New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1882-08-05 [p 5]....acuteiy nrom a diaaaaed apiiie, Her fatb-rdwd...

^RLT A HOTDWB>***"%£- __,--. Of TU« 8A1L VP T1IR WCDOO ^ _ _g_ra niARscrtiusnc aa-Brt ¦raaynog. .f TRiw jgirairnxB,H. x- Anu. - t _,,h _i,,.l.-SHa.l.dvtllageo«;:;><:«Mli.iit;i.r 5».tor-a. em>*d aad tha *J^ ,-_ a* .*. 'i,H,n,,u7t;;n;;y-ou!citv(h,«.ir.-n fcome-th.rtv-six «/f^JT^ ... .,.u,.er _4tf» v,. ,eft Brw-Tatk fet 1> - n 11 ^ t^taeaanght h._bt otlurs ar t.-nCVn:re.a.,,-.;.n--b- ^ ,.., irom haaa r-aag abora aa an . h^;riHdvu,\n;?i«w. - ;;;irkiip, Uon bbie raage ol hilhv ai rtarrng. 6,,'.',.tle_1rbofth,,,.?* V_,r ,... Whmtln , -marawep ou. ... . - ___. pl,h,.then,n.dv-:o,,r,'t,dre.i,.;- -iMnin(1. in, thrir handk-n- ^^"^-nooe p. gerv. muv of *li"m '*"""" ..,.,.... before th.-m. Whea N eeea.!1" ^,,;%Vrsill ,,lt,n,eut expre_rd J'reab Air eett*J. the aWW _ ^ ^__^^_U?-5-*^ ?-*-,*;.ii"2ii__^_r_f_3. ,T.,1 poadda of aaixad eaadaaa ano ;_;ty,vildt,vihroW.ngit..itotheairtol, scram tkdfor. by the baodral Wbentbeehildrea awoka after a good Ubo^waawaariagTroy. Here they were ^by that old frtend of tbe Preeb A.rI .....1. _hepar.Ha .,(', Rooaai V ' ftraekfaet the children were aeparatad Into two r-4r-f rl.ran eecb,end one atarted for EaxlTille. while tl..- otber came laW into tbxa ~_ioo Wh. n Round Lake waa reached tha Jon .*¦ ^Senartylefttbetrain. There waa, a araal !»0. ... l_, , ;.. 'O Mtl __»£ I? Uke to learn how to mitn a . .. b metooqo ! it d m.I larmer nV pped ap and aai- 1 '. '»» > l"; ¦; 't one. vou-re',us. tha ehipperaan ol achapthatJ V\Vhen ail wa-va'!varr ..._.'!. '*«» dn-en on: to thia rillage [""*P '' entertaiu tbe children bere: ». ». »eed. L>.M. Krthrn. VV Van Vranken, Mra. A. Heneihct, W. M,i:^,VB,;^.'MI^'i:»;;^;rK «,.-¦-¦.. s-t &.ko^ a^Laere uid M r v'l' A""\l i''rer,Vl«s'"'Mr«.' ... W. .I-.A1. T.K^G^u-yVMraJll _U..ll.i,-n,.,e,,.,|:lieMe!lio,~t,h:.r ,,o -.. nbeRev. > Koliao lapaa.or. At ballawi .Len tr« the cl ildi n are rieiung N. b Lnrti -. ". cZlkuia in.l VV P. Bel " ,T TaortlKwthAS BWe,nLrDth_ lli.tia::'.. V., i-Tiaitinf Mia. A R. Howaxd lor ihe aeeond tuae. THREI CAB-LOAD8 OF BOTS AND GIRLS. nASLi Ta__ti m i.ur.i, cwiinaKH axan otn oa thk aan e_.ilu.>ad. No children thal hav.- gone onl thna far haTi ieemed to need freah a.r more than the party wbo left New-Vork by the F.rie Railroad yeaterday n.orn'riK. It waa a bufc partj an tbe aTeraga of .geawaa pfobably batwe-nfire andaaren yeara: yet nnd and neglect had mark-d ruauy of tha facaa and fonna bo that the littie ereatnrea anpeared to l* mu.h oi.l.r than th.-y really were. Thera -aa onecluld-for thongh abe waa arrenteen "ara of .«. md the oldeal af the party, abe a. emed a mere child. b-'ing amaller than the tbree-yeax-old beaide h*i--whoee Biw-aaataneea wera pe- enbarly diatieaatna, and wbooa B Vnt.-en ytean oflife have eoiitained more nn-ry .iian ia TUUtcd nP..n mostof thoaa who liTa Ua aa old ^ waaaafae-aed at birth and haa alwaya auffered acuteiy nrom a diaaaaed apiiie, Her fatb-rdwd yr-are ago, learing her motner and beraell abaolatel: daatitnte. The ntttbei worked aad itarred nntiJ twa yeara ago, wben aba died. Awomana tbe cinid. not to , are foi her but to tnake the ehiW vuti for both of them. Tbe girl'a mlaahapan akele- tonfonn. gannt bnngry look aad feeturee un- pr^aaed y the keeneal anffering wereenongb toeai- Uattba eyrapathtea of ernryone who aawb tbe wataaa aaed to tak< ber through tha atreeti I b--_. A great daal of moaey waa girea to the eLild ia pennioa and amall ratna, and fhe womai. fom But inateadof maki i_ the t:- aaooey eame iu, the woman bogan to ureat nei moat .-ru'-liy. Shenaadeber rtti npl to do work thal waa beyo idbera wonld beal ber if the work waanot aoeompl shed to her Bheatarredber alnuoat todeath, a . fall tliat it waa a greal atroke ... pohcy to raake tl _p,..,r lible, Mr* Henderaon, of Ihe Appleton Miaaion, Brooklyn, learned Um torv ,| hronght it befora the atb , , | .' the thll.l «as taben from her inhnman gnardiau md plared in . ueof amemnorof the Mi-wion and alao nnder the eharge of a phyaicmn. Couaumntion baa twen edde.t to tb< atalog ¦¦ of 1 ¦h, n .ll itie before a gre i brraabe a A 'w Yiait to tbe ¦¦ .. aaid, wonld _.¦ moart beni tnial. and tn taT« ber Iile, t may prolong lt, aud make wbatre- gaaina ol il _appi«*r. At - a. ni be fen y-bouae _t the fool of Cbambers- m_ ,,. j , ;.-.! aitb. hildr. n lt to .rabli "1;" ' ge .*.. >l a' d afiei tbe ad .'- in tbe abin there wen .. c .ra *. ' children, .. .. intaiuod tl .;. inta Ta, pa it waa u u _:.(... :. i m ol depanara exaetlj nhildn be eara. A onnaua laken of thoee wbo a lem bouae on the New-York aide fnveen iiu-t butaen .artiea were be train jual in time io go aboard. i ' ,. were ine beveutli-ave. Missn.-i Were m erlaud, ol Induatnal i*._i».. .-¦ i. Mt '.¦¦ iu: > - bling-at bapeli Bve wera frou, v! --"., ninetean Iroin the 8tan .ol tifti-an troio Home ln- duati.a >¦.. l,lncbargeol Mra !-.,y ihree fromttrace .,,.-;, iu fou I 'lgbt from the£aat - >1. uapeL at No. _U_ Fiml ire iroi:. tha / Ku. 41- M n Romevn t bapa *-. ntb-aU; ta I. from l~.»_r> urch, at No. i.">_ Wortb- a... Uuxty-. .. w._» y i w,.. n ,,. _UNJ__ '-. ,..*»- |,.l, I., I._ biidren ail go o Leug lennan. 1'.. ututb-Ta oi utiveral ol th. ..."i board alao b. in_ a Liriu. quu/b i.mi.iiiAV pi__a_ufT. 1*0 l*« Kdltor of tht lribu.t. ^ih: liii_ is my birthday, and 1 hare a pTtaei.t of ¦ . - r. Il papa'l tiuni aa 1 aaayaaaaad leta ¦¦, ureu io Um eoauttj ter iheu beaii.. _t |_ apie, ¦. - ........ m .. aome nj, .. u_» naj fo- .. u traaa a filauui i;. tmau. mmUmm aciLNowi PremsiMv a_l <¦-... -. *,_rr_____, -i. i,,.,,,., t'" . in tae Krea U an _*t**fV aetiyoiof Pauayra, h t . _o. * h«y. s , . A;;;; _._¦_. of liinga.ouu..,, _. Y. ¦¦ _m_T2_! ' -. i«"o r. _i_ w«*4ao_rga riiH) _L ,-*'-"*'. f-j-am, Matoaa.i'.'i'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'". 7M *. ". f*-. -w_ c_j_muUi.a-at. euxi t^tLZ M.::::..::::::: 2iS ¦.-. ¦ aa G. R Tonnd. Plalnflrld. ¦ J5 1-.. liiooklyu. . .j*^ f- lt p.. -i oo k.w. n. 52 M r It.. Wa-.bimcti.Ti, D. 0. Sftf) B. B., Meridrnt. fona . 2}2 Helen H BaBB, Rutland, Vt . li'iKl J. P aadJ. P.&, KHhkill I^ndimc. V Y. JJJg i: i: A;-A.,ter. MidlaadPark, >. J . *2JK Knieal I> -nnth, Y.nke.ra. :* , UasteU. BaaBn, Yonkera.. JW Totii. Aa* -t. 1888.Bl«\8888d ifJanartntanflmtT of arBaaaaa, BBaatanarlaa phywleJaaB or aay r iponalbla peraoa kaowiag af p.H»r city ebJMrra wno need . rortalght'a vaeatlen in the country ssa pleaae\-»tinn.uu-4it. with Mr. Parawna at Tn ruintIBB.] UUEDBR Off 8HLPB0AED. A MATE PATALLT 8TABBED BT A 8AILOH o.NLY 051 WITBBai Of UU AITUAY-IIIK BCB- Dsaca i<> havi- bcted in bbxi'-bb- 11 M'K. Captain .lowph Langhlin,of the United Btatea BtoaaMtrWondwfwth, abortlv after nooe yee»«rday oi.-M-r\.-.i aignalaof diatreaa froni tbe Britiah ahip B. J. Spicer. wbieh waa lying oft" Elba lslan.I intbe bay. The Woodworth ateamad alongaide and learned tbat in a nght which had taken plaea on board tbe 8piear a few miaatea before betweea Patrick 0*£raew, a aailor, and Daniel Bpicer, tbe t,r-r offloer of t iir- ahip, tba foraaei bad atabbed tbe latti i ln th.- btaaal with a iheath-knife, killing hioi inatantly. Tbe aailor had been plaeed ander arrr-Kt by the eeeond ofaeer. Captain Laaghlln nvade haate to tu.- city aml Informed thepoliea Detective Oatea aad Ofnear Cottou, of th>- Now Btreel Police Btation, Imnaediately pro- cnred a anaall boat and rowed out to the veaael. Tbe priaoner waa broughl t,> thia eityin eompaay wilhawitneea af the mnrder, a aearnan named Qeorge Biehraond, aml amigned before O roner K ,\ Bicbmond teatiflerl that he arrived in this citvonth, bark John Bntberford from A on ia t Bnnday. During the week be bad been -ta\ ingai tbe aledoaia Houee, a aailorN boarding- booae at N... 125 Rooeevelt-at Yeaterdaj morning ai.kc. .1 l,.s a blind maa to -hip on board tbe E. .J. Spicer. Be went on board the ahip ::: a ama 1 rowboal He went down hito the istletopat on hia worfcine clothea. In tbe fore astle al the the priaoner and two other men. While ihe men. noneof wham 1 ev< r a- en lieforo, were heir loth .,i.-. Daniel Spicer, carnedown Inte tbe f»ro- ba! l< aml aaid : .. Murtv np, an rk." O'Craew asked liiia who he waa. nnd Ihe<- re- n b h a is he woald l"1 --.-i-i:e,i tn obe\ linu-. ii r I. ol Ihe deck .ig.t'.i. .'. ¦. .* '1! " |..¦; ii- gel up on deck, or there wul trounle." Meantime the two otber aailora had aone on deck. >'< 'raew aud R ishmond rea tn <1 Ihe decli rl in.iio f.-r tackle for them to work with. and at I iaatagi ot I .liug to the witneaa, Spii ,!,,, ',. l'. Ql ll.'- pi Upon bini and bi-at bim with bi aud ki, L.-d bim. Ihe two m.-n !-:l on the deck and roae to their feeti the ntate graaped a - aaid be waa conn- .I.- t be inteuded atriking iVCraew with lt, Iben tha witni m aa« ihe mat. rwi ed'-ck witb ipn ia wound in tiie breaaf. I ti- mnrderer, after atabbing th< aheath-knifa ovar the veaael'a aide and going np to Ui. ss ii in-.-- aaid : " You re the >.¦ ly one who saw thia, and jron are ive tu depend m.. i." 1 ue noiae , tim. dravm the rea ol the ihipacrea U the plaoe, and tbe mnr¬ derer it.,-. a. cnred and placexl below in co s-.;. I,- be waa found inbaeqnentiy by the two po- altul) imoking a cigar. Poola of bi.l the ait.-r-d-.k. where tba figbt toofc aud the capstau-bar ss.,- uu iml all over with it rhe piiaonel ia b ard featnred man, aboal r \ old, ui uied maraad with eniallpox. 11«¦ oreaarved an ap- i.o.uaiiee oi «iolid nnlinerL-uco througn- :ui tba examlnation, and when noi amoking wm eating candy. Ue bled aoniewhat from a cul behind the n.-h- e.-ir. and complained of haviuf tue groin from tb< ol the's kicka, ont au exauuuat.on by the coroner lotreault ui bnding any bruisea. iu rept) to the eoioner, he aaid " J a:n a nativi of yjoutreal, aad nave.naaailor all mr ufe I threa or four glaanri ol whiakey jraaterday, bnt uoue aiuce. I only had ouo dollar and dr.m« witb (,,r,., hei men. If I ..". law i.;n». 1 willdie in- ly, for I done t in aelf-defance. I am aorry from tbe bottom of my Iriah hearl thal tba pooi 1 e to the better world." Ihe coroner 8.-nt the priaon. r to the Tom .a and comnutUid Bicbmond to the tiooee .>t r>-t'ii ion tor Witneaeea Tbe Inqneat will probably ba beld to- Uai, wiieal apiam opicer, oi tbe t. J. Bpkei and arelativeol iheaead mate, will teat fy, uos who \t. neaaed tbe fig ironei noi believe the atory oi the adraj ua told by bUebaaond to be entirelj tra . 1 be conaiKBon oi ibe veaael, J. I W ,..,..¦ a ul No. _'G-^ llroa.l .ut, -i.c' ' tbe chani b j3 wouid ooi warrani tbe ihai he bad acted i.i th. mauuer aacribed t>. hun. Ih- ssai tweniy-aeven yeara old, ol unepbvaique, . ua'avu oi Parraooro, Xo\ Scoiia. Ue waa ,, nine montha ago, aud hia w:;e h id been m uu- citj -'.i b bim nntil rhuratlay, wben there tui ued lo ui u bome on .¦,.«¦:.. er a lalanU, No of t..... city foi aeudiug it on '" Nova scotia un tiediatel ¦. 1 ua E. J. tpu .-i .. lefi bi i '," * ..i >> eeba rday UoUi fjari hei mate -:.e will a..; now aad baiore Bonday. STVDYIHQ UU. TARIFF. 8TATEMBNT8 MADE IX) f*HE C0MUIS8I0N. ,m..,-. im. roa PBOTacnos ro rai um un .TBl lU.MAMis uK LAB iB. LuN-r, I'lK.iv. ii, Ang. -l.-C. Menelaa, ..' B .' "¦.'. Uoa of Juta m the Boothwru Btatea Ue repraaeah greal linportai ' J'lt(' la thia eonntry, and apoka witb oonfld - adap md Bmata fo lt i h- ra ¦ u beaa over 810,000,000 worth of jnte aad j :te goodi Im- BBt vo..i He had « . x penmeaitti ' '''" ll-"1 nvr aer. i plBBt d. ". Ucaat II- i aainpla . BenttotheBi . u inU.Ua., and ha-: owa to Mr. Bhauv a awnnnwtarar ol m o aad pnmonnaed U ezeeUeat aad aaid into were prodaaed m anfflalent qaantttrU woald laka taa plaoe of Iaoiajnta Be aaid thal Um eoUUvatioa af Bqolred vary ttttta btbar «>r atteattoa, that lt had ¦»" iianet cnamlea aad evea aerved ta pratael taa Botton plant fram taa araj worm, umd that B onlyre- Ifaor montha batweea tha aeed aad th. lt stood the droutb and UM rala maeh betMr thaa any other planL IM anooaragemenl waatherefora ol rerj creat Importanoe, aad ba reeonunended the inbjaol lo aattoa af the Coannhnwa Tha roMBOon of tb- BzMtmg datj »' 88 » to« onJuM bntta, B2ti a ton onjute, Bad rth duttoaon artieleamauafaetored o afl.ud all tho proMctlon aeed il He thoaght tl ,.,i in;,; on of nleo t)K profltahly ean iu tn.i country. t wi.l.,1.., a. a. Caraey.^f New-Yorh, repreaentlng th. lavhoi i itated, ¦' ...--, olrd ,, ii-.- iea ion o > irorking ela - u tne uae ol the bailot, aa a cure for the eviti ul thi ¦yBteui ired lt to ba tne Intereal of >h toaakforap. v ihat w. imencan i,i an ¦: .,^ . oretgn for wb« ni ne aoohe aaked Plrat, j t..r :l <.n .... _., da ,.i Djatenala itat nu u made or produeed lu Bt Of ¦: .|, ii It of inartne; u ntlon of tuu au ..,i,.,i. 1! or,- !!.,., icsl »p i...o l- ... - i he a w ir,,: Be n Sew- i.ik lir | viait ast.e Uardea aud iea tnr i. ,,, .. tha lutrodut i to uue tne plaoe ol \uw.u an woi ..; luej aho^oi s lall Ilu eueiueiil - tlona 01 .i.i. arhethi - .,. <,: ih.- Oold ix-atern' ('ni.)i, of idvo. .-i iiie lacreaa. ol .ne du j on - ¦¦) |,«, ,. . , -j .o j,, r pa. u.. il. Ual.UiB I .-..-: lu paj a.,\ i..-ii-r wagea than tne j >*. had, aud BT "lt i. A. I ,i...., ilu . ,-. D«f l i.nt moutha Bgu tu.ii wagea had r.ii-.i -.Ui.. :.. UBOOTM d a.: a i. a-1 .< Tui-uiai- .... ¦ * Y..rl.. inuvle a «liort i-ta'eiii. nt ¦, lir 1 ltl,r . Ui i. *. n i.. i: and wuli ii., inii.. ii... i.i,--i-i u red, ii, i., oiiii .i ..,. .i i dntj oi l 'a ¦. 'ii pei ul "ii rod h a.i m- .,i..,,n »8 par orat. . a luUiargt, m il Bd ..i ai.oiii T'.i pei BUl ' ..[ .iiH>ni -J.'.o uei c. ni -_.i pei ..-ni ca>, initnad il ao-.ui 70 i ci en ifuaaod idl. laauaad of 80 aaaua; Paneila iiuij, uaaiaad ot :,,,*i.,-iii, oaaraa aaaMcBra] aartha lu y,liiiU.-*d o, H, BOBI |h r iHMUid. lir. laVo/cU apooiiic taaaaaal ot au »a*oio.^ duuea. CAMP LIFK ENDED. ? RRTURH OF TilK 22D UKi'JIMEST. rx.ri.i r.vr ooamCCT or tiie BOEB wiiilk rx CAMP.TTIK KYSTKM <>r IB8IWCT10B A B0O CF.S<» 8ATT.SFACTOIIY IlKSULTS 08 KIII.K PKACTICK. frno* a «PF.-iAt. ooaaaaaxainaaTOFnmTBxaoBBi] statk Cabtp ot Issriti. n-.v. PBBaaani* and L .Tala aftrmoon tha 23d Befiaaeat aoaani eaaap an.l deaarted for hoaaa, leaving tha aeaaa al it» faithfal labora and paaeafal vleteriee solitary aad teaafted, s.ive for tha paaa- rnrn of Qeneral Wylie, Coaaael Paietarer aad a few other Btate ofneera aad the aaaployea wba iwaaaia to lookafter tha pr«>i>.-rty. The dMcipUne, aabordinatlon aad pauetluoea ragard for the an- qnatteof milrtary hfaof tha23d. aa well aathe morr- anhatantiaJ raqaiaitea for aoldiera on daty, have refleeted the hig!ie«.t eradil «n taawaaalvea and .n the rhey bave aaada tho 1. -t poaaible iMpreaaioa on those wh . bnaineaa it "a-. to ba aevarely eritical. Tbe dntMa praacribed for tham have beea earned ontintoUifrently, efBcientiyandto tha lotter. rba work ao happily beaufl by the 23d andat difflcnl- ti. s. baa been bronght t<> an entiraly eonclnaion by tbe 22d.and whal wa-* enexpert- nteni -ii woek-i ago mnai be ->-t down aa a moat proaonnced aad aaequivocal aneeaea That aach a reanli baa beea aebiaved is dae not oaly to each reghneat in tnrn which haa been here, but alae to tbe State ofneera aach of whom haa eontribated to th- geueral reeult. 'I bia morning gnard-moanting waa done in exeel- l.-nt forni. and tbe entire forenoon waa glven np to ride practice and volle) aad ti a nringby inchof ii a- bad ii -t eompleted thia part <>f their Tbe prep irtare were qaietly aad ayatematieally made The we-tthei waal >'. taringW) bi tba aaada al aoon. bnt a breeze prev af theheat from ii-Is- f.-lt. Th. t tbe hutte waa under tbe dlreetion , 11, ory and Cokmel bn -. tlta ere torj, tweuty-nveraen total "f 70 tn ,- \ m the hr»l prac- ,1:,,, ,.,r. 1 Ii >. Who qtl llltio.t I >, r.-.-aiit Ii- niaid, Company II. "JT I n- ata liaker. Company \. -.">: Corporal i. it. II. _'7; Pnvate Ik-ll, (ompan.v l>, :-.i.' orporal I,, ,kina, h%-5: I o poral ... lt. M. Laswia, tuv K. 30; I'nraU J. L L I \V. i-. B. Milla. i.ompanv B, 26 s VriraU C. H. St< ompa il '-"-: < orporal W. fi K. n.isi.-. Company A. -* poral W r,.'-. ompauy '-. -.'.¦ < aptain IM ->i >tt, 1 -j:.- Priva '. -!: r"' Lieuti l.IKi; IVvJ.-l' t ,,i.,..:-.. ( -..; I'nvate L Marl n, ._.;,: ( rporall !¦" Hodman, impatij F, ._'.; i'rA.ii. B. II. M. <'. Pol ,. -,1: Irivate rtilliam 11. llopper, orn ¦. E. -..: I n> vate VV. l- Hawea, 29. In addition to theae shou .1 i. given ""." "f V"' ,V1 qualihed as markainen: 1. II ol < iu- ..inv ,, s ,ii. ot the 7M. acorejl 10 il fiiNiyarda. bnt did nol bave time to compli illeyand Ble firiag nlt: Company ti, 30 V...1 j i ;."..- I- :l. 1 < men.\ >!- ,,., ir,9; |j|., i;,o. . ompanv i. 13 nu n \ oiley, i:.i; liia, 17.>. Uompanj K, lu bmu.Votfey, 183; money diabnned to tbi 22d forita bi rvi. .¦- \s - i aud ataff, $7" i \ '"I 'ii: !',. -I"!' 50 ' . <<3-'U I'. .1 l" >i..J "¦" 1 :.;"- 50 .., 8407 n. I-»81 50; l >-Jl K, .t-"1'-' 30; total, :i""l ",,. Aa vi itii all preieding were Bll expeditionslv prepare-l iu advance ol their de- parture b> Paymaater-lienera I. nlt and A- ,-ril Uice, Wh MM ictiug the anant la! department i.i ,--.- I, ... Img of many extra dutiea into the bnel remainii -' the p.. king np and prepani K foi '¦'', artur. I ie r- umns ol ut- ting aad distribnttng an euormoua waten among the Btate oflicers a s condnctod bi L'arl Fhiaierer, \. K.C., with the dignitj appropnate to Pi -. loaa to then dep i oloiiel l'ort.-r. ss itti hia Beld, atafl and lim o ealled al StaM headqnartera and paid ttie:r r- t,. adjutaut-tiei eral l oa n-> :>¦'.. leueraJ .i meral i;.irn. a and 0 mgb. lt ssa- a l.w iniuuti-a pa>t 3 weloek when tbe regiiueut marcbed out ol camp, tbe ordnance de- ent nr.:i-- a hirl n-ig it guua aa be daga ss ere lowi . at' the -i.i'- amp waa ofH. iall) loaed. I be Loug Hraiicb waa wuiting al Koa Hook dock. aud tbe courtesie iol be 'i .-* bip « reeziende .. .s cu . . . At twentj mmnteato4ocbek tbelaal man ws« .M'uitg out into tbe :v.-r. a crow«l uf people on the piei waved tanwell, -. ., la loal to \. md a ..c-ini ia tbe Apropoa of Co nld be -u'.-.; .- !" bia ,lu ul iui ol b 1'. i in Iai.i iri i lain ai anchor tb tue eutire week be ba uoen on uoard ol ,1 olll, l.-lit troui he time ,.t , aad njj aud ni- a. to ao u degra '"'' .' men ha.i !"¦'¦ i P there uot n.iviii.: regimant iu .... I..C- a i- l ngiu ,rc< -'-'''. «.; i.ui.,,i, -.1 great \ iu ihe L-,c t:- .' haa .i ..i ali .. rei >un ni atrikina couu »ome,i militarj banda- lastead ol lx ¦I ba regiui mt, ni appred- ition l ti. ,-oiS .... ouel I'ortc-i 'n bu quariera, aad tbe .. wledged, Signor ..,. . il a " Tat .. *" .'¦--.. rt lo-iui'irort- I UBg. i,. noi... tluat. <i. i .- reaeral ll«n aradl a ... u> . arl I'ni.-'. rer, A. a. l.. went tba Loug Branch t<< pay oii Uj.. ,. and i rued by tr.m from |rx ;il aiit Ueueral here ., ni g, no a. a iu« -n- oeaa "i the luuiai eea .... ul tbe Btatu i amp. lieiieral l- L :" ^ew-tork ou iae i.i.oi, a. uj,- have i»- ii perlormed in a ,i ih noi. ihe tenM ocenpied aud tw-m .i. foi ihipmen i-, Sew- l'oi-g . be leuta aud ''¦ '"' »toi il th. bryani, i ..... until Mo DMSPOXDESCl 0 TRIKER3. |,;. a.--.- Biora appre- ii.-.u thaa they bava .... v nnmberol gone I.b athi ra ba - a back. Taa luoiu nu promiaa of rei u A faw oi ua - ly ia lii Uall neariy all day, wa foi tba i ,,,..., ..i; , uuuh :;.-.. U pi aome m ii.,- more i '-" " "-',"-"¦ "i'»t \^ rtaieu euta ol ll a-''1 "'" twoi ... ,.i u. .i u ss uld he t,..i.-....,..i. riag th m uuouev. I h. meetuiasaol i .-. tbe lrn. UmI that yoo iii.ui g*u»ed in-M -"f.""(r,;llJ. ln thia way tb. Ai tn. puu ;¦. .*» u-"> **'. ll!,. , ol the freighl d. poM, bul ;h aud with uuaidi ra ¦.. ikui. L». ihii io make pla< ea foi more "'"' readj to bagu work. UBaocouutol i<"." piaini made i,s tbe atayor, tn<- ii-oiii ia-- 1 wi - -'." bave tx duty at OU Jouai'a fork were orderod ImJl to i their own utation to reliere tho o-er-worked mm Siipunnternlent FTofTmann. of Erio piera No*. 20 and _1, aaid y.-st rday that the increaso in tha axaeoaa of handlinir froitrlit with the new m»n nad ooly been i eoal a t.»n. "To-morrow," he edded, " 1 ran reeerre 50 per aenl more fr.-teht. than ia now offered, and with twodaye* notlee I eaa handle 100 pereent more. Don't look niurh like troable, doea it F" A. TaXBtrara roporter talke.1 with Captain Berg- bold, wbooa precinct inelndeaa birge stnp af tha river front. and who haa watehed'the progre** of the atnko eloaely, Rg aaid "Aa yoa know. I »m fully in aympathy with theae nea, aml 1 beUera that they deeerre 20 eenta nn h->nr.both on ar- count ot the work tboj doand their qui. t condnct biring the stnke; T1i tbey are hopeleaa beateo, and BOmeona oncht to tell them ao." Sueh is tho beliel alao of tha poUeeneo who baTa been ¦a, dufy on the piera since the bcginnmg of tlie difflcnlty. Wbile they are frienda of tbe itrikera, their adrioe haa been to retnm to w,.rk where they can. TheExecutireConncil .,f tb.- itrikera have d the Lasnnhort-tten'a Uniontorefuoeto unioad »ny lightere whieb ara Slled with freight from a railroed depol riila matter waa diaeu«aed further laat night by the committee al No. 473 I'earl-st. rl i- propoeed afflliatiou with tbe 'longahoremen baa been eharactertsed by the battac elaaa of tho atnkera aa being niterlt wlheh, aad aa anjnetde- nand t<> make on the 'longahoremen. lt ia helievcd thal rh" reqneal will nol begranted. n,e receipta at Military Had decraaaed materlally v-st-niay. They unountad to -Mio, wbich In- 1 .ded pso from John Kelly, Bome of th" nien wera given noney by the Financial Uommlttee. itriking freight-bandlera beld their naual meeting m .-i. Michael'a Iuatitatein JereeylMty yeeterday morning. Tbe anbacriptiona receivea aiiiotnit'd toS_6. Jeremiab Murpby made a long -[»¦., h in reiutationof aomeatatementawbich ba alleged had been made aaainat hnn. Preaideni Mc- Namaraatated tbatoceof the etrikera, wbo liv.-.l and rwelfth-ata., waa abouttobe evieted for non payment ..f rent, and a reeolntion waa adopt d the Union ahoald pay hi.s r.ut iu other rooms. THE ThXAS ASb PACIFIC LAXB GBAXT8. _ Tbepopabvc ignorance regarding IheTexaaand Uailwaj iand grauta baa permitted the cir- >n of rnmora in WaU - to tnialead iblic. ibe reeolntion recommended by tbe Committee on the Jndiciarr to by Congreaa, deelaring the btnd granta ol the Texaa 1'acifle forfeu.d, giTaa tha company nn conc<*rn, An offlcer of the companj aaid to a raiBi «i reporter (reaterday: " Ai:\ a, tion by <>:,_r,.¦<- wi uol attw u-. our company waa oriranized in IS71 ll rweived a ;r..:n the , <>f twenty aiternate Iand to tbe niile o Lnzoa . and New Mexico. wm t<> eil the tbirry-ae, .md paralle oi San Ihego, < al. Iu ' ebfornia, tbe uid r ouut< <l to iei, aiternate aecliona per mile. We ti' v.-r b .i,t. bowever, be>ond KI l be hon thern Pacitie .'.' 1 ,,,-.¦: ;«. bnilding oya r our rotrte. I'he reaulted from thia, and the snit we b .-¦ai;i ¦: th--....; it'i'ii I'a.i..,', were .,'.i.,-, by tbe pooltng rra ivala, made in laal !*epte nber. Inder I ded ail ita land-itrunt beyond tbe lexaa Si ite line to the 3outh< ru I'a itic. llenee we ar nol erned r.-o, " i he I exa in.! 1' ici ., ( oinpany, ha tbia th' <:. " i. ¦< "iv. ¦! a lai t?t_te of Texaa of froiu aute-n ¦« twenty alt< a-ctiona per miie ol roa.1. I'liat Iand we have aud Coiigreaa cannol taki Ll .. ,\.. from ua. 0 Iand graul uol .,., auy Iand graul ol tbe run,- tn. 01 tbe li xaa State lauda we b iv 000,000 ,, !,--, and have cer- tlllea'e^ for #5,000,000 more ai rea I be tranafer ol ur Natioual Iand graut to tb waa only a amall C4»naidi in tbe tralBc agreement of but Sept«:m- ber. Tha Iand ia nou< of it miueial laud, aud a good part of ii ia< onaidered t'o ba wortb an ol ongi -«t we bav< do right to aa_igu over landa beyond lexaa to ai otber corporati leation that t!:e boutbern I'acitie ua- not earned the md ing eaatward to l.i Pnao. N. llereuce to tbe trovernment ia it wbetb n or an¬ other bnilde the toad to whieb the laud that tbe road ta built I I do nct think tbe Su] ur: w,,.ii,l Huatain anj aetion ol ongreas that might be baaod on the report of ihe Ronae Judiciary Commj _ 77.1 J 1X0 B18 tUS DECLABED A DBUXEABD. DaTid Taylor, who until a montlu ago «.i^ lahier ot tbe Ha.laon Countj National bauk, Jeraey Ciiy, waa yeatcrday jndieally declared a oiii.iiii.'.i drui.kar.l and incapabie ..t tak.: \ a\ !..r n .:- .i aodi .!. .1 to diaaipation for aome j eara, aud re< eutly bia fatber began proceedinga iu tbe Court .>!' erj »'iih a rn him r,, a aaylum. Re ia about forty yeara old, and Laelonga to oi;,- ..;' wealthieal familiea in Jeraej City. J n baa i.'i Waahiugton B. »i.i:.uii-. Edward Ii ..ii-,. aud John .l.i ».ou to take nouy, au.i the proceedinga were bad yeeterday in tbe tiaucellor'a chambeia Tayloi waa uot preaenl and waanol repreaented bj couuael, and u «a- aaid tnat be <.<¦ ud uol ..¦ found. A l bj reporteraaw bim m Jera j J,t. and be ¦aid that !,'¦ did nol c ir>- i rbal tbe Court of Cnancery might do. Re did not \.k) go to any uu briate .-^v lum. .1 FALSB BEP0B1 ABOC1 UB VAXDERBILI It haa been renotl d tbal W. ll. Vanderb ti'...,.,' ai. ,,t'' r for . .i. ( aiboliu in.. al i \ ea .¦¦', builili .t tor tbe bem lil ol the puidu Viear-ti to ., 1 i.iii. \i. it there w_^ uu uruth ixi the repori wl leTei TWO BOi I DBOfi Vi D WBILB BATBJXG. Williarr B a ¦¦v.-n. .u No. ll)_ Meek.-r-ave., Brooklrn, ..ui . hariea Kuoeld \... 4--1 .\... rn Cn ek, n _j tb Penny ll. "f ,. uj, ,n the Queena County MIDXIOBT H EATUEB BEPOBZ LVDi ITI gynoptu for Uu \V\-||l,,.: >g, i .1. 111..i i:>- b.irotll- eter haarlaea allghtly on the Ulantl..a^t, eoa iow in tbeCentral and la hignaai "n . um* lo ttio md tbaaaa aoatbward totbetkmtb AtUntle and Onlf-tatea,ai rln Sea Knalaad a:nl 11... tempetaaura baa riaea uliKbtlj in ti..- __dd , and baaremained abont i a, i be --,'. -1 i.i tli.- \li i,n, ou aml Nurt_ i itli to weai amdalfl New-_Uig-»nd. the Mld !1 : . utber, m i" the il i ,- n ¦.% l.i._ .in,!. (renrrallr falr weather, aoothweat beeonitng Igbl rioo m temperab ¦» rRIBtfNE l.'» M. OBSKRV \ PIOV9. lOI'h" M..r. :,if M#l t- ~~] l'AJ} ¦\ t : r - . t\<\ |J 1 2 -t |1 « h C-' 0 T: '.-¦..1 .,, k,i ,. rr '¦' . "' t«. 1UU.5 -, pJS- . I,_ _.I .- ~ - : fc- ______________________ _.. T^r. "r.a, rai-aatT-fl' fil-. ::f) . .. \ . leatla EI > - ¦ . . T., . a»« r,| wnu - _.»,lK»4.a l|_ l-.r_._-K, m Haa ».. i i-_» __r .. f^-'M Tamrraa omca, I 11 n ,. la B_..D_rlncthe falr ttie ohangea ln the bar- ometei . Bl than oa t!.- ,orvtpcu<uLt ,iay .a»t>e_xanu _ lowarthaa .Ii I i. Ul ipera. .j,,, -. .1 _«j u tota iu _uu nciiui/. VI U VPA~TS1 Bah Pg-Utciaco, Aug- L.The Britiafa -''if. ibbie a-tart, wbteb arrl from Iirerpool, ¦ thateaJaaa 87, ln laao aorth, 113 waat, aha bnll <.f a raaael, bottom ap The oopper loilier'ui.y uf aiuait l.liaj :ou.i bnrdea, \rm A MOXUBBXI TuJOBA BBOWB. To ue tditor o r i ht in t> une. Bzai About a week ago yoa pnbliabad an .rted m 'ln- aago kartug tor it« bjeet a ta .aameni to Joha Browa. la I hare a atreag 4oaln abjeal raaltaed, « bneu U.i Bl ba pa - "' '"r -,,ii- in i.i- t_^,, i. ¦ al..,u _r-'..:i.. ul uiw.aua .\i< .; Airuui. i jr<, .\i_,' i. laai. " A law just paaaad ia Deumark prnvuloa tlia: al gnU-t-B peraoliu -li-Ui -BUiuCU l.oiue IU WUT_k_»J Uaid wiw _____.* laa ihaHaaaaiaaartaa SUMMER LELSURE. m AUGU8T DAY8 AT 8ARAT00A. Raratoga Springs, Aug. 4..It ia eatimat/>d thatfully three tboueand peraona attended tbe eonoert and pyroVchnleal dtaplay in Concreaa Sprlng Park 7**- Usnlay evenlng. The Way land male ohorua aang in the park thia eTenlnjr. Atconirreas Hall to-nlght took plaee the compllmen tary beneflt to Adolph Beroateiu, ef Baw-York, the vtt.-ran leader of the ..rcheatra. The gncata of the Olumhian notel are arraagtng a roeal and inatrumental eoncert to beglvenlna few daysfor thcenUirUinmenlo/ themaelvea andauomher of fnend*. The f'onirreM and Empire Sprlng Company baa re- eleoU-d ita old officers. The Mtniitera' Asioelatlon haa been lnvlted to an ex- cur«ion to Moant McGrejroron Tueeday, Arurnat H. 87. A. Bufler. M. Tuomey, U. A. Van Wyck, O. Kauf- nian, K. Kaufman. Mra. G. Kanfman, the Miaaea Kenf- tnaii. W. B. Taylor, Miaa C. Taylor, MUa M. E. Taylor and t. Uiaaaar. of Vew-Yarki J. c. Gutnrie, of Einura; e. T. Chai'iherlAln, of Albany; B. Mantone, of Charleaton, and Mr. and Mr*. \v. o. E.liott, of Wiluaiuapurt, arrived at the Uiated Statea Hotel thia monilne. T. J. bevine, T. C Smith, W. Onvaa, Mlaa P. Irwln. W. A. Boyd, Mr. and Mra. O. L. Brauch. aud E. "- Murphy, of Xow-York; D. E. Lumjrher and J. C., of CleveJand: P. W. Cleroent, of Kntland: J. U. Hevenn, M. A. Hoyt, M. W. Putnam. of Philadelphla: B> B- Holdcn, of Oeapetajtana, and II. I). V. Piatt, uf Klinira, reached the Graii.l L'nton HotaL H flolnmon, uf Vaw-Tork; T. H. Leea. o. faaattt, and 0 P. MeDoagall aad family, of fUBatalpkBii Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Oabb and M. Hartuian r, of lut.uiorc M. B. Watera, of Troy j. e. raootti, of Bavaaaab; a. afeaa. ton aad family, af Dovat Mr. and Mra. W. B. sinclalr, afOaklaad; .Mr. and Mra. J. Monticomery. of 9an Prau- cisou; W. Alkea and fatnily, of Momphia, and Mr. and Mr- A. P. jfehTHlaa, uf Bt. LuaU, are ri-eiett-red at Con- c:e-s BaU. Mr-. J Ofbhaand the Mlaae« Glht.a, R. n. Baker and I Mr. aud Mra. Wnite, of Ptiila- deli.i. 4i-, at ta. Kenalneton. Th.- Bev, and Mrs. A Bye, of Oberbn Ml»» B, R. Morae,of Brooklyn, and M i W. lioifaian, of Baltl o.-o, are atoupiug .u th. ledi. al luotltuie. a. Van Wyck, of i Mr. and Mra. a -. WUaon, cbbnrg, and Mn il ll -;<ar, of Bew-York, are ..r i»i i.. ];. Pntnani. Mr and Bra L Cbapin,of Byraenae,and Mra. and Mi»« C'rawfoi al Cl \-hiaU, i»re .o.-.aU*l at tue Praukliu Sqiiarc ,: Mi and Mr O. J Jaekaoa aad Mr. and Mra c B. Im-1> ., ..f Barre, ir-. here and al the ainorue Boraa. uid Ura. W.J. M. .- irkj Mra J. ".i ii.i.-r.i;. \; --. e. ii ¦:,.<. r, ol ttew-Ortoaaa, havo ar- nse.i .ii tha ilu --tn li.on". .:>.-. Vorkj Mr and Mra. E. Phelpe. of uf MontreaJ, ara r- t- red il Ilu el. Mr an-l Mrs. B. M. ^troDu', of iioston, are frtie.rg r,f the N. L. Avei ' clyn; Mr. and Mrs. ,n ,:.-: family, of ...... ua a' t:..; Ai,. ri- can. Mr.and Mra. T. K. WlUiama, of J i; D. i: .. ii liobuqua, aad ii -luitu, u. Albany, are it te AdeiphL Ani . . ^lr and Bn J II Kti'h- ... ii i; Baluer,. l- >sc. brop, ii. W. Carpen- Ir. and Mn. M. Grahau, 11. Crofuu A. Q Pulaian, ll. M. Btadler, J. Itoaenhelmer, V J. Melntyre, \. B. ; .-.,.n,i wleiuan, BTra i. ui, M.. Vi'alton, Mr. aud Mra L L Doylo, Mr. aud er, tue Miane i Paicuui Br \ ilaa, il B l i.,'.. Bra. B. d V ddeek, ,. i Ui reace, Mr. and Mra II K. Uovey, and. Bra. V 0. UerrMg, Mr. and Mra, W. J. Laroahe, T. B. Kr.t .) aunpeon, Kew-York; Mr. and uri i-'. .1 Lowrey, Mr. and ~.i ¦ il i, B< .1,., Mr. and Mrs. M 1. I'owna, i.. ra; Hr. and Mra. .- Cbamberlain, Mra. Louke, ilra. t. i. Ba. kua. Mr. and Mra, .-.«.-. J. Barnett, '/. ., ti. llevereux,. eveland; md Mra. B. Iden; »v. ii. II. Newiuaa. Biufaio; - W, .. ¦¦.; sV ii. I'.illll'-r. ./. 'r. \s.iward, Eugiaud; Mr. aad ara ll. P. Baioue, Brad- fonl; M Barriagon, Fraaoe; L. A. Muote, Bichiuond, K. J. ..: ..^lI. NEWPOBi n'OTES. N'kui'ukt, Aug. »\--Augnat prooiaea to be ..,::> _-jy A large numb.-r of alahorate aaMrtala- meam wiU be gii nai rn-- ...^Linxei., aad theie wUi a vartad programaia ¦>'. ontHlooe aainarmeaM, n. fu.v bunu, yaebt raoea, ..-tc i... liluif. The annual uieet- lag ui the Caalno Govaraora oceara on Aagnat 7. ihe achooner-yaehta CUo, .-».iai, PbaaMn aud Ba- beeea, an l tba -^.-a,., j ?.;..; jlis-oief has.- arrived iiore. TUo Bav. Dr. C B. Payne, Preaideut of the Waaleyan (Jnlveralt) of Oblo, w in jatiien P. Kernoehan, of New-York. gava an atagaat dlMi.-r party nt h:i vili.i ro-ni-hr. Than waa a pictnreeqne fancy-dnaa earnlval at t.he BluttmgBuUi rha huildrnx waa paekad and maiiy »er* unahle g-t baj und UM doota Tho » a^ino iliia ev.jiiiii,' waa al-«> lioera.i^ pairoiiued. John j.i> waa aaaong ihoee preaent, Mra.Coortlaud Boppln, of Provtdaaoa; Chartaa O. Bntton,ol Oraage,B.J ii. a. GamhrUl,of Baw ^i.ri ii. l. iiov.-y. w, ataekpola aad B. B Boraa, of B..ston; a. i. PoaMr,of Dalawara; W. h. Baekhw, of Baltl nora aad John J. Blakely, of Phlladelphla, arrived aara to- day. BktaeyWeolh>ttB*veaoiaereadlaga at tho redi.l.-u.-.) o: Mr->. w C Blvas, o? Bo- b rnooa. i^iu- hotei arnvala a.-- aa followei Oaaoa Hchio Arthnr Hooart. A. L. Bpragaa, J- w. iiirt.-r and wBa, of BoaMn; J, Bemedy, K. 11. Htftta, I a. Baaga, tt, Wtlliam PotM, il. B. 1 ,Aii>end, L- Miai .V. lowusru i>u\;.-. i. ii., E. *' Bala, J Lachaad wife,E. P, \s ... ar, \ '.¦ 11. aa i !'. B. Bataa, of BawY-ark Dr. Moaa,af Paun n,8 J. n A BJehinoad, of i. .:.i Bmdford and rilUa .- ,n. v., Laraj Bayera, of Savannah, Qaj Bra !' I ll. BGoold, tt. tt. Vamtban,of Cambrtdge; I. i.-r aad wlfe, of !:.-¦-¦.lamaa Qnaa, dtaa M. P -. aad E B. DarUng. of Webater, Maaa.; Jainea Groene, of ss...-> .«:..;-. -, ,.. \ i. rerett, u( Cambridtfe, anUJ ,. liauiuioud and wi^o un.i !I. M. i'j .er au : wBe,afBorth Ivui'lntek Houat.The Mlaaea J^uktna. Mh^ Bnlleek on tt j. ;.,, niou - .rk K. >:.'¦'-. j: W Bife N ss-V.rii. I>. 1. ,.iiir,t, ol .n.-ss Uavun; B P. Webater, O. W. Barthu impaon and tami y, of Hoeton New-York aw-Baven aad J. c. a. Putbar and Jobn W. Gi -¦. uf PuilaUtupuia BEA8IDE 9UNDAT-8CHO »L A98EMBLT. Asbi bi Pabjc, Ang. -i..At tba morning -<-- ¦ion of tha Seaaida ubty tha Bei G. i. A,- '¦' bvered aa ad In n to tha ebildren, ai.d J. Boward neai, of Pbttad Ipbba, eon dncted liia.ko.Mi-. 1 .'i. 1^ .. J. A. tt',,r,len. or ol the Aai lia oond bMOara on » l-.sid.-L. .-..of Chriatlanlty " before th.- nonnal o umaleotun waadellvered by the Bev lir a- a., <>f Pnnoeton, N. J. tn the afterno ,u tur Bav l.r,. i, -i " Ksul.itiou." r " waa tbe them of tbe Bei .1 P. < iinpb ,r,-. ai iu- ui-.;;.._' ol the nonnal elaaa. rtn* eveniuatl Bev. l>i lliomaa Gnard, uf Baltiniore, i..-- turtsi upon tha qneaUon, .. 1^ ..¦ Bible j.-. liiiuiorai I,, uiorrosi all be .. dn n'l Daj tt a eioae with a grand eoncert, ssiiu proieaaor i'aliucr. of .N.-ss loik. a.- -cadi-r, iu Educaii.,ua. BaU -m* TilK CHAUTAUQUA MEETING& Cbautauqca, N. V., Ang. 1..I»r. J. II. o -la. on " r,,-- tnoarnarion "; it. a. B. Leonard, and I».-. Blaekbara, of. Inclnnatl, uu " iBvar < -nius. the Puritan K>--' Profeaaor B/oe ..¦ . in ezhibitton of itervoptieon riewa and .. bi the i.'-s. J. v .-uslcj uu - t,aui^-,c.i into tuo .M-uiiaolh Cas e." THE FIEE BECORLX DAMAGE IN BKOOKLYM. A fin? broke oat yeaterday afternoon in th* plooghabop. Baral imptemeni facta.ry ..f i^ IL AlMB ak Co. at Jay aad Plym a Tba im.- iiiH.ii Uu atoek aad m » kiaor] s.-i- -?.000, aad apoa ktlag tba loae waa 82,000 rhetoaaeaan ouverad by h> anaeaf tbeflrelaaot kaowa Whila :, m in aa ij -,, -.,\.- tranger 1.0..1 tha anlmal .> .-i le .. aeeured b bn.tla. poa hla r.-iuru he -1 .:, ifoue. 1 l.e ^.act *tre d.rn;L< .1 Ui ju.. .,ul lo; ; u, 111. AT VAKMO i'l.A IfABXBOBOuaB. Mrr*. Aag. 4..Bi liilil sva« our It s*.p» ... eiipied By ( aeymootb aaaeai i aaa, by Mr i»as Larkln A R ... iomb ,11, tba h --",l<'.- mowaadbj U.-nr> laisser, t. M. .-t.,si ttn mi - i- v I -i-ateh , | .. ool taia f. aoad i< dp daparMaaai al HM Proi iv i ...j./w/./.mi Kaaerd, lUWiaMBBM pau.-«. ii ¦. roa \a- i- L«wia Wiekeraon'a fartorj al Lyna waadi ..i. l.inina -l.uie »,», i.|i ., from iue bu . aae la raportad to ba dyrag. BOSJ LU.iLLtM.i a //I.V/.1V. BooTuB, Aug. 4.-A a dteijotcu to 1 k* MemU , . . II ¦¦ ¦ -1 r*>m 8t Jehn. 5. B., aarai WaUaea Uoaa aag eballengad Kdvard Hanlan to a n>4> mUa raee for fl.noo a alde and t_n ooanrolotia-ip of the world. tha raee to be rowad aiw weeka from aUrmn* ar_U_ee and the <__a_l_Oge tort- open thrta weeka , OBITUAM1. ARTEMA8 HALB. Broctow, Maaa_ Aug. 4..Artrmafl Flale, tia oldeat ex-member of Conxreee, died at Hrldg-ewater at 11 o'rlock laat nlght. Tbe funeral will take plaee Mouday afiernooo. Mr. nale waa born at Wlnehedon. Woroeaw County, Maaa.. Octobar 20. n*3. He worked on a farm ontt, ba waa twenty-one yeara old, rcceirtag a e»_»nion-e<hool adaaaHaa io the aaaaaahaa t__<_t «<;booi at nm<- ham from 1804 to 1*1-4, and tben reuioved to Bnd.e- waatr, where be engaged ln maniifaoturinir. lie waa a Repreaentatire ln the Ix-glaUture for eereral yeara, and waa a State benator in 1833 and 1834, He waa .¦vdele- rate to the BtaleOee_ttaMtoa .. Cooreatton in 18.13. and »_* a W'hi/5 uiember of i'ongre*a from I>ee<?mber7. 1 - 18, lo Marah 371848. In 1984 be waa » Preaidentlal E oa the l.ineoLn and Johnson ticker. Mr. Efala .oliated ta the Arniy in 1»1_, tiut waa nit ca:M mt<> aetira »ervl<-«. He waa one of t/ie oriirmal dir.wfora »r th« <><i CoUmy RailrO-d, aad waa reeleeted annnally reeentir. H,- ntirto .Totii inma. n* nome peefl .tgo. llo waa, with ou. eioepUon, Uie oldeat Maaoti liviug. HEN'RY LAWRENCE Saratooa, Aug. 4..rfawa kaa bem rrnivml liero ttiai Henry I_4wrenr.e. the ,,wner ,.f rlie Ki" --r and Dnlea Bortagi and an .vlv.- nu-ineae uian here.wae dfWWaai at L>Iai: .eorge tiil< afternooa. HBfc PUDBRICK DOUQLAM. W__r_naroTOV, Au_. 1..Mr*. DoagkMt tho wlfe of Fredcrick I),.u,-!_a_, di«d here thia niornlng of paralyabk JAME3 REbl'ATU OV IRELbOM IX IRE- LAJib. Tt the F.ditor of The Tnb u n'. Sm: _aaoaej yoer rag-laf <. lUa diepat- baa of thia mornin^ tiier.; ia thia it.-tn: I..,si.,'.. lag I li, ,'iar l k".;:-.-. propitetor of Th* Tnam _Co__f,naa '. en aei aoaaendaf tii»- Praventloa of Ci Ingan . larnaa Rirlpatk. tn-tnragiag tlie murd»rof lanrtlnrda [haTawrrttan myaeoat radieal erttelea oa Irtah m 1 hk Nkw-Yohk I hmh k. aad jaW real.ra know fhnr while. I have um atteaptod to dlagniaa ny eontempt roc tbaaa aud aayhatrad ef thetr aTariee and erwalty, I ha~a aerar adveaaaai any poliey "f blooda ,i. artlcla for The Tuim JZeraM at alLaj>dIeertatalyhaeenerat ^,itteo anarttelela aaypaperto i.mrage thaararderol nayelaa men. The Htrtid haa taprintad aome of my I ¦< in Ameri an j-.ur andlord tyra \Veat of [reUvnd.tbat ia tbe mtn a _aea0u ita offei m.-v iper tl d '.! hare reprintedaay thr- .. ,.¦,, nt ttora »b »ul ln : wonld ii,,,| witii a auiuuioua under tui I'i, routioo .: run m aat, 1!'. and by ail Americaaa will eee that the that it iaal iaa rltb al ..'. Y-mrs truly. Atir-lor_, Ang, n. .lwif.4 i:kl.?ato. QEORGB F. ttOCQHirS 4FFAIBM. OiN.p.wTi, Au_. 4..The eredibara of tho latc lieuri.'.. p, Donghty, aeeretary o' the Cfaeuaatt, .N..4,.- laeaadTaxaa PaefheRaUroadCaaipa | t .i iie;,r a -i r : . . :n- .t that no one wi« lotereated In tbe fraod Uenl T:in« letl 11, a., far ;*. be waa abpj to aacertajn, .-i -eft i>o igbi ae'f. n^.r:i!- rrci - thal Bona «f taa credlto akei ittheaiattarlnUUa-tlon, ,i.:,, ifldent tbat la timedn: would be_ - in.o in wey, aad j 8BTTLBMBS1 PBICE FOB JULY WBEAT. Cmci-Oi Aug. 4..Tha eoouaittea appoiated to tii 4 tettletoenl ;, for July Wheot t.>-.Liy ..r.-r- rnled the objectiona .' tha "aharta1 yeater- dxy and adjouraad uuacll Meadey. DROWXED WBILE BOWIXO. Prita Oelkar, wbile rowing in a >m:i!i boal -oi tbe Bedaon Bt~ar Uat nigbt, oppoalte Porl waa run into by tbe ateamer \ md,uiaaeaa apaet,aa w:_« drewaad. Hia bo_y w_.. uji re- covcrcd. ______________________ wiifn Lfaring L,.mo tor tha aa____ef tho pniueut provi.i,: theaaaalrea witbDr. Jfayaa'aCai irreBalaaaa,ta ardarte treat pnuuptiy aadegeel y a:i ataeafea uf fraaig. EHarrbaM, Dyw i ktoabaa, Aa,.o.jalnlma more or Uaapcaralaati wUcrc at ii_j. .-eaj«o:i af Kic vear. ',* MABBIED. CDRN'wu.t/-CAt.y -'i_ nuuadaf, Aagaat 1 »' \n- . i .' ir,... llarla ..*.. ». u lonal Lorbtij, to ti.e It.-T. ^>. Ki.av*urt_ -ru»_li. Ail aotfoai of Marndtjr- <>*. iadaraa. Mufl f\ill : d ,lddr,-<t. Ci _-_-_r_-____B_ bii i>. aoUyn, on Wedneaday, Aiumat X, latB, .¦¦ ^tt.. i¦._. ,,i _i. __-.- t I'lat-o _L ra, at 3 j. ta, Fruiar, Aojraat4, :--j. o-.iouei itoratio ae> [a., oi >. w \,, | u| ii il UM »*« He ai.> ia __o lriri,,., . . I ' .i . 7'.- .< :n. a j m.u_nfrooCh-Btben I atft 17. l :, .i . - .' tagaat a ia I luadl _r ¦ r-~ imer .i >.¦,. i, ¦.,, 'Mur_a/.al i a'ouaek, itoai tiia law rsaa. .: :lie 5oB». ". law. «-ajria iu. c. Ta . - » ara, V. a i'i ;,_ii5_»t .u.ijuier t,r i'..;l ,:n l' V, a -j i ,...!. tagaat ia U«a lt, -a * ithport at 13 ra. IIOMA", ... .' ...I, 00 W*.1:,r»..uv Aa| . Uf :..i ul L . i »aaid r laaia ¦--. \a^J-t al 1.,' la. ii Ui mm . an'.j .. ' . .. i laa I l H Ll.. I . :, li .. uu ^uuila» .it ., _i . .,' HOPKINH uclaytoa. X.T-Jnti J .-.n.^ ¦. H >e_-Mb l_t.-ii_'-: ... .. '. M.\ KSU ai Ne.¥_r_. N. J.. AarfTn.1 l, Lawta Mn -ti. a_-t -J ra and frtenda ara reapaetfniljr lnnta>I u. attand trie .... ... -:a t.ia ,a .. lewark S. 1 6-UTli li Plackney. a V,Jalr i .b -r .:..; m '.'.li-r 'A 1-raiik. rRBMBLK\ "ii fbaradaj ^.t iuil anaa TTimgral .... a<' ... i.e i.iiiac of ber pareata, K«u,» ¦. J - ida Mlo_,t>,»at trviia A .-..._ al : *t I'vTX la hiatirT w r > .. \ .At wilr ..' ¦ ¦' lli* ale '. * Puuera " . ...... i I * . \rr »oii i;mn_ lo tl«e l ou :.r» Hafrdaj f _...,¦ . ,, aa c - . ,'. wu «(»# .-iia _.ik>_» .> ae-lie i-.:.l.:i-r. 7-1 W. t anair.4 \l. te> rtor to ail. i-tiu \ ¦... \ .. ... i Haaar ' Pieeiireo I i 4. ¦ . I '< »ru\ o.l »H'.e - . I Inl t,, 4 rile». Iiilnua IMra Peekl \j < ¦.- . r I. .. - .i.,.i%: 3.11. i. . I 4 . l ,. u»f Jl prr ». .... ji wi -.,..1 . ' >>. II. t..l ,...,' ¦_¦ I a - . . . . i au.: * i >t> efBydaaf i ...«u .iaa'-*. 1* al V -..' __L W II.. M^ .. i-l. i . 1 t.a> M-U.-lii - ,,',..- - H__aar_-_u. uiail- Uiv i.a-ij <>l _u uuuik. rru|.u>«l ovrrUaU :ruu_'. cukx. ii_il. ir.m i_u i__4i-rri»iu_4iatt_4«a4 ¦>*_ ri... J __ um. i_4j _t aa '-_ -t aaaama * «_u o_.a-i_-4_i t_v, ___c .w

Transcript of New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1882-08-05 [p 5]....acuteiy nrom a diaaaaed apiiie, Her fatb-rdwd...

Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1882-08-05 [p 5]....acuteiy nrom a diaaaaed apiiie, Her fatb-rdwd yr-are ago, learing her motnerand beraell abaolatel: daatitnte. The ntttbei worked

^RLT A HOTDWB>***"%£-__,--. Of TU« 8A1L VP T1IR WCDOO


_ _g_ra niARscrtiusnc aa-Brt

¦raaynog. .f TRiw

jgirairnxB,H. x- Anu. -

t _,,h_i,,.l.-SHa.l.dvtllageo«;:;><:«Mli.iit;i.r5».tor-a. em>*d aad tha *J^ ,-_

a* .*. 'i,H,n,,u7t;;n;;y-ou!citv(h,«.ir.-nfcome-th.rtv-six «/f^JT^ ... .,.u,.er _4tf»v,. ,eft Brw-Tatk fet 1> - n 11

^t^taeaanght h._bt otlurs ar

t.-nCVn:re.a.,,-.;.n--b- ^ ,..,irom haaa r-aag abora aa an .

h^;riHdvu,\n;?i«w. - ;;;irkiip,Uon bbie raage ol hilhv ai

rtarrng.6,,'.',.tle_1rbofth,,,.?* "£ V_,r ,...Whmtln ,

-marawep ou. ... . -___.

pl,h,.then,n.dv-:o,,r,'t,dre.i,.;- -iMnin(, thrir handk-n- ^^"^-nooe p.

gerv. muv of *li"m '*""""..,.,.... before th.-m.

Whea N eeea.!1" ^,,;%Vrsill ,,lt,n,eut expre_rdJ'reab Air eett*J. the aWW_^


?-*-,*;.ii"2ii__^_r_f_3.,T.,1 poadda of aaixad eaadaaa ano

;_;ty,vildt,vihroW.ngit..itotheairtol, scram

tkdfor. by the baodralWbentbeehildrea awoka after a good

Ubo^waawaariagTroy. Here they were

^by that old frtend of tbe Preeb A.rI .....1.

_hepar.Ha.,(', Rooaai V '

ftraekfaet the children were aeparatad Into two

r-4r-f rl.ran eecb,end one atarted for

EaxlTille. while tl..- otber came laW into tbxa

~_ioo Wh. n Round Lake waa reached tha Jon .*¦

^Senartylefttbetrain. There waa, a araal

!»0.... l_, , ;.. 'O Mtl

__ȣI?Uke to learn how to mitn a.


b metooqo! it d m.Ilarmer nV pped ap and aai- 1 '. '»» > l"; ¦; 'tone. vou-re',us. tha ehipperaan ol achapthatJ

V\Vhen ail wa-va'!varr ..._.'!. '*«»

dn-en on: to thia rillage [""*P ''

entertaiu tbe children bere: ». ». »eed. L>.M.Krthrn. VV Van Vranken, Mra. A. Heneihct, W.

M,i:^,VB,;^.'MI^'i:»;;^;rK«,.-¦-¦.. s-t

&.ko^ a^Laere uid M r

v'l' A""\l i''rer,Vl«s'"'Mr«.' ... W. .I-.A1.T.K^G^u-yVMraJll_U..ll.i,-n,.,e,,.,|:lieMe!lio,~t,h:.r ,,o -..

nbeRev. > Koliao lapaa.or. At ballawi.Lentr« the cl ildi n are rieiung N. b Lnrti -. ".

cZlkuia in.l VV P. Bel " ,T

TaortlKwthAS BWe,nLrDth_lli.tia::'.. V., i-Tiaitinf Mia. A R. Howaxd lor ihe

aeeond tuae.

THREI CAB-LOAD8 OF BOTS AND GIRLS.nASLi Ta__ti m i.ur.i, cwiinaKH axan otn oa

thk aan e_.ilu.>ad.

No children thal hav.- gone onl thna far haTi

ieemed to need freah a.r more than the party wbo

left New-Vork by the F.rie Railroad yeaterdayn.orn'riK. It waa a bufc partj an tbe aTeraga of.geawaa pfobably batwe-nfire andaaren yeara:yet nnd and neglect had

mark-d ruauy of tha facaa and fonnabo that the littie ereatnrea anpearedto l* mu.h oi.l.r than th.-y really were. Thera -aa

onecluld-for thongh abe waa arrenteen "ara of

.«. md the oldeal af the party, abe a. emed a mere

child. b-'ing amaller than the tbree-yeax-oldbeaide h*i--whoee Biw-aaataneea wera pe-

enbarly diatieaatna, and wbooa B Vnt.-en yteanoflife have eoiitained more nn-ry .iian ia TUUtcd

nP..n mostof thoaa who liTa Ua aa old ^waaaafae-aed at birth and haa alwaya aufferedacuteiy nrom a diaaaaed apiiie, Her fatb-rdwdyr-are ago, learing her motner and beraell abaolatel:daatitnte. The ntttbei worked aad itarred nntiJtwa yeara ago, wben aba died. Awomanatbe cinid. not to , are foi her but to tnake the ehiWvuti for both of them. Tbe girl'a mlaahapan akele-tonfonn. gannt bnngry look aad feeturee un-

pr^aaed y the keeneal anffering wereenongb toeai-

Uattba eyrapathtea of ernryone who aawbtbe wataaa aaed to tak< ber through tha atreeti I

b--_. A great daal of moaey waa girea to the

eLild ia pennioa and amall ratna, and fhewomai. fomBut inateadof maki i_ thet:- aaooey eame iu, the woman bogan to ureat nei

moat .-ru'-liy. Shenaadeber rtti npl to do work

thal waa beyo idbera wonld beal

ber if the work waanot aoeompl shed to her

Bheatarredber alnuoat todeath, a . falltliat it waa a greal atroke ... pohcy to raake tl

_p,..,r lible, Mr* Henderaon, of

Ihe Appleton Miaaion, Brooklyn, learned Umtorv ,| hronght it befora the atb, , | .' the thll.l «as

taben from her inhnman gnardiau md plared in. ueof amemnorof the Mi-wion and alao nnderthe eharge of a phyaicmn. Couaumntion baa twenedde.t to tb< atalog ¦¦ of 1¦h, n .ll itie before a gre i

brraabe a A 'w

Yiait to tbe ¦¦ .. aaid, wonld_.¦ moart beni tnial. and tn

taT« ber Iile, t may prolong lt, aud make wbatre-gaaina ol il _appi«*r.At - a. ni be fen y-bouae _t the fool of Cbambers-

m_ ,,. j , ;.-.! aitb. hildr. n lt to.rabli "1;" ' ge .*.. >la' d afiei tbe ad .'- in tbe abinthere wen

.. c .ra *. ' children,.. .. intaiuod tl .;. inta

Ta, pa it waa u u

_:.(... :. i m ol depanara exaetljnhildn be eara. A onnaua laken of thoeewbo a lem bouae on the New-York aide

fnveen iiu-t butaen .artiea werebe train jual in time io go aboard.

i ' ,. were ine beveutli-ave. Missn.-iWerem erlaud, ol Induatnal

i*._i».. .-¦ i. Mt '.¦¦iu: > - bling-at bapeli Bve werafrou, v! --"., ninetean Iroin the 8tan

.ol tifti-an troio Home ln-duati.a >¦.. l,lncbargeol Mra !-.,y ihreefromttrace .,,.-;, iu fou I 'lgbt fromthe£aat - >1. uapeL at No. _U_ Fiml ireiroi:. tha /Ku. 41- M n Romevnt bapa *-. ntb-aU; ta I. froml~.»_r> urch, at No. i.">_ Wortb-a... Uuxty-.

.. w._» y i w,.. n ,,. _UNJ__ '-. ,..*»- |,.l, I., I._

biidren ail go o Leuglennan. 1'.. ututb-Ta oi utiveral ol th.

..."i board alao b. in_a Liriu. quu/b i.mi.iiiAV pi__a_ufT.

1*0 l*« Kdltor of tht lribu.t.^ih: liii_ is my birthday, and 1 hare a

pTtaei.t of ¦ . - r. Il papa'l tiuni aa 1aaayaaaaad leta .¦ ¦¦, ureu io Um eoauttj ter iheubeaii.. _t |_ apie, ¦. - ........

m .. aome nj, ..u_» naj fo- .. u traaa a

filauui i;. tmau.mmUmm

aciLNowiPremsiMv a_l<¦-... -.*,_rr_____, -i. i,,.,,,.,t'" . in tae Krea U an_*t**fV aetiyoiof Pauayra, h t . _o.

* h«y. s ,. A;;;;

_._¦_. of liinga.ouu..,, _. Y. ¦¦

_m_T2_! '-. i«"or. _i_ w«*4ao_rga riiH)_L ,-*'-"*'. f-j-am, Matoaa.i'.'i'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'". 7M

*. ". f*-. -w_ c_j_muUi.a-at.euxit^tLZ M.::::..::::::: 2iS*¦ ¦.-. ¦ aa

G. R Tonnd. Plalnflrld. ¦ J51-.. liiooklyu. . .j*^f- lt p.. -i ook.w. n. 52M r It.. Wa-.bimcti.Ti, D. 0. Sftf)B. B., Meridrnt. fona . 2}2Helen H BaBB, Rutland, Vt . li'iKlJ. P aadJ. P.&, KHhkill I^ndimc. VY. JJJgi: i: A;-A.,ter. MidlaadPark, >. J . *2JKKnieal I> -nnth, Y.nke.ra. :* ,UasteU. BaaBn, Yonkera.. JW

Totii. Aa* -t. 1888.Bl«\8888difJanartntanflmtT of arBaaaaa, BBaatanarlaa phywleJaaB

or aay r iponalbla peraoa kaowiag af p.H»r city ebJMrrawno need . rortalght'a vaeatlen in the country ssa

pleaae\-»tinn.uu-4it. with Mr. Parawna at Tn ruintIBB.]


Dsaca i<> havi- bcted in bbxi'-bb-11 M'K.

Captain .lowph Langhlin,of the United BtateaBtoaaMtrWondwfwth, abortlv after nooe yee»«rdayoi.-M-r\.-.i aignalaof diatreaa froni tbe Britiah ahip B.J. Spicer. wbieh waa lying oft" Elba lslan.I intbebay. The Woodworth ateamad alongaideand learned tbat in a nght which had taken plaeaon board tbe 8piear a few miaatea before betweeaPatrick 0*£raew, a aailor, and Daniel Bpicer, tbet,r-r offloer of t iir- ahip, tba foraaei bad atabbed tbelatti i ln th.- btaaal with a iheath-knife, killing hioiinatantly. Tbe aailor had been plaeedander arrr-Kt by the eeeond ofaeer. CaptainLaaghlln nvade haate to tu.- city aml Informedthepoliea Detective Oatea aad Ofnear Cottou, ofth>- Now Btreel Police Btation, Imnaediately pro-cnred a anaall boat and rowed out to the veaael.Tbe priaoner waa broughl t,> thia eityin eompaaywilhawitneea af the mnrder, a aearnan namedQeorge Biehraond, aml amigned before O ronerK ,\ Bicbmond teatiflerl that he arrived in thiscitvonth, bark John Bntberford from Aon ia t Bnnday. During the week be bad been-ta\ ingai tbe aledoaia Houee, a aailorN boarding-booae at N... 125 Rooeevelt-at Yeaterdaj morning

ai.kc. .1 l,.s a blind maa to -hip on board tbeE. .J. Spicer. Be went on board the ahip

::: a ama 1 rowboal He went down hito theistletopat on hia worfcine clothea. In tbe

fore astle al the the priaoner and two

other men. While ihe men. noneof wham 1ev< r a- en lieforo, were heir loth

.,i.-. Daniel Spicer, carnedown Inte tbe f»ro-ba! l< aml aaid :.. Murtv np, an rk."O'Craew asked liiia who he waa. nnd Ihe<- re-

n b h a is he woald l"1--.-i-i:e,i tn obe\ linu-. ii r I. ol Ihe

deck .ig.t'.i. .'. ¦. .* '1!" |..¦; ii- gel up on deck, or there wul

trounle."Meantime the two otber aailora had aone on deck.

>'< 'raew aud R ishmond rea tn <1 Ihe declirl in.iio f.-r tackle

for them to work with. and at I iaatagi ot I.liug to the witneaa, Spii

,!,,, ',. l'. Ql ll.'- piUpon bini and bi-at bim with bi

aud ki, L.-d bim. Ihe two m.-n !-:l on thedeck and roae to their feeti the ntate graaped a

- aaid be waa conn-.I.- t be inteuded atriking iVCraew with lt, Ibentha witni m aa« ihe mat. rwi ed'-ckwitb ipn ia wound in tiie breaaf.I ti- mnrderer, after atabbing th<aheath-knifa ovar the veaael'a aide and going np toUi. ss ii in-.-- aaid :

" You re the >.¦ ly one who saw thia, and jron areive tu depend m.. i."

1 ue noiae , tim. dravm therea ol the ihipacrea U the plaoe, and tbe mnr¬derer it.,-. a. cnred and placexl below in cos-.;. I,- be waa found inbaeqnentiy by the two po-

altul) imoking a cigar. Poola of bi.lthe ait.-r-d-.k. where tba figbt toofc

aud the capstau-bar ss.,- uu iml all over with itrhe piiaonel ia b ard featnred man, aboal r \

old, ui uiedmaraad with eniallpox. 11«¦ oreaarved an ap-i.o.uaiiee oi «iolid nnlinerL-uco througn-:ui tba examlnation, and when noiamoking wm eating candy. Ue bled aoniewhatfrom a cul behind the n.-h- e.-ir. and complained ofhaviuf tue groin from tb< ol's kicka, ont au exauuuat.on by the coroner

lotreault ui bnding any bruisea. iu rept) tothe eoioner, he aaid " J a:n a nativi

of yjoutreal, aad nave.naaailor all mr ufe threa or four glaanri ol whiakey jraaterday, bntuoue aiuce. I only had ouo dollar and dr.m« witb(,,r,., hei men. If I ..". law i.;n». 1 willdie in-

ly, for I done t in aelf-defance. I am aorryfrom tbe bottom of my Iriah hearl thal tba pooii« 1 e to the better world."

Ihe coroner 8.-nt the priaon. r to the Tom .a andcomnutUid Bicbmond to the tiooee .>t r>-t'ii ion torWitneaeea Tbe Inqneat will probably ba beld to-

Uai, wiieal apiam opicer, oi tbe t. J. Bpkei andarelativeol iheaead mate, will teat fy,uos who \t. neaaed tbe fig ironei

noi believe the atory oi the adraj uatold by bUebaaond to be entirelj tra .

1 be conaiKBon oi ibe veaael, J. I W ,..,..¦ aul No. _'G-^ llroa.l .ut, -i.c' ' tbe chani

b j3 wouid ooi warrani tbeihai he bad acted i.i th. mauuer aacribed t>. hun.Ih- ssai tweniy-aeven yeara old, ol unepbvaique,

. ua'avu oi Parraooro, Xo\ Scoiia. Ue waa,, nine montha ago, aud hia w:;e h id been m

uu- citj -'.i b bim nntil rhuratlay, wben theretui ued lo ui u bome on .¦,.«¦:.. er a lalanU, No

of t..... cityfoi aeudiug

it on '" Nova scotia un tiediatel ¦. 1 ua E. J. tpu .-i


lefi bi i '," * ..i >> eeba rdayUoUi fjari hei mate -:.e will a..;

now aad baiore Bonday.


8TATEMBNT8 MADE IX) f*HE C0MUIS8I0N.,m..,-. im. roa PBOTacnos ro rai um un

.TBl lU.MAMis uK LAB iB.LuN-r, I'lK.iv. ii, Ang. -l.-C. Menelaa, ..'

B .' "¦.'.

Uoa ofJuta m the Boothwru Btatea Ue repraaeahgreal linportai

' J'lt('la thia eonntry, and apoka witb oonfld - adap

md Bmata fo lt i h- ra ¦ u

beaa over 810,000,000 worth ofjnte aad j :te goodi Im-BBt vo..i He had « . x

penmeaitti ' '''" ll-"1

nvr aer. i plBBt d. ". Ucaat II-i aainpla

. BenttotheBi . u inU.Ua., and ha-:

owa to Mr. Bhauv a awnnnwtarar olm o aad pnmonnaed U ezeeUeat aad aaidinto were prodaaed m anfflalent qaantttrU woald lakataa plaoe of Iaoiajnta Be aaid thal Um eoUUvatioa af

Bqolred vary ttttta btbar «>r atteattoa, that

lt had ¦»" iianet cnamlea aad evea aerved ta pratael taaBotton plant fram taa araj worm, umd that B onlyre-

Ifaor montha batweea tha aeed aad stood the droutb and UM rala maeh betMr thaa anyother planL IM anooaragemenl waatherefora ol rerjcreat Importanoe, aad ba reeonunended the inbjaol lo

aattoa af the Coannhnwa Tha roMBOon of tb-

BzMtmg datj »' 88 » to« onJuM bntta, B2ti a ton onjute,Bad rth duttoaon artieleamauafaetored o

afl.ud all tho proMctlon aeed il He thoaght tl,.,i in;,; on of nleo t)K profltahly eaniu tn.i country. t

wi.l.,1.., a. a. Caraey.^f New-Yorh, repreaentlng th.lavhoi i itated,

¦' ...--, olrd,, ii-.- iea ion o > irorking ela - u

tne uae ol the bailot, aa a cure for the eviti ul thi¦yBteui ired lt to ba tne Intereal of >htoaakforap. v ihat w. imencan

i,i an ¦: .,^ . oretgnfor wb« ni

ne aoohe aaked Plrat, j t..r :l <.n .... _., da,.i Djatenala itat nu u made or produeed lu

Bt Of¦: .|, ii It of

inartne; u ntlon of tuuau ..,i,.,i. 1! or,- !!.,., icsl

»p i...o l- ... -i he a

w ir,,: Ben Sew- i.ik

lir | viait ast.e Uardea aud iea tnr

i. ,,, .. tha lutroduti to uue tne plaoe ol \uw.u an woi

..; luej aho^oi s lall Ilu eueiueiil - tlona 01

.i.i. arhethi -

.,. <,: ih.- Oold ix-atern' ('ni.)i, ofidvo. .-i iiie lacreaa. ol .ne du j on

- ¦¦) |,«, ,. . , -j .o j,, r pa. u.. il.

Ual.UiB I .-..-: lu paja.,\ i..-ii-r wagea than tnej >*. had, aud

BT "lt i. A. I ,i...., ilu . ,-. D«fl i.nt moutha Bgu tu.ii wagea had

r.ii-.i-.Ui.. :.. UBOOTM d a.: a i.

a-1 .<

Tui-uiai- .... ¦ * Y..rl.. inuvle a «liort i-ta'eiii. nt¦, lir 1 ltl,r . Ui i.

*. n i.. i:

and wuli ii., inii.. ii... i.i,--i-i u red,ii, i., oiiii .i ..,. .i i dntj oi

l 'a ¦.

'ii pei ul "ii rod h a.i m-.,i..,,n »8 par orat. . a luUiargt, m

il Bd ..i ai.oiii T'.i pei BUl '

..[ .iiH>ni -J.'.o uei c. ni -_.i pei ..-ni

ca>, initnad il ao-.ui 70 i cien ifuaaod idl. laauaad of 80 aaaua; Paneilaiiuij, uaaiaad ot :,,,*i.,-iii, oaaraa aaaMcBra] aartha

lu y,liiiU.-*d o, H, BOBI |h r iHMUid. lir. laVo/cUapooiiic taaaaaal ot au »a*oio.^ duuea.


RRTURH OF TilK 22D UKi'JIMEST.rx.ri.i r.vr ooamCCT or tiie BOEB wiiilk rx


PKACTICK.frno* a «PF.-iAt. ooaaaaaxainaaTOFnmTBxaoBBi]statk Cabtp ot Issriti. n-.v. PBBaaani* and L

.Tala aftrmoon tha 23d Befiaaeat aoaani eaaap an.ldeaarted for hoaaa, leaving tha aeaaa al it»

faithfal labora and paaeafal vleterieesolitary aad teaafted, s.ive for tha paaa-rnrn of Qeneral Wylie, Coaaael Paietareraad a few other Btate ofneera aad the aaaployea wbaiwaaaia to lookafter tha pr«>i>.-rty. The dMcipUne,aabordinatlon aad pauetluoea ragard for the an-

qnatteof milrtary hfaof tha23d. aa well aathe morr-

anhatantiaJ raqaiaitea for aoldiera on daty, haverefleeted the hig!ie«.t eradil «n taawaaalveaand .n the rhey bave aaadatho 1. -t poaaible iMpreaaioa on thosewh . bnaineaa it "a-. to ba aevarely eritical.Tbe dntMa praacribed for tham have beea earnedontintoUifrently, efBcientiyandto tha lotter. rbawork ao happily beaufl by the 23d andat difflcnl-ti. s. baa been bronght t<> an entiralyeonclnaion by tbe 22d.and whal wa-* enexpert-nteni -ii woek-i ago mnai be ->-t down aa a moat

proaonnced aad aaequivocal aneeaea That aach a

reanli baa beea aebiaved is dae not oaly to eachreghneat in tnrn which haa been here, but alae totbe State ofneera aach of whom haa eontribated to

th- geueral reeult.'I bia morning gnard-moanting waa done in exeel-

l.-nt forni. and tbe entire forenoon waa glven np to

ride practice and volle) aad ti a nringby inchofii a- bad ii -t eompleted thia part <>f theirTbeprep irtare were qaietly

aad ayatematieally made The we-tthei waal >'.

taringW) bi tba aaada alaoon. bnt a breeze prev af theheatfrom ii-Is- f.-lt.Th. t tbe hutte waa under tbe dlreetion

, 11, ory and Cokmel bn -.

tlta ere torj, tweuty-nveraentotal "f 70 tn

,- \ m the hr»l prac-,1:,,, ,.,r. 1 Ii >. Who qtl llltio.t I

>, r.-.-aiit Ii- niaid, Company II. "JT I n- ataliaker. Company \. -.">: Corporal i. it.

II. _'7; Pnvate Ik-ll, (ompan.v l>,:-.i.' orporal

I,, ,kina, h%-5: I o poral ... lt.M. Laswia,

tuv K. 30; I'nraU J. L LI \V. i-. B. Milla.

i.ompanv B, 26 s VriraU C. H. St<ompa il !» '-"-: < orporal W. fi

K. n.isi.-. Company A. -*

poral W r,.'-. ompauy '-. -.'.¦ < aptain IM ->i >tt,

1 -j:.- Priva '. -!: r"'

Lieuti l.IKi; IVvJ.-l't ,,i.,..:-.. ( -..; I'nvate L Marl n,._.;,: ( rporall !¦" Hodman, impatij F,

._'.;i'rA.ii. B. II. M. <'. Pol ,. -,1: Irivatertilliam 11. llopper, orn ¦. E. -..: I n>

vate VV. l- Hawea, 29. In addition to theaeshou .1 i. given ""." "f V"',V1 qualihed as markainen: 1.

II ol < iu-

..inv ,, s ,ii. ot the 7M. acorejl 10 ilfiiNiyarda. bnt did nol bave time to compli

illeyand Ble firiagnlt: Company ti, 30

V...1 j i ;."..- I- :l. 1 < men.\ >!-,,., ir,9; |j|., i;,o. . ompanv i. 13 nu n \ oiley,i:.i; liia, 17.>. Uompanj K, lu bmu.Votfey, 183;

money diabnned to tbi 22d foritabi rvi. .¦- \s - i aud ataff, $7" i

\ .« '"I 'ii: !',. -I"!' 50 ' . <<3-'U I'..1 l" >i..J "¦" 1 :.;"- 50 .., 8407 n.

I-»81 50; l >-Jl K, .t-"1'-' 30; total, :i""l ",,.Aa vi itii all preieding were

Bll expeditionslv prepare-l iu advance ol their de-parture b> Paymaater-lienera I. nlt and A-

,-ril Uice, Wh MM the anant la! department

i.i ,--.-

I, ... Img of many extra dutiea intothe bnel remainii -' the p.. king npand prepani K foi '¦'', artur. I ie r- umns ol ut-ting aad distribnttng an euormoua watenamong the Btate oflicers a s condnctod bi L'arlFhiaierer, \. K.C., with the dignitj appropnate to

Pi -. loaa to then depi oloiiel l'ort.-r. ss itti hia Beld, atafl and lim o

ealled al StaM headqnartera and paid ttie:r r-

t,. adjutaut-tiei eral l oa n-> :>¦'.. leueraJ.i meral i;.irn. a and 0 ssa- a l.w iniuuti-a pa>t 3 weloek when tbe

regiiueut marcbed out ol camp, tbe ordnance de-ent nr.:i-- a hirl n-ig it

guua aa be daga ss ere lowi .

at' the -i.i'- amp waa ofH. iall) loaed. I be LougHraiicb waa wuiting al Koa Hook dock. aud courtesie iol be 'i .-* bip « reeziende

.. .s

cu . . .

At twentj mmnteato4ocbek tbelaal man ws«

.M'uitg out into tbe :v.-r. a crow«l ufpeople on the piei waved tanwell,

-. .,


loal to \. md a ..c-ini ia tbe

Apropoa of Co nld be-u'.-.; .- !" bia,lu ul iui ol b 1'. i in

Iai.i iri i lain ai anchor tbtue eutire week be ba uoen on uoard ol

,1 olll, l.-littroui he time ,.t

, aadnjj aud ni- a. to ao u

degra '"''.'men ha.i !"¦'¦ i P there

uot n.iviii.: regimant iu.... I..C- a

i- l ngiu,rc< -'-'''.

«.; i.ui.,,i, -.1

great \iu ihe L-,c t:-

.' haa .i

..i ali .. rei >un ni atrikina couu

»ome,i militarj banda- lastead ol lx¦I ba regiui mt, ni

appred-ition l ti.,-oiS ....

ouel I'ortc-i 'n bu quariera, aad tbe.. wledged, Signor

..,. . ila

" Tat .. *" .'¦--..

rt lo-iui'irort-

I UBg.i,. noi... tluat. <i. i .- reaeral

ll«n aradl a ...

u> . arl I'ni.-'. rer, A. a. l.. wenttba Loug Branch t<< pay oii

Uj.. ,. and i rued by tr.m from|rx;il aiit Ueueral .¦ here

., ni g, no a. a

iu« -n- oeaa "i the luuiai eea .... ul tbe Btatu i amp.lieiieral l- L :" ^ew-tork ou iae

i.i.oi, a.

uj,- have i»- ii perlormed in a

,i ih noi.

ihe tenM ocenpiedaud tw-m

.i. foi ihipmen i-, Sew-l'oi-g . be leuta aud ''¦ '"'

»toi il th. bryani,i

..... until Mo


|,;. a.--.- Biora appre-ii.-.u thaa they bava.... v nnmberol

gone I.bathi ra ba - a back. Taa

luoiu nu promiaa of rei u A fawoi ua - ly ia liiUall neariy all day, wa foi tbai ,,,..., ..i; , uuuh :;.-.. U pi aome m

ii.,- more i '-" " "-',"-"¦ "i'»t \^rtaieu euta ol ll a-''1 "'"


... ,.i u. .i u ss uld het,..i.-....,..i. riag th m uuouev. I h.


.-. tbe lrn.

UmI that yooiii.ui g*u»ed in-M -"f.""(r,;llJ.ln thia way tb.

Ai tn. puu .¦ ;¦. .*» .» u-"> **'.ll!,. , ol freighl d. poM, bul ;h

aud with uuaidi ra ¦.. ikui.

L». ihii io make pla< ea foi more "'"' readj to bagu work. UBaocouutol i<"."

piaini made i,s tbe atayor, tn<-

ii-oiii ia-- 1wi - -'." bave txduty at OU Jouai'a fork were orderod ImJl to i

their own utation to reliere tho o-er-worked FTofTmann. of Erio piera No*. 20

and _1, aaid y.-st rday that the increaso in thaaxaeoaa of handlinir froitrlit with the new m»n nadooly been i eoal a t.»n. "To-morrow," he edded," 1 ran reeerre 50 per aenl more fr.-teht. than ia nowoffered, and with twodaye* notlee I eaa handle 100pereent more. Don't look niurh like troable, doeait F"

A. TaXBtrara roporter talke.1 with Captain Berg-bold, wbooa precinct inelndeaa birge stnp af thariver front. and who haa watehed'the progre** ofthe atnko eloaely, Rg aaid "Aa yoa know. I »mfully in aympathy with theae nea, aml 1 beUerathat they deeerre 20 eenta nn h->nr.both on ar-count ot the work tboj doand their qui. t condnctbiring the stnke; T1i tbey are hopeleaa beateo,and BOmeona oncht to tell them ao." Sueh is thobeliel alao of tha poUeeneo who baTa been¦a, dufy on the piera since the bcginnmg of tliedifflcnlty. Wbile they are frienda of tbe itrikera,their adrioe haa been to retnm to w,.rk where theycan. TheExecutireConncil .,f tb.- itrikera have

d the Lasnnhort-tten'a Uniontorefuoeto unioad»ny lightere whieb ara Slled with freight from arailroed depol riila matter waa diaeu«aed furtherlaat night by the committee al No. 473 I'earl-st.rl i- propoeed afflliatiou with tbe 'longahoremen baabeen eharactertsed by the battac elaaa of thoatnkera aa being niterlt wlheh, aad aa anjnetde-nand t<> make on the 'longahoremen. lt ia helievcdthal rh" reqneal will nol begranted.n,e receipta at Military Had decraaaed materlallyv-st-niay. They unountad to -Mio, wbich In-

1 .ded pso from John Kelly, Bome of th" nienwera given noney by the Financial Uommlttee.

itriking freight-bandlera beld their naualmeeting m .-i. Michael'a Iuatitatein JereeylMtyyeeterday morning. Tbe anbacriptiona receiveaaiiiotnit'd toS_6. Jeremiab Murpby made a long-[»¦., h in reiutationof aomeatatementawbich baalleged had been made aaainat hnn. Preaideni Mc-Namaraatated tbatoceof the etrikera, wbo liv.-.l

and rwelfth-ata., waa abouttobe evietedfor non payment ..f rent, and a reeolntion waaadopt d the Union ahoald pay hi.s r.ut iuother rooms.


_ Tbepopabvc ignorance regarding IheTexaaandUailwaj iand grauta baa permitted the cir-

>n of rnmora in WaU - to tnialeadiblic. ibe reeolntion recommended by tbe

Committee on the Jndiciarr toby Congreaa, deelaring the btnd

granta ol the Texaa 1'acifle forfeu.d,giTaa tha company nn conc<*rn, An offlcer of thecompanj aaid to a raiBi «i reporter (reaterday:" Ai:\ a, tion by <>:,_r,.¦<- wi uol attw u-.our company waa oriranized in IS71 ll rweived a

;r..:n the , <>f twenty aiternateIand to tbe niile o Lnzoa .

and New Mexico. ;¦ wm t<> eilthe tbirry-ae, .md paralle oi San Ihego,< al. Iu ' ebfornia, tbe uid r ouut< <lto iei, aiternate aecliona per mile. Weti' v.-r b .i,t. bowever, be>ond KI

l be honthern Pacitie .'.'1 ,,,-.¦: ;«. bnilding oya r

our rotrte. I'hereaulted from thia, and the snit we b

.-¦ai;i ¦: th--....; it'i'ii I'a.i..,', were .,'.i.,-, bytbe pooltng rra ivala,made in laal !*epte nber. Inder I

ded ail ita land-itruntbeyond tbe lexaa Si ite line to the 3outh< ru I'a itic.llenee we ar nol erned r.-o,

" i he I exa in.! 1' ici ., ( oinpany, hatbia th' <:.

"i. ¦< "iv. ¦! a lai

t?t_te of Texaa of froiu aute-n ¦« twenty alt<a-ctiona per miie ol roa.1. I'liat Iand we haveaud Coiigreaa cannol taki Ll .. ,\.. from ua. 0Iand graul

uol .,., auy Iand graul ol run,- tn. 01 tbe li xaa State lauda web iv 000,000 ,, !,--, and have cer-tlllea'e^ for #5,000,000 more ai rea I be tranafer olur Natioual Iand graut to tb

waa only a amall C4»naidiin tbe tralBc agreement of but Sept«:m-ber. Tha Iand ia nou< of it miueial laud,aud a good part of ii ia< onaidered t'o bawortb an ol ongi -«t webav< do right to aa_igu over landa beyond lexaa toai otber corporati leation that t!:eboutbern I'acitie ua- not earned the mding eaatward to l.i Pnao. N. llereuce totbe trovernment ia it wbetb n or an¬other bnilde the toad to whieb the laudthat tbe road ta built I I do nct think tbe Su]

ur: w,,.ii,l Huatain anj aetion ol ongreas thatmight be baaod on the report of ihe Ronae JudiciaryCommj


77.1 J 1X0 B18 tUS DECLABED A DBUXEABD.DaTid Taylor, who until a montlu ago

«.i^ lahier ot tbe Ha.laon Countj National bauk,Jeraey Ciiy, waa yeatcrday jndieally declared aoiii.iiii.'.i drui.kar.l and incapabie ..t tak.: \

a\ !..r n .:- .i

aodi .!. .1 to diaaipation for aome j eara, aud re< eutlybia fatber began proceedinga iu tbe Court .>!'

erj »'iih a rn himr,, a aaylum. Re ia about fortyyeara old, and Laelonga to oi;,- ..;'wealthieal familiea in Jeraej City. J n baa

i.'i Waahiugton B. »i.i:.uii-. EdwardIi ..ii-,. aud John .l.i ».ou to take

nouy, au.i the proceedinga were bad yeeterdayin tbe tiaucellor'a chambeia Tayloi waa uotpreaenl and waanol repreaented bj couuael, and u«a- aaid tnat be <.<¦ ud uol ..¦ found. A l bjreporteraaw bim m Jera j J,t. and be¦aid that !,'¦ did nol c ir>- i rbal tbeCourt of Cnancery might do. Re did not\.k) go to any uu briate .-^v lum.


It haa been renotl d tbal W. ll. Vanderbti'...,.,' ai. ,,t'' r for . .i. ( aiboliu

in.. al i\ ea .¦¦', builili .t tor

tbe bem lil ol the puidu Viear-tito ., 1 i.iii. \i. it there w_^

uu uruth ixi the repori wl leTei

TWO BOi I DBOfi Vi D WBILB BATBJXG.Williarr B a ¦¦v.-n. .u No. ll)_

Meek.-r-ave., Brooklrn, ..ui . hariea Kuoeld\... 4--1 .\...

rn Cn ek, n _j tb Penny ll."f

,. uj, ,n the Queena County


LVDi ITIgynoptu for Uu

\V\-||l,,.: >g, i .1. 111..i i:>- b.irotll-eter haarlaea allghtly on the Ulantl..a^t, eoaiow in tbeCentral and la hignaai "n

. um* lo ttiomd tbaaaa aoatbward totbetkmtb AtUntle

and Onlf-tatea,ai rln Sea Knalaad a:nl11... tempetaaura baa riaea

uliKbtlj in ti..- __dd , and baaremainedabont i

a, i be --,'.

-1 i.i tli.-\li i,n, :¦ ou aml Nurt_ i itli toweai amdalfl New-_Uig-»nd.

the Mld !1 : . utber,m i" the il i


n n¦ ¦.% l.i._ .in,!. (renrrallr falr weather, aoothweatbeeonitng Igbl rioo m


rRIBtfNE l.'» M. OBSKRV \ PIOV9.lOI'h" M..r. :,if M#l t- ~~] l'AJ}

¦\ t : r -. t\<\ |J 1 2 -t |1 « h C-' 0 T: '.-¦..1

.,, k,i ,.rr '¦' . "'t«.1UU.5-, pJS-. I,_ _.I .- ~ -

: fc-______________________ _.. T^r. "r.a, rai-aatT-fl' fil-. ::f)

. .. \ . leatla

EI > - ¦ . . T.,

. a»« r,| wnu- _.»,lK»4.a l|_ l-.r_._-K, m Haa

».. i i-_» __r .. f^-'M

Tamrraa omca, I 11 n ,. la B_..D_rlncthe falrttie ohangea ln the bar-

ometei .

Bl than

oa t!.- ,orvtpcu<uLt ,iay .a»t>e_xanu _ lowarthaa.Ii I i. Ul

ipera..j,,, -. .1 _«j u tota iu _uu nciiui/.

VI U VPA~TS1Bah Pg-Utciaco, Aug- L.The Britiafa -''if.

ibbie a-tart, wbteb arrl from Iirerpool,¦ thateaJaaa 87, ln laao aorth, 113 waat, aha

bnll <.f a raaael, bottom ap The oopperloilier'ui.y uf aiuait l.liaj :ou.i bnrdea, \rm

A MOXUBBXI TuJOBA BBOWB.To ue tditor o r i ht in t> une.

Bzai About a week ago yoa pnbliabad an.rted m 'ln-

aago kartug tor it« bjeet a ta .aameni to Joha I hare a atreag 4oaln abjeal raaltaed,

« bneu U.i Blba pa -

"' '"r

-,,ii- in i.i-

t_^,, i. ¦ al..,u

_r-'..:i.. uluiw.aua .\i< .; Airuui.

i jr<, .\i_,' i. laai.

" A law just paaaad ia Deumark prnvuloatlia: al gnU-t-B peraoliu -li-Ui -BUiuCU l.oiue IU WUT_k_»JUaid wiw_____.* laa ihaHaaaaiaaartaa


AUGU8T DAY8 AT 8ARAT00A.Raratoga Springs, Aug. 4..It ia eatimat/>d

thatfully three tboueand peraona attended tbe eonoertand pyroVchnleal dtaplay in Concreaa Sprlng Park 7**-Usnlay evenlng. The Wayland male ohorua aang in thepark thia eTenlnjr.Atconirreas Hall to-nlght took plaee the compllmen

tary beneflt to Adolph Beroateiu, ef Baw-York, thevtt.-ran leader of the ..rcheatra.The gncata of the Olumhian notel are arraagtng a

roeal and inatrumental eoncert to beglvenlna fewdaysfor thcenUirUinmenlo/ themaelvea andauomherof fnend*.The f'onirreM and Empire Sprlng Company baa re-

eleoU-d ita old officers.The Mtniitera' Asioelatlon haa been lnvlted to an ex-

cur«ion to Moant McGrejroron Tueeday, Arurnat H.87. A. Bufler. M. Tuomey, U. A. Van Wyck, O. Kauf-

nian, K. Kaufman. Mra. G. Kanfman, the Miaaea Kenf-tnaii. W. B. Taylor, Miaa C. Taylor, MUa M. E. Taylor andt. Uiaaaar. of Vew-Yarki J. c. Gutnrie, of Einura; e.T. Chai'iherlAln, of Albany; B. Mantone, of Charleaton,and Mr. and Mr*. \v. o. E.liott, of Wiluaiuapurt, arrivedat the Uiated Statea Hotel thia monilne.

T. J. bevine, T. C Smith, W. Onvaa, Mlaa P. Irwln. W.A. Boyd, Mr. and Mra. O. L. Brauch. aud E. "- Murphy,of Xow-York; D. E. Lumjrher and J. C., of CleveJand: P. W. Cleroent, ofKntland: J. U. Hevenn, M. A. Hoyt,M. W. Putnam. of Philadelphla: B> B- Holdcn, of

Oeapetajtana, and II. I). V. Piatt, uf Klinira, reached theGraii.l L'nton HotaLH flolnmon, uf Vaw-Tork; T. H. Leea. o. faaattt, and

0 P. MeDoagall aad family, of fUBatalpkBii Mr. andMrs. K. K. Oabb and M. Hartuian r, of lut.uiorc M. B.Watera, of Troy j. e. raootti, of Bavaaaab; a. afeaa.ton aad family, af Dovat Mr. and Mra. W. B. sinclalr,afOaklaad; .Mr. and Mra. J. Monticomery. of 9an Prau-cisou; W. Alkea and fatnily, of Momphia, and Mr. andMr- A. P. jfehTHlaa, uf Bt. LuaU, are ri-eiett-red at Con-c:e-s BaU.Mr-. J Ofbhaand the Mlaae« Glht.a, R. n. Baker and

I Mr. aud Mra. Wnite, of Ptiila-deli.i. 4i-, at ta. Kenalneton.

Th.- Bev, and Mrs. A Bye, of Oberbn Ml»» B, R.Morae,of Brooklyn, and M i W. lioifaian, ofBaltl o.-o, are atoupiug .u th. ledi. al luotltuie.a. Van Wyck, of i Mr. and Mra. a -. WUaon,

cbbnrg, and Mn il ll -;<ar, of Bew-York, are..r i»i i.. ];. Pntnani.

Mr and Bra L Cbapin,of Byraenae,and Mra. and Mi»«C'rawfoi al Cl \-hiaU, i»re .o.-.aU*l at tue PraukliuSqiiarc ,:

Mi and Mr O. J Jaekaoa aad Mr. and Mra c B.Im-1> ., ..f Barre, ir-. here and al the ainorue Boraa.

uid Ura. W.J. M. .- irkj Mra J.".i ii.i.-r.i;. \; --. e. ii ¦:,.<. r, ol ttew-Ortoaaa, havo ar-nse.i .ii tha ilu --tn li.on".

.:>.-. Vorkj Mr and Mra. E. Phelpe. ofuf MontreaJ, ara

r- t-red il Ilu el.Mr an-l Mrs. B. M. ^troDu', of iioston, are frtie.rg r,f the

N. L. Avei ' clyn; Mr. and Mrs.,n ,:.-: family, of

...... ua a' t:..; Ai,. ri-can.Mr.and Mra. T. K. WlUiama, of J i; D.

i: .. ii liobuqua, aad ii -luitu,u. Albany, are it te AdeiphL

Ani. . ^lr and Bn J II Kti'h-... ii i; Baluer,. l- >sc. brop, ii. W. Carpen-

Ir. and Mn. M. Grahau, 11. Crofuu A. Q Pulaian,ll. M. Btadler, J. Itoaenhelmer, V J. Melntyre, \. B.

; .-.,.n,iwleiuan, BTrai. ui, M.. Vi'alton, Mr. aud Mra L L Doylo, Mr. aud

er, tue Miane i Paicuui Br\ ilaa, il B l i.,'.. Bra. B. d V ddeek,

,. i Ui reace, Mr. and Mra II K. Uovey,and. Bra. V 0. UerrMg, Mr. and Mra,

W. J. Laroahe, T. B. Kr.t .) aunpeon, Kew-York;Mr. and uri i-'. .1 Lowrey, Mr. and ~.i ¦ il i, B<.1,., Mr. and Mrs. M 1. I'owna, i..

ra; Hr. and Mra. .- Cbamberlain, Mra. Louke,ilra. t. i. Ba. kua. Mr. and Mra, .-.«.-. J. Barnett, '/.

., ti. llevereux,. eveland; md Mra. B.Iden; »v. ii. II. Newiuaa. Biufaio; - W,

.. ¦¦.; sV ii. I'.illll'-r. ./. 'r.

\s.iward, Eugiaud; Mr. aad ara ll. P. Baioue, Brad-fonl; M Barriagon, Fraaoe; L. A. Muote, Bichiuond,K. J. ..: ..^lI.

NEWPOBi n'OTES.N'kui'ukt, Aug. »\--Augnat prooiaea to be

..,::> _-jy A large numb.-r of alahorate aaMrtala-meam wiU be gii nai rn-- ...^Linxei., aad theie wUi h« a

vartad programaia ¦>'. ontHlooe aainarmeaM, n.

fu.v bunu, yaebt raoea, ..-tci... liluif. The annual uieet-

lag ui the Caalno Govaraora oceara on Aagnat 7.ihe achooner-yaehta CUo, .-».iai, PbaaMn aud Ba-

beeea, an l tba -^.-a,., j ?.;..; jlis-oief has.- arrived iiore.TUo Bav. Dr. C B. Payne, Preaideut of the Waaleyan

(Jnlveralt) of Oblo, w in P. Kernoehan, of New-York. gava an atagaat

dlMi.-r party nt h:i vili.i ro-ni-hr.Than waa a pictnreeqne fancy-dnaa earnlval at t.he

BluttmgBuUi rha huildrnx waa paekad andmaiiy »er* unahle i» g-t baj und UM doota Tho » a^ino

iliia ev.jiiiii,' waa al-«> lioera.i^ pairoiiued. Johnj.i> waa aaaong ihoee preaent,Mra.Coortlaud Boppln, of Provtdaaoa; Chartaa O.

Bntton,ol Oraage,B.J ii. a. GamhrUl,of Baw ^i.riii. l. iiov.-y. w, ataekpola aad B. B Boraa, of B..ston;a. i. PoaMr,of Dalawara; W. h. Baekhw, of Baltl noraaad John J. Blakely, of Phlladelphla, arrived aara to-

day.BktaeyWeolh>ttB*veaoiaereadlaga at tho redi.l.-u.-.)

o: Mr->. w C Blvas, o? Bo- b rnooa.i^iu- hotei arnvala a.-- aa followeiOaaoa Hchio Arthnr Hooart. A. L. Bpragaa, J- w.

iiirt.-r and wBa, of BoaMn; J, Bemedy, K. 11. Htftta,I a. Baaga, tt, Wtlliam PotM, il. B. 1

,Aii>end, L- Miai .V. lowusrui>u\;.-. i. ii., E. *' Bala, J Lachaad wife,E. P,\s ... ar, \ '.¦ 11. aa i !'. B. Bataa, of BawY-ark Dr.Moaa,af Paun n,8 J. n A BJehinoad, of i.

.:.i Bmdford and rilUa .- ,n. v.,Laraj Bayera, of Savannah, Qaj Bra !' Ill. BGoold, tt. tt. Vamtban,of Cambrtdge; I.i.-r aad wlfe, of !:.-¦-¦.lamaa Qnaa, dtaa M. P -.

aad E B. DarUng. of Webater, Maaa.; Jainea Groene, ofss...-> .«:..;-. -, ,.. \ i. rerett, u( Cambridtfe, anUJ ,.

liauiuioud and wi^o un.i !I. M. i'j .er au : wBe,afBorthIvui'lntek Houat.The Mlaaea J^uktna. Mh^ Bnlleek

on tt j. ;.,, niou

- .rk K. >:.'¦'-. j: W BifeN ss-V.rii. I>. 1.

,.iiir,t,ol .n.-ss Uavun; B P. Webater, O. W. Barthu

impaon and tami y, of HoetonNew-York aw-Baven aad J.

c. a. Putbar and Jobn W. Gi -¦. uf PuilaUtupuia

BEA8IDE 9UNDAT-8CHO »L A98EMBLT.Asbi bi Pabjc, Ang. -i..At tba morning -<--

¦ion of tha Seaaida ubty tha Bei G.i. A,- '¦' bvered aa ad In n to thaebildren, ai.d J. Boward neai, of Pbttad Ipbba, eondncted liia.ko.Mi-. 1 .'i. 1^ .. J. A. tt',,r,len.

or ol the Aai lia oond bMOara on» l-.sid.-L. .-..of Chriatlanlty " before th.- nonnal

o umaleotun waadellvered by the Bev lir a-

a., <>f Pnnoeton, N. J. tn the afterno ,u tur Bav

l.r,. i,-i " Ksul.itiou."r " waa tbe them of tbe Bei .1 P. < iinpb,r,-. ai iu- ui-.;;.._' ol the nonnal elaaa. rtn*

eveniuatl Bev. l>i lliomaa Gnard, uf Baltiniore, i..--

turtsi upon tha qneaUon, .. 1^ ..¦ Bible j.-. liiiuioraiI,, uiorrosi all be .. dn n'l Daj tt a

eioae with a grand eoncert, ssiiu proieaaor i'aliucr. of.N.-ss loik. a.- -cadi-r, iu Educaii.,ua. BaU


TilK CHAUTAUQUA MEETING&Cbautauqca, N. V., Ang. 1..I»r. J. II.

o -la. on " r,,-- tnoarnarion "; it. a.

B. Leonard, andI».-. Blaekbara, of. Inclnnatl, uu " iBvar < -nius.

the Puritan K>--' Profeaaor B/oe ..¦


in ezhibitton of itervoptieon riewa and ..

bi the i.'-s. J. v .-uslcj uu - t,aui^-,c.i into tuo.M-uiiaolh Cas e."


A fin? broke oat yeaterday afternoon in th*plooghabop. Baral imptemeni facta.ry ..f i^

IL AlMB ak Co. at Jay aad Plym a Tbaim.- iiiH.ii Uu atoek aad m » kiaor] s.-i- -?.000, aad apoa

ktlag tba loae waa 82,000 rhetoaaeaan ouveradby h> anaeaf tbeflrelaaot kaowa Whila

:, m in aaij -,, -.,\.-

tranger 1.0..1 tha anlmal .> .-i le .. aeeured b bn.tla.poa hla r.-iuru he -1 .¦ .:, ifoue.

1 l.e ^.act *tre d.rn;L< .1 Ui ju.. .,ul lo; ; u, 111.

AT VAKMO i'l.AIfABXBOBOuaB. Mrr*. Aag. 4..Bi

liilil sva« our It s*.p» ... eiipied By (

aeymootb aaaeai i aaa, by Mr i»asLarkln A R

... iomb ,11, tba h --",l<'.-mowaadbj U.-nr> laisser, t.

M. .-t.,si

ttn mi - i- v I -i-ateh, | .. ool taia f.

aoad i< dp daparMaaai al HM Proiiv i ...j./w/./.mi Kaaerd,

lUWiaMBBMpau.-«. ii ¦.

roa \a- i- L«wia Wiekeraon'a fartorj al Lynawaadi

..i. l.inina -l.uie »,», i.|i., from iue bu .

aae la raportad to ba dyrag.

BOSJ LU.iLLtM.i a //I.V/.1V.

BooTuB, Aug. 4.-A a dteijotcu to 1 k* MemU

,. . II ¦¦ ¦ -1

r*>m 8t Jehn. 5. B., aarai WaUaea Uoaa aageballengad Kdvard Hanlan to a n>4>mUa raee for fl.noo a alde and t_nooanrolotia-ip of the world. tha raee to be rowad aiwweeka from aUrmn* ar_U_ee and the <__a_l_Oge tort-open thrta weeka ,


Broctow, Maaa_ Aug. 4..Artrmafl Flale, tiaoldeat ex-member of Conxreee, died at Hrldg-ewater at 11o'rlock laat nlght. Tbe funeral will take plaee Moudayafiernooo.

Mr. nale waa born at Wlnehedon. Woroeaw County,Maaa.. Octobar 20. n*3. He worked on a farm ontt, bawaa twenty-one yeara old, rcceirtag a e»_»nion-e<hooladaaaHaa io the aaaaaahaa u« t__<_t «<;booi at nm<-ham from 1804 to 1*1-4, and tben reuioved to Bnd.e-waatr, where be engaged ln maniifaoturinir. lie waa aRepreaentatire ln the Ix-glaUture for eereral yeara, andwaa a State benator in 1833 and 1834, He waa .¦vdele-rate to the BtaleOee_ttaMtoa .. Cooreatton in 18.13. and»_* a W'hi/5 uiember of i'ongre*a from I>ee<?mber7. 1 - 18,lo Marah 371848. In 1984 be waa » Preaidentlal Eoa the l.ineoLn and Johnson ticker. Mr. Efala .oliated tathe Arniy in 1»1_, tiut waa nit ca:M mt<> aetira »ervl<-«.He waa one of t/ie oriirmal dir.wfora »r th« <><i CoUmyRailrO-d, aad waa reeleeted annnally reeentir.H,- ntirto .Totii inma. n* nome peefl .tgo. llo waa, withou. eioepUon, Uie oldeat Maaoti liviug.

HEN'RY LAWRENCESaratooa, Aug. 4..rfawa kaa bem rrnivml

liero ttiai Henry I_4wrenr.e. the ,,wner ,.f rlie Ki" --rand Dnlea Bortagi and an .vlv.- nu-ineae uian here.waedfWWaai at L>Iai: .eorge tiil< afternooa.

HBfc PUDBRICK DOUQLAM.W__r_naroTOV, Au_. 1..Mr*. DoagkMt tho

wlfe of Fredcrick I),.u,-!_a_, di«d here thia niornlng ofparalyabk


Tt the F.ditor of The Tnb u n'.

Sm: _aaoaej yoer rag-laf <. lUa diepat- baa of thiamornin^ tiier.; ia thia it.-tn:

I..,si.,'.. lag I li, ,'iar l k".;:-.-. propitetor of Th*Tnam _Co__f,naa '. en aei aoaaendaftii»- Praventloa of Ci

Ingan. larnaa Rirlpatk. tn-tnragiagtlie murd»rof lanrtlnrda[haTawrrttan myaeoat radieal erttelea oa Irtah m 1 hk Nkw-Yohk I hmh k. aad jaWreal.ra know fhnr while. I have um atteaptod to

dlagniaa ny eontempt roc tbaaa aud aayhatrad efthetr aTariee and erwalty, I ha~a aerar adveaaaaiany poliey "f blooda ,i.

artlcla for The Tuim JZeraM atalLaj>dIeertatalyhaeenerat ^,itteo anarttelelaaaypaperto i.mrage thaararderol nayelaamen. The Htrtid haa taprintad aome of my I ¦<

in Ameri an j-.ur andlord tyra\Veat of [reUvnd.tbat ia tbe mtn a _aea0uita offei

m.-v iper tl d '.! hare reprintedaaythr- .. ,.¦,, nt ttora »b »ul ln :wonld ii,,,| witii a auiuuioua under tuiI'i, routioo .: run m aat,

1!'. and by ail Americaaa will eee that thethat it iaal iaa rltb al

..'. Y-mrs truly.Atir-lor_, Ang, n. .lwif.4 i:kl.?ato.

QEORGB F. ttOCQHirS 4FFAIBM.OiN.p.wTi, Au_. 4..The eredibara of tho

latc lieuri.'.. p, Donghty, aeeretary o' the Cfaeuaatt,.N..4,.- laeaadTaxaa PaefheRaUroadCaaipa | t

.i iie;,r a -i r: . . :n- .t

that no one wi« lotereated In tbe fraod Uenl T:in« letl 11,a., far ;*. be waa abpj to aacertajn, .-i -eft i>o igbiae'f. n^.r:i!- rrci - thal Bona «f taacredlto akei ittheaiattarlnUUa-tlon,,i.:,, ifldent tbat la timedn: would be_

- in.o in wey, aad

j 8BTTLBMBS1 PBICE FOB JULY WBEAT.Cmci-Oi Aug. 4..Tha eoouaittea appoiated

to tii 4 tettletoenl ;, for July Wheot t.>-.Liy ..r.-r-

rnled the objectiona .' tha "aharta1 yeater-dxy and adjouraad uuacll Meadey.


Prita Oelkar, wbile rowing in a >m:i!i boal-oi tbe Bedaon Bt~ar Uat nigbt, oppoalte Porlwaa run into by tbe ateamer \ md,uiaaeaa

apaet,aa w:_« drewaad. Hia bo_y w_.. uji re-covcrcd.


wiifn Lfaring L,.mo tor tha aa____ef thopniueut provi.i,: theaaaalrea witbDr. Jfayaa'aCaiirreBalaaaa,ta ardarte treat pnuuptiy aadegeel ya:i ataeafea uf fraaig. EHarrbaM, Dyw iktoabaa, Aa,.o.jalnlma more or UaapcaralaatiwUcrc at ii_j. .-eaj«o:i af Kic vear. ',*

MABBIED.CDRN'wu.t/-CAt.y -'i_ nuuadaf, Aagaat 1 »' c» \n-

. i .' ir,... llarla..*.. ». u lonal Lorbtij,

to ti.e It.-T. ^>. Ki.av*urt_ -ru»_li.

Ail aotfoai of Marndtjr- <>*. iadaraa. Mufl f\ill: d ,lddr,-<t.

Ci _-_-_r_-____B_

bii i>.aoUyn, on Wedneaday, Aiumat X, latB,

.¦¦ ^tt.. i¦._. ,,i _i. __-.-t I'lat-o _L ra, at 3 j. ta,

Fruiar, Aojraat4, :--j. o-.iouei itoratio ae>[a., oi >. w \,, | u| ii ilUM »*«

He ai.> ia __o lriri,,., . . I ' .i .

7'.- .< :n._¦ a j m.u_nfrooCh-Btben Iatft 17.

l :, .i . - .' tagaat a iaI luadl _r ¦ r-~

imer .i >.¦,. i, ¦.,, 'Mur_a/.al i a'ouaek, itoai tiia law rsaa.

.: :lie 5oB».". law. «-ajria

iu. c. Ta . -»

ara, V.a i'i ;,_ii5_»t .u.ijuier t,r i'..;l ,:n l' V, a -j i

,...!. tagaat ia U«alt,

-a* ithport at 13 ra.

IIOMA", ... .' ...I, 00 W*.1:,r»..uv Aa|. Uf :..i ul L

. i»aaid r laaia ¦--.\a^J-t al 1.,' la. ii Ui mm


an'.j .. ' ... i laa

I l H Ll.. I . :,li

.. uu ^uuila» .it., _i . .,'

HOPKINH uclaytoa. X.T-Jnti J .-.n.^¦. H >e_-Mb

l_t.-ii_'-: ... .. -» '.

M.\ KSU ai Ne.¥_r_. N. J.. AarfTn.1 l, Lawta Mn -ti. a_-t -J

ra and frtenda ara reapaetfniljr lnnta>I u. attand trie.... ... -:a t.ia

,a .. lewark S. 16-UTli li Plackney. a V,Jalr i .b -r

.:..; m '.'.li-r 'A 1-raiik.

rRBMBLK\ "ii fbaradaj ^.t iuil anaa TTimgral.... a<'

... i.e i.iiiac of ber pareata, K«u,»¦. J - ida

Mlo_,t>,»at trviia A .-..._ al : *t I'vTXla hiatirTw r > .. \.At

wilr ..' ¦ ¦' lli*ale '. *

Puuera ".

...... i

I * .

\rr »oii i;mn_ lo tl«e l ou :.r» Hafrdaj f.»



,, aac

- . ,'. wu «(»# .-iia

_.ik>_» .> ae-lie i-.:.l.:i-r. 7-1 W.

t anair.4 \l. te>

rtor to ail. i-tiu \ ¦... \

.. ... i

Haaar ' PieeiireoI



. I '<

»ru\ o.l »H'.e -

. IInl t,, 4

rile». Iiilnua IMra Peekl \j < ¦.- .


'¦ I. ..



3.11. i. . I4 . l

,. u»f


prr ». .... ji wi -.,..1 .' >>.

II. t..l ,...,'¦_¦I a - .

.. . i

au.: * i >t> efBydaaf i...«u .iaa'-*. 1* al V -..'__L W

II.. M^ .. i-l. i

. 1 t.a> M-U.-lii - ,,',..- - H__aar_-_u. uiail-Uiv i.a-ij <>l _u uuuik. rru|.u>«l ovrrUaU :ruu_'.

cukx. ii_il. ir.m i_u i__4i-rri»iu_4iatt_4«a4 ¦>*_ ri... J

__ um. i_4j _t aa '-_ -t aaaama * «_u o_.a-i_-4_i t_v, ___c .w