New-York Tribune #3558 (11 September 1852)

NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. VOL XII.NO. 3,668. NEW-YORK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1862. PR1CE TWO CENT8. llcligicno Xotirf*. ?.* iH^', M PraaaaaM ».» ».» VV" ,A H »<»»..i ... . y SSSM." ,,;^* rr ?m.«;.¦ %*& - s k*.« ».' '..*. -" .' ..v j l » «V»-Ml £*.«. rraach »« ".' M,Ji>M*IUlO«'. »» " ? .- aaai .»'.> " '* '' .,1 h. or*wl IV n»rf»i«i'- "mSMmiSEmm "", "V V,, ... kk». K«. l»<i «' ..». rJ j .,.!,.. k. I' M.«'"< HAVM ., '., wh, » "?U-"-"">'-.»¦ '"*, m n,r.-> » r .> " , ' . ,,a\>fluil*i< mlll "I I N,nii.i>< (^HjOTiS ro M.-.ii: >\ ,WTWVl" llr...ll'.-'¦ IT- .*«».<¦« I ";'"rr. ? Mi.ll»l.. IV'..M-,.t.wi ... .' * rr.iWN aobact-Prraaot Pi , B, . i»«** ¦ v: :j - - uiiiS-^*-1 ,,, -v *'.',., m.', txt*<.«u A.euui w . R.mM(Har,:i I!" C IIMNG i ...;...' »..." Btb»ch«u,c irHer*,* ltfl«imr.l Pmtot*rlM Mi 1*1 v. rt.« " ti th» »««"'~» n tW r»Wt« Bi» rtttad. bWafioe. ycutual Notum *jr tliBrml t'oiiimllirr nf Ivrntorrnllr Whl »....< <;«ii \ .' iitt*«wiilb»h« J^,,".,. H -. .ATUaDAY EVBNINi ^^ V R V>1 i BROOKS, Cbtumaa. ¦ l Pl t'l>. ) <-,-I»'«ri<>l. jtw kMH, <'^If " lir'Willcr^-I" Dl MOCEATIC W IKi OtNKRA » »nv l!.---r. I'^tt.' 'w>.»<-<t n .''" hoH Pl,""<r7 Bh lkx««-« T»UB>I>A\ 11;ri<:< .*.? .'( ' ¦c-.i'.rr. m«,i tk»»rpr«J^« M-* :rrt or »t iuch j>!»cm M tfta r *Y'. . n,.., ie .r^'i-«'>-d!.'.iive mt'oeof t»i ,. t . .. pr«rt1caM«. i- ttmtt of liwpoetur JT^,. .. (,. k,i s tbe I w(toa,ta ttroWhij d«il L**r». f h, euy, >¦. d th« A'h-ic K ;n m tra raapa« la r-M ..teotion tbereto. Md ta thlj notlc*. io tttai w : »1 c.'.au r T..^r-.. -.. :',' pol J to b»op-n fror » . klM . «_«., 5: r « «-.1 i onnmitwi »'*> r«neiff.i. wher« praotlcao « to«-.rt :t»* .# tha ',...-, ct ,n :u:'..irre»p«c t,.w%. . ¦, .. . ifiiM; aad alao, if prsc IMtUr- »J r<""l . ?oU cle,k w lMP » u11' cf ltle naiue T.kBTS Ajweh »l**t]oi)»tba fcilywu-g tick^t* to Hs ohovn M-Tvuirumi id eacti ^Vard, 0(i« to »frvd M DCLI ViTt, lb» ft»e> M Ai 11 n> »tk »t tiifl >ut« l iioveutioa l. ¦tbcU U siu'me ..!) u,f »'W iaat. t«ee«t in th« ln acd lid Watct. cvinpiuini liie firtl Aims.ii1>; Dii trct IU4 u>4 Vith compiitiDg the ?o»ond Ai ambia I) »tri»l TUhk u.d XlXui, cotups^ir^ "Jio leuUi Asiemlji> U.i kM XVItband \.\i.i, e</iiiprii;o| tb« Fourteent.'i AMein'ji; pMbtat. Kku of Wtrdi ihsli eb<><»e five Ueli-g-ilei t'> rn«r ki A««nblj Uu:nct Ci>Dv»Dt;oD, tue Coavaon n t c'. M> to *' r>» Jkja*.Three DrJfil'tt To . "MiK'Rtnv C fcVacmiitir/ May.T and Oorara r t tha AJaa-Hoaia. Sid-- Ki\e D»i»g*»e» to ¦ "Ctsilf CONTBHl 1111,111 u ; IberiD, C-<ji tj Ctark aad fonr Coroaafa. «.. Kne Drlriitu to t ¦.('; v (' ¦%¦ k m..s tor BOnal .JdMt ^i.Ui> ier, C unicl to ibe C"rp>>ranoo. Citj lat^rc kvr Stiaat Cotija.;-».uLt:. and (. ou.iiiixiduei of lUpauiauc .upplir*. Ttu.Tl'rae Del«?(t»>ei toa »JroiClALCoRVtim »¦" 11 aoaoiuatiLft a ludge ..i ih- Baprao - Cuurt. af t:ia Supari. C< atl aa4ikraa iiauaat »f the ktari ¦ Court. |.- i,.| to COMSataHOIIAL Cokvkrtiom M foi hjajai .1(1 Diitrict. wmpin: | the iit, lid, ll.'d, \ th aorj \ lllth v^ *rfi, I n Palaiataa m h iih nubict, compniiuK ili>- 1 . th, \'lth. Xthaod XIVU WaMh. tne l»^ir*bir« racti. aud th-y Io cbuuxaone Dole^att at larie ixjOD-pruceertliis t > BOUliaata Mb Oiatiict. coanpnm f tli. \ Itii a-id XII Ith Wtirda and u iani»?' ;Kti >ii ITata|alaa aa b »i.d tkaj t.iib'x^s uoe Dr.r(ilr at laiBt- brforr pianiadlal ^lttO'.tll'l r.rnp'Hii:- tlm XIlli, XVih aud XV1IU \\ a'da, firr De'eaatri . a*-b liii li'^inet. comp Uu>g tbe IXih, XVIth aud X\tf W|.(l,l ... [>r ItgatM flich. eib lintrtct, oonpnatba tbe Xlhh, X\ lllth and XI\th Waioa. h\e Da'aaaiai *tt,- \ 0 mau .«.. of tle^en nistn^en to nomtnate MiMBiK oi A»»i mbi r.amoafi t-'i tha vv»rdi ooaapriawi lU iit Hd, XtliaadXJVta Amoui'i.t Dtatrteta, each a . l.uli wtli'chiiuw ».\e Delf#a>» to inwl lu Alwnihly UH biM Coi.veLti.>o--.l.e l oiu>nl'on :o chinKd a U»legdta a Laiif. btf< to afoaatdlaa to no otaata. lu tbe VII Ith and iXtli v^a'H. t-i«n wlil oh'jaan. ii aadiuou le iba foreioloiu liva Uale«atai framaaob Aa-dti av«l lu Jlki u ? .> l NVI N '>s foi liie pm to»aJu»tlc«o»tbr IMrrirt Court, tn th* Cftj ofHaaj-Tart Im tballld .lunicitl IHatntt Mb.A Chiuhh OwMMITTEI nf lucb numbur aa thi 1\atd C BBllttM ahall daa*|B«la, 10 pomtnala AaiUUnt AI .Vuuai. A»w»«,r, lUimtatlo, S. h hjI OBOOBI aod ImpaoUin til »..r>>. < iimi asi> placi k'B conTiim aa me«t. Trw»^.. r»l c.c.u»i.nii. na »ud Couiiuiitrfi wtll n>«ft at J\ BTltiik r M at 'l" f" l"*t> *'". «""»"<i l'! I Ihr i n.n im aa io.- chonati l>- ¦« RA^l ~r taPiMaa, ihc i7ikioat. aafottowi: UrhimAv. at Joh* WOOaVttTi, RO. V Dotob M ,. ¦ Tb« Second AB»fni>>ij Diaulct at h .oteuce llotel, coroei Cl Kioatiwaj »QQ W aiaer st tba Taaii .Vaadnalj Uutilct at O P. t'veni, Id-M aK.\«)iii> >t ,and TLe ^wMl.^M1 AaifiuM; Iiujtr.ct at DeUuei Aawmbl Ro. n^ 2°lh-«i and Bili av Thr U.v.ikM iv CoM VBMTIOM, OI Mondaf, Sept. 77, a Ibr Bt advai Ho*aa UeiMMi i n s,on Taeaday, Sept. 23, at th Bnaawa* Hotiac tbe l it% CONVBRTIOM, on \\ edueadBJ, Sept a*V at .th Br. ao»«v IIkubb. Xt>- R v. N-i Mii n, onTburaday, Sapt 30,»tth Btoac.v. ¦) ttooie _ Tha ConoaaaaiOMAJ Coi «1 n-. ou TlurKiiy, 8«pi 80. at lolU'wi. thbd Ditrtct- AtthaOitui ilouac, Cliatnbera-it, cornt Waat Btoa/iway . Pounh Piitnct.Floietioa Hotal. (Lovejsy'a.) BrodJuBy Boii rt V a k. i-at Kit.h lu. ti.t No 1'.'" H'->" Brondway. ftuth Pittnet .Henry tlay honw. tiinlh iv.t.tct. l>riii:c'i A»aeui!'ly UcmB, iJSth tt ,oor aar of Hib av Kl|th ii P'ltrict. Irdu, 41th at, eornrr f' ibar. Tha Ambmblv Comiimn on Mo*day, Oct. S, att*i< i»«(-fi .. \\ » d htainnrTTn or iuch <>ther piacra aa tii< w\ ard C. m BtCaa >uay onijinata, ai.d tha Conveutioai » tbf nw t>tn>. at thr plao-i UOiafcll r.o»i)(jatr<l tor tli« fccatiip ^i i. i.m attoaa toehoi .* DaPBgaaaalo s»raca»« Tfcr t i;..m ulv>: ,at »u. Ii liinoai)dpl«c« aa Uu ¦anattaa M'aM Coauaittaaa imvom*. Tt* ji».ur»' roNVBHTleat lor Ihe \Hltli and IXt' Warda, io lbui»o>iy aaaahiR, Sept. 2i> at ibe Adna'.'.o oo-nar of lUtaaon and Barrow tta ire rstpactfj.'lv ra-^uaat tbi '"Mj IlaiLuiJ VVlUiaBaabauah u. rie.t au Uoioaateau -. lion, at»'V«, w^th ibe Uel^aatw ol Ibi VlltkaJklXiUUiWaida »)..-;¦! JJil i«V MaoMMlM Qr a, olt l.ite GMkH AaBtX'lttrlon. BK \1 TtTY IxiNii Rol.l, -A l('.t:'«ni»l,u bara twi'.» ann U l.\HH.«> SCOTT, bi wai, are -" BitoaJ B»a/t n.' of tl.pir Aaaociati'n at i',>j»:.t..i Hall Ra <¦* Ku*dw«y, N V. lllla (aaivdayj EV£NI.V«\ at eh. Tha Aaaiaataan of tbe Baitj* ¦ v . revt Kai v L«t noi' UiiS Binioryttil rVaa vktory fada ha: atd ln arcirlon aoc thai I > foi Sl UTT, U.B Soliilri'l M<*i >t K\ rd^r of v\M. H BKiAVNE, Praaidetit Bwi Mi Doa lacrataiia* IV ^iiitirnilli Wkril. T»>- ' owini praamMeand wara abaaiiaoa»ly aaaBMl ai a Spenai Me*)iiu( >iK>cr»tir W'hit VVa:d Comml'te* of the \l\.h ^»>a ri^Wna Tbnradav av»ui»t. at th'lr H»»d lara, ' MB .rraora>»Dti for tbe Prlmary Eioottaa to ba tieid h>a« 11 ' . w»'ha'a»«t:«'BCtlin bat hoen t«proa««d Bt tha 1 ..- f an bara heen cou- '"VT? .'" >***.» .<" ru to make tha Primary r libaheMoataa] .. ¦¦ a faii and hooeat e\- I i. ol tha -Vari aod lhat »e v. .oppM«ailH1aeoL,vI4,.if aj] a; d aoy altampt . or to prooure peraoni U keip tht W '.| votcia fIOei ( M m.A [ofti )0. W C ¦¦¦: T. S-a«tirj. -mutrn IV >»mh Ward Trrnpfr»arf. VllloBrr-IN'T War* r.n.ri.ane* A!'.-. i .,-¦ | l ,_...: .,ao»,tat.r«..f thraoDal*- ¦arai hiWlinn D'-'ict u, tb, Wa/d. »B* baM 00 k) BTeBUfc 8aM Mt tl.-|kJM,,Jf Ml Ir.P,«. M BarMai .t . ha,, «, ra<^^ ^ t^,^ fw. Ln:»ri «rie uPBniraoualy ooaulsat'd PorMeu,!* o' A», >ly.tHARLEB. C LEIOR ParAjBtaaaaa,AJdawiaat-H»".SRt t)( «<)ii I ttaaasai.lir>RY \o r ^¦^"'-.r' ' ^"^^rtUfawroftha KiBopl^.lTe.i.ierat.e,,*!...*..') a«d aRatoroi inour Ctty ".*".".»» *>. 'ba pu/poae of raanoiid>o« k iba aSova n mi aau,^ |mn| d.Btio.uiah.d HaihraWui addWt^ 1.1m ^t JKUKMI.IIUKRTKU, ihnb, «uu».T "Zt' ALK.HH) BIII'IH. CbnofNaounrtiMOaaa^ _Ew»4BD V\uk»»,Se«afai7. tf~ whiaa> A;iratJava :-cVmpaTon sonoTop ja w»P«*l aa* agjaj by Kraa»r and MiiBin* Puabjt>ad p!SL'£bj. E. CUJdBS,4No.^OiaadSr "....ti.Wlj*), arlaaiitariJkila. Cpecial Notices. tVVvrc Hpwch.-Y*-:'* lUll.e- n*M ' Chrytt'eand |>riai>ry-*t* A tni-rinf will bo held TO MORROW AP- THIMH'N, .bi" l^htnat., sl 1 o*clo.k, wben . Lecture ¦111 bs drl'xrT.I. followed by a I>»h<ife, fr»- to *!', e*i »|..»;.rr al<awed fi'ti'D m1nnt«-i Tho pa(tUc are re*?ect- lullv lnvltrd U> allnd and take part ia the d- |-y Ae»ni Intlon of Kxrtniit rir»*mril..-The Bttaibmol tlnn Aneocmtinn will p.'-aiie aaaemblH at rir»- bu'iHaJI,on RUNDAY APTKRNOON I2t*taat,al !.,,', !.h» ittand tha fui-ra! ofi M s\yiM |; U \HNKI! P. W. ENOB, fWrft y v\ Wmblei Rm Baeratar*. _ <#¦ Thr >ortl. «Mirriiuii IMinlnnx, M. J.-A. *>tir»«of DiXtritiHl'uie* w;.l be aivan at tbi*ln*alto. I. i.. «.iiin.rreii.goHthe !. RST SlNflA Y in Ai^utprox, u.d aoatiaalj y "icli aucwawivn Sonday dunn* tbe .uiumer ^KKM.KV.R.P^y.W.M.CiUNN.NQ^d C A DaN'A bavt .-. h engaaed five at leaat one lecture ,f Ihr c<inae, ard etAaM IriCDd* of UtOCiktibD bj*j ba u- aairt <1 t<> c p-rnte. _ rP Hplrli muwAfft*ttm*m.-Mn. A. L FISH. of .h. r'"X fainih "I Roabaatar. nuw realde* »t No 7 \V eft Mh at (nr»-i;t(i-»v ) Neav Yer». and eroller*oppTtonltle* for luaaatigaliaf th* phenniiiena ol Bpiri'oalMrn toaandid 'nflutrpra Howt for I'rivate Parti*-* from I" A. M to P M K.>r BtiacallanaoBa ca'l* horn S to r> P M and from 7 to 9 taoalafl No ooe receivcd cn datuiday or Snocaj. Tsrm* >D \u\\U,TJ. P7I In-ra nre formlna: nt K. II. Wllrav'a H Bcbool Air»nr». No M Bioadway. fof rba beaefi! "f |*di< li d -i .¦.!.. fi. Maati-r* and M:w«, and aij whi .¦«'.! t>> drwitrw pi'itum ut tl.e <-n»uin* »«wud. toridyand im- Htmn Wl Tbe laawi will b* cotiducted by the rn .*» pep> ¦lai ard tfAcleat wtrfeABon ar.d teaehere, and every'bina: w.ll be don* <o r»ndi»r tnf:,i ch^B,1. af'ructi'e and 'inii:erj:- ly ineful. Trrm«, ir ade kaowi on appiica'Jcn. J flope'ft Kxpr«M-Vla CKNTRAI, RAILRUAS ¦r NCW-JERJCY Twicediiiy from New-Yor* Ia Ka» .-,« Pa. Le»viniat8 o'eloca A. M. apj < dMm! P .* *«M V4 UroMway, New-Yorh^_ (7- >rvfY«rh Htme Tempfrnnre AlhHo»-e. O^.i ¦ lo Um cootmuanrtiof the Chi.1 raal Rache«or.«Bd ra tbe eeeumroeedauoa .,! IHania in diffarent pj *:¦<.«-, the ni«i*'.n« of tln» Alluuci CtUedfol Whl'S^S- DAY. tbe IV.b, wiil bf he!d lo tbe Cityof tica It iaecnieatly hoped that ev-ry Conr.ty Allinnr* will be «i'rtatTii»>d by ii» appropnav num^er ol De^dnfra, and Inal »t th»- Mati MrHiuifa. of the afternoon i-m i)^l. intwi'r.nii all T'irip. riin-« oraaniiaticti ^ofl IomI Al- .1aoce» will be preaent. By ofrt«r. »>pt :». '.^ii J. J. CHAMBERi CnrT»-«r''r''''rl« S*-'J Ok** %r<(rrnrtiin KamlvHl.- Tbe AaanaJ Pabtli U'.min of th<- An.erican Wg^tarmo Society w<l/ » .> Uka Cbineae A»»enibly Rou:o» WVHn«»day, S»pt. >, «t >. f M., wltli u>UKir.. fentiinvcia and ulrtraatt. io wlnch botb uni.j and B.llain. wiii parljLip.ito Tickati *'. m.w raady «t Ko»>r« .\. Wella'a, No. 131 Num'i-i<. TMawat> Itifol tbe 8oclty will take piaceat Cllriton i"A M OT tlr«. K. I'rnrNon i\- Noir» lrn|irovr<l Collro *r- M 'u ti-itcrt at d appuv. . Ura I! Iwtiiw' No ^'..'i Blferkern', alao 'f»titi»» '. \\> ar? mucti pi-- »«l witli ynnr Improvrd CoffiM nnd I wi«h you to fnd nin <.n« ¦oUvlWWtk, narn* ». Ia*:. Ifot ksriag tUM t «-id to y.iir '. t.' ibm nini p" bwi d knm ooll e tn tbi« MigoDor. li (1 altiioogh I pa'd I Oriltl p»-r ponod ¦ >re :han y-i I j t «l BOt dnrik U" Mn.TEAMDN'd IMPROVED COFrEEwM oi.iy at No 17R Bo*try B^at ounlirv .lava \: p<r ponnd. Vx- 'ra Imm Vourg Hyaori ar:d (Jld Hyaon Tca «. Itlea «Jf.ioi i at >'. and 8" c: Pur^ En«l -ri Breaafd*' ..» RJ ai,<1 tc ('rdi-is m,r c'ual'y ar d fMihtuily executed by K Pi AKSON 4 SONS, No l7-*Bj»»-ry H%m I N. B.. < Jur All>ar;y Atency i* at No W W at'iington-tt. aV I'niia liiftn,i"N» BlMll Botf . Aiaort- uc iuatiuisciu.-.>. patmttd 1849, ».¦. »uipi*i»fl .r »,-.y f ii i > or fcaaatj of ec) jf darabi'ity. Thi» Oreeu In con' dct,t!j imooubMSjAoI M «iali/i;-s ' . i<rtie.ionc'!rot,d lo Itj u> | U"i..n b i.vca, wmll haagiiia, Ac^, for whlch p ir » «» U ii :-, adupted. Mir^ifu.¦¦.¦-.<\ aud aold THK«) KHwAJLTZ, No H Jajobat. 'Swvrp.) ITF* Knibiilrnrtil ol llii'nnn llodlrn. -Or PI- I.-Ai K ai d biH i.artn^r, Dl NICOLAI bmvo Ukw tbab jflicc a: W. .11. Kayinond & Co.'a MHaJMc Kiri»l-C»«» curtway, N*"-»"ora. nrh^rn lalorno. t ai, \,t- ol.tBli.^d i.'i ut lbt;r proceft auil char^ei Per- «.ir-a frotn a dlatarre nqaMog thoir MrrtoM may apply by u -naph. and Iheir aomniooi will promptly attmidnd to rV VtlliiKr I.oim ;uid l oimrry ^imi|». I.KN \ EKNl IN . ii lui >-, «re I thal e tract, oc< Mpvun ¦-. tween .Mouir \ moa r j'« Pur- D ol W \ MN'S i. IIIN'F. N ! B NailcCa Tha adjoara*d] Annual M«»tint of tbe Ao , ii « ^ Land C mpar.y. will be held at 'be Pavilllon Hotal, II ili«(i:vof BisUin.or \\ KI1N KSH A 1 ^-i" l>, 1293 Bl », f. M. s. M PLEETWOOO, aWaaary, No t" N»..«¦. at. SLmnecuuntfl. \1 ETROPOL1TAN HAL.L.. [f I TBIROUKANOC INCERT.MaDAKE Milti- h II A AI.RONI "tpectfuiiy auo^Jucna lo U-e .Muaical Pui iic of Nt»-Y. .¦,. t*-»> haf TMIRD ORitfO CONCERT ki.i latr t>; TU E8 DA1 EVCNiNO, «"pt 11 IMaJ Ci, whlch ».¦' b tha will praaaal a ttw I'iO|:[iu,lii<. MallAMMi AMidM wiil Beaaalftrd b* IIUNUR ItoVKRf,, PIU^UR iAN >l()\ 4NNI. »ION')R ARDITI. Aud a l*all Urchfitra. T'ok't*. One Dollaf. r ». ;\"d bVsia. Twi- I) Jara OT T.ikfU for Arwvrd Hi-a(». (1'r'c^ Two I) >llart,) can i^ at .',: . Hi ¦¦< >MuluM 1ALL, U «UN, v o .' I 1'if'iii) e '.»' ol Parkplace. To all ctr.t-r {ar» f to* H aaa, n»c D. :iai, f»r wbvh ¦'., tj Lp had oi sAMLK'j C IOLLIE, No I D-'ii optc at t'| oaijaB; Coamj to cooioe&aa at S >a'>oa _ POS'I I'ONKMKN'r . SONTAG SK- I REltADI l - .i I *d" to ba iiifi ia Ma- i I \ n Muaical 1 aa <:»-dl> erl rT'Tt tri MlUlarj §tmi$ will ha poitpri'rd tioin thla (RiWavl e\oilnj t.i Ml>N!>\Y KVlNiN(i, BaMaaabat 19, at II oVI.vk P. M , tha Coov nlttto aot aaaBuBg It aoaau Ia coaoq.aca r i»r Bl t-ra>'p ot last alfbt to duturb lh« raat of Madarnn HoBtaa aa two co m nt**a araalafi Tbe (irand 8-renade d il.r A »! K lh alat] w!i take c'a:e oo MoLday aveuiug, »t;« 15, a: |1 &-cio> * P M HENRY C WATSON,) .IOHN A K^ ; CLmn..ttea. THEO. KIsKKLD, J i"H!« c Bcmirr, lietattii. i>J r. . UiJ'CAL ANWOUNCEMEN V.. 1"J ULLI CAMILLE RBO, JavaalU Vloliaaat, aaad II }aaia,ol ibaJfaatcaJ Coaaai atoryol l'an». dauih:«r o' SaKator I'rao Pru'raaor of Muak'ln Paria, M:lan. \ J aod papi] of il.e nioat diai'DiuWhrd tlollalaU ia Kurjp?, r^a,Te:t- .iii* tbe etttxaaa or Nru Yo>k, tb»t al a » ba«t f appeatluf tatl ra tbtm ia a SERIEBof CON- Ct-RTS. to be aivaa al Ml rRUPOLITAN UAL.L in >. h aaa wili (k ai^'-il by *'ine ol tne !>»..! nuii a! tal- aajtl of Lurope. Huvtiif had tha honor of attractln* t.'ie ia\i lable notice at Ika vc:\ en lnn.t mm <l c:lir< of Patit ai.d her pertoriiiauree hailn* brxn r-,*-. ..-d wlth the iih «t ui>boui drd tua'ka ol admlraliuu »here\-r the haa np p.arrd. ahn tii.ala «!.r atiU i.ot riaa-'poiiil tha Mu.i .. t o< New-Yora Mlle L'?bb arlll anlve in a few dayain tha I ataa mrainat.:p Boaaboadt, wlon oot.ce wul be liven of her apptaianc*. NlttlA>8 eAKlTElN.JoaiT Suftoj* Manatet.THI» FVENINO, September H, to aosv ai ate at 7j o'aloek wlth the Overture to». *o he (ollowad by the |>aa ra f Tllb KNfll ANTRES3. Bfi a ...Mssa. AaaaTWUoB 9ylrla.Mr. Hu**on Raaatia.Lraea MaXKaoaataa..s;i %a ".airaa.Bymaa ke l) Aauila_llowaid I). n lvdr t | Don Barara..Ki«ld Tickau'"eentf. Dov.i opeo a: 7. Commence a: BURTOaN'8^ra- et-BKNrKiT AND I *-T APPEARANCE Of MK 1.('(;aN-*HIH KNr.NINCJ, 8ept 11, wllJ ba Ber- rwea tbe tecaof MI>tHIMf MAKlNd Nl bolaa Doratail 'oi n»tcn Mm« Maimette.Mra.Ber:ud rBE MILLr K'S MAI1). M; Tt. Btaaoa The Uama.Mr«. Havt: .* j Ma;\ei].ui. .Johiatoa Pl eae.H.* W«atOB CBLOROPORM ' sioeum.Mr I.otau I'ln* l'atten.. .Mri. Bercard j\J K\\ -VOhKTHEATER-Astor-place. 11 -TU'S y.\ K.MNO. S^p-eujber U, will ba pe.-(oruiad TBE BWIWOOTrACfe. N*:/ i '.cc Ba:e-r.ia After whlch, tmiid Uvnture ' Viuoa Cou^.e 1\.»a. To be loilowtd n ihe aavotita Coujedy THK Wi. NU COI Pl.E I l i;»'«»'a»i Heji:ietta....Ka^Bi:BnuB ^¦o c^i.t.aoe mrh tl,» Farc . of T'-fl.MNCi rBE TAJl \V ALLACKS LYCEUM, Hrnadway. f -) \k \\,ii.,k L-«»»»e_j vv UtsjtK Btaaa »l»u.. «ef.-THIBL\ENI'.ii s-pl 11, w:U ba partofoied ISi.u L P. S.i; c v- » .;dafrani..La»ler John Ironbraea fBE BfiARDINU >C!lu(iU Cart. H wcourt.U'aJrat Mr* Oroadonap. toMajalotta wiiB RAIMNOlHi; WINO. Jarrmy l "iddler. Mr W< Icott I'ajjj Plaicvay Uoora oa*a at 7, enrtaia to d*3 at Tf. t li li I P. S.r Cl. < .:d"«t'<*ani..Latter John Ironbraea.Safum fBE BfiARDINu >C!lu(>U * Mr*. B'.ala MuaCraoiat a.merican museu.m. jTj-l'HlN V.A8 T BARM'M. Macv-!r and Propnator. iuUN nKK.'NW'OOI), Jf. AaaUiaui *taua<0r C W. CLARXK, Dut>c«"r i( Anuaeo.eLL-Taeicn-ai fmm Dra- u.a of THE OKt'HANb DHJ/.AM, trill ba pcuducad TH>> E^ENIN'O at 7) o'eJork. ai.d alao U> ac louioaata faaxlna, ataoclotk Tlil> Ar-1 KRNUON Ooaut.tRY >>AY from 7 A Al to I*-* P. M. Adauituoaa av taaML- BKITM aiMUcth. l^'TKRTAINMKNTA *Saeota._ UlNCis-RT..iWw-York Union Vooal- / i»l» Will (1«a thelr h'aeoad Coarert, at tha Broadwsy TahaaftaaJa, on MONDAY, iVpt M, MR at 8 o'elock P M , v»aaa the foUcwiai anlataa et jAe t aicn will apaaar Mm (J .Jeanie ReynoWaoo Medeme 0:oTanni. Mr. L P /«. m I'rof \andtr Wejde. W. H. Marah. tha lafaal Iiiumreer, foi.h *t J'«r» old.) Herr Heaa, and Mr »N H l oi-.'c Ticket*-' ceota; to ba had attha Muaie Btorea aad at the duer_ FINE ARTS..Tiie -pTfndid Lii* En- rrartnr. "THE DPSTRICTION OP THE POWER OP flAhKL AND DISPERAION op the raceb, eniraved by Pro»e.aor Tha'-i^r, afVr tha ca'ebrmt-d r reaco Paintm*. by WiIIuuij Von Kaal!*ch. in tha oew Mii*-Jrn it l;-rhrj, ha*jU»t !*-en rerelved and i* for eale "y EMIL ¦1 IT/. Pnnu»«i'*r. No BB Broadma^. op rtair*. JStw Pnbiuationi. A VEAR of MU8IC for NOTHING .'. THE Ml HCAL WORI.D and T1MES Ia poblUhed ev*U Seturday. at Nj i.i' Br>adwa». New-York by Oi.lYER DYERai.d KK'HARD sruRRX IVIUjIS. Tbe ot^.ct of thal wora 1* to fumiati.1 A wt-kij . ipply of uaw ud eholce nuaie 2- A cooiplete aad unuauaJ tocraeof Mur.eal Intrnction. 3 PeeWee* and traatwurtny Criticum* ,f MoiicaJ Piecea Uorkiand Perfunnence* ; and < EntaVtataiag MajAaal r*v. m. t-fether u:Ui a cornpre- h»n*lve Synopilaof ever.f* and thina* enurral, a* tbey ahall Iranaplraj all to ba furaiahtd in a r.yle of t**te ai.l Kb> laor" in harmony w:th tba *ubjeet* trea'ed of, and the efi.ed minda tboa . a ¦ *ddrea*ed. ihrMu'vul \\ ri4 df.d 71»< . furuwhr* annualty to it* nberrlber* o»»r two huodred pa*e« of tha very beal vocaJ and r.atnunertaJ Moaic, whle", at tbe mual prieea. weuli -r %iS; and. in addltion. it efraS rver elftht hun- dredpaae* of Mu«:ralcewa eholce M «. and the aioat tnorc.iih independent and truthhil Ciuloum* uB muai- eaJ pablkaCon* and perfbn nan _. , ¦ caical Iwut t ¦% .A eomr'-fa cifraa of M'ltleal ... Thoron.h B«j* and ('utiipn* tion Mattral Knrm. ortba Arehitectare rl Maak, at d laatiaaiaaifalli R rany thi* ioatrnetlOB and theetndent will beaAle tOOBfraet hi* own example* fy the nile* efjVrd- ed Ia akonttia ..¦ aanta*aj become, by thii cjurae, maa- of the wholetnbjactof mur.c A choice eeleciU n of cew and orlflnal Charch MuBlc will .L)f overt-d to eity *ub*criber* at *'> a year. Mall .. l»c. I ? I I '.¦... ; teo <.. pie* ?.' «:. .arijer club* m the aaina propon.on, ln- ¦eubla lii advai te. ,. . mt vD tiie f:c»pUccf fivecantaor two poitair r.ari.f ». Anj i-r«on a-Ldipatuftclub cf tea n nnbaia, iha.lre- i,»i.t one yeai (rea ol cha/fa 7,7- !*y, Eept. 1; to now la .ibe. a i ¦. doi . be aaaad, (poat- pairi ) to \)\*.K i WILLI9, Pub:;.!:er* of Thi H orU i-.d Nbmb, No 257 Broadaray. New-York. AU8TRALIA.Beioga brierf Compen* dium of ibe (.eotra[ !i,cal Po*i:ion. Topofrapliy. Char- r i. eerlptloa ot tba pnnopai River*, . Pr'nact'oi i. Cllma'e, Pitilmr Diractloaa, ..'.., wbolaAatalaf aeoniplata Hand-Book orH'ildato tba Ot'ld I' . ded foi tbe u*e of merchant*, ahip- niaiter*. lntendrnt--irifrarit*. ar.d othera. To whlch 1* ap- paadada aataMbJa onllactton of Tabiea, c mp;l. d fr.m aa- thenflt trareaa, ah i»in» the rate of Barbor Duen, Cut-ouu la;.t». P:i t ai.d'l anafa Dbbb, Pnblc OfBaara'faaa, M- eaaafe,1 ii |alatloaalbr tbaUotd ReaiooaaaaV,ate By Bei.tbnin Pabian I'rice Vi cent*. by O.V BUOBEBACO^No J9 We«t .t, Ncw-Yark. Al >TRA!.IA AND HER (JOLD RPOIONB.Caatatala*] a full de*cnp-ion ol toe " i'i,'ry, cliu:at>- ard BBaiatV of tbat llland, «¦ a'l ¦*> r»i«»iy iiifoiiijttfon raaaactUaf tl.e yi- '<i of a<ld, valae of '«b. r, Ic ic ri»-i,artd t-' »rne a* a to p»ra.p.* -. a* well aa an Interr-t'ii^ and valiable tbe xt-nc \\ 0M whu ha»«penttwj ya ¦ tn *iR\elirg hnu;b tbat re»i >n I'.y R. U. aMF.aov, M.R.CS.E. In^ieaa-ti ba .'a.ied or. MuNllAY, Bipt. CORN18B, LAMPORT k CO.. Publuher*, No I Park-place ACONFIDENTIAL »HINT.".If i B BBB>ed Bl Bl 1'nfhan aliia t'ncleSam *l.ui Yankee Doodla wlU eall aaat Moaday OMniin| at the ¦¦'<>:- .Jat (' . . K S| t, ba wttl bear of amie- Ibing very mnch to bl* adr»ntafa wblah I*, that Tht Hi U the only dai.'v llloatrated OBUM paper, ln tl.e uulvaiae, pnee one cent, and'aa lact. AMIRICAN WHtG REVIEW-a M.itlily of fontira and Literat iro. Uiti, Poiiiait* fiayear. Ciub* of len, t^?i. New vi lumai lann- a.) and Joly. CliAMFioN BISSEKL. LBO Naawu-tt^N Y. EVERV LADY HER OWN ELOVV- RR (, tKHlNfR-Addreaa-d to the Indoatnoo* i laal. < Dtaialna Slaapla and Praetteal DtreatJ aa fjr Culiivatui Plaata aadTfloaraia In the Uaadaaj, aad m I' By l.(ui»-i Johni'in. Revi»ed fn rn the Kourtaenth :t''ii. aoi" ad-ipte.l t.i tlie u»e of Amencau l<adiea. Beln^ No. II Saxtt n'« Hand Book ot R'iral Kcnn-'tnT. Prloa Z.cenH. C M. BAXTON, Agrlcultural Book Publiaher, No. IM Kulton-*'. CH>WLERfi & VVELL9, So. l ;i Xu- ¦ tau «t New-York, bave all workioo PHREROkVOOT, PBTBIOLOOT, HTDROPATBT, PBONOORAPBT, MAONET1BM, BPiRlTi ALldM, ar.d PBTCBOLOOT. Tbe Tr*de roppl'ed at a l.>*ral di*eo-iBt, The IDoatratad fbianolofkaJ and WaterCure Almaoae, ¦, uat piibiiabad. B> ok«alle:i ara iuvitad to ex- an.lne tbem, M, J f>a it npara, publ.ah thi* d<y l >OlR OWN CURREBPUNDEMT." Tka Per.oial Adventnre* of "Oi.r Own tlorrtaponaeot" in Italy Stnw- . .,.'lamp-lirner ean hnd njid W'i*r:ara wh-n i'I-i Mea lie ia tba k'Mea; f< od Ilini.ori whiie n-.any a.-e ba I Sterved a d «ood \V;ce, Iboogb t'ie King'a Sl»rl 'ia to half rai.on*. By pticbacl 8u/ke Ilunan. L.i.j, paprr "5cent*; aaa»l S A itay, rm l:kiri da*-.- ptioi i *-y huaior. ralaeaaaa, bwhiehtbawrftar.ajoviaJ ..> i h baaa tafagad donag tba laat I .r yeara. ltaUund* in .. *J ¦ batm fa It to raiae a ¦ » .... , . . , . (. . ..« *r, H I -. | w* ete'caiaa . a ¦¦ -\m f . I -. > | ' II TBE '- ' BRA. Baiei . a ssaiaa > Matbamattoa. <¦» ?n«d for tbe o*e of .J aaud Collagta Hj ii?:a i K'Miinn - i. 1.. L D , Pia4aam ol Ma..ieriia-ict :n tha New- k. k Kite A, aaeioy I. in >, »heep 7i.en'*. rbalearaa -a ynoaaVTal »b>treatur*,,j, ^Kabrawlurh corlain n Bttoia aaaaintlal to tne Matbeuiatlcian, but wbicfa ihi 11' ti labl n ti.e tiaaa de*oled 10 au uu^e > a \ ii. iae of eciicaton. An eianojat-ly ex>e.tfd w.rk I are loi» !.a» beeuoeoiar.iled t.iat i all c ttta'0 tbafaqattatBa JBI aacb a eoaiaa, ard at the -«.. « tioie Ttatarialfy ii«bc«n the i*- koi ot ih< !!,»!; 61 r. aad laailltati tba proj-e** of t votaiDM :* tlan d to :. e puMi: aa oociiitu ;aj III. LIFEOf BVfJfBl Bl I . and Worktof -n*. Editad < Ir. foar Vo!- ui tt. \ i !». !. II, and 111 Umo.. r < -. ea h. M* i »¦ . * . \w S*' i- ? . M ... Jn . - - * * Part XXVII PIiTORHLPiLI.IJ BOOK uP OLLTION; ibyPaaa of the BkBtaaw, Reaaaaw. B o^raphy. Relin and Tra tbe "li for Iraepei.drr..- By B^r.i n 1 !.oa*n« Raq. I .' BgaooWood, yl.oa*irf»r; ARPER Ac BROTHERS. No. 329 I ebiffl* fnrni otifiaal aketrbc ^y . :n Nuni^er*, 8.0. I'aper 2Aeaata eacQ. \ ol 1 now rcady, (plrpdidly bt-ur,d. I'nceli ¦"¦ JlsT PUBLISBED.NEW EDI- T INB Tba (. yali ;v*: *: *.-,: pAyaloal refioemeui-* I the dooie*!:; axd a^ :*l re!ai: l, awaald S* ur.d-r«t^.d by all p«-.-fc.n», but unfoittn . » u on theee impor- tai.t »a" rlacouidoot be [ti< r>-d E\ery one mty, hjw- BW, puntaae with 1HE MARUAOE Ol'lfJE, '.> l>r. P i » b c.o(/.A.rn ^rerythmg tbat married BD reqalra to know, phyaio'opcal aad m-di, al Evary aantianian caa alao proaara withe.ju^l coMiidenee, the bock by the aame aathor for (entlemen, on the tj. fleraiKTLenu, and preaerTa:ion or reatoratioa of t^eir o»n tja'rni*. Bi t:. HbBM i .*< te itnc'y moral. *c en-'.Sc pop ilar, a -i it.knowti exeept tn medleal m"n Tbey contaln n^a:.\ I pa.n eacb, w.:h Color-»d | ia -a, and are wall ocui d Price. kl eatb Thejr wiil be *eot anywbera by pcft. on r- ce:r1n* |' ard the addree*. Pubiuhed by _ T W. 8TR0N0, No c<8 Na^a- .:. New-Vork. OVE n. MARRUd'E.-Par 1. 331 i aaaaa. U'o.o. Pnce*l Por »a!e by KovvLPRB A ELL>, axa tbatl Ag-ncie.. N V , No 131 Nuao.a Tm* Ia a heafc tbal darn u. ip-.a :..e trutn wimanaa* dacit) ejoailedoniy by ita tenceroaa* It u dadlcaMd by the author, Dr I-azamv TO ALL TRIR bOYEBS. To th: modeet and the brave of aitaai aax, VN ho belie-.e that Ood Rereal* to tl.e lnitinct of each hHrt Tbe la*« that he deatiaea U lo ¦ -ey, Who (ea/ not U> follow tlie o>BaT<c :lew of eharm, Uutdefy the intarfereaca o' all foreiaa powera. MRS. ELLET'S NEW WORK.Pub- i'.^-ed thuday PIONEER WOMV.N OK TBE WEST. By Mra E.P- Ellet. 1 »ol n I . . | < T ¦* . V , . inai i.i* aad aaaaaen i , proauaeal »o- . >. u'aa (BtHeLW t*« aiprr^at* vi *.-f.<t .J *. ot* Joa raal Pabitahad, AMERICAN LITERaTTRK aND MANNER3. Ry «:. 'aret. Chaalea, Profaaaor Ia tne Coilege of Praaaa. 1 »W- 12dm, Pn»»Bi. UAN'kVt WtBSTtR AND HII COTEMPORABltB; or, l!»m.'.tae*nrea of Coaareaa. ilh adiUaia. By O.W. Marcb. wit_b Portialt. 1 voL I2ma. W# K»/t*l/ kaew a aawe la<i.LaL'4 bu4n-,t.1 I '" +* i in [Buato* rra'aua*. . CBA* RCaX«.NIJJ,««.I*»Naaa»trat Kivmina OE KKLLUfiG.I'ufoiuners, Biack Bork Muofactarera and V* boleeole Dealeri io B'brol sid Mu:> I'anaoin Booki aud Btanenery. Book- arllr-i at i tfe'chant. .tipohed at the lowiit ratea. No. ¦ John-et, coreerof Oold-at.N T. N JEW ud VaLUABLE » K)KS, poMiared by CORNISH. LAMIMRT 4. CJ. No. I PBik-pUeo. Nf» >ork THr. NAPULF.uN DTHAJTT; A HkRonrofl . parte Famlly. By the Berkir* Men I »J Bf| wiUi 22 traperb Portra:u ln tiaL Prirr. *. - . . . . , , . u ... r.-tr, t- try \ 1 . I .- ». a I'jm.-t ¦. ....,..- . . ' . 5. r-i r. H i '»rr .... , ...,.,r ., »rJ . . - . < ..... !'» I- . T - » | «... :««... 0\ERiNti; or. Tbe Hrr. ! Wjeherly, a" hiatorKal ro manre Bj > :<i d Hmton, Eaj. aotbo' Fuiirar,." ie 1 vol lirao. Btualia Priee. #1. l u.» a biak taak ». | * bj . . i .nar. * "" II . » .! oot . - P. . -... * > 1*1, If c.jra.-ert air - » - TMEHKROlNKsoFHIST' Rf 3 Maty h Hn I \ol. limo Lnibelllibed with ni Ime hle. .?oiiat Portralts. Pr'ce $1 2S . I ia», aad BhaaU ',i. a ,'. ¦ N> \ BLLITUI Of TME MUBTCIAnT B, M~> E K. F.l»tt 'yo lllaatnbad aHthi *ranno C'i atatalaf h>«hly latateatUJ icndeai and anecdotei t u* .«..-! Priea $i SO I'AKDs COMPLETE rkaov BECKORTB. The < alf ai rup cte Ready Reckoraer anapt^d to the Fanrera, .M>-rrhin ., Mecbat I. .. Luuiber D-alBra Boat Stock Coir.natoea, Bankera, Ac. Vc Tjcka, prr- Bl L1VEB OF GKN FRANK PIEBCE, ef New-Huap- ahiia, ai.d HON. «SI Rl Fll KIN>>, Nomlooaa of tha P rrxcra.ic l'ar'y fjr Pr-ud»nt and Viee Preilcent. Pncfl 26 cttibi. |\[EW Rud POPULAR BOOKS.IU- i.1 et'tly pub!:ihed b> J.8. BBDflELD, CUatoo Hall, Roar-Yorfc. I.-HAOaR. a R maoea f To Day. By Aii:e C»rey.*l rn II -THK MKN OFTHE TIMK. I <i III -T1IK MA.sTf R Bl'II.IJK.R Bt l)-.y K U«.. 1 M |V..THE hMt.UT.iUlf EMULAMD, ac, Im. By m.I 2^ V.-lHEPOEM8 0FFirZ-( REENE U4LLECK. 1 ih> VI-TRVNCII fiN TMK NTlllYDKtt'iiRIH. 75 \ I-P(IKM8(>K W MACRWORTII PRAEO. 1 »0 UiT-BKONU'ITISAND KINURKUOIaK kl W w HaTI. . 1 no IX » A^ Al.l! Rfl f>K KNOL4ND, \e H-rbert... 1 2-> ,\ -LVr.A AMi orilKR I'OKMS. A.i<w> Carey.... 7'. XI l>A. B Pil<iina(te. Carolioe Cheaebro. 1 XII LECTl RK8 AND MIdCELLANIEB. llenry « . 125 XIII TALE8 ANI»TRAI>ITM)NStiF lir.NUARY. P«ll/k\. . I 2J XIV.-NEN ANi) UwMKN DF THE XV lllth CENTLRY. I robj. 2 .V XV-BON OAll.Tli-R'S BAI.i.ADS. 76 X\ I-tHARAi Tr.RS IN THE UORPELR. Rev. K. H.ChBpin. 50 XVII.-LAYBOV TIIK .-CUTTI>U CAVALIERd. A«to n. 100 XVIlT-WBIOHrS HISTOKY OF SuRCJbRY ANO MAOIC."I V XIX.-CLO\ ERNUOK. By AliceCar«y. 1 W XX.-DREAMLAND BY DAYLIUilT. Carolino Cbaaahw. I 2"> XXI.- EPI80DES OF IN8ECT LIKK. SToai,omR S 00 X XII. -S.iitif work rviimitHy rnlored, eaoh . 4 0 \XIII.-t.IIAPMAN .-> AMKRICAN UUAHINti i:i OR. XXIV..THE LADIES OF THE COVENANT. An- dairr.I 25 XX\.-rilK U'OKKS UK KIHiAlt AI.I.AN VuK. i voli.4 A" XXVI -TIIK NI'.I'T SIHV (iK NATI RE. I # XWII.-NAPIKR'S PEHIN8I I.AU U AR. tom- p>t».3 00 X.W III RKK KKNBACUS UYNAMICs* VV MAONETISM. I 25 1)UBLI8HED THIS DAY.CECILIA, cr Tbe UmwIm of an ll»irei«. B; Xliao Riirney, aathor of " Kvelina." U'mo cloth 7"> centi, p»per Vcenta. Thli brilhant itory, by the author of the onlTaraally a.1- mired " Ki^lma," will be welconied by Miai Buroey . thou- iBOd) of adinir»ri. It poaaemsi that brilliancy and p'trl'y 0 .tyle, aod that d-ep iLteoaity of tntercit k> cl.araeteriitic of a.l h'-r productiona. aod for Iti biih nioral tooe, fine dehoa* a'.ion of character and lntnnsir ni-ri', aar.'inri tbe firtt rmk in literat'ire. Bl RCE It BROtHJER, Pub'iaherB, No. 1 M Nimuit, New-York. 1>UHLI>HKD THIS WORNIWa.. Pl re .">centi lllE I.IH. uK HENRIKTTK RUNTAO, CcnuhM le Boaat h oil Bllll -d with a I)»?ufrr" typ^ NkeMBl of tbe fjHBSH fantat.:c».. at.d ron'rt'n'i t. b'Hif^i a full »nd parfia t M '/>a phy drawa froo oiliinal and aidastra wiir8sB,uil i .id «r«| t -k u hn of bat t< i.i . ainl fhart. ri>'-, f.-. Berho', Adiiph Adotn, lutlioi of " l.e P ¦¦. isaao,) d other proiiiicot Cotnpo<*ert and mutical erltica. b25i erlt STRINfJf I! \ TOWNfl NO. No 222 Brosdway. N. B..Tb.i Bi.tjrapby licopyrl.hted. RAILWAY md STEAM8HIP OUIDE h i BMtaaabar, IbMibalM .ataB'tdaaaOcldathraMh ite loiwd Kta'»» ard Canadt. »lih Map Prtsi oaly l'> etl A..o PO( KKT M iPS, tha l oitad Htate. .a-d e»ery State ir. : e I nioo. For >al . bi J DISTI IKF.LL, No, <; Bi >adway. The Ti.ide tupphed on libiral tarn.a. SCHUBERTH & 00., Maolc Depoi, No aW Brosdua; N Y, laoaeat the pnrlia to i^.ipeal loeir liirrr.^iiM ato.'k of Moiia for Volet, Placo, for ?, 4, 4,1 Bar.da, for Orxart, V'uiMo, V loloneeJIo, Harp, Ureheitra, lia., ta every Btyh), for vlrtu .* aud brdtioeri Tbe |ieate«taa> laction 1b U e ( cited bu'.-a, of f. ". ¦'"¦ Wortli »'den of fi.reiic a:.* Aaaar'^aa Uaala wl'l aa at(«adad to vlth ¦BjaaBJaaam In Pisai, THECABINANU i'ARI.f^R; 0*. ILAVEtAlfDHAI I V.S. B; J. ThorotOB Raod'.lpb. Tl). PETERitON, No 98 Cheonot-ot., o l'bliadelp: ta, %i In ptfi, aad will toou pusluh. a t.i , .la.-tja d I. ^k, of BtCf tbree hundred pwa, wltk tbeabcva tule at.d w n'd eain-atly acd tnjat «lacer>-ly reccmui-t c tb^ *hole*jme leaaoo lt wu: t«aoh to Um ao1) -r aod thoujhtf il ccatiJrratioa cf every lovcr of hu oouuiry l.ii vkola coaotiy. ia lbi« hroad aad gloriodi Repub'ic. lieai.BCt becalled a "fotnpanioa to I c.e Tom'i Cabio.'. or to "Aunt Plrllia a Cabtn," for ittakei a broader and a Mthn EfS cd than eitber of tho«a admira'..e <*¦ rai uf »ictloa «l of fM BM tLey were wntten by ladia* of ftttm aud tdi-cf.'.oo thla. bowever, tbe proouetion of a j^nt'e-nao nrd, wboaa Do'.le K.aayt on C « . i tbe reiat've p n'.ion of the Nt :th ar.d tbe Bouth, io the totn te cn ihe Siaverj <;>ie.i;on, fcave beea qii' >J w;.b praiae by the aaMad P.-eai ,t th- z>., iLtry lt z\ > < ved, tj r..t»:i. u a c.rcula'.Joa u " ( o:le Tjm'i Cab:n.' It li hljth t e | fjka J'u'. wotiid reipectfuily tu^ftt to the l'»op!a of the 'oited Statea, tha* a Book aUuld kaJM havfttf fu.- :t« a'.iu Itrat ''.I a..i latanauai pictureof tha Pecpieai They Ara.of tuBNorthara Lord aod t;i \ aaaali-of tha Sodtbr.-n Maiter and /.:. | Th- n a boca lor the VVHO..E CO MRV k.owinf I (i ; A ayjj of ab- agrbioi iatsreat la iti Btory, atd of oaefuloea* ia iti mauy lhVtlB*J »»»»» Aj lucb.the pot>ntk-r ortert tt witli ua* tbiken eot: neViMMl cuit^mert u ta. beat. the tery beit book of ti... day. \ k " «rr:;t'0 .p bj ac or >r. or fir ¦ par:i<-- u.arxcaiun. 1: vrat . t belore tt- oahrtfafbT of "/..«.< ; Wrieo M:« - attckly abapten oCToat'i Cakia, two yaa.-t M^.it axmt foreibly occurr-d to >Ir. R*"»i; U : .t tfcm ^ rroaa rxa#/>-ratic i of fa;t, -n wbit .:. -r»:»e p- l< a very |ood i Tk - jo, no»r pr. tte i«ad:o| p ifcMa by T B. i't r». laoM, U tiia r«iult »f a paaibraM* i I imafM tal n.ade for .> that tuoe. btttrae.'. a.. ... It will be pubLihea CvMfr! ".e in a" large da>d-. rjDioof o\e: : * ai « wlth larae, fuL-pa.e. ¦t .«, 'H.'Jted - "t Rka a."t frota i iiaa. drawa bf Supb-aa, atd p fiBeat aad l-eat of paper. Prtee I Bta work. :n pap-r cr>;-«T, Lt liBtd*ti ...irplare camtatcr tvh ilrtU:r. nuatpaii- So r. - a r»r»on liv.-a. they ean t-'. a - ¦j, . . ..-¦ pabluher. . No.90CRaati ¦ To v. h ta a m nldia.d flar A ¦ Bot,t»all«r.. aad all rad, and my; rttea... aajBaajM :r. \\ ANTEU.CanvBB»r» to enp«» :n t.« »» la e»ert com.ty ia the I aj*«i ^utea. IV Editan -f nBwirpapon th-^a«boot th- .-. .tntry. oopy- i / thr abcte <i l -«. triehnnBi tbi* »>Oc<. and cai.iiii atrmtioo to .t edit. nally, o i-n«fin« a copy of LU«r ,*p. r. marked. to tbe puk.uawr. akall ture thrt* copiej of the abotc vcrk atot to tbeau tha utunast M ia MasaC frHK.MUMHRIIililAIi l ftUMANUK X of the Seaaon wul ba publuhed WEUNESDAY in - baaacMbjl HlaaCfeAad Vaaaaaa* THE 01 ERIIaLA CMIEf; Ot, THE ROMANCEOP WA R By Capain Orant. . ThU»plen« d woik of fi.-tion i* calcnlated to obteia a* »;oeapepularity in ti.iaco :ntry aa It already baj Kc*'aad It iaa puwerfuily and iruthfuily wiKtea Pi t are < W erj o all lu phaae*. aad ba* receivod the aa ¦ dcreemett of tbe wbole Eoihab I'reee, a* a w < ln it* compotiilon and never exrrlied in the erauriinr m- tereat whfcn it i«il»rd ;o the trnd of the reader. K.-jui aroori nbmafBBB t.ot^cea we ael-i-t the fol! iwlng K . .,- ,a . pai , ,- a . . a va 1 . . ».. ,..,-, , I . . T . of *V« - I . . . . I < I ».-¦ Itwa , e »>»r'-aJ. CrtK. Priee 88 iri -a Al*o now readv. a N>-w E it'on, DOW JR'8 PATENT BERMON& lnirolume*. Ta- per i'f.'.e, j- cente per vol Nearlyready, THE LADIES- NEYV BOuK. >P O >OKERY. By Mrt. S.J Hale. Ai-o In Pre»». NHHTIIWOOD r 1.IKE NORTB AND SOI TH. Showlni the Tr e t haraeter of C <th Mr*. 8*r»h J. Ba - .uatrated. H I.ON'. ll BR'iTlfER, tiAanet. TO the TI.Al»E.-l>EWlTT & DA- \ENPORT pib *b ii'' M***ri*jj popular Work*. tbay Bffat at laa »»ry lowi at ra'.i THE PCM . «. M v\MN for MacbiaieM Machai- 'c» and Eagiaaata. by Oliv.'r Byme, autli at of the .. M«chau ic«' l>; tlonary." le Morocco to:ka, yr\e- *l Th:* *o k coataina aerataJ etaal BJatea, * baa beea deeoia« 8,000 hevior boen *old w:th;n ten ii.11 ir* f.i !.; it* pu''. cation R NLETI AR1H1IX.T POR »' 'TTAOKS. ic; 2 dqaarto prtei 1 w.rk l* too W'11 k-iown a: d aaa*eeiated to [.. | ORAELEt'SuLANa * -.» RoPE lloth, l.'oio. prue tl. THE*8WAMP BTEEDl or. T>:« Paya of Marion ae.d h'» Metty M-n a Rerol it:o:'ary Tale of pjwerfil Inlaiaat rBE RlfLE bUBOEBS, by Caai ItajM R< d. Piii < 58 <.¦ tl KATE PVMROBE; or, l.'fe and ita l>**en«, by M.*a » ai«< e of Mi*a AiiH'en Ptteo 25 e»ni«. HAloR M< BARD808PB CELERRATEU NOW.LS ,< oi >T\. r. Tbe Proeeocy PiteoaWoaoAa MATILDA MONTOOMERXEi a Seiuel to Uecoueta. i ECARTP;n T . naofParla Prfee "-1 .-en»« THE HEIR3 OP DEBWEMPWATEE, by E U Blaethat.l Pnce > ( . REW-YORK BTOAJ UGBT, byO O. PoaUr. Prlce Btt (?'lic by theaame antlo ¦. Prica JSaaaU. |)J \\ IT k /'Av Ei)P"lir. Tr,buueBuildin**,Na*aau-it. THE AMERICAN KITCHEN G\R- I'KNER.Coatainwi praoti. al d'.iection* for l*M aation of %e«elable» ai.d naiden fiuit*. Ky T. <i. Ke**endea. Reviaed from the »'h edlilon, and adapted t.> the uaa jf (an ,'llea by a piacth-al eardenef.belng \ ol Xll SaUou* Ru JBaaia-Booka Prlaaltaaaati A », Jnat publUhed BaXfON'S Ri'RAL HAS'D BOOKS.PlntBarlaA »! H SWTON8 RLRAL lliND BOOKS, Second Seriea tl 25. COamj. AS Chambermaid. fiae WiRBher nml Iroaar; aalBfaati Rntaa, *f dty ealy i aa W'aiter, aod n- Coacl.nian I very reapeetable *eivant«ujw MaJ Apply No 11 (i." AS g» EIoosrmaid In ii prirati f»in tly. by a re*peciab:e young VV oiuan. I* a (I'wd pla.n C(« k and k< od W aaber and Ironer. Ilaa «o >d reference. Al« .. y a v B8g V^ ooian, a aitaatioa to take care .if cinl- i i»*;at :a chaiubviaork. Apply at No. II Uroonie- .t, tl the mr. AReBPRCTABLeY OONO BCOTCB t.IRL w.ii.t* a . la'-lon to do Cban lesrwoik and aewing Ca« be a.-I, for two daya. Apply a; to. 1U l.tli at, bajtwoeo 8th ai.d otb Bl «_ AWelbb *<iri. fPROtt a aitORtlon u Chamtiennaid aad to do plain *ewiiij and general Ka*aa>*a ln tne rear. ARBBPECTABLI WiikiW liADT, vvho I aa a liberal educallon, but wha lua unfortuaately loat relativea and pK.periy. waot»a ai'.nalion a* tnfant oi ahild'a ni.rae, wbale aba can ha-'e a oet aaaaat and coinfjrt- Hil.' b. me Apply by nole Ui Ali* II , at the " Luun.'N*. Sfl Hadaaaafc \T|7.\NTEI).A «iod (,'ook In a prlvate f V bcarnina houae. I.'beral wwi to one quaJiliad. Referencea re-|uirei. laaaalia at Nj '1 |otn-»t. WA.NTKD.A capablt) Wotnaa aa ( al and to BMtat in aVUdBJ and Iro lnit Mul onderatand inakin* aod liaking hread, a id be ivjllinx to g i a abott diataaaa m n e aaaatry. Wage* $6. Apply at No. »'l I Bleecker tt n the baaen.ei.t \1 A NTEI r. By ii liighly re«pflcT*l»!n ^ T aVeteh joung Waaaaa, a *uua'.ion aa ll aaaa ChaaabaraoaM,or attaad to ladlai boa aing. Addie** No l'»l J I9tb «t. near ;th-av. VI/aNTeD.A Frcjocta Lady, Ptvia* f T lan,) aa r-atdeni Teacher In a Yonna li*4le*' School y AI*o. a I.ady to aaant In tba KnRiian Depart- n ,r Ooaexpei aa ed bn t.n.i>,/i< laraqalrad Ahlreta, paHlpalil. ailh raBMaooaa. I I oaagaaro Pa»K)Baa WAN I'KI).A BituatloB i>y r raBpacta* Ho agad araoMa ai Coob ta o taaaaau .e . he Ia ol iteady m-d aober *aVBat* . > en^a^e ai wa - , .1 Callfbriwo dayeaatha beawaol ber pr^.enl em- piojer, No. i-l Wnt lllfi *t No ootaw atteuded to. W\ N T E D. A Lady capabla ol ui faw p'i < al . \ paraon, lo Mm ¦ Mr* REED M COI.LER, aM-uv, i. iol' ri .1. WANTKD An ncrivM util lidy joung or miadle a^nl \\ ataaa btaV) .' neral homework in aan.ail fan ily Muai ba a good wuli-r aod irooer aad Bt> n Noaa nee,j apply wbo cannot j'v^ g< od reaeiaaea in i-i(*jd to i oneaty and vapacity. Apply m t/.e bi H 8tb>a». WANTED.IiiiMii-.liii'fly. an Ameii- caa, EnghVb <r Oaraaea Oitl, to do tbe », Ironin* ai <! enoklrgtfa BBkUl taaitly Ooodwagaa and a ot Wtaattpa to oaa aallabbi Apply at j <:-it. between tbani 'Ui-a\*. WANTED..Forty Protaataal UlrN niu obtam esoallaat aitijation*, each day, at the ar-'a'.' A. Ba No " < i Llo« at N B -No e aiaa r altaatloe* t.'day Waated, «<x Oir il V. a»i. and Iroa laudbII Auailiea; niLefor Oaaaaal WorK. aeveial t '. Waltera, Seai/.a/ea».«, Nura^a tod loiail (itu. Aiao, aa Aaa.atant toacliman and a V\ aiter Man Vl/'AN'n.i>- B middfo-auH Anieri- \ T *a . M a aituauon h* -ick Ner»«'.r ' a<a H ir.f.r t u d *>w m ¦ ea-non to travel O* io te 'ry lier hat:taare .iet and latiiiog and her *er. ts faiUdaili aadaaaatiealioaary rrndarea Oo>drefer- d Apply, e.iber peraunally or oy let- ¦- to Nt RBE, No.aCottaga»lBaa near B ee.'.aer .t. AN experjenced practical CHKM18T. wbel* puwe.ror of many new aad vala- t. p,. ... . . ent, or of ei- . anaag oient aaaaoBaabaaai <u«n witb * few handted doL'ereeapital, toearry ou aooi: r.'ieuil wil a,%aitt ture* iu --i drgre* ae'e ar-d proiitaiue. Addrea* A B C, No. b. Hoiaey-el, N>w».k, N. J. ARECENT GRADtlATE of HAR- \ tP.I> arbo .*":.' br'.r/ !b- be«t reci,rim:er.datKin* da- , tain oavropatK n aa a Teacher lo New-Y'ork. re- . -rie't t.a eeitite* to g. ntieuian wlablug to*trcu.;e . btU * . He i* perinilted to refer No. We»tllth-*t,Mr. VV r.Aiiao, .: R«v. J f. W aVaia, CaaUaVa*M*L Mia* P.- R-v. Ir Va a.»e- aod P.'ofC.C. :iire*« i.UADL'ATE. care of V. B. attagB New-York. A\ RENI H.M AN and hi-. WIEE vraat ¦- ir.a. tbe woaia'i a- ¦ . I *B»JB Bl A'ai'- C _,_ AGENTLEMAN, lhor< '^*- ».ima/. aad I . -a-nday .'- I a '. Bt B "J*>r- a a lina ti J* S B ,x No , .- ».-_» Tbe advertl*er*re*idajaca J :n _ BOY WANTED Spiightly and to MBtWaaf an ofca bei1. BeaB b'aaakka*'. todicner. i pvdt* n»ar I'oi a park. Companaaooa ^ * w. 'k Acd.' .. at once Box l.J-O Oeoerai P *t OBke BOV WANTED.Kourtpfn to sitf«en %-art. -y l. E 1:1' E I*b|wBBI ,( WaUhaa, No. ; Ma ..«n lai e. i .taira. c ANVASSERS WANTED.To obtain ^ 6ube; ',"'. f"ni»«r»ua* tha aaw Potorl- al. Onl, e i buatoea* men oeed to apaly. Rafer- eocaa re,al *d. 01 of Mejer'a Latvenum. No M Wil> liam-at_BEBJUNN J. MEYEB, PaWiahar. pOMMERCUL AOENCvTNo. 114 V NaaaaM-tf. RotJ N. rk, (BUy 1 -Saleeoiea, Clarka, Book keapara D»| Ooode Cloka, Scbool Teacbaara, Portora for dlcrr* ai <1 li. lela. Ba/keeprta, Aa-, aaxtuatto aacared to lucrai' w^aaaVu thear.latami to aeary «a tie aaAaithiaed. ( caraaa BiodaraBe. titfBkw >j AWII,la» cWng regateti { taa, 4l,«lU obtaia aya^tayipartiit^ EMPTY SWKKT OIL DA^KETS.. * 0 new Rwknta. to bold nu* dorea -ach. f r BaiO I©*/. 'II'1""" ." Ha-rUv-at ip «« , kao i. wartad a R. y iv a"ar.l ar » r?W 14 .. i\ ,,»., 1 ut J^XI'ELLENTsiTUaT.ON8. ia tbo _i raoaa rsepacuhle city familiM are aow ready for tiist ciaaa Owia. Nuiaaa, Cbeaibannataa, Waitiaaaaa, ha. Apply al No. !?. (I'and at, wi h refe-eocoa. "pRENCH TEACHER .A y...ntg Man, B-ird t>g - hr> where a* aa* a d 'o tha leetractlaa jf b!a I laaafaa Addraai U LE. Tr.buneOffiea _ (»OV KKN E.v» WaNTEO. To ifi-troct 1* tlres litil* O.rle 'o tha u»u*J Engiiah aoareae and ~ 1 - l'ai:». r.«de.,-- iN.ut t-n m e* f.oBB thkB s I c.ty Ore fu.l, enaMetaal nerd B»H apply with «. ia tl.TEN, Tribuae Oftioo. INKORMaTIoN WANPED of MI- I 1 lUKLNORTON. h. w.H.Suaa» W haa kjtO kaaj| ',' r" "1" A,*D* Pb «fhoui4 thtaha es*a by hia hfotheto, .<. Ptn.adelii .a. WANTED.Bf*a of raapacUMllty, to ohta-a Suhifribe'B'or ..>« nmat r.>enl*r R <* ol tha Bfe ll'ricefjin Apply to U * TKRRt, N. llS j^Z aau it aecood itory. MADAME SE1BERT. of tho Frearh Larguage, and T-a. her at MadameCh***. r>. . aah Krved S-hcol, wiahaet > b.l ip «moi of aar Ukvara h. in by f'ltim. either la a privete faimlt or ta a ttahool. 51-idiaie Cbefaraj wiP k adly iive a I nr.eaaary aWha.00 8 M-.IBERT. N>. L**H BroaJwar. *>ru«r **h el jVOTICE~r7~( <fTO>N M ANVfkC- 1 1 Tl RERS -A pratt'eal CVlon Meiiafarturar, wba ha* Vet -im»d *n tha butto.<aa for th* laat rweoty yea/a, about hfteen of wbirh he ha« (*«. a ea»»io»ed in hmidtag ai.d pe'«" th* heet nillli ta New Kngland Haa haaa n th« S»>ithern S'atet 1ce or %'\ »»ar» iwupted Io tbe eame klnd of t uaiaeaa. and U nuw oeairoue ol obtaJalo*- a Btaatlaa »i Sui«rrot*».i4iit of a oie roaffrvtahte OotUMI Mai nfaclu-lpi Valabllatiuiaot. Haa no ohjeatl o to pa 8, itli < r U e«t I'm produc* ni>d»uU»4 ra!ai«n."o» aharaaaar, honrxy. akiu and abolty lx>it«r» addrtaaad to 8 IV M t.i'.he.aieol C ktaohar, Kaq.No. nPio«-al,(poat< pa.d. wlll meat with Iraraaduca atfent'.oo PARTNER WANTED- Who htw^i idki d #aUan at cmimand-aay BWO to #!,¦»«. w' o wnald >>e « illiiig to engige ta a r.ew, htghly rewpectabla < '1 --fuanr h latreaa. whtc'i w'll with nn .<-rata eltortA elear over BVoa par aamai ttwtll ba 4aalaiMa «o t-aral a tew ..t . n ihe y, »/ Addit-aa. pa.d Ittieia, WILBERe H'Kl B, Tfhane Ofrica hJKRVANis WANTED-At WATrs' 1^ ., No. MOOraagVak, n-BrR.>wei», Oaakm Oirla farboaaawoik araaklaaaadIraalag ha N R. BupUyer* eaa alwaji tatbfal aod e.mipeuut doniMtic aatvaataal tbtiofflee ITUAT1UN8 WaN *.%*> _ uh.e fkailhaa. fkaa vge oi.n'wi of ct of boah .eTea laJao, of Womao w tb InraiiU. at 'ow vajaj ApptV BBCV 0 to hr rradeat tha Offaaof ih«roi,i!inan aare of flaii- aratka, la the Park rfEACHER..WBBt«d inunetlUtHly, to Jl a iun.1 Semluary, a Tea< lier, lady or geotUraan. oorrt. prt> t,tt. . aHaip and inottier br«achea Applt- eaatl arttl lavefme by itttiur at ooce what tbey oaa t*e«h, llieirtenita and thelr referencei Ref«reay»a glvaatara- turn AddinaN K R Oiit,-* »f The T.lbana 1M) LNIVKRSITIK.s .r CULLEUIB. .A UeotleniBB. a aeholar of a dlatlDgulalMd t'olrerattf of .. 1. any who baa oiade educatioa bli etudy, aad haa Bern 'or yeara Profeaior 10 Belituai aad Frauos, wnald llka u> emer fnto aa arrangenieol wttb aoi UadvaaaaBj or OoJ- laga f»r the teacbtngof aaolent aad tuodera laogoaapM. inath* Maa ;.a, hnUri, eto , ato He aaaapj htghly -mn kddraai B<a '< I' «' '' " New-Yark X) PARENTfl BDd :H« h )LS. a U- Jp, evpet'eiu-ed :n tea.liit.t. a-d ompeteot to laetroel la ail tha Jie q' %nd ornamental braai'beao'a 'horoiigh Ena- Hak idamhta (Muatceatept-d) wdinth* l.atta. Pranaa, Bramili ard Serinan aniuaicw. la pr»parrd bt foroi an aa« g*«einrii' el.b»r aa Tea. hrr .11 a t"ap«"Ua'>le «"u»>l, or a eaa ia a pr 1 ite :emilv TIih a>aat aatltfa«:t;>ry refa . aahaaiBaa Add--.. ED1 CATIOM. Bo» No. I.bll Pail (tl .*, tity o' New lork._ rfiO ATTORNEYS..Tha lerricei otnm j »,:d aampaaaal ¦ariaaaat, **+&£" .p-'lab.eataii.h'i a Phlladalpbia well vara-d la ail IBa ..ey..- i.«. aaaiehtoaol ttUaa, aU, e«,Jjjafc, n- d b| an Bttorn.y af fa'r raal ea'at" p-actloe, by -aa- ii t Ime, ibta day Of to motrow, (Sattiday, Sapt. ll|tO Al.l'IIA, atth:« 'l:e.l' lia wlll wunn th< OMTC nnageii'.eoi of Jwal>ove braacb. Satulactoiy Rajkjp ence. ^^^^ XT S. SCHOOL A(iENCY-By E. H. aWILOOX, No .Nj Htoadwav -Conataat oegotla- th.r « and *Dg»*eiii*nta hj the b-at l.n'ilutl..aa. Pamiliea, len Io ra ano Matrona tluouihout the I'n'on One per .:eBl. in adyanee cancela advaace «\peoa»a aad prnaurei tba ia- ,, iired n mpenaatlon kk>b m poaaihla Becured by a traaa» (erxtile Cheok, which ti good foi ail educatlonaJ ordara, Catak -.'... and Ciieulari fisa. WANTED.A PaWtfMP, wHi fii.OOfj . ..h S| Ital, in a walheatabliihed Mtnnfactnriaf Baataaaa la thiaBtty Tbe h.ialnaaa lt a a>Jk and rMtniaoeat n . wi'h a I}' A fjonaaotlim. and Ii ^apabla »' 'Ing Im aa* ilia'rly aad prrfifably eiteoded If the add tional aapabHOM baohtaiaad T>» preient parttei (iwo uien uoder XI yeara ofagel haaa been la bumneii ita »ean, and heva ac.'omii- Utrd 11 apital of tM.o 11 'Ihla addl'lonal amn woold ana- In n rni t.. inmri*. t/i, m pro ila *>ea< >y Tha partner may be eitharaciive or illeuf. aa prefe'rad A lar«er au» ><int 0 ild b. rnipli j-.t k¦;' BO* with tha aaina pr»></rti<>fiu'e ad* Adiireat, with rea.naaie, tfAKl.TY, at haotfioaof WANTED.A Porter in ¦ 3tor«s Io take ebarge of rreeuta and dnlivarlas, keeplabor a< ounti, u,ind»ho baa lta.1 ao'ne ik.'l aa a coopar. A nar. preVrrod; aad beit City relareacaa ratpihad.. fafMiaaj ihisofflce. WXNTED. A Partnt-r. with «500 or $1 H0. t<>;.,iritha Ad»e>tl»er,wb .f.ool .o.i.niaac- gaBtapla n » mb,o4 vhtak im aaa a Uaaaaadk knowi. » :t. :ti ex'.eaiiva ac'i laiatitue. AddieaaC. 1.. 1 Trtbaaa ortice. ANTED.A man of fjnntfffl addrtooj io patl baae a Hdbt hudneaa whltb will pay froia tl -.' pOI d«y or inlght do as well 'n the aaeolng and aariak \\ oul.l he loitah 1 f.rtn ,...'<'.... ¦" >i. ,1 Taai-ltar. IIOB will ha re.,ioied. AddreaaX Y. /., Tili uia OrBca WANTED.--Ail IH'ivii AtaMlaCBI H"/ l>i to If yeara ol age, wh< baa bad ao na Birerieacp attarataa bwj applt ly to CIIAIN u. BRIMK. ERHorr, No 12i Fuitonat. WANTED.In i prifato t'umily, nn in- telltgent well bnd Boy, 'oot c lored.) aa Waltar. Apply to No ." Weat I th at \l/rANTED.A gotul lecood-baaf] Hy- Y » d aii.c Pieaa, larga ¦>/*. In ,u ta of (JtlARI.Ef iSHIKl.DB aomarof Platt and fJaJaVaaa I w>| I| | -WANTED, «PA RTN ER W I a*»" '" "e with >>if a'e>vrtai>i'MinC to enaa e wllh alyertti r, who baa tbe hke atnoiot ia a »er> proOtabla. parfkaUjf ia'e aad aannaaaaf man .iwi'iri/.g biuineaa that . ill real'le a haiidioma Im 9M atOiaaaa or waieb will ba gj rnupoo aa Addraai 4, V, Tnbuaa Udka, w.'h naina, he. vv Coel anf> fonno F^or.ND.A Pockol fJo-.k inntiinlng n.'.ner 1 he 'i»t>i wlll pleaaa apll fo- rl at tbe offiaa rl DELO8 BEAULK, Attoraej xd Cooaaelkir, No. 71 Rrt-a<lway A (Tljunat foi OneinreB BXtn. RABE CIIkN'f.E..Tfi«h.iii of Mfj of tba moat pop ,1s/ Weakiy rspenpoWulad >a Naw> 1 rfc, f,raa>, coaiiatiaa" of right v> pahiiah (ypeaad alf rM,uired ia a piialiug otliaa of anewaiaMf*r ''*¦ <,uirao< " a BR1 fyVfi, No. I'l Be» «rn»o it No*S Cliotoo Coort. KL'ti STORE for SaLE. * firnt-clMt Orui 8tore, la oae of tha Baat thorua«Bfsraa la ft/Va aui lt will 6a aold ebeao to s eaaii cuatuuiar. laajeira aO .No .-- 1 aaalat., cortiri of Ha". J.VXPRE^S ROUTI fcr BMM..A J wll ettahmbed New York and Rrrvtklya Kipreaa .ir :.' i«!« Tbe pr»pn»tor havvng other buflnaaa to oc- eupy bn iltentloa >MI f"i aale h'a eiUbliihiuaat, wllh tba ao'oa .' oaai.i of the r/.oaero To aaaadfa, ealarpiiataf n an wtib a imail capiul, a ra.e opvortualty for s good Uk- .eftmeat lacfertd loqilre st No b'l MsiaVa laaa. f,V»R ^\LK.AUroeorr, EloorandFofKl M. 0' 11. aa v*A a ataid sa eter Hered. Tba oarner wUl *- I eaa at boti Rtorss aeparale, If re.iuired Ct"W By tba a t raa of aoatom, a. d ia a U;ge plare. Tarma anoda. aad at tai. n oat in grocarieev Aadreaa thie .tbe*, 0 OT, ti..i we«k. bVasun tar aaiiing oat, IU baaltb. rpO PRINTERS.-A Piintii^ Offica, JL H w :t. full epeiatloo tud doiog apppi bo.laaae, \M OapaJ for Baia low. aa tn« >*n>t 11 shout eapagtag ta othac h'.aiaeii. A part of tha p ir< haan ruooay eaa r««nala aa 1. *e Ad<ti»ia PR1N1EB. tr.Uotlica. rrH> DhKUilsTS..On- of tho Um lo- JL caf-d Retali O.-jg Btorai ia to:i dty for asia. la'ioirO at No. 1.7 Boweiy IX) PUYMriANS^A R«r« Chanco.. A Phyaetaa would aell hla alaca aad praaalew Tha p.ace wtiiiiol about iweivaaaraaofguod Laad, wltb twa aa 1II1 uaei tberaoa. «vo ba/oi aod othar aporop^ata oi.tbBl.dingi; iba praetiaa aiod and without eouipautloo. lr.-,i...-aof Mr ("»P.NT Ni) fVo 11 H.rorer placa, Brooklya, and of HENRY MILLE&. fany uaiur, Boulh Farry. Btuoklyo. tm I^O HARDWARE 3IERCHANTS Ia NEU-VOXK BO8T0N, *«-A Haidwaaidaalafla a eiry la OanarfB Vv'eat, wlahaa to ina«e aa arraa/eaiaat |aj aartMrorotbenrlaa) wltb .«.'«'.-'¦ tafiaThW a ragoia/ aopply of Aa>arvaa Hardaara aaaxaai taraof J. 8 Ryaa, Toroato. C JBV __ k WIU 1 - a (JOOD OPPORTUNITY ft ~\ t\ 1, cim ooVi farat .**>*...*.... ¦?..?!? :...-.' ..'.apltal A **.' ¦"»''^'>*d ti'iU-yg » iiai«. With B ¦.. .. iaia . a plaaaaai piaoe, x .¦> Addrel raadaaca.



Transcript of New-York Tribune #3558 (11 September 1852)


llcligicno Xotirf*.

?.* iH^', M PraaaaaM ».» ».» VV" ,At» H »<»»..i ... . y

SSSM." ,,;^*rr ?m.«;.¦ %*&

- s k*.« ».' '..*.-" .'

..v j l

» «V»-Ml £*.«. rraach »« ".' M,Ji>M*IUlO«'. »» "? .- aaai .»'.> "

'* ''.,1 h. or*wl

IV n»rf»i«i'- "mSMmiSEmm "", "VV,, ... kk». K«. l»<i «' ..». rJ j .,.!,.. k. I' M.«'"<HAVM ., '., ?« wh, » "?U-"-"">'-.»¦ '"*, mn,r.-> » r >¦ .> "


'. ,,a\>fluil*i< mlll "I

I N,nii.i>< (^HjOTiS ro M.-.ii: >\

,WTWVl"llr...ll'.-'¦IT- .*«».<¦« I ";'"rr. ? Mi.ll»l.. IV'..M-,.t.wi

... ;« .' *

rr.iWN aobact-Prraaot Pi, B, . i»«**

¦ v: :j - - uiiiS-^*-1,,, -v *'.',., m.', txt*<.«u A.euui

w . R.mM(Har,:i I!" C IIMNGi ...;...' »..." Btb»ch«u,c

irHer*,* ltfl«imr.l Pmtot*rlM Mi 1*1

v. rt.« "

ti th» »««"'~» n tW r»Wt« Bi» rtttad. bWafioe.

ycutual Notum*jr tliBrml t'oiiimllirr nf Ivrntorrnllr Whl»....< <;«ii \ .' iitt*«wiilb»h«J^,,".,. H -. .ATUaDAY EVBNINi

^^ V R V>1 i BROOKS, Cbtumaa.¦ l Pl t'l>. ) <-,-I»'«ri<>l.jtw kMH, <'^If "

lir'Willcr^-I" Dl MOCEATIC W IKi OtNKRA» »nv l!.---r. I'^tt.'

'w>.»<-<t n .''" hoH Pl,""<r7 Bhlkx««-« T»UB>I>A\ 11;ri<:< .*.? .'( ' ¦c-.i'.rr. m«,itk»»rpr«J^« M-* :rrt or »t iuch j>!»cm M tfta r

*Y'. . n,.., ie .r^'i-«'>-d!.'.iive mt'oeof t»i,. t . .. pr«rt1caM«. i- ttmtt of liwpoetur

JT^,. .. (,. k,i s tbe I w(toa,ta ttroWhij d«ilL**r». f h, euy, >¦. d th« A'h-ic K ;n m tra« la r-M ..teotion tbereto. Md ta thlj notlc*. io tttaiw : »1 c.'.au r» r

T..^r-.. -.. :',' pol J to b»op-n fror» . klM . «_«.,5: r « «-.1 i onnmitwi »'*> r«neiff.i. wher« praotlcao «

to«-.rt :t»* .# tha ',...-, ct ,n :u:'..irre»p«ct,.w%. . ¦, .. . ifiiM; aad alao, if prsc

IMtUr- .« »J r<""l . ?oU cle,k w lMP » u11' cf ltle naiue

T.kBTSAjweh »l**t]oi)»tba fcilywu-g tick^t* to Hs ohovnM-Tvuirumi id eacti ^Vard, 0(i« to »frvd M DCLI

ViTt, lb» ft»e> M Ai 11 n> »tk »t tiifl >ut« l iioveutioa l.

¦tbcU U siu'me ..!) u,f »'W iaat. t«ee«t in th«ln acd lid Watct. cvinpiuini liie firtl Aims.ii1>; Dii

trctIU4 u>4 Vith compiitiDg the ?o»ond Ai ambia I) »tri»lTUhk u.d XlXui, cotups^ir^ "Jio leuUi Asiemlji> U.i

kMXVItband \.\i.i, e</iiiprii;o| tb« Fourteent.'i AMein'ji;

pMbtat.Kku of Wtrdi ihsli eb<><»e five Ueli-g-ilei t'> rn«r

ki A««nblj Uu:nct Ci>Dv»Dt;oD, tue Coavaon n t c'.

M> to *' r>»

Jkja*.Three DrJfil'tt To . "MiK'Rtnv CfcVacmiitir/ May.T and Oorara r t tha AJaa-Hoaia.

Sid-- Ki\e D»i»g*»e» to ¦ "Ctsilf CONTBHl1111,111 u ; IberiD, C-<ji tj Ctark aad fonr Coroaafa.«.. Kne Drlriitu to t ¦.('; v (' ¦%¦ k m..s tor BOnal

.JdMt ^i.Ui> ier, C unicl to ibe C"rp>>ranoo. Citj lat^rckvr Stiaat Cotija.;-».uLt:. and (. ou.iiiixiduei of lUpauiauc.upplir*.Ttu.Tl'rae Del«?(t»>ei toa »JroiClALCoRVtim »¦" 11

aoaoiuatiLft a ludge ..i ih- Baprao - Cuurt. af t:ia Supari.C< atl aa4ikraa iiauaat »f the ktari ¦ Court.

|.- i,.| to COMSataHOIIAL Cokvkrtiom M foihjajai

.1(1 Diitrict. wmpin: | the iit, lid, ll.'d, \ th aorj\ lllth v^ *rfi, I n Palaiataa m hiih nubict, compniiuK ili>- 1 . th, \'lth. Xthaod XIVU

WaMh. tne l»^ir*bir« racti. aud th-y Io cbuuxaone Dole^attat larie ixjOD-pruceertliis t > BOUliaataMb Oiatiict. coanpnm f tli. \ Itii a-id XII Ith Wtirda and

u !¦ iani»?' ;Kti >ii ITata|alaa aa b »i.d tkaj t.iib'x^s uoe

Dr.r(ilr at laiBt- brforr pianiadlal^lttO'.tll'l r.rnp'Hii:- tlm XIlli, XVih aud XV1IU

\\ a'da, firr De'eaatri . a*-bliii li'^inet. comp Uu>g tbe IXih, XVIth aud X\tf

W|.(l,l ... [>r ItgatM flich.eib lintrtct, oonpnatba tbe Xlhh, X\ lllth and XI\th

Waioa. h\e Da'aaaiai*tt,- \ 0 mau .«.. of tle^en nistn^en to nomtnate

MiMBiK oi A»»i mbi r.amoafi t-'i tha vv»rdi ooaapriawilU iit Hd, XtliaadXJVta Amoui'i.t Dtatrteta, each a

. l.uli wtli'chiiuw ».\e Delf#a>» to inwl lu Alwnihly UH

biM Coi.veLti.>o--.l.e l oiu>nl'on :o chinKd a U»legdta a

Laiif. btf< to afoaatdlaa to no tbe VII Ith and iXtli v^a'H. t-i«n wlil h« oh'jaan. ii

aadiuou le iba foreioloiu liva Uale«atai framaaob Aa-dtiav«l lu Jlki u ? .> l NVI N '>s foi liie pmto»aJu»tlc«o»tbr IMrrirt Court, tn th* Cftj ofHaaj-TartIm tballld .lunicitl IHatnttMb.A Chiuhh OwMMITTEI nf lucb numbur aa thi

1\atd C BBllttM ahall daa*|B«la, 10 pomtnala AaiUUnt AI.Vuuai. A»w»«,r, lUimtatlo, S. h hjI OBOOBI aod ImpaoUintil »..r>>. <

iimi asi> placi k'B conTiim aa me«t.Trw»^.. r»l c.c.u»i.nii. na »ud Couiiuiitrfi wtll n>«ft at J\

BTltiik r M at 'l" f" l"*t> *'". «""»"<i l'! IIhr i n.n im aa io.- chonati l>- ¦« RA^l ~r

taPiMaa, ihc i7ikioat. aafottowi:UrhimAv. at Joh* WOOaVttTi, RO. V

Dotob M ,. ¦

Tb« Second AB»fni>>ij Diaulct at h .oteuce llotel, coroeiCl Kioatiwaj »QQ W aiaer sttba Taaii .Vaadnalj Uutilct at O P. t'veni, Id-M

aK.\«)iii> >t ,andTLe ^wMl.^M1 AaifiuM; Iiujtr.ct at DeUuei Aawmbl

Ro. n^ 2°lh-«i and Bili avThr U.v.ikM iv CoMVBMTIOM, OI Mondaf, Sept. 77, a

Ibr Bt advai Ho*aaUeiMMi i n s,on Taeaday, Sept. 23, at th

Bnaawa* Hotiactbe l it% CONVBRTIOM, on \\ edueadBJ, Sept a*V at .th

Br. ao»«v IIkubb.Xt>- R v. N-i Mii n, onTburaday, Sapt 30,»tth

Btoac.v. ¦) ttooie_

Tha ConoaaaaiOMAJ Coi «1 n-. ou TlurKiiy, 8«pi80. at lolU'wi.thbd Ditrtct- AtthaOitui ilouac, Cliatnbera-it, cornt

Waat Btoa/iway .

Pounh Piitnct.Floietioa Hotal. (Lovejsy'a.) BrodJuByBoii rt V a k. i-at

Kit.h lu. ti.t No 1'.'" H'->" Brondway.ftuth Pittnet.Henry tlay honw.tiinlh iv.t.tct. l>riii:c'i A»aeui!'ly UcmB, iJSth tt ,oor

aar of Hib avKl|th ii P'ltrict. Irdu, 41th at, eornrr f' ibar.Tha Ambmblv Comiimn on Mo*day, Oct. S, att*i<

i»«(-fi .. \\ » d htainnrTTn or iuch <>ther piacra aa tii<w\ ard C. m BtCaa >uay onijinata, ai.d tha Conveutioai »

tbf nw t>tn>. at thr plao-i UOiafcll r.o»i)(jatr<l tor tli«fccatiip ^i i. i.m attoaa toehoi .* DaPBgaaaalo s»raca»«Tfcr t i;..m ulv>: ,at »u. Ii liinoai)dpl«c« aa Uu

¦anattaa M'aM Coauaittaaa imvom*.Tt* ji».ur»' roNVBHTleat lor Ihe \Hltli and IXt'

Warda, io lbui»o>iy aaaahiR, Sept. 2i> at ibe Adna'.'.ooo-nar of lUtaaon and Barrow tta

ire rstpactfj.'lv ra-^uaat tbi'"Mj IlaiLuiJ VVlUiaBaabauah u. rie.t au Uoioaateau

-. lion, a» at»'V«, w^th ibe Uel^aatw ol IbiVlltkaJklXiUUiWaida »)..-;¦!JJil i«V MaoMMlM

Qr a, olt l.ite GMkH AaBtX'lttrlon. BK \1TtTY IxiNii Rol.l, -A l('.t:'«ni»l,u bara twi'.» ann

U l.\HH.«> SCOTT, bi wai, are -"

BitoaJ B»a/t n.' of tl.pir Aaaociati'n at i',>j»:.t..i HallRa <¦* Ku*dw«y, N V. lllla (aaivdayj EV£NI.V«\ at

eh. Tha Aaaiaataan of tbe Baitj* ¦v . revt Kai v L«t noi' UiiS

Binioryttil rVaa vktory fada ha: atd ln arcirlon aoc thaiI > foi Sl UTT, U.B Soliilri'l M<*i >t K\ rd^r of

v\M. H BKiAVNE, PraaidetitBwi Mi Doa lacrataiia*

IV ^iiitirnilli Wkril. T»>- ' owini praamMeand>¦ wara abaaiiaoa»ly aaaBMl ai a Spenai Me*)iiu(>iK>cr»tir W'hit VVa:d Comml'te* of the \l\.h

^»>a ri^Wna Tbnradav av»ui»t. at th'lr H»»d .» lara,' MB .rraora>»Dti for tbe Prlmary Eioottaa to ba tieid

h>a«11 ' . w»'ha'a»«t:«'BCtlin bat hoen t«proa««d Bt tha

1 ..- f an bara heen cou-

'"VT? .'" >***.» .<" ru to make tha Primaryr libaheMoataa] .. ¦¦ a faii and hooeat e\-

I i. ol tha -Vari aodlhat »e v. .oppM«ailH1aeoL,vI4,.if aj] a; d aoy altampt

. or to prooure peraoniU keip tht W '.| votcia fIOei ( M m.A [ofti )0.

W C ¦¦¦: T. S-a«tirj. -mutrn

IV >»mh Ward Trrnpfr»arf. VllloBrr-IN'TWar* r.n.ri.ane* A!'.-.

i ,¦ .,-¦ | l ,_...: .,ao»,tat.r«..f thraoDal*-¦arai m« hiWlinn D'-'ict u, tb, Wa/d. »B* baM 00k) BTeBUfc 8aM Mt tl.-|kJM,,Jf Ml Ir.P,«.M BarMai .t . ha,, «, ra<^^^ t^,^ fw.Ln:»ri «rie uPBniraoualy ooaulsat'd

PorMeu,!* o' A», >ly.tHARLEB. C LEIORParAjBtaaaaa,AJdawiaat-H»".SRt t)( «<)iiI ttaaasai.lir>RY \o r^¦^"'-.r' ' ^"^^rtUfawrofthaKiBopl^.lTe.i.ierat.e,,*!...*..') a«d aRatoroi inour Ctty

".*".".»» *>. 'ba pu/poae of raanoiid>o« k iba aSova n miaau,^ |mn| d.Btio.uiah.d HaihraWui addWt^ 1.1m^t JKUKMI.IIUKRTKU, ihnb, «uu».T "Zt'ALK.HH) BIII'IH. CbnofNaounrtiMOaaa^_Ew»4BD V\uk»»,Se« whiaa> A;iratJava :-cVmpaTon sonoTopja w»P«*l aa* agjaj by Kraa»r and MiiBin* Puabjt>adp!SL'£bj. E. CUJdBS,4No.^OiaadSr"....ti.Wlj*), arlaaiitariJkila.

Cpecial Notices.tVVvrc Hpwch.-Y*-:'* lUll.e- n*M ' Chrytt'eand

|>riai>ry-*t* A tni-rinf will bo held TO MORROW AP-THIMH'N, .bi" l^htnat., sl 1 o*clo.k, wben . Lecture¦111 bs drl'xrT.I. followed by a I>»h<ife, fr»- to *!', e*i»|..»;.rr al<awed fi'ti'D m1nnt«-i Tho pa(tUc are re*?ect-lullv lnvltrd U> allnd and take part ia the d-

|-y Ae»ni Intlon of Kxrtniit rir»*mril..-TheBttaibmol tlnn Aneocmtinn will p.'-aiie aaaemblH at rir»-

bu'iHaJI,on RUNDAY APTKRNOON I2t*taat,al!.,,', !.h» ittand tha fui-ra! ofiM s\yiM |; U \HNKI! P. W. ENOB, fWrfty v\ Wmblei Rm Baeratar*.


<#¦ Thr >ortl. «Mirriiuii IMinlnnx, M. J.-A.*>tir»«of DiXtritiHl'uie* w;.l be aivan at tbi*ln*alto.I. i.. «.iiin.rreii.goHthe !. RST SlNflA Y in Ai^utprox,u.d aoatiaalj y "icli aucwawivn Sonday dunn* tbe .uiumer

^KKM.KV.R.P^y.W.M.CiUNN.NQ^dC A DaN'A bavt .-. h engaaed u» five at leaat one lecture,f Ihr c<inae, ard etAaM IriCDd* of UtOCiktibD bj*j ba u-aairt <1 t<> c p-rnte.


rP Hplrli muwAfft*ttm*m.-Mn. A. L FISH. of.h. r'"X fainih "I Roabaatar. nuw realde* »t No 7 \V eftMh at (nr»-i;t(i-»v ) Neav Yer». and eroller*oppTtonltle*for luaaatigaliaf th* phenniiiena ol Bpiri'oalMrn toaandid'nflutrpra Howt for I'rivate Parti*-* from I" A. M to P MK.>r BtiacallanaoBa ca'l* horn S to r> P M and from 7 to 9taoalafl No ooe receivcd cn datuiday or Snocaj. Tsrm*>D \u\\U,TJ.

P7I In-ra nre formlna: nt K. II. Wllrav'aH Bcbool Air»nr». No M Bioadway. fof rba beaefi! "f

|*di< li d -i .¦.!.. fi. Maati-r* and M:w«, and aij whi .¦«'.!t>> drwitrw pi'itum ut tl.e <-n»uin* »«wud. toridyand im-Htmn Wl Tbe laawi will b* cotiducted by the rn .*» pep>¦lai ard tfAcleat wtrfeABon ar.d teaehere, and every'bina:w.ll be don* <o r»ndi»r tnf:,i ch^B,1. af'ructi'e and 'inii:erj:-

ly ineful. Trrm«, ir ade kaowi on appiica'Jcn.J flope'ft Kxpr«M-Vla CKNTRAI, RAILRUAS

¦r NCW-JERJCY Twicediiiy from New-Yor* Ia Ka».-,« Pa. Le»viniat8 o'eloca A. M. apj < dMm! P .**«M N» V4 UroMway, New-Yorh^_(7- >rvfY«rh Htme Tempfrnnre AlhHo»-e.O^.i ¦ lo Um cootmuanrtiof the Chi.1 raal Rache«or.«Bd

ra tbe eeeumroeedauoa .,! IHania in diffarent pj*:¦<.«-, the ni«i*'.n« of tln» Alluuci CtUedfol Whl'S^S-DAY. tbe IV.b, wiil bf he!d lo tbe Cityof tica

It iaecnieatly hoped that ev-ry Conr.ty Allinnr* will be«i'rtatTii»>d by ii» appropnav num^er ol De^dnfra, andInal »t th»- Mati MrHiuifa. of the afternoon i-mi)^l. intwi'r.nii all T'irip. riin-« oraaniiaticti ^ofl IomI Al-.1aoce» will be preaent. By ofrt«r.»>pt :». '.^ii J. J. CHAMBERi CnrT»-«r''r''''rl« S*-'J

Ok** %r<(rrnrtiin KamlvHl.- Tbe AaanaJ PabtliU'.min of th<- An.erican Wg^tarmo Society w<l/ b« » .>Uka Cbineae A»»enibly Rou:o» WVHn«»day, S»pt. >, «t >.

f M., wltli u>UKir.. fentiinvcia and ulrtraatt. io wlnch botbuni.j and B.llain. wiii parljLip.ito Tickati *'. m.w

raady «t Ko»>r« .\. Wella'a, No. 131 Num'i-i<. TMawat>Itifol tbe 8oclty will take piaceat Cllriton i"A M

OT tlr«. K. I'rnrNon i\- Noir» lrn|irovr<l Collro*r- M 'u ti-itcrt at d appuv. . Ura I! Iwtiiw'No ^'..'i Blferkern', alao 'f»titi»» '. \\> ar? mucti pi-- »«lwitli ynnr Improvrd CoffiM nnd I wi«h you to fnd nin <.n«

¦oUvlWWtk, narn* ». Ia*:. Ifot ksriag tUM t «-id to y.iir'. v« t.' ibm nini p" bwi d knm ooll e tn tbi« MigoDor.

li (1 altiioogh I pa'd I Oriltl p»-r ponod ¦ >re :han y-iI j t «l BOt dnrik

U" Mn.TEAMDN'd IMPROVED COFrEEwM oi.iyat No 17R Bo*try B^at ounlirv .lava \: p<r ponnd. Vx-'ra Imm Vourg Hyaori ar:d (Jld Hyaon Tca «.Itlea «Jf.ioi i at >'. and 8" c: Pur^ En«l -ri Breaafd*' ..» RJai,<1 tc ('rdi-is m,r c'ual'y ar d fMihtuily executed by

K Pi AKSON 4 SONS, No l7-*Bj»»-ry H%m IN. B.. < Jur All>ar;y Atency i* at No W W at'iington-tt.aV I'niia liiftn,i"N» BlMll Botf. Aiaort-

uc iuatiuisciu.-.>. patmttd 1849, ».¦. »uipi*i»fl.r »,-.y f ii i > or fcaaatj of ec) >«jf darabi'ity. Thi» Oreeu In con' dct,t!j imooubMSjAoI M«iali/i;-s '

. i<rtie.ionc'!rot,d lo Itj u>

| U"i..n b i.vca, wmll haagiiia, Ac^, for whlch p ir» «» U ii :-, adupted. Mir^ifu.¦¦.¦-.<\ aud aold.« THK«) KHwAJLTZ, No H Jajobat. 'Swvrp.)ITF* Knibiilrnrtil ol llii'nnn llodlrn. -Or PI-

I.-Ai K ai d biH i.artn^r, Dl NICOLAI bmvo Ukw tbabjflicc a: W. .11. Kayinond & Co.'a MHaJMc Kiri»l-C»«»

curtway, N*"-»"ora. nrh^rn lalorno.t ai, \,t- ol.tBli.^d i.'i ut lbt;r proceft auil char^ei Per-«.ir-a frotn a dlatarre nqaMog thoir MrrtoM may apply byu -naph. and Iheir aomniooi will b« promptly attmidnd to

rV VtlliiKr I.oim ;uid l oimrry ^imi|». I.KN\ EKNl IN

. i i -¦ lui >-, «reIthal e tract, oc< Mpvun

¦-. tween .Mouir \ moar

j'« Pur-D ol W \ MN'S i. IIIN'F.

N ! BNailcCa Tha adjoara*d] Annual M«»tint of tbe

A o , ii « ^ Land C mpar.y. will be held at 'be Pavilllon Hotal,II ili«(i:vof BisUin.or \\ KI1N KSH A 1 ^-i" l>, 1293 Bl

», f. M. s. M PLEETWOOO, aWaaary,No t" N»..«¦. at.

SLmnecuuntfl.\1 ETROPOL1TAN HAL.L..[f I TBIROUKANOC INCERT.MaDAKE Milti-h II A AI.RONI "tpectfuiiy auo^Jucna lo U-e .MuaicalPui iic of Nt»-Y. .¦,. t*-»> haf

TMIRD ORitfO CONCERTki.i latr t>;

TU E8 DA1 EVCNiNO, «"pt 11 IMaJCi, whlch ».¦' b tha will praaaal a ttw I'iO|:[iu,lii<.

MallAMMi AMidM wiil Beaaalftrd b*IIUNUR ItoVKRf,,


Aud a l*all Urchfitra.

T'ok't*.One Dollaf.r ». ;\"d bVsia.Twi- I) Jara

OT T.ikfU for Arwvrd Hi-a(». (1'r'c^ Two I) >llart,) cani^ at .',: . Hi ¦¦< >MuluM 1ALL, U «UN,v o .' I 1'if'iii) e '.»' ol Parkplace.To all ctr.t-r {ar» f to* H aaa, n»c D. :iai, f»r wbvh

¦'., tj Lp had oi sAMLK'j CIOLLIE, No ID-'ii optc at t'| oaijaB; Coamj to cooioe&aa at S


POS'I I'ONKMKN'r . SONTAG SK-I REltADI l - .¦ .i I *d" to ba iiifi ia Ma-

i I\ n Muaical 1 aa<:»-dl> erl rT'Tt tri MlUlarj §tmi$ willha poitpri'rd tioin thla (RiWavl e\oilnj t.i Ml>N!>\YKVlNiN(i, BaMaaabat 19, at II oVI.vk P. M , tha Coovnlttto aot aaaBuBg It aoaau Ia coaoq.aca

r i»r Bl t-ra>'p ot last alfbt to duturb lh« raat of MadarnnHoBtaa aa two co m nt**a araalafi Tbe (irand 8-renaded il.r A »! K lh alat] w!i take c'a:e oo MoLday aveuiug,»t;« 15, a: |1 &-cio> * P M


i"H!« c Bcmirr, lietattii.

i>Jr. . UiJ'CAL ANWOUNCEMEN V..1"J ULLI CAMILLE RBO, JavaalU Vloliaaat, aaadII }aaia,ol ibaJfaatcaJ Coaaai atoryol l'an». dauih:«r o'SaKator I'rao Pru'raaor of Muak'ln Paria, M:lan. \ J aodpapi] of il.e nioat diai'DiuWhrd tlollalaU ia Kurjp?, r^a,Te:t-

.iii* tbe etttxaaa or Nru Yo>k, tb»t al a » ba«tf appeatluf tatl ra tbtm ia a SERIEBof CON-

Ct-RTS. to be aivaa al Ml rRUPOLITAN UAL.L in>. h aaa wili (k ai^'-il by *'ine ol tne !>»..! nuii a! tal-aajtl of Lurope. Huvtiif had tha honor of attractln* t.'ieia\i lable notice at Ika vc:\ en lnn.t mm <l c:lir< ofPatit ai.d her pertoriiiauree hailn* brxn r-,*-. ..-d wlth theiih «t ui>boui drd tua'ka ol admlraliuu »here\-r the haa npp.arrd. ahn tii.ala «!.r atiU i.ot riaa-'poiiil tha Mu.i .. to< New-Yora Mlle L'?bb arlll anlve in a few dayain tha

I ataa mrainat.:p Boaaboadt, wlon oot.ce wul beliven of her apptaianc*.

NlttlA>8 eAKlTElN.JoaiT Suftoj*Manatet.THI» FVENINO, September H, to aosv

ai ate at 7j o'aloek wlth the Overture to».*o he (ollowad by the |>aa ra f

Tllb KNfll ANTRES3.Bfi a ...Mssa. AaaaTWUoB 9ylrla.Mr. Hu**onRaaatia.Lraea MaXKaoaataa..s;i %a".airaa.Bymaa i» ke l) Aauila_llowaidI). n lvdr t | Don Barara..Ki«ldTickau'"eentf. Dov.i opeo a: 7. Commence a:


MK 1.('(;aN-*HIH KNr.NINCJ, 8ept 11, wllJ ba Ber-rwea tbe tecaof MI>tHIMf MAKlNd

Nl bolaa Doratail 'oi n»tcn Mm« Maimette.Mra.Ber:udrBE MILLr K'S MAI1).

M; Tt. Btaaoa The Uama.Mr«. Havt: .* j Ma;\ei].ui. .Johiatoa Pl eae.H.* W«atOB

CBLOROPORM'sioeum.Mr I.otau I'ln* l'atten.. .Mri. Bercard

j\J K\\ -VOhKTHEATER-Astor-place.11 -TU'S y.\ K.MNO. S^p-eujber U, will ba pe.-(oruiadTBE BWIWOOTrACfe.N*:/ >¦ i '.cc Ba:e-r.iaAfter whlch, tmiid Uvnture ' Viuoa Cou^.e 1\.»a.To be loilowtd n ihe aavotita CoujedyTHK Wi. NU COI Pl.E

I l i;»'«»'a»i Heji:ietta....Ka^Bi:BnuB^¦o c^i.t.aoe mrh tl,» Farc . of

T'-fl.MNCi rBE TAJl

\V ALLACKS LYCEUM, Hrnadway.f -) \k \\,ii.,k L-«»»»e_j vv UtsjtK Btaaa»l»u.. «ef.-THIBL\ENI'.ii s-pl 11, w:U ba partofoiedISi.u L P.S.i; c v- » .;dafrani..La»ler John IronbraeafBE BfiARDINU >C!lu(iUCart. H wcourt.U'aJrat Mr* Oroadonap.toMajalotta wiiB RAIMNOlHi; WINO.

Jarrmy l "iddler. Mr W< Icott I'ajjj PlaicvayUoora oa*a at 7, enrtaia to d*3 at Tf.

t li li I P.S.r Cl. v» < .:d"«t'<*ani..Latter John Ironbraea.SafumfBE BfiARDINu >C!lu(>U *

Mr*. B'.ala

MuaCraoiat a.merican museu.m.jTj-l'HlN V.A8 T BARM'M. Macv-!r and Propnator.iuUN nKK.'NW'OOI), Jf. AaaUiaui *taua<0r C W.CLARXK, Dut>c«"r i( Anuaeo.eLL-Taeicn-ai fmm Dra-u.a of THE OKt'HANb DHJ/.AM, trill ba pcuducadTH>> E^ENIN'O at 7) o'eJork. ai.d alao U> ac louioaatafaaxlna, ataoclotk Tlil> Ar-1 KRNUON Ooaut.tRY>>AY from 7 A Al to I*-* P. M. Adauituoaa av taaML-BKITM aiMUcth. l^'TKRTAINMKNTA *Saeota._

UlNCis-RT..iWw-York Union Vooal-/ i»l» Will (1«a thelr h'aeoad Coarert, at tha Broadwsy

TahaaftaaJa, on MONDAY, iVpt M, MR at 8 o'elock P M ,

v»aaa the foUcwiai anlataa et jAe t aicn will apaaar Mm(J

.Jeanie ReynoWaoo Medeme 0:oTanni. Mr. L P/«. m I'rof \andtr Wejde. W. H. Marah. tha lafaalIiiumreer, foi.h *t J'«r» old.) Herr Heaa, and Mr »N Hl oi-.'c Ticket*-' ceota; to ba had attha Muaie Btoreaaad at the duer_


OP flAhKL AND DISPERAION op the raceb,eniraved by Pro»e.aor Tha'-i^r, afVr tha ca'ebrmt-d r reaco

Paintm*. by WiIIuuij Von Kaal!*ch. in tha oew Mii*-Jrnit l;-rhrj, ha*jU»t !*-en rerelved and i* for eale "y EMIL¦1 IT/. Pnnu»«i'*r. No BB Broadma^. op rtair*.

JStw Pnbiuationi.A VEAR of MU8IC for NOTHING .'.

THE Ml HCAL WORI.D and T1MES Ia poblUhedev*U Seturday. at Nj i.i' Br>adwa». New-York byOi.lYER DYERai.d KK'HARD sruRRX IVIUjIS.Tbe ot^.ct of thal wora 1* to fumiati.1 A wt-kij . ipply

of uaw ud eholce nuaie 2- A cooiplete aad unuauaJtocraeof Mur.eal Intrnction. 3 PeeWee* and traatwurtnyCriticum* ,f MoiicaJ Piecea Uorkiand Perfunnence* ; and< EntaVtataiag MajAaal r*v. m. t-fether u:Ui a cornpre-h»n*lve Synopilaof ever.f* and thina* enurral, a* tbey ahallIranaplraj all to ba furaiahtd in a r.yle of t**te ai.l Kb>laor" in harmony w:th tba *ubjeet* trea'ed of, and theefi.ed minda tboa . a ¦ *ddrea*ed.ihrMu'vul \\ ri4 df.d 71»< . furuwhr* annualty to it*

nberrlber* o»»r two huodred pa*e« of tha very beal vocaJand r.atnunertaJ Moaic, whle", at tbe mual prieea. weuli

-r %iS; and. in addltion. it efraS rver elftht hun-dredpaae* of Mu«:ralcewa eholce M «. and theaioat tnorc.iih independent and truthhil Ciuloum* uB muai-eaJ pablkaCon* and perfbn nan _. ,

¦ caical Iwut t ¦% .A eomr'-fa cifraa of M'ltleal

... Thoron.h B«j* and ('utiipn* tion Mattral Knrm.ortba Arehitectare rl Maak, at d laatiaaiaaifalli

R rany thi* ioatrnetlOB and theetndentwill beaAle tOOBfraet hi* own example* fy the nile* efjVrd-ed Ia akonttia ..¦ aanta*aj become, by thii cjurae, maa-

of the wholetnbjactof mur.cA choice eeleciU n of cew and orlflnal Charch MuBlc will

.L)f overt-d to eity *ub*criber* at *'> a year. Mall.. l»c. I ? I B» I '.¦... ;

teo <.. pie* ?.' «:. .arijer club* m the aaina propon.on, ln-¦eubla lii advai te.

,.. mt vD tiie f:c»pUccf fivecantaor

two poitair r.ari.f ».

Anj i-r«on a-Ldipatuftclub cf tea n nnbaia, iha.lre-i,»i.t one yeai (rea ol

cha/fa7,7- !*y, Eept. 1; to now la ¦.doi . be aaaad, (poat-

pairi ) to \)\*.K i WILLI9, Pub:;.!:er* of ThiH orU i-.d Nbmb, No 257 Broadaray. New-York.

AU8TRALIA.Beioga brierf Compen*dium of ibe (.eotra[ !i,cal Po*i:ion. Topofrapliy. Char-

r i. eerlptloa ot tba pnnopai River*,. Pr'nact'oi i. Cllma'e, Pitilmr Diractloaa, ..'..,wbolaAatalaf aeoniplata Hand-Book orH'ildato

tba Ot'ld I' . ded foi tbe u*e of merchant*, ahip-niaiter*. lntendrnt--irifrarit*. ar.d othera. To whlch 1* ap-paadada aataMbJa onllactton of Tabiea, c mp;l. d fr.m aa-thenflt trareaa, ah i»in» the rate of Barbor Duen, Cut-ouula;.t». P:i t ai.d'l anafa Dbbb, Pnblc OfBaara'faaa, M-eaaafe,1 ii |alatloaalbr tbaUotd ReaiooaaaaV,ate ByBei.tbnin Pabian I'rice Vi cent*. by

O.V BUOBEBACO^No J9 We«t .t, Ncw-Yark.

Al >TRA!.IA AND HER (JOLDRPOIONB.Caatatala*] a full de*cnp-ion ol toe

" i'i,'ry, cliu:at>- ard BBaiatV of tbat llland, «¦ a'l ¦*>r»i«»iy iiifoiiijttfon raaaactUaf tl.e yi- '<i of a<ld, valae of'«b. r, Ic ic ri»-i,artd t-' »rne a* a to p»ra.p.*

-. a* well aa an Interr-t'ii^ and valiabletbe xt-nc \\ 0M whu ha»«penttwj

ya ¦ tn *iR\elirg hnu;b tbat re»i >n I'.y R. U. aMF.aov,M.R.CS.E. In^ieaa-ti ba .'a.ied or. MuNllAY, Bipt.

CORN18B, LAMPORT k CO.. Publuher*,No I Park-place

ACONFIDENTIAL »HINT.".If iB BBB>ed Bl Bl 1'nfhan aliia t'ncleSam *l.ui

Yankee Doodla wlU eall aaat Moaday OMniin| at the ¦¦'<>:-.Jat (' ..K S| t, ba wttl bear of amie-Ibing very mnch to bl* adr»ntafa wblah I*, that Tht Hi Uthe only dai.'v llloatrated OBUM paper, ln tl.e uulvaiae, pneeone cent, and'aa lact.

AMIRICAN WHtG REVIEW-aM.itlily of fontira and Literat iro. Uiti,

Poiiiait* fiayear. Ciub* of len, t^?i. New vi lumai lann-a.) and Joly. CliAMFioN BISSEKL. LBO Naawu-tt^N Y.

EVERV LADY HER OWN ELOVV-RR (, tKHlNfR-Addreaa-d to the Indoatnoo*

i laal. < Dtaialna Slaapla and Praetteal DtreatJ aafjr Culiivatui Plaata aadTfloaraia In the Uaadaaj, aad mI' By l.(ui»-i Johni'in. Revi»ed fn rn the Kourtaenth

:t''ii. aoi" ad-ipte.l t.i tlie u»e of Amencau l<adiea.Beln^ No. II Saxtt n'« Hand Book ot R'iral Kcnn-'tnT. PrloaZ.cenH. C M. BAXTON,

Agrlcultural Book Publiaher, No. IM Kulton-*'.

CH>WLERfi & VVELL9, So. l ;i Xu-¦ tau «t New-York, bave all workioo



Tbe Tr*de roppl'ed at a l.>*ral di*eo-iBt,The IDoatratad fbianolofkaJ and WaterCure Almaoae,

¦, uat piibiiabad. B> ok«alle:i ara iuvitad to ex-

an.lne tbem,

M, J f>a it npara, publ.ah thi* d<yl >OlR OWN CURREBPUNDEMT." Tka Per.oial

Adventnre* of "Oi.r Own tlorrtaponaeot" in Italy Stnw-. .,.'lamp-lirner ean hnd njid W'i*r:ara wh-n

i'I-i Mea lie ia tba k'Mea; f< od Ilini.ori whiie n-.any a.-eba I Sterved a d «ood \V;ce, Iboogb t'ie King'a Sl»rl 'ia

to half rai.on*. By pticbacl 8u/ke Ilunan. L.i.j,paprr "5cent*; aaa»l SA itay, rm l:kiri da*-.- ptioi i *-y huaior.

ralaeaaaa, bwhiehtbawrftar.ajoviaJ..> i h baaa tafagad donag tba laat I .r

yeara. ltaUund* in .. *J ¦ batm fa It to raiae a

¦ »

.... , .. , . (. .

..« *r, HI -. | w* ete'caiaa

. a ¦¦ -\m f .¦ .

I -. > | '

II TBE '- ' BRA. Baiei .

a ssaiaa > Matbamattoa. <¦» ?n«d for tbe o*e of.J aaud Collagta Hj ii?:a i K'Miinn

- i. 1.. L D , Pia4aam ol Ma..ieriia-ict :n tha New-k. k Kite A, aaeioy I. in >, »heep 7i.en'*.rbalearaa -a ynoaaVTal »b>treatur*,,j, ^Kabrawlurh

corlain n Bttoia aaaaintlal to tne Matbeuiatlcian, but wbicfaihi 11' ti labl n ti.e tiaaa de*oled 10 au uu^e > a \

ii. iae of eciicaton. An eianojat-ly ex>e.tfd w.rk I areloi» !.a» beeuoeoiar.iled t.iat i all c ttta'0 tbafaqattatBa JBIaacb a eoaiaa, ard at the -«.. « tioie Ttatarialfy ii«bc«n the i*-koi ot ih< !!,»!; 61 r. aad laailltati tba proj-e** of

t votaiDM :* tlan d to :. e puMi: aa oociiitu ;aj

III. LIFEOf BVfJfBl Bl I . and Worktof-n*. Editad < Ir. foar Vo!-

ui tt. \ i !». !. II, and 111 Umo.. r < -. .« ea h.M* i »¦ . * . \w S*' '¦

i- ?. M

... Jn.- - * *


of the BkBtaaw, Reaaaaw. B o^raphy. Relin and Tratbe "li for Iraepei.drr..- By B^r.i n 1 !.oa*n« Raq.I .' BgaooWood, yl.oa*irf»r;



ebiffl* fnrni otifiaal aketrbc ^y .

:n Nuni^er*, 8.0. I'aper 2Aeaata eacQ. \ ol 1 now rcady,(plrpdidly bt-ur,d. I'nceli ¦"¦

JlsT PUBLISBED.NEW EDI-T INB Tba (. yali ;v*: *: *.-,: pAyaloal refioemeui-*

I the dooie*!:; axd a^ :*l re!ai: l, awaald S* ur.d-r«t^.d byall p«-.-fc.n», but unfoittn . » u on theee impor-tai.t »a" rlacouidoot be [ti< r>-d E\ery one mty, hjw-BW, puntaae with 1HE MARUAOE Ol'lfJE,'.> l>r. P i » b c.o(/.A.rn ^rerythmg tbat married

BD reqalra to know, phyaio'opcal aad m-di, alEvary aantianian caa alao proaara withe.ju^l coMiidenee,

the bock by the aame aathor for (entlemen, on thetj. fleraiKTLenu, and preaerTa:ion or reatoratioa of t^eiro»n tja'rni*.

Bi t:. HbBM i .*< te itnc'y moral. *c en-'.Sc pop ilar,a -i

it.knowti exeept tn medleal m"n Tbey contalnn^a:.\ I pa.n eacb, w.:h Color-»d | ia -a, and are wallocui d Price. kl eatb Thejr wiil be *eot anywbera bypcft. on r- ce:r1n* |' ard the addree*. Pubiuhed by


T W. 8TR0N0, No c<8 Na^a- .:. New-Vork.

OVE n. MARRUd'E.-Par 1. 331i aaaaa. U'o.o. Pnce*l Por »a!e by KovvLPRB A

V» ELL>, axa tbatl Ag-ncie.. N V , No 131 Nuao.aTm* Ia a heafc tbal darn u. ip-.a :..e trutn wimanaa*

dacit) ejoailedoniy by ita tenceroaa* It u dadlcaMd bythe author, Dr I-azamv

TO ALL TRIR bOYEBS.To th: modeet and the brave of aitaai aax,

VN ho belie-.e that OodRereal* to tl.e lnitinct of each hHrtTbe la*« that he deatiaea U lo ¦ -ey,

Who (ea/ not U> follow tlie o>BaT<c :lew of eharm,Uutdefy the intarfereaca o' all foreiaa powera.


Ellet. 1 »ol nI .

. | < T ¦*

. V , .

inai i.i* aad aaaaaeni, proauaeal »o-

. >. u'aa (BtHeLW t*« aiprr^at* vi *.-f.<t .J *.ot* Joa raal


«:. 'aret. Chaalea, Profaaaor Ia tne Coilege of Praaaa. 1 »W-12dm, Pn»»Bi.UAN'kVt WtBSTtR AND HII COTEMPORABltB;

or, l!»m.'.tae*nrea of Coaareaa. ilh adiUaia. By O.W.Marcb. wit_b Portialt. 1 voL I2ma.W# K»/t*l/ kaew a aawe la<i.LaL'4 bu4n-,t.1 I '" +*

i in [Buato* rra'aua*. .

CBA* RCaX«.NIJJ,««.I*»Naaa»trat

Kivmina OE KKLLUfiG.I'ufoiuners,Biack Bork Muofactarera and V* boleeole Dealeri

io B'brol sid Mu:> I'anaoin Booki aud Btanenery. Book-arllr-i at i tfe'chant. .tipohed at the lowiit ratea. No. ¦John-et, coreerof Oold-at.N T.


PBik-pUeo. Nf» >orkTHr. NAPULF.uN DTHAJTT; A HkRonrofl .

parte Famlly. By the Berkir* Men I »J Bf|wiUi 22 traperb Portra:u ln tiaL

Prirr. *. -

. . . . , , .

u ... r.-tr, t- try\ 1 .

I .-

». a I'jm.-t ¦. ....,..-.


'. 5. r-i r. H

i '»rr.... , ...,.,r ., »rJ. . - .

< .....

!'» I- . T

- » | «... :««...0\ERiNti; or. Tbe Hrr. ! Wjeherly, a" hiatorKal ro

manre Bj > :<i d Hmton, Eaj. aotbo'Fuiirar,." ie 1 vol lirao. Btualia Priee. #1.

l u.» a biak taak ». | * bj . .

i .nar.* ""II . » .! oot

. -

P. . -...* >

1*1, If c.jra.-ert air - » -

TMEHKROlNKsoFHIST' Rf 3 Maty h HnI \ol. limo Lnibelllibed with ni Ime hle. .?oiiat Portralts.Pr'ce $1 2S

. I ia», aad BhaaU ',i. a ,'. ¦

N> \ BLLITUI Of TME MUBTCIAnT B, M~>E K. F.l»tt 'yo lllaatnbad aHthi *rannoC'i atatalaf h>«hly latateatUJ icndeai and anecdotei t u*

.«..-! Priea $i SOI'AKDs COMPLETE rkaov BECKORTB.

The < alf ai rup cte Ready Reckoraer anapt^d to the wai.liFanrera, .M>-rrhin ., Mecbat I. .. Luuiber D-alBra Boat

Stock Coir.natoea, Bankera, Ac. Vc Tjcka,prr- BlL1VEB OF GKN FRANK PIEBCE, ef New-Huap-

ahiia, ai.d HON. «SI Rl Fll KIN>>, Nomlooaa of thaP rrxcra.ic l'ar'y fjr Pr-ud»nt and Viee Preilcent. Pncfl26 cttibi.

|\[EW Rud POPULAR BOOKS.IU-i.1 et'tly pub!:ihed b> J.8. BBDflELD, CUatoo Hall,Roar-Yorfc.I.-HAOaR. a R maoea f To Day. By Aii:e C»rey.*l rnII -THK MKN OFTHE TIMK. I <i

III -T1IK MA.sTf R Bl'II.IJK.R Bt l)-.y K U«.. 1 M|V..THE hMt.UT.iUlf EMULAMD, ac, Im. By


IX » A^ Al.l! Rfl f>K KNOL4ND, \e H-rbert... 1 2->,\ -LVr.A AMi orilKR I'OKMS. A.i<w> Carey.... 7'.XI l>A. B Pil<iina(te. Carolioe Cheaebro. 1 "¦



XIV.-NEN ANi) UwMKN DF THE XV lllthCENTLRY. I robj. 2 .V





Cbaaahw. I 2">XXI.- EPI80DES OF IN8ECT LIKK. SToai,omR S 00X XII. -S.iitif work rviimitHy rnlored, eaoh . 4 0\XIII.-t.IIAPMAN .-> AMKRICAN UUAHINti


dairr.I 25XX\.-rilK U'OKKS UK KIHiAlt AI.I.AN VuK.

ivoli.4 A"XXVI -TIIK NI'.I'T SIHV (iK NATI RE. I #XWII.-NAPIKR'S PEHIN8I I.AU U AR. tom-p>t».3 00


1)UBLI8HED THIS DAY.CECILIA,cr Tbe UmwIm of an ll»irei«. B; Xliao Riirney,aathor of " Kvelina." U'mo cloth 7"> centi, p»per Vcenta.Thli brilhant itory, by the author of the onlTaraally a.1-

mired " Ki^lma," will be welconied by Miai Buroey . thou-iBOd) of adinir»ri. It poaaemsi that brilliancy and p'trl'y 0

.tyle, aod that d-ep iLteoaity of tntercit k> cl.araeteriitic ofa.l h'-r productiona. aod for Iti biih nioral tooe, fine dehoa*a'.ion of character and lntnnsir ni-ri', aar.'inri tbe firtt rmkin literat'ire. Bl RCE It BROtHJER, Pub'iaherB,

No. 1 M Nimuit, New-York.

1>UHLI>HKD THIS WORNIWa..Pl re .">centi

lllE I.IH. uK HENRIKTTK RUNTAO, CcnuhM leBoaat

h oil Bllll -d with a I)»?ufrr" typ^ NkeMBl of tbe fjHBSHfantat.:c».. at.d ron'rt'n'i t. b'Hif^i a full »nd parfia t M '/>a

phy drawa froo oiliinal and aidastra wiir8sB,uil i

.id «r«| t -k u hn of bat t< i.i . ainl fhart. ri>'-, f.-. Berho',Adiiph Adotn, lutlioi of " l.e P ¦¦. isaao,)

d other proiiiicot Cotnpo<*ert and mutical erltica.b25i erlt

STRINfJf I! \ TOWNfl NO. No 222 Brosdway.N. B..Tb.i Bi.tjrapby licopyrl.hted.

RAILWAY md STEAM8HIP OUIDEh i BMtaaabar, IbMibalM .ataB'tdaaaOcldathraMh

ite loiwd Kta'»» ard Canadt. »lih Map Prtsi oaly l'> etlA..o PO( KKT M iPS, tha l oitad Htate. .a-d e»eryState ir. : e I nioo. For >al . bi

J DISTI IKF.LL, No, <; Bi >adway.The Ti.ide tupphed on libiral tarn.a.

SCHUBERTH & 00., Maolc Depoi,No aW Brosdua; N Y, laoaeat the pnrlia to i^.ipeal

loeir liirrr.^iiM ato.'k of Moiia for Volet, Placo, for ?, 4, 4,1Bar.da, for Orxart, V'uiMo, V loloneeJIo, Harp, Ureheitra, lia.,ta every Btyh), for vlrtu .* aud brdtioeri Tbe |ieate«taa>laction 1b U e ( cited bu'.-a, of f. ". ¦'"¦ Wortli »'den offi.reiic a:.* Aaaar'^aa Uaala wl'l aa at(«adad to vlth¦BjaaBJaaam


I V.S. B; J. ThorotOB Raod'.lpb.

Tl). PETERitON, No 98 Cheonot-ot.,o l'bliadelp: ta, %i In ptfi, aad will toou pusluh. a

t.i , .la.-tja d I. ^k, of BtCf tbree hundred pwa, wltktbeabcva tule at.d w n'd eain-atly acd tnjat «lacer>-lyreccmui-t c tb^ *hole*jme leaaoo lt wu: t«aoh to Um ao1) -r

aod thoujhtf il ccatiJrratioa cf every lovcr of hu oouuiryl.ii vkola coaotiy. ia lbi« hroad aad gloriodi Repub'ic.

lieai.BCt becalled a "fotnpanioa to I c.e Tom'i Cabio.'.or to "Aunt Plrllia a Cabtn," for ittakei a broader and a

Mthn EfS cd than eitber of tho«a admira'..e <*¦ rai uf »ictloa«l of fM BM tLey were wntten by ladia* of ftttm audtdi-cf.'.oo thla. bowever, l§ tbe proouetion of a j^nt'e-naonrd, wboaa Do'.le K.aayt on C « . i tbereiat've p n'.ion of the Nt :th ar.d tbe Bouth, io the totn

te cn ihe Siaverj <;>ie.i;on, fcave beea qii' >J w;.bpraiae by the aaMad P.-eai ,t th- z>., iLtry lt z\ >

< ved, tj r..t»:i. u a c.rcula'.Joa u " ( o:le Tjm'iCab:n.'

It li hljth t e | fjka J'u'. wotiid reipectfuilytu^ftt to the l'»op!a of the 'oited Statea, tha* a BookaUuld kaJM havfttf fu.- :t« a'.iu Itrat ''.I a..i latanauaipictureof tha Pecpieai They Ara.of tuBNorthara Lordaod t;i \ aaaali-of tha Sodtbr.-n Maiter and /.:. |Th- n a boca lor the VVHO..E CO MRV k.owinf

I (i ; A ayjj of ab-agrbioi iatsreat la iti Btory, atd of oaefuloea* ia iti mauylhVtlB*J »»»»» Aj lucb.the pot>ntk-r ortert tt witli ua*

tbikeneot: neViMMl cuit^mert u ta. beat.the tery beit book of ti... day.

\ k " «rr:;t'0 .p bj ac or >r. or fir ¦ par:i<--u.arxcaiun. 1: vrat .t belorett- oahrtfafbT of "/..«.< ; Wrieo M:«


attckly abapten oCToat'i Cakia, two yaa.-t M^.it axmt

foreibly occurr-d to >Ir. R*"»i; U : .t tfcm ^

rroaa rxa#/>-ratic i of fa;t, -n wbit .:. -r»:»e p-l< a very |ood i Tk - jo, no»r pr.

tte i«ad:o| p ifcMa by T B. i't r». laoM, U tiia r«iult »f a

paaibraM* i I imafM tal n.ade for .>

that tuoe. btttrae.'. a.. ...

It will be pubLihea CvMfr! ".e in a" large da>d-.rjDioof o\e: : * ai « wlth larae, fuL-pa.e.

¦t .«, 'H.'Jted - "t Rka a."t frotai iiaa. drawa bf Supb-aa, atd p

fiBeat aad l-eat of paper.PrteeI Bta work. :n pap-r cr>;-«T,

Lt liBtd*ti...irplare

camtatcr tvh ilrtU:r.

nuatpaii- So r. - a r»r»on liv.-a. they ean t-'. a


¦j, . . ..-¦ pabluher.. No.90CRaati ¦

To v. h ta a m nldia.dflar A¦ Bot,t»all«r.. aad all

rad, and my;rttea... aajBaajM :r.

\\ ANTEU.CanvBB»r» to enp«» :n t.« »»

la e»ert com.ty ia the I aj*«i ^utea.IV Editan -f nBwirpapon th-^a«boot th- .-. .tntry. oopy-

i / thr abcte <i l -«. triehnnBi tbi* »>Oc<. andcai.iiii atrmtioo to .t edit. nally, o i-n«fin« a copy of LU«r

,*p. r. marked. to tbe puk.uawr. akall ture thrt* copiej ofthe abotc vcrk atot to tbeau tha utunast M ia MasaC

frHK.MUMHRIIililAIi l ftUMANUKX of the Seaaon wul ba publuhed WEUNESDAY in

- baaacMbjl HlaaCfeAad Vaaaaaa*THE 01 ERIIaLA CMIEf; Ot, THE ROMANCEOPWA R By Capain Orant. .

ThU»plen« d woik of fi.-tion i* calcnlated to obteia a*

»;oeapepularity in ti.iaco :ntry aa It already bajKc*'aad It iaa puwerfuily and iruthfuily wiKtea Pi t are< W erj o all lu phaae*. aad ba* receivod the aa¦ dcreemett of tbe wbole Eoihab I'reee, a* a w <

ln it* compotiilon and never exrrlied in the erauriinr m-tereat whfcn it i«il»rd ;o the trnd of the reader. K.-juiaroori nbmafBBB t.ot^cea we ael-i-t the fol! iwlng

K . .,- ,a . pai, ,- a . . a va 1 . .

».. ,..,-, , I . .

T . of *V«- I . . .

. I <

I ».-¦ Itwa , e »>»r'-aJ. CrtK.Priee 88 iri -a

Al*o now readv. a N>-w E it'on,DOW JR'8 PATENT BERMON& lnirolume*. Ta-

per i'f.'.e, j- cente per volNearlyready,



Showlni the Tr e t haraeter of C <th B» Mr*. 8*r»h J.Ba - .uatrated. H I.ON'. ll BR'iTlfER, tiAanet.

TO the TI.Al»E.-l>EWlTT & DA-\ENPORT pib *b ii'' M***ri*jj popular Work*.tbay Bffat at laa »»ry lowi at ra'.i

THE PCM . «. M v\MN for MacbiaieM Machai-'c» and Eagiaaata. by Oliv.'r Byme, autli at of the .. M«chauic«' l>; tlonary." le Morocco to:ka, yr\e- *l Th:* *o kcoataina aerataJ etaal BJatea, *

baa beea deeoia« 8,000 hevior boen *old w:th;nten ii.11 ir* f.i !.; it* pu''. cationR NLETI AR1H1IX.T POR »' 'TTAOKS. ic; 2

dqaarto prtei 1 w.rk l* too W'11 k-iowna: d aaa*eeiated to [.. |ORAELEt'SuLANa * -.» RoPE lloth, l.'oio.

prue tl.THE*8WAMP BTEEDl or. T>:« Paya of Marion ae.d

h'» Metty M-n a Rerol it:o:'ary Tale of pjwerfil Inlaiaat

rBE RlfLE bUBOEBS, by Caai ItajM R< d. Piii <

58 <.¦ tlKATE PVMROBE; or, l.'fe and ita l>**en«, by M.*a

» ai«< e of Mi*a AiiH'en Ptteo 25 e»ni«.HAloR M< BARD808PB CELERRATEU NOW.LS

,< oi >T\. r. Tbe Proeeocy PiteoaWoaoAaMATILDA MONTOOMERXEi a Seiuel to Uecoueta.


ECARTP;n T . naofParla Prfee "-1 .-en»«THE HEIR3 OP DEBWEMPWATEE, by E U

Blaethat.l Pnce > ( .


(?'lic by theaame antlo ¦. Prica JSaaaU.|)J \\ IT k /'Av Ei)P"lir. Tr,buueBuildin**,Na*aau-it.

THE AMERICAN KITCHEN G\R-I'KNER.Coatainwi praoti. al d'.iection* for l*M

aation of %e«elable» ai.d naiden fiuit*. Ky T. <i. Ke**endea.Reviaed from the »'h edlilon, and adapted t.> the uaa jf(an ,'llea by a piacth-al eardenef.belng \ ol Xll SaUou*Ru JBaaia-Booka PrlaaltaaaatiA », Jnat publUhedBaXfON'S Ri'RAL HAS'D BOOKS.PlntBarlaA »! HSWTON8 RLRAL lliND BOOKS, Second Seriea

tl 25.


AS Chambermaid. fiae WiRBher nmlIroaar; aalBfaati Rntaa, *f dty ealy i aa W'aiter,

aod n- Coacl.nian I very reapeetable *eivant«ujw MaJ

Apply No 11 (i."

AS g» EIoosrmaid In ii prirati f»intly. by a re*peciab:e young VV oiuan. I* a (I'wd pla.n

C(« k and k< od W aaber and Ironer. Ilaa «o >d reference.Al« .. y a v B8g V^ ooian, a aitaatioa to take care .if cinl-

i i»*;at :a chaiubviaork. Apply at No. II Uroonie-.t, tl the mr.

AReBPRCTABLeY OONO BCOTCB t.IRLw.ii.t* a . la'-lon to do Cban lesrwoik and aewing Ca«

be a.-I, for two daya. Apply a; to. 1U l.tli at, bajtwoeo8th ai.d otb Bl «_

AWelbb *<iri. fPROtt a aitORtlon uChamtiennaid aad to do plain *ewiiij and general

Ka*aa>*a ln tne rear.

ARBBPECTABLI WiikiW liADT, vvhoI aa a liberal educallon, but wha lua unfortuaately

loat relativea and pK.periy. waot»a ai'.nalion a* tnfant oi

ahild'a ni.rae, wbale aba can ha-'e a oet aaaaat and coinfjrt-Hil.' b. me Apply by nole Ui Ali* II , at the " Luun.'N*.Sfl Hadaaaafc

\T|7.\NTEI).A «iod (,'ook In a prlvatef V bcarnina houae. I.'beral wwi to one quaJiliad.

Referencea re-|uirei. laaaalia at Nj '1 |otn-»t.

WA.NTKD.A capablt) Wotnaa aa( al and to BMtat in aVUdBJ and Iro lnit Mul

onderatand inakin* aod liaking hread, a id be ivjllinx to g i aabott diataaaa m n e aaaatry. Wage* $6. Apply at No. »'l IBleecker tt n the baaen.ei.t

\1 A NTEI r.By ii liighly re«pflcT*l»!n^ T aVeteh joung Waaaaa, a *uua'.ion aa ll aaaa

ChaaabaraoaM,or attaad to ladlai boa aing. Addie** Nol'»l J I9tb «t. near ;th-av.

VI/aNTeD.A Frcjocta Lady, (« Ptvia*f T lan,) aa r-atdeni Teacher In a Yonna li*4le*' School

y AI*o. a I.ady to aaant In tba KnRiian Depart-n ,r Ooaexpei aa ed bn t.n.i>,/i< laraqalrad Ahlreta,paHlpalil. ailh raBMaooaa. I I oaagaaro Pa»K)Baa

WAN I'KI).A BituatloB i>y r raBpacta*Ho agad araoMa ai Coob ta o taaaaau .e

.he Ia ol iteady m-d aober *aVBat* . >

en^a^e ai wa - , .1Callfbriwo dayeaatha beawaol ber pr^.enl em-

piojer, No. i-l Wnt lllfi *t No ootaw atteuded to.

W\ N T E D.A Lady capabla olui faw p'i <

al .

\ paraon, lo Mm¦ Mr* REED

M COI.LER, aM-uv,i. iol' ri .1.

WANTKD An ncrivM util lidy joungor miadle a^nl \\ ataaa btaV) .' neral homework in

aan.ail fan ily Muai ba a good wuli-r aod irooer aad Bt>n Noaa nee,j apply wbo cannot j'v^

g< od reaeiaaea in i-i(*jd to i oneaty and vapacity. Apply mt/.e bi H 8tb>a».

WANTED.IiiiMii-.liii'fly. an Ameii-caa, EnghVb <r Oaraaea Oitl, to do tbe »,

Ironin* ai <! enoklrgtfa BBkUl taaitly Ooodwagaa and aot Wtaattpa to oaa aallabbi Apply at N»

j <:-it. between tbani 'Ui-a\*.

WANTED..Forty Protaataal UlrNniu obtam esoallaat aitijation*, each day, at thear-'a'.' A. Ba No " < i Llo« at N B -No

e aiaa !¦ r altaatloe* t.'day Waated, «<x Oir ilV. a»i. and Iroa laudbII Auailiea; niLefor Oaaaaal WorK.aeveial t '. Waltera, Seai/.a/ea».«, Nura^a todloiail (itu. Aiao, aa Aaa.atant toacliman and a V\ aiterMan

Vl/'AN'n.i>- B» B middfo-auH Anieri-\ T *a . M a aituauon h* -ick Ner»«'.r ' a<a

H ir.f.r t u d *>w m ¦ ea-non to travel O* io te

'ry lier hat:taare .iet and latiiiog and her *er.

ts faiUdaili aadaaaatiealioaary rrndarea Oo>drefer-d Apply, e.iber peraunally or oy let-

¦- to Nt RBE, No.aCottaga»lBaa near B ee.'.aer .t.

AN experjenced practicalCHKM18T. wbel* puwe.ror of many new aad vala-

t. p,. ... . . ent, or of ei- .

anaag oient aaaaoBaabaaai <u«n witb * few handteddoL'ereeapital, toearry ou aooi: r.'ieuil wil a,%aitt ture* iu

--i drgre* ae'e ar-d proiitaiue. Addrea* A B C, No.b. Hoiaey-el, N>w».k, N. J.

ARECENT GRADtlATE of HAR-\ tP.I> arbo .*":.' br'.r/ !b- be«t reci,rim:er.datKin* da-

, tain oavropatK n aa a Teacher lo New-Y'ork. re-. -rie't t.a eeitite* to g. ntieuian wlablug to*trcu.;e

. btU * . He i* perinilted to referNo. We»tllth-*t,Mr. VV r.Aiiao,

.: R«v. J f. W aVaia, CaaUaVa*M*LMia* P.- R-v. Ir Va a.»e- aod P.'ofC.C.

:iire*« i.UADL'ATE. care of V. B.attagB New-York.

A\ RENI H.M AN and hi-. WIEE vraat¦- ir.a. tbe woaia'i a- ¦ . I *B»JB Bl A'ai'-


AGENTLEMAN, lhor< '^*-».ima/. aad

I . -a-nday.'- I a '. Bt B "J*>r-

a a lina ti J* S B ,x No, .- ».-_» Tbe advertl*er*re*idajaca J :n


BOY WANTED Spiightly andto MBtWaaf an ofca bei1. BeaB b'aaakka*'. todicner.

i pvdt* n»ar I'oi a park. Companaaooa^ * w. 'k Acd.' .. at once Box l.J-O Oeoerai P *t OBke

BOV WANTED.Kourtpfn to sitf«en%-art. -y l. E 1:1' E I*b|wBBI ,( WaUhaa, No.

; Ma ..«n lai e. i .taira.

cANVASSERS WANTED.To obtain^ 6ube; ',"'. f"ni»«r»ua* tha aaw Potorl-

al. Onl, e i buatoea* men oeed to apaly. Rafer-eocaa re,al *d. 01 e» of Mejer'a Latvenum. No M Wil>liam-at_BEBJUNN J. MEYEB, PaWiahar.

pOMMERCUL AOENCvTNo. 114V NaaaaM-tf. RotJ N. rk, (BUy 1 -Saleeoiea, Clarka,Book keapara D»| Ooode Cloka, Scbool Teacbaara, Portorafor dlcrr* ai <1 li. lela. Ba/keeprta, Aa-, aaxtuatto aacared tolucrai' w^aaaVu h» thear.latami to aeary «atie aaAaithiaed. ( caraaa BiodaraBe. titfBkw >j AWII,la»cWng regateti { taa, 4l,«lU obtaia aya^tayipartiit^

EMPTY SWKKT OIL DA^KETS..* 0 new Rwknta. to bold nu* dorea -ach. f r BaiO I©*/.

'II'1""" ." Ha-rUv-at ip «« , kao i. wartad aR. y iv a"ar.l ar » r?W 14 .. i\ ,,»., 1 ut

J^XI'ELLENTsiTUaT.ON8. ia tbo_i raoaa rsepacuhle city familiM are aow ready for

tiist ciaaa Owia. Nuiaaa, Cbeaibannataa, Waitiaaaaa, ha.Apply al No. !?. (I'and at, wi h refe-eocoa.

"pRENCH TEACHER .A y...ntg Man,B-ird t>g - hr> where a* aa* a d 'o tha leetractlaa jf b!aI laaafaa Addraai U LE. Tr.buneOffiea


(»OV KKN E.v» WaNTEO.To ifi-troct1* tlres litil* O.rle 'o tha u»u*J Engiiah aoareae and


1 - l'ai:». r.«de.,-- iN.ut t-n m e* f.oBB thkB



c.ty Ore fu.l, enaMetaal nerd B»H apply with«. ia tl.TEN, Tribuae Oftioo.

INKORMaTIoN WANPED of MI-I 1 lUKLNORTON. b» h. w.H.Suaa» W haa kjtO kaaj|',' r" "1" A,*D* Pb «fhoui4 thtaha es*a by hia hfotheto,.<. Ptn.adelii .a.

WANTED.Bf*a of raapacUMllty, toohta-a Suhifribe'B'or ..>« nmat r.>enl*r R <* ol tha

Bfe ll'ricefjin Apply to U * TKRRt, N. llS j^Zaau it aecood itory.

MADAME SE1BERT. of thoFrearh Larguage, and T-a. her at MadameCh***.

r>. . aah Krved S-hcol, wiahaet > b.l ip «moi of aar Ukvarah. in by f'ltim. either la a privete faimlt or ta a ttahool.51-idiaie Cbefaraj wiP k adly iive a I nr.eaaary aWha.00

8 M-.IBERT. N>. L**H BroaJwar. *>ru«r **h el

jVOTICE~r7~( <fTO>N M ANVfkC-1 1 Tl RERS -A pratt'eal CVlon Meiiafarturar, wbaha* Vet -im»d *n tha butto.<aa for th* laat rweoty yea/a,about hfteen of wbirh he ha« (*«. a ea»»io»ed in hmidtagai.d pe'«" th* heet nillli ta New Kngland Haahaaa n th« S»>ithern S'atet 1ce or %'\ »»ar» iwupted Io tbeeame klnd of t uaiaeaa. and U nuw oeairoue ol obtaJalo*- aBtaatlaa »i Sui«rrot*».i4iit of a oie roaffrvtahte OotUMIMai nfaclu-lpi Valabllatiuiaot. Haa no ohjeatl o to pa8, itli < r U e«t I'm produc* ni>d»uU»4 ra!ai«n."o» a» t©aharaaaar, honrxy. akiu and abolty lx>it«r» addrtaaad to8 IV M t.i'.he.aieol C ktaohar, Kaq.No. nPio«-al,(poat<pa.d. wlll meat with Iraraaduca atfent'.oo

PARTNER WANTED- Who htw^iidki d #aUan at cmimand-aay BWO to #!,¦»«.

w' o wnald >>e « illiiig to engige ta a r.ew, htghly rewpectabla< '1 --fuanr h latreaa. whtc'i w'll with nn .<-rata eltortAelear over BVoa par aamai ttwtll ba 4aalaiMa «o t-arala tew ..t . n ihe y, »/ Addit-aa. pa.d Ittieia, WILBEReH'Kl B, Tfhane Ofrica

hJKRVANis WANTED-At WATrs'1^ ., No. MOOraagVak, n-BrR.>wei», Oaakm Oirlafarboaaawoik araaklaaaadIraalag ha N R. BupUyer*eaa alwaji tatbfal aod e.mipeuut doniMtic aatvaataaltbtiofflee

ITUAT1UN8 WaN *.%*>_ uh.e fkailhaa. fkaa vge oi.n'wi of ct of boah

.eTea laJao, of Womao w tb InraiiU. at 'ow vajaj ApptVBBCV 0 to hr rradeat tha Offaaof ih«roi,i!inan aare of flaii-aratka, la the Park

rfEACHER..WBBt«d inunetlUtHly, toJl a iun.1 Semluary, a Tea< lier, lady or geotUraan. oorrt.

prt> t,tt. . aHaip and inottier br«achea Applt-eaatl arttl lavefme by itttiur at ooce what tbey oaa t*e«h,llieirtenita and thelr referencei Ref«reay»a glvaatara-turn AddinaN K R Oiit,-* »f The T.lbana

1M) LNIVKRSITIK.s .r CULLEUIB..A UeotleniBB. a aeholar of a dlatlDgulalMd t'olrerattf

of .. 1. any who baa oiade educatioa bli etudy, aad haaBern 'or yeara Profeaior 10 Belituai aad Frauos, wnald llkau> emer fnto aa arrangenieol wttb aoi UadvaaaaBj or OoJ-laga f»r the teacbtngof aaolent aad tuodera laogoaapM. inath*Maa ;.a, hnUri, eto , ato He aaaapj htghly -mnkddraai B<a '< I' «' ''

" New-Yark

X) PARENTfl BDd S« :H« h )LS.a U-Jp, evpet'eiu-ed :n tea.liit.t. a-d ompeteot to laetroel

la ail tha Jie q' %nd ornamental braai'beao'a 'horoiigh Ena-Hak idamhta (Muatceatept-d) wdinth* l.atta. Pranaa,Bramili ard Serinan aniuaicw. la pr»parrd bt foroi an aa«

g*«einrii' el.b»r aa Tea. hrr .11 a t"ap«"Ua'>le «"u»>l, or aeaa ia a pr 1 ite :emilv TIih a>aat aatltfa«:t;>ry refa

. aahaaiBaa Add--.. ED1 CATIOM. Bo» No. I.bllPail (tl .*, tity o' New lork._rfiO ATTORNEYS..Tha lerricei otnm

j »,:d aampaaaal ¦ariaaaat, **+&£".p-'lab.eataii.h'i a Phlladalpbia well vara-d la ail IBa

..ey..- i.«. aaaiehtoaol ttUaa, aU, e«,Jjjafc,n- d b| an Bttorn.y af fa'r raal ea'at" p-actloe, by .« -aa-

ii t Ime, ibta day Of to motrow, (Sattiday, Sapt. ll|tOAl.l'IIA, atth:« 'l:e.l' lia wlll wunn th< OMTC

nnageii'.eoi of Jwal>ove braacb. Satulactoiy Rajkjpence.


XT S. SCHOOL A(iENCY-By E. H.aWILOOX, No .Nj Htoadwav -Conataat oegotla-

th.r « and *Dg»*eiii*nta hj the b-at l.n'ilutl..aa. Pamiliea,len Io ra ano Matrona tluouihout the I'n'on One per adyanee cancela advaace «\peoa»a aad prnaurei tba ia-

,, iired n mpenaatlon kk>b m poaaihla Becured by a traaa»(erxtile Cheok, which ti good foi ail educatlonaJ ordara,Catak -.'... and Ciieulari fisa.

WANTED.A PaWtfMP, wHi fii.OOfj. ..h S| Ital, in a walheatabliihed Mtnnfactnriaf

Baataaaa la thiaBtty Tbe h.ialnaaa lt a a>Jk and rMtniaoeatn . wi'h a I}' A fjonaaotlim. and Ii ^apabla »' 'Ing Im aa*

ilia'rly aad prrfifably eiteoded If the add tional aapabHOMbaohtaiaad T>» preient parttei (iwo uien uoder XI yearaofagel haaa been la bumneii ita »ean, and heva ac.'omii-Utrd 11 apital of tM.o 11 'Ihla addl'lonal amn woold ana-In n rni t.. inmri*. t/i, m pro ila *>ea< >y Tha partner may

be eitharaciive or illeuf. aa prefe'rad A lar«er au» ><int0 ild b. rnipli j-.t k¦;' BO* with tha aaina pr»></rti<>fiu'e ad*

Adiireat, with rea.naaie, tfAKl.TY, at haotfioaof

WANTED.A Porter in ¦ 3tor«sIo take ebarge of rreeuta and dnlivarlas, keeplabor

a< ounti, u,ind»ho baa lta.1 ao'ne ik.'l aa a coopar. Anar. preVrrod; aad beit City relareacaa ratpihad..fafMiaaj ihisofflce.

WXNTED. A Partnt-r. with «500 or$1 H0. t<>;.,iritha Ad»e>tl»er,wb l» .f.ool .o.i.niaac-

gaBtapla n » mb,o4 vhtak im aaa a Uaaaaadk knowi.» :t. :ti ex'.eaiiva ac'i laiatitue. AddieaaC.

1.. 1 Trtbaaa ortice.

ANTED.A man of fjnntfffl addrtoojio patl baae a Hdbt hudneaa whltb will pay froia

tl -.' pOI d«y or inlght do as well 'n the aaeolng andaariak \\ oul.l he loitah 1 f.rtn ,...'<'.... ¦" >i. ,1 Taai-ltar.IIOB will ha re.,ioied. AddreaaX Y. /., Tili uia OrBca

WANTED.--Ail IH'ivii AtaMlaCBI H"/l>i to If yeara ol age, wh< baa bad ao na Birerieacp

attarataa bwj applt ly to CIIAIN u. BRIMK.ERHorr, No 12i Fuitonat.

WANTED.In i prifato t'umily, nn in-telltgent well bnd Boy, 'oot c lored.) aa Waltar.

Apply to No ." Weat I th at

\l/rANTED.A gotul lecood-baaf] Hy-Y » d aii.c Pieaa, larga ¦>/*. In ,u ta of (JtlARI.Ef

iSHIKl.DB aomarof Platt and fJaJaVaaa

>¦ I w>| I| | -WANTED, «PA RTNERW I a*»" '" "e with >>if a'e>vrtai>i'MinC to enaa e wllh

alyertti r, who baa tbe hke atnoiot ia a »er> proOtabla.parfkaUjf ia'e aad aannaaaaf man .iwi'iri/.g biuineaa that. ill real'le a haiidioma Im 9M atOiaaaa or waieb will bagj rnupoo aa Addraai 4, V, Tnbuaa Udka,w.'h naina, he.


Coel anf> fonno

F^or.ND.A Pockol fJo-.k inntiinlngn.'.ner 1 he 'i»t>i wlll pleaaa apll fo- rl at tbe offiaa

rl DELO8 '¦ BEAULK, Attoraej xd Cooaaelkir, No. 71Rrt-a<lway

A(Tljunat foi OneinreB BXtn.RABE CIIkN'f.E..Tfi«h.iii of Mfjof tba moat pop ,1s/ Weakiy rspenpoWulad >a Naw>

1 rfc, f,raa>, coaiiatiaa" of right v> pahiiah (ypeaad rM,uired ia a piialiug otliaa of anewaiaMf*r ''*¦<,uirao< " a BR1 fyVfi,

No. I'l Be» «rn»o it No*S Cliotoo Coort.

KL'ti STORE for SaLE. * firnt-clMtOrui 8tore, la oae of tha Baat thorua«Bfsraa la ft/Va

aui lt will 6a aold ebeao to s eaaii cuatuuiar. laajeira aO.No .-- 1 aaalat., cortiri of Ha".

J.VXPRE^S ROUTI fcr BMM..AJ wll ettahmbed New York and Rrrvtklya Kipreaa

.ir :.' i«!« Tbe pr»pn»tor havvng other buflnaaa to oc-

eupy bn iltentloa >MI f"i aale h'a eiUbliihiuaat, wllh tbaao'oa .' oaai.i of the r/.oaero To aaaadfa, ealarpiiatafn an wtib a imail capiul, a ra.e opvortualty for s good Uk-.eftmeat lacfertd loqilre st No b'l MsiaVa laaa.

f,V»R ^\LK.AUroeorr, EloorandFofKlM. 0' 11. aa v*A a ataid sa eter Hered. Tba oarner wUl*- I eaa at boti Rtorss aeparale, If re.iuired Ct"W By tba

a t raa of aoatom, a. d ia a U;ge plare. Tarma anoda.aad at tai. n oat in grocarieev Aadreaa thie .tbe*,0 OT, ti..i we«k. bVasun tar aaiiing oat, IU baaltb.

rpO PRINTERS.-A Piintii^ Offica,JL H w :t. full epeiatloo tud doiog apppi bo.laaae, \MOapaJ for Baia low. aa tn« >*n>t 11 shout eapagtag ta othac

h'.aiaeii. A part of tha p ir< haan ruooay eaa r««nala aa1. *e Ad<ti»ia PR1N1EB. tr.Uotlica.

rrH> DhKUilsTS..On- of tho Um lo-JL caf-d Retali O.-jg Btorai ia to:i dty for asia. la'ioirO

at No. 1.7 Boweiy

IX) PUYMriANS^A R«r« Chanco..A Phyaetaa would aell hla alaca aad praaalew Tha

p.ace wtiiiiol about iweivaaaraaofguod Laad, wltb twaaa 1II1 uaei tberaoa. «vo ba/oi aod othar aporop^ata

oi.tbBl.dingi; iba praetiaa aiod and without,i...-aof Mr ("»P.NT Ni) fVo 11 H.rorer placa, Brooklya,and of HENRY MILLE&. fany uaiur, Boulh Farry.Btuoklyo. tm


a eiry la OanarfB Vv'eat, wlahaa to ina«e aa arraa/eaiaat |ajaartMrorotbenrlaa) wltb .«.'«'.-'¦ tafiaThWa ragoia/ aopply of Aa>arvaa Hardaara aaaxaai m.vntaraof J. 8 Ryaa, Toroato. CJBV __

k WIU 1 - a (JOOD OPPORTUNITYft ~\ t\ 1, cim ooVi farat .**>*...*.... ¦?..?!?:...-.' ..'.apltal A **.' ¦"»''^'>*d ti'iU-yg » iiai«.

With B ¦.. .. iaia .

a plaaaaai piaoe,x .¦> Addrel


iBjtll an6 lioomi.a KKW t.KNn.EMEN Md lHaif.'\ H|\l» .».'»<.« *»»»!. 0»Mte»»en ean .''aie

B^««a.i».l« . .' » a r*a*>etabt* pri»aMt«aaiN.v »" N'*.'.« H>eb-eioi ,,l. «.<.«.,«.

a ,,ENH.I MAN RkvJ bll WIKE. or

*\ (a..- »* .>....- Mi.| el >»..l )«*v»n, .«<i !-> a. ^|IHIU*UCdt*ab ftaaa-.i M NW a.. * baOld a, Ne ^. V.t»B-i»,a-|',-.a»l.» Sl '.-bl I I "*

\t;KNTI>M\N and LaiDY can »»i»**»*».. ,-dateat . >.l> r>»**»»« "»»~a ."» Board al

IS.> 11 R«,,e<*« Releiviae** **«>!».>««. d

A t.kNTI.KMaN and WIEKand four/\ «. «a» ghj'r ti»ntb»»ie«i ean be a.-eomnwdetod wltbB.aard eed fi*aaa».« KoavmaalNo ll \ ai ak ai u-ai 8tl.ahr e Paik

A MKKU AN HOTKL, l' N. G.P*A wfcw Me4avi U by fai the m,«n alry. *p«ou»n* aad aaaU M*>t* awaa» I* U»* I'iiy of PanamaW^ l..An l> BOWURR rroartaaat

A pei.u.h irii. SUITIC of KooMSf\ ny^r ..» .*u\ and BfOO tb'.id ''« alao. elngle

afaWaaaBV^afe BaUta taanlal Baatd fbo piaiptiatur aaataa>ve* aawl ea|»l li>_«a8N*B lloaaee, heung all lliem._-»».« laawa.»»»«>.»««. aewh lotabad, aada-arj waj d. BrabtaAm jaalri Fan-i'oe* oi aiegle Owii'oiuaii Sl**~* aaa*

,..»..,* . oftheelty Apply at bouaeT>. ¦ \> «an a»d*». fciat biaab Braaa Bi> a.)» »»

BOARD tn SOl l'H liROOKEVN.A «*e»%ll«>».e» aid V\ iftv, or two *1i (>. ileitlemen eaa

a^!»>r Haaaua aad « ¦ ea*»nt BaabA* room wlth pe_try Alao

. aniall nw f«i a ataaAl Oeetle.. en. tr. e ideaaeu. Uaaamwberr Uaera a.e h». fe- boardar- near the Bm* ferry p.i.1

aV_,« Ia- tha Udy aafr. Refaraocea reuulred ApplT Nol.ti t'hui.a «i _

T>OAl.l> Twe or ihraa Biagla Gantla-IS »,#* e«n be 4ve,an,m»ad*iea wlth pleaaant Room* andjftn.TS2 «**. i »< N- 8dl Blaoobai *t_¥>t>AKI>.l^r_«« roumt, with bndronma,¦3 fumtaraeal ot iinfuni>*»H_. *n'Uble f >r famllie* oratnglei?n_*.*en. ai No ."' M Markaplaoe, 8tb-*t

TROAKI*. Rooms for fHinilie-a and slnglefl gMtleinea. at No IM Ea*t I9ih *A Hcuee new, wltbSTtka o>aden> iiiipivaemema Reference* exehan|ed

B(.AR1>.Tbreo or four airiglo j?*»nrl«-.Daeraa be ace, nnirHlataad with pleaaaut room* anl

titvalroard Ia a BBaall prlrata fandlt. whare there w.llba

«, otbar hoaidcra at No. S4b Bleecker *t_

BOARDING .A Tury pleaaRnt oecondet<VT IWani Roorr. and Bed rooni to le», wlth Board to

. i*««tJe*ran and bit vv i(e. at No 177 Eeet Broadway, aootb¦jaj*. berweaaa Rut»er» aod Jeflereon-aa*_

BOARD.ran bp obtained at Nos. 82**d!aa>ajt .y)-«l. wltb Room*tuitahle for manied

or .!¦.*> paraoia. Tbe houaea liava Uia tnodern lin-proa«ujanta __________

T>OARD.No.l89 Ea_t 15tb-8t., neaiI Jr Bmyre-ant park. tn a prlvate famlly, wltb aomrno-diowifoue* of>U fulttd to fainilie* Alao two ol

three Rioowfor *n«le Oentlemea Tbe Uouae 1*aew, wltkfaa, warn aad aold balba, Aa._

BOARDING..Two Ontlerrifn andthetr Wivm or *1n*le Oentlemen ean lie aooofnmodatad

wlth ple-nat n> m» and board al No I7i Eaat BroadwayJLefarenee* exchanged

."OARDING.At Nos. 45 and 47 EaslBroadway, oae pleaaant ro-.m and ; anfry for a "}entle-Dd VS tfe Alao pleaaant ruunia for aingleB

rt'RH aod VMfe Alao pleaaant room* for aingle OentieuusDHot aad eold beXh*. Refereoce* exchanged.

BOARD WANTED.Batwaaa Blaack-erand 11th-* r we*t of Broadway. by afauiiiy offive

a Oantleman. Iila WUb, Iwo eaugbter* and «on; furnUbedJlooma, withfuli B. ard. in a private famiiy, wbere thereareBto otberboarder*. Kefeieocea excbanged. AddreaeJ. A,flo. 686 Baadway._"OOARDIN('..A few rain^lc (.«iitlfMii««nJj» oaabeac^nimodated withgood Board and pleaaantEae_a hy applying at No 6J Beach-*t. A!i i. two oofiir-¦i*bed Room*, luitable for Oeotninia and thelr VVivea.iUbrence* re.julred.

T>OARD WANTED.-A (iemlema'nTsR -8d»-airniia of procuring a aingle Room and B"*rd In a

Ea_B *itaat»-d tn CbaOaWa, Warren, bturrav, Ol BaiBlflTcrmatiotto eaceed &> per week. Addrea* C 8. L. thi*Cftcr-.

BOARD in RROOKLVN..TwoGan-tltiiieu and tbeir \\ ive* ean obuin pleaaant Rooma,

ruri.iabnd or onfuiiilalied, wlth Board; alao. two or threeeiiigle (.rntl.'ineii cau bo aaaaoiBtodalod. Tbo comforu ofbonie will U found Apply al No. Idd Adaiuaat., ooly fivamiiiBtea' walk fn m Pulton Perry.

BOARD..PamillaB and oingle GKntle-menloaaarch of Boaid, will dellgbtful amtea and

OUgla rooint at No 46 Orove-et. tlouae wltb modero _n*

provemenU Refereoce* lequlred

BOARDING..Twa or tlin'p Gentla-meo ean be accointnodated witb aingle rtv.m* band-

aonjel) fun.Ubed. Alao. a bandaooie aatl ofrOOHM, (pailorandehamlar ronin.iinlca'.lng,) wttli hot acd eold water, uae

ot gu and '.athii.(.' ic n.. Ia the eb-ient .: ne boaaa, No Mr.aat IVth-at, bear Irviog-placa, one block ahora ClarendoaHotel__riOARD in 80UTH BROOKLYN..1) Two or three tlogle Oentlemen, or a UeniJ-man andlnVVtfe ean beaccooiioodated will. rtooon.lelightf.illyaltua-t.dlli, tbe mw i8rat>boaaa No. SH7 tloiii, *L, wltlun fi«.enluutea' walk of Ut llauillton-ferry or ten of Uie sjuUj-ferry


¦ >l)AKI). EninilW-a and ali^ln 'v.«Mitln-13 uieu In eeaich of Board will hnrt deligb'rul autteiaadiorTle Room* at No ;<7 Wrat __1 *t. n *r Mfc-B Befereoaeare<jetied. llouee aew, wiili all luiprovemeoU

%>OARD..Crentlomen mu\ their WivesIj^and »li ¦ B Oei.lleineii ean ohia'ii gBod BoOld wltbf!ai.ea>_ie R.ani.a, ma pleaaaut neigi hor'i u.d, bboal t raaaxiiatee' walk from Souih Peny, *>roabJyi Apply at No..o Stataal brlateeli l llnton and BaOl]_pOA RDINO..Kamilifx and sln<lejLf Oentlenun inay obtaln all the *i"f>rUof a prlvaUBaaat wltb laige Bl __al! rooma, having paatMe* aiul an* la.aah. with free nee of faiba. by applaiug at No 881 4lb-et.

BOARDING Ia BROOKLYN..AOao-tlemao and W ife, and Uuee aingle Oentlnnen, een be

cacioinniodated with h<»id and pleaaant rooma at No fflMaaaae at. eoiner of Peail-et_1 >oaR D..Thal spai looBaadalagui new¦S bo.aa ituinlahed wllli uew hirnlturr throoghout) NaSMinih-at. MU lal av 1* uow ready loi ll t re . ptlon oltK>ardara Pamllicaor aln^le gentlemen BOOMBa) «late<l w'.\h

oultaaor aingle tootaa. luralabad or u.fu:M*iied. with fuil

Oi paitial boMd Tne bouae baathe luodarn improveuienuga.betha Ae

TJOAKD.A Geotlemaa and hi* WihWj oan be a. coinuWated with a pleaaant bv k Park I andB7aldalNo .taWarkil-lt.

l>OARD in BROOKLYN..ParBoni\p catingfoi ibOWtl ter will find pleaaant Roonn. withBoard al No 17 Sand*-»t Kamily »mall and rtilrtlr private,with oriy a llr.ited niiii.Vr of boarder*taken Tenu* rood-orate. Ralaiaar* aobangad


BOARDING..A Gaatiaaaaa and Wifeand a lew fOOAR men c*u be acoouituodated at No. Soo


BOARl> WANTED..A tVont roomand N_ noaa, NaaMhad r nt_-laboA in agemeel

rl.ate lannly, by a tlemlrinan and W -,- » i^ Ea»tVedwey ot Immedia-e v1clnit> rooOM w tb gaa and Cro-ion water rutteried AddraBB AH.' No 1,988 f. O.

BOARDING..Oaa or two aultHs ofRooma, elegantly fun.iabrd. for amall famlllee. remv.o

wneoaupled al ibe ..ew acd rornmodiout lin n Mouae, NoaV77, kTSaad tU Hodaoii-at heiwevn lana. and S«nng and

D_y be aaauird on reaaonable tertn* bv inakiig inunedlataopiluairoa. Alao, two oi three ibolce aiu«>e Rooiu* forgentleneu_

OARD.Twol.ontItMiientan bnarootn-_ niodatrd witb bandeoniely furniahed rooma, with at paitlal Board. tn a pilvate famlly, at No. iM 4th av,¦nrar I'aioo-t^uve Batli in bou*a

T>OARDLNG..A »inail fanilly, orrwoorE_^lhr»* ali-g'e gentlemen ean obta'.o aood Board. with»arge pleaaant imim, and the oomtotU of a quiet bome, atfio. BM Waat lAb-at, oear tha Sthav Retareaoea aa-


BOARD..Fumlshpd Rooms to let, wlthboard, at No S*' Aiav. Bouae aew, wlth atodera lia-


-. _a_lagtoo_l-, oeot VNaab.:iu_ Market A fow penue.aeot Boarder* ean be aoeomanodatod with Bo_rd at ._ Sf

r wook Alao. far___ad k-omt lo lot wtih or wTttwat




BOARD WANTED.With agoodsizadRoom, eltber farntahed m uafvi'mahed, in a oulet,

Miapua private taanly, in New Y'ork of 8ovt_ BrookltB, by bb

aideily \\ldow I^dy A<.4draaa, atetiag aod locaOo-,wltb raAraoae, R. / V Trikuae Offioa^_T>OARD..In tho lar»io coramodious13 bouae No. 1*7 Fultooat. Ooud board fraaa $*t to

5r_OOARD «t a FARaM HOUSE.Fourfl or *ix perar.. oaa be a.cor_modated%ith Board, wlth4_e oouifoiU of a houie, at a geetaal Fanneri Reaid.nce, lo

¦ ratlrad aod vary haalfhy locehty ta tha 8uteo* Cooneail-.rot aboat 9P t_Haa dirtaat and rejatrad.lor partlcularalii^iuraof _,

A 8 v\n_t.LF.R,'9,fm No. «V Paltoaat, RrtwAlyn.

B"OARD WANTED..A Gentleman oftulddle age aod bu Wlta r»a.olre paraaaoaat Board,

wbere qoiet aad frwdoai from obtraaoo oou_d be aacarad-Addraa* BROADW AT, at tbeTnbuaa OB-OO._

B~OARD in BROOKLYN.A Gentla-oian aod bu Wtfe aad two or throe glngle GoatlemeOj

c«i loooooBiaaodivtod witb Pleaaant JUxm* (partial Board

Ar rAogaa-w-oa) by Ap/yla| _ tj= ¦ lg22______Ahrta ataatatf walk of tbo Routb Fotry. Eottftaggg ra.

«u_aA I

DOARD..Vory denintI Jk .<- ahaabjad in a aaay i ,».

ii,.,... vn... i.'.. ai No 101 r'aat Itih ai


deMirnliln Rooma caiwi'b «M tha m">-*n

_i at, auitaale for Oentiakjaaaaaad laatg ^ tvea, or -WJeaaetiAavr-

|>OARD.aa Untlwnian aod Wifa cai1) ataata alaajaal R.xina with Bt»%»1 fnroiahad or aa

. ..i Aan, twoal thrs* rrgl* irerrleraeo eaa hawfull or par.ial Board. ari«f| the fiaa ass of the bath ra

nai<i a'.'* ie rra. by aiplyin* at No IM .Jreao-el.. bataaaiA'i'tj ut d lih .»* Retererirea rea,aired

BOARD.. Rooni7 unfurnUhed, witlI _.<1 f..r ra'i.ih»e ai No 18 Variek^t, opaoato 9l

JaaaVpara Rooma laria aod a.ry The iocalloa n oaa o

tba nioat pleaaant lt, |b* city.

BOARD.Ontl»men and thcW Wiv*>aandafew air«ie tirjirletoea rosy fiad pleaasnt R-jmt

wuh Boaro. by sppl)ingat No 11 Lar»yplace,JleecBer at

LMRNISHED ROOM8 to LET-V W Itboot mesia. for Oeotiemaa ooly.-Two t**f*»

I . * i he aaeo» d floor. at Ma 07 \* btte^t, a ?ew docrweat of Brr-adway-s diwitsbla loear' «a for geatlemae wHiBMk qaietaeaa eleaoltaeaiBBd paraweaey_L^RENCH .Anv (.ifntlpninn or Li<iyV taatt-aal K:an<*-. 'who woold hke g-nte«l Board

ai d .n i-aM.ierl <r pa>t p-iyrret.t #1»e leeaoni io Frenjft li

... .orthitepaiaraaTarho^riaktaapaak tba laajtoaa*. ma;addraaaOl I* atiinoflioe.. A maaicaJ peraoa woold bar<

tlie prelrreoce. _____

¦TMRST-f LASS RobvlS witb BOAREJV for Oei,iian.en and their Wivea, or aingia tient.*r_enC"s ? reaidenc* weat of ai.d nesr y of MeaMohtaa Hotal Tapeatrj .-arpeta and hain-¦ H A .p.-t.dd kaak psrlor t" let on Brat floor AodreaAt AI.'.IHON le-.w-f PW Ofica_LMRM-HED Ro'o.MS without BoartV ha (,e.tlem*B at Na U2 Cbamheri-it Tbe hoaae loTat-> ;a*»ai.dn»Btly furnuhed s_d kept The fs-tly li private, siib hsving rnote r.orn tha i li naeeeaary wim U. dll

p._t af a psrlor on ancood Hoor aac oDe or l«n bedrooroi_

i.^URNlMHKD ROOMSta RBNT.Tfone or two »ir«le f lentiemen. wi'h.ut Board 1B s pri

vat* fsn.ily ta |frsnklin»t, near Broadway, with oie o

batb RefereLce required and given. Addrea A /. «.

Tnbnne Othca._

FURNISHED ROOMS r«. REN T.T<one or two mijle (ien'leoea wlthoui Bosrd. in a pri

\et* fimilj, at N. *i7 bth a» near Mab-«< with aaa o

batii Referenca reqoirea and given._

I^DRNISHED ROOMS..'hvo (jksatkt-mea snd laaR ^ivea, or i.nale tientlemea sst

{,<¦ ac...mii i.finU-n with plesiant, airy feoal Rf»'ni. in iirlvat* fsn.ily, where tbere sre, s few seleot hua/dewr Tru_ou»e coBtaina sll the uiodern improvetnenu, hot aHd.%ji(Ibower baiha, aad b«sti'>r pleaaanl Un.nnr for QwntlerneionSundaya Inqalre Bt No. K> Wea: 21at*.

HOME..Thrapi or four \>*-r< ms (younjOi'ntitmeo prefirndl demro-.i of the comforta of

quiethtme. cari beacconimi dated wit v-rypl»s'Bit RootnIr. a modera hooie. fnmitbed or unfurn'n-d. snd'd tf re

cuued with a pnvata fannlv. at No. S'SOUh-at, a few doinfrom Brosdwsy fleaae p'eeenre thli if you amh to refcit j lt. ai it will not be repeated.

"fll RS. AU.sTJN would inform Gaotla-J_f I iren wiibirg to obtalo mp»rior Aparttuenta, wtttparttal Board if reonired. that ahe ii now prepsred to msk<arrangeiTtBti fo'the aeaaon, at No. Ii Kut llthat. in th«Itr.iredate vn-imty of I'nion iqnaie Tbe booaebaiBll themodern imrt' vementa.

PLEA8ANT FURNISHED ROOMSto LET-With or without Breskfaat aod Tea. at Ho

i',1 Oreepe-ft., l^iween C'linfoa ard VV'averleyplaca Th«booie baa ail ihe modera Improvementa._

PrUVATE BoTRDINGESTABLISII-IdFNT Ha * F.sat 2tth at -Thu eitsblnbrnent, hav-

Im undeig. ne wwatdatahla slteralioi.i m.d tauuiiaiaaiXlinow re a litnited i.uniber of Boarden. who

, h'I Iba f tiifortiof a bome. and eapeninoe thatBBtiafactton fot wbich the haaaa hsi beei. aaiaaaa^Wa,Tern n.irata The booas ia well mippli-d »uh ba-.lnitKA .\>- liloataBtiafartorrrefrience g.ven snd required. A

%V] mipw" l 0«ca, mrlfiutted for a BHBtHpaJ ot other pro-Rarianaliiat'aaaaa, aaay !*. bad. witn or arathoal Board,

ROOMS TO LET.At No. 86 Clmin-beriat._

R( H ) >1 S i n WA SHIN < iTON PLAC E.Baaanl very plesiant Rooma to let to itngle aentle-

n, without Bosrd, al NoSlWvbington plsoe.overlockmi\Varbin»tt.n-iqHBrB._

R"00>Kw to LET in a PhTv^TE FAM-|I,y..Ona utifunmlipd hoo«n to s flentleriisa witb-

it board Alioone B^dr'Kini to s H-ntlemsn with Rr-sk-fant ard Tes. Ar>ply at Nj. 147 Weat 2Uh it. Refereooegnen snd rt ,ulred._

ROOMS to LET wirti BOARD..<«Wtlamaa and Wivea. or lingls Oentlemen, eaa ba

Boaomodatad artth faad I-ard snd plesiant roouia, at NoBfl rmi B osdway. Refeienceaexchanged.

ROOMS to CET WITH BOARD-Suits'le for fsmiliea aad Uentleineu, in a ftrat

Bleu hnuae, replete with ail the modern tmp'oveinecta, NoIM WailllU it Reterenoei eact anred

mHE MEI ROPOLITAN..B1 og. n 1J_ i'srlira snd Hrdrponia, with ali tha aBedaaa tBBplOia

roetita, at No rJM Br< adwav. (a few d.K.n beluw the sbovelet, witb or with-'it bosrd, to gentletnen snd lh^1t¦o itnr.egeolleti en To s party of Imt or n, .t»,

a.ekn r ' "1> ""-.. ¦Te eapaeiBjIfaotfuiri'dr.-1 Keferencea exebanged

rXH) LET.Furobhod or nnfumisho 1|. Braaa Ha. Bfl BaatOaaaL, ayap) of Bro^dway. I'n-

(Xi r| tl aal 1- i'!' ' nceireqn'.rrd.

1UVO or THREE OENTLEMEN eaabe acommodftted with Roorni Bnd Board (br.nk'^t

aad taa 01 ll aaald he r"e'":|ed) '" b reipeciable privataBsaily, al No 21: vx rai Slat at

TWO PARLORS. balcoay front, in af.rat elaaa haaaa. No I'H 11th it, between Hth and th

in to let with bo*rd. Alio, arnall rooma. Tha hoaae haiba' ba. i 0


Al'ANTED. By ¦ youog Mao,a c^h!TT Egjaj, Wllh BBjIttl Bnaid. in H re<pertable pr1»are

r-.t, .. m kaaidini h..!>.»¦ Bnlow t;anah»t prefe'rrdTeti. . oot taaaaaaa $M per month Addiaai L at, tnuBka


\T17'ANTED.A Purniahod Badroom,\ \ niih partial Board, Io s pla-n. laaBaatabla faratly,

t> aeti i'-i..«.t!e!i:»i..i f ratnlai habtta, arfcoarUl^ftaa ve,-i

litiie trouh't- Brtaeen 14th an' «Hb-Jta,aaar Bfoadwa-

Snlr'red Pitfe ru t to raceed $-5 to B'«' per montb. AdraaaF b|

\\7ANTED IiMMKDIATELi .Awa-i!-f T farlor. or Partnt ar. Badl oal by aquiel

lii »le'.ttian. In ab. i;«e »:" ^ tb- BMdari UkBTOra..:pa.fil aaaai, n-u B-o»dwty be-

t\ erLttambeiiki'd 14th itt. A plaln. reipe.t-'pnvate tamlrt, «:th n* other l«)arderi. prefsrred BtaUprlc*. aod ac'oreai Bot 1,405, .Jrnerel f oit Dffioe.

gnn.rf to Crt.

A\ ERV DI-SIRABLE OFEICE, int'at :-eii»i "oe door fiaoi Theaier. maj

now Ie eri-uied Aaaddtrtoaal raaai may eaaiiy ba aiiaR,,.,..., uaa rooaa fot aa attaraay or phyatalaaAaari to .lONAb B PHl I.I-l PO, Attan *.ou'tiepr»_i»aSetofMi 11 1 '*!d_^_

ROOMS vkid STEaM POWER wI.FT.-F1B8 Rooma. »itb i.-^ineadv P.;w r. tt

1 la the aew Oerot Butidti.y. e. i.i-t ft-aatta ar - ¦

lln^u Apply to W. A. ALIiF.N. oa tba p.rinuwB, ?.*CoOel|»x>r. Hto lodaily_.DOOMS to l_ET,withSTEAMPOW.m\ r R, tn the nr>- -igfc snd| . ar e ". i"o Al*. aey«:ai a.ii* .er R.Mnil.

1 . iniurpaaard for b latne-i facibna*. the poweiat> aiv. and ihe r vuii e.«.-t Mkgrj we.i i.ahted. Appiy )_¦_<_a_e.|\ st iba odica, No. ».'. Oree.-iwi.-h it

rt.RRIS PAB»:i_

QTEAM POWER and ROOMS to LET.*j5 Taaaaaphaaa-d r<oit.«, lObyi', * af Biaackeiai.d Bank acrerta, iLitsbie for any tnarjutactunag purp.*.^,w.ih g.H<l ateady poMei. wr.l i.aated on firae ada* la-qu re of Ol DLEY _ Ihh. oa tbe preuiiaes.

T\M) LET. CHEAP.With or "wiruout1 Steatn P. w er. 8t..e carrj.-r of Platt snd Oold ata. For

paitwulara U quire f A M LYt'N. . Ver. aants' Ei.-.'iacge.

TO LET aad FURNITUREftr SALECHEAP.A amall Cottage H.uae aaaavaaaaaaaaa

tifCia, with Cr¦ t. r water, m l.-ne M llsrlem, w

m-Dutea ws k ot U.e dapft; tha huuej wsi tiew.y furc'.abedls«i May, tha furBlrur* Ugis.d bat plain. everr thi-g toa' a

lly reauire wlll ba dure-aed upon'es*. as'.« t.-rim .'u-

iut.T st 1'R. LlTTi.Ennl.iisbffca, No. SU WlUiara it,Iccbsnt.' >...' a_ge ai a the pran-ara, **uta ndo lifta-it.

TO LET.A neat two-*:ory and baae-maet fiama Haaaa, naarly naw. with Isrge gsrdaa st-

tathed. wt hln -lt- niiautee wa.k vl toe Hosoksa Fbitt.Beut low ttli IM May. App.y t.

AH«.iAT90N, No 79 Cedar-i

riio LET.Tba memd story of theJL IK uaa No 34! Broadwar, eoniortaiog four larte rootDa,a-aJB-aal M B BKADY, N. iM BaaaiaTaj

6 LETinBROADWAY nearASTORTJL PI.ACE.A Houae contt'.ntag 15 rooma. i. perfeotorder; ..a*. Batha, Ac.poaaaaooa irnnedlately Alao. tolet oa Brvadway, s atui* ot apleodid roonia luitabaa fbr aMuiicar or any tancy bcrneaa. Apply to CUA.'NCEYR.RNABD. No II Ptaa^t.

TO LET^To a omall familv. wVthoutchildrei... Apartmenta la a -atael Hoosa. at a nnod-

ara^ raat laqnire at No 21 Joaaoaa., oaar Blaacker

TO LET.A Kront Basement, suitablefer snOfte*. Raat fp3 p«r axaith Ona Isrga Attle|M n.. farnnhed reat Rb a moatb for oaa, bj Oa fcr two.

Ote amall AtUe Boora, faroiahad : raat *4 par atooth Willbelcteaparaieur toaetber. aaa ail ia gond ordrr Uaatle-nec enly aaed apply. Apply at _*_e «c aj Oeiajj-.^.aeai th* Baa/. y. raat slda J^

TO LET.To oone but u BRB-U fainilv.tba aeaond floor of a aew brfek llouaa, oa ttata-sc,BaaaaaRaaafl gaja aaaajaaaj two badrooaa paautaa, Aa la'

(iulraatE.A fUNELIN d Wood aad Ooal fjk-BL Attaa-

_y_ l 1 . 1

TO Lmerti

TO LET.A StafB, Na. W Warreti st.Itte!> weii attaatrc I I . --«*. kv vre

bow wirdowa aad u *< fcetd-*P a .". ¦__* _. .."Jfor rarae-ara app y. betere 1_ « at 4 o eloek, of _LBEK,»H,cor_erof St_a- BM -88-»_

TO LET_Two 1<-ir-il Ia Room8, frontparlo-and B^r~>*_, w ie a»of rrontKltchaa. Term*___,_._, p _*a_rk- an l»l>M lmmert'a'e y *-<H-S^aS iKSS aad i OCH**, of JaJuS

WALRERaNa MfH-> at_LKT..The Bra. itary and aaaartafB-aboaaaMB M *id tottnc betweeaJth

. , . TV r_B8 will ne lo- to . .aod t-r. t Totoart c-iar* taqalre of ¦ H ROSF.RT*.part.r_.*r.w,» No 3-V4 6tb-a>, cor. cf _»_>-*_

mo LET, at CLIFTON, S TATEN.I l?LAND.AcU Cnttare. rir-j- 'ar.ts

rewof theBay. co=:a ataihsx.Wltb OT Wlthoot _» cf hor*e and ca.-rrage 1" n~-

be had tr. the Vth cf Bl F'.-_.:>er. Appiy to R 17« aVafer-at.


T~~ O LET. r-ot nndaratt.A n*>w four-.rorji and heaement OwelUn*. witb m ajern tmpro.»>

necta. *iio*iea oo oortb *lde p' *ih r.. l» fa.> w _t o/7t_-*r Apply on the p.M-teea. or to C PARTBJLeiE. No 8Coortl-ndt-et


~|"Ni LET.Wifhor without Btaaai jiow-l ir.tie fiprt, reeond or third Plore* of t*e larg* bnck

buildtr.gon 27th »t. t-tar 1 Hh av. 8^iu--.e for heary worb.Itquiie ln the off.ce of P^uodry.

T(, j_KT.. wo Loft*. t£5 by 70 frx»t. withereani-ppwer lnqulreofYOLNOS_CrTTL_.No

fc, -a-at.N. Y._

T3 LET.Well-lighied ROOMS, withorwlib-ot Steaoi Powei. uf _j i.m Inqotreof

C Jt BIMONBOfC N 181 _*__-**.


IffEBfl ic 1 r-acway. HJ fea. wid«, and *¦¦ktown aa tbe Olymclr, may n ,w be renied or. a ng leaa*.an very farorablr term* Itwoa.d maie an neellent aodrcoroy it< r- Can «. R-porto-r. w:tb i::t.a aiteratljaAiplyat II x Oftee, Bt'RToN'8 Tbeatre.

flonara tiOantrij.

COUNTRV RESIDENCE WANTED.Of from one to twenty ecrea, 'n a pieaaant and

bealtty locatu n. about an bour'a nd« by railroed from tbecity. ar.d near to a ddpAt; go*d Bmil aga Qerdea. Eroit,_c Aay perai.L hatin* au. h a pia<-» to aeli ch»ap fjr eaati,D.av addreaa L P ho» 4^» P.-t-Ofrice. New-York, ginngfnil deecriptir n of piar- and pn«e

%\ ANTED.To popchaM for ca*h, af T n; werve !w m <f

t. s'ew York. Addrea* Pap<i, \prrperty and pnce, po(t pald. whl b v\... ba attended to.

WANTED to PURCHASE.Oa th«- -ne N< w-Haven Rallroaa. b«rw«on thla eity

ai e Rtaad nJ .. piar» af Aaa A 8o IA aBnoof g"->d land.» a- rnf-r ib:e n'i'i»e w:imn H'mmnte't walk fro_ tae

BlatlM Addreaa B, Box No 1.71", New-YorkPoet-orrre. *'atlrg ioea'w n. terma, Ae.

WANTED-PARTof a HOUSE, tiotabove RkRal. or In Breokiyn, near Pultoa Peny. in

aiejpectable ncighboibool for a au all re*p»ci«ole famiiywltbout cnildreu Referer.ce* ex-ban*nd Apply by nota,atatin* lerrna to Box No. 1IA Pr-t-Offic*

firai detaif tox tialc.

ACHANCE for a HOUSE bb I LOT.W'orth Rl,0S0. will I* «".ea 'o e«eh pur. Iiaaer (eot to

I xi d :.e thouaar.dlof a bottle of fologiie. for 8i. at IIAL.-BE1 B Hrug Btore. at the conier of Pe_l and Ruae-*U. Alargc proporllon tave, t.* I aold.

aT PRIVATK SaLE-A FARM in.. jL BBW.JERRET.T_i Karm known a* the " LooaBaker Kam:," at tbe VVheatabeaf. two aid a ha.f mi'ea fr^inl li._betbr.own midway betweei, and on t ie main road from


AT PRIVATK SaLK-A PARflfcon-taislrg M ar.e* pfgaod land. anita^ly di -Ided loto

wood, meadow, on ha.d and paa'ure, .:'iai»d three mlie*fr.m tfe H"fl«"n River Ha'iroad Hep..| a» Cv'.m, and *1xmile* from ^i g ^lrg ar.d about the aame diaance fromPeetukiU, We*tche»ter Co On the premue* th-re n a

quaail'y of »* toat frn't tr-e* plenty of exc»ll*n' **_*r< ¦

hne large barti, a tw-e*tory nimie, \e, bel altogelher a

gj< d farm f( r an ar'tve working farim-r Kor pnee. term*and f..ll partic.i'ara aprly to ANTHONY J BLEECKEA,Aoctloneer, No. 7 B-._l at.

Ci EDA R GROVE for SALft.AtJ Slaier, I.riH, Iboat-u] 00 tlo Now-Yerb Bay teer

tbe locatioo of ali. Oid Eha 1*100, aboat 81 m lee beiow thaNartona. end.rarlng >. aeiea of I.and, Ineliding tba Cedare,Buildii.*- ai.d I) ct, unh lei-era pa'eni f..r tne granl fbere-f,,r Tbe !ea*e f thu or. peny ii *'. n b -onoaung, theaaine bariag be. n occaned I r th-- la*t five yevg duriag tle

-. a* na. a* a place of re*orl for *ea bathlng aad pub-lie eiitertainmeiPw failbei tiailtoolata. loqalre ol J DILI.. near, orMr,

ll~11 E8, n lin piiailiiB. nr f " v rt LORD, No. 1*>5floavatT Baw-Yaak .Daied. tt


ZioTT.UiE HOUSE «t <;lkn <:ove,VV L I I I 8a.e- W ii. barua and o:h«r bnll.lln**. neailyOtWjflafcpO-d \. a.,,1 alaju- I. acreaof l*i d Itlaboau-lifoliy li^ai..! BOOI Inlramlaai landu.g There are fourdai.y Con»>y*nre* to and troin ll.e city It will be eoldrl.eap. Thiie-juarter* et ti.e putiba^- in..nev oau reraaln

i.i¦ on theonr.deae©f J KlRK.orolS.LUiN, No l7He> .- Now-Tot-.


^AST M<>RKl^SANIA VILLAGE... bboat 2.' I.oU lieu.aliilii* una..idl varyliig tn IIH

'.oui one¦elghlb of an acie to aix aciea, aie oSer-d for 8ALKin the moet favoranlo temi* Ter. pei *-nt dowo and baJ-moe en or bab ia Maroh, Hd Title porfect Theee lote>ecapy a ver> healthy and deautiful li«*tloO, near and la_U vlew of the r;_.i Ruer. and lu tl.e limnedialei vlclnltyif tha realdericea of aovenal of the moet *-elihy aod re-

ioe.Uble eltneae of W eateheatet Co.inly Alao rine fUhlagwitbin oueuuaite, of a uiiie Heviai bo.iae* ara now

au.ldtng. and loU erilmg rapldly Kor mape and other Ia-.nnation Oopl] W l> B W INTON, No S Tryoa-row, aeorllaileii, Railn _i Ofree, oppoeite City Hail

^(.K BALEatTARRYTOWN..ThalR^ brantltul lo atl n kaoWB aa t't ep.-ct H.ll.nrarly f. rty 11" acre*. It la alevated the

. I tbeHadioa Rirer, frota New-Torbto tl.e Hi«: i « ating both hanka aeveral v.llagea,the Pallnr.i'-". Taj pai. /'". and a BMM* mciureei ,e in.aodecenery-'ncli.^'ig BlaapyH iw," Ae. fbootopeUgooUo,the acceaa \ery eaay. tl . . aala*bncua. It 1» wltbln aK.ui t.fteen mlnutea'walk of th- c-nterof tbe \i. aa- ol e-v.i. ebai .. a . rat-cla**

¦ v.d tiie *ai: I il.ata: f: _ ihe railn 4.1 .!. ^ '

etaa-iboat landlng Tt ..any of our fir«t. . in ti.K Balghbl :h>A>d ll co.iid raaAily be dlvided

> parla, eveiy l bOB com-

l landu.f »l'e Ai.o'Ae II pcoba-ll» occu.- ui!t. aa ne» - Mo eifbe'ar^- M >York aad tba Higbland* i* a| . auon ihe

¦ v. i Apply te WMj- LTON, tanybawa; ot u. abram REul-a, Cha'bamBa_k Butldli ga, Nea I »

F(»R SALE or E\CH\NGE.Sixl.i TS tn B: oblya, bot . 4 oo 51ad_~u-

av ne»r Badi 'd a\A.a... iMI'Mit ll acrea of land in Kent C v, Mich.,

near Orei.d Ki,i..u uo rary i.-ar tbo; a

-...». .nd ;i ¦>a:.- b-axh. t ukory. _] Italfoha*

uu ll a aiaabany a*a*_h >f I a . -a

an a- a. > :n ih«l IQg ' »

'J, pay-.e acre m ruh \ ' It!: VV_rd preferred Addrea*

8 11 J , Tiibune U"

L^OR bALE.A tanamant Hottse and! Lot, N R yet Alao a H.-oaa acd Ut No.!7JAI>n-*t Apply ROBERT PIBBER. Ba |7gItt., fKi.i 680>_ M and t to 7 P M

FOR SALE..A vi. acrt'd0B Berger. . . B OraBk road to Newark,

:-ll'nfJonoyClly U::r..baae* paaj :?

properly every ten m': . :rol*.L KBERw N B.-oadray.

|.^OR SALE. oear 8TAMP0RD, Con-X ¦¦-'_.-APARM :( P4TRT 8-Af cmtaialag

\: u »>a'il U4»|V:-I,lyirg abci.t I a. » . f: . BOOt the Bound,and abou: teL o aa'aralkfroi _M New llivan Ra .roadata:. n. Tt.r dwel.'.ui hi u«e I* ; !. __n_y *u .aicd. couiuqo-

a >. a- oider. Por part'euara. laMr RLPL'B WARDWELL, at Btambrd, ur of R.Rov\L ray. Baar-Yot-,

FARMS for SALE, GOODand CHEAP..Three of !'»' acre* each, three oi gB acre*, tr.r-e of 4"

acrea, tl:r. of > aer^*. al. w::.- gtx<i buiiaioga. pi»o:y _ffruit, and orar r_,ro«_ gtBBtoa. V a.1 aa other r.t^a Kaima,

i . t ar.d L u. aocr.e to be exebanged for e:tyarrrertT.aJi tf eort acc«a to Nrw-Vrk A;py lo8 \ AIL, Plaln-ae d N J . d at PmB-O H te1.<>)* fimli to 3. Leara at 8 aad U o cioc* dai.y. fromoortb elde l f the Battery.

poR SALE.WATER PR1VILEGE.F .6b afre* of Lanl. B-HBB :n the towa of Rhlaebeck,Detcheea Countr, 1) mliea eouthwaraly frnm the viiiare ARhinebeak. aod eaatwardiy from the Hodeoa River aadH-da-n R:%er Ra:.r,ad. two muea l poo the premijeaara axcelleet adll Btaa, wltb a fall o,'watar tf great toJ-imt of about eiaty bat, _B .diog aurBcleot roodrptwer A* ee-eral lorge miila or bctoriaa Tbe land U goodaod we_-t__bere<l. T:._ dcnaoia proporty h_* aot_a*a8ofore beco oBered to the patilio Inquire of P OAR-RfTTSON, R_:nebeeA. or of PRANCI8 T. OABJU-TT-BON.No . J-jtui-et. New-York

FOR SALE.A Farm of 47 acrps. largenew Hctue, Barn aad Oui bmi.dinaa, Urg« Apple-or-

ef ard and other Prcit-treea, wel. aaatered aod ia t_b atatoOf cultivation. Aa axcallent Tarera-atasA

Alao, a lana of 27 acree. aaaU Houae and Baiu, land lngaooflaal isBar, about 7 mile* fruta Piaiofiaid, N J.A-o, a Karm of 73 acrea oew H >oae aid Bam and

W agon-boi.e. pleaeantly .ocated. wel! waterad aad excol-lent land. ia Plaiaf- ¦-., N J cheep for eaah, or e_a-to*edfor City or IVIlllan-liailh tr perti Apply to

A SHERMAN. We 188 Naaaamt.

i~^OR SALE .A Farm of 15 acraa,blghly cmti.Btod, wlth ronuDodloaa dweUiega. _c aod

an abondance of frail. wit-.r. II mllaeof New York. ooarBloonSeld, N J Inqtire for two dayiati. il BELL.4,No. IM Naaaaaat, _ud a-4. Itat, »( C Q UARR180N,0[wga,fl.j.

FOR SALE.Four Hoines on two. Laa* B** 1*1 1 '" '* "

&fo_Taa_b witb * -aavatan brick H"taa wub ¦**S ar.oTVr.tai~ raar. ba_l &JB enhatannaJ x-nn*r. Bhd£J_j foi tu-aair iTT Tbeh-Ji'dipga ara aearly o*w. and

*<*****%fijnt T^-RNI I ^alk-ret.

V"OK BALE.With imm.-liHrp poaMs-P __o the lanre RtHl -«1 ' . '

me the P. k of the TV-. . a - .**_*'*_,_ J

S^MT8a_-aa-;Qgto WILLJAM BARJ-LX 181

TOR SALE.HOUSE RndLOT, Naa.P «ad 19 Laafcal. and No. * Broome ct, Lot ga by

'&»_ propert aaat Akaxtwa e* threencant U>U. ¦by 1M>. Ia*a_N of E PAl.cONER- No 5

Ma_*ti-*t. near (Jraod-at. *. R

FOR SALE or to LET.Twa ipfendtdBjB8aBB_ BOCaia, _»M aad IB Weat .,il-.t_

koC*-M Itt and CU a i Tbsj « ropl '.e with *J the- --rrucprraeteB-eac.- BOW' r WOP*»«J *WPU T CHAKT_n~. 8_Ta- w *r? M

FOR SALE CHEAP^A naw*to-r Hoaaa (iruated on Waat

re.lar, ar/ rooaa M.. "

'.'-.-- tm i ..,- P 11 I

f, ... ree re-*" ot marg«g» laqolrB fl RE1 NOLU9,ifO.Pl N.AlW, H . a«- tbit._OOR SALE.At Grean Point, L L. aJT Hooaeand LotewlVon-ae. Hea*e IklBOtdOltji8«d«_.-.._. . ~' »v n a» .>¦-- *__.| -«,h. ibe .«ean romani on bo'.dand'iiPrtgago ai.,eHou**er.r,L..to_0*t Or - I '*V _!__¦"'_-Teraa nonerete *r Vl.PM Praek-lm-at Oreen Pmnl. ka*fo8 « A M or Bt httO-MO,Na. 8B8 Bnx r_e-*t. N Y f>o_ l to S P.M.

FOR SALE CHEAP.A EHrn.a-rt*. r>.gai.t:y *vuated.a Rahwav R:r«r lo Eaaez

a New Jertey »t'Mo three quarten of a m'.'.e of thaRa! r ad Depf t at Rehwey and wlthin one hour* ride ofNew-York The lacd acd hi/..Jing* are gx_ AieoelergeyooDgthnfty baariag A; pla Orebard * '. 'bat K.a-.tTree*r rffartlter porticale a apply to Mi ALL.EN. No. .4 .'onea-c urt, W ailat, betweeu 10 aad 11 a A M._

FARM and SAW-M1LL"fop~SALE-- a-ed about 4 mile* from M rrutcwn. New-Jeraey.

welletocked with, wlth two gnod Oweliln* H < -.

iwe Berne. i mth..u»e*. _c v e fr-Karm eontain* aSiut 88aereeof eaeelieat land underagpod ttate of eui_,ar\ o fjrJL~eul_ri\nq-,reof « -"TEMEAD k BROTBER,

Dnntgiata, No 1 2 *t-

IaH)R 8ALJS, Bt JTONKERS.ThaA baautifully ai'oa'ed rerderee rf J.'hn NleoLmn. with

ao acre and a .inarrer r bmtb, of and Apply on the prem-laea. or of MIOLSCN 1 WAIOlir. No H Cedarat., Near-faat_FuR SALE.A bt'HiinfulCountrv Re^'i

dence. in Ihe aillaa- W , «.' 11 i a .a ja, 5 aere* "flai o f.i.e o'rhard ai d f\ bi 1,1 aad on

. ei» Pnre. 8 I '.. "f tnehuildir<« Kor a Bxtr* fall deacripti n, in;i:re vA W. RWELLlBa *¦ Cedorek

L^oR SALE.V Binall Earm af20acraa,_L aliuated wltliin ona uiile from tlie Dep6t at Vlown. New Jeraey Por particular* in.iuire of VV'HITP-UEAD A BROTI1ER, Diugg_ta. No loJ Oreeowieh-et

LH)K ^AL^i.An ela^ant free otonBJL three-Mory aad bwement Hojae, f-'nUhed ln tbe >e.iaeat modero etyle, with gaa, batha, ia, glioaU la tha noaaipart of L'niooat, Broaa >o

Alao, a two-*tory and aaaemenl Oofhle Cottaae, wtth larg*

Crd, grape vlnoa, ihrulbery, i.«., gltuate la Bo;id *V, oealhermerbor- at. ln Br ^iklyn A large part B. tka purch»*e

¦oney oa aaab of the pr amiaee eaa i__.al_ aa boad aad uwr*R*BBAuo, UV aere* of bea-f Ttmher Laad. attoate ta tba toara

)f 8ali* _ry, Herklmer Co N Y , f r aale or exohange la-talre of EOoAR J LEETE. C ingellcr at-Law. No. 1T»Paltoa-at., N Y, at af W8I BYM_B.No.8A waatBroaA.ay._

HOUSI and LOTS for SALE inBlll.OI.YN-4 .It"-- Houaeln Ea*t Br.wklyo. m*

ie. of Noauan.J-a» aad Ouinej *t. with one '/ three Ie>Uof (irootd, lucludieg a corner. lo«piire of HllllAl/fc tl.

ItOORE, cor of Hano«r*t and Exchaoge place.

LOTSin the CITY of the '.»th Ward and *ituated between tlie tniee prln-

pal it. loiiihfaree ard buaineai »tre-U of Brooblya, «Uliihe Pultor.-av, Atlant e at m lUil'oad.and the Plank RoadTbn l.tgMy favorable .ocation ot the lota imuie to ihe rolBOot Uiem an tncreaae be>. i.d co'.pHiH.n A great mauy ofthe lol* have beeo aolc lately. aod all ttioae deeirout of pur-ebaalnf with a .u.all c apital acheap and tiaely ntuated homeahould on r.o aocouot oeglect to do *o at onje ai oeceaaarilylhelot*»ll!rUe lu p oportion to tha in provemen'.c.n at the plaie The pri.-e* dlffer at pr-eent frotl i$'7S. with tlie excepi on of BBtaoi 't* M >r» bau 80 hou*e*l.ave bern eieeted th*re. n.aiiy are nnw ln banda(g. owneii . t l.a lot.nd to tiuud during flna aod thaic* year ll.e I ial ..f BaftoaibOt tfca railroad rarattoptbeie every inoii.liig ht I ¦. o il.ak. by which ail bueuiee* menra. rlda 10 Ihe Keiry :a lea* Oiau teo ininuie* Ai 11o'*li<-k. A M. aud at 7 ociock, P.M the train leave* tlieK.oih Feny (. i New Bna^klyo.Tbemaptl Ni w Hn*klyn ran a'waya be teen at tho

bookaiagoof Rydaa V Prta-aathol, Ra 187 Bowery, a*al*oai Mi H. E Sat-kmai n'a No II VM *t

,«._«_Por furlher pa.iifi an Ingu're at Mr ALEX EYDAM8

I aid ort r* ia ibe R _n ad Hon»e, New-Br.».kl»n. orele* afVV M RADDE No 3a-Broadwav, N V iAl OB II - V K-MaN, Ea»t, C. BAOEMACBER, No. J49Atcb-et, Pbiladelpbla_PRIVATE SALE..Lot of gruund on

_M Boath alda of ..& ... 1A8 I .

^l/e of lot .'' le't f 1 Bt an.l i-a.-, b) 98 feel in iucin;* orhail tb>! blook. Pot furtber paif.- ilar* apply to

A. J. B_l ECKER Aaetloaaac. No 7 Broad «t

. . r|iHh: KARMER'S LIKE IS I'HEJL L11 h. POR MB." BoSBM t*ie p-t, andio *iBg*

thenanattbe Pflgm Agencv. Na -'> U'*:! *t., whsre ea a*>BortO ei t of the gre*te*t Tariety i* eouataotl- oo band, walt-icg for purcbaaeri. E. K MILEd

\1 ANTE1 For a Buil iing AaBocUtion^P BB*M0l ..¦¦» «nd A'ttaarii 8jf O ftBW Of realietioaaodboataaia . lr«t ^ %.*j<\ Loadof ftoia 108to 18*oaraa

.. p aitet a- 't'.-ai '" T t lait aumdbB baaitky and wal tupplled wlth pore f*ean wat-

4 by iton I v, »nd jo» hour by rgllroad of city otN»» fork, aad BcBBM oa tide-water wbere there t* *

lard-ng or wb«r* cne mlght be lua'e, or on *eme ra;l-rtaad.cne r i botb would be preferred.or, Ifpo**eaaed of a po I a'T-power. a gkogt .linanw fr _i

tbaae ccnteyar.ce* iilgbt BBBwat (.'nminuoiaatioiia. g'vln* a

alaordaaailatloa the projierty, addieeae* lo Ai-TION,TribaaeOl ¦., »; roeatra n lUABatta


Tl TH'N br POUNO LADIES-Balaglor Inatltute,irb K-- t.DRHAM 1' ABBOTT, Prlncipal.

Tbe etg'ith acadeoiio year w.u &-::iw-.ate WEDNE8-DAY, 8ept- IAThe appoirtm»nf**nd arrangemeot* of thtg In*t" i a

of the hlgheet order lu ProleaHin vid Teachera, 1U laikrary. Paiutisgtand Appa.-aiot, tt* nmge and *y*tem 4 -I¦ i ii. aod l't BOBBaaoal Lectu'ee. are A a eh_racter toln.ire, a* far a* hmnao lnatramectalltia* ean, aa eoioi--pi:an*d. t nnatian educatteo.

n, are expected to bep i.^lly preaect al the opeoiiig exerclaet.Circuai* may be obtaktad by letter, or at the ln*t1torton,

acd peraon*1 loterview* with tha Pnoclpal, aller sepl. ANew-Ycrk. Aug IB, l^'i^_AS. V1LLEPLAIT condnneB togiaa

. __8M__B in he Erecch language, and litera-u - a:tre reaid- . . « ^»_, No _, «Vaa8

| " ,near Broadway.

ALADYtJBBtariifadfiroBi Pari*. arharall.e *>M deairo.ia of /btaining prlvate

lalllnaa la hirnHn rael « ¦-¦ r loaaooa at bor otraretlder | - r . tr '-. « Uraw.i.*. ta

Ten. . ti.iaierale. Apply to Mada-ie O PKRRAL.LE, No.i. Fiai-a .

OOARDING and DAY BCHOOL..I_> The Mlaae* RO! BBBLLR (late of Halifa-, NovaBcotlai re*p'a.-t^;..y %cr ;nc^ that they have opened a Schcolfor tte EBooaC.a .f Your.g Lac-.rt. No i7t RatbataaL,Kcotr. Rrookiyr. The eouree of lnatroctioo enil comprueI < n ail iu branche* Krench. Maaie and Drawing.-Partnular atteoti a_J be paid (a the mora. an i manneraof the cbildreo c<_l care The Mltaea R,bavlng tbe advantage of many year*' ex|.erlence ln teaeulog,bave adopted a *y*tem whicb they feel will be ap-pr v*dTbe hlgheet rafcreTJcee ean be glren. aid teef.monial* u to

eha-ecier and capabrity from lad:e* of the firat rank ia Coo*ada acd Nova ».eotia roay be *een at thetr reaideoca, wharoaard* cf term* alao ean be had

BOARDING ar.d DAY SCHOOL.Tbe M tte* SEDOWICJf will racelve tbelr puptla

n tbe U; day of Beptaaiber, at Ne. 41 9th k., aear tha8th- av

BOND-ST. ACADEMY. No. 5> Bond-tt. W PARKER, A A1-, Prtnclpal -Tbe ceatteaaloa

wuJ coBinieoca the 7th ol Sept. Clrcjlara coniaiaiog teruia,branebe* taoght, referencee. Ac may ba obtalned at eboakati ra f E PRENCU, Ba, UM Naaaauot, or at No 7iiRruadwiy

BOOK-KEEPINir..This inportantSeleace. tn all iu braaehee, nnctieai^Uigbt 5y A CLEWI8,at h;a O unito* Room, No J>-i Brcadway Eacb

¦Aaat p'lvat* loalrucren, aad aciaaily keep* * **t ofpart-erabip booke. embraetng all the boaloea* trictecti .u ofan exter*:«* mercaotile houaa. fonoa mfidnnta. Refer-eaee* givee.

BROOKLYN GRAaMMAR SCHOOL,H'ory-et aomtr of Atlautioet.Tha 4Sth Beaatoo will

etmirecee THI«« DAY Rocr-* :a:g-and we,l ventiiatad.< Mttod and eelect g> ¦. erm-eot m_g bat decided.

Aoclect ar.d modero lacg.ue* taugkt iimoltaneoaiafy,e n.ediutna of their aaakgieaacd alfiomaa Doo

atteadoc paid to tha Esg-ah branchaa All tba C.aatica jq.der tba ___M_RBg __tructijn of tbe Pr.oc.paJ,

_J_M Ak-H.Mo.-CAU-aticat.

CHURCH SCH0OL,"~for ELaligiatja,PhyncaJaad lotellectnal Traudog V- 188 \V _t 19_»-.t WU b BfOOBBTQM, MbMmL Bab oi cpe_» 8«ptI.:-ac-.'¦% are aow cocneetod with thi* l-ttuauoe. Alltbr popii* leara u tpeak and read la tha Pieoch and Oar-n.aa lar.gae*-a. aid ara taetrncted ta drawing w1ih>ut axtr*rharge. MoLghtoe'* Atter.aance acd P_*tua_ty RagUtarRecitafi n Reratara, tc *o:t any manaer fmarklng BcboolReprni, Liat f Hoocr. aad Lut of Boaor Certtboataa, allloat the artiefea for teacrer*, for **_* at 0 A C VAf

. El acd :.& BItooktr-rt, alao at th_

pLASSICAL and II4TOEMATICU;\_> ochool, .v m Will oi.a .>.« *.*.»*.».-

v-ara will.«aopylu new t»-J-.:a«, >JB « B*a . oppi**~

.|. prr- .<-¦.'. 1 I th* IM af Oeti JBfc .^Tbw -a p.-oce- of >^^ * .?..-atsrlTaU aaoatba. l a a aaaa-ar ''JtV-YSaptR, ti*y feet wide. aad nva atoreata

Draat at--'rtfaa lu haaa rrao to th- taod-ro appllaa«**for gs*i Ift, heat. aad wm aaoa^

snd a ooatly Oymoaar.m are amonf ita srraafo-

"52 laatitariofl w.. bareafter hp knownaa tba Metropo-atafl >

"ree DepartmaDO:Ac».--

. <'

i ...

Tb* tbtre i»epamnant to i>a orpartrad at anaariyaaytn tba AcadVmio anai m aa, ata:

i- ...... <asge snd Ltarstura.

P of tha Mooem La_-.<-ia*-« aad Uteratara.¦ snd Oreek U_|Ti*d<* .-"

.^ ajbjaaf Orswlngand Arttof itiip ot aia'.aemenca. MBChaaacai FbJloaopBy,

-t *"d Phy«o*:ra:. and P'h.tteal rM-

g i He-r-w, Ovda'C aad Oreatal Laa-

It-ldaaa who s*e 10 «H tha *ha'~«. r**y>*<-Tlraly«¦ be ar.nounced st tha opartiai of tna

"" an \-*d*my ...


Uedneaday. U-e lit ol r-ptaaab*tI addreaa

s > uVVlCK,8«a ''tbe Psc-icy.

IV1L ENGINEERING SCHOOL--aaal iiiiVT *' V i_r-,4>_ki_


Ichool. N

opl'MMINGSS SCHOOLof DESIGNV/ 1.1. a .-per for tha re^epti.a of Vl-Bwa aadaaaaaiBa 'g^tSSiiHOB. ¦al-ao>oa

XCELSIOR.- ParanttariaWof ta rindliaa lrat.ti.-ion 'n wh.rh good ordar tl malrtBlaed btn.dnea. and rapid lmprj\em*nt. aacured by tftorougo

p will bepleaaed ard aerved at tha CoraaierciaJsnd Clasucai 8caaoL No 7S Meory «tsna r ., BOLOMON ENNEB, Prtnclpal.^

Jl GRAlN, Profeaaor of Draariag and. PslBtl g, .ld-,,eNo 44Faa( tftfcV* To'tioo Bt

- Boaaa ai.d ia lahDBki Cia*-»ere aowformlag

riRENCH EVENING CLASSES.-F Mor. CHABLIEB, Uraduata of tha fnlveraity olK ¦: aaa -ui araa^Btteal paator af tha Caarahct propoeea lo orraniia Evaalng Clsaaea for tha

tharoaak lotiucuor, of a!l arha may dealra to leyu, the

F:er..n laa<uaae. Hl* hrat eomiiierjo* ou th* tuh

ftar, ai th* larie room >u the rear of r4a M Mul-berrv at oppoaite tbe Meth.^iUi B.» k Rooma, snd be held oo

,^,d Tlil R-DAY l\ r NIN.JS. ftoai T, ta *|S p^r luarter fdona C wiii a.*o oncaal/a

claiae* in oCher P»rti of the city. provlded a lurlwlent aa B-

bei appiy Fe* full inforinstioo laquira st No ii' > srltk-, No. B Mulberry-M.. on the evealna* sbove naw-d.N B. Itaclsaiof taa or uioro iBBfoialtaiieoi.-ily fornied,

tha charaa arUI I* rrducad to *4 par qusrtar Tha beal raf-u u.rn_

JHRENCH..M. T DE L'UUEST, loojjU b teacner of hti natlve laiigua^ie In Paila. ofTeti hta.errleeito achooUanJ Uidivid.isla, No tJO SthaL. St. Mark'a.f , | haa arlth aiiBikaariB t. Mr W il 1-ei.tott,Broadwav snd t.'.hat. M l.oRoy, Broadway aud 'Ui at.:

Iir K U McCnsdy. M M. Beauuiont, No.fAO tiouat'B it. Mr C I'olaata, No. Ti WaJlat.. Mt. J.Prleatlev.No. Ul> Naaaau-at.

RENCH LAN(.LTA(JE..Prof. D.I.AilRKIX, No M Hr..adwsy. will reaiinia hlapro-

f..r *F


IcaaloriBl do'i»« and form hli rln«i for Lsalei snd UeBt.e-MOHDAI BVBNIMO nett. at To'otoek. Eeah

claa* will he hniit-d to nx inembera VV»h M jM. Li erarjleaaon i* a leaaon tn Frauch aoaveraatioa. Tarmi, B4 paioionth

RENCH aml EN(5LISH BOARD-INU snd OAY OCHOOL, No '17 Thompaon-M -Th«

luaea PAI.ACl'E will re> peu their aatamuuun foiToaap LaaJaaoa MOHPAT, Sept I

lm:kn( h protestant board^M. INU snd OAY BCHOOL for VOINIJ L.A01KH. NoHi> Broadway. North of (.'niuo-iqusre. Mri. LEVERKTT,I'rlncipai Tt.ia School wlll ba reopenrd on MONHAT,Beptaaabat Appltcatlor s for full psrtlculara, aod forpro*pcctuaea, may bo inade to tha Prlocipal at the above addreaa

L^RENCH CLA8SES of SIX PU-JL PILI «' FBBaflNEAU, from Parm. wt opout taaaaatNo HcyayaraVat, KVERY EVEN1NO, at7 aaf*i o'clocB, e ich claa* to raeot Bfat other day, nnd tocontD>. i!c a* «<><in a* complete 8ub*eri£ti ,n« rreoi. ed at th!

oura. and from I to li P M. Tattu*. $i a moitli.

INST1TUTE for YOUNO OENTLE-MEH, No 100 EajQlQta-at..Wlfl laapaa oa MOHPAT,

tha I'lth of Septrmber M V KRi )NK». IMrector of thfarapatad eetablubment, raapittftllll liiforini the pnhlic that

. ' prai tirnl Surve\ioi( and CUll Engtueeitog wlll baa. iiitantiy pen riunng the aeaaloo


1RVIN0 GRAMMAR SCBOOL i'orBOYB. N.. 1 ;t Itb-av, near IJtli-at .Tbn Rebaol wlll

r. ao on MUNbAI NVpi o C.r. ulaia eaa lei obtaia-,i attl.« t-chool Booru aod Bt Meaata Clarl k A.utiu'i. No 3City HaU B^aarai Meaara. I.ockwooda, No. 411 Broadway;a..d MeaiM Rn)noi'i No. 70 Bna.'.v

N Dl.'NN, A M. Prui-lnal

JOSEPH ARTONI, fwTHariy of Yai»CaUapa, aoattaaaa to rive iBatnaaaai m tbe Itaiiaa

Bad lltaratara at Uit tandt-nce of bti pupila, oratNo TO Eh«i ISth M

||faDAME CHEGARAY reoryectfully1*1 tofarna the puhi'c and her frtendi that har 8chi«Iarlll ba ra "ene.t oa W E0NEB0AT, Sept. 10

llfiss BALLOWS BOARDINO andITI DAY 8( IIUJI, for Yoiir.g laailaa. No MEaM BaV.t v»r.n lir.Htdway and 4th avj Htil bo ret.penedoaMONDAY, Bapg IJ

J\ I A RSH 'S CO U RS E of BOOK K EEP-1" I INd A eoDipleU, liatuttful and pia>-tlcal work,|pt t d Boioral sdapted Ui pitvate Imlrueth n . ppoatsyo Prlce $1 10 l,et thoan aho eannot avall theoi-athei of a rouraeof leaaorn uuder the author, buy thl* book,

.achai in Ibvii dal < C M \R8II S CoontingRowana for the Tractk* of Bui.k keeping, No IN Bnadway.Toaiaxe. aadai '' imlea, »>. tei.u.

^1 Ot NT WASHIN(iTON COLLEG1-ATE IN8TITITE. Ho.311 1th it. eorner of Mao-

d. o«al it. 11. WaaolaBtoa-aqaaia. (OEO W fl.ARKE A.M sud.lAME.l FANNINO. A M P.-uiclpala. I o....i.i>enoeaiti taatbichrolyaaroa MONDAY the Hih orRaat, uw.Tbe Princtpaii Imvlng rebtted tbe furnitura and n*.rn*

for raeRattOB ;nd lerture, tbroughout tbe Inafituti 'B lt wlll!.* :n ei topiete order for the raeeptioo of ita Prureaaora,Tevbetasi d pupila oa tbe (th af Sept

I; li bopadtJBM tbe pupili will be punetuslly preaeot atui of tlieacbool

Prraoca. intervtewi with tbe Prluelpali, sod Csttlogaeaeomalt li.* usines of petroa* and pupila ot pa*t yaar, to»e'nerartth p<am of iiiitruction. rafalauoaM, i»tuu, vo , oiay bahad at tbe Rooimol the luJtltute, from Sept .>

'i. wtu. oave iataly removed to tha alty with rhelrai.d deilre a private Higb Oeho.,1 for tha edur.sttoniooi at Bny pertod of prof rea*. are mviied to vinl

tfbl locatl'-a, snd learn tiie vivaatageiof 'tui li,at t .tion Pupiliof tbe Juvenlla Depsrtment araui d*r tha eapevial oare and inatructlou of oaa of tiie Prla-BI| all

MR. JOHN MACJ M U LLEN haaopened a Oay Ochool foi Boyi at No. MO Bowery,

cne block froo Broadway and five doora abore Bond-it H . lermi (»7i perquarter) wlll aeceaaanly keap hlaich'ol rag] irnall Havtng reaided more thaa two yean la{¦urope, and havlng itudlid and t«o«hl for tnaay yean inthe sttl of New-York. ba feeii himself qualltied b> do Jua>tce to tb'ae wi.o oiay ha plsaed io Im banda. Beatdea 8pell-toi R. adiiig, VV ntlug, aod Amhnu. Oa, thera wlll ba uugbtwlthoutextjBeharge, Oreek. Latla, Freueh. Spaniih, (Jor-can, Ita:aaa. I) ,»:m, atude and UymnaiUca. Circolarast LockaocaPa. No 411, snd Crowaa's, No. 001 Br.oadway.Pla> t.roood for B> yi. Tweotv-tive mbacrlheri waotad.Termi $15 a yaar. Addreaa J. MAC MLLI.EN, No. 215Ckayatia *t

\IISS M. B. SNOW will open hep1"! Behaol on MONDAY, the 13th of Oepternber, at No.Ui 4tb-av, betweeo !'>tb and Uth-Mi AppUcaUooa may bamaov haaa '»to 11 A. M.

MISSES L. Bt & M. R. (JREENwill re, p-n their Bebool for Young Ladlea, at No. 1

<: bjuae from W satuagtoa-aqoare, oa HUNOAY,

AI ISS DWIGHTS SCHOOL of DE-1*1 8IGN, No v;o Broadway, where the beat Inatnietlotiw.ii 6e g.'.en in the aita of Drawing aad FainUng, at Bj atarm Psymenti sdvsaeed

MISS T<>\VNSEND'S School, No. 46fait Ihrh it., atiraai Irvlagplaea, arUl r»op«a oa

Monday, Sept. b.

MRS. H. "DrW/sRD^rvill bo readyloracatve bar pupila Sept. 10. at No. 870 Braadwsy.

MRS. CARROLL'S BOARDING andDAY BCHOOL. No 213 Weat tltb-ak., batwaao «th

and tb aaa, teopaa oo MuedUy, Bapt. 13,1852.

MRS. GIBSON, No. 38 Union-oquaro,will ra peo her Ri.srdlaf and Day Bcbool for YooaiionTLESDAY.7th aaptambar.-Naa-York, Auioat

31 ISS GAREIELD'S SCHOOL forVOL'NO LADIE8 wlll ba ra.penel. at No 2# Waat

l*o m batweea Utb aad Srtb-aTB, oo MONOAY. fopt «.Ct/culara. atating tarraa. la., may ba obUload at tb* sahool.

AI L'olC..A Lady, wbohaogreot expe-1*1. rlei. e ia taarhlag Piino aad Aceordaon. with Otag-inp aad wbose exeruoai with ber pupila baia mat with«ood aaceeaa, eaa atund to a few uura puptU RaadaticaNo. X56 7tb-*t

r ..: <

R1VATE CLASSES in FRENCHaad SPANISH -Prof A. BASS.IT arlll raipeo bia

rercb aad Spaaiah Claaas* on tbe IKb tnM. Ha wlll alaoorgu.iiaaaew daaa for batlnaara oa or ahoiit tha 15th p/Octohar. FortbaparUcuiarBBi>alyBt hUiacdaace, No,Mtivatlwiy, bcXvt, j A. H. k.6. tftaj 6 f. H.


e*«a_f,*he<i in 1-40, at No B"7I Bluedway, haa r-i_.j.,-.i U>fa RB Hna_way. betwaoo l*h aod -th ate Tho eojrea( u-rruct vr. ia ti U erhooi U ty*t»ii.»u« ant »»_«*,«T:e Pr-iuory DeparUneet recaivee pi.pi * elea eVt» age atdprepare* theB for the bvgher dep_t.,. nt ia cha ...m .

Etgluh hrnnehee. Preoeh. Drawingaoe Natural »hu aoptyla taeb'gbeedepartimnt the pnptla are e*r ted throacb aevnrw. preparafory ro entenig the e< uniing-ht Jae, or aay.iaaa In ooUopBj an 1 when gOfOaM »l»n n, the :u-_ara)earried tfcgoagk tba wbole eo_r*e f e»« r.oafa* Tbooutnber v( pueil* - luniuad ta Both departmenu ToaM-OOl jear will open oa Wrdneaaey, JWpt n M f<uth_ryoilloolari *ee rirea'ar* at the sehnoi rooma

DRIVaTE SCHOOL for BOYS, No.1 81 Weet-.'i.t- Tbe fal! term >«glne oa NONIUY,C ' The euniber ol p a . -d to T-ajit-l?*,. bo tnae eole* at aa enrly .*» *a4 he preperwd f«r Collogoor artire lM_«re«e. Circuiare * r »l ia* terma,..- «,.

r-ta- a the M-i.aa. or of J tl i- *0 ¦

IfAPID WRITaNG..Tbara ara miny>, , t Oeit'eu.en Ua wboai the a.-.,a'*lt:oa of a ha-aii.

f»io_de_tieen.:, .,(.idb..alr..a*haodi.»yi'f ..-.-peraHa)w.-uiub»u.»_luable By an plta re.>- ,

Jo-rd.thaundeialgrwduabUtoimoarttiai.papllj i

?«__«_., itiaiiore. a hueto. te hand coobl.iag.attev.rv bAlieatdegrfooorreaiooaaof I.*« e_4 raetd.i, ofoaaMH-R At ban.efrom4 BoB- lo. dai.y. a«d .11 dey oo

,, \\8 M.LA! ii N. U'-tnc -MUr..a.u.aay. 1 r. lug-pleCO.

1>1 ItiEliS FE.MALE ISSTIITTK,JU KoBWM-lb.a.Noal B I .«_*».#¦_¦ Iratitutloo wU gB__ae_eeo« MONlUT.tkolSth of Septer-vr. 1MR Tbe C"ura» * . u «n-

brece, > aagoof Btb ...ugh aod nhatiagial *wBaa-tvn. ti d ta all depomnaoU « n.»ivt:,V-". i* i.l-utratod

by ar BirgtT arpara- PO0*_ lo IfcO city a-e oou.e.eal 10aod tn^r'ne hatr.uie at a to-.all eatr* e»i»ea*» to t.iepo.rrot Pupil* ean obtalo boe-d m n«ia»ciahl* piivate board-.g honae* to the viclalty of the loatnute.Clrculart *rea-ifying tbe .urao ot et'idy and rhe term* of

tnitiio may be had at tha Inatltut*. o. further lnformotloBmay be t'btain«_ by ed.tre*r.r,g . h-r .1 the folfoartag.entlemen. who eocitttute the Board »f Tt_h»*«F LAO PERRI*, U l>. Praatdoalg V) Baown, Treaaurer.j V\ C Lra r _iu«_, Secratary Hm|_.Jceerh 11 a -. I'ed Nawioy,Th._,p*<n Pnco. Tkoi|__ U.IW Ir,Jama* E Holmoo, Ehoueaer lauidwoU,Jan.e. Horu. «5«> M Clearmaa,l) B Keeler. John Orajr.A B lloluiea. 8_u»uet Milbenk.

STl'Y VESANT SQUaRE SCHOOL._8»r TYNO'4 8CBOOL, lor ROTB, will he rwipened

01 No Eaal IMhit.on MONHAY. the Nli of 8aH>»e.nher,Mr T. will bo happy kOOKO U* biiumr pupil* aud

any new aaea whomay piopaet u> b!l the a*.-aiu-looihat mayBitt Wow-Totk, Bapt. A__MU8ICAL..-aigoor M lESTKO NIC

COLAO. from luly. l>e#a to* PapiUd ihe publie ln getieral, that. haMi.g tiutahad hlanew

Opeia r*OCAHONTA4 for the lualiiri Opera, it aow readftoaadonoko thecouiaeof hi* leaa-ia m aiuglog aod piauo.Ha addioaa ta ot Ko R Lioaa _-at,M Y

CJCHOOL for BOYS..B. A. SMITH.t_7 ate Prloclpelof l.eloeeter Ae-demy, Ma**-, onllopenoaW ednetday. the l'th of Beptemt>ei BO-t, In Pair lla»*o,Coon-a tauiilY acbool fclbiji The uumher wlil be lint-Ited to twel\e The locatloo U d.hglitful, and paplUwill find lo the famlly of Mr 8 a ple«*ant bomo andanjoy parental care. Hlt pa*t experlen.e and *u.veo» ata teacher are a tuthcienl guarautv th ,t ihe aeiy heet ttf In-atructloo will be artoided. Kor further infoimaUoe addreaaB A BM1TH, Patl llaven.Cona. __._..

Rt rt BBMC_*-T-0 P.eaident aod Profeeooia of Tale Col-leae ; K. C Benedlct. K-M . No. N U ail .t.. New-V ,.b 0_« ;

P .1.8,11,-, No ll Kaat rhoma. Deou.EtO, Coart. B Hmho kAaaa, BejlWM.*t I) 8. Appletoa. Eao- No.&« BroaJw.y^ Ujal _o«.Mo III KulUo tt . Bev Oeairge Alleo. WofO-Ker, M**a_

THE HENRY-8T. GRAMtfARSCHOOL. No. *»* lle.rytt N. Y oow iu lujlath

yearof eiu-ceaaful r^raiion. will IQitpOBj of MiadAy^wapRib. wlth ev ry p.-aalbie a.1, an'a4e for a«uod o.aaaioal «n<l >o">-

¦¦llal BB-Mbll Pupil* are rea-.-iaad at BBMBAv Tiite

Inttltutieuhaabeeauoreterve.lly BUMM08VI ff'JJS"tlie t'lot.y and other well kuown Cl-uena, aa inat b* a«eo

by refeienca to the Clr. ular Pareota aie *»"H**>_' f*'_exau.tue the varioua claeeea. and m.lge Ra themeelvoa M tho

puim.ed Boiog ,ulle n-a- tl e Jia.-d atja|id tholiiu.l. i. a. r-ern, the Soh.»o| I* reaehed wilhout dittlsulty** 'i:,f. qy^CBBBaoa. A M. Rector.

I^HE BANCROFT INStirOTE, No.Bioadwny, (late Krench Ctaaateal aod EnglUh !».

.titnte Mrni A PERlllN. Pnnaipal) will 9e t.vpeoed oo

aVED*EBDAY, Sep:. at och'c'k A *M. Parenu aro.aiio ,ily reoutiteO lo promote the retnrn if.ih«!p'ipiia at Uearlra/ate ae poattble. BEBfRAM II ARrtlSON, B. A-I'iii.. goL I'nape, tutee* may be had at tbe Scliovl

TARRYTOWN INSTITUTE..ln thiiIr-.iiiuilon yoiing gert'einen are h.8nM_BJ In all »he

braaoboaloaatA-ifcreoaaaaowIM pnrauii* or eaferiog i^.l-lege. Tbe \\ inter Term cnm.BIBB ",i the iet ol N>>-VBMBEI I'lrculara, oontalmng: t-rni*. r«fer-r*ea, kfl..ean ie obtelned at C S IKPARD V CO S Bo.ikKire, No.ISfPahooat-orofE II vvii.c.n\, No. M Broadway,NV or by aodreealna A NCWMAN. Prlnetpel._riiHE MIS8E8 BfARSHAlaL bnv« th-R opeoed tbelr Hchool for yonng '.ate. and Ml**e* -*No.

.17:1 Bii-ine.t. fhey are prepered to receive Jor 4 chitdrenaa boardere


ANTHON, LL D, Rector. will open for the recepllou ofpupil*. after tlie (umiiier vacail. o, or MONDAY. Hept!

ITNIVERSITY(.RAMMAR SCHOOLProf E A John«'n. Rector Tbe three DeparVnient*. tbe Innior, Ibe Cpper Pngllth, and the Clatilcal.reeopeo dmnltaneouily on Monday, 8> pt <'< Papilaaiero**ei\ed *l ibe age of aeveo yeara and upward, and preparadfor the counting h'.uae, or for admiatluu to auy College.(irrulare may bo obtalned at Appleiou'*, leK-kwood'a, ort'rowei.'* bookttore, lo Broadway, and at Raynor'a, In thoBi^tery. OEO S I'ARKER, Prlnclpal.


aorner of Broadway and l.lh tt, will liereopeaed on MON¬DAY .Sept R at » A M Circula* al I tab BBOda. No 411Broadway, Evaoa and Rnttan'a. No gBI Broiulwaf,and attha re.ideuca of 0<e Prlnclpal. No ZTi jntii at, near Tornp.kiotawt


Danniti Gtljoolo.ACARD.Mr. CHARRUAUD takai

pleaaure In ani.ouneli.g to h.a BaOMOBM pafniiia andWOil »itheia, r^aidma u. tbe upper eart of th« rlty. bat hl»Dai eli.g ar.d VVa.ian.g *la*aea will rx.pato in Oetohar neat,at hla new raaOB, No VI K.aat I MI, at two doora waat ofBnailway aid near InUeralty p'aoe Tbe ledo.OBOMMoi.. in iioua, /iivenleat and plea.ii g tmubla for a telaet,

geoieel 8chi» I, and at pnaimlty to the aereral llnee ofBroadway aod V'.l. »v oiiiiiibuce*. and the 4th a* rall ear*.Th»r« will be alen elaa*e*at bia old roeaa No ¦'" VVblte-gt.Tbo th and llb av rar cara paaa lo >v -a' Broalway at allhour* durlrig tlie day and evenlng Bad lOOd pa»a» ngat* atthe enri.er_f W hlle at wtlhlo half a bloot of hl* aaloon.Plea»e look for peitleuler* In fuiure adtarttBOaoatN B Mr Cbarrua'Kl will ru.lli'i aai on and room* Bf

No .tlWlil'til foi *e|rct partle*. ballaaiida.dreea,ttr>Ogh-Bat Bto oaaolag aaaaoo Termtmoderate IVaw call at hUretldenee, No HU VV aet llth *t P1ANO-KORTE of inpaftn. UmtX-L and fiiiiah, lateet atyle of ca*«, maile by oaauf thobeai uiakera lu thi* city, ai.d wairanted for twu year*, *eveaoctave, ln pertcct order It l* new It will be *old varylow, aa the owoer 1* aooo to leave the city. It .an be teeafor a few dayeelNo. 71 Hudaon *t, from '< Ull 11 o'clock,A. M acd from 7 lili :, f.M.

BO8T0N PlANO-EORTES.-Thalargeat aaaortuient of Planoa lo thi* city 1* to be found

at tba wareroom*of T 04LBEKT CO-8B0.M B'.ad-way. corner of Antbony «t., oppoatte Broadway Batk andTheater and will be told Bt great bargain* They have tbacnetalllc franie, ar.d are warranted to *tand any ehrnato.DeaJer* eupnlied en very llberai term* Ollbert'e CottagOor B'.udolr Plaaoe, convenient for amail room*. for gala *,and warraDted AI*o, an extentlve BBBBrt_M-t of Ollbert kCo '. improved .f-o.ian Planoa, iirilv-raally adrmtCMl to boaupenoi to all otbera HOKACK W A IKft.1, Mol* Agent.TwentytiTe eerondhand Pian... aod Melodnona to rent

Bheep. or for teJe at the fiallowiog orlcea 84". %¦'>", f7S. f^J,.'.'.|l'"' ? I", |l*'. |i'A .<¦'«.¦ 9; I". $11^, I'lOand $IH».Boudolr, |-W At.'.tma Plano*, %£»<. %/!'< ar.d %Z*> OrandPlano. %:¦.*, do wllh .«. ..Iian. &i» Prloce It Co '. Meio>de< aa Btv*. $»'. .».'- and Bn.V Carhart Me|.«te<.n. pA

BRADBURY'S P1ANO WAR_>rtt-oM. No. 4-1 Breadway, threa do »r* ahovo CaaaV

et.-Tba " A-.oUao," *'Otided Stilng. . " American PateotActlon" aod " Arcb bottom" Ptao-ja.Tha eaoeenber,ecmpelled, from 111 beellh to re|in>iui*b la part baprofeaaioo aa teaehar of w_ttc, ha* aoade arrangeo _¦to *ell aaaorted New-York aod Bo*toa Planoa j aod *InuU the convenleoce of haelag at band aeiectod inatra>coeota, acd bU long acquaiotaooe with the publie, will i_>

Slre eonfldeoee la bu judgment aad teoura hirri a llbnralire of patrooaae Beeood haod Piaiwa exchanged, for

.ale and to let Ordera tYoru abrood aooetnally attended to._


X^OLEAN PIANO FORrE-J-No.441J-\-J Broadway, hetweea Howard and Oraad *tt-Anilecdld aatortmeot of Hallet Dav.t A Co t mueb aduiiredriar.oa, (aotne very rieh «ty>« wlth a larg* aaeortmeat <xfB... i. and New-1 ork Planoa of vartou* makera. Al*. a fbReupply of aocend haad Pianco. lnciudtng T Ollbert kCo%wlth nr wlthout tbo *.ollan, all of whtcb are for eale at thakjweatprleea.-P.o_oa to IaOt. LINCoLN A TBOMPAOB.

FOR SALE.At No. 8 BRrclay-it.,next door to tbe Aator Hooeo-a \ ariety of a. aad 1

octave roaewood Puao-Portaa, warranted to gtve eatietee-tioo m every reepoct, or bo tale, for eaaii or appro»ed paOOl.Planoa oa hlra. JAMEB TUOMP80N.L'-OR SALE.A aecond-hand RrandA PUbo, ia good order acd of good u.ako. No. 11 VVar-roa-at.

J& C. FISCHER, (l_ta Nbobb-*a PUebor,) manafaatory and wareroooJ. No. 17" Oroea-

WUh^a evrner of Ooy at. PlaaoP. rtea, warraoted, wlIBiraveoee br.dge aod pateot tobe, woll adealated for keepugla tune Ptaoo-rortaa lonod, repaired and esabaagaAB. B.Alao JEo-an Ptaao-fertaafocaala_

METROPOLlfa\N~PIANO-FVRTBEBPORIlM.-BAltRlCESTRAK-dCUbaaepaa-od U10 aoleadtd *tore No. ft» Broadway. wltb b urge *aw*»-

ment af Aae Plaao-Porteeand a aoebof _rat-ala*a Btaww-00A PorelaeereareiBfifdloeall. np_iw*JbHENRY C 'VATiWN, M»fu|-r, .10 l» Bl98i«k»

Ma*- i*

#* a»). .* Io .et N ", . wlll « ««>

,KaSSSJ." Bk-bJ."*?^_....iy. i\l


Pi,.fe>a.n¦aaaaial-la.* ar* .a^oiaa''' '^ ;,..,.;.,,.«. %t* "*,|"",iaZ,a«*.dlk,w*a .

, tb* altfs

iiN,,hani>pianoaf aaay a-d Bfi' '

aw airawva ».'..«' »¦" .".""'.' N'* » *

s ,fl JaOaW'RO x BRt»TI«r.R

TuHNCf * IX*.* MELODKONS.-I'rae lattnaf Maaa IRaliOMB, ahtah baaaaadahI JZjTSTt""-. -raa-f aaupr".i.»i 11.. th *

¦aXl"aToaw. N. *«° Biaaoaay. MaaaaOaa tha Parb >

HANO EoKTKS. The fineal aaoit. a~ * ^_ t.ih* *iit BBM h* found at thi

¦*«^'5Tr a V RTis h oo N,. .4

r*« "T^SL^j .a^aaa ilew.i aatabratad Am-ri

^i*J wwow4 »«oad PhBBM N bsI* ¦ b>M No 44

Onwy/v »i _

%) y HARR1SON haa reino»od Im\ a a. gOaai I a i *"B> No £> I'anal at

^\+ t" st- - .i ai Oraad ak, ahata ma» h* faaaf i

-|,,f a*a<r«n.enl f Platio- 'o'te*

ftldchnurji, #c.


Mkiri. .> aad agataat parehaMBg, aata*,o,. ,a i.i ofUua Pa.ent Aa a aahatitaia fb

.tela ii ha* ik> equal. hut nnuiy Inn,. ., a are noar pmdtng. and will b.

ihe law t)n haiicl. aod fo.u lu .. .ii. uiiihrr*


1 I G H FS 1 N G RODS .otis \I i>TR> BTEB'S Paleal Iniuated L,t#ibtuiO((Couductoitfrlr!!! a.i b ',r ¦ *¦

.S*"<»-el hun

dradlaatiu Bibav* '¦ la wlnch acl-H*L-a.mhalh. » ,i piele.euco for tlna rlodJT^-albet Ui* beat dev\m\ tb- BBOBt pai_r.tly {oauiatod.BtoaTiaa I ,!.!.;, a tacbed U> tiie hoildlngaiiJroM»v...»-»: A...e- BMdal wm awsrded to thi. Con-TJT. ., - ,v Kau, Ha Ifurd, and a diBloma atUw M *.- » . I . »' Fair. LowaR Maaj Lk»I areuta

ar* Wiai app. :» ,",, K^l ,0 th" ' Q""dJ '

, u ..b^-.t f.retI:.ieot buainoaa inea.

t , -1 to the .oba.-.nher., will .)« oro 1,,1-ljr, dNiii Yorkand vicinity wmhing to

»r t**-i ib*D hu id-i »*. wi'i tind ;t f-.r tlirir interaat uiexatu-tn* ikM t O* J .. » * k

LXCIIB Io\ONkCo,Offi,aNo 4 Day-et,

SLM.KRS SEWING MACHINE..Thara a oo looget sny e\pr rinent in uriug ttieae lnvtvl-

aa>ai ktbur-aavicg machtnes, wblciiexecotesll kLndjofmsui-hag a Mtle of grtai oea-t> aad duiabihty Tbe y an adaptedB* sty kud *f aewlog. s:.d ara uaed b; ladlei ,n their beataaann woik Tta gieal dtiuaud for th eaa ir.achluea. andgfca uvr.-w aaiUfactJ. l :hey ba.c giveo. 1* oo iinall pralaotct trxir ua*ru.o*«a, wr.icb ae^di only to be koown to oe ap-arrylaltfl The p tiit'paJ oltice for tbe aale of tbe*e n>a-av-!<.... at No UO 8roadwsj. where they ean be aoea 1a

t propnetor will l>e happy to deiuoa*Btrate th»ir ufl'/.j to any oo* wbo wlll ca.ll

arpij TKUE, EARMERS, that 011**X OKRTS ExoeiMor Wrought IroB THRAOHERaaf

BLXaNER, bUI t.hraih and el-sn, bt for market, wltb tw;.s-n; horaea. ooe hslf to ore kuihel of graja pa

Bkiasie It to portabie, eotvanlent. and dooa Ita vrorlthor cpblj A lavar or railwBj pjwer fbraUhad if 1oa1r*4Pnos, bU eoxpleta, with aower |:75 to BttO, aceording taaaa Oddrfaa, poat pslA J08EPH O. UILBERT,

No 211 PsarlrtuN.T.

T_HE ESSEX~COMPANY S M AjCHINERY DEPOT Btaaaj Enmnea, frorn 10 to 30

borwp.»r', Irua V anera Vertlcal B'.d HorixontaJ Dnlla,Eaaioe Latbaa, Ttip Hanirnera. Isrre Shes^a, PowerPaaebea and otber ar«- .si -t:ei of Msoiiinnfa' Tooli,agawtsotiy oo har.d. or in iuch prorreaj that ordera iihv baajpaiad from the workiat a anoit notira High snd low-areaare Staeir Eortnea aod Boilers of any ai/.e. 4teamrWa hUkkkO »s* Miiia, rarhtee Wster Wheela, ShattUir,Paurja, f mioo aod Woal alsrhinery mad» to order. AlaobaveoB hsid. aad make to order, Locomotivea and KteigntPaia T'» Eaw-x( on.pany, ol tawreoca. Msia., havioionetf tbe Isrgeat n.urr tre^nop. 'n the I niled Statea, with ex.aawive iacihtlea f >r inanDfartunng Maehlnery, sre eusbleOa fBTLiah a lood srticle, ar>4 orl-r it at n very low prloa.

OOROON M' KAY. Agent,OfBce aad MachHiery I)»p6t, No ii »road-at, N. Y.


CntleTTj, £5ar&mart, *Cc.

ADIRONDAC CA8T STEEL,.TWo8Uel Compsny sre maklng s rnperlor srtlcla of Cait

. ta*l, wsrraaied equal to »ny in rnarket, and sre prepiredio axecota orfien f<.r sll klndi of Hsmmered Cait Sleel.rbey s-e 'teeting Standi of Rolli. and ae alao prepsred to.ecelve oider* for RoUed and Sheet Steel, to be execucutada a few werkj JOHN VV. Ul'INtY,

Campaoy'i VA srehouie, No. H| John-it., N.Y.

CHA1N PUMPS, iruri an.i aVoodaiCursa saperlor gaivsalzed Cbsla, wltb tnrned snd

Baly tio.ihed buck-ta tufieuti evht-forkod raobi, aaV^Ra*¦aaa'aatoreO, wboleaale and recaii by""

M. CI.ABY U POWfB, Beneaa Palla, N Y.

GRATES aad FENDERS.H. KKL-L.EY 8 Grste snd Fondei MauufaoUiry, No S4«

kroou.r-at. three doo . weat of Ihe Bowery, sajolning Dr.Cooe'l Cburcb Bailde.i and otheri who am sbour purahaa-laa, wouJd do wei'J to csll. aa be u ooolidnut that bi* paUerna,br aariety and eheapi.naa. are nniurpamed


1UN WADDlN(.and PERCUSSlOiNCAPS-Eley'i Cloth Unn Waddlng tha beat and

ibeapeit srtvle aa>'d Eley'i Pereniai'in Capi, Wire Car-Tldgea and .sportlng Matetlali, Powder, Flassa, iie A la: jtxd c< rnpiete nwnnti -nt of tbe above for sale by tha uiaaa-hatornr'f lole sirenta.

FRANtIS TUMES a SON8, No. n Ma'fle^ isna


.OODBfrancib tomes a oo.vo,

Io. 0 Maldan-lanr. luviie thn sttanlloo of bnyert to that]ixteon.o aaa ri'iieiil of 1'ie above gooda. wOlab they otfaibl Mle cbeap. for caah. or approved orednA aon*Uotauppl> ,.fr.(l|,TH PI8TOU8. i.f ao i:«ea


BAIN V BRINKERII.JKF.Osnufacturenof sll kii.di of Barfkral and Deutal loitra-ner.ia. Tiuaaea, Bytlafat and fine C.ullary. ara otforado Dealeri upou the n.oM lioeial BBrBM

CAFE.A -iinill SalainaadorSafo, Wil-O der'i 1'atent, for Bal< low Apply fjr lliree dsyito

L 1 A I'NUERHILi No* 4 -:.d B -lobn it

rO PLUMBERS, EMilNE BUILD-t RK, ha.HATDEN v BatlDERR Hrsaa Fouudera

,no Manutarturera, orter for sale st the" it re, No. 110'aail-'t a larre variety of Critor. Kauce-n, Onage I'ockl)u t'upa Ps'tntOii Cana, Hoae. Plpea, CoupUog*. ttsiiaBaaha Ar, ac.

TROY STOVE^ Of lateot otyle, Rike-rran A Seytii.a.'i patlern, with VV lUf >

Kigh . in.pi. ."in. M BBparlor to atiy la tta'iet Pytriderita aaatisaad aaata*t Inl .euiont,"atent aa wlnch n now pendltig. V it'lety Stove yN'arehoma,

. Btoa ai

WATCHMAKERS' aod JE\VrELERS'TOOI.S Ualrl. Msiensls. Siuba, Tooto snd

Fllea; Turuiui l^ibri ol ail al/-*. \e linp.rted. ma 'ifaa-uted aad ioj aa*' v\' M II FRAWE,Ng V. r.hathsro.«.. thrar . it.siiila.raai, N-w-York


DVERT1SEMENTS aro ir.acrted io'8 tfher |ir'-l aod ta-mal V. Oag AaeDBV Trlbaaa Ra<ldloaa

.*->* brat pape'i 'a rther alf'ea and t-wmst

i\TVNTloN! A ITENTK )N !.Soott?,., i*..i>b»ni Auoclsuoni furciahed wit.h Flaaa. Baa-their oldiV?"". k*i b' aCKEKMAN k hllLLER, stAnii rts > ¦. W Naaaaaat, batweau Faitoo aod

BiiSa.NJ tl»' lhe HENR Y CLA Y, andiwlft'.e.twsrunaNTY-FIVE LI VF-S -Thla abould baaelf witl. ou* of DRe^eij travela' t-> proyide blrn iw har»bot ali:n*. sad essa Fstnal L>ife Praoaraara. wbleh aratHo 2j (VurUBridt^tNy* ba foaad at bu aetaWlaciraaaa

MIIMMVaalabi MlLLtR. COAt»wt>c Tuea. lor flJ..r*.Ac Foa

» A YOLLE. No-^jPaarl^t.

i.Mada tiv the (iarn«

^LASSWARE.^,,. . . . . iV'l Oa.. h.»eo«..,.d.sa47'",?»11« BrothiT &aiaiiatiti patfaaueia Ora*a iiHaaititi'i? raaagati IH". 7 FlelalMM-M., Nea V m »».- t » haa r . .1

ISAAC OllARr'i. ~^

Q1LVER PLATI. j aTj%J Oli.DINO--W E' Hf"' .*' h ' AUp>m ard repisUi s.1 kioda of plaVo. KJ Oaaoe *t. ra*

BbaapeM aad beit r- aaasr \i gi.t puoda la tha

T B. HARLOW. dealeri^ .

B/ a aod BUnda, No jfi CliO a, c>rna7t^m^',' r,a,n'Yoik J B II la piapared to furaab ti.*^*"*,uaa N*w-aay i(asauty w qjaality. snd will wsrraot %Vy' ovnela* iaBB rapraaroted Ordeii 11! .~d aod aaah *lua?7 »*t.ala to ba-S^Rabon nottaa.


ou.4^ at

m.H).Hr P°UN__* »ACON|UUt"""siHIS booj oty rured Htnii and

Hhoulde.a.forialeb) \ AN BBUB1 V. aVAfBOU8.No MIChamb . »t

C1HEAP PATENT ROOKING- Doaa/ ob rough plank fot 1} renl* i> N fia.t OVOBtta

. »ota aatfo.gla-tOal. by OOOPWIM. Ba.BM Rprtaf.M m«ai Hudaon

\- EASTPOWDER...THE BESTM.Thla ailh'le hat Jteen ti m.ifli l.nproved by the

Bei that he wa.rai.iau o.u h noarteB to aoy .ilhnr compou. d in tb* l .I Btataa whtla ll l» alao free. fr,»in delet*.rloaao " Bi Di Cklhoa'a Berttfieobi of iu puntv, oa

gaok It tt put up In t:i, aant. and n.ld al a ina* prlo*tl a.i tbe ga.ol.

Alau, foi tale. pure D iMr Refi ied Mahrretn* 8up Carb| I,. Iieaiii Tartar, Hoap PowtttT, (drv). ind S*| RodgraoBlIf WOHk__M an.l cau obtain the abovr >>f any»b. leeale glUBBI Bl diugglat in Ihltclty Wriuapa'ticulailyfor the geoatae aitvlce U'erratted free fiorn adulteiatloaPot aale li en\ oi.anlltv by tba inanufacturrr.

TIlOMAS aNURKVV8.No l.i»iCedar*t..N. Y.

YEAST POWDER..B. T. BABBITTi* the ortgmal invemot of iheChemlcal Y-a»t P wde-

Wblfhl* piepa'ed and aold by Mm al No* M and 71' VA'aah-Ingti-net. New-York, tn tln naiit Thoee who gpreh-wehould *»e thaf Ihny gel lt-t wlth the ahove nama i*

VA/ASHI1NO FLU1D..Nelaon'b Chl-P T ni-ae, la the only ..-nuliie tuiproveinent for Mrtng

Ubor and BBpOaaO, and inaklng hunua very whlte, witiwoitnjiiry lotle labnn Refei lo tbe Att'i II .u»e 8old byUnaera BBBIiaHl Drpot, No. 114 >V arr-n tl AMr.iPYLE, Mai.olactuicr. UmI diacount lo the trade

JA. PERRYi Whnl.-r.iilH Hlid Retalla Dea'er ln Druga. Medi:tne*, I'henil-al*. Dyeatu'li aod

Eun poaa Looebea, Boda i*i'fi and Syiup*,No. «ii El_,eorner Manrhettrr-.t Manch. tter, N. 11.

11W1NE of t-vory df-scription. cut andwriiight Nnll«, Biad* and Spikea. rthoe Thr»ad. Mi

nil a Henp and Coiton Cordaga, <>akum, Carpet W'arpp,GUUag Thuad, Ae f.-r .a'e by

( RRBA4 CIMINO, No. l'fiPeerlrt.

7VT B W- YORK BLtBCTROTYPIJL 1 VVOhKS.4'a.pper doplicatetof Type, Engrnvinga, a *'liibt adaanoe 00 ttereolvpe pilc-*; pnntert' job cmaiaeoppei on hand, and EUclroiyped to order, at the *ame nno*aa ln Ihe .peclmen beok* Baltene* for tilvering, gildingand elecfrotyping, m <de to order, and ioatruotloo glven laIbeait. JAMES E WARD,

ElexstrieMetalliirgitt, No Bl A:;n-at


at..C'arew Co. aod RaOttBod Millt Paperi ot Mill piic_Prinilin aod Blu.k Book PopOBBOl band and inade to order.

ClARDS iin.l CAKL) SHEKTiS..TheJ *uh*cr1ber ha* had fiftien year** practlcal expe.neuce

ln the manutacture of Knameled and C dorsd Carda, and lneonin.enriiig bcaineaa for hlnitelf n.ri i_ia tn keep on nandaeompleteaetortmeot of Enameied aod Colored Cardt andCard ?heeu B_M tnchea, whlch be will otter to duh boy-ara at price* exc»ediug:y Ipw All Caid* .1 bl* mauufacturewill he warraoted to piint well, and any ius and uual ty ofCard ean be cut at a few mmutea' notice. Call aod *et tpe-elmen* and pnee* at No. 1 Reade-tt. R W. ROBY,

No. 4 Reade-tt, eorner of Centre *t

LENFIELD PaTENT STaRCH..Thoii.aiii'* wl o are tow utlog tol* valuab'e artlcle,

altett to ua Irnmeiiae auperjoiity ovnr all o"iera in uae lltmoarit a ?>.-au'itoi clear g'oa«y finiih to Ltnei *, Lacet, _e.,and lawholly unartert-d by p.oaplralt in or riamp atmoaphereIt reijuirea no boillng, andd >ej»not adhere tothe iron. 8old byOroceit generally OEO. WALBER No IS*{ Wmhlng-ton tt, Sole Agent for Olenfield 8oloble Blne and PatenlBurch

I IIDJI GALLONS CASTOR OIL.I yl r\f\ f An erirau and Inna; he«t Alcohol, 10n bbl*.,80 aod '.>$ per cent ; II groe* Taylor'* Liverwirt, hnellaoai d*. 2" ttt.taiu 30 babt, Bgmaa Kellinger'* Lini-niriili Qbiniun, \'t 01 > limi Havaaa HyMBi 311 groe*Dally a Oir.tmei t; OoiuAiabic; Borat. A Ao.lo ipian'.l-tl<* to tuit dniggitu, n.a. u'a. iui.-ia aod otnert, at*. by \V XV THAVER, Di<iggi*>,

No 3 9 IVarl-.t., Viauklio-aquare.

JLEAVENS. (Sii.cHr.ior to CromHllno A Eaubrother.) No. 2U2 Pearl at, It. S Hotel Build-

lL*;t. f. ur doort from Kulonit.. New York. ao'e proorietorfor the Ir.lled BtatOi ol the EK0LI8B VERMIN DE-8TROYER, warranted »uperior fo any other artir.le ever of.ferrd for tbe deatructloii of Ant*. Bedhuga Roarhea VVorma,Motht, and all meecU that orawl or inhahit cavllieaorjoinuof wi ,,d. fuii.iture. treei. tbru'.bery, ir. Koi aale aa ahove,in bottlo* at 2r>, 60 ceuU acd $1. A liberal diacount to thetradeReferences.Muirhe'd k Clarke, Proprl»tor* Mer-

chai.ta" Courtlandt at, O. XV. Kellogg A Co.. Proprie-U rt (ilche Dli ing BaloOB, No* 7. 8 and 1' Kulton MarketA6RMT*.New-York: A. li k D 8and*, wholeaale drug*

ptt-.No li'H Kulton-at.; Churle* H. Riog, No \'>i Broad-.vay. eorner of .lohn at; Oluer Mowbray. No. 44 Kulton-*tJamea D Ej:an, No 115 Princ«-*t Yorkviile. N Y DrCecll-* Kiii.ily Medlcine Store. Brooklyn. N Y. I RB.icr A Soi.t. No 27 Jainea-tl Mr*. M llayee, No. |7i Kul-ton-*t.; Danlel Colgrove, No M MyitU-av : Thomat J.Ilaye*. No. 14« Ailait'c^t. Willlamabugh, N Y.: JaineaD Nbw. II, Droggitt aod Ch-u.ii., No. Bi Oraud-*t.

TVEW PAPER HANGINGS.FRAN-II CIS PARE8AOO- No 'J79 Pearl-at, ha\e Kiit re-Ctlvad llit-lr new dealan. of tlie r'ahaat ai.d ...<al laa'.l.. iv.leKrernh Paper llangtoga, ttlecu-d expreetly to decorata thavariout mlerior apartment* of tbe moat 'antique and rnodnrodwti Tbe nimt tkillful workuien are eiuployed tohar.g the Paper*OECRET OF BEAUTY.HOW to UO HANDSOME.

1 ean inttruct any perton how to be h-ndaomo.I tearh how to make brown akln falr and elear.1 teath how to remove tan. pimple* and frickloa.1 teach how to change tbe taliow faee into one of beaol]I teach how to make the wiinkled akln (TnoothI teach how lo make brown teelh a* whlte a* peaxlaI teach how to n-ake oftennve breath perfectly twoetI teach how tomake hard brown handaaift and v/hltoI teach how to make diaeaand gnm* hard and tound.I teii.h b..w to HMka the bairgniw laxunantlr.I ean boadaa Ibe growth of whukera, raoojtaahsa, AtI teach how to have brlght and ipaxkllng eyea.I teach how to preterve the eyealgnt for Um.I teacb h»w to reitore lmpaired eye«lght1 teach how to ehange g-ey hair toiu orlglaal aolor.I teach how to ehange *lie coior of the hair a* dealioAI teach how to make the hair eoft, nch and gloeay.I teach how to make the lipt and chnek* rad.I teach how to remove rapeirluo-r. hair.I know the ahove are all perfectly harinlea1 know they are all very cheap and pleaaantI know everv person will Itke tbem on trlal


ve directiont to make and uae theae eomponndJ.latk ONLY ONE DOLLAR for all thU tafon_a_oallnow they are better thao any adverttaed ao«metl*a

I recelve ne Ittt- n unle** p.*tpaidAddrt*»or*end to M LAVAS8E, Preneh ChetrUt, Nc

104, coreer Aon. New-York. He will enod tkiwork by mail or otherv-lae

i'nmunrc, «5?t.

CHEAP IRON BEDSTEAD WARE-BI'OM.- All luei and pattero. 'rom |4 fo *»¦_". AUa,

fliehra'ttT, neat I*pnnt Mattreaae* now known to he th*best at well a* chespe-t n*w i. ade ^'ywhera Pr.eaI .in t*> to $20 Old M.i t-ewet alteied to oomforlak.e,elactic Bed«, from Rs to .? 2. N. B. Erery artiole war-rantrd H> tel* and Beenteoriea supplied. on falr term-.No. 8SS Bnadwaj, above Sprtng-tt .tde.

OLULDaOILandCAMPHENELAMPS,r Ouandole*. PoBSO, Hall l.aHip* Crockery, Olaae VN'are,Cc, I'lnnaTeaSelta, Tea Traya, Cinna Matu Mng* andCup* ai d Saueert, for preeent*, and many otlier tueful artlolea all *ell'rf ebeaper than any other atore in the elty, alC A BAI.Dw INS. No M Bowery, 4 doora above th*Tbeater_


Aw, Oiand tt., 2d door ea»i of E_aei tt, New-York.CbenyCplKlatery and Fealher Si. re -Tbe attentlan of famlllet¦RoM purrbaalng U reapmtfuliy Invlled to the large antbeauliful aatoiimeiit of Boila, Mattreaaeo, Pa.ii-w,, t', La, Ao , all of whlch have beeo purebateed at loaaa.(I. prltee, aod will be eold at aucb prlce* aa lo make H a*Uiduceiueot for all to oatii and exainlne tbe a>« ve atoek preeiou* u> u.aking the.r purchaae* <loo_t aenl to aay part ofthe city, Brooklan ard V\ lii.amihurgh free of eartage. OUBod*and MaUr***et loaorated aid ma.i- .--

W.CRAVV Bi CK, NoH-vOrand-at,-I door eaat of Eawx *t, N T


v ibl looooapytbaapoeaefaabak i 888 Patent Mat-tirca. a, M t aadown at ba.I prueof ba;r or hagfeaaiBroaaid Cba-Oj Awn d«. beit-ea proof|Maiaat V. .-

kiiivt. RlOOaad Spittoot and llaialand., Ae|000 gWOOt tleep aud .hoit nighl. buy our 8- a Iblatlii.aeai lbe> are OTOOf ara.i'»t vero |Ra andoobBoon lanted toca'i N. B Adrance* made oa coo

aignmei.t BAUakCO N V4 Wotorot_

METROPOL1TA N H 0 V E L .The>. of thi* mag'.i'ireot palaee are from the Bsl maiiOlaciorv ot >a'o".e Marie d'i ''gi -tA ROLKCR, MOLLMANN A A PER1ER.

Hole Ager't for tbe 1 r.ited No RM Pearlat

IIGHT-PRODUCING MATERlALS.i T - . - . .'. Iggpa y 'cgagod ln the manafaa

tu'« of PRoagene l.u, Kornlog V uld C-'-iplene, and alJtle aaiiet'ea of lanpe tii bumiog tne rar 'ua t_a:-:i__aboew-meotiored. aawe.i a* oil.

Bel. g n.anu'.ctnrereof tr» a»»>-e, thev »ffe» *p«etal ln-dur-inee'. t« e<anntry dealert to make tne-r euj haane olNo -" V \> -i ARR, JB, k CO

SHOW ( ASES A ihTii**r/.'y oe hard alao ca*e* m_a5 to order of BRf,

i.irirr .- ?wood. Mahogany. Black V\*:ou_ AeN.B -Catettc let for the Ka'r ty B A i'EEBLEB, NoUa i.raod tt. *t *'.'* eaat of Broadwav N Y


C<OAL.Th« gulwriSrr bu io yarda,/ acd U ewegantly gUeharglog all tha ._1oo* kladaoi

ActArac.ta and Bltuo-.tooue Co._. rig Paaeh Orr.ha.-gBiact Heatb LebUb. Llverpool Orrel, Caonel. RldaoyA« Aa,a:i of tbe rery b_at «^^^',v«^'".^mAbo-wDcder. aad for tale U w J AM*.8 L W oBTM.

ttr -at a_i Thooipa-c aod fcth-ov au* A/ik*.Do-a -». ofllco No. ia .VoU-_l

COAL- !;. Ab_ V- ^«i.d_tofa,Bi roen-ed aad d.|1vertd ta g"«l ' :an i«a*froa»

boau . bea ducherglog Yard No W3 R£r^fjj,^-^IAY in IfOUR COAL WHILE it U

J CHEAP The »u'«eril..'* w..l fn/u'.iih roiperloi( ¦».§ b r *tove«. rai / * '-i.t't iad /¦. t al .. ry luWrotaa la tiM*»»b. apply beforalhe fai alaoo.* u»e olaao, fto. .- uiooawioa-oe, aad a_ a», aoot w~at.

(UucIko, Jeu>c!rn, c\t.

WATC II ES aad JKWhLKY.-Mjl ihi ^ i.l; P1I1 li. N a 01 Fahaa it aad

Baam, aaald caB thaattratinaaf thatr rraeaei .' -¦

aod aati ¦ . "' *r|of a line i.. id \\ * rh .>i h al H.-.l-vTavl. r and ollier r> b l"a .d BBBIBCa) »r aahat war*. m-i.Forka, Baaoaa, Tia aaata orOaM Jaaaary, Re, that aaBoaa paaaaicd i-'i-r haa aaaa ta aall tha ahaaa.a»aBsiaag oda, on fb* iii-.i r.-«»" sbJe torma Oar atock ia lar|wi-ll .. i.., i.,i ... chaapaeaiaadaarall.i de of ,,,, «J BI '1 aellwanaatfd BB rvpreaeatrd. '< < rcrjit eordiallyIn ti'.i


aa*ortn;»i t ol tb* r.e»e«; ityie africh Rraahyjaf awpattern, lian r< 'd and rlver l^diei and llent'i W a'ch-SiJyerwaie (.' thr Maadaad af d»l ari at very mo lerinrirea BBB hB fonnd at T W PAC HTMANNS JewelBtore. (**!.» Iialea IK>«, N* Waichaa J*Blry *nd Buaaraaia mada ta eRaraad rapalradof Eaghak aadBarha Waiahaaraaatrad wun pa/ticolarc*and aanaataR Califoruia paai taieo ia excbange a

ruafie tp tv o d.-r_^^

Jnonrancc (totnpanire.BUILDING ASSOCIATION and Gei

eral Fire lniu.ance (Vu.pany, corner .)'Tryoo-rcsnd f'ha'ha-n it. in the llarl.m Raiirosd a

takti.g nakt on R.-^ta Bulldlon. ic . on tha favorahtermi JUHN BRCCE, Prealdeat

OaNir.L Barmf.s, Secreta/y

C1TIZENS' EIRE INSURANCCOMPANY-OffteeeNo. K7 Wail-et, and b4 Boarai

Tfitaoomiany. with a eaab eapltal of ?! A'"1". and s larlorploi aeeurely inveMed, eontlnaeito Icrure Bgalrjt Lcor Oainnge by F>raoa |)w*lling Houaea, Merchandlao, Honjhold Fnrnitarn, and a'l deaerlptlnna of peraooal proaartytbe aioat favorable terma

DIRECTOBB.Dsulei hortnett Robart Bartiay,JeremiahJohnaoa, William Wsilsaa,Alonao A Alvard, Fraacu A. Palmsr,JameiC Baldwla, Wm. J Valentiaa,Jay lam. Jaeob M'.ller,John 8 Mvrta, JameiM. Wstartrarj

Joha BodlneJimeiM McLeaw, 8ea DANIEL BL'RTNETT.Prea.

EOWARD L1FE INSURANCCOMPANY. of New-York-Offica No iMBruadwa

.Thti Coinpany being In rucoaasful operatlon, iaiuea po.ichof iMursnoe upon the Mutuil or Joiijl Su>ck prinr.lple, c

tiie moet favorable terma, coniurtent with er.tlre aafety I

the li.iur.-d Any Information reip-ctinf l.ife Iniursne.Anr.ultv. ia . may ba obtsiued oo spplicatloa at tba Orfiiof tha Company.

DiaecToai. _ _ ..

Jaaob Raeee, B. W. Howea.8. Cauibreleng, Joaeph Foulka,John R Suydsm, Bamuel H. Foeter,Heniy Beadel, John Oray,JohnL. Buckley, Oeorre W. BJgga,ThouiB* Oesn. F. A Pslmer,John W Meraaieao, Nathsn 8tarr,George Clark, VV. N Mcltitira,Rohert Schalj, Lemuel Bsuga,Jacob Airm, John S Hima,Ilepry S I.everleh, N. II Wolfe,lame* 8 Bandford, J- W Kellogg,F W Kdnionda, Joaeph Brittoo,Beoj. BabciK-k, Albert Wsrd.Eotene Dutilb, Jobn Sloaaoo.

JACOB RRESF. Pre«1dent.R. 0 H III'NTINilTON, Aetusry.8 CAMBRKLENG. Couniel.

Wm. V. POBTEB, SecrrtaryJOIINT METCAI.FT., M.D., I MedlaalEDWARI) FIELDR M 0., 1 Rxainlnera.

At the Offce of ihe Company daily from 2 to laraAaak

C^ROCBRS' FlRE 1NSURANCIT COM PAN Y. New York. Sept. 2, 1852 -The Board o

Direetonof tbli Company have tbii day declarad a Se.n1Annaal Olvideod of Eight I'er Cent, paTabla oo and a.'tathehthinrt J MII.TON SMITH. Secretsry.

IEE INSURANCET. Niitiomil Lobj.___! Punrf Mfe Aaauranre Sn^iety of London; OeneraAgaafaOfBeaNo 1 OraadaaL, ieriey City .The aboviCompany r.ontinuea to erl^rt tn*oranc»i on the Mvei of ta tba Vattad Sta'aa, and on Callfrnia sni

1nther apeeial hazai-di, at fair rate* of premlum For tarua

'; fonna, Ae., apply aa aNive. toJ LEANDER 8TAIIR, Oenaral Agent

Llfe Iniuranre


Oftice No I4t. Broadway, aornar ofLlherty-ei.TfaliC»mp>yi>v cnntinue* to fniare sgannl ail msnnar o

Idfe rlika. nn favorable termaPeraoni may Imure. payabln st sny rlv-a are, or aooner li

aaaeof deatb Cajiforrili permiti granted at redn-ed ratea.A. A ALVOR0, Praaldait

C. Y. Wemple, Becretary.N. D., AclunryAbrim Du Bou. M D., st thaofTlaa daily from 3 tol

fFalock. P M

EW-YORKHEALTH1NSURANCEASSOtlATION.Ortice No 167 Broadaray-Capital Wlll lciurethe bealth of both Malnaod FaraalaBat a premlum of $2 to $.'" per jear, aod pay $2 to $2" peiweek wbeu *ick, and double that aii.t.unt for funeral expauaea Apply at lh* otrlea for (....... aiv...« . paaaa de'inlUaaplanation Ail coniuiBi.icath.iii noiat tm a.l,lr w Jtn th<Becretary. po«t paid O. K WHEOEN, Prealdeot.¦ A Piek. e. S.-cretsry.Wm. II Momii. M D. Exsintalna Phyatolan.raat

ienee. No 44 tVaBu i it


of Pearl it ^ CAPITAL *-d<Mf,iM»0.At an eleetion h^id >hiiriay, tbe I rantlamsa weri

ghoaaa Direet. n of tha Company for the eniulng yesr:Sampaon M.wjre, HaaaaTaylor, (ieorie Elder.Benj B Sberman, Marih^ll Vepoon, Franeia Skiddy,Peter fdrtrtln, Alex H.Urant, Chaa. Bulkhaltar,RafuiStory, Aia 8 I'orter, Jatnei B Wilaoa,Henry Edei, lasae C Tsylor, Willtam R. Ko*tarAt a mhaeqoent meeting of the Bosrd, BAMPSON

MdOhK, E«q , wai ananinaouily reolecled Proaldeut of thiCompany I MILTlJN bMITIi, Bacratary-Ner-York.Feb. (1081N. B. -Tbii Cmpany eontinnei to tnrure Bnlld'.nga, M«r

.handiie. Houtehold FnrDltnre, \ eaaeli in Port, ka, oa tb(im «t favorable terma Ail loasei promptly sdjuitad aolpaid_


1i*h»d 1ol..5i.«i No 171 Caaal at ; Hi«Broadway. next oornrr of V\'ao al, op|> .mt» Tnnlty < hurrlImure Bnlldinra. Mercbandiae, Hooaabold Furnilura, Vea

leli in Port aiid their t'arii.**, Ac aitaui«i lon or datnage b]nj* IEK K MI AII 1 ERK.F.LL, Prealdeot

M<«i-«) Laowaaa, aieratary, Paiimm., Surteyor.

DISSOLUTION. Tlii- copartnerohilharab exliOtg katwaaa tha iu>acri^ra, unde

tbet'itm of 1)1 DLEY B Fl'LLER J. *;<). n thla day du*olved bv mutusl conieot.New-Y< tk Sept 1. ii.


COPARTNFRSHIP-Tne «ob*eriberi hsve thlg dajfV>rn.ed s copsrtnenMp and wtil eon'inue the Ir-n buiineau*d*r the hroi ol l>L DLEY B Ft LLER i. CO, at Niisatireenwlchit.New-York. 8ep' 1,1 .


Cloiljinfi, tCc.

AcV Q. A. ARNOUX, Di apers anca Tailora. NV:M Broadway. (oor ofOoanaat.) In

v,t« ihe pul.ii. to call and thatl new aud welaelerteo atl k ol hiark aod tan y laUrad < Mha. C**-Hner

,- whlah thay Baaka *. uiuai toordar, and Im

beanly tanre of w .

,,, i,.. , - ir at aarj raaaoaabla pri aa,

t^ALL B%TS.Cuatom m>ike«» oaca»asry tbe BBBOBlilM.aal ibst our Fall llatiate ready

a w. a/, ot Jielr Summar Hatiean o.w, at oui BBi a a al.anie bj h»*.i<^sr st ouca ap

Itoti.aia ^.d bec< Uilag WARNOCKS. lUttara,No 775 Braata .,. Irafcaj H-uaa.

OA8HIONABLE H A TS..Ei^antIT FrenrhS'.k liaU st B> tl laai thsa Br jsdway prlaaaN«at Hauatfc 5". HSOH3,

No IMCsnsi at. oaa door from Sullivae

I MIH IRTAN r N0I1CE.A §UII furthoi1 Reduetlon-hlit b* a.'d to rnaxe room for fsJI atock. alaaa aad aaa- LaaTtaa i>t;-.e.i. 7 Baaktaa, ia.m anpaI ard 4 M-n'« BooBS, l« and 12 M-D'l Shy«, 7 B Mfcaaag i bH 0;; Hoyr1 Bcota, »/, 0/, 3 nd l^d:«'t.eofi aon ( b'ldreni H kara, . i '. and t , al UMA.N.N e Hoot snd Shoe Store, No. Jtj"Uranii al

TND1A RUBBER roOE8.--0OO.OOII jahBBf OAT . Psoenl Vaieaoied Ruabar aad Jspanoaf)ver»li.»aTb-a- ¦< oda r**«lv*d tr.e fliai pran.iuti, ailver aiedai Bt ttM

¦aat anuoel " Fs r of tb* Anisrlcaa luatituta"-ri aod «xt«n*iv*d*alerBBr*ad»*-d li.iBTa IP*

aalaordaniig and paroba*.n« Daya faeilU"*! .I'lal <'"¦.alnaday Oeyeeisr* eautionad that tba '. aorabinatloaV Bpabl at tb-tr bU gim* of Uir»aU>ola» r">aaaiiUoa tormanitot.^r.- ail r» effeet, that they roay aoil for oaa yaai.or. ploadar ib* p>*hata of Iba l^fj^a .. DAT.Oldaat Msnofaeterar of Indla Robbar 0"o*a In the p'ta4

I'a-. wi.*r of /y«i iopetasi ngyhta ^arahoaaa. No a

¦<ta.N»w Vf.il_

JJiotfeeionul Sotutt.

DR. H. K. BKBiGS. No. 7U1 Broad¬way. 1i,ylUe ladi^ aod f-,tl<wn-n U, aism'n* (thi

Mily wa-. ... .ai..- af aa aaraarti*-^ .... -i "'

Pa>i t huipeoo-ii aaj aairl Bafl *"JZ2by uiany wb. wlil aot w«ar any otbar alcd. aiao aaaa ayphyaieiana who r*j»ct ail othara

II .bRVEY BURDELL, M. D. D'o'1 UM..,,.i-.l,.ill. 11 .f M.> .. "¦*¦*.

w.) t. N .1 »* I - baa t-.r,o»»aatly 1<«'-Ji.rt ~* snd laaidaooa. la R>*la-i t»o-*tor- J^«"*R

pravioaa yaara waa aot uiad*. aa n

.'.ara kiaa.

T gTaMBLER, M.D.. Daidat, wouldO a laapaetl . M«"b .». '" !*£* *"*baa laiataad fn rr tba eooauy. aad aaaaM aa piaaaaj ta_aja».i a h aa, haca hha wbh '"..'/.^''^.^"w'SHHy\ aitiagtoo p^ca, (adyoieiBd tba Naa Yata ua»

rV| INIATURE PAINT1NG.-J. AJIo-JTIdocoaJ mI ifiiaad.that hahag aaaaaaf'-IC. ... .. 8.1. y .. -II ». *.~*

at aad Broadway Daaaaff-vtypai CvptaR.


PHONOGRAPHY..T. C. LELVJfl"Tearh-r aid Reportir.-'tn:iv»d fiom N ¦> ;iii to N

849Rraadway, owr ilia»f*« D«rn-rr>i*» Oelbtrj \-hatim Rep n* tf 7>:»lt and '.'rum-r,'. ia '.t*'Addre*»e», ai J L'ctarea, xt.-u with (nt-fBBM-l aai dipateh.

SPECTACLES ^i7itic7!lY adjusiod timperf~ct »-1el. u, arlib «n«''m arseuraoy by M

fRAMta »;--,-- Make* v BBowerj N Y Refeancee.Pr* f)i>> ia WIIAoa aa i H»i»t-d .iurg-"0* to IhN»w York Ey-tnfviiiiry Mr* if|.'iwa.i«.H R,^». ">

p-. BBBalka N V Ey- ll _p tal aod t'i <¦<. a '_wanHr>r M.X

B PAS8POR ra brall para ef thi. world.lodi*pep*ei'- r. 'raieler*.laaoed ey

J.R.NONEJ i Ra.81 Broadway

riLLlAM P. MINKR. Attnfaej-aiLew. VViJketharro. .enta.


(Dcean Btramcra, &z.

DtePATCH LINE for S\N KIIAN-I Im o -Tr-tpleod-d New-York built new c.lpjethipKLYIM, I'LTl H.MA.N.Capt. Aafcbell Hjbbard. ha»

ttig a larg. porticu ol her cargoei.gaged will navjtce _nflggaatebeftbit_m Eagitlalatta 1 ttodtotnimajr.'he>-nt if ecitrea ot oevaJ archite :!nre Bhe .vaa bu:lnJ i_' " *'ebh, Eto,. aid ha* been proaooacod aoe.)uale<for heaotyof model. and atrength and aailini aaa-ttat fobalaxce of cargo or pa*ti_;, bartog ua»uri_»ed aeOO-M_odflUone, apply to _ g Rl TTON. No -I W_l-*c,_Or OEOROE DANlLL*. No I goutb W uliani-rt.

TV'KW-YORK biiu SAN ERANCISCtXl-iEAMSHIP LiNE-Thmuh to $an Prvieiaao aRcdused Ratee. No de'^r'" n on tn« Itthmat.The oeeand BBlaadld _a__-brt UNTTED RTATEA, vviii;»_,c

" Berry, Commander, will leave New-York br Atpmwall¦» Navy Bay, on THl'R>DAY. Beprember _i, at i p. M.precitely, eonneetir.g at Panama with th* oew double* ongine *tearr.«b:p t IIRTEB, I. BB tun*, Thoa B CropoerCommander, whieb *tea7riihip leav-t Pvnama on thtamval of th» pa.wenger* by the loited Statra, for 8aiPranci»eo onthonr etopping *t an» 'r'-'rinediare r>oru. ThULlre ba* never f_'ed to eonnect at the appointed timeTheee veaeela, In aceomm alaUont. .oatuettaa, *peed aaa1

aafety, are unwipawd An expertenced l-ytlcim l* aiUched to each .teamer.Faaeengrr* wiil diaemharB aloo(wide the wharf at Aapln.wail, acd take the Pajen.a Rarmad Annlvto

DAV IS HKi'i'M) A CO.,Oeneral Agenra, No M Beav«r-*t,or to

JONE8 k JOHN80N,No l"4 VV e*t tt, eomer of Llberty-et

The ateamahlp 1NITED BTATE8 agum leavet NewYork onSATl'RDAY, Ihtn Octoher, tooonneot u abcve, alPanama, with the favonte tteaiuer W INPIELD BCOrf


AtpinwaJI (Navy Bay 1.The new and aplend'd doubie-euglue tteamabip 8IERRA NEV AOA, 1,888 R__burden. J. D W'lLSOM E*<i. CaaaBB-ador, will takther departure for A.pinwali i\»vy Ba'.i direct oiMONLaY. llh Oct .^r, at P, M., fmm her doekTi-r No. 3, N R Thia vet.«l, in accommodatlona, tp-ed,aafety and ventilatlon. l* antu'peaeed by any on tnn nuteAn expe.-ienced I'irgnon ia attached to tne v. wel. Paaaen-ger* per 8ierr* Nevai'B will d'aemhark I'ongtide the wharlBt Atpinuail, ai.d tak- the Panama Raileoad, now opeilnearly to (iorgoua. thnt aa.nding the nik attemiant uporiianding in boait at CbRgMB, and the river oavlgatioa to Oor-gona For frnghtor pa^age, apply r,.

J. BOW'ARD V 8oN, Agenr^ No. M Broadway.

PASSAGE to CALIFORNIA. Senewthip CUMBER-AND-.llaailaboat iVh mtt.,

aiilcan B-OOBMBoBgM a few m ire p_aeng*r* atreduced ralee. Apply to



MAIL 8TEAM8HIP COMPANY -Only through V BMall Ltoe for CAlIKOH.N1 A and ORP.OON, vta Atplowai.and Panama..Tbe gpleod'.d new and donble eiigloe 17. BMall Bteai-ehlp 1LL1NOIS. the taatea: tttamat ia thewoild, 2,Si i' tunt burden II. .1. llarialene, U. 8. N., C'in-mandei. wlllaail eo MONDAY. Sept Bl al 2 o'<i!ock, P M.precitely, from pier at foot of H arren *t Nirth River.The Pacifli Maii 8tean_h:p Cempanv't n.agalfic.eot tie* n-rGOLDEN OATE, Carinle P Pattorooa, l' B N, Coo*.OModor, will be lo reaolneaa at Pai.aina lo rnoelva the II-I'nolt't mellt and'paaeeogert andaeJI Immed at-ly for SanYiaoclaco No atto-U will be epaied ou Uia part of thaCouipanie* to tend *ha|r paaaeagert throagb wttb expedltioo,Coi>'.oit and bbR tv

RATSBOg raBBTO «^;yir«l.l,Ladler Balooo. 8ute-Room.|8»Lower Aft aod Porwaid dalooo, do.MBecoi.d Cabio huodeee.48Bterrage.S*Pateeugei* will be landed at tbe Raiiroed whajf. Atpla

wall, free Tianelt of the lathmua at tho uai-n^ri1 aa

ytain Peraooa tncurina Ihrougb pa*aa«e by the tinltedBtatea Mall BbM-MBB from New-York. hate prefereno* ofaaeomrnodatloo oe boerd of thn Par.lia Mall Hteamer*

Rate* Bf hn fi .m P lOOBBB to Sa.. ITiani'.la,... oo the uualMVuiable term* fct froigbl or paaaage apply toOBABLEB A. tne orrtoe of ihe Co.'b,

No. 177 U«_c*t. aorner of W'arren N.TN. B..Shippert are laqooatad BB mpply themaelve* witb

the Ci nirany't Billt of fiadlBO, wbicb wiil be tuaed at tneoftice betweeo the b..uit of li aod 1 o oiock on the day of.alin.g.

ANDERBILT LINE for SANPRANCI8CO The only l.u* givlog ttckeU for aroaa-V


Jnrl-valed lo thelr airaijgeuienta ai.l ventilatlon. Paaeenger*ean rely up. n goi:.g through with tlie utrnoet d.Mtob K .r

Raaaage or inf.ruiatron apply oalf to D B. ALI.r'.N, Agent,lo u Battery piaee. op *t_ir*

T S. .MAIL S T EA.M BHIP UOM-J o PANY -Kor New-Orleana ada llavma, the tplea-

did aeam.bip RMPIRE CITY. Btbtt *"_idla. aoaaiaarlur, will tail fo.m the pler at foot of VVarreo-et, P4 R, oaMONDAY, 8ept .. ai I -ciock P M preoteely.

BaTct or PABBaai To h»v»«ii asn Mcw-oBLBaaa.NEW ARRANOEMENP

Ladlee* and After Haloon Bertn*.tMp(.rward ft.loin B-rth*. V>Rtoerage Bertfi*. 31.pecle only taken on fre'ght to llavanaPrelght uxro lo* at 81 cent* per eoble fo«;t.Bhtppera of frelght are reqoe*ted to tnpply themtelvea

wlth the Company't billiof lading, whleh may ba tadoaapplicatlcn at the ortiee No other furm will be (IgneANo hiil* of lading mgned after the thip ha* talled.Pof frei»ht or pnaaage apply to

M O. ROHKRT8. No |Ti w.rt-at.. eor. Warrea.

HIP LaUY AKBELLA. Cupr. Grant,brAUBTRALIA. at Tler ii. N..rth H'ver -Packet of

i&tfcRoptaa-bar.BPfcXIAL NOTICE.Thlt line *hip haabero nii tt comf .rtably arniued fjr paaaeugera, and the tatee

put on the n.oat favoral.le term*Kimt or a'ter eabtn.iUBPoiward eobta, tintle Viertbt. |88Korward ca'-no*. 9"

Pol bal-nte of berth* apply immediately .n Ima'd or toV:. B I -, JaM W'ail-tt._

FOR PORT PHILLIP, AUSTRALIA..Chpper Lice.-Theiiewclprer.hip A- ffd

ing uneqialed acc.i..iii.Hiail.iia, will goiloo tbe 2Vli 'u«t.Koi fitiiht or paaaage, appl, ou laiard. r.-r No 10 E R to

\V T Dt OAN, No. 43 Krool .t.. RL'SBELL v NORTON,No. .I OidSlip or EI.LIOTT . AREEUt, No. I4ri I'earl «t.

pX)R AUSTRALIA ria PaN^aMa..JL Therplendld dooble engine reamthlp SIERRA NE-\ ADA, l,"" tua* burden. J. D aV:i»r.a. Cjnunaoler. willleave for Agpiowall, direct, on MON DA Y, Ith i;ct~ber, liomher dock, ner N'e. j N ll.. at 3 o'cloek, P M.. coniectin* atPaaame with the fa*t taillu^ cllpper baik ST. M kltV,wbictiveaitl will be in rea_lne_i to recer.e the pa**eoi*r*bj the Sierra Nevada. ....

Paaeengert for the Ansrralla O'ld Minet wi!. find thi* byfar theabortett rcute, tl- t-g \ * " ¦ --* ^! oceao travel andavoiding tbe dangerof doublirg the L'apo. Por termt applyto J HOW'ARD A hON. Ageuta, No 31 Bioitdway.

oCEAN 8TEAM NAVlGATION UO.--^--Por Rremen, va BBath-MMa .T**l LV 8 MallBtramthip VPABBINOTON. r. M Eitch, Commander, wUIaa.l for Bremen ¦' - -t'vnetor. to :»."d toe Btallgaod pataergera (¦ r Paglaod and Kraoce. co SATI 11DAY,B»pt. 11, fro:.- I v-r a-. 3 o'ci-ck, P. M.

ratvtGi:reit r "i riiviio..

In Plrtt Ca'ln, Main -tl on..,-la rliatCa'.'.n, Lrwer 8al «in. I""InSeeird la':n. 80

An experlecred I ..-/-on la attached to tba tblp.All lettar* aua* pmb i ¦- Poot-OBaaBreele doHran i lo llav ra a- d Loodaio.Por r-.Mai..

MOl.l.KR. NAMiV HIIKI, Vg«r'« N. HIThe Hfama. p IH-RMAN.t will BBOOOad Iko W AB1I-

INOTONoatba "th u,.e..ber_fl.fnual.

DK LECCIA8 OLMMENP I'ati_t*i alib aialogfTg R __t r-"!*"*!*! M . '..,'"1

laefT.,,.-..Mudiea ..< ihe lelaiU* ¦< .«.-

..!.., «a,..i.i_i.lf'...... li... a..dtl , II.., a. f'.. ¦'. o. I Ua* >. - ..* ~

. i .t pawofRJ roatodg ._*..h._1 atUtt. . _.'..>....»'.-" ...

fcg*-ialbr*at,oaal-i gtde * .

... . ..

hlaUaey, aateil . eiaig . *«.¦'. '-

ll-. 0 *|.e *tlM . "I**.Olleal tltttat


^ cardialg, pol|Kb^-^ ti..u .

SmB. M.r, A H V I. ... . .-"--,\, ... .. RoM a » T I .-...>.' * '

I \R. B BROWN \Vii.u\M>-«i*""l\J byDr A l» .ll.MBTP.Ali aa I

gartaiaareoaefoiareiry Rb. . ^Pn-'».T " l\\,"^: ._aiaodH.r" '".« ."«' ."r"ty' ,,a

to By graal aaiiafaerl » aad "!«*' a*i '"'^"'.., _.".,Ta fVcrnfuoTi. a*d RAoaaiai » kagO joi-t.vl.UA dlaeUed Ot from wa.klog for B Uag vbdK ln Urea"uitTand that, loo. after ikraa of the beet pbyatelaguhal

.Baiba-BAiB^a^ r u,,, N. m Bf Uwt.

WHISKERS...I'! HAIRPEODUCEDihi ¦_ »g Oreli*«. . i»*g«i*ii'> M *t«* '

at gp< >¦> '¦ IH Uao oge - '. a«. I! *on lonae,:.%!,». Hai'.'-.aiMi R i^. M-U ttaawa aad abaw, wbd

., . r.. ii,».n ii w ll oat Motaoa .Jaoa ihe thi*a

* I *' j 1 v '. .' * J¦'. % 6 OEAU .B No J', Aaa-M.

GREAT CUREf-r DYSPEPSIA'-Dr.HOl (iHTt)N 8 PEPSIN ui- UMa IhaawJya Pluidoa

._,**ti c Ju.e pjapaiad rraaj R aaa, OI ..^ <l.,,:i, ., ,( ..,Ol.a'er ..... Bar ... LleMp, tba gntat I'nyilolofkaJCbaaiua, By I A HOIK) ITOM, ht O, rililTlBBlPa 71 li M a tjraai Nalu.e. ite.*dy (. (adw*. .,'Ur Nstur-' Na'.u,- . *iag'H rbaOaa cJakea P*4saaataaabiafaaaa>aaaaaraal

. . < Plinrlol-of li.e ijawn. Iui,-e.IP. Shv-ciI ofth*Food. Ihe pur'I»li,i pi.«.p ;nt and *tiinulaiia« aaant oftbai ». n aod lataatiaaa <.>.¦-¦,., ...»Moii.ach o! th* ox. .* ui .ormlni an I'Uticnl Ot«-*tlv« Piuldaraahat) Hka tha n-tu tl paatrbj kafaa 'n 'ta ah.tuieal. *»ra, si>d funii.ilnnr a cuiji-t* a-id per'-.-.i «i« .ut«for -t By tbe aid >f tfiti nrepantpon. th* paim and *viliufIndigratloo aod dy.pep.t* ar- runovt-d. jum *. they wooldbe by * haailh* atoauaab Ii :. 1om« won^era for dy.p-pCc car geaaaa af D-iiilty, Erna.-iaii.xi. N-rvoua O-ciie*ard Dyapai tia i aaaaaMttaa. .ui.p.aod t>> b* on tha v«n* o4|br(ra-.e Th* artentibc evideo.-e apoo whieb 11 ta baaadtf In th* h'rh-at d*«i-a rurt.Misaod r-maekah'e Whola.aal*aod ratail Agaata J RAl.La CO.. No xm Naaaaa-al

HOMAOPaTHIC HOSPITAL -TrtaT niteri. t ihe N-wY.-k Ho ne aaajaki DaBMaaan

A»o.'!ation laapaatfUI* tafkyra t^a Hotiie "pe'hiiU of tajgci" tt at fr>e**'irr» ir* tn ptogrees " aatabOahJai a Baapitalor lobima'y.for the treatn:-ot of diaeaaa u atcordaaee withtbe doatriaa f lisbtieo anu

It upropiaed tbal th* Morr*>paihta Diip-naary to thiaeity ab*1! h. iBi-o'pr>.s'ad wt»n Iba pro.'e te<i liiatitu'.oo.Tb* Bo-itii ot Tpi4',-**hB>ini rtia-uiaedtfteir prui-.t in aa

Addteai rec*i tly i«*u,-d in a pamph'et, H u uiin«c**airy toaay more in tiin plac* than that, aa the orlginttort irtd. p-on.oteraol a tnovrim-nt, h»> ni{ th* advanc-ment of l!palhy ano the bepefii of 'he p iblt . a>l*ly ia view, 11 will beth. ir atrxi u> gne tn tn* prop«aed In.titu'ioo tach BahOfacAai. . will amte io iu itippott ail ahaoei ol opintaa amoa/ lOaIr'. 0* of tl'e c*' .*

In tl * meaifme. th. y c. nfidently invite ail who, frotntlad*, obaerva'lon. or a huppy expenence lo their own per-*, i< Pav* acipitred a iirm tsith io Horneoparhy, :o aaaaj toIhe aifl of thi* movemen'. with their eomibotiooaand IbBben'e. in arrorrtare* wllh that earnen ipirit ol cnvctmwhtch. wMle re;. tcing >n tbe hght of s gr*at t-uth, I* for-wtrd to Igt'gS'r'f the duty of serving tl njt ooly with gooidwi*b»i but with «.a.d w..rk».

|b iisiiopi anfl lakaalpriia ¦ h* rladly recetved by theTmite'i ano M-'-tu-al Orbceti of the Oiipeuiary, wboaaoajneiBie lubacribrd. ni:

K.UKI) or TBf'T. ? -

BFN.IN R WlMilROP. P eaident, N). I<> Wsllat.N N H« lit ».¦ - l'r-«id*i.t. N.> 03 Wsilisra it,vv H Macv, Oa i ha Praahtaat, Ho 100 Fi >nt ir

Iliio. |..nv, r-a»nrer, No I Jaum e* lourt. Wail-.Cw m K LaTHBor, Bacraoan, Mo. 06 Waaar-a

Jona btn gea, 108 Flaal at. J. 0 Maner**r. io Wall tt..1 R Laroy, ii Lafayatka pl A PhoraaaB. »l Pearl <tU n> «' Btvant. II Nanaw-M. Oeo. Piatt. 00 Kr.Hd vayU i, H-iiit. -o w n:.a: <t t kattariaa, 'i Wailit,R l/f'kaood. III Broaewav T > imuh. I< Hroadway.P. B.V.n btr«*'«*r. |« V\ sll R M Stratton, 00! va(eratII J loira SH VV *at llhit A W Su« II I fesrl ¦«-.8 K. H-tti. 10 01 .Muk'apl. I C K-nrt»ll IU tWeidway.J VV. rCnoimi o l.e\av. A, I V Oiraud. 4J Itb atS. t BBBbra aaa. II Wail-at J L Pope N p]na «tO Baebaell, fa Naaaaa-et R vv.n^urti,.T |«p Wst-ritJ.T Adami, ." VVall it. I.J Hydr. .'I Maiden-lauaW VV 1 t.reerway 45 B'wsy. W t V an *V Bpaaaa, >l Ex pl.J T Btuce, 118 fean it A Ruine'l 4i I'tVitJ.Oray.tlOI Broadway DC Halited, UH Mtldaolo.

kTTI BDIHO ftiy stoi >>>ll ABaa,I WgaMaareaa«| 11 Kmmiey, IU Amtiy-st

H O. Appletoe, H;i tLh av S R Kirhy. 7^ Tenthit.E H Banlett. I2H Bie*cker J. BJairi, ,4.' Bioom- itJacob Beakly >> ( lln'oa pi I. W Mefoaif. Jl St M'kl-pl.h \ la fcldridia-at. J C Peteis 74.'Bmadway.J T tur'n. 180 "i.eckent. A Raaaif,S Waat 10thitM Fraligh, m Prioo*>at vv. ste**r-. 141 tH-alE Uoemiey l!l Weit .Vd «t. L V vv'srn*r B l.sKayetto p.C.KbrrataaCOaTWaatOatbat J. A M.-»'tcar,.>u Br'way

i..N-.fl t im i'v-ii iaaJohn F Orsy I'M.a K'tte pl. A O Hull. H La F«yafa-pL¥.. Ba>ard. VV Bv*rly pl R M. Bol aa, 2!M 4ih .tF v anderburib lOJaaaaat A. I) W'Ua ¦., u U'aigerit.Piuk.m ». nii.r -.loho T. S. Srnith IH8 Br >a.l*ay


II, I > > .- A8E8 of th* KIHNEt 4. snd sll dliaaae* srlaingff. m a IhmiUIiKRKIi LIVKR or STOM ACM, ineh BlINWARD PILES, Fl'LLNEBfi af BLOOOtotha IIEAO.ACIIHCi of th* OTOMACH. NAU8EA HEARTBl'RNDIBOI iT of FOOD, Fl LLN*M or vvEltlHP la tbaRlnMAiH 8(>l R ERCtTATIONS, SINKINO orFLlTTrRINtJ at the PIT of the STOalACII, SWIM-IrlINO of th* Hh VI) III KHIKU tnd OIKFICI'LTBRFAT1UNO. H.i TTFRINO at the HB.ART. CHOK-INO r M'KKOCATfNH 8ENS VTIONS wbaa Ina LYINtlPO>TI Kr. DIMNKStof V ISION, OtrTS or 'V'EBd ba-fbn the BIGH I-, Vf\ ER and IU l.L PVIN lo tba HEAO,I'rt-H IrNl i f PFRHPIR ATION. X EI.U IWNES8 oltbe 8KI.N. FYFS. ard PAIN In the8IDK. B ACK, Cl» K8T,LIMB0 v-c, M OlJEN Fl.l ^HES ..f IIEAP, B.'RNINO)In the Fl.r'SH. comtant IM»UlNINOS of EVIL, aod

Geat OEPRESSION f SI'iKirs, can b* elfnatualiy aarad, OR HOOFLANO'B


A' the Oeruian Medtelne Stora No. J" Arch rt , Phllad.* Tb*ir powrr over tbe above diaeaae* la oot axealled, Ifeqoslad, by any otber prepsratlon In the I'nlted 8talaa. aithe eurea atteat, In many eaaoa aftar ikllful pliyatutani hadfatlenIhe. Blttera sre wor'.hy the att-ntlon of lnvallda. Paa>

aeaiiint great vlrtoei in tbe rectlhoalloa of diieaeee of thaliver and leaser glaoda, exerciilng Ihe moit aearehing powerala weskresa and sftectlosaof tba digeitiva organa, they arawlthal aile, sertatn and plesiant.

READ AND bT"cONVINCED.From tba Boaton Bee.

The Edltor aald, Dec 3:" l)r lloorlaud'i calebrated Oerman Blttara, for tha ao/a

of Liver CoinpUint, Jaundtca, Dyipnpaia, Cbronlo or Nar»oui Uebil'tJ, tideierv-dly one of the moat popular oiedleineiof tb* dsy. Thrie Bltteri h/ive been oaed by thoo¦and*, nnrt a nrlend at oa/ albow aay. ba hmm bli«i«uJI paaa^vndan tHecrual and p* msnent cure of l.lver Coniplalnt ftafliIhe me of tb.i r.-ine.iy VVa are eonviueed that, In the uaaof Ibeae Hnter.. the pationt oonatantly ralm itraoath andvlgor s fset wor'tiy >r grast eonalderatlon They are pleaaaalIn taite aid amell, ind eaa be aied by p»n >m with th* moalde'icate itomacbi wltb aafely, under any alreamatanaaaVV> are ipeaku * from experlenoa, ai.d to tba atfliatad waadvU* tiielr ...

MORF EVIDERCEHob C O. IliNEt.iNE, Mayor of tba City of Cainden, N

J , ia>i:.. H. on itin's Germar Bittebi We have aaen maay

flattenm norice* of thta aiedtclnn, and the aaurca frnn whlnathey eame Inducrd ui to make tn (uiry reipeatlng ita tneriteFrom lnqulty w- wer* per.uad.-d lo oa* tt. aay wafoODd lt ipecihe tn Its vtlon ii(>on dta.aae« af tba liver snddigeative organ. and the DoWeiful lottueoc* II axerta apoaner.ouipioiuitior. ureally lurpilalog It .ahniand itreoglh-aaa the Banraa, bnaglng tham tnto a aUta of rapoee, maktagileep retreibiEg.

" II thli nied.eite wm more generaliy uaad, wa ara eatlah. d there wiuid be >ra ncknaas, a* from tbertouiaob, Iweiatd nervoui ijitem, ihe great roajurlty of real aad luiagtaary dli.aie* ematrte Have tham la a bealthy c>n you can to epidomica geaeraily. Thuea-traoidtuary medicine we would sdvtse our frleada who araBt Sll tndlfpoeed. to Kl ve B trisl It wlll reoouiuieod lupallIt ibou'd. io fact. be io every faini'.y No otbat madlrrltaacan Bfodaca iu:h evtdence* ot martt."fot aaJe wholraale snJ rauil. al

THE GERMAN MEDICINE fTPORB,No 1." Arch it, ona door balow Oth, Philsdelphta, aad b]reT»«ctah:e drs.'. n generaliy thrcBghout the aoantryFor sale. wholeiafe and retall. b» A B h D BANDR

eorrerof Fult.jr. and Willism-ati. N. Y.BXTAII AHIBTB Chatlaan Rlag. cruar Broadway aod

Joln at.. New-York, and Mra. Hayi. Brooklyo.

MRS. ALLEN'S WORLD'S HAlRRE8TORER u not a ba!r dya. and ^nutaa eo deia-

larb u. '.Egrediect Itoever lalii to reitore the hair. bowea-ar gray, to ita original color, aad at the a>tnie tiuie to atrooatben and teatore the airht, bowover weak, ifappiiad accordiagto direcf.oi i The l.air w:'. retala m origluai eolnr danaflife By invigorsurg tho tkin, n.uaciea, nervea, liood 7-aaflaand roota of ilia bair, prevenUtl.e hair froai *kllia«. cureabaldneis remjvei ai.d preventa diixloeae, headacha. penp'-rstion tt the be*d, dsndmlf, aeald hesd. or any erupt oai ofthe bead 8ee Aev- York for nld and large adyer-tlaement. Priee 01 V» per bottle. For raleat the principaJ

'J.M Broome-M^conerof E!u*b«tb: No " aodI/7Bcw*rr; No. I'f2 Broadway; No. m WaabingtoO at;No. i47 Ful^n it. Brookljrn.

rrniK PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION.|_ -On tb* erecf thwg'eat eveat, Dr C -V BOBR0B

tle ra'teit Imng Ai' ackuowladged by tbaCommorj CpohciI of Eaiapa and Amenea-woold grotlerthe aid of tbe itan to ail who denre to read tbefutore Mip;>oi!ti n. fonnded oa the mo.t plauifrl* oaiia

may err; p ubabtliti.i fbat «eem almoat cartalatl«i may Mrfrd by the »v«nt; but irience -occull aeianea, old

aa the prran.lra. ar.d true ai troth **lr <-annot arr To

Iboaa who wwh ta know mreof U* reiult. I. tl,* eom.nt>M they can gainfrm. conj-eture. Or R IHAt.R

ol!frib:il«rvlcei M« can be coniull*.! >i»ori ail i>ib|*rta,al. , da, and *v*n,ng. at hl. r*,t.l*oe.. No OWbkJBlC.Kor a full i.atMiyb.i pri. * t. 0 > and for adnca aod sa.t*V

aar« In sll Uaful oudaitektni., hii chargea ara propo:-lloaate___^.

lllatrc Core.

DR SUKWS 8UMMER WATER-» DBJ ?*! Ull.imibll M, al B*an1ngU>a, Ra*

,..,.. te-o . laUraai nd* AH-aoy aiid Troy ) U aoa

waau B4.m.iat.. *.*i.eiy ai.*urpa*aa<l

ORANGI MOUNTAIN WATER-, ui mii in oaaffOB, nfw IRRRR7--V**

,...i.. ii... laatuaihaalahaiba MaaHaaad K-ei «/''.«., .,m *t. .< M aod likJ aaOOaatO P M

H..g, l-a-a »V at*i I u . Itattou Bt 7 aod Hf A. M., a>^*....». al '4 and H T M

MA.sT MBOADWAY WATERCURK,B i Oi UI IMBY e-.atluuaa lo r-eatva aatJenta at thia

,,( A faw It..*>d*ricaa ba aboouunodalad. Noi paM Biwadway, N«w V rk

DftOPATHIC INSTITUTE.-Dtapioaaf tty E*

gbi M fraa''BlU *nl*'ged by a naw

) A apwelaJ d«parui.->.f for t,.e Machaaleal of f-ina* diaaaaaf. >|iiplar*m*ota A«^

, bargaof Ina TRALL aad MOSFoRD.

| I ^ DROPATIiI »i |. ...el.airiIV Laigh

.^! RS. L. N. EOWLER, M. D.. wlllI aoaao't with ladtaa awdlcaily, at her raatdaaoa, No, .*! haaaaSaap, from < A M to i P M

Ccgal Kotitce.

IN I RJ4I \M KolBnOrilrrofttiaMurroffBtiiof-'.y gtoaabaaa *>".i

. - .. ' '. «> r.M>» t.yv.'. 41..K.iitf.uuu'Baw 1 arasaad.taBaaaaaaB>* aaaaawaa

-.11 «...*.! at, If.1 II.* |..»k. ,.^ ,,r uK-.t. iki 7ih 4*y of Mir. k a*i>. l*uJ,B«- lol.i'.il ^ii .t B*s4 ,\*l*

...Bat*HuRlAI i^CIM. III r.«a.ut..r

IN II II VM I...I mb r>r.l*r .if tha Haf0a»B»a0Baw i..ri artapalaa^#BB8taa0aaaaaa

la- .i-i..*.. .*..».> J"H« of lai'.'iii "«» »..*,4 , ,.,.«a,.,H.«iitiii),.wJ|i.'ti

kCta.k. B* 1*1 Bf*.-.r.. .. ., .1 «.. r ¦'. ¦.» ¦" kaaara BM

,. a. 1 . .-. I«r ¦'. !-*.

,,, aaaaafl iukkih . Baca.aaaaaaaa. I

IN FIKSI .A NCE of an onl-r of th* Surmcataioi Ibe Caaty .¦' a.w ».wa. a.**.* M iwarp.n toaJlp.eaoe.a

ba'.«*.-'* « ,v\...^^r^ya.fvA,eAdtw,dnavtod .. ib. u*. «,u .,»«.a*» i_«e*«»/(BtheeaB*,B*,Bt Rt.d**g,e»^Ct^«fAawY'"'*.,oa .r h»' r. .k. et'.teenth fay w y..,TS,» aett-DaUdll.. > ,» Bay i«bo».*>.. john O -' ' "¦ -¦» ii_

1.N PUKSI A.M'E i»f an order *l thr .Surro<r,atv... tbe t v... Y..rk. *o.r* »'.»'»*ga'***uefl.iae*u«»

b*«ia* cWm M.ii.1 BAMI Al. CUkRKS. Ut. .1 u* C4y « N.wT"l*. ttnl all ta>k*f '< pre~nl U. ««.. eite 'OW.B*.,;-¦-.¦.. .r,at .

* - t » P R « s *

W»at iiwh . .¦ . -, 'n.. Y.**. .» .* baAwa tb*BBHMBJRday a Oam kaa Itat-ffaw fert.«,* Illb diaf ofJaaa. IBSAJ.1I l.»e«v«- AUNR« CLAKXR. Rtecatna.

IN II R>, AM'Kol anoniero. the SurrofAtr'oi ia. (...ii, ,. a,,- y.ra, ><na beraOi *o.o V afl pwrao.1>

ba. ...,., uK'lHC.I W. UKbKN, lat* of th* CUy-afRwe I ' |«I I. aa..l, >,, preaeail iSe .a>D*. witb »0'» bfOth-r- l. t, ,h, . ,,... , w., «l tl . BM a ¦ t -' »r,,w*. Ra MftRradway. .- . ( -, New Ynrt, ..* ->r Oel..r. tbe aeaealaeathday of Jaaoaiy e*gi r>a'»' N.. y.*t, the 11th J*. of Jury, lAgs...... -__. -OKTI-K*. tKimy, ala-awtraWr.jyiru-iaeji caaiLiA ckrkn.

IN Fl K_U ANCEo. an onlei of th* Surrofratwoltb*Co..oty ^ Ve. Y..'k.N._. .»,..*, .,,,_ mijipmnn*«taa.iug ,_.m* a#uual JOHN P IHIMH.H.I lat. .*. the City ofa .. .I*. -_ad u. or«a« tbe -_. w.tb -^_**- tharao? toI - . - illb* ¦*.*... T Jaia«. »!...*¦,«j. i«i troadweeia th* City .»' .H.«.y..»k.oaof »»ll>i. t»..'a>.at» taj, *.,Belt. Dl'«l N.w V.-rk 'h» *t-t la? ¦» »i'il, IVt

ail tewlB * JOA8RA DONm.HrR. Ad«

]%TOTIC_ 18 UKKKK. llt"rrigi 18i-___L t»ll taw, toaliperaoa. aa.'ral .-lain* **w__l THultAg WYNRg,hteui tbe Ctj.,.' BnaAryn. K.nv County. ie,*a>a*d, tbattb*y ararea.nred Vaakakal 'h* aanie, vitk U>a «.u. u»m lk.r.J, tu tbe aab-a> nlwc. RJwia t'.JJIn, at hia rea.Jea. ., R_ -> *7tti «.,ia tba C.lf of«-ar T..rk. -n r b«k>Pt tba Mtb '.' M. -.' I'.ialSa^aa.aid law^mS' IKIM'IJ V|«4To1, ( Biecalo**.

KfEW-YORK si I'KKMK OOWTt "liaaT."hi a*> ai H. iT N.ti |b HKIlaY aKTX, Ibe de«Md

a-.t abaoa-OMBed V,.a ar. kereay a. nnu.aaJ aad r«auir»al toai.aer the oitipianit m thia a, laiii. a>b.<k wa* ikad i* tk* ..Aceef

- . 'he t'.ty aad (.-.ata ot H»- y.rX, ai th* t'.tg HaJ ortk-titj .1 Nea Vatk.aa th* .^th -tyoi Juoa, IgRL aad to m.. a

' « aar la Bo «« ee aplamt oa th. tuba. nlwr, at *.eI t NN all at ,ii _M t'.tf ..I R*W t.irl, Witkaa Iweatpdafoegiat _* tervtce *l l_. aaatn.a* »a r.-u. *«_u_t* tbo

.1., I -a h aera..-. and I y..u tai tn «n-».f ua. a_al raMaplanta.thin tbe nn.e ai.-rwiaiil, th* pauntit <a thi. a. ta.a arill laX* lot*nient aga.n.I ». !,.r tke ... .. ..l ei.i. k 01 Ired an.l tbirtg *->*_.'o *'. wiih mtereat <n $*VI gt iroin tk* 'tn 'a. af Hanb, *v|,M »<"i ^r :r..., ti* iwh jay af ApML. la^t. on BraJ |J iro- tbe-. ..» Pibreatp, l88R.a*d eo 801 m fronith* «h dar of Aprd,

-.l». th. ea*a* " ¦ .. -M IVeUm #» l*CCHAKI.K5 jo.aca, »,

iilili.«.J' Nn ia Walltt, f* T.

KEW-YORK Bl PRJ-JIE nn Kl.Obbb-u af Ooaeoa.-WMoa I. Raitw. pbuatf, apa.aal

va .an. M. krd e BatkadaOl Suniin .-_ To Ih* «b>i»a a*na>4 URPRRDARY You ar. b.rauy t-mimna' a J p-j urad t» aa.warIhe ii uip'a.i.tin th.« a.ii,.n, vMab »i.i bo Mad .a ta* o.«. of tbot".t> oi .¦ i Raaaoa, at J«n.a.,«. ... m» aaO t .¦ aiy,

< i» ) ... w.t to th* aaiJ . vi ola.ut oa tkeat bl* aRi'O.laBBo tiR*ga al «.» »n, u. th* aaiJ t'oiaaty

ij aaMtWItkia »..¦'.» ia». at.r th*, . ,.l thi* *iimn.aa* nny.i >. r-i.M.-.v*. ,>i Ibe dap af .*.H-e | *ad ii'ail %a aaaw*r tboail oa i''ai>t * lhia Ibe iiai. a<> th* ptaintia* .* tai* aruoo. ill lake .'M.lgmeut tgai. M Poa i.r tk* «um ..| h.ur buadrad aad

BtJ ( .'. ,>. *.'i> ihtaraait oa |M) ..m 'r ¦-..- tyaajbibdag kagaat, A o i«ai, aad thetaiei.ty t.n'ii .lay ol' Rai.k, V n.'iAil oaatdeotk* rott <H tbi* a< iH'h Daterf th* t.tith ,«ay .l 1 i|«l IBtg

H w B-BTM-R, kHaraag I rphviat.*,Baabja. <ntiat Oa*BL T.1' eah,.<e _oa_Baad io_t>taint ia th.a a. ima w*« nlal witb Ibe

Cktkol 9.aeo**Ceealg,«at_* l>«b Jag oi Angu*t. laaaauil . -i

K'KvV-VOI.KSl'I'KKMK TOI RT-Counfy o(Igaaaa* VVilham L. H*u.r, plaiaorf. a*-aal JaoM* H.

u a. I... i. ...fant firarr a r..iheah..,.Mii.*d liCPRNOANr*V.'i are herebf .iiiiiii ooej anJ reoi.ied ;.i au.w.l tba oma-p amt 10 thia a. li'iu. whu h will l.e gl«d ia the oJBYe al tbocie't ni the Caaap *l Qaeaaa, at laaako, m -ail ...uair. andI* taiKaeeyy V an.w.r u th. *y<l .-..mplaint oa tbatsb-a, rilw al ln. ..AVe, a. fhe .,' Knclyb in tlie t'.i.iatg o( <¦ .!.***,witlnn twenlt la». aller th. aerane ,,flhi« a.immon* ** fna, *a-

log "' Bat.aooi an.t ii r*.u ia.1 to aa*wer tb*>.*.,< I'oiriplaini ihe tim* afi>re*ai*. th* plainug ia Ibw actioawill take jM.lfii.enl agaiual gaa At th* aum ..I Iwo buaifraal dol-lar>. w.lh bMetWl <<<¦.« thr ..*hlh .laa nl J.ily. one Oloiiaaa.l aigbthiuJred and It'tj. iw,., kaade* 11.* ,-,.,_ ..I t'ia«.li..n. Oated tkoaa.eoib dap ef Awgoet. 1888 H. w kasiMaR,

AtOT-.i rianitiir, H.'.lyn. vj.i-.iia C ,« T.Th* *b...* a»ofaod a a»*.*4 n |o_ aaR >n aaa 11*1 witb tho

Cl.'k ol Qoteaa muuig.o* tbe ainel.uu. lag ol Avgiwt, lBBtAai.ti law »4

SI I'KKMK nHKT.-lo-.ir_- Ku. h a«am-tKi.heit Thara 8t*_a»M r»i rebel Cowk notterl To

K..HH.I 1 M li 1' ».. toti are aaa-by a«*a*»ee«d aod eggooaiI,, an wei II e lomplaiat ... thi* a>tion, wln« b .» Bled .n th* .»nV .01 'I.r t k nl Ihe < itg ... Couolj ol N*w r...k,al tb» t'.tg H*U,Cmo ef b'w !...< aad ¦* terve a ...p» ..r »"'.r .«.« to tbeaai c«>na' nn llie anh-< r.h.r, at lua ,rfbi r. Nn i Pin* .t., Naw> , , .nl,,., kw*t_g lay. aAei th» Mr*t*Oeft_B tniBtnona.n you. *f ia.i.- i.l ll:. .lay ..I HMb aeivi, .; aii.l .> |...l lail Oi aa-»wer ll.. aaia . omplaiiit witlnn lh. t.nie al .rr-a .1, tlie pla.nut latbiea. ua wnl aept* 1.. <>.' Cou'I I. r the ralial dellia'.deil in tb* COUB-p'.o.t D.te.1 New York, Aug tll.iaSJ R T-BRT,

aaSI lawewS V . t . Altoraef.

SII'KKMK I Ol Kl'.-ln th-- maftt^r of the*rp<iatlou if the M.y.,i, Al.ler.ii.n ail Cn.n.i.'tially ..I 'ha

I >'y iil New Y'.rk. l-lativ* '.. the H'K>IMI ..I ORR Hl'"init_l>AMI IVAKNTY Pol'KTH ST.,lroni ll.e OI.I Cmir. h Hi«d to tbe.lh a« ii. th* City oi N*w Vnrk Tli* un '.p-tae I, I'lMiiiiuaaioaeieol Eatmiate aii.l A..e*aii,«nt oi tli* BBaaw anl.l'a.1 mattar, bauwhpn * m.i..., ili.y will al lh* nril, . ol i.tnHUK I. OtKi.KN.b.. 141 at in ll a t ay .,1 New Ynrk. on IURBI'AV theflatday af Hrpiember. Iggg, al 3 a'l bek inth* aitenaein,br tba pargeae ol beariag mnpuoaiti nt.i t... Cu oataaaJ A.aaatn.enta nl the aaid ('.iiiiiii'*.iniiert, any pai-na OT paranna wbo maynnai W theiii.Hhe* agineved ther.lig |iiie.1, Naw York, gept.I.I88A

miaaiooer*.HKNBY HKr.KlAN. >Hr a|(Y BKIIOIi.l.P. W'omaSBO. I. «.iHn|.\r. )

> CoD

Huti K P.'itt, Attorney, ».¦*..

SI I'KKMK inl Kl'..ln the matter oftho ap~pln atmii .1 tt.* Hafeg, AI.Lfm«na.n! Coramoaabf »f tb* C«F

ol N. r.nk. >*lat.v. to lh. nl'I.MMl Ud I AMKII OUI nlaPI' -i/i tni. >....-, a> ni.uoMIMJiial K 'Ul'tHlii the> VI VA'.r.l ..1 .ail It* I be Omillll *in .l K.i.maM aa.1 A*«ea-inent in 'I.» al..>. eiil.ll. a.«tt«r'.yfit* n..ti. .. that th*aw.ll m*el al ll.e ..*. e ..I JIlHNA VVRKkf A. »..q Nn M Walltt ,in ti.- < ity ..i New Yotk,eolfce I4lh i-ptembar, larrt. al ao"i ock ia tbe elUrneea, fee tbo aorgota ef kwartag m aggodwa u.Be R*g.aaleead A**.teat ut ibe -a.d Coq ,-...!aate. any gaa*nn <.r p.ra..h. »h.. may n.h.ider ll.*ina*lv«i aa*ne.*d tb*r*bg..Daled, Naw gork. Septen.ber I. Iggg

MiiarS MAYNAKU, Jr 1Ji.HN A UKKK4,J.'-kPH t YOKM,Htan I. Pmii, Atmrney ....:*

SI I'Kh.UK TOI IM.-ln tho mattar of thaBfgBaatiiiB efthe M.y.,i, BMarwaa a., r..n.iH...aiiy ¦fthg Citg>a.-. 1 ,rl r.l.iiv.ioih* OPRNINd ... 'iNt: HUNOMIU AltO

UrMY ?'.! KIH 3T.,fr..m lk*OI.| Chun I. K.*f u, tbe i,tb *.*-.iu*. .o lh* Cilg ol N.w Y..rk Botn e .. g.vau tb*l ih*t'fiet*aha-t^. *ipetiaa. an.f diahu-aeioei.ta, ".. .rr*.| hy raaaon irf tb* pn>

i 'he ah'»* *nlitled mait*r, will b* .ai.d bg Oi* hooorabl*Unff Y Idwardt, nuaof lb* Ja-li. aa.i (hia C.' the guprat-el*ti fbavbaia. (at la «*.* et hi* ah*a*i *, i.y th* ciwt <rf tbi*'. .rt at ba ...r,..,' to Ihe CRg Hall ,.l th* 6rtg*if N.wYor*,n»Innday, 'h* lth daf >l S-pt.n.her, laft*. al » o'cJock ia U*'or*iOOa- DaUdR.arYnrk A .g in larej

HI>KY rHT-KKMAR. 1HfNitT RrKrHoUr, > C~_m_a oeeranto L. OOhoROR. ) E. Pa.i**, *ti ru.y aaOB ttlB

SI I'KK.M K i< >l KI.-Ib the matteir of the -. M.y.,r, aittnatiaaa Cowi._my «g tbeOtR

, Ba- it . .... .-. u_ *-t UflO^OLT «f aPl Bl.IC MaCAKR.kaow* aa BL'eiOln.DAl I ast'aRA, mi¦. \ .... » y r . .-., , , C i i ii i_ao BaB-atta aad A-Maat-eet .a 'Jw .*.>.* *a~_»t aaa*. lutBf0»» v -jrm.f-" laato.Ue rifie iiM ^ a* Art tf tke Ltp-Vtarcoi U>* paot* "* .. tcateof Baw I O. aaaoM "ll bl I ¦ 4tt U. raai«. . .**rai _.tlu »ly »l r Roo T /». ata mo Art,"IBXe, aad alao tb* A^I**titla* " Aa At lo -Mi a -»lai~* to tae ...iwaga -,ia.ami a_d Tajea.- .eC t .' * <"¦. .¦¦'* ¦.' "ew Y. r\.»u* <w etaarj r>«*a. *__.*¦*#< -* ,a~»J Blay I >*. .. ve anat ' aaaa-a anyailM|V .**tt> <i a'l veia**. aod ¦*¦ V at i**»aa»| __*. ifa logi r i ai u »y .* '.»«iw ikaw a'.aa. and __VV.**a V_¦ are *e e..'-...aj .attar aad taat aB *.".>.** akatt .**»._ araa.Ktad thertay. aad wv> ¦agaeopie.~ tat_* aa..ini

_... . .. . .. * w '. kototi) ;>.,ts Ikt Ckunui. » h «.l Oaaavaan al U* 'Ar* V Jnaaa .. a - .a t-sCiV :< N.a f/» *irkn _wtaAty* aew .e*at* oi -a . .<.>. Aad taal 'be b.rt* ._-._.* tf1...1-I aa-uaia a. a< ¦...-»..*. a. '..Iaj»., at ataaag ARIL* h.U p>*<**..r tarraai of l_~. at.ala. t» h* avl aaaay * OkaiN.i.-a-r.'. Warl "' 'r,e C.ty ' Naw y ^»,i. a.,..Uad. larrttl

.*V atia u, tay Oa ia*t_r_.*y t_*~->Vla. T t r .wleof Suty aea.ntb «.,, (Wtb acloa ._. aoalb, rf Ibeanrtbarly ha* or t~* of P»rty tbird tt (eM tt) oa U~ «***. by ibewaaterly Lh* or aid* ..I Sutb .. f<b .».; o* tbe wwt. *y tb**Mt.rty ane'.r MBV Kle.ratb ai. (Ilta avj H laetdowaea tba *Maaad by cbeCoa ..¦.»-« of KMin^u aod a-*a***MV i* ebea_..»» NU_ nmtii'i. m gta at abeaevd .a tbo luaet Ceawjaat;.r'li.I. *, u~ wl,i. b «*iJ mi|ii anoUad, " Ha* «r yf'VWty rei« nr*d r,,r abd aaaedtad bg tha opat.r* a<~ byin*,,.! of t P ib*egaoar* knowa *a Bl.e.mia#d*l*»*a«r*, m t>.a Rwataaatk Wirlc!th* t'.tf «.f N*w Y. rt Aad '. . .aid Cnn>aH**.noar* f.etker O'*«.,_« tn«t tiiair raport ¦. ibe*rei.»*nMlad naiu. wiB b* 'oadea-.d ur»*ni»d lo ik** Coatt .rf U>* t<*_ <if New f-rt. V .

I.! ^nr-ra,"

Ik* a-d C..,.., lo k* n.ld «t tb* Otg Mall .* lh*City ef N*w r ^k. B0 tatarday th* 11 <*y V 'e-takar. laeo al VejBtaoig-i' lh* Co'.rt .o dag ; aad thal ther* aad Ibea. <ar tlJZt th*r.*A*'a».'. .', .,* w.B *. _aia 'Sal_.* fMa rt ¦« o*«r '' l>aiad Naw Y'.rk. Jify I* l*JB

;. in a WKIK1 la.BbbBBBB|JOflgPHI Tn"*- )

Btetf R W*».e. Att/.taay_


81 I'KKMK t,'f >l.K'l"..ln thi? mattar of tha ap~a May,r, gMarn^i. trd Cxnmonalu A _V

,.,",., , - -... o.ortei'.'! ¦.( »-r. Mi/miRRdi«l> TWRNTY K'l KIHI1 r>oio tb* UHOheoV Raad te IM

.. ... Cey ¦/Oow Ya*t. Tbe na.'af~«oad, Cnwiaii-BBBBBgJ t*t,mai**'.d liwo.M '» _* ate/Y* *ntiUad wiatkar. kVOBgj

*,| ,r...a'.i la Bt* '«* J ». A.tof tb* Ltytl*3i.r. ..» tba pa"p'« '.' »'. Bute e* Naw f.,rk. aabtlad " Aa ta Jg,/.,*od tn Ai I .nutlad *a A. t lo ral-i.e ta.aral l*w» naiiagp.nlR.iiaiiy V tba (.ity ¦¦' R*« Y'.rk. ia-. >.a* A't "paaaad Apnltt. IBtttae* *lao 0>* A. I en'.'lad " Aa A. t u, «e-**<** Art aatabjd .. Aa)t r*iau> e V '>>. .ollartio* <rf A*e.ainaata aad Taaas >* tba CnV

t n Nea York, aad t.r othar paoee.a, gaaaad May A*>aai,' a*ii»d May 7, 1*41. la IA* i.waar V owaera, ocagnat or o*«.V*uu of all kaoaaa. aad io>**o.*d or .laowpaoaed l*aii *#*rt*dhar.l.y.tbat tbay b*>* rowpatted tfiair *.Oiaate t.d a*.aaat BB. Bbeea ..l.'.M n.*il*t, aad tbat all parwai* aboMiateraate ar* aB

a, tad, and wk« i_y b* ,py,«. I u> 'b* t*ja* ara ByaeaatBB]>. praaaai Uan .eS>a.i«>a* .* w-.tia* to Hy.RKY BRIRB1AN gaa.4A* of tba *atd BB...B.VO, at tba .4*1 «f taara* t*>*baaa*> Ro 14? ¥ .. r . ia tb* « r d a.a Y-rk, arta.aAiragday* frov tb* d*te of thal aot-a tad tbat lb* k.rt* *.... . I . .. a- .'a 1 aa-a-.n . .'. aa bllow. Afl ibO

. .. p..... ,,-iai. .i. .h" and. *rtu*i* aad kaiayia tAaTwetkb Wvd.1 ...C 'y Naw York, aad .arladad w.tbi. tba <-.n..».*e t_M*. M. Oa lb. *a*t ay tba a**tarly bo* ot *td* .>f IV e* 1 aa <b.¦aal, ey tb* aaatarly baa V *id* >/ Bab a. . a* lb* awtb. by .*>

kaaof tb*<*otr*i.f tnakka-k bVwaaa i»»(l, at **d Itttb V , **4M '"* vetb, by '!¦. beoaf tb* raatr* of th* kbrek avwaea I8t. *vaad gkd *t 1 aa Va aaine ia la.ld »at o* tbe taaiao* *ad ***e*8¦_p« .a*.i by Oi* **.d r.,n,i...aa.H..». aa »l*. .. *A-ja**d. ¦. ._»*.ro*i C.*i»_._i_r'togktete* ihe CiWof Oea f**t .**¦.*.BBC.i«ama*oa*r. 4.. fai-er »>. *uto *, t'.*i -«* 'e»~t .. ¦JM"?_iw,...-. *vti.r w.ll aa a-d. «i- y«.»'« - !». .'*_.«__r"' _a

. . . ..' .. » . ti 1 tpariaf T-» of teoBo _Ra-itB_BJWM aitbaCilgH. i..f th.Crtyof Rowr.'k.waSaaavy^^wvdaf ..I Oetidwr, tb* .a>* of tb* Cee.I1 «..".T^,J^Jthat tk« aad th*r«. ia a* .* Varaafter V '»'*!J_2| II, f^_f_0UlBI*b0_-d0_-l **,dr* a*e~atr -«>.-' "

/e^tt.iaae. BIBKY tBt«a*"iRBRRfRBRTT"8R0. A 08*01

».... 1 RBoaajvaw-P

t*», J

ard Co«»«y *_L"f

; ', * . .... ,.a,a_M M*-* *<»e *_«*/Jj; ..v-vd.a **

oi. ?-._. >»«d.t .teof aeta.* M^ ¦ y~*-~-

''yi^n-r..-..- lAtfRaB '"""'._. r,_a.k-k"J'a*»e»r*a*.8.ttW U»«at*

iROBit.7». icotioebV\, 11 oioa Bi» bj ft C i No. 146

>ay. BBflpaai :i g atlentu.a 01 atefaJaBl to

rPa.l Fa»Wa fot g-n'leirien'i liata

CT Nathlaa i* haaarrJed in ¦ajiagthattb* r*,.pW'a hatte-. hav* pr.^ua.d 0>* n>c»« el*«ant Hattaaaa.UlM.Kai: F* rtahaaaa .» rnaawtal ai.d *Ur*nc-¦ f

a.vkn.saabip II baai rtaal ¦laadarl artaaa «l and »,11.1 Fiai'Ml B» ' N '¦

No II Park row oppoatlelhe AMor HottBB.

C Q iMlK. II- I'M*"1 EltT H\T .Waarwt*-and BkBI «l . «"'¦ '.,,"° %ai .*'-"'r»,"d M.»"»rn.ViLa.aeab.""""1 Iba «..*»*! K-i; Hat. whlr.h la a

kafcioae"* »¦.. H u ***¦ 1 Mr MfB.MBt.»!i*d forZwl i*c*"*« a .-*»**! ba t» ito«ov-n -ot a* far b«ck aa

|i,o»r h*i 0 l*1 Btaea whu-h liui* b* bsi b**n eu-

aaaaO la npartaaaatav ta «aaar I «

alao aaArtatsnd w-at Mt Mfam doei not daein't o*c*aaarT

tooaalior. tl.- Ttade *g»'mt «"f'U>g i . i, ai withEL BaaaataaM d til-*!*1 M h* will pleoelt Wthio th- powerof sll fo» s a*r* ixtf .rai iinr. M laryi'y proeoro U;e nrbta*an kfaj laR ** '¦ ' *. * authl. r aaatraa to the iinberalaad nrlaav* iviiani puiiuad bv Bom* 1b the Trada, whiaak* great pratrt.n «ia b,il who have notatilii* of bll¦wni By tb* bv. w* ai.ti. tpat* a tr-st «acttement am-jrgaU tbiw* whooi tbe rjkMB he»* m-d* poeiical. fir. aa will baa*an Mt hlpk.'ii 1 aii fler*d a pt-nitiini of Piflj- Oollara r*t>*b*al wi.n..' t. eacea* tbl-tj two lioaa Tba nog to

h* d*acn|4iiT of Ui* tvauiKi and oti'.ity of U a llat aad


OraMM. Dat at Gbnin'o Ba/.aar..Tblidat tjgwSiR will opan ail lb* d.paitmentaof hla ext.*n-

BtaaB^aaaarwitbaa**! -4) n*w aud hniiuot atock of tbe

TEffZTXSZ, r :'^ f-.o..*¦...nt. U-Mjoab, thaU^l.l r rareiy "f atoaaat aad araoafaliFraaehttt^O^a*** i ' Caltdraa ol ail «rv eompn.iogK-i.1roiZ-C^Tataricbiy I'taianad rf.MlBthe ParmaB and do-f H\- Tvio. « ,....,..,.... of i.iwnifteeot BBM *' Ladtaa*« » r*t» r..*de upa' M th*l.,.*t "¦ hrr, "ir Imp lltod p*t-L.. Lani**' *nd it i<i:*ni FraaabSboee Oaitara,Tiaa,. I *¦ e.

.tiafwia. kc ft wn Pam t "getber with a ruednplay of an

rkwfot hotKio'i aid r»er aiti.leo! ori,s:ii9Ulalwo-..Htciu Tbe Orpattu.ent a:! rli a arlda n

ptati Air chatca. and tha ei.tirr itock ai o. w arramt-d at tne

¦.-.. ajkaeaa a baaaarar haaa equaied :o

SB» **«lbH.h'>ell IU Ib'.'t'V,. , .

Oaai«'» Ba/aar. Bt Nl holaaHotal, N ¦ aaj

Km>\ Mai ia B»il ai reaaonin^haiaa lhaitkn hl tia*T"*^ »ery mbt of a- IU aiada hajworae' Oiaa a»y ot):-r atticle lncremion The v.or.d »d

laoginftrr..ii BB9 apWhaai at.d aaatahtlyraeaof ¦.¦>.'¦

lo1 IM't caoie st o !h* Hel t rsr* (liiappasred troootf thebeadiof ilap- A h> \ bst ii tudiipoa >ly tbe baataiuneof iheaon man* ib tn* cty ; lt n n»t o> ly afanparlir Bt it rriaif iHBihapa ai.d apaearaoea throuab tnai*

u!d ki'i«-k ,i f'y n'i - oat of a undr.d ulei mt*

eockkd hi'i Yoa Aaa i fy ona ol their., aud we rstherfhcayyoaaiTI reneat thet.fal whenever yoa n»edsro<.dhat- Bay aaar kBta Bt KaoA'a. Ha and yoja>nl ga; ou ikroaph tba woild aa you o ujht I

Otbhiho i>f ihe Fali Tbaor a; Jbh-w - J. I '. V. of aiioUiii aea

.or, W '.-¦'.. .t praaaal tofha itoaaiBBBdtbe pobliv a ne* at.-i ^aaaaahla a*< aadi maleClothli« aiprop.iau- ihcefo. Ti.eir Clotba.aodoiher fab 1.1 ar* faapaatad di.-e.-i ft ro tbe hr.t aanu-tacni' U| oiiari :t r lapm t-ir- t-a UMo bI p- by tha m .>t

akiUfal cut er* intl - r.r.ed Hta'"*, aod nad* up by faitbfularcuknien, ia th* .t r>i««;' If manner H' n-e ihe) tmr;

valaa re«Ltat.,.i, .1 ¦'< sd) I fir apparel. aud af -

Bm'imsdr to ninnuie lt- tbe e- iloin department of theiCiuawive **ta'iiibmei t To I'air praient ito< 1 ei|w-3i«iaitaaiioo U" y bO iBaam hCo' fail etylaa In Pantatoom. ./aaaj aa imajaoaa »a at]mar.y of arhtaB haaa Iaxcluiivtiy i -,¦ 1 a um-i-ted .0 tbalr fallIraPta.B Btita axclaOOaaly ihau <>*;. Gaotlirepiealab thrlr wardt Ir* fo. tbl MB* n wnl.tyiaoi Coata, Sscki. Wm. Paataio i artaroraatn lKrodor oi Pa. i a'. Ibaatoraof u T J <» « k INo.231 Broadway, Am-i.'-aii Hotal.

XZT Tha LsrBNOcBBio Hat thlo oeaoonta tka aakaavlaaatd fcaaaila ¦' "ur Eaahtaaablaa, and the©onitrtetatiia <>i th* econ imiit Tb*y are proaomiced o,

Bll wb wear tiem bBaaaar.battar Inlabadaodavary wnyrnote Iiaaaiifkl at d durabto anicl- than tha IfaifalraoiBroadway But r - i i:> n datermoed to exce

Try b m Hiiitore li N'o lOf Naa-auat ccir. o' Aun.

Eir" 1\w FbII it) Ie ol H'it. aa inwodm eby loiimi '. Lb«


*' taaar taa n >r*«, corne' ofChalhaui sud Pearl .;. sud No. 01 I BthaBL oppoitteChambei. at BBB jun lb* tblr | Thera 11 rothing clutniyBT awkwsrd st>oUi ihrro Ai aoon »« s man r*ti aaa BB he

Btralghtuui hhaaaU up and leela tbst If he lill no nore

Koney in hn pocktt he taokaai t; .ugb be bad. and tbatgbaaagieat wt,y .* Wa hate oartl staa to thla anact witb-oat numhei," snd If any llent wlft OBll up n aawawlllBonvine* bin Hat hlai ai.d u.aks h:u. look ukai,«ui;--man. if ba oever oia belore.

MAliNIHi I M Ot l r.P. FOBR PbIZESoNO..The euin al Btt will bepald by Ihe iul>icilb*r for th* heit

onginai .. i g ta piane of tb* hat, not to asaaad tbuty-twolinea, whlcb iball t>e o-h ird b-lot* tha laitaay of tbe prni-am moi.'ii (,o..,peiii..i. foi iBta hbaral prtxa will p.eai*Bddirii tbelr ri ti.mui'call.i:i to tb* inla, lha , with thatlraal naoie and addrraa uudrr aesl, whlcb wlll only be openndin oaac f Ihe miig li-li gctoieu. Tba award will ba mad*by a oaaapateDl Itla'ary . u ittaa Tbe iu ernlui »ou»Will l«o pubh.hed c.n th* lit ol '>ciob*r

( O fOVBCN, rtaller. No 290 -d-av.

Gr Ki i.'o Fall 8tj ao o Gentle-m*n«Hatai.ow iniy i.naurpaav.l by any f .>r elegauce or

taita Tl.epablicareluvited loexBiuiue hel ii pui baatagOne Pr.o*. K»: ' . H |W_Cg~CPT Tlio beal placa to buy yo.i H «. ->

fJhOl fsil U af 1'kii.viv, sl Ihe lulou Hat 04Fultoi.-it I'tii., Ri and $> 00- aqaoltotboaa *

Cblldien.Bi ma llata of *y*ry vauety Bll the new i.ylei-wh-te, b'a k a..d paarl, MIMarj Capa-Bawire| ¦.

Ik .t ».. N "' f^ih u .;

""lTMhAl.ui- ci'luhi'Mted Eromdi Oi«.«i-maraHat fall atyle foi 1003. la aoa ie»,ly ThR »be oiticed pioti Htly m Btosdwav, at t -

Caosl il ,». hne an atiei tlv* cui.'-n may. in th* o >>iri- f a

gtap.aaaaraa haadrada ol i ail aa a u hat* aacawblta,Irtil ouw ' in Ihe »*r* and yrllow leaf," *nt*r a certaraU.ra oo lha aouih-*-.-n roinri. and o .uio mit Bkaftly aftar-WBldl ovrr BBd *a . In la« il and loabundred ler Beal nitra llkf getitirmeii thla wh-utheyaatatsd Mi n .¦' -1'"'1 h Hai ladaekOadlj the baudi ne,;

llstevor lOliodJL. in thi.l \

(it.Mx*.m..n t. Hato.Fall Pattbbh.-Bibii, eo.n* Pine and Nswaii ita-Tbe ityl* fortheenBBlng Bosaaowlll »* on VV v i*t, ^e..l lThe ktab ard luperioi fabilc of ibe HaU uoa

BO pubUe U-apeOtloa wlll be eyld-ut tBtba ehweit obearvei' Bian, Boinar P.ue and Naaaau lU.

""kFAmikiu- \- I.vmmii... Men aniWaitorvhav. r-u.oyedfro-oNu BJBJ iu Na «r Bioadwa.I Biewatar'i atait.le Muildloa*, between ttoiulou and Hlaack

ai-ata ) wbei* 'be> aro pr*par*d to fu'iiieh amaba ta ttieli

Uaa at tha eh«>rt«w. ootlea, and Oie moM faahlonabl* inate^lali"

gy Ui>ki L. Fortbb 'h* *'« hand oritboaeot hhe twst a*a..itiueuU raat) mai* OtatI tn and Fur-bbRbboOaaRiaaai produordta tlm market tall and lee

hUNaatltal ityleaof fall snd wii.l.-i .-. -can

BOt talltopmchsaa, ai he otlrii ar lucbevtieuiely low p:\aiaato defy ail co.npetriou No »"' Couit.aod: it

NtvW aSTTLKa CirORKB AJOB HaNTILLAO..fjaWaawaaOay araatoB Baal aa i iMyleaCb'Bki M»ii!,'.:*«, Ac, aa'ictedin I'a'U *ip e».

ouratti hede A .¦> ta aOdtt.oa ta-ut » tationa,wa Lare la.t i*c«lyeo lu iloie B good aai-ltm*ut ol baaBiiki ai.d riak 1» **. oisala puiCaaal at a^ciiou. «h ahsi* otlviMl ai a lu.all a- »an< *. Oal teia:. Moeh ot Fuel>.*a4ifailva|uali»'. »a lety H P*M vn\ ,n

theeity firfajn k CfTtma, No >.i B jad«ay

Fim Doi iak Dtu-- ( v. Fii riPoi l AB Obl - r ? k l m- bavr ln .t.s k

BaOBtaOafBBBB aaaaai i H.». k Clotn*vat laaportad taao tbtiBlty soki Va*tlBgiaual's*..ii.errato.-.rre.po:id l hey gktliedth*htgh».! prtaaai tba VAoild'a Fait, Lonioii OaoBUB P.rox.TaiiJt aad Ctatb Impnrtai BathjtofThaPkof Modon. l».rw aad r*- uU

K'Ubaa QiaieBBt, *t«. aic No "0 Broadway, c aarsfAniboii) .i op(H*itr Broadua. Baak ani rbea ei


HORIBBT AM> IM'th-vivKMtM*..Ryv i, Ai>»M., lrnrK-:'. ra ard Ma.i*l»cturc i, No A91 Broad-

way,ippo.iteti.e H*tP| ttiyn I

CboKaa*lact;oa.l II m»kv *n

surpaaaad tn quality. aat ty of ijn a d - n-*. ofartaaa a cailaaaiailin waotcl. :b .:.llyaallcitad._

HOOIERI AND UltDUtOABMim-TlltJ .it0Tlt*dtO

akgaaQiBMlg .:. k ot l»;* Mamuioit. lioa.aiy r ababtakNa 104 Bow.iy A akaala .. » .1 'uyiuce any ooa tbaavwehaaa l<* asveO by bujlu; 0 ra tly fr-.m th* msa ...

tortr* s-t^ iu poitr i. A K>^ v V lHitil.--* Sj ll« wery

KI** W ! vy

hiwUof th«" AMor Houa* aia ada:.ui«t*i:ni a bbal \u ie*af lh*cm«ibe t.. ibatunei man ii> - > No ! A-. .. Ho ae.

WOOld tnvii* at'.ci BkparbB iii*aa-ara. aa* wairai-t-d to |tva i»i - whlcb ha(lotboa lha oatai uis*


RT NfW i.ii».Kia t'f our BWB sBf|rOrtB'Otoa, B»d tba ct.wc-M ael-.'uu A r.rb gooda ta ms.-keLaaa.^g wbub si* Silta, Ku\a l« la avary o-w daatga saJOi.S U), Sid evt I] dra.rabl* aliadr lu ptanl . >.

ail wwo4 tte I bIbtt- Sooteh and Kraoch Sl k and WooleaPuuda , tap'i.'i ai.a hlaiiiard'a baa. t>-4 i*r*aah klertoo*. nlaolor* a*.d quai iin BbawB la great \aricty I.u-wsndPoibroKlar n Lu ena si a lK.t-.i**i.c GvxtOa tho* twl.e d Broadvi im lo: lai.ea. I >o-k« u koa a. Orah

ic-olor* TtiaNvAt'.ii Baaaaaay,

Fashh>>!» for Lai»i»> .The oul »

raapacthiliy aunjobc*i that o» Moeday a> \t. th*

ha aUI niiia bu tiual »euu-aanu»: f^«1 oaka aad Olaatii^a. au'ealed by htnae.f ic ParUiit ngihaaai: uioatn, stJ ." a... » cyarjtbicg that iaruh,6*au.tlfalaad uaw la ttaaa a»aa;veoiy jeoouiar eavai..oaa. T a

variaua* oomprla* G ->a Mantiflaa Calyp*o*v Talaaaa. Aa-XaotoTvy rapfor*. Paleneea, Maataaux Parvuctioaa,

liaraotuaida Bsl, Laonaa, ba, he The d.frraut o.y*

nTwIII aa ao dtiplayad ta tba oa # bbo a-epaat .

.B^alld to^r^r^*. it. fonnar dttoet .

a+ary gactuty to Laa:.. tn maku-o tt«« ? |.«fariaCioak sad Mantt 11a Eaapot a S B.-oaowsr.

HoPSEAMPtaS. LOOB TO Yoi R I.NTFR-«*T'-lf yoa ara la wsnt of a baaatlfUl. tood aad ext-a.:-

auarily e/aa^ Cerpat, yoo can aalect or* ^f^Jf^SJ*"Mtaarvav al HiaaM AanxaioV*. No M Sowarr. fjrS .

SoaATtX 'j. to R| per yard, pood Oti Ootha at i 8. J to

9 «U Tapaatry B.-*.-. CaTp,f.B| Rv $ 0 hai W

f"jT A I .ou'l upon my Julia'l brow !I kMV It .1 a paerfng ahtde,

Like npoe a atreain bekiwHy «agl"' w.ngt a momeot made.

8be frowTt hot otill tnth:a her he*-,M y iraage liea u hrtght aod alear

A* thnoa nu.qualed geana of artItoo r tath »n ln tne *r<_o*pbert

Bo, eo true. eo lile-like too,They re all that aeered Art ean do.

Raofg Rooma, firet flaor, np tiairt at No. >» Broodvty.

DawOERBEOTTPES BT BRADT..Th©pablte are reapeetfal.y invited to examlne the Prlae "_*¦£*¦a-hihltee" V tha Wor'ld Pair. aritb * largO BOUeo-Bon of the portn_-t of mott of the dl*Ong-_J_d -."__',*icr-ntry. ttBBADr-i Gallery. Na 2*5 Broadway, cor_er or

foitOD-at._~fy A~laHy 7emarkf<l th.- athaf day,fVel :t itoi> t.ignify. tbere 1* *omething B-BBjR t*n.*Y*

I agieneotypeai at triakee thetn etronger and kMRBBBMBboVa-y otliVr. . Rbe might ba-.e e-lded. - »"d/|2*»_*rallory firti floor, 311 Broodway, abrjrej-ejr-iag Moa-o.

__T Madamn Snntag'a Concerta vrlllbe more -«OraO-Bg *__ with -!«^^^a:"'fc_raO'avea wl.ieli «re ln ri° "ther eauM-hx.eot eqoal 10

..«eo7" a.t.ari.iN A Bi.-_l, M.o-_~t___ Op--ia_g,No 4.M Broadway._,Rich Cabpetings..Smith & Locns-

arav No. 44ft Peari-*--, arti now prepared to exhlblt thelrfaJlet'yie*. compi-iog a complete aad derra'ile aaeortme.-itof ncb Velv«t. Tapeatxy, Bruaeela. Three-Plyend IngTB.nCarpetlPg* AI*o a ch au> eeaortment of all other good* par-taining to tbe » araet tmde. all of whlch they are odenag at

pnoct that chuLienge compe-tion._CF Peterson & Hcmphrets, No.379

Broadway, eorner of White-et, are reeelving daily froraEurope and the Auctlon R--'r_. an ox.oeliy larre and ele-

gantatockof Carpeting*. *.rpa**.ng ta billiianry of eoiora,

ncl.Btvtfdegign and 6_ith. aoytklag erer oflered ln tt._

n-.aiket. Many polterojexcl-r.ieiyn.r o»n and not to JO

fctind elaewhete. Alao the reoowned World* r*.i -arPHt,la ene e.tlre piece, to which we call attention.

rs** Houbekeeper- nnd all othera in wantc f Beddirg. Beri.te._i. __., wnuld do well to call at M. Wi !.-

n eatobttabad vA'trorooBt, N... I'.'Chsth.m *t, c.r-

r»- M fe-rry ». » here mav he found 'he l&rgett ..vort-nietitofart;cle«in hu llneever orhrrd to the pu'.'icWlNDOW OrNAMENTS AT ExTRAOHDI-

«*ar L'W Paicits' k Px_etttOR. Bb_.-M RnaAway and .S4 Reeri--*!., are aellirg VA tndow Shadea, Laee a_dMaelln Curtain*. Cilt Cornicea. Cortala Trunmutga, _t~ atrreat bargaina. Call and eee 'tm._Teas..TIi* iifat Rsaortmeot of fine Tdii-j

will liefotir.i at tlie efore of ih'f'irna Ti I CoMPART,No !.'( aibamBt- (botweoa Pearl and Rjoae-.-..r-tt Tta kafabl-llimBBl lo tbat ty Wa BWBTfl our real-

et.itliat they ean do better here t_an elaewnere. eilher atv»;:^l-iaie rr r.lail. Tl.ey BOa

Wil-.ard'i Pobtablr MdbbetoBcribm.A nlaablt htt>nHo_.--A new tnppiy

Kr» r.c'i sir.d bdt,t'ne-R'^.ii:

lyCiuio-ifv aii'l ut-iityRPR now vrtimler-fully c.tnhined in'Pancy Oaoda. BBtalriaB_,**oya.Ag, at

r (luin No. 383 H.-oadwsy. Tbere n _M :*.IUOOg Blrd Tree


tW Pure Whiit ia bb Bbaolota necan-aary in e\cry BOVM-Old for all domettir pnrpoaea -eooklng,w.»l.;ng. Ae it far bi :tti and eatier peilornied w.

votei aoll kn.-wedi t aad Ignpurltlee tba beal laatnuaont for tbo i

,tba PoBoo* (>i t*l Pil IKR a new lnb tba pri_dpla ot thB "aVlprtoae

It afould lein every li. It eeonomieal. aleaoefleetiT* mi cheap !>. Bt, Qothlg H .11. No 118 Broadway

I_T A jndicions plao of adrart-iVig mayhe adt'pted at tbe eitentive Ageriry of V. B. f'.i mfk, w!ioi*apf.oinled hy the piopnitonof the hett pap.rtof the wh.le. unti\ U> reieipt .r . 'ocnpti'in* and adyert'iemmt*. lnformation and valuabl. liintn may he had ot theAg.i.t, who iun,:*het a li«t of the plan*. papen, (riceo, It,luited lo tbe want* of adverlleer*

JOT Fowlebs -C Wells, Phrenolo^istBaad Pnbllahera, Cllau.a Ho.ll, No. 131 Naetau-*V, New-York,aad No 14V va aablagtoo .1. Bi-Ua

Meebobi Sodtb..Lot> for siile at $110to |Ib" euch Thi* rheap. aad the ni'it .'ia I-| m; rtin tbe Manor tf BorriiaUB, liea oti the llarlem Haiiroad. afew n mut. t walk Bonl the river.ihe lirat riaing _ro ;nd totbe rlilit, after paatiiig the Rail'oad Bnd.e.fare |_t| cent*,%'& yearly Tl.irteen trair.a eac-li way T i:t vlliage ObODt one tt.c >ia liundied cilylota.ofwhich twelv* baadtod bavo h*"n diaponedtf ln lev t: antwo y an Ri inaiiit fo jr .indred ean ba iiad at Ibe Bbjpeop'lr.i t ii eaty terun of payinent. Tltle iridiaputahle. ApplytoR iiki H Elton.agaat,Bo S Tryoa-row,Bota8to 11A M or at bltollne H'uuw South, every afterno.n

r?** Wh call iitieiiiioii to tha artli «

1 eaded "Anollier Evni'ti. n to Lake Lt-A" W'e adv.aeoui fiiendt t i l.ny a l.ot or I- arni »'. t'ui de'izhtful and inuclin"iiuied place of C WojpO, No. 888 broadwa), l>«fore ail aretold

Cv* Dr. PofPRLLi OcullBt hioi Ailli^t,attaatdaaa aaool 8a a_vaaaa of tba EyeandEar. fri.VIo k ilaiiy, a' N> . U' adi ,.i he nad h:t"Tiaotlaeoa tba Eye ;" alao, .rtincia Etea « I. ^h ean i^t-BBttRd without paio. and wiii in ive and look like lie ua: j-

ra! eye

tl'' Nnitlicni nml WtMtBra (VferchAQtavtuld ri" v. .'.'.. iv- nn .;r-1. i.¦ I i. -i

, , Tba B'tirle, UUl rd i" t.y tba bret n ol me - M

.\ MBroadway,byBra.W. Iikvi.

oftin tbooBlly nig'it.\V hen tlniiile-rt rhalo baabouttd ut,!!¦,. tm.'* ai.d mu.kt t. i | .,On leit ai d tnrio.i d ut

Wkack! t..atch bat vo'n no ma~hEor Uie petky creaturet.

They tu:kour blood, for r.iglitly fjed,And tpeckleall our featurra.

GP* Under tht*M cipcumBtsucaBt the onlytm.n to ti.. _tf< i-tr,r i* \,\, a'l Poiaaalev Magoati

der. a ture Oei'rncu m to all in*-i» hold. toootkv w hthee |U*lly etliitne Magf-'ir Pllia for dea'r.yi.ig ra't, alNo 4.4 BioaCway Pnce .V canU psr bo* or Itik

RaEUMATISM Cubed..T-aOUBaadl <'leaaeahaa-e been te_add*-_lg the pa*t year, eo-npil.lnii -v- yfoitn of thia palnful and hltheitrOOBBt li.Maii.ina'. ly, (BCBte) al'-n.l-d Wltb t*.::i''_. a-'i

er.largemeiit of I .Myeati ttand.i g crir>;.lea f r yeara The*e have been cu;*dby that eelebrate,i lemedv, M. rt'.niorea RI

g Blood Partnor, wblcfe la a vogotablo tpi. ¦

ternal leini'.iy, put f. .th H U » Baa di«raie aloiie <eaainli.e teatimony fiom ph>« la.t, mln-tara, BWrsttent*and aitlrea* of lilgli ttanding throughout the luited 8tatae.

VV. V. Al BAAMDI IkCo, ( ectral ON.i Barelay-tt, Aator Uouw.

tW The oHginal nni! ioitr? celabratadI'gRaht bUwi a< baat anule to

irttire tae f. in c >:or o'liray lla r vitboot dyeing It, ao1by atuiii ei d ali paatboroeta It bi alaanly, aadln pa-ti the r r' oolor, ll alao »'»ee a aoftu-w. «'j*i and'xuilante nneui.flf d Pri e Weeateporb 11 r. u uranted.Kor tale at tbe leceral De, . i

N,a 1 18 8toa,!»a\ .'¦ -Voal :i gtoaaU, ~J Hufi a tt. 1ftBowery,81 Bareley-«, New-Yuik; N.t IT.Paltoa-el.aalUp AtlaLtic ti Bi k'vp

Hair DfBiBa..Crjbtadoro'i Kxi ei i«,ia L.tiD llaia Dvr., to co;.: the hair or, antbool IrJb ytetko bati or akln lieanbewaatied immed.ataly antbool d itullmpioalug the lexlLre B-Iosal i ,1 |It laappiied ci eold *t CBltTAOO-o't, No. 8 Aotor lloueePnwal. rwoin 101 a;i .y'.ug tbe dye.A DSATB-BliOB l PrRTEBDERR.

*.¦ I a» t l > .

llaii I'.e-' rtai eo »¦ ;..>di- b* lead Bf OfJ Bll . f t-0 1

adveri~»ai ta tb_lialr, and .'i aff* . .-

. %¦* m

ikulatod lo lake all vbo om eop:ic»... >

t g s r- 1*1.i »

for ** a at A tliti'.i- I N

___?* 20,1 tlitv Imppoved\\. . , . a a ,

c«a-J *J..' »»...- a.'. » uuii rray,


IggldtB ol 1 I


Hair Di a *>d Wi_h.. I.atcbei_an-f*,.-~ry f l the*a aTdciee !. *eleKr*i^d I I

.... .. v |ti To-pe* ean t_t*_y bo eu::od U;» Ht-l U.e . .

* vjj* guar-Biaal M a o vio and » ol No 4Ktia C.vt tbe addreaa. he»a:i I . . .

BT Gocradd*9 Li i_i_ Hair Dalthonl BMBBCBM ¦» rea-rra; v, *-BWgfl sen evar :e-rea!ed. Eoaolli eelebreteJ -t .:.....» v.

A«p for eorlng p:v»)~a freca-ee, ta.t rt aaa, 5 .

vae..Be_~wraea, laa, roaabaaea. Aa J*..«'a'-aMfr.-in aav paM of tve --d? '.'.Wblta an. Hair Olov. at 67 VV_ker-V. oenr R-

. . . «

RUEl'MATIJM CVBEO M0RTIM0K."3* a a a r .

,; - > *#e ::ia . .- i -t -.¦''. to .«', num^er* whj havelongj auBarad. \V . | *«* h»i par*oti_i Anowledge cf tb* f'.r-

:ie for not .: ..r. and wltbrtter to a aoa; . '* 'ironu rbe'itua-

llauipf «cg atand:n|. wh.-h it c 'ed. T:._ wv~* u - f. » * y _ieK..aLt, oho wat fr: rnany ya*.« a «*» apar»_ ::i t-gtiag l".e n. vtt etri iiiga, aad i.itt_i_g lh* treatiue-t ol *_i'n*nt ;Tksewaaeootla dforj . /'.*/wca-ea, and

- witbarlui gra*- A . -r reaedtee8Joarl,:tt failed V\'*w*i* mtlr-ment-l i_ i.iiueleg batto try thi* remediT, and to o_ r~»r_* aad hw git cored her euopietelyBoa_*wvk»*go w« c*.:»d a-.d porc.ved a Suul* a* tbe

.4*1. No. 1 Bvclay-tt., aod vct to a B*atleaaa Rtai ofotra in tb- iity, wbo aeaveu a marlyr to Uutdiaeaw Tiuag_g bott~ cored him. T>*re are ean hare of oiharewivblrb bar* eome oor ootieo. carad by tha raa.dy

V\ a ar* ftad te m* tbe aiiieea t'.teeding tha tauof tl.ta-Hdicioo Ito Ume.} BBt wi.: aav* fi.iaaaao. frj-irala ana v.lci-ng, aad leetoro thetn to eoond aod perfactbra'.ib.W e balftTa lh.« li lhaorly remoiy kaown, whiebig pi.t

fortb for thi* ooe dteeoao alrva aad wa are v:_- -a 8R w. .

i o what ia cla-aad ~: ll- 8BN R-gusaUam ia all IU *..__.

ffo atCt BV4V* R>pt t, aBRKr>. Watt« : Dew Sir. I'ha eneray

a . i^iA front aad aaet tbe lightniag Flaid withUd ¦T'Er' £? iTlel-ta tboa. fnr.d Tfldad toa eoW "Uii?«eaca. *^^,f|t»,J,«, -aUMha Narroa.thatmcwt C-Z^'T^.'po.m/nBt-^wB.-at-t^A°iLT'u^ I^t r fo7 n-oVio. f hav. acareaiy raaha*dIt^^^taw^ioo ta »y luaha. batawtb. blaa Hathtaatta-,*i^^umaBl;Hood, and iw*:ilng Now, wbat Bt*3hW-gW^ro-gh m/eatteaeatrerx-

^^S^-^;,;^t ^N^CliTatT'aaea*nia*ict*d yny dtaaaas, wontd rd^e^-. thooaandi of roch lettara woald be ahowa

X^S^SSSSS:'T4,"T *mHerriat Boiweaa drpot, No. li Abb-*._"SrFP Wheat..Golden Ai;**rri!ian.Gen-aaaaWhBB HatBoolea. Blae Btam. M-d:terrBnaan, sndaStfTrS-ea vsriette. of oew ftaad Wheat tofathar with a

"new-york SATl, 1832.

For Prwndtnt,

WaUVIaUtaV SCOTT, af New-Jeraey.for rice-Prrndsnt,

WIM.IA.Tl A. GR.k.llA.'n.rjf N«rtli.rarotliia.

Ba"* Ra^artfaBBBBh] for T\* Tnfmn* of Monday ooch: to

ha aact lo befora 9 o'elock on Ssmrday ayemna,

For Knrope.The U. S. Maii steam-diip Washincton.

Capt. 1 it h. ariD Ifave tbii port TO-PAY at

noon, for J'fomen wa S nithampton. Tht Btwd'Wcekly Tribvne, containinfj ail tha Iatest news.

canbehad at the l)e*k, Ttiis Morning, in wrap-pero, readj for nmiline.

By TelkorafbT.. The Ret::(!i>*-r \va«

hirned veaterdav mornine-to th* waterthe fire ia hy aoaao oapjafMea to have been thia/ork of an inrr-ndiary, and by other* to have been

.inn. Col. Foraej,it i« rapwftfd, will leavr bia deriMBap ol' the

j .in tba oditoriileorpo of Tkr Unitm. Tbo eitiaaaa of .Mdwaukee

.- totfil 10 to 1 infuvur of HWRaaf fcto citycn ,iit ;o tbo Foad i n Lae Raflroaat. The BaoiMCounrr denies that Mr. Wt pata* will write a let-

t<r dffiniur. his positicn in n-lati»n iothfl nominvtion »f <ien. Beott la the loaaatiaw the puMicili-fin. - it lor hiin. The third daj'n proceedinea..( the Woman's Rtfbto CoBreattoB will bo tbaodinti raatbig by oaaay reu.l r». Tiie Cholera haabrokea out at Cincinnaii. 1'rom lldtimore we

have two dajs latei oewfl from lltvina viiQtaikatOB. Vtllow I'ever and Cholera were

raging at Uavana. Arre-ti were still makm^ of

¦uiapecttoi rerolutrini-ta, Jane, the mnrderesinl MlB Wiaatoa. vvaa hans-tl at Richmond fco>terdny. The Yermont electioa r»-t trn-t are BOt>rt till in. Tbo Whig State ti< ke-t \* pTObabrjfrIrt tf d bj tbd people-, tboOfb, owillgto the ir

qaeotioo, bj a radoccd BMJorHy.-a>-

tsT Tiie bowi from Earopa by yaator-daj'a Btf-anrT ia of Httla iiiip>rtance. Th* mo-t

iatereatiBf aapectof afTairo ara presented in thelettrra of our eerraipooaJoBtBi


C?' Thi'-o are otatomentii thal ara ''>o

midiK-ioni fur tterance. Tli>°re in n limitto the bonado of liuman credollty. Ye;,our Loco-Fi co firien h aotm to rogard boththeoe propof*itioBo wi*li ottor okeptidom.Would ii l»o beliefod thal tln* affort lobeiog Dado t>> -;i\« tha aota ol tho Nortli-Wcol rorPIorcoBDi Fvi-.:. on the groondilnit the rauee of Rirer nnd Harbor i:n-proi etnei * will l>p adrancod l>y their aloc-. :nii ao uiui ii ao ii vviiuhl »>r- !>,) tho on

of tho Whfgnl [t ia even -". Thi- pre-p< -t,-imi«i notioD,thio moootPOTj abaarditj,

tolerable humbngy i- actuaUy pmt*.riii to chei' lionest rotera ou* of theirouffri -< ¦.

Tl.o ctidenct roliod upon l>y our op|>o-Deoto in rapporl of thia baaeli o« pni- tho fact nf tha paaaaga "f the Riv.Harbor biilat the tc -.'->i>>n of Congreea.Now, who iii»ea not kaow thifl very bill

wiis oppooed by the jreal body "f tl Lco-Foco party nnd oopportod ty tha

i tliti Whigo.' and tliat it «ru oidy-ivrd ly the r»'luctant rotoo of n feajNorth-weotora Loco-Fooo ntoroboro, whowent for it only ao u meano of oariag tlie>

party in their qoartrr from a total rout.Who does not knuvv tlmt the whole ofSouthern LocoFocoiom, top and 1''Htl nnd tnil. U l-OUt flat-fuoted

tho improrement ofRirera aadIlnibois, knd ara to-day oupporting Plerceob the groand that Iai election wuuld bathe ao ! of the g}«'fin. foi he eaa be reliedon to rtte every propooition of ihe aort 1Mr. Venablei of North Cbjm lina, on^ oftha high prieato of Soathern Loeo*]i-ni. 1ib» jool now nude thk umpialitieddt tliiinti.iii at a pubtte meoting of bia p »-

LiticaJ friendi at Richmniid, Vi.^iniH.B :. I ile liott there is nny

g tuch palpable tnitho n-

that the Whifj party i^ the only p irty thatcan be re.i»-1 upon to l -'nin the doctrineof Riii-r and Harbor Improvementi

.* party Lo doe th¦. axclnahreof wliaVever ha" been done for th>.i

imprnveinent of the grt-at thuain-l- of in-i. ati> u thronghoul the coun-

trv ? Certalnly thoN bo onch ne Ithi N who i< alrj «-fk ti> kni-w the

t it-.-. A;. wbj ohonl 1 wen retaratoly

r op '-4 bo deairey of m If deeoptl


No mnn ia perfect. Impnrtial historyl oiid decidea the cl inn f»r candi-

.ion with a severity that-. riry man to hope that he si

enpe Withoot OargO d:awback,4 from hi-cd the utiii»im decree of great im-kins. Of yliitingiiished men, how

< 'i pn, tVet characters. how low!the eminent men which this coun-

tiv baa fd, few will be fa '¦

^len the paaaioua and prejudicea of con-

tetnporary hiatory. the liL'U thing$ whicb,ike du>t Bpoa a piciuie. are evervi-iMa

close inopection. .-hill LitiIroui ai^ht ond recollcction by the l-.paeof tinie ; we *..y few wi'l be f.iund. aftertho lapae oi' year><. who^e f*me will bepurer or brighter thon tUal of Winiielk

Scott. He has perfyrme. deeda ._nt

entitlehim to be marked amoria lha gree.-r.t milifnry commander* of inodara timee.And no man ran achieve auch a repuM-tlon wlthout p-aBRRRBH itrongintellecmal power-. A mMti may ba R

.-. was Ney. Murar. Arni.!.and Worth. withoni burge poarere, andwhnlly ffhlMBt tha BCOpa aad t hnractero| iiitellrct nece*«nry to <

genenil and cmmand.-r. f Bttt no imtn

who h:is dfaplayed n greel * com-

mand, and u eanamander,BBCh Ri Geueral Scott has oftao exlar.d \ron. rnn be pnt RBjwhare ebe in thesca!e of intellectual eminerice but in thet -. Sucli a man mity not be phi-loaopher, a poi t, or orator, but he ianevertheleea a man of great ment.il8_peri< rity. There is bo eacape fifonaiMa coacluaion. Socfa a man mBBt baa man of braina, _od bare pleoty oi

Tl.i' obadkrations that nie goqie-timee niRilf. that the \Vlii_ paryhas set tuide diatinguiahed men to noini-nnte Gan. Scott for the PpeeMency, are

wboliy wiihou: poiat of force. It" theyhave set aoide nmn of LataUect, 80 havethey taken a man of uncommon (ntallactfor thtir candidate. Ht m great their ad-pantaga in thii reapect orai thair >v!''''nants! Mr. Webatar b emtaenl in hiaspht-re. i.ut Qen. Scott ia n->t leaa Bmlaantiu hia. And it iil becoaaea BOJ man toin-tiitinte that tbara b any inch dbparity ofi Inirn or fjualificati' n betweBO tl.em. a> to

a eenaure npon tlie partywhoaeminated, aod arhoie rolce h_s

di firmad that oon

Bntii li bi ' ipoa the Bcora of [ntellec-tual iildlity. _8 B-anifeBtad in Gen. Scott'asuccessful militaiy or civil caiver, tlmtwhieh ara wiah .I'icularly now to Bpeak.Hi- tapntatlon ia bbk ara. Hia renown Ra

r greal couunandepb _ed. Partydetractioo cannot leaaani party -

caaaot itain it. The publie poico pro-clain.a,and the publie beapi reaponda arithb throbbing Rlacrity to the decree, tlmt tlieii.i Wi_.eld Scott, n° n mllitary man,

is bejnd ull cavil or diaputa. But whatwe fpould like to Impraaa riridly opootha pnblic mind b thia, that tha name

of Wi-fekl Scott U neither atainednor taraiahad by any mpanm-a oi

any wiikedneM! No blot re^ts uponbis publie af privnte charactar. Hbhoa-or, hia iategrity, hi- manlineee, bla perfeelaprightneaa, are BBquaatloaed and nn-

tioaaMe. In eaery pnblic and priratertlatit'ii he b without reproacfa and above

tuapicion. He haa ihown bifneelftobeall tha temptationa of cb-

pidity and avarire, but the perfeel

of bu appatitaa ai.d paaaiona. He has not

only Rovernad othara. He haa donelia! i:uully. through a long iil'o, wlutt i.4mora ba baa gorerncd hlmsfl i-v t'liiii fvi'iy otbep diatinction, Qen.Si ":t b to-day a modi l rizEB. -S"<of viea, of exlpavagance, of diaereditablelodulget >.¦ of aordid aimi or mareenarymotivi -. an be laid to bii Sim-ply a man, Gcnei S ada bel ipe

the world uninipeachad 1 unimpeacha-ble. H«' baa paaaed throagh a thouBBB 1tceoea of temptRtioo La bii publie}ia* Iiiib enjoyad oppoitnniti-g to am

tvealtb of a potantatts yal he b to-dayaman withonl apa. or ble__bh, and thongb

fragal life, tbi irhollywithont fbrtana. Cf the milliona that

b | t' thi h bin han U, and of themillion-he mighl bRva clntched, had beatooped to do i'. n"t r dollarhia palm.

It is this pha-e of Qen* Seott'a chatae-ter that BXtOttB OUT unqiiili.'!..¦ 1 a Imirn-lion. iinil to vvliiih v\e foel a pride. M tm

American i iti/en, in drawing pnblk atten¬tion. Wa b diating ibhedd R0, urd u man of iirge powara oilecti a» our candidate for tlie Prtsidency,

u.' ppeaeat a perfectly aobar and hon-c-l man.a diatinction higb ar.d rare, andone of Ifhicfa tl of thia country

more jhun one manaoiB'Bsioa, a striking apprlciatioa. How

meiin and paltry, iu vhw af tl.ii hi_;lidistinctiun, 6eem the anrill critlof sma!l mlnds upon tha Httia peraoaal

¦4 (alwnji Rttandant uponiimn of rniirkcd lodifidnalil ) of

thia BH-inei I en ! lireat on

great oecaaionByRB he ha iRhownfto be. wiae iu eonm ii an J in action.

-imaelf in leraral ofihe_-oattryiagainar| whlch

untry ha- arar baan called to paaa;--ful leader of battallioris iu the

of \x:.r; the paciakill haa Rrreeted i- -

the prud. ot and f <rb. ring maoagerr.a : he adds to all r . merir. tlie haaorable diatinction, thecrowniag clorj uf ,m nalmpa tchabla i itizenand ^n inilexibly h.nest man. Puei! i.:-

BPe the amal! tling« oi' p»u*ti/.an hos-.iii-y ngair.-t the ioilivifjual arhoaa mafitaare -o eooapicooOR, and who5. life is ao

doiirving of publi' r*>gard and admin-ti'.n !

I .¦'.*¦.Tk( I,icu Siaalt Zcitunf;, forveire ptet trtt tie^rmtn orgun of th- Hemocra j,b-Bhaaledd »r. t::f I',_rce flag ar.d raioed tt-iit

! )tt BLd lirar.ani.* .i

ftflCBkAAB..William A. Howard ofWavaa Co. hat ber?a nominated ag the Whig caa-

te for C< Dgrtg- in the lat Digtrict.¦

Wisco.f«.i.-..The Free Democracy havtjDca-matrd L>. A. Knowlton of Fraeport for vlor-tr_or,aud Fhilo Carprnter cf ChicAgo ior Lieut.Ooven.or.

renaof Pennaylrar'a w-ft !»*n»r*.ny a iprior* Wcvl.warsl and aot erer make a w r> fac* »b Mit r>! |!*aman ia only duly laheW d ' ileit.ocratie,' ,V attv ,1,ahat he p'eaaea.

BB -

VER.TIONT BRjBJfJ flOV.We nre bMb t<> Rive rathVM from o.^y

anmeSf addl.loaal towaa ta V*r no*t 1> la ail. Ta aLbjuor qoreMon haa ent-red lo B*aOaBaaOBtl extnt ioiothaGubematorlal ^ueaOoa. Tsk- th «* Bftaaa l ta,and the Wbl* majorlty ta tha 8tate wlll u. aa>«t iwjtbot.iBiiJ, whlletre (iovaroori m«; »rlty will prohaVybeUaalhaa oae ihoutaad. Tn* Wbiga g«tu*d haadaon ely In both branehca of tba I.*«'.il*tare. I> wl l aaoero that ihe KroeSoU I.oco-K.t.xba.elu ag-raal Oafraa)if.-ne I Baa kO tho boiom .if tha old llne Lo^co-Foajpartf.Tfco fuilowln. are th* returaa

Far l.oinniii.

LaBlRlaaahfJI CG.l>3«. lHRt.

ItaraaaOa. Baaa'rd. Bab"a v\ BadO'A a^s.| kaayaa .u.i 4J0 tTTA .Il«| WO aaySt. fjtaaajp.... M .~ -. I

ItfJ 4.* b?V .JBtFRANKLIS r

atcwaa.lio* 000 taW...alBBjORLEaNO CG. ui vt tnQBAMB I0I.K CG.

ltoWT. IU tf f.... II- \ CO.

ttcwn. 1» . W 1WLAMOI1.I.B CG.

ttowna. 1W >?* irt ,MwiNnson co.

:i haaaa.**. MJ IBPj ...RMBftadaaaa. M 4'

rijmootb. Il

.. * ... .l.'ll Vt.r'OONl A Ctl

Twwoi.nM 100 roo.... anRlTLANO CO

I....I400.M .... 47

»..., l''l.v v...... IMn ¦... t:

I tnvrniChlttencen .... RaKatthaTen. MMlddleiowo ... 7Suobury. 41Tiuo-oulh. 97vv aia. I

II towni....W aal.togua



MR ...1 '.iOBANGE id

II lai.... ll'l

.fowaa. IMHeiii.llltOilIVtll .

ReBdiboro' .... 45N .n-foid. WS.11 deilsnd .... if.'V\...'bu'.l'oraet. UI


BUmiltQTON COta...I* ..

Ilb...II ..





10 1111WINOUAM CO.

1II wn . 1 I UI " ...I"'. -. 11 !....«

VV ani. «r9 'X $.... 12












:" i5









. jI












4'.' K.,t . ..!-<: 710ADOtBOtl io

n towna..1 I BB IW....I0H »7Lbaerda. II 31 !.... S*,. I 2 »iBfonkton. ot; . 1 .. >"*Riplou. 60 A «.... 51 1*





IM <<l IM...1WAMIINGTON Ci>. ooi 4V,... raj 7»tNottblield.i33 IM I ..... J s^

tM 761 114.) i»RECAPItrLaTiGN.

IS.VR. tMIir 1 1 i

w o. I I ." 6

PrankHn,!» towna.I .' III 1, *'.... LMf Rj| "4tbitteud. o, otowna 1. M 4« 1.7. ... 1,000 va 7imOrlrana, 4 towni. 011 III *».... ^7« J.B 7tiloai.d li'e. lown.... IU W 00...1 81 4 BJraaea. Itown. I- 01..., I*i 0 t»1Laoioilla, 2 towni.... Il« 140 ?/7 ... 1'3 1*4 I >7VVtirt* i. .1 tow* H.'t 1,.«". ... 1 .l.'l 911 I.O>fTCaledoota. 7 u.wna... OM l>7 7.J.... 1.71 BB BBHutl.nd IAtowua....l.7!'> ill» V*j.... 1,'iaH BJ| ttlTTT1BJT.'*--.i''n *" La«J.... 1,0411.7 a) apBeonnitou. H toaoi.. kko M 1114 ... 171 170 MilWindbam IHtown... 1,000 4;'J 8hl.... I.H48 7*B .'i 17Addiaji. Uowni-l..i"i 901 l»V.... l.UH 544 77W aibiirtoa, 7 towsi. WU **>i 7M... 7m4II4i» 103

1^1 towni.15,750 4,')i l H.Otii IS.SVI R,«T 5.1Jt

For NfiTf-eni.iilv ¦.«.

Wtndaor.IIVV irfir-nm.,.!.Addtaoa.10* akadi Bia. .)l.amoille. 0E«*x. I( hl lendeo. >jflrsnd llle. If irleani. 6Kranklli. IDtaaaa . 4\\ aihtngum.3Putland.13Beouirgtun. 4

s.y.».w hia*. OpaaarU


Total. 'ii BJ

M |. oailli17I00«fs441



BOOtOOa, Krtday, Hetf. li), 1- ..'.1G9Towna heard Grom nImhv the aiojastlrai

ot Wi.l.t BJbOB f»!'i.-eri l.y BBO poaajJBBj but by roduoadlm* irttlt-a Irum laat y*ar.The ^enale wlll probably atar.d BJJ Whtg to 5 Onpoaf*

Wcn.'1 aa II. ii- li naar y the aame aa laat yaar.I or Ci uareaa. lu the l.t Dl.trlct, fcftaibam 'Wblg>

baa hll majorlty; lid IHitrlet, Traey'Whlg> ha 7,'»|BUBjOitty Mld DUtilrt, Ir, II lowna riabln (Whtg) leaddbia l' -neii oppooent 1.--0 rutea, but taoka |i>4 of amajorlty.3


The Whioh ur Nrw arr..Oa Wedneo-day evenliiL; BRha Whiga ol the tfou»h Waid hejja larg* BB00B intetinir, at aliich u ticott and |#t»»ham (,'lub a.-id offaaized. Thunday eveoin/ thoWliijaofthe Kifth AisemSly Diatnet dedieate I tho(,'hippewa BoRiaaBa hy an ent^amitHMc raaatJajRBt whii h they ORBfJa iirrnii.;. in-iitn to 000000 tBOtiiuinphant election of Sjcott and t.'aham. Iha. ooag baaai have baawal» eaii for a Muhb .Mee:i»j,to bt: held euily in O^tober.

tlT Henry VV. l!i«hop, of Lenox, ano"Jaim n VV.Thiiinpaon, of .New-Kedf ir.l, wen- n >«.inatetl b*UhoLocar-Po6oCoawwoliooat Pit-shbaRjaa candidatea for Ooveruor and Uaokt* (iffaiaajofMaaHachuietta.

The 4 RiiipiilKn la Teaaeaa-ee.Wecupythe aollowiag baaaWaaVtaoaj atOBa

frnm Th* A»o bbBO Rtgi$ter. Ail th>- «:<r,a Indlcafthat Eaat Tonneiiee lotinda to du her wholo dutykaayaaaoaari

' Raag tlerran writoa ui frotn Ifaneock Couoty, aochtdsta of tba IW loaUnt: 'LaN hvooIok, wbllo J0>trlbi.tlf-K the *e. r,ei lu ib<> I a >>t ><-d> ral H ;ott, a eoAafDon.. erat CHtne up and aaked me what I H»et I tiajhim lh« nff. ul my old oinnan^er aa Maalao, a ,d 00a»kfd l.r a ropy, rerratklng tbal he waa f,r raaRh/ali..ttbe wi.ilu. 'Nj manRvcg thit c*a get ui/ roOlBa-lMtHciAl,' Bald he

" '1 be i ibier day I teurd aa r.ld K> glUhmao, aooR0L'err.- crat, aay ha f.ught with the H-ltlah lo ld12 thalhe w>-. hbkao prtBoataa t>> Uruapaj tjcoit, thatha a<never t« tter trest*d lo sll BBB I1f», aa wu« i I tla prb>(men be li.ved (i. n- rai rAcotiaa he dkf hll (*«»*»aad), If he waaable i>> gnt tu lb» p-.lia, h« akoald aailhOrotafat BeaOA We do ovaatfkpllaacaak yoaBBB| i>it aaattrcd. Tbtro are y et-1 lt y "tati.<t,nf wblrb twe're are Whl^a. fwill IbOBOB -**>.rotca for rio< ttln Novambor M.trk, that!"

" A l» tter Irt.m a gentb man In kkF>r<>e, uader JataofIhe atlat,aaflpi rkutt wm .*t UwWnlg y.ite lo U |Bjroa and a- w lienmcrau. 1 aaa ta tha l<> aer o-iuotValatt* Oaya .»<>, a:,a heard of a la'aH Baaabof ol ( <*ani rel nble men who bave flttharto actevl wtto **.DflBBO at.c partr, that wiil afpixiri i,m flaaot Taafaay tl uy ccu't koow Plercai but icutt'a naineand hRi->-*fl. bave been tara.iiiar agtho coustry lor W yesiOi*iid be la U.a noas lor taoax-'''

Ihe AtiUlU Pui4*>i)i : " A gentlenwho ha* juit returiieg) fr< >i> Mldrjle Tenoeea-e, o{'a moatcbeerlnp aceoaa ot the cinraaa In tbal dlraihe g-reateaten buita*11 »rf;vsi'a kmunif the WplgaWhl< Kle. tora at,d !0 Klrctora are dlicharjrlog tba*Outy man!u!!y, auR-here I. eyrory r-aaon to b«4i*r*tbat(,.n BeaOJ wm ra larjHy ahead of tha IVhlrf aUetrtn the MldJle li,-»'' n of the -tau>."

The lo*"' Men in Earnest..Whithe wofknif 'c Fraxda Myer'a Furnace, 8ch»nectiJbad r.c«lf3 «belr " dollara atd dlmea" Uaturday a*DooD thf ruQ °P aa aab pole In front of the ah >p,threw t»t a ^cott axd (iraharn faf to loJicate their p>lltlcaJ rrtarencea. Theae workara In iroa bara bo

Ir.-v-w». They |o for Protectlon to Hooaa Labor aaO

K.o^fbv*>tororelsn Workah'ipa.,07W*| Aibaoy ETtplai Jottraal.

MabABB Alboni.. BBOther triompb f

add to tbe l-.rg Rg|| Anotb'T MWa of BBBR-RvR »V, acd raptur. .tipplaBar" Madtno Albo-I* famItt.ovell eeu'llahed lo Nov-York to re<i'-lre free

pra f* . I her natural *_ racttgee or h*>r tk'.V., but wer

thepett gaBBPatjl v<len. a etr g'o 0 wcert w. old nitore ber to her ronk tMaBBB

I.ait erenlcg'i entorta'.nmtfct tegaa vlth tbe orertortc Mcowh'Io Sretrido a a-f.nct opereof RomIoI a, wbl.b«- ti eu retufclUtrd at Pa-le uader the Ot!" of /.* *.<<(.1 CortniAi, and .uK*ei1.r-_tlj i_hen ln I. >o_en .

(._,**»_. \ Tbeie waa »ery llttle Inthaoperto wa_ra_t IU betng ttua R-hBR-R- aod tb.tvigk tbILUile fn'tn U. gl*eu _t Ibji Llght. wna in ruaoy p«1

:*lr.«d one rn .vt»mei

vhicn ka* Iti-ttuo .!e»erT»diy popular, we thlnk --«

CTeiturea aliiinJIa the Ita laa repertolrf. Wo ar

nct partla! to the claab and clarg of the Iia'ian icboo

VV'eprtir Rlv'.cI wben he approtlcoated to tho Gtitt-n tDMlert, or vrota br t reneh audlecce.

Wbtt c-->u;d be RRgfR MMa :., for tnttance, thtxi thOTfiture lo H T We could tte the Alptotu» rtae, bear th' _.ount_l_ ea-ho, andtBetlnkllng *o*f.berd bell, ard feel around ui the freth alr af the peaerful Svlta vailej. rrad tbe oe>w* of atudlei eimtii:

tlon la tie tharp rlng of the trumpe'. of the gtlherlngof the t\cr\< d dotermlaat-on of tbe peaeaote to conqaethelr llbentea. k'\ thia 1* 80 tra_*pnrent t .rou.Q ta.

muib], that the letit ttiiagtnattv- pareoa muil ba*. fel!t We tru*t do 51. Arold thn uatlceto iay, tbat to h_n1 gg-BBR a falr ibtre of the glory. Roaaltl louod In hta falthfnl lolerpreter. Nor wa* he leg* accurate or brtlliant tn blt rendertng cf the graod tnarch to the /*...

f u, tbe tiDttt, probabty. that Meyerbeer haa wrltten

Tho cranri alr will for macy a day ln the eora u

all wbo Ifcen firtt beaid it.

Madeire AHM- ta generrrjg of ber farort; we had a

1. ii tbau »'x plecea Loai ttt laat ereoing, from th

M .'Dtol Ceniian Mpera to the plain, twrvi _til

M r'rgllth romanin. Koealcl contribted th

lorgeUo, i ...'..i/raj, wiih tbe pretty allegro, /-t

-Hch wii nraily and e.oreeeltety reinderec;:1, the berrov.d n ehara lu tho duel 1

..i prtt.i. and thou.h

hj ht [.f I-. molalned ot hur v .nt ..: an

t btr a.. la waa ai gj. d M utual, aud her vooal-rt futnltbed Hatti. batt: lm n g.i la M I '.rhlog stmpllclty an

¦oui iti rliiK u.fUd>.io aoft In lt. chorda.gB-88f tI't nv ai Ipg. Al bi i roieo grHdua'Iy MI to a whltpm

¦¦ wai huthrd to ca'.-h every lyllablf, l> w,

linpottlt'.e to drlre out ot one'a memory the :

Her't lathe Iay tha t IAi d er'. sie the inu, n. \rt dflng i 88li at gaotiy tall like teow la 'he ...*,Acd meit in tbe htait a* loi'.aiitiy

'. |g n thogw tpirottatile eontralt.) not<~ ehnot a thtl!ol a -t-OTTal k!nd thrn-ith the !".ot of m* hearorntid tbi> parq-ei ta hardly roJtralufd from drowutog ta.

f.nale in a bunt ef Bfyta-BA T.i Mi-ga't, ala.a. m.*t bl1 the billllM.t Iv'.i!', ni on an Alolne Alr

wh'th bear Iluinrr. .-.'* rame aa thelr aulh.r the n-

iharaa of the Hualaf end! aianotrer] t d.'tertrlr<«. Thli \ i-0" wat llui eOMRB-l >n 0

t pttt of the Coocprt; aad lt errtalnly l-ft tlr

In a tiHfisp-it o! d-Bgkt Wordt t»nnot deicrll.M _M I't.i-Ultti tiuUb. _8B_l8llMl BtVBBO-faf hevilled ri"lf», "r tb« brll'f .nt RRevatrf "f h«r ran* frui( ne dlstent llirlt of hi>r reu'uMr |o an th^r peojle aa

entracced, »i/Ip¦: at her who [> lun'J on Uiem tlila raliol melody.

In the lermd part, _M pr nnlae.1 -RgRth ballal5rrrr <m_ |0V *»|ti./ o/ iKf 't'tni tra, wai <lv«n. MJeAlboil wa. ioeomp*D!ed by thf auihor, nn a plan --.

ireagre Iratr.iin-iit ..' l*r*>> a romn -and contr!»fto render the alr te saet'tly that, thmigh ihi wat boaaiby her pr.'.rmi'i » tn »ini{ fiur tongt In l^ae than a>

hour, th« oxactln^ publie laporl tualy _RlWtB_lai BR M

ht'iargwlth m ra ?.¦ "t than utual, but w.

were iiirprltt-d by th" .lep'h of f¦ t,Ifn< whl.h ihe th. t«»

toto the " 5!y lovid ono ileopa." 1 ne laat pleo* wa

gi -igr. prceodt'd by tho-'lo'.i'i'r. Ol thi* w.

t-ar. rnl> nptat what we have lald jrevljukiy, tba'. n

HflDg haa tka n fed t iln_ It aa Mlo. Alb m

doei- that Mailbran alono of pait tlngeri, we trr> tn>r th t M RRBBR Id vhl-'h wi

hav- heard her dleplayo tb>- RRBBfll ot hfr regliter, th.

para roaaA 8aaRt ol bogvolaa md _MbrUR__8fol bvur.iuri BO rdmlra' ly ae .IV ».o'i jf

We fatcltd w« eould dfti'ci an ttl >rt on the part B

Bgloraanl to ttridn htt organ, ao no to till tht tay tli ,t th-' a't-uipi ii III juIkje.!

R.'tter lar tn tlrg the t'nor part In .1\ fi U "Ipo 01¦ /.../',, ,i wlth tbi-il.'hneia aud dr Uoaoy we ad

ii ind lait erenlug, than till the Betropoiitan Btll wltla breath.

_BgBOf liorere It derldedty too tteertto In hta yoealtzlng, to.) *. 8*0 In hli attltude* and | atnrei. for a C(RBceit-tngir. Wotpok" ti It b-i'orn, aid thi> fnult w*i

-.. ti ii ure Beicipilbl- laat erptilnfr Uh n-nderrd 51si 7 ratalngo e ¦/uetlo ai th.mgh hedlr.

nit untieritapd lt.| The lOM Of Ihe in-itlc of that arta, Itak.n t> pamtitly tn in tht> w.inlt, 1* rathur ti.uchtugmelantbi ly, and eren p_i*4ooatn, than comlial lt ro

¦:!r.« r. rt :n nate nctlo):, tuch aa Lablat-h.''*, to prevrat n.Utakr?ion the part ol tb'iaull.'nc.i. VVofear tba

H iTRft IWt iiiany "1 Ig hearori u-ider tha lm;hat he waa*; a love tong wlth

burtta ol the ^rotetque.

>lill*lalll -I'ilrCa(.l-'lo.K W. Wooi'U Ahii heu !g thf

l'i. n-e ani! Kii'» Stnt" ti.kit in J'ennaylvani" ai

CR-dMatB for Justi'-.' of tha^me ('ourt. lit'e nae a aii-mlier of tha CoBTOBtiofl whict

franied flif prowBt Coaabitul ..n nt PanaavlrAfliaand theraia (8ea CooreatJoa Procaedii 4-, rol. r.

p. IU"Bt WoodaraH moredtnamaaal the tm^n.ment

by addlng iherelo thn wurlt 'and thtt ttio lakl C nuilttee be alao InatrucUd ln laqqlra labo the. |ir..prie-y i1to araendltig the C witt.-tli nuti PRJ VERT any bie-.nert whn may arrlr« lo thli at-te aft«r tha f.nirthdavof Jniy, :-ll, FKf'Yf AC'fUllllNf; TBE Hl'.lllfo 1 Mt ro m>i.D ouici. in rui-cjviBORWEALTB

In BBjrport of th a propoaitioa, Mr. WooJuvar.sail, (p. II' |

..--:r, I Bparackkl at muoh at any man Ilflng th.mai.y p. Ittlcal rtgbtt . , bl.lni oa n .1vlih tbo pi. pl" of tb t aliad Bt-los, tm dow >.

ard lt li -t y hocotl Improattno, tiiat WK [>0 Bfc'.l AMfl.KlllU-: PRlVILEO] ^ncoulerrlngth.miijpcntv.ry -tdlttdutl aboabo a^a 11 come andtUiiiiihem. He knew tb at « great pirtlnn nf th<>*e vhn catn'aa.ont ua fmtn fnrelgn rnuotrleg <: .D-i«t fre>|iiently niba WORB1 l-Akr ril: POPULATlOH Ot. I'H'K- ih,t'h-j are URAC ''¦\f|«rr,l.\M'1B 1111 VAI.l OP IHl -: lEfl an;tbar, tberefaro, they U(j Nup KNivV llwvv' ru. Al.l I Ui M. _d_k tha* ln thua eoafarrtaa Indlacrimlnately up. ti * 1, wi- tra DOIRO ttaj" I'Y 1 JUl.iJ

- IR-1 ..-;.! Ib-ll'tf.lhai, lf the uir.e haa nnt yet cnroe>, lt will epi'-dlly c j-newhenl»»ill be lndla»ie_aaMy mr.-eiary eiiher brtkfcU:<ly, or ii n e other bntiy of thia dtat* nr of t_

..- »i. tn- rit loocd --tg .?.!

1 Hnd _itjw \j9vdag ouiAmtftg gj ..

^u^lf,K V.oouair i CoutiailBB 1-. u _Rf Ciuntr]

»>e, 8 soaotry wnicb la atmt,/ e.o .. rh t1IN-; U' u POLITIOtl

V r*- ,, y ,. )... y 'i -very l_< t.luail wbo may raefafc

1 Rrt or B )cl07ei .utd t


terj gur,) ,,t ne*e rrr,.r-ct« wh'i know tothlog ur ..! tcclr .i»o oouotra bafora th^t't 1 he vorld h uckaowo ta th-in nrlearol B at tl., tbev beor cf lt _i 1 ,.roeoparfl IpoBoa. I. _¦* n. _,e i,etbtrw.ailknnwtoatiii*. ve b_mg tbat nr. maniof tteae eaitgranit ,,. T.. .

. ee-tnatt.ey ln.. tfLKtXH< ' AIL. H V 1 ,' IM1RROW1 ,. |; 01

of thli kL-iwUdro U oot th- v.rk ot ad.y Tvabata ao tympalBf ln aommon vlth ua they ba--. n,gradficatluat bo RKRDBR THKM ¦ RRCIPIAMT01- TBERBHIOi P0I.ITIC4L PRIVII ¦. '¦;¦"¦Or.!> la,tfa||, ( 6,185I,)ha dcARdad tb,

;ropojition_alollo»g:. !_____ WouJ^ o^P'-n "f my prop^jel.'on - CaHalalnoforeignrr _,,_ la tke country-noao 00 hU voy t. _ .. w_. wauii}.UU_ nu t

-Hf-.*1?'! ¦.* "B- B.OB-1 clm.wiiii:.«i -|...hta way tlaagabaaaiUo 1th oi JuJ_ H4,_lor nooe of lh#(). w^ w-


cludedfrom aoythlng-eitber a reaidenca or polltlcipmilefet areocg ui. Nor muld Iboie who ihoTl£ltt____b_^_a__A,___-_ V*1' '-^.CO-pUlo.they vould have had neaily f, ur ye.Y,' notlce 17,ii (i.b-«rr n«r fo lAarc m e_r yoUtictlpriciufu."-Now.imagine the Wkig, puttin,; Up auch

cindidAte &a thia, aad jutt tbink what a nouwould be made about it' But the Adopted Cit

William P- Lintlaay i« the Op-

^; ,;1.11 *.*«¦i» th-x,mh

¦"J ? j^***!^"" a-ti n'nominated

,^t Nawtaa w*a*Jraw bbaaama^ahl.bIRB***"^^lB,4#t>lJeorre Ithaa """ Fl

iatltaAatonP'M"'<- NVhi-noiuiaa-\i BWO Ma.M.xlrie.h.hnod tbo W« -

baOaa ajapob-aTiilo Ihotnct.'.«;.!W.ho«,.t1etViK».it.-ac.nd.d«t..

|. tbe M.nrfaPirtiMt.__roiitira paaaRa»a-e.

« .' ' " v;\; s\"n^v.svt io,i?.vj.

aa_jalbooJaam exixted in our cityijreat ttfKB , 1Urd.firtodhBB .re.t.|. "^JTaTattOjB- IIEjtf ¦lUbPamaROaOf, ^r7'r,..,M snd tbe frlenda penerally^y^'Sr.nd'w.lll.. Atan eaxly hourtheyu.

rrr.ahtaa n«n,.'.'f the Nallonal candldatcu tn-

TaS .oo. tta atriple l.-Mi Amld the bla.lng of bon,

f^VJ^ of oaunon. Hob VVrn V.B

.tZJaVrraa WOR .BwBiaOOi tO thomivtlnc Ho, a.

??Tlhae who aBOblOJBa Mra on the «paakera

Xaaaftat »hf 5 roaBRioBi affibaao and tho

^TtT!L^,,waT"kept W * » BRl h v,r. with the ut-

1 'T^^i.lieT'has beOR i luderuhly hot,taJaarahlr aaaty and lotr. Ol dry. Tba follage loohaZSZ*Jlt had Ui ac-thed by lSKhtotng or acorched..¦w7"BulthUm,r1i g the c!..uda saihtrea and are

^tm-.jj htasaed »hh a inuch nmied daah oi cold

Tb lri»h woRBaa ;n Woat TroyateaboulBaa awaraa ot peachea, yeaterday. and dl*d In atx houra

xTe t-ody afamao named Michael Pilfe. BaaOkbl n the rlrer eppoatte thla ctty on

i ,day. At tho i' cer'g ItHpest lt waa aicoi-

Bjcaed tbal ba wa* a m .n af rery loleinperate hablttaad u U awppoeed that be fell tn tbe rlrer whtle tn a

!Tlga af lab vlea'J >n, on tha Mtnday prevlom. II-'-ree a wtle atd t»o c ita la but one ol tha

..... ., karfd f Oekl ariilug from thaIraraaa aBwry < I..awfreauieM lha- tf"

Fhlladrlphtn NOrWB Itcm*.

*»»"*". ^r, xPKLrHiv'Frhlay, BOBt. 10, L89RPorin;: the weok endlng yeaterday 43,-

l^tnae of foal were t-aniportod on tae Rtiadtog lYt.

P^aaal.t.^ ahlppaa y tba Behaylkill

°?workTian apofl the Phia-deJphla, Wil-.abtatoaaDd BaJtlmore K.liriMd wai caujfht betweenlaroaaia, thla aWe ol llarre de ilrsoe, Isit evenlng,aad araahad to death. I bare not leaened hla BSBBB

Mr. Charles Hunt. of West Pliiiadel-tt^i n yMeriooaly dtaappeared on M ind^y lait and haaLttbeea haarR ol »ime. Mr. Hunt la 49 yenra of Bfa,aaJ % fwet 5 focbet In hltht. At the titnft of bia dliap-iitigjBBBTi ha had upon hia perion a valuable gold watchaad a cowbterable amouut of money.The weather t>'Mtiniie- wurm.



By Telcgrai'h to The Sew-York Tribone.a>

ajjLifian TW-yr^v'* faBaa,BBBa a/lloaiaaoal Bi ^-rr afg

Bfhlg Mi« .'?Ieetlng In Ohio.rJf. X. IVOtaaa,

HaJtrxTON, (,ObJo) Friday, Sept 10, 1e*5'2.Great enthuainsm pre\ai'.3 here in re-

Bj<ct to poltRea, parllcularly at preaent. L^wla D.

Campbell baa Brrtved, ard Ia now addretitcg two thou-aasd r tera from the Court Houae portlco. Ue mayJeajly heproud ot hia rc:fpilon, whleh waa canllal Intha extrerre. A large deleraMon of the Whlgp of PrebleCcMty are here, are; mpatiied by their bind and GleeCuh. The llstnilton Attitlery have been flrlng tbeai>'e af-ernoon. Bu'.ier County U ln a new Dlitrlot.a dtBtrJet lntendcd to bo Csmpbeu'a polttlcal aepalchro.yoa may rxaik lt down for a Whlg Congreiamao, andba a lhre one. Campbe'l U known to be grlt t) the back

t:aa, and tbe Wbl.i uf thla DUtrlct are worthy of hltn.We are ail w!de awnt..-. On, to vlctorj Who foi.

Jcwi |H.vLSEk'.

Beatrurtlon of the Relntleer by Flre.Savoebties, Friday, £ept 10,1632.

Thf- stenmboat Reindeor was disroveredto be»nfire at the Brt-tol l.andlng at I o'clock thlaBeorBbg, and by 5 abe had urned to tbe water'a edgeBotbiag belng aaved from tbe boat. No Urea were

kat We uoderatand tbe Relndeer waa lnaured for905,100 lo lha Alaiiae Ingurance Campany of New*VorL fsrtunately thore waa no arind, or the whole

(.laei mlght have bosn deitr iyed.Stcond Ditpatch.

Thf eRcitement at the sccno wtaae. The peraona who were on board the boat at Hbflttae, barely eaceped with their livea.'n fact, had theWitcbman been aateep, no one wou'.d havo Leea aaved.The Captaln clung to the burtln^ wreck, and w aid

aot leave UU aatliMed tbat no lifo waa loat.Ao atenjpt waa made to acuttlethe boat, bat tt proved

abortlTe.Bbe wu cut away from tbe dock and tovved over on

the it'.ddle ground, wbi-re ibe. now Uea a charred ruaas.Ttef.reejBmuLlcHt>d 11 tieafire houieof E A D.

£ gelow ii. Co., but il waa at.ved with ilight da-nage.I Tha hreli tupncicd to bnve orlgtuato-1 from aomatxddiof that had bren aatu.-stud w'.th Otl, produulngOpoBUaeota combuitlon.Tbe boat waa thorouirhly ezarclned wltbiut a llght

V tveen 9 snd 10 o'clocic and tbe wat.h aeu

TheBontoa Courler and the 000*7 of Stntr,Bo tiin, i'riday, Sept 10, 1.-38,

The Couritr of this morning oaya thutMr. Webatei a heallb baa aomewbat Irnprovod* and tbatka evpecta to have It reatored perfeetly In a lew daya.Tht Cu*ri*r alao deniei the rumor whlch bai recentlybeen clrculated that Mr. Webeter la about puUilahtng anaddreaa or letter to bta frtends nrglng tbetn to relralnfrom ualng hla naroe aa an Inde --sndent caodldatefortta l'rwidancy. It tuither aaya that hla frlenda bareaot iclltlted hla lOmaa and ha wlU haidly vo'.unteer lt

lal. 1 oroey and tbe Clarliahlp of tiie Ilouae olllll'1-.llilllllyr-i.

Wasii.-.ngton, Friday, Pept. 10, IBat,It ia stuti'd thal Col. porney, Clerk oftha

Boaseol ICepreaantstlvea, haa beeomepaM proprtetor of7A«*aaarV*""' »"'/i,'and wlll realgu hliofflseonlha lit Uacetuber. B, B. Kren.-h la mentkoad u hlaaooooaaw.


Thf 4'naul Hoard.Alb^nv, Friday, Hept. 10, lr.">.'.

The Canal Board, at wnich ail wereareaant, fvcept Mr. McCuliougb, had a »oaa!oo thlataorDiog ln refereccc 00 the gtatemert ol ihe CanalRaoa r.Tba debale wm np«>n aproporltlon ta exo!aJe rafX-rb

.ra, tho AttoruM) enera', (OBORRoM, ipeaAlr.g tnRvcr o* their exrluil.m.Mr. Cook aaii the Koard had opened the whole raatter

tothe publlc In dlreoUog tbe publnationof tbe Au ..t jr'iCoan unlcaikm.The repurtora, by a pi te of 1 lo % (Cbatfleld and

taarahi were pannltted to retnalnRr. Chatlield th*o tafl tba Board, and the eonaldera-

Rta ol the mode lu wh.rb toe lnveiligation aboild baI'taaceded with wm ti-nimed.

4 Dttaaapa.AtBANY, Friday, Sept. 10- P. M.

The aWtattf Utia moiTiing in alie fjatfalRbbto, although ImoliBg the QBOMOfl ol tii- proprtetyW tepoitera belng prraent, waa up*n a motion to paa-RRUeprocfK'ditgi o! tbe Canal Bon). The motion» prlnt privalled- » .» 1, Nbm .>. The R-iard then¥**< tdea to con»!d'-r t..- bbOOO BI .bboB they ihoui.iproeeed wllh ihe lovtiti.siioo,and, ai theAiwrno nR*aa i, adop'ed a reio) ilon emp! -ic^ Nioh.>: a III1I,.>VibJ Mr lieynoii!.. .« cuni*al on behsll of thoaatati' eonduei the lt,veaii,ietijn. Mr. Hill echne-l to**v atd m Mr. B -yrolda »m not pr.j nt. the motion.tareoonaidered, '.d Mewra. Mc.Vptae. Kyodall, ani^<*a, were i,ppoln*.e I a C mmittea to proonre counio!.ajj ia behali uf tbe Su'-, and tbe K*AU h>nx>rrow. App^arancta Icdieat" that lha whoiea-VtraiUeadlnamoke.

1'bllRili >i'!il« .MayaraJiy.PitiL.vLigf ritu, Friday, Sept. 10,1- I

Colorel Robei M. Lee dei !inea being"^iVrnocratleooadliate for Mayi.r. The notnlnaRon** *«B prerloualy dodlaei by John C idwaltader.


Alabaata FalllliBaa^ Mobilb, ThnraRay, Sept, 9, lso-i.

Tbe Whig Stnte Conventioii ot Alubanta*** r'Uatd la oomlnatlOD a full elactoral Ucket,

Free Mall Delearvtr- -'-o»e_.BoaTon, Prlday, Bept 10, lfV.2

Tha Free BoflafR held R Haaatug laatiililit, and appolnted delei,a»ae to the Congr«*tlon»l tndPlate O'DTentl.iBB. 'J'hey aftarward wait.>d u?on Swia-nr hlt realdtnoe, wbo rotpo_dL"j brteily to

an uddreia mtde him.

Wamnn'* Blflhia ConventloriaTHIKl) DAY.BvBAit aK.lrlJay, Sept. 10. 1

A lefcr wai l-Ceired Qrom _lr-. Fiah, ofBixhettpr.Mrt. Kowler read a mlnute on Phytlologl.Al Eduet-

t!.n.Mitan \ntht.ny oArad n *o!utl'>ni commpndlng jour-

BBM edited by IfBBBBB,K. 1*. Jnnet BXBnaad Mrt. Swlthelrj.- p.per.ltnot!ng for WoBaa'a lllghtt.A llamn.iit.dwar.tPri the Conmritlon to dlnoonte-

PBABg tbe Wblgt and I ree UemocraU, and to tupportI'. g l.lberty party.

The. Prrtiaent Invlted to yrtyer.Ant.lii'm Brown took tho itaiid In mlnltterial ttyie,

Rad oflnred up^prayer.Haritet Huut preientpd rpiolutlont adroaallng fe-

ni»le pbyiictana, and caatlgetlng 888*888 for publiihlngt'i-nKMtt'lylo- adyertliementa.The -lu-.tlon wai takr-B up on permtnetit orgaulza-

I eitera were rnad from Angelina Weld ln oppotitlon,tad L < kthaa Pmlth ln favor.

Harrltt Ilnntoaid W'.roorganlzed by unreal -ltalltyi.ttraction waa true organl/atlon.Cmlurfa Nlrbolt thld or.anlzBtlon wat brlngln-

tra.iiierjti tof?eiht r. _h8 boped they felt utdon.artia-tlal bondiine.

I'liullua i'evlt *ald BrtlScial bondtge prevented thanioral growth of man.

Mr*. E Oakee Siullh «ald, the Jeauitt are oxamplea ofixtieiiie c'tHril.' ¦¦ition with tbem It It to prollfic ofxil'alry. Why i.ot boootBO eqaaUy proticlent for l-'io.

I.ucy _?to_e wat botliie lo tt-ptrnte tchoolt H8 fe-HM-RBAntnlmtte Br.w_'a retolntion on Female Preachert

wt re called up.Thoraat McCllntock hoped it would not p-tt, bac.uie

lt wat baied (»n ti adltlonary fnlth.Mltt Brown taid lt oujht to pui. as rnany bated their

lalih on St. Ptul. She atked, I'oet tha Coaventlon dlt-card or -ccept ibe Bl.le t

Mrt. Mott -Aid each bad t'ceir prlvate oplnlon, towbtch they bad a ilght equal to clorgymen. Sbi »Aithat qufttlon had not been belore the Con-entlon.iChe.rf.) . ,

Clailoda Mcholt ttld aho b.Jonged to tho BtpttitCh.rch ar.d baaod ber WoB-ta'a Rl_-M fmtlmenta on

tho " Rock of Aget."Kmeatlne Kota clalmcd peifpct freedom, and would

rot lnfiltge on auy one'i rL_ht.. Wiitt AutoIoHitoBrown thought from the Bfole -ho rogardtd a* an tn-terpretatlnn fiom Mitt Brown. che henelf r^.ectedboth partiee" lnterpretatlont. Jierremarki wero con-:!: nod till tbe Bd|<,ur_me_t.

Delfgatet were preier.t from Vprmtnt, Mtiifha-gptt*, Connertli-ut, Ntw-York, N¦¦tt Jorgoy, Penntylra-nia, Ohlo and Canada )

>FT_B.NOOJf SflSSION.A lotter wat read from Jugppb Jofe.808-Mrt. K. (>.iki 8 nith rppnrtpd rOROtatlOBt,Ai.ntolr.Mte iUown'g reeolutlon* ean." up.Kov. Juliua ilatch taid liilgham had been thruit

tbmujh bf the ..n atott man lu the Convt,atlon,and over to the j/roatnat wnnmn, wln trUk-Amaorln one hi»nd, and pln In the other, h .dtranifix-'d hUnpotliely to the eonviction ol every one in the audi inc1. ttgbt, Brlgham ca_e ln, not killed, but mj;ii lin-prOTBd. He blmgel. ml^ht be a'to liiiprovrd. Womenl va pqubl power over thelr huibaod'a earnln.i andllberty, m thelr have ver thelrt. f/aoMOttowed drurken huiUi.dt up. ll they hortevhlppHdtbem, they would 8erve them rl^ht. lle mtde certainpertonal alluilo.g.The Pritldent hopfd the genilemsn woi'd not re-

tall rowdy c-anvoreatloLB ln hlg part of the Hall.Mr. liatcb taid, if women contendcd wlth hortet,

they ;utt espeot to bebetted on. Tna Prt-gldent ho;..dthe attt-mbiy would preterve dlgnlty, If the ipeaker dldr.i-t Mr. Hatch e.lngl.ed Jfenilnlne character. Heboped Lfpaypn would keep otf the tlme when thewoman't r Bhtt d.ctrlne wouid t;iumph, when an ber-aphrodlte character would be givon tn the

*, when, If accldent occurred, ant imicdpxarr.inatlon wouiif bf necott.ry belore a report C ib" gtren.Tbe PieiidPiit Interruptei him for U.k of deconcy.A man taid a Mlnltter of tho (iotppl, ho taought, wai

to tpeak.Mr. I.Btch tvanted to «ay ranrp, but the 1'rpgilmt

tllencedhlm. He laft tbo ttai.d, lollowcd by a gener_lUta.The Preiidont repretted 1.1a mtnnprs would not be

B-oadod.Mlit Brown't reiolutl'int were lald on tlie table.Tbe r.'i'ii.l i.t taid Blbld dlic-ttitintwore not ait >¦

getherprci ublo.Itwat reiolvt.Jto hoid the noxt meetlDgtt Cleve-

land.EVENIXG <!E33I0N.

The tubject of a new paper, with Mit. L. OaketSn.'ih, wa* di.cuattd.

KotoluUoni were paaicd favnrlne femnle phytlnintan.l lawyer», aod al-,. an alteratl m ln the marriagfl Imi.

Ilurace Manti'a aCdrenot were tcatterod afnertlly.I.ucy Stone appealed touchitikrly and eloi|uetitly to

the audlecce not to llve an aimleti learn eelf-telj¦.to mlnd cct rldiculu, or ine* r«, or tlattorlet. "aedld not tfmulate the vvjmanhood ot bluihtng chiv ki,laDgultblng eye, and .annentt that drn^gio In the dlrl.I) m't thlok Ihtjl lebrowi, ct at iriei ago, dra'no ! all thewatert of life. My tou! it not a place of the p .tt. Don'llet ut loarn traib, ladlti literaturn, Ac. We hove oppo-tltioa from tbe pulplt. Load not your growlug th NWMIwiih tbe iron thirt hy blg.Lt dtagged froin tome Juaeangrnveyard. jLoudapplauifThe l'rettdLDt then adjourned the Aiaembly.

Tva-o Wnya I.nter from Ilnvnnn.Key H'fit-rtlnrlnr InielllKenre.»'oiithrrn lltyB-B.

Ba_ti.mobk, Ftlday, Kopt. 10, 1852.We have no mail to-day south of &'a-

va_nah.The l'. S. Mail Bchooner Lucns Rrrired

at Charleiton on Wcdneidny, wltb Htvana datcito the8d i'Bt.Vehow Fever and Tho! ra contlnned

ti. lake with tioat rtoloaoo, ,th tu ti.ip'joard audlnUavana.AnaatB wereetlll beini made of partiaa

't;p. iad to be connei Wd aith t.'ie revolutior.ary Jour-r al rit fMdg of thi Ptdiplr. nnd the captaln of the Lu-c*g waa oitered twenty doubloont to brlng utl agut-

pected Indlvidual, but hfld^cllr.ed.A h'tter from Kay West, dated the 3d

Ittt.. enyi: ''The brfg Bruvntvlle, from Maw-York fnrd St J«_", ran athore In a hunl.-ano ou the I; 1u Biuh Key t-hnv), Toitujiat. ^!ie wat li.Mened

of all bat cargo by w.-eckoi., |Ot ot), and ariivea at K-jy\". -tt on the--ih."The ahip Benjamin R. Meland waa

tovad Into Key W-Ot on the BRk by w;e:kort, htvlngMBaiaf ditraattt'd in a Moaroa lha BRd, when oila haadli lh 1 Keja. inewreckorthavec 11

ii i». d wltb tbe Captaln lor »I.OOU.The .Sand Key Ught 8hip hU been aohl

iter of Ihe Collector. At prcii:nt there lt no ll^jhtihip fmm that qua'ttr

Four more deatha by ITellowirred tt Charletton.Th*> negro woman Jrbb, the mnrdere^a

rf tho WIcttoB famlly, w-than.- d a*. BJchnoad t) ItJ.M1,Ii-im Hobhrry.Fi.AT li -Ot, IrldAy, 8ept. lo, [|

Last night, as B Poliah jiedler, named N.t rankllo.wat returnlng Irora the State Falr, he wat f >].lowod by two men, and, whlle on hia way from the

ttotbe .j, _.<, thty telzed hlm aad made j! wl'.hMa box, wVii-h rotthlred j-vk-try t tli.' ..":ount oltr.l %'.:, ln catb Thlt OBBlUTBdbl aUut - i'. M tvndwltbh. twenty rodt of tome h^uaet.

Morc IW~t| Tronblea.BosTti.w, f llday, S^pt 10, la'-i

The correapondeot of the Allas vsri'esthat theComruartier f tbe Logllah cutter Ne'.ley con-tit uti to acnoy A-.orlcan tiil.ermen. <>nthe HlA«<.utitbeNetiey boarded tbe gchoonera Povlona, CapL*'igklnt, and Leader, Capt. Hl.bard, boUi ol LaMB,'ttwten Campo and (Jrani Banan, where therewat bo fiiblog ground, and after gear-hln. the yetiett.rdoned on tbe iicente .. Puund under i,:ipliloui elr->imitA_coa.''

1 be Commander of the NetlPjr tild Capt. Co«!_i thn >a_keei.,.p«"i gtated thert, would be nomore trouble |y the fiibtng yeeaela. He would like toit. w, be aald, where they got thelr lnt iraantlnu. Taeywt uld nnd kim dolo., ln futurp, uit ai hp had alwaytdote. Tbe abore tutomect waa' obtalned fro.-n Capl t*

t : olcra nt t'lnrlnnntl-.niinlrr of a Wati'h*man.

CixciN.v.tTi, lilday, Sept. | \ !- -.

Many deatha Crom Cholera have occurredln thia city dviiae the pait few dayt.A Wati linuiri w«- nuirdi-red in theatraet

al .1 oYlook thfg mornlcg. Two meu have been ar-re«t«*d on tutpioion.

t bolrra at Korhratrr.RociiESTrit. Prlday, Sept. 13,18-2,

The !><-.; rd vT Hoalth report fbt-ttaen,'raiht by.bnlera.In the two dayt endlag _t4F.ILThe aeather bu bton h:l and ralny.

t-ucreaafal Trlal of ihe Flre AnnlhllatorCticv, Fiiday, Sfpt. I ,!;-.

Dia. Col»on nnd Boyntou made their ae-

coLd otpeiim^nt wlth tho llro Aonlbllator thli eTonlng,v'.iblituupt-antiucceat. Alario qntntlty of Ur OAr-

tcit And ttcer hljjbly ctmbuatlblo materUl were plaooowltfcln the bulMlog and tired. Tho annlhUator wat not

ap^llod untll tbo wbolo latertor wat Ignitad. and were buratlog from all tho opeolngt, but ereryporilclowa* apparently exttrgalahod aur.oat lottAAta-

r-tfrlena Rallraad Arrldeat-Two l.lvr* Laat.LrlMBMaOfla, Va, Thurtday, Sept 0, 1-"-

The locomotive Rttaehad to tlie HRR-Jtrtln on the Vlrginia and Teu-ewee Rallroad b ir*t Utboiler thlt momLBg, ktillog I ttkar Wood. tba onrlnear,andanipman named l.oug. NodaaMfOW-i d>oet»the oart or pataengerA

Foral Itallroad Arrldeat.pHii.aDii.rniA. 1 rlJay, .-ept 1

A lad named Biley, 'w-flve yeara o»'_£<.,waa arrldentaJ'y run orer acd kllled on the Ma'kot-.t.Kailroad thia afternonn.

Knllrand Arcldent.Borrr:., 1 rtday, Sept. :

Tlie laat down train on the Low^ll R«il-mad run oDtn theildetrtck at r ut C«_ibri-_» »'. B10 ncl.rk laat Llght, through tbo negltgenee >f tn«. wttch man, and came In eoi-iBOa wlto a ir 'tght tra.n.The en.ine, te_u*r, ard mail c*r were Sadly BaMBh I

Sidnty Ri! Inion, of SL Johntbu'v, Vt. a brake-O.n.I'..! bolk hia b p brohea, a_d two other perroat m ;re

tllgbtly burt

Hnllrond latellicrare.MiLwatKEK, Iriday, Bept I ', IflRR

The vote in thi- ciry. yeeterday. tipnnthe quettion of loanlng tbe city credB tn aid of the Fond-du Lac and Lake Shore Rallroad, was la pro,K>rtionol 1 tn favor to 1 aralntt it.

The B Dornrlo at Ne-r-Orlcaaa.Ni RfOBU-UM, Frldty, Sept. 10, 1-' J.

The Btaamahip Kl Dorado haa arrivedtere from AtplnwalL, 8he brlngt nothing lAter fromCallfornia.


AMHUCAN BOARD.Fortytblrd Annlveranry of the Amrrlcaa

0 Uonril oi Porrlan ."*IlH«lon*.I V tli aaa


Tboy, N. Y Thurtday Evenlng, Sept !», leoi.

The Board met nt 7 o'clbck, pur-imnt toa ..urrjm°rit. The exercliPt onimeatod wlth thealr Irg < I the 1 j ran comn"ncinj

" tVakatteaBOgof Jobfloo,| aea."

R .Dr. WI te, PraaMaal of Wata.h College, ol'er-cd prnycr. Bat. Wm. Scu.dor, ton 01 the veteran

Oikaio-ary Dr. Scaddar, al.. hu bimtelf labored atttp Cey'oo, tr.t ddroaaa 1 lha meeUng.

.. at uraging account of Ujp progr.Jta oftheTt mperance caute ia J_.1ia. The » ant of men lt great-ly lelt tt thlt ttktlon Ibe pretent ltborert ara ovtr-burdened wl'h thelr pxertl ni.

Dr. Bridgeman, ot the Chlnete mlt.lon, fdlowed. Hedi'tlred lo eorroet Hm prevalllng liopreitlon that thefblnete are doficleut ln Int.dJlgnncp, atid aeturnd theauait'tice imt ln thlt i' tp< <-t, ;~ y would n it I'eli t whltbrhlt.dtno AmPi!;an peORle Aaeo bo Bftl BoBOtBdthe c lur.try a wh-1-" generatiin: bn* patsed awav.andIf anolhtir KPurrkt'i.n go.'g Jnwn to dpeth wtthnut th*(inipel, In wboie ikirts, Lo ai-.d, wiil be iuuLd tneblcx d of thelr aoaLTbe veneraMe mlt.tonary Pxpregied a ttronir iaaba

lorotara a.aln to hia labun. ii-j lt engaged lu trant-latlrg the Scilpture IntoCblneie.

Ktiv. Mr. Tracy, for twelve yea-a a Mlnl"nary ln Io-d!a, nextnade an addrpti. (ireat dlltirulty hat beenencounured by themUiim. A mtgnlficent rellglon Uto beoTPrthr jwd,Mr. Tracy dateilbad g tpltrndld fircple -.500 bat

lonjt, 1,800 wldp, conii»tlD«- 11 tiO granP.e buildlngi, p >i-ii'iilng 180 vllhp' i, bealdi herdi ai.d caule. Anln-pretrion wldtly prevalla in th .t c.'intry, rvnn atiitigtbe BrnhmlL-, ;h*t the Hitiduo n.llglou li to baorer>tLniwn, and nrpplABl !__.

K«». Wm. GooddaB, tor thlrty ypan a Bu.ionary atCi nitantlnnplp, mado nn nici-pdlag Interpatiig addreaa.He tpcko of tbp great chat gaa whlch cavp taten placptinru be i'ritei..d ihu .irvlces ol Sir dirat-ford Caaatag, Kngllth A'nbitaadjr. Forme-ly theMlailor hile* anil tbfir co-verta came Intoc .IIIiItq wlththe Tuiklih (. rtaranBont; ao* IhOJP have charturedprirUogaRi The obarchag, cd whlch tbere are M aron.apraopor.1 c ndidoa. Hia appatl for noora otd waan.' it tmichiBg.

I»r. J'' niPt..y made aftfw remarkg.e preaaiughlaaol-pmn 'nt. ¦¦ ¦¦ i, i v |i .-. Itfliealty ol o.ii iiiinnarii », coniiited ln poiiutllng parenta to girelh*-lr chlldren.He wat Mliwed by Dr. Hawei, of Hartford, and Pr.

BopRlaa, ot Williama' C'olltge, wno made elequent ad-dr> iki.

:t r tbe elnj-lDg oi a liyrnn, and a benedl<"tion by Dr.f'roly, the Board adjour_«»d, to meet to morr.)w, Prldaymoriilng. tt p u clock, in Uc. Beman't Cburcn.

rtiBTH Pitv iiit iBaatoar.Tbov, N. V., 1 rldgy.Sept. 10, USL

The Board met al - o'clwRthia morningtn hold tho uiual farewoll meeting.

Prayer waa oflpred by \)r. T. Bhepsrd, of Rh doItland

oiluutot of prrcedlng meeting were read by Dr. Wor-i-i «ii r.

v. Wm. ( tnok occ-ityn, dutlng tho read-lcg of thi' recoidt, to roiLark upon th-, exeeillent aing-li g gtyea by _m ouoty ot Uie i Iral Pra*bytarlaaCkare-.

Iinrt addrpito* w< ri rr.h'n- y Migat ¦? ..: .. wh vx-.p- .-I lo r.-turn to thcli fieidt ot labor durln^ the c jmln^)i'ar.

mt:\r.tlnnp!e ttatlon,!int uddri'.-ttrd the maedag. II- apoke ot the greatp|. greai madf by ihe Amer'can B >ard iltue hit lir.t111.-1 tn n «ltn it. Be remeil >.<< d when the recelptt

iae I.-yrutaatcdaled tue wbol< i .. city la icarce

Lt.Lin i|. ko oftho pleaiure expfiioncpd durltg hia

Itttlot i*oovatry,aad« tbaktadaaataadllb-eialityof hlt bteadt. Ub bad heea r- .«. Itotay

butl '.J ao | BO, ratner v\.>_ld ),e,ey llre

Utv. Mr Kjiogton, of the Ch-ftAW Mlulon, ill '»-t>d., tn ptteeaa tn i-lre their chlldrea

i.a mUiloBarlaA They will lut be lott thelr raemorlea* t'l be lutcrllt'd upon the htart* of men, to condnuev hen Butiker HIII M"_um»nt ahr.ll hare ciumbled Into

t. Ba W'uld no; tay tarewell, for we ihall nieotto anrn.may wp a'l be prt-par-ed lo meet ln Heareu.

V. ii. Thaodoi- 1 rellnghuyion, I'realdeut of thaBoard, th"n addret.'pu the Mttilonatlet who are to into It'tre, ln sonie brlof Lut moat aiectlng remarkt, atfoUowa:My Dear Brothren: In boball .; \ t: Koa'd,

ai u thli great i bnadan ooegroga.ea, uave a wmJ te -ay:o ye i. Fii-l, I .

to t what the Lord baa '

liejtlt n Ir-i ::ilt have heei: roftaab We

that utir .. ral ir.i._l;» -efe-ii ol privik-ga ll now f*raw- g iv. i

tiu.e hat i >we Bf'onld i

. f ut, b.twlierohe

epeakatf: '»..ikul faliu pleMiBt

i tha i ¦ U .-..' :¦.

\\ n 1 :t..i li -i of m j-

a!^tar.te, my .yuipat y rue* aim<et to yity fcr you. Iit tbat.: 1* l._ra tulea.e tlie hju.e* of .r y

f ,., ,-t « ht r- ara v. t w.i t to gfl up ta 'b* h -t*.. n| any. tut wliei: I rO-SCt upon tbo p.u...i*e* oi0< o. all gympatby ii rt

.¦i*iol Him al, laid, " D .* mirei

xtelt atiCLdantly tepay you foi ail your la-i .. eieg in

BBtoHaie tl .-itK-G.ver. atil the oearer we approaih toHta '.n at^r will be car an oymeot.

.: ..-ged to haar thev» you tbo

pia>era;ai t. I »ii. notiay fare-a -. -. - |A BoveJ atd moat plculcg cnwrt-nment wat a-Tird-

r j Ly th tintlan-MBttha * ni" thna aad t. ihe bbbm tune by

ii '».!< rarlee upm the itage. No contuklon retuitedirim thlt itrarti" ntaiiarlRgilng < f lengaaa,

Dr. And rn n. In bebal: of the B >ard, then aldre-i^dDr. Bemar, lo thank bim, aud throu/h b;t_ the ciu.entol iiiy, r t.'.o ltberal ho-pltallty whicb hat been ex-

tended towardt attendantt upoL the late meeUngt. Hetdd

\\ hen the Pr ideeftal CotBadltoe knoi that it would beniejpe.iient to u.' e: .r. i n. B-f-l ey taraal a: once to

;.-*pint<d city. O'- i w*a at ooce ra-

.p.riffd to, acd with the utrnoet iheerialnet*. Th~ha* been a gtrat ta* upon tba ho*pKa.inea of y.ur ettiior-,ln rotara Rx wl ia ¦baaBBBHaaa tt entire ar.d grtteful _a:_!act~n.

TjthigaddnggDr. l,p_ia_bri j f-P'.cded aibelow:Ur l'r*'id"i.:. lt fa' exp.-eata few partiag ha\e U.n our gueauoo t_itocctat.'B;ar.d whilel ttai .p^irnoticniTtiirJaidtiB i* t.n- lepreeer.taU.e ol tne

peopieofthi cty lu th^-rr«D-i« 1 tbaok y ax.d tba rne; .-

teittt-hebjaidf.->ou.-vi- ll a.» v ->u; M I'readont,m .**u.e ui

fcebi d'.-g j&jj f*~e, littat ot uraneg your voice.

erjdedtoBava '. w < J *. l "K.rg _o fortht~t?readther>*-

pri and 10 nivt' tlie wcrd o: life 10 ibe p* ITl haa taen tet'uke.i, I iboaM tdd yoa rarewe L bot w .. n .w

oilyaij. we tna.. a.. uieet on

a tappy n.on.1 be followlrg are the Btttnet \ tho m'atloatnet wno

valllretum tn their i -!di of ltbor duiit-g the c mlu.-

year: Rev. Meitn. Ooodda'l. Bj.ngton, Brldgemtn,Beoddar, Barah, H.tchki. Wl y and Ha»koi.

After tbe tlnrlrg cf tfcp d. rology and a banedi.u >.

by Rey. Dr. Condet of O.wfj.^. tbe Board _.'J »urn*d

to meet at Cicc.ui; .li, OLIu, on the lat T-etdty ol U-l-

Tbe teiiion of the American Roatd whlch RBB JaiBlcloted hai bfen or- of the moat de'J.b-ul la tuhtetjry.Barmi ny ba-pte/alled ln all Itt deliber.ttlont, 8B88R>atplril of ferrtnt derotlon hta perrtded ^ety meouni-Intbe wjrdt of ane of »he fetretaHea, "Thera nat

bean but one heart aad one tnlnd, and that b**" **TmiBdhayabeendlrectedtoward the conrertlon ot tne

world.' Tbe eauae of the Board tt RaagraaaBBB_Bjaa]tayorably. lt U thlrteen yeart ilnce the lot meeang oi

tbe Board wat beld la thlt City. Then the BaBBBBBaBBIDr. B. me_ s Chnrch waa large enough to »«0'nmiatT_lumembers. At thu tetalon the upper BBafaBl 88_aajCburob waa fouad tnadPnuBte, and rDeettngt M"9"*^held In Dr. Ualley . acd Ker Br Fleld't ¦"¦¦£¦thli Ctty. and alao ia Ror. Mr. Grogory 't, ln Weet 1 roy,whlch kAvcbc-R alao attended by large aiuaaert. _u

bcatteaa, bowerer, haa !>**n traraacte.' at D- !>>v>an'iThe Board la new free from d*M. and ia rondlrJintr. eh more favorable tban at eey pravi no tJ*n". Byourdil/ena. th* occaaloo of tbe r-V>rty tbl'd Aualver-Mry of rhe Arrertem Board of Foretga Miaal>aa wi'lloc; be rememSerrd with tbe utmat plaaaura.


.A nreeticf of thla Club wm hell at th-lr bevimar*era, CheJeea Hall, rorner of Klghwenth it. and Klgbth-av , laat evexlng. Prealdeot J. Ruaaell In tbe Chalr.Addreaaea were malf by M*aara. MilHkea ani Be!-

lowg. Want of room^ompela ua H defer a ;ynopela oltheir remarka. TherewM rood alngtn-* by Meaara. Jflfferanu and othera Th'.i C'ub wlll h i! 1 a rrrand MwaM°etio.' on Friday evenlrg B»\t, at whL-h tl:n» th «y wlllralae their new Banner, the largegt tn the City.

Citt Offoritiob JvatciAx Cowtbrt-7icx..At the Canvectl. n htld atTammany HaII laatevenlng. the Judictai n- ..Inationa were inade, reeultlngai followa:

Corporation CohumiI. Rtpfbt J. Dillox, hsrJ.helled UuLker,. Kighte-inth Wsrd, had on tbe lat ba!-lut 40 vilea to II for Iaaac V. F.'wler, (who waaau>ported by tbe I'.arnburr.HrO acd 8 irtttering. Df>clared BOn-inated.

.h $tin of Siprtmt Cuiirt.. RoBKBT H. MoasH,(13unker ot the DtUoO strlpe,) reeetved jti ,- . i m Uielat ballotto 1- for Tnoa. VV. Clerk* Ro^ert E nmet 10,WilUam H. K-dng 3. Oo 'Jd ballot MirMi h»d 33vctea to leveral icatkriog, and waa declsxed n>min».ttd.

i«/l - C :rt.~Rob«rt Emaaat ;Bara>Vurxer nf the Nineteettl Ward.) wai nj.-.i'.ai: J ua

tt.- '.th ba'lot, havtngobt.'o»d 31 rotaa.Fot Jutiiett oj Maimc Cowt.Ai! -»rt A. T*iompion,Mh>- I kjaj Ward, waa BeataaOad on the lit oa >t.

llorrnce MeCartby (f'oiuth Warl' waa n-tt nun-mated and for tb- tblrd Juitloo there waa a warmasrutjta betwten tho Uatd aoJ BoR Sbetlg.Tre ballotJaga were a« foUoara:

lr-irh. (Elghti War: :?; Aifred A Pblltfpa, (31*.IniBRj Troinf) Ifl M frawaa.83; PRUBpo, 33. 3d.Fn mb .-¦:>: I'l.iilip.. 23; and J ecattertng rotaa, wbtehwvre aubitqutcti) rban.'.-d to 1'biillpi, who wai de-clared Dorrtnat'd, and tce Cjo" titi u aJ;< urned aliitie bedbra '.'P tf. TwavaTPan r,.t BBoraRkai adn7"n1'tarLl i.rnarBand 3 >ft ^helU ln the Cinventljn, aad ailprip(,»iri».iii to nominate a B UBbora-U' were a?outed at

rrely conteited bi ri, whorr<i». and who rusceej-d Id earryra Bt '.bo

whole prograoiire whlcb had been :-xe.J by Oi-Uoakara toag BfO, the olily chsnge, It li la'd. .

i.atianof I'¦-. |h Pni I'-oi Ii Cjaaldii d to be aa g .1 a Hunker ai DUioa or Th >m;-i in.

Karly In Ihe eraata>| a iiror.-; drtac'' r

i and dlaahVcted "Uodjoaratia p llDelaaihr. ko lnto the nomlnatio^; C .! ve.-.Uun hntf.

; i at ii b4atebea aad tbrew thea ivarth ht-iiiot'the D'leL'tteg, and after a i-vere ba'/.le fhii

pifOaaro wa» overcome and tb» aiisl'acta drlrea oat,but not bafoaa they had i^prenod tb-Ir ludutOO cut and d:ied Huuker arrau^emmta.

C0ABTBB NoRTtlfATlONS.(NWi.'j.,.it ioavUtBl praaaatloo -.thatue.rach In thla Ward 11 00orao aappoaofl, OBfl

¦] al aVota wlll be Iwo BOB-laBaioaa of Charter f

DB'i facllon held a rceetlng at I.lnton'a tavern ln :UkV , Irtwo. Il .b iLd n l!«. '.'.inWMitll! ln eenlon wh:n the R porter left nt a!<Ie- k.'1-ntral lmpr?ailon then wm, lhat Mr. Patat Kliraitow would b» non.lnsled m their eaadl lata l>>: Ai-ilitant Aldennan. Tne oth> r factlon h iJlorthat Karr'a,

r.lng(Ja!«road and ."kh-gt, on Tnuiadiy.v> ntr^' aaxt

Ofpositioh Nomiiiatiow..IXth As-BBBOff / i>tn-f-'Kleverith RTard -TaeAiieinbly Con-venlton ot tbii Dlitilct rcet. punuaut t.) a.lj. inunent,l»it evenlng, at the t'nion Hall, cornor of AaoaHM C andI-. ':ith it., and, bIut a hilef alttlns, unanlrnouily BOeaVnatfd Kraitt-a (ikverai tnelr oancldate.

\th Atxcmlly Distriet..(Twolfth andNlcetrenth Warrji)--Tbe Conventlon of thla Utitrlct

..i-r meoUog laat BBOBlag .tt tbe nortn-oait OOT"oarof Fourihav. aid Elgbty-atxtRat, bat ln e ni»

rmraoatrl tboabaaaci of « IM'-i-tte from the XIN'thWaid, lt WMBgrted to dtfer b»Ilntln? for OBOBM ot randldate untll 'l'uoiday evenlng, -lit lu»t, wiou the Con-veiiilon will meot at Garrett'i, on Bloomlngdu i; ,J,aaai Nlnety clLth it.

m ¦

CITY QOVERNMEflT.Itoani of Alilermen.


Fbidvv, .S>'pt. 1 ', -'..'.

Tiie Board of Aldcrmen ni^r b1 the djobIVrvr, snd proctedtd wl'.h La»!&tif. The aenton wai

vrry qulet, icii.e of tho dlfturoing elerrcnta bi-ln_- a'j.ont.

Mtnctcrnth Warl Eler/ion...\h\. Sivkrarairraavrallo uke up thla anti'iuat.-d aahwitbdrewtbe BrOttoB at tho re.ineat of Ai TiE>tv.vvfwho itated that the Alderman r\ ilmln^ 11 rcp'

tf WarJ \v(,a atioct. Aid - 0 tice tbatte would call up tta rr ,:t- BttBOBaataai

The Broad'cay KaHroad..A greatDumber of Pelitloni aLd Uetxoniitrani aa for and a^alnatthla road, were ttljroii, and to'.irred ho thi^ cTpecUlL'. ira,lttee tavin^ hargo ot the aebtact Tue piper*atre aa fol'owg

Kor.-.onitrai.cfl a^-alnit the road from 000aid I4Hifrt>d by Aid. i»aiii.Kv. Prladpal'y from r-1 .'.

ihe 1 ourth acd .-evenlh \\ arJi.Remonatrance of 1,000 rhliaaa. agaiatf the K i*d,

pnaented by AIJ. Moobk. Si^ned chltily 1q th« Firitsnd Tblrd Ward-, and embraoing maaf 1.uairei.

1 tlitlon of i Pl 'dent- ol Ihe Flrat W*rd, ln favorDfJ the Uoad.priitLUii'jy AIiI.Moobb.

: i muLtl/aiiCoa ot 1,-oJ ownera and OOOOpooRO o

BtyaaiBf on liroadway againet the pn-poitd iia.iio.i.J,aaaataaol by Aid. WaBO. Tula !a a paper ot ¦ n

^reater bjflaaooa thsa any beretofore >r-J. Thaibt of namea embrucea n-arly ail th y re.l oaraOTt Iflihe itreet. We obierre John D. Wendo'l, T.i >i A

Da kj,Dr. Chetiieman, Ur. BaOtarUk, J. A. Mjaklm J DI'liaplaine. Jaa. Aldilcb, B. M. Nje. Jai. L Del Vecchlo,Jinea 8. Wood, & B, WflOJet, l)e>luc k Co., R cUarlA. rikarren, T. Dunlap, S. B. Atthau**, H. N. Wi!d,H.arn Lrothori, Jai. W. Foatil, J. M. Beirtao, J. VV.

LorilUrd, J. D. Wo.fe, W. A. Bpencer, R jbfclaojoa W. Be< kman. Coleman A faabraB, Tiaej,

r«!n L Cd , A. D 'grott, D. D. Ueaatd, T.riany, t ouogi, John N. <;.:nlr, Holra to City Hotil property,

.siat". fheater Driggi. ChM. M l°r!pp, J -ha.(. a.-fe, tf, A. Marahall, J. B. Ibflatt, D. R Gunbatn,.1 bn Thompaon, J. B. Notea, Curiii Judaon, Alex. T.t-j, wa:t,I'.8. Van R> naaelaer, J. Watti Depeyater, 3

B. 11 wland, t'hii. B. J rarcii, EitateoKJ. HjwUiiJW. E. Bnrton, Adame . K.vprcM Company, UarnJen'a

Fayillli VVrn. C Kblnelandcr, Katute of John Maioo.acd rrany other wellknown lndivlduala acd IrBOOL

PatRBBfl of ^0ownera and oc;upanta on Brjadw-iy.lnfjur-f the Roai, preitn'^d ty Md. BlVBIBI a.nt.

I'i tttlon of abont 300 realdenta of Manhattanrltle,Yotkviile, aid Hulein, In favor of the Road, preieutedoy A!d. Tir.M.iwPOBRV n of 1,1- I cergcni realding tn the Elgbth and

Mnth Warda, In favor of the Road, preaented by Aid-CC.VITi \. .

Remonatrance from tha ia:e pub.ia niaetlng ln oppo-iltlon tolbe Koad, algned by theolHsera, and trsnimit.

licg lha praceedinga, prf ient< i by Aid. Wa»li.

Another Raiiroad..Ileary Walter* andothera petitloD for permlaalon to lay a rallrjad ln N.uth-

iv, and Creenwiehat, to Battery ;>i«ce. Referreu to

tbe8treetComBilUee.Ihnation..A re*olution to mako a

dcnatfcn of iiJO to the Home for the KrienJJeaa, waa

idapted. TaU la to re pay a tax larled upon the Inat

tuUon.$t*ltn Property..A report Irom the

Comalttee on FaBaa wm adopted, providing that ailBsclaioied .tolen property. depo-i:ed ;n ttehanlaofthe 11 ;.ce, be adve.tued in two daily papara.

/'tre Dtpartment..Ho-e Co. No. o

petltloned for £vo mora men. Rtfened to tha Flra De"

parttnent CommiSee.A report from the aame Commlttee waa adoptad, ln

favtr ui alteslng the dealgnatlon of " Lo.'tne CompanyBJo , to " Englne Company No. oo.''Jamei McHenry waa voted a donat on of RiOO in c ,n-

kideraUon of Injurlee recelved whUe dolng duty m a

rrec*n. Ile wm ran over ln Cnatlumat. on tha 6th of

5fatoTi ^irraral reportd were otterea

ard adopted or reierred, provldlof for the coaotruetloBof aaweja ln a dozen or mort pUteaa.Vpmmg Eleten'h-at.-k report Cram

the Committaa on RoaJi wm adoptad, directtnf tha

openkf of E!eventh*v, from Forty-Mghth to Fifty-Btnlhat.

After diapoaing of fifty or sixty papero,tha Board adjoamad lo Moaday alghL




Oate*: Mverpaal, .%¦«. v's; l.ondon. 'il,nnd l'arta, BB*

Tlie Briflnh IMat! steamship Europa,Capt Bjr'e, lalied ftim Llrerpool on 8«urday. Aug-.>. at about 1"!, A M and arrlred her. on Frldaymorning. wltb paiiengere, the uaual malla, and adrk et

three dtyt later than ppr Arctlc.

Tha Ileininnii arrhvl t.iVfW.»« on Fri-day morxlng at I 13. Her malla bad not come U handahen cur Llrerpool dltpatch waa made up.Thero in a dearth of newa by thia

arilral. Cottonat Llrerpooitleady. CrAiaduIl. I.lttlet BOta ln other artlclet of trade.

Tlie f illowing por^oii-; came pa^sengoraln the Europa

r N'uaaa and KiaExeelleaay C Morrir*. i*dy. I cb.idren and

li. r> M & *v p. M fboA B *ga~ »- gaaatebea; Ueat w.A Bmtowa, Mr lluu. rai.d lady. Mr. Robrrtaoaaad ladv. Mr Rowcmtt, hk-j ar. 1

K lh, ladv, .lchildr»a ao i .*rrant; I.Tborasa-d ladv I' Rochajcd, lody i .1 I c.tldioa, Biai

.'.. Mia. Stew-tt, Mit* Bnnett, M<t

D-apor, B-t Daui rt. M:t* Normant. Mr. Het-MB-, Mr.|v a»r, M I v II lght a_d n-rvant.VV B RtwABaatorE Ttmrue. Mia* Rowcruft, Rfiaa Bleae-iv. Mr B and laHy. I' Oray. P. Mellar 1.

.- ,' Roatb, Mr. Ba-un M

Mra. Meury. Mr* 8 Robin*on. Mr*. infar.tMr '¦ W l.-w**, (1 B. VVelch, Ai.taV. ¦, V-

n. T Barrog, M I'. a-id *ervant. Jaabtb Piaier,W Fl l; >.*. Mra F. B Wiliiameon and *er/ant, M>*irt.Lewi*. i gilby, Boiotnayor, Joka Kay, Cbaa Tarae*, J ih«a.I (». Keemn". McNab, lady and child, B.ju-imn an.i ',ly. IVMacgieer. Brown and lady. Haminond and lady. VVdiun. 1Moritaoa, Mrt Ortnibrel and danghtar, WaeCohaa, Mitt

Mr A Cahrille. Beroird Ca.rille, John Cadoeet,l< Stov«l.(i Crno.i H Roe*t>.rg, A. Tayl.r, C. Aihton,

i A R v. M R g-r

ENOLAND.Keault ot the Klrrtloaa.

: r-a.pTOl.r. . u: tbe N. Y. T>I.o.sDox. Friday. A.g. IT, IR3R,

I propose now to coneider the re-mltslh» lale iff neral clertion.

if we reaamB Uhi.t, FreeTradert ani Peelitei,g |BBM-la ii_r_e of the Oppotitl.a, thut In

n tmn OfpOBB thp'n t" th.' T rlet, we t:nd tJ»J.tatiiti:* oi the now rarllameut to expreet evidently

I || BfOal tn al udod to ia a precediog" antag'Ji.iam ol' eBf aad country.

Th-^re werp Bbaeta I ln Etglani, In the B.roughi 104MlaBtetiaJiatt, tl. >,'poalllosi.ti; but in the Countiot*. rlallBta ti.J 0.1/39 Oppoiiiionittt. Fromi ., tl ggr i.'.i.ildi of the Torlt'g, mutl be

dedaoted tbe rieaoB »nd m ut ladaaaatBl oasai theW. at Rldii of Wrkthlre, South LtncAehlre, Miidle-..>., Eaalaorryaadothera, puiMtting a populatim Bl.itir mi!. .-n». imt of tha ton rriilli->i:o »ho coinjjte the\ ; alatloa l thn C aatioB, ladepcudont of the toaut

undlx.. n inl't-n to 1'ai' H'uUt. the reiulta of the ele.tioni ln towo and

c t-ntry ra rxaoiiy oppoted to each other: thi* F.j-'ougri hoi .I. .t d 10 Opp uitl nliti aad a M nl.terle-l!tt', the Couiiliea 11 Mlultteri illtti.and OffOaMBRf

tt.thowt ni tha c n'ra.t iu Iti o'.iiaijet forin.

rhe lunou.ha. to 89 OppoaUoataat, pltctpd not a

. la lUaiatarla lat. Th« Ca_aHa8 t-nt ll Mlnliteilriitianl li OjjulU'inl-t'.Iu/n , Ttl in It dtrtt'reut from what It

ib< williclf In Crrat ltrltatn. In Fralaad th » ua.lmal

, ai tj lt _M gtiong-el tn the couti' y where ih y popula-ilon lt morf dtrcct'y under the ln luence ol tlie f'«t | Be¦l* r_y. ""lle ln th"' tjwniof tho fioith Kngluhand l'.-o-'. ttant p!eti et;te ptadoa tnate. 1 Attk, ihm, the proporaeat ot OppoobBoa li t'.ie cnuntry, tluugh wlth th-' pr j»-

. rt i: ik uf leeUon mU cauu >t ahow lttolf bo y.ryaink'ngly. In ln lacd the bnrou^h* len*! lt MiuliMrtal

lafl .1 M:n:tterlal and MUpposB

It you atk mo now wblch party htt con .orod tt thetbe (epiy It, tbey bt

-I-«. f. ' thpy > rllectly aro io a ml. .ity, In ip:f>.( brlh- _oo, ai.J Ooreroment In1 bia ino.t eorroet gratornonig girtv Blalaterial, ,.'|i;Ltbarale nr ciii.ctiw Oppoeld n. .;:r, doabtft-, ^7.Now evenlt youadd th. t«i .'T d"u Kfu't li the .*4!>il*.erl tl.ut ngtb, tbere rprnaint a roajorlcy of twoity |nr tte

> ial*. Fle r.iba, bnwt'ver, had calculatal up W a

,i u_y . 1 . But learlng out of tbe ip ,lmihla nnmprlchl mlnorlty, tkaTutloa .u'oumbwl la thoBleeBraitrui.i", fo tbelrleadl j m-n wpio foroadlodany thilr wn p. dectJonUt prtnetp'ea of. >) D irbj>nn .oproaoui 'ii «, »' 18aliaadBtaraBorlol aroBBO>ii n, atiuoi tlie iPinnluder maoy.even D Itraell hlmielf,aghlitttha Corn*

I.. rc Detby I ad attured In hiipr.Ma-nputary.I. i,g tbat h» wi il 1 ehange the g_at_Mre*B] pon -y ofAa..i iiiitry n'y lf tupporti »t by a la'a;o mai jrity.* > RBftgdld he BBticlpate tbat !i" wo.ld fiod l.iuigelf lu a mlnor-iy Tn. re,tbi reeall i Ihe alactl >n lt f*rtrotneorretp ndlng to the Bargal ae i.'ttttoni ineI'liii.-t, it it yi't l«i ni ire byoraMe '¦. tbeiu than ihe Op-

xp. cted.lyhwbMa dt-f.-ated more teror 'y than tho

tVblgt.-ead In RbB rsry polnt where the Inherentt fbin party liea; in I'tnld mlt'l.tert Tnematt

iifnutidi llaellon nne b uid wlth tne Free,, on tl e other wltb l .it»e. Tha real vital-¦.ifB'iil»b VVhlggery eoacaatratet lttolf ln lt*

I The "li" 'atf W ,'_ VII litry, rdJ l.n Kutlt ll, h.ii baefl n leoti'il it ti, l.y thn (' iy

_.bu lalhstlty eloetloa ol 1817 Mr. Mutar-Dtn (T J l-"*' . in

ive bl n, iadbeadedtbo p i. EIotob m«.ber* of the latu VVhlg

i ii r ght d iv. ti .iii'itid aid of thalrHi.ilia_jC-.Ur> Hf W J. Oralug, l.'.rd of therreaeary; B. M BeOew, Lordof Ibe Treitury .Ir D.iijn.:«». Jad| - f Beottaad <;¦ y,

cr.fary I. UatciilH AttornpylJenoral for Ire-aLd J Coraew-LI l.iwU. Raarattry to ihaTraaearyt

i" . etary to tha Baalar-Oeaaral afuip OidLaoci't, J. I'aik" t. Baeretary to Adn.iralty BirVV. B.meryillp, Becf-Urj tor lreUnd; Admlral rftowart,Lord.ftl tadto thssa yoaauyadd Br,

Iiuhb ol CommiaaaA ii *hi)rt,»iu8eba I'.-t'.'n iMl, the Wbi,-i have aat eiperleuoed a

tnMt. . r i

I be l'-nllti", wnote num'ierg w»re tlreadyiRb laM Parllar.-ier?. have ihnink to an »!v.?n lei* c.ti

i. »od mary ol thelr tn tt impoit0,ve 1< -t ¦ ' I * b_*aace Cardareil, i;*_rt,.oth for I.'vi r- Ol BBje, l.ana.k); I.ird II i.imi,.!. itinrO); RoaadeU Pelnier, (Plymouth), Sl\ Tne'tt i.nti'1' b w'.g ereaaatl bythedefce. rf C*rd-i i.iy n ar.-'itict oarMMlmport-_e ioa Ihaaytra

repreeaaaed by him. bat alao oa aeeoaal :mi i . tai-t-la'.lingtothplatp.-'ir R PaoL BatATtBt L rdYLthin,bltiiterary oaaaalor, Card well wai __'. i'' d b

¦Jihe ri-peal of the Navl_..ri)n !,.*i, uol be-ai.te h- e i ula Aa No Popery ery;

(,b_r. ly Inrtuenced tho olerably in LtrerpooL " Tbat tery b'ltf and very m mer-

maktr.g coir.rnuiJty," cbierve* and i;.ii{ilth Preo Tradepaparoal i . av." baa RBto Hbbb lo trahtratB ia

-'iiiigt, U luuet ia_y,l__ratBra.oa the prteet-nood, and bocome an tnetrurnenl in th**tr bandt." Be-»iJpi thi*, tbe -lectnr- ol Llyerpool are not. like thotef Matchei'er, " meo, out " gentleauin," and itrlklngly

lat tbo old crthodoxy faith lt a maia r>¦¦; iblte of a gen

The I ree Tradert, l*<tly, haye loatiome of thelr b_t,l. wi, nair.ea Bt tho electoral o .nteat; thue, «t lindf^rdi.'ul lhon.paonvalluO!4 M .ther U o*e one.if _MoJd>. tt prtacten acd Ut'-rary reprea-ntatlrp* of FreeI' itdham, t?. J Fox, one oftk-l' mM re-

iiwn'd agl'ator»a_d it'at arltty tpeakeri; Brightandlilaton ttemt^Wet l>--t al Maocnettir, tbettr i.gtmldf tte pa. ly, thelr Whia* o^poneaU by a < >mpara_fely»eak ma^ rlty ou'y. it lt, how«rnr, a matter »f eouno«ca». ucdtr tbe exudcg elocVjral ijatem tbe menehee-ter Schoo! aoa-B _..», and canm.t c jcnt, up >t a Parlla-u.ettary m*/riy. But tthtd. _ey«rthol«aa, boa*tt-i forn,aay jeart, that lf only tbe Wl.lgg were tarcel il and

i ret-rned to of_.e, lt would eaclte * tre-nea

ioui agitatltn aad pertorm herolo deedt. And oyw,Iratead we aee It a^aln, In thelatoelectoral .ettle, m A-

eatty gn ba_d tn baod witb tbe Whlg*, and thlt atoco lieqialtoa morai defoat

II daaa nono of the ndlelAl partle* ^M obtaloo-1 a rtct rv i» oo tbe cootrary, all ef tnein bare been b«at-antOLtr lurn. IhoFrttwb n*tl n reu'u* tba cooao'atloo

traMb.oghc p-rty, yet a pr.Ca-l.e, tt mnre l-^.g-'.Dgly reprrteotfcd In FArllAment b_BB er-T-the pr Ant-.1, n of iairytri Tnei 11 .u»e ot G >mme_* will ..- j-tnt

above a bundrtdi-wjeig in lu ritokt, acd tbla num-yerot *_.-_<:. a-il- - P'^-'bt^a nj bvurabia au/ .ry. settherI '\ party tt at It wUJ gklo lu aadon lefore Parilinteal,c'or for PaiHement tbat lt will carry ayerJ..t wi_»the

A. etrdiEgt" the t '.rlona itated, tbera'i oodonbti-i*' tai M - n .tp.t-io' a MR>

rltyagaJttt'be .rlra. ,,y unUad'iperatl'JBB,t ean upaet tbe Mlnittry lo tfce rery Igal dayt tluar tne

mceticg of Ptriiamext II ia, Iti^ii.lacapableof l jrm-

Lng a dunble Admtotttratjon from IU o aa body. A freehDaat lud'.n and a freah ieneral Electon would be nagaaoarfl a fretb Omeral L;eetioa(ia Itatnrn, wouldnt!y Dec'taltate a treah dUaoluiion. Ia order to hroaktbro-ghthla vittoaa lrde, a I'arUam.utary reform ta

Aad antlquAted partlea acd a nea Perliament. UI eree prefer Tory rule to tu.-h a berulc operadon.Ibe Totlea, tbough ln a mto jrtty BBRBBBBBi to tbe

coablfd oppoit-un, ire yet tbe atrongeat faJtlo. ofParli-ment, tf erery party U comlderad aeparately.Ibey ire, bea'.det, retreached ln tbe trrongholdt of, tbey have t weil dladpilned, 8 impact, ptettf ho--toge-ouB Btmy to back tbem, and they ara, lioaUy,

rertaln that thrtr gatve la played tot fjr evor If th«floae thla llrre. Oppoaad to ibaaa 'a a r .i itf a of f Mffarnil- a, oarb uoder a dlftaraot rhl*f eomp aad ol badlwamalgamafad frac-tlrti, dlvldod by tatereet, pHoctpte,j. -, reain and paeetnna, mutttoui sgaloit p«r«mouatps'Hs'oaBtt.'y dleel/la«, watchhg JaaUrutly Utatr raavpeerlTe preaenalooiTba psrU*nr*wt pr ,"> r ! mt of the dlfferaat O^po-

i'ti. r -t aeetioni. m a metter of c. urae, In no waya e»r>

reapnrda 10 tb> Ir nanvna'. ir mortira Tanittlithatthe Whlga la rarrtament attll form the rooet numaroaa:>aaa of the Oppoattl>o. the tiuoleoaamaod wbiabtbaotbar aerUuaa group ihemaalve. aod tbii *a lha aaoeadantaroua m ihta peity. tn Ita Ima^lnatlBO alwayaaOtbe kaad of tba adrclcietralion. 1a lar m *e eager tobeck <>ut of tbe preomV na of tta a.ltea thaa to beatthe conmuii aoemy The I'-^ilata, tbe ancoad G,>ooal-llooai arctl-Tj. counu '- rre>mt-*ra, dlreeted b? ~lr J.llrabam, B Uarbert aad Gtadatoa*. «lr J .Irahaa*.ixaolai.a upaa an sllisn e wlu tnera.w of the Man-oheatet aoiool H* aaolr*, tcH, m.,eh t,i the preatarihlp, to favl any lnctlnstloB of b-lptng tho Wnlga to ra-covar their old GoYenmieoAmorK.o J« Oo tba otHarhaod, many of th* leal'.t** ahare tha c meervaUve vlaaaol lae Toitea, aud the l.lsersli can co«l ujon thelrregular .upport In queatioes of eonmarcUl p >Uoy oaly."ln many otber ti-pies," aayi a hbaral psjer "IIw'.U be eaiy for Motftera BB tofraraa thalr BBBaaWBiaa to ar-cure a great majorlty of kaRBRThe Fiee Tradera, p*r r-vee lence, atroager thaa la

the laat Parltaa-iect ara ta'd to nun'er i'.i ra-w.Wa.The atruggle the Ti.ti>-a wt'.l f.rce tnaaa aaoreo*.warcitban wld b. rjnaMerod edvlaaMoby tha osiUloaapolicy of the Whlga.Tbe Irlih Brlirade, flnally, aboot 11 atrong, atnse tha

aaath of Ktaj Oan, n >t OB-aOttf amothere.1 by laurtaa.itt In a poiltton to b. I'l, nutreridally, the bsUn. i ofpowac,ibareanothtng wtihthd B.d-U'tO^i' iiitton partyhat tba hntred agrltvt Perby. ln tbe tj-tiih Pk-tfarrent tt reprea«ota IreUnd agalnat BaftBod. For Ba 'tiawcat leogthy canpvia no Parllamentary party eaawRh oa taiaty eoaaoap n Ita a-.tpp.irt.

If, ln s f,«w worda, we reaumo haa r-au'ta of the 3re-c(\.lng ala^aaiBB ¦», rtt that «he r.iriee are op^jaal bya negatlfa rnaj riiy, bat tot by « puty whi. a ta taelrairad ccnld aaize tho h-lm of (ijvdrnroea'--t,)at tieirdownfall neceeearftj wouid bring on a Perllsm-maryre' their tlflBJ 10 Boannacl, hotu tgooi ui dte-eioiintd and inp iit-»alon .>/ the G iMraaBBl f .itr*nee

.bat tho Gpio.i! u la BC >r_!,>inerate<if four e< lloc artuba olarayi BfOJ bitlyaadroineuver elumillv -'hat even tae ne^atui mti >Ht»only atr.o r.u BO 80 Of 30 >:ea-tb*t one-'odtih if Par-Ibiroent, 173 meThera, are nea m-«n, wh> wlll bbk*

loualy avoi.1 anvthtng that could endanget their dearly-hought loati-we i:, mo ue ....i,.i ily to the reauil tbalthe Tt rlei wlll I'oiit'ii tbe itt.^igtb. uot b> v*no,'tlah,u» BO forca on thingi to a erlila _Anil to thla thay ap-

pear rnolved. The tear ol'aueU a erlili, whlch wouldt. raikalzfl the who.o of tha efjBalal lape.iicle. ofEi gUad, ipeaka throu*h every oraaa o' the I. >bdoa

i w. i-kly ;.r.-ia. Th* limei. /'Ai Af.ruia^f('l.rvnicU. / Ae /'.i ', Niraya, Tht .^ v.-iolor, /'*i C'.eilaar

th. y ail ibout ouf. becauae they sll ol thein have thalrff-is. Th. \ w.ulil pn-ti r reaiiolug the Toti.iaoutof

.ard worda, an.l Daaa i ratraat tha o.-Uia. Thawlll eotne otop Btoao ta aptko ofaal aaral wirdo

an.l ot ail \lriuoui Iud'i/natlon. K.vkl

<¦ i-nin "*trnmrr OOOBRMItitlon.Kr mli t'l-e Laaaaa tm**.

Bffosl reodora will Eacoiiect that during¦ba ler-nt debatta Intho A-nerlcan Congreaa the stormpiiucu'itooi ip. u u.U m-i! rlgbta worc varlod bythela*tl doctl ti -I a very di'Vreiit pro^-ittl >n. A romtner-tial aripaaj rflorgl-i Itielf wiih the rtavlifa't m of lha

batweaa I.lverp.H.1 and Naw^ork, andiubR-d t \, r is y bl tho Sta'e ia «1J of tta p. rform incaa,

M|p:i»d lo Itsve Ita piemlnn Increaiad. Ai tbe aag-t: m taaaa j« aaoaaM obbbbooooI lo 100 per oaot on thaolaitial grant, ine pelitlon ereated amellltle cortMer-tiadoD, but lu iBfl i nd lt »... granted, and the Arnarioaai.n- if Atlantic itearaerg will heuiof >ita receivelwloair e iu) ildy befote gtvoo, Tlili i¦livu.nilnu'te hai baaun aa> tha aaaRaal of allml n by a o,.rrei[> indoot, whoeei- iTini.nlraii ir, BrRR tho algnature of " Kaib Plvt,"wlll lR»l i. i h BI t' or part..; our Imp oaal-.o. laatth* witter lt itraiijioly tnlat- keu In hU referim> o of thaq.eition totb.Uol l-rt« TraJe wlll be very eail'y dla-eoveieJ ; bu; the general tialn of thought inggeil.til bft; " letler may be turot d, wa coooelva, to flflflflfl prodta*ble ho. ut.t. It ta by no meaoa clear that thaao malteraare rlghtly tinileratood el'.lidr u one lUoai theoseaaor the tb. r.Betweeu I.Uerpool and Mew-YorK ara runnlng twt»

lloea of ateiuaen, one BrlUeh and oue Ametlcao, oa>e.uiraged ln eneh cim by Isrge granta of moneylroBItheir reipectlve (ioverumenta to perform the voyage lath* ihoiteit potn Ie tlrve. Tne aubildy eontrlbuted tolha Hiltlth liae ainoaitate a ipiarter ol a milllon iter-ling that enjoyel by the RflBOtBOOB Company wsi tUItatatyBbonttaaaama lt ii aBaatakood that. la «:jb-nd.iatlon ol thean api olal albiwancei, tha itipanltiryCninpaBBBO aie to OUregaril caitalo ordlnsry viawiof

lua obltriiiiio. ino voaioliare oulii for apeedonly, aadearry bo heavlei oajraaaa tban iniiiiat.i paa>leBgaia. th'ir otberatoa er.oroiout tuanai;e b-logab-i r'nd in en^toe aud co»l ro.ini Tney dlllrfr, ln faet,fmrn rulgar m» rchantuiori llit'e leaa wldely lhan thlpa-

Bot.11.;>' -.I, >o^ tflOabafj butr tuttlng, tothn prtjudl'ool ail nr-oraproduntlve ca-

1 icltle*. I'oder Ibeie elreunuUneei the pyaiyge aornaatta Atlantic h't aaa ra la n m BjaaRa u daya, andI- 11 w lileially a i|ueitlou ol h >ura.Tha Ametii-fin ttirarrtfrr,Muragh n..t axaaBJaa rarivn In their averaga r.-.'rf,>-rr>a')ce«, hnva au .eeeled la

vilnnlngr ne taen by s'uiut balf a B0«R| thit la l.t iay,t.'e very i;utckeit trauiit oa rocoid.ouiug i.>u a >urathorter naataal aaat to it-hu beeu exeouted byan Amerbiia veiie). Ai the penage may be aet at.'.'.) houn, thore, ol c )itra>, leenn margln enough 0Omike up tbo odd four, and lt U uvldant that favorablarlrcurritancet of w >rk or weather might any day turath n-i'e In favor <>f the Kngllth. The e»tnp-<tiil >o, la-

li to be priaeouti'd laTB vifOfoaaly RBBB bafora,an 1 tt I. upon thla airiitrpt'ou, c ,op!iid w!th tba credit

I vletory," that tbe Aaierican company haaauaoeadadln ofaaalalBfl thn Urgu increaaoot aubaldy mantloneda: ove.

lietween tbe tw 0 .r*r»m<'nt», th>oefore, a bouatfiu.. aa0bj| to i'mefblng Mka tbree ijuartara tit a lolilbiaannually will be pald up in ocoaa raelnu. N,#, toaracan be no doubt that It la of tbe rery hlghait Importaooalo bring two lueh rotiBtrtea at < .'-eat Brltalu aod AmeB*'tea aa clota aa poaalble. to each other. li inay be ooa*t: a!ej ali". that ihe gtest plnuiple at alake It nutdaoviged by th | i Of thn ^\la appareotly pio*cu'sbla. Poaraoaratabo4 r taraa oco,. rtim oi MO,

,',ii hou.t and oven mlaatoeaad Bot BaaaaaaOBBBraakoaod, tbat vary avaraga ol 190 w .uM not have br.aareaebfd A c'jr- n> rant-ir oit ilai ihn p.l/.o jrer an.»thcrty tb* RRTi rOBOB Ol thlity BBJOBOB ln a year. 'J nla dlf«

¦»ln Itielf may be loapprei'abla, but UltoalngtOi iRJoa for tacoada thal our ordlnary tl aa>

i| i . iflki i. In agood r«oe tanartaaldifleraaea wlll alwaya be tmall; otnei alm, ludi-ed, tbatace would Lot bo a g .ol one. Bit, grniitloi< ail tata, ta

l h wr Ba, npoo loaad »o!Wa of p li.- y, ujpurcaaaatbe la . ..o'.a.uitblu *t ., high a

; i. .in, ar d, !f lo, 1. luli prauuluui oitorod lo tho flhfltfadvttab.'e ibapeand iiutcnei I

CoflgHailai tfce re'iuifo p.aitl ,o ol the tw.c jjoirlaa,Oi» ir c-tr.iiiMclMl relat'ona, a;d thi ir r.atural aJvaata-u^s, lt lo p.rf-rtly eartaJti th-^t tba tt fflj ajnat tha

.-. an whleh dhidaa Usen wiuld not ojly be pertorm*!.I t W u¦ !!n, but woull oo pt'liriaad

u'-i'-r the atlmuluiof ry-inpttlt n. Toiaooa-r. titlon wou d not tndred be iegltima'.oly be pmaed lotfco ^itent of Iralfng withoat pr,ut- R-t uune.ethjawoull alwai i>a taoki d ." ai fall coodillon of a fu»-a ut wL*t, il BBB| ba aik^d, Wouid o.i ino probabto

«ree bifween vojhk*i fioi xocuinl uoder thaordlunry Inceotlva of trad*. ani ihoaa par.'ormad uadarlha aillfiolel crcoir gameut of bounttaa f It it for t*tad.lierence. »nd notn'ng rrore, that our State pramtuTlBBiOBOVjaaM: and it II mdiaan houeoul.i i.adoao»t b i r<;fl , li It denrable to r)o 11' i al a loii t

I. tbapalt rr.ay bo tktd that louror fJreho.rt' dlifer-ii the dellvery of a ma may ma'<e thn dbferenoa:e or wm betwean Ihe two couutrtet, aod that

we need hardly look beyoad the racent cr:aU for aaP uaratltm of tha conMoganey But wXMjjal avea tba. 11, on the whole, be eArrted leaa axpedld lotly ».¦a- pr. ient If the doty were left to tbe unsMed anergvaol Kr and Amarle in marlfl-'a ' lor II la n,t to 9

forgoaen tbat If bountlea provlde ua wltb one talft I oa

of ...eamablpt, they ettlrHy drire aJl othariifrtm. tbaOa d II th" atlmulua of . xed premluma la gaiooo, umHtmo'utof freecompetJtlin !a l-al. *^2f*tteir pt to run agalnat anotht-r whlch atartt wRh the ad' TbTr^e; w^MAPyofcaerre that tharoto. foatdi.titctloa betwaon bountlea ihua*l aod tba°reC raaaraaota atiaaaii ia*/ c-tred to machsoical

. etTwa axeaUariee When premluma wora. rrpr^ted for tha beat abrono .letert, BkJ dld notcontMct bafoiehaad to pay aa anoual atlpead la

manufaeturlrg houae, lut adjudgad Iba ra-

ward to the beat perfonr.aoce af-er treo compaiUloa.a ihe tame way with ra-.e-horaoa and arlili yaohta.

i ara mb . .bitandal lacantlvea to axcellanea, hatiley do not JMBOfRl apeclsl bruoRae to biaederaoftulfde.a, altbitigh tha ordlnary atii uloa of compa-tii'oo i m .eb weaaer ln theea caaaa thaa ta IRMof aeagotng ataamera. It i hardly clear. tharafora,teit ur poliey In thla reapect la aound, althoughkra the otbar band, tt may ba aaid, perhdpa, tbat

' re la a: atake than rnere aiperturity of apaaat.Tbe ataarsara ultlmatrly trlumphant, wbether BrtuaR

or Arsertaac, wlll moaop,llre tbe whole traAe of thaosaaa to aad fro, aad ibta traffle lt ta well wjrth aecur.

Ir» by a boiniy to the ooaquerora Jutt m bo prfraoa. alor efiu'd eontead vrlth a aalarled company, ao

no BDiubi'.dixed Britiah line eonld compete w rb a aub-f.o'7-d Amertean line The Amerleaoa, indee-1, aaftbat we were getttng the Atlactlc to ouraelrea whea agood evohed competltion on their atdo of thawater, aad thay now expect that a tUll better prerxuaaaw! 1 put tbem In onr plaea Bat wbat ta lo ba tha oosOof auab a atropglef Pow houra' advantaga, more <*

.i wlll eertatnly ootdo« aucha champlonahtplaaaiif aa hM baen plalrly eonfeaaed, theaa four hovira haaa

c at an -xtra lOarter of a mLMon a yeav^hlt,wm **

tha axpuaae of a genuinaor perBnaajaatO .iaOnaa^

ln the cmo before oa, aod »al «..-- eoeapBaaaa.proaehlng the predlcaraect of^f^aTi^rtrreTBaatJtaa\ttha vr, j^rtod whao^i^^^ealUbJato'ttobaoimif> amaileit, we araiaall/JJ^ h ta ,0,,,-iw

. kardly aaa RRR9 aaaOal kRorO | W ta ajaa-a-wloereaaed.or tha AmarVana,flra, but

Br.lf.«8l-adrf..^-fl« rCc"dt daeu'eceyttty -f».»'". *'T u _. inuch more. or .u-ralulng lo *- re-

STfiSSStS -bich wa. BB-Unaa our


Bl". 1 ttlboanly altogoUu- _ , -

vw the number of aMpt Rdrertlaed

S-aAa-M-a l>" i-Ufcer Irelght or P_-ibr* »g*|BBB-tSZ .-II b-w. eo tbi. datP anj y«^___f_*____bVr tn-o Fogliaband BoOieb potU, ueatim

ttod'ri HO,0OOIUB*. h aul.iect l)(Mr. Won-ter i aatteff ae_ taa

^ ^^tbal.-raa W»-<» ."'^JLfl0rn-iaiJI»B peper.Uboro»Mected. moti BBfgBBaaame ^ prtr_ __| Mn..

toprPtethal ibe ,,,"B;1* ,_,,. tbat ean be made ol.ueatly ibai ^JSmSSmM eontola t- Uqul 1.M th".iheni lalou-C U>e.ep'-",C»J1 /

_.>rj nfl,.. |,.t_,riS3_BB «f Koallah N n

».taa.uNe««'-;,1nc;fn1_f J«. au7vi>ed for ihe Mug ot epatu »:>uut va.

Ulardtweretur J |>M rt0#n ,. lh, ,nap and aecoo-

l^i iiSlSll--- ." B Badthl n IW8, aaa at L »F»"Vr'-T ln br ograph'cal dlctlnnaryof tbo hioga «i a_aa BBktkJhi4lat Madrld to I7tl the Ulanlt ail

__T_-a|-flB -iihlo ibe Vlca Roy.lty.q ne lii«h thix Cl-|k thia seasoD. prom-

__. an b* ye.y a»Hiud"_i, otpetlal'y ln th- privl.-e o!

rw_er Aldttl' oa! millt aro bolng errcted thronghouSTaaaaan. >d the oaty «._.viJint hoard to tha aa

Sh_M Piaigrailoa la .-reedy Rtaaaf dl.advantag*"..'.l£ thi- iTaterllnen manulHCturea. _ne ¦*£*____BBBMBB to have it.yed Itt pr- V^SS^ hear « lup'-liitt froui partlou'ar 1 mBM«To<vV--»<< .* "5 d-t^i.uo-«n.t awaaBaaB*r_i_ at d gr.-on er p* ar« geopraily a-unHa-.t, and an

latae raoldli barvmta l In good oifler. Oata are ab >vi

atatS»oJ Tbere hi been a great dlmlnall -n o

ZSSXZ rt* e.rt wcek or two,,tothed*n.BBdtirharTeatlal)prPrB. _*___.._

The Riricnltnpa] acconnta from Scotlam_reblgbiy1--toctory, and aro uo lett gofroiniaoa

^iBtrton the R.iltvayi of the Unite.Kl-gdomtaajuttt-een puMtohed by Captaln J L. 4aa-Dona. llovernm-ot lu.peclor, fmm wblch R Bf_«_. ihel the number of rollea op«o for trefite at ih

ctaae of lUV wa*. In Kcglard and Waiet, 5 SM mllea

ffr -J !¦-'.«..». 5_J____5______*____ralaed annua ly t'.r Kallway purpol-* pretioua to tb,

«arlMf canont be a.oert.ine<1; but ttece ibalp-rloiRflB-R-aha. rnjulrwrll relurn. ***fiS<gg*Inr lSgStobavehp.n V M.V.M.IK- tn l-l.», A- '. ¦¦ %m__d_-lBBB 810S--9fi7 ThrtdlminitlontoremarkabflTae i-turn'ot the *uin. ralted In le-H hayeaota'l.aTet, been rtcelved, and therefnre caonot be itated

Duirag tbe pait »ear M patiengera were ktlted, and SJtfiured by rallway accldetitg. In the prevloua year .1

tri-ra kOtod, and -1 b hgrad. Tne nuraoer of putenaenoonrejed on all the railway ln toe klo.dmidui.g tbe paai year, amounted to 83 391,095, belo.- an irj

arwa»ool 1. ppr eent n»pr th« pr«H.u* J^ar valueo¦ttirnir. tr^tric _T,"5.'. 764, an lnrreMe of Ifl per C«nt-ad-ahie tf g.-Kwia traltic B7,0B0,8US, an tncreaee c

101* oer eent ovpr the prpidoui year. Ag£~egatfl r*

iaa-Tef all railwaya l>r 1851, eloao on £i:.,000,00sterllng, an lncrcaie ol t3\R per cent. on tbe recelpti aI**

_ m

IRELAND.Baperta ot Eiirope-Elertloaa in Ireland-tc

clr-l.i.iirnl Aaltatlon-IIarveMa, BpB*BjBRRBJBBl-of lh* .V T. Tri.un*.

Dvbli-, Frldty, Ang.-., WM

Diaappointments! We were to havrbad, by thto tlir.e, an eniptre In Fran* one of lhoi«

aaay traniltloni of whlch France haa *!:f>wn to mauy

oyampleg, from a BBB ln crlebratlon of Ihe glorleanltbe Republlc to an lnau-ureted emplre. It bat faliod

Tbe ligbta went out. Tbe tquibg and rockoM wouldaot explode. The canTU mountaloe-rpproaentlagtbe Alpe.were blown away by the wlnd. And woralomen of al!.the pagle refuaed Ui blaze up ln all the !n

tended iplendor of gaa j^U. Tue oment were, evl

dently unfevorat.lo aad bi hlt latendi d wlfe had ruc

away to AuttrlA the PrealJent »ulked away frort

tbe ball of hlt falr frlondi, the ladtet of the fiab market

And 10 tbe inaugutAtlon of the emplre lt ludefialte!;poatpened.Atd ao to tbe " Autumnal Setilon" of the IMtlah Pai

lla-ient. 1 nl-ha 1 been promtoed ; but the ParltaTierj)i prorogued BH October.wlthout a word about " th

dtopatch of builnett".the ture token ot a furth»r prcrogallon, when < fctnber comet; and though It li gueatetbat Parllament thall meei for a ihort, ante-Chrliunaibualneu Settloo, even that lt uocti ta'n. And the oi

ganaof the Oupoettlon aie ln a ilreli.whetber to Inda'g.inoat tbe feeltng of exultatlon at thlt priol'of D^rsy'contctoui weaknei., or of lndlgnation at hia braaebtfaitb. loltlatt teema to picpouderato, and nithloaow arlli aatitl'y tho ardent, but to have tcc u ied ln thImpendlDg parllainentary rrf rrnt, that of baviog ParlDBteot tumoioned at hxrd ^eilolt.iottead ol tan tl nn oateetiog belug, a* now, dtoi-nd. at oo ihe uptlon of thiajlstoler for tbe llme belog.But the degpott have It e'l thelr own way; meanlng

ao cbaoge, they l_t.ur co dlaappolntmeat* and aa al;loveof oba; _- hat l.-ftth-lr ih ,jecu.f.iin ihe totbe Pope.they ar- "mllJ and benlgn,'' unleia tomtanpona-ut, retractory thlnker take* it lnto hta foollihbead to koock it agaluit Ihfl well ol anm-. nlvll or eoole-.iaallcal tdltt.a* In thn ca*o of the Madai famlly atFlorence, wio, havlrn: bOBOaM Blble reader. and Blbladtot.lbutort, were trted for the btab and mlnbty otfeoae,and aanteaced by tbe tuterlor Cnurt l> »ailna* toriniof loiprtoi piiinot; and on appeal tothe Cmrt of Caaaa-tlon, were doom»- by that ttibunal, tbe huiband tofour jeari ana eight mocthl Impil.otiment, the wlte lothr» e y.ari aiid nlue.What to tbe flrat tblng, whi'n Parllament mentfl.

wheiber lo N lvember, a* gueatod, or ln Fi bruary, theatual time, at limote probablof Tne appllcutlon of tberecrntly enacted, etrlr.jf. nt lawi agalntt ht|t nry and un-due tnifuence at tlectleot; and provldtog agalnit wbatt.ihe tale electtoDtharathown.make* elpctlonta tarcaar aometbiog worie.The eaae ofClare.whlch brougbt about the 8i\ mile

Btldge earnago.bat got ibo moat unenrlahin n >tortety;but ti to far Irom btlng the ot ly onp- porbapi, not erentbe worat one.tbat ahowi bnth what an BBBttt-B conaow be made, and what la w_ntlig lo mako It what Itoaghttobti. Ilero tbere waa a body ol "Ire. end ln-depeodent electnra," guarded hy a party ol aoldlen topol< for tbelr landlmd., and an attempt tn rpioue tbeinoy a mob tbat they mlght vote at prlnet* wuh.-dand the mob aaaatli the aoldtera, aud the loldtore ih mtdown the mob.and a Coronei t Jury brlngt In a vei-dtclnt "wllllul murdpr'1 The loidtera, and ertth thoma roaglatrate, are tn prlaon to atand th- lr ti UI at thn nextAaal/ea Tae toeuell yet tn inine wbethnr a l.raadJury wtll throw out the btlla, or the verdtct will ohobt-idooed aod tbe charge be ehanged to maualaughlerand abelber, eveu no tliai, th-y ahail be ac<|uutt'd, andtbelr aoi bo pmonuueed juattri.hle bomlulde.

Bui now tbere la a call to bave tbe ptlea i, Cluoe andUourke, wbe wern the Inatlgatore, ti U tall, nt in.> rl iaod cbargH.h'e wlth al' lt. ri>o*ei|>ie_eeo, put upon toelrtrlal; aad tbe witnea*e* oa tbe loq iPtt triid I jg pnrj ury.Acd bota are now underthe rn_kldf.ati..n of tno lawaffioeraof tba Ciown. Wbatttyer be tbelr dnoaionabatever be tbe roauhnf tbe trlal -th-ro lt n tIui«aou«hof elecBnn petttt(>nt to come before I'arilanaent, nn tbegroubd of bnbery and landl, rd and prlritly iniiuitda-Bon, to oocupy a good two m ntba of nt- aa_-0a «olkialUi eeough af pertecntl^n Irnoi tioth pil -tt. and laad-lord* bu keep ibe 1'reaa a'lve for a loMl r peiiial.Wbat, then, I* wa_tedf renaot, to make Ihepeople lurtependent of landlnrd*, and educetl in.

8i»ing Inulleciual eafl<bteiiment and tadeppodeot_>ngnt and fe> enable the po^ple to acl fortbTugfUeawlihi utthe guldanceol prlnau Atprweeal,tba i-tloea I* to have a raaai'ig half year'i rant,.aatbeleoantbaa noiraall/td the produce of Rt. larru-baa not got ftom lt tbe rent -till half a year aiter It ba*become doe; but, lo law, tha laadlord baa lh« rlgbl toexaot It, tbe nioiuent tt ba*ooinea duo. Wbon Jiaoie**»dwltb tbe tenantry, he enforre* tbe rigbt. oaito for taereal balf a year betore tbe utual tl.n-^. tbotanani baa been ablo t< turn tho prnducp lutn caih.raia. Aod when ihe clergy bav* aeiected a oanoidata,ta oppottUon tn ibe landl >rd or hta man, and luatruattaltbe ueopto to yote for him,.aud tho pnwer af poriua-aloa, tn tbe proatxet of luipeodli.g nilo, preralla orerIbe Pkburtetlon from the altar, tht-u tbere to eaelual >n_S? ik* ___."*< %n- ***** ." ,jrn UP *-d dung outBlde, aad tbe tuao aud hU f*___ly aro brauded at batattto be abuaaed and abborred.Placed b«ween Ibaoe fetr'ful alternatieeo-wben theaaiortvmat elector *,_,, make an eoamy of i ne. or otherloctt-aavv, Zm "5O0tt' J,' ._ "»» U U hu -BBBBB aod-b»!Aa?&,__±S__^__a *^ah-aB a curao...

are tornblo ta |M«Kten_o_^^_____-!!and puyaity Fa-_on u t_, ainou.t of lgnoranoet>oe gre»t eourea ot tba _______ .. .

tlltty of boU aad capaMaiw. n,T ffjiaail IBJI «>r-ot*l_e^aB,a_dfaalUtle.f,_^_^!_**-,-1 -> mlo«a andla wmtog a-wer-baa beca tbe »__"'?*. ,oxl Cl>miaepeeaoorgj. tb. k>rd* of ibe a ni et*2^i S* ^"-nea aadti- lutn ali tbeee to acoouat aoj. 'r"rnoaeatcokkld eatraet ln>ai tbetr r__k re_|n_ __Z»_* .' *-*T.itohed toneuU-tih bad oeltaar __R|___-_J^"Bf°'-tarm. aad were incllnaa., ta uSr tum ui 1 a _^_tt-! *°totd-buoled after pUca. BBBaBBh-_-^JrZ_l*___f>-effloe to aopplv Ibe. do-cteocy Al C a)w*^?^day.our I^nt LtouleB-at -aid to tbe ****?,££aad tarraer*at aa A.-t-ultural SikI. ty maai_-J imrf'"J c<?"*.*p *"* Bpa- ism to -»lto BeorTaaal--- _.,_aaab otbar


eaRtra-rg tbat rtcb MllrtW^rti. ___5traaay yvar tohet Deaoad aooa tt. Uaatwri-T S_?3yoai aaM u ol tto aaoro tngugtaikco^-^o^ .. rt_T_r_?»t a..., ^m aa_l a__ _ll a_7_.-W ""a U *_ th* ,aaarflJ_T_T** **_.'-¦ W|U *-* *** mon «. l*_r« tat_enei__.bortag «ww y_rd io*_ lo ao, ^_auc_l __r»i_r««r _T. fr_»O Liber*. or be u tro*_ a Ua*NT_ir* " *"*"**'. *. " tMa

llereti fora, nur Lord Ltaut-aaata, liko tba C.oreraa>e_ta tbat *oo..i_Wvl Uem, w-.e one *tdo.i Rk* Aa_' *ae^ whoaa advleo waa, . Agltate, aatoate, agtuuk," orBulgra»e, wbo roadealour fur agaaaral j__j| -alrreryat Rl->boa fl--n nr Itke nttaay wbo MBBB& aad ioflowod tbaa., wbo hotoiad tbo Urange Ba«, aad glortod intbo " laia-j't-l mal_or|..' At tbe eame banqoat, LardEaHDlioaald< leataaiea, l«k~d*B naerioa ara ta be traaad to tha

ai#aa»oe aad euue auw_g her ibilaiw, to tba httiit waieb

tbi'd.. » wouid :t»al...aiha.-MlirXbaialaataad..laiiw-od be. liua to ihaatf.' her. a.

Bon-aiaof Irelandldi*icolaa*, thaAint w

urxsraomaay boawleai wand*r*ra up i iti aaaajgItat precejt, Irom tniweiu higb pUeea. abould ba aa-

fi rced by exarr; ie and o/.w tfeetteer*hoodol ihep'ea-ntfJ raflaaajaaNkafofalrflrW,aa4lot tbe truth o( tl etr jruuiiiu tetcg leiat-d.n..: : *

the* »« pa-'lzaoa of a f«ctl <n. but m aro

tba BaaBBBBfl b*C*fil of Bll th- tft^JflWl. tt *4 Vtf Ihave a pladgf Mke the foi: tw'.ng BOR on raaard

But BBBtleBM b. It b not ou.v n*,-^aii -.

be true to one anot.>er. s*d toeoaamoa aooati ;¦ u-

ment muttaboBeUuatoyoa. and wuwd m ¦. » «, tbe poaeri with whlch Uiav a e

verted. Ano l piedge ycra mi baear t.;t nataae *.»'.;.-.amoLgyou,n*;:ber ahall par;ia > kud net.dcthBvtra'thtpah. nor wmq.-b detw rne fro-ri pi.imeg inai

ecurae « bich I iie'Ctive » my cjub. Iene>> w ba "««-.. 1 ca-ne to Oalr. ay at a tuna wken tba tai *'..^*aex

citem.-1. ai.d tbe taaitaWaBBfaaf Otat great but aaaaiaaryevll, a atnerai eloeuon, had acarc >y lahaufe.., wae-i.

Pe r'ape mar, wii BM beea C*B* f aflB***»**£leoara-ed from »a:h otbar, on a b jry ard, a barah c«ra«

.taTatTfattttaal accu.. ion Ba b my dut, to *««.<«thoVe paiilott; be II MJ dutj to lOa] RtaBI BBlBIBRTlaB, -a

re«toretho»efnend.tiiri.' , . . Dfl_eIt i. laid th- (iarter, -Acantby tbe devbnf tba vau

of UBnAltorJalobeconfenoJot, Lord ^^.ff'il ibe bonor b* arorth moeb, and bf-"do MbtRaN Wnat aucsoM hll Galwiy Grat B naf

have, Ume wlll teil; bot now aa he lat-, bo dtadl -a *-.

fMt. on tbe occ.-.lon of the maetlng of lo* ».'«

ri.-lei.ce Aiioc-laion.bewUl have to try tba *.ael;<*nild an.l bor.eet per*ua.lon upon tbe Llaw. m-B.

Tfltniib tte cin<!daiee were *"*'.'*beaten. tbe tirat breacn wm BMRO upio th-i moa rolf Ol

landlord repreaentatlon Tr* »r*Bt proprtet *. ln L.

rter are "good landljrda. * They let the teoana-anathey know are tolvent-get loto arreara. W»«a tce

electlon c< luaa, how can yoa t-xpect th* man who oae.

two or th*.- half yeara, to dUobey th. »<;°;»' aaitle recueit to glve the kind Isnllord .tbecoTi-

pilmect" of hU vote lo fa-.t, cooreof thera >lBBa><Ffor the tenarJ csndldatea than aaabj bave tiee-i *xpect«dunder tbelreumitar.oa. and they will aurVr. And

1 now atme twenty actJona gat llbe! are a>out U be ln-

atluted, by aa many landlorda, B«alnai s")rm«n^*'ford ln Down, for atatemenu mao« lo bn ^r«*, »

Iba tenan- farn era of that Coonty. to pnnlah htm »or

beeornlni tb*Inatrument to breU up landlord B^atBrn.Whethnr KgHnton ah«ll be aucc-aalul lo tubMltutln?

an unltad, i.*UI and clvil alroggl* M raii* tnlt c motrr.

lor Ihe oitu-r itrlte of party and neglect of pracnctl t>v

teteau, may ba t.-ueifjooable, tn. u.-b ap; .aaranc.-a sre .n

fav. r. But it it not likelr tbat tha «cela*l«etlc*l warfare

wlll tnbtlde. In I.elaid It U betwean the Protaataarlano R .rran Catbollc tyiiemt; and it It M uol'erial aa

vlolett. The dWerent tecu ct PioteatanU a-e unltdamoretbemelret, and are ail eniaged lu t^alon to the R >man Catbolica. And wber-v*r the .nia-

alon" la e.-rled on, ail the rea-urcea tf tbe Ro-nanCatbollc Chu'ch are put forth ln oppotitlon. 1 he c m-

tequenceli, sn alu.o*t BBftal ae^aratlon io ererytbingkato wbtcb rtillgton entert.aehoolt, colleg-a and caarl-Babta initirulloBi. , , ._

liutin Knglaed. wbletha ..alaaftn of tha I. >m«nTatbollc Cburch U carrled < n eg.init Prcrt«ataoti.jn.tbere il not lh« inn.e i.nitei en-rgy in "PPJ-^O ,l- H"'

tloeatre uiual warfare -f Chnrchm-n and "I"-0)-";tbere it an .*-tuK<>n In the Cburch ot r-mtland benelffor the reiiva) ul DtoOBBBfl Beaoda, Hodol tb. kearo'...n f ,r d!f> ipi'ne aad taai.ia.lo. Tnli. btfa| th.

work of tbe party called Puaf-yltea or Trajtariani.aadbelu.' coiiidercfl by tbo Li.nKeilo:.!. aa deai^ned t

DroBBoOa lhal .>.t>»m whlcb hii b-«n louud t > prepareihe w«y lor Boaaaabaa, thr..reBi a ruptu'a In theCburch henelf. ?o the tj-tet.:t ore napecttraly confldf nt et cbanginf flll.I Iba ""<*. (»f 1E '." '¦"Bg log-iHDd, the olh. r Of I'rotettantl/lng Ir*!-ti'lTb* barveit it eo-nm*nead, and li tnttt Bv)ii-"1«.*it

and glorlout weather for gath-rtng lt lu Tbe dain<uedone to the potat > crop lt much leiathan araoaoaMMiaaagofeared. Wbile tha laui In tb- een er and Ulu proceit of .-.coDitrnrii n, miBBB are openod andworked at tbo extremiriei, K-rrv aud Anirtm, of

lead and it ver. The llaflnraOO, Mr. M neg» anithe elaht tololen aaaimt whom tn« C aTaajara JoryatSix Mll* Brldga brought In a verdct of wil ful mur.

der are let out on ball. rioleinn h1*h mai* f r th-t a.ultof thotetbot down haa bei-i udd, and tbe Btea p Ollilialoeand an Itntn.-nie BBBBhaT of elnrry »-n pre*frtontbe occa-loo. The unbounded ic' nenro ah!:nthr rieita e\ercUt d (ver tbo e> ct .ri at tr.e i^t elaatloti, It road.. an a'rninent »/<ln»t tenaot rliii' M*«etbatenacti,' It ii isld, Mbadepao4eat ol »n-ir iandlo-di,and youmay Mwtll make tho prifat t'.e e'aetirg atonee. ln fact, tbe ballot It necaiiary to maketbe-nIndependent of both. The vlil'ort io l.'alway, at ihelale vlill of tba Lord-Lk uteDart lo th" Agrlcullural Et-hlbttlon, w*re to BBBBMVoaa tbat a ponnd a iilgvt wat

the oidlnrty cha'je for a b'd And Ihe famo of tbeconver.lona lo Prot'itaiillim.n»w on jrcnaa iprlo^ingup ail aloi.g Ihe roait, and a<.b K-lt Utad by neattydretaed and Intr llit'ett rhiidren-hai oovarad Ihe faiWeit with touilatafioui Englaud at:l Baotlaad \tteirtbe Teiisnt \.wjh Conferfnealo iiubHn, on &next moMb, riaarniao (Irawlord lt to be *Lt'"itained atb bapi]i:et. The curte to be oariued n-ixt teti* >o, f ir

o' junrlca to tha tenanliy of lMaiid.lo oa««Mr Baaaar'abBI .1*11 be foundlcadeq'iata.wlll thenbe determlned on. 'i'r.Li? or<>3.

IRANCE.Pabib, .^eptember.

WAraatAt PBTasroxaau.Carreayi Oaaaai lhal i i

A rnlin oaccooded to 'he excitatiooaof Ibe week of the folet The Plnoe de !» f,jnoord«exhlbll* theacene of a iatofMaylo New-York.gen-eral removal of tbe iplendll rellct ol the, of atatuea rrcumbenl, III up by 'ambesux togusrd Ibo publtc agsliitt treadlng oo tham, and tharethey He, looklug llko the corptet of the featlvity, wh-aetout bu departod good lor a wske, howevor.The l'reildent It about ti make a :rney 8 luth, and

sll ihe maihlnery ot hlrttllng l'refertt b al work. TheCounoll. Oeneral, from whom, m lleget fat In ofhse andrampant In expertaD'y, moat ioysl thlngt were lookelfor.votet for the euiplre.have proved, fiactlout. andthalr illence aocord. wlihlbat exhlblted )>y the multl*tudes on St Nap. lean'a day. go far from thla fiithluibodyglvirjf, en u.aiio, their oplilon tbat aoclety re-

utilrtdto be gavcd by an F nperor, only one-fourth o:~tbtlr number have to lignad/ed the tmptratirrt need of1 ranee to put bertelf urd. r a lmperial yoke, ao Jbeoome agaln tbe world't batcher ahop. Maanahlle,tbe Klytlan body-goard are reportedM nrgent.tjachlngIhe necfwitty tf the lmperial en.lgn balng holtted. Thorareitthlug in thla wotld . gmlui, ani the ehtef ttru.-gle ol manktnd It to obtaln dltilm-tlon w!tai..U{ it, an 1bjBBOJ lnJlcatea the artitioea abtah foully gottonwi alth baa adopted to algoallte IU owner above hllfellowt. Tbe Courtlor orood tf l.oula XVI are re-peated tow at the Kiyieo-the aatne prertjy \}1S ofUUoa, wtialib. aJ >r nmeua sl the naptmao I tb pa >plo;.ba ti uilUeru tbal ih« BttaBOf lioeny lt eternsl vlgi'iance, or lali itu> rouie aod belpltwi icrvltu I..

tiib nt ky- v Dromaa'a tTar tRflBBOta lb« N.p in Bta o ti maj o* iu. ntloned tbe re¬

moval ot tba tiatue ot the Duke D'Ki.hino from aaa("hat tl at i ii ct-Lue., wber* be wa* uturdered by Nt-polei>n'i oider. The all-gon-. ul tliii t uib luc.udad afemale C«ur*, brarclttloga dagkOr, lud!ca>lve ol thaNiroealan toree, it tse tetal rel'lbuHoo Toi. wa. ahard bll al the nepbeW Oue tbing Ibe duileat pOMSutaoldler tnuat ha*e Irarntd.tbat rrench dyoaatltt arathe palntingi of a polttical n.*«lc Uothoro. m ttaaaaaaLbaieliat, uoreal; acd whether atOBBBa ol u..t^ >.,luaa, otfleab ai.d b'^id, or of the aubtier texlure of aileg put upor dowu. matiera Uttle Ihe dirialjoof prop¬erty la tbe fact 11 Ibe backgrouud, and eveiy raakMaaJaaibaki . oettiall/atkin M lu cent-r, how0ver untowardmay bethe forve of imrned'ate reactl. c.

botal at THoasiur«.I'tlti-etBre now aii autbora. 1ns P.-ince Ragecttlettert on agilculture, wrltten by 8tiorld»u, who

oramrxfd for ito ooraaaloa, havo breo tha orlgloalt Mr.Ibrr piluce.y oohlrlOutloaa. Ii i. aaay to ba aa autnoron.aohmrma. 1 have yettomeetibe autaor wOodtd talent In hia ip-eob for tt li uulta Impxw.lDla ihatany man who hat lo*-.a and lacu si nia oomaaad withthe pen, abould betutierly e-arrrn of intienctlve ap.> will come out ot hlm. Htray, toaeo; tne royal authora bave arar tbown any kal 11 ln .Moreraatlon orpubltc apeaAlrg. So lt la uot uaabarltaale to auppieetbal thalr w.nki, ore aod sl, are wrtaen by ihtrd par-tiet Mmarrby oafag tbe parent tt mesoneaa ofeourte tlaverlng acribea can be lound f.>r a e >n*lderati oot buah nK.n. y, u> work aeeretiy Am >og tha royalautbora ta the Jolnvule. Ia tne Rrawr dti Seux Moidula an artkla ackcowladaad by tha .4ateaW.« v-".nifito bawittten by hlm. Tnla arBala bas be«n erttlciaodIn lha Eaglieh u.utnala at beieg untrtendly towardbafbaai at a Umo wbea the autaor aaa eajoymg lu hoapiialay. The dktaaBRYaai ober-rvea " A deapar aad m raintlniata lnt« reat ia attaebad lo tbeae pagee wbea tt takaown that tbe hand whlch wrote them Cu wtededthe aword In tha aervlce ot France, and wbea tbere laroucd tu.-h haea m the folK>w'.a< ' It la m y the n-hgb>n of duly and Ihe aaered tradHlona of hooir whlcbpraveat the mb d ttom tinklog, and a imadmea alao thetreagtrsBoa onttea lo tboae aerloua Ideaa, aa lo a aeallng« T'gt, Iba remrcr.brsBoe of a cjuatry aa *w-at t < tbebesrt of aaailor aa to that of an t xlle " D-llcl ui ten-tUBtaoi lt baiaxce. the Ely.ian pbrMta Na osti navakea ao much uae of tbe worda h anar, der *ada*«a.aacredneaa. Ac, Ae, ai the K.ench. ard l.a reaprctfor uuih la tbown tn tvnp 4~uus and d jusle loroicaa.

A»5e<-taT:- |fciw*aiiU<,1*0B ,h# Aaa*Uti»oa of workm.n glveathaTv^»0 reauJti tf >4?, tha Conttttueut knemb'y«o '.'oiv in^1'^8*'wfclctl*,u -ubiequently reducedlacuriaj AalM^ ,0 M*,,t "orkaran In J jrrclng ttetewaa ¦ J r .aaaaJaa1* Th* ruma" of Aia.^cl*B.*ti^partineott iT» ?'re m ,>%rta *nd -^ ..'. '« «he23 Baaa-aaT.»--*¦ ¦ ta *'«*> *: »«. aa*w-a»«era aod wy,rkoZa ^ i*]l' ?d 3 *¦.-»-wwe betwaea maataraa^i ,n the Departmiota, LS"ifl fi only h u t^w.?rktt9a. "<*!'betaraancnly tbat tba ^laa haa' baaa'r *' bo*'r^a workaaaaTha »» Pariataa Aaaorfaiiora, !^r U^ ¦¦. Pvi trl*J-

Uoaa. whlcb raoelvad r..hZ?*i^ " Aaaaabvara forra-O M Aatoctatton..^ .»% fj 840 oth-fraaca. Tlwaa tcri repreeealed * ^,-dW ... ^atctp-rtead

lo tbe fbrmtw eaaa aad _re fr»n~ te tha UBer.

.-rf._wM-6 bad Ac'y - aw-o-Tt. w- ._

. rt .«, frtr r* :r _t tbe -. * "*lOt'OO B-ary, : 81 .--., ". _____T__I__;,..,,u»-.. ii iBBiB-i _ep^-7^*^;whlch w.r- be.« n - "~ -n -ndi-i«fi a1* £«;ota-i-t-t' - « 'raaet e*.n Tn* i A-*-*jBaajB".«« -'..X'- rec i, J mfJjwMrh a .raot.dt. «*NwJ^'?iiSwearer* »t Lff-8 Tbr-e per e-n-. w~* *ha-Bwh.ct'- BaaB-U BaBBBaBBBl

-fe*ubt*b:i.*-.»B. wbl;b _.>- raeeaven

freiot.hao . nam-lf- BaFaBe, rapra-i,.|i», I-..W franpy aad - lo tba pt ¦% raart>

ir-ttri*0ftaaes - aftbaB are Una .--»*amkJ fince tbat p-rt d. 1- frp** ra-oeaii *e of

loant ba»e been made. ar- . ,t ;r"nC*rT_taParto IbrB n- raaA ead l bjBhaPapanrrec-. fcr 183 - rraaeA Tbat » auvtahmeatt._r atore tban oae-beef, a-e la a Btaia' f dtaaola-oo.NVw IV . .Uterne,.., MI flrat ...

__ ¦'_.¦.-gaadad n ln BytJei ."-. rY.»i jthai Bhaa MBhaahBaralaa tome aad btttdL But !et w took at it

.. ,. Tr,e Oo-r^a^^-adt-ab^arpaR-8 Lavebe-n ihdecUr.d *.-***"***£eta-a-A They hare oeen IBRBB-Biaa.BRB.ibataf)»gurrecrion-tbe tfal patflta -rere todttetHal jarjBgtoce^dwlbthp'- « >¦ lt af Irafl leaelcaoiul Tbe ery ri !-.»-d>« waa rai.e.1 a*a at h-n

Wr-n they were 1b tb-> f.i-m c,< r-eta.-i-'t. r»o ie-

de.cenfg were made on tnem. B»iMei, taey *.-_ badto"ttrs. .e amld thn licertluipa nf rtwohaaoaantbroe* aid. if we may balwva tre K'y .-« nr/an* lo

tniielparion Bf t p-Hod wbOR.ta tare toctfty. rt a-e

orcptiary t' Bppi* baad, Moikra-h.tba m'tt dUrtn-gulahi. lu'¦-!:..!*_. le*to'i bl 1 inlBatBaf i r_o. a Tne"t| f.te oi * m ..-> of !?*" Aaeo.-Utint'. pr'T-g nn«h-ng Tbeyaboaid have a 'atr ttart Taoee that I »U

rt-d g'.r_e'tlm" ato were apaveotly airrnpemn, aadtre tren dli.hted in wnrktn. aa maate*. wlth tber-tlrru'u* <f -.>¦ Inditldua'itm.not rtted n .« ho.gT-

J rrrj-gTed at Au-<_>, but deemed newit-h'ap.f-l f'r*>mec n't joytroa P' letaD-a. Ift>elH luckof'immerclel eBtpri.rt.p* ba itaaie pprmoi b« tuilt aaa *» wl|] be f.ued thal - o*>r ceet "f li)*m lo the 1 nttevl

jJfatet fall. 8o Aitcclationg murt not be !adi-1duatedaa born to Ut luek.


The ute of tnbaeco b*« Taatly lncri»aapil in Franeagltee ibe laai i'uke of orleeet t, i tt» fatbton rf *mo--trgin the atreet* in order to lend a fcand t

ment ta>t Totaeco. a :thv wi-.-.l, tho Te«tlbuloiiftb^ drut k*rd . bome, e**auit* >.ue at e»'ry it«n» here.not ln the frrm af ch»whv, but in pu:' ng had ctgar*.

Iti tale lt a rlgid monopoly, and to reuii l« to a pr.v-l>se whlch requU-a a Irleod at Curi t-taapaaatFranea the IhOa tnbacen »b.,p* all lejnk alfllB bMBa oa

tbo count. r wlth teparate l_-. marked I t iu and ._>

wtrd-priPifix«d Icrthe cliart by the i-ernment,lo wbtcb mittt.p added»r.:f, but n«»pr chpwlogtvbaaco Tbe pro-ttha G eraraai"-t deil-^ef'-o- titoh(rdertcnahuDdr«'d ndllion frarcg. Anauemotaub*en nade to ralao tobaceo ln A'*iir*. whlch may notba aalaiareaUcg, la ihe foliowl.m d«t»ilB. m* fn IK l*o nuti . r .1 i.iantera wa* on'y 117,whereaaln I- tt wa. 1.073 Tno nomber ol il(a kcurt Baboat. a »eraa) u-.-iprtbe tobapaaddti lalfai *t..t .» X- fhaOaaara aoalha* aaaaaaaad lhal li wm pureh**«\ thi. year 3ktllrgiant of thia tobaceo, whereag tbo lantlty I _tyear wa* 11 \ TVp t fal nf thei oiefut yparirr.p li eatimet.d al 1 T-fl,OtM kill.-g'ama, of wh'-h

a«0 been grown by tne caiiret andt.j restby Kuropetng.

tt.. ra ai B">ir..It It ttated that the n.lttt. u ..f t'rlN.-e HnheBBa hBB

reault'd In the nr.rler.tat .i'rg trtnt th* forels. tr '3t

were to pvariate K«roe on the Ut Jacuary The P ip_e», rp»«*d a ".Uh thatth" Proeob aboald deaaraier, l.utthP iark nl enlljualat. ln *; i"g Bp theftp*'rpf'Tnenta geepa " em «t. th're Ihe ma!_tPDHnie nia Church by I .'»lgn or d<.m«tt!c hay. nolt, I* p ju.lly Inaccordanee wttb tbo f.ur OoBBBkleg aad IrMkatP* wl«c

pymtp. hnlc ra. lam'p ihe . of the nln^l- entfi ce_-

tury to be cailpd IBaudB^ad.up ratA

bad a m'tt i.nillaiii m ptliaoa htoretaratolPaU oat-baif of tba ro*N p<.p.iia»i'.t_ bedag ii'lic.-t,laflfefl deni'>nit:atl'n wai imt n.- u!t N.'-r. i.ya t

lettrr wrlter, wa* thi-re gp>n to inany tabWa la thiItrea'tl: B nn.hl l.iilnm.1 bl* P uf tl'-BlpBtWa.l . fabthfal awaaoaa, hare-te arabae N>th n« in ..-» tytti!« iryieajpea'i to rare fwaaaptotBal !t trb \ n

the n ti nt 11. d*y, had a traniparnocy with lb-" w. rd,.(iod made Nap«.!tnn a< d ihen r>.*'^J.

kkt a< oifigurrg nn thp IbMbb nl a 1 the Irench h ' Jt. Il !irary arbltal R aot ao eoaaa-trabrd bb earoakaaaa ** ihaeaii«. Tb« returi.a if in- year l-'l-.' *en«f a ~i«a-u'erture nf i.7,"..¦*.- gU'ogrammeg 7.0ijO,0C0 laat tb-Bthelutyeir

tji;: TTIXATAII .'

ln .My arars 46 Irarca, toaa bi i,OOOtbflafaaa,lbeth.*t"r* opaa lu I'ailt nrdlo»rll» BB-BMtl -

trom the klooeat dil eiandiam totba Ohja^aaaf rigbaian.l aoaadl iu ihe n^.. »t. Drntd atiri game. h»re at Inoui Hiie. b. lb are rtgoroae^y ovetlfl ged byrrrnm'M The ptlce if breafl 1b I'lTerl CT»ry w /

tbe av.tho'ltipt, and th.-a'neal liceneea anl dnee,.tlor.a are arl ltniilly dpterinloed M.>ii. >'« ara 3 >t 1(3enj ard t.. all thf*« iwagiaalli al lateHereaeaa th.i

ale .i.biiillte.t whpn tb» nt»« trtad ot LttMtt*, K>) ia'and I tkit ri i*y radlati d froa p* ib paNId edL-uo.

tBTIi 1 M. K'arlbaa juit beeo cnmrr.eiii.d In PTaaea, nwlng to nmiemrHii'ditary dltcaraitai A (i-varaaaaai Raaatlihnwitrat two gaaBleaaea have tbi* t-a, .o br«d overoiipmllll.n Irr.ut. A doubl.i Bapply rt galaed. by tbapn n-rvailou of ihe pb_i and rn'f.nnwi frnn belnt eatenbyihefikb. J 8R8 «t 1* ilinyleacd innipenelve.

n.iiLBoAO riiuritaocenpy if-rnn-ui aatO-g lahwra, one whDh wl'lpul 1 racee ln enct" It >n wlth the Me.ftterraBeao, SwltzeilaLd, Lonbardy, th» >nt and the AJriatlo.

at Nnraa ii.»mi, dri rci tn -,

blgr. PaHg. Ix, l:i»h..p ..f jt.a.n, t.rf'i. !*(. <\ aatlttpi by theVery Reratead Pabkar .-"anta Marla, acpgruof thokln.-dui nt C rgf., wb ha-.1n_ upp'i b ..jhtat ktlar.. ln tbemaiket rt Altxai.difa l.y an haBaa I'rleat, hai ti'.cetaVen hn'y idert, nn.i I* n >w nn hlt way h 'me. ?wltf a furmer exll" 'o fiinla. \n toifrlran I'rteatwaa alto PiiectiJ. "Tfcut, t yt tho VUtm, "onthat.iitct tbraar. aarBBoaaaal l.y arlcbaaaoaf¦ adai-aawlth wl.ltn i',uriir«», were atteinblej th« I'hurcneeoflir. .-... A'(a and Al !..« and but fnr a mtttake, th^Caurrh ol Aror.-l-a wou'1 ha»p h'id It* lapraaoaiBllta*'Ci i.*lotilii^ thi- *it. ti laid uptn the f.i.t and'll te« mi a plty ihe Au.prlcan ehnuld have b.'en waatlnj.

hr rai xi .I eai iwblch li |o le tui i, in tr -it BBBAtad, Tha 11 .-ernmentleat prptett getthv upadraft if a derree, r.-latlee nthe conttiuctlnn of a ciyiul palac^ ii. th« largeiq-iareaf the ctampa EtyBeaa Th« bnBdiag la quettlon tt tobo ceded to Ardi.ln Ai Oo fag 3.) yt-ari, ihe Suto guarart.lrg a mliirriun. Inierfttcf I .er ivut onihucaol-tai, na t.« ( xcr ed Kl.f .Ki.OfOf Tpp w. rk* tre to bo rin-Ithedwtthlrj l-.i»ear.|r.m the tlmo of i-jTimenda.ll em. 1 |a Natl. r a! _Ablbldo_8 ^1 tno And Ind-iula!Atti are to be beld then ln

the HtNkk ctAi RTftaeaoB.ia duly aiilmailTerted upon. Tne rrench Cjurtokre mucU n.n.e uarti.ular ai regarit gtfRBg damagM acd Icfllrttr. lu iimh eiteg

ia crr 0WD' *° tb" .J,",D* "' ,h« b-b-t be i:. i. i

r *,"n,l»'"'. -u*b attpoti n 11 Bumau tlfp aa theIh-rt?/ u^ "«b,'>lt.¦ u eomnioa A feuiale tervaot ioa,. n\, ^rI7"r ."-' de»C"n-lnglh« aUltg, b-r hol


prletor ¦ f HMboaBataBaoaal .Ip. ln rilBI IIBIBI8 ot tnewlodow Lni b^vleg been urVerly protaefc-d. Now, |0a t onlar caie iu Newl .rk. would any aaeb ju« .uper-yttlon taken place RVt « bli ..f R. A, t.,», V,ta-tatcp. haiklng to the dUre.ard f lifo ln lh* .IwdBi-.tea. acd c mpartng lt wl-h tho largett 111, ri. aermr Inc mp-ebentlble tbu .he tlul loark.tou'd bearllule raluelo coiparl*. witb money i >Urp. polaB. ti r eed* fiaeajee**. A klnd B Arab ba*M dla-Bti ai, a* we r.tb fmm place to piace, aai U*vojuiUi-eatd hunacity behtnd BA We ihi.uid culrleatabjI Ihe aita,and tblnk l«a* ,rf aggrandl/iog tonltorywhoap exteti.lon will Uke caro Bf tt*.-!f U-re, laFraece.pp ail n tg e-ttled, aod nn marter what an-.

ercmeni preTalla. tbere la ihe .eeeaalry of at laaat proticUrg tfcr livea ard llab* ol *ucb a pea u|. wblch eanoot be. feli lo tbe wU,l ma-ah of pl BWr llfe, wtta ba re-KouBda on the tld ctue* and Sut-t. Th- rv.wdylam afNew[Yl rk eatctftlu lntplradnn In the I.yn-h Law ottbeVNeai. tb. .w;:a .. ^ao.lgratloeioTexaa in extremo rae... Tne partlcu arthPi-ry o* tbe luere.t* o eacb part ot tbo oountry lt inno place fully caMed out, aad oerer will b-, untll wataa ov gaaraa, by deye|, pin, ,|j r_iourc.-a, Inde-perdei t of riuctoaiiDg aad foebio f.rrUn markiU \VSthen ran gn np familioa ro-nd tAe hoa.«ate*d euitlratetbe aaihllRIIIBll Bf tbo nrealde look wltb a-^cd ¦up< n our old fore.| tree., ,.d tv. .r4TN of our .^n

_a^_ta!bh:r,.r*,-r .?.".chiurn "».» ».».

Bf 11 e to be c ;...nea-*d orer agaln with a'l tne aou'aabragka. u, driperalo eompettiio* W Ii Pralltlpal aad atdeoUfic :»I_iier«.Ccar. .uw..»»- Ta«M. T. I.

r-»»*. Thuraday, \3g _»5,l8_iInuileBta of the FOtc of tha Ijrh, aaeelebratod U, U»e D«partmaau, and bf A-ibu^on andConta~ ln foreign co;_.tri.-.. hare b.rdi, ,-t ceaaed tote reported la cur etty p.per_ Pertap, . |e. ul thetai daaria o, more ttirrta, new,, roay bear -


bon bj RBBB »!de u tbe water. Al B.r!l_, Ba Cathodrcler.y M aot meat ihe re-.aat of the : renah AmbaaaadorforadlylaeaerTUra la apedal ccmmemorati.>n Lttha Imperor Napoltaoa. At tbe Maat on AtaB_u>_oaDRf, ln tte Iledaigakeiche, the priaelpal iaaaa. obar.botthu uy, prayert were aald for ti- dead, bat Napolaon otty ctme la fcr __ ommoa ahare aloag wtm ttaheid cf T_gtr A»., hia peeoPar cioateemed, ln Ute oplwon cf tbe Frencb Biaiater, to -Uadla read 0f ettraordl-ary Intercegtlon. tbo Lack ._.made up lo tba Imparto, .o_erer bjn_?,J_____l^LSperfon-acea ai the ebapel of tb. _-ai>^y The co_^ra«-.r_tory aeiTice .caUed d-rln, ta t./or of the ti

Ijaa haTb. atawt aod ail. Bflaa rt.a naam-on. aaf

gfr ¦ I ¦.r. *«v.,,...b- -i^aar^.rauav w*»t. - wnh Raa oaaad .0 C t. «rMo'luee aod

r\7.C'c= ard Dre.d-a 0»d Btviri.a aad **..*. h»d a-. -0 aadtar Ba. .1 0. ara aattoa h*v,-

Uken pa. t ia !« wkh . th .. of fe-ilag n-< ov-r agva-.-

lb*y mstt have amd t HaafaUl iet. t-motlnnJ '.n ra-

aardflBfl tbe Prlx *. io >k'ng af to bia. *a 'u- da*K (Mt

S a R-pubfe ard d..wr> <>n htm M a ;>i"- oj, ard tm-¦ napubfe. ...

fdlv wivt at h'm m Ui- mt'ter 01 a*.r a rci nm M

aoid'era. .orgieii for aai.-a. Io acreament witn the

f-»t I. k 1 ey w*rn to .llence oewaoapan Uka in - >#«.

t.mutit tf 1 'iMb. a. B-fl Br/4 . Afoabaaabai V Ibali-rn-an i'urch and Coa'trari arhi.-a todaU-o lo ra-

makturtul e dlitu:-':: t. M n ln sce, rdsuce eltn

tbe aeroj d. ib. v wouid rtf Bta hla OBJ .n--e BB n on* 01

ibeir fan.ili** aad apheW thetTtrliiao rbjbl of taaiweai H-nry V aad. wi'h th- tr-d, th-y aaa uneuliythe uker. af a aoataojaaaa a th> art of th-.tnhtbitaoaooth- KhU;- ha ra-uro under Praatabraht, To i-atura

Batha .1*. Tbec. t*bratorai tae D-p-'"""'t« bvl li

ail tbelrown way ToePrwttctot tha D parttnoat of

tbe Jara jnv a dtnner on tb- aaaatf >u. w-Baea he al-

drc.ed hia guetta «. foRwOa: ;.'.'.,>-Hiat 1. bytbe Cnurcb »*t apen M a re'-i->o. feettrel, ta foemo-yot tne otaaaajjOlOB of to- Vir.m M.ry - Gaatbj n-n.

welEe*ttoc.¦lebratatbe.. >. v f Napol -1 raase, ,pfedphraa*.nou BB, f< u it 'a Baaaa v>r»><>*n

rapaaoaa^ktabaajarbaabafObaE np-r>raalUaa, rfa^-eot I. and ot ih- Pr.n e I'retid Bt, Mapcl-ion!; tlentlnren. lothe l'rlnce and Emjerm Aaotheriet i. s tr kaaaawaaap, baartag o leue-a of llght tbii In

i.flpi.oo -iJod mad- Napoleo- and r-at^d Andth-ae pri twaof the *ighry nve preaent raatera of ailFrineh aBBaaOCO, utrtuajly eev-re. a. y>u ,now, uponail apoken or wr'.n>D wmdithtt by their ea mai. din.rO

hUtory nr du>'l the re'-glou. peopri-ti*.. Tne tn-bafcltantaof 1 rri.-oeux. where tbta lumln >ui dogms ioc wn I gOL waa expoaad. ipr-.*.vf tueb di-.pjr.ival ofit. lhal ll-e M*yor tr-ougbt II !>et« M ramove il t *aa,forObe reat, apiari -l«ro fram ao cldadu atnrof «l«?o.e-on ln tb- tlm*. ol tae 1 n; ba And yet tim raaurreotlonofspn, htpaib .la.l to ?>* rawa'.W, for wa r. « 1 ln

tb* bTlBdliur rbb aaaa fl Prealdanllal d*er**>, gr-nti'igIhalr.rei -.oiaof !) rd.'gnethe prlvUege of pre.eattn.the;'a:l.n witr a.word. -

TB., columc. of tb* RfaadhMB' have b*en pirtly OaOB-Dled for a week wllh tba rwovraof munlclpal cnuioi'a

eoaaprlaBaatary to th* 1're.i taai A i-r-all p-,v-t'I -n oftheui come out flatiy with the wiih that h- aroaM nitke,or have Hin«elf m-de BflBJinir, «nd bo glve ..* .i-v

ar d ori>*,>-riry ta hhfl flflaaaahal narloo; otnera laud hlmt,,i- - afeaf 1 or h»vicg foiiy eitabii.eedaud c-mi-medH B*aapt brj of th a aaary MflBaOOanaOaad; ott-ara,thatili a llm in. at prof.modli for a-vlng aoclelr Rfc,

ii i |.ieii>>n>, ha ahaefci-e if O'flaO. ordera. ao haaaany pnltBaal »t- hei tf anv ">rt. f' tbo were, tbe de-

:l .n of themunl.'ioal eonn.i.V amoant to Iomtbi'i wai *i|>erted. Siiitu . i|H»'Bhi thal the Idea oftha Baaprratarattaaaaabad; oory tbal aimecau.e hln-d-r* 'la piapiraa aa for *ttlD;i *< w.irh th- ma-

fbltery that U to brn*- lt ab )ut. Toeaei-l.>ns of Uni;.. eiall" i..i,i Ui |ie ii iw b.-ruP, and ivn hi* roo-lviog

l JetBaaaMBaaaaawBleaBBTao-ter, tbui fa*. ki tboia mentb n>d la Ibe laat i

bui ah Brbag the Irope.-l.l U'til^n.-y tUoaawr, aud, ai

roolog from m rabapi utaal huwioi.w m coaahraraa ol,e,r»»Dee. I «m lo'ry thal I can aend you no

haN r >>,,-.'*.; t iba i -n -net>t f 1.1q... Ra aatbaPraaidaaay ol oaa of tba '" >oaeUa(l Beral,ai.d tf hli ac.-e^taio-« of tn-. ajPt, »n-n bb aaatrfa Bauifltohear tr- cnaracter f an I B. »* L giti niitatd'ortbe chiwl ot At.' parenv, to ie!l lhal M -

for r»cA a n eai of pnQbaaal !'i Rraood, MtBiatar of\% ..-. PraatfM t Ibe G..¦*¦ f>i umII

oj fu Ibb ni

ui wbh hla addrraaal oka opaal « aatoo. Iqa te tbe , a t * . . apofl ina E aptra '¦ L*at ui

,.j j i| m l^retu wktck . B --i i ti" e mtry oytbanaaniaHua ol pu'.n^ pe»»e a/oi tiy tne Brbampboft:ue pin.' li 1.1 I .. vi rrir eut let rtfaffjtOa randerthe»e uui> * «.'ill mora or..¦' I aw wahaj let

, ,., ... .... ar a >. . ¦¦!., for atabllliy eonetttataa thei ^ nL-y if !h- fiitore und*r whic'i l rancocao

th. Irt.r'i p'.-l B .-.irte i.f Iti .1 -lliii! ¦*. I'.n'yU t J» ihunk, wr>l, h h»i g.«>it'-1 I tb- r >'in-

Iry, wearbd with or*ll olieord., :*p ia oaaar a l'rinne,., p.-.,. ... . it it ui d ii sam -i T" t

(' LLci!, oo ti.ii J- ti t, ipoie, and afiBr laadtag t'ia

1'rlLie I. r VBaO BB h.a,' rrif hn. tf 0 r

witta l'tlt' .-, li it- Irj anrt ih«o. foBowa tne .tprei-gton r.f a with and Bi 2« tbat the Befl '', Oh ia fai.ctloo|r il. Will Uke U e pioper masiure. to aisuie tflfld-

bih'y Abatoi ol, Mtabtat tf J .-t. .-. -,- >ka taaa 4aaaa>iv ihan A'l.^t.ii 'r. r foreaefl 11 tboEmpfre; outttiaI'-partn cnral L'. uplII !» Inf paatOa rerfl irkl H.niUrIl linor t-itbiue oltbe (',. ;i.d.>. U t lt b la'd ln favori; tba MiabtarW Pn -hi.-> t», abat tbatr :' i- iy of akair¦Mtaar »a. i"i. daoraetbao wnat »n ato aoeaaaoaaadt. fr< tn tho lo«.er ni der'Wa ot . I ea >«t..l ii... i.-^i* I. Ijouri.all.U I Ibe li irernmeut ptkiBB Oi.e ir r »,. m ra

r.litlii.' .¦ -ti. nn lha p-«.,pl- aud ril'lng upontbe Pet»te b) gi ibrnuah tta pn y torm. re-tu'Pil b> the (V.iii'l n'!..a, for cbaaftaj, M .melgneurtboPrtBaa liii>. aa ln.|>erl*l [Il«hrje»i, aro r«jon-d.T»¦ |?- r r d" I'Eaie) lha Iieao of Fraaeh Repmitii n. i^' Ie l'rei'oei.t of tbe 0 iu«tH <n' Aiio.ritily of

!l'l-, baa wtitn to tho Pnl'-ctt Mli lb-pa>tinanl r»-

lu.iivi. tbo taai lo ibaOaaaralOoaaaR,to flrbflBt he, wai tf OBflO, Julet rrfvra snd ^altl, RppfltlllcMfk, al o-i a e t ofl t tiai.aral i.'our cti. a Iht'a wnlleflfljn waa Ona text fbr aaaaf iHiy nitic e. in ih-v.spf r», leiu.e ao t-k.< tbe eaOb <>f aRa§OaaaBOo |...daS.| I. i-f, and tf .ir^a vse.ti t!i-'r lean Fy»rewaa e.ct-d ty tf»- ..otiri tf Lyuaa It will be rem.Bi!t)..! tbal they akm ch m M. Ileuio ln tbei.'an.ral E'eoilon taai wiutor, to a B8«lta tha l-glilatlvel>. oy, wii'-n I:-, lo ¦¦ nrn-n wtth (.'aval.-ose aniCitntt, of *ria d Ry th* COBatfudoa, therh ct! M bo II tb-'r p«o. t wora t, be h..ld wltliln ilxrr" I thi f lb.-lr roafgi ailon Aco idlngly, by a daor-eof iba'.'lit of hata aaaraa, »be eleetora ot 0».t thlrd andfo'irih diitrb-u 11 ihe Dapailmefll nf th- 8etoeare to

... I J f BapOBaabar,: .r n.iputlet io UI tberanaaetaa I»it by Carajotaatf 4;av«lj{nac and nut aoaaa>dlrgly. the vot, r. of youa ha»a a.y.-.t, recalved n per-miiiton f> exerct.o ih. ir coLtlitu.1 ital r'.ht tf tunVaar.ln a rejubllcan RaaoaaaaaaaOf4aa .r.iiit.ry ra-

Ibiflf ptutli M, latrlp graaBMj are tw(> lo i;en»>rala Be-d*ao erjo' Cbar r'arnter. Th"lr n»tn»i are evao h inoredwtth n p< iltli n r.t tho bea.lot tne lUi Th<ae of LaBBBOklaia and Lt-il do rot apuear io tl rhi-raltre-lurned lo Tarli. The gaueral ann-i'y 11at d ice notr> tr* to Ttatht. It wouldaeem. from whaictnbe learnelby the Udividual Initai.cea alre.dy knuwn. tbat ri ,tni re than b^lt of Bboaa ainuetrJed by iboaot of tha l.'ithAuguit ara p. 'it'- al iiifterera tha* ot tnli hall very te ware pario'tol aty BOOB h flaB lanalkiaflBO raokt, andlhal tha loc.ihd amnettt U ofn-ii-r a emnrn lUrion ofthan an ei.tlre releate from erhttrarliy lui;M>iad penal-tlei n natab n. C, rnoialoti of Injury dono by the la'erhlrii- awaaOoaa Irom many parta of the land, ten-dtne to aoaRraB tbe avll fjrebjdin^a uf tba bir»-*i,wl'rb I w ot li. my latt. n.e turn Iro n tbeae mel*n>-ho|y them*. of foalpotlllet and liid etopt to tbe oeertul pronili a of caliairU-nce, uttered by one of tta roOflaiaa, M Oaala, lo alate report ta tbe Mlnlavr of the Ioterlor. II- propiaealn a rery tbr rt tltne. t» reaio<:k ail the watnra of Francewllh the beat vau*»1. ¦. ot edlble riih, at tbe trlrlln< ex-penie of (3,000 orMnal outlay, snd af a y«»rly appro-¦.ilatj >o af OVJRO "ln floa, he wlH reuaw the mlraele.f tu. mlraeulaut draft, only ai progr*ta ta not anW!e w.rd, BLd m aoi-nce ta actence, ihe mtrarle wlll berc proooceJ a«oarsliy snd becoie permaneot ToUa. uidist flrat Hka ihe axiravagant r> a«t of a thoorttl,.i dld ibeOr.taneruneernentof atrana aiUntlc iteamer,the botler of wblcb I.ord Derby pronolaad to eat afterth* firit tucceaaful taaaaja. The arttri -l«i propajratt-ioI ib, ]. og inough tacticed wlthln tne narrow lmlrjof atrlM'y icleMlri-3 experlment. baa been >f tajfl tucce.itvly carrted oc-at tlrtt by the IntelUgeot li.her-men tl Kaatern Krance. and wiihln ihe laat t*>n yyarton bo oxiendederale, by Uettrt. Berthot aod D-ualuJKnglneert (D the connecfln-the Rhloeand Raaaa,Tbeai genltemen hav* rstaod thU n ar la their I ib ourteiy one rrtlti,,n of youcg f>y, oow irao.plantMd toporde or aeeondery oueseriei, whlch ara fed byIba cexal, alcrg wbkh ih"-y are cooatruaiecl Heocethey may be a«-*'n tranafarred by maana ol theeaoal aad ita brancbaa to moat tf tne rirare ofFratee Tre eip*rl.xeata af the two Etgtneeraazd ot bt Coate prove beyonl queatlon tbe eaty praotlcatillty of trstiporlng impregaat^d tpawo lo aoydttiance wltb. ut Injury to tbelr laennd properdea;they alto prov* tbat by ao enremaly tlrrple and lnex-peniive apparntua o'trenchea, welre and poadt, thetrprcpagatti n b more certaln, raold and abandant thanun.ier taural e. ndtio ni In bne by aerangementamadaat thaproperaeai r whh jtbertnen of i>ta*r coon-triea.the Oneat klnda of b.h may be brougbtfroa forelgnwstr ra, ln erobryo, to fleplacicultural aaubllthm nt ofBertboiA IMj-Ip, and tn»n manufACfared Into trout,and aa'non, Ae, with the lame certalnty, that theBetstI orlrc fabrtcacta of Mulbauaen tr«niform balea ofraw AiLei'.ran | .Uoo lato French calicoaa. M. Coate,wiunnltet to tho acieantla acjulremenu if a mimber>f the icatl'ute, the prudeoce of a caim Bacor.uin emplrte. r»a oa ai laxg'h lo potn* out ihe meaoa and p'o-eeae tequlalte to toU end- that la, by a bro. i epptlcvtioo O! Kienre io the watu ot a buogry people, tocreale an abotdant ropply ol cew, cheap BBBel Heahow. ecrcluuvfly ital tae tuma above memlooad artllbetcK.leijtf. r the lonttrueiion atd camplete outlltofIbe eccaieooron, or prlmary nuraery of trourilxga,n'mrckln.. pltelett. Ac and wlll meet thel' expenaeait education, np to thetr loeation m a*U-d*p*ndent. :o,-K-tu In al) the lakee. p-cdi and ttr-ama ot theEmpir* Further expermvnta wUh frtab aater abellftthrrtdeby tl* roporter. leid hlm to .uggeat ane*.tacilon of the iame to marlne .ruatacaa, arC .e condl-ttoot <f reprc-ductloii are timlltr. Shouid the bBflBOexfa^r.'i.p,r"e "'""l -gRaoaaal m baaRrai Mh l.gure. cn tba Franch coaat of the tfedi.trrraaeaa JDVr ready-made nuraariea and preaerveaua ln ury, the loog report of M. Coate.. marlne tha

WTZTtTE. * »«P-»»«l of atailorabatra*areLarsd,. a,1 ?**,' ***n for ". to ^^n aiakioa£3««fj°i* for cheapi, nUlng emp»y SaCLaJBBaaBj io xajaet tba tllgbieat, nroeb leaa thla targo

cbarttyof K-l-Bee lo thelr hebalff Ay. ..' '«.£«'a!Sog\foy ihe abablg-J eni to a« -ary -1 BaeaUBBa-!b^itT^»tUbeiwU- large and --a'.a nt y r**£t<**n*-wbo acr rdtng »t th-tr tplrttual tim^r.meat !. n>

____« BBAt. Uidulge |B l-etv-tlya. ebaee or tocbry.__?dri_8«l'--.Uiura. Thelr unh-p,* ln pre-

cf tbi. b-gbear. rre.-ltt ibe attonti >o <>t lh- b-o-y-

N >w It Uqnlteirr.po.~b>f.>rrtet:., »«***¦¦_t_ to brlo, to BRBBBB tb- rw-ol-tonary preaeii.£ iSralat la teablo. Ibat R le taa «, ol m

leraCr rce to rec v_dla ihe o d 'aetaM*BaAf

**»rerlentor*af rrwdero

tr>- .» i.- ¦ rj..* I'u-i .«« -..--. -. .

, »c tbe ortbcd-: » af. ..! -n of appro-al o tho_.

i. they are-to . .;.' tc',Baa to th- <_»°»,0^_;r^;aTaaatBl .od r-'t.-i.-na biiBbiiibb, readtiBBB toy.

rartb a tupplj lt not, cut ut. *=d eu_bt not. by »'n.«-

g^BBay laba Baaal to tha -aaiaad af the hungry.aud.kicbte_cbeati.tal a,t-mpga at -oulilratlon ot tbe

two teima *h- u!d be> ml*. an-«.l to the letaure .*-»"" "

another worla Tbe d*__er ot Soctollim BiBBBBaMBto te ln thtg-that tt .-¦, Bad aceep'-nce In Ihe b8-<i»

and heerte of tbe c*ady, w,n may rlao eom- daj ln te-

beliloo a«alr,at ac.-ty au I eeven p-r co.i. aajdRBBamard fther "Icitltudona of c::r father*. M B«Tte danger roai.Y lle. ln ttto-tbat th- new td-a. w II

Sod li,dget_ent ln _M unoocupied rti.mbrane.iugt*,.*tiMkentl .nve.wbleh. waottog eltm-nury iiiat-rtalBf the legMaato exerclee of ltt tunctlon.. -UI uketrem ln and teaerate aU manner of noxiout hmn irt

fr.rtitbttrln-.rdd .pation. Thething to bedon*.then.1* not |r> weate argurcetit or any m.>-« «>r '**"""''»rhe.orlc.l labBtBu- ln tbe ra'n purpoe- ot *>?***»_n-outb. ot the preachere, but to u-e all J"**0/V_ the

clotlog up ot tbe recepla-le* B thelr p..*tllent BaaarBBBa.Hthe.e frd feUnw. .n*hortw*_"*felit> .ramb'logihoutto Irry, tid attacktrg the upper cUaaea, qutettbem -Hbitlmon at apenuy a p>und lf that do not at th.m, i.-er-helm them wlta

tr- ut al U-e-" wlth black ftoh. d< wn <>n thpon wlth e*a

bat*. eharke th-m wlth plee- fre«h. f*t aud dapplng-prvcft rhat toclpty u we'.l. at leaet well I .« tt te

[.bi.h i mc» ti ia. fie.e.o. ¦" a..

iaea t aeb «e~ .ard- d ¦«¦»¦¦¦."* to th- au

ttor of a V.8I.B and cr-dwJ «mMb «/ * ' yCri..r of PtofB R,s*m. ao-l tothefanalanir of H.gitC,~r.r a/JTitlaBB. tbe anthnr. of . BeA«f ". Baaaa

_J ae .V«^y /er rayrBA and cf BeaBta aattoAr;ticMliurat CMealM .-/ MgadaoaalB, /».*-«- OJ<Uer*.(JeuBPB delenui) Orphant and Foutdn'igi, reC_>lYe_

e'aeb R008 franea ,. . ,

It tt a generout and arlte lnlerpretattm lhat allotg tn

wiltingt ttrlmiy tcteniific aDd hvrarv the M mthvot.pri/e whlch, by IU iltle, ll deetftiPl feff "thnteraoktrro*t uieful to publie ^x>ralg... It U ra.o<nl/ln< tli-

bl^h wnrth aa moral agenci^a B a retln-d Itterature andpr.'fouLd pfctloaophy, acd the tclerce of aoclal and po-Rtleal e.nii. iny. < Raar terary pilze* I pa** »r»r, aa>

ctptlng BB exlranrcinary nne giv-n H Jaamie, lb« eele-tratrcl barber pect of j».>uthprn ! rance. m<. ohiactlonUigde lotre n i-ritrs agn that lt -aa unt tbe bu*lo«aa nfthe Fretch Acadimy m em-n wnrks nnt wrltt-n luFrench, w-i* aaa~B8ad at tn-tlrne hy aeta'ementot thecurhuifa.t that the Prorec d di.l ct. tn whlch thePrtaab Horta uttpnhtolnioli.itloc*, to tpnken by thrteB IHOBB Of ppnplrt. ______

A'ter the bncor* done to the antimn of good book*.c*ii e tte fl.trl nt! n f th prlz-i of -trtue, whl.-h, Aaw.ll aath-tirit, Irnm the BuaUoBai beauaatofM. MotiihT. n AaaardBg to th-. iddrV** of M aUatIb-y are a.ljudgPd afu»r aa ca'H'u1 an examtuatl iu B.Ibe raclptrall BB oo.ilt 1". ni tm ro (ore-aid tbi d "f-t

if.od »4tinn«ihan toboaoi th.« prlaatylaof tn.»m andpnouregafr" rlmltatinn Tha beaOToleat leBaaaloaB otM. Mt rthyon are nt qasad n-.d, l ut manv d.'uit ihe ben-

a rklrgi htabri|ue.t hn'Olrg . ven ihattttrtudgtoviiai ii. Aad objaotora b-ta b*d much togay la'.ly otti- ODd-Tinattiin mr tbett a fea-"»'<.

.ne of tl B prim in-'nt V,< urti,»f a man wb\\betaeen thi* and a prevlt.ui tlmll. r iadgiaBBf, lial hpenOn aaotraifil BBtdldato foroaaol lk«tot realaqaoBlu n. After a'l, Ihe exfepii mal o*'« provfl nntblngbeyi nd ihe <.. 11 tntary Bal ihat very great rogm'a mayrt taio a gleal d'a! nt h" tmrt.hial g.ItlPt* K>- -ll Imt> tli.ii v, wi.nian whtppii'L' Oeaaral lUjnau, .hoii'wine.t |satords] at taa Boto do Ptlaeaa ¦ Baa

;, li lald to bo a g-uprnut I i. ud to the p nr,w ;,. n hlt I'.'-t l1 il BjtB dn imt re.|,iirp him l.) ah'HI. or

hm g th-.n. lo t iIih ,.x toptimial "*.« B toBbacktlillr.. or ii "eiiticnl ihlef ju*t raaattotied, and toii i. gaaaral ob|eetioe, M. Vli.*t ohjo apthr eaoagb, tbatwbile thp Academ] « hnmanly 11 il Ip t.< IgaoraaoB aadii.i.hj prehi-rtl. n ol tn .tlie*. y«t IbS gOOdaBlloaB r^

waidiil *illl rin.'.n gooB, wh. ther tba BB tlvea bo mercmaiy r r 11, anl may be tatly enonuragpd lt lirerteta from tto r»poit that the lau pKt^a aro wretch-iealeulatort, II their alrn wai tn -ti*y pr.iit, ahiee a liihfol what lr»-y had dnre and lurt-r.'l yean atter wo-.l,hy ii BaMba appllcatiun. bare mado them rich.Wtither ibe h baal pri/.>* had baaa all >tted tntho hlghett fnim* nf virtu-.u* a-t'on, I* n qiMattoaal'cut whteli Jour rt?e.l 'a nat> tli".-r fr .m M. VI rt.Tlie pii/. tt 3000 ti.m.-B to adjurfg-'d toa woin.iii «t V_lencl°nn«t, a a-ptui'iienarUn wh i noi-

foi fnrty year. hai ilpvn't'tt hor Mtn aud atrength to ta"tupport ol a faixily of falli-n fnrtune, In ahl-h for t-enty tbreei ther yean ih« had beoo a hlrod leryant Atecond prl/p of ihe urrw valu- togran'ed to Paul On-ner,a glawe on a ptatabBtlOB ln Cayenne,.ho afier the a'i-I'lltinnof tlavery tn 11- lc, remaln^d in yoluntary tflrvt-tude lo bla l.rinnr m'ttreaa. M. VII.>t to BBoqaaal lneulaiy of tbe hIiiu »t auperhumao pxerilnn* and aelf-dp-Llalnt ihete two pertoiii ln tavor of tbo*e wh) hadco clalm but thttot ktloctlou. _n ureat and palnful aroIkidt laaiBoaa. Ibat aaa B raady io expiH-t a raaaaefofthntP who, fnr telhah l.eni'flt.haye perndtted them. (lutIbe repiunl iine» Lot fail frnm the Mp» of tbe Academl-clnii A r.uinbiT ot thn loater pru»* ara alao awardodto fdthtv in i" t-'t'iirV.aa ihougli thn relatlnn* nfniatter ai d man were of more tetinu* worth and wlderrange tban tfap relati.t a of n an ba man. B. Vllet, ai lfc< li loua thal tblt rtaauthtry mi.rallty itood in need nfan api.l.'iy, Mniiaii'ii liea ..n thn t .,.lr aatolnwa: linnoi bi-turprlied that Ihe A~ar!einy hnnnra thia kind ofdaTotlnn wl'h a tort ot pa-tl*ltty li nnt Ihnt bund nfrelalloctblp. whti-h, In nur old*, unlted maaterand teivtrt, half di etr. >> .¦<! t BhOaU wm nmlt ho occa-tlt.n i.f rrttnring li, If tuch a ihlog l,« p "itlblp, nt ratil igIn nwn iitein thi *o who _Krt thelrtervlc-totber-wlte than for mere him, who aitoclate. and, aa it wer*,Ingrafi themteliei on th« famlly nt;ver to teparate fromlt In gi nd or hvII f niune fOther prl-Pt. hnweter, w-re ghen to good women

ar il r*vn men, wbitn Ittea are mark-id by deeda nfa Ln *.ier cbailty. that *oek* all fnr lt* objeot. T ..

while number iltfl' iietl ihl* year ia twenty-dght, ofwblch t.etity four are modali. Among the la«t waa oaegtten to a man wbo at tlx dirforent tlmn* had aayed per*ii.nt frnm drowt ing al tb- rtak of bl* i*n life.

I elnie rr\ Ipiter with a thi rt extract fronthal cfSecretary Walkrir, writt-n tn the BootaB/of l'j|tt!<-*IEaOBOBI*. and read In trantl.t! m hy Hnraoa S«y at luletili ti nf Aunuii 10. I quoie frnm the Freneh tranila-th n, by wbicb and by my re-iranglatioa Mr Walker'Bldeat may BRflby mnie, but I will bn aa tatthful a reporteraa f cao " Vnu will have aeen, Iim, " tbat In mynwn cnuutry ih.t I'rot-otlvH *v*t«tn ha* beon dpfeatjtdln Corgreie by a vnte ot lc- agalntt RB Tae publiewltb ua to rmw enltgbiPned, and lt tt gnnerally underatrindtbat all laat a nn Impnrtntlnn fall baok nn tbe cnatu ner,and that tbe (llutlnn l f a prntpi-tlon tn nadnnal IniuetryIt trtnilned lbto an Impoit letled on all tor tbe ben-ltofafew. Sueh aiyito.ican nerer rlaa agaln In Kug*laxd or the I'clted Statet. c. a. B.

Tlie most sadcaaUa iti-m of newa ii aniBnonccement madn by Oen. Ma.nan to the OeneralCouncll A thp Bat Khln, itatlng that tho Preaident hadln tt niemplallnn lo eita'illlh a itrorig mllllary reaerve,whirb, the annnuncpment tayi, " wlihout co-npronrtt-Ibb the r. ipoct and dl/nlty ot ,a_.e, would eoableliin tn i't, n ihe eeonioitea whlch he detlrea to Intro-duc- lo the tavailnn "

The Mimittw coiit«in-i aome further rea-olutlona of the Oeneral Coanell. tn laaor of tbe emplrpA few daya-Inaa M.Priaee,R.C. Bishop<.f St llyarinlbe, Canada, and M Larncqu-, BaadBBBf

elect of Moctreal had an audlecce witb I-nuta Napo-li-on, when tbe laitrtr expreiaed much tymparhy wlththe.L erer* by tbe lafe ftm at Montreal, andcnotrlbuteda,000 fr*iic* fnr thelr rellef.

It ia atated that Louia Napoleon hanper-teetrd anew lyatem it infanlry lacllca, whlch he Isabout lc lntn>duce ln tbe French army.We find rhe followln^' in the Paria cor-

reapBBdBaaa of /'lu M-rrning C*rmicltTbere li at preee.t a coltiderable co-icnotlon amoog the

remiaoucf the old revolutiocary tocietiea at Pan* andBBWanBBBB Tbe nbjael I* t_* electloo of a ruemher to euo-ply tre place of one of Ma__ioi'* Coinmi'tee, o_ued U+-a IA a 1'cla thlt mao had laialy died. aud it ia tjupoeodthat be wiil i« tuoceadad aiiber by Oarriaaldi ldoubtf-1) orby i.'i. Kapia.M. Pereigny ia in London. and ia churged,

lt la lald, wlth to tbo Lngiiah 'inyernmrntreap-etlng a modlhcatlon on Ibe tarid on French goodAOn the Ut Aunuat there were 329 man-

nfaetorlei ot b-et r....t tuaar la operallon In FlBMaTba quandty n auufactured thlt le.aon wat 74,lb3,y*'9kllogrammet._


Tli»^ Cologne UazfJtc statea that the Hel-gton ticrercment dces not ixtend to recew the t.-tttyof Commerce with tbe /illrereln, whlch eipirea na.11 I> »rr. . r neat It baa deelared «ayt the <,* <r,.that the ttate ol ttt n-gotiationt with France do not per-D.U itto atiign aSxed batia to RBRBB corrunerclAl rela-Uckb bi twe.n BelKlumand thi ZolSrerelaBy tlie new Convcntion just sigtted he-

tween Frarceaad Be|.lnm, the duty chargexl on bookapiltte i ln the kuer countrj alll be reuced to S) francif 100 At 111. g _i_mea, and a like roduetl-n wtll be madeon prti tt, ecgraviegB, aad paper. Tbere ara othormicitica'long ln tbe tari- favorable to !, -igfum, whlchare to be ma.e tbe iub|ect of a dlttinet treaty, and, to*gMher witb the Literary Convenil.ii ab .ve-mentlniirtd,wtll come lut > op-ratlon oa tbe lat of Janaary aext, fortaa yeart.Ihe Chambera will not be convoked l>e-

fore October, aa tbe raiirication of tha treaty wlthFrance U not obligalory beforo Novembtr.

Al'STRIA.The Autirian Lloydt ronfr-dit-ta \k^

itatemeat tb»t i.orgey ba* beeii *eot to the rV>rtr*at of,;u. He it to rej»__,t_e /./.j_# nji.H XAiaafuiib.An Impenal dRCfB* that haa itiBtap-

peared, eJoer* tbe CcarB Mtrtlal o*U'litttd ia co*.lequenca of Ibe trouMee of 1- B


Tlie town of Waaa, in Kinlaod, wudeatroyed by Bra ea tbe 1 Itb; on!j the Court Houseaad1am boaaee brlng l h ttandtng Tbp town .*.. fow>dedln IBOB, by ChahM IX of S-eden, aud coaUln-d abott3^-08 lobeb.ianta__

PRLSSIA.In the sitting of the /.ollvereiu Con-

gretA at Beriln. on tbe .Ut, B BB-ner, the Bava-fl_a Ptoaip.¦teartary aavo In lb- e»(b«tfya rjtpK ofthaa.lett.of Ihe Calillon to tb-- affrwaiaat 0,1IP_?:,*Sa, daied -Oth July Tha repljr, -«^' jjjggto any pn.-aot of a J atoa wltb A-atrta,but pnipoeaa lo o..n.irua tan / .Ilrawla U Ito pra-teattrijorBeertaln tumber >t fffVf'WfgIt tnro tbe Rttrei rrerpln Hanover and tha Nortb, >n taa

baata of the PrasBlaa Tiraiy of 7ib tafB laat. wUn IMBJ...odlncatli.tie i negoilati .uatob- then BaatoadaBjBAaBtttiareapecting thec _ot.t..neof*trpaty<*(->«-niercTVub Aurftia, to ba ratlhrd at the;«»« BM aa

S SoVa of tbe ZoSlvereia. Tale propoaal laco- uader c-oeiJer-ii-n ov th- Ptuaaian (lov-rnm^t.

The ravngi'!* af Cholera ara u.ia'iHt.-.ttrcughout I'ruttlu- Tolmad and SltetU.

QRKECX.A letter from HaJta. of the Kih of Aa-

gu»t, *«>t: k_____BaaHy*d at Athao*, aad tha"Tb. A-Beilcaij Muia^Ba-^ C-mmoderaCumt-rl.-d "'..f',"' ^ ¦£, iW-rday. -ahe *e uted th*

d.y. for Nayle*. it i« IlilBBB_

We have but meacre arciiint- of -ham.nrer ln whlch the attair ot R-v. Mr. K'og waa aettleiL/ A* london. *_» aeya that Mr MaraB, ba*lag ex*_lu.a4the ofllctol pap*re reiatlVM tn the mau-r, fouod ihat Mr.Kleg bad been trled j the la-t nl lirtatc-, whlch hawaatHundto reapect, and ihat tbe Amhaetador an.

prared taitiriPd that hp had ct b.en ui.iuatly d**Itwith Frnm the wltlutrawal ->f tho tl.t frnm thal :t, weahiuld jui'ge tbi* acoount ot the a:*lx tacotrcck


The text of the Imperiul flrman, se*«|!|pg the dittiulilea with Kgypt, haa Jutt heen pu.iltbed.uccer cate "laat day* nt tn»t lunar iu >u'h ol ihe Itama..hb, l-i-V' (.uly, 1883) Thi* luipairtanl d.vcum-nt e».t.tida t«' Kgypt BBB pr..»l*looa n« Ihe ' taogimal, ehar.tpr.) guarautpeleg Ibe apcurlty nf lifp, property aodbonnr tn aJI aubj.ct.a il tbe Kroptro. nf wheAever claeollf IgBahlB chaigea Ab:>_B Pealia-ttu lt* ..LnlnUtr*.lloo, ai il aoBMBtai tn him. for leveu jeara, the poaer ofl!le and dealb ln eilmii.kl caiei, where the belre ol thavtcllm deir.and the BSBBBtl< n of a caplUI ipatenee, butall i'ihi 88*08 80 bo repnrtod lo th-Sultao and lurther.abolUbet Ihe dpath penmty for jHiil.-l BRBBBB

MI8CELLAN-DOUfl.Macauiay'a, tha hiatorlaa health i* 9*

ihat it t* Roabtad if he wtll beahleto take hiaii ot lo ihe new I', to abi.-.h bo haa been for l.dlnbiii'ib.A letter from WaJnsar <>f ITih sayathat

the nrlgln ot tne ch ..eia, at t,'"»P'it commliUng *ucRravagCB in the m-tk*-'< :>><;d nt K ditcb, troie froia)mfcklt.' t> ui.' RReaT_ta_B8 la Ibe oemelety of ? a«k,neagKaMaca, where 'h- rictiuta l ihp ebobira of 1. H werRburled Aitmti tirs- .na'-ly after l.avlcg w.rk, tevo.ia! nt the wirkn.rn. t y d lu thn rxi-vailnu, ... 4telzi'd witb tbn epUioiili, wliu-h baa alnee apiead wltitgreat ma'i.i Ity

'lin- Paria Universe lias this stiuiliogciitlcltm nn I'roudhi).. ue. b aik :.

"Tl." iutci.iit.iLt witb lagnlllBi.anannllBg t_lut cu.Ii in, tte I'ler.y. t'uii.iiaiiily aml llndlilmaellJ -hail.n fnitliei- he liiki..M ;! .. .inperor ai.d tlie Ktiintre'"Ihaaerieaof religiotta u ea at C_a_bftl

tbat were li^giin no the I'h, in hnu.r ot tbe reattnraiii n of tho ll itUB ol tho Vli -tn M.ry, NlIip !Un.ce (irace of Carnbr-1, tbat had atiaj.i vhi tbe gatn ofthetnwn fnr Biar nrntarlra waa Inrmlaaltrt na TB '

Cardlnal Wltpinan, Hno. Mr Bpeaeer, battar kunaaaaibe I atali nitt Mink Ignatiut, and a Urge body o(Ftench ChurcbniPn to.ik pait lu the ('iireiuiniUlt, pr ia

CBBBloaa, Ae, ThpV'liglu if, ti may be re*ni» D-'bereo Agurei largely In thn hittory of the tiiwn. ..

1 hta eitoiea tlBlut- la tue ldpiittoal ono t"nt p-rforme_|rnliiirlt* ln tbo Inti'ci Ui aid al a itcnth c. iiiiiitee, audiiinong olbei leata caught li>.< oaunno th .f* In her aprnawhen thetnwn wa* I ¦¦-.I- -J A mlrHOulout pnrtralt ofthe Ylrgin Mary, paint^d by Bt Luke, waa al the tainmliu p ii lt plact'd ln th» Churcli

Tlie director of Poliaa nt Balogna ha-tordert'd tbat every lervaot, of eyery denominallon*Iball have hta or her ornduct reglatered lu a p_a b.aib,aid :.. ..''. * are m t allnwpd to dlacharge a aervant orln. a new one wlthnut u;tvlug tnree da>a' notlce to tha

PoIIcp.The Guamssi trlal al FletBBca i- po.t-

poned, on accnunt ol tho lllueii of the aocut-'d.A <|iiaratitiiie notice in tho Lisbon f.'a-

Utfi .l.iiaii-a Ihe Provlnce of Paralba, " luipocted'*.Ince July 17.

CliHinouni in ovetllovving with ' pr.tL'Lt, but the v :ih> bai ..¦¦u ¦. with repeated]tiorn.i, a> .I the rnadt are l.» iiy cut up A party uf in a...> ii t.-ii to aacend Mnunt K'anb, latoly, but had to .e-turn alier reacblng tbe Orand Mulnta.

AnabuptietH are fmbidden to preach otnint for wunblp wl.iiln the ti-riitnry of Uanoyer, uudecpaln ct lir piimiurieui.M. Maix-iand Bnnarj, Oraad Rubbi of

thn Cotilral CnLilatory nf Ihe Jowa of Franoe, died oatbe .lat Auj-ugt

battan from QbIMi ia -peak of a fall ofgpkd ran ntnilhf patiai that occurred on the 7th lntbe clrele ol My lu placea when. It reached tbe aollbeneatb Ihe gra.a it .ti uck rOOt The day wa* markedty tiormi of thuoder and Itghtntog, the wlnd blowtnafrom weit to eaat. A atn.Uar nceurrenen waa obaeryeJin I n 17, lu partaof B.h.n..*, borderlng on the Kleaenge-buge.M. (joilard, a Fn-nch A<;ronaut, mai'a

a lucctfttul detcpt.t ln a paracl.uto frotu a balloon, atBorlln tl.e ither day.A yir. Clark hns invented a nov- Ufe-

bjat wblch bat Jaat b- ¦.> gucceaafully tetted no the Her*ptntlne Lucinn... l'hn bo-t i* l/ulll of *I..,.>A cork,hhout ball ao li.i h to t'.H kio-ea, ai.,1 almugt-naod wlityalteriiaie layer* of canvaM, li.ln wood aod cork, taa.tenrd tngetber wlth marioe glup, and formed to aa to.!.: t tuelf when ovuui.i. Tne Iramework of tbe boatto ttn i tr and *o far elaatlc, that It eaonut bn ttaved.Tbe Inverit ir'a object la to bave every iblp'i boat madelc lh<a faablon.H<m. Alibotr Lawrenee and famlly areat

;..... i.t itaylDg wtih tbe Duko of Kutland at I mgihawLodge, Iieibjablre.

Liebig, the chrmi-t, ha* juat b..,.n ap-polcud publie Profntor of the L'oivarilly a Muulab,aud Dlrrctar ol lin- f.hemlcal Laboratory. Toeaa ary lali.,(XA> franea.A pedf-itrian is at preaent, BpflRftd at

Binchegter In walklng fifieen hundred mtlea lo onejthnuiand iuci eaalve t>._ri. Ha baa compleAed aboutone-fourth of tba dialance, and la gulng ahead brlakly.

iaetters from the varioin aeaporta indi-cate tbat tbe Frencb Uovernment to devotiog mueh at-tention to slrengtbn-lLg tbe ateam oavy. Airnaii atboriLcfdenta, a recenl letter frcm LVjrient atatea Ibat tbattlpi of tbo Iine Ma/*gran aod IK) gune eacb.are betog tut» d wltli acrew propollers. A ennretta, tabo named I.a Mekar«, to |a b^ hullt at Rorheforl, for thapurpoee af leatlog a new pl._, by wbich a M. Armao, ofBnrdeaux, propoaea to obyiale tbe objectlont that eatott.alnrt lroe Teggelg. M. /.,_*. , ^^ y ,,, .uj,_ M _..ner BBBBBJ entlrel, oM-oo, aod lo . aa«i It wlta an oaterfrtrreand plankingof rlmber. rt-veral m-rcbanl yea-ten bullt In thlt mannt r are taid to have glven aattof* .-Il..n.The reduction in price of the Mimiteur

by meaBsof " (loverBment p*p baa n-oeittiated moatof tbe otber joutnali to reduoe thelr prlceato a potntthat oiuat make publlcatlnn a d-ad lnaa. T*e Payi and' >i".. ...'in are annnunned at 40 and i. franea ra.tpectlvelj.Ihe itamp .'.y alone coatlng RB franea.

COMM-RCIAL INTELLKJKNCE.Barloc liroilier- dc Co.'a tircalar.

r^r-ba Lobo<.n, Kriday. Aaa. JT.-h P. M.W e tave bad fice weatuer, witb little loteir.etioo, dur-iDgtha wetk. a-d tha baraaat ia procaeding raoidle Tba( or.n tr_daba*coo««Hiueotiy beao du'l. aa.l VV ,ir«y aadPloib are both tieaper <'.ittoi» maiotaln* ftav_lu*. Ia tbe Cotooi^ ai..i Poreigo Panot. r -na. gett tbarala* BOt been mucl. dolnx. but pneaa of _K*t ar-krlea oa.air.i. *Lpport. 6 .M.,s».n rennii . abundaat: by the 'aat ra-t^r?^ti1"..?fDO?.nt*r.B"ll''>n,B th« Bankof Kngland waaBUaMAlST New Itollar. I.IC.j Bar ailv.r, b,t|-botbdu V _*... _The Pu.a-i,, have tmproved Contolg leavt ofal ' tflOn. both frr *4.,..ey and the baa been very riaH, and l<« beg« itanctloa

have been oearlvall i, oghi ia at J,**.. fnr HiadtiratBil-ver; Meaic_aSI'v*r3, lo, aedTeoendel \4i i «? th ; taerob*iugbol»jyera,uoleMat _d.«Sd. red_ellon, at wblch BBBof two parrela are belleved to bave cha. ged hanft* artvaBely.t uci.a.Patea eonao.d lo %9< hag* Tranidad at J3, for ord.grM to'^l 6 for good re.l witb ooe lot ot fine at IICok'iKK.Tbere ba« heen . fo'r damand, botn from tha

frao BLdeiBcrtera, InK ihe quan'lty br~unt 'o*ward bubwn loexcea* ol it. a-d holdert, whi r-a-.e »hewn grtatfiioi.eea, have bad tobny lot tjnit extent. Of l,l«» taakw1.-T-. bag* P'aB'atioo Ceyl n at auet.on, ah"it two-tlnid*were reailttd at extrerr.e ratea, ehletly fnm 5o 9»'AI, wltlfebirtce ruarkeat74>_e-l ; ,'gal hayg* B-ttv. have brougbt4J,6_4a , 6 7<aibag»( n.altieafraiu l- n»W arltb *o_kavery choiee (gimi ar ln i- ./> to tba old uiouaitB Jvma'ca)at k" a *> G. lf_> pkg*. lamava brougbt .2 6- *>*.., aad -A-talfbaie._lo«bafromi-. oyrt.6: wbUe 1,150 pk(tMaa*at

. . .i w i ahata ib* v«''Bt boao >"*»i> prtnc.Ba'lj"". *' i,'1.VaVnua'i ->.- aaataeei hu haaa ,,..1'

r". -. .**L « -a' . i.*..<- '" *.'"" "'.»¦'- "\laLaaaaaT lolba»V»i5*aB 'I 0". ... .*.' *PI>T^ I.IaTitt3ar. ee'ae.haek.a'l a-.....*. [*.>*» ortllnatv Ja>a lo

;T-53K '-,--«'. ¦ ¦.';-J'!A^ >.' -' ".........,.- ... rarv Ittta do_. i « I b» ar t>« Waeio-ae n tti-r* wai ran ..¦.¦¦

T* o"J V.J.MI'"'. ". " <Ui all klndaorO"*^

r^a. . Oty ol ¦i.'.v.;... Fb>atmg WJJJJ ¦

ra .f i.ila ard ita«« ^ ,Jv, j, ».» * .r *»ld at W o» «. .mt, oauni ana

B' , .. «i h.1*. fi.r th* w*ek, BtH .1- Bdv, Wlth -Blei of S -^ ^ '

bM^ pr.t..., ., ,,- e raWa, Ai tb aay a

...,,.,..a. panataj al tall imi***, yvataiaajf < "¦

BtjMa ttabaaa M, ..i-. aaaferfay a»il».,,.a. **'^T,. ,-Th.T-* SAiaraealpeeewaaaha

t*T?JL*?JL* '*M« «tabata, BB/ : 114

kwat I'**1 . at!,..,,. uia II Mra-aa t ai.e Aloee.B»»aaeaa.t.e>ai .»*/-.¦ '',.,.., ,. .;.*.. n: 70aaaaOil

i » ,-V V aad St bil» 4 aidanwina, I SfBW I,

S££¦¦ -, i":";:;...;.:r,^!*iw.

3Reaf »V C "nX-*a> Bk* 0|«a>All |7,d Ul'

, TmT^^^S^kw. aad flbtaB eaOabM*., . ..!Tcro^*l..n,,..tlb.*Mr*,M*..'*aoftb*la..111* a>.*p. aTiadt... BeaB. > . aata, BB taka plsea BtaVir--'. "' « Ot a»praa»r->r. wui aoi »a aar eaaa<aaaiaa

.* (TlWaaaaaV) a4 a*taaOaaaaaata(OWaaaaaB,)*TT a^laiaaaaaa Oaaaaad, aa-e^aaa-a Bara ara anw

.-wr-ehaatod *«.>-*. hatatM^Itatwaaaadvat Mt?aa^amta.W taXVaba libaOTIieaawwb doieg aaaa >te m<v*d mnVa >¦ RNpaatajrlaM* l t&Abtal i)ia«r.-w Swad'ah Hll Kiikibb i A N l>2t» P t» I ataUNS ««l*.l Aeciiargal IIRheat- t: luaiai aacnn b«v* c-t e rataar eauar: i-apa

->MA.wraia. .v. ,, H. I . I 1> « t» II l

j illit.-' l'|it-t!i«,.'l i.' '' ;.'\ vii</t.'. . II4>#A*»P

,r _,1 . .. s**na,.!.on th*.p t at 14 bf rBI.0k.>ea,

aajl *44 * Ktr 4'a'cntts N.t'v-i .-> >n* for srrivsl.I v . i .V-A-n-'-a ...'..-iltr-lvsithayairivt,

atc I taM a-r.-tMtoea knglwidiillat II \-- sndcorn-oa F^h di!l st laat niiotatirvna.

t - at A47 10 dv'Vi ra m » 'H^ Cocoa Nntt» a\«* Pert'ga re**.; ed Hip* t-n treely at-44 6, w-i.e

arraa *a acarea at ^A «»t a' 10 S on thaapea. t* ».-r n*tt threa ai rtha. ar.d gfj t> for monthly deltv-arwa feoei IVrrrber r- Marcb

P < -i dv l ir.' V. rheaper v\ a nave to T*port aales ot

pa* hk-, R*u.-sJ tr\>tu . a*U acd 4,«n» bi?s t'onn-a atR tw*

. of | bUe helrl finuly.\ i.ii NtTatTi 8 ipa

i « eamvakaaaatll'XbalaglLaidar pioiaMg a .

t taa:i-..t at #10 3 on t ie upof, snd £16 10, to

.!bbwv-,wn,*m>**>aataeof aao **m» '*1mt"»°1^^ '»ab*.i »»aaiM>ataianoiirgaratJi «' ^M>%« Africao_% a>i«» <aba»i lamaira at » n t »nd l>0 ba»i It Ofl "7 3S> bag» Ma-aSi' 8ia«B I'ej-per at aueOonirr-e takaa at 4 4.; and !'«' cbnti V aarta l.ignea at 11>._VB . wt:v $ - ca«ea Cawta B-iii foord buyert at the ea-


eeof X* 4 *A*- 1« Nutn.'gs acd Mace are gjn-. .a*aaef Al

. Prrclubeti n.o:e ln '-t !r^m Befiner. thlaaamaluaad 4 *M hhda. Wnt Ir.dia bsve been uld. tbe raar-

BaTrLwaka Srm.ty lo-dsy at aitoea whiab wete barely ohtatn-BaaetaMwaak \i < ta ba.i Mau-.nai. MaJata, Bengaland.

fc ,. , baveri at about thairaTTL By Brbrafi ootratt very Mttle dl.po-J7-ua» baa b*»B abowa to ru.'«haa- snd tb >utb tix or aeveo

aaranee ara < Herag aflcat tha bo»m-ii hai been conficod to

aaVcT^a- aagi wbite Per:.snust B/IM for Trleito, one

afL'J*? Box**yaBow HavaaalNo llUat.": for\enic».tx* af (UP o. aaalai HJ a« B 4. f"» -leraey. ar.d ooa of 1.7ihiBtta* wt. ie at ^> for St Pauaaharfl Pbe NetherlaodaOratkca fV. ..;y ba.aadvar iaed 41.1" ' baiieta .lava fortalaBI tiBlwilaat na Tlth Betteiiibar, belsg a a.ualler quantitygyaa aaoa.. aad th a oircaaaytaoca. ii li boped, willgive more

io t'earticJe.T. - . a.3-1 3^' ->on thaipot. and3S/9»JS,o

.ar ibe laat tbiee muatba.Tta.Po*be .le* of 1 -.'-^ pkt. were beld to-day. wlieu

4.mM ptc, loand boyera. wltnont material chaoge In vslue ;

pag isaya wai retber more aaliuatiou ta the biddiagt, aodaTaatoa Tc~rg HyaoM wera a littie daarer. Cotnmon Con>aaa ig- ta^X s.i ttritnaltaiB ara BBt dupoaed to maka aklai. butp-^aea of F.p<Hak rentan the »snia Btnealt held at 001 ftS R boai a °f> la Uollaud Sj. hai 1-t.n paid for a unallr*

T. s-1 <t m Kflflflh hM been *oM Ifl itni.ll lotaat 8 6(7>| - Pplr:i. arsrca, and Bntiah held for 04 9

B) gaowa.a pareal tf PatatbaB b*»n taken for ti:a( ,: i.- Nothiag d ue u Sou1 RaB o: No::::-BFaatUi haaa oo chaaga toaoti eln Amf.r;^\n Stocks.


Kii hard-on Bratbera oV ( o'a. (Mrcnlar.p-» ajka fo j LivKHfont, fltf Mo 27tb, 18>2.

Baarfl :ft>FRirv;.; Cort- n la t ie early partof thafjrata t * c a'kat wa* rsth-r ta favor of pnrabaaera, ai tbedaKi-.d waa^wfVt, Bwt noea tnaClth thare ba. beeo an 1m-aaw*ad :n-)-i.ry ; boJaera, bowever, tiaviog ruet lt freely. waBbvi aaabaaaa lo uo'.e lu ihe eurrencv of 'Mt week, wmchbt «d to 5. ordlasry, oad. midohur. a'ad 5f lalr,aad e« lor Kair L'piatd. -;1 t. Md o.dluar-,Ba *. pjidenoa tai n-lofthog f-or nnd t.d. Kair Ories- nand r-oa -i - 1 to .d. Imp .rt 242 2. 8co kk- J*". ata'Dit i.V V* asrn* lait year. Salaa of tbe¦ nt u.san, af wlnch *pa< »la».... uVrn 11,141, ex-

rrtart \C\ and tha trade 30. U" haiea. To-cay L'.oooaold,00 of waich on apeca'aiion a-.d export, w.tFi a (tesdier

C a-> -tAa-i .Montreal Pott are duli at 2t , and Pearli *-.>.

a> ewtUvbB'.t.ov Birk i. duil at 7/ to 7 G \~> cwt. ttt lat

aaaii'.y Pkilaatlghia and Banin.ore 6 f' cwt.OO ,_Uf Whaie Oll tbe rr.arkai ii bire. 8p-rm 1. eteady

Bt *V^ w A * Palm fm f »im. I" 0a direel import.a Kr - a bs* oeeo aold at < t' cwt No Ti'kckm \e here.T»B ia ^-a *. a»id sn srt ia»aa won ri ie >, r>La«o.Abaa4 >tuna bava a.-r.vedof hue quality, all of

arbktb ba- b ->i uid at H B» cwt.P, .1 ha n arket n mai ai.d we do not hetr of any

Bs.e>::.m r.rrt nanda. Pokk u quiet, aad wouh about .?<Wbaiia -. .inovingofl at 01 to .'»> |' cwt.G. » a Bal a niort titne baab . -iap.ed tince the deptrt-

*». af tba are ic, (wnen we edviwd an o"r correapann-ntiaf Ibe a are of ibe triarket for CereaJe arttclea,) wa are afffatdad very itttle n. tter tor a review ol inti trade, and we

Bhall at p:«5**Lt cot tae oor temi-li to a brlef of tiieraprrtt w*r*c ive i-apaetiog tne aropt of vV'heai from aomaat :he O.-iio rrow^ f diitiirit. Fiota ih*i* r-porta we arallda-ed to believe thst in m(*t ot the r'.aitern CountieiBootb of tbe Humber, \\ beat will t>e af lnterior ijuslity.Bddehe»r:t ir quar.tity, and Soath o» ihe Coitnty of Lin-aata paiti'uiaily io, aad aaaanRbuj tbr»'tFh moii of thaCount:*i rJoutn acd vv'e«. of tha: parallci. The weatherhatkaflfl io thowery (with at liuiei beavy ralna) tbtt inach oftba vvi-e.t t,aa tprooted, aod haaa aaaarad in dou>tlulaotdif...n. Tne prodoce per acre «iu fs'l b.-lo# an avtra;*,Bndmccb ibortoi lait year. Ihe NorthanCaaaOtaa ia-ludlag Lsi.caai.irr aad tne upper pot ot Cbaaktra and extend-b| lt'," Nortbward and iBtiudu g lha Snth.-ra part tf rfc'l^bad, b.vLi barn more favore* in the weathar, and thaCcpi h-..og»c forward a. furber S.uth. wa bave maafllaa cmnplatnt at to the probahl* ^ leld B'.d ,ua!i'.y. (Jur a.--COlbIi of t: e vV't,-at ctop from Ire'md are reuiukably freaaf oouiplaint; lat our ooriaaaoaOantaaaO hieadtiufoim uithats mtch l<at bieadtb of lind baa been siwn to Wheutthaa La a*:y'ii year fjr a Icag --ri- d. Ad\lcea retpact-lai tbadlttaae in Poiai .1. are ran ranfllgrlBgIhwa vrockOt wesk, avao from the eams locanttaa; but Ijoji all wecaa

Rb>r ws are r f opir.ion thal a'lbougl, a Isrse extint of land.betn plsnted wit... thla root. tn.t baaam tbamoathof

Marcb next, Inrlian liorti, F.gypnan IA heat, aod oth.rookr.atanaacaoui fw>d wlll be reiianad f >i the luiteuaoca of thanaa. tf tbe p< pnlatiot of Irelsnd Our ajcouota of thaWbeat crop. ia Vraoee sre alao tn.favoratile aad a ooo.lder-akla ad.anca baa laker, place in » raa of the markete, butpnota io Pariabsve not >>een mstei.aily sOacted.aVi».Oor Isteat scsounti tto.ii KaaO and Huaiax are oo

tba wbole to-proved, aad alao fi jiu Woieaatar, but in manylee.lit-.ea ol tacb count) coonderabie and irrepsrable dsm*Bga ba. baea done by iuhu.i of wlud aud rsin. The firitp-cket of u*w Kent llopi baa tnii week sppearad in tba* ioro'," aad obtamed « intoeai k* II. Na approxiuis-t'.ncau yot bemad* of iba aaabaMa yo-id thu yaar, ai thaMta haa n-any vtclaaituceato uudergo tafota ganeral pickingraa aoniuieiioa.On refeirlen to our eurrenBv for RmkBICAU Wiii *t and

FuitK at thiedale lUl. wa l.ud our quo-.tiil *i wera lorWbite and Mixod :> :i io'¦ *, a'.d I ajr Caaartian |laat Weitein laoal Obic PhUaBBlphiB and Baltiaiore1> lo 1' 6- Ou. prewnt i,.i-.»iaiioui are nea ly 1 f* 70 tb,flad 1 lo 1 u 4)* bbh biabe/.Re beg to remark tbat the low qaaHtJ of BBatf of tbe

Raerloan Klour that ba. been n Bltad here foranne yeanMat baa cauaed tha d..tereoce ot pnoe batweea it aadWh*st to ba much gteatar tbau Ihe reiaiiva proportion ot>P. of tbe forrner to tha l>M. of ihe .after. At a piooftbat leall) tfK>.' Klour ia api>reciin. A we may itata tnstVkiiai'l p bbl. b«a beeo the ou'.i.l- value ot tn* r>e-tAayt-neai cnaaie, Kiaocb tbe asina Oay haa freely ma.te

f ?o" Ib, o> sboui i> io p hai, aad Irtah94 to'^>, f* isoft. tr 24 to M hf> bhl(-aoadian Klour baa thuaeaion kept very baoly, and mttck

Of tt hai j'.oved aiiaoandTl*w»ather for tbe laat tbree iy» hfll been fine, bat

RtBie bave pravailod each night81t.ce Tueiday iait tbeia ba* been a fair btiiineaado'ngb Fiour at tbacurrency of that day, hai few traoiacuoui

bave been aaaaaOad ln Wneal or aay otbar anu Ie.At our roatket thitmoriilag w- had but a .ins.l attend*

kaea. BLd'be weatbar pionng tina, the mtllart wera uuiieadapoted to pnrcbaie bot at a coaeaaiion of Id to 24 |> PJR ol Turidiy'i ratea, wbieb ownart wera not geaeralty diaOaatd to acorda to, etpeciaily on fiu« <;ualitiea ot Wbite andRad. a0 ln the abaencaof aay luiportant buainaaa, we c»-Mer tba cur-ency noalterad. Tba itme remeth will applyta tb* hi.ilnea, aot* in Anieri-an K.our, b t |«d ot lalr

rd tict ct 1'btiadelpbis snd I'a'timo.* w* e Balable st .:bbl No kslei weie raportad iu lod'.aa Ccrn eitber sflost

. otilie »,. t. Osttiwsl lUJi oet'ected new orlertag at38. t lodlcg burtts ola Oata *ara aot lower, buthaw were lo ratber bettor leqaaat st Tu*tday°t prtcea.Ib jorttof Forelgn Ontn and Floor itnee thu day week:

'\hcal, I f, EoS qaarteri lad.aa Coca >." ¦:) quaitara; 3I,«'«Itua Flaurand2im sacka. Bxpoit al Caaa l*W quarlera,1751 hb.'i > var, aod I."-1 <iasiier* or vv heat \V * .jaotaAaueiicao Wbite 0,0taO "., Csnsdtaj 0 i to t! 4. AaericaaRaab, .; Ftear. FaWllBrphtaBi Bs'tiuiore .'1 Wa.te:-s*»' C to .1 obut, no tweet oa sale; ladian Corn, YclL wiV . to 3f . W hue lha aao.*.P8. Loaooa aaarkei ulea»aphed d-ill s.iivalt ot

foial.n VV hist and Oata, vi^ kRO 0 isrteit of tha fbrmaiaad ZtyihV of tha lattar.

Monn M.irl.e:Cox.'Oi ¦ have luiprovad tlnee laat adyicaa, althoogb tbey

opeoid at a altgbt dastaa on Kiidav, snd thare beiog lut.aOana prt-eidid not baptavav rortlgn Uaauritie* acarae.yB) weli luppc.rt'd 4. ot.aoi* io' Acc-mt aad kfoway aloaadtfrida) at e*.rfloo. Three-and-a tjusiie PerCabttlii.Higbe.? prtce dutlng tha weeh for M.mav lf«, Rweat r<H.P*B'.. A,(/, fj)Foc- and-* halt Per Centa opaned at I'WM, %&*. cleaed at

a*00t'. Thraa I'er Ctanto cloaed at 76 A

ArerHcaa Mtorba.Thara hM been bo oow featara in tbe ttiarhat fbr Amerf.

CM Bacurtfra, and ao luafenal aitaraOon in prkaa, wlncbOra qnotid by Meear. beii .-. - ti gdiow-1 Pnca.,t7.8 5a> oatit Bauda. l*>5 97 § *

B .. . 1801 1<« aTW

ulaf^C^BiBa-.i - iaw leaijijN V ,s,ai.. ".I'leil Bta-k.lafW-lBBB -7 tl <WPeew»i-aato.a>e*at Rtook. -- HJ};*8-'!l-eiiilvKaiiia 8* ca-ot- Bvuog. IHH* AM OJ -

UhiofiB eVnY ft.ak. BH B106Ma*M.I....-ii**.i»caiit. StoiiingBda.. 1*1 l'« aMlOMaiyi_irl.-.>'c-i,t. SumIIo* Butid*. ... - 9fi*iB 87JMrglnialit1 aeiit B.mda. 1?3.Ketitu..yo|»reiiL B.urU. I«~ wctonTeimetwe 1. V I'-nt BoBil. l«t"» «» _. »Cnnadafi^ cent. Rteitlng Kaiidt. 1874 II- "'11Alharv City llg> eer.f K.ndi. 1870Roatoa City * * eeat BeaBi.MBB-IBM 94 & V>Met iieaitMi I *» eei t ReadR.|flV7-|»i« WJ» 87|MeW'Tetb City rtfeent tltock.I AS-1870 9o .f .Phlladelplna k Rredlng R R. 6 *> flond*. 1R«« 8IJ»*"

N Y A Ki-e7 *» cent lat M . B..ort».13o8-IRi,3 106 |n_N V... f.iii-7 |» c. nt. -d Mtg. H.'Ld*. 18.M 81 B BN. Y.k Erie7#>cei<t. ConvertiMe.... 18*2 -> <f 91

p,Mt,-l,lgan Centi.l 8 p c«ot. Cnnv. 1880 lfYJ i*t'J4fU>liiu_iid PenukNlvatiial^ceuU.1346-1-0 93_t 94

Btnte of Trn.le.The report* of tkaetatett Traile tn tha mannfaetunng

dtotricta coiitinuas viry flattering, and a* the aeaaon ou I'l.Llii.L'i.tal accouut la faat orawing Ij a elj*e. aotobe aottvily ln itrmanil lor manufacturee aad yarna whlch

givaa fuil i mplnvuient at ren.unerative prico* 10 all clatae*,aad eaohar* well furulahed wtthcontactaciverlng a HRMB-fu aia waaki to cou.e.. H'rifht, fiandy ir Co,

l.lvrrpool Cattaa Irlnrket.Staa* the aailmgof tbe Arilia or ratherilnae Ttieaday,

ttli, .here ha* been mi loiprorad luqvlry, but bolder* havlegi.iat the deiiiar.l lie. ly, witbeiit. hjwaver, evioelng aay de-alie toorea* itl.i, priiea car.imt be iiuoled at any vanatwnfrom iboteof Prlday laat, neniely: New Orleant Pair. v\at id Mtodling. !>-tf-Md ; Mobile Falr. r_i ; M'ddf'eg, S 9-16</."i , Atlantlc, f>a Middlmg. :. 31'. d.; Ordloary N»w-(IrleaoB, Mohilt aid Cpland gPBBd +' R Balea of threeUaya. to Fndey nlght, l '"»' balea, of whlch Bpeeulatnr*took 7.000 and F.xportert 8 00n, a* follnw *

aTaiaiadaj Balri 1 TT f.alet; Speculation, 8,888] E«-i>< rt, l.iain,iin»t)y after Arctic aailedTbuiada^.-alea»,ia'bliale«i Bovculetion, 2/0I; Export.

noneKitday-Salee lO.OOO balea; Speculation, 2,(XO; Evpoil,

-.1*0. _.

S'ock on band. 818JB balea, againat 6."* 490 balea on 77thAuguat laat year. l-iRana fjr tbe week, 21,.12 balea, ofvWnrh li.,20v were American. Mirket on Priday clotedtttady.

i.1» rri.ool t'orn ItlarketaPorirg the pait thiee dava the weather htt baen (ine, and

thenarkett i-onaeijoent y dull At Pnday'a market,(27th,ltbere waa hut a tlun attendaace, and bnainsit lu all artlcleewaa lunited Buyert were eetiroutnf a reduclioaofO \d8 2 f 70 tb*. on v\ heat, whi.h boldera were indiapoaed togianl. Pnme paraelt of Ameriean Flou-belngecarce. miin-ta'M'd Tuetday'a [irlcia. bat infenor were from 0,3toO,6eheaper. A. PeoBtetnun v Co. qaote Weitern Canil Klour,,(. tn'.n B| Baliioiore, 10 6.2' , 1'hi'adelphia. 20 fmSi ''.Canadlan, auptr BB t<r2i , ditto extra fine and fine. B 120 6; Ohio. 21, ni\ ti, *our. 11 Kd 19 lodlaxi Cora Meal,nme: VVfceat S. wblto y> 7*'P.t.6 T-G I; red aad whtteunxad. 6 r_b 1j.l|,,w Indlan Corn p 4»" ;r.a. 38 G_J__. ;w-itadltto,29,-<7-0, ; Mi-e_2K rf2f:,6.

l.l\«i|iooI Provlalon "»Irii ef.AlKJUt 70 turit Laan lmve ¦lltad, al t-ne quality, all of

whirb haa been .aold at .".:. 4>c«l. Btrr.!%¦ niarket itquiet, and we do not liea' ot any talei from firat liauda.Pobk n quict, and worth !r0 »¦ l.M. Bacon lainovingoflBtB abi A» .va t. Ciieisb. lffiBi-, would aell a; 42 941

l.lyerpool Prodnre tYInrker.A8MB8 ln good d> m ind aaletof600 bhla. at 24 to 24/6 for

Pot, BBaM f cwt for Pearl. Rimn tabble at *llghtly im-troilDg pne**; Wl brougbt 3,b to 12, ^pewt for ver, fine.TlKilNTiNT. tcarceand in demand; I' » bbli Btl .*>cwi.SiiritsTi-bpfntim: Ameiican realize 37, ^>cwt. Amer.

hii T..R. 1.200 bbli at II *: *>» bhl UtZWOOm -itleiofalldetcriotiOLt do not exceed 130 tum at foriner price..Corrbf.The demand from trtde con'muei, talei of week,

I'O tc*. Jamattii at fr< m 4.5 6 tor cdioary, to fu for finen.iddling BBB bagt lound M*raraila< at .4 and 2>-o bagt St.Ilomingo ordinsry at 40 fine ordioaiy at 44 $* cwtRkk.Kalat lluiiied to 4.<«»' htgi Benaal at |8 3 fjr mid-

dling bioken, to II 3 for tiue; ir" bag* Arraxan. all fault.,and MO bag- Para, at fl,G f cwt. Mo tran.ictioi.t in Car-oiii.a.BtG.vR niarket oontinne* flat Salei >V> hhdt. B. I*. and

1 ,i.i ba.i B.ngal, withoot n nieriHl cbange in pncee. Alittl. apeeulalive inquiry liaa bet-u perrsptible for Foreignwlthin ibe | *.t day or two, bui at yet witbout retultlng inbu.lneas. Noaaleaof RlOLABM a.

Tat.Seveial parreltof comnmn CoLgon l:,n e been «oldat 1-1 tn eant.rter* ai.d tj,eculalora. but n.tio runcli doiagin blackuh leaf Hubow sorfa. Scented Tea* ar* neglected(ireen, infteble io tlie want* of he trade. mo\ e otf leadilyOll s- Olive Oil ha* been in liriut. d demand but price.

have aomen-bat advanced ; Galiroli il nt £5] and Lubon at.t'48-o _I8 |B/, with little of any ktnd ot«ringj 60 tuntpale and color*0 Seal have been sold at niiofations; tmallaaleiCial Bt ,£33.f> tnn; Linteed Oil in falr re juest at 88lal Pale Pape, 34 P cwt Palm, talei about 2M) tunt,tmall parcela at .i'2S l" to -28 1ft hut a ratber towat priceha* been aciepted TALLOW ea«ier Petenhurg P. V. C.4" /;4t>,3d; a Itw fine N.rtli American at 10 and SouthAmerican at 34,6d to 3B,, acoruir:g to '(uality.

l.oiidon .tlarketH.Prioay Eviniv -By Mail.

- ir.Wttt Iadia rather higher. Sele* to-day 1,533bbda. makinf: 1,888 durmg tbe week. Rttided,'ull prtcegpaid Orocery lumpt. 41 MB/A Koreign.Yellow tltvan*fc' a2H Cofm.i. I'ncei wi-11 maiuLained Nativa Cey-Inn, 43,344,. T-.v--Soucd Corguu. T,d. CcTTON firm.Fa^eafor tH» aat^k. 3*t*halea. Tai.i.oa -P. t. C , on theipot,ii',. Tbe Corn utitket cloaai dull.

Ilmtr >lui U.'f.llaa-ar, Tharadar, Aug. 25, 1Rj.

There hai been a dnll market yeaterday; the aalogimt.unt»d only totioo balei I' a.CoTioNs but witbout anymaterial chai gi in piiceg Tlie luLiut arrriv*d from Ne ar-

Orleani with acargn of l-BACCOaaf IM balei of Cotton.The 'bii.i a (itay aailed for _av*nnah.Tn day tle demand haa agaia been very iimlted. and not

n.ore thao Mo balea have been taken l\ji loniuuiptlon. l'ri-i ti r»maln ul-out the tanie.PoTAtR aud lin k are he'd firm tlie trantactloni. liow-

evrr. wlthi 1 their two day. have been limited.Tte wtallier ba- again B8BM.S tiiieand hot. The Ralint,

whicb came down froui Rouen wilh ..ine damage, bat Ivencbatteied lieie for New-Uneam. Tlie lloivard. for Knuen,ia hing in HirlVua, and mu»t diacharga f>r wautof wa'eriatlietiv.r. Peveral ves.ela. aniong wlucb tlie Pyra::.tdtad (i.'tvia. bav. m-.p cliailered in Le" da.u for our p rt andthu L'mttd Statet, tlie foimer lor Ne.-OrlaaM, aod Ihelatter for New-Yirk Amerkan veateit ar.' besoiniugicarce.

Tlie Durheate d'Orleam wi'l leave to-uiorrow fir Rew>\'ork. wlth a large Li.ri.ber of paateogert, and the Eir.per.rBB tbe 3lit ioit.

Ilnvre .i»fiil..-r ... ABtnckof Coitok on hand, 18MI balea, of which W.i-V)

are Amencaa. Salei of tbe week, I BBB bilrg. wlth n riae ofto Jf nn l>i*t werk'a i|uotationi, arconliug to quality, tbe

BOVBice btrir* prtanj.a'ip i n tbe lower gradeB of bat aodt * laa. whicb for torne tlme paa» geem to bave attract.dthe rotiee of tperulafnr* and export.-ri. Tbe Kuroga'i al-vice* Irave* the qai tatmn* unchar ged, but very dullCorn i irantactlon* eontioue to a limiU'd exteut, but

v lll ii* ehange m piii e».Rici:.Rali-t of i.,n bjgi Bengal afloat at r'.20fr., and

J ".00 Ak. ab at lbfr. Imporit. e,i'73 bag*.

Pri-lHble.No i htnga to L'riti d Statei pogtA

LATKST EUKOPEAX IXTELLIGENCE.The Standar<f, rulfirring to the nimor

of tbe obj-ct of B. IVralgni') a vtolt to Londoo, layt th t

the propctal to reduce the Frcneh army, and to form a

commerctal treaty with F.ngland, baa gtvfn increaaedci.m'.dence among tho operatori in 1 rench aeourltiet ofall kitidi.A lattar from Paa), laleof Man. sovs the

larvett haB beaome general throughoct that (gland,and lin' y.eld litpokcn of at more than uiually large.

Tlie Europcan Timtt snys...TheCu-nard Company'i icrew iteamera, th- Andei, Alpi, Jurtand Etua, wlth twn i thrra not yet named, are to conr

BBBBSB galliog eatly In Dect'inber; but lt la nol gener-al!y known that theie vonelt are to go from I.lverpoo'via New-York lo Ch_grei,and to return lo Llverpool-Illi Intecded to ttart them on the Wednetday of theweeki on which the mall tteamera ia<l for Boatou. Thliwill gire Ibe oppoitunlty of unloadlng thelr ctrgo lathe Unlted Stttee, go es to be rvady to ttart for Chagregon tb»- artlval of the New York atetmer leavlng Llver¬pool ten day « after.tbli will glve Immense advanget tothe trarellog communlty and to iblpperi ot g.mdi. TbeAndct, Capt Wlckman, lt appolnted to tai) ln Deeem'ber, and the Alpt, Capt Hatchlngi, In January.The 8itiount of gold coin and bullion in

Ibe lnue dcpartaent of the Bank of Eng and li itated a


From Tcrks Island..We havepaperafr, m Turki Iiland to Auguit -'.th, but they eonuin noRBBBk

WKXICO.From The R, il. Fi ayua*. Bept. 3.

Tht> scluMiner Bmiirn, C'npt. Church. ar-rved bereyea'Oiday frnm Vera Cruz, wblch port ahelelt on tbe .lat ult. V\ e bav. do later dataa by her frotbe City ol Mealco than tboae brought by tbe Joveau ALuellto, but from Yera Cruz we have recetved pa-

pera to tbe Itat, two dayt later.Capt. Church rapottR that a Bpacie traln,

ecnitoilng of ten wagona, arrtved at Yera Cruz fromtbe Cily of Bexicoon tbe 14th ult Thia wat tte BB*euctm wbiob had been detained at Puebla for a areeknn aocouLt of tbe revclutk nary movemenla ln that partof tbe counrry.The biig Ti'htiutitepec wa* to loavo f.r

tM- port on or about tbe .'4ih ulL Nr. Letcber wouldbe oae of tbe pataengera.

Kvt-rj tht.g waa iptiet tit Vera Cniz whonthe Boaba aailed, aad bualotaa waa qutte dull.The MomioT aa>a that the opeoing of

tba pyr poMl. for tbo pttvflego of oonatrucB-g a roadtcrcBB tbe Ittbaua ol Tebuantapeo, wni.h wai flxedfur tba )." tb of Auguat. wouli n a take plaaa oa tbatday. No day waa flxed for thlt pnrpoae, nor ta any raB>aon glven lor the poatpoaement, but /._ l'ui*n talokatbat eacb dclay but complicatee tbe mattar aad pavetIbe way for new dtfticuBleA Ai a proof tha tbaee aratb'u ke-Ifg, It aoplet irom iht Picmf'tnt a aotiga of tha

r'atm of Coafl I*ort*r M a tract of lanj titaeted netrhblt flfloalb of tba Ckjalgaatali nt. '. >t aor-.b-.-a raulared10Baa floaalcaB Oorarameat, La f tnattilnkt icrangetbat 'htt claim bai not Deen urged bt lore.Wn fir d in the Meaiean |>ap4rfa tha drt-

cree at lei t-ih af tbe MlaaBhBTef ro»eigo A:rairt,£?e.;>rRamire^, (H'li gth*c >ndvl >na rn whtrh pro;> >i*ia m

rptn lnf*r;-re^nlc t-orr-nuolcatlon arroea tho lathnoct afTr.buacti p> r- «il! b- reueived by taa Mexicaa 'I te-vo-ment. The dacree It da.ed ihe -j:»h July. In '/'At T<c-oy./ae of the 14th olt we *ave i-.n» llemt of tba char-acter af thia decren. The .v> x can ptpert maka nocorr.meuta on li Tbe lr*ii i'/ num. whtle priltingBt >r BaaaOfWl hi»bly for tbe lnu»l!'g*nce aod /aal fortbe tntei eata of tbe country he hai dw^layad In tba pre>Daee'.lcD and nlabortrlon of thtt dacree, thinkt that Itleevettoo wlda a fiVId open for the Gireriiment n ex-erclae arbitrary p.-wer ln tbo cholce ,f peiuoa to whomIbt- rontract »h«ll b* glrenWe lind in the Trail d'l'nion, of the

14th ult. a few Iten t ol r ewt not mentlinad ln theMexfran papera recelved by the latt arriv.,1As we tbea etiitpd, Reholledo badtaken

refuge nt Naollneo. One hucdred and ftfaj tntur^enttfrtmtbe ei.viront Cf Cordova had ,ioU.Pd hlm taero,Lolxlil ttatiding the aml.aMe trreog* tant enteredlnlo betwe*n hlm and the rfhoe'fl at tb* ' apreme Gor-ernroent of Cordova Koaolledo la . -ilog re,#;»Of,and iu proclaimed a klad of raartial laar, JtntpaobH|fa B'l the lr>h*t.ltatite lo iba ft'ighbirhood t*Y aai

blm, mder ptloof dtn'h The 7Vat: d"l'nin*rxtofjtthoMtllilea wlll aoon rooommence betaeen Reaoaied-)and ibt (. jvemaaebt force., a large detacbmadVafwblch re/tcbed Jalapa fro-n Vera Cru/on the Hb ult,and were enihutlaetically rec-iivcd by Ihe p p llnlon.La Cnifm. of tho :il»r. lojrji that (jrVn.

Erbagavay had left Jilnja at the h^ad of theae forjeatoattack ln Nao loro, but notblng had beenbeard of tba re.ult of tbe *rp- dlil n. Gea I'raga hadartlved at Puebia tt tbe head of a thouasnd men andelgbt plecea of artlltan,and li waa ru.uorod tbat ho wmabout to march on Oil/aba. ThepoalJon of thla iftVarla looked upon aa very autpldout, and hli Int-ntiona areucknowr.

At (jiiHilalMJura, the nuthority of the in-gurc-nt fiovernor, Uarlla, hM b*an acknowiadgad bythect-rn ot doc'o't, the cantonal >w*fa, tbe eoclaat.Mi-cnl cbapter, and tha blthop. Toe'Hmjnln, Dinlt'aomcl.-il organ, announce- tbat the clnVt of Lt/atlai. andTomlla, acd tha towoa of Tequlla, Teocal l<:be, SantaAnr a Tepa'llan, aod the detachmenta of troopt tentIrom Tequraoullo and Ocotlilo, bave gent ln taelr alhe-tijti to the Ibturgentcblef.The reidulnr Guvernor, Dnvila'3 oppo-

nent, Lope r I'ottlllo, hat tranifarrad htt bend-piarterato Lagoa. Hlt officlsl juumal, La Lt'/. appeared for thetim tlma on the oih ult, and denled the tubuii.tlon ofthe to* n of Teocaitii-hn to th* reb~l* Theae bave tacarjlour hnndred rrlminala confined in tbe pr'tltlii of Mea-cala, and bavlcg armed them, forced them lnto theirIM I

CJoveroment forces have left San Miguel,MbOi Tepetltlan, and other localltiet, to join (lorernorPurtlilo ai Lagoa.The iiiiiuir on tiie 13t*1 nlt., in tiie City

of Meilco, that S.. ..r Pardl.'on Oaray had leftthere fof(ruadalajaro, and that tbe (i.irernment had puetued hlmln valn, created a .ti ;t tettatlnn. It wat aald that hehhd rearhed tbe ecd af hla Journey aafely, and had ln-dureo Blaocarte and hla tonaorta lo prmouvee ln farorof Stanta Anna.

Jn forty-i'ight hours affer tiie fierceoom-btf In Durango between tbe loilatt and tbe, and In which tb* laiier were all kllled exrapttwo theeommarditig geieral, Moreti, tovt-d lo purtultof tbe lavegea al tbe head of ItOO men Befnre learlogbe made a forced "rslae' ot R-jOOOtl f>nm the mlnt.The Irdl«ni appeared at firtt ln a norty of 7lA) warriort,but they then broke up lnto amali parUae «nd|o>krefuge in tbe Interlor of the State. Taa Rfevjcan gen-eral ronilrued al latt accounta to puraae Abam

Tiie otTicihl or^an in the t'iry of Vfrxico,tbe CitTirfiiactoyjii^ declarea that the rvn<,r ittotillylalte lha* the Gt vrrnment had oponed ne-otta. 1. nt wltbtbe Amerlcan Mloliter. tb»- ol.j.. i of wblnk wai to ra-l.aia ihe t nttr-d ettafea, nn pHymant V 00,00^000, fr-oathe ob'lga»lrn> ental'ed on >h*m by theeiot-aoth artlcleof tbe Treaty of G .-dv'upe Hldalpo, to protact tbaMexbim IrotiLi-it (loin Indlan tovatlenThf Vmversul 9h\>> thn^ several rioto

Hrvo recenly occurred at tke rolne of Mlneral delMont.t, whero n> arly a tboitiatid mluert frooi tbat andtheadjoinli g mlnea had commltied .-Toeetlre #t rdara,bdo even tbreaten*d to tiurn tba h'lutat and machlnerybelenglrp to ibe company. 8:im» tr->ops had left tbeCity of Mexk-o to quall tne durtut banea. No cauao laBMtaaad foi tl e ii'itl.reak.

I)ob Josi'- Landfri), liite Cidlertor atMetamoraa, It I. reported, bni been nomleated to thomme potltloD In tho more l.rpartant port of Msiao/vi.He w|t| i.etii tbecont»ntof tbe revoiutbinlattBt that polnt botore auuminn tbe duttei tit hla aal '.a.

The Dftuipatioa of the OoTepatjTRhlp ofTi flaaajhaflfl bj Jt-iua Cardenw la treoerally vlewod M abad oroao for the peace of tbe Republlo. ,


M-:r. i, !,tAn 11.11.Gm .1 Caaaart.Witle'l^M'e.i.

-..,'.»r- a... I...I Makiri, M.'i r'« M:«.1; Cfckwn aHark'tLare n P»*4 i>i Boardi.g " ba .<: Raaiaa lha **iaJPe« York Tte«t,r-**i»l Cutuge; Vo iof Co-ipie T Ifl I I

K.rnia'i Moianm. Tl.i "rphin". Dr.-ii.; T»an int. B.-Wead'a Hawtrab N <44 Brmdway. tcaisra iiry e-aaing.

X3T The weathei1 enotiaoea drjr aadpleaiant, ratber warin, but not intolerable. Tnere wera

tymptomt of raln ye»t«rday, but none cam» the rloudt

pattrd Ofl with tbe tun and left ut abeautlful atarllghtevenlcp, marred only by the fine dtrt, whlch rote Uko

fog from a lew and enveloped and t yrmented everythingtbat briathod. Oh the dutt, the duit' If the rem-.val,.Ince New-Yean, of balf a mlillon n| loadt of filtb hatleft the City fifty por ceot diriler than It ever wm bi-forp, wouid lt not bo better to trow broornt, hoes andcarla lnto the rlver, and " raiher bear tbe tlla we havethan fly to tbota we know notof'" Let any one whodo.bU ihe lnfinlte dlvulUilty ol i;:atter walk lor an hourln Broadway. and POfl and feel how every corner, andcreTlcp and pore lt llned, cnated, lled, ttopped wtth

lmpalpable earth, and ho wlll be per force of tha aun'

ica of alght, trrell, tMte and fe<]|0g, thoroughly con.

vlnced of hla error. Ob, Dutt Now art thou atteuu-

aled 1

13** We lenrn that the first Cimceit ofMada'ne Sontag wlll take p'aee on the .*Oih tnat., 1

a«f k from MoLday next Io addltlon to tbe .rtliu OROatcompanled htr from Kurope, and to agrand Ofebaaitra, the bai erge-t-ed ihe chorlitert of tli lulian O^era,whose aaatitance wlll add acother fcature to tbe perfoc-llon of her ConcerU.


NiM.TH.Mii Ward EutCTIOPJ..Tiiemajorlty utd trlnortty reporti In ibbbbbOO Ij t'lla tub-ject, came up lait evei Ing In the Btard of AitttUaU-Mr. Baker entprrd tnto an e\i n'.nt'.ja of the tei'.l-mcny, declaiiog tbtt the couiae purtued at tbe OaOa>llon wat not otly illegal, but of the moat ontragaoutdetcrlptiin, BLd that bolh partlea th-uli unite in Itacoi demnation. Wblle he waa apeaklng, teveral of theliemocratlc niembera, one after atather, left the rooin,and the Boaro became wltbout a quomm, when tt al-turncd tlll Mcnday, Mr. Baker ttatiog hla tntenti-athen to rciume hlt remsrkt.

N11.11T Travel..The Eighth-av. Riil-road Company n >w run their cara a 1 niftht, one lear'ngeach ecd of the route every htlf hour after Ifl o'cloct-Tbe road la ln gotd order, rnndng fiftoen cara, and dj.Icg an excelleut builnets.


KF* Thf -te;iin-hip (ila^gow arrivrd inthe Clyde at . o cl-ck on tbe mornlng of -J7t!i Auguat,accomp'lahing the voyageln 12daya 13 bourt, barln^talied from thla port at U o'clook, Aagoat 1.

Teiii'eram'e Lectires Rjra Sermons..Tbe e'oitaof the City Temperarca AllUnco to havo

preachlng on Sundsyt in their tpacliat tent at the Five

Folntt, m well m Temporance meetinga every evenlngla tUll continned. To-morrow, preachlng and tho uaua

azerciaea of pnhllc wonhlp wlll be conductod at MH|A. M. by Rav. S. U. Reddel, reaently from Boaton, andat 3 P. M. jy Rer. John Mlley, of tha 1'acuic at M. EChorcb Brooklyn, recently from ClnslnnatL Temperanre addreetea ln the evenlng Great good hM reraltddfrom tiie meotJnge of tbe AUtanee every evenlng fjr taow- ekt pMt I adiea and gcnllemeo bave attended fromvaMoua parta of the cltv, partleulariy at tbe Seb?ata ex

erctaea. lew eoierpiitei eoulc be undertakan thal wlllbear more clrectly ib the beat good of that aecti-in oftbe city, m well at iedividualt reaidlng tbere.

At iba meotlng latt eyening, tbo ditcuMlon took thefcrm cf ajurytrial, wllh Rev L. RL l'ea»e at RaRgaopon tbo bencb, and tbe endre a-idlence ln tha charaj-terofajury.

But! -^h actadMBttornev f;r thaproaesati ^a

of Ibe oid ofebder, iba Llquor Trafflc. peraoci-. annder the name 11 " AlcoboP' and Rev. Joha Luekey at

couBi.lforthedefenao. After letxtred aod eniertain

waaj, wflraa>4BBai«ja> BBBBBJ'i Iflff Utvu auaai, |*

fafJiy. aad renoerrd a juat atntaaea 10 tne efl«« maitha montier vlca baoutlawed and detironad, ana nui

trmplea and bJiti tnmhled ln heap.. and hU ld. tatrout

worabip. arlih tta llbationa and bloody aacriacea, 00

everywi.ere prablb ted . ^^

Amoni the IntereaUBg addreaaea of tbe evenlng wm

ana ?rcn. Mr. lianimoad Ptaaoy. of Otwoaa, Tioga Lo.

Mretlrga coalloae orory arantog.

A« i mikvi - .( 1 ... Mack, a bborar,wb:> at wcrk ye*t.n,*y orioi » o -/ard li.e .1.. H*.!--briA lytfg at lh- feot -' BavaBB tt F. il acci'ieoUlly fell

n, . c.r'W.- 'he bi¦ !_ hr-«kit;» one i.f bB l*a* a-* r*

ce:-.;r rti .r j, ari»-o; * ^rio'i* nafure. He w_ooav.yedt.'he N-i V. ik II. - U'.81»rv I. 1.1. acb.lo '. . 'art ,'r age, who- iren'i reride

^:^f :. Dover.t.. whila ln ibe a< i a. ;¦« frr BStafl;d PaBBB »la ket on Thuraav eienmg g-ni<-.k her !v ,

tgalLat ala-.e. baak whieh -r"r«d b-rilieet. teailatawarthttlaahaoo B_*nglt-g lt ia a abicki.g n.-aner A ladyrao.ed Ciifu.n. aka kappeaed t. he peBaaat at tha naM,dreated ll e w< i.d. a'er i.1 N k e tu^rrft waa taken tothe New-Yetk Hoenilaiby <M" er ot the Se.ondWard.


Car'HiD to Peatii bt Ma( hi.nertA aaa i.a-ed .Joaeph Buab d.*.i yeeterday at the S. Y. Ilo*-pital. from Ll.e eilecta B* lr. '.ne* laaatvad .n VV__n_*l*flaat. af :be Brewery of Mr Koech. No 157 S.liivaa-at Itepptart ihat wbtle edjaiting am, of tl.e machioerr, he lo*tlu taatBg *Ld I flae mechinery. aod wm bor-nl..y l.ii.'»eg _ud nn.iiiatod. G.rooer Ive* beld ao inqueeturxi. 'tt 1-o.ii aud a verai. t ef aocideLU. death waaren-rVred b» tbe 'urr Deeaau.d wa> a natlve nf G«.n._ny. 37yeaitofa|e, BBd l.aa itl.a fa-i'.iy.

| Srspiaos op Larte^t..Ortio»»r K.« i.>af rbe Chiet'i Ofrice yefriay arreired a m_.n|_amed Cha*.chMon. wtilr ia tlie art oi pawoio. nlrer gp-jeg.

dretaee aad c»rr. brte r -ket-b_r.dkerch;efi, at a pa-n *hopln K-are tt. The acengrd .at taken to tba Calef* 0*cc.and tbera r «ta;i t.1 vpca l_e r.p;.itio:. tbat tba properrbad been ttolrc. Tbe tpr_n. ar* laarked J. B. H, and tbel.icdkcriblelt, Emrc. __ Qainias.

CtfiLD Stole-..A .'.Hf _irl 4 year* r.fa.e. wbo*. parenta reeid. at »«*. 117 V- ¦>_*?...«. ,'whlle play-iog in Wathi. gtt-n uraar.on *__,a*aj . .at_g, wa* deciyador aieaeirarl away hy ar, uokitc ri -. a >.be aaoat 2o ye_* nf age. Nelther ther __.*T jr IU "tacstorhaveBaaB baaa he«.ri of. w

Bteaubr Clotuim;..A aitl, "4 yearaof aie. iamed Marta foraby, ua* ye»terday amited byCflicer Heuetii tf the Tbirr VAard, cl arged » ith having ataailoua time*, alolea clothiog to tbe v*iu«. ln all of #83,fri.oi ll.e houaa of Mr*. d-rV BfBgBB No B Marray-et,fnr wbotn (be n.olliar of tn. girl wa.lied The propeity, a*U waa ttolea. v at pawned a'. the thop cf oue feck-on,No. rw Reade-tt, fr.ui whlch alece the ortietr, after callingfour ttot-a, obt.fned lt. Jacktoo eahiSiting great relurtaiceU. give it up. Tlie akl waa committed ey l.*t'ce Otbornto antwer tbe cbarge It 't taid that * pawnhr.ker who ra-fu»e* to Cellv.r op property to ae oilcer. who demand. ltby aothcrity receiv.d 'rom a mag'.itrete, la lutvect to a haaol fli-o lor eacb ..t*_*e.


Passing Cocnterieit Monet.. Awotnau named Cathanne VV .aati-y .tj* y iterrtir ar-*a|*dby Offker Hollinger, ot f:e 'ev ntk VV ard, chargad with at-tempimg to .a** a eoanter'e't l.ill ob »h" Baak of MortbAu.eiKa. 8fat. nf RfcL_ l.iand. ai the bakery of Catba-meBaier, No .4^ Hen.t-tt, ln payment 'or th'^ loaieeofbread Tlie danjhter of the accut»d liad preri.iitly otfereda bill of tha wmedeicnpil >n ti Mr Wm. M Bhipnan, ofNo 214 Delarry *t. H: nn brleg oil tnat tt wa* bad, *hataid that her nic'ber, wiio wit then at a bakery icroea theureef. had gjven lt to her to pa*B. Mr Bblpman th-n wentto the hek» ry aad Infortre.i tha mother that the bul watceorterfeif, acd that .he had bett.r nn? oler || again Notwithataad-rg adrfee, .he immedlatcly w.ot tn Mrt.Baket't tli re. whither the waa follow-ed hy Mr. Shtpmae,abo detected ber ln the art -enot it to Mr, H iker. Shewat then arrr*.ed and taken bet'ore Jutrice Welili. wbolocked her up Ut trlal. Tbe aceoied li mother of tixchil-dren, wbo mide at No. 117 Arenue D.

CiiARi.E ok Gra>d Larcent..O.licerCavanagh, of the Seeend Ward, r.n Thnrtrfav nlght erreeteda man named Rirhard Yoang, cbarged witb .teilinga caeeef bnor*, valurd at Aifl frnm in front of tlie *toreof Mr.larnb helier, No M Peari *t. The accited .at detictedIn tbeact and ;'ed tn U'all-gt. before he wat overtaken liewaa ccuiuuf' d by .luttlce Utbnrn to await exarnii.atioti.

Death bt Dbou Coronerheldanl_<.iifat. yeaferday, upoa the body nt an unkniwnr ii. i.ud diowred at Pier Bo, 2, Eatt »iver. The de-r. r- ri n aa ehnnt I feet I in'tiet in Inght, had loog brownba.;. ri wai dieaaed in blue ..veralla, plu»1 vett, wliile muflin abtit and cnane alua**. He I* inppo*. .111 he the man, wboa f*w tlghf* tiiic- .'in.ped oi 1*11 ovei board Ir >m one of tbePiiUth fe-ry br V. if go. hn wi.low retidet at lled Baak, N..1. A ven let nf dea'b hy drnwiii.'g, nnder clli'ii-Mtaii'eauukncwn to tliejura, wa* rendered. ano Gobvictiob or a HotsiTiiiri.-Un Thunday inght Mouut.oy. of Ihe Sec-oi i! Waid. wnt ealltd la UM Attor Ho aa to aireat a ho ,1tbief fctnitd tharle* L. Le«!ie. wbo bad robhed a fellow-luBBBBBf B-IBkBbaak blllt ll appeanth.- a Mr (.» .¦ t

1',.11 .( Auburn, N. y .. wbo le.entiy retirn.-d from CallBr>i.ia ealltd at tlie Attor l|..ute ...i Thnrariay evenioi! lor tlierurpote of pteeaitai lodg'rg fcl th* nigl.' Th- hu'iae ii«ln<pieiiy full. Mr. Ball wa* p ace.l htamomoi i.iad hy theeccuaed. who It **en.«, gor up e.t a'aut 1 o'clorli tn theDioinlng and atten.pterl t -. latatita Btrael 1'he nigli'walchnian, however. anapectcd bi r. and lefuaed to let him_.,ii,i ll.-ilien .eot fnr t.,* rt m, wru 10 >k l.ealie Intotiittiaty, ai ii foond i.pi "i him tli* aaaaay, which Mr Ball atonce idenlihen at bailng beeu tt jl-n'ruiu ln* p'xiket whilelileep Letlie wa* h-eked up n th.. Siat'on-houae un'ilye.tergav uiom'ng, when le wit taken before Juttioe Ot-lanrr. Mr Ball al.o apoeared tbat Magit'rate, andpief.'rred a eoai»tolnt eiaintt le.lie, chargin^ him wi'hgrand larrer.y. Tbe ptLert we-- imoiema'-ly *ent tvf.reihe (.raid lnry. 'hat bndy being t»en in «e*tion. Lealtewaa fi.rthwitn iriiicted and tooagbl np hef ir. the Court o't.enerai ftHitnt la pleaa He p lu a p e* of guilty. andwat tenteured to the Hlate Prlton lor two year. A pawnlicket. whicl brmighl to Hgkt.a*. watch wbich l^alieBdmltted batl.g Btiaaa ftaai rb* Irving Hoe.e .tliort timetime ULce. wa. alto fiiind ugon b.m.

Cocrt Cai.fndar. Thit Day..Cox-mi.n r-BAA.NoaLSB, l.OM. \,U6> UMB, 1. tl J. >'>, 7, 8, 9.10, II, 12. IS,Sl-rarMI I'nt rt ->; - 11/ Term.J-uige Mitrltell wili

tru.- BOtl 9 > Itek l of. Catondar of 8

Tucaday Boa lt', 'Ji», '-1 t >>, 6" to 67.

-. ]SriBlTUAI Tr.i.t.Lth.MMi. for Sitturday,

Feplen.ber il.cnrttip. BBM-goUtaf ar'i -!** tbe foMowtngTlie Spiiitnal Woild, what and wiere it lt, by VV.'iey. Miifii.v-kol Coming Aienta; I'rocttHliogt nf iheNow-Torb Cooferetoai Meterialit-n and Spiritualwin:vi n wiil T-BBlaatoai Daeldei l.e'ter frn-n i.ihn V.W'at'ltt; Reppingt r igbteen YeanAgo; Dreamt anl Re.\>la*ii"t: Tb* ann Teaf'-'imv, The S'gei Kollo.Uxaaa Rad-Bve; DepartgdBpirttaapaak,,Aal'..bluhedat Nx t'uurtlar.ot-.t. by CltARI r> PaRT_I8«R.

[Adterti.enaeii 1

SbawlRABB .sn.h'<.. We iroolddirecttbe attertion of the ladit. BB tba gr. at Rha«ri and Silk Pm-p-rit liali, Be Rti Oraadet AvtoittothtoyaUbllabment Wiil amply iepa> tba baable. Stiaw't andSilkt.ntvery va.-lety n;ay be ontaineii RB. b «wer lUau at

any otber ttore. v. bl * tkilr BBW atylat af Othai Drea.lj.od*areccntideieddecidcdly tupeiuir tfl BB} .ft-rcd thit teatou.

BROOKLYN ITEMS.Wiiiu Mkltimi.. We liavc a rap irt (»f

t! ,> WLiir meetltg at Mllltary Crdfin lut evenlng, at

RJiih ObbltaaBa riraha. nf Ij. aaRtarad an exc.i

lebl tprecb. It wat a large and inott excellent meetti.kt-filling the ipaclont ball lu whlch it w*i hflM wiih a

ciirpactmiJ..acr1 hundredt went away unable B| n, or endure the htat of au.h acrowded place,At the ckae of the mefll-'g the " o*l Club," In pro-.ei.glon with au.ic aad binner, eicorted the orator of thecccaiion to hlt uartert, tne retldence of Mr. Sl'.liman-We regret'hut Iba -xtrai rdlnary prenure upon our

cclutntii tiils iTirblng bai ompelled ut lo defer to

anotter iitue tl e report of the meetlng.

TbbRobab Catbouc Obpban Aylum;; h. iEl. i. ....-IntheSupremel iurt-y *

triiiay, Jufge btmii. pie-ding, certain ia.jetuffaci n thelor.-prnGii.aioiitr.j.iriy briween tbe R'j.nao Cathnlic "r-

pl .ti At,:--. Bodaly ai.d lb* board of Kducvi ifinl ib'-Cilyct Brookhn. wne tnid witl.uut a i'.ry. John \ an Burea,Eaq wilb'Meaan Robiuion and S. 6 Brnphy, Pan.. apoear-tnglorthe Atv''.iti,,atd J. M V a- Cn". K,, Ibr the Boa'dol _dutatio_.'Ouep' iat wai decided ia favur of the 8 ard,

;.! fa ir M th-Aiylu'-i, aod the tl.'rd partly infav.rof earh pariy. p«n the trm'. ruateuai poiot, oaintly,wheitiereecta-tan laactawen t. BRbt .u tn- A.ymtnSchoo t,tbe Jndg- . d that, wh'i* Iba e-.ideace ie!i lit'.ledoubt op in

I i- n. i d ihat *.clarlBfl dt<; jnam were tauiht tn the Scho .IAfhtrewaa tot eroogh to warrart a .adicial deterui'LafloBfo that ettect at to Bny period prKr to IMB. I ^.BMBBlwtre in.tiuc:td 10 orew up a tp-cial !.».!i_g'jpon the te/era

rciiila, ard lt wa* arrai.ged that tn.ra ahould be a haal. _poa tha whole cate m the tourth w*ek :n -*p

tembtr. _^_

King's Cocntt Hospital..From therepcit of tba Rnll-it Phy»'"-ton *l t.u. inttirutloa fcc tbaweek er- '-- SeptaaabarA lt aapoa-i J!_lber,ra'r.'tin t at % Hi«i li tl at date wa. i by order\ h.^: ln enci'nt 81, bo.B 3. Total RBtB wh'cb 150

are .ne, IU wou-en, S l-va, and 4 g'r_t rraaaBtnaB wA tb.t ee. c.K irgedia.-eceaa-i 12-17, Ti-tleavi,

. tltJ ot l&iremain cg. Ire feUowlpg u the lut of ca r-

tAiXtizzl'*^ Leon Riamoat. Jota Kiyie PatR>v M 'v Ana Lamr-, Mary Bolaa, ta:hanae baa,R-.b»rd O Bruu.. IH-bard PahM. foorad (BBaa,, Ur.djetTcier. Tat Ottj.-n.

F,BE._About 13 o'clocL nn Thur.l.yniaht. a tire broke nUr in the ba^ment of the hoaae of JooaX,«aWd Pr-gr-et *nd raavy-.U, bat wgg ex:_--

|i;..:.»d be'iieuiuclidamagewaad-La

WILLIAMSBLRGH ITEMS.L .rx« h or the Fltino Dltchman.--

aJD_S__.'=n___.*5_S_S.2__?'il*t_d _____3.rnjfl-titr- wimaaad the la-oe-i. BBBBit_r*_______? Z. ___3 ____¦ .nd .ltded into the wa'.ar »~tSi__-t'S_-i--?{_fr32_?_3_>u__hi:.*_ tt cf 1.-*° ,u" T"T .. fi_fV.__rd an l- 13 beD_a..A will be c-ixk-oaoded *l£*^\?£} *££.,.d in Iba Caiitofmafada. Her leogUi _ ij» teet <--_,

_j f**t. atd deptli 21| fea--

Attpmpt at Bl-RoL.IET.-^«toin|pt»** _¦__}__? taT _T J_-,ki!.0n,TfUN-. SlbtoBti^llit_J.Lt wu foend broken orwit. and it wa,aoppoaetVtbatIbTb^ig.-J^bBaa loiled m kto attea-pta toa-tartha

Timpebanck..Thara wa4 a Temper-.L,e Me.i-g la tbe North Putlr-et- B. E- ljurch oaEr_rc____-^.g--ter.K**k and Br A-l-'eb, of Mi -ity, t-dreggad the



MawdABI , '*. talfirU <M" fl^ao.

'in hii r* un ¦> MrteiiARi> vi « aaa/.j » . i v . IB ka *.. h. ... **_. ¦. -

c.rawritcLi. t-a.-.vK«i< v riM.!,. ,. V?V*."' rat-.R- R.a vc .-- Bi i')«iri; nMi-i a J aBlTH .of'So¦.' Hr-nlrvn ¦»»*. ....

k e raaa,*aa c»ar, Nar. ta . riOBKtcnFIVaS...-, hea i.i.Lala, t* l.o. itv i.aikir *r .**Citp afBaw-larh. '

ajBaW.A: Brool!yr.s*r*- . HARRIET GOLP, eary 4i t Urn' Bia

-ff . ye-r« il-4 .> tiy.Th* raeasal wiM i.k* al.e* st 1 o clerk P. ¦., na **t'.etay,

fn in uer laibai . rea-iaa.., y- .a<y »t, eaeie Bacwol av , Bru>.»kffl,oa lh.-»-»r .«-» t *eet «'t.e.« >» .' .:iaa.i,Saa'AL 0.mi'MK Oaatav, ta tbe ¦.. year ot hi. .,»

1 . .-...» iiul roeti.l. Af th* fimily ar* raaeertfortT in.,te4 ta. laterai, 1'hit l.i BOB raatat..-*. S.> ,i Baawk . «t oa

S.a.1» ¦. '.1 k ta.tait at 2 P M . Oltbaag lurther oo1:. a.Bt v.w i,r -,-,. A- m. BO, SBOBOI H oTLLIO.aS, Ml of R*v.

P. Pi a- I> 0.. r-ny, > ><*ir»an.Sep- 10 W1I.M4M T. TII.IiBN.iaustieBo'T4. H an4 Oary

0 B .-. .»e - a .

Tl - 0 M * I !:» p*'»'ti. aal Uim* of Ibeir fithe', fi~aa«. | --.,.. tf-illy .a- t*d to att*nl !h* ftiaara', lB.i &\J, at I

k P M ftafl Ba ..« B -«rm «t..-»'»T, on Fn.tar, B»rt 10, JOBR MILt, ati.a"-ith

ye.r i.l'b ¦ m*I . u.iday klao'iioUP. Bt, I'u.-aknUta r*.i4r 1,1 »

4tb avla aaai tvea t . BMaa C*, M. X.. A-ia *¦ fignaot

BHBPAJtD, F- --1*1 --«rl» "1 ye»M_htn< er M t « late Knwtaig|*o.itd~l:i i.rly e-t'1.1 ,rf A» d. aad Mt BB. i.waaaarC'al.Blakery.alonojly r-.iu*d lha Br.tnh it Dlark Rock.a. tha kurs,3gni Buff.lo.a: B tf.v,, N y Bapt t. M-.. F 8 SF.AC.CR. a.t-cY ProC 0.

B..|-r r**i..rorSaaa.t. a. F CbankA; «. -'be-nOs, Kr . A-t ii. stNULKT<>« BrltJAt, ta, . ag*4

n Br. VV. watooro -a V.n.toe aad !it*| .0 Kastarky "' y.«r»Al Hi-d-'.»5 tta., Ky A g I, .(<H> A. liAROikKR, B. !>..

yaar nfsw aaa.Beer Cwatraaifla, Bonroe Ca. Va A g 01, Mr W1LLIAM

IBAJ.KMN *B*U TtAt h.r r'anuti.n, Bay Jicob. La.. Aug. 1, gn t.tHOICCl


COMMERC1AL .MATTEKS.NbIob at tSf NtacR KzeaaaoTa.Sept. lo

ItaO I '.,'.. fto Co... .'.',',...1 Lt'1,', ino .-.MulM. 8r»t* 5 !. ct.... fl . if."Nk) P»a *-ate ¦.'. " .iv>Ctimb*rlaaJ Coal Co... 74

KR. .1 M-| B4- iO 00.VO 74<4., .!.>. I. ,lo.txa)?tW

MBuj. B ..... J..1'iBaak »n.*r. .l.i-, ia! do. I ",M .'.do .«W74t,

v l t I-.R K. MBBBB10 ,1...lo.SI a do..BT

Ba 1 .' Mo«V IW d.,..»:10 «7

mOami 11%\ "O Ob.»a%jiaor«r*araB Kaaal. Maa H Harlem R. K Peaf.lltla

Il Jareap Ziac....kaa 1*4, Vi l.oat l.lei.4 R. R...._ tft\HO dn. liV, 10.) 4«.10du...1.10 141, BT-Stonintton R R.M

;ie Jo.! , tn.

I 1 v gtog. 4l| laBai A Wnr kft.1 .s flBBaaaflnj R.R.kjn'-4

Mdo. i'. IV) .lo. *'.%)loTKantonlo. >< 81 1(0 do.-,

4.V Oa. "*»*» iral do. ....; i«tt-.1 do .I" *>V BDB.T. A B. Ht»... R R.u.ikroFi.rt.ll l>m k. Bia ni Hitlim K R.~.i

II l»aTtkjr«SR. It. :.

ino 4o.MTI :ra d.-.r.-ijH CaatralB.B_lltbj *o MaJ. a-ladpli. ll.K....ia

4 kaa i< R.I4IH!

Iti'ilVli BOARD.«.f>«, W. k . Oaa / l.uc. i:Ia

lODOR] r-yi Bi..107 .'00 do.'<¦'« [1 -,| Oj Pac. Caaal Bi v aragaa TrtatitCa.. tt

BBIaak afOaai.....- i.I-I04M-,' M 1 . 1 .'. J'' aa. .**,f»7 Cuint-yrland C'.>al...b: Kaatwarth Laad CoMO >S90 4.. To' 3fW d'>. »iv Oa. :i 1 lori 1.1.1 111. R.

., .bi" Kt 101 Oa...klOlIM. Mit, :..) R*a.J.n R R. iIUIM1!

ii» Oa. aaa. I.ajatk. a K-rit..'-. .1 al li H R.' R. R.74

(uy rfr.. M.v t»\ 10 BicA Caatfal t\ BAB>.118.1 R.... j ' K. R..

THII 41'FIPHIA SvtFS or NTOCKS. /Vj./.rp, lo -/ / .'¦'.- -I P»'i KK, 11 . I'liXH.

a Laat M RR 18] 800* Ni- '. ".' -.> r( lllt ,

v\ i; -1 0 8pr.ii fiar-lea-". Ml, IJ.VB.'. | |*OD l.ei |h « - -.. Oi |l -at Baag Caa.

. --. - OOuCaai * Airh KR «-. "TO, |i". la l-'th Bk ..rli,n',i iBCaai I M Caaal, Itai 8I*«8 R*w4 KR <..'..¦

Ca .» ta, o. -V,. ii.r»o tel "»> '¦.¦ ...» I- .1. M...t t*. Ito. "S. Ni» Pr*inraA>-"'lyi 8u ItaaARl! ,'4T; 8S l.ehith du

, -,,*.,.\, *.«-¦ ainnoOaM CbmIiw,T8I|i 0»Ctaa.aadO*l

, i- ..- Raadiag R R « re.,-a.K h 4. , \ .- ifl 1: K. lOkil »V i»0 l*hi,h, lAi

BBJOB Ock Rai 1 I.«l 1'n.i-a Caa.b l-V, ai/W»Panaa. IV- ¦>: k ' ' r .m-len and AfajM.y R lt.r. :v IBlj i'-o l.ow l.'.n.l R. lt 18 b»l ¦. Preterr-t,

W m. K. Rli,' ' * « '

r'aiuAY, .Sept. Kt.F. HTUi- Btock Btarket, ti»-d;iy. wai aat ae«

tlve, wilh aome I'.uctuatlinaln prlcet, but general'y OOaa-

Ing at about yeaterday a ratet. Nlcaragua it wlthout

cbango wllh rnoderate trantacllona. Lon« laland wat

Ormand toucbed BR Irle rloied at aa*Rj aod dull

Readlog bad an upward movement agaln, and told at

H4 , an Improvemeut. Cumberland Coal wm letdown

to:3tobrliglntho bear Interett Hudton Rlrer de-

ii-.d 1 /Inc wm not «o firm and declloed iioc. %>thare. Sionlngton waa »c-»k and n>iJ .* "' NorwloO,5o i4. UMlt-m wat cot very flrm. In tho flound i?tockt,8*n*r»Hy. ihi re wat no change of Iroportance. A »ale

L'nlfd c^l.te. M (Te\ai) w«. o- ol- at i t -i.

(taa Nlcaragua Cantil Rlght aold at tBOR, Sorne pilvatatalea of Michigan Soutbern Rallroad wero made at 1 1,acd MlehlganCtntraltold tf UVr%.There U not much doin? in Sti'rling and

tbe rnarket lt iteady at 10'i«10ia for good bUU

Pi cct 5.r.tf3.i3*.Freighta are O^aliot bot unchanged. En-

aagrmoBta 1.CC0or -000 bbla. Klour, L",J.. 3,OOOkaaOj.wheat, 5d; Cotton 3 bdM. To L mdoo ?00 bbla-

Flour, 2 . To Havre, Flour :>oc ; Cotton ,c.; -J00 bb' A UeaJ chaiter wat made from CraneUi rd to I onrton at 90 .

Tho raeeipta of tbe Madkaooiaad Indi»tn-Bto'lt KillroadCo, for the week ending .-ept I, IM

were.;.a^TBOMCortetpondltg week, IW1. ''"^ '-,071 ba

The rocoipta of tha Cterolaad. Colom-but and Clr.ctt.LBtl I sdlroadCo., for Augunt IR9R, wer«:

PMieri-ere..^ »* gIrelght. '^TirMaUaaaal bfaooo.^^LHTotal.aaJB,45f M

There io lesa dt'inand for Money. amltlte ii'pply U air-p'.e at S f cent. on falr aejurltiea

8( me ot ihe PaLka are dlap' ted to contract rather than

espacd hili toacfl, but prlvate capltal U abundaat tn thdifeet to mett all wanta.

A coiirit of Sjiecie in Banko has heentaken, snd Tkt Ju-rnal glvea tho lollowhig atatement M

tberMult: laOtatafl bOaVTraagarf tbtal

U W»:::::: tSS sas iwavi

The aggreg-t" vatiet but Mltla from the rtatement of

June latt, but tbe Ba* Treaaory hM been atroagtbeaad. th. expen.e of the Bsnkt. The BaatO are atill tbrea

.nd a hall mllllona rlcher tban ln tJepttunbar laat year,

wLUe tte 8ub-Tre»tury holdt nearly three mliilona

more tban then.The Importa of Dry fiooda of the WeeB

sbow a decreaM of about RTOO.OOO m compared with

,.a Week. Merchandiae otber than Dry Gooda are to

BW amcuiU Tbe ti.urea lor Dry Gooda axo a.

aiinesed :COSUCblPTIOB. %xtam1 iSal 141-HO

MaaarflkStaraaof Wool. "-Sji»b.o»tiManofa^area of Cottoo. ^7 4^,14Macufsctureaof 81 k. ^mi)t>Msnuf'acturea of rlaa. j^j¦.


M;»cei.a««*ue.|_-Tott..f.* .»'M3^

WITHDgaWAL.. (MsflBfactareaof VVool. ,,.|i«7Mt^iahurttireaofCotwo... .v.,Msnufscturea ot »Uk. 9i9iMsoulactureaof Fia«. a |Uiijattcelianeoat._ .

Total. "" .HS»WABEBeV.BB. ^.MtBafaetorMof W'ool. ** K'71,-iJtButMtureaof Cotton.J l*n^

Mmuuctorea of silk. ]} ^Msnjfuctnr«««>f Ftax. 'p'19ojl^oaUacecaa.._[J '

Total. 354 **Jv6M

At ntion to-day tliere wm a large sale ofBooda and Rtock by S. Draper, at tha Mercbanta' Ea

cbange. It wm larg-iy attended, and the blddtnga foi

the rlrat Mortgage Bonda of the BurTalo and New

Vork City Eallroad woto atfal Bnlnokted. Tbe foUow

tng la a teeord of the aaleR.'OOO at^U-i^eeat, netting . BJPoA.000at"i .. .. . mjv

3P0C0at?Oi8j- " . g-g150.W.8) at "0 ."

.___OwMrfBI 8ji4j averaga.O\'03,ltSiOf taellt/XJOBavoa V* Oaa- Boadaof thotowp 0

mVm Obln, taauedto the Juaotloa Rallroad, 12.-00ware eeid. and tke r<Mn«l_dw wubdrawa, rR«B be-agcttorad at the-arna prtee of th« tll.000 atoeh af tbaTroy ard Kutl»td, tf.Ofgi weie told at i 4 f raat.'and the ta'a wat itopped.

Tbt» amounr riTe-iyi-il at the Sub-Treaa-ury li |a45r; |aJ|fM»ni Fa.atew«.!e-i,*47.A Bank. undar the Free Law <>f Tenna-

.n li abcnt to be organi/ed. belag tbe firit eatabttokedunder tbat law. Atec nl Bank la alao to be eatabltabad-nder tbe Free Bank law of la-taaa. and aaotber IR-lacto B«_A to alao to be organlred. «e_tl-_.ea eoa-aected whb _ti theae Icttltu _t__a are ia lowa, for thaP-rpoe- of pur_b-_._a *.iUriUea Aaotber Bank to-tooto b. eaublbbed u. dey tb. Cooaecdeel law.The market is heaw for Lan.l Warranti

RttlBtBtyUOWf> amifx n atutement of tha DepoalU

and Colcage at tke Branch Ml.t of tbe I'altod SlttH at>et Orleant, during tbe montk of Auguat, :-:...

PRro-rrs.Callfornla go!d.B12T ¦_<, mForelgn goJ,l. ijfm MWai r pened from Californla gold. 710 44-ilrer trom oth< rtourcea. 1.413 5,

Tota! value cf depoilU.$.43,;* &_cotXAi a

(;,.|j_ BL-BODr-ablB E*gle*.Rl^.COO 00-_Tar-li*,0C-Di__ae. 10.U0O 00

M-jMp'eeee,aaouatlng to.(BBMNIIThe Comtiureial comlensoa from Tht

_Y. O Cretunt cd T%t £_.'....;-i tba tm'xed -BBBBBBRlof tbe budneti of Rew urleaaa for tba iiiwribB-BbIy- ar rndlng Sept 11Tbe total re -.

r t * of eottoa f ir the year we ra l.fh) .

1B balea. rf which .Tt.lM ..* acenunted lor to r.eetu8Bof other porta, .'* ivtug tbe reoelpU pr per af Bew-Of.leaea, 1..T . f_V) KdBA Tbe tniai r-_»>ipta of n-*oottoa,tbe peiert year, »re ,,"o7> balea agaloit J'i'i ba ea BBtbe t-'metfm. lait year. The moveme-i for tbe yearta aa lotlo.aStiik H hand Bept I. 18M.l-al-t... 1 «*¦Receive.l d. inig|_d_mExgortad diu iBg tlie year..o.l.asa %1

Stock on band and 011 ehlptvard oot rl.arad SeyH.t,IBB.8,5-tTha export for tbe year wm i

l.rrat Brltaia. .77I..MI Other foralgn.'. U..S88Trance.19b..*t>4 L'.B potta.tS8,.|t

Hertb t P.urope.75,8*4-To'al.1,438 Bl-attjear. 887,458Inereaae thn year. 4-8,-88Ia round numbera, ibli Inereaae to divtded aa followa

to Ureal Brkaln. 1l>0,000 , Frenc*, <i>'-,UOO, otbat foft-faporta, 7- dnniittlc p irta, lO.,*."-.).

The 1-Baai eadmalea Ibe crop nf tbe paat year al.1 ...ViVaj balri, aod The Craunt al 3,Chh),0C*.. Tbo fol-loalpg ftguret are eapl*d from th. laiter jonraal l /

intAi. caor r.uii ygiR roa n \ vaaa*.y-ar< Ba-a. inn. Bale* Yeart R*l«t.IMS-*43..tSl»O,o00 !R4«-'47.. 1,790,000 IHIl-'JO. .2 08^,088|84*-'44..S,t~ 1,008 im7-'l»..2 8.10,000 1 .1 M ....\,eee

:i II | ». '" 18J.-U'..2,7lX', ..'. i, .0,008184V46..2,102,808The ! :l. w'ng table wiil ihonr the range of prlaea for

Ihe corimierelal year, on the lat day of aach moaih, lawhicb we hat. addr.i tbe qojiatioai for ihe flrtl of thapreient montb 1

O .i.nary M.Jtllag 8LJNMB__| ¦.-. Rair Tmr.tep-e_b-r : y "S(1 t**r .... I #.?*_kJoiertkar " --0^Ii-,. > (I " ..

Jtl i.ry ,"'raliiutry ,...8 #rf-I.r.ApnlMar «':-.'«.1. .July ..... .7 V'»\ . . < '. ra'lg rr ir .. .. w .*

|.>. «,'/'.. '.rtlU 18 ,**l')'. t-*a#llTbe i. ».i. table wtll abow tha tbe atpuru aad ra*

ctlpu of Cntton at New t nWant for twenty yetn paat IK*.».i«.. * R-aaift*. lia.r_

.'-.. ," a I. .1 . H !jda.i ii-vnit l^ee.mi.« -i i,. *,ark»

i . an ia. ..'ijH |'»»i.aiala* ¦'!... <!

. !*ia i- itOBAt CTBR-BBMi.i'l.r '« .lJiie-» l.*U^T

laay.¦ <mi B7>i,i-.!i-k» 'ii.l,t«_BI l.iaf^U.waa «ia \»ei lai'; '~i. aae.aai

,i m.aa late >i. se_v«yi .*.-,*«latl U........*t84. MBaStlUBl-'M.1,." ,uO l.a*.B»l

Tbe recelpti of Tul.acco tor tbe year were r|7,f7'ibogheadt agalmt (4,111 Ui the preceediegyear, tbaaabn-tng an Inorea*. ot ¦ 114 hngthetdi. Tbemora-ment ln tblt lUple lor the jear wa*H'oikonhandrteat I. 1851.bhd*..«J.aTIReceiveddutirg thayear..87,878E\port*d to Oaaal BrlkalB.U'173Kaporttdto K.-inc*.H,l"0rlxiiuited to Ni.rtb of,714? xi ..-'-il to other forelgo port*..'..-It,Kxporttd coaitwiia.Iti,4_6


Stork on band ai.d on ebiphcard unclearad Bept 1.... 18,781;In nunl Lumrnra Iba expnrta *h >w an Inereaae to

Hreat Prltoln of ->o tn Franee afBBBB. and to thaHo'th of Furope of I7.4""). to other fnrelgu porta of7 -oO, and eoaaiwiie of :i ^150, or a total Inereaae of3*800 bogaheadt. Tho followlng fci'ile will ahow tbaprtt-ea on the Hiat day of each riiooto ot ihe c.iumerclalyear, atd tbe ptoifiit i{Uota'iona:¦ I. I«. II'. «oii r'airti/r.n* Oio.ceA8*'...pinabar....-{aB| bkt»i 9UPI '*._*Noveniber.-ia4i 5 abI A8Decr.iiber.... il ¦> f< " an1*^1January.J.ed 4|_A. 3 _b llalK.Muary.J aol 4*11 5 e£iMaicb. a I all 4M|April.2,a3] -a-' 4..',»*..,.2*31 Baadl 41a'i »a*lu_e.Mtfl 4 al| fi .14 o 4^) laB 8Ab,Atgu*t. 1 all I eM 6|a7B»pt.i..b*r...'J al, BeBj oaaB«|a»Tbe t.olpU if domtitc Hii'.-ar fnr ihe year wat

I40.VI bngabeadt agaluat 1 M BIR m tbe pn eedlng year,.hoalni an Increate of 4,'»4-hngineadi Tne reretpteI Ilavana were -.\04ti b iieg aad from Brull01 ", W bag* acd b«xe*, abowtng |R|BBhai an lacreaae ofI., i... ptcka.e* Ihla year. Th* loi'owli.^ table arlllihow iLf number oi tugar h >u*ea in the Buie, wltb Ibapro, .'.Uou of 8ugar tor tbe year i -

rRo. of R>.. liy No. by N*. ef,, . gaBBBB.. . tt' It-BB. I'.r>« Uh*..

loiia*. p.wer. jiowtr. ,ut*r-

_.pi-«r.5 B 3mAvryellei. *| ',L_S7 riBT

. % £ 'si la'aa\\ nt B..U.B R-oae. *' « ^ '7OTtKa*t Balon Rouge. « "

u fJiM4«b-""lr. '__ « 10 MlottABBB-BaBB. ur w _J 17 7lg

R p.vii.p^:::.:::: g « - '-{.Orta^aodRtBaa-arda... 25 B »N

^^,^_,_afoarcb;:..S B V, -¦>U-oinCelLtenor, -li> ... g J |m?8MlV,-A.taapa.. 188 C3 128 27^TBBt Mariin. do. .*> >' . 8;~Vag___*e_-taf_BBBB..« ¦15&LaFeyette... '_' «« ». i_mbt. Landry-Opelo'itat. (8 _J: __.

ToUl .1,474 911 *»Dlrtn-aall p'.'rceU. a.ade 1. hb-tand bblAiadlf- }w

<^:-\erni.':rv^^br0-.^:^^gailoiate, aay tiv* per caut.


Wett Kel.itana. 20P,;iii Cuaee. »

K^'*.1 __-_ 'tt* ^.;.7,'i i-;,bf"'K'238.447

Brow n ingar made by tbe aB proc**'¦ .

Rehied, Uk-Bia, eu . lB-iodiag WaUrn... .»crr>4ymJBtol-ij^-gffr1*-1-^;.',7,1or .|4MM 47 .J-.008

H2__...!.!»«««! hm--.*»¦*_'i>a'-__iKilt»on of the year'i yteld wat exponadaoa_4wUe?T; Xk. bbli | taken for Weat, l.yj,000; takaafor r.flLlng acd tha elty Irade, 24,000. Thaprlaatoffalr aagar for tbe year were:

.-eptembar...b,'/Tt,. Jaauary... J4*<iOcuber. KeUuary ...tdlBe-amber....i aii Maron.>ldr4|_w;.m-«....4»4.lAartl.« «*»Tbe currer.1 rpa-taiinnB ara. OtimmoB. 4>__»i^,

Falr .V' d'; Pilma and Cbolaa, B1 «-.»'*» 4P" th.The recelp't of Bnlaaee. frooa tba IntBitor wara

_-9 91»bbli., agalntt l-'..-'17 lait year, and tbe exporte__> l.ebWa. agalnatC- '10 laat year. Tne currem iata

|nr t-ouUBee at therompUalon of tbe 8tot«meatw_B.rr_v-c. V BB»o- Tbe prlaea for the year were.

Bept.28 -30 Jan.P d»-0. May.^.fS.0-U.-W...2S »J0 'Peb.21 ».l Jbb..>>1*2*rr_y??...J4 -23 »M.rch ...Jl «244 Je-r -.-.» **Dtr.24 «at| 4B.1I.Ti aPja «-¦.. .-.22,Tre recetpta of Vlour were _».'-.l-l ''^' *»22

!« ¦, .-, laat year and tbe exportB -W^ULo^_ad57_^RJ0. Thapreaaatpriceaof .upeJoeBA^ ^Obk. are retpeeUvely fo < tl


.* "d .« »^J J0 #,|> bH.rxtrato abolce braada ^'fJutrara:above tbeae ratei. Tbe ?rlce. ^r*'~*^Septem^r.^ffittS1 lH!5Da-B-ib-r. RlTT>_!»'Jaruary.i 4 BB B 4 18

_SlS d 4*Pelraary.\ a » 0 4 » .1 2*2 tMIfareh.g «_,» S W >-.<:«

Apiti.;.' 3 80 cr 3 40U*1. .3 40 9 3 A*

&---S_-__Iiw v-.;j,%___5-a-aaBa- «..'..»-'

4 JT.» 4 »

3 w a 4 24*?f.2

aweareeal ot »»«e year. B*af raaaToraptloB eflJ te-e.tatreearalvier.' n' .* }haa r.yib*lf.l' " "W baia. .akfl aad barreU

aaataat *.« .«* |*m. tahao lor OBH

J^ aa* irwda tf tba l-Hy Jba rr,^7CC4-Aal ofBBtfS ro p.**-*" uatll eaoiher d.y, oa

STtVTtvBl ol Ibe Kun.,tean Heamer.

,ni,»,rte,,l>,vCv,i(^>l(UM-tairaR^N^fH^kuawti ri -i'^.uia gv«.a^ ti la Oa-taaakaa" * a*. ee" "".. iiT. «

aaa* taa, BB *a Pia».i* V~jmWHI ! >' ' » '" "".¦ '¦^aa!-'. » "'.nl-'.,

... l.'l- .*'*¦' 'J* «a.. 4.. Cn'

» I . .

«.i« »' a I k '(-..,-...«. aai 1 -1'- -.- m, ¦ raa,. i ». .i

Bl,'**- ,l* ,,y|i<.1l»t' "I loTIuB.«.-. , ' i > .. ' «l.l* ,e-?l« P .

^w.Vata atai-im* aa.»a). M51 ** l-d » *. 01 ish.tao.,a*1* "T; ,;,.. flfl I M ..

f!T'ai- 14 ' Waaking.

£.L» .- « «- . Tai.viMalg.. vataedatOUaaaB,* '"

MAMuncvtiatior an.B.

, ia.wa.ltaa.OliaM K«hn»*»r*-. '. 04 l ¦/«¦I. . |».

2S%7Vaa! aa*

«.« »' l.i. .adB.*

frawi'4.*-""M",a,v,M.T,.....rr..a,_.... .,,,. . |.ia»aaaaC«ii.-

J»«T Wr-T- iaJsrtaie.eff-t.lBdB.,ail.*. 1.-U' <^ r». »..?". .¦'".d iieataaa,¦*M^ stitcr.LLAaaooa, ,. ,,y f>i, ,t Plowet. »a Peitt.Bliaa .

~»<Jf '

, .1. *a I.-4. ri .... 1 b,. OiaBfl

2fsS'»» a^-taaaer. » -te.. Ol.Ttal Itarww. ¦ I

n'IJ_T1a0.,MlX Tuul,*eApa.a»a^... . .

vraaatw,, , nt0>(itiix..n ,nm, Mar»A.>«.«.Buai i». ii *i^ "' »'""

Wii'Bi.klBba*..a»^«,CMi i ¦*?'.*?*'."*£.BfSJ B. - ".--.. ...aiaWitlaaB,J' , k*., Ho... >¦ io., .i.i". roui.ua_._. aataad >< BBBBU,*»**¦.*" w,M , «, 11BI > Ol l ITOH.>-t. Ul^*."¦; . roaU. loiaaat..tabadat BOOat fljiflfljffHlflflflB or Ill.B.aaaavBakai.. a.- aai vehats, te de.. oa.etti 8.1k ..... w latej

aag*.'. tt 44* loui,:.ii«a»-. t*1 ..>» " .*>.*»*.BilHIIlTllllUIILAX.

I.aea.. 40 p»i« *">"'-. l-^m i"*1 Catwa, ^ Jo., il,M*. Total. M i.!« <

MikcBt.i.aiiBova.BjtriwCte- . i " »*i * aa.,01*174 TotsI, 41

aka* raraafl at»*^ / er*,l n'artkmit*.MABl'riCTVBt' Ol WOOL.

Wenlaai t »!». 8480, Wanteflt ."

.Watit*^. . *ai H.ltaj Shaal., : aa., 01*800. 1. ta., bi vU>. iaaOataatOtfi


. VT*'";'-'flflk,OITO| etket an. bt-tnta. of Cottaa, II ?. rotal, BIaka. «alue.i al tII

MAairAt Vfflll Of SII.B.Bat.M 1 Bk|*.,ea Si and VVont-.l, I 4e M44 lar«e, I 0

ai,oo;., okn--.. . ...-

MAKttrACTlHr.. ui- H.AX.Liaeaa, BB i*«i. 1 v.luad at I

mrt* i *¦".tua* Bo*:«, -' i»i-. UMltifaal mbbi T

krjaadCurl.. I ».. BKBi, 8 J ., a .¦ -. 81da,,8MO. loul, 104plflfl., 117 1«'. RnoKTbii iob tarfl TaiftuB*..Fkioav, Beptamh-r iu.

AfHES-The msrket lt in bat.ged Sslet of 75 bbta. stR-t 75-B4 81| 'or Potfl, nnd $S Ui for PearlaCOTfON Tbe deaaod cootuiuae moderate. Tiie aalei

tadavara l.'.lo lalei01,1)1 K AM> Ml ALe-<lurmarketforlhe Icwgradeiof

Btate aad W e.totu floor u Ie*. mm under the lio.uenae oftb* im favora-ile advicaa by Ibe EaropBj lut, witti arilvaliof fn-.'i giound. r.lcei are vjty wed BBflflberaliMilla talr for good brarioi f r evptrt, p^r-tliLlarly for lha l.:>Ldon uiaiket. Tbara i« itill a modaiatetoeairy for Hatre knl at juleei rsther below preaentcir-ratcy Car.aa'an ia irure aburrlant N^ie, of I.ikki bl.liat R4'ni"04 ta, tba la'Urprice fo- freah uronnd for thaBr tuh rirovlEcee Tba aatea t Oot .»«t'.-Brea.iiai b»la, atfcaa|olfa7f> M -our, *. -.^*b* 7 >t>r Oo.J aunerfue,B4 1Ud|4 n- |..| r.-io.i.'.o to ilra'tli! Htate. ti la'y atlleraaule hintea; bi .."ij.i-ri 10 Oa aMaadtofsaay Mi^iiigaoand lidiaia at.o. w.tmi-on to t"id .>>.. Ol |lor fanty i.eneaee aod Ohlo, $ .>*|a$-> for e»u, 1)1.iai.d |i v.'.o* 7, ior axtra Oaaataa, aaaataa duil foitb* Iwitter grailea. South.rn ia tirrn aud la fall raeaaatfoi ablpi'lsg 8ale. ol I 100 t.l li, a* |4 44*04 '>-a.tie* logood I'laitht t.tiindi, and Rl 7'n/f.. oNforteaejB<* Kloai li agaln teiirr, aad ti narre. Sslei .-

Rl 87,. Ccrn Meal li naort icl've. K.Jeiof KM bbli.atI 7.S for Jeiiay, to patt to airlve. Braudy wlue lt aataaltatRS "!.ORAIN- Wbeal bfraalyoffered, and t!nm»io-i taeaaler

aodai ihrtiai the piivsfnsdvlcai sre <|u1le ui.fsv.-rs*>ieTbe aupply l.g>od h«le. ol 'i >».» Imali. !.. KeU uhio uefor.-tbe sriiisi o| th< lun.|.a, at Ol d| .io,. thaa . .

paod (feBeara at M M a,7B0 abflBH do st |l ll|| 10,'Hg)l.e*b aaadiCanadlaaatOta.,aad .','abaaagdall. Ky i« n-an-a. «t»i ia firmly at V BarlayBtdal1, wllh more new otferm.-, aud u aomtasl it TiaiBaftaUare beaw >t lumc. foi vV'eMarn aud btite, aud b'J42e. for Jaiarj. ano HHii ,Ac for Ooulbara. Co,o la leae aala-hla Tbe ilemand li Itinifed for Ibe Kaal and boma tra.leBalei ol 21 oo huili al ioa'l.-. loi uu> >ut,.i a/i.l ll{ ,. 7.fc foi.Vaalt in oilt.dWIII.'-KY A- ai aaarkal »1ib a t.-^f d.-mand, aud fur

Bapply. ba'.-i if aaa aaai al 04a>O4Jc fot Olno and Otgo. forPnaoii, and M> Dturige fir 2.V., tiine aud IntereMPHOV ISIDNft-Our market for Poik li beivy; the de-

Bnaiid lt ouly <.'. a letail chara. Ii-r. aud tb" aalea ln inmilloti In tb- Baaraa te J"0 bbli at |:» 20foi';'tB|f. i'S fo, aoiii I'liiio ||8 f3i toor IBeta. |i7 .=> fur Prlin*.§17 for Ruioi*, aud M.U lol l lem th* l*t*r acarc*. and¦aoMly iu the ba, ta al uoe baaa He, i. iulet l. t tteady.tkaraealpa ais oanted aaleaof Ii" bbla lo tbe trade atBlS'ff|lb foi Meai, aod Rolt" fot oid 1'itnie Lenil ia Orinaad In fair re.juest at tbe advai.ce Salen ol VHI ki-gi ,0

llle, and ** hl>la an.l tc* st 111401 Ita. Battfll n iu

good deanand 1' Hflb* for, 1TB)I0C f i^eat-niNewTork, »id J il.'.fc for UratigeCounty. I'b.ce li aalablealRvai

IIAY A fair l.ome deaiai d. aud talei ol l.fMki t.eist atfiai IITA1.U)W.Tbai.isik.t n leati-tlve. RaJaaof I4.n>-' Iba,

Plino- nt llc, ca«b.P lnII ia ralber ,ui. t. Dry Cod Ifl uronar.! -»'ntli aild

Bt !.> . '*-- \<" boiea llaiiiuga, '¦> c. loi No I, aadtVa ft't iiRied, wl.t.b toaaaattaa, Ther. have been uo at

rttsli of nsekorel at.1 pii.-|fla>* »t*»ilv0KH.ERIM i ..* ti v*ry activai a aaraa ol S.n-

hfljl Rio aold in oii*paii*l at e>, aad .a loie iu* lalea ar*

0,M0ba«.al .7«,-. The Matta liai a oatgo ol «' hs...Wklcb aie (.tlertn* on tbe tna-krt; Hh> |.m. «f. |l..min«oat>ld MilLr laat V i!lM at 7 a. .«., cioib BBBde Mara kK»|.;-'ic, 4 ouu.Hi. M.'liari ara lea* aatlve, than la th.awa pa-l ol th* wrek . blidi. Muiyovsdo tal IBa. baiaii aravary acllva; ni Ibrae flayi 7,ihki blidi ha\eaold st 4| * "-ic ISO do r*iU> Rl o, st 4jc, iho't prlc. f >r

aipoit, au.i l'4'do. at >|Ut>) 30 aa.M Out.bCiusbed,Bl7|INDIiiHi. aclim- An tnvolaa of ifl .-a**,ManillB eold at

.Oa 1 V-do caiaa. t* lotiat BA, «nd IVdo etdoc.IPII KH aii.iuii-1 7> iim Panaug Nutnie«i lold on pri

ejfltaOaaBBBI Oafl niata Caaata, *>c 7eo bag. Pepper, t"4«|k|rPBl ITu buoyaat l.APe box»« liinch Rat-nr. aold it f.'

S< j|. fl0| ..a l.yri ilo IJ. jV; BiObblt /aiitanntaata, 8c a frv. bjlhrtar, 7o Holdam are now aflkli <anuie uualuira.LP-A0 ii dull Ml tnni Spaniab aold al Rl BB), tima aud

Irlen.i. .V eo Krjb.h 1* |.n»aie lerinat<iis sie aatal Uaaead M .i» at 74 *"V tarwboia

raaatl ln leii a fair demat d prev.ili st ~Su:>c. rbarig* ia otaai i*o.IKt>N 111 yaat .0 tu:>a Rontch Plg flflld <t »

gl, ai\ Bkaalfla. Aa oflar of |.'.' M haa bean iiiad* for allrtal -11" I'i an b.tud tn Padladatabla a; d dacaaadl>Kl iiS-\Ne aasioa talei ot 18 oaaki Ciaaiu Tartsr at

10]c |o> k.»i Rli-sil^'iiat* Ksla. '...!':<, part BB atrira.

NaVaI M'oRra. l.Mlo bioa Kpinta lVrpeotiu* aold at

nrf ii,-. aaa beld-at 4V s< 0 bt... Ckuata Ra, R'Sri.LICR -Ib* u.srkrl u duil .ta> Bflfl aold sl |Vi. |V fl

Ouilbg tb* w«nk. Tt>* BBB ar. p will ba lu luatket by tbeaaa. I ih* u.outi, aaaah u aaii*«k to tb. afaearwtaa aaaaa Jtaadru. y of tb* n-aikuTK A.s 1!.- Taa m * of t>-day w*et r>*1 with rstiiar mara

biukm-m, y*t tb* demsua te but modurata, and aaWaajthoigi \n\ ' tn si* aa by tl*- aiapuaiiiou of lioldaia oot to.Bll uui *i aaai taaa carteni istaa.

HtMI'-'lhr nisrket nM-ady witb 1001 iratada 1 .1'.11 ba '. knit ic*n o.w .1 H*d M -u paotaalfll Haao !*¦-« Manllla at !») ».0>Cl.lkir.-Th* n^>k*t u Btoi, ituat ol 5,t8>0 bldt. at 03a

Luu pu hun af f i

LATHti-Lie oiatset b.n been aclive I .ai.iaai aold atI*.' 1*4 "0. Ok, 1-I. ilng dull a' tb* ftirmer pi .-

TlMHr R..Sfirniaaad Pne araaoaroa aod non.tnal; tbeyBia heidal |HeRl.1b> I l)0-Th*;alaagood luut.t.-y lor Ctorar foi arp>rt st

Oiflaic. M8> bbia bave be*o aold Tr. »Uy couttaueaatatc* ai d pii.-*»a'* iui ailei al >»<-¦ *iMDI'S.Tbecaatki t 11 io»er. 70 be)*. .'tav* b-au K> i,

aaw aad old, »t 3.A.; l"o for new, and OoaBSBg I IPl k>T>R-Tb* wtarket ia very hna . croat bava

haaa aold at I: 7 <aa>j, aaltvaiad up tbe |Athvyiid bete.

Pmil.m>v 1 ihia Marreti. Fn'f/ay.Sept.ta..Tk* Parspa'.advtaea, wbh-bcame to haud mu 01. tn-

ta», h*«t haa no petceatib'e adt-et ujvu tbe uiaraet TneBtat s Battket to. tinua. him. su.l turlb.-r aale* of V«mfl>ti,,i.«. ''""Bxakaahaie afla | ,: R4 AB I*bbl. 1 ba 11 «>*tMM,,flniir, the oaa w.aa ahow ao uicreneaie. 1 i'i*>w<,aooe. aity cunaaaip-U>b iti. tiit mwnaiw^ l( ,,..r |a,i .uolanone. 100bbla Rw Pioia aaMntBM ^t a> bfa. (n li><N ajtAl qjfartbar saia. bave baaa aaa** rne*. al Wkeai ar*ataaoy »alaa o> \1.a1 tajabe>* pataaa oaa rad at »¦ ; fair aodB*.d a*w whneattial ia, aoB aiuo* u«l P*au.,wbllaat *1 »« By t ba, furtOei aaiaaC««n 1. duil, aad arieaa rathar du 1. A asla of vellow st t«j..j reiiis, atloai. Oat» aie lu siisdv ».iusa.i, and i'4*0baahab aovd Soathera iold at -ta ceati <> buah.L aata* ofH nv,14 bbit, at34|.ta. ru.da, are hald m the as:aeP»iaa.

XarReia.Rtpvlf hv TatapeaaJk.Ntv, OaxttAavJOept .- Tba tataj tf Cartea yaatarttay

w*n laOfB baiaa aad ta aay thay tesab Atxm BsIm st sdaaaciBg priaaa. Middliag i* ^uotad at Nfl. aad good auaV.Ulag.t I'ioAib.nv. >ept. 18. Rece-.ptfl alnc* oar 'aar-ri ofB, b.«*i

Bbla, Wmbat, IZ,40>baak; f a\ lAOaahuah. B.a v,latabvib. Pi.ia a dall. tt'm tr-ttaO haah UaaaaeaaoM oa prlval* te*wa OoBB itaady at BflJ dta.a. for vVeat-ara mtxed, w-.ib aalea of ln.MV aaah. Oat y IAibi uuaii. iaJdal A>w4i,a., cloaioflal 45a. Whiikt-O^ bbit. a-id at .4 J24i. for Pnaua Tba weather ba* baaa ralay.Bbw Oas iifia, Bept IA.Tba Buropai nawa aaa

eeived bera to-day. Tae aal-e of Cotton hava baaa sa>hale*. at Kie for Mtddhat, aod ll|c for Patr. Tba waek'atrMaaatiot* foot ap a.tXAl baea, aad tb- recetpta of thaaaaaa ttaue hava beea 11,080 baiaa Tbe fltaak oa hend ia10,000. Tobacco ta firaj 11m week'. bttuneat baa baaajJOObbda, Tba aaoak aaaoawe. B» 18,000 hbda. Plovk waanaa, at #4 \S{ for fjatta, aad Ba » Oar K. J-oala. Cm b

tmm ui B-_ »t *.*.«. *kU" ¦****>***¦¦ Q *''

aia at Kca--Rererpta af Pradaee.Sirr. 10.

By J>w *.>*-. _-____j.- pk. ry jjn 40. Rutter, aadTtS i.r* Uatber --Ba-aBy Am,-Ha.ea /___-*,__, -. __ cbeees and -8 «.

Ratter m ' "^

B> .VertA Bteer floot. __n.f_fi. bbi*. Ploar, lt. At- Whbk-kay. 78 do Aabea, 301 __ Cbee<e W balea Wooi, 11,787buab. Corn, », 81 d

. v. _eat- and 167 akga BuT-er.

Paaa-aaera Balled, *-..*_- BBR Caaa-aat, tm Umfmi\*S, w. l_"towfaa,¦"" '

.« < aaa. I. R.t~r~. Wilkamtb-rr.. «". ** -f^*-?^.L'-e*_ Rath ¦» Dr. Bk-aW- art krty C IMtt Bl I » >T

aBKaVTark Mr. Doxal- Wabjato. to.-_»4 >e i» »i«..-^

PaaaamB«ra Arrtred.

,£_a"__«t-__*£_^^J Z2£fim»m,/rm Scn Fr*n**.l~ TJn.Jt-,

0 .... a_

B-.T.t* *_*-¦-*.var* BiV.

g,»-iu*.-» v -~.aia «._-!-._..... J-*¦i*B ea.t*.T»T* »at.

Ser.y Bor-k. I ' BBw. Bkaa...." 88a| H*_G-t»... I .»


B..I-B.R8 BTallBli r- B-jaa, jBaRtg Baa. I

K^Mr...!l°h"~^"' 'Br ) Ro vt._ *_-_ E Ar.

.s.i_ _«.¦* Jo-ea-.o. Caaa R<*¦¦..>. «>..«'". . B-t*.

BV 0~y Ea her.., AV -I I a. a.i a Oaya-tfl . kV-gtr.

.".*..,'.; M .. aa~.EA._S>I . .

. (, ... ¦ II--- J.""'.

Bbbaa law*- *,A-*-,Bagf aa^B-aAniac-a

Br .te. *_.! IMBB UT"-. !.¦.'-B__ A-*..e1 '. _?_'.;.' .¦k.n.i.y ..- -i.....ti..j. N »i.r. « 1 ... V* ' . ¦ « e.-

,*¦. - .BB-.l

|- . .-.* ,' W« -itst-aa aad "la., t. Taioat A ulybbat-taa. vtrtaert l * rateaa*B_.( la..-..*, I

_-_Roi Ua*i . Baaab PaMta. Haa- i. A b' lhardt.

Ba-k J. »¦ .«'..-"-' - Hl .¦¦ k . '»

a,". kalla.t t». J V\.Ha!.l»'\Bara Ma' n.«. t* Rtik^trl. o.A.T. r.raad Kty, Tnrk«,

lt*.., *>.! .. I. P B. k

Baik Haia- »_ . ta..^' A .* - -

m at. wlie k la»te. i.- d_. ng «'-

...... » f « a».. .iwt_a**eey..BadnR .k-. .

¦ . t U im.-t . M

H- » y,..i«ac».(.l rro^ ¦* ¦¦*¦.'«.t*e. . . >T«.« !.'t..tb*n_.ter Bug. 31, 8.*UBaiaor.fn M" .

BtfL, . H t b**i By art, - W-P.- c-

I a c. - aA,aaval. =per,<ar, Ora,«<,., B. C, rf-L. wrth

B Bdea to Simgue

gkbr.a ll ra_baaa,Bewi *k| '..,» r .1 -.1' P't t, V


-I -1 «-

-*B tt... " ; .TaJartACar, A baay .da.ko ItoB

gk-l.r. 8 ff »"<" ' " l.'-o ».Jamr_o*,R. H. .(t.lday.a li. I, ra. II,..., H .. I8. Ir V\- , ' .part fo I. J. 8o. *».

8. Kr. Ia.a<- »>_**-*. af 8 , \ l«

l .« raa.i.r._n

"s.'kJ".'"' I . d_-,w~b bbbI, baAttNew Ha

-. .l.l.nS Hi'ii'i I.yn'l.. V.rgn.a .1 .|a.,B,_* ¦

8. hr Heory Brt.wa, Ja_ae*. v.rg aa 4 48. uiA.i. Va amaeu, Vogiua J da.,piaewe»4.PiiIBBh l'f at..r,«."i, .S,.rw, 1,. Ct B***a

8111 TH BBIgt CfUui'W, lH.w..i..t. ..t Ltvayyeolj Main*.ut* ¦lllk.*..* Clty|k*t**| b*r». Moui.ta.ti«.r, Kr Craryu.. . A. ikm: .r|»... Avety.Bl. J**a> A* Caka , W. H. Bi.***,l ,.ry. lt M.T- ' fPlBtLOVV- Dr. I Ct;» 1888*.

l-BTieg Itr* Ut .i ''. t bi .

,,.. - ,¦¦ «H .!' . '"

Bale lr.._ ll.e .*>itl. aa-l, Ituiu atl-a l ul Cl.aile. In I.- I_t'» BookTVtBl . ¦_*.* I l i. "' " tti.rn.ii*. "v -t 'a' a*>>-. a laiat 8**t .'.-..'..<

, . . . ..

aaa ktn.i rigt, tUafwhu magbaciyi

. .

A.r. «. ! «. tk.y* Uaa Wi < : Rl, N._ (l,lr..|.

a . ii ... >

,, a. . ,

»....!.1" H J t )Br* ¦.....-, v.a y... r* lat, '¦¦ i... -tab, Pala .

. n -ii- ..%>.-.- m

|,1 -a. J. i.ati.a. li.<!.'.¦! a A«|H*»Torl

i A |..7, U*l . ll -. N«ar_rk;!. IsI, ii,-.,. l^-ir*. Mi . I, <

» ».. , |k !_-..'..!. New ii, . . ikiii.ln,. it .'i ryrai al, n-

g*«fark|Hi . UarWrt, ¦.ryiaa,Ikl ia H.i-i l«. ...... |

., ... -¦ < |.i .'ianne», Vaa f B. nr-|8*a

,; ,(,.,. -,| n r -, >. .

\w i ¦- * Ctmwi k. ¦- ; RCi-aai

i:Orl TurLay-Air. .Itl'.Loa.aiaaa, I -r, - l v


I I . l . a. ' -«

.a. -,,.!'.vi ray, IOR Arr. V*t i-a.w ,- Abafl,Itaw-Tatfc.

ll L«. W 1

Baarli. ll-t. -. atd Ao| .'* I s-


¦.ftha* ,M1 .

yy an. I ii -

k i| *tr iv.i,. V ..t s. H..., i :..rV.u.n.I'., l a« - * '.- ''

ln 1. H \ . iVVt'k. Vr» "i etol.

Ir,. « k« .- f tn N Ba Oal.aaioB *:«,

1 atr.j, i. Ma'.ai MIH-.ia \ > > R*W OttatBB| Btya

iM.Paa*. *.. IR*« 1 ¦

'a An Htl. Baf Itau, I ai i ¦,. B*. Ti ,.<«.-_

. A i J. aaet*._>¦** Arr. Ang. *o, Ria^.fiaB.lrl, K», k-nai, Uaa a aa. .a-al

t. Anae'inn r.t-. i" i i i Wa- » -, H.naai, t

IBxaaaa . "ew Teife.i A V . . H. .. I t Barauia..\,. |rt i . .. > . i Bt Ha r« *r H. .

trnk Mil , y\ ai-..l Rt a, 1 r.

I. . a - V . .

late*. t'.i.l.y, fk.a I'.leau. S .Ifcati..! t' .- H Oo.; <>«. a.. , I ia ...

H n i - i aad R*»» f . it i Lt __-iIni'..- Ikl Mlk Satkaa H.- H a . ,*..

i » II* A .*. ii, ti I . «.

rt. >ki*_..i . - i i , >. a-- > .

I i A a.. 1 ¦

,i R Rj H

H. t I I ¦

K. V, i \' .a .

k .

, -. .

Ball. I H. a,. ... :;,Al~l ..

li»i|r>., Buatoa... » .


i Jai. Va-. Bia*.1, JltbtlB, RalLB-re a

M***_aAi. n t. J H CoepM Caw* ,8 « 1 .

\a . . a- - -

I a . ¦ a

1C«,. «waa. New-y.'rt

Ji h. . . v p '¦ B... ... . i ».

,.i . .-., Ba.... -I

ky, Ca- at:a. »od . 6a_M. 1 . -t R

I . .

-. -

i adaebf aadaaaacbaraaayibaa .

By Talegrapb.V"«T' a a., a , .



lara flan a. .

,,.:..- . i k| r . . C -

K*.Dj.»r, luii. l.-ad, artr. AK*.ay.ABaay.

aF a »ur Con*.*a>aJ*e!*.]

kDIl i I ' I .,:. a«a, B.4teaibil" r.'- I.'*-. a.a > ,wa. Da_ W*k. Rni»-... li. Ba i g,l H l I, .. a ,.

B. 'Oa I a . l I'nn.y.a-a - , . a .(,

i- f .' ¦ -a I

r.;.. w. r . * . r.: .

I. B ewaR Mykk. Caakralg*. J rt.TIu>oi|m.mi, BaL-ai,". -wt-rataei a.

| , .. Baik t.:y > - -, La aa

Jai- k i- .

l)|.;iait i«. Ar.Ba * S.i.1 Ba.aa, at Maktl* :r*w RewTerk ea

ka| a .*. * a*. aaa. Bn, «a* tu_.k >.'_ a .*.!* n*a_l. ~a.ckcamad a*ay :.yuat a.-J coura.ia.

iu,,,: k.v a- m. ea Wer tj * fr argu. a- U . ia... v , t.ef ., » . » « . I .

, l ¦.k-.aaoaVaai6-.-gai,*r. T . »

Saaa I'. . > - i r.. . " .- r- «.»-.. -..«s. B I | -j i-*'.. aad »*-l aaiHji* ..l ~a ¦wt.ra . -- . .

>a**aaactadiaB.aaiaa at aa aaaai -a.*t« -a....

Ta '¦ >-..«t.8*;i -T_* U*-i Hr_-i al CVtoJaba' laAag wa*

ran *. i.iis, ji tagart ater-n Tk* wat*. aitc w»daa i..kitbtea kim . i.i a n 1* wh1« ikruugb Bbiy lalaad.

T»-lt talaaJ, a* .. a *i- b iOm__I*I.*tt l.iaa ia, at t_» l_*t <*».m*. yaaa. 1 aa -ediaaac* u r»

BRRan Aaty ea Salt ftvm oa* a*M u> ka a c**-. Iwij *. .aie . .>. ea Um l.taJ Jaa.arV aaxL I-*..: i. _->a*_t,w.ll | >*a a*w -yaiaa ti, tb* tnJ* oftki. Coa *y .» .i.|r*at*ta*ta,

_.>_... trai ¦kH-k_k* owplatH*-/UM Laybl H<"»* alVka»_aUi.-*lMGr_a_Tark wiB *-l T_a> riintltt o< U« I Uaad Ca_va l.-ad* a. -.w*. _, aa.rvra* Coeaa' bara. tbagtae

lDaad, BBB r EaaiBkll," ¦ Agt_ Bat, I

laat Ri-w iNNbifatadoalb* l*t .< Ocimr,art u_tBBjaab, witkeat .ii*.-*.. ,©«___, rtaa, «J ka uacayartft-wkgkt _-.*. gaa-_y> er «ow yon i-a-a*. 8-1 a aa.B4.B4 at a.a*reaW. aad . . a.l a iua*!, kataaaa* bAaty I* ** li gB" '** at .¦ifltwv dmOi t* cv*M._ai*a* aaa.y r__* Aa'M *.*.« »r -nilwaaalfbr taR k* eery» t-a-t Ba-M ma-aalrt w W ka.b oa tb* asaib art af 8w

.batkaaa Baiabad. aalw-l

.-,.-.' aa BBtaraaaJBrw ...-..-...¦.->-^.;iMawBaM..H^^-4iaM.WhaJera.

a^aajkawajd'' " ^."» *.,.*,.*.-...7 L -. . a..iaaa».aatB*'-lca.ra.oi f ...TWi%t jr.3a«l.. taJti*"..'aaa. rt.aaey, BaMpo**!!.'" .» oi'ki R-'d*. «»'.» raporea J.lyit : .: Ifari.B

Mt ""~r T.T I


.... Pt.tiwy. B.t .t-A*tt. f .» aarta ^Jt-_K*rTT; JJd*. a«..p.'ri»or!-aJ,ry- :. .» .> P-^Haaaie V

aa^iakwta.BMwt'yk.i ¦ ..xwa. .ZM*-.. BM-vt t -n- : .. i i ..-.. -..

ksrk.Ge.-r-*-.rr. «,-, . lo* '.**». w-

bAtata.Vtaa. Hffl *V*"=*-.WaittlarV iO at* .P. t.1, kad kwlld wat*. »r* v .¦

W -.tpart. 1 '.» -UT' ae-.Ai.i: be BBBBl *>Sa JTakale aad »a» bM wa-

..... j, .-.

oW**ie8.. atl v. r. 'v ¦

.z. o- Nu: if.. r-po-ti aar A« ¦.> kal. ,p- od.

. A a %-. tarA.'*BAjiJ..Teis a*. ^ef Cerca lalaa-i.

Mpalten. oVe.F.tP> ' , -. M - I BBU.1 «

y, . - . H .

Baa.aaI BY.,«rat aaaaaaay aaaaaaal

Aar. 80, Mt. 88, taa. t- 3P. Or. kng Iad-ii, fir. BruMfcl, Zaa '-f

. r, ie i». from InataJ, IL,:*f Ba* V i

T*. . _ t ,

Aa« t- . P Uaa, of R .kmcal.BJe 'r- H . -rpnr.l

. , i


Karelga lort*.A: F.' tJl I « t;»-ry. Madr»«

T, , . ., . Raj-J*B.i \ t ¦- i

, .

t., i B Kl*,a, .¦ r

¦.. 1h. ¦

-.. jn| Cas--

M.y. i ..- tnCelle*. a 4 »

..-aa. Haynfl. leom R.h.a t. r B*l-..*v.r«*'

, BaM .,--. 1


«, " . v ' .

v ..

- I Bryi » 8Ai..... <-

l. a: ^tt -.. . BBfl ...

TaaperaJ '

t>trh B-* | i

AlB-- N '

At A.»." .. .'. *»' a, OVaa. I- H ,Mi tl

.... . . . I . v . '

, H . » .-. -


"ewlanN- | *

. .oa leaiuaa, al beJerfl rl-

' ''", i . rbn I. Lei. H.-r-.'

n - Br M tVkfli.forB... rl .....

rtara XV re'- -r In-..|. aa-1 rfayti, C "»..» Tork.


s. .'...«, ta »«i

P| 0 sn-..y,C. B ,..«... ,

A- K- ' '. I

, \; , -. . . « .

i «... . n

Arr. it H i Otoi V-n « P. -t \: . kr..,o r

\, .,.r. v l v t a. vv >. - ark. H .-vM.-r * ¦: I <¦' I

Itc, awaia. Irw Tarkj . I'a- t't. VVooa.a, B-^u,-.0 s. T

.rr at Sl Ju'.r.S B.. Itaiaat. ..» H-.r* ..O'Hara, 14 Hallf . T >

¦ -I

M . W, F.ote. H I'.rflen-. Baat. BavflBai ¦ f, A'-t

sadna) Mary, Bah ¦. * M raai M.l-.n, iol MiryJ.-.-.... | | .. .. 4u

IMb.Ckt HI..L-. Itarnaa, Ilui. in, bnaal -. g . 1 . li ... I . . B .

}. uwaaa, Cn!u.c, i;-.e''r. '-k -

, ti i ta an -. LeadMar-b. «

Arr i' .. IrgCai rirxy, r 'Ad.'j. i.y .. v H, ' Dl ...-, CIar», fram

IArr it ttttatkiM.bark aataaOikaaa, BoMaa I

.tid. i »¦ H 8*1 .. Kr>.

Denteetlr Parta.BLBAKT. 8a| | . .-. K u.r. !..»,( uatp*: . BaiUin

| . .

... tl .. 1. . ( ',.Bll 11. .1.1,11. Oayti ( Jolo vVe«l»y, S*e*t,Br* i>. .

Aliov-Hll. «-.- i-A-r abif f-if "

. *...--.s H H. C. 0 Bnar, Wa ¦

- >.i..BA1H, a*rt Vn i* H.n .-, VVk»a,.r,SA.aar:Ak. Cal.iik

. Moa,\ .-. »

1 i o- i\\ V , . .-.| \f


».,« >,A . t kl I M.r*' V, lod-1v flr i Parl Inaay P» a"

| >..-, oa n y, IV .¦

.... i . laaifl . t .. aw, a.

rakwi. B»kei .- t ju.u.r, Fbai t .. il¦"...., ,., f. -i -ty. ¦ »,

.-. .-..j--r

..!.-,., i e, loow, I r-.;. . . *

. - .- s

. ftaatef P«| ...

k. I *¦ r. Pratn ¦. aado..r-T T« « Baryaaphai, «n If UI. I v Lei .---

.. w , . ¦ .....

K . .ii VV H. M.HIM-I, -,- IBaa. Baa i f «i Bat

i H Oawall, Baardwaa, - .11 -i Vr - ,i .-, Pl -i ». S* la'er., «a

I , 1 .

I v- BX, Beat, Atr. , I. I --. aa, PWiflBt,-, V I

P I'... ' \ ¦.- ¦ it . H

IA8T 1 »k - MgAtlakaaai. Bi ¦, Pl .

v.., i .

¦Al Ki.rl.-i-- l-..d t n i . B.y. ilp W. D. Man¦ ... . i, I s-.

HUtM K H POB1 .. Hsaai "

bkxM in SK. 8*it .. krr.i a-, Hall, K 1.'.KKMk] x^ -. M

1 >i>\\ a.k i_A't ¦ .I-. rtiflbf i riaaiia. a ?«i

B B B.r, J. .;,,.()..P». .4.'pk>i; ui, HaDaabCkva, VV,o.,d. LUwa Broo.i, Cr. .

aa, <lr- 1 .

I arcBaptl A r kr | larab TW. la^.l*.-, F.iha, afl Bk. . - reavei I iiay.iM Traaiat,Baanar.Baw-I -iBACHUI POR1 ».,. i -liniv ,r., -

K Br. an, H- «u laflbl I MHN r, . i ,-t, B, .

. n .a--?, s.w I ..

. ' ' ..-!. !' «. Dawa* ni A,a. Bi ¦Muhllr tap*. i Arr itaau. n BW.I W.r- %.-

| II....*. ki (a Sa.x Br wn. I lark. N..1 . H. I ...

MiMOKIM*. «. ,,«. .,-.-,. ,.,lo. Bara¦i . M....... M-i » -- a. .

wta i . > - . a .. ,*> ,, B itwr,Mavaaa| arbi BVo.-. i . , C. is#\v .»;..> «... e- p t*k% t \. ¦

. v . «.-.. y ..t i.n ,

v .

MiWMfltf! i- ...M.., «* Bdeaaiflckr.i. .-. Pl

. . bbO .. artf M. Vaaf -. iH. it . -s . i. . B. C ; Blaaakar, 1

I >¦ .- .»:, Ni.Twt, L'..

tt 1.8*1 ln » . fl... i, ' .

i r . . ¦. « T ,-.¦.. Mi.

Baali .. ,. . -. n . o«a.

-. I Atl -i.ra. lU-iaa D I1 > \ . I ¦» i .

pol'.ll * . .. s . | ,ii-. -, a, P-.¦-.. 8i .' . It -ii

Ilill IlV(l>M) »-?( . »¦¦ -. \,. , i \ ¦ V .

-- Koa.r*. BV-- . ., \.. -...ran>- «a»ru.

> -. L.»:--.. «, CUrk. Bo.oiei "..-,.

i h . ttai i. . - 4...1I, a... \.. . , m -, , i ... aatar. kib, arr ¦ r. .. t -.^ v- i «. ^

ats ^^. -,\. s-« -. t*a, *«:..

- :.»fcr a. Mi .

VV J H v -.

-Tmanrial.C Bai R..: «

Mbw-1 .--p\oriLE..1i.1 New | rk and Erhj Ra. laad C^nitsBy s.

k? tresai rOeatoea a kab*U -.4tb.tifPc i -«,, :a r^hy-ataaa, ot I - v

-ay of t'-tvBar na«^ L-joi 11 o'clach A M. u iMI ba .r--...'rr aaaaa w:ll be closad froea Sept. IAtftfli .be .lectiis. By order of i... Otrect x*


Oir:ct » JaaiPBaaaa laaaaaaaa co., »

rpHKIX)ARD of DiRLCI^taUX thla day iee^-ti a dlndead of threa loi.ara perihara. M»abia to tha BuUhola-,s M a,., baa. BBpaaBBBBPlivaa. oa aemaad._GtO 1 H JPt^ecr.tarypREDITS ON CH1NA. INDU. &cTl0*Bk*iA New-Ycrk. arepreparad to aaaa Marcaotita CraaVta, Cuyitar Mocaa. aad CattWTaf Cradll «^utaOaji5tTAL BANE OP LONfX'.N. ataibtato.u ta. tta?mr a'aTr^B? "** ««-taaaa*aBBBt, a. follcwa.CANTON. i ttAnBAa

u Rimo. 5 Chtaa. 'BMANUKAl,COLl MBO.BAJIDT. { C^1**


TOLEDO. NORWALK and CLEVE-LAND RAIUIOAD RONDS.-fti.,MX 7»M jt*.coU Mor.gaaa aad) laeotaa Rcataa of tha koave lirad forBlUaaltO, DUTajTI k CO^ No. il Wail-ol, Hf

EXfTHANY.K oaS _3 f?^CfcCX).-MH^iHiniftc«,

Bailroed Boad-


HCITY*Or BILWAL'KEE 1» P« *"» Pn-C-pal and

_a-a-"'^h^boc^v^^R"^_Bad">_^tgage. crrYand

COUBTf BOVPS-We ofcr for »«*_'*,r._"wo. :_. _»i_g -EC-RITIEB of tb* m-ft o-oouawd 4-auaa-

OHIO aa* rr.NSSYL-VkNlA SPvEN PEErfsT BAlLP.OaPtiNVKRTIBLF. BoNDS, Conpoaujpayabie ut New-'.c.k. lat Ja.'yaad Ltt Janaary. Pnocigal

^tJf'-^Vl_MlNGTON aad SEVKNrtRi ent _uiLROADcoNw:ariBi__:M'>RruAt.-.BONl'S Co-poei ir. New-York, ltt June and _at

¦fcJB ^vnapoubsevenp.CENT COMERTIBLE AA.LAOAD KRST MORT-OAQE BOM)S.l'.ur:_i payabie 1.: May and lat Nov-ia-ber Prine-.p- f-todue ia L.l. E--~ debl -i u_e C_n». a

"TB,r'..",iNt)l.lNA CKNTRAL BEVE!. PFB CENT.rIu-ROAL. ttlNVERTIBLE KIRST MoRT-lA.jEROND9 Crapcrirayabie ln New-Turk, lat May ai.d l»tffc-.oiVr Pnr .raii-aa-ie :*t N -emtvr. rr.

ttamoA.JN COl N TY. Peaaaylraala, BEV.EN P_R CLNXs. tUAienleed by Uie He.npneid Ra._w_d

, OHIO COCBTT. Mrginla. 8EVEN PERCf\7a gnarasieed hy the He _p1eld Raa.-oad _?mP*n7_VtaCfaa CITY Of MADI-bOB. dl\ P_R. v ST* i_*-e_>'«- bi the Ma-iano Oa* Liaht Compaay

$_. ... \AN WERTCOUNTY, ur: , 8EVKN PiiRC.VT RON1 ..,»*¦'* :,t Ju.y ar.d'ttJaa.The *>!'* ii g B( ->DS are in ea. j c**e for *!."«'. cna-

grp_ and -.ntereat, ir all aaaa* p*yahle *emi-a_oua-.y, ia

tm RJU-ROAD ROBBR are ln the tnoel empleBaxarr nv .Vottgage .r Deed jf rrtut, to gome InowB an*

~*ra.i.«'.b.e cinaeu ot New-York, witb pow.r. ia oa*e of da-___'_ lo eater aid ae.l e*-h lb . .ipmenia, A*,t*raiee moeev ta pay axcouBt of latereet or principal.lheCIl . an* ViH NTV BONDS a-e h-ned, ln eech

vmae of Specal AUB ot the proper Leg -larure,

n.rt.i* i. p v B»Baea_ead on a BbaatartBStbepa-j . . 1 iu_t voi* beuig'--gely io tov ir af

^beT.w. ander vbtob theee Beodt a^e creetod laaafcalha

APAK1 ea-.-.i-ny f.rthe per .-

, , glLterrtt. .i__r*l.»l,y t.'re .n'.ur-.'.'ie ogh tba court*-f law. abould

faIiumi ii aecBatary .

... on th*

-_'_Td p.rwaoal a-d_-t. wi....n i... IIBJIH.BI City aod

^TbToi'w i*.atlt»t:oaaadoP_ed by the people of Dhio aod

_2__ pr-h.h.t UBBJaaalf tn. creattim oi arj r<-Mdrt4ei t... ' -*. w/^in uieir kuaudanaa Tb* wul p.e.anl a

f-.tnai ita-aof Ba-uriOe*Ll -luaaurt.r. -1 e-hiblt*. ln e*y h ca*e. ,an he had on arp'l«t_.a_

at r*_. aaVa ilvl-g foll and taia .ed -_AMawd-B a* t* :b._.:_. o.-.i,^. luT LANiilA k CO., .Na. _, WaBaANew- Yi rh, Sapt ._1^___TROY anl BOSTON RAILROAD

Bf'NDS -The urMe-i-giied ,.f-i at r-:ii'- ta'e 0 .

RTI i'M>HeiRTiJ4«!K. CI)N\T''RT1BLK BONPSof theTHOY ard BOSTON RAILROAD COMPANY The.mot-rit ot tnlt loen U .* «.« 0, of wh'ch 1100088 hdurpoeed of and tbe remalsder will be io!d 10 amoanta to¦Dit purrh**en.The loao lecired t-y the ae-raod mortgage haa b-en made

| | -i .. r rt. a- r . -i i .. « T VJ and Roetcn Rallroadfr m llot.lrk Fa'lt to the Sta'te hne at Pownal, Vt, f.T p'ir-e'-aaint aiidtttor,al ftirnitnre for mnnlog the road, and fnrhanidatirg the Moatiug det.t .of th- Company. The Bondgare payabie oa th* ltt of April, l-eil. at the llank of Coin-nen e, re New-Yirk, and have Uir.reet coupon* atta.liedpayat'e at the aarne place. Tbey ate c_B.eru.le foto itockof the eoinpany at p fnr ten year* from tlie'.r date, and are

.ecured ly a n."rtiage m tne toad, it* frauch -e* bl.1 i£( ur-

lenance*. to Jeba E. W.xjI aud Jnna*C Heartt, of Tioy,aal to the prev. Jt ninrtra-e nf <n'on,"<"

T*l~ capital itock of ,;ne Tioy aud Boatoa Rallroad Caatytubi-rriU)* and (,a:d Into 8421,--. Uno-ataab-acrik-d a_,d not paid it. l| I 'I- ' *

amouiit expenoed fi r and e^aip.«ut -P to

Augu.t 1. 1 ~i. it*'1 ;-.;in 'I-_, ,

The Troy acd Boetun Kailr. ad exlend* fro_i the City of

Truy to tbe eaaterly Uae ef the Sute at Pnw.ial, Vennoot,la wkollj within tba S'ateof New-Yo.k. and it p-itof 'hallice i-f Rallway exUnding frnm tlie Cuy ol 8.i*t"n to Troyaad li* K e l < I.P ..1 f l ~ H'chburg.the y'ennont A llaatnch .a-tta, tlia Troy ii Ureentield, audIbeTrav A Uottoa Rat. . ._«___. .

Tlie T'oy aiid lt.-t l Rallroad to located throuah g«*B BliheuM' pri.ii leByefarBkbtgCoaaBeBlatheBtala,tbe b*nkt of a river br.keo at thort du anc..g hy rapid* andwater foila, wher. tbe fa-tory, the maahine thog, the furottc.aad the mill are po-rlcg out tlie dal'j mcr-a-lng pro.iuotd ifhuman ir.dnttry r,n."l tklil. Th» hll't an i fxirderl_g thlt vailey ar* i.iled with rocka ore* ai.d mi lera'a. aada.. e'e.l wiui vftl'iahla _,»-l and timher. each and all afwhicb ara nuw balng Uanaportad ln large quanuue* ovsr Ibaread.

At Kagle Rndge tiie Troy and Btwton Rallroad flnnn.etiwuh a mad '.. Btltog U*g. moinn. ihmugli the n. li and pro-ductne CBBBttaai I W *»Ku»n.n n Nt* Yi.ik, and Ititlui.l,tn V ermoLt, fium wb,.u a large ai_o_ut of Duaiued* 1* de-rtv*d.At North Hix-'.ck '.* I r:eCt*wlth road* {the _Y>y ar.d

Rei.i ...n aud tbe VV e.'na V eiiLiuil) '..'. ui.le* long, leaileg thrvugh anotber nch aud productive. vailey to Ruiland,wbeiet: c.LDeci* witb Railriaid* leaomg I* Ratliaglaaaa_u Bi.ton Tbi. a'ler e. une. tlon I* onaof greallinpurtanceaait opena tbe wboJ* i' vv **tem Vanaoal f; mi Be utlngtoatoCaiada and f-iru t.'iei by wiyof the Troy an i BoatuoBaliri-ad aconvenei.t outlet for it* aliruat unli-iitti'd ein iui.Iof fieiiht, and a taf-i and rapid uiean* of travel to it* autnet-i>u* aid enteiprting lurlatiiaul*Tbt Read 11 BOW doiog a large and profltab'e butlneea, aod

ltt re eiKtt aod Ibe c-*t of it* congtiactfaa reuder IT. i-curi-ty tn i >-ard the Direetera of tha R ad luiheaiiatinglyraccu _'od tbem to .apiuil tt* aa a deatrable inve*

VVAilD k CO , No. _4 Wall-sL


PFR CFNT. HR8P MDRTOAOB CONVFRTIBLERONDATh. Daytnn aad M.cMrnti KaHrtad Cnonpaay ofter tbraala

ol thelr Hoitta.e H .nd«, wi'hl nipnn*.Tbey ar* n luo.ul ?l.'« ' payabie tba l*t J'lly. IM8.

wltb L' a: 7|er eei i .einiaouually, in the DttyaiN*w-Y'.rk. oo tlie l*t Jaouary aod tn* lat laly ufeaih y-rwhere-1 e | r.L. |.al ii.rn ll alt" payabie They are aeearedby a fi.*t aod Baly Mongage. or 0.«d ot Truat, to ttVarr.i.m. of thetllv if N'w Y >rk. '.n tru»t for th« bonJ-

7hey are iwieti undar *ctt of the I.entlarnre ofOhli', authi nrg -in ar, I the mortgage t) teeurath'tr pay-nt-nt 'lb* BB.BBtef bi nrta thua to bo itaued under tr.e

mortgage 1* one uuHion of dull.ira They ara BoaVBftlMllato tne cap.tal tt- ck ol tba tompaoy at tbe option ol'.Th* arnouet rf Pot I. »t r-iaent to h» ii^ied nniey rl-e

..*« « « 0, ol _>E;.h i/o.y tl'<i,.-.i w.ll now b«otl-.ed \r tai*.Th. mr rtgage ccver.' M "f tha Company, theii

prifr tyreai aod e_niin»_clng at tiii te.-a>lna'...ulI tbe Ciccisoati and Dayu o Rallroad. at the City of Daytea, Ob-o. tbeL.e by Tn.y Pl.jtia S.,1 *y L aa, Pvr<t-borgb. M.tiiiiiee and Taladss t,> tbe Miobigao dtata iiue,la tha l.recti. o il Datrut. 14" tiw.i-* toegTha trieiLgage pt ud-a tnat tne to'i any tball oaly laaia.

BLd l.'ie Tiualea ceitlly uoder lt, A**",'"'" of bondg unt.lafter th* Kaad i* bbltbe* and tn operailon tn Si.tney, V-D.ilra. f.ii'.H .. iloi* after in* aame 1* nuiahed and lo ope-lattoo to !.:are. :n!-a, and ao on aa the R.,ad la ¦¦ ropietedfrrm pou>t . poiot, and tbe auocey aerted Ui uurcbaa. trooraiA a.-.

ii t.e nt xlJ Bai] Baa tLarecn and ut oaly deht of thefrmgaeyThak pari of the .Ire .ylog 'etweea Dayton aod S.doey

it Ltei'y giada* *¦ >i I roita. ibe ralla have een paicbaaedand o"W in tbe eourte of arnvaJ.wiil b« completed aod :eoperation ly tbe hut ol /une naxt.Ao arrasgenieat bu 'ean made witli :h* Clncinnati ai..

DarBM itoad lo rua it for the preaent.T'eentue !lae fn ni Dayton to the Mlch'gan Btate Mre

Kjuipi rd for ou* year. it e*tunated to en*t BA ' 0,0U0. T..a:part lymg hetwceo Day'uo an* Midney -fn.-

I' it 'he parpnee of tbe ( ompany to omplete the line toB.rfrey tirat. 'he r*rc. i.e frnm pniat ta polat o dtlnooualy a*tbe m»aL. of the t orr.pany will permlt.To » n.n'c'.e the Road to Sidiey '.c* T. tnpany ba* a_

avallable aoek t._**:;pr. n of ahnal |0" ->.' wblch li_ibeeo a>i«t!y leUaalad *nd eipended oa tl.e Ium. To rai*etb* .n a.n:r« -Bi t Ibit lian 1* r**orted to.V.... n _r-a* v Ji-Compar.y to ra'te

tba Deatt.jy MacR tub. nprinn* to coinplete theaofr.Loe A cockide.abie tum ua* aifaady aaaa tubacribed. Theeatire ue lt :t expected. wtll be placed ander ccatract bfg-aavaiiiL aLd n a* r.-v early aext year, blJ eo..iplaie<l». .... Wl gTn. il r'gag- gtvai fa_ gawar to the Tr_ree t j take piw-

.*.¦ n of '.h. Road. it* p-rto'.ai e:kei.i«, franjfi MB-c_ aaa to teil tne t._ie ~ tne nuueii bidder, to

raia.-K>i.eyt. pay e.:ber kataraal or t.u,cipal m caaa ofdeta-i-

... whutb tha Rovd pat»-«. w tb ItiC. iLecl . a ay«*.i BBI:u: -a.-u kj ¦ y r-r of citlal e'.ter;f in the n' B, blterti.ty of ». i. eapaBl_ty t auiAainiog a dentop.,aa* -i a_i tbe eir_*i._ ot we_-ii and protperity.

Tbarefaitt eftka A.d'.or c: tne Btaie of Oa.. » . tiat abaat one-fourth of tb. eotu. '.axabl* pror«rtyB_Ka waa :3_.* .a _.e tir*..e taj Lc* prtat* troea Tuledo u Cinctnuan.

1 BaaRbBBB port.jn of tbe line p«**e* through 'ae mo,tpopu-oua a_d fertl.e [ortloi.g ol tbe L L.ted S_a.e*, La.1 aH > aga. .: waau.-Lbroiec *o*e*t.

¦:->.-. .:ne cr> a*ra -_e Bellef talne a_d Ind'.anaR*..»a , at, tbe aou la *.il p- ,<r«

i g lo M tbe imaianaa trade efi .a'.udfcr;Wr,Le, iod thax wttt and L0._b

tf it.AtTotode t & naectt the M cb'.gan Bou'.hern and

Lake BbaN Rcada Tha nre wt'i amn v« extended to Dabaat AtDay'io ;t-oineeu with r^d to C.cclnoitit. .-.n aad tl Ir. acapoiit wea, acd Coiai.ib-* aa*_n_BRaadw1.l| pay t* .barehoiden qj '.a u wai,

aa ta. Lia_in_ati aod Uar-a Aoaai. whoaa tti/ck '_ low ator abuv* par.An cf a tr^ap of thlt l-.-e wl! now tha: lt

oecr'ei a _r_t unporuuit poauion, cearly, 1/ oc -.aquai :o any otber m tbat BtateBaatod mtt+ *a_ will be reeeivad for any tomt nc* >m

taaa tl.tbo aaril Ratarday, tha tSth day af thia moat-. alSoatockP M " -«-»-, aa

Proaoaai* wtll be addraaaad lo tba Agaata of th* Cotnaa-ay He--. WIBRLOW, LANIER k CtA, No. Vi WrAi| "Propa.ala _r Uaytoa aad _dic__gan Raiirrr-iRoad*.''TweBty-tva per ceat. of tha purebaia rcyoey wi'l be re-qtilred to be paid on aeceptteg tbe tida, tb. rema-nder laatjaaJ mcntblj t-atallaienU af 25 aar ce.L Any aarchaaar

-j. uberty to pay ln foil at one.. liitaceet oo thaRoad* will mo from tbe day of paynxotNImt_&%Sl3U?mA^*f .¦«»*-»A prtatad exnibtt, witb a anaa and all-nri _fon_a-noa Uralatoa to _.««. te«_r,t_ea, ean b* bad by e__i___a attt« cf Lba Co-cpanT'. Agena No <_ VV_iaTj5,w.Y^w-York. Bapt 6,gg ° TEIJUtU?' ***»¦

T?AENaA(i1£_L1CAN *XCHAN0EBANK of Oa-mtcwa, D C. radamiad u i _leatby EAJ.TK-t_l_lllQ,HA3B^


1 CAN FRANC1SC0 CITY TDf PBS I^-rNT Busni4.DdCkLiruRNu^m:s-:vjNa, . -fkioB mr-;;*i .*« *«-".» 0| '*«"

U&L*fcl«R ^riVra. DOME aCffaNo M Wall *. eorrar VV ..jam-at.

I rilttFANY.The fonrth tofltalivjeot of ftva pa' **>ot-

scdpalB e it th* ofbce of the Company. No JOW

gga**^^afS FFICE of the NEW-YORK and\J LlXKRriMiL D R tfAlL arBAMaaiP cosoPANY. No. J6 WaU .» N Y, Augutt 17 IRtf-Tha book.for anbacrtpti.,-. ,0^ balsnoe ct tha »wck ofthta Bl Mgaot eab-r.,.^ fot ..«« to tbe paaaga of tha aetfortasreaaed mail pay by tha vitavararnait, wlJ ta oea^aitbeToa-e-. MP.fxTe! from the lOthta tbaJ.**"*"ker aaxt, laalwataa. b, o^^^^^^y^-\J R. COBB & CO., No. '29 Wadf-ot.,V\ . Stock fJoinni;fl.:oa aad Collaetloo B-ahera.§Tov"b!i koaghl acd aoid; Siata, RaiiroaJ, C.ty, aaa

other Loent aeiuiated. - ..-. a*,,-.COLLEC1 lONS n-Biie lo al. ae-ta of lha v-nlted Stttaa

aad tba t^anadafl wtui prootptnaaa_

L'.NCUKRKNT MONEY..Rateo ofdtecount at No 9Wall-at. aoraer of Naw-at. BtaflR

«e^htrd. EaMenv, caaaighih, .;-'. ;HoTsSt"otbar kiadflproteortwaately low. MEOAREY A JOH.>s»o.t|

f~AND WARRANTS" BOUUHT aadli B4)LD oa tha moat fswrabla lerme, by COLEMAMRDRAKE- No t^ V\ sil-ic, B-sr Hsnov-r-aj. ,.._..snd 4' acra Usrrantfl, f^*^*%*"v*snd n-vlvahle st snv Laod OtRce Tn rttltiN »IflRa*e»a>aantly oo baod v\ srranu forwsried to sJ ps.i04.tBfl.uLtry at tha raarket prloe, oa lha raaalpt of w.dtUooea.

-lU.La.ND WARRANTS WANTEDil\ n } -of tba Piondawid tftf W<m\m*+»*J*Meatca.1 Wa*. for which the btajhaal eaah prlca wiir* pa*

ala, IiHnol. Paf-*at> for tbe " « of "«&».* * .^PELOT, No -> Nawau-M 8 dorrfl Irom " all-it

Drrj ©oo&f.

LINKN GOODS..lilafi Liaeaa, all,4rown L:ueo TaMa I Itatbfl a

Drop, Napklaa.

pnce. io tba CraA. b,_J* S - i£2 UM artaaat.

Tt^^Kw^yTiRdTTiS kn hall.. ina tbankicg our i.imaroui klad fi'-ndi and pe'rone, who

lava io Ukaially t'.|TOi-d ui lartrdj ¦ uinHhe pai.Ukar w<--. irior,,. ti-m ao.t tn* at thal

wThave comi.ieted (ur fall .i.ipo.l^loaa, and hava BShaaB-.ofo" r.iom-aa.vart.1, of Itnen «»^ t^' '^°^the.... whlch a. niual, U * * 2£JZ*2*r,.r..f fa'nc an.l .u ad.nt >n to o'ir "tocb Cf Mheetlugi, rv

Hn.nenf.rr-..,. iatrttaga Lc Ra, baw.lAaiBtrOalatiely of Shlrt KrootA plain. pnnted ae.d aaaha nd--Vd A!»o 1-en.h lambne Handkercbiefa, for 1 dlei au.1*ertlei.i-*.'in piain, prtnied, aod la.e bordert, to whlch »e

-¦-"'¦».» '. ^'^No'^rB^'.y.THE PEori.F/S RIHUO.N STORE.

Rlboooa, fli.kfl. velveta featbera aad nil.ilnery goodflItlioni adaptad for dreai acd n.antilia krtininingfl; alao foixicoeta, ueck rtbbooa. wrlttlela, bowflfir ha!r tmhai -ail o'tbe nchatt quaJity and deeiga, and largeal variety ever ea

hlbiied lo Uil» country for taia very #abaap, al BJbatajaBjr retail, «t No 10 Rowary. aoraar of Uaatar-ai M BLICIITFNSTKIN_IIADDlNi;.Thu oiiginalStar WadT V dmt. h«ih Black md VV hlt*. inaaulae'urad by P II

RATHBf'NE. Chatbsui Koar Coruera, MOREliUL J>E AMK.RR11T, No. 341 I'ioa-at.. Agenti.

Biiir. bn ^niticnA M. Mrawi1., Aoetloaaer.

BY BANl.S, BROTHER & CO.Trade 8*l-« R. aflBB No 1.1 Psrk-row


B I »ie n-iy atb u tiva aodMeaua Ticknor, Roed «...! Kieldi, 4 art.r o,.l Hliiai.- .v 4 ... I hjrniii' a k

m A C-. Metrtea. V M....r*\ l .11 pkina, Bi.ditu.ui k, lo; Ai.dnn, Uauuilctt 4. Co;Mmu.1i l.iw.

rtpg Plateb.- Anmbartf valoableiB .-, .. n h apyrigl ta, -v

Sii' PLatbi Nai ¦.-'... -i ralaabla, lacludfasg '¦'"<¦ *

,, iiiie'y aagrarad i-i

L- I'lOO.V\ 00*1 IAB0I iii« A gmat variety.I'. irni.-Mn nisr A laua B » P»pcr-

ti.a'.ei.' I itOl t U

OSEPH HEGEMAN, Auction...Jl'AV. Sept. ia, at liloVlock A. M at tha airii«r of Nianviit snd liuulain-sv , Brooklyn, tha atock aud tittur-e it s He-taUOtoaa] Btata Etajar,Taa, Hour, Spiee., vc. Aii>, iCoontar*. Sugar B. \ei. Slielv.-i, 4c. Alio, a llroeer'fl Cs't.Haaaa day, at 2 o'clock 1' M , at No /»Tailtuan M.. nearBiulge-it a Mi.ttll qusntity of Uoaiaboid furaltura.

IlttikY T. LflflOa, Aictionaer.

JARtiE SALE ol NEW and SECONDJHA.N.i KtRNITIRE-Roaewood aad Msiugany

h of the heat uuanty aud tuparlor workuiaa«ili>-IlkNKY T LEKOl will tell a. *',..--, THIS DAY,iSaturday.) Hepteuibei 11. at l") o'clook. at tba Oala*.i. ii N v'liii-nberait, a laige sn.i beautiful aa, ntuiert al lup.-iior Rjaewo-,d axd Msbogsuy Kurui. .ra ofthe but qaality acd wo.kmai.ihip: Roeewood Psrlor Pur-aituro aaaaJta, aaaaaal iu n.-h latin brocatalia, aod artav.oo, and ii.b'ik'ii v-Ivat plm'i, Carved Mahagacy dofsi,T-ta-a-T' tei, Eaay Chalra, Uprtag Seat Parlor Cnaira, Voltair- Kocktng snd Sewlag t'bslii, Itoeawood snd Mshogsny(Vnter Tablea with maible topi, Library aod Secittiry,Ki.Ati»e«, Ext'-nti< a 0mti.g Tablei, VVork sud PsncyTailei, Hat S'audi, Psiuted ( lismber Puinitureeii uit-,Maioiany Krencli Bed..ea>t», Drtwlug Bureaui, Marhla-Top \Vuhirandy, 1 lalr Maltr-iflea, Kea'.ber Beda, Bolaiensnd Pil'owi, Cottara Rediteada, ('one S«at Obalra, Chitit,Cut tilsii and OUvei I'iated Wara, Eaucy \Vaxa, i.o. Cata-logutfl oo tbe tnornlng af iala.

K. C"i v * iti.naer.

^EW aod SECOND-HANI) FUR-MTI'R'. K r rOMwUlaall THIB DAY. (Hatur-

,tay, ->ept. ll,i al \< , u'uiu.-k kt the Roonn No,00 Be-k-niM> inJ No Anu-ata , s viry larga aad c .inpleta saanrt-Btaal I loflew.iei aad iiiab. <any Hurniture, -ornpriMnii *. (si an.l tlofa, mshofli uy snd roe-w.,. ,|Plaaah li.-dateaHi, aud u.aliogany Lbaira, malio^any Boob-Caaaa v\ bp robi < n-arbi* lap dme, t enier aud 4,'anl Tablea,l-iiulig ai.d Eatrmi. n .lo, ln roflawood and inalioiany,Dreifllog Bur-aui, I ou.iiei, W ail itandi, snd Work Table.,Hai ttlBBBB, Ha'i Matttaaaaa, faliiaawa, TapeMry aad thr«eply C'srpeilijg 011 t loihi, baaamaat and kitcheu KurultureBe.bc. Alao s lot of .*Cond hand Kuniiture. N B Salewill ba pereuvptory, witbout ragard lo westoar.

Ai itir II. Nicoiiy Auctlofleer.

PEREMP10RY BAlS of about WOaaalrabla bUILDIMO Lf)Td, at the aew aod beauti

ui rll afaa ol Hlrtttoiiport aed Klaininertbiug, at Auction-AI.Hr.Ri H NICI -LAY wui leil ou MONIiAY, Septeu,ber'.", at I. .-k, »t tha Oferi|,,n.,. Exci.anre, a>i> ui-" beautiful Building Loi*. located al Btrattouport'Bburg, batwceo College P/.nt sad Piuahtug, aod

o.-lei from toe City ofNew-York. Theao U,i»ara all fifty teet froat and resr. aod ona haodred feet deepun are witbcut eicaptioB tha beM Loti ihat have ever U-eauftered lo ibe pul..ic ln tliii vicinity, aa tba plotaraaqae andr> a-.lic Baaaet} tanaaBaUag them caaoot beiurpaaaadTl.e convenience of aeceia from Ule City of New York, OaBBtbaf witb tbe heaitby locatloo, w.JI loMetheaa piaeea'thr¦ *t (aatral ie for all aeeklng a country realdenca, a<aad u atOt ai.d protuabie luveatinent, and unwt rapldly taaxesao tn vaioe 8trattooportaad KlBJiimeribnrg sre looatad

ti Plu.birv Bay, opaaa la llarlcm, aad haif a 'ruia oorth olPiuihiug Kiuib Lg Bay n ooted for ita wild fowl, fiah aodahUBBy Si.d poaaanea one of tha u,u*l bandflooie walar prlv-let*. of balf s rmla to leog'h.Ibe iar.d iaocarly level, andulatlng a HttJa towsrd tbt

Bsy. Tba sir ia Bgikly aalabrioua, aud Uiara it sa abuudai.ce of per. flprlog wster tbeie piacea sre aeceailblesnversl tlwei a usy by lUamboati and itagea, aod thay pri.irua*to becooie tbe aioat tluurlibing villa^ea w.tbia eight uiliea o'thaclty of New .orkTero;i of .*.-; |.~, ai-d t.'e auctluaaar'a fasaon tbe day oi

.aie |29 on the l.rb Octob-r, wben tl.e daeda wnl be delivercd. and ibe baiauce eaa reuxaiu on bond and mortgagiAr ona year, at b per aent.

Jiiputabia. For mapfl acd full parttcalart, apuiyto JOHN A. ELAMMKR. Kin No >7 \Veat iOrSaATVaM

ALI'.EKT fl. NICOLAT, Aaotlonear0«e»t-No 1" Wailat, frooi tl A. M. lo 3 P. M- aad NoM4 Urard M BflBB I P M. to 9 P. M.

I )KKK.MI'i ORV SAI.E of a VAT.U-X ABl_E KARa Tliefluliacribar wlll poaitiraly aallatauction oo WKHNESDVY the Ibth toat, at I a'aaflflR 88the prennera-Tbflt valus'ile snd baaetlfuily |i^»>d firu.ui'.n abtah hericetitly reflidcd, fliaated ln IBe vtllage otSbtewibur/ T wn Mton.outb Couaty, New Jen-y at tbatauraacden ol the roada ieadlog «ron Rid Baakt, LongBtaucb si.d liiitoa Kalli, two avtaBOaaaatsaor Bad OaaSor n.esn Port, from vsbu.u p.aoea aa.iy .ou,inuni».att o :ihad arith iba City af New Yo*k, by itaaoiboati and packat*.Ibe I«srmeor'.aina ahoat ;1 scrat of very eaperlor Laat..n th* bi«beaii'ue of eoltlvation, and wail itocked wito.-.*-.c* Fruit and 'Jmauiental Treci.

p>en>l.e* are a la'ge two-M^ry fraai8 dwallini-a ia wito brck, aod boill io tha rooat lubataatial

n,anntr, carr-.sia si d Ica bo.,»e, itsb.ea, ba/n, hsy houaa,kd - Itta ¦ I e lDircedate vicinity of four plaoei afWmihtp. roai -flffireaid Ochoolfl. aad a Board:rig acd Daye'eto. I of th. flral order :t sooat b«ia| aatsbliihad for bjyii aal r gtrliia tba celghborhood.II ar c*nt of tbe purcbaaa moaey to ba psM on tha dsycf ».. I per cert oa the fir»t of 4th Mootb, kt.rili oexl

Wi«o the d*ed ba r-ven, aoa tba balaoce eaa remaiaoo bond Md mor'.sge Pcaaaflalon eao be ha.1 immadia'e.v

TfcRCURLffc-, oiof CUARLF.s A MACY, II 0*aJlat.M v scai .L - fcfcN,-*MlNCORLlE8.NewTcik, 5th Mocth. Sept. 7 .

AJbr tt larna tiaie, a iot of Woodltnl, af aboot 0 acrttA .uaiiuty of bay, aaett Md oat ttraw, manura, carriaie,

T_ _O- S. H t'.ii, Aacdonotr.UESDAY. Sept. 10« A. M., at

tha new Sa.e» Rooo, No, 446 Broadway oaartt s larga ard peremptory laie of elegent Ho laibold Furr.itura, Braaael. Carpeu tPl, do. Ae , Eaocy Oooda, Man.-.[a'.^rri3* *!' °" F»;»t1^'. Eagravia/a, ta.iaatv*.'bi Bll tba rooat secaaiary aitu taa to bou«akaep*ri. Alao sauaaateck ol roatom mada Cabioat EurBitora, froiyadeal.BT dfiiaiBg boaineflt, axd all lo ba aold wi'hout reaarv*A ao, Ha.r aad Hoak Mattretaet. Eeather BicU, BtankeiaUoUta, Ae. j toeether wuh a large vanatv of other ixiltIM DBBDaroaa to BBBBJBB, CataJogoaa oa Moaday avcaiag,

WM. H. FRANKLIN, 80N&C0.,Anrttoae«ra,BnUaBll ca THUBRDAT, lOtbRapt,


TVOTK K te tlu< PUBUCU-T-a rr|r of_L 1 3A0 Lott adveittoed by m* ... bc tol.l at Strattoa PgagandP'ammer.'.ir/tBa_ 'ayr.xt th- i.h inat. -t »*4-poort -luI MONDAY, s«i»t i", hy p__ticelag r*.,<M*t Thaia!a W1llp_ai_ve,y akepacaeu t.._l_ey at l. v .._. al IA*-¦ »l-,-"'m"2.u h M» gtR_______h_R_|

_--¦ " ¦ "-WA-B

U*viD thCOTT. AuCtlO*B*-».

TVILL baU-A- AT PUBLIC AUC\? T.ON.on TIES^AY Sep'-mtwr 14. tt.' Vela^P M oa tbe pra_.__»- '.'0 Lt». -t-.e-ed oa the N*w_4Biaak Road. wlthm '_ mionte*1 ride of th* Jerwy l 'y ! «.r^Tba^b-va proo-rty. whicb for haaaty tad h.*fcTlocatlm aad rertj bcc»u Ua r-t: r.ea* by fio* plaak n2with two Une* ct cunnl-w-*-* paaamg t_eproe.rty .verytaamlnute. Urrngbout Ihe day aod .ventag-Care«;!___.-___8ext-B.'ve in prov.n.ea_ by waalthv ._pttalUt*ftv-Ti Naj-York who bav. rec.Ltly made !ar<e BO'-_a_-B, togaagrwith'tho .pleadid ferry -"r^venieauial U,^aB»eofa«j.10 raafdeat* w..'taoV. .i.kepneery -raaat

. va!'.- la Jeraay City. fW f.^barjp-jt-a^BBayIrap.ot p.or. ly. iru.air.of OA* 11) SCOTT. No. 41 Hta*.goaiery^t., Jeraay City_, _.

Va- a K -»¦-.. Aa'.t _«e*r _^_____

Qjriinii'Ki'AK. i:i.s..fnRorja,r

s__^~~r_r*__3_=rS3:SSler. f . m.!a fo ... tbe *de..t_i 'b-Ne- YorkJ*l£«wYo « and Naw liaven Bailro_d The l-fr ¦/. aa.j <r_-aaJ .teatlaeeptb T«-oev.ry*^-aijBtlM. »^«JJ,n « cre particuiare, app1' »" "» .". Auct'ocr, ivi

7Brcadtt. "' .*',,_j

.IJoTere, Camagca, ^t._7__V KKNTl'VKY Ml'LES-Of largoIUU n.e, bave tble day arrlvad. and fog**le by C T».S18SON BBT. Jereev-ev aud Soulb 3d-*f~. Jeraay t ity. ¦>'!mile o. New »rk I'iauk Road Rt ¦ Jeraay City. Ca__lantt»OBbaodSh!ppiugkt_le_,bn>keandunbrok^ RgRglHl

Bteamboa., onb BaUroufca

A^NOTHER -j-XCDRSR N to I* ..(I-LAND aad LAER r<.nkonki»ma mbm >n m

the s»th in»t. A large number oflav.ea and geol_ '"_-___._t!e i-ew vit'a*. .-f Ufo-I-Jd and ihe much kliygrtLi"___a^«-aU werea-artl, pleaaed *Uft tC

dVhahVful l-ca-to. and ihe _-.ui| kjed aaaaegy whteh tbeyhaheld Many pi.nhaeed lol* *n,l faiin.ln order t. .»,_*.Iieni. where healll. and d uneat c h .(.pia-aa ean be fii.,| ¦*.ali/ed Tt.a tlllaga Imt a'e mo«t ad uireMy ka-.ied ftr «ci.uotry re. il.-n-e. aofithei'tuaiKUi'f tbe lanntai.i jimBma practical tktmru . 'iild with The f'arml'g laud caaaatabe bad frnm |.i> lo BB per acre. a >d 'he viQage lott. a^ealin tl.'.- to elghl -Ity lot*. frnm |.'i m %H\ payabl.' ln ..: xjRkiylutMlm -tita Tltete loti aud fatmi a-. aellmg faa: kaplyBtonceto l IIAK1.K4 V\ uuD, No 20. Bmaaiway, wkatamapa, \a.can behad grali*.

_ _

^OR SHREWtJBURY, HK.HLAND£ Dt>CK, OCEAN Hl)l «r_ iLoag BtaaaAj


ABlilNOfON. MUINT8 DOCK., BROWN 8 OOB(Idlddiei. wn.i and RED BANK -The naw aod *9WMateimkval TtiOMAB IU Nf. Capt. A. II Haagarty, wU|laav* tba New-Uavaa PUr, Pa«a-*.ip. Eaat Kiaer. a* __(.lowt i

Prom Raw-Torb. Piora Barawabary.Wedr.ertay, bept. 1, 6 AM vv .-_i»y,_.'p. I. B ABThurrtay, .. 2, 7 ¦. T. aiaday, " '*a I0g .*

Prtdav, .. 7, .. Prlday,daturday. .. 4, 8 .. Beturda-,aiNUAT, - A, 8 .. RINDAY.Bt.uday, .. 8, 8| .. Murday,Tuertay, .. 7. 9 .. ;Tue*day,VNednraday, ¦. 8, 10 .. Weduea.layThurrtay, " 9, 11 " Thurgday,Pi day, .. I", 1. M Prlday.Batuiday, .¦11, t PH ,_-atur-ay_BINDAY, '. 1-, 6 A.M BtNUAT,Monday, .« IS, t>4 .. Mnoday,Tuertay. ¦¦ IA ?_ " Tuertay,Weduertay, .. IA, V .. B ednertay,Tha *tagea for tUinam wll) rua tn ouuniwlfoa wltb

Btage* lo eoovey aaattogera to all p_u of tha aoiAll parat b* ar. f rkfd trnaiiag tba *bova boalOB tbaof tne owtlait


¦a^OK sHREWSBlKY, tilURUJT LAND DOCK., OCEAN ttOl'BE, llro.* HrM-kJPORT U ASHINofoN. MOl NTd DOCK, BBOWlTiiDOCK, (M'ddletoan,) aod RKD BANK -Tb* papBtocI,.-.'er EDWIN LP.Wia, Capt J P Cnrlle* will !*«-*Ba'bln*. u-*l. Pler, Nortb River, a* f llow*

Pioui New-York Pimu 8br.wB.ury.Thurrtay, bepl. _, II A.M. Wedo.irtay.Sa.t.l, 3 AJ|gatarday, .¦ I, V] " Knuay, .. S, J ..

Tuertay. " 7, 1 PR Hooday. .. A 10 '.

Thuitday, .. 'J, 8 - Wrtneeday, ¦. o. U IABaturday, .. 11. 8 .. Prtday, .. 10, l P.B.Muniiay, "13, -g " Moaday, .. M, 7AJtTuertay, ¦. 14, 3 .. Tuoaday. "II, 71W -doeaday, " IA. 4 .. | Wadi,«a_y, _J*ObHUNDAYH,, Ibe BOW IN hlwtll i-n toKEYPOKT, tuuohlug at Kurt llauiil' n, Uav«Irg the foot of llainiii. ud-at at j A 84 aud K..mnia Bt,at. A M Raturnlng, leave Key Pml at 3 PM.


I_^C)R JSIIRKWM.URY, RKD IJ.VNK,F LONO BRANCII. OCEAN HOUBB III. .11UM.InirK, PORT WASHlNOTON, MOI'NIS aadBROUN'S DOCK, and MIDDI.KTOWN-The oew aadgpleodld gteaiuer OOI.DEN OATK, Capt H H. Cowaajar,will leave pier foot of Bobineoa-*-.. N. IL, daily, (SaadRgBaxeepted) aa follwoa: _ _

l_e*v_, New-YorA Leave* Shrew*"__r. _.

Wedii_.daj._apt. l.l" A.M Wedi..*day,_ept. I, 5T.iLThurrtay, .. 2,10 .. Thurtday, .. -, 8 ..

Pnday, .. 3,10 .. Prlday, .. 3, I ..

Hatunlay, .. 4,1. M- Miin.iay.6th, 8 A.M. A» ..

Mnuday, .. 6, 13 .. |Tue*day, .. 7, 8 ..

Tuertay, .. 7, ln A. M Wedoa-day, .. 8, 8 ..

Weduertay, |.. 8,10 .. iTburaday. .. a, 4 ..

Tharaday, .. 9, ll A M. Kndav, I", 4 .,

Pnday, .. lu, 13 M Monday, Ulh,7. A.M, 8 ..

Haturday, .. 11, 3 P. M Tuertay, .. 14, 4 ..

Monday, .. 13, 3 .. Wedueeday, .. li, I ..

Tuertay. .. 14. 9 A.MWednneday. .. 15, 10 ..

Btage* will beln readineee on lha arrtval of the Boat,Baoavey pa**engera to all part* uf the aountry

CiRKH-HT to VERMONT aml NEWJJT IIAMPriHIREat RKDCCKD RATKB.RydaaoMgTKAV r I.r ll. from Pe.-k.lip, evera day al I I' M .Through ticketa. na NewVoik and New-Haven ItallraaAtfreight Offie. No l'.. Roulb-at., N Y W H YOE, Agaat

NEW-YORK amJ ERIK RAII*ROAO..Tralna leave pler f>.. ¦' of Doane *t aa follow*

P.IPBga* Tbain at 6 A M fnr Dunktrk, eoanectlng wllhRr*t-cla***tean-bi*~ g.r Cleveland, Banduaky, Tnlaao A-lMonroe, and railmad* to -RmRmbbI and ChloagoM*ii Tb«i. at A Mforallitatlon*Way TBaia atS P M , vla Plermont, for Daleart,'..W*y Tbaiw at P M vla Jer*ey City for DelewaJA.NlOMT EXPagatTBAIMBt H P Bf, fnr Dunklik.

lag wtrh flr*t-claa**feamfaa.t for'Detroil a_aat, aoWith Expreas Traln v'or Cbfcago.Kmin »t T»ai« at t P M aia Ptermoat

_CHAR MINOT. BapartnloiEW-YORK and KRIE.and KI.MIRAacd CANANDAKil'A It VIL.'.OADB-Traln* "*a»w

ier fott nf Duane-tt aa follow*.Day Kxpre**-At fi A M for Canandalgoa. Roebeatar a_i

Niagara falta, arrtving at th. above named plaeee tbe aaMeveoiDg. Mall Tralna, leave all* A M , itnppt-g over alg-8at Kimira.

Nighl Kxpreaa.Leave. at « P. M., arrtving at "nuiiBBl

Ea at 7.4" next m..ruiiig, In ttma lo take tba 7| _rg_a tMicheater, Buttalo and Niagara PallaThlt 1* tbe .julekeat, ciieapett, and ruoetaomfortablarB-B

to Weetarn New York aod C-nada VV«,i ,W U. LATIIAM, Bupt. C. and K. R. R.

HUDBON RIVER RAILROAD^Tratoa leave Chaiubera-at itattuo daily (Hundaflg^aepled) for Albany aod Truy a* follows.

1 vi -. iTh . . at >. A M tbruugh In 4 hnura ar.d '_1. wltb tralna raaslung BuHalo oi Montreai at 8 u'einckleveoiog -Man. Taaitt at H A. M .Thkiiu-ii Wiv fulRBat 1 and I P M -Exirks. Ta*i.. at rt P M , aud A«c*i8tnofiATin-Taai.- at 7 3.'P. M-Paaaenger* laken at Ob-BPbereat. Ca<ial *t Chrtatupher aL, lltb at and ll.t. »».BBB'l>»v Mail Tuainat 4P M from t.tnai aC-Kaaaa -RI .*i Albanv-g.1 Mi to Troy-8" '>' tn Montreai-^ 18 8*Buttalo.tl7 |.'U. riileagn. fco-Tlrket*andhaaga_aeb*g_|for principaJ placaa aad N irth ea. b. nbtainad ¦Cbaoiberaat OEORiiE BTARK, BaperloUiod


$7l8<~ Tralna out of aiew-Yurk leave c__a/ aoruer ufOmbfgt. and Broadway.Accoauao-ATtaa AnoBrtciaL.- At7aod u.ioa

15 P. M (Kxpre** to Oreenwch, and atop.log atail 4beyond.) and \ t" P. M , thrnogh to New liavenAt1r->P.M, for Norwelk-et a 80 A. M aod 6 m P.B

for Pcrt Che«erTha 11.3" A. M. mnitn cooneetlon wlth traln, from BlB

Haven Lo Hartford and springn-id. and wltb traln uvarBRCanal readExptM. Tralna fbr Naw-Havaa, Hartford, RgriiigfleBaRlBneion, «nd by Concecticut lilverto Ogdec*haiyiH Bb_>

trealThe 8 A.M. a'.-plng at Rtamtord ao* Brldg.pon, auaaaah

Ing with 11 ¦.«. .'.].- and Nauaatack Rallroad* at Br'dg* CaaaJ Rallroad at New Havea-e-d at II" P Bdaa.plng at-kamfaid, Norwaib aad Brtiigepnrt, aocbe«tlngBBtiouetoniea_d Na.igatueb Hallrnad at Bndgepntt

TRaINS INTO NEvV-YiiRKAccoMMubarioM abd aetriai. -At A30, 7 acd *B_»'»l ai.-i i _¦ f M through from New-HayaaAtrtA M from Norwal .at 83.1 A M and 3 IA TJLfrom Port CheBtei.Tho S»_A A. M reeat-e* paaaengert froai BprlngtiellBfHartford aod Canal Rallroad at New Haven "Hie 4 /' P m

recelve* aa~.og.ra hom Hartford, Hpnogfield aad NortbBBRailroad

r.x.-hi -a Lbav. New-HaVEH. oa arrlrdBtralna from B-atno at 1.1.5 and * «. P M <B-.pplggJpBnogeport Norw»lk and Btamfordl-leaving Bo-tio tfflM .aaafBugaajAHaalaraebill of advertlaw-ent at tha *-a«oe

p''rn [i ,'-:. OEO VV. WHII4TLER, Jr



ai.d EXPRESS LiNES.Throuab lu 44 bu-ra-Naw iiRaMrcad rta Jeiaay City, toavirg New-York at8 A M*of CourCaodt-at , 9 A. M aod '-, P M. Liberty* UPbiladelpbiaat liyandBA M aud a, P M frooa fcBgV\ aJuui.t Eara raduaed lo R3 for rir-4-ala** aad t* ** ..leenod-claai ^^_BALTIMORE, V\ AKMI.NUTON aad CHARLE8f*Wthrougb ticketaaold la tbe above line*. aod thro-gb .BHaarrted ta th. 9 A. M. aad 8g P M Uaaa from N*wpBawitb iht-ugh entidoetor*

C^EJNTRAL RAILROAD (JO,of NlJ JEA8EY-T-u-ogafrom New-Torkta Pnlna, 1

PoarHcxiri- aommaocing Aog Laav* Ber Ba WlBJver, per RED JA-KET. for _-_-. a_ilmadlau alacee u 8 A. M, 13 M-aad 3 4. P B-lBoa-avlfi. at b P. M. Ra-walag, toava P_UHpaka_g-BB laaaa, at 8 aad 18A8 A. B- aad Al» f.BL