New strategic thinking by OD Consultant Rey Halili



Analyzing organizational enviro in search for strategic thinking as a prelude mapping massive change.

Transcript of New strategic thinking by OD Consultant Rey Halili

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•Strategy is not solely driven by the future, but by the gap between the current reality and the intent for the future.

•Gap analysis:•By connecting the past with the present and

linking this to the future, strategic thinking is always “thinking in time”

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Desired Future

Current Reality

Strategic Planning: Creating Alignment

StrategicThinking:Disrupting Alignment

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Strategic Thinking CycleElements of the Cycle

Strategic Management•Planning


Strategic Thinking:Thought Processes

Strategic Planning•Recreating the future

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Philosophies of excellent organizations

Include the following basic beliefs:

1. Belief in being the best2. Belief in the importance of the details of execution 3. Belief in the importance of people as individuals 4. Belief in superior quality and service

5. Belief that most members of the organization should be innovators, and its corollary, the willingness to support failure

6. Belief in the importance of informality to enhance communication.

7. Belief in and recognition of the importance of growth and success

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STRATEGIC THINKING CYCLE• 1) Organization. The organization of your (new)

business involves the (a) people, (b) the organizational structure, and the (c) resources necessary to make it all work. What will your organization look like? What type of structure will support your

vision? How will you combine people, resources, and

structure together to achieve your ideal outcome?

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•Strategic Intent provides the focus that allows individuals within an organization to marshal and leverage their energy:

•to focus attention, •to concentrate for as long as it takes to

achieve a goal.

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Strategic Intent

•The real question is not what does the future we are trying to create look like, rather it is: Having seen the future that we want to create:

a) what must we keep from that past, a) what must we keep from that past, b) lose from the past, and b) lose from the past, and c) create in our present, to get there.”c) create in our present, to get there.”

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STRATEGIC THINKING CYCLE• Process Considerations in The STC• Processes are needed to ensure that

strategies are: 1.Aligned, 2.Goal-Oriented, 3.Fact-based, 4.Based on Broad thinking,5. Focused, 6.Agreed upon, 7.Engaging, 8.Adaptable,9.Implementable

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STRATEGIC THINKING CYCLE•Aligned: A company’s/organization’s

strategies must fit with its: (a) mission, (b) vision, (c) competitive situation and (d) operating strengths.

•Goal-oriented: Strategies are the means by which a company sets out to achieve its goals. Effective strategies, then,

a) set clear expected outcomes and b) make explicit links between these

outcomes and the company’s goals.

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STRATEGIC THINKING CYCLE•Fact-based: The best strategies are

based on and supported by real data. While strategic thinking by its very nature requires assumptions about the future, these assumptions must be

educated guesses, andbased on facts

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•Focused: No company/organization can do everything or be all things to all people. Strategy setting involves making choices about what a company will do and—as important—what it will not do. Strategies provide clear guidance about Strategies provide clear guidance about how a how a

company’s activities will be prioritizedcompany’s activities will be prioritized, and , and how its limited resources will be deployedhow its limited resources will be deployed..

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•Implementable: Because effective strategies draw on the particular strengths and skills of an organization, they include explicit considerations of how they will be implemented.

•Implementable strategies provide clear guidance for decision making in order to shape behavior throughout the company.

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Adaptable: Strategies need to be able to be adjusted to build on learning from

experimentation, errors and new information.

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Observation. Strategic thinking allows you to see things from "higher up." By increasing your powers of observation, will begin to become more aware of: what motivates people, to solve problems more effectively, and,3. how to distinguish between alternatives

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• Views. Views are simply different ways of thinking about something. In strategic thinking, there are four viewpoints to take into consideration when forming your business strategy:

the environmental view; the marketplace view; the project view; the measurement view.

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•Driving Forces. What are the driving forces that will make your ideal outcome a reality?

•What is your company's vision and mission?

•Driving forces usually lay the foundation for what you want people to focus on in your business (i.e., what you will use to motivate others to perform). ▫Examples:

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ST:Driving Forces

Examples of driving forces might include: individual and organizational incentives;

empowerment and alignment; qualitative factors such as a defined vision,

values, and goals; productive factors like a mission or function; quantitative factors such as results or

experience; and others such as commitment, coherent

action, effectiveness, productivity, and value.

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STRATEGIC THINKING CYCLE Ideal Position. After working through the first four

phases of the strategic thinking process, you should be able to define your ideal position. Your ideal position outline should include:

the conditions you have found to be necessary if your business is to be productive;

the niche in the marketplace that your business will fill;

any opportunities that may exist either currently or in the future for your business;

the core competencies or skills required in your business; and

the strategies and tactics you will use to pull it all together.

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Organizational PhilosophyOrganizational philosophy establishes the values,

beliefs, and guidelines for the manner in which the organization is going to conduct its business.

It establishes the relationship between the organization and its stakeholders:

employees, customers, sharehold ers, suppliers,government, and the public at large.

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STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT•Strategic management is concerned with

making decisions about an organization's future direction and implementing those decisions.

•Strategic Management can be broken down into two phases: ▫1)strategic planning and ▫2) strategic implementation.

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Establishing Strategic Vision

•Strategic Vision encompasses an active management process which includes:1. An Obsession for Success.2. Focusing the Organization on winning.3. Encouraging Innovation and Change.4. Lengthening Executive attention Span.5. Improving and developing outreach.6. Motivating Employees to accomplish Goals and

Objectives7. Having a Long-Range Picture of Business


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Strategic Planning is devising plans which insure the future well being of the organization by developing strategies which will “protect or capture” the four basic elements of its business, which are its:

Products/Services, Customer Groups, Market Segments, and Geographic/Areas Markets.

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Strategic planning is concerned with makingdecisions with regard to:

1. Defining the organization's philosophy and mission2. Establishing long- and short-range objectives to

achieve the organization's mission3. Selecting the strategy that is to be used in

achieving the organization's objectives

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STRATEGIC PLANNING How is your Strategic Planning process different

from others? 1.It evolves from an orderly strategic thinking

process providing a solid foundation of facts 2.It is based on the driving force of our

organization, often overlooked in other systems

3.It is much more effective because it is created by the management team and is consensus driven

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STRATEGIC PLANNING How will Strategic Planning affect our Image,

Marketing and Success?

1. It will help shape the correct image by identifying the values and beliefs of the organization

2. We will gain valuable insight into how to best market our business and ministry based on solid information

3. It will insure all the departments will be “rowing the boat” in the same direction

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Strategy implementation is concerned with making decisions with regard to:

1.Developing an organizational structure to achieve the strategy

2.Ensuring that the activities are effectively performed so to achieve the strategy

3. Monitoring the effectiveness of the strategy in achieving the organization's objective

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STRATEGIC VISIONING•A vision of success, if it is to provide suitable

guidance and motivation, it should include: Mission Basic philosophy and core values Goals, if they are established Basic strategies Performance criteria Important decision rules Ethical standards expected of all employees

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Strategic visioningThe vision should emphasize:

Purpose Behavior Performance criteria, Decision rules, and Standards that are public serving rather than

self-serving. The guidance offered should be specific and


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Strategic Visioninga) The vision should be short, and inspiring.b) The vision should be widely circulated among

organizational members and other key stake-holders

c) The vision should be used to inform major and minor organizational decisions and actions.

d) Preparing the vision is a waste of time if it has no behavioral effect.

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•Mission outlines organization purposes, while

•Vision goes on to describe how the organization should look when it is working well.

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MISSIONEight (8) Questions for determining the

Mission Statement

1. What activities should we be in?

2. Why do we exist?

3. What is unique or distinctive about this organization?

4. Who are the principal recipients of our services?

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MISSION5 What are the principal means of rendering our


6 What are our principal services - present and future?

7 What is different about our organization today from what it was three to five years ago?

8 What is likely to be different about our organization three to five years in the future?

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•"If you want to move people, it has to be "If you want to move people, it has to be toward a vision that's positive for them, that toward a vision that's positive for them, that taps important values that gets them taps important values that gets them something they desire, and it has to be something they desire, and it has to be presented in a compelling way that they feel presented in a compelling way that they feel inspired to follow. " – inspired to follow. " –

Martin Luther King Jr.

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NEW CHALLENGING PERSPECTIVE AT PG1. Direction, discovery and destiny-these are the

attributes of strategic intent2. Strategic Intent implies a point of view about the

long-term market/environment or competitive position

3. Consider that failure in business goals and objectives may be failure in ministry.

4. Options to accept business decision as a priority at this time of scarce resources

5. Rebuild corporate muscles in the next two to FIVE years.

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Organizational Challenge – Implementation and Operational Capability

1. Tight Cash flow2. Customer, Cost, and Competition strategy 3. Corporate structures: Business vs ministry

decisions seeming conflicts from time to time4. New insights fail to get put into practice because

they will conflict with deeply held internal images, structure and processes and current capacity of people and how the organization works.

5. Images that limit us to familiar ways of thinking and acting