicians hara Impress* t upun hun

thnt he must reserve hi* energies if btv wish* * to apeakbs tbs Hones of Commona en Tbnrsdsy next, wbea hisanxiously expected statement regarding the govern-uient of Ireland ls to tie made.Another Cabinet council will be held on TueSdsyTbs Maniiiis of Ballabnry ls ia London, lie arrived in

England on Tbnrsdar ias: frum tbe ontlnei:, vu >ra helind been ispi-ii.mut several dam for tbe beneflI of biahealth. TBS Abbe Lis_t travelled on llie sallie boat cieltrain with the Meranta,James Stmi-ticld, tba incoessor of Kr. Ch.inilicrl.iin

ns President ot the Local Government Board, has bceure-elected to Parliament from Halifax.


Till: BELGIAN AM) PKEXC11 STRIKERS.Paris, April 3..A bond of .teltrian rioteda

vere to-day stopped oo tbe frontier as Ibey wera about

toenier France. Two of the men were aire ted as

susr/tcloaa characters. On one cf thc prisoners 850francs were found.

ihe situation 111 the mining <.i-ttrift nt DeesSSVllte 1*

gettiUf worse. The ailtlmnlic- BBVB foliut1 lt necessaryto n-en foi ce tim troops already there.


liKHLis, April '.!..l'rince Bismarck hus hadSeveral conferences la tbe last few days willi Falun

Behlor-cr, ftasslaa representative at lbs Valleaa, andWaister Yea dossier, al irbleh tbe objeets al 1'*uibetweea Prussia aad ba Valleao -isontend atlength. Bo far, bowerer, no promise hes been siren oltbs establishment of a moms vivendi wltb tba f aria.

EATING not;.-* To KEEP i ROM -I acv * mon.

Halifax, April 3..Reports have bi cn re¬

ceived from Labrsdi 1 to the efleet ihat tbe people livingetvv . en ll ¦¦¦; ¦!, mail"; Polnl si d Babl -n sic -'atv

lng, snd keep them.'.ives sllre oaly by eating tbs flt bof dons, r.oo of whii ii 'ave been killed. It I- fear, rt, na*less aid is re: il»r-il tii.-'n. thal un,n 100 to 1 ,iO of these

peopli wi.l .in- thia spring frum rt.uration.. ?


Rad _ox, April 3. Daeottai mttnue theil israudingin the vu it. iy of Mandalay. Ibey bare so far Alidestrorsd no less than OOO nooses In Its mihm i.s.

Puns, April A.--Another of t-e Kusslan wolf-bilteu Inni|ik» whu have been miler treataient bj M. Pasteurfor protection against hydrophobia bas died frew tbemalady. _




Chicago, April3 (Special ..Astotyappi an Iberu this lunruiuK thai a handaftmi widow hid beeeiaeeiiainorcd of the Kev. " Miui " Jone* and cat i ,r her sd*inir.u an te the polat sf taking s front scat at .11 tbaii.eetink-, when aha displayed rael) a tender Interest Intbe Bombora essngellsl as flaally te dlstarb lit ui. Mr.Jones says there is no f ,,,an for thc story. Ile

tkeaght lt atgbthere bees bassd os an incident thstoccurred at the Casino Link last Bitting close uple the plat form, where she cuiiid uee and hear 10 the bealBdiBBtagB. waa a rainer a oed looting and weil dressedwoman ot thirty. Sile BSSBBSd te he deeply Impressed with

thc speaker's manner and listenedOSSBriy to ev cry wordJust whet. Mr. Jones dramatically dasi"-,I his hai.dsoverhis heart and looked earnestly down In the di icc: lu', 'if lilslistener anil Raid, " I have get lt righi is-...."" shs KH\ca

r.*;.s|i, tiircw up her eyes and dropped aver IB a faint. Atew friends can ted her out. While Mr. Jones, withoutnoticing the illBlurbaiice, contlnied his lulk ami an¬

nounced that it waa religion which had fo uni a restingplace iti hat part of lils atiatoiur. Mr. Juno* gives Ce ii ot see the, woman mull after hernnshap. never touched her, and never alluded to the cir¬

cumstance at all.



Cou MiiCs Oliio, 3 Special)..(invrnicrRstoksros Wednesday appointed S nun-pattison policeboard for Cincinnati. Behest J Morpan nnd (Jeorire K.

Tong were the Bepaalleaas, Milo (j. Do id and T. c.Minor, the Democratic member*. Tho law onie r whichthey were appointed provides that tho Mayor shall ap¬point and the commissioners confirm or reject the nomi¬nations. Meyer-saith, a Bepnblleaa, aemlaated ArtaarG.Moore chief of pulle-last Thursday, ahkiiig his im-

luedlato continuation. Objections were mada by Mlimrhij- Topp and Mooro luis not yet he ia conlli med. 'I herehart been no charges against him, ¦ave that he has hail

SOpoilce expenouet. Topp, the Republican member,was SppsSSd to Moore bSSaOSS of a gradna agilustMayor Munth and alio because he wiihed a frlond ap¬

pointed to the same place. A deal of Indignation was

aroused by Topp's i.eralataiit objeoilon. To-day Oorsr-not Forakcr leos the matter in hand and telegraphed'iopp us follows:" I hare bo desire to control your action lu any

matti r,'.nt I deem lt to impuriant to have lntru,ony lu theboard Hud with the Mayor that unless that Ih pn-stblc, Iwill thank you for your Imaiodlate resignation."Governor Foraker eipresae.l tbe opinion that t'10

Major should he allowed his choice for chief. Thiscourse meets with generul approval, as pablie optatoswat severe in iib coudeuiiiaiion sf Tapp. Dib szensswas tbat the Ooreruor and anti flBBdsj Totara of Cm-oinnaii were afraid of Moore, who ls a churoii memberand ls backed by the Law and Order Iyague. tappihoughi lt policy to delay oonOrmatlon until after Mon¬day's election. Word hat not been receivy.l from Topp,Lui tilt resignalbm ,s . ij.ecterl. Tin- altair has L-iadc a

sensation beoauae lt ls unpreoedouted.


Nkw-Haven, April 3 1Special)..The prelimi¬nary bearin,' In the case af Fran a II. Morea, who ls ao-

tuaeil of art00 lu burning bit glasa worka lu Meriden In

l*a83, aud tbereby defrauding the Boyltton Insurance

Company of lioatou, waa terminated lu Wallingford thia

morning. Morae waa bound orer to tbe April term of

the fuperlor Court undera bond of 84,000, which was

Iurnliii. d by Finery Morie, bia fatbar, The evidenco ks*nodmed to-day was ali in dorroboraUon of Charles

Maimvllle's testimony. Manville's story wai to theeffect thal Morse hired bin' io work avowedly as watch¬man, but lu r-a!liy to start tl.n tire, ile did liol do lthimself, but dragged another walehman wblte Ont Bate.niau started the Hie. lur tl..* service Manville hadbeen promised $1<><» by Moue, and became he could getonly gHg ont et him MaavtUa sasethestory away hudcaused Mm ti's « Cbs litter hat been n travellingsalesman lur a NoW*YoT_ g' Mhouso.



.FAItMlRS I'.I IN Kl).

Montgomkrv, Alu., April :i.-Report- fromthe flooded districts conilnun to show great los* of lifeand proj.erty. Mnyor Leese, In view of the situation

l:a«J«ent ibis te'egr ian to Senator* Pugh and Morgan :

laws nf l.fe and property treal floods In tlit*, vicinityappalling. Resulting d»stit itlou w i,l he widespread ftBOO-BI every river in Alabama will bavn tho fame record.Cannot Government aid tic 'iivok.d for sufferers whoare mostly poorest people ITweet three l"ni;e,| Nates boat* are on the Alabama

iilTer and could bc nsbd In distributing supplies mid

pron at biarTftCou. Tho situation all over the floodedrsgion isdeplorable. Many fa mers have lost all their

heroes, mules, cows, corn end colton seed along the, ('noss, tt'arrl.r. Tallapset i, almas and Chulla-boo. h!c rivers, lt ls safe to estimate the lo*a by thiaflood to Alabama at 02,0001000 and possibly sever.ilhun,ire I llvos.ClIATTAXOOOA, Tet,;:., April 3. The river at

ll a. m. regtatered fifty-two and one llfth fee' an'', v a*

Stationer?. Som" o,OD* i persons *rho ure bSSBSlSSI are

well taVeti car-* cf bv th* CltiseBS' Belief Committee. Athird pc-.on waa drowned Ute last ni^hL Tbs ilanii.e

te properly sanest sen ss Bst.attted, theosb in MMcity it -.ill be large, There is one foot of writer in front

of The Timm ofliee, two foet in thc Fnlon P.istei. .*cr

Depot, mid ono foot In tho Head House. The we .'li -i

lt fair. No malls her way yetCUB iv. vn, Gino, April lt..Contrary to the expecta¬

tions of expert river men the Ohio river viii .-iee ai*'veflfr-tlv feet. 'Jo-day the snow began ¦Siting lue

c,\t * fulling at Piirlstnoil'ti, ISO mil . above this city.No trains have bini started yet, but in a al.ort tunasome of de track* will te. aabtaerged. Maay eolian inibe jow.-i pm af the elly sra Siled with water.

:-, i-ia. Ala., April 3.-Tho r.'.er ..l this poln bal-ea"*!! to raise sftsr rsaehiag two feet blgf.-r thea *xtany within the leoolleetloa of tim ablest lsba .¦-

teats. Tbs dea'i tit.I property bas boen sreai allslosg tbs rlrer bbU many Ursa hare been lost Tue i-

tlrc eastern part of tbs city ls uoder wbtar iBClndlugtwo compressen tbe Futt Tennessee, Virginia nr.,1Georgia Railroad dspol and abops, tbs gsa wot ka, Unionii,,u u-ark foundry aadaooel turee bandied dwellingboasea ReBef eominttteoa have been nrgaolzed andbare gone rapidly tu work and pettiaa have been "it--palcbe- alth proTialnae la al: dire. nuns. The ateamerCarrier in the e'cploy ol the people baa bronghl tn .-.hintnun people, mainly n'-gi-,-c. picked ap from boase i ipannd tree tup* in tin* overflowed llsirieiaA .ir* bress eal la tue ga* wort;* In-day an I consumed

two of tbs oi.tnoi, e. cm.mi; .t damage of 11,500, Itwill be two week** the cltv will nevil li.ive .-.c.

N.v-iiv ii ii i run., Aprti ,'i 'iii CSWbertas 1 Uiver lsforty-three feel live imho- si tbal poinl and rising bseh an nour. It'i also rlaiug rapidly at the heal, i

beary rain having fallen last Bight. Th" lalllmea and.uui'ic: na i. sro alarmed thai ai' rafts will he sweptatiay am! Hie «!ioiis Injured, over -Od families ti.-.vobec ii f i ced to shandon their homes,Peter ... karil3 {Spatial), Tbs Appoautttoi

i'.iv er ia Billi i-i ii-- tn,i tbieatenlua the city In Ite loweiparts. Bereral warcbooaes sra sa tbe point tn movingaway with the current. Url lees ar. In (langet. I'Mold Dominion steamer Bo noka could not so te H -¦

mond to-day becauaa of the swift current in the lannili...r.


oas mon i*.

Moxtreal, April '<&..Advices .roui Cbatpati-gaay and Huntingdon coanilea deter hetbedamaxad-aaby thc ilnmi. Ai .theleslsn s wide section of the ooun-

try '.- flooded, Thirty feet of the foandatlnu of Boyd'sfsetery waaeanied sway snd cattle weredrowsed. a:

I untliig,inn tin-v.ate' tproad orer Chateaagnsy-st Cbstiver ls twelre fset ebor tbe ic turner IstsI sudfeara ute

,i rtalaed ihsl two bi direa away, At< ii iimow ii several on bu kl aga werecsi ried away aa .a

inn:-" wa* atora in by lee. <. omunlcatlon, ezeept byl.iii. is cu; off, all road* leading Into igi batagcovered, a rorered bulge and two others bass beeacanted away. Ai Bryson t. * "v\,:ei ls eighteen tootshove the ordinary summer lovel and wlthl twa fset oftho icvi of; ie bridge. : be greateai dening la si I hat*ssngnay. Bssldsa tbs asa bridge, wbleh costand whlcf wa* cain,' off, ui.itit hoosi s esra toudlj or

rau-tly deetrorod. The total toss will b. -ju. ooo. AtTrout Liver a sawn,ill Waa landed bodily away. «l!,,.* Corrosion, inst nvi'i tba Bi .* York ben i-,.ry, the terminus ol tbs Montreal sad CeemolaiaJunelloo Railway, the Bainton Hirer orerflovi-edii* ililli-ai.ii in,,- I ibo trestle bridge il of place, IheB'ureamue tor lime standing cio*e by lbs run a .*

destroyed by Sra, tbe irater alael ns tue lime and -i

ting dre t-i tne wood work. The Canada Al antic bridgest i.ugh-h inver f...-. injured, tin- <-. m..ii -. r bel g la-placed and the tracks hove np making lt uangeious tause. Except railway bridges whick are if mperloicharacter, hardly a briJes along the Ch teaugaay Bi .;

ls ao( Injured i»i nntlrel) destroyed, rbe aural .

to bo oTar sa tbe latest advices say tbs wati ls sub ;¦

lnii. Tbe Conoreliei River ewing to the ea gor »lTb'irsdav overfloweil lt- banka at .' orin -,. itfur>i, v. if.,t' -,; ngtbe ( rand Tran*. BaUway tracks o-tising ti-*Btopps a of tia'iic.

I -11.M. OP V DAM IN NF't'.-tlAMP-IliRF.(iMfi.'n. N. h.. April da tot .,...

Ptoddnrd Poi , seven niles leog, gara nay resterasyafternoon, flin .neihe Conloeeook. lt la feen l tnat

tbsifs risa ¦. Bridge ead otbsr places on

tho rivei i be oan eu oft luealeula s darnaIbra iteaed. Tbe 'Lu rim wat Hookeit baa ri*«n sii fsetIn twenty-four b ira uti the milla ira ia great d inger.Tbs c riituociiu,, md Warner Rivera are overflow i,flooding mill collara, .

ACTIOS AGA1SSI A BISBOP DISMISSEDPhiladelphia, Aprils SpeeiaD...-In Com-

uiou Plass Court lia this morning th suit of tbs p.-v..m. i. Mack tu reoover nsmagea iron. Btsbop t/ll n

was decided ny Judge Th.iv r. Ii his testimony Fat! >r

Btaek declared thal lt wc.* tue daly of llie bishop Bl leithe tanoni and toatoma ol tha church to assign bim ts

tha ssn m ol his oflles o' priest, that tha dafeadaal re¬

futed to io (i . _-ii .ma, and that bj reason efthlafasal be was dspt idol i msaus of obtaining a tersetum of money. In passing upi., a demarreiI,-.. ha,. I-,.!',, lg thayer -aid lt la piala that nu right olproperty and ao oivil rights are involved InthlsBovalcaa-.- Bf action. The duty wbleh lt la alleged restedupon tbe bishop to aaalga tba plaint :: te tbe ezerela 'f

tun,''ion*, ir lt existed at all, waa eloai ya ie'l.-ious duty univ, imt arisaig out of any contract -ir

civil rein lona betweeu thc lonies for Ita perlormancour performance. Tbe defendant was aaswera lennie in fora ci..'iM', er te bia eeclealsstlesparlors, -.».- ; laimy matter In wblok bs bsd i 11- it

ns a bishop to nae bia o iJudgment Could tbe Met o-

dial conferences be sue.i oi noi sealgnlnga uiiaiatertoa elim .e. <.r a in 'I*'-, 'cr tor uot .inp iring s ministercai; aii'i refnsn i >n Install the mlulater 1 Judgmentvia-ord, id fu. tbe btsbop and thecaes dismissed.

A BOASE TBIBF WITB SLAVER WIVBACamiii.n. Ark.,*April -Some time ago Dr.

ff. IL Loyd wa* Incarcerated in tbe county jail for koraestealing, for which offeoee tbs aoeter ls a much wan "'I

maa la several places iii lui.* .-.tai i au I Tera*. A-t a biga¬mist, alto, tbs doctor in an expert 'lu thursday ho con-

fetsed to .¦sherill Bragg to eleven Buriiagea. fha fellow-lng I* the l-l, v. 1th nain'"* Of vii nut, dates and place i ;

No. L.Mary J. Hunter, Staunton, Vs., Maj C,1883i -">.

2. Hannan M. McOoWBO, Ara|.a!nu, Nen., April -'1,1374 No. .1. .Melvina ll.'..!., Tum' luina, Mo., ..oveiu-

in-r-". 1-T7 : Vu. -I. Men* Trafton, Huntsville, Arlt,October IB, 1878; Na 5..Msn J. Pack. DsbtIIIs A;..,A|,nl 20, 1878 No. ti M.nv P. 0 ige, Boydsvllle, Ark.,August 18,1HH1; N... 7. l.v,ia a. Bird, mtteburgb,Ark.. May 16, 1882s n ,. H..Lraoy Knowles,Bslem,Ai lt.. July IO. 1H83 i No. 0. Margaret Dennis, Lan li¬

nne Ark.. Noranibel 1% l8H-;N"o. IO. 1 .ma .-!. rk

lindi, tu., Choctaw Balloo, April 7. i-i. Nu 11-

.i.i.-i. lu in- m. i: ,i., ( isi ks. Illa, 'lr i.i*. J ii iv IJ. 1885. Heexpects, he says, conviction ss a boise thief, hui aa ¦ B

bigamist ? - -

MUSH ll AL vt hi,le IX BALTIMORE,Baltimore, April :i [fyecial)..The Citj

Controller having refused Io p.,v the saiiirn*

oihcrs net ntiy appointed by Mayor Hodges bnl setconfirmed bl the Coeai ll. the uaw appointees hove

brought suit against the city fur OBS mui,th'ssalaries, and t ike;i tl:- cst s to thc r^nte

Court of Appeals, lins I. a lor

piiuse of tbe municipal muddle growlas sal of ti-lock io the Citj lout e.:. 1 i,e Mayor lo.'u.r* tu Ban-

other name* to 'he Coom il. '1 e logsllty of the ortlcialsets of oJBeers sppoinu but not con Ortoad wiii also t.oteste.1 Bod -eimii- ompltCBtlOBfl may ^rlse. Two of theolia isl* sulag for 'salaries are lbs city'- legal uttloers,and lae i ity Coatrollsi aili bars to en,pim outalda e ia-ail to flefead tbs Bli f agslasi a suit of ita own ssnnssL

A rilli nc BPOMT* OF THE MILITIA.Pilii.AnKi.PHiA. April '.I )Special).. Thc fin-

nual gymnastic sports Bf tbs 1st lleglinei.t, NationalGuaru of the Mate, took j.lace In the armory this even¬

ing. There were many tpertntors uml the entries were

nutneroua. There tieri: c iiie»t* lu running, walking,lumping, pole vaulting, iinrchinelu heavy order, tuc of-uer,taasem trteyeieraaa, hieysis reese ami spaninglot pi,inti.

? -

TAKES' OUT OF Tons ox A BAU*Nkw-Havlv. Apnl S tflfcwnfai. Josi Green,

Of Ponuiuuiuiiek, haring nia*le hini.elf obnoxioilt to

lila ueigliburs by making love to another men's wife,waa visited la«t m.*,it I.T a hundred masked men of tbe

place and ridden ont of town on a rail. He narrowly es¬

caped being tai red and feathered.

FIGHTING AT FORT WORTH.AEMED ll itu winchester rifles.




fnv RUMBAPfi to tup: nunrsp.. ]Fort Worth. Tex., April H.-At 10 o'clock

tl.: BSSmtsg l,"00 people went to tho Missouri Pacificyards to see if thertfj Maddox s-o'-ld take sat a train a*

bc had pror.-il-ed. Il was knot* n that tho Sheri ff had

pl idged hlmse'f lo tako out a tra'u or die In the attempt,afc bc expressed I;. A few minutes boforo ll o'clock, au

cugluo carrying a poise of twenty armed men backeddown ..-om the tumut tawan and coupled to tne train.There wive li 'iud reds of strikers lu tho crowd snd tbelr

pssssass seemed to paralyze - force of thirty deputy-.h* Whoasdaty lt was to keep thom out of thc yard.A delay of au hour occurred and then the train etartedIn lae chargo of Pepu.y " Jem " Courtrigut and t-heriftMai'idoT. It went w' bout interruption to tho crossingof the Fort Wo.-'.n and Ncw-Orlcaus cros?in({, whore tho

saateSBBfJ atop was made.When the train stopped thc gnat, on the engine s»w .1

ainall knot of wen stan ling on the track a fow yardsahead of the engine. A h& of tho posse jumpedfrom tho engine and, walking up to tho men, aikod them1.' they intended to interfoic with tho progress of theti ai.l.

'No, wo do not," was tho reply. .. You are at perfectliberty to tako tho train out If you eau." Whtlo tue off:

cort were talking ls the men they saw several etherslying In the grass beside tue track. They ordered themaway, but tha men refuaed to move. Tho

sattrs posts, limbering shoal twesl men,"aa summoned and ordered to advance upon tue

Mtttng men bestfls tho track. Thc oillceiswero tbs tii-st to draw thou-weapotit. Which side Bradfirs*, ls a matter c: dispute, Several witnesses, Ineladiagthe engineer, *ay that the S0SSC8 ll cl flrsi W'tiile thenlhcf rs wein advancing loin* ona fl rel a shot from a

pistol. Then tho men who wero lounging along thenark arose and each s,dc delivered a volley about thesame time. Alter tbs Oral firs t 0 strikers retreated be-bind a idle of ties, where some live or six of thslr num¬

ber wero Sires l.v stationed, Four mon dropped as tte

result of the first, frc. Thc p.sjn was panic-stricken at

the reception it had rec Ired, btu as lt ontnaabersd thostrikers three ts one Bnotbsr liuo waa

tanned, whisk chsrgsd on tho p'.'.o of'lc. The dspotlea were r-ot hy a deadly firedel voi ed .'rom behind the ties, whick femsd ss excel-lei.1 breastwork. A si apis of tho mon fell, but tnootlieis pross^d en, revolvers In bead, dislodging thoit'rlk: rs, torcing inn., to votroiit behind tho fence. Awounded strike, was foatid behind tho pile of tics. Bswa shot 'n tte Awl volley.After the strikers bad emptied their gani they weat

.-, !. 'Ling si thoy walled. Btw al ol them in eluted

-oran wbleh they bsd pie:cd la eoasoeUasat a short,li-tan-C from tho scone. Tue majority of lhe Strikenused rlfl wi '¦. ibu posss used Colt'a revolvcra. Deputy Charles Bssed was eliot throagh tho

head anl is dead, "Dtok" Townsend wasshot throagh tlc lindy and ls it.uri illywoondoo. J. J. -tilford waa tbot throngs both

'.cgt aid body and is mortallyWoiisded. Tha ot'.er

wounded deputies ai Robert Marrfaen, William Mclrv-

lng and James Qet-T**. Melrviu ls shot through tho

lings-ml ia believed n ,e mortally wounded. Taemas

Nan, a ..ournie.. Btuker. w..e cat-'h Tl deal tagdying wen place- 1 a car and the train wai basked latothoI ¦..' bi ' tbe onfllcl spread witta r pi lity and

tia -tennants caliea a n.e.'tin' .-tho si. ia and de«ta'le-i mt n to award alt tba gun-stores. Tbs ..¦¦-ncrai im-

-1*" .: tba posse ba .ld ai. 1 Ara ;

¦alu ii.-*:, i be businssa mt'i '"iir.-.-dit snaed themselveswith '. 11. 'ester mles aud organised a pursulogparty, rho wen ordered to bring back the

atrl.". ¦, dead er .".'ive. bal preferred thea deni,iuo "'liv ls miler martial law, and lt la rsportsdthat thc strikers are amiss and awaltlogdevnlopmaats,1 'I-1 st exoiteoteat pnvsll* oa sll -ides, 'ihe si r-

ciiantt Banked ta tbe deter sud ... med the companytba Re. have a.l ibo protectiou it desired to run itatrain*, ii vvas icm d tbal tha striken bad made tb'ir

way te Uu riser bottoms, 'i'i-.' battle occurred st a

station c died Hadst it sad tba deputies who flm *pokoto the men os tbs Meta bsd 'cen ' ahead te gu d

the .- «tli 1. No dead striker has yet 1. IsOOVSn '..

Tbe aaeaben of the pus.,, rh-, ret 11 i'ii d to thi city isl

thal whee ney dalli Bred the order to the men to throw

np ti ittu inda has s tt Bred upon f;-om ambash.It i« sall la behalf o. the «tnkers thai lt was their

detei mlnstlon t isl ss tians should run on the Mlsssarli'n.ii,-, 11 janet'!.ii ur 11.Junction. It was arrangedtia'-ami,d the train pa.» throogk Port Worth lt maat

pps t elsewhere. To thia end a number el strikers., .- wat* .. roe- watta of tba city.

The .iain arrive: at the ero*tln_ whoa it w...s

fl i.cel by tho striker-, As it did SOIe'j.y he Ung, -faaatukera ;.t<ii resorted to throwl-gsswitch AsthoBBSi approeehrd ead tknw thoswltetathe, wen Bred apoi I.y tha posse and the fire was

promptly rt iraed by tho ann ls ss-bash. The nsrrat

-ays it va- Bot tba IStSStlon ot the sinker* to resort to,e unless foiced to, but win 11 tired apes fnev r

tamed tee flm. Tbej were-eu nrmed end their work

ihews that they wen pretty rood marksmen, "one

tbiug msy be sst down ss Bottled," eoatlaaed this uar

rater ..aadttaatls: itotrals>wlll be aiiowcii to pass

1,wi ino Missouri Facile until the demand o.' the striken

for arbitration lt ssesdsd te."Tbs ooal on the train was destined for Waco. " Fd "

rJmllli was the engineer aud ..Jiui" Couttrlght was

la command of the pos-e, which cnn-

listed of officers T. J- Fulford, IL Darby,Jiin.o* Th..iiiiisoii, "Hick" Towossnd, J. c. Bran*iuni. millaa. Hals, JosenhWlleher, Cbariss i*uead ami

/.'¦eon Maddox. W*hS I srenmn was that waved a

I .not be ascertained. Bhe waved* ber signal again

tad again, nnd the ieeessetles was within ten feet of her

winn a Knight of Lalor seized her aud pulled her from

Llie'.rack. The train rolled on aud not a word wss

rookes by tue officers or strikers, hut it waa noticed that

two wagoea p died out from near tbe (Jules Depot BIMalth men aad were driven at a run te the south. The

irain disappeared and the er,.wd dispersed.Many had not reached their homos when

Hoar] Kills terna dashing np Msla-at. sad announced to

lhe sher il thatthS strikers had died un the coal train.

l: t. a» only thirty minutes after the train had psaasdthrough the citv. Thc newt tpread like wildfire.

Rapidly Bbartfl Maddox patted along the street ordering[ill/ens to -m. IhesMSlVBS with Wiuchesi.ert and report

Bl tts do. ot at once. Itu-.mess men closed

.ons and answered thc suinuioin promptly.Gas storr, aero amptted inside of an hour, eronda

surged lu the BtfSSta. weasan uilugledallh the throngami taSdlSW reigned. The offitrrs havened from the

lepel to ai ni themielves with Win.ueiters aud securing

trirses le't town on the gallop to search Sycamore but¬

ti.n foi Lhe men sin had done the shooting.c. F. Kssswstner, fllSSSSn of the engine, says " We

were going about twelve miles an hunt

.shen approaching tbe switch. We no¬

ticed aeveial "icu near by and atoppod the

train and some of tbe deputleB Jumped off and BSSffShsdtor men who bini thrown the switch which

would have sent us down the Fort Worth and

New-orleaus track. They were placed under arrest

Wbsa ail of » sudden the erack of a Winchester

was beard, BBBBBWM uuicgiy by rour or fire

other tuota which came from Ave men lu a

clump of weeds aboiii" _<K) feet aoutheast

of the loroiuo'.lTo. " Dick" Townaend atood in front

of the locomotive and was blt al tbe first Uro. Tho offi¬

cers returned the fire from their plttols. and

the Bring became general on both sides.

Dick Townsend fell hack against the pilot but quicklyrallied and emptied hi* revolver, ana then crawled neck

into tbe cab of tbe locomotive bleeding terribly.Officer Fulford wss seeu at ina home to-night, sud

though lu great pain told the story cr tr.e suooimg ».

follows:'. We bad stopped at the switch, where the ground waa

open, hut ou a lino with where I stood was au

embankment uiado by digging tbe cut,tho dirt being piled up blither thanhiv bead. Pome of the others were searching men

in the front and I went up the embankments where I sawseveral men lying down. Just thou I hearda shot tu front. I turned in that direc¬tion and saw five or sIt men with WinchestersOne of tho men was J. IL Harden, a carpenter, whom I

knew. He levelled bia Winchester at me

and fired, tho ball patting through my

thigh, I stood a few minutes andaaw three or four strikers fail as our men Ured whenI fell to the grouud."Tho people are in a state of great

oxcitement and appear completely dumfounded.The bfach between the law aud thestrikers has been widened and tho bitterest, expressionscan be noard on every side. There aro hundreds of

Knights of l.-iimr in tho elly who do uot appear io re¬

gret the occurrence of to-day.It has been barned that tho strikers yesterday pur¬

chased ten Winchester rifles in th'.* city. The Mayorbas Issued a proclamation appointing seventy-Aredeputy pollceuion, and ordering all the barrooms to re¬

main closed until Wedt.esdav.A petition ban been sent to Governor Ireland for

f-tate P.angers and military, and Adjiitsot-deiieritl Kingami two companies of State lungers aro on their wayhere on a special train.Eight companies nf tbe 1st P.egltnent of Kansas Militia

arrived In Parsons, Kan,, Wit night aud took charge ofthe Missouri Pac,in yardt, and this morning tue Kansas..'atlonal Ouards begau making up trains, tho enginesbeing guarded ou each side by the bayonets of the soldlers. One freight train has beou sent out ann lt ls ex¬

pected tho yards will bo at once cleared of tail freightcars. The strikers made no disturbance or resistance

lind seem to accept tho BltlStlSl a1* Inevitable. The

company paid off ail lbc men engaged lu th? st ri ko. Thefeeling here it that the embargo will be Md on thc tralu

a* toon as the soldiers return to their hones.Ike strikers hero who were formorly employed by the

Missouri I'aclile and tho Texas aud Pacific, havingpooled their Fart Worth business to that freight wat

handled and train* moved almost exe.unlrrlyby the Texas and I'aclflc employes. The places of theseBBS have long been filled, but they dared uot naiko a

fight on the Texas and Pacific, because tbat road ls undertuc control of the Fluted BtBtOS Court.

I_ist night tho ShenfTiit.d his deputies were busily en-

ga.'ed lu sorviug writs on an injunction agilust the strid¬er* Bini their confederates, SSA the BBSS! of tueiii hadreceived an official notice to keep away from thu yagdsof thc Missouri Pacific Kail way. Tho effect of the writs

wat to keep tho yards dca.-and to bring al nit tho con¬

flict lu another place.





[iTTCLSOasn u> thk tmbcn ii. 1St. Louts, April 3..The beight blockade on

the east side of tho Mississippi BiVBC was broken to¬

day. Switching in all the various yard* wont on with¬out Interruptioc, a number of trains WOTS sent ou., andit will only be a question of a few days vvheu traffic willbe fully resumed. The Chicago and Alton and tue ohio

and Mississippi, tho Vendetta, tiie Chicago, Barllogtoeand Qalaoy and the Indianapolis and Rfc Louis al', hadswitch engines at work this morulny. The coal broughtdown fro t Venice to :ho Hirer front yesterday after¬noon by tits Van.Ulta was hauled across tho bridge or ssroaa lue river on ferries to-day, and no attemptto inole.-t tbs teamsters was mado b7 the strikers,bout ll o'clock a coal train of twenty car** was taken

Bl DBS tba bridge and, Slthengh the strikers applied a

gi t' 1'iiiny aoeompUineatary Dames io tbs >.¦

and tir in,tn, they did net inane the Btlghtest attempt to

stop the train. Mr. Crandall, superintendent of the

Abbey minus, stated just aster tho train hal co-sod tbe

bridge that ho will send mere coal trama across

taoists night) Tiie VsadaUs tent out two trainsot about tweaty-f-VS empty ors each tuls morningwi.bout interference. A Bomber of lbs other roads

io asst out freight rriins and Bsveral arrlfsd. in thelai'-i everything waa going es as if there was co atrlke,aaditbasasas almo.-t impossible lu the afternoon to

kei p track of the trams sent out. The heavy fall ofsnow to-day mad" it difficult work to get traiOS ou,. ..- it

waa almost Impossible for tho engine to gets "grip1oo tha track, au Immense amount ot sand h .d to beaaed and evan then the trains mored slowly.

vv non ihsstrtkera wltsssaed tba psrtlal resumption oftram to-day, ti.e, teemed to bs greatly disheartened, tanilinne of them had much t" say. Caul * Halley steppedli to the Martel] Hoose ttata evening and wai unaaediete>ly a'- e*ted bp Deputy Sheriff Ilaglaad. When tho BeUs*

ill accommodation came -cross tho bridge, ho waa

marched over te where it was waiting, under guard of

sis deputy sheriffs. At the procession pasted by the

gi >up ot striken l saywordsol sympathy were spoheato li lb ¦-

I will be np ta SSS you soon, Charley, and youhave to stay there long " said ono.

We'll reinemi r you for, Ja. i,'' said three or

four to Deputy-*- 'end'James.Beets Anderson was arrested by Deputy SheriffDaw¬

son th's atloruoon on a warr .nt. Tuen* wore loveu in-

dteimeats against Anderson bj tba Oread Jury, m wblehhe -t charged w ,th ri Dto* mg asap -¦ gum ami laderfek-lng win train*. Beeta idlotmeal .s for a siagts offence.Anderses bsa been ons of ino lealei-i I tbe strike on

the Hast Side, and wa* one of tbs men ti" irly bumed to

death Ul til.) W aba.ll twin lt taOSSS B stintt time .i.u.

Two bridge amt tunnel train* were Stopped I'i Las*. St.I .>' i- this morning. SheriffBar quot said to-day: " Slypian ii to keep Hie tuen off the railroad p.ojierty and ar¬

ras! all who persist in trespassing. Thara is no tioublenow beeaasa thc railroads are not Bering any trains. Ifthev Sad any trains te more I do net KOtiw what mc re¬

sult would ir-. I have no', tried ie raise s passe sndShall not try. I have BO bleu of following the Ooverti-ui's loggestiou rn,nio yesterday, ir I make as arrestthere ney bs noting, and tuen there may bo BOOOSSily tocall on thc militia."The Oeneral BsSSnttVS Hoard of the Knights of

Labor which left New-Vork on Wsdnesday ar

rived lu this city this morning. Messrs. Haileyand Turner went at once to UgbtStOM Hall Wherethey he.d a long oonfeieaee with th* joint com¬

mittee of :_e three DtSiriSt \«ienr.','vs. The conferencedid not terminate nulli after:; O'Clock -nd IBS prOCQSdlaga wera kepi secret. Martie in.ut and bu nollnagnsiargued against returning to Work under (h.: Oondllteasimposed bp tbs railroad company, tl would be sa ac-

knowlodsmeut of defeat and tha death of tue

oiler, lt la sail that so:uo sort of a ruani.V.sio will be

made public lo-iughLMestrs. Titrnrr aud Halley called at Vice-president

Ho.In's office twice to-day ant he Waa not lu either liam,This avealag they called again au 1 met Mr. HoSta and a

time was fixed for a ssafersnen Regarding tbs aitaatioaMr HaLey said: *'uur understanding was thal tbs meewere IO return to work and that the committee would lie

taken from among them. Wc stated at Ibe tune ihat we

were ausp,clous of tho road's io-.1 Intentions in thaidirection and SSPISSSS- UM fear that the SMS -.vo'ill bo

.incriminated against, i hope tbat Mr. Moxie iv; make

no ratatatata mid that tho strike win be sett e i ipoadtty.".. Ibu trouble,'1 sa d Mr. Taruir:-, " ii s li: tho fBOt thal

thors is too mach bloherlog about leahaiealltiaa. lioin-lil, I must be pu'paled lo I ike a broad Bland, aud theil

all difficulty can be avoiile.l."Mr. Turner, Ifl reply lo BB legally If he should r.tiuest

that ail tho striking Kalghtsof l.anor BO re-cnpioyo 1.ri ulled:No; such hasneVSt bSSS tho cate her.'tofo'-e, even

wiau we were victorious iu our straggleswith capilal. and we can hardly expectsuoh a emirm to be pursued by tharailroad companies bow. Ufo don't exi> i'i them to diecharge competent arno who have been uployed urningttae strike, ind wa shall make ao snob ii uiaota. a.. we

ask isthat the place* nutt rac lot be lille t ny mo knightsof l.ab.,r who may make applications fm t inn,, and them shall be cliusen au arbitration committeela treat with Mr. Basia Neither snail we-emaad tsaithose wini hare rouiiulttrii .IrtpredaMoiis upon the coat"

peal's property bo takee back. Beeb .. demand wealdhe inconsistent with tbe principles Uni down lu our

oonttltstloo, fur you know we advise tn it violeaes rn ailcases bo avoided, and the lo-s of lil* position By a K<iigbtwlioi'.eatroys his employer's properly la a just punitb-metlt.ihe I'.;, lg"' and Tuum-l Company have suirlcieiit

'¦¦:. r ul .. a 1 t > handle Blithe traltlo tiuw to be

moved, and work wih be begin with tin-freight fiouillilh tune with Hie expectation of keeping tu.- brnlgaopeu for freight from this time nu. The Hurliiigtou aud

.quincy road, which throughout has m.-te min

mendablB effort* to handle freight In the f tc of nil oppo¬sition Interposed, opened its fre'ght-hoote nu* marning.Tue other mads will opeu their freight later in thc

day tf there ls a probability of their being abbi to hamlin

the freight offerin.. Tne policy of tiie. Illidge and

Tunnel Company from the beglnulngof tbe linke was to

re-engage all of its former;....-. ¦.* upon resumingwoik, but these men failed to applv for ihotr fasaal

CauUu-rS aa I'UUt Page.



fi'iFSS IN A SNOW ST'il'M.[BT l-l Billum T") TIIF. TRIBi;^-. ]

St. Loris, April 3..In tho midst of a fiercesnow storm this murnini? fire was discovered Isaui-gfrom tho tilth story of Hi.. Pointer's House. Tho morn*

lng was dark, the snow blinding and the wind bltwing s

galo. A belated reporter of Thr Republican standing atFourtu und Chestnut Stat, observed a Bataan of whitesmoko ascending from the rear portion of thc hotel. Ilocourred to hitit that tbe lintel iras on tire. He ran totrie n-ar and BM* smoko pouring out of tin windows ofthe fourth und fifth stories. An alarm tv,is immediatelyturned un and wss siippiomentel by a general alarm aa

soon as thc department reached the groun I. Ms mwhlleIvehsnadrsd pearls weresslespts tin* great tssaasssiand tin* clerk and watti-inon on duty wr.) unawnre »f

the danger. About the time tbs alarm wa* barned SB-BOB Hoes an 1 Kate Hooley, Ima ncr lb girl*, eueoun-

ter. I thc smoke In a hallway near the !tn«"i mom on tbe

thud door. They ran down etatrs as _Bl8_lT as poitlbleand warned thecler., USO, assisted by tho night wa'oh-

n.on and a Ml boy, began to rou*, tm guests. H.-uoi

of tue wl'.de.t panic then ensued. Mes and women ran

shrieking Ikrsngta th,- balls, Btt-rSd oa y iu their BlgkB-ciothej. sailing tho sssass of friend*, are-ping, be«ec.*b-iii_, praying for aid. Whichever way a frantic gaSStfurnci he was SSttfreatol by volumes of thick smokowhich increased hi* ttrr>r.

"Il«ip nie ont' Oh. plea-* he'- BM M BBSS my chil¬di, ul" ei reamed a vming mother carrying a child and

Mading Iaether. Her appeal* vtore Ignored by the im-n,who were bent on BBVlng them.elves. Th we were ISMS'jun regular boarders in.Hie hausa aud tln-v were familiarwith Hie corridors undi tu*. Tho SMBM. and childrenwci-n hurriedly conveyed in their n:.''it |!ethS8 throughthe storm to the ail night liuuor etorot anl restaurant*

in the uei.liliorhoxl.It wa* amoug the transient guess that the wilden*,

confusion occurred. Thev knew not arhloh way to turn.

but followed thc crowd ti tho best of their ability. Tho

surTcrlu- in I'm street* wa* lutonso. The WWW was four

Indies ticer and falling in clouds. The firemen fortid

open thc door* ot several railroad efl sa la which brighttires were burning and t rowded tho v oatoa ani elill Iron

ratethssa place. The mon wats ooiiip."i:i.r.i to maketheir toilets ou tho sidewalk.One mau sa* settee! who cia not btatrny the slightest

emotion. When aroused from his siren SB tbs third tl.Kir.

ho gently ni (iiired the cause of tbe trouble, and aftor

being informed place.I hil broad-brim lied hat ou hla

bead, threw his alethea mi hil urm. I ul ed M hi* booti

Bed grabbing hts valiso walked aarorslly down stairs

mi 1 our iu tho anotv. After selecting a moa drift ha

proceeded to get Into lils trousers One mau ai pearn.Bt H corner Italld Btlf window clad o:rly in lu* *le**| ill<

garb and hagan tlitowlug out hu colins. The ligit,

article* caine llt-t. Then followed SMffeM 8-Se, suc¬

ceeded by a pic'ure which bc grabbed fruin his dre-«er.

tata o.v.m ;.. heavy Hank which scattered the crowd

belew, sad as tl srashed to the grennd was badi] simt-

ten-d. TbS iniWWiaStSd telognph Sim and ca *ltvi

received .ollie of the wildly thrOWU Helsa and held

them fsr s fsw eeeonda antU they dropped nit of MbNt

sera weight ot were knocked od bf being -ti noa bysome other Btti-tS.

It WSSSB tbs fourth loOf In tbe apattuicnts or, npto*by tho lielpt'nit the danger was greatc-l. Tba tire waa

raging b.-neath mid Vc.I le these spertBBSatB. About

twenty he* giris aasssgai ls ssenps, sssay snssaaassagin the corridor- le Uio BBBSkB and beat Four wero

mlaelng wt."ti the Ina! count waa mada, sad iifteeu

minuit'*: itsi it waa dlaeovered thal tbej k 11 beea bsBbaated v\luic Hying ls aaeapa, lu r.u Bo. -iv, '¦ iy Mary

.roney, ak-wnbsnnatd sa fhe (saith noir, vhs haduv iimny m !.> trsntM sBstsi is ssssps bf raa-dagtlirooghthe haliwaya and down tbs stairs, show**

iounu lying on her tatt In the ballway BS the third Boor

and wi* carried Into Ve Hg, where avery oBecl asa

i ids te rsssaattata hor wimont reaalt Her fees waa

begrimed with isaohe, snd os either *l icu' hes neck bbsBhts and iesta wets torn ss thengta In tbs sgenf of

B-ffoeattoa sho had tried to tear the Bhokiag -oisatlou

from bet Bock. Her right arm wi* brat* .'. aad fern and

thoro vic,* i wound on ber right ashla bnl naas ''ad

enough tu WSStanl at.y theury other tbaatbal cf si'fl-ca-

tl-.n. tut victim W.W a'H'iit tWSBtf-fVS years of aga,dark hair sadSySS and bad been a faithful employe of

lbs rhuitsi'i fis sss, fir many feen Beal air had shs

dlaeovery sCtheBnl body hesa anno, iced when unfortunate vvoiiiea were (sand losked in sasho;ber's arms, suilocated. one proved to bo Kilty

CasiMy,ags seventeen, tbs other Mary Coegsa, age

twsntj Ive, beth ssapiersd in the linen dspartBasas.Kitty CooaMj waa aa erphaa aad had tisior i. ngia

the city but no other known reiattvoa, Tbe BOM holyfound was thai af M-.g-io Bserdon, sgt forty, so employeof the linen department, lbs taste ao inarki ipoufsssor'mly. tint w i. begrimed witta saaeka sad dirt, lbsil.rd from Buftoc tloa Bim v\..»-« a ateatly.iiid_airl.iiiswoman, the aupporiel an agedatothst md an miall!sl.ler.Tue Ure department oonflued 'he Ba*uei la a bail dizen

ronm- lu tbs r-ar iinrtuiu on the Ifcild an I lo Ul B ll i's.

The building wa* ll,.oded Witta wale, mil In* ISIS Willlie const leratilc. lr was tosad tBBt tba Sro had been

.anaed bj an overheated mHI ia th.* linen room os lbsthud Mimr. It then spread to the aSJOt-Jtig ron n*. some

of which were va "ii'it, and iln.illy to UM rMima above

occupied by ilie girls.The Planter'- fionas was badt ta 1SSS eal e.inie.l

th" block on fie wost sci"' of P.nirtl' -' beta "*u Chest¬nut ami rana i* ii I- -ii -."ne. sigh il tily balfeblock deep, lt ts aii old-fashioned, uuptetoottcasbuilding, ai.d i.i ante-bellum iivs was cousl-teiedemonster In Its way. Ia ISI7 lur-. I>icktnt steppedthere and mentions the hotel ia a sompliuMu ni waj mbis " American Notes." lt ts owned by au aa .¦ i noe elwhich tin Lu, a* hairs sws the majorit; nfl .Saras,

li ii issaed 'iv J. l. ferardi .v: Cn , who I .veeontreUdwlt fsa a uunii.'.T ol pests, rt ia u ur*.-.... botsL

panic ami.m. I hool* iiili-hen.

Chicago, April 3..Thara wag a pa-tie lathiiwlag elassss of tne Osatral Chnreta Mist nt Ishsst tas

(.' ybourue-ave. this morning, Then- were evet four

hundred little giris prsisst In shsrgs el lad; leeehets.wen a lire Ir ni. bulow buist I' tn i-h tn* ie.r;*ter lot l

tbs room snd Iliad lbs little enan with terror lii-y

burrt from the room and down tlc stairway IO tbastieet. Thc Bev Mr Lstlnmr, pester of tee mlaaisa,Bcd Mr. Tacker, of tbs Manual Tran In, i-i Im il, were

preaeuL sud attempted to pacify the obi dren, nil with

littIO Offset. Tl.ere were no snrlnii* rrtUltt bey.ill 1

bruises sud scratches, and sligiit Injurlea received bpMr. Tucker. The Are wss saou axtlnguiabsd with little

damage to tho building.«.-

L0B8B- IN VABIOUB PLACES.RoffDOUT, N. V.. Apnl 3, -A large bum

owned hy a fartsst seated Ooorsa Dabaia .a* I unod al

tfew-Palta thia uioruiiig. Bight beta - aad twenty

sheep were bumed te death, bat bj oiaklns atrasuess

efforts Dubvlfl saved bis sews, i its shoe *-..*jui);partially tutored.('.imo, III.. April lt..At _ o'clock tin* ¦stalag dre

daatroyedBatista Hrothcrs' general Blores f. J. Thistle-

weed's boase abd twa ether frasas taalidinga in Vashsli.gtoi.-ave. Smith iirother*' looa la shani ifi^.txio;l-..- :i'u e. slJ.i'1,1. I In-tli w.,nd', |0SS OB IU* uo'J-e ls

-I.""**. Inaurauce, f2,0tM. Tbe ethel lesses snd inaur-

snees sre aukuoa ii.siaNiinH, MsSS., April 8 Duuiel F. Murphy's «l oe

factory wss barned to^ay. Porty banda uetbrewneabot employment Lo s on balldiag, *.',*»'".. Bi sellleery,>i.""". ll Ck, srl.'itci.

I,,. ij" ,:.. a ii.i. 3 -Firs io uig..t gsm i.-e '. tbs th'-'c-

atory iTick iiuii.iiu.. No. ill Went Ballimore si., te tbsesteotof H.000 Bsrrlsos -v Bfhllieek, si a reiypers.wim .a- a,,!, ti ita nji|iei (im ".ton, s. ;ii--re ,1 s loss ef shuni>l.aii,'. ii.e lower boor,occupied m .: ety tbeetistwa. I i-ded. i proper!.-.«.: ired.

TO Ti sr nu: WOBtM OF OSORUtA BORDACiucAoo, m.. April 3..Hull-it 1. I.,ii,-.lin,

ef the lew Brm of Isham A t-Bcoht, - BMrssngthat bia Arm bi d bends of the face va ''ooo,lss,u d liv the Mate of i.enrgla iu l^,,a sadlS70 and* ,.¦ r.p'i,!.i, wiiich they had beea directed te pre*

sent to the-tate of Illino.s ur thc Uau Leia'

Hun.... The beads are eatons ethers beegtal i.y f,.i.-igu-

t-r sun fat a long time have been ll the Uldt o: \ w-

Vuik o.inker*. Mr, Lincoln stated t :,,) hah.- iiroui bl iii lhe (Joiiad Mote* Baprrme i wirlinaabort lime by tnr Slate ol [IHsets sgaiuei lbs male elin o: gi i to reeoi er taoamount of tbaa rapudls sd beads,lu I**: lesta suits arie brunght-by lbs -¦...iteaoi New-llaiupehlre sad Mew-York sgaiust l/mielaas bylae Alto racy-oeneraia la tha earns el iheHistea tera*rover the nato.ut of repudiated benda owned ¦. :in-ir

ciii/.eus, imt tiie tie. isioii oi ibo SapreaBS i ",. i iMiveregby * mei Jatties Wait.- nts ewi er- oi iiaia bendscould not sue in lhe name of the SI itu iftei chuk the

consent ot ta al Male, or nae -late i la! lol ., of tue dents of anethet sta ¦. to ita ci i* >aa,

lt ls bee*use of ibis dsaMtsn thal tha srssaBI SMdssISt '.iou ua- liecii ilcilde.l upon.

CAPTUAISB til.ROMUo's MEM,San FitAMisu'.., April A..X ilis;, t*i

The Chromrl, fr.iui Purl Ko,.le. Ari/.,.SO, lilt- I on April2. say*: " 1.! euien mit Fai*oii arrive I lo-,tay wita

lill) eight A I'm'he |u Isoimrs, inCliltlliig ( lilli.lalliU,Kif nc. .Iiiiiiiii uni N..n i, who ni been ih,- ui'iil

lltiublesoiiit* uf Hie bosllle. ne.r to lli-ioiiiaiu. 1 BOf allleemon "dad io net tat Ihilhnahsa had a pew-arew wnh(ienerai l rook Un* afteriioon, aid salli "I know Ihave coiniiiiilcsl many oulra. ., btu (.ero-umo i. te

blaine far ail. Hoiosaad us nd ibe los.-i v ainu by ilsa1 don't ll.u,k he tt ill eo oe in now. 1 it .v,< Hi ru vt n away

loy hi int a ii mu not afraid. I must die s mn* lime. Ifvoa punish i ><> bord, you and pearidBcrrs hiv faminesiml ats Hom mn. h. bo Iihvi- I.' lianna, l r..ok'.ndhim to SS na, * lo camp and rSSS.