New years traditions of latin america 2014

New Year’s Traditions in Colombia by Larry M. Lynch proflmlynch@gmail .com

Transcript of New years traditions of latin america 2014

New Year’s Traditions in Colombia

by Larry M. Lynch [email protected]

Question: What do a suitcase, 12 grapes, a sheaf of wheat, the color yellow, five potatoes and banana leaves all have in common?

Right! They’re all are part

of New Year’s Traditions in

Colombia and other Latin American


Follow along then …

and learn how …

Many believe that if you carry an empty suitcase around the block on New Year’s Eve, you will have the good fortune to travel in the New Year.

One Interesting Tradition is to Go on a Mock “Trip”

A Widespread Tradition is to Eat twelve Grapes at Midnight for Good Luck – One for each month of the New Year

How about me?

No, not yet …

It’s also traditional to Use or Wear Yellow for the New Year:

“Like me?”

Well not quite…

… a yellow shirt for men or yellow panties for the Ladies

… more like …

Another interesting Tradition is to: Take 5 Potatoes …

Peel one, then toss them all under the bed …

Then reach under the bed and feel around for them …

No peeking now!

Got one? Great!

Now take it out –

If it’s the peeled one:

It’s Good Luck for the New Year!

How about now?

No, not yet.

A Decorated Sheaf of Wheat

It is believed that hanging a decorated sheaf of wheat on a wall in the living room, over a desk or bed, or in the dining room

brings Good Luck for the New Year

Dancing Devils Fill the Streets“Carnival Devils”, traditionally children dressed as skeletons, devils, witches and the like, fill the streets of cities like Cali, Bogota and Medellin, to dance and play flutes, tamborines and drums. You tip them a few coins for their efforts so they’ll dance onward to another area. They start to appear in late November and almost “magically” disappear after the first week of the New Year.

So what is this?

… and now? Okay …

It’s “Lechona”: a whole roast, stuffed pig

prepared for special occassions like New Year’s Celebrations

Some Prefer “Tamales”

They’re chicken, beef, pork and vegetables wrapped and cooked in a banana leaf

Cities Illuminate Main Streets

You can experience The Cali Festival Come see it all for yourself from December 26 to December 31

Have a Happy & Prosperous New Year in 2015

Larry M. Lynch [email protected]

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