New Task 1: etiquette Task 2: general · 2019. 6. 27. · local library. For younger troops, the...

manners manners - 1 EXPLORERS Task 1: etiquette Etiquette means that you know and show the proper way to treat others and how to behave during events and gatherings. It is based on the behaviors of kindness, consideration, and unselfishness toward others. Having etiquette shows you have good manners. Spend some time as a troop and talk about what etiquette is and why is it important. You are walking up to the doors to a department store. There are three people walking behind you. What do you do when you reach the door? You sit down at a restaurant for dinner. There are two forks. How do you know which one to use? You attend a very fun party. How do you tell the host you had a great time? How to handle these situations and more are lessons you will learn as you complete the Manners emblem. To earn the Manners emblem, you must complete FIVE tasks. Task 2: general What are some general manners everyone should try to have when they are with others? See if you can fill in the spaces. When someone else is speaking, you should not ________________ him or her. Wait your ____________________. Do not call others ___________________. Say ___________________ and ___________________ you. ___________________ up after yourself. ___________________ doors for others. Treat others with ___________________.

Transcript of New Task 1: etiquette Task 2: general · 2019. 6. 27. · local library. For younger troops, the...

Page 1: New Task 1: etiquette Task 2: general · 2019. 6. 27. · local library. For younger troops, the Mind Your Manners, B. B. Wolf is an excellent choice that shows manners in a fun story.


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Task 1: etiquette

Etiquette means that you know and show the proper way to treat others and how to behave during events and gatherings. It is based on the behaviors of kindness, consideration, and unselfishness toward others. Having etiquette shows you have good manners. Spend some time as a troop and talk about what etiquette is and why is it important.

You are walking up to the doors to a department store. There are three people walking behind you. What do you do when you reach the door? You sit down at a restaurant for dinner. There are two forks. How do you know which one to use? You attend a very fun party. How do you tell the host you had a great time? How to handle these situations and more are lessons you will learn as you complete the Manners emblem.

To earn the Manners emblem, you must complete FIVE tasks.

Task 2: general

What are some general manners everyone should try to have when they are with others? See if you can fill in the spaces.

When someone else is speaking, you should not ________________ him or her.

Wait your ____________________.

Do not call others ___________________.

Say ___________________ and ___________________ you.

___________________ up after yourself.

___________________ doors for others.

Treat others with ___________________.

Page 2: New Task 1: etiquette Task 2: general · 2019. 6. 27. · local library. For younger troops, the Mind Your Manners, B. B. Wolf is an excellent choice that shows manners in a fun story.

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Introductions are important so that everyone knows each other. It is polite to introduce yourself or the person with you to others. Break up into groups of three, and practice introducing each other.

EXAMPLE: Introduce your new friend Joe to your mom.

“Mom, this is my friend Joe. He lives around the corner. Joe, this is my mom. Her name is Mrs. Smith.”

Take note that you introduce both people to each other out of courtesy.

Task 3: introductions

When eating at the table — whether it is at home, a restaurant, or if you are visiting someone — you should strive to have good manners. Review the etiquette tips below used when eating at the table.

At the table• Sit in your seat.

• Use your napkin.

• Take small bites.

• Eat with your mouth closed.

• Use your silverware.

• Used silverware should be placed on your plate or saucer, not back on the table.

• Fingers are not used for eating at the table unless it is finger food.

• If you don’t like a food, simply say, “No, thank you.”

• Do not talk with food in your mouth.

• Wait until everyone is served before you begin eating.

• Ask to be excused before you leave the table.

Table SettingWhen setting the table, there is a proper set up for the items used for the meal. Follow the picture on the next page, and set the table with your fellow Explorers.

Task 4: table time

Page 3: New Task 1: etiquette Task 2: general · 2019. 6. 27. · local library. For younger troops, the Mind Your Manners, B. B. Wolf is an excellent choice that shows manners in a fun story.

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Task 5: church

While in a church service, it helps everyone hear and pay attention if everyone is using good manners. What are some good manners that you can use when you are in a church service or other public meeting?

1. _________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________

5. _________________________________________________

Page 4: New Task 1: etiquette Task 2: general · 2019. 6. 27. · local library. For younger troops, the Mind Your Manners, B. B. Wolf is an excellent choice that shows manners in a fun story.

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When you are given a gift or invited to a special time with a friend, it is polite to write a short thank you note to that person. Even if you already have the gifted item or if you did not enjoy everything, it shows good manners to say thank you for the thought. A note does not need to be long. Address the person, say thank you, write something you liked about the item or experience, and close the letter.

Write a thank you note to Ben for giving you a small toy car for your birthday.

Task 6: thank you

Share what you have learned about good manners. Make a poster to share how to have good manners and use polite words or record a public service announcement of why you should use good manners.

Task 7: share

Watch a television show or scene from a movie when a group of people is having a meal together. Discuss as a troop if the people on the show or in the scene have good table manners.

Show We Watched: _______________________________________________________

Task 7: share

Page 5: New Task 1: etiquette Task 2: general · 2019. 6. 27. · local library. For younger troops, the Mind Your Manners, B. B. Wolf is an excellent choice that shows manners in a fun story.

bible time

Leader’s or Resource Person’s Signature

Date Completed

Emblem Completion

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ON TARGET!The next time something great happens to you, stop before you go off to tell everyone, and take a moment to say thank you to Jesus. He is the giver of good gifts and He loves you very much.

Luke 17:17–19 NIV

“Jesus asked, ‘Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?’ Then he said to him, ‘Rise and go; your faith has made you well.’”

Page 6: New Task 1: etiquette Task 2: general · 2019. 6. 27. · local library. For younger troops, the Mind Your Manners, B. B. Wolf is an excellent choice that shows manners in a fun story.

reach for the stars

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Star Completion

Leader’s or Resource Person’s Signature

Date Completed

To complete the Reach for the Stars project, finish one of the choices below.

Write a script and record a video about good manners.

– OR –

Write a book for the nursery class teaching about the use of good manner words.

– OR –

Put together a computer presentation slide show of how to use good manners.

– OR –

Set the table for a dinner party. Make sure there are appropriate dishes and utensils available for what is being served.

Page 7: New Task 1: etiquette Task 2: general · 2019. 6. 27. · local library. For younger troops, the Mind Your Manners, B. B. Wolf is an excellent choice that shows manners in a fun story.

leader resource

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Task 1: etiquette

The tasks for this emblem will be second nature to some, while being more of a foreign concept for others. Emphasizing the purpose of good manners will make it easier to understand and remember, and less like a bunch of random rules that must be followed.

To earn the Manners emblem, Explorers must complete FIVE tasks.

Etiquette means that you know and show the proper way to treat others and how to behave during events and gatherings. Spend some time as a troop and talk about what etiquette is and why is it important.

Share times when it was so important for you have good manners when you were at a function. It could have been a dance, special party, wedding, or elegant celebration. Good manners may not be practiced in their home, so go into fun, small details that make them understand it can be learned.

Examples:“I watched the person next to me to see which fork to use.”

“I waited for someone to come up to me so they could begin introductions.”

It is very important that the boys learn good manners. This helps them to treat others with respect and have fewer problems arise. Below are several books that you can borrow from your local library. For younger troops, the Mind Your Manners, B. B. Wolf is an excellent choice that shows manners in a fun story.

Books365 Manners Kids Should Know: Games, Activities and Fun by Sheryl Eberly How to Behave and Why by Munro LeafMind Your Manners, B. B. Wolf by Judy Sierra

Online resources

Page 8: New Task 1: etiquette Task 2: general · 2019. 6. 27. · local library. For younger troops, the Mind Your Manners, B. B. Wolf is an excellent choice that shows manners in a fun story.

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As you teach this subject, continue to reinforce the idea to treat others as you WANT to be treated not how you ARE treated. The fill-in-the-blank list in the Explorer Handbook is general guidelines for treating others with respect. As you go through the questions, ask the questions and use the prompts below each to spark discussion.

When someone else is speaking, you should not interrupt him or her.

“How does it feel when someone else talks over you and doesn’t give you a chance to say what you want? Do you think you should make someone else feel that way?”

Wait your turn.

“Everyone wants to be first but not everyone can be first. How does it feel when someone cuts in line in front of you?”

Do not call others names.

“Have you heard the saying ‘Sticks and Stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me?’ Well, we know that words can hurt. You don’t like being called names, so practice not calling others bad names.”

Say please and thank you.

“Doesn’t it feel nice when you do something for someone and they say thank you? We need to practice saying these words so that others know we appreciate them and what they have done for us.”

Clean up after yourself.

“Do you enjoy cleaning up other people’s messes? Me neither. I don’t really like to clean up my own mess but I do because I made it. We have to make a habit of taking care of our own mess so that someone else does not have too.”

Open doors for others.

“A kind gesture for others is if you get to a door first, open it and hold it open for the person coming after you. It’s not hard to do, and it makes others feel nice to have someone serve them like that.”

Task 2: general

Page 9: New Task 1: etiquette Task 2: general · 2019. 6. 27. · local library. For younger troops, the Mind Your Manners, B. B. Wolf is an excellent choice that shows manners in a fun story.

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Task 3: introductions

It is important that the boys practice introductions. It is proper etiquette for people to be introduced to each other when someone new comes into the setting. It is courtesy for the older person to be addressed first.

Assist the boys in introducing each other.

Treat others with respect.

“What does it mean to treat others with respect? (To be kind, treat them with compassion, don’t call names, etc). We need to work hard to be the kind of person who is respectful to others and treats others with kindness.”

Task 4: table time

At the table• Sit in your seat.

• Use your napkin.

• Take small bites.

• Eat with your mouth closed.

• Use your silverware.

• Used silverware should be placed on your plate or saucer, not back on the table.

• Fingers are not used for eating at the table unless it is finger food.

• If you don’t like a food, simply say, “No, thank you.”

• Do not talk with food in your mouth.

• Wait until everyone is served before you begin eating.

• Ask to be excused before you leave the table.

Table Setting:

If you would like to take it a step further, show the

boys a formal setting:

Page 10: New Task 1: etiquette Task 2: general · 2019. 6. 27. · local library. For younger troops, the Mind Your Manners, B. B. Wolf is an excellent choice that shows manners in a fun story.

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Task 6: thank you

This is a perfect activity to take the boys into the chapel and let them look around. Give them a chance to see things like behind the pulpit, the band room, and the AV booth that they may not normally see. Then, have them sit in the rows and go over the simple manners listed below. As adults, we may assume that everyone knows how to act when they enter the church but that is not the case. We have to teach our youth the correct way to act when they are sitting in a church service. Following this activity, send an invitation home asking the boys to come to church on Sunday and practice their church manners.

Online ResourcesHumorous video on falling asleep in church (great intro):


For adults:

Manners in church:

While in a church service, it helps everyone hear and pay attention if everyone is using good manners. What are some good manners that you can use when you are in a church service or other public meeting?

1. Arrive before the meeting starts, so you have time to come in and find a seat before anything is happening.

2. Stay in your seat unless you have to go up to participate.

3. Sing when it is time to sing. Listen when it is time to listen.

4. When entering God’s house, wear proper clothing. It should be clean if possible and not have pictures that will offend others.

5. If necessary to speak, use your whisper voice.

Sample LetterDear Ben, Thank you for the toy. I love playing cars. Your friend, Joe

Task 5: church

Dear Ben, I really like toy cars. It was thoughtful for you to buy me one. Sincerely, Joe

Page 11: New Task 1: etiquette Task 2: general · 2019. 6. 27. · local library. For younger troops, the Mind Your Manners, B. B. Wolf is an excellent choice that shows manners in a fun story.

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Task 7: share

Provide poster materials of paper, markers, and pencils or help record the public service announcement for your troop.

Remind the boys of basic good manners:

When someone else is speaking you should not interrupt him or her.

Wait your turn.

Do not call others names.

Say please and thank you.

Clean up after yourself.

Open doors for others.

Treat others with respect.

Task 8: watch

Select a scene from a TV show or movie, which features a family or group of people sitting around a table eating a meal together. Lead a discussion on whether or not the people are showing good table manners.

Online resourcesFamily Time (good and bad examples):

Cheaper By the Dozen:

Good Luck Charlie:

Dog with a Blog:

Sesame Street:

Page 12: New Task 1: etiquette Task 2: general · 2019. 6. 27. · local library. For younger troops, the Mind Your Manners, B. B. Wolf is an excellent choice that shows manners in a fun story.

bible time

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Leader Resource: manners - Bible Study

Luke 17:11–19 NIV“Now on his way to Jerusalem, Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria

and Galilee. As he was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy met him. They stood at a distance and called out in a loud voice, ‘Jesus, Master, have pity

on us!’ When he saw them, he said, ‘Go, show yourselves to the priests.’ And as they went, they were cleansed. One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and

thanked him — and he was a Samaritan. Jesus asked, ‘Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Has no one returned to give praise to God except this

foreigner?’ Then he said to him, ‘Rise and go; your faith has made you well.’”

Introduction: What is the nicest thing someone has ever done for you? (Give time for response.) This one time, someone did something really nice to me. (Tell of a time when someone did something nice for you.) That made me feel really great. It was so nice for them to do that for me. You know after it happened, guess what I did? I said two very important words. Can you guess what they were? THANK YOU! I wanted to let them know that I appreciated what they had done for me.

Scripture: In the Bible, we read many times about Jesus helping others. We see examples of Him showing kindness as He went around and taught. I’m going to read to you about one time Jesus helped ten people. Listen to Luke 17:11–19. (Read the passage.) Lepers are people who have leprosy. That is a disease that eats at your skin and other parts of your body, and leaves big sores all over you. It was an awful disease, and it was very contagious. So, in Bible times, they would make the people who had it leave their family and live outside of town away from everyone. If they felt like they were healed of the disease, they would have to get approval from the priest before they could go back into town.

What nice thing did Jesus do in this passage for these people? (He healed them of the disease that made them leave their homes and their family.)

How many were healed? (10)

How many came back to say thank you? (1)

Now I am sure that those people were excited to get back to their family. Who knows how long

Page 13: New Task 1: etiquette Task 2: general · 2019. 6. 27. · local library. For younger troops, the Mind Your Manners, B. B. Wolf is an excellent choice that shows manners in a fun story.

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they had been made to live out of the town away from the people they loved! But what Jesus did was a really big deal. He deserved for them to say thank you.


The next time something great happens to you, stop before you go off to tell everyone and take a moment to say thank you to Jesus. He is the giver of good gifts and He loves you very much.


Dear Jesus, We are sorry for all the times we don’t say thank you. You love us all the time. You never leave us alone. Thank you so much. Help us to be kind and compassionate in our words and deeds. In Your name, amen.