NEW YEAR GREETINGS - Chronicling America€¦ · NEW YEAR GREETINGS FROM Mayor Robt. W. Badon To...

NEW YEAR GREETINGS FROM Mayor Robt. W. Badon To the Citizens of Covington: The New Year will be greeted with pleasant memories of a de- lightful ChrigVmas with roses still blooming and the greatest exchange of good wishes and substantial remembrances known to Covington. We should be in a happy mood for the com- mencement of a year of prosperity and our efforts should be strengthened for the best that is in us for the improvement and betterment of our beautiful little city. As your mayor and as a citizen I wish to convey to you my sin- cere wish for a happy and prosperous New Year for all, and to assure you, with the improvements that are now being made in Covington, and the efforts that are being made for a clean and economical administration, we may look to the New Year with pleasant anticipation. t I *ROBT. W. BADON, Mayor. .. .. .. II II I fllll I II III I III I I__ " _ i _ 11 I II II fI MANDSVIILE NOTES. (Continued from page 1) Miss Ella Paine, hostess of the even- ing, on Tuesday night. Many games were played and a splendid time was spent by every one. During the evening delicious refreshments were served in abundance. An Old Fashioned Party. Friday evening, Dec. 29, will be ushered in in brilliance and gaiety when Miss Robina Vaught will en- tertain her many young friends at her Lake street home. Christmas Dance. A noted event of the week was the pre-holiday dance given at the home of Miss Irma Howze last Sat- urday night. The hall was artisti- call decorated. Splendid music was furnished for the occasion. During the evening dainty refreshments were served, and everybody spent a very pleasant time. Those present were Misses Irma Kicken, Gladys Howze, Anita and Angele Smith, Bertha Flick, Angele Vautrain, Mi- riam Smith, Evelyn Parisy, Carrie Gaines, Messrs. Claude Parisy, Rene 'Lnd Adolph Dubourg, Horace and John Howze, Jules Bagur, Jr., Sam Howze, Stanley Bierhorst, Douglas Lee, Herbert Rausch, Albert Bechac, Jules Cornibe; Kenneth King, Dewey Smith, George Gaines, W. O. Hum- phrey, Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Howze, Mr. and Mrs. A. Parisy. Mr. and Mrs. E. Dubourg had as their guests for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. James Thriflfey, ;Messrs.LdAdlph and Ruffin Dubourg;_ of New Orlins. Mr. Jules Cornibe arrived Satur- day night to spend the holidays with his mother, Mrs. A. Cornibe. He re- turned to New Orleans Tuesday and will be at home again New Year's. Mr. Stanley Bierhorst, of New Or- leans, spent the holidays with - his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Bierhorst. I Mrr. Alfred Artus arrived Saturday jo spend the holidays with his moth- er, Mrs. M. Artus. Mr. and Mrs. E. Sharp and family motored to Slidell Christmas after- noon and spent a very enjoyable evening with relatives there. Miss S. Schellhaas, of Abita, is spending the holidays with her moth- er, Mrs. S. Schellhaas. Miss- Hilda Belknap is spending the latter part of the week in New Orleans with friends and relatives. Mr. Pat Gabert was at home for a few days with his parents, Dr. and- Mrs. H. Gabert. Misses Eunice and Mildred Smith, teachers in Teriebonne parish, are spending the holidays with their mother, Mrs. Jno. L. Smith. Mr. Edgar Dubourg and son, War- ren, paid a holiday visit to Mrs. E. Dubourg, Tuesday. Miss Ida Levine, of New Orleans, was the guest of Mrs. Chas. Toomer for Christmas. Mr. J. Whitfield, who has been away for several months, is at home with his family for a while. Miss Sylvia Parisy left for New Orleans last Saturday to spend the Christmas week with her brother, Mr. Leon Parisy. Miss Evelyn Parisy is spending a few days in New Orleans with rela- tives. She will return Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leon Parisy and daugh- ter, who will spend the New Year with Mr. and Mrs. A. Parisy. Miss Lucille Dubourg is spending the week in New Orleans with Mrs. Jas. Thriffley and other relatives. " Mr. and Mrs. ,. Gats andudaughter are holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Chanute. - Miss Victoria and Mr. Horatius Morgan, who are attending college f in Mississippi, are here for the holi- I days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. c C. Morgan. d Miss Helen Smith, who is attend- in the State Normal, arrived Satur- ii day for the holidayp season. Miss Francis Paine is with her 3 parents, Dr. and Mrs: R. B. Paine, foriseveral days. Mrs. S. Shibe and little Pearl are spending the week with relatives in New Orleans. Miss-Angele Vautrain spent a few days' with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Vautrain. Mr. J. Palisses spent Christmas with his family and Mr. and Mrs. C. C. 'Balfour. iMr. and -Mrs.- R. Dubourg, after spending the holidays here will re- turn to New Orleans next Monday. Mr: L. Roth was a business visitor to New Orleans last Friday. Mr. Kenneth King, of L. S. TIT., spent a few days with his mother, Mrs. C. King, and Miss P. Hopkins. Mrs. W. G. Hutchinson and Miss Helen Hutchinson spent Christmas in Bogalusa with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hutchinson. Mr. Louis Smith, of Lafayette, spent several of\the holidays `herb with his children, relatives anid friends. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Deemel and. family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. F. Audurre and baby girl were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Prieto for Christmas. Mr.•,Edgar Toomer, of HouAton, Miss., spent Christmas here with his sister, Miss Carrrie roomer. Mrs. Georgia Jay, of Slidell, after several weeks spent here with her sister, Mrs. F. Welden, returned to her home Thursday morning. POITOM NOTES. fiontinued rrom nage 1) Mrs. S. Bogan and Mrs. Grace Brown I of New- Orleans, and Mrs. A. Men- doza and son, of Opelousas. - Mr. G. Fendlason, Jr., of Amite, is the guest of relatives here. -Mr. Jewel Pittman, of Lumberton, I Miss., arrived Monday night to spendj ,two weeks here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Willie and e children, of Livingston, are visiting 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Stevens. Miss Gladys Harrelson left Sun - V day for Abita Springs where she will spend a week with her iuncle, Mr Chas. Verger, and family. Mr. Chas. McLain, who is, attend- ing Jefferson Military College at Natchez, Miss., is at home for the holidays. Miss. Genevieve Garrett, of Liv- ingston, is the guest of Mrs. Mollie Pittman and family. Mrs. Pearlie Davies, of Hammond, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Y. Mapes. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. York and Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Hughes motored to Covington and Mandeville, Sunday. Mr. Neil McLain, of Baton Rouge, is spending the holidays at home. Mr. Willie Wascom spent Xmas in Frankiinton with relatives. Mrs. Josie Cox, of New Orleans, is the guest of Mrs. J. D. McLain this week. Mrs. James Ezell, of Covington, was the guest of Miss Hilda McLain, Tuesday. Mr. Denham Bickham was a visitor here this -week. Miss Eula Fendlason spent Tues- day and Wednesday in Covington as the guest of Miss lone Collins. Mrs. T. Gusman sent last Paturday in New Orleans. SIDELL NOTES. fContinued from page 11 Mr. O. Spring, of Poplarville, I spent Christmas with his mother and father, 'MrP and Mi's. P.. G. Spring Miss Razel Quave spent Christ- mas in Covington. Mr. and Mrs. F. C Coney3 and M'. and Mrs. F. Howe, motored to Coy- ington, Saturday. .Mr. D. P. Duna, of Gloster, visit- i 3We have had a BIG YEAR! For us it has: been a YEAR OF ACHIEVEMENT, toward I which gratifying result YOU have gener- ously and loyally contributed. We thank you, good people of Covington and St. Tammany Parish, and wish you all a H APPY N EW YEAR. C , . M COVINGTOF MANDEYILLE ed friends here last week. Messrs. Jim and Earl fritclett, of New Orleans, and Mr. LQuis Mur- ry, Sr., of Lauderdal., spent Xmas with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Murry. Mrs. F. D. Miiier Ynd mother mi- tored to Gloster to spend Christmas.. Misses Janip and Josephine Wil- liams, of Meridian, are spending ,be holidays witlh their silter, olrs. F. M. Comfort. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Liddle, of New Orleans, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Liddle. They left for Hattiesburg, where Mr. Biddle is employed. Mr. Frank Richardson, Jr., of New Orleans. spent Christmas with his mother, Mrs. F. B. Richardson, Sr. Mr.. and Mrs. C. P. Campin, of New Orleans, spent Christmas with Mrs. Lydia Neuhauser. Miss Myra dkuck, of Garyville, spent Christmas with Mrs. F. B. Richardson. The many friends of Mrs. U. G. Neuhauser and Mrs. Lee are very glad to learnt of their improvement and hope to see them out very soon. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Dupre, of New Orleans, spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Arnold. Miss Bessie Carpenter returned Tuesday to Houston, Texas, after, spending Christmas with her mother, Mrs. M. J. Carpenter. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Howze and daughter spent Monday in Bogalusa. Mr. Maurice Richardson spent Christmas in McComb. Mr. Albert Wall spent Monday in New Orleans. Miss Alice Carpenter, of Hatties- burg, is spending the holidays with her mother, Mrs. M. J. Carpenter. Miss Clara Smith, of Derby, Miss., spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. O. Reed. Mrs. Gardner will entertain her Sunday School class at a party Fri- day night. Miss Zelma Stevens spent a few days in New Orleans last week. Mr. and Mrs. Acy Hursey spent Tuesday and Wednesday with her mother, Mrs. Hursey. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hursey spent Christmas (with relatives. Lake Shpre Chapter, No. 59, O. E. S., installed their officers Tuesday night. Miss Virginia Dunham, of New Or- leans, is visiting Miss Eloise Cleve- land. 'NOTICE. The regular annual meeting of the shareholders of the Slidell Savings & Homestead Association will be held at its office Monday, December 18, 1922, between the hours of 2 o'clock p. m. and 4 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing a board ' of Directors to serve for the ensu- ing year. Shareholders are entitled to one vote for each share held by them. which must be voted in person or written proxy. d2 -- W. L. ELLIS, d9-2t Secretary. I, convicted of grand larceny in November, 1921, am applying for -parole. -d23-2t JAMES COLEMAN. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of the stockhold- ers of the Commercial Bank & Trust Company, at the office of the com- pany, in Covington, Louisiana, on Tuesday, January 9, 1923, at 1i a. m., for the purpose of electing direc- tors for the year 1923. J. O. ZURHELLEN, d23-2t Cashier. AN ORDINANCE levying a tax for the year 1923. Section 1. Be it ordained by-the Police Jury of the Parish of St. Tam- many, Louisiana, in legal session con- vened, That the taxes for the year 1923 be and the same are hereby levied on all taxable property in the Parish of St. Tammany, as follows, to-wit: For the criminal fund there shall be levied the sum of three-quarters of a mill; For the road ~iund there shall be levied the sum of two and one-quar- ter mills. - For the general funid. there shall be levied the sum of one mill. For the school fund there shall be t levied the sum of three mills. t Section 2. Be it further ordained, c etc., That all ordinances or parts of S ordinance in conflict- herewith are t hereby repealed.- t J. B. HOWZE, s President v F. J. MARTINDALE;, Pedn Secretary. 11 Start the New Yea with a Victrola RESOLVE now that not another day shall before your home, too, can enjoy the pleas of good music, sung andplayed bythe great of the world's great artists.: Come ina make a small depdsit on the Victrola. V will send yours out immediately, and have a whole year in which to pay. Come in -today! BURNS FURNITURE CO., "The Home Furnishers" Phone 8-Covington IF SICK, IBILIOUS START YOURl Don't Take Calomel! "Dodson's Liver Tone" aActs te Doesn't Gripe;.Salivate or Make You Sick Don dose a Day's Wor•l-Read= Guarantee: + - +,, " . i, + ++ . + +,:iii+ Ugh! Catomel -makes you sick. It's horrible! Take a' dose of the dangerous drug tonight and tomor- row you may lose a day's work. Calomel is mercury dr quicksilver which causes necrosis of the bones; Calomel, when it comes into contact with sour bile crasheis into it, break- ing it up. This. is when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. If you are sluggish and "all knocked out," if your liver is torpid and bow- els constipated or you have head ache, dizziness, coated tongue, if breath is bad or stomach sour. just MOTIIER! MOE CHILD'S BOWELS "Califo r nia Fig Syrup" is Child's Best Laxative Even a sick child loves the "fruity" taste of "California Fig Syrup." If the little stomach is upset, tongue coated, or if.your child is cross, rev- erish, fulls of cold, or has colic, a teaspoonful will never fail to open the bowels. In a few hours you can see for yourself how thoroughly it works all the constipation poison, .sour bile and waste from ,the tender little= bowel-aind gives you a well, try-a spoonfful-Iof harmless Liver Tone tonight. Here's my guarantee- drug store and get a bottl son's Liver Tone for at- Take a spoonful andf itf straighten you right up . you feel fine and vigorous you to -go back to the stor4 your money. Dodson's Liver destroying the sale of cause it is real liver medi tirely vegetable, thereforei:I salivate or make you sick tisement. playful child again. Millions of mothers keep fornia Fig Syrup" handy. know a teaspoonful today sask sick child tomorrow. Ask druggist for genuine "Califorai Syrup" which has directi•os;, babies and children of :all age ed on bottle. Mother! YoU say "California" or you may t imitation fig syrup.-AdV

Transcript of NEW YEAR GREETINGS - Chronicling America€¦ · NEW YEAR GREETINGS FROM Mayor Robt. W. Badon To...

Page 1: NEW YEAR GREETINGS - Chronicling America€¦ · NEW YEAR GREETINGS FROM Mayor Robt. W. Badon To the Citizens of Covington: The New Year will be greeted with pleasant memories of


Mayor Robt. W. Badon

To the Citizens of Covington:

The New Year will be greeted with pleasant memories of a de-lightful ChrigVmas with roses still blooming and the greatestexchange of good wishes and substantial remembrances knownto Covington. We should be in a happy mood for the com-mencement of a year of prosperity and our efforts should bestrengthened for the best that is in us for the improvementand betterment of our beautiful little city.

As your mayor and as a citizen I wish to convey to you my sin-cere wish for a happy and prosperous New Year for all, and toassure you, with the improvements that are now being madein Covington, and the efforts that are being made for a cleanand economical administration, we may look to the New Yearwith pleasant anticipation. t I

*ROBT. W. BADON, Mayor.

.. . . .. II II I fllll I II III I III I I__"_ i_ 11 I II II fI


(Continued from page 1)Miss Ella Paine, hostess of the even-ing, on Tuesday night. Many gameswere played and a splendid time wasspent by every one. During theevening delicious refreshments wereserved in abundance.

An Old Fashioned Party.Friday evening, Dec. 29, will be

ushered in in brilliance and gaietywhen Miss Robina Vaught will en-tertain her many young friends ather Lake street home.

Christmas Dance.A noted event of the week was

the pre-holiday dance given at thehome of Miss Irma Howze last Sat-urday night. The hall was artisti-call decorated. Splendid music wasfurnished for the occasion. Duringthe evening dainty refreshmentswere served, and everybody spent avery pleasant time. Those presentwere Misses Irma Kicken, GladysHowze, Anita and Angele Smith,Bertha Flick, Angele Vautrain, Mi-riam Smith, Evelyn Parisy, CarrieGaines, Messrs. Claude Parisy, Rene'Lnd Adolph Dubourg, Horace andJohn Howze, Jules Bagur, Jr., SamHowze, Stanley Bierhorst, DouglasLee, Herbert Rausch, Albert Bechac,Jules Cornibe; Kenneth King, DeweySmith, George Gaines, W. O. Hum-phrey, Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Howze,Mr. and Mrs. A. Parisy.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Dubourg had astheir guests for Christmas. Mr. andMrs. James Thriflfey, ;Messrs.LdAdlphand Ruffin Dubourg;_ of New Orlins.

Mr. Jules Cornibe arrived Satur-day night to spend the holidays withhis mother, Mrs. A. Cornibe. He re-turned to New Orleans Tuesday andwill be at home again New Year's.

Mr. Stanley Bierhorst, of New Or-leans, spent the holidays with - hisparents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Bierhorst. I

Mrr. Alfred Artus arrived Saturdayjo spend the holidays with his moth-

er, Mrs. M. Artus.Mr. and Mrs. E. Sharp and family

motored to Slidell Christmas after-noon and spent a very enjoyableevening with relatives there.

Miss S. Schellhaas, of Abita, isspending the holidays with her moth-er, Mrs. S. Schellhaas.

Miss- Hilda Belknap is spendingthe latter part of the week in NewOrleans with friends and relatives.

Mr. Pat Gabert was at home fora few days with his parents, Dr. and-Mrs. H. Gabert.

Misses Eunice and Mildred Smith,teachers in Teriebonne parish, arespending the holidays with theirmother, Mrs. Jno. L. Smith.

Mr. Edgar Dubourg and son, War-ren, paid a holiday visit to Mrs. E.Dubourg, Tuesday.

Miss Ida Levine, of New Orleans,was the guest of Mrs. Chas. Toomerfor Christmas.

Mr. J. Whitfield, who has beenaway for several months, is at homewith his family for a while.

Miss Sylvia Parisy left for NewOrleans last Saturday to spend theChristmas week with her brother,Mr. Leon Parisy.

Miss Evelyn Parisy is spending afew days in New Orleans with rela-tives. She will return Sunday withMr. and Mrs. Leon Parisy and daugh-ter, who will spend the New Yearwith Mr. and Mrs. A. Parisy.

Miss Lucille Dubourg is spendingthe week in New Orleans with Mrs.Jas. Thriffley and other relatives. "

Mr. and Mrs. ,. Gats andudaughterare holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs.F. P. Chanute. -

Miss Victoria and Mr. HoratiusMorgan, who are attending college fin Mississippi, are here for the holi- Idays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. cC. Morgan. d

Miss Helen Smith, who is attend-in the State Normal, arrived Satur- iiday for the holidayp season.

Miss Francis Paine is with her 3

parents, Dr. and Mrs: R. B. Paine,foriseveral days.

Mrs. S. Shibe and little Pearl arespending the week with relatives inNew Orleans.

Miss-Angele Vautrain spent a fewdays' with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.H. Vautrain.

Mr. J. Palisses spent Christmaswith his family and Mr. and Mrs.C. C. 'Balfour.

iMr. and -Mrs.- R. Dubourg, afterspending the holidays here will re-turn to New Orleans next Monday.

Mr: L. Roth was a business visitorto New Orleans last Friday.

Mr. Kenneth King, of L. S. TIT.,spent a few days with his mother,Mrs. C. King, and Miss P. Hopkins.

Mrs. W. G. Hutchinson and MissHelen Hutchinson spent Christmasin Bogalusa with Mr. and Mrs. Jas.Hutchinson.

Mr. Louis Smith, of Lafayette,spent several of\the holidays `herbwith his children, relatives anidfriends.

Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Deemel were guests of Mr. and Mrs.T. L. Smith.

Mr. and Mrs. F. Audurre and babygirl were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.L. Prieto for Christmas.

Mr.•,Edgar Toomer, of HouAton,Miss., spent Christmas here with hissister, Miss Carrrie roomer.

Mrs. Georgia Jay, of Slidell, afterseveral weeks spent here with hersister, Mrs. F. Welden, returned toher home Thursday morning.


fiontinued rrom nage 1)Mrs. S. Bogan and Mrs. Grace Brown Iof New- Orleans, and Mrs. A. Men-doza and son, of Opelousas. -

Mr. G. Fendlason, Jr., of Amite,is the guest of relatives here.

-Mr. Jewel Pittman, of Lumberton, IMiss., arrived Monday night to spendj

,two weeks here with relatives.Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Willie ande children, of Livingston, are visiting

1 Mr. and Mrs. John Stevens.

Miss Gladys Harrelson left Sun -V day for Abita Springs where she will

spend a week with her iuncle, MrChas. Verger, and family.

Mr. Chas. McLain, who is, attend-ing Jefferson Military College atNatchez, Miss., is at home for theholidays.

Miss. Genevieve Garrett, of Liv-ingston, is the guest of Mrs. MolliePittman and family.

Mrs. Pearlie Davies, of Hammond,is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.Y. Mapes.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. York and Mr.and Mrs. R. I. Hughes motored toCovington and Mandeville, Sunday.

Mr. Neil McLain, of Baton Rouge,is spending the holidays at home.

Mr. Willie Wascom spent Xmas inFrankiinton with relatives.

Mrs. Josie Cox, of New Orleans,is the guest of Mrs. J. D. McLainthis week.

Mrs. James Ezell, of Covington,was the guest of Miss Hilda McLain,Tuesday.

Mr. Denham Bickham was a visitorhere this -week.

Miss Eula Fendlason spent Tues-day and Wednesday in Covington asthe guest of Miss lone Collins.

Mrs. T. Gusman sent last Paturdayin New Orleans.


fContinued from page 11Mr. O. Spring, of Poplarville, I

spent Christmas with his mother andfather, 'MrP and Mi's. P.. G. Spring

Miss Razel Quave spent Christ-mas in Covington.

Mr. and Mrs. F. C Coney3 and M'.and Mrs. F. Howe, motored to Coy-ington, Saturday.

.Mr. D. P. Duna, of Gloster, visit-

i 3We have had a BIG YEAR! For us it has:been a YEAR OF ACHIEVEMENT, toward Iwhich gratifying result YOU have gener-

ously and loyally contributed.

We thank you, good people of Covingtonand St. Tammany Parish, and wish you alla H APPY N EW YEAR. C , . M


ed friends here last week.Messrs. Jim and Earl fritclett,

of New Orleans, and Mr. LQuis Mur-ry, Sr., of Lauderdal., spent Xmaswith Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Murry.

Mrs. F. D. Miiier Ynd mother mi-tored to Gloster to spend Christmas..

Misses Janip and Josephine Wil-liams, of Meridian, are spending,be holidays witlh their silter, olrs.F. M. Comfort.

Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Liddle, of NewOrleans, spent Christmas with Mr.and Mrs. C. M. Liddle. They leftfor Hattiesburg, where Mr. Biddle isemployed.

Mr. Frank Richardson, Jr., of NewOrleans. spent Christmas with hismother, Mrs. F. B. Richardson, Sr.

Mr.. and Mrs. C. P. Campin, ofNew Orleans, spent Christmas withMrs. Lydia Neuhauser.

Miss Myra dkuck, of Garyville,spent Christmas with Mrs. F. B.Richardson.

The many friends of Mrs. U. G.Neuhauser and Mrs. Lee are veryglad to learnt of their improvementand hope to see them out very soon.

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Dupre, ofNew Orleans, spent the holidayswith Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Arnold.

Miss Bessie Carpenter returnedTuesday to Houston, Texas, after,spending Christmas with her mother,Mrs. M. J. Carpenter.

Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Howze anddaughter spent Monday in Bogalusa.

Mr. Maurice Richardson spentChristmas in McComb.

Mr. Albert Wall spent Monday inNew Orleans.

Miss Alice Carpenter, of Hatties-burg, is spending the holidays withher mother, Mrs. M. J. Carpenter.

Miss Clara Smith, of Derby, Miss.,spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs.O. Reed.

Mrs. Gardner will entertain herSunday School class at a party Fri-day night.

Miss Zelma Stevens spent a fewdays in New Orleans last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Acy Hursey spentTuesday and Wednesday with hermother, Mrs. Hursey.

Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hursey spentChristmas (with relatives.

Lake Shpre Chapter, No. 59, O. E.S., installed their officers Tuesdaynight.

Miss Virginia Dunham, of New Or-leans, is visiting Miss Eloise Cleve-land.


The regular annual meeting of theshareholders of the Slidell Savings& Homestead Association will beheld at its office Monday, December18, 1922, between the hours of 2o'clock p. m. and 4 o'clock p. m.,for the purpose of electing a board' of Directors to serve for the ensu-ing year.

Shareholders are entitled to onevote for each share held by them.which must be voted in person orwritten proxy.

d2 -- W. L. ELLIS,d9-2t Secretary.

I, convicted of grand larceny inNovember, 1921, am applying for-parole.-d23-2t JAMES COLEMAN.


Notice is hereby given that therewill be a meeting of the stockhold-ers of the Commercial Bank & TrustCompany, at the office of the com-pany, in Covington, Louisiana, onTuesday, January 9, 1923, at 1i a.m., for the purpose of electing direc-tors for the year 1923.

J. O. ZURHELLEN,d23-2t Cashier.

AN ORDINANCE levying a tax forthe year 1923.

Section 1. Be it ordained by-thePolice Jury of the Parish of St. Tam-many, Louisiana, in legal session con-vened, That the taxes for the year1923 be and the same are herebylevied on all taxable property in theParish of St. Tammany, as follows,to-wit:

For the criminal fund there shallbe levied the sum of three-quartersof a mill;

For the road ~iund there shall belevied the sum of two and one-quar-ter mills. -

For the general funid. there shallbe levied the sum of one mill.

For the school fund there shall be tlevied the sum of three mills. t

Section 2. Be it further ordained, cetc., That all ordinances or parts of Sordinance in conflict- herewith are thereby repealed.- t

J. B. HOWZE, sPresident v

F. J. MARTINDALE;, PednSecretary. 11

Start the New Yeawith a Victrola

RESOLVE now that not another day shallbefore your home, too, can enjoy the pleasof good music, sung andplayed bythe greatof the world's great artists.: Come inamake a small depdsit on the Victrola. Vwill send yours out immediately, andhave a whole year in which to pay.

Come in -today!

BURNS FURNITURE CO.,"The Home Furnishers"

Phone 8-Covington


Don't Take Calomel! "Dodson's Liver Tone" aActs teDoesn't Gripe;.Salivate or Make You Sick Don

dose a Day's Wor•l-Read= Guarantee:+ - • +,, " .i, + ++ . + +,:iii+

Ugh! Catomel -makes you sick.It's horrible! Take a' dose of thedangerous drug tonight and tomor-row you may lose a day's work.

Calomel is mercury dr quicksilverwhich causes necrosis of the bones;Calomel, when it comes into contactwith sour bile crasheis into it, break-ing it up. This. is when you feelthat awful nausea and cramping. Ifyou are sluggish and "all knockedout," if your liver is torpid and bow-els constipated or you have headache, dizziness, coated tongue, ifbreath is bad or stomach sour. just

MOTIIER! MOECHILD'S BOWELS"Califo rnia Fig Syrup" is

Child's Best Laxative

Even a sick child loves the "fruity"taste of "California Fig Syrup." Ifthe little stomach is upset, tonguecoated, or if.your child is cross, rev-erish, fulls of cold, or has colic, ateaspoonful will never fail to openthe bowels. In a few hours you cansee for yourself how thoroughly itworks all the constipation poison,.sour bile and waste from ,the tenderlittle= bowel-aind gives you a well,

try-a spoonfful-Iof harmlessLiver Tone tonight.

Here's my guarantee-drug store and get a bottlson's Liver Tone for at-Take a spoonful andf itfstraighten you right up .you feel fine and vigorousyou to -go back to the stor4your money. Dodson's Liverdestroying the sale ofcause it is real liver meditirely vegetable, thereforei:Isalivate or make you sicktisement.

playful child again.Millions of mothers keep

fornia Fig Syrup" handy.know a teaspoonful today sasksick child tomorrow. Askdruggist for genuine "CaliforaiSyrup" which has directi•os;,babies and children of :all ageed on bottle. Mother! YoUsay "California" or you may timitation fig syrup.-AdV