New Titles August 2012

NEW TITLES AUGUST 2012 Žurnal Sibirskogo Federalʹnogo Universiteta. Serija matematika i fizika E-ISSN 1997-1397 2008- Ed: Sibirskij Federalʹnyj Universitet Varianttitel: Journal of Siberian Federal University. Mathematics & physics Workers of the world. International journal on strikes and social conflict 2012- Ed: International Association Strikes and Social Conflict Vestnik RGRTU E-ISSN 1995-4565 2007- Ed: Rjazanskij Gosudarstvennyj Radiotechničeskij Universitet Vestnik Baltijskogo Federal'nogo Universiteta Imeni I. Kanta E-ISSN 2223-2095 2009- Ed: Gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Immanuila Kanta Vedomosti Gosudarstvennogo Soveta Tatarstana 1998- Ed: Gosudarstvennogo Soveta Respubliki Tatarstan Anm: Ett års fördröjning av fulltexttillgång 1 year moving wall Études Océan indien E-ISSN 2260-7730 2009- Ed: Centre de Recherche sur l’Océan Indien Occidental et le Monde Austronésien


Open Access journals in the humanities and social sciences, geology and mathematics

Transcript of New Titles August 2012

Page 1: New Titles August 2012


Žurnal Sibirskogo Federalʹnogo Universiteta. Serija matematika i fizikaE-ISSN 1997-1397 Sibirskij Federalʹnyj UniversitetVarianttitel: Journal of Siberian Federal University. Mathematics & physics

Workers of the world. International journal on strikes and social conflict International Association Strikes and Social Conflict

Vestnik RGRTUE-ISSN 1995-4565 Rjazanskij Gosudarstvennyj Radiotechničeskij Universitet

Vestnik Baltijskogo Federal'nogo Universiteta Imeni I. KantaE-ISSN 2223-2095 Gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Immanuila Kanta

Vedomosti Gosudarstvennogo Soveta Tatarstana Gosudarstvennogo Soveta Respubliki TatarstanAnm: Ett års fördröjning av fulltexttillgång1 year moving wall

Études Océan indienE-ISSN 2260-7730 Centre de Recherche sur l’Océan Indien Occidental et le Monde AustronésienAnm: Tre års fördröjning av fulltexttillgång3 year moving wall

Yod. Revue des études hébraïques et juivesE-ISSN 2261-0200 Centre de Recherches Moyen-Orient Méditerranée à l’INALCO, ParisAnm: Tre års fördröjning av fulltexttillgång3 year moving wall

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Revue internationale d’éducation de SèvresE-ISSN 2261-4265 Centre international d’études pédagogiquesAnm: Tre års fördröjning av fulltexttillgång3 year moving wall

Tiefenschärfe. Zeitschrift des Instituts für Medien und KommunikationP-ISSN 1619-5450 Zentrum für Medien und Medienkultur - Medienzentrum FB 07 Universität Hamburg

Telepolis Heise

Symposium. Canadian journal of continental philosophyP-ISSN 1480-2333 Canadian Society for Continental PhilosophyVarianttitel: Revue canadienne de philosophie continentaleAnm: Ett års fördröjning av fulltexttillgång1 year moving wall

Swiss films info Swiss Film Center

Social space Lien Centre for Social Innovation, Singapore Management University

Social networkingP-ISSN 2169-3285E-ISSN 2169-3323 Scientific Research Publishing

Science & diplomacy Center for Science Diplomacy, American Association for the Advancement of Science

Review. National Oceanography Centre, Southampton

Page 3: New Titles August 2012 National Oceanography Centre, Southampton

Psychology, community & healthE-ISSN 2182-438X PsychOpen

Paranthropology. Journal of anthropological approaches to the paranormalE-ISSN 2044-9216 Paranthropology in Bristol, UK

Papyrus. Art history e-journalE-ISSN 1728-2950 Art Department at Mansfield University of Pennsylvania

Orientation scolaire et professionnelleP-ISSN 0249-6739E-ISSN 2104-3795 Orientation scolaire et professionnelleAnm: Tre års fördröjning av fulltexttillgång3 year moving wall

Open journal of soil scienceP-ISSN 2162-5360E-ISSN 2162-5379 Scientific Research Publishing

Open journal of political scienceP-ISSN 2164-0505E-ISSN 2164-0513 Scientific Research Publishing

OFID quarterly OPEC Fund for International Development

Nordens tidningP-ISSN 0029-1234

Page 4: New Titles August 2012 Föreningen Norden

Noetic post Institute of Noetic Sciences

Newsletter. Arbeitskreis Militärgeschichte Arbeitskreis Militärgeschichte

Bulletin de l’ISPAN Institut de Sauvegarde du Patrimoine National

Educação, cultura e comunicaçãoE-ISSN 2177-5087 Faculdades Integradas Teresa D’Ávila

Monitoring the future. Questionnaire responses from the nation's hgh school seniors Institute for Social Research, Survey Research Center, University of Michigan

Memoria de activiades Museo Nacional del Prado

Media monitor South Asia South Asian Free Media Association

MAP. Media, Archive, PerformanceE-ISSN 2191-0901 Hochschule für Musik und Theater "Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy" Leipzig

Language and linguisticsP-ISSN 1606-822X Institute of Linguistics, Academia SinicaVarianttitel: Yuyan-ji-yuyanxue

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Kairos. A journal of rhetoric, technology and pedagogyE-ISSN 1521-2300 Alliance for Computers and Writing

Journal of the Siam SocietyP-ISSN 0304-226X Siam Society

Journal of the New Media CaucusE-ISSN 1942-017X New Media Caucus

Journal of the International Association of Special Education (JIASE)P-ISSN 1555-6913 International Association of Special EducationAnm: Ett års fördröjning av fulltexttillgång1 year moving wall

Journal of media business studiesP-ISSN 1652-2354 Media Management and Transformation CentreAnm: Två års fördröjning av fulltexttillgång2 year moving wall

Journal of historical and European studiesP-ISSN 1835-3509E-ISSN 1836-1102 School of Historical and European Studies at La Trobe University

Journal of agricultural meteorologyP-ISSN 0021-8588E-ISSN 1881-0136 Society of Agricultural Meteorology of Japan


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2007-Ed: Julian Jaynes Society

Jahrbuch für Extremismus- und Terrorismusforschung Fachhochschule des Bundes für Öffentliche Verwaltung

Izvestija KGASUP-ISSN 2073-1523E-ISSN 2073-154X Kazanskij Gosudarstvennyj Architekturno-Stroitelʹnyj UniversitetVarianttitel: News of the KSUAE

Izvestija Irkutskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Serija politiolgija, religiovedeniaE-ISSN 2073-3380 Irkutskij Gosudarstvennyj UniversitetVarianttitel :News of Irkutsk State University. Series politics, religion

Izvestija Irkutskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Serija nauki o zemleE-ISSN 2073-3402 Irkutskij Gosudarstvennyj UniversitetVarianttitel :News of Irkutsk State University. Series geology

Izvestija Irkutskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Serija istorijaE-ISSN 2222-9124 News of Irkutsk State University. Series history

Izvestija Irkutskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Serija matematikaE-ISSN 1997-76702007-Ed: Irkutskij Gosudarstvennyj UniversitetVarianttitel: News of Irkutsk State University. Series mathematics

Italian journal of pure and applied mathematicsP-ISSN 1126-8042E-ISSN 2239-0227 Forum Editrice Universitaria Udinese

Rapports annuels de Patrimoine canadien sur les langues officielles

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2009-Ed: Patrimoine canadien

Iqbal review. Journal of the Iqbal Academy PakistanP-ISSN 0021-0773 Iqbal Academy Pakistan

IPRC climate International Pacific Research Center

IP journal Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik

Impact. Philosophical perspectives on education policyE-ISSN 2048-416X Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain

Gifted and talented internationalP-ISSN 1533-2276 World Council for Gifted and Talented ChildrenAnm: Ett års fördröjning av fulltexttillgång1 year moving wall

Foundation focusP-ISSN 1725-6763 European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions

Acta technica Napocensis. Civil engineering & architectureP-ISSN 1221-5848 Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca

Inventar der neueren Schweizer Architektur, 1850-1920. Städte Gesellschaft für Schweizerische Kunstgeschichte

Swiss papers in English language and literatureP-ISSN 0940-0478

Page 8: New Titles August 2012 Swiss Association of University Teachers in English

Iberic@l. Revue d’études ibériques et ibéro-américainesE-ISSN 2260-2534 CRIMIC, équipe d’accueil EA 2561 de l’université Paris-Sorbonne Paris IV

Level3 Dublin Institute of Technology

Irish journal of academic practice Learning, Teaching and Technology Centre, Dublin Institute of Technology

In/print School of Art, Design and Printing, Dublin Institute of Technology

Irish communications reviewE-ISSN 0791-0010 Dublin Institute of Technology

Rur@lités. La revue du Laboratoire RURALITES – Rural Urbain Lien Environnement Territoire SociétéE-ISSN 2260-3727 Rural Urbain Lien Environnement Territoire Société, Université de Poitiers

Cuadernos de literatura del Caribe e HispanoaméricaISSN 1794-8290 Universidad del Atlántico

Education research and perspectives (ERP)P-ISSN 0311-2543 University of Western Australia

E-boletin Psi

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Ed: Instituto de Psicologia Paranormal, Buenos Aires

Duke journal of constitutional law & policyE-ISSN 2151-1128 Duke Law School

Stochastic systemsE-ISSN 1946-5238 Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, Applied Probability Society

Working notes. Sociology at workE-ISSN 1838-5214 Sociology at Work

Desacuerdos. Sobre arte, políticas y esfera pública en el estado español Mseu d’art contemporani de Barcelona

Cyberorient. Journal of the virtual Middle EastE-ISSN 1804-3194 Middle East Section of the American Anthropological Association

DIRE. DIversités REcherches et terrainsE-ISSN 2260-1155 Université de Limoges

Works & days Works & Days Quarterly

Urbanism. arhitectură. ConstrucţiiP-ISSN 2069-0509E-ISSN 2069-6469 Institutul Naţional de Cercetare-Dezvoltare în Construcţii, Urbanism şi Dezvoltare Teritorială Durabilă „URBAN-INCERC”

International journal of science and technology

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E-ISSN 2224-3577 IRPN Press

Dolomites research on approximationE-ISSN 2035-6803 Università degli Studi di Verona

Built & human environment reviewE-ISSN 1759-0574 Built and human environment review

Boletín informativo sobre las relaciones de sucesos españolas en la edad moderna Universidade da Coruña

Ariadna rcISSN 1695-3975 Ariadna rc.comVarianttitel: Ariadna revista cultural

Online gnosis. Rivista italiana di intelligenceISSN 1824-5900 Agenzia Informazioni e Sicurezza Interna

Andhra Pradesh journal of psychological medicineP-ISSN 2249-5851 Indian Psychiatric Society, Andhra Pradesh State Branch

Coloquio de los perros. Revista de literatura y cultura ISSN 1578-0856 Coloquio de los perros

Veer catalogs Veer

Page 11: New Titles August 2012

Bak Ozan Karakoc

Przestrzeń społecznaE-ISSN 2084-1558 (Polish version) (English version) Zakład Socjologii Zbiorowości Terytorialnych, Instytut Socjologii, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski

ISRN probability and statisticsE-ISSN 2090-472X International Scholarly Research Network

Eesti ja soome-ugri keeleteaduse ajakiriP-ISSN 1736-8987E-ISSN 2281-1339 University of Tartu

Argument. Biannual philosophical journalP-ISSN 2083-6635E-ISSN 2084-1043 Instytutu Filozofii i Socjologii Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego w Krakowie

Deakin review of children’s literature E-ISSN 1927-1484 University of Alberta

Constitutional forumISSN 0847-3889 Centre for Constitutional Studies, University of Alberta

Aboriginal policy studiesE-ISSN 1923-3299 University of Alberta

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PixelPress the online magazine Pixel Press

Bokeh magazine Bokeh Magazine

Deep sleep Deep Sleep

Nature photographers Nature Photographers Network

Chambre noir Chambre noir

Apogee photo Apogee Photo

Social documentary

Flake photo

Big picture

Posi+tive magazine Venice Berlin and Giacomo Cosua

37th frame

Page 13: New Titles August 2012

2011-Ed: Pete Marovich

Photo brigade Photo Brigade

Visura magazine Adriana Teresa Letorney

LPV magazine LPV Projects

Fraction. An online photography magazine David Brum and Joshua Spees

Digital journalist Digital Journalist

AntroGraphia2008- AntroGraphia

Burn Alan Harvey, Burn Magazine

World press photo World Press Photo Education Department

Lunatic. Creative contemporary photojournalism Luna

Lens culture. Photography and shared territories Lens Culture

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Verve photo Geoffrey Hiller

Turkey analyst Central Asia-Caucasus Institute

Aktstycket. Medlemsblad från Arkivcentrum Örebro län Arkivcentrum Örebro län

TAM-revyP-ISSN 1654-6989E-ISSN 1654-6997 Tjänstemanna- och akademikerorganisationernas arkiv

Understanding and dismantling privilegeE-ISSN 2152-1875 Center for the Advancement of Social Equity and Inclusion at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs

Prefix George Washington University

Open citizenshipE-ISSN 2191-5695 Citizens for Europe

Urban education annnualsE-ISSN 2153-0254 Center for Urban School Partnerships, Texas A&M UniversityAnm: The journal has not published any issues

Política común

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Ed: Department of Hispanic Studies at Texas A&M University, 17, Instituto de Estudios Críticos in México, Università degli Studi di Salerno in Italy, the Center for Modern Thought at the University of Aberdeen, and Universidad Complutense in Madrid

Meteoritical bulletin Meteoritical Society

Dansk teologisk tidsskriftP-ISSN 0105-3191 G.E.C. Gad

Magasin fra Det Kongelige BibliotekP-ISSN 0905-5133 Kongelige Bibliotek

Carl Nielsen studiesP-ISSN 1603-3663 Royal Library, Copenhagen

BibliotekshistorieE-ISSN 2244-9310 Bibliotekshistorisk Selskab

Journal of natural disaster scienceISSN 0388-4090 (1989-2007) (2000-)1989-Ed: Japan Society for Natural Disaster Science

Journal of the Japan Petroleum InstituteISSN 1346-8804 Japan Petroleum Institute

Journal of the Japan Landslide SocietyISSN 1348-3986 Japan Landslide Society

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JOIDES journal Joint Oceanographic Institutions for Deep Earth Sampling

Iraqi bulletin of geology and mining Iraq Geological Survey

Investigaciones marinasE-ISSN 0717-7178 Escuela de Ciencias del Mar, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

Humberside geologist Hull Geological Society

History of Geology Group newsletter History of Geology Group, Geological Society

Geophemera. Newsletter of the British Society for Geomorphology British Society for Geomorphology

GeoinformaticsP-ISSN 0388-502XE-ISSN 1347-541X Japan Society of Geoinformatics

Geohorizons Society of Petroleum Geophysicists, India

Géographie physique et quarternaireP-ISSN 0705-7199E-ISSN 1492-143X Presses de l'Université de Montréal

Geochemical news. Newsletter of the Geochemical SocietyISSN 0016-7010

Page 17: New Titles August 2012 Geochemical Society

European geologistP-ISSN 1028-267X European Federation of Geologists

Årsskrift. Dansk Geologisk ForeningP-ISSN 0420-1132 Dansk Geologisk Forening

Geological curatorP-ISSN 0144-5294 Geological Curators’ Group, Geological Society of LondonAnm: Två års fördröjning av fulltexttillgång2 year moving wall

CRG monthly newsletter Clay Research Group

Community journalism Texas Center for Community Journalism, Schieffer School of Journalism, Texas Christian University

Borealis. An international journal of Hispanic linguisticsE-ISSN 1893-3211 Institutt for Språkvitenskap, Universitetet i Tromsø

Cahiers technique de geosciences-RennesISSN 1626-1925 Geosciences-Rennes

Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil MuseumISSN 0385-0900 Mizunami Fossil Museum

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Bulletin of the Global Volcanism NetworkISSN 1050-4818 Global Volcanism Network

Annual review. Mineral Resources Tasmania,830861&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL1997-Ed: Mineral Resources Tasmania, Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources, Tasmania

Annual report. NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea ResearchP-ISSN 0165-9162 NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

Geoscience in South-West EnglandP-ISSN 0566-3954 Ussher SocietyVarianttitel: Proceedings of the Ussher Society

Abstracts of papers presented at the Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Mineralogists, Petrologists and Economic Geologists Japanese Association of Mineralogists, Petrologists and Economic Geologists

Abstracts for annual meeting of the Mineralogical Society of Japan Mineralogical Society of Japan

Abstracts of papers presented at annual meeting of the Gemmological Society of Japan Gemmological Society of Japan

Abstracts of annual meeting of the Geochemical Society of Japan Geochemical Society of Japan

Virittäjä. Kotikielen seuran aikakauslehtiISSN 2242-8828 Kotikielen seura

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SignumISSN 0355-0036 Suomen tieteellisen kirjastoseuran jäsenlehti

Norte. Finnish journal of Latin American studiesE-ISSN 1796-4539 El Norte

Times higher educationP-ISSN 0049-3929E-ISSN 1364-2995 Times Supplement Ltd.

South Asianist. Journal of South Asian studiesE-ISSN 2050-487X University of Edinburgh

Politiceskoe prosvescenie

Ombudsman of Spain. Summary of the report to ParliamentP-ISSN 2172-2447 Defensor del Pueblo

Ned geref teologiese tydskrifP-ISSN 0028-2006E-ISSN 2226-2385 Faculty of Theology, Stellenbosch UniversityVarianttitel:/ Dutch Reformed Theological Journal

Momentum quarterlyE-ISSN 2226-5538 Verein Momentum

Metaphysical art

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2012-Ed: Fondazione Giorgio e Isa de Chirico

MercurioP-ISSN 1139-7705 Fundacion Jose Manuel Lara

Journal of JSEEP-ISSN 1341-2167E-ISSN 1881-0764 Japanese Society for Engineering EducationAnm: Ett års fördröjning av fulltexttillgång1 year moving wall

International journal of research in literatureP-ISSN 2227-1678E-ISSN 2227-1767 INTJR

International journal of research in educationP-ISSN 2227-166XE-ISSN 2227-1732

International journal of numerical analysis & modelingISSN 1705-5105 Institute for Scientific Computing and Information, University of Alberta

Critical and reflective practice in educationP-ISSN 2047-2544E-ISSN 2040-4735 University College Plymouth St Mark & St John

Canadian journal for the study of adult educationISSN 0835-4944 Canadian Association for the Study of Adult EducationVarianttitel: Revue Ccanadienne pour l'étude de l'éducation des adultes

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Dendra medica. Revista de humanidadesP-ISSN 1579-8607E-ISSN 1579-9484 Mediscirpt, S.L.Varianttitel: Ars medica

Plura. Revista de estudos de religiãoE-ISSN 2179-0019 Associação Brasileira de História das Religiões

Social historyISSN 0018-2257 York UniversityVarianttitel: Histoire sociale

Notes Guillevic notesE-ISSN 1925-4393 York University

Journal of the Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community InvolvementISSN 1923-4139 Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement

Journal of income distributionE-ISSN 1874-6322 York University

Puthiya panuval. An international journal of Tamil studiesE-ISSN 0975-6213 Puthiya panuval

Tusaaji. A translation reviewE-ISSN: 1925-5624 York University

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Revue phénEPS ISSN: 1918-8927 Acadia UniversityVarianttitel: PHEnex journal

Uzance. Revue d’ethnologie européenne de la Fédération Wallonie-BruxellesE-ISSN 2034-5399 Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles

Scandinavian journal of comic art (SJoCA)E-ISSN 2001-3620 SJoCA

Bulletin of mathematical science & applicationsE-ISSN 2278-9634 Bulletin of mathematical science & applications

Anuari de filologia. Llengües i literatures modernesE-ISSN 2014-1394 Facultat de Filologia, Universitat de Barcelona

Anuari de filologia. Antiqva et mediaevaliaE-ISSN 2014-1386 Facultat de Filologia, Universitat de Barcelona

Iberian. Revista digital de historia, arqueología e historia del arteE-ISSN 2174-5633 Manuel Jesús Segado-Uceda

Eurasia antiqua. Zeitschrift für Archäologie EurasiensP-ISSN 0949-0434 Deutsches Archäologisches Institut. Eurasien-Abteilung

Nodos y nudos. Revista de la red de calificación de educadores

Page 23: New Titles August 2012

ISSN 0122-4328 Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

Lúdica pedagógicaE-ISSN 0121-4128 Facultad de Educación Física de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

Journal for educators, teachers and trainers (JETT)E-ISSN 1989-9572 (2011-)2010-Ed: Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad de Granada

P3T. Public policies and territoryE-ISSN 2014-5381 Innovació i Consultoria en Polítiques Públiques

LuthorISSN 1853-3272 Grupo Luthor

Psychology in Russia. State of artISSN 2074-6857 M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University

Vrhbosnensia P-ISSN 1512-5513 Katolički Bogoslovni Fakultet u Sarajevu, Pridružena Članica Univerziteta u Sarajevu

Vestnik. FilosofijaP-ISSN 0234-5439 Voronezskij Gosudarstvennyj Universitet

Sociology of Islam and Muslim societies. Newsletter

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E-ISSN 1942-7948 College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Portland State University

Shakai-kagaku-kenky¯u University of TokyoVarianttitel: Journal of Social Science

Seminário música ciência tecnologiaE-ISSN 1982-9604 Universidade de São Paulo

Revista española de derecho constitucionalP-ISSN 0211-5743E-ISSN 1989-0648 Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales

Revista psicologia. Teoria e práticaE-ISSN 1980-6906 Faculdade de Psicologia e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento da Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie

Perspektiven zur pädagogischen ProfessionalisierungP-ISSN 1861-2369 Institut für Weiterbildung, Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg

Perspektive BibliothekE-ISSN 2194-8992 Bibliotheksakademie Bayern

Patrimoines en devenir P-ISSN 1959-7134 Fondation du Patrimoine

OHCHR report

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2000-Ed: Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, United Nation

Nyt om Arbejdermuseet & Arbejderbevægelsens bibliotek og arkivP-ISSN 0907-0753 Arbejdsmuseets Venner

Militarium ordinum analectaP-ISSN 0874-0003 Fundação Engenheiro António de Almeida

MDCCC 1800E-ISSN 2280-8841 Edizioni Ca' Foscari

Logosphère. Revue d'études linguistiques et littérairesE-ISSN 1698-8981 Filología Francese, Universidad de Granada

Literaturen svjatE-ISSN 1314-2046 Publishing House Flyorir

Journal of Rural Planning AssociationP-ISSN 0912-9731E-ISSN 1881-2309 Rural Planning Association

Journal of English language teaching and literary studiesE-ISSN 2277-9213 Aditanar College of Arts & Science

Japanese journal of experimental social psychologyP-ISSN 0387-7973E-ISSN 1348-6276 Japanese Group Dynamics Association

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International journal of statistika and mathematikaP-ISSN 2277-2790E-ISSN 2249-8605 Statperson Publishing Corporation

Geologica BalcanicaP-ISSN 0324-0894 Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association

Fragmenta palaeontologica hungaricaP-ISSN 1586-930X Hungarian Natural History Museum

Ethics in progress quarterlyE-ISSN 2084-9257 Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza

Cuadernos del CEPEDP-ISSN 1668-432X Centro de Estudios sobre Población, Empleo y Desarrollo

Colloquia Germanica. Internationale Zeitschrift für germanische Sprach- und LiteraturwissenschaftP-ISSN 0010-1338 Department of Germanic and classical languages and literatures of the University of KentuckyAnm: Ett års fördröjning av fulltexttillgång1 year moving wall

Bremisches JahrbuchP-ISSN 0341-9622 Historische Gesellschaft Bremen vom Staatsarchiv Bremen

BCLA browser. Linking the library landscapeE-ISSN 1918-6118 British Columbia Library Association

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Annuaire UGGIP-ISSN 1038-3846 International Union of Geodesy and GeophysicsVarianttitel: IUGG yearbook

Agenda socialP-ISSN 1682-7791 Employment and Social Affairs Directorate General, European Commission

AbeilleP-ISSN 1959-0245 Société des Amis de Panckoucke