New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1882-08-13 [p 6]. · ¦eeda an moring at Um gpeed ol an expreai...

3noc* to ^brcTtiscinfnj^ imnn. 7*r*iTMiIvr»^-ll'» ;Moe-aik eohima. ££.£ Sooaaa^ZrS-W^^ eoiumn. Boau .». Snona in* raa^awaa «?a,"V«« 11V> Paae 1st eoiumn, nrainuw Noticm fi ''.'*' -laieoiumi. r.\v ivoa. vV -. '- WAJI' - MA oolnran. DrormrTs' ru<M-8tto eolnma and lltft kil^^v'Tn-rvT.-s, r«,-.:th oomnin. Kir»-R.-.,,>s- ll-'1. '''" rtth e'linma. PntAKCUl -lO'i ''ffi/r.r>th nnd t.ihroiuinn. Heu-Wawti ll'i '""' lstoolumn. Iiot'ei*.IU* /v''' ,,;1.Imnn. JJJJJJJ ;,.-. 4'h. 3th.and6th eortmna icl , vm M v, r tlumn. i..-i uro l'.-i ao lltt /*.»'/-.t.tti eetaaaa Mnoso-10/A rhwe.»th eoiumn. ^^ taiMMi'Mi- -'* rwg.«tb eoliuiiu. 1.1 *<"" Gili oolnmn. alAkr.iA<;i» kwo Dnxms 7r%Pwie.8(neomwra, MraieAl iWKrMKM.11''i /.,«;'.»5l!i eoiumn. Bnw PPBLlCATiosa. *U Pooe.4th eoiumn BirraTioxa Av-tn- mm .- Um *Bf»-lea IdiaaBBll j.-ivni.i;«.n/w.i.- lateoinmn. _. amannovTa am. Raiu*>au*-11« Pama-aa ann ao BtMun';" finra-lltt *Ztt2iS*9*mm .-- ui Koririw-7tt Piur^-Ctb comuiu. ll.A, 11.!.- V ''.¦! "'¦"""¦¦ knralwar' ati oincoB iXoltcco. 'ALDKRlfKT BraKD ¦tl! .C Ayoid M m tWA. Pnnfy vrat-t ¦¦.- Ui Bonham A -t«.:.t>;.- *7nivirl'.1 <.¦..! » <iat-. it. Nafi. .1-1- -.-J^-; for clreulara. fo0 p Malana. Ba» aver. ( btlla an.l Patajrrh. *"*"" 2. f.1"! arrn i-rameleave i,,nt lalaaJCItyai *o» aad ~wheti>.T yon i.n-i.r ,,"'^;> ^.;/;.;>'.,!!':i tirarou; wmatala ,'r lorvoer jneavar vb* ,' x, nol to prnvirte y ita '' ";,'.-'H." I:;,,,,',-. j»i r of Witkk.., whlch i-Mi- fw-kiiowleily atan UMdleeatt'e maaaa Be aore to acl manataeliir.' on ) l»J TEEM3 OF THE TB1BUHB. ro*i<iorrr» .»»". DBaaal Bfcnaa nn oo, r>*TI Y TKllil Nl'.. 1 vear... ,,",.0 IMliY TBlBl'NK (wftbantSundaya), lyear.... i"w n\\!>.0 TKIItl'SK. 1 v«-»r. .",.. Aaoiiaw Kew-York. brawch omcan of tbm tbibuhk WAaanaoToa -Ho. l-'}'"-*;"*¦,..,. PABia.No.9 BuaHerlbe_ . aa.-1- FOUNDED BY HORACE GREELEY BUNDAY, AUGU8T 13, 1882. TWELYE PAGES. TBM M W8 TBU MOBXLH&. FoKi-.tos-.-Tlio Italiaa Antarctic ExpediHon w 11 wreckcd oi Caae Horn, withoal loae oflife, The annual conv i.tioii of tbe ln-di Land waebald yeeterday al Mancbeeter. = = General Mr (.an.ot Waleele. paeaed Malta yaatarday on hia -wav te tbe aaal oi war. = Tbe Bret trial b der tUCrtaaee Aet befora a apai ial jurj bw rcanlted in a aaatanee of death. = Serkraa trouMea are r(.,,ortodiioui('oira. ==(;r:ieral Ignatiefl bae>oi baaaarreeted aa waareported. = Wontgate, tbe aelf-coiif.-a-.-.i aaaaeain of Lord Frederi. kCayondl b, baa arriv d at Jainaiea. DoktiBTiC.-Tbebiajoryofthe work done at tbe BtataCampai Inetrucdon ia given. U. < D B'a faneral took elaee ai Newport. = Ocorge Keaney, Bead Or, Catbaal Wataon and Aina/.ou won tlie Baratoga raee* = A conatme- ti .a tiain waa tlirowa from the track nt Waaeea, Mnm.and tbirtv-two laborera Injnred. == The Aaaembly me.- ing at« bautancrua continne I. == Tha Campbell boya, daaperadoea, were killed bya mob la Caldwell Coaaty, Ky, = Ullnoia aroptaaorta abow tbat wbeat haa baen Inlured by ruin. ==The hotabj at Newport aad tbe Catakilbi ero fnll.:-The Vtrgmia Btate Nonnal Inatitnte metat Petafabnra> : : Tbe Sanday-School Aa¬ aembly eoatiaaed ita aaeeMaga al Aabary Park, 2i. j. ='iho.-dnkep.ut Ibe Harmony Ifilla, ai Coboes, arostili Ina..-tTha alloged aaaaibuita of Miaa Honu at Taylorsvillc, 111., nanowly eaeaped lynebing. foltew layer eontinuea to rage al Browoerille, Tcxaa. Preparationa are being _aadc in Philadeiphia toeelebrate tbe m-conteainial luiiiiv.r.-aiy of t ..- laadiBg of William P( nn. t'lTY ANI> M BCBBAB..Theln-.-i'l.iit and bia faiu- ily arnvod ia tbia oity aa tho United Ptatea ateamei Diapatoh yeaierday. ----- Pizarro, Foreater, Itrathaaey, Monitor, Fe- llda and Ftank Bborl won the Mon- uiouth Park raee* : Eraamna If. Qarnaey ¦wa.-. robbed <>i $2,000 by hia brotber Inyeati- gation ahowed tbal Julia AldbanVa death vaa probablj d te to aaaadaBt yValter Kitehel, who waa tbrowa from aplatform of tbe ahrrated n>ai. died. == Mayor DeBeroiee m>- pointed two poliee 'eommhauonera for Long |-i-r-l City. Aaaiatant Diatriot-Attor- ney AUea atated that private deteetiyaa bad dirov. nd eyidenoea of oomplicity betwean the pool anlbira and the poliee. = Oold yalne of tba kHjal-teuder allyei dollar (4124 graina), b7.4l centa : 8tocka opened actiye and bighar, bnl aiterward were <lull bnt flnetnaling and geaerally lowi r and oloaad at. Thi Wi.mii. ;:.. 1 RlBUBE local obaerration bi Alaata btli ox clear waatber. i- mp< ratnre yeatar- aay: Higheat, 79 loweat, 09 A . Fertntrui leaving townjot the aooaoa, nml aaet- inrr travcltrr 038 have THI DaJuT TribuK! viailtd to them, poitpaid, for E\ 2 > per ntoefa, f/t* anMreai fraiag r'tiirjcl a<? o/l "i <U dexircl. ?- Theatrr manngora and the Pire Commlssion- ere may lind a binl worth aotiog upon in the hgief daacription of a Gcnnan play-honae pub- lishcil etoewhere in tbia bnrae. In addition to Ibe gaetota, lightad <>il Lampe, aet in nieta - ia tiie aralla, are naed In every theatre. In eaee of fire th.- k:is 's toamedtotelj tnrned <>ft', bnl Inaaead of being left in total di rkneaa the aa- di.nct' can aee tbe way out in aafe y. -? Thr Atitantir expedition, wbicb ia reported to hav« been wrecked offCape Hora, waa pro- Jeeted hy the Italian Geograpbical Sociotica, ami deatgned to fil ln with the interuational Bchcmc of polai woiK. Tbe cominand waa letrnated to Ltontenani Bove, who nccompa- nn-d Notdenekiold iu the Toyage of the Vega. and Uke all th.' othei offleera of ad- najiablj eondacted expedition, becaiue on en- thnaiaat on tbe rabject of pobu exploration. Tii« iii-vv expedition haa had an nntiuielj fate, Bnvring been wrecked ofl Cape llorn. Happily Ihe offleera and crew bnYe been reecuod by a naaf4rg reaael. ^_ Theindgea al llonmonth Park yeeterdayaa- lootohod the apeotatora agnin, and there waa aaoeh nordeaaant feeiing. Il bi nol to to ex- pecuxl tlmt all nea Bhoold agree aboul acloee iiutoh when tbe differenee between the beadB ot aaw boyaei ia only a few incbea, and thoae ¦eeda an moring at Um gpeed ol an expreai train. Inetontaneoua pbotogmpby would clenr up all doubts, i.nt iintil tliai La made bybII- ablc i' ia onlj wiadom to bave tin- IndBre1 al'ind oa tbe aame f>id<- of the track gfitat tbe apectatora. Decigiona wbieb no one bui tht; Judgea tniiik eorreot hurt tbe popn- Jaiity ol any i..<-<.-i-.nii.v, and <¦< i.aiiily tbe tadgea eannol alwaya be to tbe right and the public alwaya iu tbe wrong. Pooaibly Lord Saltoburj tbongh! be bad Mr. Qbtdatbne at bia nercy when. the Houm ol Lorda reoenUy made their amendmenta to tha Arrearaol Benl billj bnl ba aoon found onl bfc aaiatake. Not only did tbe Commoni re- jeet tbe ajneatdaaentB bj a heavj majority, but tlie Conaervati»ea Ln tbe Uppei Hon < IbUy rufuawl to foUow tiieii Lender fnrtber. Aiid now it Looka Be if tho legriawabip aaigbt poeadbly fall from thf BobJe Mar.iiiiH»n ha&da. li~ i-r!: of aolf-contnd and tda BbBtUlBBJ nro a gyeaJ atrain oa hia feJlowate jn«t- bow wben thc foreagn pollerj <»f Ubj Pwanatf fhreg ti.mal atTCBgtb to UM LiUtals. It w.nild leryg Lord BaUsbtny enttroly li^'bt if he ahonld find hiaaaelf hoieted by Ma <MV" pctafd. lt will be aoen ia tlie "Loutloi! Qe which «i. pnbiBth on autothei page Uurt tlu» exomple of Mr*. Laagtrj, in Btefapiag from t!,c positiort of B pTOfcaadODBl b.auly to tln- atagc, baa :ilrr uiy bad ita effcct btcb <>" *»o male mcmbcra of polite aoeiety. One of tbc wcll-known <dul> men <>f London, b good-look- ing profosrional wit, baa dacdded tobecoaaeaa Bctot al £6 a week. Ui* dcciaion deeeryee coiiiiiftHliUion. Th- stnii of £6 B W0CB U probabiy more tban he eoald earB i" any ..iliit- bamneaa; bnt i-v.-n aa a bad aetor tbbi young man will be more worthy of prajee tban aa ¦ oommonplace kmngor nt U><' claba. Phe facl that Mra. Langtry la aoon to appooy i fioMfimiin "A- Yon Like lt" haa Beariy litivo-i the more or leaa gilded yoath of the Bririah raetropolie wild with impatieiiccto bn ber in tbe parts bxiagine th. ir feclinga of enyy and |eadouay if tbeir fnend Farqahar sbould play Orlando to ber JJoaoiiaA Tbe membera «>f the detectiYe force of tho. ciiv are reported to be bighlj Lntlignanl al the action of Dtotrict-Attorney McKeon ln employing privatc detectivea t<. gather eyi- denee agaJnBl the lotteryTnen and tho in- rerencea that aro drawn from it. Now no om donbta thai there are many honeal detectiycs at the Centrol Offlce. luspector Byrnea'e in- legrity ami shill have nol been impeached, bnt there ia a toak aomewhere Ln hia offlee. li then La nor, how doea it happen tbal tbe gnmblera ar« noYer taken by anrpriae when il:-- city'fl rogulat deteetiYea ftra employed to them f Bnl tbere i* aometliint; serioua tban inforencee for tbe polia ofll iato to explain away. It to aaaerted Ln thi 1,;- iriei-Altorinv's offlce that detecth ilicemi n have been often seen In phtoi-i gsmbling haa beon openly i-i thai prominent police offieiala bave been aecn to gobetween theCentml Offlce and Ibe gnm- hcadrroarlsra on tbe Bowerj ; the entriea Ln tbe booka of tbe lotter ly show collnsion with membcr of thr force.and uol only patrolmen either. Thr« ,n- naked, ngt? fncta, whieh it will tnke a large amotint of explanation to cover. rhe tct-Attorney Bhould lay the Infon iu bia poasecuion before the Police Com ., en, wbo certainly ooghl to be anxiona lo diamwa ihe dtohoneal men now on tbe foice. haa become a aerioua matter, and ia not : he thrasl Btlde with angry worda and emptj aasertiona of Lnuoccnce. AN IBlSE-BQJPTIAy I.AM) IBAGUM. Tbereaderaof "Martta Choxxlewit" have not forgotten the greal meeting of the W.m-i- toaat A-Miriitiio.i of Dnited Synipatbiaere, al wbieb GeneraJ Cyma Cboka read lu^ cele- brated addreea to ii cortain Public Man iu [roland, then cngaged in wbai the Watertoaei Sympathiaera called "anoble eftoil in the cauae of Freedoni," or in othcr worde, a con- trovcray wiUi the BritJeh Goyeinment uJn " Freedoin,ename,waaid GeneraJ Ckoke, - [aend "berewith a contribntion to tho fnnds of yom " aoeiety. In Freedom'a name, sir, ladvert "witb indignation and Aiaguat t<» tbataccureed "animal, with gore-atained whiakera, arhoae .. ratnpunl craelty and fiery laal have eyer been "a aoouiga, ;i tormenl t<> tbe world. I allude, "air, to the I)i. ti.-li lion.' Jt waa nol lhal the Watertoaat BymiMrtbiaere aympatbiaed inthc leaet \% it Ii th<- Publk Man in qneation, or eared a penny ior hih quarrel; Indeed ten minutea afterword they were howlingexecrataonabe- ....ii-. they diacoyered tbal bc waaan abolition' .>t; bnt they hatcd the Britiah lion. The W atertoaat Aaeociation repeatcd itaelf the otberday ta Philadelphia, where a Land Leagne meeting adopted an enthnaiaetic greet- uig to Arabi Pacha,and voted to turnoyei the fnnda of Um aoeiety to that military ad- yenturer, and to recommeod other branchea ol tbe Leagne todo likewiaej notbocanao they kuew or cared nnything ahonl Egypt, or qnita uuderatood llio difterence botween Arabi and Cetawayo; bul opon the gcneral principle tbal an. body who geta into b diapnte with Engkind muat be conaidered in tbe right, and tbat tbe maaaacre ol EngUahmen and the deatruc- tiofl of Engliahmen'a property ia alwaya "anoble eflort in the cauae of Freedom." lt bappona In tbia Inatanee tbal tbe Britiah are fighting to auatain tbe legitimate and <-<>n,-ti- tutional governmeutol Egypl by the Egyp- ttana.or what ourlrieh frienda would call Ilome Rule,.and t! at Arabi bi ta rebellion foi tlie pnrpoae of aetttag up a aovage and pro- acriptiye military deapotum) tbal the Britiah are defendiug civilization, order, naUonal de- relopmenl and popular riglita, ta the Nile valley, and t!n- rebela are the repre- Bentativea of all tbat i.s moat danger- oua and moal rcpreaaiye and moal tyran- uical ta kfoelem tanaticiem; bnl whal of that I The occaaion aeema t<» the Philadelphiaeym- patbiaera none Uie leaa appropriate for B ad- "verttag with indignation and diaguai tothal »MCCuraed animal with gore-atained whiakera "' and for aending to the Moelem "acontribn- tion of fttnda " in aid of the cause of l'rei-iloin. lt Ladifficnll toapeak aerioualy ofanch wild androanng folly aa thia, but indeed the caae baa ita aeriona eide, Tbe fnnda of the Land Leagne have been contribnted for the moal jinit by poorand hard-woikingpeoplein thia eonntry for apnrpoae wemnatreapeel whatever we may thtak of the au'» ncy to which it ia i he i-ontl iluitors nicatit to lio aomeUitag more tban aftronl " tbal accuraed iiniiiial with gore-atained whiakei They belieyed tbal Uiey were anlmcribing for tbe of tbeir atarving countrymen, the tetab- li.-liim-ui of tlu- diatrc aed peaaauta on fheir furma, and the reatoiation of peace and proa pi rity to Uie land they lore. For tbia tbe daj laborer and tbe aervanl drew tbeir i>. tty aay- tr.nn the bank, and withbeld theii char- churchea, achoola,orpbanaaylnma, andTrefugea. They ponrcd raoney into the bataoftbe Leagne agenta, ta the bltad confl- denoe tbal tbeae irreaponaible audoftenig- noranl peraona wonld Bpend it judicionaly l«>r tbeprofeaaed object. If an exart accounting ghould evet behad (bul none ever will), tlie ibera would be very mneb anrpriaed at the diacloauree, II... many hnndredaof thou- aanda ol dollara, we wonder, baye been thrown awaj in mannfactaring bogna it fernal ma- cbinea warranted nol to.!.. mha bief, frightening Bhip-captaina with cltildiali pretezta of tacen- diariam, paytag the 1».l-WUa of profeaaion .1 deiuagoguea, and anataJning newopapei ooarae aud atnpid tbal tbe peoole for whom they are written will nol bnytheml Aud ih,-* climax of beordity bi reached ta tl.. reaolnl on to aqnander the w .l longahoremen and chambcri apofl iiu tatcatine diatorbance ta Aiii.-.i which, whateyei ii> laane, can have no eoneeiyable taflnenoe upon the fortnnea ol Ire- lan.1. Ii io by aocb ebiidlafa operationa aa tliir* that the of < v. ry lii.-li agaiubt Uu: uccursod uuiuial have UtVOWB BWBV their reaotoeea. Tbey will do -woU to rc.mnn- ber that 110 ennac can retain publto aympathy Whieh suiTors ItoeK to l>o "'*»'* ridiculoua. »W 1JME8 IB THE TAB-WOETB The iiitrniahoiinl 00888888 of Polar roncarcli wenl into efteet ou the firat of tbepteeent inontli. Dnrtng the twelvemonth vvl.i.l. has eoened ByatoBantfeobaerrgdiona will betakea aimaltaneooalyatelevea atatiooa Tbeta wfll bebootty iiiagnetiralaml inotoorologiciil ohs.-r- vationa. The leaniBJBTttare <>i nnd bow, tbe Yoloelty of the wind, the ptiaainre and hiinii.lity of Um atmoaphere, the tonn, amonnl ami directiou <>r elooda, theoeenrrence and dnration of rain and anow, and the variati.ois ofteneatutl magnettom, art- to beayafcanafr irally noted. Onterm daya, the lat and 15th of eacfa niuiitli, magnetto readinga aretobe made every aveminutei, apecinl pnina being taken to lacilitate siniiiltanrity of oboeti ations. Tbe optioual obaervationa recommended t<> tbe srii niiii.- colontota relate t<> tidea and ocena enrrenta; tbe thickneaa, Btrneture and motion ofice ; the melting of ice in anmmer; evap- oration at all aeaeonB; Bolar radiation;gal- vanic eartfa enrrenta ; the heigbl of the aurora \ and many other phyaieal phenomena. Thoae obaervationa, condueted on a oomraon baato detined by tbe Conferenoe of St Petetaborgi ire to be bronght to a cloae as late as poaaible before Bepteinber 1, 1883. Snmmariea are then to be aenl t<> the International Pohtr Com- niiasion in onlei that. the reanlta may l>e tab- foi publkation. DnringtheBameperiod meteorologtonl and aatronomica) obaervationa areto be, taken at eleven aotonUllc atationa ontaide the Aretic eone. Tbia rapid anmmary <>; tbe wcrk whieh llea boiore the Aretic colonira in made Lrom tli«" programroe of th*' Conierence al Bt. Peters- barg pnblished in a reeent number, of Nature witb a map showing the atationa aa located by the geojrraphica] eocietiea. A aimilai mapap- peared in Thb'a eigbl montba ago, when the Btationa were definitely aelected. Tho Ameriean eoloniea bad al- ready been eatabluhed ;.t L'orl Barn w ,i,l l.a.l.v Frauklin Bay, nnd preparationa were then making <<» coBvey tne temaiuing iKMiieaol oba rveratotheirdeatinationaaaoonaa tbe aeeaon abould open. Mklaummei finda tbeae preparationa eompleted and tbe eolonieB eatabliahcd. Suppliea and acientifie r.-ia\* bave i'.-. I. - nl tothe two Ameriean poata. \V.»rk liaa been begnn by tbe Canadianaal Forl Rae, nearGreat StoveLnke, bj the Norwegiana at ekop, and by tbe Piulanderaal Sodankyla, riie Auttriau expedition, after failing in ito Brei attempl tolandonJan Mayen, ael onl from Troumo aboot tbe middle of July, and waa probably ancceaaful to renching the Uland, the .,,;i in qnarter l*einginyariably cleax of ice dnnng Augnst Tbe Swediafa obaervera left tho same port early Ln July for Spitaber- gen, and aa tbe partj waannder the cliarge "f Captain Palander, Baron Nordenakiold'a effl- cienl companion, good fortune undonbtedly attended ii. The Gannan, whieh ia to be atationed at Cnmberland Sonnd, Davia Strait, ael ont early to June, and aa the royage v,;i. nol a particoburly dangerouaone may be preeumed to bave landed in aafoty. The Daniah Governmenl baa aenl a eorpa cf ob en to Godtbaab, a aettlemenl on the weal coaal of Greeulaad, and tbe Dntch expedition ex- pectcd, when It aet out ln Joly, to rench Porl Dickaon al the month of the YentoeJ early in Auguat. Tho Euaaian obaervera, baving made aneaily atnrt, bnveadready eatabltohed them- anlvea al tbe mouth of the Lena. hature, Ln it.-* ebartof the Aretiv baain, locateaaaeeond Ituaawii ubaervntury at Novaia. Zentlbt, inaking twelve inatead ol eleven poata in tin- circuit. So tar as w.. have learned, tho attempl toopena atation there baa i>»-«'n abavndoned. The circnil toeomplete withoul the twelfth atation. !!<.- ginning with Jan Mayen and Spitebergen on eitber lide of the Greenwlch nieridian, it com- priaea two atationa Ln Northern Eitrope, two in Siberia, one in Alaaka, one in Brittoh America, one on eacb ahore of Davia Strait, and one I'¦¦. tothe North at Lady iFranklin Bay oppoaih Captain HaJl'a gravo. Al the aame time, acientifie obaervationa are to bo taken by two partiea, Gennan and Freuch, inthe Antarctic Ocean. The iUdian expedition under Lieuten- ant Bove, having been^wrccked ofl Cape Horn, cannoi toke parl Ln tbe >< ason'a woi k. While ao much aerioua acientifie work la pro- cecdiog in tbal myatic realinol eternal ice, the apiritol adventure tonol wantiug. Lieuten- anl novgaard, .nu- of the youngeal ofticen in tln> Dantoh Navy, baa el aail (<>r the north- ernaaoal beadland <>! Aaia, wbence be bopea to make^hto way tbrougb an aca i-> an unknown land whieh he tancies liea tothe eaal ofthe PranzJoaef archipel.tgo. It Laan expedition based ou the nevvoal grnphical tbeory of the distriluition o.r land and waterjn the Polar baaiu, and baa been organised w itli precipitate haste. tieading blindly im an unknonn ...a^t, like the lll-fated Jeannette, it repreaenta tho old-time s;,iiitof exploration, aa oppoaed to the ayatematii ai- rangemento of the ring of Bcienlific obaervera for atudying tbe phyaica of tho Aretic world. In tbe aame qnarter Ihe llope ia aearchiug for Leigh Smith, who, unable to n -i-t the iveird hi-.iiiatiom <if tbe in\ atle King <>f tbe S'oi th, lia^ prolmbly l^'.-n lured t<> bia denth in tbe dreary reachea ofpack Ice north ol Novaia /.i nili.i. Buay Umea tbeae are to th«' Far-North, The tbree stagea ol Arctle exploration,are il- tustrated in the aeaaon'a work. Lieutenanl [lovgaardand Leigh ^-inith repreacnl thedar- ingof th.-early voyagora. Sir Allen Young in the i!i>i><' and the United Statei ohlcera who aro Bearching for the Jeannette'a mtoaing boal lecall tbe long andweary queal forSirJohn Pranklin. The eleven atationa occupietl by the traiued obaervera <>f many natioua preaenl the practieal mctuoda and acientifie aapecto ot modern Uiougbt. T.'ll UTEBABJ RACPWKER. A in,-ii In Ed '.. il, ho baa m ul.- it lii.- bmim yeara to lell the a orid more almiit the Uterary biftory of diatingniMhcd anthora than ihe diatiuguished authora them- Relyca wiah the world i<> know or lo n ber, baa ju.-t republiabcd a collcction of rurly dramatie piecea, veraea, aketchea and otber iliacarded prodnctioua ol Chariea Dickena.bita of tbal BOTl of apoiled work which nearlj all authora make in tlieii 'prentice dnya, nnd which uu more belong to theaerioua prodnci of theii iiti- than folliea of the aehool and tlie doj belong to tbeir biograpby. There eeeina to be no differenco of opinion aboul the annlirj of tbeae Hcrapa, They baye no valne. Thej are not . \i ti int.-ii tting aa the iii il atu-n better thta are rnbblah, which uu^ wbo cared for Dickcna'a lame would think of |i ol tbe diut-heap to which tbeir anthor bad eonaigned them. Thrifty .Mr. geta no thanka foi bia tronble ta collectin : ti m, Tbe offence of which thi.-* gi ntleman baa been gnilty is woree tban l>.ul taato. Burely an anthor haa b righl oyer bia own worka, and it i> a greal tajoetice ba perauB iu t;i. Kiu^ liis name t<» whal In- Li^ repndiated. Eapecially groaa i.->ilu- offence wben the dealerta Uterary raga ntnl bonea, haring fonnd aomething Which UU tluJiielil poOt 01 UuVuliol luio did- carded l»ocauaeJl ln worthu-iw, hawka it about tlio atreeta na a curio, a afeeiaBBn of B gjraa* nianV failiire, a proof that eyen tlie Qtaatgioejg havo had nioiiients of wcakneas which tlu-y wonld bo ghul to forget, There are in-taneeH in which BUBtlaJlj BBB gBBB BBBBBB to modify the luirrili jiiilgiiH-utfl of authorn BfOD Um ir BBtiy wvxfca. Bad, of eooxne, thece are Ib- htameH ii) whicb the pnbliearionof rolnineaof " Kemain.s" ig I.-^tiinate BBBl uw-ful. Bnt the eaae in roty diftrent with Uu end* eaaayg of y-mUtj the nnfrartanatii experiaxeBta, tbe Brieoel- kBBMMM traah, whkoh, wheti tha aaweeaBfol anthor haa fonnd bia truo IliM of WOtk, be ia BBXJOBB tO pOt OOt Of sight. To par.nlc these la bb tajury to Ma fama, aa Injnry to Utera- tui.-. We BBB alinost .-all lt au unwarrant- Bblfl iiitrtiHon itiHiii a BBaflra' privaey. Dickena bad a corrcct apftfeciaUon of tho <;irly iliaiiiaiie jii.e.s, etc, comptiaed ta Mr. BbepbcxtfacollecUon. They were written for innney, mo-d of lln-lil, Wben lio WBS B Voilllg iikiii atrnggiing f«»r .1 aupport aad ignoraat of his powera ; boaeaf l>its ..f work enoogh, bnt bo more enUtled t<> be uieaeryed as uteratnre that) Iheordinary reporter'a worb which hedid foi Thi Mornthg ChronieU. Hc aaturaliy aua- preaeed them afterward; he wiahed tbal they ahonld nol !)-. toolnded among hia writinga; nnd to aet aaide hi.s winh i.s a wrong both to hia meaaory and t<> bhi lu-ir-*. We trnat tbat iln.- acore or ao of American biograpbera noa bnay with aome of ou own mea of lettera will not lose aighl of the character of Mr. ghopberd'a procccdiag, or Ute general eoo- (ieui.ial.ion Which it luw oalle.l lorlli. ARE TBE AMERICAN8 BXGLISHMBXt Probably the atrongeei of tbe "Impreaaiona of tbeLnited Statoan whieh Mr. Edward A. Freeman recorda in tbe lateat nnmber of Iht I'orinbjhtlij Recie» i-i oao of which he aaid a great deal while bewaata thia conntry, and npon whicb, we iH-lie\.-, iie Ims long been fond of dweUing: wemean the eaaeatial nnity oi tbedividod branebea ofthe Engliah people on both aidee of theoceaa. Wben aa American gontloman, propoeing the healUi of tbehia- torian at a college dinner, spoke of hi* - foreign uatioiialiiy," Mr. Freeman begged bim t<> with- draw tbat expreaaion : " I waa nol of a fotelgn natiunality, Iie says, u bnl of the BOme BaUOB- ality aa himself.". The nnawer <>t eouraewaa cheered. If expreeaed a aantimeni whicb i* alwaya well recoiyed al pnbiio dtanera, both bere and ta Bngland. Bnl Mr. Preaman thinka that theaentimont ia atronger, thal therocog- nition of the " Englial ry " of the people of Uie i'ni-.-.l Statea ia more complete, ta hia conntry thal in oura. "The feelingofunitybetween a the two aeyered braaehei lareally preaenl ta ".tbe Amorieanbreaat, i»nt it needaaomeUting "apecialtowakoil np. Ucotneamoal aaturaliy "tethe Engliahmao ol America to ipeak ol the "Enguahman of Britata aa a 'foreigner.' -ihe word is ofteo ao applied in Amoriean "newepapera and American buoka. Bat wben »the Engliahman <>f Britata formally rejecta -the name, the Engliehinan <d America fraakly "aud gladly Bccepta the rejection and wel- .. comea tin- European ktaamaa a.s trnly one of - hia own bouae. Non l knon bo4 bow far I may ¦Hadgootbera by myaelf, bat I ahonld aaj thal -tlie feettflg m Englaad la aomewhal difter- -«nt. I do not tliink that AmericaBa are Meommonly thought of, or apoken "of, aa . foroignera.' . . . Tho American, il "m ematome, leela a gitBu\«rdh»ttnction between "htrnaelf and tbe Engliahman of Britnin H than tbe Engliahman ol Bntain feola between "liim-elf aml tbe American." And Mr. Free¬ man adda aome frank aad acate remarka npon Uie oircmaataneoa of the War for Independ- eiice, aml other cauaea, which may ex-.iaiu the (liOeri-ni-e in the mental aititude |uf tbe two branebea toward each other. Tbe prineipal cauae, il aeem tona-hehaa mtaaed. It tho American people do not habit- uaily recognize tbeir "EBgHahry" ll ia be- eaoae ta facl they are ut>t Engliah. Thia conntry waa aettled aa an Engliah rolony ; bni before the wonnda <d the aeparation had healed the people were rapidly ceaaii g to be n diatinctirel. Engliah people, and becoming ¦A!i,,i the) are now, acompoaitoraco,baving gtrong afhTiaUona with aeveral nationa ol Enropeand an identity with none. Eventhe meti of tho Keyolation were ta iarge part of other nationaliUea than the Engliah.Iriah, Senti'h, Dnteh, German, Swediah aud Freuch. New-York a hundred yeara ngo waa ulready the home of b hoterogeni oua populntion mttcli like that of the preaenl day; the Gcrmanele- ineiit waa already conapicuoua ta Pennayl- vimiii; Iriahmen had begun n> comeoverin Iarge nnmbera, with the pnrpoat ol gutting away from Engliah rule, which they ileteated. The Pennaylvnnia loyaliat, Galloway, naenred a conunittee of the lIooai» of Commona that half ui Waahington'a aoldiera were Iriahmen. Thia atatemenl waa bb exaggeratioB, bul it may aervetoUlnatrabBtbe mixed charnctor ofthe popnlation. It waa the cocfident belief ofthe I'li.-n.U of th© royal governmenl thal aoch ta- congruoua materutla a-* the coloniea coataincd never conld I"- combinedeyen for tbeir own ilefi ni-e. Mli.e tlie IJev.ddt ion tlie ilnliu of blood ihat ia not Engliah baa gone on, witba conatantly tacreaaing apeed, and Uie weakon- tagof the originnl Eng b itrain haa be. celerated by the notorioua tact that tbe for¬ eign elemenl la far more proliflc than tbe Anglo-American. Outable of certain parta of Sew-Englaud there are few familiea in tbe Init.-ii Statea which can tbowa pnre Englhth anceatry. The rob ny retainedLthe Ii ngnage, the tawa, the moal Importanl poliUcal institutioua aud aoeial enatoma which it broogiil from the mother-land, nnd theae are the tieawhich really nnite the two countriea. lt did nol retain the origiual character "I the popnlation. Tbe natural reaull of tlie mixtnre ofbloodbito weakea Um aeaae <>f relationahip tnward iill the anceatral atocka aud confine the aym- pathiea and tatereati of Ihe new people more and more cloeely to the new conntry 'with whieh alone th.y can 1..-I thcmaeJyca trnly identifled. he com- muiiity of literatnre, «>f <i ul i'r'"- together with the biatorical connection ..I origin, will alwaya attach America to Eng- land more ii timately than t<» anj otlier conn- trj ; bnl tbere i-. nfter all, a real differenceof raee, aml n la becanae the Engliah do nol quite realbw Uda Utal they are more prone than We are to liiHHt il|ioli the l.lenul) ol tho two branches. i\ KXPERIM Now tliat tbe wbole Kation, from tbe elaaa that goto Europe for their huramer holida) to tbe claaa who end their obildren oul to tbe ry l.y Tur. Ti:11 gi Preab Air Pund, are teatifying t.» their beliel ln changeof air and remediea foi tbe ailmenta of botfa body ami to a fitting Beaaon for natotella tin. -.ti.ry wbicb beara dlrectlj on the matter. l-'ivc or h'ix yaara ago a man, wbou foroon« venience we ahall bere oall Potter, toundbia In.ilih Buddenly giving way, Ue aaamiddto- aged, a keen, energetie boaineaa man, tha aal- aii.-.l offieerof a corporation, marrtod, nnd the faih.r of fiva ehildren, tbe elder two being k'uia juHt euteiiiig nocicty. t lito salurj euablcd them to li ve in onr of the quirt, rrspertaMr aide atreeta of New-Torki the hoaea v\as pbtlnly fiirnishcd, tho tablc simnle. But tbe PottOtl wero friendly people ond hoppitablo to their bxiendati Um gWa were pretty, and th.-ir fntbec llked to aaa tbeta beoomiugly dreaaed. Hi» vrifo eoonofnised at every polnt, bnleaebyeai tbe salary vvas apent, tO tho last dollar, am! an limicaaliit lond of debt aecnmnlatad. Potter waa a eoaaastonttooa man: tho bnrden weighed onhio liko g-uilt. llo took over-work to add to hbi Lneotne, wrote nntil aftor midniaht; both henndhtowifeotlntedtbemaelveeoi eount- leaa aanaU eomforta whieh were naeeBaariaB at their age. One of tbe daughtera, who had a turn for art, joine.l tbe imiuiin-rnlii** boat of aaaatenr cbina peinteraj anotber wrote for tbe Juvenile rnigniinoa. In Bacb of tbeae anaya small BUpplieg of nionry eBBM Lo bttt it 8/08 ail to no pnrpose. With every year the hnbito of Life of their olaea in the citjj grew more lnx- urioua, tbe rntes of livin;: bigber, nnd their income waa more toadequate. They were a i.inily of a good deal of natnrnl LnteUectnal force ami refined taatea; they would have learned aaueb trom natore, booka and art, and grown broader and atronger Ln tbe toarning if they had had the time to learn, Bul they had Ume for nothing but t<» earn money and t<> keep up appearancefl with it. Theghiegrew aharp, foalous, anxiona lest they aboold be nhovcd from Ibeir Blrppery locial porrtieBi th.-ir mother, tbreugfa constaot carking eare, became an Lrritable. neumlgie invalkl; whfle aa for Potter himaelf, he auddenly aonk into premature old age. il<- waa tormentedwith aleepleaa nighto, Lnexplicable headachea, a per- petual Btricture like an iron band about hi* jawaj his appetite failed, bia temper grew moody and peevtoh. The dootoi came ln with the uaual preacription, "Stop work, abao- lutely." JI"H' many aalaried ineii, piofeeefonal im n, jni'ii with amall incomea ln every poattion and grade Ln the marl eta ol om large eitiea are prectot ly in Potter'acaee to-day, and bow many docton are arging the aame preacription, to be told that it la airaply impracticable 1 Food, clotbea, rent, fuel, the endieea aucceaaion of un- exp< cted neceaaary wanto for a fumily muat be ni.'t, and the fatini'.s aalary i* neededevery week nnd dayto meettthem. The father atag- gera along like an overworked boiae a little longer, and then talla on tne track, and ia dragged aalde to make room for othera, wtrile hi.> famfly aink onl of aigbt of the aoeial life for admiaaion to whieh they have paid s.» dear, into the Btrata betow of clerka, abopwomen and aenipitreai ea. Potter <lid not atagger along. Ho took a b ;,!,! n departore trom eatabiiahed oaage in auch caaea, to tbe amazement and diamay of hia fricnda ami even bisfamily. Hethrewuphia tsituation al om '., ln apite <>f tbe warning on all aidea that a man wlio onoe loaesbiafootlngin the bueineaa world never can regain it. He gave ui> hto pretty houae, and putuptbefur- nitnre at aucti. receiving for it bj many hundreda aa bia aahuy waa wortfa thouaanda, and with thtoaum be took bia Umily toa little vUlagein the Blue Bidge, ln lower Virginia. A houae with balf adoaen acrea waa rented lor $200, bntter waa 10 oenta a pound, beefthe aame,corn-aaea] ui) eentaa buahel, vegetablea ami cbickena they raiaed, the, atreama were full of li-h and the woodeof game. Theacenery waa magniflcent, the air pnre. Potter had hto rod and gnn ; their booka were the only part of their poBBoaaiona whioh they bronghl with them. 01 clothea they had a supply enough to !a*t for yeara to thto aimple netgbborhood. Poreighteen monthfl he remained abaolutelj al exeept for the pleaaaat mental effort of teaching hi> boya. Ilis brain and body alowly regained almoet thi vigor of youtb. Many imii, no doubt, would bave telt such anxiety about tbe tuture of their ebUdren that the worry would have been aa wearlng as w,.rk ditring thto time of inaction. But Mr. Potter was a man of bard common aenae. Ue knew that il bia family loat aoeial advantageathey gained aimple taatea and aound bcalth whieh raiaed them for their wholelivesaboYethe deeire t'or auch advantagea. Nothing more waa loat The boya were taken outof the oruahing niill of the Bcboola and thoroughly aud quietly trained in atndy and love of atndy; wife ami daughtera, witb the necoeeity auddenly removed for faabionable dreas, ihowy furniture, posing i. fere an audienceol any kind, knew wlmtab- .,,,,:, iv free, unshacktod Life* waa for the flrat timo. Tliey took time to read, bo make ae- ntance witb nature and with the people :;',-,;;( tll"I!l, tO loVC alld 06 loVell, WitbOUt 8 tbought of money »>r the making of it. Mr. Potter al tho endol bia exporimonl did not po back t., New-York. De took bia re- atrengtfa to the vVeet, preferring an out- ,:,,,. life for the yeara remaining to him. Bul weaee no reaaon why tlns experimentshould nol be made by men whoae place can be kepi openfor them. It amonthof aimple country life restorea wnated mental powei and phj aical b, vvlint might not behopedtrom a yeara re.-tt 1 _ Memerandum t<>r .Mr. Tilden ronr Btate ( onven- tion i- to mael ai Byracnaa tbia year. It w.^m Byracuaa to ie70.tha laal time a Governor waa uominated.thai oneJotan Kell] organizad the bolt whieh coinpaeaed tbe defeat «>i Luciui Kobinaon. It would -et'in tbal .v»ii intgbl bavachoaenacouaid- erabli more " auapioioua placa loryonrconvantton. PER80XAL Abadxaeff, tha favorite Cireaaaian adjutanl ol the Qeneral Bkotodetf, baa been appolnted bythe i '/.u ol Ituaato one of bia guarda. ll.rli.Tt Bpenaar, the diatingutobed Kngliah phi- h lopher, waa to have aailed for tbia eouotry durmg tb u aal aei k. TbePrincaof Walea aeatred to aeeompany the Uritiah armynoa botog eonveyed to Egypt, but in drference to the wtohea of the Qneen abandoncd tbe pi.'j.'t. Tbe eommittee that have to charge the erection of a monument to tne toteLord Predariok Caven- iliah bave intruated tho execution ol the workto A11..M BrucoJoy, tti«' Eugliah aculptor. 1":., Wurxburg Univeraltj of Oermany h i, rr-.I bonorarj degreea on Profeaaor Pawcett, ihe, | r-Urm ral, <>n Profei -', .!--!:.. Lubbockand Ur.Cbarleabtomena. loveinor HoraUo Soymonr on Tburaday en- torUinad tbe little orphan girla ol Bt. John'a Aay- i,,,;1. DUca,on hia torm at Ueerteld. Thto ia hia yearlj ciu»toin. Prinoa Biamarck from hia eoontry asal at varain directa thaforeiga affairaol Oermany. An almoat nninterrupted conununieation bj lettei ami tele- uraph ;. maintamed with tbe Germaa Poraign i ounl llorb. rr Biani irck acta .1- hia fathi r'a iry, while Count Kauttau, Bnunarck'a aou-in- law, ii> ciphcra diauatckea, ll,,. |.,,,,,: itria totaly aaked wto ther a rimt from ber would ba weB received bj tbe Popa dunughariournay ineegnito throngh Itaiy. Tha pope reqneeted the Nuncio atVi nna to aaeertain ,i tbe m.ii aadanj poUtkal wopo,01 waa m aimple ,,.,,! ,;,n tion, If the tatter, aoordial autrmattve reuly waa to bo giveu, Qeneral and Mr-. w. T. Bhenaan on Julj laa- aambtodat their homa in Oaktond, afarylaod, ttialr children, aooe-ia-tow nnd ejraitoelttidren to tae in,.,.),-. of twanty-ona. Laal waali aaa of Mr... ,,,,,,'. ahildxan, from Bi. I^waa tajten atok. and ttom a tounger otaild ol tbe . nw u.. i.v.a babv Tbe baby, Marj Ewlug Pitob, diad oa luuraday aight lna aihar ekfld. alaryPUeh, ia aiill vary atna. ln a toaaatou axfla kaewn aa Jlo. 11 » B* barian Iraveltor totaly raoogniaadatTakatoh tho UiiUtd Uuko Nicholaa Conauuuuuvicb. lu lb75 tho O'-aud Duke waa oxih-.l '.oQn nbnra for atealing hia iiw.'.b- r'A dbtmonaa and iuauiting tho (Jzar Afterw.-trd BO plottad wtth tlio Nibiliwta to ibvvM.iiiato tho Btaaaat Caar. Hu baiii-ilun.-ut to bib.-ria foliow.-d. Ceteweyo, theZaln Rtaa_.utkoabjaat of airrettt deal pfcarioaity la Bngland, I'pon laudingntPly- moath baa aaaaan to ba a weuVbalit man, loalong blae <-o»t trimmed with aaahdoa, and weanng a n> a yoong waaaaa gavn him a branHfal gobi kwket attaebad ta aetti ' blae v.lvot. He recaiyad tbe -ift witb aaeaUe, but aaldnothing. Ue toi.i tba newapapar eorreapondV cnis tliat ho boped m fataxn b> Zuiulaad. tbat ba had iioon kindJy treeted dnring ht-< captivlty, aad that unl.Hri ba shouid be reetorad t<» lua kiuudma tban would ba *»ar. 1 he death <>f Mr. Btetaon, formerly lessoo of the Aatoi Hooaa, raeaUa hia hillmaaii blaaaWatp with Da,:ii.d Wi-bbter. it waa la tho aetftr Httaaathal tbara ocrnrrad tBefaaaaaaeeeaa betwaei VTabatai and the Boathern dabagataa to tha Baltiaaoca PiaaV d.ntial ( onvrntion. Wabatec had BXpOOtedtebg nomlnatad for Presklent at tho lamienthBi. and in order to aeeare tho Sootbern rote had gone a.-. far ia defenoe af tba Booth aa ba <l wed. AttheeeavaBi tion tba floulhefn datagatea rotad agaiaat him. W iion tbay called apea him afterward at thc A-uor liousi-it waeoelyenhhr. Btateo-re aolbBtatbm thal be con.soutcd to r.-cive them. vTabataf greeted them eokUj and then rearoaebed them witb tm-ir daaartionol him. II.- aabi tbaj bad uaraiand da- eerted ov.-ry other Nortbarn man a be bad beea t li.ur -i.-rvaiii. i.iu ba waa tbe laal Northrro man. thoy wonid umo and the laal Northernman they would il.-s.-rt. iie clowd lua apeeeh by aayragi "Getitlemen, my pnblie bia n eoalec I ko to Harabfleid to sh<¦[> witb my falIe i axrylng w-ita me tbe ronaeionaoeaa ofdnty done. Vfbt n pet . tunea eoine to yon, aa eome tbay will, yoa vill moarn in bitterneae of apint your cravaa eonduol and your baee ingratitode. Gentksmea, I bid yoa uood uight." \Ti.\NTA. r,i., Au:-'. 12..Benator Hiil woak.T to-day, bat blaoondition la nol materialiy obaaged. OlTAW.v, <>nt., Ang. r.'..^irC'harleaTupp.-r Bnlfc 1 forEngbuadto-day. Ilin eonditioa ia procari.iuu, but lio ia uo worae than heretofore. GENERAL NOTES. A BoatoB papoT ia reepooaibie for tlio atate* iq. iu thal the dUgaatfng babit >.f inoif-dlpplng baa apraad aaaoag tba feaaaleeaeeaByea in Mnaaa.-hum-tM faatottae u> aacb bb cuent tiiat tut.-.-.-i tou« af aaagaia aaaaaaByeeaaamcd hy iii.-ui. Ayear iw» tbe. atuoinj Blabop of tbe 9tate pabttalj furbido tlna uho of tba ,,..;, and foratlm. tbera wMaeonaMeyabtafainagoal la theaalea of aamT, bol tbe prohiMUoa ban now bc- eama ptaotiaally dead lettar. Acttag on tlie theory that in evcry hotiso then U a aaaaetoa Bt tha eloeet, a I'.iria swiudier »eut aal i hiibbbbV ef ilnpilnati aitn bi thb afaet: "IwBJ reyeal all aaleee yaa aaad a knadred fiaaaateJ.I*. Pnt« Reataata,Parbv." it waa evbteatly aaaadaay naraketatana. ai loa-u tea petaoaaaanmatlyaaattha HUn di inaiidid, and the BWtadtar waaroiigr-tuiui.iuf upan bavlng aeeored teinporary aflloenea aada 11. ipeotiye fortune wben the pouee aa oeped down upou, Chaphtta Uornaon of the flagahip l-aacai ter baasentbeaaaaatotereaung aoeaaatef haaaxaatb eaeea after tii<- aomba dmenl of AJexaadrta, After da> Ing tbe eondtooB >.f tbe elty, tha awfal aeoaea af deatband deaotatbm, he r tnd yat tbera bia mdleraoaaldaae waU. It U reaJly amaatag to aea the BBttyea earrytag a wiuto ra-', or a plaee af aapar, ba thi ii.i.-i.i. or ti.-.i io a aatak, or an tba waip af tha aab- m.-ii or Buttertog from the bara. la the t.inii.- >.f ih. doaaeya, oyer tbe doora, on the fruit ibinde aii.i.-wr) r bere that yoa jrOtaatboogl to .-»a>: 'iour- renderl iion't dioot me. Tbere ia a aegro ta Branawkk, Ga« whoaB iii.i te .lii'in.-iioii haa bt in- eapaattj '" eal Btara atattmethaa aayetbae aaaa in tba Btata. Ibaathae evaniBgaaagraedtaaat twaatyBawee of br.-a.t amin doliar's wurtii ol baeea ptayatai mo aaateaaaara wooJd aaytarfhamaaL Iuoaao of fatluro he wim to 1Uy fir What lic ato )iim.--lr. Iii a fow in iBIBBta BB Imd d:-|> -o d ofiun.- haavaa aad baif th.- baeoa,at whtoh patat the hyi _ale»tab7rbEred,aotw|ahlBgte be Implieate 1 In a u-. Taenemo waanmob utoeaaed at tbiaiBUr- ruptloB, deelartng that he b»d thcreby bw tbe ou y ,,ii!,U(.f getttng a aoaara iu;id w-u,cu iie ha.i bad ..i ibirty yeara Twelve lnmdred newaboya, bootblacka and nxbaadtaaeoaa areai'ia babaagtag ba BaUbawca «-r takeutooaeef tbaaaawarba taal ntaraday by Ub siiiuuior Bxcbtbbbb BoekBy, aad oi eoaraa a thaaaaad fmuiv oapera woro eutdunu.' tba day. .l,i->t t>. fore tlie ooat atartad a bandamne carrlage daabed np t<> the wbart,aadapeUaa aaBaaaaaaa aptaag to eeamtheeeor, A.uid j. niaroflaiiKbtrrtlve ulr.-. t gaaaBM Btapped .at, #no of tioui reaiafktag b>tba_pottoeman."Ferhapaaa boya "alat gotnoetyle." They h-i l i>r.-vail«.l npon tbe ,i \rn .f th. i-arrfage to tak.- them to th. nnd ii, ba B/ereed t-i take hbi pay m htuabtag at tl i-ooiriii u po'deeoum. While the vieir of Bt Jobna, at Newport 1b Ui of Wlghi, waa deUyermg an uapcaaatye aa a reeeat Banday » aaahleB ladj ot aeaae ferty-Bye icira brnamn mrnir'- raaahoattogoiate n iu. rt. aaeme thal ibe la mbjcot t.. tbat fo.-m .>.,.-^ aml tbat ber medleal aaaa baa matraoted haa ta r-Uuuc aload for water wbeneyerabereebi the aymptomi oboyed bat lnatrnotlona to the letterand Um taaalt w ,a naturally atarUiag Tbe ebarch wardea, wbe bad of nbi own aad did not bealtat. to applj them, atoaea took tbe womaB np m ma arnu aud aarrled ber ont. Whea aba had reeeyered ber oomud atato abe di I that tha wardea had abaken ber m mdbv d..,-u had aaed eaaalderalBe lieeaae to g. ttrag bei tbeaule Bhethereforebrouabtan bcUob for aaaaut, i,,i, Hubaeouontl] eouaooted to aooofii m ..,..- ¦.> ind an me.. that the warden would u. v.-i- i. t. r n i ber iiKuJn.a praulae wluob tba abaaed maa aaa alllUig to give, BITi OF CRITWISM. T LatB ta A CBinc..Ib b m.>s( remarkable ll0' i,i ti,.- ue '-. ta of hiH ipia -ti w ii. there bia judgaienl waa louud. Where iie .';-,' ..,!.,-.l. r waa pnaaivi j ind fft-r. Idonuaiit. ii- ". ,i ix too iiui.-i. al tba ruorcj ol la emoUifn* or tii^ uoud .,..u, tobe a >>a - mude alwaya. But wb lUe iu tba M..or.v of eruaetaav.(Alaaan ;- i... Rogggrn'a " HougB oi" Bo»bxtb>-1xi .1,.d deal ot n-muaicai beauty ol laugnage ...iu nianj ol Uv «on*ita, we lurn oi -,-,.., withai M,,ueaa and iV pn-pwiderai aii..a...i uHUiiriiaiuofworda-nd u.t noiiiuch tbe i-xprcaaiou of tuluoaa ol UutUKbl an-iic iu. i. I draiwy u>lude theteawity Ol UiO Ii BUJ .' W- Mkn or Graica am» Their VMvbs..The w.a-lil ia too api to think uhal u u - ¦"' ..<» iuab»H«la, au.t that tb. wtvea of iu<u ol fnevtUbb beuiartyra. II tii^ worbl nouUl Ims boueaa tuJxlih uot. .,,-ti.-i...t ii,,; m - aivaa ui* iimrtyra. vihntUer their i, i.i,.»u<i- rnoi, i,m lUaotoaave wivea rroni uuutn rtali ..' uiart ...¦>> u .- ;t fcwiug, 11 i,' '-., in all i<¦-;.,.,-,> .,~ I'- - aa .n ara .,u,.tk. um- i..M l*a> uaaoftUeu ,,\ ...a:.,l :>} putll trtiucUlreatru ntonthela ;:;. ',. . .¦. a«i wbit>h u. .,-.- laipoawd bj ....i.ii. UH ,«will aa i.irn oi nu geaiua, aoi nantbrj uoa nrel.reuniiappj nivea. m £ iiI11, ,,,,..,.. ttutunul ,i..a ;. UvnUemaa'a gagaaina. _ Modbrn Bocktv am> Cm Lu i.- Life in .; la muiiual tu Hunuou) in V ,.|, rce.aml i. ,.r ',u:-...u ..« -i'l .¦¦' **. ,», uuu-aa the) <""" »W>»J '"' »t,n ,...,i'..r.>l iii-M.'i'ii aocict; uuhiOHJoalat-quniutane eaeu niabe ii.teroourae ueoeaaarilj t>rol ,t,.'L Convci al a laecaUi. Saffiatt U ".-. ¦"¦¦ s rkrewl "J waor. i. ¦.¦ ... Ii-ih ,,. ,k,.,* oltieatUal ltUttiiuo«l ini] .,t foi ii- Um ni n»va tbeab U'.M, uir inaii n . iu JnoffenmaM "". \A ul i-.-'-i. u. af Ktbrokeii TornUl.grado ... -u lug or tae ifteaaur ol au ¦¦ . UUng ahort >. "-::,'¦'.,.' ,¦..!. onl) Wl. ijii uol i'i'.'""', V UaaaaUirwnoinw. aaa r. a; _,; ..A .¦-..:.r,i...r>«i.l. w.b-h.;-,;.. bad not tlie q , .....,. wa.feiagM du* " « J liootum .i. WSFLw atortaw.

Transcript of New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1882-08-13 [p 6]. · ¦eeda an moring at Um gpeed ol an expreai...

Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1882-08-13 [p 6]. · ¦eeda an moring at Um gpeed ol an expreai train. Inetontaneoua pbotogmpby would clenr up all doubts, i.nt iintil tliai La made

3noc* to ^brcTtiscinfnj^imnn.7*r*iTMiIvr»^-ll'» ;Moe-aik eohima.

££.£ Sooaaa^ZrS-W^^ eoiumn.

Boau .». Snona in* raa^awaa«?a,"V«« 11V> Paae 1st eoiumn,

nrainuw Noticm fi ''.'*' -laieoiumi.r.\v ivoa. vV -. '- WAJI' - MA oolnran.DrormrTs' ru<M-8tto eolnma and lltft

kil^^v'Tn-rvT.-s, r«,-.:th oomnin.Kir»-R.-.,,>s- ll-'1. '''" rtth e'linma.

PntAKCUl -lO'i ''ffi/r.r>th nnd t.ihroiuinn.Heu-Wawti ll'i '""' lstoolumn.Iiot'ei*.IU* /v''' ,,;1.Imnn.JJJJJJJ ;,.-. 4'h. 3th.and6th eortmnaicl , .¦ vm M v, r tlumn.i..-i uro l'.-i ao lltt /*.»'/-.t.tti eetaaaaMnoso-10/A rhwe.»th eoiumn. ^^taiMMi'Mi- -'* rwg.«tb eoliuiiu. 1.1 *<""

Gili oolnmn.alAkr.iA<;i» kwo Dnxms 7r%Pwie.8(neomwra,MraieAl iWKrMKM.11''i /.,«;'.»5l!i eoiumn.

Bnw PPBLlCATiosa. *U Pooe.4th eoiumn

BirraTioxa Av-tn- mm .- Um *Bf»-lea IdiaaBBllj.-ivni.i;«.n/w.i.- lateoinmn. _.

amannovTa am. Raiu*>au*-11« Pama-aa ann ao

BtMun';" finra-lltt *Ztt2iS*9*mm.-- ui Koririw-7tt Piur^-Ctb comuiu.ll.A, 11.!.- V ''.¦! "'¦"""¦¦


ati oincoB iXoltcco.

'ALDKRlfKT BraKD¦tl! .C

Ayoid M m tWA.Pnnfy vrat-t ¦¦.- Ui Bonham A -t«.:.t>;.-

*7nivirl'.1 <.¦..! » <iat-. it. Nafi. .1-1- -.-J^-;for clreulara. fo0 p

Malana. Ba» aver. ( btlla an.l Patajrrh. *"*"" 2. f.1"!arrn i-rameleave i,,nt lalaaJCItyai *o» aad

~wheti>.T yon i.n-i.r ,,"'^;> ^.;/;.;>'.,!!':itirarou; wmatala ,'r lorvoer jneavar vb* ,' x,nol to prnvirte y ita '' ";,'.-'H." I:;,,,,',-. j»i r ofWitkk.., whlch i-Mi- fw-kiiowleily atanUMdleeatt'e maaaa Be aore to aclmanataeliir.' on ) l»J

TEEM3 OF THE*i<iorrr» .»»". DBaaal Bfcnaa

nn oo,r>*TI Y TKllil Nl'.. 1 vear... ,,",.0IMliY TBlBl'NK (wftbantSundaya), lyear.... i"w

n\\!>.0 TKIItl'SK. 1 v«-»r. .",..

Aaoiiaw Kew-York.

brawch omcan of tbm tbibuhkWAaanaoToa -Ho. l-'}'"-*;"*¦,..,.PABia.No.9 BuaHerlbe_

. aa.-1-


BUNDAY, AUGU8T 13, 1882.


FoKi-.tos-.-Tlio Italiaa Antarctic ExpediHon w 11

wreckcd oi Caae Horn, withoal loae oflife,The annual conv i.tioii of tbe ln-di Landwaebald yeeterday al Mancbeeter. = = GeneralMr (.an.ot Waleele. paeaed Malta yaatarday on hia

-wav te tbe aaal oi war.= Tbe Bret trial b der

tUCrtaaee Aet befora a apai ial jurj bw rcanlted in

a aaatanee of death. = Serkraa trouMea are

r(.,,ortodiioui('oira. ==(;r:ieral Ignatiefl bae>oibaaaarreeted aa waareported. = Wontgate, tbeaelf-coiif.-a-.-.i aaaaeain of Lord Frederi. kCayondl b,baa arriv d at Jainaiea.DoktiBTiC.-Tbebiajoryofthe work done at tbe

BtataCampai Inetrucdon ia given. U. <

D B'a faneral took elaee ai Newport.=Ocorge Keaney, Bead Or, Catbaal Wataon and

Aina/.ou won tlie Baratoga raee*= A conatme-ti .a tiain waa tlirowa from the track nt Waaeea,Mnm.and tbirtv-two laborera Injnred. == TheAaaembly me.- ing at« bautancrua continne I. ==Tha Campbell boya, daaperadoea, were killedbya mob la Caldwell Coaaty, Ky, = Ullnoiaaroptaaorta abow tbat wbeat haa baen Inlured byruin. ==The hotabj at Newport aad tbe Catakilbiero fnll.:-The Vtrgmia Btate Nonnal Inatitntemetat Petafabnra> : : Tbe Sanday-School Aa¬

aembly eoatiaaed ita aaeeMaga al Aabary Park,2i. j. ='iho.-dnkep.ut Ibe Harmony Ifilla, aiCoboes, arostili Ina..-tTha alloged aaaaibuitaof Miaa Honu at Taylorsvillc, 111., nanowly eaeapedlynebing. foltew layer eontinuea to rage alBrowoerille, Tcxaa. Preparationa are being_aadc in Philadeiphia toeelebrate tbe m-conteainialluiiiiv.r.-aiy of t ..- laadiBg of William P( nn.

t'lTY ANI> M BCBBAB..Theln-.-i'l.iit and bia faiu-

ily arnvod ia tbia oity aa tho UnitedPtatea ateamei Diapatoh yeaierday. -----

Pizarro, Foreater, Itrathaaey, Monitor, Fe-llda and Ftank Bborl won the Mon-uiouth Park raee* : Eraamna If. Qarnaey¦wa.-. robbed <>i $2,000 by hia brotber Inyeati-gation ahowed tbal Julia AldbanVa deathvaa probablj d te to aaaadaBt yValterKitehel, who waa tbrowa from aplatform of tbeahrrated n>ai. died. == Mayor DeBeroiee m>-

pointed two poliee 'eommhauonera for Long|-i-r-l City. Aaaiatant Diatriot-Attor-ney AUea atated that private deteetiyaa baddirov. nd eyidenoea of oomplicity betwean thepool anlbira and the poliee.= Oold yalneof tba kHjal-teuder allyei dollar (4124 graina),b7.4l centa : 8tocka opened actiye and

bighar, bnl aiterward were <lull bnt flnetnalingand geaerally lowi r and oloaad at.Thi Wi.mii. ;:.. 1 RlBUBE local obaerration bi

Alaata btli ox clear waatber. i- mp< ratnre yeatar-aay: Higheat, 79 loweat, 09 A .

Fertntrui leaving townjot the aooaoa, nml aaet-

inrr travcltrr 038 have THI DaJuT TribuK!viailtd to them, poitpaid, for E\ 2 > per ntoefa,f/t* anMreai fraiag r'tiirjcl a<? o/l "i <U dexircl.


Theatrr manngora and the Pire Commlssion-ere may lind a binl worth aotiog upon in thehgief daacription of a Gcnnan play-honae pub-lishcil etoewhere in tbia bnrae. In addition to

Ibe gaetota, lightad <>il Lampe, aet in nieta - iatiie aralla, are naed In every theatre. In eaee

of fire th.- k:is 's toamedtotelj tnrned <>ft', bnlInaaead of being left in total di rkneaa the aa-

di.nct' can aee tbe way out in aafe y.-?

Thr Atitantir expedition, wbicb ia reportedto hav« been wrecked offCape Hora, waa pro-Jeeted hy the Italian Geograpbical Sociotica,ami deatgned to fil ln with the interuationalBchcmc of polai woiK. Tbe cominand waa

letrnated to Ltontenani Bove, who nccompa-nn-d Notdenekiold iu the Toyage of the Vega.and Uke all th.' othei offleera of ad-najiablj eondacted expedition, becaiue on en-

thnaiaat on tbe rabject of pobu exploration.Tii« iii-vv expedition haa had an nntiuielj fate,Bnvring been wrecked ofl Cape llorn. HappilyIhe offleera and crew bnYe been reecuod by a

naaf4rg reaael.^_

Theindgea al llonmonth Park yeeterdayaa-lootohod the apeotatora agnin, and there waa

aaoeh nordeaaant feeiing. Il bi nol to to ex-

pecuxl tlmt all nea Bhoold agree aboul acloeeiiutoh when tbe differenee between the beadBot aaw boyaei ia only a few incbea, and thoae

¦eeda an moring at Um gpeed ol an expreaitrain. Inetontaneoua pbotogmpby would clenrup all doubts, i.nt iintil tliai La made bybII-ablc i' ia onlj wiadom to bave tin-IndBre1 al'ind oa tbe aame f>id<- of the trackgfitat tbe apectatora. Decigiona wbieb no one

bui tht; Judgea tniiik eorreot hurt tbe popn-Jaiity ol any i..<-<.-i-.nii.v, and <¦< i.aiiily tbetadgea eannol alwaya be to tbe right and thepublic alwaya iu tbe wrong.

Pooaibly Lord Saltoburj tbongh! be bad Mr.Qbtdatbne at bia nercy when. the Houm olLorda reoenUy made their amendmenta to thaArrearaol Benl billj bnl ba aoon found onl

bfc aaiatake. Not only did tbe Commoni re-

jeet tbe ajneatdaaentB bj a heavj majority,but tlie Conaervati»ea Ln tbe Uppei Hon <

IbUy rufuawl to foUow tiieii Lender fnrtber.Aiid now it Looka Be if tho legriawabip aaigbt

poeadbly fall from thf BobJe Mar.iiiiH»n ha& i-r!: of aolf-contnd and tda BbBtUlBBJ nro

a gyeaJ atrain oa hia feJlowate jn«t- bow wbenthc foreagn pollerj <»f Ubj Pwanatf fhreg atTCBgtb to UM LiUtals. It w.nild

leryg Lord BaUsbtny enttroly li^'bt if heahonld find hiaaaelf hoieted by Ma <MV" pctafd.

lt will be aoen ia tlie "Loutloi! Qewhich «i. pnbiBth on autothei page Uurt tlu»

exomple of Mr*. Laagtrj, in Btefapiag fromt!,c positiort of B pTOfcaadODBl b.auly to tln-

atagc, baa :ilrr uiy bad ita effcct btcb <>" *»o

male mcmbcra of polite aoeiety. One of tbcwcll-known <dul> men <>f London, b good-look-ing profosrional wit, baa dacdded tobecoaaeaaBctot al £6 a week. Ui* dcciaion deeeryeecoiiiiiftHliUion. Th- stnii of £6 B W0CB U

probabiy more tban he eoald earB i" any..iliit- bamneaa; bnt i-v.-n aa a bad aetor tbbi

young man will be more worthy of prajeetban aa ¦ oommonplace kmngor nt U><' claba.Phe facl that Mra. Langtry la aoon to appooyi fioMfimiin "A- Yon Like lt" haa Beariy

litivo-i the more or leaa gilded yoath of theBririah raetropolie wild with impatieiiccto bn

ber in tbe parts bxiagine th. ir feclinga of

enyy and |eadouay if tbeir fnend Farqaharsbould play Orlando to ber JJoaoiiaA

Tbe membera «>f the detectiYe force of tho.

ciiv are reported to be bighlj Lntlignanl al

the action of Dtotrict-Attorney McKeon ln

employing privatc detectivea t<. gather eyi-denee agaJnBl the lotteryTnen and tho in-rerencea that aro drawn from it. Now no om

donbta thai there are many honeal detectiycsat the Centrol Offlce. luspector Byrnea'e in-legrity ami shill have nol been impeached, bntthere ia a toak aomewhere Ln hia offlee. lithen La nor, how doea it happen tbal tbegnmblera ar« noYer taken by anrpriae whenil:-- city'fl rogulat deteetiYea ftra employed to

them f Bnl tbere i* aometliint;serioua tban inforencee for tbe polia ofll iatoto explain away. It to aaaerted Ln thi 1,;-

iriei-Altorinv's offlce that detecthilicemi n have been often seen In phtoi-i

gsmbling haa beon openly i-ithai prominent police offieiala bave been aecn

to gobetween theCentml Offlce and Ibe gnm-hcadrroarlsra on tbe Bowerj ;

the entriea Ln tbe booka of tbe lotterly show collnsion with membcr of thr

force.and uol only patrolmen either. Thr«,n- naked, ngt? fncta, whieh it will tnke a

large amotint of explanation to cover. rhetct-Attorney Bhould lay the Infon

iu bia poasecuion before the Police Com., en, wbo certainly ooghl to be anxiona lo

diamwa ihe dtohoneal men now on tbe foice.haa become a aerioua matter, and ia not

: he thrasl Btlde with angry worda andemptj aasertiona of Lnuoccnce.

AN IBlSE-BQJPTIAy I.AM) IBAGUM.Tbereaderaof "Martta Choxxlewit" have

not forgotten the greal meeting of the W.m-i-

toaat A-Miriitiio.i of Dnited Synipatbiaere, alwbieb GeneraJ Cyma Cboka read lu^ cele-brated addreea to ii cortain Public Man iu

[roland, then cngaged in wbai the WatertoaeiSympathiaera called "anoble eftoil in thecauae of Freedoni," or in othcr worde, a con-

trovcray wiUi the BritJeh Goyeinment uJn" Freedoin,ename,waaid GeneraJ Ckoke, - [aend"berewith a contribntion to tho fnnds of yom" aoeiety. In Freedom'a name, sir, ladvert"witb indignation and Aiaguat t<» tbataccureed"animal, with gore-atained whiakera, arhoae.. ratnpunl craelty and fiery laal have eyer been"a aoouiga, ;i tormenl t<> tbe world. I allude,"air, to the I)i. ti.-li lion.' Jt waa nol lhal theWatertoaat BymiMrtbiaere aympatbiaed inthcleaet \% it Ii th<- Publk Man in qneation, or eareda penny ior hih quarrel; Indeed ten minuteaafterword they were howlingexecrataonabe-....ii-. they diacoyered tbal bc waaan abolition'.>t; bnt they hatcd the Britiah lion.The Watertoaat Aaeociation repeatcd itaelf

the otberday ta Philadelphia, where a LandLeagne meeting adopted an enthnaiaetic greet-uig to Arabi Pacha,and voted to turnoyeithe fnnda of Um aoeiety to that military ad-yenturer, and to recommeod other branchea oltbe Leagne todo likewiaej notbocanao theykuew or cared nnything ahonl Egypt, or qnitauuderatood llio difterence botween Arabi andCetawayo; bul opon the gcneral principle tbalan. body who geta into b diapnte with Engkindmuat be conaidered in tbe right, and tbat tbemaaaacre ol EngUahmen and the deatruc-tiofl of Engliahmen'a property ia alwaya"anoble eflort in the cauae of Freedom." lt

bappona In tbia Inatanee tbal tbe Britiah are

fighting to auatain tbe legitimate and <-<>n,-ti-

tutional governmeutol Egypl by the Egyp-ttana.or what ourlrieh frienda would callIlome Rule,.and t! at Arabi bi ta rebellion foitlie pnrpoae of aetttag up a aovage and pro-acriptiye military deapotum) tbal the Britiahare defendiug civilization, order, naUonal de-relopmenl and popular riglita, ta the Nilevalley, and t!n- rebela are the repre-Bentativea of all tbat i.s moat danger-oua and moal rcpreaaiye and moal tyran-uical ta kfoelem tanaticiem; bnl whal of that IThe occaaion aeema t<» the Philadelphiaeym-patbiaera none Uie leaa appropriate for B ad-"verttag with indignation and diaguai tothal»MCCuraed animal with gore-atained whiakera "'

and for aending to the Moelem "acontribn-tion of fttnda "

in aid of the cause of l' Ladifficnll toapeak aerioualy ofanch wild

androanng folly aa thia, but indeed the caae

baa ita aeriona eide, Tbe fnnda of the LandLeagne have been contribnted for the moal

jinit by poorand hard-woikingpeoplein thiaeonntry for apnrpoae wemnatreapeelwhatever we may thtak of the au'» ncy to whichit ia i he i-ontl iluitors nicatit to

lio aomeUitag more tban aftronl " tbal accuraediiniiiial with gore-atained whiakei Theybelieyed tbal Uiey were anlmcribing for tbe

of tbeir atarving countrymen, the tetab-li.-liim-ui of tlu- diatrc aed peaaauta on fheirfurma, and the reatoiation of peace and proapi rity to Uie land they lore. For tbia tbe dajlaborer and tbe aervanl drew tbeir i>. tty aay-

tr.nn the bank, and withbeld theii churchea, achoola,orpbanaaylnma,

andTrefugea. They ponrcd raoney into thebataoftbe Leagne agenta, ta the bltad confl-denoe tbal tbeae irreaponaible audoftenig-noranl peraona wonld Bpend it judicionaly l«>r

tbeprofeaaed object. If an exart accountingghould evet behad (bul none ever will), tlie

ibera would be very mneb anrpriaed atthe diacloauree, II... many hnndredaof thou-aanda ol dollara, we wonder, baye been thrownawaj in mannfactaring bogna it fernal ma-

cbinea warranted nol to.!.. mha bief, frighteningBhip-captaina with cltildiali pretezta of tacen-diariam, paytag the 1».l-WUa of profeaaion .1

deiuagoguea, and anataJning newopapeiooarae aud atnpid tbal tbe peoole for whom

they are written will nol bnytheml Audih,-* climax of beordity bi reached tatl.. reaolnl on to aqnander the w

.l longahoremen and chambcriapofl iiu tatcatine diatorbance taAiii.-.i which, whateyei ii> laane, can have no

eoneeiyable taflnenoe upon the fortnnea ol Ire-lan.1. Ii io by aocb ebiidlafa operationa aa tliir*that the of < v. ry lii.-li

agaiubt Uu: uccursod uuiuial have UtVOWB BWBV

their reaotoeea. Tbey will do -woU to rc.mnn-

ber that 110 ennac can retain publto aympathyWhieh suiTors ItoeK to l>o "'*»'* ridiculoua.

»W 1JME8 IB THE TAB-WOETBThe iiitrniahoiinl 00888888 of Polar roncarcli

wenl into efteet ou the firat of tbepteeentinontli. Dnrtng the twelvemonth vvl.i.l. has

eoened ByatoBantfeobaerrgdiona will betakeaaimaltaneooalyatelevea atatiooa Tbeta wfllbebootty iiiagnetiralaml inotoorologiciil ohs.-r-

vationa. The leaniBJBTttare <>i nnd bow,tbe Yoloelty of the wind, the ptiaainre andhiinii.lity of Um atmoaphere, the tonn, amonnlami directiou <>r elooda, theoeenrrence anddnration of rain and anow, and the variati.oisofteneatutl magnettom, art- to beayafcanafrirally noted. Onterm daya, the lat and 15thof eacfa niuiitli, magnetto readinga aretobemade every aveminutei, apecinl pnina beingtaken to lacilitate siniiiltanrity of oboeti ations.Tbe optioual obaervationa recommended t<> tbesrii niiii.- colontota relate t<> tidea and ocena

enrrenta; tbe thickneaa, Btrneture and motionofice ; the melting of ice in anmmer; evap-oration at all aeaeonB; Bolar radiation;gal-vanic eartfa enrrenta ; the heigbl of the aurora \and many other phyaieal phenomena. Thoaeobaervationa, condueted on a oomraon baatodetined by tbe Conferenoe of St Petetaborgiire to be bronght to a cloae as late as poaaiblebefore Bepteinber 1, 1883. Snmmariea are

then to be aenl t<> the International Pohtr Com-niiasion in onlei that. the reanlta may l>e foi publkation. DnringtheBameperiodmeteorologtonl and aatronomica) obaervationaareto be, taken at eleven aotonUllc atationaontaide the Aretic eone.Tbia rapid anmmary <>; tbe wcrk whieh llea

boiore the Aretic colonira in made Lrom tli«"

programroe of th*' Conierence al Bt. Peters-barg pnblished in a reeent number, of Naturewitb a map showing the atationa aa located bythe geojrraphica] eocietiea. A aimilai mapap-peared in Thb'a eigbl montbaago, when the Btationa were definitelyaelected. Tho Ameriean eoloniea bad al-ready been eatabluhed ;.t L'orl Barn w

,i,l l.a.l.v Frauklin Bay, nnd preparationawere then making <<» coBvey tne temaiuingiKMiieaol oba rveratotheirdeatinationaaaoonaatbe aeeaon abould open. Mklaummei findatbeae preparationa eompleted and tbe eolonieBeatabliahcd. Suppliea and acientifie r.-ia\*bave i'.-. I. - nl tothe two Ameriean poata. \V.»rkliaa been begnn by tbe Canadianaal Forl Rae,nearGreat StoveLnke, bj the Norwegiana at

ekop, and by tbe Piulanderaal Sodankyla,riie Auttriau expedition, after failing in itoBrei attempl tolandonJan Mayen, ael onl fromTroumo aboot tbe middle of July, and waa

probably ancceaaful to renching the Uland, the.,,;i in qnarter l*einginyariably cleax ofice dnnng Augnst Tbe Swediafa obaerveraleft tho same port early Ln July for Spitaber-gen, and aa tbe partj waannder the cliarge "f

Captain Palander, Baron Nordenakiold'a effl-cienl companion, good fortune undonbtedlyattended ii. The Gannan, whieh ia tobe atationed at Cnmberland Sonnd, DaviaStrait, ael ont early to June, and aa the royagev,;i. nol a particoburly dangerouaone may bepreeumed to bave landed in aafoty. TheDaniah Governmenl baa aenl a eorpa cf oben to Godtbaab, a aettlemenl on the weal coaalof Greeulaad, and tbe Dntch expedition ex-

pectcd, when It aet out ln Joly, to rench PorlDickaon al the month of the YentoeJ early inAuguat. Tho Euaaian obaervera, baving madeaneaily atnrt, bnveadready eatabltohed them-anlvea al tbe mouth of the Lena. hature, Ln it.-*

ebartof the Aretiv baain, locateaaaeeond Ituaawiiubaervntury at Novaia. Zentlbt, inaking twelveinatead ol eleven poata in tin- circuit. So taras w.. have learned, tho attempl toopenaatation there baa i>»-«'n abavndoned. The circniltoeomplete withoul the twelfth atation. !!<.-ginning with Jan Mayen and Spitebergen on

eitber lide of the Greenwlch nieridian, it com-

priaea two atationa Ln Northern Eitrope, two inSiberia, one in Alaaka, one in Brittoh America,one on eacb ahore of Davia Strait, and one I'¦¦.tothe North at Lady iFranklin Bay oppoaihCaptain HaJl'a gravo. Al the aame time,acientifie obaervationa are to bo taken by twopartiea, Gennan and Freuch, inthe AntarcticOcean. The iUdian expedition under Lieuten-ant Bove, having been^wrccked ofl Cape Horn,cannoi toke parl Ln tbe >< ason'a woi k.While ao much aerioua acientifie work la pro-

cecdiog in tbal myatic realinol eternal ice, theapiritol adventure tonol wantiug. Lieuten-anl novgaard, .nu- of the youngeal ofticenin tln> Dantoh Navy, baa el aail (<>r the north-ernaaoal beadland <>! Aaia, wbence be bopea tomake^hto way tbrougb an aca

i-> an unknown land whieh he tanciesliea tothe eaal ofthe PranzJoaef archipel.tgo.It Laan expedition based ou the nevvoalgrnphical tbeory of the distriluition o.r

land and waterjn the Polar baaiu, and baa beenorganised w itli precipitate haste. tieadingblindly im an unknonn ...a^t, like the lll-fatedJeannette, it repreaenta tho old-time s;,iiitofexploration, aa oppoaed to the ayatematii ai-

rangemento of the ring of Bcienlific obaerverafor atudying tbe phyaica of tho Aretic world.In tbe aame qnarter Ihe llope ia aearchiug forLeigh Smith, who, unable to n -i-t the iveirdhi-.iiiatiom <if tbe in\ atle King <>f tbe S'oi th,lia^ prolmbly l^'.-n lured t<> bia denth in tbedreary reachea ofpack Ice north ol Novaia/.i nili.i. Buay Umea tbeae are to th«' Far-North,The tbree stagea ol Arctle exploration,are il-

tustrated in the aeaaon'a work. Lieutenanl[lovgaardand Leigh ^-inith repreacnl thedar-ingof th.-early voyagora. Sir Allen Young inthe i!i>i><' and the United Statei ohlcera whoaro Bearching for the Jeannette'a mtoaing boallecall tbe long andweary queal forSirJohnPranklin. The eleven atationa occupietl bythe traiued obaervera <>f many natioua preaenlthe practieal mctuoda and acientifie aapecto otmodern Uiougbt.

T.'ll UTEBABJ RACPWKER.A in,-ii In Ed '.. il, ho baa m ul.- it lii.-

bmim yeara to lell the a orid morealmiit the Uterary biftory of diatingniMhcdanthora than ihe diatiuguished authora them-Relyca wiah the world i<> know or lo n

ber, baa ju.-t republiabcd a collcction of rurlydramatie piecea, veraea, aketchea and otberiliacarded prodnctioua ol Chariea Dickena.bitaof tbal BOTl of apoiled work which nearlj allauthora make in tlieii 'prentice dnya, nnd whichuu more belong to theaerioua prodnci of theiiiiti- than folliea of the aehool and tlie doj

belong to tbeir biograpby. There eeeina to beno differenco of opinion aboul the annlirj oftbeae Hcrapa, They baye no valne. Thej arenot . \i ti int.-ii tting aa the iii il atu-nbetter thta are rnbblah, which uu^ wbo cared for Dickcna'a lame wouldthink of |i ol tbe diut-heap to whichtbeir anthor bad eonaigned them. Thrifty geta no thanka foi bia tronble tacollectin : ti m,Tbe offence of which thi.-* gi ntleman baa

been gnilty is woree tban l>.ul taato. Burelyan anthor haa b righl oyer bia own worka, andit i> a greal tajoetice ba perauB iu t;i. Kiu^ liisname t<» whal In- Li^ repndiated. Eapeciallygroaa i.->ilu- offence wben the dealerta Uteraryraga ntnl bonea, haring fonnd aomethingWhich UU tluJiielil poOt 01 UuVuliol luio did-

carded l»ocauaeJl ln worthu-iw, hawka it abouttlio atreeta na a curio, a afeeiaBBn of B gjraa*nianV failiire, a proof that eyen tlie Qtaatgioejghavo had nioiiients of wcakneas which tlu-ywonld bo ghul to forget, There are in-taneeHin which BUBtlaJlj BBB gBBB BBBBBB to modifythe luirrili jiiilgiiH-utfl of authorn BfOD Um ir

BBtiy wvxfca. Bad, of eooxne, thece are Ib-htameH ii) whicb the pnbliearionof rolnineaof" Kemain.s" ig I.-^tiinate BBBl uw-ful. Bnt the

eaae in roty diftrent with Uu end* eaaayg ofy-mUtj the nnfrartanatii experiaxeBta, tbe Brieoel-kBBMMM traah, whkoh, wheti tha aaweeaBfolanthor haa fonnd bia truo IliM of WOtk, be iaBBXJOBB tO pOt OOt Of sight. To par.nlc thesela bb tajury to Ma fama, aa Injnry to Utera-tui.-. We BBB alinost .-all lt au unwarrant-Bblfl iiitrtiHon itiHiii a BBaflra' privaey.Dickena bad a corrcct apftfeciaUon of tho

<;irly iliaiiiaiie jii.e.s, etc, comptiaed ta Mr.BbepbcxtfacollecUon. They were written forinnney, mo-d of lln-lil, Wben lio WBS B Voilllg

iikiii atrnggiing f«»r .1 aupport aad ignoraat ofhis powera ; boaeaf l>its ..f work enoogh, bntbo more enUtled t<> be uieaeryed as uteratnrethat) Iheordinary reporter'a worb which hedidfoi Thi Mornthg ChronieU. Hc aaturaliy aua-

preaeed them afterward; he wiahed tbal theyahonld nol !)-. toolnded among hia writinga;nnd to aet aaide hi.s winh i.s a wrong both tohia meaaory and t<> bhi lu-ir-*. We trnat tbatiln.- acore or ao of American biograpbera noa

bnay with aome of ou own mea of letterawill not lose aighl of the character of Mr.ghopberd'a procccdiag, or Ute general eoo-

(ieui.ial.ion Which it luw oalle.l lorlli.

ARE TBE AMERICAN8 BXGLISHMBXtProbably the atrongeei of tbe "Impreaaiona

of tbeLnited Statoan whieh Mr. Edward A.Freeman recorda in tbe lateat nnmber of IhtI'orinbjhtlij Recie» i-i oao of which he aaid a

great deal while bewaata thia conntry, andnpon whicb, we iH-lie\.-, iie Ims long been fondof dweUing: wemean the eaaeatial nnity oitbedividod branebea ofthe Engliah people onboth aidee of theoceaa. Wben aa Americangontloman, propoeing the healUi of tbehia-torian at a college dinner, spoke of hi* - foreignuatioiialiiy," Mr. Freeman begged bim t<> with-draw tbat expreaaion : " I waa nol of a fotelgnnatiunality, Iie says, u bnl of the BOme BaUOB-ality aa himself.". The nnawer <>t eouraewaa

cheered. If expreeaed a aantimeni whicb i*

alwaya well recoiyed al pnbiio dtanera, bothbere and ta Bngland. Bnl Mr. Preaman thinkathat theaentimont ia atronger, thal therocog-nition of the " Englial ry

" of the people of Uiei'ni-.-.l Statea ia more complete, ta hia conntrythal in oura. "The feelingofunitybetweena the two aeyered braaehei lareally preaenl ta".tbe Amorieanbreaat, i»nt it needaaomeUting"apecialtowakoil np. Ucotneamoal aaturaliy"tethe Engliahmao ol America to ipeak ol the"Enguahman of Britata aa a 'foreigner.'-ihe word is ofteo ao applied in Amoriean"newepapera and American buoka. Bat wben»the Engliahman <>f Britata formally rejecta-the name, the Engliehinan <d America fraakly"aud gladly Bccepta the rejection and wel-.. comea tin- European ktaamaa a.s trnly one of- hia own bouae. Non l knon bo4 bow far I may¦Hadgootbera by myaelf, bat I ahonld aaj thal-tlie feettflg m Englaad la aomewhal difter--«nt. I do not tliink that AmericaBa are

Meommonly thought of, or apoken"of, aa . foroignera.' . . . Tho American, il"m ematome, leela a gitBu\«rdh»ttnction between"htrnaelf and tbe Engliahman of BritninH than tbe Engliahman ol Bntain feola between"liim-elf aml tbe American." And Mr. Free¬man adda aome frank aad acate remarka nponUie oircmaataneoa of the War for Independ-eiice, aml other cauaea, which may ex-.iaiu the(liOeri-ni-e in the mental aititude |uf tbe twobranebea toward each other.Tbe prineipal cauae, il aeem tona-hehaa

mtaaed. It tho American people do not habit-uaily recognize tbeir "EBgHahry" ll ia be-eaoae ta facl they are ut>t Engliah. Thiaconntry waa aettled aa an Engliah rolony ; bnibefore the wonnda <d the aeparation hadhealed the people were rapidly ceaaii g to be n

diatinctirel. Engliah people, and becoming¦A!i,,i the) are now, acompoaitoraco,bavinggtrong afhTiaUona with aeveral nationa olEnropeand an identity with none. Eventhemeti of tho Keyolation were ta iarge part ofother nationaliUea than the Engliah.Iriah,Senti'h, Dnteh, German, Swediah aud Freuch.New-York a hundred yeara ngo waa ulreadythe home of b hoterogeni oua populntion mttclilike that of the preaenl day; the Gcrmanele-ineiit waa already conapicuoua ta Pennayl-vimiii; Iriahmen had begun n> comeoverinIarge nnmbera, with the pnrpoat ol guttingaway from Engliah rule, which they ileteated.The Pennaylvnnia loyaliat, Galloway, naenred a

conunittee of the lIooai» of Commona that halfui Waahington'a aoldiera were Iriahmen. Thiaatatemenl waa bb exaggeratioB, bul it mayaervetoUlnatrabBtbe mixed charnctor ofthepopnlation. It waa the cocfident belief oftheI'li.-n.U of th© royal governmenl thal aoch ta-congruoua materutla a-* the coloniea coataincdnever conld I"- combinedeyen for tbeir ownilefi ni-e. Mli.e tlie IJev.ddt ion tlie ilnliu ofblood ihat ia not Engliah baa gone on, witbaconatantly tacreaaing apeed, and Uie weakon-tagof the originnl Eng b itrain haa be.celerated by the notorioua tact that tbe for¬eign elemenl la far more proliflc than tbeAnglo-American. Outable of certain parta ofSew-Englaud there are few familiea in tbeInit.-ii Statea which can tbowa pnre Englhthanceatry.The rob ny retainedLthe Ii ngnage, the tawa,

the moal Importanl poliUcal institutioua audaoeial enatoma which it broogiil from themother-land, nnd theae are the tieawhich reallynnite the two countriea. lt did nol retain theorigiual character "I the popnlation. Tbenatural reaull of tlie mixtnre ofbloodbitoweakea Um aeaae <>f relationahip tnwardiill the anceatral atocka aud confine the aym-pathiea and tatereati of Ihe new

people more and more cloeely to the new

conntry 'with whieh alone th.y can1..-I thcmaeJyca trnly identifled. he com-

muiiity of literatnre, «>f <i ul i'r'"-together with the biatorical connection

..I origin, will alwaya attach America to Eng-land more ii timately than t<» anj otlier conn-

trj ; bnl tbere i-. nfter all, a real differenceofraee, aml n la becanae the Engliah do nolquite realbw Uda Utal they are more pronethan We are to liiHHt il|ioli the l.lenul) ol thotwo branches.

i\ KXPERIMNow tliat tbe wbole Kation, from tbe elaaa

that goto Europe for their huramer holida) totbe claaa who end their obildren oul to tbe

ry l.y Tur. Ti:11 gi Preab Air Pund, are

teatifying t.» their beliel ln changeof air andremediea foi tbe ailmenta of botfa body

ami to a fitting Beaaon for natotellatin. -.ti.ry wbicb beara dlrectlj on the matter.

l-'ivc or h'ix yaara ago a man, wbou foroon«venience we ahall bere oall Potter, toundbiaIn.ilih Buddenly giving way, Ue aaamiddto-aged, a keen, energetie boaineaa man, tha aal-aii.-.l offieerof a corporation, marrtod, nnd thefaih.r of fiva ehildren, tbe elder two beingk'uia juHt euteiiiig nocicty. t lito salurj euablcd

them to li ve in onr of the quirt, rrspertaMr aideatreeta of New-Torki the hoaea v\as pbtlnlyfiirnishcd, tho tablc simnle. But tbe PottOtlwero friendly people ond hoppitablo to theirbxiendati Um gWa were pretty, and th.-ir fntbecllked to aaa tbeta beoomiugly dreaaed. Hi»vrifo eoonofnised at every polnt, bnleaebyeaitbe salary vvas apent, tO tho last dollar, am! an

limicaaliit lond of debt aecnmnlatad. Potterwaa a eoaaastonttooa man: tho bnrden weighedonhio liko g-uilt. llo took over-work to addto hbi Lneotne, wrote nntil aftor midniaht;both henndhtowifeotlntedtbemaelveeoi eount-leaa aanaU eomforta whieh were naeeBaariaB attheir age. One of tbe daughtera, who had aturn for art, joine.l tbe imiuiin-rnlii** boat ofaaaatenr cbina peinteraj anotber wrote for tbeJuvenile rnigniinoa. In Bacb of tbeae anayasmall BUpplieg of nionry eBBM Lo bttt it 8/08ail to no pnrpose. With every year the hnbitoof Life of their olaea in the citjj grew more lnx-urioua, tbe rntes of livin;: bigber, nnd theirincome waa more toadequate. They were a

i.inily of a good deal of natnrnl LnteUectnalforce ami refined taatea; they would havelearned aaueb trom natore, booka and art, andgrown broader and atronger Ln tbe toarning if

they had had the time to learn, Bul they hadUme for nothing but t<» earn money and t<>

keep up appearancefl with it. Theghiegrewaharp, foalous, anxiona lest they aboold benhovcd from Ibeir Blrppery locial porrtieBith.-ir mother, tbreugfa constaot carking eare,became an Lrritable. neumlgie invalkl; whfleaa for Potter himaelf, he auddenly aonk intopremature old age. il<- waa tormentedwithaleepleaa nighto, Lnexplicable headachea, a per-petual Btricture like an iron band about hi*

jawaj his appetite failed, bia temper grewmoody and peevtoh. The dootoi came ln withthe uaual preacription, "Stop work, abao-lutely." JI"H' many aalaried ineii, piofeeefonalim n, jni'ii with amall incomea ln every poattionand grade Ln the marl eta ol om large eitiea are

prectot ly in Potter'acaee to-day, and bow manydocton are arging the aame preacription, to betold that it la airaply impracticable 1 Food,clotbea, rent, fuel, the endieea aucceaaion of un-

exp< cted neceaaary wanto for a fumily muat beni.'t, and the fatini'.s aalary i* neededeveryweek nnd dayto meettthem. The father atag-gera along like an overworked boiae a littlelonger, and then talla on tne track, and iadragged aalde to make room for othera, wtrilehi.> famfly aink onl of aigbt of the aoeial life foradmiaaion to whieh they have paid s.» dear,into the Btrata betow of clerka, abopwomen andaenipitreai ea.

Potter <lid not atagger along. Ho took a

b ;,!,! n departore trom eatabiiahed oaage in auchcaaea, to tbe amazement and diamay of hiafricnda ami even bisfamily. Hethrewuphiatsituation al om '., ln apite <>f tbe warning on allaidea that a man wlio onoe loaesbiafootlnginthe bueineaa world never can regain it. Hegave ui> hto pretty houae, and putuptbefur-nitnre at aucti. receiving for it bj manyhundreda aa bia aahuy waa wortfa thouaanda,and with thtoaum be took bia Umily toa littlevUlagein the Blue Bidge, ln lower Virginia.A houae with balf adoaen acrea waa rented lor

$200, bntter waa 10 oenta a pound, beeftheaame,corn-aaea] ui) eentaa buahel, vegetableaami cbickena they raiaed, the, atreama were fullof li-h and the woodeof game. Theacenerywaa magniflcent, the air pnre. Potter had htorod and gnn ; their booka were the only part of

their poBBoaaiona whioh they bronghl withthem. 01 clothea they had a supply enough to!a*t for yeara to thto aimple netgbborhood.Poreighteen monthfl he remained abaolutelj al

exeept for the pleaaaat mental effort of

teaching hi> boya. Ilis brain and body alowlyregained almoet thi vigor of youtb. Manyimii, no doubt, would bave telt such anxietyabout tbe tuture of their ebUdren that theworry would have been aa wearlng as w,.rk

ditring thto time of inaction. But Mr. Potterwas a man of bard common aenae. Ue knewthat il bia family loat aoeial advantageatheygained aimple taatea and aound bcalth whiehraiaed them for their wholelivesaboYethe deeiret'or auch advantagea. Nothing more waa loatThe boya were taken outof the oruahing niillof the Bcboola and thoroughly aud quietlytrained in atndy and love of atndy; wife amidaughtera, witb the necoeeity auddenly removedfor faabionable dreas, ihowy furniture, posingi. fere an audienceol any kind, knew wlmtab-.,,,,:, iv free, unshacktod Life* waa for the flrattimo. Tliey took time to read, bo make ae-

ntance witb nature and with the people:;',-,;;( tll"I!l, tO loVC alld 06 loVell, WitbOUt 8

tbought of money »>r the making of it.Mr. Potter al tho endol bia exporimonl did

not po back t., New-York. De took bia re-

atrengtfa to the vVeet, preferring an out-,:,,,. life for the yeara remaining to him. Bulweaee no reaaon why tlns experimentshouldnol be made by men whoae place can be kepiopenfor them. It amonthof aimple countrylife restorea wnated mental powei and phj aical

b, vvlint might not behopedtrom a yearare.-tt 1 _

Memerandum t<>r .Mr. Tilden ronr Btate ( onven-

tion i- to mael ai Byracnaa tbia year. It w.^m

Byracuaa to ie70.tha laal time a Governor waa

uominated.thai oneJotan Kell] organizad the boltwhieh coinpaeaed tbe defeat «>i Luciui Kobinaon.It would -et'in tbal .v»ii intgbl bavachoaenacouaid-erabli more " auapioioua placa loryonrconvantton.


Abadxaeff, tha favorite Cireaaaian adjutanl ol theQeneral Bkotodetf, baa been appolnted bythe

i '/.u ol Ituaato one of bia guarda.ll.rli.Tt Bpenaar, the diatingutobed Kngliah phi-

h lopher, waa to have aailed for tbia eouotry durmgtb u aal aei k.TbePrincaof Walea aeatred to aeeompany the

Uritiah armynoa botog eonveyed to Egypt, but in

drference to the wtohea of the Qneen abandoncdtbe pi.'j.'t.Tbe eommittee that have to charge the erection

of a monument to tne toteLord Predariok Caven-iliah bave intruated tho execution ol the worktoA11..M BrucoJoy, tti«' Eugliah aculptor.

1":., Wurxburg Univeraltj of Oermany hi, rr-.I bonorarj degreea on Profeaaor Pawcett, ihe,

| r-Urm ral, <>n Profei-', .!--!:.. Lubbockand Ur.Cbarleabtomena.

loveinor HoraUo Soymonr on Tburaday en-

torUinad tbe little orphan girla ol Bt. John'a Aay-i,,,;1. DUca,on hia torm at Ueerteld. Thto ia hiayearlj ciu»toin.

Prinoa Biamarck from hia eoontry asal at varaindirecta thaforeiga affairaol Oermany. An almoatnninterrupted conununieation bj lettei ami tele-uraph ;. maintamed with tbe Germaa Poraign

i ounl llorb. rr Biani irck acta .1- hia fathi r'airy, while Count Kauttau, Bnunarck'a aou-in-

law, ii> ciphcra diauatckea,ll,,. |.,,,,,: itria totaly aaked wto ther a

rimt from ber would ba weB received bj tbe Popadunughariournay ineegnito throngh Itaiy. Thapope reqneeted the Nuncio atVi nna to aaeertain,i tbe m.ii aadanj poUtkal wopo,01 waa m aimple,,.,,! ,;,n tion, If the tatter, aoordial autrmattvereuly waa to bo giveu,Qeneral and Mr-. w. T. Bhenaan on Julj laa-

aambtodat their homa in Oaktond, afarylaod, ttialrchildren, aooe-ia-tow nnd ejraitoelttidren to tae

in,.,.),-. of twanty-ona. Laal waali aaa of Mr...

,,,,,,'. ahildxan, from Bi. I^waa tajten atok.and ttom a tounger otaild ol tbe . nw u.. i.v.ababv Tbe baby, Marj Ewlug Pitob, diad oa

luuraday aight lna aihar ekfld. alaryPUeh, ia

aiill vary atna.ln a toaaatou axfla kaewn aa Jlo. 11 » B*

barian Iraveltor totaly raoogniaadatTakatoh tho

UiiUtd Uuko Nicholaa Conauuuuuvicb. lu lb75

tho O'-aud Duke waa oxih-.l '.oQn nbnra for atealinghia iiw.'.b- r'A dbtmonaa and iuauiting tho (JzarAfterw.-trd BO plottad wtth tlio Nibiliwta toibvvM.iiiato tho Btaaaat Caar. Hu baiii-ilun.-ut tobib.-ria foliow.-d.Ceteweyo, theZaln Rtaa_.utkoabjaat of airrettt

deal pfcarioaity la Bngland, I'pon laudingntPly-moath baa aaaaan to ba a weuVbalit man, .ireaa.illoalong blae <-o»t trimmed with aaahdoa, andweanng a n> a yoong waaaaa gavnhim a branHfal gobi kwket attaebad ta aetti '

blae v.lvot. He recaiyad tbe -ift witb aaeaUe, butaaldnothing. Ue toi.i tba newapapar eorreapondVcnis tliat ho boped m fataxn b> Zuiulaad. tbat bahad iioon kindJy treeted dnring ht-< captivlty, aadthat unl.Hri ba shouid be reetorad t<» lua kiuudmatban would ba *»ar.

1 he death <>f Mr. Btetaon, formerly lessoo of theAatoi Hooaa, raeaUa hia hillmaaii blaaaWatp withDa,:ii.d Wi-bbter. it waa la tho aetftr Httaaathaltbara ocrnrrad tBefaaaaaaeeeaa betwaei VTabataiand the Boathern dabagataa to tha Baltiaaoca PiaaVd.ntial ( onvrntion. Wabatec had BXpOOtedtebgnomlnatad for Presklent at tho lamienthBi. and inorder to aeeare tho Sootbern rote had gone a.-. far iadefenoe af tba Booth aa ba <l wed. AttheeeavaBition tba floulhefn datagatea rotad agaiaat him.W iion tbay called apea him afterward at thc A-uorliousi-it waeoelyenhhr. Btateo-re aolbBtatbm thalbe con.soutcd to r.-cive them. vTabataf greetedthem eokUj and then rearoaebed them witb tm-irdaaartionol him. II.- aabi tbaj bad uaraiand da-eerted ov.-ry other Nortbarn man a be bad beeat li.ur -i.-rvaiii. i.iu ba waa tbe laal Northrro man.

thoy wonid umo and the laal Northernman theywould il.-s.-rt. iie clowd lua apeeeh by aayragi"Getitlemen, my pnblie bia n eoalec I ko toHarabfleid to sh<¦[> witb my falIe i axrylng w-itame tbe ronaeionaoeaa ofdnty done. Vfbt n pet .

tunea eoine to yon, aa eome tbay will, yoa villmoarn in bitterneae of apint your cravaa eonduoland your baee ingratitode. Gentksmea, I bid yoauood uight."

\Ti.\NTA. r,i., Au:-'. 12..Benator Hiil i« woak.Tto-day, bat blaoondition la nol materialiy obaaged.OlTAW.v, <>nt., Ang. r.'..^irC'harleaTupp.-r Bnlfc 1

forEngbuadto-day. Ilin eonditioa ia procari.iuu,but lio ia uo worae than heretofore.


A BoatoB papoT ia reepooaibie for tlio atate*iq. iu thal the dUgaatfng babit >.f inoif-dlpplng baaapraad aaaoag tba feaaaleeaeeaByea in Mnaaa.-hum-tMfaatottae u> aacb bb cuent tiiat tut.-.-.-i tou« af aaagaiaaaaaaaByeeaaamcd hy iii.-ui. Ayear iw» tbe. atuoinj

Blabop of tbe 9tate pabttalj furbido tlna uho of tba,,..;, and foratlm. tbera wMaeonaMeyabtafainagoal

la theaalea of aamT, bol tbe prohiMUoa ban now bc-eama ptaotiaally ;» dead lettar.Acttag on tlie theory that in evcry hotiso

then U a aaaaetoa Bt tha eloeet, a I'.iria swiudier »eut

aal i hiibbbbV ef ilnpilnati aitn bi thb afaet: "IwBJreyeal all aaleee yaa aaad a knadred fiaaaateJ.I*.Pnt« Reataata,Parbv." it waa evbteatly aaaadaaynaraketatana. ai loa-u tea petaoaaaanmatlyaaatthaHUn di inaiidid, and the BWtadtar waaroiigr-tuiui.iuf

upan bavlng aeeored teinporary aflloenea aada11. ipeotiye fortune wben the pouee aa oeped down upou,

Chaphtta Uornaon of the flagahip l-aacaiter baasentbeaaaaatotereaung aoeaaatef haaaxaatbeaeea after tii<- aomba dmenl of AJexaadrta, After da>

Ing tbe eondtooB >.f tbe elty, tha awfal aeoaea afdeatband deaotatbm, he r tnd yat tbera biamdleraoaaldaae waU. It U reaJly amaatag to aeathe BBttyea earrytag a wiuto ra-', or a plaee af aapar, bathi ii.i.-i.i. or ti.-.i io a aatak, or an tba waip af tha aab-m.-ii or Buttertog from the bara. la thet.inii.- >.f ih. doaaeya, oyer tbe doora, on the fruit ibindeaii.i.-wr) rbere that yoa jrOtaatboogl to .-»a>: 'iour-renderl iion't dioot me.

Tbere ia a aegro ta Branawkk, Ga« whoaBiii.i te .lii'in.-iioii haa bt in- eapaattj '" eal Btara

atattmethaa aayetbae aaaa in tba Btata. IbaathaeevaniBgaaagraedtaaat twaatyBawee of br.-a.t amin

doliar's wurtii ol baeea ptayatai mo aaateaaaara wooJdaaytarfhamaaL Iuoaao of fatluro he wim to 1Uy fir

What lic ato )iim.--lr. Iii a fow in iBIBBta BB Imd d:-|> -o d

ofiun.- haavaa aad baif th.- baeoa,at whtoh patat thehyi _ale»tab7rbEred,aotw|ahlBgte be Implieate 1 In a

u-. Taenemo waanmob utoeaaed at tbiaiBUr-ruptloB, deelartng that he b»d thcreby bw tbe ou y,,ii!,U(.f getttng a aoaara iu;id w-u,cu iie ha.i bad ..i

ibirty yearaTwelve lnmdred newaboya, bootblacka and

nxbaadtaaeoaa areai'ia babaagtag ba BaUbawca «-r

takeutooaeef tbaaaawarba taal ntaraday by Ubsiiiuuior Bxcbtbbbb BoekBy, aad oi eoaraa a thaaaaadfmuiv oapera woro eutdunu.' tba day. .l,i->t t>. fore tlie

ooat atartad a bandamne carrlage daabed np t<> the

wbart,aadapeUaa aaBaaaaaaa aptaag to eeamtheeeor,A.uid j. niaroflaiiKbtrrtlve ulr.-. t gaaaBM Btapped .at,#no of tioui reaiafktag b>tba_pottoeman."Ferhapaaaboya "alat gotnoetyle." They h-i l i>r.-vail«.l npon tbe,i \rn .f th. i-arrfage to tak.- them to th.nnd ii, ba B/ereed t-i take hbi pay m htuabtag at tli-ooiriii u po'deeoum.While the vieir of Bt Jobna, at Newport 1b

Ui of Wlghi, waa deUyermg an uapcaaatye -¦

aa a reeeat Banday » aaahleB ladj ot aeaae ferty-Byeicira brnamn mrnir'- raaahoattogoiate

n iu. rt. aaeme thal ibe la mbjcot t.. tbat fo.-m .>.,.-^

aml tbat ber medleal aaaa baa matraoted haa ta r-Uuuc

aload for water wbeneyerabereebi the aymptomioboyed bat lnatrnotlona to the letterand Um taaalt w ,a

naturally atarUiag Tbe ebarch wardea, wbe badof nbi own aad did not bealtat. to applj them, atoaeatook tbe womaB np m ma arnu aud aarrled ber ont.

Whea aba had reeeyered ber oomud atato abe di Ithat tha wardea had abaken ber m mdbvd..,-u had aaed eaaalderalBe lieeaae to g. ttrag beitbeaule Bhethereforebrouabtan bcUob for aaaaut,i,,i, Hubaeouontl] eouaooted to aooofii m ..,..- ¦.> ind an

me.. that the warden would u. v.-i- i. t. r n i

ber iiKuJn.a praulae wluob tba abaaed maa aaa

alllUig to give,


T LatB ta A CBinc..Ib b m.>s( remarkablell0' i,i ti,.- ue '-. ta of hiH ipia -ti w ii. there bia judgaienl waa louud. Where iie.';-,' ..,!.,-.l. r waa pnaaivi j ind fft-r.

Idonuaiit. ii- ".

,i ix too iiui.-i. al tba ruorcj ol la emoUifn* or tii^ uoud.,..u, tobe a >>a - mude alwaya. But wb

lUe iu tba M..or.v of eruaetaav.(Alaaan;- i...

Rogggrn'a " HougB oi" Bo»bxtb>-1xi.1,.d deal ot m» n-muaicai beauty ol laugnage...iu nianj ol Uv «on*ita, we lurn oi

-,-,.., withaiM,,ueaa and w« iV pn-pwiderai


uHUiiriiaiuofworda-ndu.t noiiiuch tbe i-xprcaaiou of tuluoaa ol UutUKblan-iic iu. i. I draiwy u>lude theteawity OlUiO Ii BUJ '¦ .' W-

Mkn or Graica am» Their VMvbs..Thew.a-lil ia too api to think uhal u u - ¦"' ..<»

iuab»H«la, au.t that tb. wtvea of iu<u olfnevtUbb beuiartyra. II tii^ worbl nouUl Ims boueaatuJxlih uot. .,,-ti.-i...t ii,,; m - aivaaui* iimrtyra. vihntUer their i, i.i,.»u<i- rnoi,i,m lUaotoaave wivea rroni uuutn rtali ..' uiart ...¦>> u .-

;t fcwiug, 11 i,' '-., in all i<¦-;.,.,-,> .,~ I'- - aa .n ara

.,u,.tk. um- i..M l*a> uaaoftUeu ,,\ ...a:.,l :>} putlltrtiucUlreatru ntonthela

;:;. ',. . .¦. a«i wbit>h u. .,-.- laipoawd bj ....i.ii.

UH ,«will aa i.irn oi nu geaiua, aoi

nantbrj uoa nrel.reuniiappj nivea. m £iiI11, ,,,,..,.. ttutunul ,i..a ;.

UvnUemaa'a gagaaina._

Modbrn Bocktv am> Cm Lu i.- Life in.; la muiiual tu Hunuou) inV ,.|, rce.aml i.

,.r ',u:-...u ..« -i'l .¦¦' **.

,», uuu-aa the) <""" »W>»J '"' »t,n,...,i'..r.>l iii-M.'i'ii aocict;

uuhiOHJoalat-quniutaneeaeu niabe ii.teroourae ueoeaaarilj t>rol,t,.'L Convci al a laecaUi.

SaffiattU ".-. ¦"¦¦ s rkrewl "J

waor. i. ¦.¦ ... Ii-ih ,,. ,k,.,*i.-I-i.tloltieatUal ltUttiiuo«l ini] .,tfoi ii-Umni n»vatbeabU'.M,uir inaii n . iu


\Aul i-.-'-i. u. af

KtbrokeiiTornUl.grado ... -u

lugor tae ifteaaur ol au ¦¦ .UUng ahort >. "-::,'¦'.,.' ,¦..!. onl) w«Wl. ijii uol i'i'.'""', VUaaaaUirwnoinw. aaa r. a; _,; ..A.¦-..:.r,i...r>«i.l.w.b-h.;-,;..bad not tlie q , .....,.

wa.feiagMdu* " « Jliootum .i.
